Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 1WBSDAYTONE. . , . 23. 1887
Advertisement * under this htad.10 cents po
Hit ) for the first Insertion , 7 conla for each aub
sequent Insertion , and $1.50 a line per montli.
No advertisement tnkcu for lemtnnnSi cents
for the But insertion. Seven words wll TJO
counted to the nn > > ; they mutt run convcii-
tlvclv and must uepaid In nJvanco. All ndvor-
tlsomontH must tie handed In before 1 : ao o'clocit
p. m. . ind under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In those coiumni and hav
ing the answers addressed In care of THE HIE
will ploatoask for a chock to enable thorn to pet
their lettersas notio will he delivered except
on itrosontntlon of check. All answer ! to ndvor-
tl emnnts should be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In those column * , are pul > -
llAhcil In Imth morning ntiil evening rdluoiis of
The line , tha clrmlatlnn of which
grogatni more than 14,000 papers
dally , and irlvel the advertiser the
benefit , not only of the cltr clrculntlon of The
nit * but alto of Council muffs. Lincoln , and
other cltins and towni throughout this part of
the * west.
MONKY to loan , no commission , Cole , ,110 S
15th. W03
MONKY TO LOAN on Improved city prop
erty In aums of ll.OOOlo 15,000 nt sUper
cent Interest. HholelA Crumb. 32fl
M ) NBV TO L"OAK On city ptopcrty in
Bums of | f > 00 and upwards at lowest rates.
Money klways on linnd , B. B. Campbell. 310
Bouth Sixteenth street. B22
M ONEV 1O LOAN-O. F. DavU Co , real
estate and loan agents , 1606 Farnam t-
$ WiO,000 to loan on real oMnto. No delay.
Harris * Bampson , 1.110 Douglas Bt. 6-1B
/ To loan on Omaha city pioperty ( US
per cent. O. W. Day , a. o. cor. Ex. Hid.
M O NUV TO LOAN-On city nnd farm property
orty , low rates , btewart & Co. , Hoom 3
Iron bunk. C"9
MONKY to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. nnd K. L. Squire , 14U Farnam St. ,
I'axton hotel building. 510
MONKY TO LOAN on unproved real salute ;
no commission charged. Leavltt llurn-
bnm , Hoom 1 Crolghton Illock 512
MONKY lo loan on Improved olty property
and farms from $1,000 tip. m lowest rate
Apply to Wm , 11. Leach , Heal Cstnty Agent , 1509
I'arnam , 5-i4Jylti
6VKK CKM'-Monoy to loan.
Gregory A lladley ,
Hooms 1 and 0 , Hoditk Dlock , ; CO B. 15th Bt.
MONKY loaned on residence property. Flrnt
nnd seeond mortgagee bought. B. H. How-
loy , illl South 61 root. 2fliJ.5 !
TO LOAN Money Loans placed on im
proved real ofltuto In city or county for
Now Knglnnd I.oim i. Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. Ulh nnd Clilengo st . 514
MONKY to loan on Improved city property at
B per cent. Money unhand ; do not have
to watt Have a complete set of nbstrnot books
of Douirlaa county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Houl Estate and Ix ) n Co. . 320 S. 11th st.
TlflONKY TO LOAN by toe undersigned , who
-I'-l bus the only properly oignnlzod loan
nponoy InOmuha. Loans ottlO to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , waifoirt ,
miichlnory , Au , without rrmoval. Nod ( > lR > s.
All iMisiticM strictly conndcntlnl. Loans so
miulo Hint any part cnn bo paid at any Imo.enoh
payment reducing the cost pro rain. Advances
inadnon flnowatubcs and diamonds. Pernons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally comlni ;
Into oxlstonce. bhould you need money call
and pee inn. W. IL Croft , Hoom 4 W'thnoll '
llulldlng 15tb find Haruey. 610
riMIKOMAilA Fmancinl Kxciinngo.
JN. . W. corner of Hnrney and 1.1th sts. ,
over Btato National bank.
Is prepared to make short time loans on any
nvnlmblo eccurlty.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or real
lying time loana made on imDroved real estate
nt current rales.
l'uroha < io money mortgages negotiated.
Hooured notes tiotigbt , fold or exchanged ,
Short tlmo loam mnne ou second mortgage ,
according to marginal Interest , at collateral
Hern estate to exchange for good Interest
bearlmr paper.
Uetiornl financial business of all kind ! trans-
eted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loano of
any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub-
Jlcfly. Corbet * , Manager. 517
* ' 50,000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent
Malioney , 150H Farnam. B18
MONEY LOANKDatC. F. Heed * Co/i Ixian
Office , on furniture , nlanos , horttea.wagons ,
venonal property of a ! ) kinds , and all other ar-
ilclci of Tallin , without removal. U1K 8. 13th.
over Illnghara a Commlulon ( tore. All busl-
peu itrlctlv ponfldentlal. 519
fePKR CKNT Money.
y H. 0. Pattonon. I8ta aud narney. UP
WA NTED A live young man with abotli
1200 , experienced In the grecory bust
nesaandconpotonito take charco of itoro.
Afldret TMUeo ! office. 073 &T *
UHINKSS Chaooo * The following among
otbum ; House , lot and barn on N lUth et
(21.000 ; gontloman's rlothlng and furiilslilng
tore on Furnatn. atom building and stock of
general mdso ; store aud stock of undertaker's
K"ods ; a mnnufactury wanted , will pay cash
two groin elevator * In Iowa ; livery atablo wltl
slock and vehicles ; 200 neto farm In Iowa ) : tuo
acrea of uncultivated land In Nebraska ; 100
ecros In Neli. ; 80 ncrea lu Nub. ; 4K ) acres in
Neli. ; good loll In Ihliolty and elsewhere ; a V
aero dairy farm In Orange Co. , N. Y. . with first
clasi building * ; household goods , hone and
phaeton , do. , Ac. For full particular ! call on
Ttocord Advertltlng Co. , 1813 t urnam. KX 83
1C1OH BALE-FInt cla a rcitaarant paying
JJtOOamontb , good roaseiis for ollfnyr.
addrcnTStneq. 657 24
THOU BALE Heal eitato buslneis. office in
Jgood location , good Uft ot proiorty urn
horse and buggy. Ilouson for eliinv poor
hcaHb. Will toll nt reasonable flguro or trade
for good proporty. Addre * i T. 00 , Bee office.
T7KU SALE flroeory store at Involco. ( ! , - '
X1 tl.WX ) ; S horses , 1 wa on ; good bualncsi.
J. 3. Johnson , 316316th it. Itooin 4 , < XJ ) 27J
ANTKD-Partles who desire to buy or ael
or exchange itooks nt general uicrohan
dlse. dry goodi , grooerles , boot * and shoot
Imrdwnro , drugs , jewelry improred or unlui
proved town orclty property , improved or un
proved farmi In any part of tuo linltod fstatos
toaddreia Kraui * it Foster , 3 IS B. 15th st
Oiiiafaa , Neb , 60 30
TTtOU TRADE-A two-itory Oroom house
X' barn , eiitorn , well , fruit treei , abrubbory
grapevine * , walks , etc. . in a good Iowa town
ounty luat , population T.rai rain * (2,300 , Inz
dry goods , notions , tiooti unit Blioos , or gro-
cerlei. Address line offiee. T24. 64 SI
F OH T HADE An Improrod form of IrO aoroa
In iowa fur jrocxii or landi lu Nebraska.
C h paid for balance. Andrew Bcvlns , 1302
Douglas st _ 565 g > J
WANTED-Parlncr with (200 In well locatofl
anil nlcnly furnished real oilato olllce
Apply to J. B. Jonuson , dlB B. lAth , room 4.
483 8ij
TOH BALK- Hoot nnd shoa itook Including
* - 5 years leaao of store , best location In
EtKto and oily. Address T.1U Uce olllce.
] 476 jy 17
_ _ _
"ITOH SALK-Drug-atoroof (4.500. good trade
-L established , will ! I ou e * y turmior wll
take western laml aiipart pajmont Addresa
J. It. Nelson & Bon. FalrDury. Neb. 497 * 8J
WANTED -Gontloinan wUhlnf an hones
business , prollti (8 lo ( U every day
only (100 required ; will exchange for itock nt
trado. Two best bank ! of Omaha given a * ref
erences. Cull or write to Oftioo No. 1 , Us North
Blxtoenth Btroot. Omaha. Nob. _ 438
\\rANTKD-To oI. ! my barber ihop. Vor par-
' ' Honiara iuldro'3 T 18 lee ! offlco. 433 23 <
BALK The belt bdrgaln Grocery itorc
centrally located en pnvo 1 street. Old el
ilo. Cull ou Feurnti , Cole ft Itoo-
15th * t. Wl
STOUK-Cloaii ami fresh foFTalo"
VI Parrott A. Williamson. Upstalrs.HOl Doug
1m st 487
* l0lt SALE A boarding Uousn and furniture
-L' doing good buslnev ! , (0 ( bonrdors , irooc
ronson for selling. Call at Currlo A Volliim
15th nnd Citoltol nvc , Expoilton Uutldlug , XV !
1)EHSONAL N at and tnsty all wool bublnnj
tulta t7. Itue blue diagonal dress suits
* ' " .75. Call and lee them or write for iitniplei.
L O. Jonoi A Co. , Araarlcitn Clothlern , VJ3' ,
> arnnm si , Oiimha. V03J J )
1 ) KHSONAL If you want a dfslrabltf , ceu
r.Jr Hy Uicatad oniec yow can rtnd It at 31
gjjthlt V78
_ _
1 | { H > NAL-Ten i chole * reihlenca lots In tin
, „ . ' "f Ivlng olty of South Otnaha to exchang
* "J eattorn Nnhraska and Wmterr
tuttabio for farmliiAddrei
bora for lidea durlnt
"flotly coittMintUI. Infant
, Ue * ofl5c .
PERSONAl < -Mrs. Dr Nannl * V.
clairvoyant , Medical nd business MedluBJ
Boom Mo , 8,121 North JCtU it .Omaha , Neb.
LOST Hay horse , wolgbt BuO , 6-joars-old.
Howard for return to A. F. Illondell , VTal-
nit Hill. 077 MJ
rOBT Juno 22 , ' 87 , ono leather buggy oush-
'loll on Sherman ave liettmi to Hlgglns
ostiiurant and get reasonable reward , ) rank
Vllson. 6032 ? '
JTHAVP.D A light motisct < xlore < 1 marc , one
J while hind foot : had on leather halter with
opoatladicd Howard ( or return. T. J. Hoard
A. llro.,1410 Douglas et , or 2211 Webster it.
TOST On F.lghtcenth , Sherman ave or Oraco
I ft. , "Sliei mention * . " Plcnso return to
. X North Uth it. , or P. J. Cruedon , architect ,
ipern bouse. M , T , Murphy , contractor and
milder. 318
JOS1 -Or stni > od from bottom on north
J Saiinilers street , bnv horse , 4-yeurs old ,
mirkcd with S. S. on loft hind hip. Mnno
diorn short. Iteturn to 11. H. Haven , Mil S.
( Hli st. 4A2-:4
rilAKEN UI' A light weight hay horse. Owner
X cnn ha\r paine by calling at Itrowuelt Hall ,
Oth at. and paying olmrgis. )21 ) 26J)5
1IIltUT-CLASd Storage at 110 N 13th * t
TOHAOE Klrft-class plnrago for nice furni-
O turc and boxed goods Ferguson Fiiml-
: uro Co. , 7IV7I7-721 Noith Kith struct. 175
' * TOHAG"E First-class storage for nice rur-
nlturo or tioxud goods , at 1611 Dodgr-st
MADAME MANA'IOU , Clairvoyant , ) ! oora 20 ,
131. DoilpliHSt. 471 24 *
MIW. DORANT Clarlroynnt from
lollablo In allulluirsof life , unites separated
lovers. 822 N. 16tb it room 1 591 J"9 |
ADOI'TION-Two botTu'i 7or adoption , boy
and girl , good i' r ntiigo I'.nqulru of Dr.
Williams , room 17. Alllilglou block. 571-25 *
pill : old Hixiwnoll Hall , 618 & Ittli st ts
1rend } to give hoaid and room , or meal
liourd ns low ai the lowest. Pleasant rooms
mil tbo coolest dining room in the city. Meals
: , c. Como to the old llrownoll Hull , 818 S. 16th
540 24
INS'l RUCTIONS given In drawing and paint-
Ing. Apply at son Cass street for rartlcu-
lars. 493 24J
EITPLOYMENT. Hental and Collection
Agency If jou want work , or to cmplov
! ( , | > , or have nouses to rent , or nccoiinis to
collect , call on M. Mujimrd , 317 South llth st , ,
OniBlia. 30IJJ5
FOK KKN7 Square I'IHUO fJ monthlv. A
Horpe. 151J Dou irini. 524
rino purtioa having housei for rent , Hcntnl
J Acrncy , llunnwn fc Co . 15it. , opposite post-
ofllco , Wo have turned over to thorn our rental
list. We recommend them. McCague Uros.
FOH KENT Organs , f J per month. Hoipe ,
1(13 Douglas 524
Ol. C.-Houso furnishlncr goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Ilonnor , 1315 Ilonglanst 62j
F OK KENT Bquaro n&uo , It montnlT.
Hospe. 1513 DotldBS. 524
f 1 ° YOU want to buy or soil furniture , go to
L J , I orguson's , 715 N Ifith 523
FOH SALE OnoCholo cooking rnngo with
top warming closet nnd hot water con
nections One 4 hole rangy. Hoth cheap. G.
H Muck , cor Howard end llth cts. 64il 24
FOH SALE Her c , btiggy nnd harness cheap
for cash , nortuoast corner 26th and 1'lerco.
CJI 27j
HALE A good pony , clicap. Inquire at
Chas. Slmm's grocery More , on Saundera
Et , , 5 blocka north of Lake St. 672 2i *
FOH BALE or exchange , one heavy second
hand tnreo spring wugon , will sell cheaper
or exchange for one lighter. Cnn bo soon af
ter 5 o'clock at Fleming ft Hhand'x , cor 15th and
Cuss sts or Inquire of A. 0. Hnrdlng , 315 N 15th
St. 843 23J
TJ1OH BALE Ono 00 nt. Seaman ice cream
-L maohlno.T. . 8. BaldutT , 16th and Capitol
BVO. 397 22J
SALE Half doen new National cnbl-
I net letter flies , different si7os , will no sold
at a reduction from regular prices , call and
see them at the Western Newspaper Union , 511
B 12th St. 204 2HI
Tfl OH SALE Improved stock and grain farm ,
JCM ! acres , cheap. Uox 'JJ , Coburg , Iowa.
4S4 2'JJ
POH SALE Span line matched buy driving-
horses. C. F. HarrlKon , 413815th It.
lOlt 8ALK Furniture and loaie of ilz rooml
In flat , 507 S. 13th st. Hoom No. 8. 382jyl6
THOU SALE One sir-foot upright black walL -
-L nut show case , Milton lingers & Son. 900
FOll SALE-4,000,000 Hard BrlcK. T. Murray.
FO 9ALE-0 milch cows. K A Marsh. 904
N lath. to" ,
T. Murray.
ANTED Hey at Bee'mall room.
l\r ANTED--15 flrst-clus carpenters for
TT bridge framing. WniresfJand (350 per
day. Albright's Labor Agonoy 11X0 Farnam.
ANTEO-Vor the Union faolQcIl. H. and
Ita northern branches a good tea And
cigar salesman ; to the rlttbt party blir induce
ments oTTirod. Address Kennard & Miller. St
Joseph , Mo. lift ! 24j
WANTED 9tono cuttori. Apply t > W. H.
Tyler , Lincoln. Neb. 835jyl5j
WArtTKD Carpenters. Inquire now church
Mih and Lea\enworth. M. T. Murphy. 618
\T7ANTKD--Men and teams to work on grade
T T of C. , K. * N. Hy. ( Hook Jlland ) lu llo-
publlcau county , Kansas , food cheap , plenty of
good work to sublet. Apply to flthun ft
Cranoy Uroa. , Uelleville , Kan. 412 22j
W ANTED An oxperlencod furniture aalei-
mau. Apply to M.F. Martin , 617 S 13th at.
WANTKD Man ot experience to taxocharge
or general merchandise store. Must
apeak Gorman. Aiidregg , V. O. Box 224 Swan-
ton , Neb , 57826 *
WANTED Several young men of business
ability and Intngrltr aa branch otilcu
managers In Nebraska nnd Kansas. An in
vestment of (50 to flu ) required according to
importance of plitoe. Call on D. L. Uou. Gen.
Mgr. , 1&1J Furnam at 607 23
IANTEO-15 brlcklavera at FIrat National
bank , Omaha , Dan Hamsber. 60920 *
VTTANTED-A young man familiar with dry
T T ( Toodi. comootont to take oliarge of lot of
books. Call with references between 8 and 0
o'clock a. m. O'Donahoo & bhorfy. 621 23
TVANTUD-An intelligent , Uonmt boy r.f sir-
T T teen to loam the doming business. 1 JOS
Farnam at. 571-22
fANTBD-InteJllgent , reliable , energetlo
> T men ns special auonts. VT. F. Allen ,
General Agent Mutual Ltf Insurance Com
pany of Now York , No. 35 ! South Uth street.
V\7ANTKD-Mcn for railroad work , Albright's
Lutiur axcucy , 1120 riunanifct. 918
WANTKD Experienced booxiiooper In dry
goods house , referenda required. None
need address who hnva not bad pxportonoe.
Address T 12. Heo o nice. 477
w A STKD llallroaU laborers for Colorado.
Albrlphl'a Labor Agency , UliO Farnam.
IOti paid per month to men to sell our goods.
Address with stamps , U. W. McLane & Co. ,
Hurllnglon. Iowa.
\\7 ANTED-Ilrlghl young drug clerk of about
2 yenra'expotleuco , IlugheidcSchmidt ,
IClh and Wcbttcr. 84923
AN ni-A : good tvogou maker at once ,
W MuldoonJt ICrUl , Uth and.Jonoa uti.
VITANTIJD The business men of Omaha to
TT leave their orders for help with ui. We
are the oldest employment ngonti In Nebratka ,
and can give good reference from our best
bu lurai men. No cbtrcea. Onuba Employ'
incut Bureau. 119 n. IBtU. 6M 2J
viTANTEU At"onoo a boy , 1311 Farnartu
W At onow a flrit class elothlni
salesman , 1S11 Farnam it. C8S23J
'ANTliD Scuond hand on broad. Apply tc
W. S. llalautf , lOtn and Capitol ave.
673 83
\\'ANTiD- : X ! men for railroad work , aur
> > fnomg and traeK laying. Wajea $1.7 !
aiulli'.Oit perduy. Fanes given to the work ,
H. K. W'nite , IIS n. l lb , Crounio blk , room
unitalra. ,
\\rANTEO-An energetic young man nc-
' T qtmlnted with cotmimers of the city , to
ell family supplies for a good house , A good
place fdr right man. Address T 37 , Hco ofllco.
, clerk , Gorman for re-
Citull grocery. Inquire 1103 Harncy st.
niXI 22
ANTED Olrl for light housuworkTniro li
to 16615 1'lcaaant street. fU iM *
_ _ _
\\rANTED Good girl to help Ir. kitchen. 314
V > b. Utli at. _ OlSjyj
W'ANTiD-r : > re.smaklng apprentices , 1617
Cass street- C2S 22J
\7ANTUD Chambermaid at Windsor hotel.
> 070 24
WANTHD A middlo-ngcd woman to take
euro of baby at .Mrs. J W. Morrison ,
I50S Davenport St. Oil 24 *
IVANTKD Woman cook for tenth Omaha ,
> ' $30 : 2 kitchen helpers , GO girls for gun-
rol HoilfiOWorKfi dining room girls for cltr.
nundreM for private fninlly. 4 nurses for chll-
ditn Mrs. Ilrega ABon , 318 S. 15th.t .
t 5 24J
WANI'KD-Oirls for Kcnernl housework.
Why tire yourselves out running down
nd\ertl em ) tits when 5011 cnn lm\o your
: holco of nlco places nt ( rood wares free ot
: hargo at Mrs. UrcguJc Jon's,3115 S.lMh.
or > 22 *
"WANTED-Lady oorroipondetit or prlvnto
> f Mcretnry to lenvo city , must bo Intelli
gent and eood letter writer , wnttoi 12U , nil ox-
pcnBOs paid. Mrs. Ilrega .1 don,316 Bouth tnth.
G- > > f 1J
l/ANTI'D A good girl to do general house-
> work. 2203 Douglas. KM 23
TAMT.D A dressmaker who has had OT-
) porlrnco In tanking flUlrts at C2I North
[ th strt-ot. B3J 2.1 *
WANTKD girls for general house work ,
girl * for all kinds hotel and restaurant
work In and out of the olty. Omalm Kmnloy-
inent lluronu. II'.1 n. lOtn , ftilJJ
\17ANTED -A girl to OOOK , wain and Iron.
> ' Mrs. John W. lloll , 1401 7th ave 055
ITANTl'.D-A good cook. Good wages.
T 2402 St. Mao's Avo. G4V2J"
TlfANTUD-GIrl for general housework. In- at 2144 Chicago street. N. .1. IM-
lolm. ( U2 24
> - > Young girl to look after 2-j ear
old child. Apply at 11JO Gt'orglti nvc- .
, 6 > > 8 2S
WANTED A peed girl for general house-
work. Inquire ZO S 1'Jth st. 410
WANTKO A competent girl to do general
housework ; also nurse gill. S. w. cor.
2d and Lukost. Good wagil puld to the light
person 4bi ) 24
U'ANTr.D Nurse glil , apply at once. Mr
D V. bholes Georgia ave. 3d house H of
Woolworth , N sldo 007 24
W ANTED-A good cook. NW cor Wth and
I Leavcnworthst. 451
l ANTED-Immedlateiy , n good girl lor gen-
ernl housework. Inquire , 2210 rarnam at.
410 24 *
" \\rANTED-A ynunir glil for general house-
> T \\oik , In n small family. Apply at fitfl
Plirk live. 5S7
WANTED Girl for general housework In
email family , 2112 Douglas st. 4GO
WANTED A flrst-clns shirt Ironor. Steady
employment Nebraska btoum Laundry ,
103 and 103 S. lllhst. 332
W ANTED Two peed girls for cook nnd second
end work. Good wugos at 2427 Dodge sU
VVTANTKO A good girlwasher end Ironer.
TT Good wages. Mrs. Frank E. Mooros , 617
South 18lh. 500
WANTED Good wages to a good girl , 614 3.
17th St. Mrs. W. M. Hushinan. 631
\\rANTED-Lady bookkeeper at U.
Meat Market. Uth st , near Webster.
WANTED Situation In a first class hotel by
a No 1 cookfiom the east Uest ot rcf-
o > cncos. Address T 27 , Bee office. 55521 *
WANTED A position Jn a store or otllco by
a young mim of eighteen , Has had some
experience In bookkeeping , can furnish refer
ences , address T SO Heo. 65S 22J
" \\7ANTKD--Situatlon as coachman and work
about homo and yard. Adilroso T 3J ,
Deo. 636 2JJ
T\rANTID ! Situation bv young colored man ,
good rcfereuco. Address 21U N. l th at. I.
Lewis. 642 22j
WANTED Dy young gentleman , good per
manent position of trust. Will furnish
(100 to (500 security for same. Traveling pre
ferred , Address W. J. U. , 015 8 llth St. 014 26J
WANTKD Position by rapid stenographer ;
largo experience ; no objection to going
out of city. Address T31 Ueoolllco. U472UJ
VI7ANTKD Position by steady man as watchman -
' man , janitor , porter , or work In wholesale
house. Host olty references. Address T. 28 ,
Bee 570 25 *
\\7ANTED Situation as traveling salesman
T for groo'Tlos , dry goods , or hoots and
shoos , several years' experience , best of ref
erences. Address B 70. Heo ofllco. 370 22j
WANTED-Two or three furnished rooms
for family three. Address 8 , cure of
Wright 4 Lasbury , city. 8tute price. 60J 23 *
\\7ANTED-Twoor three furnished rooms
TT for family three. Address 8 , care of
Wright & Lasbury , city. State prloe. 602 22J
WANTKU-Tcnms to haul bricks from lit-
ner'f brickyard at Florence. Good wanes
paid. Go stt night out 8txunder it
WANTKD-To ezchance a solitilro dia
mend rtng- , cost ( Son. for safe , gentle
mare ; work anywhere , weigh 1,100 to 1,200
pounds. Address T. 34 , Boo office. 65322
\\rANTKD-Ordcrsfor8ll kinds of help. Wo
' till them promptly and arc giving ; univer
sal latlsfaetlon. Try ui once and you will BO
nowhere eleo. Mrs. Dregn & Son , 315 S. 15th
up stairs. 593 24J
ANY person having a good furnished house ,
with modern conveniences , wiahlnr to
rent for nx or twelve months can find a re-
iponslblc tenant by calling at Kinsler's drug
tore. 1307 Karnam at. 603 27
\ fTANTBD to buy a good reildence lot or 8 to
' 10 room bousu and lot between Leaven-
wtirthnnd Webster , 18th and 25th , address giv
ing lowest price and best terms box 796. city.
"ISTANTKD Two sentod carriage suitable for
T > real estate buslneis. 0. F. Harrison ,
418 S 15th st 677
W ANTED To buy S houiM which can be re
moved. A. F , Mayne , 1403 Dodge st
l ANTED 2or3horsn power engine , 2nd
> hand. Apply at Mlllard hotel ofllce. 480
ANTED Teams for railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam , 743
* I7HB HENT-New 7 room house 12th street
f : near Mart ha , welt , cistern water , porch
3closets , pantry , cellar , smtt , double doors , $
per mouth. C04 22 *
FOH HENT Restaurant and fixtures. Apply
at once , 81J N 16th st. MX ) 27j
F I OR RENT-4 stall barn , cor 7th and Pacific
street I. 19J
F I OR HENT Part of store or offloo room. In
quire at 1212 Douglas It. OU
FOR HENT 9 room house and barn. 17th am
Center eta. , house heated by hot water aud
all modern linprovemets , $ ttt. Alao a 7 room
house as above $40. J. L. Wclshaus , 319 S. 15th
itreet 44T
T OR RENT 4 now 6-rootn bouses , collar
X1 well , ball , cloMti eto. , 1 < { miles northwest
of postofflce. 3 blocks to street can , (23 to M
per month. Gregory & Hadley , HoomalandJ
330 815th It. 800
HENT-Bmall oince in excellent loca
tion. Enquire of F. Harrctt & Co. , ai4H
B. 15th. 227
U HUNT Three room bouie , HuAH S 7th
HKNT Good barn , suitable for four
- - horses. Inquire at Ulf a. llith at 9X1
"I710U HENT One office , lecond floor , at 318
JP 8 15th at. Itent , $18. 44T
F I OH RENT 3-room houto on 14th am
Plorc * ata. Inqutii at 617 Bouth Utti it.
T7 OH HKNT-5-room cottage. 1337 8. 18th Et
JD 6J4 22j
FOR HENT 8 roomed house. Inquire of J
F. Parton.Kie Capitol avonuo. Ct 26 *
-r/HH ) HENT-Two brick itorei with base
J. meout4th and Hamilton itreoii. l > eslr-
able location for dry goodi and drug itore
FlaU above If deilrod. Leivltt Uurnham
rooa 1. Creation block. . . ' 074 .
HF.NT Thrro room houan , 703't Pactflo.
Fo Hcht Six room house1JCW S 7th ,
'or Hent-Throo room bouse , IDll N20th CS1
" 1HOIC1 ! Lot for Lease. Southeast corner
\J 4'T ? * Lcavcnwortn and I'ark a\o.or will
mild to suit tenant. Hobbto Urug. avj
[ JIOIl HENT Largo baietnefit on 1'nrnatn Bt.
JL' Bonawa & Co. , opposite | K > itotuce.
i 033 25
Oil HKNT-2 largo stores oh South Kith at
near Vlnton , | W a month each. Also a
tores samp size but havingi & living rooms
bovo , rent for $ W per month. All have cltr
vater throughout. Apply J. F. Hammond , 11 ,
otitb ICth it. , 431
F I OH RKNT 3-room housa , ,703 Pacific.
molt HENT-Brlck yards < T..Murray.
HUNT Store and second Moor on cor
FOH and Marcy it. Inquire of Mrs. F.
, ange. flo a nth. 889
Oil IinNT Window , ifood localltr for low
F oler or real estate. Apply to 'Art n 16th.
10H HKNT-Two Furnished rooms 417 N.
14th St. 879
F OH HENT-Furnished rooms. 701 B 17th.
453 W
F I OH HBNT-rurmihod rooms. 1707 Cssi.
fjlOlt KKNT One or two furnished rooms.
-1 723 South 18th St. 6(1 ( 27j
F OH HnNT-Dtslrnblo rooms at ' . Dodge.
617 27
FOH KENT Front rooms , suitable for two
( rents , or man and wile , wltn the privilege
of board. 611) ) N. Wth. 019 24 *
[ 710H HUNT Good rooms , single or on suite ,
I. suitable tor 4 gentlemen , lurntsbcd or un-
furnlHliod , bonrd If desired , at 418 South 16th
Btrvut , Hret floor. CJ1 22 *
FOll HKNT-Furnlsliod loom , 803 N. 13th.
654 22 *
FOH HKNT Hooms , from f5 to ja > per
month. Cull and get a list. Demand still
( rroat.-r than supply Kccoid Advcrtlilnir Co. ,
MJl'ninam. 60U 24
IT < OH HKNT Lnrjro front room , nlcoly fur-
' nlslied , eleirant loentlon , modern cotircn *
cncos , prices leHsonublo. 401 N. 1'ith.
JJ 037 iMJ
_ _ _
FOH HUNT 1'urnlshcd rooms , 1913 Fnrnnm
St. CJ7 28J
FOH HKNT 2 unfiirnl hcd rooms , ? S per
month. Mrs. McCntterty , llrownoll ball ,
C18 8.101 h t. 1120 2 : >
FOH HKNT Four neatly nnd elegantly fur
nished rooms at 1708 Douglas Bt. 514 24 *
B1OH HENT-Office 2nd lloor , 31(5 ( S 15th. et.
price $ 10. 113
FOH HUNT Elegant rooms , furniture and
houno now , e\ery modern convenience ,
1709 DodRO street. Heforoncos lequlrcd.
F I OH aENT-Dcsk room. Enquire Voung *
Blackman , 214 8 15th St. & 40
F I OH HEN r 3 rooms In a llat oor 20th and
Nlcuoleg Bt. 112
THOK HENT-Ware room oor. 14th and Coll-
JL' I Corn la on Belt Line , tor particulars en
quire at Union Nat. bank. 183
FOll HKNT 5 nice unfurnished rooms 2nd
floor over store , now building. Leaven-
worth st bet Virginia and Ueoigiauvo. Co02oj
"IT1OH HKNT 2 elegantly furnished rooms
i1 new houtc , 2214 Farntthi street. 3'JJ 2--J
HKNT- Largo nlcoly furnished _ front
FOH HENT Turoo room house west of North
llth st. , between Chicago and Cass. 62
FOH HENT A furnished front parlor at 821
Bouth 19th st. ' . Cut ) 2,1 *
FOH HENT 3 unfurnished rooms , suitable
for light housekeeping. Parties without
children. Call at 242J Chlcafb st 59U 23j
TT1OK HENT-OBIces In Hodman bulldmgcor.
-1. Farnam and l.ith sts. . In lultoi or singly.
For pi Ices , diagrams and Information apply to
B.A. Sloinun , 1612 Farnam st , , Hoom 2.
171OK HENT--13 rooms nottr center of town ,
JL1 and sale of furniture vary cheap , a bar
gain rarely offered , to good parties who moan
business. For particulars Inquire of Dr.
Simons , 404 North 16th street , Omaha , Neb.
K HENT Elegant aulto of rooms , referen
ces required. 1607 Douglas Bt 301
rr > OH HENT-FurnUhed rooms , 714 N. 19th Bt.
4B6jyl7 *
FOR HENT Nicely f urntibod room , call at
117 B 17th at. 49 SJ *
[ 1OR KENT Furnished cottage. Address T
1 11 , Uee office. 47822 *
FOR HKNT-Largo N E room , flrit floor , fur
nished or unfurnished. Also , S E room ,
with alcove and bay wmdow. Northwest cor
ner 18th aud Farnam. 472 Jy 1 *
It HKNT-Nico furnished room. 2025 Fur
nam , B65
FOU KENT-Largo front room with aloove ,
nicely furnUhed for two gontlumen. 2424
Dodgo. 673-26 *
F I OH HENT Two unfurnished rooms. 105 N.
18th at.i &C022J
FOH HENT Two well furnished rooms with
first class board if desired , pleasant loca
tion , private family. S E cor 20th and Tarnara.
650 JylPJ
FOR HENT Temporarily vacant at 809 How
ard st largo front room , two beds , for
gentlemen. Atsoilnglo room. Pleasant loca-
tloiL shade trees , grass , Ac. 657
FD HENT Nicely lurnlihed room , 1021
edge It. 110
FOR HENT-Part of offlco room. Inquire at
12lt Douglai st 913
FOR HENT 13 roomi near center of town ,
and aale of furniture very cheap , a rare
bargain , and only offered to good parties who
moan busmuis. For particulars inquire of Dr.
Simoni , 401 N. 19th street 438
pVR HENT Ddk room , first office to loft
-L' over Merc bants National bank. 833
FOR SALE A livery barn witn atablo room
for about sixty horses , situated in a desir
able location , and now doing a good business.
Good reasons glv n for lolling. Enquire ot or
adJreaa A. H. Comitoclc , real estate broker ,
15KJ Farnam It. 207
AND Bought and lold on commission. J. B ,
J Myeti , Ogalalla , Neb. 6t 24 *
FOR SALE-Cornar lot on Virginia ave with
two good houses , cheap at $7,000. Terms
easy. Houses rent for 170 per month. S. S.
Campbell , 310 S. 16th it , Chamber of Com
merce. 273
FIVE Acre * high and tightly land for aalo 3H
miles S. W. of postoffice. Tills ia a bi-rgaln.
Patterson Broi , Hoom SI Frenzer block , tuo z >
SELECTS , are tbn carefully listed bargains
hunted down by Cake 4 llillliyrs. Our sam
ple case :
2 lots wlthShouiof.J. T. Redlok's aub , only
block trom stro t oar Uo , 108zUU ( t on 8
Bt reels , blir money hero forypu. ,
Come , over 101 , corner DtUge ) and 15th , and
we'll make It pleasant and printable for you.
DO you want to double 11,000 inside of CO
days ? Goddard & Moore , 211 North 16th
st. .havo some choice lots joKiing the Patrick
farm that they will sell this Week nt $3Vl each
VIOOdown , balanoem four semi-annual pay
menu. Come and investigate. Wo have only
six to aoll , so como quick ; tk y area bargain
and will double In value , rife Cable company
is going to build to those lota Inside of u yeur
Dou't forget to call on Goddard & Moore , 21
North 10th st , for full partloaiani , 064 S3
SAI.E-I.ot 1 blk lOO.DftxlM being south
J-1 woat oor 9th and Dodge- its (27.500 ; terms
lx > t 4 blk 354. 68x182. belngfF nt hcast cor llth
and Hurt sts , (15.WO. ternu oSiky.
Douglas si betwciji llth and 12tb st
Improved , being cat Jj of lOiblk 122 , $17,003
terms cniy. . R
UlxlK on Cumlnir Ft , betwefti 1 th nnd Wth
at , being west ! 4 of lot fl blk 204K , terms easy
All special taxes assessed against the above
real estate , are paid up in full ,
F. G , Urlau,070 NS5th ure. , formerly DIvls
Ion at _ U 20J
\\7E Can aoll for a few daya onlv
Lot lOtl ( Use's addition for ? < I,40X
Lot 71 QUo'i addition , | 6jX .
i > ck I Iloyd'i addition , VWO.
One third oath , balance 1,3 and 3 years.
Ucmlngton ic McCormlck , 220 South 15th it
FIVE Acres high and sightly land for sale n1-
miles S. W , of postottlce. This Is a bargain
Patterson tiros. Room 21 l'rener block. 4'X ' 23
TT10H BALE House and lot 27th Itreot. t
Jt ! blocki south of Lake , 1'J.OOU , 2JJ cah , Da
(2Ti per month. We have several houses and
lota that wo can sell forstnnll cash payments ,
balto ault
About the 22d of June we will move to No
1005 Farnam street , where wo will have as con
ventent an ofllco ns there U lu town. I'ark
Fowler 4 Keunard , Hoom 4,1523 Douglaa.
i\7 HAT have you totmdofor two. ntro lots
' ' in Mullors sub , Council Dlutls and 240
ercs nlco unimproved land about 75 inllei
orthwpst of Oinuha. Address box VIM. Omaha.
6.V. 23
CTOK SALE-Lot 108x124 , four blocks frora
-L1 paved i > t , , toulli part of town , price $1,500 ,
alf cash , bnlnuco to suit. J. W. Karcl. Williams
t , bet. llth and 1Mb. 663 2IIJ
PO PARTIES who will build homos costing
JL fl.VO to ll.MJO , o will fnrnllh beautiful
mildln ? lot ? , requiring no payment of prlncl-
ml for five years. Abstract furnlstied and
warranty deed glen as soon n < the house Is
completed. Mend A Jamleson , 318 S. 16th st.
I10R ALK-IWO buys the residence and
practice of nphjslolan in county seat In
western Iowa. Addro's Dr. Hrown , ( loom 4 ,
; telghton block , Omaha. 413J !
FOR SALE A line farm of 100 acres , en
closed with 3 wire fence , ! W acres under
tiltlyntlon , H acres of ash troci In thrifty
growing condition , price f 10 per acre , termi
uusy , 'Hits offer good for thirty days only.
Address Ctias. H. Wilson , Oxford , Hurnas eoun-
y No 0 ;
r > EDICK PARK has city water. BftO maple and
J-V elm trees , 45 residences under contract to
mild , none of whleh shall cost less than $1 00.
ts streets are gr ruled and turnplked. It la
within the old city limits opposite Kount ? *
Mace and ncces'ablo from either Saitndcrs or
8tuto streets. We have a few lots left in this
addition wlucl. wo will otrer to homo teekors
upon very favorable terms ,
wo also ofTor
100 ft fronting Hanscora Park , $0,000. K to M
cash ,
Cor. 100x150. Georgia ave , $5,000 , $2,000 rash.
Full lot and 7-room house in excellent condl-
ion , Parker's add , $3,500.
Cor. . 6(1x10 ( } , Improved , S llth near viaduct.
, .
Every ono of these nieces are worthy of ex
amination. For particulars call on or address
Mead at Jamlraon.Solc A joins ,
318 S 15th st.
IOOIC hero Wo have a fine south trout lot
J 50x127 only 3 blocks liom Saiinrinrs st. cars
or $1,400. also 79x13. ! south front near Knutitzo
Place ? .1.000. F. Harrctt A. Co. , 314Vi S. 15th.
1W4 23
FOll SALE-BO No , 1 farms within a radius of
SU miles of Omaha , A lor. a tow good bust-
neso chances In tuo live towns. .1. H. Sllvls ,
( cal Estate and Loan Agent , Klkliorn , Nob.
579 Aug. 8
GREAT IlargHln-WIII eell 2 bo * lots In
llnnseoni Park add for (800 each. Terms
.o suit of sold within 3 days. Inquire atVlnd -
ser hotel cigar stand. 609 22J
rarnam street , near 20th , 116xl32por
foot $ 400
r'arnam Btroet , near jth,22xl3J 10,000
iirniim street , corner 31st , ! J8xlJ2 , per
foot 150
? arnam street , near 'Ihlrty-olghtn , 47x-
J.U 4.000
Farnam 8tieotnc'ar3btli,0'ixl32 8,00
'arimm street , loruer In Jerome Park 3,000
I'urnum street , corner In Jerome 1'iuk 3.0IX )
fainam glieot , near 12th , Improved
20.'xl3J 25,000
Farnam street , near Nineteenth , 77xld2.
Improved 10,000
Tlarnev street , near Twenty-third , 50x-
13. , improved 11,000
Harney street , near 2Ist , 174x170 , im
proved 60,000
Dodge streetnear LUri , MlxIS1. ! , per loot 500
Uodgo street , near 27th , 40x132 , Im
proved 3,000
Douglas street , near 12th , 44x132 3A.OOJ
Fifteenth street , corner Jackson , CCxliU ,
improved 35,000
Fourteenth street , corner Jackson.OOx
UMmpioved 33,000
Fourteenth street , corner Chicago ,
( ifl\l.U 20,000
18th Bt , opp M. P. dtpotB9xin4 , per foot. 2UO
llth st , cor Mcbolas , 00x132 , track in
alloy 8.000
13th st , near Howard , 33x8) ) , Imi 13,000
Trackage , 60x112 , Paddock Place 2.0JO
20th st , noir Bt Mary's. 40xlJO , imp 8,000
JOthst , near Douglas , iWxflG 8,1x10
Hiiundorsat cor Hurt , 160x51 7,500
I'ark ave , near Leavcnworth , Cflxl40 4.100
Park ave , opp park , 50x150 2,000
Jnioroe Park , near Farnam , E front 47 x
1U 1.830
CaBlellarst. . neiu 8thBl"txl20 1,0(10 (
West Omnlin , finest acre 15,000
Hrown Tark,2 lots very cheap
Albilght'a Annex.2 loll very cheap
22d Rt. , cor. Nicholas Truckage Imp.,132
Cholco'iVroportyltiali'partaof thn city. S. A.
Sloman , 13011'arnnui St. , Hooms 22 and 23.
ATA HAHGAIN-LotBSundfl.bloekTLowe's
add , fronting on Hamilton , Charles and
34th sts. , total mintage of 337 foot , f5,2UO ,
Two lots lOUxlM.tho finest east end south front
corner In Ambler Place ( old part,4 ) blocks from
car line , both for 11,750.
Corner 150x126 eiut and north front In West
Omaha , two blocks south of Farnam at , (4.500.
Corner 285 feet frontage on Military Hoad,128
feet deep , on cor line , * 5.000. ,
C. E. Keltsr , 310 S. 16th St. , Board of Trade
building. 274
OU SALE House No. ( ill and lot on Spruce
F street , and 20 acres , -1J tnllos north from
postofflco. Inquire , 603 N 13th st 582 22 *
TJIOH SALE 160 acres , 7 mlles frora postorOce ,
JD * 100 per acre. This Is a bargain. Will make
purchaser (15,000 In one year. Lot In Plain-
vlow. (1,375. H. W. Huntress , 1609 Farnain
street. 561 S5j
T71OK SALTS Cottage , 7 rooms and bath room ,
J-1 fire place , oak mantel , cistern , city water ,
etc. , 31 feet of ground. 22tl it north of St.
Mary's are. (4,500 C. W. & G. E. Thompson ,
214 S. 15th st 210
BTollAKOAIN Uun hundred feet front on
South Eleventh it , corner lot , only 25.000.
Farton time. V. L. Todicka , t > i9 South 13th at
71OU SALE-(500 will buy a rooming and
- lodging boiiKo , good location , this city ,
paying well. J. B. Johnson , 316 B. IMliJtoora 4.
640 2JJ
A FEW genuine bargains.
One good lot in Baunderi & Htmooaugh'a ad
dition , 5Uxl50. Liai well. Price (600.
Lindsay's addition , 1 lot 50x124 , (1,300.
Glse'a addition , a few blocks west of Konntze
Place , only ( U'.VJ each. Must be told quick.
Three ton acre tracu platted , with two trees
planted on each lot , adjoins au addition where
lou are selling for ( : IH ) each , will sell for O'OO '
an acre. Oood money oan bo made by buying
these acres.
Idlowild addition op 82d itreer near Lake t.
NewB-room houto in first class condition , all
modern Improvements , price (5,500 , riollnor
residence property In the city.
Let ui chow you this property for we can re
commend It.
Patricks Second addition , 2 good lou. > rlce
(2,300 nnd (2,400 each.
A. B. Patrick's addition a good south front 50
Xiao on Corby it. a few blocki went of Kountze
Place , only (1,000 , a good investment.
Kountzo Place , corner Jot , 84x124. f 4,000.
11-room house on Chicago st , nil modern Im
provements , bam , etc , on paved it , throe
minutet' walk from poitoffioe , a decided bar
gain at (7.500 , (2.000 cath. Investigate this ,
Mitchell * Leyonmark ,
6195 Real Estate , 1516 Dodge it
8ALE-A few lota In Hitcbbook's add. at
a banrain. Btangland & Larieo , 316 S 15t
St. Hoom 1. 581 22
1J1OB SALE-Rant or trade , five-room cottage
JC ID Paulsen'a adaltlon , Ten-room bouse
and three Jots In Ludwick place , and other
property. L. V. Crum , 120 N. 16th Bt. 403
HAVE you (140 ? If so buy alotiaOrchardHIU
for $650 , (140 cash ; for solo by Blackburn
& Kennedy.
Orchard Hill lota for (640. Blackburn ft
lilackburn & Kennedy , at 316 8 15th st con
sell you a lot In orchard Hill for ( C50 ; only (140
cash.Want d Purchasers for a number of lota in
Orchard Hill at ( C50 oacn. Blackburn A. Ken-
nodoy , 316 S 16th Bt. C2J 2J
IMMEDIATE sale will take 5 lou or less only
6 or * blocka from Exchange bid and
Union Stock yard * on favorable tonna. Sixteen
bouses under contract in tame block. I want
what they are worth. I don't want fancy prices
I want to s * 11 quickly. K. U. Branch. 122
TT10H SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the wnstern
J ? part of Omaha near the llonton car line ,
price (400 each , ( i50 due on contracts pnyabl *
in 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest in
contracts for Neoraaku land. MoUullocii k Co. ,
1404) ) Furnam st 1030
FOH BALE-lly Shaw & Co. ,
HO Slfith at
Houses and lou in all parts of thi ) city. You
can't afford to r nt when you know the price
and terms of this clan of proporty.
On Georgia avenue wo have a largo piece of
ground for aale at less than Its vulue. It li
worth looking at if you want a nice realdenca
Lots for iale in different parti of thecity.and
you are lure to make money by dealing with
us. Wo are headquarters for safe investments.
TTTOIU'V-TWO foot on State street (750
J-1 Full lot In Saundera & llimebaag-h'fl add 475
Two rood lota In Meyers , K. ft T. and , each. 750
8.K. cor. In lloyd'n 50
Trackage ( n Paddock Plaoe , cheap ,
Uoom2a , Paxton building.
Hardware , Nails , Tools ,
Cutlery , Stoics , Tinware and Window
Screens. Lawn Mowerk , Screen Door *
Gasoline Stores , Tin Hoofing. Gutter ,
ing , SponUng and general Job Tinning
2208 Cumiiig Street , Omaha , Net ) , . ,
Spictal Ordinance Mo , 004.
A N Ordinance livylng nrpeclaltnx And n.Mp s-
\ . moiit on fertaln lota mid ronl estate In the
cltrof Omaha , to cover the one half co t of
grading Twenty-ninth avenue from Lou\eu-
worth street to Hickory street.
Whereas. It having been and being hereby ftd-
judgud , deteimined and established that the
several lots and piece * , of real estate herein
after referred to , have each be-on peelnlly bono-
lltted to the full amount herein levied nnd ns-
( e od ngulnst oneh ot raid lots and piece * of
ronl o tntti , respectively , by rca on of the grad
ing ( if Hint part of 29th avenue from I caen -
worth strict to Hickory street , done under ron-
tratt with Kill.t Callatmn.
Therefore , lor the pui | > oie of pnjlng thoono
half co t of such grading !
Holt Ordained by the city council of the city of
Section 1. That the ono half cost of grad
ing that part of 21th avenue , tu the city ol
Omaha , from LoiNnnwnrtli street to Hickory
street , Hld one-half of gnld eosl being the MI in
of (1,809.0.1. mid grading being done under i on-
trnet with Kutz A Cnllahnu , IHJ nnd the tame Is
bereby levied and assessed , according to spoolnl
benefit * , by ica , on of said guiding , upon the fol
lowing lots and real estate a * , shown by the ROD-
01 ally it-cognized map of the city of Omaha ,
184Ulithographed nnd published liyC. II Mnjiio ,
said cost being so levied on said lots and real
estate , rcepi ctl\ ely , a * follows , to-v It
Name Lot or Am t of
of Owner. Description. Block. Tax.
Groir * Montgomery 13 3 $11W
14 : i 11 i
Alva.1 A. JonttloLGrovor. 15 3 14 MI
J K&M .1 Diet rick HI 3 149U
J AA.J W Glllllth 17 , .1 14 W
" 18 3 14111
Nellie A North in 3 II Wi
Kiln M Goodrich 20 ! l 15W )
Albert I. Nlelds 21 3 Kill )
OroAWIlcox 22 3 1500
AnniiUllowoll 2:1 : 3 14 Hi
John W HowL'll 21 3 K > >
' ' ' ' ' " ' '
AllcoL Hogcrs ! . ; ! . . . . . . 3 4 14 t'l
' nl-2 4 4 7 >
WmrenM Hogers al-24 4 7 M )
" 5 4 14 > W
0 r Mntidcrson 0 4 14 ! H
7 4 ItW
a 4 14ICI
" 0 4 14WI
' 10 4 14 W
" 11 4 14 W
" 12 4 1500
JnoFHoyd 1 11 14W >
" 2 11 14WI
ThosK Ashley 3 11 14 m
" 4 11 14WI
PnnihA Leinlng 5 11 14 Wi
Jno K Sulll/ntl 0 11 141H
OlivmTolt 7 11 14 WI
JosCOrceu 8 11 14W )
" n M ft 9 11 8 to
Omalm Holt Hy Co . . .BlOUftB 11 10UO
JosCOroon ti5llftlO 11 4110
Omnba Hell Hy CO..B loof 110 11 8UO
JosCGroon nSOftll 11 Him
Onialin licit HyCo. . . sltXJlt 11 11 ilOO
Omaha Street Hy 12 12 14 w
DVtflioles U 1 149.1
LMUcuuctt 14 L ! 14 WI
" 15 12 II WI
1(1 ( 13 I4WI
" 17 11 141/9
WmKCInrke 18 12 14W
" 19 12 151KI
Grace W Pratt 20 12 1500
21 13 15(10 (
' 22 12 1500
GeoWAmos 1 . . 1070
Jennie I , Illiss 2 . . 19 TV
TH Isaacs 3 . . 19711
Marie Kllurmoislor. . . . nl-2 4 . . 9W )
leleu L Lockwood 8 1-2 4 . . OIK )
lohn Merrill 5 . . 1979
iVm O Albright 0 „ 1979
AnnaKDandy 7 . . 1979
" 8 . . 1979
Sidney H Hutiott U . . 1979
10 . . 1979
EllzaB Moore 11 . 1979
" 12 . 1071) )
" U . 1'JTtl
MargarottnSchalf 14 . 1U 79
I ) H Howe 15 . li)7H )
Jno A lleletand n 1-2 18 . ti'.n )
I ) II Howe 81-210 . ll'.K )
Win A Cotter U 4' ) 1-2 it 17 . 14 M
John A Helstuud. t > 19 1-Z ft 17 . 4 04
lohn Grant 18 . MTU
K lionnctt Cole 19 . 19711
ArNillaOUowen 20 . . 197U
loimTBcIl 1 . . 2880
MHKisdon Z . . 2887
Win Hundall U . . 28S7
CathK Hobble 4 . . 2887
Lam a STillotson D . . 1414
" n . . 1441
SDIIarbnlow 7 . . 11 !
" 8 . . 11U4
r ran It I n man 9 . . 11114
10 . . Jl 94
Lydln C ! Shcrmnn ll . . 1444
13 . . 1444
Agues F Tralll 13 . . 1444
" 14 . . 1444
Beth Eden Baptist Church 15 . . 14 44
" " Id . . 1444
AHCbadwIok 17 . 1444
18 . 1444
H Mnglnnls e69ft9 . 337
JHDervon o23 w71 ft 1 . 1 b7
AJHobon e23w48ftlB . 325
HC Hobble W25ftl0 . 376
I JIagiimis e69ft20 . 430
.111 Den on e21w71ft20 . 238
AJHobon oJ3w48ft20 . Z 87
H 0 Hobble wAft20 . 475
City of Omaha..Hanscom Park . 19491
" block 17 , Hanoom Place. . . 19490
Section S. That the f peclol taxei and aiaass-
mcnts levied and assessed aa aforesaid , aboil be
duo immediately upon tlio passage and ap
proval of tbla ordlnnco , and nhnll become de
linquent if not paid within flfty days thereafter :
and thereupon H penalty of ton per cent ahull
bo added , together with Interest at the rate of
ono per cent a month , payable In advance from
thettmn said taxea bcoomo so delinquent.
Section 3. That thlsordlnunce shall take ef
fect ami bo in force from nnd after its passage.
Passed Juno 1st. 1887.
WM. F. IltciiEi , , President City Council.
J. II. BouTnAKn.Clty Cl rk.
Approved June 2nd , 1887.
W. J. BnovrCH. Mayor.
The above tnIs now duo and payable at the
oflico of tbo citv tieusurer , and will become de
linquent i shown in tectlon 2.
jo22dut JOHN Jlusn , City Treasurer.
Special Ordlaaace 80. 667.
AN OrdlunniMt levying n special tax and assess
inent 011 cei tain lous and real ottate lu the
city ot Omaha , to cover the one-half cost of
grading Douglas street from 20tb street to
24th tilreet.
Wbcrcas , it baring boon and being borebr
adjudged , dctermlnid and estubllsheii ttiatth *
several lots nnd plectl of real estut * boroin-
aftcr referred to , have each boon specially
bencntted to the full amount herein levied and
assessed against each ol said loU and nioceR of
real citato , respectively , by reason ol the grad
ing of that part of Douglas sttect from 'JOtb
street to 4th street , done under contract with
Goo. W. McKlnnry.
' 1 berefore. lor tbo purpose of paylnrlbo ono-
half coat of such grading :
Do it ordained Dy the elty council of the city of
Omahn :
fceellon I . That the one-half coit of grading
Ing that part of Douglaa fctrcot , rn the city oi
Omaha , from 20th street to 24th 8lrut , ald ouo-
half of Bald cost being the sum of (1.323.78.
Bald grading being done under contract with
Geo. W. McKinney. bo and the iamoi > hereby
levied and assessed . j eeorflliyr lo ipecial beno-
flts by reason of said grading , upon the follow
ing desci Ibed lots and real extato as shown by
thp gonerBlly rotognlred mnp of the city of
Omaha , 1880 , llthogrnphofl and published by C.
E. Muyne , atdd coit being so levied ou Butd lots
and real estate , respectively , as follows , to-wit
Name Ain't of
of Owner. Description Lot. Tiut.
OM Hitchcock . iiUU 8482 1 JIU'i IB
' . nlJ2k2S4 1 125 1C
911 Johnson . s32eub7of ! 2 l > 401
" . aubSof t 411.1
ELUmcry . nlTS subtler li 4704
SKatz . nl < rj8ubl4of 2
MuryL Sharp. . . . . nl3J8Ub8of 2 C.I7S
Gee 11 Lilko . 8132 sub lot 3
WG Chambers . subilot i : 441
CJ Chambers . . . . . .sub 4 or 3 344
GillJine . subbof 3 344
Frank Moran . eubilof 3 344
A H ( iltdstono . null 10 of 3 ! I4 4
W flark . lilbllof U 8 7
APTilkcjr . SublSof 3
SKatz . Mtbiiof : 3 37 IK )
HtnloT Petty . iubl4o' 3 37 ! *
It Uaumloy & Allen Koch.iublOof 8 H7 !
Allen Koch . BllblGot 3 37 bti
FW Gray 1
" 3
ii : ,7 MI
It Mover. 4
J A Kduoy
GGHoiibel 41B3
FIVGray . b 8U'J
Section 2. That the ipee'al ' tuxes bud assess-
raenta levied ml ni rt-fed in Hloref Hid , chilli be
due lmmi linUly unou ihu p ijsugu nnd ; >
proval of this ordlnuneo , and uhall Lcromo de-
llnriuent If not puld within ! lftydH > atliereafiei- :
uud Inti'JUbt at thuiutbuf onn pet ccutu inoulh
iiiiyable In advance trom ( lie time Raid taxes
Leooiiio I'D dclin'iiint | , Rhall be Add d.
SoetlonU That tliUinitluJtriee rliall t\u etlest
and bo infoiccJrom and iiltor Its 4Mi'iv ! .
I'ateed June 7tlu 1 87.
WM. F. ttKcnt.ii , President City Council.
J. II. HOUTIIAKI ) . Cltv Clerk.
Alipwred JunulOth. 18b7.
V. J. UitOATfii , Mayor.
Tills tax is HOT duo and payable t theullits
of the city treasurer , and will become ilullii'
qucnt as provided inK etlon S.
lo'JSiKt JOHN Huhit , City 'Xrcanurcr ,
MZMIk Tl irW UIMU , * , II , .
iiDDuui.iaL.rf. togttlrf cuniiiu f
llrccUUudufK all wctk itir.rtior. )
Curr.ol "jjtll loitinllr or we il.uj ) in ciih.
OrMtiit ImproTtnibli 0tr fl oihir btlii.Vort MMI p < i.
lniD atljrur ( llntbt Bnontlii Ivtlrd ji.mi.hiit4ttkivp
fbi iidii ) EUctrkfCB. tit Li8 | l ; % t. , Cliloga
( Special Ordinance No. 000 ,
AX Ordinance lowing a special tax and a *
scssmont ou certain lots and ical estate In
the cltv of Omnha , to cover the one-half co t
of grading23rd street , from Cumlng slroot to
VVhoioas , It having been and being hereby
adjudizcd , dcttrmlned and estiibllshed that the
i'\einl lots and tilooes of real rstnlehoieln-
aftot tefetrod to , have uneli b eti specially ben-
lilted to tbn full amount heiulti levied and as-
> d Hgaln t eaoh of mild lots and pltvot * of
real t"tatn , respectively , by ri-n on of the grad
ing of thai part of 2frd ; slieut , fiiim Cilmlitg
street to Cnidtol avenue , done under conliact
with .lorrj H > an & Co
'I liernriii o , for the purpose of pa ) Ing the one-
half ixnt of such grading :
lie It ordained by thu city council of the city of
Omntm :
Section 1. That the one-half cost of grading
that part of atnl "treet.ln thu i-lty of Oninhn ,
fioin ruining stieot to Capitol nxeni'o. paid
olio-half of snld cost being the sum of $1,7U.S4 ) ,
said grading being done under contract with
Jerry Hyan A Co. , bo and the Fame is hereby
loui'd and a ao id , according to heiio-
flt . by ren on ofynld Rnullng , upon thn followIng -
Ing ilmcrlbeil lots and leal ostute n8 shown by
the generally tccngnlzed map of the city of
clt > of Omaha , 18M , lithographed nnd ) iubll hed
by U. K. Marne , ald itist being FO levied on
siild lot * , nud lent catnto , respect Ixcly , nil fol-
Ions , to wit :
Name Lot or Ain't ot
ot Owner. Description. Illock. Tux.
PotcrPShelby wfl ! HI $171
Ilenrx Clontermati. . . , wOOft3 Id 1701
O Ktioutllllt 4 1ft 4.1 8J
Hugh Murphy 5 1 * 4.1 td
" . , , . 0 Irt 1879
Maria LMncDonough. . . 3 17 1871
Ham'l Hnlehenberp w29 nSft < 4 17 IS 8.1
Prlsi-illii C Hall. . . . o 37 nf 8 J t 4 17 1040
Sarah Gltxon sllft4 17 14UO
Clias O AliliiuUt ni ) 5 17 2191
C V Gallagher s't fi 17 2191
I ) V lliirknlow e2'iftO 17 711
rnnille It Smith wllflfl 17 111-4
John 11 Hum 1 49 1878
JoluiP lion 4 49 43 K2
Jus WSiiMiito liMS 49 21111
J It Hlngwnlt cCJs'45 49 TIM
Kllzn Daniels \\l "i 49 14(11 (
Ju * W Sax ago n'jO 49 ! ity ;
W It Morris . el4 s'S fl 4'l
J H Klngunlt w22s > ( 49
KH Overall el-2 3 50 v : i9
PA J I.lddell > 1S .1 M > II 3' '
11 } ron Hf ed. . 4 50 4IK1
Mnrv A Dew 5 HIMl
Mrs. Hit McAitslnnd 0 Ml 1879
G II Ho ) . i& 1. \ \ Hill 3 81 17 OS
LoiinSohmidt oi ! ft I 81hi D45
( ! eo L f-chw nrtz tn22 ft 4 hihi llll'l
NaryVlenk . M22tt4 hi 1H97
KlHiud Ho'nlmrt . . . . Ii4 < lttn bl 1,129
Mary C.loidan. . . .mlitt5 ) 81 1,129
llmuiid Kennedy eU'HD ' 1,1 29
Nelllo W Lime cl-20 flHI Kill
KdMonlekt-r . . . . ! ' - 0 HI B54
Tnos A MeSliano r2-5 1 MM 14 1811,1
HoiixHonJ Ittnnr. . . ml 5 1 208 > i 2fvl
Thos A MoSlmno . o'-5 2 ) S'4 18i3 !
Hulls Ili-nJ Ittnor in 1-5 2 30' > ! t 2M
CoinelllisA Loniy 3 ' 20 h7
A HoM.-nbilrg 4 2USV , 2JH7
HoggH& Hill 5 "tbi ! l'OS7
Cornelius A Lcary ft 20S'i 20 b7
Frnnc-l * . 1) ) Cooper 7 SOS7
II H Hanoi o.tlfta W67
M K billlivaii -niUftJ
AilioO Donnliuo. Mary H
Gushing , and Marcus P
Mason 4 20914 4182
PKllor.I'res 5 it4J 4IS2
1'Kller " 3 3 1879
S L Andrews nl-2 1 nil 21 92
OU > Ltr < on tl-'J 1 'H4H4 2191
HL Andrews nl-2 2 ! H4 um ;
Ole Lnrsen si--2 314 U39
rrnneiaJ Huildov , commencing at s o.
cnrlt 7 blk 314 , tliunco w JOlt , theneo u
licit , o4Rtt , AM ! it to beginning 1)03 )
Anna M Yost , commencing at 8 o tor
blk ! ! 44 , tht-nco w lo lt.o Mft ,
Hit ! It to beginning. . 4053
CO Ilotiscl 3 lri 1878
8 G CtlllPO 4 315 4IKJ
Sargent 5G 315 43 H3
Stella iMMirtlnnder 5I 3lr > 1H79
Jamus O'Connor I ' < > < U 4,182
2 Drtl 1878
OES Dlxon 7 n61 1878
ISottio F Dletz . cTOftS 301 2S4J
Esther A Xabnsklo . . w.10 ft 8 Ml 1840
V G Ramsey . c.W ft 1 MS 1096
HosHllo llrash . n 9 H 1 ns 3.JH7
CT Taylor . 2 1878
HyTCltiike. . . . . 1 M * 1878
HPSoronson . nil ft 8 aia 1401
HyTCInrko . sMltB M2 2921
ON Ramsey . 1 J 02 U )
Peter Soren on . s * 3 Ii2t > 0
Heirs Ole Olobon . 1 U)4 )
Kuud Nelson . S ,1i4 ! 113 f 0
Richard Tl/ard . . . . nlll ft . . Ml M87
J enulnW Howard. . .slXO It . . iVA C'J70
Section 2. That the iieclnl taxes and uitess-
ments lb\led nud osswied sis iiforcs'ild. hhnJI bo
duo Immediately upon the passage and ap
proval of this ordinance , nnd shall become do *
linquont If not paid within fifty days thereafter :
and thereupon shall lie added Interest at tha
rate of one iicr cent u mouth , payable lu advance -
vance from tbo-U'jio tald taxes become eo do-
tectlon3. That this ordinance Rhalltake effect
nnd belli force from and after IU passage.
Passed Juno 7th , 1887.
WM. F. IlECiiEi , , Presldeut City Oouncll.
J. II. SOOTHAUD , City Clerk.
Approved Juno loth , 1B 7.
W. J . Bno ATCn , Mayor.
This ti\r la now duo and pa } able at the ofllcl
of the city treasurer , and will booomo delin
quent as provided in Sections.
JoiMut JOUN RUSH , City Treasurer.
To Whom it May Couecru.
Whereas , On Uio 4th day of May. 1887 , N.B.
Crow exooutod and delivered to E. H. Corbotr ,
one certain promissory note for the sum of
IfilW. with Intoregt at ten per cent iiur nnnum ,
due and payable thirty days after date ; and on
May 27th , 1M7 , the bald N 8 , Crow executed
and dellveunl to K. H. Corbett , ono cuitatn
promissory note lor the turn of tl.'iUl ' , due anil
payable J une 15th , lbU7 , with Interest at ten per
cent per annum , and scouted thu payment of
both notes by theHheUrninent of ccitain suveral
Union Pacific Hullroud Land contrnctsand cer
tain contracts upon ronl cetato Mtuated In the
olty of Omaha , county of Douglas , xtat ot Ne
braska ; said contracts being collatUjrally secur
ity for Fald nolef. And , wheiuas , said mites
wcr duly P'lld nnd tiHinlcrrcd Tor n valuable
consideration Iwfoie maturity , to Oeorgo E.
liurker. nud , whereas , there is now duo on said
notes the sum ol fVil ) and ? 1,050 , with intorcst ,
together Ith (15 for attorney's fee , and 15 per
cent ol the amount duo ni liquidated damages.
Now , therefore , I. B. G. llui bunk , attoi noy
for theuloifSKid Gooigc C. UuiKei , will , at my
olllceHO'J Farimm stieeU on the 25th day of
Juno , 1H"7 , nt W o'clock n. ni. , ell to the liljrliest
bidder tor cash , the said contracts heroujfore
mentioned and deicribo
Attorney for Gooric E. narkor.
Omaha , Neb. , JuneiK. 18ST. junrM-M. 1
Notice to Tax Payer ! .
Taxpayers plonse take notice that the board
of county oommlinlonuri will meet as a board
of oquaJlzRtlon of taxes , commencing Monday
June 6th , and continue for twenty iluys. - Taxpayers
payers ore eurnostly requested to attend to
their assessment ! aa the board cannot rectify
any mistakes or make aiiy nhangoa after tha
close ol tbu ees'ion.
Hy order of tbo bojrd.
C. F. NEEDHAV , County Clerk.
THE underslrned will receive bids until 4
o'clock p IB. , Saturday , the 25th rtuyof
June , A. D. 1887.1 or tbv following euipU | a to
bo furnished , and thu oHlelal printing to be
done , for the next fiscal year commencing July
1st. lhS7BB follows , vlr :
Hay , tiatfi , corn , coal nd lee : alao tbo print
ing of oidinunut's nud oflJrlnl noLicie fruui tlio
various uny 'itilces.
The city ixiull reserves tlio right to reject
any or all bid I
JlOdl.'t J n. SOUTHRD , City Clerk.
Sidewalk Notice.
NOTICE is boieliy trlven to tUe owner or
uwnorgof thofollowlng renl r-stute tilth *
city of Oinalm , to lay Hldownlks In I ronl of and
adjoining their pntiw-i t ) witbln llfteuii (15) ( ) ditys
from the TwcntloUi day of Juno. 1817.
Such videwulks to be coiifctrueted and laid lu
ttcoordanfc with plans end specifications on fllct
in tliu ofllee of rtio Sidawiilk Innpoctor , and
in ncuui dance with resolution * adopted by til u
CJty Council , viz :
"W'ost hldn 2'ith avfi , from Popploton avo. to
Wiiohrorlh n\e,4 fcol wldo.
Kant KldiiliiUh st. truiu tlui north line of T.ako
at to thu Bouth line nfniilofit . fifeot wide.
Wiu.1 . ldo : * utlt uvo. fiom El. JUrj'8 avo. to
Howard sL , 0 fujt wide.
W < - t side "Icli et. rinm Harn < * y it to Howard
tt..ts / rt lde.
f.'uilh Hide llov-nrd Bt. l.-oic CfU It. to 3Uli
uv , Hi not wWo
l.KUj.dc. . l'hil.-.hi'ild y lot 9 , blocks ,
Jacobs' bddiciun , 8 toot wldn.
JAXI.M A i IAN , Stdewnlk Inspector.
Omaha. N b. , JitnoKOlh , iM. IrfidJt
PropoaalB for Heal
SHALKI ) proiiosaU will bo rocul > od 1)1' the
un < l jr l iie < 1 mull t o'clock | i. in. tutu i day ,
July 2nd , IbS7 , lor tha Iollowlng deturlbudprop
erty , to-wit :
I/UK " , , B , Y und 8 in hlo'jV lOJJi rnJ bulldlngii
thereon , In the t-Uv ot Umuhii , co.iuty of Douglas -
las , Nubrn > V : ,
'I ho bonrd le'prvc * tl.o right of iislnj'tiu !
building un raid preoilff. foi oii j't-ur.
Thu board : oitrvt- the rli'Ut to reject nuy or
ml bids.
Itvorc'er of the Hoard t > f Kdtuutlon.
] 7d:9t C. Co orzu. Secretary.
Sewer Propoitli.
RKALr.D i.i-"io aU nlll bo received by the
nuclei tinned until II o'clock u. in. Julyl'lh.
1M7 , lor tun construction of wiwera In dlttrlci
tin. 48us per pUus uti'J siejllUtlonj | ( on Ills
In the uIHcu l thu board of public Murks. I'm-
iitxiils to l' mudu on printed blanks iuralchud
by the board , and to binctouipiuilud wllliu ci'r-
titled cheek Ir , th um of HCH ) . pnytiliioto the
vlty ol Oinuha , H an evidenuo uf good fiiltU.
'I ho boaid n serve the right lo i eject uny 01
nil bids and to uulvo defeeti )
Si. A , D. l. ,
Cbttlrmiin Hoard of 1'uhllp Wurki ,
, N b..JuuciiotliJMTi :