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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1887)
'lif'F" ' ! " 'T fri1 P Hlll * * H"Kia ! i * 'tI5 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SEVENTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA. TUESDAY MOWING. JUNE 21 : 1887. NUMBER 3J LONDON IN GALA ATTIRE , The Great City Literally Painted Ecd in Honor of the Jubilee. THE SERVICES FOR TO-DAY. Protestants and Catholics to Cclo- bratc the K o.nt Separately Pre cautions Taken Against Out- raitca The .In nil re. 7 li\l \ Jnmrt Uurtlon rifimettA LONDON , Juno 20. ( New York Herald Untile Special to tlio BKK.J In western phrase , literally and not metaphorically , the ton was painted red all ttio evening. Iiosltlvely 100,000 red fuses burning In the city , on the embankments and thoroush- fares , In the. hands of Immense masses of flight-seers , who obstructed c\ery where rrhlcular tralllc and the fllduwalks. By day light everywhere was to bo seen to-day red cloth , principally from windows otT the line of the procession , and on the balconies and platforms along which It Is to pass. Nearly all the myriad Illuminations have been this evening rohcarsed. London at 10 p. in , looked , from Primrose hill , tit John's wood , us If between Victoria tower , parliament houHcs and St. J'aul dome immense tires were consuming the shopn and the mansions. These Illuminations are , In many instances , costly and elaborate , but , to be frnnk , are conventional and commonplace. The elec tric light is not used. Hundreds of building reproduce the faded candle and oil lamp's glories , in colors , clusters and alphabetical arrangements , which belonged to the old Cremorne Krdeus and the Vaux hall and Nlblo's gardens in your elty at the time Vic toria was crowned. American Inventions and originality of design arc largely lacking in the London Illuminations. The mottoes are trite. Flags are displayed and grouped without taste. LONDONKHS VKIIY UNEASY. That which ought to strike many foreign visitors who walk the professional thorough fare Is nn appearance of London being In a state of beige , that Londoners are being pto- tccted against themselves and disloyalty , against the possibilities of felonl/ed Watt Tylers and Jack Cades. Along Piccadilly , St. James , Waterloo Place , etc. , and oven In the ndjicent sldo streets , extra shutters , now fastenings and boarding or , as called here , hoardings have been extensively erected. The shopkeepers have not forgotten the Sunday and Saturday orgies on the days last year when looting was coincident with , al- pcrhaps not the result ofrealistlc processions. Your reporters have found great symptoms of uneasiness among the people about the coming events of jubilee day. A ( IKIIAT JAM KXt'KCTEI ) . At least : iooo,000 people will endeavor to sqnee/e themselves Into nreas calculated to comfortably fuinlsh standing or spectators' room for less than 1,000,000. The balconies meant for families will bo used by packed slght-soers. At least 5500,000 have been paid for seats on Improvised stands and ampul- thcateia hastily built of green wood. A SKCTAKIAN BKNSATION. Some sensation was created at the abbey to-day by the return of tickets by all the Catholic peers , commoners and many guests Of that faith. Several Irish guests have Joined the I'arnellltcs In also withdrawing. THE CA.TI1OI.IC BKRVICKB. About half of these absentees will be at a musical high mass at the cathedral at Ken sington at 10 a. in. A covered canopy has been erected from High street to the front entrance , about fifty > nrds. I found the gorgeous sanctuary had been fitted with two thrones , the right one to be occupied by Monsleuor Ruffs Scllla , envoy extraordinary from the pope to the queen , and ttio left one by Car dinal Manning , who , surrounded by his can ons and monslcnors train , will bo carried by the eight-year-old Lord Ohtagan , son of tlio late Irish lord chancellor. On the altar will bo the Lord Itlshopof Northampton , assisted by Iluv. Lord Charles Thynno nnd the Lord liisliop of Amycla , assisted by Hov. M. Fan- nlng. Among the congregation will bo representatives of the principal Catholic families of Kugland , headed by the Duke of Norfolk , Marquis Butte , Earl of Denbigh , Lords North and Howard , etc. , etc. After mass will bo gl\cn an exposition of tlio blessed sacrament , at which a "To Doum" will be suiiK. At the end of the service "God Save the Queen" will bo given on the organ , the whole congregation standing , and while leaving "Cornatlon" march will be plaved. Kev. C. Coo , of the cathedral , Informed your rcoorter that the whole service had been sub mitted toiler majesty , who appioved. Ho addcd , : "She expressed herself pleased to see her Catholic subjects colncldontly cele brating the jubilee and thanksgiving at the same hour as the Protestant services , con ducted In Westminster abbey , " HOW WK8TMIN8TKB AllIlKf WII.I/I.OOK. American tourists familiar with the latter , oral ! having pictures .of Its interior , can readily fancy how It will look to-morrow by mentally placing the royal dais In the center nave , between the poet's corner and oppo site tlio entrance , while against the sides of all the naves will bo rising galleries , built from the lloor , covered with red cloth , with seats twenty Inches wide. Kiom these a tew only can see well , but all can hear , provided theieis no suffoca tion. To American visitors at the abbey In past It would be absolutely unrecognizable It looks as If the queen were going to lay the foundation stone rather than take part in the solemn ceremonies within "tho walls. They have looked down upon historic scenes some six hundred years. For all that the abbey will have to do with the ceremonla the | quern fmlicht as well have had 1 performed In the main building of the American exhibition , and really spectators outside the abbey will to-day more graciously illustrate the victorious era than tlioso with in It. DISPARAGING COMMKNT9. One who is an arlbtocratlo tory , but an enemy to flunkylsm , told mo thus : "imagine to-morrow'a scene as It wHlhavo tobe handcc down to posterity. The abbey Itself trans formed portrays nobodies. Really great men will be conspicuous by their absence. Conr llunkys of the major and minor sort of obscure members of parliament , their still more ob scure wives , parliamentary clerks-these are the personages who will llgure as representa tives of all that is characteristic of the Itrlt Ian nation in the jubilee j ear of Queen Vic toria , " A radical member of parliament is respon filblc for this comment : "Probably the most painful fact in connection with tbo jubilee fete is the bitter cry which arises from nuni bers of Industrious worklngmen who are striving hard to make two ends meet ant find themselves compelled to lose three o four da > Votk with its concoraltau pay. A poor remmnbranco of the jublleo If It consists In less food and Increasei worry. Even a brilliant Mat * pageant wll not compensate for this. " A gorgeous , poctio and realistic preacher lo the London poor has Just made the follow lug remarks which , during the procossloi duubHcM well up iu 10,000 icarts : "Tho yards of sermons being preached just now , in which her majesty is buttered both sides bo- ; auso she has been a good wife and mother , ccpt the commandments , she prayed , tor icing a good woman , are quite right , but hero are millions of good women In the world. There is nothing In the fact .hat tlio sovereign has done her duty In icr homo to go delirious with rapture about. [ have looked hi vain In these sermons for reference to her majesty's constant neglect of her duties as a sovereign. To do one's duty In that state of life Into which it shall 3 1 ease God to call us Is generally conceived , o bo the Important Item In a Christian career. The state to which Victoria was called was that of queen. In that posi tion she has of Into years stolidly refused to do her duty. As a woman the queen Is above reproach ; as a queen she is open to the gteatest censure. " CI.KVKI.ANIl'S CONOHATUr.ATlONS. I Pressl The queen this afternoon received Phelps , United Mates Minister , at Bucklng- liam palace lor the purpose of allowing him to present President Cleveland's jublleo con gratulations. Her majesty expressed 'her sense of the kind feeling always manifested toward her by the American people. Other diplomats carrying congratulations wore re ceived after the customary form. WATrill.NO roil KNI'I-OBION * . Scotland "Yard olllcmls have teleRranhed instructions to Glasgow to watch the public buildings In that city to-night. CEI.EIlIlATi : ! ) IN TUB I'KOVINCF.S. WKM.INOTON , Now Zealand , Juno 30. To day was observed ns jubilee holiday through out New Zealand. Enthusiasm prevails everywhere. The festivities last three days. PiKTEitMAumiiuno , Natal , Juno 20. Thanksgiving services were held to-day in honor of the queen's jubilee. Praise From Austria. VIKNNA , Juno 20.Tho Olllclal Gazette will to-morrow contain an article on the jublleo of Qucerf Victoria , which will say : 'Millions of voices throughout her world wide empire will extol the queenly , womanly virtues of Victoria. The day marks a long epoch in the political welfare of her realm. The whole world sympathises with the festi val , for the fame ot the queen's blessed rule reaches every quarter of the globe. This sympathy Is most cordially shared In by the Austrian sovereign. The virtues of Victoria throughout the whole of her life recall those of our own great empress , Maria Theresa. Doth went through life showering blessings around , both ruvered by their people . The memory of Victoria , llko tliat of Maria The- lesa. will bo blessed as long as history exists * . " nml Itusslo. ST. , June 20.- The Russian newspapers , commenting on Queen Victoria's Jublleo , say the Lirltlsh people's love for tholr queen Is merited by the Internal reforms and Improvements of the masses which have bcun effected In Kngland during the fifty years of her rulo. Some of the papers take occasion to express regret that the relations between Russia and hnglaud are not better , and hone they will Improve and the two nations be come sincerely friendly. Cursings at Cork. Conic , Juno 20. Some houses in this city were illuminated and decorated this evening In honor of the queen's jubilee. The crowds mashed all the lighted windows , shouting "to hell with the queen , " and cheering tor Parnell. The police , who were pelted with stones , charged and dispersed the mob. Great Enthusiasm At Valparaiso. VAM-AUAISO , ( via Galveston ) , June 20 , Great enthusiasm Is manifested by thn Brit ish residents here In celebration of the queen's jublleo to-morrow. All English houses will close to-morrow. Boston's Celebration. BOSTON , Juno 20. Some time ago the council granted the use of Fancull hall for a celebration In honor of Queen Victoria's Jublleo to-morrow night. This brought out n protest and petition to rescind the action. The council considered the matter this attor- noon nnd by a tie vote declined to change thn order , but eranted n permit for the use ot the old hall to-nluht b > those opposed to its occu pancy by Englishmen. Through EOIIIO mistake the hall wns not opened until < J o'clock , when it was immedi ately packed with people. Speeches were made by John Boyle O'Reilly and others de nouncing the aldermen tor allowing the usa of the building for such a purpose , and a committee was appointed to persuade the mayor , If possible , to cancel the penult for to-morrow night. Chicago Jiiullcc Banquet. CIIICACIO , Juno 20. A notable gathering of over two hundred of Chicago's most prom inent merchants , lawyers , journalists , poli ticians and divines assembled to-night at a banquet in honor of Queen Victoria's jubilee. Throughout the ovenlni ; music aud addresses alternated between loyal praises of England and her queen , and outbursts of patriotic American sentiments. Among the many speakers were : Ex-United States Senator Dnolltlle , Heutonant-Governor Smith , of Illinois , Mayor Kocho , J. V. Farwell. . Judge Caiy , General lieem , aud General Stiles , of Chicago. A Girl at the fiend. [ CopyricM ISS7 by Jamc ( Ionian IlftHlttl.1 LONDON , .lune 20. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BKK.J The Vassar- Itesand women students at Cornell , with the "Hall Columbia" bacholorcsses of arts and all other feminine students In America , have a jubilee trophy In the rank , given to-day at Cambridge In the classical course to a girl , Miss Agnata Uamsey. She has beaten all the male students In the classics , being the only one of either sox to pass In the first division. What Is additionally remarkable is that her father , Sir James Ramsey , a Scotch baronet. and her undo , Prof. George Hamsey , of Glas gow university , each obtained first class In the classics when they took degrees at Ox ford. Miss Uamsey has just reached twenty years , and several of her male competitors were older. Her proficiency In Latin or Greek was equal. Her male contestants were gallant enough to cheer her name on the list when It was nut up , aud doubtless they are wondering if she will continue pro- liclent in construing Ovid's "Art of Love. " Frenchman Very Indignant. PAULS , Juno 20. The Paris newspapers express Indignation over ( he sentences de creed at Lelpslc against the Alsatian member of the Patriotic league convicted of high treason for assisting In the agitation to keen allvo antl-tlnnexatlnn feeling In Alsace-Lor raine. The members of the league have signed an appeal to President Grevvbcgelng him to Intervene for the. release of Koeohlln. It Is not thought probublo that Grcvy will ac cede. Steamship Arrivals , GLASGOW , June20. [ Special Tele.'ram to the BKK.J Arrived The State of Nevada , from New York , PitiLArmi.rniA , Juno 20. Arrived The Lord Gough. from Liverpool. QUKKNSTOWN , Juno ! . Arrived The City of Chester , from Now York. SOUTHAMPTON , June 20. Arrived The Elder , from New Yoik for Bremen. llAvr.i : . June 20. Arrlvcd-The Norman- die , from New York. The Work of a Mob. Pr.STii. Juno 20. A mob yesterday set tire to the Jon Ish quarter of the town of Dunab S/erdahely , in Huncarv. The quarter was al most dcbtrojed , and 125 families mudo home less. _ Steamer Aihor < * . LONHON , June. ' . ' 0. The Peninsula and Oriental steamer Hydaspcs Is ashoreat Has- melted sea , ANOTHER FLAG AGITATION , The Whereabouts of Those Captured By the Navy Being Looked Into. SECRETARY WHITNEY PUZZLED. The Hollcf Gaining Ground That Latnar Will Succeed Justice Woods On the Supreme Hunch National NOWB. The Nation's Nnval Trophies. WASIIINOTON , June 20. [ Special Tele gram to the UKK. ] Popularattotition having been directed to the captured fiags in the custody ot the war department , there has been some Inquiry concerning the disposal ot the flags captured during the rebellion by the United States navy. The proposed re turn of the banners captured In the field sug gested a return ot tlioso taken on the water , and Secretary Whitney was called upon to day for some Information as to their where abouts. The democratic secretary of the navy was r.ither nonplussed and after consid ering a while he confessed that he knew nothing about them. Ho added , however , with a smlli ) that ono thing was certain , ho had given no order for tholr return to their former owners. The question asked the secretary was then put In succession to each of the bureau ofilclals in the navy depart ment until the startling fact was developed that not one on duty then present had the slightest idea of their where abouts. It was suggested by the chief clerk that three rebel naval fla s might bo In the naval academy at Annapolis , but Prof. Salny , of the naval department , In charge ot the war records of the navy , who has written a history of the naval academy , stated posi tively that they were not at Annapolis. The flags there , ho stated , wore tlioso captured during the revolution and the war ot 18i2but to his knowledge thoio were no rebel colors. This is a strange discovery aud a most oin- banassini ; ono tor all concerned , and when the seriousness of the situation was finally realised the oulv Idea that occurred to the officials was tlmt piobably some of the repub lican ex-secriiturie.s might know where the flags wtro stored. The law of 1884 for the preservation and p\hlbltlon ol captured flags is the same for the navy as for the war de partment , and there is considerable con sternation in official circles over the new complication to the atlalr by the Inquiries seton on loot to-day. The Supreme Court Vacancy. WASHINGTON , June 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Uir. : . [ There Is a growing bo- llet that the vacancy on the supreme court bench made by the death of Justice Woods will bo filled by the appointment of Sccretaiy Lamar. That gentleman says , however , that ho has knowledge of the Intentions of tin' president In the matter aud that ho has never been sDokeu to on the subject. It Is believed that the president does not Intend to fill the vacancy just yet. Thcro Is no cause lor. haste and he will probably wait until just before the time for the meeting of the court In tlu ; autumn. The president Is a\eise to putting any " ( load timber" on the supreme bench. Ho wants to make the very best se lection possible , and as the appointment is awarded to thn south , and It Is known that the president locards Secretary Lamar as tlio greatest representative of that section , there. Is reason to believe he will makn the appoint ment. The indications aio that Secretary Lumar will accept the position , thouch ho has reasons to believe that as long as ho lives he can get any honor within the gilt of the people ot Mississippi. It is believed by mauv of his friends that a place on tlio supreme bench would just suit him. Military Matters. WASiiiNOTON.June 20 [ Special Telegram to thn BIK. : | The following army officers undergoing instructions In torpedo service , will bo relieved from duty at Wlllett's Point Julyl : First Lieutenant V. H. Brldgman , Second artillery ; First Lieutenant Wilbur Loverldgc.Thhd artilleiy ; andSt'cond Lieu tenant G. W. Stevens , Fifth aitillery. Lieu tenant Stevens will join his proper station , and Lieutenants Loveridge aud Brldgman will join their piopcr stations upon thu expi ration of tholr leaves. Captain Lewis Johnson , Twenty-fourth infantry. Is granted ono month's extension of leave , on account of disability , with per mission to go abroad. Army leaves : Captain George S. Wilson , Twelfth lntintrv , until Juno : ; 0 ; First Lieu tenant E ra B. Fuller. Seventh cavalry , ono week further extension ; First Lieutenant .lames D. Nickeraou , Seventh Infantry , two months from July 1 ; Lieutenant Haydou S. Cole , Third infantry , has beou detailed as inspector ot Indian supplies at the Tongue river agency. Montana , In place of First Lieutenant Jacob B. Galbralth , who was re cently appointed quartermaster of his regi ment. Gultcnu's Head. WASHINGTON , June 20. [ Special Telegram to the BIJE.I The story published in Now York to the effect that some ono proposes to exhibit the "head of the Assassin Gultcau , " caused some comment hero to-day , and led tea a number of inquiries as to the disposition of the remains of the murderer. The body of Gulteau was taken to tlio army medical museum after the execution and placed In the hands of Dr. SchafTcrt , who was at the time the anatomist of the museum. Ho re moved the soft parts of the body , and all the bones and also the brain arn now at the museum , though not on public exhibition , and never have been. It was supposed that all the soft parts of the body were burned , as Is the usual course at the museum when a bodv is prepared for articulation. The mu seum authorities do not know whether the sott paits weio destroyed or not. They say that It Is very posslblu that Instead of destroy ing the muscles and flesh of thn head and neck after it was taken from the bones It might have been preserved and set up. and that Is probably what is referred to. But the skeleton of Gulteau complete , and all , is now In the museum. Dr. Lamb , who per > formed the autopsy on Gulteau's body , said to-day : " 1 haven't thn least doubt tills thing In Now York _ Is Guiteau's head. It Is genu ine. Mr. ShatTcrt , the museum anatomist , doubtless preserved the scalp and face of the assassin , with the hair and beard undis turbed , placed them In alcohol , and when ho got a rood chance sola the thing. Ho left the museum over two years ago. " Endicott and the Flags. WASHINGTON , June 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Bi'.E.J Secretary Eudlcott turned up at the war department this morn ing , very dignified and wise looking. The flat : episode had evidently made a solemn Impulsion on the great man's mind and when he was asked what he wanted to say on thn subject he coldly replied that he knew nothing of the matter beyond that ho had ro.ul Iu the newspapers. It being suggested that if ho bad read thorn all he must know a good deal , the warrior looked unutterable things at his interviewer and froie into si lence. Amalgamated Association Rules. PiTTsntiuo , Juno 20. Among the amend ments to the constitution of the Amalgam ated association recommended by the com- niltteo to-day ana adopted was ono changing the requirements for membership , which opens the association to every kind of help employed about the mills. Another amend ment provides that on ana after Apill 1. l&S , no member of the association can be Identi fied with the Knights of Labor. ] t Is said this evening that the committee of the Iron manufacturers' association has decided not to grant the 10 per cent advance demanded by the Amalgamated association , 'J e conference beglpg tv wow , THE PKTUIt T41UY PLOT. How Queen Vic's Jubilee Pudding was Spoiled by reworks. NEW VoitK , Juno 20. ( Special Telegram to the BEH.J Two dollars' worth of fire crackers , plnwhcels aud penny Roman can dles bought at ono of the Park Place fire works shops , has convulsed the British em pire and a good part of the rest of the world , shaking Victoria on her throne and spoiling thotastoof her jubilee pudding. All this was not the result of any carefiil preparation by a fireworks company anxious for a line "ad , " but was paitly patriotic nlTectlon In the heart of a Monroe street , New York , mother and partly spontaneous combustion on the part of British detectives. These fireworks were never intended to tickle anything big ger than the fifteen-year-old heart of Willie Musgravo , and their sound to echo further than the homo of Wllllo's uncle , where ho will bo spending his vacation from Mount Mlllery seminary , County Waterford , after Julyl. Peter Troy Is a young man who has relatives In County Tlpperary , who are al. o relatives ol Miss Helen Musiravu , of 70 Miinroo stieet , lit this city. Peter was golnn to vleit his relatives and Just before starting , called on Mrs. Musgravo to tell them of his trip. It was sutrnested that the opportunity would bo a good ono to send to young Wllllo some American fireworks with which to cele brate the Fourth. Mr. Troy was wllllnc to bo the messenger , and 82 was forthwith In vested in roman candles , nltmlipels , and lira crackers , which were packed In n little sean box with an old pair of trousers wrapped around thorn to keen thorn from being acci dentally set oil' . Two notes were also put Into the box , one to the Tipperary relatives and the other to the "little fellow , " telling him that next time they'd send him moro but that those would have to do for the present. The box was sent to the steamer dock , addressed to Mr. Trov and nothing more was thought of It until the cable dispatches announced that a terrible dynamite plot had been discovered , and an American , Peter Troy , landing from the Adriatic had been arrested with the ox- plosives. In the hou- on Monroe street yesterday there was unalloyed merriment over the allair , a merriment which prob ably Is not shared by poor Mr. Troy , presumably sweltering in a Queonstown dungeon until the "e\- nerts" who , Ills announced , have been summoned to Investigate thn "Infernal ma chines , " have operated on the penny Roman caudles and amputated the tire crackers , and submitted the pin wheels to chemical tests. The most unfoitunato part of the at- falr. however. Is that little Wllllo Musirrave w III probably have to do without his Fourth of July and County Tinper.iry without Its two dollar Illumination on the clorious annl- versiry , unless Victoria sees fit to give Wil lie some of the fireworks lelt over from the jubilee , to make up for those her vlsllant and perspicuous guardians have confiscated. QUKKNSTOWN , Juno 20. Peter Troy , ar rested on suspicion of having exoloslvcs In his baggage , has been remanded for three days. Later Troy was formally discharged after promising to appear again If called upon by the authorltes. llaymond'H Domestic Li To. Nr.w YORK , Juno 20. ( Special Telegram to the Br.K.1 When the first Mrs. John T. Raymond sued her husband for divorce some testimony of an Intcivstlng character was taken before the roteree , who carefully guarded the story as told him in his official capacity , says the Herald , until Saturday , when ho made public the narrative which ho had so loua kept to himself. It appears that some years ago , when Raymond was playing In England , Graves -WHS appointed by the court to go to Now Jerstr to take the testi mony of Mary Theresa1 Soulo , At Hoboken Graves met a woman detective , who told him she had been en a-ed by Mrs. Raymond to goto Englandand watch her husband , whom she suspected of being unfaithful to bcr. The detective , who was a handsome woman , attended all Raymond's performances in England and finally obtained an Introduc tion to him. When Raymond returned to America hho took passage on the steamship and so enlisted hlH conlidonce that ho communicated to her many incidents of his life. He told her of his having met Marie Thcrsa Soulo at Chicago and of his biingingher to New i'ork. This was tlio veiy woman In the case for whom the dotectlvo wassearchlng.and whoso where abouts she subsequently succeeded in locat ing. When found. Miss Soule , a beautiful woman of twenty-three years , was Ivlng In bed suffering from pneumonia. She willingly gave her testimony. The unfortunate girl , who died a week alter , said she was the daughter ot a wealthy merchant of SanFian- clsco. Falling in love with hertathei's jouug partner they ran away to Chicago. Raymoud appeared In that city and she lived with him In gorgeous style until they had a quarrel , when they separated. But she met him once or twlco afterwards in Now York. It was on her testimony that the decree of absolute ili- \orco vuis grautca to Mrs. Raymond. Iluaincss Failures. CIIICAOO , Juno 20. Charles J. Korslmw filed a bill in the superior court this morning against Ills partners , Dowar and Eggleaton. The bill nsks to have the partncishlD dis solved , an accounting order granted , and a receiver appointed. The court appointed Porteus T. B. Wciver receiver , and that gen tleman filed a S.TO.OOO bond. Joseph F. Hill and Adaljm FlerUtielm , of Milwaukee , to-day tiled a bill of complaint against Charles J. Kershaw & Co. , in behalf of all the creditors of the limited partnership of Kershaw who mav elect to become parties to the suit. The bill details the supposed doings of thn hrm In the "clique" deal and since its collapse , and asks for the appoint ment of a receiver and also an order restialn- ing Kershaw or his partners , or the Amer ican Exchange bank officials from paying to any person money that comes Into posses sion of the bank for the firm. NEW Yojiif , June 20. Arnold & Co. , cottco brokers , assigned to-day. British Grain Trade Kevlew. LONDON , June 20. The Mark Lane Ex press says : The wheat crop Is Immensely Improved , giving creator promise than at the corresponding date of 180. Deliveries of new wheat are lessening rapidly. Values have fallen Is. Sales pf English wheat dur ing the past week were 39,73:5 : quarters at 85s. Id. , against 43,170 quarters at Sis. 4d. for the corresponding period last > ear. Trade In foreign wheat Is almost at a standstill. The break-up ot the Chicago ring nv\de little dif ference In values , as supplies at London con tinued small , but prices somewhat In bnjers' favor. The demand for flour Is restricted , and prices somewhat favor ( Rivers. At Glas gow values declined ( kl@lP. Flour Is dull at a decline of Cd. Corn , barley and oats are julet. An Illinois Jlallroad. SrniNOFiKLD. 111. , June 20. Articles of Incorporation of tlio'Havaua ' A Qnlncy rail way company were filed in the office of the secretary of state to-flay. It Is proposed to construct a railway fro'm Havana to Qulncy , the principal business office being established and maintained at Qulncy , and the amount of capital stock Is to bo 81,000.000. The Incorporators - corporators are W. II. Collins and A. W. Wells of Qulncy , A. K. Lowery of Mount Sterling. T. Hamer of Vermont , III. ; W. B. Lackorthy of Qulncy , 1. N. Pearson of Ma- comb , ana J. M. Darnell of Rushviile. * The Angel Case In Court. CHICAGO , June 20 In the United States circuit court proceedings of Sarah A. Angel against the Chicago , Portage & Superior railroad company , begun at Madison , WIs. , judgment was rendered this morning by Judges Gresbam aud Ilarlan tbat unless the plaintiffs shall within ten days enter a remit- tltur for SHfl,745 a motion for a now trial will bo granted the defendants. _ , ' Coffee UOCH Up. NEW YOIIK , June 20. The colfea market to-day opened verj steady , nearly lf } cents over the closing prices Soturdaf. The bid ding from the start became sharp and ran points up from 128 to 125. This was caused by favorable reports from Havre , . IN THE FIELD OF SPORT , Preparations Completed For Iowa's Shoot- in ? Tournament at Sioux Oily. A FIRST-CLASS TIME ASSURED , Omaha's Hnso Rail Association Con siders the Sunday Closing Move- Hastings Defeats Denver Local Sports. lown's Game Association. Sioux CITY , la. , Juno 20. Special Tele gram to the BEE.I Everything Is now In readiness for the meeting of thu state asso ciation for the protection of game and fish , which commences In this city to-morrow for a session of four days. It Is the tenth an nual convention and tournament tor Iowa. The business part of the association Is to se cure the enforcement of the game laws of the state , but the primary object Is to glvo a gen erous and fun-lovltig class of sportsmen an opportunity to Indulge their propensity tor , shooting. Ihe programme- will bo carrfm * out each day on the fair grounds. A larco number of the leading shootlsts of the country are already here , aud the tournament prom ises to be one of the best ever held In the west , Hastings Defeats Denver. DF.NVKII , June 20. [ Special Telegram to the BKK.I About fifteen hundred specta tors witnessed the second Denver-Hastings game to-day , which , contrary to expectation , resulted In an embarrassing defeat to the former , whose loss can be attributed to their loose playing. O'Neill was behind the bat up to the end of the fifth Inning , when an injured finger compelled him to retire. He was replaced by Meyers , who , Doing unused to Hogan's delivery , could hardly hold the ball , and consequently played poorly. Hastings played a hard and careful game , their fielding and batting being excellent , only throe scattering errors being made dur ing the afternoon. The battery , especially the catcher , was the best that has visited Denver lor some time. Score by Innings : Denver 2 10010200 0 Hastings 3 a 0 2'1 9 2 3 23 Huns earned Denver r , Hastings 12. Errors Denver 0 , Hastings 8. Base hits- Denver 18.HastIugs2. Two-base hits Klonzle 2 , , Dceu'an , Kelslng , Gorman , Lannan. Three-baso hits Hohrer. Ebrlght. Homo runs Helslng. Bases on balls Hoean 4 , Nicholson 8. Passed balls-O'Noll ! 2 , Mov- eas 2 , Ebrlght 1. Stiuck out Hogan 1. Left on bases Denver 10 , Hastings 0. Wild pitches Hogan 2. Batteilcs : Denver Ho- gan. O'Neill and Meyers. Hastings Nich olson and Ebrlght. lineal Hnse Ball Points. The directors of the Omaha base ball asso ciation held a mectlnc at the sporting head quarters of Penroso & Uardtn lost evening , for the purpose of Inking steps to check and subvert the Incipient crusade against Sun day games. Just what course was adopted has not been made public , but enough was to show that the directors are determined that these games will bo so conducted as to give the least possible o lieu so to any class or creed. There will bo a meeting of local amateur base hall clubs at O. Gordon it Co.'s , 1223 Fifteenth street , to-morrow evening , tor tlio purpose of banding themselves together iu n city league and apoolnting committees to so il re grounds and draw up a schedule. TO-TJ AY'H o AM E . , t The game at Association park this after noon will be called at 3:80 : sharp. Below are the positions and batting order of the teams : Omaha. Positions. Lincoln. II RI tor Catcher Hoover O'Leary. Pitcher Hart Dwycr 1st base , .Beckloy Swift 8d base Howe liourke . ' ! d base Lange Walsh Shortstop Herr Bailer Left Field Toohey Genius Center Field Hall iJessitt Ulght Field Shaffer The American Association. CINCINNATI. Jane20. The game between Cincinnati and St. Louis to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati 0 0 B 1 0 0 1 0 1 8 St. Louis 0 20000300 4 Pitchers Mnllune and Caruthers. Base hits Cincinnati 13 , St. Louls 11. Errors Cin cinnati : i. SU Louis 0. Umpire McQimde. Ni\v : Youic , Juno 20. Tlio game between Metropolitan and Athletic to-day resulted as follows : Metropolitan 0 0000010 0 7 Athletic 1 1201000 0-5 Pitchers Mays and Soward. Basa hits- Metropolitans 8 , Athletics f > . Errors- Metropolitans U , Athletics 8. Umpire Fer guson. BAI.TIMOIIK , Juno 20. The game between Baltimore and Brooklyn to-day resulted as follows : Baltimore 2 10000000 . ' ! Brooklyn 0 1002101-6 Pitchers Smith and llarklns. Base hits Baltimore 13 , Brooklyn 10. Errors Baltimore 2 , Biookiyn 2. Umpire Jen nings. CLEVELAND , Juno 20. The game be tween Cleveland and Louisville to-day re sulted as follows : Cleveland 4 1821001 0-11 Louisvlllu 1 0004020 3-10 Pitchers Morrison and Chamberlain. Base hits Cleveland 1C , Louisville 13. Errors- Cleveland 7. Louisville 8. Uuiplie-Kuight. I jo cat Hportlnjr Tips. Messrs. II. A. Pcnrose and John Petty leave for Sioux City this morning to attend the Iowa state association shooting tourna ment , It is moro than probable that Penroso will shoot a match with a noted Louisville crack before his return , The Omaha rllle club will open tholr sea son's shoot at their range northeast of the city Friday. 'Iheyiiavoa telegraphic match on with Boston's fine team , anil will shoot the majority of the best known clubs in the country before the season is over. Omaha has moio line roosters than any city In the eountiy of the same &Ue. There will be n grand pigeon shoot under the auspices of the Omaha gun club at the fair grounds on the 4th , which will be par ticipated in by members ol all the local clubs. Ticket No. 52,749 drew the capital prlro at the last Louisiana lottery , and one share , calling ( or 815,000 , was sold In Omaha. The Omahas w'll ' meet the Llncolns again at Association park this afternoon And Wednesday afternoon. Then they go to Hastings and Denver for a series of contests at eacli place , returning homo accompanied by the Delivers , for a gauio on the M of July , and twoon the 4th morning and after noon. The Omaha Gun club has postponed to day's shooU until Tuesday next. The Le- fevers will shoot Saturday at the usual place. Bill Dacey , of South Omaha , wants to make a match , to a finish , with skin gloves , for 250 a Aide , with any 183-pound man In Nebraska. Six additional Inches of clay are to bo put upon the bicycle track at the ball park , and the whole Is to be rolled and packed until tbo possibility of Its Interfering with tlio ball players Is removed. There will bo a two-days trotting meet at the fair grounds August 13 and 13 under the auspices ot the State Breeders' association. Thu prospects are good for a largo number of entries , which , of course , are cammed to the state. The Knights of Pythls will have a picnic at Papillion , Thursday , the23d. Hound trip , 50 cents. Brighton Beach Races. Nr.w i'oiiK , Juno 20. There was a good attendance at Brighton Beach and the weather was line. The following l.s the sum mary : Five furlonirs : Trenton won , DanUlle second , Theodore third. Time 1 : OC > . Seven furlongs : Seclusion won , Com mand second , George Angus third. Time ' ijfHoi young Dnko won , tlass-Vlol second , Armstrong third. Time Mile and a quarter : Exllo won , Harnum second , the Bourbon third. Tlmo-2ll : . One and a sixteenth miles : Lancaster on , terg Kyle second , Pink Cottage third. Tluio ' ' ' o'no'a'nd a sixteenth miles : Maeirlo Mitch- el won , Bonanza second , Baciiuet third. Tliue-liSJ. _ FOll AltMY OJ-TI01SK9. The Generosity ol' Virginia's Two Per Unit Sharks. Xinv YOIIK , June 90. ( Special Telegram to the Br.K. | Army and navy olllccr * In this city and elsewhere are receiving circulars from a Him of usurers In Wheeling , West Virginia , who oiler to discount their ac counts with the army or navy department at Ihe exorbitant rnto of 3 per cent per mouth. The firm which Is to eugago Iu this usurious business signs Itself U. Forbes & Co. The lit m announces that It Intends to do busi ness "on the square" and at the lowest pos sible rates. It rolers to any of the banks of Wheeling any of the county or state officers to J. J. Jncksnn , Judge ot thu district court of the United States for the district of West Vligliila , to J. N. Cauidcu , late United States senator from West Virginia , and to General B. F. Kelly of Washington. Ac companying the circular is a private letter of Instructions asking officers to bend to the firm their accounts for the month which they deslro to discount , filled In and signed precisely as they would be prepared for the paymaster. Kuch account Is to bo endorsed In blank. This linn suggests that It would bo agreeable for It to have the officers draw the pay them selves and in order to facilitate this It otTcis , upon naymcnt of Interest due and forwardIng - Ing of next month's account , cndorspd In blank , to return the account originally mort- Bated. By this little scheme an artnv or navy officer can be kept continually Indebted to these men , with the privilege of paying 20 per cent interest on his money every month for the boon of constant slavery. Several of ficers vt ho have received these circulars are indignant at the Insult thus offered to the service , and especially disgusted that a United States senator , as Camden was when the firm first pave him as reference , could bo induced to glvo his countenance to such a schema. - A Fraudulent Pension. CiiicAoo. Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to the Bee. I Francis Patterson , better known as Blind Patterson , who received over 513- 000 as back pension recently , has parted with the money already. As soon as Patterson re ceived his check , several Individuals became interested in his behalf. A legal movement was instituted to place Patterson and his money In the hands ot a guardian. While the proceedings were under way , Patterson and his wife and daughter lied from thestatc , going to Troy , Pa. At Troy they were met by Dr. A. N. Mills , and went to Wllllamsport , where the ccrtlficato of deposit of 810,000 on the Second National bank of Etinira was turned over to Mills , hu holding power ot at torney for the blind pensioner. AS soon as the check of deposit came to the Second National bink for collection , Dvaid Pratt , teller of the bank , who had been appointed guardian of Patter son , immediately made preparations for overhauling the parties. At Koiiova , Pn. , he found Patterson and his wife and daugh ter , but Mills had gene on to Washington with nearly tlio entire amount of the pen sion. When It became known that the Pat tersons and Dr. Mills had fled fiom the city an astounding state of affairs came to light In connection with the Patterson pension. Wllkes Miller , a well-known citizen , went before Justice Galalln and made affidavit that at the Instigation of Mills and on prom ise of 81,000 it the pension was secured he made affidavit that Patterson had sore eyes while In the army. Now It appears that Pat terson's blindness was caused by dlsoascaud not by service in the armv and that the large amount of pension received by him WAS se cured by fraud , and the government will have the task of arresting and punishing every one connected with the fraudulent transaction. _ _ A Biff Attachment. NEW YOIIK , June 20. Upon affidavit made by Alexander Long the Bank of Mon treal has obtained from the supreme court an attachment in this Htato aualnst the Fidelity National bank , of Cincinnati , O. It was procured In a suit Instituted to recover S200- 000 , the value of two checks , A 5100.00 ( check , drawn by the Fidelity bank at Cin- clnnntl , June 14 , payable to the order of .1. W. Wilshlro at the Chemical National bank , of this city , and endorsed to the payees , J. W. Hoytand Irwln. Green & . Co. , came Into the possession of the Montieal hank with another similar check. The checks were presented lor payment at thn Chemical bank , but were protested , hence this suit and at tachment. CINCINNATT , June 20. Concerning the drafts which form the basis of thu suit men tioned In to-day's New York dispatch , thn ollicoia of the Fidelity bank say payment on the drafts were stopped by order of the payet ) because ot fraudulent representations. Bank Examiner Powell , sent iiero by the treasury department , has served official notice on the Fidelity bank that in consequence of allowing Its drafts to go to protest It will not be per mitted to reonen to-morrow except under anew now organization , which will exclude from office E. L. Harper , vlco president and gen eral manager , Ammi Baldwin , cashier , and Ben Thompkins , assistant cashier. The stockholders will meet to-morrow early to en deavor to fix the matter up. - o The Chicago Hoodlers. CHICAGO , Juno 20. The question of ad mitting the conIctud boodlors to bail has been taken under advisement by Judge Shepard. States Attorney Grlnncll an nounced that he would bo ready Wednesday to commence the trial of the next case , which Includes all the indicted commissioners and ex-commissioners , as well as Wardens "Var- nell , Frcy and a contractor. Ho also expects to he able to glvo notice of the other cast's , so bv the end of the week , perhaps , two or three boodlcr tilals will bo pie russlng simultan eously. Franco's Flae Waves Oror narlboo. LiONno.v , June 20. In the house of com mons this evening , Sir Henry Holland , sec retary for the colon Ins , said the governor of Sierra Leon had Informed the government that the conference between the French and the natives resulted in the hoisting of the French flag at Barlboo on the Gambia river. Barlboo was fn tbu sphere of British In fluence , and the native chiefs wnro under treaty obligations to England. Sir Henry said dispatches were beine exchanged be tween the Eugllsh and French govern ments In regard to the matter. Jake Sharp's Trial. Nnw YOIIK , Juno 20. In the Sharp trial to-day the examination of bank cashjers brought out the fact that they had col lectively cashed for Foshay , one of Sharp's partners , a number of checks aggregating In value 8700,000 , and at his request , cave him bills of the largest denomination. The ob ject was to show they were probably the large bills used in bribing the aldcruieu. The TVabash Case. CnioAoo , June 20. Justice Harlan to-day told the attorney In the Wabash case that he had reached the conclusion that It ought U ; be withdrawn from the court , where It had no place. Ho advised the lawyers to come tn an understanding In the matter. They cou < eluded to think the matter over. End of * liong Strike. WOHCESTKII , Mass. , June 20. The locked' out boot-makers decided , all but the lastcru and bottomcrs , to return to work on the besl terms possible. This practically ends the great strike which hns been In pro reas live months. _ The Hlchhlndcrs. ST. Louis , Juno 20. Thn r.uprfino court re versed the decision In the Hlghbliidnrs case , where two Chlnmneti , Chlo Geom and Chlag , were sentenced to b hanged for the murdei of Lou Johnson. SAD ACCIDENT AT KEARNEY. Three Young People Drowned \7hilo Boating on tbo Lake. ALL THE BODIES RECOVEHED , A Newspaper at Dtiknln City IMoil lly Lightning The Illinois Con- tral'ti Now Iilnc Nebraska anil lo\vn Ncwa. Triple Drown I MI ; Accident. KKAIINKY , Neb. , Juno 20. ( Special Telfr gram to the BKK.J Last night about 11 o'clock occurred a most heartrending acci dent on Lake- Kearney , when Nicholas An- lerson , Miss llutda Priobo and Miss Dora itunfelt weio ill owned. At about 0:30 : An * lerson hired a boat , taking the two young adies with him , going to the north cud ofi the lake. The boat house keeper heard thorn , Hinging until ne.vrly 10 o'clock , and whoa midnight came , not hearing from the party , 10 started out on a hunt , soon finding the boat turned overand hats lying on the water. An alarm was at once given , but tliu night nine dark , nothing could bo done till morn- Ing. By using ill ,12 hooks all three bodies were reco > ered by about 0 o'clock this morn- ng. The bodies were taken In charge by the county coroner , Dr. M. A. Hoover , who lm < panelled a jury , who found that death was caused by accidental drown I lie. Mr. Anderson - < son was twonty-nlno years old , a Dane by birth , and had lived In Kearney for the pasteur our years , working In Swltz's wholesale furniture store. Miss Itunfelt came hero a , short time ago from Osage , la. , where he < Barents live , and was teen to have boon married to Anderson. Miss Ptlebe's homtf was at Grand Island. Where thu young Folks wore drowned the water was about Iftcen feet deep and the lake only about forty yards wide , it can never bo known what caused the accident. The whole town is In excitement. _ Starting a New Iilno. Sioux CITT , la. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele gram to the UKK. I Saturday an engineering party was started from Chcrokco toward Sioux City by the Illinois Central railroad company , and this morning the same com pany started another party eastward from James Station to meet the first one. This line will swing south of the Illinois Central indgivo It a more direct and a shorter line to Chicago and the south , nnd it probably fore shadows the Hale of the present linn Irom Lo- Mars hero to the Chlcago.St.l'aul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway. The latter company has n > ver fulfilled the conditions ot Its grant by coming In on this leased line , aud probably now moans to mund its wa\s. The now line will also Include considerable territory cov- vcred In the survey of the Sioux City Jb Northwestern and open up some very rlelvi eountiy to biouCity's trade. To obstruct ? the building of that road may bo tlio purpose of the Central in this survey. A Newspaper Struck Ry Ughmlng. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special to > the Br.K. | During the progress of the storm this morning the North Nebraska Eagle ? office , the only newspaper published In the county , was stiuck by lightning , the nortuf1 endot the building being entirely demolished. Gfit Twetitjr-Flve Years ; CLINTON , la. , June 20. [ Special Telegram to the BKK.J Red Dillon , tried for the mur der of Tim Maloney on the street hero a i short time ago , was today sentenced to , twenty-five years in the penitontlary at hard labor. _ _ A Fnrnior Suicides. THAKH , la. , Juno 20. | Special Tole- giam to the Br.K.J G. W. Peach , n farmer living near here , cut his throat last night nnd was round dead In his bod. Financial" ! troubles are supposed to be the cause of the deed. _ A llano Drowned. CLINTON , la. , Juno 20. ( Special Telegram to the BIKI Peter Peterson , a Dane , was drowned whllo bathing In the Mississippi at this place yesterday. Worse Than l-'lrst Itcportcd. VinNNA , June. 20. Later particulars show that the recent leiry accident at Sams , on the Danube rlvor , was much worst ) than was at hrst reported. The boat was feariully over loaded , having -100 persons on board. It is stilted that the boatmen wnro Intoxicated , The panic on hoard was feaitul. Tliu boil lea recovered glvo evidence of fearful death struggles In tholr tattered clothes and dis torted laces. It is estimated that : > 00 persons were drowned. Over 200 bodies have been recovered. Tlio recognition of bodies by Irienils on shore Is attended with heartrending - * ing scenes. Maxwell Will Hang. ST. Louis , Juno 20. Maxwell , alias Brooks , the murderer of Preller , Is to bo hanged. The supreme court refused to reverse tlio de cision of court. The prisoner was notified ! by his attorneys yesterday and was very much dejected. Brooks' counsel will now , It is said , move for a rehearing of the case. If this falls an attempt will bo made to get It before the United States supreme court on constitu tional points. The date of execution Is fixed for July 12. Too Much Paper. Piui.ADKM'iiiA , Juno 20. Sloan & Sons , cotton cnrokers , who suspended payment , were otulged to close their doors on account of the Insolvency of the Washington Manu facturing Company , whoso paper it had en dorsed to the extent. It Is said , of j2X ; > ,000. The liabilities In addition to this aru about 3100,000. The assets will bo sufficient to cover th ( ! amount. The proprietor of the Washing ton Manufacturing Company said ho believed the company would pay dollar tor dollar. the Kcolonlastlcnl Itill. Biiii.r.v : , June 20. The second chamber o tlio diet of Ilcsso has passed the ecclesiastical bill , settling thn confiict between HOSKO and the Vatican. The arrest of Deputy Krackcr on Saturday evening Is attributed { to his be ing a member of a secret society , the center of which Is at Ureslau. Jungs , who was arrested at Murzburg , and Markus the student arrested at Lfreulau , are mcmuoitt of tbo same society. Ilnril nn the Father. CHICAGO , June80Tho ton-year-old son of Engineer McDonald , the convicted boodlcr , fell from a window to-night and was fatally Injured , hherllt Mattson could not bo found and McDonald , notwithstanding strenuous efforts by his brother , the noted politician and eambler , remained Imprisoned In a cell whllo the boy laid dying. Suspicion * ! DchpcradocH Arrested. AUSTIN , Tux. , Jutin 20. Governor Itoss received atelcgrun to-day Informing him ot the arrest of three decporato characters In Lava county , suspected of being Implicated In the Southern 1'adiui tralu robbery of last Saturday mornlnir. Sitlcidn or A Munlnror. CIIICAOO ' , Jutin 20. Henry Doelltch , the German'butcher , who on Saturday murdered Frank Meludel In this clt > , was captured and locked up at Elgin to-day. Shortly after lucarceitttlon he hung hlmsult to the jail door. _ Workmen Hurled Allvo. KKIK. Pa. , June 20. By the caving In of a hlL'h biuik at the lake front to-day , John Elsie and Jacob Fehrcnbach were burled and kilted. John O'Liuuhllii was serlou.ily In jured and was uot dug out for three-auartcni ol an hour ,