Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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AdvurtlxmentA under tbls brail , 1U cents po
tno for Hit , Hist Insertion , T cents lor each Mib-
rr > ( | iicnt Insertion , nnd $1 Ma line per month.
Nondverll'omont taken for loss tunn 2.1 cents
Tor the llr t Insertion. Seven words wll Tim
counted to the line ; they must run consecu.
tlvaly nnd must bo paid In ndvntico. Alt ndvcr-
tl'omcntH must ho handed In before 1 ; ln o'clock
p. in. , nnd under no clrcum tnnces will they betaken
taken or dl eontlnued by tolephnnc.
I'urtleF ndvertislng In these columns nnd hnr-
Int the answers nd < ! r Mi'd In earn of liirllKR
will | ilrn p n k for n cheek to enable them to get
tlii'lr lettprnus nonn will bo clpllvrrod except
nil presentation of ebeck. All answers to adver
tisements hould bo enclosed In envelopes.
All Bdvortl > omcnts In thc < e columns nro pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
1in } lt ; p. , the circulation of which
nugrcgntes moro tbnn H.OOO papers
dally , and gives the hdvertl'cr the
Iientflt , nol onlj of thn elty clrrnhitlon of The
Jlrr. nut ntso of Council IllulTs , Lincoln , nnd
other cltlos nnd towns throughout this part of
tlio west
TVfONKY to lonn , no commission. Cole. 3lfl 8
TitONF.Y TO LOAN on Improved city prop-
1'L crty In sums of $ I.OuOto $ flOUO ut six per
cent Interest. SliolcsA Crumb. j . ' 8
TVroNEY "TO LOAN"-7 > n city property
-111 sums of $500 nnd upwnrds nt lowest rntos.
Money fclways on hand. S. 8. Camibcll | , 1110
Eolith Sixteenth Eticct. t-22
500,000 < to loan nt fl per cent , llnrris & Fnmp-
$ eon , 1510 PoiiRlns Bt r/)7 )
M ONEY TO LOAN-0 F. Davis Co. , real
estate nnd loan n ents , 1505 Kurnnin t
fl500rjOO To lonn on Oinnha city property nt8
P per cunt. 0. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid.
MONKY TO LOAN-On city and farm prop
erty , low latcs. glownrt & Co. , llooin : )
r < Iron bank. tXM
T1TONEY to loan , cash on delay.
QJL J. W. nnd K. U B < | Ulro , 14L1 I'urnam t ,
Tnxlon hotel bnllillng. 511) )
MONF.Y 'JO fOAN on nnnrove'l real nstntu ;
no commission chnrgoil. l.oiivltt Ilurn-
hnm , Iloom 1 Crclgliton HlocX. < JI"
6 I'KU CUNT-Monoy to loan.
Gregory & Iladlor ,
Hooms 1 nnd 3 , Itcdick clock , 330 8. K > th St.
MONEY loaned on rcsldonco property. First
nnd pccond mortgages bought. K. B. How
ley , Jill Potitli irth etroot. 2MJ25
TO IXAN Monuy Loans placed on im
proved real estate In city or county for
Now England Loan It Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bonk , ICth and Chicago sts. 614
MONEY to loan on Improved city property nt
0 per cent. Money on hand ; donotbavo
to wnlt. Have n complete sot of nbstrnct books
of Douglas county. I. N. Wntson. abstractor
Hants Itcnl Estate nnd Lonn Co.,3 > th st.
TIIONKY 'JO l.OAN-by the undersigned , who
J.'l lias the only properly nrgnnlrod lonn
egcncy in Omaha. Loans of fin to (100 made
on furniture , plnnos , organs , horses , wagons ,
mnchlnury . without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
mndo that any part ran Ixi paid nt any Imo.each
payment reducing the cost pro ratn , Advances
madnon llnewatuhos and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are denting
with , as iimny now concerns nro rinlly coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
andfeome. \ \ . It. Croft , Itoora 4 W'thnelt '
Ilulldlng 15th nnd Humor. 51R
riMIK OMAHA Financial ISTphnngo.
* 1'.w < oor'1 ' of llnrnoy and 15th std. ,
over State National bank.
It prepared to ninko short time lonns on nny
nvallnblo Kccnrlty.
Loans mndo on chattels , collateral or real
Long tlmo loans mndo on Improved real estate
nt current rales.
I'urchaso money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Hhort tlmo loans made onsocoml mortgaga.
nrcordlng to marginal Interest , nt collateral
Heal cstnto to exchange for peed Interest
bcnrlng paper.
Conornl financial business of nil Kinds trans
acted promptly , iiulctly nnd fairly.
Money always on hand for approved lonns of
nny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbott , Manager. M7
$750,000 TO LOAN at fl per cont. tc
Mabonoy , IM'J Fnrnnm. 618
MONEY LOANED at C. R Hood & Co.8 Joan
OIIIco , on furniture , pianos , hoi scs.wngons ,
personal property of all kinds , and nil other ar
ticles of Tallin , without removal. HID S. 1'lth.
oror ningham B Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 519
6 PKlt CENT Money.
11. 0. Patterson , 15th nnd
Foil BALE Two grain elevators ; clean stock
ot groceries ; 200 acres of farming land ,
85 noros In whont stock '
; of gentlemen's fur
nishing goods nnd ready mndo clothing , on
Farnnm at. ; horse nnd phnoton ; house , bnrn
nnd lot on N , 10th st , and other pioporty. For
particulars enquire of Itucord Advertising Co. ,
1513 Fnrnnm st 641 20
"IjlOlt BALK Hoot nnd shoo stock Including
X. a years lease of Moro , bust location In
Elate and oily. Address T 10 Iloo ollleo.
475 Jy 17
BALK Drug store of f 4,500 , good trndo
J- ' established , will sell an ea-y terms or will
tnko western Innd ns part puj mont Address
J. It. Nclsou & Sou , Fnlrbury. Nob. 487 2HJ
T710U BALE-Flrst-olass restaurant , good lo-
Jcation _ , GO regular hoarders and good trail-
Blent trade , M months' ' standing lease. Ad-
dross St4 ! llcoolllcu. 351 18
FOIt SALE Half Interest in a good paying
drugstore , with llrst-clasn doctor. Price
f i00. ! For partlcuUr.s and terms address S 50 ,
this office. 304-18 *
Foil SALE Or tmdo for real estate , f2. ( iO
stock of jewelry. Harris It Sampson , 1510
Douglas st 24018
TTOU BALK-l'rnfltnblo notion store , 60S S 10th
Astruct , between Howard and Jackson.
225 18 *
WANTED-dcntlonmn wishing an honest
business , profits 18 to * 14 every day ;
only IllMrequired ; will exchange for stock or
trade. Two best banks of Omahn given nn rof-
oicnres. Cull or write to Olllco No. J , 119 North
Sixteenth street , Omahn , Nob. 30
\\7ANTED-To sell , my barber shop. For pnr-
> > tlculars address T is lleo oll'co. ' 4M 23 *
US1NF.33 Chances If you want to buy or
toil uny business , city or countrv , write
or see mo. J. 8. Johnson , 31C 816th , tooru4.
8i 21 *
3 OU KXCHANGK-If you have city property
for farms or farms , merchandise , grocery
Mores to exchange call nt my olllco. J , B.
Johnson. 810 8 mil , room . giHl ill *
OU BALK The best bargain Orocory store
centrally located on paved street. Old es
tablished trade. Call ou Kcaran , Cole * Hoo-
ertsou,3I08. 15th st. 281
"IT Olt BALL' llakery nnd Ice cream parlor.
J- Address Mis. 11. Auer , Oeeeoln , Nob.
P01 21 *
G 'UOCnitY STOCK-Clenn and fresh for sale.
PnrrottWililamsou. . Upstalrs.UOl Doug *
lasst 407
FOK SALE A boarding house nnd furniture ,
dnlim' good business , 40 boarders , treed
ronson for sclllnK. Cull nt Currlo & Yolliim ,
15th nnd Capitol a\c , Kxposlton llulldlnir. Sit
pEUSONAL-Nont nnd tnsty nil-wool business
4suits * 7. FliiobUiu diagonal dress lulls ,
f 10.75. Call nnd see thum or write for sample * .
Jj O. Jones & Co. , American Clothiers. 1J09
Farnnm ft , Omaha. V03 j U\ )
PEltSONAL-lf you want deslrnblu , cen
trally located ollice you can Und It nt 310
B 15thst U7h
Private home for Indies durlnif
J rontlneniant , strictly confidential. Infants
adopted , nddrusg E 42 , lleo ofllco. SUJy.i'
EHSONAL Mr * . Di Nannie T. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical and builnoii Medium
Koom JSo. 8 , 121 North KJtU § t .Omaha. Neb.
STBAYKU OK STOLEN-Diirk bay horse ,
about UVi hands high , tt yours old , saddle
ranrk on back , small knot on bono below lett
kneo. Sca on breast made by barbed wlro
fonco. Howard will bo paid for his return to
O. P. Straight west cf Canning works. West
Bldo addition. 6M 21 *
LOST Hollcontaining curronoy , fOO ; gold ,
110 , mid two chocks endorsed. Liberal ro-
vrurd by roturuliiK to It. 11 , Lucas. 22uo Ciimliig
U 637 21
J" OST On Eighteenth , Sherman ave or Grace
JLJ n. , "Siiccltlcatlons , " Please return to
118 < < North ieth st. . or P. J. Crecdon , architect ,
opera house. M. T. Murphy , contractor and
builder. 318
STHAYKD Oil STOLKN-IIrown horse 15
hands high , weighs KIO , heavy muiuj and
lull , with lurue scnr on heel ot right hind foot ,
Mi reward for till rcturu to Wetitor tinru. 27th
ted Lcnvcnworth. 2J1 16 *
LOOK hore-Wr > have n flno south front lot
Mxl27 ) only 5 blocks from Snundcrs st. cars
for 11,400. nlso 79x132 south front nonr Knuntio
Place T2.000. F. Ilarrctt ACo.,31 ' 4 S. I5lh.
Wl 23
dross not finished : between 2Mb nml Lnko
mid l tli nnd WrbMer. I'lcnso icturn to 70 N.
lath and receive row-nrd. 412 18
J" OST Or strayed from bottom on north
* Snundors street , bay her e , 4-yciirs-old ,
mnrked with S. P on left hind bin. Mnno
shorn short. Itcturn to II , II. Haven , ftou S.
10th St. 402-24
rpAKl.N UP One dark bay or brown mule 14
Jl hands high , weight nbout ( KM lb § . Owner
can hnvo snmo by proving property nnd paying
expenses at Ilomun A. Jerry's livery stable , 41J
8. Illth. 248
1(1IUST-CLASS 8torago nt 110 N 13th i-t.
STOliAOK Klr t cln i storage for nice furni-
turo and boxed Koods. I orjfUKm Furul-
Joro Co. , 715-717-721 J orth 16th street. KB _
STOHAOlf Klrsf > elass storntr'o for nice tur-
nlturo or boxed goods , HtlSlJ DodRC-at.
PADAMK MA NATO U , Clairvoyant , 'tonm 20 ,
L 1312 Douglas St. 471 24 *
MHS. nUHANT Clnrlvnynnt from Iloston.ia
reliable Iti allnirnlrsof life , unites separated
overs. 322 N. ICtti it. room n r'Jl J2S )
"old' Ilinw ncli Jliill , 618 tfTTetli su'ls
L ready to ( 'lvo board nnd room , or meal
lonrd us low as the lowost. Pleasant rooms
nd the coolest illnlneroom m the city. Menls
r.c. Come to the old Ilrou neil Hull , 1)18 ) S. IGtli
016 24
ITVMl'LOYrilSIn wnntof clerks , booliKepcr" ,
- * etA , cnn cxninlno our list of applicant *
roe of charge. Itecont AUvortHng Co. , l. " > 13
'nrnittn. Ml " 0
OWNKItS of property for snlo , cither In the
city or elsewhere , cnn bo put In comniii-
dcatlnn wltn btiyois through tliu llocord Ad-
ortlslnir Co. No commissions. 1513 Fnrnnm
Bt. 511M
WANTKD Assistant bookkeeper by whole
sale bouse ; mtist have n thorough knowl-
o of uoukkerplnjr ; stuto If married or sin-
irlc , and wnires expected yoiint ? mun pro-
erred. Wholesale , 1' . O. box48. M7-20J
"I3AHTIKS Mho wish to rent rooms should
Jloolc ovur our lists. Itucord Advoitlalni ;
Co..ljii : Fariiam. Gil A )
rPIIO.Si : who hnvo rooms to rent or bonrd to
JL oirer , should pltieo tbum on our books at
TIRO. Thoduiniuid Is Krcutor thtin the supjily.
ttcord AdvcrtlsliiKCo. , 1'iin Fnrnnm. Till -0
BOOKKIU-H'KHS , clork3 , olllcn nsslstnnts.
cto , out of employment should learn our
nctliod of communlcutlnv with omployors.
'locord Advcrtlilni ; Co. , 1H13 1'nrnnm Ml0
rPHl ! Suntford .Ilnrrlundo * Ioor ) Fastener
JL Door may bo left open 1 or nrjro Inches lor
iidmisalon of nlr and yut bo firm and Immov
able Also completely lastcus door wlicn
clospd. Dotnrlmblo Slav bo carried In pocket ,
'atctiol or luuidbaff or loft In room. No teeN
needed to place or replaeo It. Ulthur can bo
dune with thumb and linger In 0110 second.
Last for ever. It Is not n lock. No bolts or
icrows. All In ono ploco. Kvery house Phould
m\ooiio or more. Trnvolorsnro not Bnfo with
out ono. Can bo usoil on any door. Tiadosup-
piled. Au'onts witntod. Famplu by mail to any
jierson for only Me postpaid. Circular free.
Address Santford Mftf Co. . Ilex 60'1. Omahn ,
Neb Branch oHirolH S. llthst. 510 'JO *
TNHTItUCTIONS clvcn In drawlnc and paint-
JL Ing. Apply nt U'Jll Cuss street for paitleu-
lars. dz 24J
EMI'LOYJIKNT , Itcntnl and Collection
Agency If you want work , or to employ
blip , or have Houses to rent , or accounts to
collect , call on M. Muynard , 317 South 1,1th St. ,
Omaha. aOIJ i
FOK ItHNI Sq-.mro I'lnno U mouttlr. A
o parties having bouses lor rent. Itental
. Agi'iicy. lloniiwn & Co. . list. , opjioslto post-
onico. Wo have turned over to them our rental
list. We recommend them. McCuguo IJros.
FOnitKNT Orpuns , J8 per month.
1&13 Douirlas.
C ) 1. C. House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
, cash or installment ; lowest prices nt J ,
Donnor , 131S Douglns a , . 625
F 1OII ItENT Squnro flano , $1 montnlr. A
Home. 1513 Douirlas. 621
FF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
L J. Feriruson'ff , 715 N 18th. 623
F ll SALE Flno horses llashaw B , brown
btalllon , elegant style , without record , can
show 2:30 : gull ; 1'rlnco , brown gelding , modul
of n gcntleman'sroixdstor , fast and very showy ;
Rroy goldlnir , suitable for family hoiso. Kn-
qulro for Ilciidorshott , at Homan's stnblo.
FOIl SALU The furniture fixtures , silver ,
etc. , of a restaurant. Address S ( . ( ! . Iloo
olllce. JI40j
FOll SALE Oood horse and wagon cheap ,
lO.'O north IQth St. J. bhlller. 355 18
FOK SALK-At n bargain , a nice family
horso. Apply nt the otlico of Ooo. I
Hicks , 215 S. Kith street. 254-18.
NICE light double harness for ealo.or will
exchange for good single harness. Ooo.
N. Hicks , 215 S. 15th street. 253-18
FOIt SALE Flno large horse , n years old ,
faultless , sultablo two seated family car-
rrlngo. Call at U70 Division st. 241 18J
FOIl 8ALE-Cheap-13,000 pressed brick , J ,
J. Johnson & Co.,220 ti. 14th St. 61820
T71OU SALE One 30 ot. Seaman Ice cream
JL' machine. W. S. Balduff , Idtti nnd Cniiito
nvo. . _ 3U7 22J
Small milk dairy , wnson. etc.
Address S C2 , lice. 32U 20j
> OU SALE Half doyen now National cabl-
Ir not letter fllos , dttloront sizes , will no told
at a reduction from regular pi Ices , call and
see thorn at the Western Newspaper Union , 611
8 12th St. 20428
Oll WALK Improved stock and irrnln farm
' CCO acres , chonp. Box 63 , Coburir , Iowa
48 20J
FOIt HA1E Span flno matched bny driving
horses. C. F. Harrison , 413 S 15th st.
FOIt BALK Furniture nnd lease ot six rooms
In flat , B07 S. 13tli st. Iloom No , 3. 332Jyl5
FOIt BALK One six-foot upright bhicK wnl <
nut show case , Milton Holers H $ on. Wl
TT10H SALK-4,000,000 Hurd BrlcK. T. Murray ,
JD 74D
TJ > Oil PALK-6 milch cows. K A Marsh. 80
JU N 16th. 555
F1 I OH SALK-Brlck. T. Murray.
\\7"ANTED Oooa Job printer , ono that Is soT -
> T bor , Industrious nnd doesn't think ho
owns the cnith. Dally News , Norfolk , Nob.
S4I 20
Y\7ANTED--15 flre.t-clnss cnrpcnters for
brldiro f ramlnir. Wairos i3 und fl.M per
day. Albright's Labor Agency 1120 Farnam.
\\7ANTKD-Omco boy. O. U. Mayno Heal
Kstnto & Trust Co. , N. W. cor I.'ith nnd
llnrnoy. 421 13
\\7ANTIH ) A man who understands employ-
i uient nsonoy business. Address T 7 Iloo
olllca 4J118
" \\rANTKD-An oxporlenood milker at Snrti-
VV toirn dairy 465 18 *
" \\rANTHD-2 men to out wood. Apply GOl
> > N. IClhsU 4S01HJ
V7ANTEI ) A broad baker at 523 Main street ,
> Council Illulfs , In. 349 18J
VVANTKD-Stono cnttors. Apply to W. H.
Vrylur , Lincoln. Neb. 335Jyl5J
\\7""ANTEO Carpenters. Inquire now church
2UUi nnd lA'avonworth. NL T. Murphy. 018
AXrANTKO'-Men nnd teams to work on grade
ofC. , K. 4N. lly. ( HooK Island ) In llo-
publican county , Kansas , feed chonp. plenty of
peed work to sublet. Apply to llethuno &
Craney Bros. , BollevUlo , Kan. 412 22J
WANTF.U experienced bookkeeper in dry
Koods house , rofcrtnccs rociutrod. None
need address who have not had experience ,
12'Beo ollico. 477
\ \ ANTKD llnllrona laborers for Colorado.
T > Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnuui.
\\7ANTKD-A teed willlnir boy at Hoyn'i
< ' tfiUlory , food cunnco to learn a trade ,
"WANTED Intelligent , rellablp , energetic
V ' men ns speclrtl aoents. W. F. Allen ,
General Apent Mutual Life Insurnnoo Com
pany of New York , No. 315 South 13th street.
_ _ M
$100 paid per month to men to sell our goods.
Address with stamps , U. W. McLane & Co. ,
llurllngtou , Iowa. &W Jj S *
"WANTED-Men for rnllrond workAl.brlghtI's
T T l.nbor asency , 1120 1'nrnamst eld
\\ANT1 D-Ten good brlcklnyers , union
' men , cnn find steady employment at $5
per day ol eight bouts In Dent or Colo. 4SU21J
\\TANTE1 > Young men to go to Iowa. Must
' ' bo men of education and business ability.
J , M. French & Co. , room 10 , llushinan block.
315 20
YVANTKD-Flr t-cla s wood turner. Jns.
' lllchnrds & Co.cor l" > th and Mason sts.
ITANTKI ) Oood second cook nt the Bnrkcr
> hotel. 619 20
\ \ " ANTED-Womnn dlsh-wnshcr nt iho llnr-
> ' kcr hotel. 619 20 *
"IV ANTKI1 Yotinir girl to nsslst with hotiso-
T work and ttiko care of baby. Apply nt
unco , IMP N. mh st. 422 KM
" \\f ANTKI > Dining room girl for Cheyenne ,
' $20 , fnro paid. Lnundrass for r.cntinl
City , $20. Cook for Dcnnlson , lown. i .
( Hrls for the country. 2 bond launilrcsxes. 3 pan
try girls , ludlnlng room girls In city , nurse Klrl
fl. Mlddlo ni'cd womnti nice place. 4 dishwashers -
washers , Lots of rood places for Kcliernl
housework. Mrs. llrcga Ac ton 310 s. l.'th.
COi 18J
\ VANTKlDshwa ! lierKlrlSouthern hotel ,
T T cor. 'Jth and I < cnvcnworth. 3i. 18'
"IVANTr.n-A ntlrso flrl. npply nt 80S north
> > Knhst. 351 1SJ
" \\rANTKD A girl for housework ,
' ' except wmhlntf Apply laruo houto In
Iront of CroiRhloncollege. 470 1SJ
TVANTEU-A ffirl nt 801 S l.'th St.
> > St.4OT 18 *
\\fANTKD Immealntrly , n nompotctit oo >
T ondglrl. Wnees ? : i 0 per week. M. T.
: 'nlrlcKcoSailtnlcrs mil I.IIKU Cl" 21 *
" \\rANTKt ) Kxperloncod dining loom tlrl ,
BJI'J ' Cumlngbt. 4IS 1SJ
WANTRD A good plrl for general house-
woik. IlKjUlro li.'ti S lMli : St. 41U
\VAN1 ii-llnlng : ) room girl nt OccMoninl
' i Immediately. 2.VI
\\7ANTED-A competent girl to do general
TT lioiicoworlc ulsn niiro cltl. S. w. eor.
! d nml l.akubt. Good wages paid to the right
person. 4SU 2
\v L'ANTED A good cook , N W cor 20th nnd
Lcavenworthst. 451
ANTKO Immoillntely , n peed girl lor gen
et al housework. Inquire , 2210 1 amain st.
W ANTED Good nitr-o girl , flormnn pin-
lerrod 40- Convent st. Mrs. lice Ileyn.
4.V ,
W ANTI'.D Olrl for ironcral housework In
small family , 2112 Douglas &t. 4GO
\ \ > iTI'.D A good cook nnd dining teem
' girl nt the Ciroy hoiiEC , 1102 Davenport
Et , northwest cor. ! ! j721
\VTANTED Oormnn Indy to Instruct In book-
> T kcciing. Situation. .1 II. smith ten
Chicago st. 507 "OJ
) Dishwasher and second girl at
Jncob Mll.or's , 1001 N. ICth. 70J
WANTKD-A first-class shirt ironer Hteidy
omplovuient. > cbrasK'i Steam Luiindry ,
IM and IMS. lllhst. 3.(2 (
irANTF.D Two good girls for cook nnd sco-
Olid wont , Good WHKCS ill 2427 Dodge st.
" \\7ANTKO-2 good chamliermaldp , middle
rged , 107 N. 12th. 60120 *
\\7ANTED A good girl , washer nnd Ironor.
t Hood vratros. Mrs. Frank E. Moorcs , fi7 !
South Ibth. MO
WANTED ( ! lrl for chnmbnr work , boy for
dining loom , hcandlnnvlnn picferrcd,41S
So. 13th st. 497 20 *
17ANTHD Gold waes to n good girl , fill S ]
> 17th st. Mrs. W. Jl. llushmnu. t81
\\TANTRD-A good Oerraan or Hohommn
girl for general honsoivorlc. A pornm-
ncnt plneo nnd good wages. Apply , Immedi
ately , nt 7.JO 82241. , coinerof Leavonworth.
W ANTED-I.ndy book-keeper nt V 1' .
Meat Market , loth st , ncnr Webster.
\\7ANTED-Sltuntlon by first-class baker ; by
* i steady mnn ; on bicad nndcakos , or cakes
nlono ; good on pan candy : stoidy job wanted
In the cUy or countiy town ; wages. Ad
dress at once , Win. Conlt , tilouz City , Jowiu
510 21 *
\\7ANTKD--llya j-oung lady of experience
situation In ice ciuam p.irlor. Is neat
active and competent. Mrs. Jlregu , 3'G Bouth
IStli street. 612-SUJ
\ \ ' , ANTED Situation by a good brcnd and
T coke buker , has had ton years' exper
ience , nnd Is well iiualtflod to tnko chnrgo of
shop. Address Drown , the Dukor , Hardy , Neb.
48i 1SJ
" \ \7AN1ED Ollico work or ntiy responsible
i" position by an uxpuilcneod man. Pntis-
fnctory roforcnco given. Address T 20 lice
cilice. 62. 20 *
' \\rANTI3D An ongngemcnt by nn pxpor-
1 Icncod nurse In hospital or private
family. Address T 13 , Iloo. 47(1 ( 20 *
WANTED Situation ns traveling salesman
for groo'iriop , dry goods , or boots nnd
shoes , sovornl years' experience , best of ref
erences. Address S 70. lleoollico. 3TO 2Jj
\\7"ANTKD Position to do general house-
T work a short distance In the country.
Small family. Address T. 1 , lleo olllco.
315 tOj
I/ANTED House furnished or unfurnlaliod
> by rosponalDlo party. T 0 lieu ollico.
6.4 21J
\\7ANTED-Two sontod carriage suitable for
T > realcstuto , business. C. F. Harrison ,
418 S 15th st 577
FOR HF.NT The entire lower floor and two
rooms up stairs will bo lot very reasonably
until November. House situated near St
Mary's nvo nnd n minuto'a walk to car linos.
Address 8 72 ll.-o otlicc. ! < GO 18 *
FOH HENT July 1st , flno 7-room cottage
story and half , cor. 28th and Charles
streets. Enquire of Goddard Mooro211 N. ICth
Bt. 443 18
WANTED To buy 8 houses which can bo re
moved. A. F. Mtiyne , 14U8 Dodge st
WANTED 2 or3 horse power cngln * . 2n ;
hand. Apply nt Mlllnrd hotel otlico. 49 (
\\7ANTED-To icnt cottage of flvoorsli
V ? rooms by gentleman and wife , bof-t o
roiorunces , no children. Plcnso state price am
location. T 18 lice olllco. 504-20 *
\7ANTED-Tonm for railroad work. Al-
' brlsht's Lnbor Agency , 1120 Fnrnnm. 743
WANTKD-ClioIco rooms for light house
keepinj ; by responsible party , T 20 lleo
ollico. _ _ Kl S'J '
" \\7ANTRD Ono or two unfurnished rooms
' T with board In private family by July 1st
for mnn nnd wife , must be in ifood location am
where homo comforts cnn be hud , everything
must bo first cl ss. llolorenco k-ivcn nnd ro
quired. State prico. AddlesjS 71 , Dee olllce.
FOll lir.NT-Storo liulldlnir on N. 10th ft
JO. " ) per mo. Itocord Advertising Co. . 151 ;
Farnnm. 611 20
FOll Iir.NT 7-room brick lint two blocks
frompostofllco , furniture for sale on time
II rooms sultablo forolllccs , furniture for sale
1125 ; 22-room hotel on lltn St. . furniture for
Enlo. Co-Oporutlvo Land & Lot Co. ,205 N. ieth
st. St7 ' - '
_ _
TIlOll ItKNT 4stnll born , cor 7th nnd Pacific
J streets. 103
FOIl HUNT 1'nrt of store or olllco room. In
quire nt 1212 Douglas it. 013
FOll KF.NT-9 room house nna bnrn , 17th nni
Center sts. , house heated by hot water nm
nil modern Improvomot" , filV Also a 7 room
house ns above f 10. J. Ik Vr'olshaus , U19 S. 15tl
8troq.t. 407
TT1OH linNT Three room house , 700V4 Pacific.
JL1 For llont Six room house , 1106 B 71 b ,
For Kent -Three room house , 1015 N 20th 633
17 < OK HENT 4 now 0-room tiouscs , celbir
JD well , hall , closets etc. , 1U miles northwes
of blocks to street cars , $25 to * 3 (
per month. Groffory St lladloy , Hooms 1 and 3
fcj B 15th aU \ > M
OK HENT-Smnll offlce In excellent locn
tlou. Enquire ot F. Barrett & Co. , 314V
R 15th. 287
OH KENT Throe room house , 110SJ4 S 7th
IlKNT-Good barn , suitable ( or four
hones. Inquire at (17 a. 13th it tttl
FOU IIBNT-Bcvon-room house with all mod
orn oonvenlenco * . 24tb And Davenport
Inquire at 217 H. 12th street fikh market 270
FOR HENT One ofllco , second floor , M 31
8 Uth it UeBt.110. 441
T'OW HKNT 3-roora hqusrt on Uth nnd
JU 1'Iorce sts. Inquire 'at 017 South llth it ,
1IIOICK Irfjt for l.ensu , Southcnd corner
\J 4M.XSV4 Leavrnworth nod 1'aik o c.or will
mild to suit tenant. HoUblo llros. 35V
ffOll HUNT -2 Inrpo Stores on South 16th St.
X1 nonr Vinton , $30 n 'ttionth ' cnch. Also 2
tores same stzo but hnnni ; 5 Mvlnc rooms
bove , rent for $ V ) per month. All hnvo cltv
ntcr throughout. Apply. . ! . K. Hammond. 117
outh Uth st. 431
F 011 HKNT 3-room house , 703 Pacific.
( \ CIS
Foil HUNT-Ilrlck ynrds , T. Jlurruy.
i > j " *
" . OH HKNT Store and1 i i > cond lloor on cor
J. liltli nnd Marcy Et.llilnqulro of Mrs. F.
, ntiRO , ftS ) S 1.1th. 6 > 3
; > Oll HKN l'-Wlndow , good loe.illty for ji
1 clcr or real estato. Apply to 3)i n HHIi
6''tl '
71011 IH'.NT Unfitrnlilfod double pnilors ,
. with bnth room , suitable for olllce or be I
oonu. 1C07 Howard , 3d floor. 613'.M *
171(111 ( IH'.NT Four neatly and elegantly fur-
JU nlshed rooms nt 17US DouKlas St. 61424 *
71OII HKNT Hooms in ( food locutions , from
- f5 to JK per month , llocorddvertls -
l."l3 Knrnntn , Cll 20
) irillTNT-lurireriTlceTy fu
looms , 1115 North 17th street.
| 7Hll HUNr-FiirnWicil room nt 1812 cilcniio
l St. Also day bonrders. 873 1SJ
ilOH ' HENT Furnished room , $3 per month ,
2022 llnruey st. 313 IS *
FOll HKNT riinilsned front room , second
lloor ; Ilirht nnd pleasant ; 1 blocks west of
mslncss center , lull Douglas st. 315 IdJ
jTuJit utr J iiirnlslii-ii room , 1 trout put lor
L nnd bed room furnished or unfurnished ,
nil with fns anil bath room , hot nnd cold water ,
No. 207 b 23d bet rnniniu and Douglas on st car.
407 l < ij
IOU HI NT-IIlojrnnt furnished room with
1 board for Koutleinr.n nnd wllo or two teii-
Ictncn at 210-J St Mnry'swivo MB IS *
JB J OIt UF.NT Klegnnt furnished looms for
1 ront.inio Dodgost. fi.3 20J
Olt ItKNT Fnrnlshod room , east f i out .bay
window and nlcoyp , all modern linprovu-
, one block from Farimm street car line ;
with or without board , Hoforuncos iciulrod.
Add i MS I' . O. boxMJ. 5173J
lST Two fuinlshud rooms 2410
JL ? Capitol nvo. 61S21-
Foil Itl'.NT Nicely furnished loom for single
gentleman In pi luitu family , ( locd Incu-
tlnn SI per month. Itecord Advertising Co. ,
1313 Furnnm. fill ! . ' ( !
KENT Furnished room. 1812 Dodge
[ 7OH HENT-Offlco 2nd lloor , 310 S 15th. St.
prlroSW , < fc 113
FOIt UENT Elegant rooms , tiirnlturo and
hnuso new , every modern convonloncc ,
170'J Dodo ! street , ttcfcruncus rojulrcd.
RENT Elegantly furnished front par-
lor. Ill S. ISth near Dodge. 13120J
1J1OH 3KNT Deck room. Kn'iulro Young &
JJ JJIncknutn , 214 8 15th ft 5iO
F I OH IM'.NT ; i rooms In a Hut cor COth nnd
Nlcholoj et. 112
"IJIOU ItKNT-\\aru room cor. 14th nnd Call-
JD Ifornln on Dolt Line , lor particulars on-
| Ulru ut Union Nat. bankf 163
FOH ItENT 2 elegantly furnished rooms
now liouco , 2214 Farflatn street. 3'U 2JJ
FOH HUNT Furnished rooms , 812 College
St. 3CD20J
Foil KENT Largo nicely furnished front
room , 517 rioutnnt st : 377
F IOIl U15NT Thico room house we t of Noith
llth St. , between Chicago nnd Cnsj. C'jj
T71OH HKNT Ollices In .Ilollman . oulldingcor.
JO Farnam nnd l lth sts. . In suites or sliuly.
For prices , diagrams and Tnforinitlon apply to
S.A. t-lomim , 15U Furnam .it. , Iloom 2.
FOU KENT 13 rooms near center of town ,
nnd S'llo of furniturq , vciy cheapn biir-
gain rarely olforod , to cppd parties who mo'in
liuslnofs. For particulars inquiru ol Dr.
Simons , 401 North ICth strcut , Omaha , Nob.
' 437
OK KKNT Elegant suite of rooms , rcforen
ens looiiired. 1WJ7 Douglas st. , : ill (
F IOK ItF.NT-Furnishod rooms. 701 8 17tho
FOK HENT-Furnlshcd rooms , 714 N. loth st.
4W ( jy 17 *
Foil HENT Nicely furmsnou room , 23cnll nt
117 8 17th St. 4W 23
FOH ItENT Furnished cottage. Address T
11 , llcoofllco. 47432'
F'OU KENT Lnrgo N E room , first floor , fur
nished or unfurnished. Also , S E room ,
with nlcovo nnd bay window. Northwest cor
ner 18th nnd Farnam. 472 Jy 1 *
I71OH ItKNT 3 furnished rooms with board ,
L1 1 suitable for 4 gentlemen , 1903 Farnnm.
r.OH HKNT-Dosl : room. John
! 317 south 13th St. 37821
IT Oll ItKNT Furnl3ho l nnd unfurnished
JO rooms In Oruonlg block , corner 13th nnd
Dodge. Davis & Hcthcrliigon , Millurd hotel
billiard room 114 *
FOIt HENT Nice furnished room. 2025 Far
nam. Mi
FOU HENT Furnished room,003 S 17th Rt.
303 21 ]
F I OH HKNT Nicely furnished room. 1021
Dodge St. 119
Foil HKNT Part of olllco loom. Innulro nt
l'H2 Douglas st. 013
FOIl HENT 13 rooms nonr center of town ,
nnd snlcof furnlturoory chonp , n rnro
bargain , and only offered to good parties who
mcnn business. For particulars inquire of Dr.
Simons m N. 10th street. 4 AS
_ _
ITIO K rtENT DeslTTooin. first ollloeto left
JO over Merchants National bank. 8J3
Mitchell & Lcyonmarck ,
I51 Dodgo.
11 room house on Chicago street , nil modern
improvements , barn etc. , on paved street , 3
nilnntcV walk from post olllce , n decided bar
gain nt $7,500 , $2,000 cash. Investigate this.
< iiso' add , a row blocks west of KounUo
Place , only $1,250 each , one-fourth cash. Must
bo bold iiilct. | !
3 ten acre tracts platted , with two trees
planted on each lot. adjoins an addition where
lots nro selling tor $ , r o each , will sell for f' )
nn ncro. A splendid oppoitunity to make n
hnndsomo profit.
Idlowlld addition on 22nd street nonr LuUo
street , O-iooni house In first elnss condition , al
modern Improvements , can bo sold cheap. Lot
us show you this property.
Patrick's 2nd addition , 2 good lots , price $2,400
and 2 , ) l each
A. s. Patrick's nd'l'n , n good south tront. 50x
120 , on Corby street , n few blocks west of
Kountzo Place , only $1X)0. ( ) A good invest
ment ,
Lindsay's ndd'n , 1 lot 60x121 , price $1,300.
KounUo Place , corner lot , 64x121 , price
'Jhcoo nre only n few of the many biurnlns
to bo had ut Mltc H'll > V Loyonmurk ,
Heal EstatoiQIlIco 1510 Dodge st.
. . . 3Mi IS
171OH SALE Now store , lilldlng | | on Ilellovuo
JL ? street , price $1(150 ( only , $ 50 cash , balance
onot o nnd three yonra. This is n splcndh
etnnd for n drug store , oT"ttlmost any kind ol
retail business ; for further particulars applj
at office of ( Joe , N. Hicks , 215 S. 15tli street.
FOll BALR-A livery bnia wltn etnblo room
for nboutslxty her t Bltuntod In n dosir
nblo location , nnd now cUifj- good business
Uood reasons given for swing. Enquire of or
nddrcss A. H. Coinstockjfroai estate broker
)52J ) Furnnm st. OJ 207
FOH8ALR-AtnbargaH6IO ncrcs of ilrst
clnss fnrmlng land invoward county , this
etato. This land Is all KO I ( .oil , close to two
railroads the IJ. P. nnd lXt ( M. ; will soil n per
tlou or all , at figures nnd tyms that will mnko
Han object , or will oxolnngo for/ good im
proved city property. AfliC ( S Goo. N. Hicks
211 South 15th street W 258-18
/ ANi : Hundred acres ot good land nnn partly
V. ' Improvt-d , n good housu and bnrn.only twc
miles from the elty. Price tea thousand del
Inrs , one hnlf cash. Land adjoining this i
being sold from $ ' 100 to $ WJ per ncre. Call onrl }
for this H n rare chance to'double your money
nt Actlvo Heal Estnto and Property oxchnngo
1524 Dodge. H73 18
CHOICE five aero trnct , close to city , for snlo
nt a bargain If taken quick. Jnqulro : a
oaico of Quo. N. Hicks , ' . ' 15South 15th street.
TRTOIl SALE-Tho Convent building on St
JO Mary's nvo. , t'ot. 2n : and 21th streets
There are about 2uO,000 brick In the building
besides flooring , doors , windows , etc. . In goo <
condition , lllds will be received until the 2r <
of Juno. Address , Thoinus 8wlft , 405 N. 15th
Foil HENT-Or sale. 8 room homo N. 31 :
Hpruce street with full lot. EnquireCd
north 13st 602-20 *
TO TRADE-Omaha lots for a good , clean
stock of dry doods. T.24 , Beoofllce ,
[ " , ANn Iloupht nnd sold on commlf jlon , .1. n.
U Myers , Ognlnlln , Neb. 515 24 *
r/oilSALK-Cornerlot on Virginia nve with
H two good houses , cheap ut'7OOX Terms
n y. Housed rent for $70 per month. S. S.
Jampboll,310 S. ICth sU , Chamber of Coin-
no rco. 2T. )
moil SALR-lly Shnw & To. ,
X' 510 s inth st.
Houses nnd lots In nil parts of tan city. You
nn't nflord to rent when you know the price
nnd terms of thlsolnssof property.
On ( loorirln nvonuo wo have a largo plocn of
round for sale nt loss than Its value. Ills
worth looking nt It you nrnnt n nice rcsldonco
Lots for sale In different parts of theclty.nnd
ou nro sure to mnko money by dealing with
us. Wo nre headquarters for safe Inveitnionts.
FIVE Acres high nnd nightly Innd for snlo . ! ' (
mlles S. W. of postolllro. This Is n bcrgaln.
'atterson ' llros , llooin 21 Froii7or block. 4'K ' ) 2.1
S , nro thr enrtfully ll ted bnrgntns
77 Ininteddoiru by Cake & Hillings. Our sarn
ie ca e :
2 lots with S houses , J. L ItodlcV.s sub , only
block from sticet c > ir line , 10jxl2l ft on 2
ttrcols , blir money hoio for you.
Come , over 1UI , corner Dodge nnd 15th , nnd
wo'll mnko It pleasant nnd profitable foryou. _
\\'F. Cnn soil for n few duya only
' Lot 100 tllso's addition for $0,433.
Lot 71 Glso's addition , J6.300.
lllock 1 lloyd's addition , $ SW ) .
Oiie-thltd cash , baliinco 1,2 nnd 3 years.
llcmlugton & JlcCornilck , C.'O South 15th st.
IillVR Acres high nnd sightly fflmt for sale : t'J '
' miles S. W. of postollli'o. This Is a bargain ,
'nttcrson llros , Hoom 21 Fron/er blooK. 4UO S3
"iribll SALE-Houso mid lot 27th street , 2
JL1 blocks outli of Lnko , J2IOO ( , 200 cn h , Dill
si" > per month Wo have several houses nnd
ols that \\o can soil for small cash pnymouts ,
bal to suit.
About thoC2d of Juno wo will move to No.
IC05 Farnnm street , where wo will have as con-
\eiiicntnii olllco ns there Is In town. Paik ,
Fouler \ Kcnturd , Hoom 4,1522 Douglas.
4H4 2J
CLAHKSON & lloatty's 3 additions ,
lloyd's Addition
ou State St. nml Inside of Holt Hy. , only n few
nts loll in original hands and easy terms.
When tiiov nro gone no moro cnn bo hud ut our
irlct'i and terms.
terms.Omaha Heights.
400 lots. I''S ' sold , 27"i left. With every CO lots
i\o give nwny a f I.'W house. The price will bo
idviinccil soon and you should view this beau-
til ill addition before buying , 1-5 ensli only re
Druid Hill Addltlon-
J t platted and ollcn-d to Investors and
lomu seokers. lies north of nnd wljolnlng lied-
lord Place , la high , dry and bcantll illand oilers
the best inducements to p.utics wishing to 1m-
lirovo. Is ou state Etreet , the coming boule
vard and drive to the foit and Floi euro , and
this I all the car linu will bo extended to this nd-
illtlon , nnd gomo tnlr morning prlcoo
will double , us tonsl/da / moil why
not tnko your share of piollt
in any of the nboro additions. We will gho
special Inducements to parties wishing to Im
prove. Why do you pay rent , when with
nLout the same expenditure you can own u
homo ? Consult us boloie buying.
Clai-Ksoti & . Hentty , 219 8 Uth st.
4 % 21
SPECIAL list 2(1 ( acres uorhtwcst part of city ,
100 acres north of city.
3 story lit Ick block w Ith 3 stoi u rooms corner
2piinclpni sta , only $35,000.
2 ulco lots Kllby place , ono n corner , only
2lots Davenport sub nenr Saunders , $2,300.
Iliiildnii.- and lot 14th bt bet Farnam nnd
Dodge , n bargain , ? 3)cuO.
Special biiignlnsln all parts of the city. Oeo.
E. nibson & Co. ,312 S lUh bt , Chamber of Com-
meico. 46J 20
171011 SALE-81r > 'X ) bujs the residence and
JL' practloo ot n phyblclan in county seat in
w attorn Iowa. Address Dr. llrown , Hoom 1 ,
Cielghton block , Omahn. 413 S.'J
"IjiOH SALE-A two years lease on n brick
.t : store room located on Furnam at. For
pnrtleulnis nddre < s Tft lice olllce. 430 20J
A'J A DA H\lN-Lots ( ! 5 nndO.bloi'k T Lowe's
add , Irontlng on Hamilton , Chailes nnd
34th ' ti. , total iroutago ol 3 i7 feet , fr,2H ) ,
Two lots Iu0xl20thu llnest cast and south front
corner In Ambler Vlacofold part ) , ! blocks from
cur line , both for f 1.760
Corner 151x120 cast and north fiont In West
Omaha , two blocks south of Farnam St. , $4.6)D. )
Corner 2&i feet trontftire on Military ltond,12d
feet doeii , on car line , ? . " > ,00.
C. E. Itolter , 310 S. Kith St. , Uoard of Trade
building. 274
O Farnnm street , near 20th. 110xl32por
foot $ 400
I'm nam street , near 2uih. 22x13. ! 10,000
Farnam street , corner 31si , JoOxl32 , per
foot 150
Fiiriiam street , near Ihlrty-clghth , 47x-
13. 4.000
Fnrnum street , near 3 tli , 05x132 H,0 0
Furnain-street , corner in Jerome Park 3.COO
Farnam street.coinor In Jerome I'ark yOJ )
Furnam street , near 12th , improved
202x13.1 ; 25,0 < W
Fnrnnm street , near NItictoenth , 77xl3J.
Improved 40,000
Hitrner street , near Twenty-third , 50x-
I3'lmprovod 11,000
Harnny street , near 21et , 174x110 , Im
proved 60.000
Dodge street , near IJth.cnxlU , per foot 6uO
Uodgo street , near 27th. 4Sxi2 : ! , Im
proved 3,000
Douglas street , near 12th , 44x13. 35.00J
Fltteciith street , corner Jackson , ( i xl32 ,
Improved 25,003
Fourteenth street , corner Jackson , Utlx
lU2lmpiovud 85,009
Fourteenth street , corner Chicago ,
til\132 ( 0,000
18h ! st.oppM. I' . dtpot.QUxini , per foot. 200
llth st , cor Ixlcbolus , titix32 ! , truck In
alley " . ( WO
13th st , near Howard , lUxflli , Imp 13.000
Trackage , U'XH2 , 1'uddook Plnco 2,00 ;
2tth ! st , no-ir St > fary's , 4(1x120 ( , imp 8,000
COth st , near Douglas , iWilin SIOO (
Saundorsst. cor Uurt , 160x51 7.MO
I'ark uvo , near Leavonworth , G x:40 400
I'ark ave , opppark , WlxlM 2,000
.loroino I'ark , near Farnnm , 15 front 47 x
iB : l.Sfl
Custollur gt. . near 8th. OIVixl20 1,0'X ' )
\Vost Omahn , llnost ncro 15COJ
llrown I'ark , 2 lots very chonp
Albright's Annex.2 lots very chenp
22dst.cor. Nicholas Trackage Imp. , 132
xKCJ. 20,000
Choice property in nil parts of the city. 8. A.
Sloman , 1S01 Farnam St. , Itooins 22 and 23.
rpOPAKTIKS who will build homes costing
JL (1.'Ml to $1,1X10 , we will furnish beautiful
building lots , requiring no payment of princi
pal for five years. Abstract furnished nml
warranty deed given as soon ns the house 13
completed. Mead & Jamloson , 318 S. Uth st.
20" .
FOH SALE A line farm of 100 ncros. en
closed with 3 wire fence , 33 neies under
cultivation , 11 ncres of nsu trees In thrifty
growing condition , price $10 per ncro. terms
O'isy. This offer good for thirty days only.
Address Cbas. H. Wilson , Oxford , Fiirnas coun
ty , Nob. 973jy8 *
TEDICIt PAHK has city water. MO mnplo and
JIV elm trees , 45 residences under contract to
build , none of which shall coat less than $1.200.
Its streets tire graded and turnplkod. It Is
wJthlnthu old city limits opposite Kount/c
Piaco nnd ncccssnblo from either Saunders or
Btnto streets. Wu have n few lots loft In this
addition wind , we will olfor to tiomo eoekorS
upon very favorable terms.
Wo also offer
100 ft fronting llanscom Park , $0,003. K to V
Cor. K/Oxl.W , ( icorgla five , $5,000 , $2,000 cash
Full lot and 7-room house in excellent condl
tian , Pnrker'sndd , $1,500 ,
Cor. . titixlSJ , Improved , 8 llth nonr viaduct ,
I'.vcry ono of these pieces nro worthy of or-
nmlnntlon. For particulars cnll on or nddross
Moad' & Jnmleson , Solo Agents ,
318815th St.
SPECIAL llar nlns-nihlaid place IV.xUO ,
south front nnd u corner , ono ot the most
dcslrublo building sites In the city nnd very
chonp If tnkon this month.
Preston & Williams , lid.\140 an elegant lot wit )
shade and very desirable , close to bu jlnoss ant
a bargain.
Sniiiidors st ICOxlCO nt a very low Dguro ; op
posito Kountzo pine i' .
South 10th st 50x 00 , ono of the choicest lots
nn this beautiful st. , I ) or 4 feet nbovo grade
nnd covered with Hluuto trees.
Hhinn's ndd. 03Jxl20 corner , with n gooi
house , rent ? n. one block from Saunders st.
this Is n burgiiln , H cn h , $5r > oi ) .
I.akos add. 110x100. cornur 18lh nnd Spruce
sts. , n choice corner to Improve , and cheap n
CCnllfornla St. , 2 choice acres In Park place
very cheap. Enquire Hoyn'g addition , n few
lots and u block ot 10 lots , very cheap and easy
Omaha Heights , a $1,200 house to bo given
away In the addition , consult us nt once ,
Clurkson & Hentty , 21'J ' B. 14th Et. 405-21 _
T710K SALE Cottage , 7 rooms nnd bath room
JL1 fire plnco , oak mantel , cistern , city water
etc. , 31 feet of ground. 22d st. north of St
Mnri'save. | 1,5UO , C. W. & Q. E , Thompson
S14JS. IBthst 210
" "
"KfBAllOAIN Ono hundred feet front on
South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5.000.
Parton time. V. L. Yodlcka , 5i3 South 1'Jth gt
TjlOIt SALB-llcnt or trade , nve-room cotttiKi
-L In 1'iiulsen's ndnltlon , Ten-room house
and tlireo lota In Ludwlck place , nnd othe
property , L. V. Crum , 120 N. 15th st. 403
TTKKTY-TWOfeot on State street $7B
JL' Full lot In Saunders Sc Himolmngh'a add 47 !
Two good lots In Meyer * , It , & T. nad , oaclu 7.V
8.E. cor. In lloyd's . - 85 <
Traoktigo In Paddock Place , chenp
Iloom W , PaxtoB building.
IMMKDIA.TEsn1owllltJiko.VloU or less onlf
6 or t block < from Exchnngo bid and
'nlon Stock pinls on favornblo toriiu. . Plxtoen
ouses under contract In same block. Iwnnt
what thjiy nro worth , I don't wnnt fancy prices
want to sell qillfklv. E-Jl llrj Jiqh. _ _ JiJ _
JliFtSONAL Ten choice residence lot.s"ln the
L thriving olty of South Omaha to otolmttgo
or wild land In eastern Nebraska nnd WeMorn
n\tn , must bo suitable for I arming. Address
LE-New "storo
street , will mnko a flrM-clnss lnnd fora |
rug store , or , In fact , almost nny kind of retail
msdness. Price , $ lC.Vl otilv , JO.V ) cn n. Fur
uitherparlloulnrsnpply to Geo. N , Hlck , 215
> . 15th. i'58-lS
_ _ _
| 7 > OH SALE llfl acres of good land nbout 04
JL1 miles from postoince. Price only $100 per
era This is n great bargain , 10 acres n. w.
ays beautifully , will nmko (0 Dice lots , only
21 * . ) per acre. 2A4 feet south front on HrlMol
troot , will maKe n nice lots , only $0,000. Nice
ot In i'hilnvlew $1,375. H. W. Huntress , 160'J
'nrnnm street. 4'5 ! IjJ
FOll SALE-Or trnde , 25 lots in the western
part of Omnhn near the llenson car line ,
> rlco $4iX ) each , IJ.V ) dnoon contracts piiynblii
n 8 quarterly payments , will trndn Interest In
contracts for Nebraska hind. McCulloch > V Co. ,
DO'J Farnnm st. 10JO
Proposals for Heal I'st.ito.
2KALKD jiroposals will bo rocolM'd bv the
J undersigned until ft o'clook p. in. Saturday ,
Inly 2nd , l-87 ! , for the following described prop-
ortv , to-wlt :
l.olsfi , 0 , 7 nnd R In block IKS and buildings
heieon , In the city ot Omaha , county of Doug-
The bonrd reserves the right of using the
lulldltig on paid premises lot ono year ,
Thn board reserves the right to reject any or
ill bids.
lly order of fho Hoard of Education.
] 7dJOt C. Co.MMtii. Secretary.
Proposals for Grading.
L's will bo received by the Under-
J- signed until 5 p.m. Monday , Juno 2ult-87 ,
"or thugradltn ; of lots 17 , I. " . It * and 20 , In block
0 , "Omaha View , " nnd lots , 10 , 11 and 12.
dock 3 , In "Hillside No. 2 , " lu'tho city of
The board icserves the right to reject nny or
or all bids ,
lly order of Iho Hoard of Ediicallou. CONOVKU.
JeHi'.iH Scctctnrr Hoard of Education
rpIIE licence board of thocltvof Omaha will
JL nt oiLMombiv , Juno20th , at 2 o'clock p. in. ,
it the mayor's office , to hear any complaints
hat may bn made against the gt anting nl a
Iconso toClulstopheison nnd 1'ctcixni , for per-
nit to soil liquor , \c. , nt No. 1324 South 6th
Rliect , In thu city ot Omaha.
Jcltidlt J. 11. SoUTllAiti ) , City Clerk.
Proposals for Sale of Bsoth Privileges for
the Grand Army Reunion.
JEALED proposals will lioiocelvod until July
j 1st , lor oxelusivo booth pri\llcges on the
camping ground of the tii-and A uny Itotmhllc ,
it their iinnuiil teiinlon , to bo held in Omaha ,
; uptomber Titlt no.\t. and continuing1 ono week.
I'liuso prl\ilcges will permit any reputnblo
iiislness such as rosluiunntti , refreshment
btands , grocers , butchers , bakots , tinware , hub-
nlaslicJiB , v\c. No intoxleatlng Illinois or gam
bling allowed on the giounds Fifty thoitxand
soldiers nro expected to pnrllelpato nt this re
union , nnd the Impoilanco ol the business cnn
bo estimated from this , as their siiUslbteneo
will be purchased mainly on the grounds , lllds
lioin others than pcisons of known ipspnnsl *
illlty mu t bo nceompnnlod by certllled eheclr
for one-tenth of the amount and npprutuil
imperimynblonnnr before September 1st , for
imLincu. Hl/rht / reserved to reject any or all
bids. All bids must bo addressed to
LoinHr.iMitnn ,
Chairman Committee on Privileges nnd Trans
portation , Hoard of Trade Committee.
Proposals for Buying1 Pence Xmmber.
SEALED proposals will bo lecolvcd by the
undersigned until 11 o'clock a. m. Juno 25th ,
18S7 , lor ceitnln fence lumber now stored on
Joileisou Park , oidcrcd Fold by involution of
the city council ,
'ihoright to I'lject nny nnd all bids Is reserved.
ST. A. 1) . ll.u.covni : ,
Chairman Hoard of 1'ubl.o ' Works.
Omaha , Nob. Juno 17th , 1SS7. joli2J >
Notlcn to Contrnctors.
SEALED proposals will bo iccelvod at the
olllco of the county commissioners up to
noon of July 22nd , A. I ) . Ibh7. for Iiullillng a
county hospital In Omaha , Douglas county , Ne
braska , according to the plans and spccl'lca-
tions ou fllo in the county commissioner's
llach bid must bo accompanied by ncertlQod
chroX In the amount of five hundred dollars ; '
The right Is reserved to reject any nnd nil bids.
lly order of the board.
a P. NKUUHASI , County Clork.
Notice of the Sitting of the City Council as a
Board of Equalization ,
TO the owners of lots or lauds abutting upon
or adjacent to the streets , nvonuos or alloys.
or situated in wlioloorin part within any of
thoillstrlcts hereinafter named :
You , and each of "you , nro hereby tiotllled
that the city council of the cltv ol Omaha will
Bit as ns a bonrd of oquali/.attnn , at the ollico of
the city clerk ot Mild city.ln the Douglas county
court house , on Thursday nnd Friday , the 23td
and 21th days of June , IhST. nnd shall continue
In Bo-slon on each of said days from U o'clock a.
m. tofio'ciock p. in. , lortliopurpom of equal-
1/lng the proposed levy of special taxes and ns-
HossmoniH , and ot correcting nnyorrorR thcro-
in , and of hearing all complaints that Uio own
ers of property MI to bo taxed and assessed may
make , Kild special taxes and assessments being
levied according to law to cover the costs and
expenses ol paving , sewer constructing , mini-
Ing , curbing and guttering , street widening ,
andthoono-hiill costot grading , us I ollowti :
Eleventh street j'rom Capitol nvonuo to Dnv
onpor bt 'jet , Pu vlng Distnct No. 71 ! .
Twelfth stteot from Capitol avenue to Dav-
port street. Paving District No. 77.
Thirteenth street from Capitol nvonuo to DfiV'
cnport Ftreet , Pnvlng District No. 7f.
D.ivcnpott street from 10th street to 22nd
street , Paving District No. 00.
Chicago btrcet from liith street to 20th street ,
Paving District No. 103.
Tenth street from Center street to Martha
street. Paving District No. 01.
Cumlng Etroot from 32iid struct to 30th street ,
Paving District No. OH.
Mason street from 10th street to llth street
Paving District No. 72.
That pi'.rt of 11 th street between Jaekson
Etroct and Jones street In Paving District No. 52
Constructing sewers on 10th street in Sewer
District No. 34.
14th street from Leavonworth street to
Mtucy street.
10th street from Confer street to Martha st.
Mason stioct fiom 10th street to llth street.
loth s'.roet from Cujiltol nvu. to Davenport St.
12tl ! " ' "
13th " " "
California street from 17th stieot to 22nd St.
27th nvcnuo from south line uf Swcosy's ud
Oltlon to noith line or snmo.
L.iko street from IGth street to 16th street.
21th street from Bownrd street to old cltj
liltli street from Ohio street to old city limits
13th street trom alloy south of Center strco
to Vinton street
12th etroot from Fnclflo street to William
Alloys In blocktwo (2) ( ) Cnpltol Hill addition
ami In block seven (71 ( McCormluk's addition.
You , and o.ich of you tire hereby notified to
appear buforo said board of equalization ut the
tlmo nml place nbovo bpeclllcd to make nn >
complaint , Mntcmcnt or objection you mny do
slro concerning paid proposed levy ivnd assess
ment of special taxos.
J. II. SouTimtu , City Clerk.
Omaha , Neb. , Juno 17 , 1HS7. JolSdiit
otlct ! .
THE undcrslgnod will icccivo bids until 4
o'clock p m. , Saturday , the 25th riayot
Juno , A. I ) . 1 87 , for the following supplies to
bo furnished , and the ofllclnl printing to bo
douo , for the nc\t llseulyom1 commencing July
1st. 1W7. us follows , vbi
Hay , oats , corn , coal nnd Ice : nlso the printIng -
Ing of ordinances and olllclal notices from the
\nrloitscity 'illices.
The city COU.-I1 reserves Iho right to reject
any oral ] bldi
J10dl2t J. . SOUTHARD , City Clork.
'ni&M ' ! Duuuuai ua
Paid up Capital . $250,000
Surplus . 42,000
II. W. Yntps , rresidunt.
A. E. Tou/ulin. Vico-1'rc.sldcnt.
W. U.S. I Iut'hc3 , Cashier ,
W. V. Morse , Joltn S. Collins ,
H. W. Yntos , Lewis S. Hood.
A. K. Tou/.film.
Cor. 13th and Farnnm Sta.
A General Hanking Uuaincss Trunsncte
Wntor , Sure.
The. nnnonncpuiont was Tccontl.v liindo
hat tlio water front the wt'll at Manawn
> ark was duubtlc .s of a tninoral naturu ,
is those who had been drinking it Had
we'll alloctctl favorably by it , ami other
circumstance. , .such us the action of the
valor on tlio dippers , nlc. , rather con-
irinetl ( lie belief. To mnko certain con
cerning the water some of it has been
suut away for analysis , and the rc ult la
low inntlu known. The analysis shows
he following constituents witlt the rela-
ive proportions :
Carbonntu ut Hum 100.7
" " tuivMiesl\ : 1 : .4
" " Iron
" " suillum 4.U
Sulpiato ! soililini 11.0
Chlorine " . ' . .8
Silica fi.7
Nitric ncld trnco
r ital tntncrnl constituents
Total In Kr.ttns per gallon 17.7
Thn organic matter is estimated as
only 2.t ! . The analysis Is very satisfau-
.ory , anil the result causes urcat ti\peeti- :
ttons of the spectly coming of the timu
when the mineral water will be known
anil will bo in demand throu < ; liont thu
country. The analysis has been shown
; o huveral of the local physicians and
llioy t-jieak very favorably of it.Vhilo
they tlo not care to go on public record
as enthusiastically lauding the medicinal
qualities of thn water until they have a
tnrther opportunity of examining into iti
oiTeets , yet they have no hesitancy in de
claring their belief that the water has
wonderfully bunelinial ijualities and that
it compares favorably with the most pop
ular waters.
Ono of the well known physicians in
formed the Hr.t : reporter in private con
versation yesterday that he had taken
pains to compare the analysis with that
of other well known mineral water , and
he linds that it is equal to them in
quality , and that the only dillerenco be
tween the Manawa water and tlio cele
brated Khcnisih Appolonaris water ,
which has a reputation throughout thu
world , is in some minor and simple ele
ments. He is very confident that the use
of the water and Itirtlter observance and
investigation will substantiate the claim
that the water is a great find. Other
physicians hero are of like opinion. It
iccms that there is little reason to doubt
longer that the water is of rare mineral
properties ami will prove both popular
and bcnclicial.
Special Ordinance No. 000.
AN' Ordinance Invylm.- special tn.x nnd as
sossnionl oncettaln lots and real e-tato Iti
ttio city ot Omaha , to covei the cost of lecon-
Mi uctnur n sewer in Sewer DNtrlct No. - .
Whet one , It Imvlnj : been and licln hereby
ndjudtrod , duioriiilnod and oftahlMuid that the
sexetal lots and plecesof leal estateherelniitter
referred to have onpli been specially benelitted
to the full amount herein loxlodand as40eil !
lnH each ot HUM lots and pieces ol real
estate , i expect ivoly , bv icn on of the incon-
Btriiclloii of a Fewer In Sewer District No. - .
'Ihuroforo , for thu puipoco or paying the cost
of sueh sewer locoiiBtruetioii :
Ho It ordained by tlio ell } council of thu city ot
Omaha :
Section 1. That the cost of reconstructing a
sewer In Sewer DMrlct No , U , In Iho uity of
Unmlri , Hiild cost beliiK the Aiim ot $ ijU. ) : ) UJ , bo
anil the piimo Is hoioby levied nnd asso3F"d , In
proportion to the loci ftont uloiiK Mild Itn-
luovcincnt , and nccoidlnir to ppecinl benollts
DyrotiBonol said impiovomcnt , upon the fol
lowing desciibod lots nnd real estnto , ns shown
by the noneially roco ul/ed map of the city of
( Imnlm , 1SSI , lithographed and published by C.
K. May no ; said cost bcliiKSu levied on t-ald lots
and real estate , respectively , ns follows , to-witl
Niiino I < ot or Ain't of
of Owner. De-crlption. lllock. Tn\ .
Omaha National Hank s'/t 1 Ul t in3
Omaha < iivintsllnlik.o-J7 ft nl' , 1 \Xl \ 1 IS
IM. Ames wllJltn" 1 1JO S327
p 11 ft n Jiu 1:0 : or,7
Heirs SSCnldwell.wll o-'Ju'/t ' : ! l.'O 857
J I lledlck W2art8 IJO 4'I77
Heirs S S Culdwoll mSiltS 1 ) 1377
Omaha Nnt'l llnnlc..s Vt oK ! US " U3 03
IlelrsSB Caldwcll oS-Ifl ! ! " 417T
U II I.ntto m'--itta " 4377
C.coWnrrcn Smith wUiftn " 4377
clllt4 " SltW
IIIIornborRor wHJoUH4 : " 4378
JJIIionn wiUft4 " fi5ft5
CurollnoCahn w44ft5 " h7T4
Gee Wairen Smith o iftfi " 4-177
. . . .w i It 0 " 35
Sam'l llurns oSl > { wi ! ! it 6 " 4244
ItllKllleon m 'ftfl " 4377
( JooWiirren Smith et'Jftfl " 4377
( looTMlIU wllft7 ) " ( J705
J H Lohnian X C M Hantron ,
oi-jft7 : " < nra
Heirs John MeCormlck.wi.'i US " 4377
J W , M S.JcnnloJames
Mct'Oiith m S3 ft 8 " 4377
J Wl \ S , Joinilo & James
Mercnth n 23 o Sifts " 1178
Cileindorlf R107 o S3 ft 8 " S.'UB
CliiiBl1 Illlkott. . . . B23oWltl ! 121 2323
J A M Ivochcnthnl Ii22s4l 03.1 1 " Ml *
B Lehiunn nBH c22 1 " J043
ItncuollJrown nsaw4ll " 40fc5
VJlsIl 1 " 3-JhH
C F JlcCrenry oii 2 " 43 77
Sam'l Itolchonbei'if tn"J 2 " 4377
IIBiiiditlu&M Abrahatns.w22 2 " 4377
Ceo WatTcn Smith oS : ! " 437V
OCC.itnplell . . . . wll 3 " 7.ri4
A lleii'on &l'.l Johnson R'JJ 4 " 4377
ClmsWWhltircId nllO 4 " 87M
John A Cteltrhton lit nll'i ' B " 1135
MoichaiitsNnt'liric.nMeSm235 " HIS
( ! eo W Smith o'i2 r " 43 77
Mi'i-clmutB Nnt'l Il'k..s8S wll 5 " 7U01
HKA I'HlHlt w23 " 437T
Chiis ChlldS 111220 " 4377
I'Mtoef 1-2.1 fl " 4177
Goo Wurren Builth 7 " Dial
w22 8 " 4377
Snm'l Jacobs in2J 8 " 4377
Neb.Nnt'l llnnU o2J8 " 4377
AHI'nddock 1 IS 13131
Cath Ilochstrnssor o2 ! 3 " 4377
DornBchwnab m33 2 " 4377
Cnthormo llrlnu w2 ! 2 " 4377
Win Pitt KelloEir oil 3 " 4377
K8 JlcCrenry. . . : in 33 " 4377
JJIlrown wJJ3 " 4377
GWGrny S224 " 4't 77
AnnaKltch n27l-2sl9tf SI 71
Mosc-s&J Kochenthnl ,
n'JiiB74H 4 " 2148
M M Ish.Kiiardlan . .c22 n.17W 4 " 1141
Anna Kalmbach.o'3 44 nr,7'/i 4 " 1144
M & .I Koohonthnl . w 2nt7)i ) 4 " 1144
CathorliiuC Van Nnmco..w4ir " 7M
KHJcJ 0223 " 4.177
JWI.ytlo . . . .oll 0 ' H64
James Crolghton WJ2 0 4377
hraiiarp w-3 7 " 4377
C F Goodman in' ! 7 " 4377
gophlo Lehiiiatl o23 7 " 4377
CO llousel W-'liiftB " 4277
John A Crolchton. . o41.5ft K 8SM
Oiiinha Itcpnbllcaii 1 1-3 7rt78
llueklnnd i Hnyos 2 " 1194
A W Ptrcot 0113 " 8734
J H r.VHUS 223 ' 437T
" 4 " ri'M
MnvMeyor 4 13 1,131
Parnh > foyer w8 ! ( I " 4375
WWI.owo ell n " 8751
ficoWSmltb w22 7 " ! ! OB1
OKDnvIs 1-23 wll 7 " 30C1
CKI'orkliiH o22 wlj 7 " SUM
CH&QltUCo utt 7 " PI 9S
fii'O Whnilth w2J 8 " 1314
O F Davis 022 wll 8 " H It
CKl'erxlus o2.'w' ' , 8 " 1311
Oil & 0. K UCo 01J8 " 'WiBI
JJ Monoll 1 ll ! 1)131 )
JAdnnnett o22 2 " 4377
( SooClnysi J WKoo 122 2 " 4377
JamosT'Nolan ' u22 2 " 4377
Anna Vt Upon > v23 " iii3'l !
IJ.VIIolr.sCIIMcCornilck.ol2 . ' ! " W3J
Cltyaf Oniulm p.2 wl-2 4 " 4377
Anna Wilson nllwl-34 " 48 Ti
l..I&HolrsJHMcCormlclt.ol-2 4 " 01113
TLAmos wW.5 3 " 1J003
Ilpul'uli. Co ell.5 B B77U
F I. A HIM o l. B " CIO !
Ilin I'llb. Co 011.50 " 247H
M Itoifurs 7 " llini
KDI'attno w23 S " 4'I77
OH I'crMns.Tr oil 8 " H7BI
( ice A lloanland 1 F l lai
Heirs fl ! Monell sl-2 3 F VI ! U
Anna Wilson nl-2 3 F .TIKI
Holts G C Monell t2 ] 4 F PI HI
AunaWllsnn tl-2 4 P Wi3 < l
r.ldrldnAtklrsK II linker i 5 F l'il''l
and lly Mcl'arland , Jr. . f f F 1 > 1 : < 1
7 F 131 'II
Alfred H Dufrono- 8 F 111J1
Section 2. That the special Inxcs and ns ( isj-
rnonts levied and tissoHsoit ns alorcjald , Blmll bo
duo iiiiinrdlately npnn thn pnsn e nnd ap
proval of thld ordinance , nnd shall boeom do-
lltuiitciit If not paid within fifty du > ri theoro
utter : nnd thereupon shall bo added at
the rate of nno per cent n monthpayable In ad
vance fiom the tlmo EUla taxes bocoino 10 de
Section3. Thnl thlsordlnnncofthnlltako cUcct
nnd bo In force from nnd lifter Us pngsniro.
I'afsed.May 21th. 18B7.
WM F. llKCHKirrosldont City Council.
J. II. aouTiuni ) , City CJork.
Approved May 2Uli , 18S7.
W J , llaoATcn , Mnyor.
The nbovo tnx Is now duo nnd payable nt the
nllito of the city treasurer , nnd will become de
linquent as provided In sect Ion 2.
JolPdH JOUN llufcii , City Treasurer.
Dissolution Notice.
TMIl' under lnvd | tins withdrawn from the
llrmdoliiK biinlnuss under thu firm name ot
Illako , MlllirCoAichltvcti. .
jelbdll * . JA.VKI E. MIU.IUU