Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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TTTIMS or nuiucrurriox :
Tinnr ( Mornl.iv Udltlon ) IncludingHundar
I tr , Onn Vitnr . . . $10 M
ForSIt Montln . , . 6 ( 1
1'orThrnn Months . . ' , , . SCO
'lio Oinntia HumlnjOKI ! , innllod to nay
n , Ono Year. . . . SCO
rwiu ftrnrr. ! fo. ! > n JIKB in FAIWAM Srnirr.
Nrw VOHK Orricr. Know fA. TIUIIUNR lltTll.niso.
WAIIUINU i OH owe * . M > . M3FouiiTKEXTHSiKS T.
Alt communication1 ! relntlngto news ( indcdl-
torliil nmttnr nhould bo joJ to the Kin-
Ton Or TUB llKK.
All bti'lurM lott r nnrt rnralltancei should bo
OMAHA , nt-iifta , chocks Mid po lnffin ; orders
to bo mtulo payable to the ordcrof tUu company ,
1 . nOSEWATRR. Kmron.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
State of Nebraska. I . .
County of Douidas. f Bi "
( U-o. U. TzschucK , socretnrv of The Boo
Publishing company , does solemnly sweur
that tliu nctiml circulation of thn Dally lice
for tlio week ending Junu 17 , 1837 , was oa
follows :
Baturday..Jnnp 11 . K2V )
( Sunday , Juno 13 . 11'JOO
M outlay. ' uno in . l-Ui.5 !
Tuesday , Juno 14 . 14oin
woilnnsUny , June 15 . . . . . .lu.uv )
I'litindny , JnnnlO . 14,051) )
tfrldny.Juno 17 . 14,02. .
Averaeo . 14.101
Subscribed and sworn to bcfoio me this
tOthday of Juno,18S7.
N. P. FEU , ,
fSEAI , . ! Notary I'ublle.
Oeo. II. Tzschnck , bolnp first duly nworn ,
depoini and snjs that ho Is secretary of Thn
Jico Publishing company , that the actual
avcrniro dally circulation of the Dally Kce for
the month of tor June. IbSO , 12.293
rouies ; lor July , 18SC , 12,314 copies ;
for August. 1886 , 18-lM copies : for Septem-
Imr , VM , 13,030 copies ; for October , 1KSO ,
33 , J9 copies ; for November. 1888 , lJwa ! :
copies ; for December. 188(5. ( ijiT7 ; ! copies ; for
January 18b7 , 10,80(5 ( copies ; for February.
18S7 , 14.19S copies ; for March. 1837 , 14.400
copies ; for April , 1837 , 14,810 copies ; for May ,
IfrfT , 14,337 copies.
OKO. B. TzscnucK.
Subdcrlbodand sworn to before me thla 4th
day of June A. I ) . , 1887.
ISBAUI N. P. KJT.IL. Notary Public.
Two Now Jersey doctors have been in
dicted for manslaughter. This is the
proper way to weed out quaoka.
THE Now York IfcrnM nominates for
president the. Uov. Dr. Ourchard. The
Herald's crop of chestnuts for this year
Is largo.
JOHN II. BUTLEU has at last caught on
to an office. He failed to connect as
chief of police , but he is once moro on
deck as sergcant-at-arms of the conncil.
U'his is an olllco nobody will contest with
Tun Omaha & Yankton railroad com
pany has filed articles of Incorporation ,
mid it is probable that Omaha will be
connected with Dakota's capital "before
snow flies , " unless the projectors arc
Wroly trying to raise the wind.
IT is predicted that the Indians in the
northwest are likely to give the natives
trouble this summer. If thirty Apache ! )
engage the whole United States army
Jiow many Blackfeot or Crow Indiana
would it take to subdue a dozen cow
boys !
A SYNDICATE of Chicago capitalists is
buying up the bibles and prayer books of
tlila country. When this sacred literature
Is cornered by a soulless corporation the
boost of America that salvation is free in
this country will bo a delusion and a
WHEN a Kansas City policeman is shot ,
the mayor odors a reward of $500 for the
murderer. When a citizen is shot and
fobbed in that city no reward is oflored.
iho policeman ii at the mercy of the
highwayraiVh , while a citizen has no busi
ness to bo on the streets ,
The Atlanta Constitution denies the re
port that there is to bo a negro exodus
from the south. Even if there was , the
election returns would be just the same ,
nnd consequently the southern papers
need not worry if the colored man
chooses to find a moro desirable homo.
JULY FIRST is Temperance day at the
Chautauqua assembly at Crete. The
president of the Nebraska W. C. T. U ,
pas asked that all who can attend should
bo present. George W. Bain will deliver
the annual address on that day. It is to
bo regretted that Tomperanoo day and
the clam bake did not come together.
THK railways of the northwest show a
substantial increase in earnings during
the past three months compared with the
eamu period in ' 80. This is all becansi
of the workings of the later-state law ,
which , as predicted by eminent railway
managers , was bound to bring disaster
and ruin upon theoutire railroad system
TriK yellow fever at Key West is more
Virulent than at any time this year , and
the citizens of thu Gulf states are becom
ing alarmed. The sanlnitttry measures
In Now Orleans , Memphis , Vickburg
nnd other cities scourged by this fata !
disease In ' 70 , are much better than be
fore , and there Is little cause for soriou-
SINCK the last train robbery in Toxai
timid eastern papers are advising railroac
companies to arm and drill their ruon , st
that in case of emergency they couli
protect uassongors from the highway
men. For our part wo cannot conceive
the dllTerouco whether the passengers are
hold up by masked road agents or agent
regularly employed by the company.
A LINCOLN paper claims that Un col
pays half as much state tax as Omahr
but she doesn't howl about It. In th
first place Lincoln doesn't pay half i\
much tax as Omaha , and in the eccon
place those who have been at Lincoli
during sessions of the legislature an
heard Lincoln howl for Appropriation
for Htato institutions will know the Lin
coin paper is mistaken.
The board of public works are to b
commended for promptly dismissing it
pector Delaney , who had accepted lor.u
and other favors from sewer contractori
iVhenan inspector borrows money or accepts
copts gifts from a contractor , ho natural
Jy become * very Indifferent about hnldln
the cnutrnotor to the strict pcrformanc
of his contrxot obligations. The boar
cannot be too watchful and strict bou
ths conduct of Inspectors of public work *
Honest and corapntaut Inspectors * > re th
principal safeguard gtinit
The I'Aclflc Hallway InvoittRatlon.
The commission created by an act of
congress with a view of obtaining full
information about the llnanclal condition
of the bond subsidized Pacific railroads ,
nnd tholr methods of doing business , Is
now in session in this city. When
this commission was appointed grave
doubts wcro entertained as to Its ability
to add anything of vital moment to the
volume of Information that had already
been collected from thiio to time by con
gressional committees , the national rail
road bureau and the federal courts.
While the Crcdit-Mobiler investiga
tion nnd later Inquiries into the
mysteries of I'acldo railroad manage
ment wore exhaustive in certain direc
tions , no commission , committee or
court , up to this time , has shown a dis
position to carry Its searching inquiry
Into Union Pacillc headquarters. Sena
tor Cullom's inter-state committee ,
which made a pretense of invcstlgat ing
into railway discriminations in this city
lost summer'was content to allow Trattlo
Manager Kimball , the most unscrupu
lous compiler of fictitious railroad sta
tistics , answer its Inquiries with a care
fully prepared and ingeniously worded
type-written statement which was em
bodied In its report as Mr. Kimbali's
testimony , This so-called testimony
which was flatly contradicted by the
comnany way bills and Indisputable
proof obtainable through patrons who
had cither been favored or discriminated
against , was accepted by Mr. Cullom as
gospel truth.
The Pacific railway commission ap
pears to be made up of difTorcnt material.
The manner m which its members are
conducting their inquiry affords gratify
ing proof that for once there is to bo no
sham investigation. The tactics by
which the managers of the Union Pacific
have been able to smother nnd
cover the tracks of the rogues
who have systematically plundered the
stock-holders , robbed and impoverished
patrons nnd localities , onrichoil th'oir si
lent partners and domlnatod over the
people by high-handed favoritism and
corrupt political machinations , have
utterly failed with this commission. The
two days' session in Omaha shows that
it means business and its members can
not bo trilled with.
The disclosures which have already
boon made , afford ( ho most conclusive
proof that the managers have utterly ig
nored the state law , which for
bids rebates and discriminations for
or against shippers. It shows that the
road has boon operated for the benefit of
inside rings and syndicates in which the
ofliccrs and directors have held largo
blocks of stock. And yet these facts have
only been drawn out by compulsion ,
while the most stupendous frauds upon
the company and government are still to
bo revealed.
Oil Replacing Coal.
The recent sncccssf nl experiment of the
Pennsylvania railroad in running a train
from Altoona to Pittsburg with petroleum
as funl instead of coal , has attracted at
tention as probably foreshadowing a
most important departure in the matter
of supplying power to locomotives in this
country. The oil was carried in the
tender , and only about twelve barrels
were used in traveling the 110 miles.
There was not the slightest diillculty ex
perienced from the substitution of oil for
coal. It it very likely that the success of
this experiment will lead to a gradually
extended use of oil for this purpose , the
wonder being that it has not before boon
thus employed , at least iu the state of
which petroleum is so large a product.
It scorns that this successful
experiment cannot be regarded
as a discovery , an example having boon
not in Russia , on the railroads m the re
gion between the Black and Caspian
seas , as long ajo as 1881. Later oil re
siduum was used in locomotives on the
Transcaucaslan and Transcaspian rail
ways , as well as in the furuacuiof steamboats -
boats on the Caspian sea and on the
Volga river. On the railways of Sweden ,
on the roads between Alexandria and
Cairo , Moscow and Teheran , Mow and
liatoum , oil has been almost wholly used
in place of coal for & year or two past.
It has been successfully employed with
great economical advantages on the ferry
steamers of the Central Pacific railroad
at San Francisco , and the record every
where Is that it effects a great saving as
compared with coal. In view of the suc
cess that has attended its use as a fuel
for motor engines , its economy , and other
advantages , it Is a little singular
that its application to this pnrposo had
not become moro general in this country ,
und that in this particular we should bo
eo far behind Europe. Now , however
that the Pennsylvania road has taken the
Initiative , with entirely satisfactory re
suits , it may bo expected that it will
speedily find numerous imitators.
With natural gas supplanting coal as i
factory fuel , and petroleum replacing 1
in running locomotives and steamships ,
the coal industry would socin to be
threatened with sorlout deterioration.
But every stop in the progress of discov
cry and achievement calls for something
moro to moot the endless necessities oi
man , the active competitions of the age ,
nnd the economies toward which all thi
efforts of soiouca nro directed. I
must not bo assumed , therefore ,
that the demand for coal wil
cease bccattso it may ultimately bo ni
longer required for purposes it now sup
plies. It has been demonstrated that tin
manufacture of cheap fuel gaa from coa
is feasible , and it la only a question o
time when all over the country , outside
of natural gas territory , this cheap gas
will bo produced for manufacturing and
domestic purposes , for both fuel am
light. The economy of its use will mak <
it available to hundreds of communltio !
to which gas for any purpose is now tin
known , and thus a new necessity wll
have boon created that wilt raakn at
added demand upon the moans necessary
to supply it. In the discovery of nev
forces and aids to material progress uom
of the bounties of nature will be aban
doncd or rendered loss valuable , bu
rather utilized to bettor and wider ad
Bojr | and Tobacco ,
The Illinois legislature passed a law
making it illegal to soil to children uudei
tii.xleon years of ago , cigars , cigarettes 01
tobacco In any of 1U forms. Commenl
upon this law In found in many papers ,
nil unanimous in its endowment. The
siuno law , only moro severe la its re
strictions and penalties , oxUts iu No
hrtMfcv Practically it is a dead latter
Not one in Ave hundred dealers regard
it. Th * smallest boy In moil any town ,
f ho possesses a sufficient amount of the
circulating medium , can purchase cigars ,
cigarettes or tobacco. The child who
cannot see over the counter Is accommo-
latcil by attractive signs In the windows ,
of villainous pictures obscene and vul
gar. The child's money U regarded as
.jood ns any , and conscience or legal or
noral right cuts no figure. It may bo
that the Illinois law will bo enforced ,
nnd offenders fined ns prescribed , yet
t is a safe prediction that In any to
bacco store in Chicago to-day , and a
Tear from to-llay , will bo found es
pecially poisoned and "doctored" and
prepared packages of the vllo and Inju
rious cigarette for "children's use. "
And. there will bo boys and girls to
mnoko thorn nnd men ready and eager to
The habit of smoking Is injurious to
children , no matter how fine tlio tobacco
out of which they are manufactured.
Hut tlio deadly drugs and cigar slump
picked by scavengers from the filth and
dirt of-tho streets and manufactured into
the clpurcttc result seriously to
young smokers. The miserable mixture
dwarfs the mind , impedes growth and
development of the body , weakens the
lungs and in other ways results badly to
the youth of the country using it. The
abominable practice is growing , and
growing rapidly. The law can hardly meet
the requirements. Every parent imagines
"his boy is best , " and would deny and
insist that ho did not smoke , though a
hundred hoighbors would boar witness
that ho did. Unfortunately there is no
one else to complain , and the sale and
consumption of the filthy und deadly
articles goes on and on. Kvon if the boy
could not secure themt there are always
man low enough and little enough to sco
that ho is supplied , if he lias the money.
nn Example.
Just now , when England's queen Is re
ceiving tlio compliments and gifts of the
nations , , and Urittania's glory is being
proclaimed in prose and song , it may bo
well to remember that there is a dark
side to the picture , and that behind the
splendors of royally and the glitter of an
arrogant aristocracy stalks a vast army
of the most wretched people to bo found
in any enlightened and prosperous nation
of the earth. This reflection Is sug
gested by the remarks of Canon Wilbor-
foroo at Checkering hall , Now York , a
few days ago. in which he said the pros
perity of England is at the cost of the
degradation of the masses. The contra
idea of the canon's address was that the
English people , moro than those of any
other country , are the slaves of drink , and
that the aristocracy men in parlia
ment and in the government wore thriv
ing upon this slavery. The evidence of
statistics shows that the charge against
the English people is warranted , and the
distinguished preacher is sutlicieut
authority for the rost.
iiut it is not this solely that accounts
for the extent of popular degradation in
England. The system upon which its
ruling class Is founded and perpetuated
is in no small measure responsible , while
the bold immoralities of that class are a
demoralizing example to the masses. As
this system bocomcs weaker and it has
grown so rapidly within a few years ,
and the government gets nearer to the
governed , there is a steady elevation of
the people in character and aspira
tions. All the pomp and circuin
stances of this jubilee week ,
with its royal pageants and entertain
ments , is really a stimulus to that popu
lar displeasure and discontent which are
the incentives to dissipation. The help
less thousands who swarm London
might very easily see in it a mockery of
their misery nnd a tax on their poverty.
The masses of thn English people , while
it may bo true that they enjoy a suf
ficient degree of personal liberty , can
find no encouragement in their govern
mental system , managed as it is in largo
part by an instructed aristocracy that
makes concessions only as it cannot help
making them. But the situation is not
hopeless. There has been progress , and
there will be more. The people will yet
have undivided rule in England , and
then there will bo better chance for the
moral regeneration of the masses which
reformers like Wilborforco arc seeking.
IMpo Ijinc.
Chicago has for uorao time ooon strug
gling hard to keep np appearances of
progress. Wo noted some time ago the
acknowledgment of one of its most trust
worthy newspaper * that "for rent" signs
were to be seen on every hana , with the
further confession that capital seeking
investment in real estate was giving the
lake city the go-by and being placed fur
ther west. We haye also noted that in
order to give Chicago a chance to make a
showing in the next census of a largo
increase of population the legislature
had passed an not under which the ab
sorption of outlying towns will bo rend
ered comparatively easy. Efforts are
now making to induce these towns to
come in , There is still another ray of
hope for Chicago. She may got a
supply of natural gas. It will not bo a
very largo supply , but as an addition to
the other agencies for helping
to restore animation to the over
grown city it is not to bo
despised. The gas well developed some
tiuio ngo atFairmount , Ind. , and which is
ono of the largest of the great wells in
the country , will bo the source of supply ,
the capital for the enterprise being fur
nished by a company ot Buffalo capital
ists. It will not bo a very great acquisi
tion , this gas from a single well pined
many miles , nor will it bo a very relia
ble one , but Chicago has reached
the point when anything , however small ,
that may contribute to a boom , is wel
come. Wo congratulate that city on the
promise. Oraahu is moving right along
without the need of any such auxiliary
aids to her progroas , with a great destiny
assured , and can well afford to encourage
the hopes and oipirntions of its less
favored Bister city.
Narrow Gungod.
The managers of the Omaha fair are
altogether too narrow guagcd m their
ideas of what should and can bo done to
make the proposed exposition something
inoro than a mere district exhibit with a
horse racing appendage. Omaha is fa
vorably located for nn inter-state expo
sition ,
The state fair at Lincoln will hereafter ,
as heretofore , fill the demand fur a grand
display of pumpkins , cabbages , wind
milla , fat pig * , crazy quilts and poultry.
An inter-state exposition , embracing the
agricultural , mineral und industrial
products of Nebraska , Wyoming , south-
era DakoU , northern Missouri ,
western lown and northern Kansas ,
would nflbrd a broad.field ' ( or'enterprise '
and attract thousands of people , not
only from the region whoso pro
ducts would bo on exhibition , but
from every section of the country. If
it is not too late In the season , the
managers of the Omaha fair should enlarge -
largo their programme and Improvise an
exposition worthy of the name. Drawing
n few thousand sporting people to Omaha
to witness the horse races may till their
ideal of an exposition , but it docs not
meet the wants of the enterprising citi
zens who have contributed to the Omaha
fair nnd exposition funds.
the clilnr.
Viewed from a business standpoint the
appointment of a sergeant-nt-arms by
the council is unobjectionable. There
is no necessity for detailing the chief of
police nnd an olllccr from their regular
duties to wait upon tlio council. Every
member of the small force nt the dis
posal of Iho chief of police should be on
his proper beat nnd the chief himself
should bo In condition at all times to
respond to calls or act promptly in emer
gencies which are liable to arise any
We take it , however , that the new de
parture was not designed as tin economic
move , but intended us a snub to the chief
of police. This is play and will servo no
good purpose. The chief is accotiu table
only to the police commission. He has
no duty to perform in the council cham
ber unless called on to make nn arrest ,
nnd in that case ho can order any police
olllccr to net. If the council really bo-
licves that Seavoy is not chief of police ,
but merely personating that officer with
out legal authority , they should have
taken another method of testing his title
than by a childish attempt to snub him.
THK somewhat fulsome , yet in the
whole , cleverly constructed letter of Pres
ident Cleveland to Queen Victoria , is
very likely not to bo entirely pleasing tea
a considerable clement upon which the
democratic party In New York very
largely depend. There will undoubtedly
bo objection to the wiah that the quoou'rf
reign may be prolonged , so far as the
president assumes te reflect the general
voice of his countrymen , nnd there will
be some reasons for such objection.
Americans who feel any concern in the
matter , and perhaps very few do , would
not give their voice in support of the
reign of any monarch , even ns a matter
of courtcsv. An American who honors
the institutions of his own country can
not consistently wish the continuance of
a political system that has nothing in
common with those Institutions. It was
proper enough to congratulate the queen
nnd to wish her more years of life and all
the happiness she can derive from them ,
but it was overslvalntng courtesy for the
aresident of the American republic to
wish a prolongationof her reign as the
general voice of tUis ; republican nation.
THE extent to which such speculation
as the Chicago wheat deal effects the en
tire business system , of the country maybe
bo understood from the favorable condi
tions which have succeeded the collapse
of that corner. The'deal , in conjunction
with the cotton speculation , had so
checked the exports of those commodi
ties that the balance of trade in favor of
this country was greatly reduced , and
but for the easy money market in London
And the demand for American securities
we should in a little while have been
compelled to ship gold. Immediately
after the collapse of the deal the situation
in this respect begun to improve , and
now there is n steady and generous ex
port movement of grain , with the pros
pect that gold will come to us , which is
much the more desirable course to have
it take when it is paid for our products.
If these vast gambling operations affected
nobody but the bulls and boars who en
gage in them the people might have little
concern about them , caring nothing as to
which party win or fortune came , but
their deranging and camaging effects
are far-maching and often very danger
A NEW law of New York , signed bv
Governor Hill on Monday , makes it un
lawful for any steam railroad to here
after heat its passenger cars , on other
than mixed trains , by any stove or fur
nace kept inside the cars or suspended
therefrom , except it may bo lawful in
case of accident or other emergency
temporarily to use any such stove or fur
nace with necessary fuol. Stoves , except
as above noted , can bo used only in cars
standing still or in dining room cars for
cooking purposes , the latter to bo ap
proved by the railroad commissioners.
The law does not apply to roads less than
fifty .miles in length. This is the begin
ning of legislation of this character
which will ultimately bccomo general.
WITH a line How of natural gas in Iowa ,
eighty miles from Omaha , it would seem
certain that it can bo found in Nebraska.
The town which makes the experiment
will lose nothing. In Ohio the cost of
sinking a well from 1600 to 1900 font , is
from iJ3,300 to $3r > 00. It would bo well
to remember , also , that at Findly , Ohio ,
whore the largest nnd best wells
have been discovered , within twenty
miles no gas was found , while 20 miles
further on , or 40 miles from Kindly ,
largo supplies were found and now fur
nish families with fncl and light at a
very small sum. Frm the reports of all
geologists natural ga.s underlies portions
of Nebraska why notrsearch for it ?
Bon INOEUSOLL always has a novel way
of looking at things , Ho has recently
said this country WAS capable of sustain
ing 000,000,000 people. * He declares for
eign immigrants ofi8S7 have the same
privilege to come to jtljis country as the
immigrants of 1020 , , , ] Ho further says
many of them are bettor than some of the
crowd who landed > od Plymouth Kock.
This last statement will bo meat for the
assembly of Purltanlo 'Sons of America
now in session at Chicago.
THE Iron clad prohibition law posses es
but little terror for the average saloon
keeper and druggist dowu iu Kansas.
The Leavenworth Times , the foremost
champion of prohibition and woman
niflrage , gravely , yet honestly , exclaims :
' Boor , beer , whisky , whisky , every
where ! Everywhere ! Rum shops above
ground , ; fact they are
scattered everywhere throughout ths city
of Leavenworth. "
\VIHLK the BKK has sustained the police
lid fire commission In the full and un
restricted exorcise ot the powers which
the law.confers upon It , wo do not ap
prove the conduct of It's official business
within closed doors. The sessions ot the
commission , like the o of the city council ,
board of administration , board of public
works , nnd all other public bodies , should
bo public. Members of the commission
may confer with each other confidentially
when tlio commission is not in session ,
but the business of the commission should
bo transacted with open doors.
YUSTKKDAY'S pageant at Westminster
Abbey recalls Gray's lines :
Close by the rcpal chair
Fell thirst and fatnlnu scowl
Within a radius of lose than a mile of
the grave of Charles Dickens In Poets'
corner , of the man who , moro than any
statesman during the queen's fifty years
of rule , toiled earnestly an d fearlessly
for the betterment of London's uoor , n
population five times that of Omaha ,
were either eating the broad of charity
or doing as best they might without it.
Shndes of Oliver Twist , Nancy and Little
Nell , did ye see the gay show ?
AMP.HICA feels no longer that patriotic
pride In Buffalo Bill , entertained only a
few days ago. It was expected that the
American idol , worshipped by princoscs ,
duchesses and British blue-blooded no
bility generally , would head the royal
procession during the jubilee. Cable advices -
vices intimate , however , that Bill was
missing , and the Wild West was only
represented by boys carrying banners
aloft bearing the legend , "See Hcd Shirt
and Die. "
Sccietary Lamarls a connoisseur as well ns
a breeder of Jersey cattle.
A floating paingiaph says that Henry
( Jeorgo smokes SO-crnt cigars.
llo'-coe Conkllng's personal expense ac
count shows that he paid 295 tor car-fare
dining the past year.
Cyrus W. Field ocean life at S3 a week ,
and Is now \\orth 82,000,000. He doesn't
drink , and never struck for eight hours on a
Satin day payday.
Emperor William has caught a fresh cold.
The announcement of this tact In Berlin yes-
teiday renewed the lUmmon the bourse and
restricted dealings.
What other American besides Buffalo Bill
has taken the Princess of Wales out riding ?
Alas I none. Dili's show ought to bring 75
cents at the door alter this ,
John Kuskln has Improved in health to
such an extent that he proposes to travel.
Of course he will walk. Ho objects to rail
roads and everything on wheels.
itret Harte was a book agent in 1849 and
1S50. Ho was a good one when he would
work , which was seldom. The acency period
ot his life was before ho wrote "The Heathen
Chinee. "
Denis llyan , of St. worth 87,000,000.
The fortune came to him suddenly and what
Is regarded as the fact that he
has not discarded n single one of his old
friends. Sudden ncnnlaltlon of wealth usu
ally soon parts with Its tr lends in poverty.
General Boulancer Is described by a recent
Interviewer as "a short man rather stoutly
built , with brown hair , brown beaid , rather a
red face ; above all things quiet looking al
most to commonplnconcss. Ho wore the or
dinary French civilian's dross of black frock-
coat and trousers , with only the single red
spot In his buttonhole. "
Oscar Wilde , the big sunflower of modern
culture , has emerged from obscurity aealn.
This time ho comes before the public in the
capacity of a novelist. Instead of a work
of the mild and aesthetic nature he
brings forth a novel of the blood nnd thunder
order , the title of the same being "Lord Ar
thur Savill's Crime ; a Tale of Chiromancy. "
Oscar may now bo In his proper elements.
Ho has never been there before.
While There's Life There' * Hope.
tfew Yotk OrnpMc.
Mrs. Cleveland Is a charming ; lady , but
she does not amount to much as a leader of
fashion. We don't know of a solitary testimonial
menial that she has signed.
and Bourhoa.
Cincinnati Unquircr.
Kentucky opened her democratic campaign
in Lexington In giand style. The 15,000
people nt the barbecue consumed 5,000 gallons
lens of burgoo. Burgoo must not be under
stood as in any degree related to bourbon.
It Is a barbecue soup ; such as Kentucky
alone can manufacture ; but it Is not materi
ally injured by a little bourbon before or
Nebraska Jottings.
Plum Creekstors pay taxes on property
worth $09.000.
The town of Mead received its first call
from burglars last week , and lost $20 In
cash and two gold watches.
Coresco complains of a multitude of
howling curs and crowing roosters. Can
didates for county offices are coming out
A reunion of members of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen in Thayer
county will bo held at Belvidore on the
Fourth of July.
The eyrie of the Dakota City Eagle
was badly shattered by lightning lost
week. It was the only method loft of
forcing a Hash of light into that murky
Rival street railway companies are
Struggling for streets in Hastings nnd
laying track at night. This shows that
the third city has captured n few metro
politan airs.
Swan Lmdquost , a Saundcrs oounty
bachelor , living near Mead , suicided last
week. Ho was an eccentric character ,
shunned his neighbors and lived exclu
sively in admiration of self.
A pair of South Loup toughs , armed
with ra/ors , fought a duel nt long range.
One of the combatants made a filnsh ut
his enemy and cut the jugular of n horse.
The duelists skipped the country to avoid
a lynching.
An insane man was found wandering
on the prairies near Central City re
cently. The unfortunate protested that
he was a real estate agent laying out an
addition to Lincoln. The residents
pitied him und shipped him to the capital
Deputy County Clerk T. D. Curtis , of
Dakota county , has disappeared , leaving
11 short account and a wife and chllcH
The fact that ho got away with only a
fo\\ hundred dollars stamns him as a
short sighted crook and a disgrace to the
boodle profesh.
The recent sensation about the robbing
of Union Pacific trains by employes was
enlarged from the theft of two bottles of
jelly by tramps from cars near
grape . The author , however , succeeded
iu exhibiting the mammoth proportions
of bis lie abUitios.
The investigation into the books of
Loprohun , the Nebraska City speculator.
has developed a fuddled condition of
records. He failed to record judgments
against property , mortgages of small
amount * on land , nnd marked taxes paid
when they wore delinquent. These ir
regularities go back a year or moro.
The question of Issuing bonds to the
amount of $50,000 to start the paving
era in Nebraska City will bo submitted
to the voters on the llth of July. The con-
teat Is expected to be a lively one , as the
niussbacks arc greasing their tongues to
talk it to death. U la the battle of pro
gress nnd push against hiK-shlrkcrs nnd
dry rot , and it is confidently believed
that the young nnd progressive element
will win.
A straight-hatred youth , apparently
sane , parades through Jollerson smiaro
daily wearing a copper colored hoiufgcar
with a lightning rod spire. Ills stntu-
c quo poses , the eloquent movements of
his arms , nnd the lingering , lonesome ,
though mute , appeals heavenward , have
convinced residents that ho Is defying
political lightning. A few moro defies
and the patrol wagon will strike him ,
lown It cinq.
Thn Santa Fo surveyors have completed
running n line to MuaciUine.
Three Iowa boys were among the sixty-
four graduates from West Point.
The Burlington cemeteries have about
IH,000 occupants , nearlv " as great a popu
lation ns the city Itself.
Florence Dunbar , a Sioux City domes
tic , toved with the gasoline can , and her
spirit fled heavenward like a meteor.
An immense meteor , thought to bo ten
feet in diameter , is said to have fallen
near Pilot Mound , Ccrro Gordo county ,
Thursday evening.
The democratic section of the Fergu
son U. A. H. post at Knoxville , being
outvoted nt a recent mooting , came to
gether the next day nnd endorsed Cleveland -
land forronomlnulion.
Kookuk boomers are trying to induce
the Santa Fo road to buiKi a branch line
to that cilv from New Boston , but the
company is on its dignity and wants the
earth before it will make any promise * .
The assessment of D. M. Grimes , of
Burlington , was raised from nothing to
$10,000 by the board of equalization , and
the suddenly enriched man has filed with
the olerk of the court a notice of appeal.
While out buggy ruling a Fort Dodge
j'ouiiff man fell asleep. His snoring
soared the horses and they ran awny.
throwing the sleepy occupant out and
bruising him somewhat , but doing no
further injury. This is said to bo n true
A little girl In South Ottumwa set a
glass coal oil can on a hot stove nnd the
can exploded , setting fire to her hair and
clothing , and badly cutting her neck and
face with fragments of the glass. By
prompt measures the mother succeeded
in saving the child's life.
Robert Waxind , a prominent farmer of
Buchanan county , was gored to death by
a bull on Friday morning. He entered
the field where the animal was , when ,
without warning , the beast made a rush
for him and drove ono horn through his
body , disemboweling him and causing in
stant death.
The DCS Moincs Leader says the out
put of coal in Polk oounty is decreasing
yearly , mainly because there is no market
for it. The Irrgcst quantity over taken
from the mines in the county during ono
year was 019.921 tons , in 1884. Since 1884
the amount has been growing smaller
until during 1838 there were but 337,981
tons , or only & little moro than one-half
as much taken out as in 1884.
Illinois Central surveyors arc staking a
line to Yankton.
The gas well at Pierre sputtered for a
few days and then went out.
The dehorning of cattle seems to be on
the increase. An Emmons oounty man
reports that he recently dehorned nine
calves and nineteen yearlings , with good
Frank M. Nelf , of Huron , has invented
a now upper case for printers which is
considered n bonanza. Ho is said to
have refused , an offer of f 10,000 for his
A Deadwood woman ran into a her
nets' nest a few days ago , but the en
raged insects , were unable to puucturo
her anatomy and the whole swarm stung
themselves to death in disgust. Deadwood -
wood is somewhat noted for tough fe
The Grotou artesian well has broken
out In a new .spot , the latest bad break
being about half way between the well
arid the original break. The crack is
several feet long and the water rushes
from it in H constant flow without lessen
ing the flow of the well or that of the
first break , about a block distant.
A natural gas well has boon added to
the coal find near Louisville. "
The third rail is to be laid this year on
a largo portion of the Denver & liio
Grande railroad. President Moffat has
placed orders ser twenty-seven engines
und 23,000 tons of steel rails.
Several towns are bidding lively for the
location of the Jesuit college. A bonus
of thirty acres of ground have been of
fered by Denver parties , while Colorado
Springs offers 130 acres and $25,000 cash.
The college building will cost $300,000
nud will accommodate 700 students.
The Solid Muldoon says "tho jubilee
ode mailed to this office by Rev. Air. Van
Ness , of Denver , is declined. Such
poetry as
'A Briton stood on Irish sod
Kvlctlng 'Terriers' by the squad , '
will not gIn a community where the
leading citizens wear six-shooters. "
Carl Bchurz on C'rutoheH.
Kew Yinh Lrltcrtn Knti as City Star.
Carl Schurz iu a wheeled chair is ono
the sights of Central park. Ho is still
suffering a good deal of inconvenience , to
say the least , from his broken thigh. For
six weeks after the fall on the pavement
that resulted iu fracturing the limb he
was confined to his bod. That was moro
than three months ago. He lives at the
top of one of the great Navarre Hat
buildings at Fifty-ninth street and Cen
tral park , but as he is on the south side
hn gets no view of the park from his
windows. The elevator brings the vis
itor directly to his door , whioh opens
from the mulii hall Into nn irregularly
shaped room , originally designed for a
reception room , but transformed into n
Horary. The walls nro almost concealed
with high bookcases , all well filled , and
engravings , oils of aimor and curios
lake up the remaining space. This
room is not used as a stu y , however ,
but simply as a place for the keeping of
books. When your correspondent
called upon him to-day , he was ushered
into a much larger room off the library
hall , at the further side of which Mr.
Schurz sat under a window. His crutches
leaned against the wall ut his side. Ho
held on his knees n writing tablet upon
which ho was at work.
" 1 am getting on well , " hn said , "al
though nt present I have some trouble
from neuralgia in the leg. That is quite
distinct from the annoyance attending
the fracture. 1 begun to use crutches a
few days ago , but for several weeks 1
have been out of doors on pleasant days ,
using a wheel chair for this purpose. Yes ,
thu long confinement to the house , uud
the necessary inactivity has been H good
deal of .strain , but I think 1 shall come out
of it all with no Horious effect. I have
kept my mind as busy as possible during
the entire period. When I was lying on
my back I had a good many books read
to mo , and as soon as 1 could sit up at
all , 1 went to reading by myself. And bo-
Rides that I have done a good deal of
writing. I have kept up all my corres
pondence with scarcely any interruption.
This work was done with the consent and
ndvlco of my phyilclau. I cannot s-iy
when I shall succeed in walking without
crutches , but it will probably not bo very
long. " _
Belle of Kourbon tcn-yoar-olk whisky.
There Is no excuse for drinking a poor
ttrtlclo of whisky , nn having Udlo
of Bourbon1.25 per quart bottle , itt
liolol bars , ilrujj and grocer/ store * .
E NEW WYOMKfC Oil i < " <
Organization of a Ooicpauj to Operate
Promising Petroleum Wells.
Some Splendid Specimens oft ho Oriulo
I-'rotn I'olson Splclor llnsln Tlio
Decline In I'astorn
A few bottles of crude or refined pe
troleum more or less do not seem of much
importance ; yet those received yester
day , and now to bti seen at the olllccs of
Barker & Burr and Wendell Benson ,
nt 1220 and 12'JJ Farnam street , have
n greater significance than appears nt
first. They are In fact thu product of
the new Wyoming oil field , and the re
sult of an alaysis und distillation of
Wyoming crude petroleum. It may not
bo generally known , but it is neverthe
less true , that the oil refiners and dealers
ot the cast , have for some time been ser
iously alarmed concerning the future
s upply of the crude product. Pennsyl
vania and New York instead of pourinu
out from 100,000 to 100,000 barrola
per day , are taxing their utmost
resources to secure 115,000 barrels per day ,
Tlio consumption ot the article hag
grown , however , to over 1)0,000 ) barrels
per day ; so that the oauso of the alarm
is easily understood. In view of these
facts and tlio additional fact thai thu
stock on hand is being gradually absorbed
by the excess of consumption over pro-
duotion , the discovery of a new field is ol
tlio greatest importance. That great
quantities of oil have long been known
to exist in Wyoming is true ; yet the oil
to which this refers is n heavy
lubricating oil , nnd not the oil from
which kerosene or "coal oil , " us it is im
properly called , is derived. The petro
leum of New lork and Pennsylvania Is
very different and very much more valua
ble than a simple lubricating oil ,
because the market for the lattei
is limited , while the demand for the
former is now fur beyond the supply , ex
cept ns stocks intervene , nnd the values
are regulated accordingly. The now
discovery lies in the fact that the petro
leum from the Poison Spider oil basin in
Carbon county , Wyo. , is u light oil , thai
is , an oil of from 40 ° to 47 ° gravltj
Buumi and contains a large per cent of
kerosene , us is shown by the samples referred -
forred to. The crude was collected at
the Oil mountain spring by a gentleman
from the Pennsylvania oil field and by
him sent east for analysis , with the gruti-
fying result following. There nro five
samples , the first being a quality of gas
oline as clear as water , and of n qual
ity equally good with any of the
same specific giuvity. The sample of
kerosene is 175 degrees fire test , and is
clear water white and odorless. The next
sample is of a ! )00 ) degree fire test. Tina
unumiaUy high test oil is of course more
for show than use , it being too expensive
to be used except on railway coaches mid
steamships to insure safety in case of
collision or falling lamps. It Is claimed
that u lump fillea with this and burning
would uot explode or the oil igimte. al
though broken to pieces. It shows , how
ever , the possibilities of Wyoming petro
leum. A.sido from these products , there
Is a sample ot tine lubricant called spindle
oil and n quality of vaseline , both of
which arc among the big products of the
rofiuiug process. There are in all , eix or
seven of these products which it is alleged
pay all the cost of refining. It would
bcum that the new oil field will be first
explored by Omaha capitalists , who , as
usual , load the others in enterprise and
push. A company has been organized ,
called the Oil Mountain Mining com
pany , with $10,000,000 capital , and they
will have a well under way inside of
thirty days. As may b guessed from the
size of the capital stock , U is tlio inten
tion of the company to not only produce
but to refine their production. The oil is
there , it is of good quality , and it is not
a violent supposition that Wyoming kero
sene will beforsala iu this market within
six month.
Professor Aughoy , territorial geologist
of Wyoming , in his report ot 1880. makes
the following remarks which are of in
terest in this connection :
"The gravity ot this oil is' between
thirty-ouo and thirty-two degrees Baumi. "
[ This was after exposure to the air for an
unknown period whioh reduce * the grav
ity from 85 to 50 per cent. Report.J
It is of an amber or light green color.
A large amount of illuminating oil can
bo obtained from it bv distillation. It
contains no parafinu and its flash and
fire tests arc both high but have 1101 been
definitely determined. Though possessing
much kerosene it is also remarkably well
adapted for making lubricating oils. * *
It was observed that in sinking the
well already described , ( a shaft near Oil
mountain ) the amount of oil increased
with every foot of descent. At the smuo
rate of increase it was calculated that
at 100 feet a fifty barrel well would bo
produced. Tlio oil hero Is most certainly
in the trmssic rocks. To roach the oil-
bearing rocus therefore , a depth approx
imating 1,600 foot would nave to bo
reached. Long before that depth
would bo Attained , the oil supply would
probably bo ample.
At this place there are no lofty ridges to
coudonse'wator and net an a source of iu >
supply to force the oil through strntafl.
with the energy which obtains elsewhere.
Hence little of the underground treasures
have gout ) to waste. Tlio stores accumu
lated through ages are yet comparatively
intact. "
The articles of incorporation of the
Northwestern Oil company have recently
boon placed on record at Cheyenne.
Among the prime movers In that'enter
prise which also has a capital stock ol
$10,000,000 are Messrs Hughitt , Keep ,
Simmons and McCullooli of the Chicago
A : Northwc.sturn Railway company al
Chicago , Fitch , Buchanan will Morehoiisc
of the Fremont , Elkhurn < Nc Missouri
Valley railway , and J. H. Bowman of
Douglas It is the intention of these
gentlemen to proceed to dcvolopo their
territory us soon as the llncj of railway
last named is completed to Casper , which
will bo in about sixty days.
Choking Catarrh.
Have you HwaVmioJ from a disturbed slt-op
with all tlio horrlblo Ffciinillons of an aoaaislu
ulutdilntf your throat urn ) jirensliw tlio life-
brontti fiom j-our tlchtuuud chest' ' Have you
nutlccxl tin' Iniig-uor and dubtlltr that aucoocil
thu effort to clour your throut niiil huiul of tlili
caturrhul mnttur ? Whnt n < leires ] inir Inlliicnco
It uxurtH upnn the mind , clouding ttiu memory
nuil flillnir the iicaJ will ) pains uud UnuiHO
iiniKCs ! Hnir dlniojlt It Is to rid tlio nnial pi ; 9-
UUPthroat nncl lunirpof this polnnuouimiicim
nil can testify wLo lire lllctuilllli catarrh.
How tllDlQiilt to proti-ot the system uifnliiKt Its
furtherpro-jrim triwai-Ja tlio IUUKSlivor mid
kidnoyi. nil phydnltni will admit. Jt IH a terri
ble ill'cuiu unit orloa o jt for rullut ninl cure.
The ro'nirknhlo oiiratlro poirci-i , whim all
othnrrnmeOtot utlerlr fail , of HVM'OKU'H HAIII-
Cil. C'HK ; , aru utteitod by thoiliandg\\Uograte-
fully roi-ummund It to fbllovr-sulIcreirB. No
aii'lcmunt Ii inmlo rcfrorcilnirU that oannot ho
aubslnntlnteil by tlio moit i ipcctaUa and ro-
H.ihle mfi'rcneuj.
Kich indict contain * ono bottle of the lUni-
CAr. C < WK , ono t > oy of C/.TAiniiAi , 8oi.vntT.nml
an iMninVEi ) INK U.KK , vrlih treatla * and dlrco-
tUis : , and U told by ii'.l liniKir'.stii ' for 11.03.
K i i ( 'JizMJCAf , Co. ,
bDootlnif and tihai u t'aina Dial im
to cut throiiich you ilxe n Unite , lire
l > y placing a ( 'UTICUIIA Avri-1'Ain
1'l.AtiTLii over the iput where th *
Jl'Bln orlflimtf . No other pUitaror
, , . „ . . . or appllancp can bo compntel rrlib
( hid new. orlKlnul , ultivaut , and uuvar-falllnr
rmUnnto Iu pain und Inimuui'Btlun. iliuu-
Kittif > n\o for fl.OOi nr. | > oita t < free , of 1'cttcr
IHuf and Clitmloal Co , , Uoittn.