6 ITHE OMAHA DAILY BE& . Tl FUBSDAY. JUKE 23. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , MO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered by carrier In any pnrtof thecltr nt twenty cents per week. H. W.TILTON , - JIanater. TELEPHONES : BcPiKTPflOmcr. No. 4A NKIIIT KuiTOit No. si. A1INOII MKNT10N. N. Y.PIumblng Co. New sprliiR coeds ntllo'tor's ' , tailor. The slating of tlio government bttllil- inc will bo done this week. The young colorud men's club give a dnnco tit Phuiter's hull this evening. The water works company will lay about four tulles of extension of its pi pus iliis scnsoii. The Knights of Labor arc to give a rrnnd ball Fourth of July night in the Temple hull. Yesterday E. A. Anderson and Alice I. .Stevens were happily joined in mar- rinRe by Justice Sohiiry The building on Hroadwiy rccentlv oc cupied by the Central saloon is now oc cupied ns a jewelry store. The funeral of the little babe of Hans Uhristofer.son was held yesterday after noon from the family residence on Broad- way. John Helm and William Stcinkopf , who were complained of at Crescent for lish- Incr on Sunday , had a hearing Tuesday , and were promptly discharged. The Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Catholic Knights of this city expect to go to Omaha Sunday to witness the laving of the corner stone of Creighton college. A goodly number of other Catholic citi/ona will also attend from were. The benefit for Miss Nellie Hatcher takes place at the opera house this even ing. This estimable unit talented young lady has been very public spirited anil generous in making other entertainments enjoyable and the benefit is merited. There should bo a crowded house. The park commissioners are to get a high pressure hydraulic ram to lorco water into Fairmount park. Water must bo had there in some way for the accom modation of those visiting this most beautiful natural , park in the west , and the commissioners are determined to make the necessary arrangements. The work on the new Catholic church Is progressing well. The hod carriers who struck for higher wages have been micccodcd by others , and that cause of delay has been done away with. The new church is showing up much larger than mo.Mt Imagined It would be , and will be one of the most Imposing structures in the city. Arrangements have boon made to cele brate in an appropriate manner the twentieth anniversary of Hroadway Methodist Episcopal church. The anni versary exercises will begin July 13 and will continue till the 18th. A number of the former pastors have promised to bo present and participate in the services. The Mauawa railway has not pro- pressed so rapidly for a day or so as the builders expected. There has been some delay waiting for iron and some other little dilliculties. but it is expected that everything will bo in ship-Bhape to-day to allow of the work being pushed along with such speed as to make up for UU lost time. The chariots are on the grounds , ready for the races. The July meeting nt the driving rwvk will bo a memorable one. There- was never such a list of entries - trios , and the races will be , without any doubt , the greatest over hold hero. The attractions will cause big crowds to gather into the city from all points of the compass. The'news published In yesterday's BEE concerning the bridge caused no little stir here , and much comment. It was amusing to notice the variety of opinions expressed by the other papers , who had no news to oiler their readers concerning this Important matter. One declared that it was not true , while the other insisted that it was true but old. It matters little to these evening fireflies , so long as they can bu/z around the BEK. This paper will continue business at the old stand , and will bo the lirst to gather and give the news , The Omaha couple who wore arrcstod here Tuesday night , for being beastly jlrunk on the streets , did not show up in court yesterday morning , but forfeited the money deposited for their appear ance. Their arrest caused no little sensa tion , as it was claimed that the pair were "high toned. " The fact that they were wolf dressed seemed to be the chief reason for thinking that they wore "high toned. " Good clothes , however , have long slnco ceased to bo a guarantee of the high standing of those wearing them. The youn i man.an Englishman , apparently , lias gone upon the records simply as "J , S. F. , ' whiln the woman , who was some years his older , was registered as Mrs , Fitcherson. Doth begged pitcously , when . sober enough to realize their shame , and imulorod that the disgraceful affair be kept quiet. Bathing suits at Harkncss Bros. J. W. & E. L. Squire make beautiful abstracts of title and deserve the succtsi they are enjoying. For Sale. Two drug stores in central Nebraska Good thriving towns. Will invoice fro a fl.OOO to $2,000. Apply to HAULE , HAAS & Co. , Council Binds , Iowa Stealing Time. Charlo Guy , who works in Cole's liver ] stable on Pearl street , had a $35 watcl in his trunk. Monday morning th watch was gone and suspicion fell upor Joseph Adams , who had boon at work around the stable for a few days only He was arrested , and the ollicors found that tlia watch had been pawned for fi at Goldstein's. Chief Mullen claims tlia he went to Goldstein's place Mond.v evening several hours after the watcl had boon pawned , and that Goldsteii told him that he had taken in only om watch , and that did not answer the do scrlption of the stolen one. Yesterday i was learned that the watoh was there , and on being asked for It Goldstein refused fused to giro It up. A writ of replovir was taken out , and the watcli siozod bj the ofllecrs. The chief of police is afto Goldstein for not Riving him the information mation concerning the watch. Latest improved gasoline stoves at 1 604 Main street. W. A. Wood. lrs. Hanchott & Smith , oflice No. IS carl st. , residence ISO Fourth st. Tele hone No. 10. For female diseases and chronio Jis cases of all kinds , call on Dr. Uice , No 11 Pearl street , Council Bluft's , Iowa. For rupture or hernia , call and got Ui llico's new invention. It makes a ma of you in five minutes. No. pain. Nc 11 Pearl street. Bathing suit goods at Harkncss Bros. Spirit Ii ke Blooper. Commencing Saturday evening , Jun C5 , a Pullman palace sleeper will Icav Council Blutl's dally at 7:10 : p. m. fo Spirit Lake via the bioux City route , ai riving at Hotel Orleans at 7:80 : a. m. fo breakfast. . Excursion tirkots now on sale am berths reieryed at 'ticket ofllces , 49 Uro dw y aud d i oU. BIG BRACES FOR THE BRIDGE , The Decision in Favor of the Local Com pany Gladdens the Blaffis. THE BRIDGE MATERIAL ORDERED Tnklng n Ticker Pinna for n Soldiers' Cemetery Vatttclinn'a FnmoitsCnr- ringe Sold For a Hong Troubles Among Colored Clirlstlniis. Tim Bridge A mire < l. The announcement in yesterday's Br.n that the bridge decision was in favor of the Omaha and Council Blnil's company , was received with great rejoicings in this city. While the formal announcement has not been made by the secretary of war , yet the result is practically certain. The local company is goinir right ahead , preparing to shfp material. The engineer of tile company is now at the shops in the east , and the contractors are started on getting out the material. In fact every energy is now being directed to the pre liminary work for building the bridge. By the 1st of July.if not before , the sec retary of war will make his official an nouncement , and by that time the pre liminary work will havi-sotar progressed that the actual construction can bo com menced at once. Not a minute is being loft , and the material is being got ready to ship right along. There is no further reason for doubt as to the bridge being built , and of it being built by the local company. The contest is over , the bridge company has tlui site , and Its plans have so far progressed that there will uo no further delay. Council Blull'i rejoices greatly , for it has feared that it would not secure such a wagon bridge as it needed. Now that this is assured , there will bo less op position manifest hern towards the put ting in of railway bridges. With the starting of the building of the bridge the council will at once order Broadway paved to the river , and other improve ments , which have been waiting upon this , will be hurried ritrat along. There has been no one enterprise on which this city has hung so many other enterprises as on this bridge. With the securing of this the boom will take another jump. The city lias been gaining and grow ing right along this season , and would continue to gam and grow , but with the starting UP of enterprises which have been waiting for the decision in the bridge matter , the second edition of the boom will bo greater than the lirst. The projectors of the bridge enterprise have had a great deal of confidence in the justice of their claims to the site , and in the integrity of the officials whoso duty it was to recognize their rights. While some other citi/.cns have been doubting and wondering , they have been confident in the final outcome , though annoyed by the vexations delays. It has been diffi cult to inspire othorSj however , with the bamo degree of confidence , and hence outside capital , especially , has wisely wailed far the result , preferring to pay oven advanced prices , when the bridge should bo assured , rather than purchase for less and run the. risk. There seems to be no further reason for doubts , and with the formal an nouncement of the decision , and the shipment of material , already being pre pared , there will bo an increased activity in all Hues of investment and improve ment. A Soldiers' Cemetery. The veterans are completing arrange ments for having special burying grounds in the cemetery. Some time ago some old cannon were obtained from the government us ornaments for the soldiers1 burial ground , but nothing has been done with them. It was agreed hat the piece of ground set apart by the cemetery association for this purpose was altogether too small , and with a pros pect for getting better and larger grounds nothing has been done towards Mounting the pieces. A plat and plan For improvement have been drawn and the cemetery association has agreed to sot apart a piece in the now part of the cemetery. This new piece will bo 125 feet square. In the center arc to bo earth works thrown up in a square and quite high. The cannon are to bp sot on the corners in mason work. It is estimated that it will cost $400 to thus mount each of the guns. In the center it is proposed to have a monument , with figures repre senting the army and navy. A largo archway is to bo built , permitting teams to pass through from one side of the earthworks to the other. The plans are quite elaborate and when completed it will prove a very attractive and appro priate resting place for the old soldiers who are fast being mustered out. A Famous Vehicle. It is still in the memory of many that a few years ago W. H. Vaughan , in ono ol his trips to DCS Moincs , purchased there a. team and carriage and proceeded to make a great splurge over It. The turn out was bought by him from scmo prom inent citizen of the capital , who had used it for his family vehicle. The price an nounced as being paid for it by Vuughaii was from f 1,200to $1,000. Although pur chased , as the announcement was made at the time , for the private use ol Vaughan and his family , and shipped homo as a surprise , little was scon of the dashing turnout here. Ono of the special features of aitractivcnoss to the carriage was the fact that it was the identical one in which General Grant rode about the city of DCS Moines when ho visited there Since the splurge made about this car riaga there has been little heard of it , bul yesterday the famous vehicle again ap peared before the public. It was sold or an oxeoution and sold under the ham raer , the ownership having some timi ago passed out of Vaughan's hands. Tin famous carriage brought at auction r trillo over $20. At last reports it wai standing near a blacksmith shop on uppei Broadway , there being some doub whether it was worth hauling oil' . Trouble In the Churob. The colored folks of this city seem t < behaving many dillieultios in establish ing and maintaining a place of worship Their loc-al churi-h history has beei fraught with incidents showing them t < bo long on rows and short on harmony Lately a new colored apostle has ap peared here , Rev. Joseph Mills , and h < has been attempting to organize i church. Ho has secured a carpontci shop on North Main street , and has go soue chairs and lamps , with other nee essarics for holding meetings. Now soim of the colored Christians begin a how that ho is a fraud , that bo is taking u | collections for bis own use. and that hi has uo license to preach. The reverent gentleman called at the BEE olllco yea terday , and showed a license dated a Marshalltown , la. , Juno 13 , 1834. He also showed the following receipt : COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. , Juno 18.1837. Received of Joseph Mijls One Hundroi dollars , li being in consideration of th sale of my carpenter shop , situated 01 Main street , city of Council Hlutfs. J. C. FITTS. The reverend gentleman says ho ha boon paying money out of bis owi -pocket. Instead of collecting money fo himself , and he feo.ls irro ! > eii a ( tin [ treuttaent'he it receiving from those o his own race , for whom he is trying to do a good work. He liar gathered a little baud of thirteen Methodists and two Baptists , and the minority being so small ho will probably maku u Methodist church out of it. Miss Ilnti'hor'H lieneflt. This evening is to be the entertain ment tendered as a benefit to Miss Nellie Hatchor. An excellent programme has been arranged. The Fifth regiment band will take part. The Misses Mcrkol and Miss Ida Tostovm will sing , rrank Ba- dollet will give a llute solo. Mr. Brooks , the violiui't , and Miss Bebbington , on the piano , will give a duet. Miss Hatcher will give several readings and recita tions , and she is of herself capable of furnishing a full and enjoyable pro gramme. With the assistance of the others named the evening will bo ono of the most entertaining announced tills season. The Union Depot. The directors ( if the Union Donot and Railway company are requested to meet at the ofllro of Odell Bros. & Co. Friday evening , Juno 21 , 1887 , at 8 p. m. sharp. H. H. Merriam , president. Personal l'nrairnl > 'iq' ' President Brooks , of Tabor college , was hero yesterday. A. Kaufman , of Seymour , la. , was at the Pacific yesterday. Mrs. J. M. Ourslor and mother left yes terday for Denver , to be absent some wcek.s. J. K. Graves , of Dubuque , returned hero yesterday to look after the Manawa railway busincsx. Mrs. T. F. Thickstun has gone to Chicago cage to spund the summer with her daughter , Mrs. DeKay. Mrs. H. Hodgson and daughter Lottie , of Davenport , and Mrs. N. Hodgson , of Avoea , are in the city , guests of Mrs. J. G. Tipton. G. \ \ . Duncan , who was in the grocery business here , is now located in Portland , Ore. , and reports that he is well satisfied with his now home. J. R. Carrothors has resigned his posi tion as bookkeeper for Van Brunt tie Co. in order to accent a position as teacher in the Western Iowa college. W. M. Drew , of Diihith , arrived here yesterday morning He is a brother of Mrs. Ycnawmc , whoso condition is quite dangerous. She has been unconscious for several days , and there seems faint hope for her recovery. T. S. Couch , of the Rock Island , has returned from Minneapolis , where he has been attending a mooting of the master car builders of the United States. Ho nKo indulged in enough fishing to bo able to swap stories with the boys on his return. It is a cause for congratulation that Mr. H. J. Chambers has decided to lo cate permanently in this city. He has secured an ollico in Everett's blocK and will enter on the active practice of the law. Ho has a head and a heart , and with his many friends and varied expe rience will doubtless have a long list of clients. Odoll Bros , yesterday received news from their partner , C. E. Friedman , that his health is not improving so rapidly as ho expected. Ho is visiting his old home in the east , rciting and recreating , in company with his family , but is not gain ing , as was honed ho would. It well wishing on the part of his many friends hero will give him vigor ho will bo as robust a man as there is between the two oceans. ' On Saturday afternoon , July 3 , at 2:30 : o'clock , the owners of Lakcviow addition will put on sale at auction one hundred lots. This beautiful addition lies between W ray's and Mark's landing overlooking Lake Manawa. It is on the now motor line , on the best drive to the lake , and only two miles from the postoUicc. These lo's will doubtless sell like hot cakes. NEW ORLEANS CEMETRIES. Description of Tliouc Grnvoynrtla AlioTO Ground Queer Tombs. It is on a March day , soft and balmy as a day in early summer a day when the odor of roses and lilies , of sweet violets lets and jessamine , of sweet honeystnklo and chinaberry blossoms mingle and float in cxnuisilo harmony of fragrance over the whole of this quaint garden city that wo start for a visit to the tombs. Ghastly places they must bo , for they are all above ground , like ovens of masonry , and they are slimy and sickening to the sight so our idea is. But wo must see them from a sense of the duty of tourists , and because there is a fascination in their ugliness as wo picture it. "Howwill we get into the cemotrics ? " we ask the friend who has pointed out the car that will take us to three of the most noteil. _ "The gates are always open ; there will bo no trouble about entering. " The car starts ; she bows and trips down the street a dear little lady in widow's dress to her work in : vgroat olllcp , while we spin along on our holiday jaunt to the place of the dead. A white wall , gnarled oaks , with their sad funeral moss , glossy magnolia trees , with white buds scarcely showing in their tight culyx-wrappings of green that is our first outside view of the cemetery. Then , through the open gate wo walk into a place , level , green , mound- less. It is ono of the older cembtories ; an avenue of superb oaks conducts through its center. The spectral moss rocks back and forth across the shadowy way. It has no rustle , no sound. It sccras a symbol of an old yet unforget- tinggriofj a sign of a sorrow for the dead after it has subsided from tears and sobs ; when silent , clinging , shadowyand soft , it veils the world with a voiceless melancholy , like this strange twilight of filmy gray , unreal , enveloping stemlcss , verdureless , drooping above the tombs from year to year , never decaying , never budding , hanging between heaven and earth , rootless' living , yet dead. On the tombs in this cemetery are carved the old French names , with crosses or crests ; and on projecting hooks fastened in the cement ot the wall hang remembrances so ugly that even loving sentiment can not make them other than desecrations to the eye ; these skeleton wreaths ol black wire , wire-strung beads that shine with a mockery of mourning , or those chalky white ones that seem hko clowiu in a tragedy. How grotesque appears humanity's expression of deepest feeling beside the gray moss that mourns over head and bright roses that smile from belowl where sweet nature's sympathy and consolation minglu in this place 6 : bereavement , so tenderly , so tastefully Out of this old cemetery wo go to f neighboring ono , dazzling as this ono i : somber. Here the moss , and the beads and the foreign names serve to make one feel out of this worldin a lonesome plac < apart from one's own. But in the neigh boring spot death is beautiful , joyous- never a cemetery that scorned so brilliant so clean , so clear. There is no sign o the ancient oak ; all the trees are glossy of leaf and perfumed magnolias tha nutlo and shineand break out anon inti fairest and widest of ( lowers. The gras is not wrinkled with graves ; it is smootl and clean , stretching out into the sun shine without llower or hoadstono. Thi walks are wide , woodless , formed u finely pulverized white shells. Alan ; these white roads , Hko dwellings along ; street , are the family tombs , entire1 ! above ground , each separate , in its owi unfenced yard of green. The tombs ar eight to ton foot apart , and six or nigh from the cdgo of the road , each ai | proachcd from the roadway by a narrov marble footwalk. They are of whit marble , and shaped like small dwellings Tl.ioy are two or three stories In tinight- tbat is , about ten or twelve feet , and pro portioned neatl.y , tiio roof , of marble , Is urrcttcd , gotlnu , domed , or pagoda Imped. Tim cllcct of the o marble houses , lose on cither cli'e ' the avenue , with the ittle spaces of green between them and hn wide unbroken back of them , the ombs following the curves of the road. Hid leaving in ono sheet the level ground letwccn , give tin order and a sense of breathing space such as our own grave yards can never have. The marble doors of the palaces of th % dead shut witli a lining loe.k and bear the names of the lead within. In the little dooryards arc Uways flowers of the choicest kinds , so hat the white road , accentuated by the diite structures at a uniform distance lack from it , is so bordered along its dgo by these adjoining flower plants as o make a continuous parterre of color ho only relief in the white and green of lie largo cemetery grounds. There are 10 flowers anywhere else. The cllcct is xquisite the ell'cct produced by sop- rately massing colors ; the curving road , vlilte as untrodden snow , the long lines of brilliant flowers on cither side , edged > y the wide rows of glistening marble ombs , backed by the green grass anil cattcring trees , which make the center of the place a park-like expanse. In another cemetery , a little moro tan- 'led than this , and a little less somber hail the other , I was attracted by an im- nenso pyramid-shaped structure of rough ; rauite blocks , some twelve or fifteen feet quaro at its base. It was of unusual size , hape , and color , and stood near the en- ranco portal. I remember that the in- criptiou commemorated the virtues of a lead wife , and depicted the longing of he living consort ; it stated how long they lad lived together , that they had no child , and were alltlie world to ono another hat the bereaved husband was the last of his race and family , and this tomb hold nil that was precious to his heart. _ In wandering about through the beau- iful cemetery whciothe imposing sopul- her stood , < ve came upon ono little by- yay that had been newly covered with iny shells , unbroken , and pink as the oft flush on a baby's cheek. Not a foot lad marred the surface , and it seemed xlmost as if covered with pink rose petals. ) n either side the little shell walk were ea-roso-busjics. I suppose thousands of oses were just bursting into bloom , and ho fragrance was most entrancing , wwcrful , yet inexpressibly delicate. 1 Ifted one rose after another , they were 0 beautiful and they were so many , 1 ought to have a few of them. There was 1 placard at the gate requesting visitors o lot the flowers alone , but there was no ustodian , apparently , and we had not met a person in the grounds ; there were leither workmen nor mourners around , nd the profusion of roses was prodigal. Vigor and Vitality Are quickly given to every part of the ) ody by Hood's S.irsaparilla. That tired ecltng is entirely overcome. The blood s purified , enriched and vitali/.ed , and arries health instead of disease ! to every oigan. The stomach is toned and itrcngthoned , the-appelito - restored. The cidnoys and liver arc roused and invig orated. The brain is refreshed , the mind made clear and reauy for work. Try it. Governor Algcr tells a story about outhern California , over the remarkable growth of which he is enthusiastic. "The iiitiro country , " said the governor , 'scorns to be staked out in town lots , and he prices procured for these lots are omoth'iiig fabulous as compared with ho sums for which the lauu was origin- illy purchased. There are lots enough staked out in southern California to pro vide for the entire population of the city of New York apportioned at the rate of three persons to the lot. It would take uoro than the combined capital of all .ho banks of Now York to buy up these ots. They have a story out there about .umber which illustrates the cra/.c. It is said that a gentleman went to a lumber lealer and desired to buy enough lumber to build a house. lie was looked upon with compassion by the dealer , who said : o him that lucre was no lumber for salo. When he asked for an explanation the lealer replied to him , as if ho had com passion for his ignorance , that "the lum- jcr was all sold for stakcsfor town lots. " 5TJACOBS For Strains , Sprains and Bruises. 10 JOHN TEEMER , Champion Oarsman of America. "I have found bt. Jncobs. Oil of inestim able value. " MR. J. C. COPELAND , Editor Aitttra- lian CyclM , Bjdncy , N. S. W. "My trlcj clc journey of 1HOO mllwi would nut ha\e been completed without H. Jacobs Oil. " MR. WM. BEACH. World's Champion Oarsman , Uoyal Hotel , Iljdc. "bt. Jacobs Oil cures stiffness , cramps nnd muscular pains In training. " t _ _ C APT. PAUL HOYTON , the world- rcnowncd Swimmer. "I douot K'cliow I could get along with out St. Jacobs Oil. " MR. JOHN ROLFE , Champion Bicy- clM , hi LI\eriMol HI .Sydney , N. 8.V. . "After riding I , ( MI milesuHfiihttimifct. ( Jacobs Oil removed all fatigue aud pain. " MR. E. F. PAINTER , London Ath letic Club. " St. Jacob Oil cured me of a sprained tendon. " EmVAKD IIANLAN.Champion Oars- innu. " For muscular pains I have found St. Jacobs Oil inMiluablo. " ALL BASE BALL CLUBS , individ ually and ciillectltely : Use St. Jacobs Oil for sprains , strains and bruUes. . . . ALL ASSOCIATIONS of Field Sports. Turf , Water and Komi , use St. Jacobs Oil for epralns , strains and bruUcs. Every application gives relief ; every bottle cent na n euro ; cery bottly tc > icd ns to qunl- tty ; i very genuine bottle bears the lirin'n fue- clmllc signature ! e\ery home In America know b Its \ alue ; every spoken language knows Itan ne , eery journal praises It , e > eiy dialer Vnrms its mtrluuirrery chemist finds It perfect. Sold by llruggftW and Dealers. I'rlio tlfty cent ! per bottle. lUa Charles A. Vogcler Co. , Baltimore. Md. , C. B. , ALLEN , EngineerSunreiQrMapPubUsher , , Over Are , 12 North Main St. City and county mips , of cities and counties ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL ; J THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS 1 Uu a , 1'ad different from all othera , U cup ihape. with Self. adJmtW Balllncenter.adanu &Sttu.W. as2 VfiBffW.W.k.pWS - am nnSten-fSl W ' 1&8<f8SX 8S & ? ' AS BRIGHT'S ' DISEASE , DROPS1 l Diabetes ire Cured b ] the Isabel Mineral Spring Walt Dcathi from them arciacrlllcei. Dlicharirej , itrlc turet. proitate glund. rarlcocelc. bladder an chranloillivRieiCauie them and mutt bo cured b the A tr > el Medical UureuuKuropeaiiand America poclall t phytlclun'i locaUnd Internal porfflctreir cdlPnortlieaiKTerori aroloit. Old phjrilciun'i adrici and book. wltb. particular , and cure , free at 2U1 Broatlway.New York. INSTALMENT DEALERS Will flndjiutwliat they need A FULL LINK . OF INSTALMKNTGOODS oia only to , iDelNSTALMCNTTRADE , braddreMlng . . iMSTALMJtMr Tfiil 1M mVXtLY . Co. yvl , i * rle. Ffc ' SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , such M Lost , Found loLonn.I'or Sato , To Kent , Wnntd , Ilonnllnir , etc. , will bo In sorted In thli column nt tlio loir rtteofTENCKNTSl'KULl.NE forth flrit lu er- onnncl i-'lvoContsrcrUnofoveach subioquonl niortlon. LVATO itdrcrllsomonta nt our offlc * la U 1'curl iticvt , no.ir UroaJway , Council Uluffi. WANTS. WANTKD A wnlter nt l.oulo A. Metzscr's , 626 and 627 llroadnny. OH SALE The ontlro furniture , bar roo.n Mid kltchon utciinlla of thu St. .outs liotiso. iniilro : ( ] of Jacob Ncumnjcr , ' { ouinnjrvr'fi hotel , Couucll Illutl * . THOU HKNT Conl shcdi , ofllco mid ecaleB , one -.1 nvc-rooin house. (1. Mnyiio , Kill Ctli nve. WANTED A Rood cook and if III for voticiiil housework In a finnlly of four. Mrs. Thomas Ulllcor , No. 6.1.1 Willow avonuo. Foil BALK-Or Trade-Six sections of ( rood land In Lincoln roiintr. Noli. , on U. P. rnllwnjr. Cull on or nddrvsi Udell llros. & Co , , OT 1'oiul st. . Council IIUHT * . WANTED A Rood ( tlrl for ( ronnral house work. Ajipljr nt 70J Sixth avenue. LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , TortoiseShcll etc.Hair 0 naincnts , as well as tlio newest noy Celtics In hair goods. Hair poods nmdeto order Mrs. C. IM. Gillette 20 Mnin St. , Council Bluffs , Town. Out of town work solicited , nud all mail orders promptly attended to. CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , -AND- FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JVO. 23 MAIX ST. , COUNCIL KLVFFS , IA : Star Sale Stabfes and Mute Yards Broadway , Council Dluffa , Opp. Dummy Depot s Hordes and mules kept constantlyon hand , for sale at retail or in car load Orders promptly tilled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SIILUTRR & HOLEY , Proprietors. Telephone No. 11 Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables , corner 1st. avo. and 4th st BEST LIGHT LIYERY I3ST The finest of driving horses always on hand and for sale by MASE WISE. Has a complete line of f i 1 l I'll * Largo lints lu white , black and nil colors. Pat tern bonnets , hats and toques , a specialty. No 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. REAL ESTATE , Vncmt Lots , Lands , City Residences and Farms. Acre property In western port of city. All soiling cheap to make room for sprint ; stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , lioom 6 , over Officer ft Fuicy's Dank , Cou Bluffs. Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , ' OFFICES : No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. 33 Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 93. N. scjimiz , Justice of the Peace. OUlceivdc American Kxpress. OHN r. 8TOHK. JACOB 81UI STONE & S/MS , Attorneys at Law , ctice in the State and Federa 1 Courtt Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block. CoUNCILlil.UKFS. OFFICER < e fUHF.Y , Council BlufTs.Iowa. Established 1857. _ E. S. BAJltfETT , Justice ot the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Blufft. Refer * to any bank ot butlncBS house in the , : , clly , Collections a specialty , ' SPECIAL SALE DURING- THIS WEEK , AT Eiseman's Peoples' Store , IN WASH DRESS GOODS. The largest department in the west will bo opened to thn nubile , this week , with thousands of the greatest bargains over oll'ered. Lawns , Seersuckers , Sateens , Batistes , India Linens , Victoria Lawns Mulls. Nainsooks , India Mulls , and every other known inako of Summer Wash Goods will Us in this great sale at prices way below any lormcr quotation. All of our summer stocK must be closed out during this and next month to make room for the coming season's goods. Lace Embroideries. White Goods , Kuchings , Tuckings , Mu lin Underwear J Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Gau/.o , Halbriggan and Silk Underwear , Hosiery dlovcs and Mitts , Corsets , Linen Collars and Culls , Chemisettes and mu goods to bo sold during this great sale regardless of cost or''vu"hic7 FANS AND PARASOLS AT HALF PRICE DURING THIS GREAT SALE. Liberal Reduction on Domestics and Linens at this Special Sale. Come to ( lie People' * Store and see what we ran do for you. Men' * Fiirnlxliliig Guodtt , Men's Hosiery , lUeu'a Underwear , Men's Suspenders Men's Mght Shirts Men's Handkerchiefs. Men's I > rc * Shirts , Men's Summer Coats , Men's Fancy Percale Slilrln , Men's Summer Coals and Vests , men' * Working Skirt * , Men's Hats and Caps , Ken's Flniuiel Shirt * , Men ! * Boots and Shoes , Men's Unlaiindricd Shirts , All To Be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices During sj This Week's ' Special Sale ! Bargains in our Cloak and Suit Department During This Week. Ladle's Wraps , Ladles' Jackets , Ladles' Jerseys , Ladles' Slmu'ls Ladles' Calico , Sateen , Lawn , India Linen and Gingham Wraps , elegantly trimmed with fine Embroideries and Laces at greatly reduced prices at this week's salo. New sample line of Wash Suits , made up , to be closed out at half price during the week. Come and see us and do not delay as these goods are selling at thcso reduced prices ; come in time and get the lirst selection. Henry Eiseman & Co. , 314,316,318 , , and 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . IOWA. Mail Orders receive prompt attention , > o. J- . Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Binds Office , Masoiile Temple. Omaha Office , \o 111 North 10th street. Particular attention ijiveii to In venting 1'iindt for lion resi dents. Spcelal bargains in lots & aero property In Omaha & Conu- ell Blun's. Correspondence solic ited. BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL , Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE BOOMS cxnd ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Regular : : Boarders : : Reduced : : Rates. GARDEN HOSE , team , Gas and Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa trail Orders tihlpped Vj n p tly.