Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advortlst mi nts unilor tills head. 10 ctits pe
Hit for thu III ft lux nion , " cents fur each sub-
frinii'iit inperton , nndflMa line per month.
No ndvoitl'otnont tnkeii for loss trinii 25 cents
fortho Hist Insertion. Seven words wil ibo
rountod to llio line : they must run consocu-
llvoly and must lie paid In ndvnnco. All advcr-
tl otucjit * mii'l bo handed In licfoi c 1 : : o'clocn
11. m. , mid mull r no circumstance's will they bo
tiikf n or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ndvurtislng In thcro columns nnd hav
ing Hit ) nnswdis addressed In enroot Tint His
will plen iiu k foru check to enable tlium to got
tlii'lt JUtots.ns none will bo delivered oicopt
fin iiroFPiilntlon of check. All answers to ndvor-
tl'fmrntR should bo cmlosod In envelopes ,
. All fldvurtlscmentg In the e column * mo pub-
llahrd In tmth mnrnlnir nnd evening editions of
Olio lit r. , tlio circulation of which
nisgrcgnlrs moro than 14,000 pnpors
dally , nml gives thn hdvertl'cr the
ficniifit , not only of the city clrcuhitlon of The
llrr lint nlF.o of Ooutirll lllnfTe. Lincoln , nnd
other cities nnd towns throughout tills pint of
the west.
M' ONKV ' to loan , uo commission Colo. .110 8
MONUV TO IjOAN on Itnprovnd city prop
erty In sums of 11.000to Jfi.OOO ut U per
ctut Interest. Hholi B.V Crtimli , 820
MONKV TO I.OAN-OifcltyPropcrty In
sums of ? .r,00 nnd upwards nt lowest rales.
Money hlwnyfl on hnnd. S. 8. Cainpliell , 310
Pouth Sixteenth strci t. K3 !
MONP.Y ' 1O I/AN-O r Davis To . real
estate nnd loan agents , 1505 t'nrnnin st.
$ rii',00fl ) to lonn on rent otnlo No delny.
Harris ft Bnmpson , lllfl Douglas st. 513
$5no/)00 ) To lonn on Omiihii city piopcrty utO
l > or cent. 0. W. Day , a , o. cor. Ex. Hid.
MONP.Y TO LOAN-On citv nnd farm prop-
orty , low mtcs. Btewnrt ft Co. , Hoom J
Iron bank. 6Q1) )
MONKY to lonn. cash on drlny.
J. W , and II. ISqulro , 1411 Furnatn St. ,
Paxlon hotel building. 510
MONP.Y 'IO LOAN on improved real estate ;
no commission charged. Loavltt Duru-
bnni , Hoom 1 Crelghton Illock 612
MONIVY to loan on Improved city property
and fiirms from $1,000 tip , nt lowest rnte
Apply lo Win. JJ. I.onch , Heal Pstnt'i Agent , 160'J
Piirnmn GJIJyP )
6PbH Cl-NT Monor to lonn.
Gregory & lladlisy ,
Ilooma 1 nnd 8 , HcdicK Block , J20 IMh St.
fjJ |
MONKY loaned on rosldeneopropoity. First
and cccond mortgages bought. R. S. How-
loy , 314 South 16th street. ZCoJ-'S
I/AN Money 1/miis plnced on im-
-i proved real estate In city or county for
Now Knglnnd Loan .V Tiust To , by Douglao
County hunk. Iflh and Clilrngo Ma _ 611
MONKY to lonn on linptovcd ulty prope-ity nt
U per cent. Mono } on hand ; do not hnvo
to wait. Ilnro n complete art of nbstrrct books
of Douglas county. I. \VatBOii.nlistrnctor
Harris Honl F.stnto nnd Lonn Co , J20 H. I'm st.
_ 61.1
TVIONHY 'IO I.OAN-b ) ttio undersigned , who
Ail has the only properly organized loan
agency InOnuihii. Loansof JlO to } 100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , watrons ,
mnchlnery , Ac , without rcinovnl. No delays
All huslnoei etrlctly confidential. I.onns BO
mndo that any part can bo paid at nny Ime.onch
paj inont rcdutlne the cost pro rntn Advances
imulu on flnc watuhus and diamonds Persons
vhotild carefully counldor * ho they are donllns
Tf llh , as many now concerns are dally comlnir
Into oxlstonce. Miould you need money call
end POO me. W. R Croft , Hoom t Wtb
lrith nnd Hnrtiuy. 610
r. O.MA11A inundiicomi
N wPnrnor of llainoy nnd Bta. ,
btnto National bank.
Is" prepnred to mnko short tlmo lonns on any
available sccuilty.
Loans mndo on chnttols , collateral or real
I OIIK tlmo lonns mndoon Improved real estate
nt current rnles
I'urrliiiso money mortKBires nefjotlatcd.
he cured notes bouiiht , solil or nzcliRttirrd
bhort tlmo loans mndo on ocond inortRHKO.
Recording to mar.inal Interest , nt collateral
llml estate to excluvngo for rood Interest
benrlmr pniior.
( itnornl llnnntIM biiBlncBs of nil _ lnda trans
ected promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
jMoni'j always on bund for npprored loans of
nny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbott. MnnnRpr. 617
[ 750,000 IO LOANntB per cent. Llimlnn
' Mnlinno ) , 150'J 1'iirnnm. 618
MON15Y 1 OANKDnt C. F. lleod & Co.'g Ixnn
Ofllce , on furnlturopianos , horses.wngons ,
personal property of nil kind * , and nil other ar
ticles of value , without removal. UU 8. Uth.
ever fllngham 8 Commlsslou store. All busi
ness Btrlctlv i onfldentlal. 519
11. 0. 1'Kttenon , 15th ar.d Hnrnoy. 620
TV'ANTIID Pnrtlos who ileslro to buy or soil
T or exchange stocks of general mere-bun-
disc , dry goods , groeorloi , boots nnd shoes ,
hardware , til uga. Jewelry Improved or unlin-
provol town orclty propertj , Improved or un-
prov ed farms In any part of the United btmes ,
toaddroes KritUfO A Poster , 31B S. 16th gt.
Omaha , Nob. CSI JO
FOH THADH-An Impi-ovo.l form of la ) noros
In Iowa for goods or lands In Ncluaska.
Cash paid for balance. Andrew llovlns , UOJ
.Douglas st. 6U1 2 IJ
WANTIID-Purinsr with J200 In well located
and nlcnly turnlshod real psiato office.
Applj 10 J. tf. Johnson , J19 8. 15th , room 1.
183 22J
FOll BAl < K Two jrrniu plavators ; cti-au stock
ot groceries ; : W liens of Intmlnghind ,
F5 noros In wheat ; ( dock of gontloinon's fur
nishing goods nnd ready made clothing , on
Jnriium at. ; horse mid phaeton ; house , barn
nnd lot on N. Kith St. , and other property. I or
pattleulars miquiio of Iteoord Advertising Co. ,
1513 I'urnnm st. 611 2 < )
T710H BAIiK-lloot and shoo stock Including
- * - 6 your * louse of More , best location In
btr.lo and c'l > . Address T10 lleo oltlco.
, .1 SAIiK Drug store uf fl.COO , goodtiado
established , will cell on on > y terms or will
InVo western land us part paj inont Ad4ro s
J. It , Nelson & Son , t'alrbury. Nob. 187 J3J
WANTKDGiutlcmnn wibhlnj "im honest
bu. < lno.s8 , prollts } H to f4 ! every day ;
onlvnxroiiiired ) | ; will eTchnngp for stock or
trade. V o best bankb of Omnbn given us rof-
orenoos Call or write to Ollieo No. 1 , 11U Xortli
blxlenntli fitroul. Ouiuliu , Nob. 4la
" " "
\\7ANTHD-To nol ! , mv bnrbor shop Fo"r"p"ar
11 tlctilnra nddriwa T li lleo otlioe. 1UJ - !
" | _ PSINP.f < a Chanees If you vrnnt to buy or
- - ' soil any buslnos < , elty or country , write
or > oc mo. J. S. Jolnibon , 318 b 16th , room 4.
Ml 21-
] 7 > OH KXcTlANUP. If jou hnvo oily property
for farms or farm * , merchandise , grocery
stores to exchange cill nt my ofllee. J. 8
Johns in , 310 S 15th , mom 4. 2"0 Jl >
1 , 011 8 VM ! The best burgaln Grocery Btoro
1 centrally located on paved street. OM ov
tnhllshcd trado. Call on > cnran , Colea lloo-
crtion.'JIOR , 16th st. 201
" | /lt ( ) S.M.K llakrry nnd Ice cream pirlor
- - Addrodi Mre. U Auer , Osceola , Neb.
1)01 ) iil'
GlilCKIlS'lOCK Clonn nnd fresh for sulo
l'arrotti.Jlilaiuson. . UpstsIrs.UOI Doug ,
las st. 107
1)KH5ONAL N nt nn Jintty all wool hu lnesH
iiilto fT. Fine bim ! dligonal dress aults ,
310.7) . Call nnd ( no thorn 01 write for oamploJ.
L O. Jones A. Co. , Amerlaan Clothlern. 1IJJ
lnrram _ st , OnuihR. 'XU J jj
" "
1 > KHPONAfj-lf you want n deslrel" ren-
tralloc ! 'e-l olllcc > ou can Iliul it nt .Id
piit-OXAf.-I'rlYttto : homo for ladles Onnnc
.1 ( onflnement , strictly ronlldmtlnl , Inlnn't
alonlindUrrss ) i : 4. , lleo ofllcn. SWJyt *
I. clilrtojnni , > nd builnvss Mcdluoi
Hooc No. 8 , \ North \ IGtu it. .Oms-t-i * , NoU
6. ' 7
] Or Jollconl ( lnln.- currency , JuO ; golJ ,
* JiO ( and two cne-'ks endorsi'd. literal 10.
erd by roturrtloK to U. 11. J.uccyc. J3 3 Cuiului ;
It. . 6.171
LOST-On Klpbteuntn , Sherman n % ordraee
t. , " 5p tncntUin ! , " I'lPiiie return to
110H North loth tt. , or r. J. frotdon , architect ,
opera hivKv , T. Mutphy , contractor and.
IUalOr itrayed from bottou. ou north
i AHimdori street , bnv- her
< o , yl. * - ,
liHrVrd with B. 3. oo Ul > MRS h'ti. ' Mmic
thorn fcort. tUlorc. to H It , Ui\ien. V.'nS.
. it ; a
. MBA feA . , -vl , f _ H.
QTRAYHD Lnrgo younir black nd wlilto
> > dog ! hnd on n heavy lenthnr collar and steel
chain. Huturn to 1819 Izard st. nnd recclv n reward -
ward ,
O'l UAYlJD OH SI OMN-Inrk : Tmy Tiorsel
kJ about 14J < bands high , 6 ) oars old , saddle
murk on back , smnll knot on Ixinc below loft
knro. Scara on breast made by barbed wire
fcnco Hiiwnrd will bn paM for bis return to
n. P. Strntirht west of Cunning works , West
Side nddltlon. 651 SI *
1 AKP.N UP-At Do Vino's dairy , Pnunacrs
St. , east of the fort , a bay mare about 1,1UU
or t.200 , with shoos nn hind foot. 60.1 21J
"ITIOt'NDIllack nnd white diopherd dog. In-
JL' ijulro Olaf Umd , cor 'Jth and Uonirl is sts.
rpAKP.N UP A whltocovT , right eye mls -
-L Ing nnd n wound on faco. Owner can
hnvo smne by calling on Oustavo Paul , Twunt-
seventh ami Center Ptroot 13-20-.1Q. Jy. Ill ,
| { 1IlHT-CIjA83 Storage nt 110 N 13th Ft ,
SIOHAOP. Hrst elas etornge for nice furni-
ture and boxed goods 1 erguson Kiirnl-
ui o Co. , 71V7I7-7-1 North ICtb street. 171
STOHAOn Flrst-cluss storage for tilco tur-
nlturo or boxed goods , utlilJ DodRc-st.
MAOAMi : MANA10U , Clalr\ojnnt , Hoom 20 ,
13U UoUKlaS Bt. 471 24 *
lH DtlHANr Clnrlvoynnt from Iloston.n
I'l ttllablo In allnlfalrsof llfounites sopftratcd
overs. Kii N. loth it. room 6 601 J3J |
ADOITION Two babies for adoption , boy
ami girl , wood piironlniro rnqulro of Dr.
"iVIIIInms , room 17 , Arllimton block. MI-SI *
OMAHALAUNUIIY.UIIN 16th street. Shirts
inc. collars nnd cutrsMe , ladles' dresses r.nil
'ninlly MiistniiL'cl.eupoat In the city ; nri-t cbias
work. 6.10-0'
IMin old Ihovvnrll Hall , 61fl P. ICth St. Is
-1 rendy to glvo bonrd mid room , or monl
oard us low ns the lowest Plpnnnnt rooms
ml the coolest dining room in the city. Meals
5c. Como to Iho old IJrovvneil Hall , DIB 8 ll.tlt
5IA 24
want of cl'-rks , bookunpors ,
ito. , can tiamlno our list ° ' applknuts
'roc of clnUK'o. HecorddortlMng Co , lrU
'iirnani. Gil * 'U
OWNI1HS of property for sale , either In the
city or clsuwliorci can bo put In commii-
licatlnn vvltn bnj eis through the Hocoid Ad-
crtlalng Co. No commissions. 151J Parnnm
st. 611 20
-Assistant bookkeeper byvholo
fi\o \ ] bouse ; must \\n\o \ n tliorouLrh Itnowl-
.iljfo of bonltkocplnir ; state If marrleil or sin-
rlo , nnd wzucs oxpcctod youn man pro-
urrcil. WholuHalo , 1' . O box 40 B37-SOJ
iAUTUSho wish to rent rooms should
loon over our lists. Hocord Advoitlsln
Co .111) ) rurnnin 511 20
rPHOSi ; who bn\o looms to rent 01 bonrd to
-I ollershould pluuo tlium on our books ut
once 'Ihodemand Is greater than the hupiilj.
Ktcoid AiUortlalnv Co , 111J Fnrnam , "ill . ' 0
IOOKKI'.l.lMUtS , clerks , olllco assistants ,
etc. , out of omploj inont should lenrn our
mothoil ot coinmunlcntlni ; with employer * .
Hocord Advertising Co . 15K11'arnnm 511 20
lK bnntfonl llarrlcnilo Door I listener
Door maybe left open 1 or more Inches lor
ndmlsalon of nlr and jut bo Una nnd liuniov-
nblo Also completely Inetons door when
closed Dctaeliublo Mnv bo carried In pocket ,
catcncl or hiindbag or left In loom. No tools
needed to pinco or replace It. Klthcr tan bo
donu with thumb and linger In ono second.
I.iiHt foi over. H H not a lock No bolts or
screws. All In onn piece. Evtrj hou o should
bnvoono or moro Tinvelors arc not sale with
out ono. Can bo used on nny door. 'JradoAiip-
piled. Agents wanted , f-amplu hy mull to mi )
pcrFon for onlj fOe post iinlil. Circular free.
Addrois bnntfonl Mfg Co , Iloi SffJ. Omaha ,
Neb llriinch oHlco 114 . l.lth st 610 20
NSI HUCTIONS given In drawing nnd paint-
- Ing. Apply ut Xtl 11 Cass street for purlieu-
irs. IS. 24J
EAIl'LOYMKNT. Kentnl nnd Collottlou
Agenuj If you want work , or to employ
In , or have houses to rent , or accounts to
Icct , call on M. Mnynard , 317 bouth Uth St. ,
Omaha. 301JJ5
FOUUHNI Sqjnro I'lano ( J montBir. A
Hospc. 1511 Dou.iai. 521
rilO parties having houses tor rent , Itontiil
JAgrncy. . Honawn A Co . 15st , opposlto post-
ofllce , We have turned over to thorn our rental
list. We recommend them. McCagu * Ilros
T71OKKUMT Oreans. S per montn.
JJ lUSDouirlus.
Ol. -Houso furnishing goodi , nil kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices nt J
Manner , U1B Doiiglan st , K 'i
F IOIl KKJTl tiquara riuno , ft monuiir. A
Hoipe. ISiaDougUn. 5J4
i' you want to buy or m-ll furniture , go to
J. 1 erguson'B , 715 N 10th 5-3
IjlOH SALT. rino horsoB Ilashaw H , blown
ibtalllon. . elegant style , without record , can
Bhow2Wgalt : ; 1'rlnce , brown gelding , model
of n gent lemnn's roadster , fast nnd very showy ;
giey goldlnir , suitable for family homo. Kn-
nulro for Houdorahott , at Homan's stnblu.
& 2D-J1J
IjlOH SAliK-Chonp-13,000 pressed brick. J.
U J.Johnson * Co. , 20tf. 14th st. 5la.0
FOKSAliK OIIH < V } nt. Seaman Ice cream
nmchlnn. W. 8. llnfduft , Iflta and Capitol
I . . SALE Small milk dairy , wauon , etc.
Address S 0. , Dee . ' ) 2JJ
1T-OH SALE Half doron now National cahi
1 net letter files , different st'os. will o sold
nt n reduction from regular piices.cnll nnd
ROO thorn at tin ) Western Ndwapapnr Union , 511
B 12th st. 2JU25
F1 SALE Improved stock an I grain farm ,
COO uoros , cheap llox O ) , Cobuig , lo\/a.
F 1011 SALE Sp'in line mntuhod buy driving
horses. C. F. Harrison , 113 H Uth st
r > 7fl
Fffi SALE Furniture and lease of * \ \ rooms
flat , 607 K. Uth st Hoom No. U , K.'j > lu
fjlOHSALK Ono six-foot uptight bluuc wnl
-L1 nut Fhow OHSO , Milton Uogcrs & bon. UUJ
F IOU bALE-1.000,000 llurd Uric * . T. MtirrTy.
tf OH ? ALK-a milch co * ' . U A Marnh. 901
IJ N I6tb. Mi
F 'OUSALE-lIrick. ' T. Mtlirny.
\\7ANTKD-f5pod Job printer , onn that Is BO
i \ : , er. Industrious and doesn't think lie
ow us tlio earth. Dally Now * , Noi Cqlif , Nob.
\VANTKU--13 llrst-class carpenters feT
T brld.-o frnmlnK. Wairos JJ nn I H . * 0 pe
day , AlhrigLt's l.nbor Agency 1UO Frtrm'.m.
\TANTED-Stonp cutters. Apply to W. H
> Tylnr , Unc-oln. Neb : nijyl5J
\ \ 17AN'1JUI Oiirponter * . Iniiulre nowchurcli
2ilih and Leavenworth. tL T. Murphy , bl
\\TANTr.D Mon And toanid to work on grndo
> of C. , K. \ N. Hy. Wool : Jslind ) In Ho
publlcnn count ) , Kui nr , feed cheap , plenty o
gooil woik to sublet. Apply to lluthuno J
Cranoy Ilros , llcUevlllo , Kuu. 4U 2JJ
" \ lTAS113n-Miin COOK , JW ; econd cook , JiO ;
ii 2 dlshu inlitna. man to work about gar
den , tioy for pMvato fnrnlly , Mrioga ) ) IK Son ,
! ims litji. JJit trs , _ 6VI 20J
WANTKD An oxpnrlunco.l furnlturo sties-
fun. Apply to .M.F , Miutlu.lilT S llthet.
V\TANI KD A min Abuut .15 j our * old , Amor-
ii loan , that nuowa liow to tRko einu of
hoijO'C hurnwis und wiwron , that Is not nf raid
toMirK. . btich u man can huve u good phi'io
mid good WIKCS , It , 1.lilf ) , 11U N liith St. ,
Crour.i-o block. 6O 21
\\rANTI-D-Mau of oxporlonco to UKOcharge
i" or genorul murchandUo store Must
peak Ct-nunn. Address , P. O. llox 2 'l S > rnti-
ton , Neb , C78 21 *
\\TASTIU ) At the C.uilleld House , n eoconj
? I cook at onco. *
\\rAN1 KDAn IntolllKOiit , hoiio boy c.f sli-
it te-i-n to learn the elomiug Lu jlnoss. liUJ
Fatnam s 571-2J
loy of W or U to iuno cnrcof
bor > o. Apply Tuusdar fiom | > to ! - H.
tt. Wallace , llooolliec , 37i-0t
\\r AN'l KD A flmt class in n to tniu ohirgo
of Omnba for a Btnndnnl book , borne-
thing nnw and > ory de lrubn. | Adlress , H. J , 15 , the Pmton. 6fl-Sl *
\\rANTKD-A lvo | yjung mnn ni lleo uiall
i ' room also two boj s ; uo stlcVi nccJ apply.
liirc between U mid H a. m. WO
\VNTRD Intelligent , reliable , energotlo
mon rs riieclHl auents. W. 1 , Alton ,
Oenertl Agent Mutual l.ifs Iniuritnon Com-
Mtu ) of Now VorK , No. 315 Sculn 13th street.
\ VANTKU.Ifii"forrallri""iwerk. .
> V Lttor ftuc7 , US ) 1'nrnkmit ,
H..W * * * - - - - .
WANTKD-npo'Ienccd booKKcopor in dry
goods houso. references required. None
need nddress who have not bad oxpotlvnce.
Address T 1Hco ofllco 477
\1TANTKD-100 railroad men : ship vrott to-
' nlgnt. Canadian Kinplojmcnt Olllco , 310
8. IStlL 6'U 21J
_ _
" "
"VX AjTrpD-filloam'ters"lor eltj. Apply by
T l o'olocK. D. 0 O'Kcefe , JO'Jb1. llth t.
6'J7 2IJ
\VA.VTKD Tpamstis , teams , trackmen ,
' * mentor surfacing- C. o'Ktofi' , WJS.
llth st * t > ' < 6 Slj
l7ANTii : > Hullroud laborers for Colorado.
i Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Knriinta.
AY ) A irooil wllllnif boy ntllcjn's
gallery , good chnnco to learn n trado.
ANTIID A willing voung man , lo work in
saloon. To Inqulro 2118 Haruey Ft ,
6VJ 20J
at 713 South 27th ft
I'lrst chi's man only , none ether ne ( ed
apply 1. 3. Hall. poa80J
" _ _ _
"djiOu paid pet month to mtn to cell our ( foods.
P Address lib htnmps , 1) . \ \ . McLnno A Co ,
nurllngtuii. lowu.
_ _
\\'ANTKD Ten irood brlrkhnor , union
* mon , can find steady employment nt (3
per day ol eight lioiito In l > onvor Colo. 4"H'1J
" \\7AJ > * TIM ) YOUIIK men to wo to lotvn , Must
ho men of ( - iluctlon nnd bu lnoss nbllit } .
J. M. 1'icni h X Co. , room H ) , llushmun block.
. ) l'lr t'Clnss wood turner. Jus
Hlchurds \ Co.cor ISth and Mason sts.
l > 45
\TAN1 111) Oirl for general housework , 1417
> Cuss St. Applj nt onco. 691 2IJ
I"AN 1 III ) Uool second cook at the Dntker
> hotel. At9 20'
U A.VrKD-Woman dish-washer at ilio Dar
ker hotel 61'i ' 20'
WANT13D Immediately , a nompetcnt fec-
oiulKlrl. Wueos ft 50 licr eek. M. T.
1'alrlcK , co' . Snundcrs nn 1 Lake 642 21 *
W ANTKU A treed plrl for ironornl housework -
work Inquire rtiil S 1'ith st. 41U
\\7ANTED A competent girl tt )
IT housework ; also nurfo girl K. w. eor.
C2d and l.ukost liood wages paid to tbo light
person. it'J 24
TA NTnD A good cook , N W cor 20th nnd
II I.ouvenwnithfct. 151
\VANir.D-A mllllnoiy saleslady Immcdl-
nteb II. M. Ooulns & , llro.HOS Doitjf-
las 6t 577-
IIIImmodlntPly , n good girl lor gen-
cm ! housework. Inquire , 2J10 1 arnnni bt.
4V ) 2I
r AN'l KD fiooil nurse girl , Ocrmin pro-
fe'rrol4W Convent st , Mrs. lice Horn.
S7AN riD : 2 good dining room girls nt ArT -
T cndo Hotel. 1215 Dotlgliis st. 6m 21J
" \\rANTiD : A jounir gill forgonmnl houso-
ii woik , In a small family. Apply ut u > 8
Park nv e. 5S7
" \\rAN'l KD S head Iniinclit > flso4,4 dining-room
? girls for city ; 4 for west , faro paid , .1 see-
end girls , 1 nuiso girl,2 good women cooks.girls
for gcnenil housework # 4 nnd $5 per week.
Lot : , of places Mrs. Iliegn & Bon..111 ! S 16th.
Ipstnns. 6'J.20J
WANTKD flood cnok and dining loom girl
ntoneo Mrs K btansbury , 1111 N 24th
Pt 675 21 *
\VANriU ) ID iHnlnir To"om tflrls , H dish
wn heri' , 8 cooks lor clt > ; good wages 4
laundry gills , I dining room for Wnhoo. JIan
cook and his wife to go to fileonwood , Iowa.
Lots ot good places in private families Omaha
Kinp. Hurcnu , 11U N HUli , [ 6S4 21
W ANTKD Girl for general housework In
Biuall lamlly , 2112 Douglas st 4X ( )
\\7A.NTP.D-Agoodcook and dining room
' girl at the Cany house , flOZ Davenport
st , northwest cor. 317 Jl
\\7ANTKD-Goiman lady to Instruct In book-
V T keeplni , ' bltuutlon. J 11. smith 1C1J
Chicago st. 607 ° OJ
.NTH ! ) Dishwasher and second girl at
Jncob Mll.or s , 10UI N. Idtli. 70J
WANTED A IlrbtLhi'shirt honor Steady
oniiilojmcnt. Aobruak * ) btcnin Lnundiy ,
lOfl and 104 b. 14th St. 3.K
CJANTP.D 'Iwo good girls for cook mid sec-
1 oiidworK , Good waacs nt 2427 Dodgu st.
AATANTnt ) 2 good chambermaids , nuddlo
> V aged , 107 N. l-'th. 61)1 ) 20 *
WANTKD A good girl , washer and Ironor.
Good waeos. Mrs. I'rank E Moorcs. fi7
South mh. 500
WANTED Girl for chamber woik , boy for
dining room , b'cindlnnvlan preferred , 418
Bo. 13th st. 497 20 *
17 ANTP.D-Goid w ages to a good girl. OH S.
I 17th st. Mrs. W. M. Dushman. kSl
\\7ANTKD-A good Gorman or Hohommn
> > girl for general housework. A pernnv
ncnt plnco nnd good wagos. Apply , immedl
atclat720 H 22d at. , corner of Leavonworth ,
l7ANTfD-Lady : bookkeeper at U. P.
> McntMnrket. Uth at , near \ \ obstor.
V\/ANTii : ) Position by stonily man nswntch
11 man. Janitor , porter , or work In wholesale
honso. Dost city references. Address T. 2'
Dee 570 25 *
\V7"ANTKI ) > n mlddlo-nged lady , n sltuix-
> V tlon to do plnlii ecv * Ing nnd help euro for
childrun ; wages not so much of an object as n
comfortable homo , Address Mrs. K. bhaw ,
poMotflce. 6'K ) 20j
\\7ANTKD Situation In n Orst class hotel by
T > nn A No. 1 cook from the oast. Best of
loferencos. Address T47 lloe ollico. 6.V > 21j
A GENTLEMAN with 15 voars buslnosa ox
per enco In Now Yoik City will bo open for
AH ongiitioinoiil ufter July 1st aa purchasing
agent or iioldnnt bnjur for n first class westerner
or California hotiso. Is cenveiHant with the
dr > goods , hnnlwnro , leather , oil nnd ngrlcul-
turiil implement trades Aildioas Ilujer , I * . O.
llo6 ? ' , New YorK City. 685 W
\\7ANrF.ri-Sltuntlon at anything hy jonng
IT man Hav o six voars eipcrienco In ollico
work Can glvo first classlelercncea. Address
T.2J , Hoe ollico. WJ20 *
\\TANTKD-Mtnntlon by tlrst-cla s bakpr ; by
> ntcndy man ; on bread and oakcs , or cakoe
a'ono ' ; good on p.\n candy Bto.iilj job wanted
iuthoci.yor country town ; etato wages Ad-
clrc-'S at ouco , Win. Conlt , Sioux Citj , lotva.
61B 21 *
" \\7ANrED-nyn jouni ; Indj of experience
V > situation In Ice i.ronin parlor , Is neat
active and competent. Mrs. llrega , .1 (1 ( South
nth street. 512 'Oj
\\7ANrED-Olllcownrkor onre ponslblo
i t position by an experienced man. Hatb-
fai'tor ) rolorenco given. Address T SO llee
otlico. 6JCO *
\\"AN1KD An engagement by an ovpor
Icnced nurse In hospital or puvato
family. Address T U , lloo 47B20 *
\\7ANTF.D-Sltuation i's trnvoliiig salesman
IT for grocTios , dry goods , or boots and
Bhocn , eeveral j pars' oxperlonco. best of ref
erences. Address b 70. lleo ollico. ! 370 2.'j
" \\TANTKD Position to do general house-
IT work u short distance in the country.
.Small fnniilj. Address T. 1 , lleo oftico ,
335 20j
\ \
fill them piomptly and tire giving univer
sal sntisfuctlou. Try us once iiiid vouwliieo
nowhere else , Mrs. Uroga \ Son , JI3 S. 15th
up-stnlrs. 509 24J
\7ANTEDto buy need resldonco lot or 8 to
10 room lioufu and lot botvt cen I.eavon
i and Webster , Uth and 25th , address civ
: low est pi leo and boat terms box T''O. ' city
5512:1 :
W ANTKD Home furnl'hcd or unfurnished
by icsponsltile party. T SO Dee ollieo
Wl Slj
WAVl'lU ) 'Itvo sentod carrmgo suitable for
real cstnto business. 0. P. Harrison
118 8 Uth tt 577
V AN'l IHJ To buy 8 bouses which can bo ro
l icovcu. A. P , Maynu , HJ3 Dodve 11
2 or3 horse power engine , 2n
_ _ hand. Apply at Mlllard hotel olllco. 4
\\r NTr.D-'lo rent cottugo of TKo or six
IT rooms by gcntloman nnd wife , best o
rotoronces , no children. Plcasa stite price am
location. T 19 lice olHce. MI-20 *
iTANTED-Teams for railroad work. Al
i brU'bt'B Labor Agency , 1120 Faruam , 71'
WANTED-Cbotco rooms for light house
keeping by responsible party. T 0 He
office. K > 121 ]
fJAOU HKNT-Store bnlWInif on N , lath st
.r ftipuruo. lUcord Advertising Co. . 151 j
§ U8U
7011 * fir.NT-ThrpQ roe houso. 7rtO < { PncJQo.
u For Hent Six room nouio. 110J 9 7th ,
'or Hont-1 br&o room IIOH ) ( < , loll N 2Jth 683
IflOH HKNT 7-room J > rjck flat tno bloo'ts '
frompostolllco , finnfltiro for saloon tltno ;
rooms suitable fornlllecs , furnltnro for sale ,
125 ; 22-room hotel on llth st .furniture for
Bio , Co Operative Land \ I ot Co , 205 N. ICth
FOH HEN r 4 Stnll barn , cor 7th nnd PaclUo
streets. 103
FOK HENT Pnrt nf store or olflco room. In
quire nt 1212 Douirlfist. I'U '
RICH HKNT-V room lnj\ e nmt barn , 17th and
JL ; Ccntt r sts. , house hi led bj hot water nnd
11 modern ImprovoicotW 111. Al o n7 room
louse as cbovo f 40. J. I * Welshaus , 319 S. 15th
troet. 457
FOIt HKNT 1 now B-room bouses , collar ,
well , hnll , closets ctd. , iVi miles northwest
f po'tollleo. ! l blocks to street cars , f.'i to ? W
IT month Gregory A. Hnilloj' , Itooms 1 nud J ,
. ' i S 15th st. n-,0
" _ _
F" H HUNr-Sinnll olllco In oTcellont locn-
tlon. Umiulro of K llnrrott & Co. , 3144
16th. 227
_ _
OH Hi\T-Throo : room house , 11M-4 S 7tli
HIINf Good barn , suitable for four
horses Inquire nt 017 s. Uth st. IUI
. . Itn.VT-Ont ollico , second Uoor , at 310
S 15th st. Hunt. MO 147
F01NT / 3 room house on 14th nnd
Pierce sts. Inquire nt M" South 13th si
r"11IO10R Lot for lon o f-'otithca't lornor
j 4'-xl'tj LenM'UH'orth and 1'ark n\c.or will
itllld to etilt tennnt. lloliblo Ilros oTiJ
ir > 0It ltKXT-21 irifo stores on South llth at.
J noir Vlntiiti , fWu month each. Also 2
stores siimo8i7o but having r lUiny rooms
nboio , rint for f"iO per month All hmocltv
tiitrrtlirntuhout. Apply J. P. Ilamuioml. 117
South icth st. 4.11
neil HUN l'-3 room house , 701 Piclflc
HKNT-llrlck yards , T. Murruy ,
JTNOHltn.NT Store and otconil lloor on cor
1 inth and Maicy st luijulro of Mrs 1' .
Lan e , eiSfelltb. 8S )
> OH IlKNl' Win low , peed looiilltj for lew
eler or real estate. Aiplyto,1j3 | n lilt li.
- . - - .
IOH HPNT Unfurnlclivil double parlors ,
with bath loom , suitable for olllco or bed
rooms. HO" Howard , 3d lloor. 51J'-0 *
TjlOll HFNf Four iiPittlvnnl clogntitly fur-
- 1nlslipd rooms nt 1'iiS Doilglns St. 614 24 *
I ' HUNT Itoorns In KOod " locutions , from
to $ ) " > per mouth. Hocord Advortlb-
. , r > l3 raniuiu , 611 2) )
. Kloannt ruiulslied rooms for
. snt , I'Jl'i ' Dod o 8t r > a 20J
Jj > Olt 1IKN1' Furnloued mom , east front.bay
1 wlndon nnd nlooto. nil modern lmpro\o-
ments , ono block from 1 nriinm Fticot cur line ;
vrltli or without boaul , Itoforuncos required.
( llC Sl > O. boTKH. 61720
ITIOH HUM'-Two ftunlsliLd rooms 2410
JL1 Capitol a\o. 61 ' - ' !
FOH HI'N'T Nlonlj furnished room lor slnglo
frontlcninn In prlintu fnmliy. Good lota-
tlon Jrpormonth Hetord AiUortlsInir Co. ,
1511 rurnum. 641 21)
FOU HBNT-Olllco 2nd lloor , 3IU S
price J 10.
FOIt HP.NT Elcinnt rooms , furnlturo nnd
house now , cverj' modoin convenience ,
1TOJ Dodge street. Hcferoncos required
FOH UKVT r.legantly furnished front par
lor. Ill S. 18th mart Dodge , KH 20J
TjlOH aCN'P Desk room. Knqulro Young &
J1 Blnckman. 211 S IMIit 540
F OH KKN r .1 rooms In n lint cor 20th mid
Nlcholo" st _ , , _ 11 J
? OH Itn.VTWare room cor. 14th nnd Call.
llornln on Delt Line , lor particulars on-
qulro at Union Nut. bank. 183
FOH HKN1 2 elegancy furnlshoil rooms
new house , 22U riiriiUm Mrecl. 3 J 2JJ
FOH HKNT furnlshoilf rooms i , 812 College
Bt. 3 ' 9 v.'OJ
FOIl HUM' Largo nicely ! furnished fiont
room , 517 PlonMint st. 377
TJIOK Itr.NT Throb roonf house west of North
-I ? llth St. , between Chicago end Cass. 0 > J
ITIOH HKNT-Olllies In riollman dulldingcor.
L' Tarnam and llth sts..ln suites or singly.
1'or prices , diagrams and Information apply to
8.A. Sloman , 15U Fnrnam St. , Hoom J.
10H HUNT 13 rooms near center of town ,
nnd snlo of furniture very cheap , n bargain -
gain rarely offered , to good parties who moan
liiiblness. Per pnrtieulars Inquire of Dr.
blmons , 101 North 10th street , Omaha , Nob.
[ jlUli HKNT Klegant aulto of rooms , reforon'
V ens' required , lt.07 . Douglas su 101
t KENT Furnished rooms. 701 S I7th.
11120 *
S HKNT-Furnlshed rooms , 714 N. luth st
4t.6 . Jy 17 *
KOH HKNT Nicely furmshoa room , call at
_ j 117 S 17th gt. 419 ' )
10H HKNT Furnished cottngo. Address T
1FOH , lco ! ollico. 173 2.J *
FOH KENT Large N E room , first tloor , fur
nished or unfurnished. Also , S K room ,
with alcove and bay window. Northwest cor
ner 18th and Farnnra. 47Jy 1 *
FOH HUNT 3 fuinlshod rooms with boaid ,
1 suitable lor 1 gentlemen , 190J rarnnin ,
174 20J
FOR HKNl' Desk room. John Gallagher ,
; i7 ! fOIlth Uth St. 378 21
KKNf Nlco furnished room. 202'i Far
nam Otio
F OH HENTrronl room , furnished . for gen
tlemen , with private family ; 2i2J Charles
ft , cornoi bnuudors. 63V21J
FOH KENT Suit of unfurnished rooms.
Good rofeioneo roqulrnd. Apply to 171'J
Chicago st 580 21 *
FOH HKNT-Largo front room with alcove ,
nicely lurnUheil for two gontlomen. 24J4
Dodge. 67.MU *
POli HF.NIAn elegantly furnMiod suite of
front rooms for two gentlemen or man
and wife 1718 Dodge st. 518
. . . HI-NT Two unfttinlshed rooms , 105 N.
16th St.o 5C922J
Il'OH HEN I' Two well furnished rooms with
1 tlrt class bontd U desired , plensnnt loca
tion , private family. 8 E cor 20th and Farnam ,
650 jylPJ
J OH KENT Temporarily v aonnt at 809 How-
JL ardHtiargQ front room , iwo b.da. for
gontlemon. Alsoaliulo room. Pleasant loca
tion , shade trees , grass , &c. 6" > 7
F > OH HENT Furnished room,603 B 17th st.
W 21)
FOH HF.N11 Mcoly furnlshoil room. 1921
Dodge St. 113
FOH HKN l'-l'iirt of ollico room. Inquire at
1JU Douglas st. UU
T71tH ) HEN I' 11 rooms'iipor center of town ,
-L' and sale of furniture ory ohonp , n ran
burgaln , and onlj oilered to good partloi who
mean business. Tor particulars Inqulro of Dr.
Simons , 401 N. 10th atn cUr Uj
" 171011 ItENT Desk roofnf first onioo to loft
JU over Moichants Natianal bantr. 8- )
I7 < OH SALE -A llvory bltiTwltn gtablo roon"
1 foi nbout sixty horscV , situated In a desir
able location , nnd now doing n good business
Qood reasons given for suiting. Enquire of or
adJtess A. H. ComatockV-lroul estate broker
i52J I'm nam et. 2U7
F I OH SALK-Tho Coin cut building an St
Mary's ave , Lot. Id and 21th streets
There nro about 2.VJ.OOO ! inc < lu the building
besides flooring , doors , ' indows. oto . In goo <
condition , lllds will bo colvcd until the Ki
of Juno. Address , Thonus Swift , 405 N. 15th
FOH HKNf-Or sale. 5" room house N 811
( pruco street with full lot. P.nciiilroWi
THADK-Omahn lots for a good , clem
elockofdry clooJs. T , 24 , Boo olllco.
' 510 20
AND liought and sold on commission. J. I ) .
J Myora , Ogulnlla , Neb , 514 21 *
t/0lt * S ALK-Corn r lot on Virginia nvo wltl
J1 two good liousos. cheap at S7.00X lerni
easy. Houses rent tor 870 per month. U. 8
Campbell , 310 S. 18th St. , Chamber of Com
merce. 2TI
FIVE Acres high and eighth'land for sale .1) )
miles S. W. of pastoflico. Uhls Is it hHrgaln
raltorson Ilros , Hoom 21 Fronzor block , ll
SELECT9 , arc tue c r , fully lUtoJ birgatns
hunted down by Cake X llllllngs. Our sample
plo cnfo :
Slots with 2 houses , J , L Ilodlck's sub , only
block from stieet our linn , lUdxU ) ft on 2
streets , blir tuonoy hero for you.
Co mo , over 101 , corner Dodge And 15th , aac
We'll make It pleasant Had profitable for you.
[ \7HATlmvpyoutotrntlofor twh nice lots
T > In Mullers sub , Council 1 1 Hi Us nnd ' . ' 40
pros nlco unimproved livnd nbout 75 miles
lorthwcst of Oinnha. Address box Wfl-Oinaha.
i\T Can ell for a few dajs onlv
T > Lot ion ( Use's addition for f i,49) ) .
Lot 71 Olse'A addition , f 1.3)1.
Illock I lloyd's addition , IVW .
Ono third cnsh. balance 1 , J and .1 jcnrv
llcmlngton A. McCormlck , 220 boutn 11th st.
* * _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I71IVE Acres high nml sightly land for < nlo .T {
L1 mllc < S. W. of po tollieo. This Is n bargain.
'nlterson Ilros. Hnoingl I'ronror blocic. 4W 2J
[ TiOH SALK-Hou o nnd lot 27th street. 2
L1 blocks south of Lake , { 2tXXJ , 200 cii'h. nnl
i"i per month.u have several houses and
ols that wo can sell for snnvll cash pa > tnoutj ,
bal to suit.
About tho22d of Juno wo will move to No
COi I'm nam street , where wo will have as can-
onicnt an ollico as there Is In toivti 1'ark ,
'otrler A Kcnnard , Hoom 1 , 15 2 Douglas ,
moil SALE-Lot lOSxlJt , four blocks from
Jv paved tt , , eoiith part of town , price $ lf < K ) ,
mlf ea lt , balaiuo to suit J. W , Kurd. Wllllanm
t. , bet. llth and 15tb. 6n ? 2 > lj
/"ILAHKSOX .1 lleattj' 3 additions.
\J llo.vd s Addition .
on Stnto St. and Inside of Holt Hy. , only n few
ots lolt in otiglnal hands and eas > tirni-i.
l\ hen thev nro gone no moro cnu bo had at our
irlcos nnd tcrml
tcrmlOmikhn Heights.
400 lots. I2r sold , W lelt.Vlthovery60 lots
vo glvo nvvuy n * 1,200 hili o Mho prli o will bo
ulvniiced eon andoil should view this beau-
Hill addition bc'foro buying , 1-5enah only re
Druid Hill Addition-
Just platted nnd olfcrod tolnvcstois nnd
lomo 'cokorg , lies north of nnd itdjolnlng Hod
ford I'lnco , Is high , dry and bo null nl.iin.l otters
ho best Indiitonicnts to ptrtles wishing to Im-
irovo. Ison stnto ettoit.the coming bottle-
Mtrd-md drive to tlio fort and Floiome , and
: hls fall the car line will bo oxti'iidid to this mi
ll ! Ion , and soitio fnlr inornlng priros
will double , us BenslMo men wli >
Kit tnko jour Bharo of profit
n nny of the above additions. Wo will glvo
Fpotlal Inducements to parties wishing to lin-
lirovo Why do vou pay rent , when with
tboilt the same expcndlturo joti can own u
liomo ? Consult us bofoio buying
Cl irKBOu i Ilcntty , 219 R 1Mb t.
Sl'I.CIAL ll t M ncroi norhtwcst part of city ,
cheap ,
ll'O ' aci 01 ! north of city.
3stoij bilck block with 1 store rooms oornor
„ ' principal sto , only t Tiy03
J nlco lots Kllby place , one n corner , only
I. ( WO.
2 lots Davenport sub near bounders , f- . O.
llulldm. ' and lot HIM ft bet I'm mini and
Dodge , a bargain , # ) > ,100.
Teelnl biiirnlnsln nil pnitsof the city , deo.
E Gibson i Co , 312 S IMh st , ( Immlioi of Com
merce. 46J 20
171OH bAlK-fliX ) htijR the re ldonco and
pr ictloo of u phjololnti In county heat in
we'torn Iowa. Address Dr. Drown , Hoom 4 ,
Cifljj-liton block , Omaha. 41 1 2j
SALE- two yrnrs lenso on n brkX
hturo loom loeutod on IVrnam Bt 1 01
particulars uildi ess TH Deoonieo. 4iO 20j
rpOl'AIU'lES who will tnillil homes costing
JL 51.210U ) ? IWO , wo will furnish beautiful
building lots requiring no paj mont ol princi
pal for livi jears. Abstract furnished and
warranty de ° d given as soon as the house la
completed. Mti'd A. Jnmloson , 318 S. lit h st.
IflOH bALE A line larra ol luO acres. > n-
1 closed vvllhil wire lencc.HS itcies uiidtr
ciiltlvntlo'i , 11 acres of a h trees In thrllty
growing condition , pi Ice f 10 per aero , tei ins
omy 'I his olfor good for thirty ilnjs only.
Address Chns. H. \ \ llaon , Oxford , I tirnas conn-
tv. Non 0711V * '
" | 7EDIClv PA UK has city water. .1'X ) ninpin turn
-IX elm trees , 4'i ici-ldonces tinder contract to
build , none of w lik'h Bliull coet less than $1,200
llRFtrcots nro gimlcd and ttunplkod. It Is
within thu old city limits oppoMlo Kount/e
1'laco nnd nccos''ablo from either Saunders 01
Plate streets. We have n few lots left In this
addition whicl. wo will olfor to homo seekers
uponverj Invornblo terms.
Wo nl o otfer
100 ft fronting llnnscom Purt , tC.OOO. M to H
Cor. IGOxlW , Georgia live , fo.OOO , $2,000 ca h.
Full lot and 7-room house lu excellent condt
tlon , Parker's ndd , 11,500.
Cor. . rOxlJ2 , Improved , S llth near viaduct ,
$10,00) ) .
I.voiy one of those nieces nro worthy of ox-
nmlnntlon. For pititlculurs call on or address
Mead & . Jamleson , Solo Agents ,
1)18 ) H ISth st.
TOOK liero-Wo huvoa line south front lot
J 10x127 onlj 3 blocks from Snunderh st. cats
for 1,400. also 7P\13-south front near Knuntro
Plnco f-,000. F. llnrrctt .VCo. , J14H S. Kilh
ffH XI
FOH SALE-50 No , 1 farms within u radius of
2j miles of Omaha. Alvr. a low good busi
ness ohnncoB In tv\o llvo towns. .1. II. Sllvis ,
Heal Kstuto and Loan Agent , Klkhorn , Nab.
5711 AUJT. 8
GHEAT Ilargaln-'WIll Bell 2 boss lots in
Hanscom Patk add for fflon each Terms
to suit of sold within J dajs. Inqulro ntSind
eor hotclcignr stand. 68' ) 2JJ
Faruam street , near 20th , 110xl33por
foot f 100
Fnrnam street , near 2uth.22x13. ! 10,000
rarnum atroot , corner illst , IJCiU. , per
Fnrnam Btroot , nc"U Thirty-eighth , 17x-
U2 l.noo
Farnam street , ncnrSnh.OSzlJJ 8,00
1 arnnm street , coinoi In Jerome Park 3,100
FaTnam utreot , corner In Jerome Park 3OW
Farnnrn street , near l.'th , Improved
au-'xiaj 25.000
Fnrniun street , near Nlnotoenth , 77xlJJ.
Improved 10,000
Harnor street , nonr Twenty third , 60x-
1 , ! . ' , Improved . . 11,000
Harney street , near 21et , 174x170 , Im
proved . . . 50.000
Doiigo street , near Uth , ( WxlIiS , per foot 500
Dodge street , near 27th , 4 xlJ. , Ira-
proved 8,000
Douglasstroot.ncni 12th,4lxl.U 35,000
fifteenth street , corner Jackson , KxlU ,
improved - . . . . . . . 31,000
Fourteenth street , corner Jacksonflflx
1J2Improved 35.000
Fourteccth street , corner Cnlutgo ,
OIK13J 20,000 ,
18th at , opp M. P. dtpot.fNxlOl , per foot. 2UO
lltli Bt , cor Nicholas , UtxlJ2 ! , truck In
alley H.OOO
nth st. near Howard.11x01. imp UOCO
Iraekngo , OilxllJ , Pnddock Plaeo 2,0)0 )
20th st , nqnr St Mnry's , lOxlJ ) , imp K.OOO
20th st , nenr Douglas , .iHxbS (1,000 (
baundors st , cor Hurt , 100x51 7,600
I'atk nvo , near Leavenworth , Wxl40 4,100
1'nrltuvo. opp park , 60x110 2,000
Joiomo Park , near 1'urnani , U trent 17 x
IB 1,80
Castollnrst. .\120 1.UCO
Wont Omnlin , ilnost ncro 11,000
Drown Park,2 lota very cheap
Albright's Annex.2 lots very cheap. . . .
22d st . , cor. Nioliolna Truckage Imp , 11 ! . . . „
( „
Choice property In nil pnrta of the city. 8. A.
Sloman , 1S011 nrnani bt. , Itooms 22 nndI. .
AT A. 1IA1UINIoiR 5 andBblo < k T l.owo's
udd , fronting on Hamilton , C-hmles nnd
34th sts. , total irontrtgo of J"J7 feet , $1,200 ,
' 1 w o lots I00xl2iltho ( IncBt east and south front
corner Irr Amblur Plaeo ( old paitt ) blooKs fiom
oar line , both for (1,750.
Corner 15Jxli east and north front In West
Omaha , two htockn south of Farnnm Bt. , ? ( .5flO.
Corner ZS Yootfnmtnge on Mllilury Uoad.Ud
feel dcop. on car line , 85,000. _ .
GK rtoidr,310S. ( iCth St. , Board of Trade
Duildiiur. * 274
E'OIt SALK-HousoNo. Hll and lot on bpruco
street , nnd 20 ncies , 2iJ mllea north front
postollico. Inquire , COS N Uth st. SS2 22
SPECIAL Hurgnins HIghln-id place IVizllO ,
south front and a corner , ono ot the 111031
deslinblo building4ltes In the city and very
cheap tukon tills month.
Preston & . Williams , idxlli ) nn elegant lot with
shade imd vorj'deslrnblo , close to business nnd
u b irgaln.
bnunders st 120x100 nt n very low figure ; op
posite KonnUo place. '
bouth 10th st 50x200 , ono of the choicest lots
on this beautiful st. , < ) or t loot nbovo grade
nnd oov ered wllh shade trees
Bbinu's add. 03 x120 cornoi , with it gooi :
house , runt J31 , ono block from Snuiidors St.
this Is n bargain , M cash , J5.100
lakes ndd. H'lxlOfi. corner 18th nnd Spruce
sts , n choice cornoi to Improve , nnd cheap n
RCullfornln st. , Jcbolco ncrrs In * I'm K place
very cheap. Enquire Doya'a nldltlon , n few
lots nnd n block of 11) lotaory cheap mid easy
Oma'ha Heights , n J 1,3x1 house to bo glvo.
nw ay In the addition , consult us nt once ,
Cinrkson 1 Ilontty , 21'J S. 14th st. 4 < i5-l
FOIl SALE-Cottagc.7 rooms nnd bath room
lire phtco , onk mantel , cistern , city watur
etc. , Ill foot of ground. 2M st. north of St
Mary'snvo. $1,100 , C. W. & G. E. Thompson
2118. IBthst. 210
BIO IlAHilAIN Ono hundred feet front on
South Elovontb st , oornor lot , only 15,090.
P-rton time. V. L. Vodcku,5JJ ! youth 13th st.
fj OH \LE-A few lots In Hitchbock's ada. n
-L' n bargain. A. I.arscn , 3ltt b6t
St. Hoom 1. 6S1 Zi
IjlOU SALE Kent or trade , live-room cottugi
i1 In Paulson's addition , Ton-room housi
nnd tnroo lota In Ludwlck place , nnd otho
propcrtL. . V. Crum.KO N. 16th St. 13J
1)EUSQNAL-Ton cboloo residence lots In t.
thriving city of South Omaha to exchang
for wild land In eastern Nebraska and Wnston
IOWA , mu t be suitabl * for f arming. Addrti
T , ll offlce. '
IMMr.DIATKsnlowlimkoltoU Or lcs only
5 or B blocks from Ktchnngo bid mul
tTnlon Stock yards on farornblo terms. HUteen
housp * nnitrr contract In sumo block. Iwnnt
what tliojnro worth , I don't vrant fanoj *
1 wnnMo soil quickly. KT D- _
FOHSALK-Ortfndo , 25 lot-s tn the western
part nf Omaha near the llenson ear line ,
price JldO p toll , JiV ) duo on contracts pnj able
In 3 qtinrtprlj imj inputs , will trtdp Interest In
contract * for NobrnsKii land. MeCiilloob A Co. ,
1WJ Pmnaiti st. 10JO
1OH SALK-llj btmw.Vro ,
J-1 510 8 Ifith st.
Houses nod lots In nil parts of fi city. You
i'Bii'1 nlToul io rt'tit when you know tno pnco
nnd ti mis of this class of property.
On OcoriMn avenue we have n Inrgo pleco of
ground for snleat lo s than Its v lut\ It Is
north looking at If you want n nice residence
Lots for snlo In different parts of thpeltj-.nml
you aio sure to mnko money bv dealing with
UiS. \ \ o IIP uetulquartora for nfo Invustntonts.
TjWH nvrVtOfeot on Stnto struct . . . . t'ffl
JL Pull lot In Snunders \ Hltnobniigh's ndd 4,1
'wo good lots In Mi'era , H. JL 1' . nud , each. 7V )
P. cor. In Hind's WO
In Paddock Place , cheap ,
HooinJ ) , Pntton building.
Bpeclnl"tirdimnco No. US9.
AN Oidlimiu olevj Ing n speulal tiu and nsspm.
input on all lot and real e < tnto w thin Pnv-
ln - DlBtrkt No M ) , I IT the city of Omnlin , to
iou'i the cout of paving Leiivoiiwortb alroot
from ' Hi i-trc'tt to 10th sticot.
VVbrions , II having iiccn.nnd being heieby
adjudged , diteimined and p tablNiod that thu
ovoial lots nnd pieces of real oMalo huii'ln-
nft"r icferred to hnvo each been tpecbill } ben-
utlttcd to the full amount litrolu lovlid and
isu--o > l ignlnst eacluif mid lots and pii'cisof
mlu tnto , respectively , bj iea on of tbepiv
ngol that part of I eavenworth troet ftom btb
slteet to loth stieot
'I hoi oforo , lor the purpose of pnj Ing Iho cosl
of galil paving ,
lo It Ot dalncd by thpcltv council of the city of
bc < lion 1. That tlio coat of p.iving that part of
Ii-nvciiHoith stiiet wlililn Puvlnjr District No
A , in the city ot Omaha , Irotn MU stieol lo lUth
Bin et. s i d co t bt Ing the sum of fU.I-'n.trJ , ho
ml the samoUhoiobv lovlid and a ses'-od , In
uroportion to the feet Iront along eald pnv ing ,
imi aie-oidlngto special benullts bj inaionol
iiild p.iv Ing , upon the lollowlng de ulbed lots
mil i state , 113 Bhown by the poncinlly roe-
) gnl/ed map of Iho city ot Omnlin , I8s i , lltho-
tiiuphc-il and publUlied by iK .Mnyno ; Rnld
cot bamg so lov led on Hilid lots and icul estntc ,
ospictlvuly , ns follow , to-wlt :
Nanio Lot ot A'mt of
ofOrtiier. Drscrintlon. Illock. 'lux.
L P Hj Co . - q It ill 5 111) ) $11 S
Josllnikur.n'&ftuto , ) .Hsqlt.1 lin 171W
A Mehliens . I..2 s17 f t f. 1' ) ) 10,1 IW
los Darker . . . s 11 It5 ! ! ' SOT69
U P ItV T w7JnqttO IW BU4
Jos Darker , w3 ! n7" > H i xu
. . 7.'w | fill 190 ) C7
A Mctillens el-in71ttl ) 11HI 101711
losllukor . . .wltlBll foil ) IW 177
AMolillons u 0s.lll > 110 Mill
. . . ll.-JaViHn 1UO 107'W '
Win Hiumnnn 7 1'K ' ) 6 S II
It Hem Ickson . . . . B 190 6'mi
UPHj Co ' 1 1 6 41
. . . . 0 191 68811
" INi7hi | It inn pint 7 191 211(11 (
Wm I Mcdavoclt oxo WP'MI It 7 191 , i77'17
UPHv Co ! 778sq It III n pint H 191 6J IH
\\m J Mo'lavock.o\o.n7MFq ' 118 191 4T12S
lobn MoiilttA. Ismiellrovui 1 101 68341
U P llv Co I WIMI tt Ins pint 2 201 fB 17
KntobclilncKor.o\ollS'l8 | US 101 fiiV.-t
ITPHvCn. . . 27llfl si ) ft ,1 2(11 ID1105
M Itobling exc J700 q ft.t 204 478 bl
bttiah N Btnnvvood 4 201 tovl 41
CnthoiinoDovelin . . . . 1 201 68341
Inlill I. lltlrno - '
A& H Koilllt/o. . . S8mi
MurtlinW Piatt. . n44ft4 215 .11.181
bootlon 2 'Hint said special ta\es levied
nf'iie ild , on snld lots rispeetlvclj , shall be
come delinquent AS lollows : ono-ti nth ol the
total amount BO lev led on oaeh of aald lots "hall
bi come delinquent In iltlj daj iiom llio HUBS
ngo and approval ot this ordlnaiico , ono tenth
In otio vc.u , ono tenth In two rour" , ono tenth
In throe yearn , one tenth in four > CIIP , < mo-
Icnih In Iho joars , ono tench In sli joais , one-
tenili in seven joars , ono tenth In eight juais
and one tenth in nltto jtnis uftur fitid levjnnd
biliigliom the ( ta'-aiiiro and nppiovnl ol this
oidlimnco Each ot Mild Instiillmouteexcept
the llrst , shall draw inteiost at tlio into of seven
per i out pel annum Iiom the time ot the levy
afore-slid , until the -nine shall beconto delin
quent. Interest nt the riitoot ono pnr < out pir
month pnjnblo In advance , Hhall be paid on
etto'i ilallnii lent In'-tallment.
bictlonJ That the c'litlio amount of tax so
levied mid ns-os ed on am of Mill lots innj bo
puld by tboonnerol nnv lot , orthonntliooqual
pro intivptopoitionot iildttx on any ol said
lotB.mny hopnld bj any person on anj part of
t tld lota within llfty da\t fiom wild lovv. and
Ihoioiipon such lots or parts of lot , shall bo
exempt from nny lion or clmrgo thoiolor.
beetlon 4. 'IhalthHordiiuinco shall tnko offoet
and tin lu foico from nnd alter Its passage.
Passed Juno 1st , lb3T.
WM. F. IlrciiPi- , President City Council.
J. 11. SotTinAun , Citv Cloik.
Approved Juno 2nd , 1887.
W. .1. line VTCII , Mayor.
'Ihls tax Is now duo and pnj able nt the olllco
of the city tronsuior. and will become delin
quent ns provided in Sections.
jo.Md5t Jens HUSH , City Tieasurcr.
.Special Ordinance No. OQO.
A N Ordinance levylngu special tnx nnd assess *
/V inont on certain lots and ical oatulo In the
i Ity of Omaha , to cover the ono hull cost of
ffradiuir Woolvvortli avenuu tioui 29th snoot
to.i.'nil avenue.
Whoi ens , It having boon nnd belli ? hereby adjudged -
judged , determined and osttibllohsd that the
hovoial lots and pieces ot real estuto heroin-
aftoi refeirod to , have each teen spoclullj
bonolltted to the full amount heroin lovlod nnd
na pqsKi against each of Eald lots and pieces ol
real ostntu , repoctivoly , by reason ol the grad
ing of that pint ot Woolvvortli avonuufrom.'lth
street to cjnd nvcnuo , done undoi contract with
KaU Oillihiin
Thorotoro , fni tlio purpose of pnj Ing the ono-
halt cost of such grading :
Ho It otdnlned bj the Cltj Council ol the City of
Section ! Thnt the ono-hnlf cost of grading
that part of Woolworth nvenuo. In the eilj-of
Omaha , from Jtli street to .i.'nd nvontie , hnld
ono half ol said cost being the sum of $ J,5.1I U ,
aldjrrallne being done under contract with
Km7 i Callnhan. bo and the same is hereby
loled and assessed , iiseoidlng to specialbetiO'
fits by n'lison of said grading , upon tbo lollow-
Idg lots and real estate n- ) shown ! > } tbo genor
nllj' loeognizod map of the city of Omaha , 18rfl ,
lithographed and publb-hod oy C. li Mayno ;
snld coat lining eo lovlod on nlu lots nud real
estate , iospecllvoly , as follows , to-vvIt :
IIV > tCOM l'lORDiniION. .
Nnmo Lot or Ain't of
of On nor. Dem rlptlon. Illock. 'lax.
Omaha City o73 5 ft of v , 10 < \ , 11 ft $ ' 114
9 to Itlnc , 0
" 8tol4 Ino. 10 : M <
y to H mo. n yNS
School District of Omaha u is > K
. . 10 14 M
" . . 11 U 10.107
Omnlin llorsolty Co J 12 10J67
1 > Vhholi-h II 13 61 78
I.M Delimit 11 1- 38 M
Mtitftlnlonn Dennis 1 17 10.1 r
" " 17 fil 7' '
foulsD Carrier II 17 US H5
ChusA Frlt7ley SI 17 : u 8.1
AHl'ltcb 25 17 5178
20 17 IDS 67
OmiibnCity Hitnfcoml'nrlc 1,11853
bortion2. That the PDPclnl tuxes end nssnss-
mentH levieiliind as e cd ns iitoiosnld.slinll bo
duo Iminiidlntclj upon the passage nnd ap
proval ol this ordinance , and shall become delinquent -
linquont It not puld within fifty ilnjathoronftoi
and thereupon u penalty of ten per cunt Mini
bo added , together with Intoiot nt the into of
one percent n month , paj nblo la ndvnnco lion :
the tlmo said taxes become so delinquent.
Section ' . That this oidln.ino bliali take offed
and bo In lorcf from and after KB passage.
Passed Juni * 1st , IBSf.
WM F. llrr iKtPro ldonl Oily Council.
J. 11 SocniAiiii.CltyCliirk.
Appiovod Juno ind , 1887.
W J. rtiintTCH. Mayor
1 his tnx Is non- Joe nnd pnj able nt the ollieo
of the city tmnsnrir , and wilt boeumo delia
quont nspunldcd InSnctlon2
.Ions HUSHCityTrotsuror.
- Vr bate Notice.
STATJ ! of NebrasUa. Douglas County , ssAt
a county court hold at the countj court
loom , in and for said county. Jiiuo Ifcth , A. D
1M7. Pieiont , J H. McCullopli. Count v Judge
In tliCMiiiutnt of Iho o'lnto of John Kborlolu
On reading and filing the petition of Minnie
Wlith , pr.iylngtliat n eoiinln Instrument pur
porting to bo the lust will and tnstnniont nf Knid
decoiihed , mi ) bo proved , probated nnd allowed
ns suchmnl that administration of fnld estuto
niHj ho granted to bcrsclt , thoexoiiutrfx In Mild
will mimed
Orilen d.that July Uth. A D. PK ? , nt lOo'elotk
n. m , bo ass'gnud for hunrlnir sr.ld petition ,
when all ptrson-j Inteicstod In raid matter may
appear at a countj court lo bo bold In nnd for
Find county , nnd show cause w Iiy the praj or of
anld ( Ktitloner should not bo granted ; nnd thnt
noticoof the pendency of ild petition nnd tno
IKurlng thereof , bo given to all persons intci-
e tHd In caid matter , by publishing n copy of
this order In the Omnlin Dally lleo.n nawnpapc r
printed In snld county , once cnch wc& : < for
three successive weeks prior to Slid day of
hearing. J , 11. McCu.l.onn | ,
[ Atruocopy.l County Judge.
30 DA Y S t RIAL.
Ilia * Tut dlirrrcnl from all
othrn , l ent U i * . ilhFlf.
' u ici c m ivIJutltnii lill in rthtr.4Ji4i
, 'S-n. , ; . S ! " ' ! ' ' " all pMlllOKi Of h
' Ibl
'xxlr wlill hall In thecup
, , . _ _ . _ . jroaooo hack tl-o Intoa-
1 * ra * ar f\nen \ JuHt OB o peraon
doeo with the flnuer. with nifiitprc.iur.tu.iifr.
iil&Tbcl 1 vcuivly 1 1 j uiu nltflit.ivrm A ruic n ciiro
rfrtaln It Uetunr.dofThlnand chr p Kr nt li mill ll/
Juli.fitfJi. 'kCUJtoTUJITJaiidCo. , IW * , UU
Dpeclnl Ordluinoo No , 050 , '
AN Ordinance lev j dig /ipeeinl tnx nml ns
, e ment on oorMIn lots and real esutto In
the elly of cover thount of reoon
Htriicting n sewer lu Sew or District No ' - .
\\horeiu , It having been and being horol-y
ndjudged.deterinliled nnd o'tabllsued tint the
ovcral lots and pleceot real estate- hereinafter
ef vrn d to lntv o enoh boon speolally bonotltted
o the full amount beiolii levied and iifso'sed
gainst em h of snl I lots mid pieces of real
estate , ie pictlvelj , bv ii'iisoii of the moon *
itruetlon of n e i < rln Sewer District No x' .
' 1 herefori1 , foi the pttrpnso of pitying the cost
> f stub sovvor loconstrtlclloiii
'lo It ordained by tlioelt ) uotiucll of the city of
Omaha :
Section 1. That HIP ro t of iccoiistrt cling n
sewer In fewei District .No. 2 , In llio c'lty of
. ) miih i , snld cost being the mm of f l.SMI IK. bo
nid tlie sumo Is horebj Kn led mid ns < i < s , l , In
; iroportloii to the feet fiont nlong tnld Im-
urovimient , nnd nccoiillng to spocisl benptlts
; ij reason ot Bitld Impiovement , upon the foi-
owlngdc'scilbnd lots nnd real cMllli' , as nliowil
ly thu gennrnlly reiognlrc'd map of tbo elty nf
Illinba , l ft , lltliographrd mid puhll hcd by C.
H. Mnyno , said cost being so levied on S'Vld lots
anil real cstnto , lesprctlv i ly , 113 tallows , to-w it :
Nmno Tot or Ain't of
of Owner. Description. Illoek. Tnx
Omaha : National Dank. s < il 1
Omaha Savings llakk e27 ft n > 4 1 1 1815
I'ljAmcs . . vr .lilt n hi 1 .M27
ell ft u K'J 1 067
llelrsSSCnldwell 1 857
1 1 Hi-dliU . W 23 ft 2 1 1177
HoinS b Caldwell . m Jit J 1 4J77
Omaha Nnt'l Dunk S'i HIM ft 2 11) ) 6.1
Heirs S Caldwell o 2J ft .1 1177
(1 ( D l.uUo . 111"J ft .1 4177
lleo \ \ nrroit Smith w C4. ft .1 41 77
. . oil 111 Jll l
II Hoinboiger W 2J 0 'i.l ft 4 4J79
I J Ilinvvn . . . w ; tl ft 4 MM
Caroline Culm . . . . wi4 nr. 87 M
( ieomron Multh . . . .022 ft a 1177
w jft B I 35
Snm'l Hums . o 21S 2J It 0 1241
H 11 I.Ill-oil . . m 22 ft a 4177
( ieo\\aiiin Smith el. ftO 1177
. .i'oT Mill * . w- lift 7
1 H l.olnmm > 1 C M Hnn < un ,
o 1J f 17 mr
Heir * John Met'ormlok w 22 It 8 1.177
I W , M S , Jennlo.V James
Megoatb m " - ft a 1377
J \ \ , M 8 , Jonnlo & Jnmrs
Megeath n 21 o 22 ft 8 11 7S
0 lit indorff . . 8 107 oS ! ft 8 a : w
Chits P Illrkett. . . . n i a , H 11 1 2.122
1 A. M ICochontlial ni ! 41 ell 1 1105
S Lolimnn nNH i 1 ' . ' 041
llncnol llrown . ns < w 14 1 4(1 ( M8
. wUl nil 1 ! U -8
JP MeCromy . . e- " 2 4J77
Sam'l Holcbenberg inM 2 1.1 71
II Spiixln A. M Abnihams.v\2. U 1177
( leo Warren Smith ( - ' . ! .1 4J77
O 0 Cimpl ell w4t ,1
A Don on A. P.I Johnson s" 4 4177
Chns W Whit ITeld . Ill HI 4 8751
John A Crolghton nil w HI 5 11 ' 11
Moiclmnts Nat'l ll'K.nll vSm225 ill'
( leo \ \ bmlth e- ! 5 1.177
Mpiclmnts Nat'l ll'k 7001
H HA Pinidt . . 4177
ChfiR Chllils 1177
P L Heef . .c J 11 4177
Oeo Wmren faiultb 7 1,1 ol
\r" H 4177
Snm'l liicobs. . . . mSJ B 4'I77
Nub. Nnt'l Hank . . oS2 H 4.177
A K PuddocK 1 131 ill
( ath lloclistritiscr 0 M M 4177
Doin Si'hwnnb. . m'-J 2 4)77 )
Catherine UiIan w- * 2 4177
\V in Pilt Kellogg o" ,1 1177
KSMcCieaiy in-- ! 1 4177
J .1 Drown W3 4177
( ! W tlrnv . f22 4 4177
Annnl'lteh . . . , iU" l-3sl'l ' l ; i74
Mo-us \ J Kncbenthal.
. n.5B7l' } 1 21 Id
M M Ish.gumdlnn .eJ.'n17'i 4 1144
Anna Knlmbiiih e.2wMn57'i 1 II 41
M \ IKoolicMitlml u.-nlTH 1 1141
CiitheilnoC Van Niiinoo W4I 5 h764
i ; II A J 11 Callnhilll 0--2 5 4177
J W Litlo t'll fi F754
James Ciolghton w J 0 4,177
I. 1'bhmp w .J 7 4177
CF ( ioodmmi m7 4J77
Sophlo Lehman . . ' - ' 7 4177
CO llousol vv215ft 8 4-77
John A Crolgliton. . o 14.5 ft 8 RSM
Omaha Hopuhllcaii 1 7S73
llucklaud i Hajes 11-181
A W street ell .1 8714
J II KvanB W22J 4177
1 1 10 !
MavMeyei 1 1)1.10
Sarah Mejor 2 ( I 4171
W W Iowo . e4 ! 87 M
neo\\ Smith . \ fOP - 7
OP Davis . e2 w4 ! 7 iioni
CKPeiklns . o22 w'4 7 30(11 (
CD * QH It Co . eVi 7 in < n
(5eo ( W bmlth . w2U 8 nil
O P Davis . iCJwll h 1111
C P Per.tliis . o-'Jw' } 8 1.1 ii
JJ Mono ! ) . 1 ill iii
.1 A (1 linnet t . < > - " 4.177
( ooCliUK V J Wl.oo . . . , m ! 2 4,177
J nines 'r Nolan . wJ2 2 1.177
Annnllbon . wl J ! 1 U'I39
IJ A HelrsCH McCormlcK ol J J OT : w
Cltj of Omahn . ttJJ wl-J 1 1177
AnnnMl3on . nit wl J 1
I.I A.HolrsCHMoCormlck.012 01 Pi
PIjAmes . wK)5 ! ) fi 170 d3
DcoPuti.Co . i-O,15 6779
K Ames . olH)5 ) 0 6401
Hco Pub. Co . 0415 B 2178
M Itogors . 7 111 31
KDIMttao . W23 fl 1177
OK PcihiiiB.Tr . ell 8 H764
Goo A'lloagland . 1 P 111 at
* '
Heirs r p Monell si 2 II F H 'tt
Anna Wilson nl 2 3 V
Heirs C CMonoll el 2 1
Anna Wilson nl1 F
EldrldnAlklaH.KH linker I 5 V mil
nndHyMcParlmid , Jr. f 0 F 1 131
V 11131
AlfrcdHDufiono8 P
Section 2. That the special taxes nnd assess
ments lov led and assessed as aforesaid , shall bo
duo Immcdlatolv upon the passage nnd ap
proval of this ordinance , nnd ehnll hccom do-
llnqiient If not paid within fifty dajs thcore
after , nnd thereupon shall bo itddod interest nt
the rate of ono percent n month , puynble In ad
vance from the tlmo said ta\cs become so do-
be ( tlon 3. Thnt thlsordlnnnco shall tnko effect
nnd bo in force fiom nnd aftoi Its passage.
Passed May 24th. 18b7.
\v M F. IlFCiu i , , President City Council.
J. II. SonTHAitt ) , City Clerk.
Approved May 7th. 1M7.
W J UitOATCii , Major.
The above tnx Is now duo nnd pnynblo at the
olllco of the city treasurer , and will become de
linquent ns provided In sections.
Jelfdlt JOHN linen , City Treasurer.
Proposals for Sale of Booth Privileges for
the Grand Army Reunion ,
SKA LED proposals will be received until July
1st , for oxclusivn booth privileges on the
camping gioundof the Uinnd Aimj Honubllc ,
at tlieii minimi reunion , to bo held In Omuhu ,
.September 5th next , and continuing ono week ,
Tho-.o privileges will permit nny ropiitnblo
business such ns rostmnnnts , refreshment
stands , grocers , butchers , bakertinware , hnl > -
ordasheis . No Intoxicating liquors or gam-
bllng allow od on the giound * Filly thousand
Boldleiiaro expected to participate nt this re
union , and tbo linpoi liinco ot tno business can
bo estlmntiil trom this , ns their miLslsUnco
will b piiirhnsud mainly on the grounds. Illdg
fromothoifl than persons of known responsi
bility must bo accompanied by ccrtlllod checlc
for one-tenth of the amount and nppiovoil
pnper , pa.vnbloonor before September 1st , for
tmfanco. Itl'flit teserved to lojoet any or ull
bids. All bids must bo addiossedto _ j
I.OITTR Mi i.Mnni ) ,
Chalrmnn Commltteoon PtlrllcKOs andTrnns-
poilntloti , Domd of TiniloCommlttco.
Proposal ! Tar Buying1 Fence latmbor.
SHAIJ'.I ) pioposuls v III bo roeolved by the
um'cr-tumd until 11 o'clock . m Juno.5tli ,
18i7 , foi ceitaln fenio lumlmr now Blored on
Ic'llcison Piirk , ordered sold by icsolutlon of
the oily council
'IliuilKlit to i eject any nnd nil bid * i reserved.
8r. A D HVI.COMBI- .
Clmlrmnn Dour I of Public works.
Omolm , Neb Juno 17th , 1387. Jel8-2l
Notice to Contractor * .
Sl'ATiKD proponls will bo rocelvod nt the
ollluo of thn county lommiislonors up to
noon of July C-'nd. A. D I3S7 , for hulldlnjf n
c ounty noripltal In Oimitia , Douirlati countj' , No-
hrnskn , necoidlng to tbo iiland anil Hpcol'lcn-
tlons on file In tbo county commissioner's
I'.nth bid must bo nccompnnled by ncortlQod
oliro't In the iiinniint of five hundred dollars.
Iho right ltoservcdto rejuctmiynnd ullutda ,
llv onlei ot thn bonrd
! ' MU. ) C. P. A'HUIMAM , County Clnik.
' "pill ) Hcenso bonrd nf thn city of Omiihnwill
JL eit on Mondio. JunoSOlli , nt 2 o'clock n , m. ,
nl the nmjoi'R ollico , to Innr nny lomplalnM
Hint innj bo mudo utfiilnit the cimitlntof H
llcoiiHii toChrlatophoixm nnd Pctuiton , for per
mit to oull liquor , A.C. , nt No. JJil bouth 6lh
street. In the cllj nfOimtlia ,
Jclfidtt J II. HoiMiitnn.ntr Clerk.
II ; Ur. Siir-iJUor' * inethot Nooptintloni No Ptlni
ND liotcn'lGii from LMutii'jn AJantul lo chlldrei
l well 01 froYn piuplo Diiiulrcd * of ttiito ripa
tim jiimUo i nil 'i l ) u n i i it ; 1,1 rojjl J )
tial. ( .0 > SU1TA1ION MIKH.
1-jtor. x. i > . COOK ,
Room 0 , lilHou ! ! lasSt. . Omaha , Neb.
connections made In nny part ol
thf citv. Satisfaction gttxrantecil ,
1C20 Capitol AVcuno , Omnh * ,