Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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CcllTCTcd by carrier In nny part of the city at
twenty ctuts pur wok.
11. W. TILTON , - Mftnafcr.
UtJRirtipB Orncr. No. 11.
KIQIIT Knnoit No. 13.
N. Y.Plumblng Co.
X Now spring goods atKo'.tcr's ' , tailor.
The city council mot lust evening
but had no quorum and adjourned
until Monduy nc\l.
Justlcti Schur/ yesterday olllciatcd nt
the marriage of O. P. Peterson und Miss
Olinit 1'clcrson , both of this city.
Mrs. Max Mohtf. of the Creston house ,
is suffering from u scnldcd foot , a kettle
of boiling water having been accidentally
Hpillcd upun it.
A largo shipment of cattle , belonging
to Hoover , W.yman , Plainer nnd others
in this vicinity , wits made last night ,
Chicago being thu destination.
The Methodist church at lla/.cl Dell is
to have n picmo on thu Fourth of July in
Mr. King's grove. Hev. D. Mason Hoi-
mick will deliver thu oration.
The old cess pool and vitnlt in thu rear
of the now county court house is a ter
rible miisancu , and the surrounding
neighborhood protests against it being
allowed to poison the air longer. It
Hccms that thu county authorities might
find means to .suppress thu stench.
There is such a thing as a man want
ing many trials in this Jifu. Jonathan
Jones is such a one. He hns had three
trials for killing David Koberts and wants
a fourth , lie is going to have it. A man
who wants so many trials must be insane ,
ns is claimed by his attorneys.
What About the lri < l o ?
Yesterday was thu date fixed for a
further hearing in Washington concern
ing the britlgo questions. Throughout
the da ; Mr. Kvans and others interested
Were keut busy answering the old query ,
"What huvoyou ; heard ? " The answur
was not very satisfactory. There was
nothing to tell. Mr. Kvans said that hu
had notified their attorney in Washing
ton that if thuro was any good news to
end it by telegraph , but if it was not
coed news to Huml it by freight. During
the day neither telegraph nor freight ,
brought anything. The .supposition was
that the arguments weru being madeand
that the new showing was presented ,
nnd the matter taken under advisement
again. If a delinitu decision is reached
before the end of tlio week , it will come
ns soon as the more patient waiters ex
Last evening a telegram was received
from Washington stating that a partial
hearing was hold yesterday by the secre
tary of war , and on request of the Ne
braska Central the decision was deferred.
The secretary announces that his de
cision will bo announced between now
nnd the lirst of July. It is now confi
dently asserted that the matter will not
bo held open further than the first of
Julj at the latest.
l 'or Sale.
Two drug stores in central Nebraska.
( Jood thriving towns. Will invoice from
f 1,500 to $2,500. Awply to
HAKI.K , HAAS & Co. ,
Council IJluIl's , Iowa.
J. W. & E. L. Squire make beautiful
Abstracts of title and deserve the success
they are enjoying.
Iantliofiiii Old Resident.
The death of John Johnson , which
occurred Sundav morning at 4 o'clock ,
takes from thu ranks of the old settlers
ono of the most , highly esteemed. Ho
was eighty-two years and three months
of ngo , and had enjoyed a reasonable
degree of health until in February , when
ho foil and broke Ills hip. His faithful
wife , also advanced in years , attended
him so closely as to enfeeble her own
health , and she rapidly tailed , her death
occurring about two months ago. Mr.
Johnson had lived hero since 1855. Ills
old homo was in Ohio , but Vermont was
his native state. He had always lived a
Christian life , anil his many worthy qual
ities had endeared him greatly to his
largo circle of friends. Hu had acquired
considerable property , and was indus
trious and frugal in' his habits. Ho had
no children of his own , but haa been a
father to .several , having adopted and
reared them as though they were of his
own flesh and blood. Hu leaves but ono
brother living , Mr. J. J. Johnson , whose
homo is about four miles east of the city.
The funeral will bo held this afternoon
nt 2 o'clock at the residence ut thu head
of Frank street.
A SupoMor Jury.
Yesterday the followieg wore sum
moned as a jury to servo in the term of
the superior court which opens to-day :
W. B. Amy. L. Swearingen , ( Jcorgo Fair-
man , \\arlnirteii , J. E. lirooks , K. J.
Abbott , Fred Leutzinger , F.M. Williams ,
George Graves ,
Latest improved gasoline stoves at N
604 Main street. W A. Wood.
Tlio School Hoard.
A regular meeting of the board of edu
cation was held last evening , at which
some routine business was transacted
Superintendent MoNaughton made his
monthly report , showing a pleasing
growth in the schools. He asked for a
V-5 appropriation for the museum , which
was granted.
President Atkins was authorized
to sign the petition for
the establishment of grade on
High School avenue , in accordance
with the profile of the city engineer.
Mr. Wallace presented a partial esti
mate of the tile of the Hall school , and
received as part payment f75.
Refrigerators. Refrigerators. Another
large lot just in. A perfect current ; dry
air : don't taint the food. Cole & Cole ,
41 Main street.
Drs. Hanchott & Smith , olllco No. 19 ,
earl st. , residence 120 Fourth st. Tele-
hone No. 10. _
For rupture or hernia , call and got Dr.
Rico's new invention. It makes a man
of you in tivo minutes. No pain. No. 11
Pearl street.
Not llnrhhly.
Rev. Mr. Mackay in his sermon at St.
Paul's church Sunday night sharply
scored those who are sotroady to judge ;
others. Ho hud no sympathy with those
who were so ready to cry out against the
public spirited citizens who were trying
to get the brldgo enterprise started here.
It wr.d easy enough to shout about "soil 1-
ing out" and all such nonsense. Ho also 1fl ;
refnrrod. as an illustration , to the many
blttor things said about President Clove-
land. Ho thought that there should flat
bo an angry or hasty judgment In such
matters. President Cleveland was the
chief magistrate of the nation , and his
position , if nothing else , entitled him to
respectful treatment , tor one , he could
not join in the prayer for the president ofa
these United States , and then bo so m -
consistent as to try to do everything pos
sible tu keep the prayer from being an'
iwercd. ;
The Murdtr Oaso Getting to Bo Very
A Mvcly Dny In Police Court Mcet-
injr of tlio Iowa Pros ? The City
Council Meeting Wnltlnjj
For IlrltlKC News.
A Fourth Trlnl For Jours.
Yciterdav Judge Carson liuislied some
of the cases pending before him , and
cleared up his table , preparatory to ad
journing to the 35th of July , at which
date hu will tak < . > up the liquor cases.
The most important matter passed
upon yesterday was the motion for u now
trial in the case of Jonathan Jones , who
way found guilty of manslaughter , thu
having been his third trial and third con
viction. Judge Carson granted the now
trial , and manfully did .so on the ground
of an error in his charge to the jury. It
is no easy matter for a man , if lie is not
u judge , to admit that lie has made a mis
take , hut for a judge on the bench , with
pjonty of other excuses laying around
him , to ti'ko ' the responsibility himself ,
and to decide that error had crept into
his instructions to the jury , requires a
good deal of honesty and backbone. It is
easier to let the matter goto the supreme
court , and let that body take the respon
sibility. Tlio squareness and fairness
with which Judiru Carson has met this
question cannot but raise him in the
opinion of all. It seems , however that
there otiL'lit to be j-oino end to this case.
Jones has been tried now three times ,
and tlio case has been hanging along in
the courts for many years. It seems that
enough time and money have been spent
upon it , and that his guilt or innocence
ought by this time to be established.
Colonel beott , who has been his attorney
through these years , has made a gallant
and victorious "series of battles for his
client , and though the verdict of the jury
has been against him , he is still in the
Held. Judge Carson fixed the bail for
Jones : it. ? 10,000 , and Jones will hardly
be able to furnish this. Ho will probably
have to remain in jail , where he now is ,
until the August term.
Tlio arguments in the Joseph divorce
case were heard yesterday morning. The
lilthy testimony was gone over in detail ,
each side claiming that it had proved
that the other had bcnn guilty of adul
tery. Mrs. Joseph had brought into court
a girl of rather unsavory reputation 1o
establish her claim that Joseph had been
untrue , and Joseph had brought in a
comparative stranger in the city to prove
that Mrs. Joseph acted in a very unwifely
way. Judge Carson did not give his de
cision yesterday , there being two ques
tions involved , one as to whether the
wife should be given a divorce , the other
whether she should he allowed to be the
custodian of llm little child.
The motion for a new trial in the case
of Wilson vs. the city is not to be taken
up until the reopening of court on July
IMth. .
The Press Mcutint ; ,
The annual meeting of the Southwest
ern Press association will be held at Coun
cil Binds on Tuesday , Juno 28 , at 10
o'clock a. m. sharp. Headquarters will
bo at the Ogden house. The following
programme will bo carried out :
Address by tlio president , C. W. Sny-
"How best to secure a paying subscrip
tion list. " Hon. Lafo Young , of tlio At
lantic Telegraph. Followed by discus
Annual election of ofliccrs.
Reports of committees to which pa
pers read at June meeting of 188G were
"Half cash and half advertising , "
opened byV. . II. McClure , of the Audu-
bou Republican.
"The business end of a newspaper , "
opened by Charles Ashton.
Closing business.
Editor's picnic :
'The model newspaper the one each
one of us publishes , " C. A. Lisle.
The word ot power "We" by J.Fred
Myers , of the Denison Review.
"Our friend in need the scissors , " bv
Captain J. F. Bishop , of tlio Afton Tri
"The local rustler , " F. C. Clark.
"Tho ladies , Heaven bless 'em , " by A.
B. Shaw , of the Corning Union.
The ladies arc invited.
Jiulgo Aylcsworth had a busy day , the
police having gathered in quito a gang.
II. K. Anthony's name didn't s > avu him ,
and ho went to jail for ten days on bread
and water. The judge would have made
it longer , but the water part of the bread
and water diet is expensive , since prohi
bitionists came into power „
Two lads. Lee Hummcll and Owan
Switt wore brought in as runaways from
their DCS Moines homo. They had been
doing Sioux City nnd Omaha , nnd when
they reached the blull's they wore with
out monev " or reputation. The first night
they slept" in a lumber yard , the next in
the city jail , nnd last night somewhere
on tlio road. The judge gaye orders that
a lunch be given them and that their
faces l > e set eastward. Ho thought by
the time they reached home by foot
passage , they would have had sullicient
cxponcnco to keep them there.
J. Roderick wss nrrcsted on suspicion
of having tried to rob n drunken man
unmcd George Starr. The two were
going about town together , and Starr's
money was rapidly disappearing. Starr
was too drunk to know much about how
ho had been served by Roderick , but
know that ho hnd less money than when
he .started out on his rod paint trip. The
evidence being diflicult to get at Roder
ick was discharged.
The Cole family again nppenr in court.
This tnbo is getting to bo about as notori
ous as thoUorotenburgs. Joreuh Cole , his
wife , Emma Cole , and n fellow named
Samuel Andrews have been frequent vis
itors to court for a year past. Mrs. Cole
has given up Joseph for the sake of An
drews. Joseph has not sense enough to
let the women have her own way , but in
sists on disturbing the peace of the couple
v hosoonly marital tie bccms to bo allm-
ity. Joseph Cole has been over in Omaha
lately , serving as janitor for the Salva
tion army there , but hu makes frequent
trips hero to sco how Andrews and Mrs.
Cole arc getting along. His Sunday night
visit resulted in a row , and the trio were
arrested. They wore each lined yester
day for disturbing tlio peace , and then
Mrs. Cole and Andrews were arrested
for adultery. The thrco are now in jail
awaiting further adjustment of the chowchow -
chow family attairs. In the meantime
the fort is being hold by two little boys ,
ono the son of Mrs. Cole by a previous
husband , the other u son of Andrews by isa
previous wife. It is hoped that this time
n tinal disposition may bn made of the
disorderly and dirty outfit. 10n
Pat Hanifan , D. M. Maxwell and Tom
Hopkins , were given the usual tine as
plain drunks.
James Murphy cot out of bed about 2
o'clock Sunday morning , to go and see a
sick friend , a messenger having come to
ills boarding plate to inform him of the
friend's illness. On the way ho aroused
the suspicious of Ollicer Unthanfc. who
inquired ot him who he was , and whither
ho was traveling. This made Murphy
mad. Ho gave the officer some very
saucy replies , and insisted that as an
American citizen it was nobody's busi
ness what called him out that time ol
night. The officer not getting satis
faction arrested him , r.nd ho was kept
locked up until yesterday afternoon.
The judge discharged htm , but warned
him not to be such u stickler , hereafter ,
to his rights as an American , butte
to waive some of them after midnight ,
when on the streets , and save himself
trouble. The judge commended the ac
tion of the ollicer in making the arrest
under such circumstances , and was
evidently favorable to the new Omaha
rule of making late stragglers give an
account of themselves.
II. Wallace was too drunk to give his
name when arrested. He had sobered up
enough yesterday to remember it , and to
heir pardon for having crawled into a box
car sleeper. Ho will board out his line.
Hoys , llmvnrc.
The ordinance in regard to lire crack
ers , etc. , is to bo strictly cnfoiced , and
those violating it will bn arrested and
prosecuted. F. II. ( ! UASII.I.\ : ,
City Marshal.
Personal PnrncrnpliH.
P. B. Hunt , of Hanlon , was in the city
yesterday ,
E. Alfred , of Siblcy , Iowa , is a Pacific
house guest.
Abner Graves , of Dow City , visited tlio
lilulVs yesterday.
George U. Anderson , of Topcka , Kan. ,
was at the Pacific yesterday.
Miss Etta Jose left last night fora throe
months' visit to her old home in Michi-
A Test Alnrrn. *
The fire alarm last evening was simply
a test of the new system , to see how
quick the boys could turn out. The turn
out was spujily and the experimenting
olliciuls were satisfied.
O.p ll It
OwlnutothutllAbllML FMSTIUTr of the tlolh ( which
nur iiauntB < o\ir iitclu lel > ) will tit r 'ifMtl * t < ri > t
time-worn Itoqilllen no I > K&U III. JIIIM Illlt UMtD
by M'ller attn t . 'luff wnrn l-ii dajf If Hot finnul ll > most
iiml Ciunrnrlntile Corset ever worn. Sold by nil
lust-elate Uc.ilrrn.
CillOTTY nitOH. . Chicago , III.
In Amber ,
namcnts , ns
well ns theo
o Jjj
5&T cities in hair
k ! goods.
ivA Hair goods
" " nmdcto order
Mrs. C. L. ( Gillette
29 Mnin St. . Council Hlufls , Town. Out
of town work solicited , nnd all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Engineer , Surveyor , MapPublisher
Over ATo. 1H North Main St.
City and county mnps , of cities nnJ counties
frost crn Iowa , NcLraskaand Kansas.
$3 SHOE.
. Durable , Easy Filling.
Tlw liest St : Shoo in the World.
w. i. . noun i-
$2.50 SHOE
fqunU ttio 8.1 Slioea atlvcr *
l by other firms.
KHOK FOR BOYS glvpi Rrmt Ml fact ! < m. All
tnoulmvunru matlu In Itiittou , COIIKH H und Ln < w.
nil Htj Us of Inn. Sold by S.OOO dcMli'rfltliouRhout the
U. S. If your dcnlvr dor * not keen tlii'tu , frntl nnino
on iKint.ll to W. L. IHHHil.AV
n minor nr rDmin it lux tu my
DCWARC OF rKAUD.fcnnwlr < lc that homo
miHcrupnloiiR ilralcra tire offering otlior Koodn HH
mine , and when aitkid uhy my tttatnp IB not on the
Phot * . - that I hw discontinued UK we. Til IS
I1 * FAI.SK. Take none rc | > renenti'd to 1m the
"W. I. . Douglas Mmi' . " imlt'iw immr. wurriintit !
and nrlr am MunilK'd on Imttiur. of rach
Rhm . W.I , . IHUHJLAS. lirockton. Mans.
For sale by Kclloy , .Stiver & Co. , cor
Dodge and mUi-Hta. ; Henry Sargent
cor. Se ward and Samulers BIS-
The Original nnd Only Genuine.
lift ud > ! > ; ItlllbU. K'win f WMthlM ImIUIlo.1.
: for 'ChUkM *
TM * ct * * >
For Imperfect
Stomach ,
Let Trareleri round ( bin world of care ,
Wltliout delay tbemielren prepare.
Afiitnmheliri that mar arl e.
From Ill-cooked meal > und lengthy rldei.
A sure rtcren.e li nt their cull ,
& Diabetes ire Cured b ) the Asahel Mineral Spring Water
Deatbt from them are acrttlcei. Dlichgrycs , itrlo-
turei , | ire > tute Klund , Turlcocde , blndder nd
chronic dlxeuiei came ineDi * ntf mutt be cured \ij \
tb A nhl'l Medical llureauEuropean anil Amcilciin
tpccullit t > hilclHn'i locnUnd Interne nerJurtrcm-
edp | or the lurrerent are lot. Old ph rtlclao't adrica
and book , wlirj partlculvn and cure , free at
291 Uroadway.Now York.
Illinois Washer
n i noequal. It will wash
anything , froraBneit lace
toheHty carpet , perfectly
clean. It ! eaiy to work
nnd Blmple to handle.
_ _ . Thou > and > can testify to
Iti merit * . We guarantee mlifactlon. Try one All
kind * nf wrlnneri repaired , bur Man'Co. . , VKl N.
10th ilreet. Omaha , Netratka. _
Groin and Provision Commis
sion Merchants ,
1O and 12 Pacific Avenue.
Grain and I'roTliloni bought and told en margin-
on the Chicago Board n ( Trade. Correapondonee io
llclted. Dally or weekly market letter wnt om nppll-
aatloo. Kef r a e Cor cbang UtuaCblcM .
Eiseman's Peoples' ' Store ,
'Jhe Inrgcst tlcpnrtinont In the west will bo opened to the public , this week ,
with thousands of the eroatost bargains ever oll'orcd.
Lawns , Sucrsuckors , .Sutccns , Hulistos , India Limnis. Victoria Lawns , Mulls ,
Nainsooks , Itulin Mulls , and uvery other known innku of Summer \Vasli Goods will
bo in this grout sale at prices way below uny lornior quotation.
All of our summer stock must bo closed out during this and no\i month to make
room for the coininir season's ( roods.
Lace Kmbroidcncs , Whltu Goodg , Huclnnccs , Tuckinns , Muslin Llndnrwcar
Ladies' , Mis es' and Children's ( iiuizo , HalbriK < ; an and Silk Underwear , Hosiery
Gloves and Milts. Corsets , Linen Collars and ( jullVi , Chemisettes and many other
yoods to be sold during this great sale regardless of cost or value.
Liberal Reduction on Domestics and Linens at
this Special Sale ,
omc to the PC pie's Store and HOC what we can do for you.
Good * , Men's Hosiery ,
Underwear , Men's Suspenders
Men's XiRltt Shirts , men's IlandlicrfhlcP * ,
Drett Shirts , Men's Stnnncr Coals ,
Fancy S'crcalc Shirt * , Men's Summer Coats and Vents ,
Men's Working Shirt * , Men's Hats and Caps ,
Men' * Flannel Shirts Mens ! XSools and &hocs ,
MCII'M UnlaniMtricd Shlrtw ,
All To Be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices During
This Week's ' Special Sale !
Bargains in our Cloak and Suit Department
During This Week.
Ladle's Wraps , ladles' .Jackets , Ladles' Jerseys ,
Ladies' Shawls , Ladles' Calico , Sateen , Lawn ,
India Linen and ( llnghani Wraps , elegantly trimmed with fine Embroideries and
Laces at greatly reduced prieus nt this week's sale.
New sample line of Wish : Suits , made up , to bo closed out at half price during
the wook.
Come and sco us and do not delay as those goods arc selling at these reduced
prices ; conic in time and gut thu lirst election.
Henry Eiseman < Co. ,
314 , 316 , 318 and 320 BROADWAY ,
Mail Orders receive prompt attention ,
Special adveitlfioniciils. such ns Lost , Founa
'jo Loan , For Bnlo , To Kent , VSnnts , Ro.-xrdinir ,
etc , Till tolnecrU'il in this column : it the low
ntoofTEN CENTS PKIt LINK JorthoHrst Insier-
lonnndIvo Con tiTer Line Coeach sutno'iuoiil
jntortlon. Lcavo advorllsomenU nt our oltico
No. U I'carl iticct , near Uroadwitj.
First-clues baker nt onco. No.
Mnliist. *
WANTKD A wnltor nt l.oulo & Meuger'B ,
- und 527 llroiulwiiy.
SAI < IC The entire fmulture , Imr room
flxtuics kitchen utensils of thu St.
l.onla IIOIIHO. rn < | iilrf of Jacob Ncunmycr ,
NeuuuiyiT's hotel. Council lilulTs.
OK HUNT Coul ehcilg , olllco nml gcnles , one
live-room house , li. May no , (4'JCth ( avc.
) H 1CKNT hlght-rconi house , closets , good
repair. J3J. No. (1.0 ( illutr st.
WANTED A good cook nnd irlrl for irencnil
housework In n finally cit tour. Mrs.
Tlioraas Olticor , No. K l Willow nvonuo.
[ JiOK 8AlK-Or Trade-Six sections of trooil
J3 land In Lincoln cniinly. Noli. , on U. P.
rallwuy. Call on or iiddrvss Udell IlroJ. & Co. ,
103 Pearl St. , Council ItlufK
WANTED A good girl lor Konoral house
work. Apply at 'OJ ruth avenue.
Attorneys at Law ,
ctice in the State and Federal Courtl
Room * 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block.
Council BluHs.Iowa.
Established 1657.
Vacant Lots , Lauds , City Residences and
Farms. Acre property In western part of city.
All selling cheap to make room for Bprlos stock
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Room 6 , orcr Officer & I'uecy's Bank , Cou
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. 83
N * . 616 Main Street , Telephone No , 03.
Justice of the Peace.
.American Express.
f.n Chronic Diseases ,
Of all kinds , call on
DR. RICE , No. 11 Pearl Street , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
It. HIVE , M. J ) .
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knile or Drawing o
Over 150 years Practical experience.
No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Star Sale Stab/es and Mule Yards
llroudwuy , Council Ululls , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horses und mules kept constantlyon
hand , for sale nt retail or iu car load
Orders promptly tilled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SHLUTKU & UOLEV , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 11
Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables , corner
1st. two. and 4th st
The finest of driving horses always on
hand and for sale by
Has a. complete line of
[ 1 1 I'll'
Lnrcoliatslnwlilto , bluck nml all colors. Pat
tern bonnets , huts and toques , a specialty.
Nol5U DoiitfliiB st. , Omiiha.
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Ikoailwny , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Prices Very TMW ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
2fO. # U MAIX ST. ,
21 LUFFS , 1A
Bargains !
Beginning Monday , June 13 , at
Parasols at greatly reduced prices to close
the season's stock.
Black Lisle Thread Hose , good ones at 25e
The present invoice of this splendid
bargain is nearly sold.
Remnants of Dress Goods and Silks at
prices to clean the counters.
Ginghams , Seersuckers and White Dress
Goods in a , very great variety.
We are headquarters for Carpets of all
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
o. cr.
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council Bl nil's OlMi'o ,
Temple. Omalm Ollkco , ill
iVorlli lUtli utrect.
Particular intention gii-en to Investing -
vesting . 1'iuulH for noit - rexl-
dents. Special bargain * In loin fc
acre properly In Omaha < V I'oun-
cll ISliiH'H. . Correspondence solic
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : : Eourders : : Reduced : : Rates.
team , Gas and Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa
Matt Orders Shipped Vj n p tli/ .
J TTT ? '
lees rate