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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1887)
w.Ty fI \f THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SEVENTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 22. 1887. NUMBER e ENGLAND'S ' JOYOUS JUBILEE The Grand Day Celebrated With Regal Pomp and Splendor , GREAT ENTHUSIASM PREVAILS Solemn RcrviocH nt Westminster Ab bey Queen Victoria's Triumphal Itcturn to Iluckinclinin I'alaco Incidents ol'tho Day. Victoria's Soml-Contonnlnl. ICojii/HyJiUOOT LyJiimcf Gorton IttnneU. ' ] LO.MION , Juno 21. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BKI.J : The longest day of the jear , but too short for the millions of sight seers. "There they como ; hero they are ; well , It's not much" such expressions came from many of the several thousand Americans who had mounted the street scaf folds as pleasantly yet as gravely as had King Charles and Louis XVI In their day. Obeying Mother Goose thcso Americans had Bunit "I've been to London to see the queen. " Those few who weio In the abbey looked disappointed , as did lilalno In the nailery devoted to distinguished stiangers. Ho looked as sleepy as Marco BozzaiH. Was ho dreaming "of the hour when Eng land's knee In suppliant bunt should trcmblo nt his power1' Senators Kurne ; Halo and Mcl'hcrson were there , each looking as If wishing to address the atsemblai.'c on tonics of the day. Minister Phelps looked nervous , ns If fiarlnc Lady Uandolph Chuichill. Leonard Jerome's daughter was there , but her husband not. Shn looked n duchess In biscuit-colored silk gaure , alteinatlng with fawn-colored corded silk and bonnet fawn- colored tulle. They all had tedious waits from about 3 tea a quarter of 1 nothing butorttstlo and bu/z nil that time. Too much red uniform , red flaps and rod upholstery gave the sacred old nbbey rafters too much of a Mcphlstolean look. "At the conclusion of the royal game of "pillows and kojs kissing" a came beloved of American children inoved the most en tertaining Incident ot the day. Outside at the hotel windows , on balconies and Im provised plank cnloslums , Americans had bulled the prices of seats. To them 35 did not seem much of a sum when enumerated nsone guinea. Chicago tourists had cornered not a few seats. Snmo had paid thousands of dollars for lower rooms In the Grand hotel , last autumn John Kussell Young was lined a guinea per week for the offense of taking his meats outsldo the hotel , That S20 a day hostelry was In the luck of commanding a fifteen-minute long continuous MOW of the procession , both coming and going. The gland stand at the junction of Pall Mall and Corks- pur streets commanding a similar view , was the most favorlto American stand , An American colonist had hired , two months ago , the whole corner building named the Waterloo house , for -,500. His timber and carpenters cost S500 more. Ills rentals for the day wore $0,000. The Amei leans seemed most to cheer the crown prince. What strength of he lacked they seemed to supply , lie certainly looked a splendid man in his white cuirassier uniform as a German field maishal. Probably next to the queen's escort ind the crown prince , the queen of Hawaii was the most noticed and cheered by the crowd. Indeed , an immcnao number of English who still bollevn that wigwams are frcqent around New York and black mag nates abounding In the states , took her for n celebrated species of American rayalty. Jubilee day closed without alarm or ma terial accidents. It most wonderful incident was that hitherto unprecedented sight of Mohammedan , Uuddhlsi , Hindoo , Sikh and Japanese princes , with Persian and Chlncsn heathen magnates , stationed at the altar of a Christian churcli ainlcably awa'tlng ' a Chris tian prayer. [ Tress. I The press Is requested to state that the number of congratulatory tele grams from public and private bodies Is GO overwhelmingly largo that It Is Impossible to answer them Individually. The queen Is greatly touched and gratified by such ex pressions of loyalty and devotion from all classes of subjects. On the advlco ot Lord Salisbury , jubilee honors will be conferred on several liberal unionists. New peers to bo created In honor of the queen's jubilee will Include Sir \Villlam Armstrong , Sir James McNaghton , McGercl Hong and lllght Hon orable George Sclater Booth. The first day of the fifty-first year of the reign Queen Victoria opened with perfect summer weather. Thousands of people who yesterday selected locations along thu route ol to-day's processions In order to letaln them occupied them all night A steady stream of carriages and pedestrians poured . constantly all night until dawn thiough the city from all directions toward West End. At U o'clock the line of route was a compact mass of people. Everybody , de spite the discomfort of crowding , manifested the utmost good humor. The scenn at West minster abbey was most brilliant. Evorv scat was Idled aim oveiy person was a distin guished personage. Hseuiied as If every locality the world over had smit ono or moro of Its representative personages to do honor to England's queen. Tlimo never , probablv In mode ru time" , assembled under one loof nn niidlrnro HO well and EO brilliantly ar- rajed. rtveiyman present entitled to wear a uniform or decorations had both on , newer or buinished up. When thoaudlencowas all tented thu scouo prcbcutod was Incompar able. able.When the Marquis of Salisbury entered and proceeded to tlic place set apart for him , ho vvaschetircd. When Gladstone was ob- hervcd quietly dicing his way to his scut , lie was also eheorcit. Such was the eager ness of these whn luul assured places In the nudlcni'o at Westminster , to bo on hand , that scores of lord- * and ladles repaired to the edl- lice at unnecessarily early hours , and as many of them wore admitted without having partaken of any breaUfast , It was a strange sight to sco and S'uuiwlch exchanged in such a crowd , and eagerly used by num berless of Uio aristocrats unable longer to withstand thirst or hunger. Thu line of procession from Buckingham palace \\VstminstPr abbey was kept by nearly ton thous.uid troops loprosuntlng all branches of service. In addition Cue bojs fiom naval tralnlnc ships were drawn up nt tno base of the Nelson monument In addition to the military many thousands of police , both mounted and on foot , were on duly. A few minutes before 11 o'clock the second part of thu profession left. This as com posed of some HI teen carriages , the occupants being the king of Dmnn.irb , tlio Icing ot Ilcl- Blum , the King ot Saxony , the llng ; of the Hellenes , the cunvn prince of Auitila , the crov.n princnnt Portugal , the crown prince of Greece , 1'rlnco George ot Greece , the crown princess of Austiia and the grand duke of Mccklenburg-MretlU Tills part was nlso well received bthu people , helped to keep the way open to the abbey nd exer cised the pent-up cntl.italaam ot the vast iMiltlhiilp. runclually al 11 n. m. the queen In open caulaco emcigcd from the palace sates. At the sight of her thousands of MV.cVt were lifted up In cheers , the applause bclns nc- cnmrmnlt > d by the nuflu ot many wllitnr ) bauds stationed In fiont of the police. When tlio palace cates wore thrown open the linmcncfl throng extended for away be fond even seeing distance of the procession Leading In the journey to the abbey were the i life guards then tallowed the ahlcs-dc-camp : mil rojai oquorrle * ; after them rode thu Halt of the Duku of Cambridge ; the qmcn's R'lles In walling and a number of stain of IcIaU were ncM , oceupjlng llvo carriage Uelilnd them came a body of life guards.then the DuchesH of Bucclieiich , mistress of the robes , Prluccss N ictorla of Schlcswlit- llolstcln , 1'rlncess Margaretto of Prussia , Princess Alfred of IMIubur , : . 1'rlncesses \ Ic torla and Sophia of Prussia , Pilncess Louise of Battenburg , Princess Irene of Hesse , llraud Duchess Kllr.ibotli of Russia , Princesses .Maude , Victoria and Louise , hereditary princess of Saxo-Moln n- irur , duchesses of Albiny , Cnnnaught , Kdlnbtinr ; Princesses HeatiIce , Louise , and Christian , 'iho master of the horse rode nft rtlie prlncesM-a ntul Immediately pro ceeded the carriage of the queen. 'I hn eight horses that drew her majestv'i , carriage weiu ( .Tram-colored. Tlio queen sit facing the horses and sat alone. The princess of Wales , Princess Victoria , the qm en's oldest child , and wife of tlio crown prlnco of Germany , occupied the other scat , lacing her majesty. The prince" who rode as escort to the car riage went In thn lollow Ing order : Ihreo abreast Grand Duke Semlns , of Uussl.i , Prlnco Albert Victor , of Wales , and Prluco William of Prussia , Prlnco Hairy , of Prussia , Prlncn Genigp. of Wales , and Hereditary Grand Diikeoi llev > o ; pi n o of ba\o .Mel- nelimrr , prince ot Christln , Victor ot hcnles- wolg-Ilolt.tcln and Prlnco Louis of Dattrn- buu.l'rliicu Christian otbchleswelK-Holstoln crown prince uf Germany and Grand Duke of Hessp , Two ahrcist I'll lice Hunty of Hattenrjurp , and Marquis of Lome , Duke of Conunught and Prlnco of Wales , Duke ot Kdmburg rode alono. This escort Composed ns It was entirely of sous , sons-in- law and grandsons of the queen , all bril liantly uniformed and riding maunllicent horses elegantly caparisoned , presented n bplondld appearance and Inspired enthusiasm uverv where. All along the route when tlio queen came In sight the cheering started up afresh , and when shu had pissed a shoit distance It bc came a mighty roar. The queen was mani festly delighted. Her face wore constant smiles. She bowed and thanked the people and whenever she recognised any porjoti she failly beamed with Joy. O\ei her black costume the queen wore a white lace cown. Her coronet vv.isot white netting or lace , with nn Inwrought coionot oof diamonds. I'ho procession was closed up by paitlus of llto guards and Indian troops. 'Iho in ogress of thu rojal procession fiom the palace to Westminster Abbey was ouo continued ovation. Tremendous crowds thronged the streets and houses , beats along the route sold for live guineas each. On the pioccsslon nearln the abbey tlio troops saluted , guns were tired and bells of chinches rung , and Hags were run up , the cheering be ing continued until the queen had passed into thu west door. Atter passing through the vestibule her majesty was conducted to the grand dais under the lantern towoi , where she was surrounded by thirty-two members of the royal family. As the queen entered the abbey the audience of 10,000 arose. Tlu peers and their wives were seated in the south transept. The ambassa dors and diplomatic corps were boated to the right and loft of the peers. Members of the commons wore placed In the north tiansopt. Seats for thu relitnlug families of Europe , etc. , were within the communion rails. Al- the great learned societies and corpoiatlons wore represented , while notables of law , sci ence , art , agriculture and vvorklncmcn's representatives from all parts of the United Kingdom had seats allotted them. There- Ik'ious services in the abbuv In commemora tion of iho queen's jubilee were conducted by thu archbishop of Canterbury and doau of Westminster. Nearly every dU'iiitaiy of the established chuicu , however , was present , besides a great num ber of distinguished clergymen belonging - longing to other denominations. At the conclusion of the services the queen proceeded back to Uucklngham palace. The queen's advent was arranged so she entered the abbey precisely at noon. Dr. Bridge , or ganist of thu nbbey , had for the occasion specially trained n choir ot 250 vo'ces.selected ' Ironi the great choirs ot London , n num ber of eminent sololbts , besides a largo ac companiment of brass Instruments and drums. Whun the clergy at the head of tlio rojnl procession moved Into tlio church the national anthem was rendered by the or gan. The music was thrilling and tlio audi ence rose as a unit and lout 10,000 voices to the nlr to accompany the cnoir. The ulfcrt was so grand , so profound , that many persons wore moved to tears. It was at this moment that the queen ap peared within the doors. The singing of the anthem ceased , and n processional march from Handel , "Occasional Oiatorlau , " was given by the oruan during the progress of the queen and royal family to thu dais. The queen occupied the coronation chair , over the back of which drooped the royal robes of btato , which the queou presently assumed with the assistance of the mistress of the robes. The abbey \ \ as now a bla/o of mag nificence. On the right of the loyal dais the lord chancellor In his magnificent roDos of state and flowing wig , n mass of velvet and ermine , was seated. Behind him sat 500 peers ot the realm and their peeresses , attired In costumes of rich velvet and sumptuous silk , iluhlnd these sal the loid lieutenants heavy with robes and Insignia ot otlico , and diplomats , whoso bosoms were covered with decorations. On thu left and facing the lord chancellor was the speaker of the house ot commons , also wearing his robes of ofllco , with a golden macu before him. liehlnd him were mem bers ot the house of commons and wives , all richly arraj ed for thooccaslon. So , on cither bide of her , the qutKin'n ojes fell upon two brilliant masses , splendid In colors and dai/llug with jewels. The tallerles , which reached the lofty npse , were crowded with a mass of black robed clergymen. Down the nave they were greeted with n bright array of military and naval uni forms. Conspicuous amongst all this brilliancy were tlio djuling Oriental costumes of the Indian rajahs , sparkling with precious stones. The rays of the sun streaming through the closed windows gave n rich and varli'd glow to the assemblage , which , In itself , was as picturesque as the world has ever witnessed. The scone was of more than regal splc-ndor , and the couit otlidals who have seen both say to-day's spectacln far exceeded that of the coionatlon in maitnliicence. Amnng the notables that could bo seen fiom the press gallery weio Picmlcr Sails bury , Lords Cransbrook , Alcestor , Ashe- bonrno , blr William Vernon Harcourt , Mr. Gladstone In court unllomi with Mis. Glad- stonu ; James KussoII Lowell and Mr. Ulalne. In iho callorv overlooking the dais Queen Knplolnnl and Princess Lllllokolanl , In ilcli golden lobes , v > ere seated just under the stream ot crimson m > s fallfiih through the windows. Amongst rojallies who awaited the queen's arrival were the blind Ulngot Saxonj , who was led to a seal In thochaliucar | thu daus nnd besldu whom sat the queeu ot Itelglum nud Crown Prince Kudolpli oC Austria. Outside could bo heard the contin uous loll of cannon salutes and the pealing of bolls , all mlusllng with the thunder ous acclamations of the people , liut n sud- dun hush fell uveiywhore when the queen took a prayer book In her hand and bow ed her head tor a short Interval In client prns er. When they were seated the archbishop of Canterbury nnd chnn of Westminster , who had taken their places within tlio sacrarium , began the service by the asking of God's bhwfing upon the queen. "To Deum Lauda- mus' ' was then sum : by the choir to music composed bv the prince consort , the queen having requested this. The Lord's prajer was bald , nud responses ( adopted to the occasion ) were lutoncd. Three special piujcrs were then offered. Following tno prajers "PAaudiat To Domlni-s" was sung with onran and brass band accompaniment. The dean of West minster advanced to the rails and rend the lesson for the day ( First Eplstlo of Poler , ch s , v ( VIS ) . Dr. ihldco's special anthem , selected by the queen fail year ns her Jubilee anthem , vvns next rendered , followed by a chnral "Gothn , " composed by the prince con sort. In thu rr.sta the national anthem was Introduced. Two more special prajcrs for the defense of tlio faith , tpirttnil welfare of the Kingdom , nnd tor pcaco iiid love , fol lowed , and were supplemented bv the bene diction , which was pronounced by the urch- bUhop. When the benediction had been said , the queen's sous knelt tx'foro her and kissed her hand. Tl.ey nroao and her majesty kissed each upon his cheek. Tl'u prluccjivj next oilvaucod to tlio queen mm kl ca nor hand and ho klssnl them nil , fairing some twice , miiKlng an unusual demonstration over the Princess of Wales nud Princess Beatrice. The other relatives of the queen then saluted her and sl.e shook han Is with some ami kUsed otl.rr ? , kissing Crown Prlnco Fred erick \ \ Illlnm ot Germany twice , very heart ily each time. All thlft the congregation applauded warmly. After the royal saluta tions had all been madu the queen descended finm Iho dais nnd moved out of the abbey , pm-fdtd by thu roval family , the con rrga lion s'.r.mthib' and cheering with fervor all ho while. The congrczatlon at once dis solved , selections of sacred music being ilayed until all had left the abbcv. ' 1 he ceremony throughout was most solemn nnd Impressive , and was followed with the closest attention by the queen nnd the o who sat around her on the dils. Thu Indian : nltices , too , all of whom were furnished with booKs , appear to regard ttio servlco as ono demanding strict attention. INrillK.M" . A number ot persons along the route wore crushed Into Insensibility nnd removed to lojpltals. Quito n number nlso were over powered by the heat. The horse ridden by the MarquU of Lome throw him while the pioccsslon was moving along Constitution hill. The queen stopped licr c irrhgo to ask the marquis if ho w as In jured. Ho assured her ho was not , but re linquished his place ns ono ot the royal es corts and went to thu abbey by a shorter route. It was past 1 o'clock when the queen emerged from the nbbey. She resumed her cirrlaso and returned to Uucklngham palace , this tlmo taking the route she went after her coronation. When the royal procession reached Parliament street it found the road as densely crowded as boforo. and In some places moru so. The grand stand lacing the horse guards and alongside the Chapel lloynl , was a mem- Diablo sight. Thu qucunlnratetuliy acknowl edged the salutes and cheering of the occu pants. Passing { through Trafalgar square Into Pall .Mall the noon-day scene was reenacted. As the procession passed into St. James street the queen took n long glance nud smiled nnd smiled at nn aged lady who was nt one ot the windows of St. James palace. The aired ladv was thu duchess of Cambridge. Passing up St. James street , the whole of which was effusively decorated , the pageant aznln turned Into Plead 11 Iv , which was liter ally packed. The enthusiastic sightseers , not content with ono view , had to rush across St. James and Green p-\rk to get another view In Picatlilly. The swnvlng of the crowdb In some places was terrllic until Wel lington arch was again reached and the pro cession proceeded nt a somewhat smarter PILU up Constitution Hill and once moro rdnchcd iJncklngham palace , driving In at the grand entrance nmld the cheers of tens of thousands of people. The queen seemed fairly overcome with the lovalty displaved by her subjects The procession reached Uucklngham shortly after i ! o'clock and live minutes laier her majesty passed Into the palace , amidst the most tumultuous cheering , with her escort of generals on either side. The Murquls and Marchioness of Salisbury , who had lain led to tlio palace bv ashoit route , were present to receive her. 'iho queen boio the journey well and was seen boon after her return laughing nnd smiling nt the royal children who wcrt ) upon ttie main balcony of the palace nnd kissing her hands to them. The other Americans piesent at the service In the abbey were United States Minister Lawson , Senators McPhcrson and Halo , Congressman Perry Uolmont , Sir. Glltillan of Minnesota. Prof. Parker ot Dartmouth college , and Mr. Joseph Pullt/er. The most conspicuous figure In the proces sion was the German crown prince , whoso magnificent physique , set off by nsnow-whlto uniform , shown conspicuously amoni : the princely throng. The Prlnco of Wales , seemed Insignificant In comparison. Grand Duke Scrglns , of Itussla , was , after the German crown prince , much thu most strik ing liguro. A reception and banquet was given at the palace to-night , tlio guests being limited to members of the rojal families and diplomats. Minister Phelps was present. Lady Uotltva t'acoant. [ CopyHtf/it / 1837 bu James Oonlou Dcnnct . ] CovExnty , JuneSl. [ New York Heratd Cable Special to the BKK. | Lady Godlva has been practically sent to Coventry. This old town , five miles Iroui the famous Kcnllworth castle , nnd once noted as ribbons , celebrated the jublloo nnd Godlva pazeant together , but in so doing suppressed "peeping Tom of Cov entry" and tlio traditions of the nvmph-llko Saxon lady who "rode thro' the amorous sun shine clothed only with golden tresses. " A Lady Godlva shown In full dress was like giving the ballet with men or enshrouded Turkish women. The festivities vv hlch com memorated the victory of the tenants bOO years ago were therefore wholly decorous. One thousand two hundred Sunday school children with the lord mayor andcouncllmon beaded the procession. A thousand old people were lying in the market hall , the counterfeit of the ancient guardsmen. They wore a silver uniform as they did In the im- porsonatlon.of the diagonlcss Saint George , for tha t titular saint of England was born hero ALeofrlc , earl ot Merlca , looking with less cruel eyes than perhaps belonged to the original feudal hated landlord nnd husband of Lady Qodiva , escorted his countess whose robes wore designed after a sketch dated 10rX ) . The stood she rode was a mag nificent dapple giey. Coventry , however , Is happy to-day , not withstanding Its traditions have boon viola ted by the costumers , for among the jubilee peers of to-day is its M. P. and townsman , Henry William Eaton. Ho Is over seventy years old , a silk mercer , who Is a partial Crcosus , nnd not only built a now railway station for Coventry , but subscribes largely to tory funds at elections. Irishmen Celebrate In Franco. ( Copl/Ho'it ' 1SS7 bu Mines Gordon Itcnnctt. } Pxnis , Juno 21. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the DKK.J The Irish ex tremists celebrate thu queen's jubilee in Paris to-night after their own fashion by a black banquet at a restaurant In Belleville. The dining loom was decorated with French , Irish and Ameilcati Hags. On the mantel piece behind the president's chair lay an ofllgv of Queen Victoria , overshadowed by a black banner on which. In whlto letters , was onoword "Vengeance. " Ttio portraits of Irish patriots adorned the walls. Ainon ? the guests weio Joseph Corrlgan , Patilck Casey , William Kliwan , John O'Donnell , Michael Sullivan Dr. O. Mationey and other members of the Fenian biotherhoo > l in Fiance , be sides several members of the Legion of Honor who prefer to keep their names secret. Two guests were specially told oil to pre vent , thu Intrusion of any British detectives. Eugene Uav is occupied the chair. Captain Muckay James Stephens sent a letter of apology. The dlnnci was followed by sev eral spcpohos advocating the union of Eng land's enemies. Frutcnnalgreeting was sent to the New York Irishman to-night engaged in celebrating the jubilee , nnd the proceed ings closed byni-plrltcd rendering of "Ca Ira , " the Marseilles and the Uusslau no. tlonal anthom. Outbreak in 15 ol fast. BF.I.FAST , Juno 21. While the jubilee bands were passing through the Carrlck Hill district this evening they were attacked by n party of Catholics. The Orangemen of the district took hides vUth the bands. Stones Hew thick and fast for about lifteen minutes when policemen appeared and drove the mob down throuch the streets In the vi cinlty. The mob Increased In numbers , returned and fought with greater violence than before for fully an hour. 'Iho police found themselves powerless to cope with the rioters and sum moned assistance. When this arrived and batons drawn , the mob scattered In all direc tions. Several policemen were Inju'cd. The ClannaRael'sVny. . NEW YoitK. Juno 21. The "jubilee cele bration" under the auspices ot the Clan-na- Garl was held at Cooper unlom to-night. The desk was covered with black velvet and the stan-o was draped with uiournlug. statistics showing the deaths ot Irishmen in exile , in dugcons , on the scaffold , and ot famine , and other victims during Queen Victoria's reign , were prominently displajcd. and on the bUok carded badges ot the ushers were the words , "fifty j ears ot misery for Ireland. ' The attendance was largo. Resolutions vv cm adopted protesting aualnst the assocla tlou ot American soil with jubilee demonstra tlous. During liUyjeara of her relgu mill ons of the hlsh race were destroyed by rtlllclal famine , driven out ot their own and , or dona to death on the scalTold or In lungcons for their love of liberty. WodeMro 0 recall their fair , commemorate their fidelity unl declare npalti our detestation ot that sjstem of government under which such crimes are made possible. After denouncing ; ho coercion act the resolutions conclude with nil assurance of moral , financial , and , If nec essary , physical support to the Irish In 'whatever measures of resistance they may sco fit to adopt to save themselves from com- ileto extermination. " Speeches were made tud a parody on the jubilee ode was read. Iliot In Cork. COIIK , Juno 21. Amob to-night attacked the olllco of the Constitution , a conservative newspaper , and smashed the windows. The police hunlcdto the scene , and after n severe itnuglo , In which several police wore In ured , dispersed the mob. Flf tv persons are cportcd Inmod. ] The Injuries Include fractured heads and broken ribs. Clcvrland's Congratulation ! ) . WASHINGTON" , Juno 21. The following Is : ho piesldcnt's letter presenting his Jubilee Congratulations to Queen Victoria : Grover Cleveland , President of the United States of America , To Her Majestv , Victo ria , queen of Great Urltlnn and Ircmnd and Kmuress of India : Great and Good Friend : In the name , and on behalf of the people of the United States , I present their sineero felicitations upon the arrival of the fiftieth anniversary of jour majesty's accession to the Crown of Gieat Britain. I but utter the general voice of my fellow countryman In wishing for your people the prolongation of a icUn so marked with an advance in popu lar well beliii. , iihsteal , moral nud Intellec tual. It Is justice and not adulation to ac knowledge the d bt ot gratitude and respect duo to j our personal vlitucsfor their Impor tant Inlliienco In pioduclng and causing the prosperous and well ordcicd condition of af- lalrs now eonerally prevailing throughout vour dominions. May jour life bo prolonged , and peace , honor , and prosperity bless the peoulo over whom von have been called to iulc. May liberty flourish throughout your empire under just nnd equal laws , and your government bo strohg In the affections of nil who live under it. And 1 pray God to have 1 our majesty In ills liolv keeping. Done nt Washington this 27th day ot May , A. D. lbS7. CI.EVEI.ANH. fnos. F. UAVAim , President. Sec'y of atatc. Hot Times in Boston. BOSTON , Juno 21. Mayor O'lJrlon to-day told the committee of Irishmen and others that ho had no power to cancel the permit to Englishmen to hold jublleo services In Fan- cull hall to-night , and so the celebration was held. Probably no meeting over held In Boston created such in tense excitement. So bitter were the Irish that violcnco was feared. Before 7 o'clock groups of men nnd boys begnn to cather around the hall , and their numbers were augmented until the square was tilled. Uy 8 o'clock , the hoar for holding the ban quet , the square and'approaches to Faneull hall became densely blocked. Then orders were given the police to drive back the people and ropoolT the strecfe. This was done by the police after some vigorous clubbing. In the rush oue boy was fatally Injuied nnd many men badlybruised. After the lopes were stretched no one was allowed to enter the hall or square without a ticket. Ono or two speakers harranciied the crowd in Deck square. Some one suecestcd that the hall be burned , but this did not meet with much favor. The' banquet Is still in progress and It Is feared t lint some trouble may arise when the uunsts'nre departing , but the police are co.itident ot their ability to check any riotous outbreak. Later-More police were brought to the square and the .banquet closed at 12 o'clock. Tno guests left for home without molestation. ChlcnjtoV Utfebratlon. . CHICAOO , June 217 The queen's jubilee day was celebrated hero by n procession , com posed of the various British and Orange societies of the city. After It had been re view ed by the major and other notables , the participants proceeded to Cheltenham beach where the remainder ot the day was spent vvltnossinir athletic sports , with a banquet nnd lire works In tlieovening. The nttorney general to-tlay liled n petition with the clerk of tlio United States court asking leave to amend the Information In the lake front litigation case of the state against the Illi nois Central load. The amendment strikes at the validity of the legislature act by which the railroad claims title to the submerged lands. A Celtic Kick. Nnw Yonic , Juno 21. Mayor Hewitt rarly this forenoon ordered the keeper of the city hall to pet the flans flying In honor of Queen Victoria's juhllqe. This demonstration elicited many adverse comments from Celtic sources. All the Kngllsh nnd many other foielpn vessels In this port decorated to day In honor of the queen's jubilee. A number of business houses controlled by British capitalists , were closed. Public services worn held in the Metropolitan opera house , 0,000 people being present. Krastua WIman was the orator of the day. Several others & ] > eke , among them Mayor Hewitt , who spoke briefly as nn American he put It. not as mayor of New York. He hoped to live to see the day when the queen would crown many noble acts by granting a parliament on Col- legu Green , Dublin. This was preetod with applause. The festivities wore continued this evening with Illumination and banquets. Solemn requiem mass was celebrated In the Church of Holy Innocents this morning for the rcooso of the souls of 150,000 Irish who died of starvation during the reign of Queeu Victoria. Patriotic Sons of America. CHICAGO , June 21. The Patriotic Sons of America began n three days' convention here to-day. The society Is patriotic , social , fra ternal , nnd limited to native born Americans , According to the statement ot the secretary , the membership has Increased during the past two yeais Irom 40,000 to 175,000. Most of the delegates have como Instructed to have planks Inserted In the platform against un limited luimlgintlon , nnd In favor of an edu cational qualitlcitlon for suffrage. AVojuher Indications. For Nebraska : Fair weather , northerly , Ishftlug to easterly winds , becoming varia ble. ble.For For Iowa : Northwesterly winds , fair weather , becoming warmer. Foi Kastern Dakota : Westerly winds , fair weather , becoralnz warmer. Scrambling Air the Spoils. NEW YOIIK , June 21. Judge Donahue , of the supreme court , upon application of Bluin- ensteln & Hlrscli , on bclmU of Kosenbaum Brothers , granted an attachment against the property In this stnto of Uosenfeld & Co. , upon a claim ot 01,000 resulting from the recent troubles In tlio wheat market , Disaster on iiako Eric. Cr.KVKi.ANn , Juno 31. The steam barge P. II , Walters , owned in Sanduskywas sunk In a storm oh Black Ittver , Ohio , about 7 o'clock last evening , and eight lives lost. The captain , mate , and two of the captain's sons saved themselves brcllnglng to floating fenders. An Old Soldlrr Gone. Sioux CITV , la. , June 21. General E. vV. Rice , ono of Iowa's distinguished soldiers In the war for the Union , died In this city last evening , after a protracted Illness , in the lifty-second jear of hU age. Railway Mnnter Mechanics. ST. PAUL , Juno 81. The twentieth annua session of the Hallway Master Mechanics association began hero to-day. Various topics were discussed. Flnslnpss Failure. QUEBEC , Jut\e 31. Baudot , Chlnlc & Co. hardware merchants , arc In financla trouble. Their liabilities probably amount tc 5400,000. Declared Off , MAiuu.v.iir.Ai Ma s. . Junn 21. The yachtface hnslwouU'cliredolt for to day ' ' A VERY INDIFFERENT GAME , Tcatcrday's Omaha-Lincoln Contest Charac terized By Listless Playing. ORACLE'S UNFAIR DECISIONS. The Homo Tcnin IJOICH tlio Second Gnuu ! of the Scries by n Score of 1U to 0 Doing" On tlio Ula menU anil Track , Heroes of tlio Diamond. Omaha beat Lincoln nt the ball park Sun- Iny , anil yesterday Lincoln returned thu compliment. Though thn game was marred by some In excusably poor holding on the part ot snmo ot the Omahas , and the wind kept nasty clouds of dust swooping acioss the diamond , t was Interesting In the start , and toward : ho close , when Omaha did some bcnutltul and timely hitting , bccamo quite exhilarat ing.As As nn umplro Mr. Deaglo Is feaifnlly and wonderfully niado ; and whllo the Ouialms collared the bulk of the roast , the Lincoln ? were remembered , too. Ho gave the Lln- colr.s a homo run on Hall's foul lilt over the right field fence In the opening inning- , but wened up by giving the Ouialms ouu on Walsh's tout hit o\er the lett ticld fence In the seventh. Ho made c.xecrablu decisions on first and third no less than three times , and his judgment on balls and strikes was icartrcndlng. As an umplro , In the language of Lord Gladstone , Dcaclo Is a pro-eminent failure. Ho's no Rood , to neatly pack the truth In a nutshell , nud Omaha wants no more of him. In the first , Omaha got a man as tar as see- Mid , but that's all. Swift went out to first , Walsh wasglven a Dag on balls , stole second but Dwyer and llarter were speedily retired on Ions Hies to Shaffer and Hall respectively. Foi the Llncolns , Hall , the first man at the bat. hit the hrst ball pitched , a foul over the Held fence , but the umpire said It was fair. fair.This was a damper on the audience In the outset , and a suppressed groan , broken hero and there by some very muscular ejaculations , thrilled through the ontlro stand. Beckley then banned the ethereal mildness four times , Shaffer fouled out , and Kowo died on a puny drive to Swift. In the second Hart presented Kourko with the No. 1 bag. Messitt How out. Bader fol lowed with a hit to left , and on a muff by UecKley Kourko took third and ho second. Cionlns' hit had a treat deal of lire in It , and on Its being fumbled by llerr , both man on bases camr. in , Genius , however , perishing at lirst. lirst.Tho audience hero cheered uproariously , but observed nn almost funereal sllenco throughout the remainder of the contest. O'Leary sent a slow one to llrst and took his place In the box. Tlio Llncolns came In , and after Dolan and Jlerr had retired on long tiles to Under , both excellent catches , O'Leary gave Toohey first on balls , he stole second neatly , and came home on Hart's hit to short , which Dwycrlot get between his legs , and when he recovered the ball Hart was on third. Hall retired , however , on a throw by llarter to Dwyer , the fourth strikes having been missed. In the third Swift , Walsh and Dwyer were retired as last as they could step up to the plate , but the Lincolns added another to their column of totals , Lang scoring on Rourko's fumble , a steal and a naif passed ball. For the Omahas the fourth , fifth , sixth and seventh were unproductive , and it was a buzz-saw to a wild cat that Lincoln would take the game. But few enthusiastic "Hey I Hey ! Hoys I' gladdened the hearts and quickened the pulses of the Omahas ; some times the sllonco was so oppressive you could have heard a gum drop. Occasionally , however , a sten torian request would emanate from the grand staud for Mr. Dcaglo to go off and lay down , but we couldn't see what they wanted Mr. Deacle to lay down for ; he didn't scorn tired and was certainly enjoying himself. One man was Inhuman enough to implore him to go out his throat Wasn't that awful ? lint It relieved Uin monotony. In the sixth inning for the Lincoln's Itowo drove a line one for a bag past second ; Dolan forced him ut second , and went to third on a w lid throw of O Lsary's. Herr then made n one bagger to loft , and Dolan came In. Toohey fanned out and Hart was ex tinguished trying to purloin .second. In the seventh , after two hands were out , they built a Himalayan peak by piling up three more runs. Hall out at hrst. Bechloy struck out for the second time , but Lang got his base on a fumble of Dwyer's , stole second and on a fumble of Uouko's and a wild throw of Shaffer's hit they went to third and second respectively , and galloped homo like year lings on Kowo'ssafo hit to center. Howe fol lowing in himself on Harter's wild throw to catch him at second. Dolan then kindly ro ll red. For the Omahas , in the eighth , after O'Loary and Swift had gone out , Duaglo made the rubescent short stop a Christmas present of a homo run on a toul hit over left hold fonco. But still the tomb-llko stlcnco reigned. The audience had already had tomb much. They couldn't ha\o been hurt much worse , not n\en had Dcagle pushed the court house over on them. In their half the Llncolns swelled the fil/e of their victory to ten runs , on Toohoy's base on balls , Hart's tumbled lilt. Hall's base on balls and another llery and untamed throw by O'Leary. As a sample of what they could do when they want to , the Omahas came in for their turn at tlio ninth. Kourkdkook first on an error of Becklcy's : Messltt's hit to second was mulTed , and O'Leary took that bag and Messitt lirst , and then mascot Under dtovo a safe ono Into Toohoj 's garden , and that gen tleman allowing it to tortuously a\old iilm. liadcr ran like a deer ( town to thlid , and then homo right on the heels of Kourko and Messitt. The next three men , however , Gonins , O'Lrary and Swift , retired In oulur and the game vvas o\er , or under , wo don't know which. Anyway , tlio Llncolns said It was theirs and the grounds on which they based their claims can bo inspected below : Knrned runs Omaha , 2 ; Lincoln , 'J. Two base hit-Hall. ' 1 hrce base hits bwlft , Bader. Homo runs Walsh , Hall. Struck out Hy O'Leary , 4 ; Hart , 4. Uases on balls Uy O'Lehry , C ; Hart , , ' ! . Wild pltches-O'Leary , 1. Parsed balls none. Lofton bases Omaha , t ; Lincoln , 5. Time ot game Two hours and ten minutes Umulro Deaglu. TO-I ) vv's OAMI : . Omaha and Lincoln are now tie again , am all those who wish to see a hotlv conti'stet gatn < > should go out to Association Park thU afternoon by nil means. Below Is thu bat ting order of the two teams : Omaha. Positions. Lincoln Krelimejer Catcher Hoover ilealy. . . , Pitcher. . . . , llrtnvi 1)w j er . . . 1st base lirck ! < > Swift -d base K < mo .Kourko yd b.isc. , VnlMi Short Stop Herr lader Left Field Toohey tcnlns Center Field Hall , les3ltt lllght Field Shatter Hustings llolnats Dnnvcr. , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram to ho UHK | An exceedingly clo o and well ilayed game between the Denver and Listings teams was witnessed by about welvc hundred peeplu nt the park this after- loou. The batteries nnd Holders of both clubs did excellent work , and so close was he score that up to tlio beginning of the itnth Inning thu game was In doubt. The game was lost by thu homo club because ot heir inability to hit Wehrle. Umpire llur- ey , who during the piesent season , has been with the Denver club , left last night lot Cin cinnati to accept n position with the Ameri can association , The lollow Ing Is the score : Denver 1 OlflOOOSO-7 Hastings 1 0 0 0 0 2 n 0 8 Errors Denver n , Hastings 7. Base hits DonverB , Hastings n. Huns earned Dan- vor a. Hastings 2. Two-biso hits Keis- ng. Wehrle , Hjnii , Holircr. Double plajs McSoiloyto Mujers to Brlge , Deasley to Kohrcr to Kelslug. Ia ! es on balls Voss 4 , Wehrlo 2. Hits by pltchcr-Holnelo 2. Passed bills-Mo > ers 1 , Khrlght -Struck out Voss 7 , WelnIP 2. Left on babes Den ver 1. Hastings 7. Wild pitches Voss 1. Empire Pony. Uatterles : Dunvei Voss nnd Mou'is ; Hastings Wehrlo and Kbright. Knnsns City Wins Ann In. KANSAS CITV , Juno 21. [ Special Tclo- gram to thn Unn.1 St. Joe met with defeat ngaln to-day , the score standing 1C to 5. The game was rotten , one-sided from the begin ning , and when In the lirst half ot tlio fifth Inning Lhret was knocked out of the bov nid Bellman dislocated a finger , compelling him to retire from the game , Struvoi ) re placing him , the visitors became discouraged. The features of the game wore Struvos * splendid catch In center Held and Manning's line stop of n hot grounder. The ofllcial scoio by Iniilugs Is as follows : Kansas City 8 fi 10 St Joe 0 0 1 : i 0 0 1 0 05 Karned runs Kansas City V , St. Joe 4. Three bas > e hits McKeon. Two base hits Hasamcr , McKeon , Manning , Sunday , Law rence , Isaac-son. Double plays Giavos to Manning to McKeon , Ike to Isaacson , linso on balls Manning 8 , Mansell , Giaves. Konlylr , Cramer , MappK Sunday. First base on errors Kansas City 3 , St. Joe 4. Struck out Konlj Ir , Crane a. Graves. Ike , Hrlmblccom , Lawrence. Passed balls Ueltmnn 2. Wild pitches Lawrence 4. Time of game 2 hours. Umnlro Hngau. Batteries Kansas City , Nichols and Map- pis ; St. Joe , Khret , Uultman , Lawrence and Koblnson. The American Asnoclatlon. NEW YORK , Juno 21. The game between Metropolitan and Athletic to-day resulted ns follows : Metropolitan 0 0000110 2 4 Athletic 0 8 0 0 2 0 ! 0 * -8 Pitchers Lynch and Wcyhinp. Uase hits Metropolitans 10 , Athletics 10. Krrors Metropolitans 4 , Athletics 2. Umpire Fer- gusou.j BAi.riMoitK , Juno 21. The game between Baltimore and Brooklyn to-day resulted as follows : Baltimore 0 2010121 * 7 Brooklyn 0 12001000-4 Pitchers Smith and Portor. Base hits Baltimore y , Brooulyn 8. Krrors Baltimore 3 , Brooklyn 0. Umpire Marshall. CINCINNATI. June 21. The game between Cincinnati and St. Louis to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati 0 12000000 3 St. Louis 0 00010010 2 Pitchers Smith andKlnnr. Base hits Cin cinnati 0 , tit. tiouls 13. Errors Cincinnati 2 , SU Louis 4. hmplre McQuado. CLEVELAND , Juno 21. The game be tween Cleveland and Louisville to-day le- sulted as follows : Chivcland 0 00000001 1 Louisville 0 4040025 * 21 Pitchers Crow ell nndtltamsny. Base hits Cleveland 7 , Louisville 27. Krrors Clove- laud 11 , Louisville 'I. Umplic Knight. National Lenicuo Games. June 21. The game between tween the .Indianapolis and Boston teams to-day resulted as follows : Indianapolis 0 01030000 4 Boston t 00000020 3 Pitchers Boyle and Conway. Base lilts Indianapolis O.Boston 11. Krrors ludianau- olis4 , Boston 1. Umpire Pearce. CHICAOO , Juno 21. The game between the Chicago and Philadelphia teams to-day re sulted as follows : Chicago 0 3001204 * 0 Philadelphia 1 12000000 4 Pitchers Baldwin and Ferguson. Basohlla ChlcagolS , PhlladoInhlaO. Krrors Chicago 5 , Philadelphia 3. Umpire Sullivan. DKTIIOIT , Juno 21. The gamu botweun the Detroit and Washington teams to-aay re sulted as follows : Detroit 8 1 0 8 0 3 0 C 0 16 Washington 1 00010002 4 Pitchers Wcldman and Gilmore. Base hits Detroit 23 , Washington 11. Kirors De troit 5 , Washington 3. Umplro Docjchor. Northwestern Lcaicuc Games. DF.S MOINES , la. . Juno 21. Northwestern- league games to day : Des Molnes 8 , Minne apolis 3 , at Minneapolis ; St. Paul 7 , La CrossoO , at La Crosse ; Kau Claire 2 , Milwau kee S , at Milwaukee. Racine nt Shcopshead nay. NEW YORK , Juno 21. There was an excel lent attendance at Shcopshead Bay to-day. The weather was charming nud the track good. Three-quarters milo : baxony won , Harry Ilusscll second , Bramblcton third. Tiiuo 1:14J : { . Tvvo-vear-olds , five furlongs : Magnetl/er won , Guarantee bccond , Ballbtcn third. Time 1:02. : Three-year-olds and upwards , mile and one-eighth : The Bard won , Troubadour sec ond. Tlme-iV5. : Threu-j ear-olds , mlle : Hanover won , Kingston second. Time 1 : UK- Supplementary suburban , one and one- fourth miles ; Bun All won , Richmond second end , Kuius third. Time 2:03. : Ono and nnunUhth miles : Choctaw won Pilot second , Floienco M third. Time 1:60. : Diamond nnd Other Sporting Tlp . Two homo runs , both on fouls , Is not so bad lor one day. Four hundred Is n good crowd foi THUS- dav. That vv as Iho number present jester- day. day.There There are yet but thirty-nine more cham pionship games scheduled for the Association park grounds. Toda > 's Is tlio last game on thn home grounds until July a , nnd then we'll have the bojs from the base of thu Ilocktes What the Omnhas want Is morn science and vim In their base running. With this moie green legs would tioss the plate. Deagle's umpiring was again deddedly unsatisfactory jMtcrday. Ho can nlay the gaiufl much better than ho can umpire It. Bader , Switt and Walsh's balling was l.nn and timely , while llarler's caU-liinir am Swift's second lusu play were ot thu brilliant order. On leaving the grounds yesterday evening O'Leary st ignored under fc fl nnc , ah sessed uj1 Manager Phllbln foi HstlcsJ and Inoilfercnt play. Dave Itowo may do the great can-can ac n litllo too oltrn for Urn audience , but he gonnrally kicks for a purpose , and seldom tails to maku illpoint. . , The Fourth will bo made a g la day it the park. Thoru will bo music und lla s am bunting till you can't rest , nnd two , ; ' > o < games with tliu Dcnvery. Dolan , for the country boys , i-auu'it like theveteianho Is : Unit pltchrd nffcctlvnh and with ludgmcnt , while Hull nnd I'ooiiny lilt the ball ilt < lit on the nose. 'Iheru will l > c como of the best sprint run ners in the country hero at the bicycle- tournament , and V-jolo runs will bo Interspersed sporsed with some great foot lading. An Immense Hell ! of tnttcis will bo hrro duiln thp tomliu Omaha inlr nud i xposi lion , and thu Mieed ring attractions vIII un doubtedly bu tno host ever known lieu * . Gcouij Shaffer was present nt the buildlni : of the pyramid of Cliroix. ami rcrouuM limn plCabiklil pUUOIial TOillulbCOUCrS Of 111' . ' ( If Plavs ball after n fashion thai much of the joiing blood. irniM i. ? ro n" ° " the 'l'1' ' ' v | * ° for t"o i > P- 'if ' , tlourln" ' "t- which will bo linlit n-vt s mruMaf'1" ' " . ' , " t""ltlrt > > "t Association u tiMiai ' iilnBtT ' r"10,0 l9 "ooiiilng things In booming style , nnd , assisted by W. SmuJ C VinpUlly " ol" " lllllK' | ' " Si ? "I i "i , 1PI ( l v ° r < ? 1 aicsuiotobothoro- h , , I T,0,1"1 ? ' ns lllt ! n w Hack Is said n i ii f ° i i ° , f ' 'ttftst < ' 8t ' " the country. A , , , \nllbiuri \ In K'1K.llal > P. of Denver , \vlio Is nil the Important events In the oclp tournament to bo held Satuiday and fB n\ \ ' y Iu > xt. " 'Association park , lias n 0iUsiircciJrtl ; H" . ls Uv ontvllvo years old , stands llvo feet nnd weighs 1M pounds. Ho ? ° . " iicuced racing In lts.t , , and his iccord for n , V fimlic fi s ! ll > , ll0 RUrll'tl > tten In 1KS3. vv Inning fl lirst nnd I second iccord. In ISM vns In U races , wlnnlngO lirst and 4 second : n Ibs. was In ; io tares , winning II first. 13 second and 2 third , lu IbsO ho was n member of the Columbia team ol celebrated ildors. consisting of Kovve , lloiidcn , llmnham and ilms-cir. In IhV ; ho won the two-mile Ameri can championship , and also beat Howe , ot -ynn , Mass , in two ono mlle races , also itunrgo . . \ \ cber , Chicago's renowned bl- c > c r ' pr' sI'rince. . 11 ) pr'Mm" - of this city landlcd him this xear. Ho Is now matched jefoioAU'u0tf15r ll' ' ° Motld'8 championship COM ; UMMU. Iho Fidelity JRnnk Carried Down With the Clique. CrvciN.viTi , Juno 21. The Fidelity Na tional bank w. is closed this morning by order of the government. A meeting of the board of dliectors was at once called nnd Is now In session. No means of ascertaining their ac tion exists. The doors of the bank are closed , and policemen within and without guard the onttanco airalnst everybody except persons having business with the safe deposit - posit depart incut of thu bank. John If. DeCamp , vice president of the Metropolitan .National bank , was appointed receivei of the Fidelity National bank. Vice President Harper , who has borne the heavy strain lor the past week , Is much distressed this nioriilnir. Ho calls himself a ruined man and is In a high state of excitement. A con- Mirv.itlvodirectoi sajs it Is Ills opinion that thodoposltois will got their money In full. About noon Vice President Harpei , senior member of the firm of K. L. Harper & Co. , Iron dealers , mndo an assignment , which was followed by Urn the assignment of the linn. Later In the day Harper made an as signment of hlsrolling mill in Now-port , Ky. Iho estimated liabilities in all the Interests of K. L. Harper approach SiOOO.OOO ; assets , counting his bank stock at par , about tno same. WASHINGTON , Juno 21. The comptroller of currency to day received telegrams from Povvoll , the regular bank examiner for the western district of Ohio , saying that ho had taken charge of the Fidelity National bank , ot Cincinnati , Ohio , as an Insolvent institu tion. Comptroller Trenholm says It Is not likely that the exact condition of the bank can bo ascertained Inside of two weeks. Ho said : "Unman about this bank In connection with the wheat corner In Chicago has been widely published , and fora weuk past the bank ox- ' amtuer has been either in i Cincinnati or within easy reach of it , under Instructions to watch the situation closely. He subsequently ascertained that the liabilities of the bunk. oxcluslvo of the capital stock , arc about S-i.500,000. The Individual deposits are about S2riOO,000. CHICAOO , Juno 2L [ Special Telegram to the BhK.I News of the closing of the Fidel ity National bank of Cincinnati did not create any excitement heio outside of the wheat pit qn the board of trade. The cash iers of the principal banksof the city were Interviewed and were unanimous In the opinion that It would have no effect hero linanclally. Cashier Mover , of the Commer cial National bank , said : "The examiner has done. In my opinion , a thing ho has no right to do , namely , ordered n bank closed merely because ho found that some of the olllcers had been engaged In fraudulent trynsactlons merely because payment had been stopped on some of their drafts. 1C there had been no funds to meet them and they had gone to protest , It would have boon n different matter. " Cashier Preston , of the Metropolitan National , said : "iho banks hero have been looking for something of that kind for some time , over since the bursting of the wheat corner. The Fidelity was n very larne Institution. It Is only about a year old , but by holding out special induce ments to other bauks they succeeded In building up n large business In that line. They did the largest business of any bank In Ohio. They have quite a large balance to tlieir credit with u , but over since the burst ing of the wheat deal this thing has been looked for , and the Bank of Montreal and the American E\chango bank are the only banks here that have any of their drafts , and 1 undeistand they are fully protected. " MISS HOWARD'S MISSION. Aiding Helpless Indian Girls In Dakota. NEW YORK , June 21. [ Special Telegram to the BIK : ] Grace Howard , eldest daughter of the well-known journalist , Joseph Howard , jr. . on Wednesday night leaves the parental roof , going as a missionary to Crow Creek agency In Dakota territory. Two or three years ngo Miss Howard was sent as an Invalid to Hampton , Vn. , where she became greatly InterenUnl In General Aimstront'a ? famous school for Indian boys and c I rift. Her simuathy was aroused by the lielplcAa condlt'on ' In whlcti thn Indian girls who graduated from that Institution Imd them selves on their rctuin to their Indian homes. Armed with letters of Introduction from her father , Miss Howard secured backing from the depaitment ot war and the Interior , made personal Inspection of several agencies in Dakota and satlslied herself that somcthlii ) ! ought to bo done by Christian women In aid of thcso friendless girls. Henry Ward Bceclier also gave her a letter which was Indorsed by her lather , af ter much persuasion , and slio set about to put into execution n procrnuiuni which In cludes the locating ot 100 acres of land near Ciovv Creek agency , the erection of a school house nnd the establishment of n school In which Indian glils may bo taught plain and fancy sowing and bu miaMllcd to not as in- structoH for the less Savored of their sex. Tlie Indian bureau has taken pronounced interest In tha matter , wliluh is indoised cordlall } overhls own hand nnd seal by Sec retary Lamar ol the luttilor department. American In Pcrsln. NMV YOHK , Juno 21. ( Special Telegram to the UI.K.I Uecent mail ndvices fiom Persia say tliat the thah , tbrouirh the inter- vuntlonof K. hpcncer Pratt , Unhid States minister to that country , has granted an Im- pcrhtl llnrau. niithon/Iiig Amcilcan mis sionaries 10 found at Teheran n hospital which Elmll icrclvc without distinction ot rtll-'lon or of nationally all ur.tleuU who vvlfih to ho treated tin-re. Dr. Terrence , phy sician of the mission nt Teheran , has been namui us director of the establishment , and thu slmli , vvlshlngtoncknowlnilguattho same time the /cal and devotion of Dr. Terrence , has made him a grand otllrnr of the older ot thu Lion and the bun ol Persia. Illinois and IMnuro-l'iicuntonla. Si'i'.i.vr.KiKi.u , lit. , Junu'U. Qultii lively light Is In progiess asalnst executive nu- pioval of the plruro-piipumonla act Just pas-o'l. The objectors urco unconstitutional points nn-l that It gives the United States commissloiiL'is of agriculture denpoilu novver over thn people rind property of Illinois , which Plight b exctcfscd to seilonsly op press and w rout ; thu people. A written pro- te > t has been lilu ! with the governor , but none oC thu papers aiu utcusslblo for publi cation as yet. T' til Indinn Captured. DFNVII : : , .luno Ul. Oolornw , n snb chief ot the \J\tf \ \ , nnd a noted rcnogiulu who has been depredating In the Unrompnliro dUtrlct vvltb alollowliu ot nhty to ouo hundred Utea , hai bw/i captunjil. fitonuiahlp Anicnls , nutiiiiid , Jin S-ftii ! ; ctI ! : 'Icle.-iam to Iho Isi.iM Arnvva-Thu J.oJUtt , from Now York , sru.t.v. .liiuo ? ] . JVicil The Western * liiil , lrni New tori , to.tiitvvtrj ) .