G THE OMAHA DAILY S : MONDAY. JUNE 20. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCilTBLUFFS OFFICE , HJ. ( 12 , PEARL STREET. EtllTcrtd by rnrricr In nnjpfirtof thecltrnt twenty cents per weuk. H. W. TIZ.IOH. - JIanator. TKUi'HONn3 ! BCPiNrFROmcE. No. 13. NIOIIT Eimou No. S3. MINOR MENTION. N. Y.Plumblng Co. New spring ijoods atllcltcr's , tailor. Tlio city council meets tins evening. Additional Council 15lull's news on the ecvcntli pu o. J. I/.ihe.v : uul T. Unrko arc in jail for ordinury drunks. Tliu Nellie Hatcher benefit takes place to-morrow evening. Tlio city jnll contained twelve prison ers .yesterday morning. The Now York plumbing company has put a gas machine into Hotel Manawa. DWanted A good girl for general house work. Mrs. P. M. 1'ryor , TOO Sixth ave nue. nue.An An election of olliccrs takes place to night at the regular meeting of the real estate association. A. D. Hull will be called before the > oliec judge to-day tor being drunk and ndecent exposure. Two "p-h-y-s" got drunk and wore ( ailed yesterday. One J. Murphy , the jthor James Murpliv. QTlio Council IMull's Carpet company is luriiishing the curtains , carpets , drupor- les , etc. for Hotel Alanawa. A numbur of gentlemen interested in horse racing will start to-day for Cedar Uupidsjto attend the races. The police will arrest all persons caught violating the ordinance by shoot ing oil' lire crackers before the Fourth. The demand for bathing .suits will now begin , one of the ciilerprisiui : houses al ready having received a large number. The Presbyterian church was tilled to Its utmost last evening at the service given by the Sunday school in connection with children's day. Herman Shumaker was allowed to go free yesterday , to appear this morning to answer the charge of being drunk and using profane language. Pat llunnitan has been again arrested. Pat never comes to town'.but what he bus to visit his old time hotel quarters in this city , Hotel do Ouanella. A number of the Omaha Elks visited the lake on Saturday evening. They wore entertained by Frank Clark , pro prietor of Hotel Manawa. John Johnson , an old resident of the city , died yesterday morning about 4 o'clock , Ills wife died but a few months ago. The funeral will bo held Tuesday. It is stated upon good authority that the faro on the new motor line will bo twenty-live cents to Lake Manawa and return , and possibly they will sell live round trip tickets for $1. The thermometer at 10 o'clock yester day morning stood 8-lo and finally reached 80V in the afternoon. There was a nice breeze and in consequence the day did not appear as warm as the two previous days. The tabernacle is in St. Louis being re paired. It is to bo hero this week , and will bo set up on Fourth street , on the game site as that occupied last reason. Mr , Whitehead will conduct the serv ices , which will begin next Sunday even ing. ing.Judge Judge Carson is to give three interest ing decisions to-day. One is on the mo tion for a new trial in the Jones murder case , another is the Joseph divorce matter - tor ; the other is the suit of Wilson vs. the city , in which a motion for u new trial is matlo. A .great fishing party went out to Uig Lake Saturday. Among them were Fred Lyons , J. L. Martin , r.d. Copbally A. Vanorder and Mr. Sechrist , the train dispatcher. They quit fishing at 11:55 : sharp , so as not to bo caught on the Sunday law , and carne homo hcuvilv laden with fish poles. It is understood that the only objection that lays in the way of the Omaha row ing association building a club house on Lake Manawa and accepting the propo sition of the Council Ulufl's rowing asso ciation , is that the Omaha club is await ing the fixing of the passenger tarifY on the Mauawa motorline. . If the fare is placed at a low figure , they say they will build a club house hero , otherwise they will remain where they are. Officer Rose yesterday attempted to ar rest a railroad man on lower Main street. Ho oflered an objection by way of punch ing Koso in the oyo. Rose drew his billy and after u couple of sound raps on the head the intoxicated man concluded ho'd bettor go to jail. A friend put in an ap pearance and the ollicor allowed the of fender to go homo instead of to jail. Whether ho will appear before the police judge this morning remains to bo scon. Joseph Cole , who resides in Omaha , came over yesterday and wont to the homo of Samuel Andrews , near the Northwestern round-house , where , it is alleged , his wife , Mary , resides with Andrews. Andrews was away from borne , and Cole proceeded to force his wife to accompany him , and in so doing raised the whole neighborhood. A tele phone message caused the police to out in an appearance , and the trio were arrested , Mary being the only one not looked up. Their diflicultics will prob ably bo settled by the police judge this morning. For Bale. Two drug stores in central Nebraska. Good thriving towns. Will invoice from 11,000 to $2,600. Apply to HA HUE , HAAS & Co. , Council Ulull's , Iowa. J. W. & . L. Squire make beautiful abstracts of title and deserve the success they are enjoying. Drs. Hanchott & Smith , oflico No. 13 , earl si. , residouco 120 Fourth st. Tele- hone No. 10. Personal Paragraph ) ) . Mrs. James Leo leaves to-day for the east on a visit. S. E , Wilmot , of Dunlap , was at the Pa- cilia yesterday. William W. Rathborri , of Akron , O. , was in the cjty yesterday. John Shields , of Cedar Rapids , was a Bcchtclu guest yostorday. Roy. G. W. Crofts is to deliver the ad dress nt Tabor col logo next Sunday. Tom Millett , of Dos Molncs , was among the visitors at La to Manawa yesterday. Frank Clark left last night for Chicago and Milwaukee. He will return Thurs day. day.H. H. L. Scofield , F. W. Parker and 1J. B. GrillUh jr. , were a trio from Harluu , yes terday in the city. I. M. Hay is slowly Improving. Him sprained ankle is causing him considera ble inconvenience. Miss FreUa Krebs is visiting her neico , Mrs. Gcorgo W. Schmdele. a few days before starting east to her home in Penn sylvania. For a well-made , finely finished nnd lovely toned piano , su < \ the Hardman. \Vo are satisfied they will please , and you will buy no other , The Mueller Music Co. endorse the guarantee given by tdo factory. We have the finest screen frame mauu facturedr. Economical. Perfect. Cole ft Cole's , 41 Main street. HOW MUTES ARE CARED FOR. The Sharpest Oritlo of the Institution Now Well Satisfied With It. THE WORK OF REV. D. FULTONS Seeking To Convert Itotnnn Cnthollcs i\plnnntloiiH of the Itcportcd Delays In the Motor Mnc Man > AWM'B Mineral Water. A Mtifi * lOitltnr'N Opinion. E. liooth , of Anamosa , is one of the oldest editors in the state , and one of the most vigorous writers. As all krow , who liave any knowledge of this man , he is very outspoken , and is particularly free to express any adverse opinion on any matter in which he i.s interested. Ho K a mute , and on this account as well as for other reasons , he has taken a great deal of interest in the institution for the deaf and dumb located here. He has in the ! > ast sharply criticised the institution , under former managements , and his arti cles on this subject have been copied ex- ; on ively by the papers of the state. Ho las recently been here , and has boon ex amining into the affairs of the institution n his usual quiet but thorough manner. It is gratifying to know that at last he seems to lind everything to his liking. His cMondcd experience and close obser vation render the compliments to the in stitution quite weighty , and the eiti/.ons who take local pride in the institution will gladly read what he has to say : Itecently inadn a visit to Council BI tills and , of course , to the Iowa school for the deal , Maying long enough fur a thorniu'h in spection , and , bplni : familiar with schools of this nntiirr.c did not coniine our observa tions to the surface of things. We found matter : , In better shape than lor the past ten jeuis. The new board of tiustnes have done uliiit the old bo.trtl did not. Them Is a tiadl- : ioii nt thu three wise men of Gotham , in ilpsv conceit colmr to sea in a bowl and to the bottom. The new trustees have more prudently taken the mlvico of teachers and men who uiidurstitud deaf iiinto Instruction ha\e put at the head ot the Institution nn old and accantable teacher , Mr. Wyckoll , and 100:1led : ! the former nnd favorite matron , Miss Wrieht , of Burlington. With tlieso ollloers In chief control every one seems sat- Isliod. Xotia single complaint from teachers or pupils came to us. Within the past lour jears the Improve ments on the crotimls have been of a marked character. The main building stands as be fore. In the rear of this and connected by a covered con liter , some thirty feet in length , a new building of two stories has been erect ed , tht lirst story serving as dliiini : hull , and , back of that , the kitchen , and still luither back is thu wash room , tho. work being tlono by machinery driven by steam , while In the rear of all this is the coal house , under pround , and wo piesume the steam engine was there , but wo did not de scend Into the depths tar enoimli to see It. Still fuithcr back and separated from all others Is n small wooden build me for eold storage. In the second story ot this dinim ; hall building Is the chapel , largo and commo dious and of the same slzo as the dining room below. Further back are the .dining rooms of the teachers anil olllcers of the es tablishment , and still further in the rear are the ironing rooms. A tow rods dlttant from this building a large and well-planned school house has been erected. It is a two-story structure and has rooms for nbout twenty classes , eafh class having Its own room and Its own teacher. The number of classes Is fifteen , and among thorn the artist class. Here wo came upon over a doicn boys and girls engaged In draw ing , and for their ago thov show admirable ease and proliclency. In nil the class rooms there is apievatllng tlioughtfnlness of coun tenance natural to persons engaged in study , but In the artist room It seemed more intent , and the teaehor , Miss Clement , ns she llltted mound from one to another , might bo taken as the embodiment of nn ally smite. The workshops , of com so , received our at tention. They were pietty well supplied with tools and machinery nnd , wo thought , might bo enlarged with advantage. The printing oflico turnlshcs employment for near thirty boys nnd girls , nnd hero thov Issue the weekly Deaf Mute llnwkeye , with two junior Hawkoyes by the children Inde pendently. Tim waterworks are a capital Improvement on the old system. An artesian .veil has been bored , nnd , by means of Iron pipes , sup plies a pond nt a snort distance , discharging the water by another pipe , when occasion requires. Into Mosquito creek. This pond Is enclosed by a high and tight board fence , with barb wires along the top , keeping tha boys out save at dusk , when , under cnro of a supervisor , they are allowed to bathe. In winter clear w nter Is admitted by turning a fnucot , and the Ice Is stored for summer use. By means of another plpo the water is forced by natural pressure nn the hill to the plateau on which nil the build ings descilbed nbovo are situated , nnd Is , by the snmo natural pressure from the nrtcsinn well , sent Into the liist , second nnd third stories of the mnln building. Superintend ent Wyckoir told us he was experimenting with the fourth or highest story ; that the water reaches live feet nbovo that lloor , but with less force. If he succeeds in obtaining a sulllclant supply In that story he will bo able to save to the state the monthly wages now paid to ono man. IB short , this artesian well Is of great value , the water pure and used for all purposes In cooklne nnd drinkIng - Ing , and will eventually pay back to the state many times its cost. It needs no pumping , Is a spontaneous flow , nnd through pipes , is sent to the height ot nearly sixty feet. feet.The children are allowed by the state ten or twelve years for education , about the same as Is allowed children who hear. They seCm well contented in fact , satisfied and fully at home. Many enter at the ace ot eight and nine years. Wo went up In to'the boys' sleepIng - Ing rooms In the morning while they were rising and saw a woman nurse dressing ono of the smallest cbubs ot the lot. The water from the artesian well Hews from a pipe the length of a room , and there they washed their hands and faces before going down stairs. This Iowa school for the education ot the deaf is really a Rood and pleasant borne for tbe children , and one the state may bo proud of. The superintendent , Mr. Wyckoff , Is thor oughly familiar with the sign language , and It may be said to bo his mother tongue , he having boon In dally contact with It from Infancy , his parents deaf mutes nnd gradu ates of the New York institution over a half century ago. Hence ho understands the home and every day life ot thin class , and Is not put out. perplexed or discouraged nt the little diftlculties or Impediments that may possibly nilse now and then In a family ot over ono hundred nnd fitly children. He knows want education can nnd will do for them , nnd , besides , is naturally rood tem pered nnd nleit , mentally and physically. There Is nothing of pretense In his make-up. Converting Catholics. Rev. Dr. Fulton , of Brooklyn , preached two rather remarkable soruions yester day in the Baptist church. One was in the morning , the other in the afternoon , nud on both occasions there were large audiences ot attentive listeners. Ir. Fulton resigned the pastorate of ono of the large churches to give his time to the cause which ho so enthusiastically advo cates , the conversion of thu Hainan Cath olics. This was the chief theme of both of his addresses yesterday. Dr. Fulton as a pulpit orator , has gained a great reputation , and certainly is a very enter taining speaker , but these who expected to hoar great oratory wore somewhat disappointed. He is far from being a finished , cultured speaker. The English language gets almost AS hard blows as does Roraanini. He is earnest enough to atone , however , for some of his pecul iarities of speech and manner. One can not but listen to him attentively , smile at his quaintncss , and bo moved by his en thusiasm. Unlike many others who have made war upon Romanism , there Is not much bitterness in bis talk , his theory ev idently being that the Roman Catholics are In error , rather tban iu malice , and that they need to bo Converted to n true belief in Christ for their own good. There seems to be no disposition on his part to pound Catholics on account 01 their belief , but he expresses an earnest desire to lead them into what ho deems the true light. He is very frank in uttering his opinions of the effects of Romanism upon its followers , and ho depicts these , as shown by history and by experience , as disastrous to familv and to slate , Ho narrates many incidents of how happy Catholics have been led into the right belief , and ho takes the ground that there are thousands of them who would bo glad to bo shown the right way , if Christians would only explain it to them. Ho scores the Christians for being so timid in talking to Catholics and explain ing to them the truth. lr. Fulton charges the Catholic church with doing away with the trinity. Ho declares that they substitute the infallible pope for ( Jed , and nmko the pope's de crees to bo obeyed in preference to the word of ( Jod. Ho charges them with niiiklng Mary the mediator in place of Christ , thus doing away with the second of the trinity. He claims that they sub stitute the sacraments and rites of the church for the Holy Spirit , thus doing awiy : with the third of the trinity. Ho denounces the usage by which priests are not allowed to marry , and dwells upon what he considers the evil ellects of this feature of the Catholic church. Ho pro tests against thu power granted to priest hood , and claims that the religion , as taught , is a gloomy belief , whereas the helief in Christ should bo a joyful one , taking siwuj all dread of dcatll and the liercatter. iJr. Fulton is devoting his whole time and energy to this work of stirring up the churches to work for the conversion of Catholics. Ho is to speak in Omaha this evening on the Irish question , und From what ho indicated yesterday , ho evidently - idently believes that Christianity depends greatly upon the power of the Entrlish government , and that wherever the Hag of that nation lloats , there Christianity can bo preached freely , but if that Hag can be pulled down , then there will be in uprising of Catholic despotism , and their freedom will be no more. Mnnnwii and Its Rond. The Manawa season mav now bo said : o be fairly opened , that is , so far as bathing at Manhattan beach is concerned. The bathing , although indulged in by some several weeks ago , has not been general until within the past three days. Friday , Saturday < timl Sunday could very : > rouerly be called tno opening days at Manhattan beach. The second season at Lake Mauawa opens auspiciously , and Manhattan beach appears to have lost none of is attractiveness judging by : ho crowds that now congregate upon the jcaeh to bathe and see the bathing. Mcssr.s.'OdolI Hros. A : Co. have the entire control of the beach this season and have made extensive preparations for a prolit- iblo season. Everything is in readiness at the beach. Water works have been put infer for the purpose of wetting down the sand upon the beach and making it hard ; the jath houses have been painted white out- sid9 , with brown roofs ; a new substantial spring board has" been erected , as well as new life lines having been put up. Several hundred bathing suits have been laid in , they all being of a better quality than those of last season. The beach is well lighted , but more shade would bo very desirable as welf as more ventilation in tliu bath houses. Messrs. Lome & Metzger have n fine pavillion erectc ! , and serve their custom ers with all the desirable dishes if they wish to order thorn. Besides ieo cream , soda , lemonade , cigars , etc. , they have a short order bill of luro. Mr. Meteor is in attendance and superintends the in stitution. Two steamers are now plying between Hotel Manawa lauding and Manhattan beach. The steamer Manawa is neatly JHtcd up and considerably larger than the Litth ) Gem , but both boats are a great convenience and comfort to those who wish to make the trip by steam. Mr. Woolsey is building r Hat bottom steamer which ho claims will carry about seventy-live persons. It \yill not bo completed much before the Fourth. The steamer Manawa makes the trip in ten minutes and charges twenty-live cents the round trip. There are as usual any quantity of row boats and skill's of all descriptions on the lake. Many of them arc used as ferry boats , while others simply for pleasure. A very pleasing sight for this country is to see the paper boats glide through the water as well as other members of the rowing association out in the gigs , barges and pleasure boats. If the \Vabash general agent in this city will give instructions to have the freight ears , that invariably stand on thu Wnbush track at the crossing of the road to Manawa , left apart a distance of about a hundred feet , ho will confer a great favor on these \ylio drive to Manawa. The foreman in the construction of the Manawa motor railway was yesterday seen by a BEE representative. That gen tleman said : "We have laid track to station No. 40 , which is1,000 feet. There are 5,280 feet in a mile. The road will probably bo four and n quarter miles long. The motors as well as the cars were shipped from Now Jersey on the loth instant. The iron is all on the road , but if no more arrives to-night or in the morning , wo will bo through layinc iron by IU o'clock Monday morning. It is all 25-pound steel rails ; 2,000 ties are laid to thu mile. They are all of the best material , being Norway pine. At the curves we use oak tics. We have sixty odd men at work. If no unforscen delay occurs wo'll have the road running before the Fourth of July. Some of thu croakers are making a great noise about the Manawa motor line having been stopped in the process of tracK laying by the Chicago. Burlington & Qnincy road local ollicials and the placing of "Q" engines at thu crossing to blockade them. Notwithstanding the talk caused by this class of people the work of laying the motor line track will go steadily on and the sixty odd men in their employ will continue to work to-day just as if this little misunderstanding had not occurred. After the "Q" people got their engines out , for some reason or other the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway be came frightened and thought their tracks were to be cut. The Omaha local ollicial of the Milwaukee with an attorney arrived in this city Saturday night and proceeded to get , out injunction pa pers. The papers were served on Mr. Lrunphcrc about 11:15 : o'clock Saturday night , enjoining the Manawa motor line from crossing the Milwaukee truck. In order to get at the correct and bottom tom facts in the case , a BEK representa tive called on W. M. Liunuhoro yester day. Ho said : "I'm under th imprcssion that the railroad people thought wo were going to force u crossing. 1 saw a dis patch from the Milwaukee otllcials whicl led me to believe they will allow it , Their orders worn positively not to allow us to cross until satisfactory terms were arranged. The circumstances are righl hero : We asked the privilege for an ordinury street cur crossing , und tc notch their rails. If they allow us , 11 would be to their advantage. If we rn ccivu the horse car privilege , it relieve ! them of the state law compelling them U stop their trains at each crossing. The ; ; seem to look at it in another light , am that wo are a regular steam road. I lmv < not heard a word trout thu Chicago , Bur lington & Quinny yet in regard to wha they vi h. Mr. Given , of the Rocl Island , telegraphed that the Rock Islam engineer would bo here Monday after noon , and then we could have a persona , conference , which is by far better thai to be compelled to act bj correspondence 1 anticipate no trttliblu whatever with the Hock Island people. " "Is It n fact that the motor line com pany have not yet , incorporated , and in consequence have no rights before the state railway connnis'ion ? " was asked. "That is something 1 am not acquainted with It is an important question in the case. In that case , however , Mr. Graves Is btilldlng tliu road for the original Ma nawa motor company. I think , though the incorporation is all right. I don't think the limit of time has yet expired , but that is a mattec I'm not acquainted with. We are past nil the roads with our track. Wo wufc not going to put the crossings in yet. Jn fact we did not an ticipate putting them down until next Friday or Saturday at the earliest. I had the impression Saturday that they would get out a writ of injunction. I think them a little hasty , but 1 suppose they know their business. They have a right to de mand reasonable crossings , and wo are willing to put them in. The motor line will benelit all of the railroads centering in this city. Excursion parties from all over Iowa and Nebraska , as well as from northern Missouri , will come to Lake Manawa just as soon us the railroad is completed. The Omaha Boat club is only awaiting the completion of the road and It will build a line boat house. Already there are applications in from several excursion parties who wjsh a day , but no date can yet be given until every thing is in order to entertain them. One of the excursions have 8,000 , people on the line of the road that want a date. If tliu motor line and Lake Manawa with the improvements can influence people like this , the motor line will do a big help to every road in this citr. Wo apply to thu superintendents of the dif ferent roads to cross. 1 have made a formal application by letter und tele gram to all the roads and until wu hear from them and satisfactory terms arc arranged no crossing w'll ' be laid. These people wore probably afraid we'd lay the crossinjis on Sunday and thought they'd taico precaution. Any road crossing another must keep the crossing in proper condition. If they should delay us we of cmu > e cannot complete the road by the Fourth , but otherwise every thing will be in running order then. The original company were to see that wo had no trouble in cros.singas I under stood it. I think it is in writing. At any rate that was the verbal understanding. 1 don't anticipate ar.y trouble , but possi bly there may be some slight delay caused. 1 should think that they'd rcali/.o the fuel that they were engaged in rattier a small busme . The Koek Kland cross ing will probably be settled Monday sati isfactorily , and to a certain extent this iigreemcnt may inlluonco the other roads. 'I lie Wabash people have wired their re ceiver in New York , and 1 expect an an swer on Monday. " Mr. Lumphere was seemingly a little interested in what the Q. and Milwaukee were doing as any disinterested person , and through his conversation ho seemed satislied that just as soon as a conference could bo held witli any of the ollicials , everything would bo arranged satisfac torily. The 1'Mi-Ht Stop Toward plotting what is destined to bo the gilt-edge inside property of the city , was made Saturday by the deeding of a street on Mt. Lincoln , by J. P. Casady and K. C. Colo. This property is surrounded by the ionics of our wealthiest and most inllu- cntial citixcns , is only live blocks from the First National bank , one block from LWO paved streets , within easy access to the street cars ana motor lines , com prises the most extensive view in the city , which includes all the glens , from Foster's ureoiihousc , upper Broadway and Mad ison street , to Alain street in its entire length , with Lake Mnnawa and the entire - tire city of Omaha in the south and cast. It is the only point from which the entire - tire city can be viewed. Cole & Cole own the property to the north of the new street which comprises a block of seven lots fronting south easterly , which will be called Prospect Place. They comprise the finest view ot any of the tract , and will bo immediately platted and sola only to parties desiring jots for impiovcmcnt , who will build res idences costing not loss than 13,000 each. Three of the lots arc already taken and residences arc to bo built on each guar anteed to cost from ยง 5.000 to $8,000 each. Parties wanting desirable locations are invited to call and see the plat and get full particulars. Prices and terms are very reasonable , and a rare bargain , as such property can not bo duplicated in any western city. Inquire of COI.E & Cou : , No. 41 Main St , Council liliills. TINNEKS WANTIUK Competent work men can apply at Cole & Cole , 41 Main street. To I ho. I'lililio. On Monday next , June 20 , I will open up in the McMuckcn building , corner Broadway and Sixth streets , a line of goods similar to the line now carried by me in my establishment on Upper Broad way. Tlio new shop will bo run under the title of L. C. Brackcttit Co. Trusting to receive a share of your patronage , I am Yours truly , L. C. BKACKETT. Latest improved gasoline stoves at N 504 Main street. W. A. Wood. Mr. S. Farnsworth , of the First Na tional bank , has one of the best and most convenient gas pipe rail fences around his property , corner of Willow avenue and South Eighth street , in this city. The fence was erected by C. J. Bcckmun , with the Bcckmun patent locking bracket. It will bear examination. Mr. C. J. Bcckmau's patent locking bracket is gaining ground , and ere long will bo in universal use. Boys , llcware. Tlio ordinance in regard to fire crack ers , ntc. , is to be strictly enfoiced , and these violating it will bo arrested and prosecuted. F. H. GIUNBLLA , i City Marshal. For rupture or Imruia , call and got Dr. Rico's new invention. It makes a man of you in five minutes. No pain. No. 11 Pearl street. LATEST NOVELTIES Iu Amber , TortoiscSlicll etc.Hair Or nnmonts , as well us the newest MOV cltk'Hiu hair goodK. . . . Hair gooila niadcto order Mr . C. L. Gillette 20 Main St. , Council Muffs , Town. Out of town work solicited , anil all mail orders promptly attended to. O. B. ALLEN , Engineer , Surveyor , MapPuhlisher Over No. 12 Xorth Main St. City and county mar * , ot citlei and oountlog weitfra lo wa , .Nebraska andKansui. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. gpccl.il ftdrcrtlfcnicnH , cucb as Lost , Found tiol/oan , For Stlo , To Kent , ftnntJ , ttoMillnir , etc. , trill liolimoiUM In this ( olumn nt the loir ratoofTBNCi.NTSl : > KULlNEforthonmlii ! > er- Ion nnd c'lvsContl Per Line fo.-unch ( Hlbsoijuont Insertion. Loiivo mlrerllsomenttt nt our ulllco No. 13 I'ciirl sticet , near ilronilirar , Couuull Uludi. WANTS. WAXTIH ) A waiter nt Loulo & McUtfer's , f > 'i' > nuil D-T llroiulnay. "IjlOH BAliK The entire furniture , tmr room -L fixtures HIM kltolivn utcn lh or tliu it. ? Louis ImiKo , in : < iulre of .nicoli Noilinnvcr , Neuimij-cr's hotel , Cmmo 1 1 II nil . iriOH UKNT-Coiil ehoJs. olllco niut iciilrp , ono JL ? live-room Homo. (1. MiiyiuKM Bill nve. FUK ItKNT hlRht-room house , closets , good rcpnlr. m No. C. lllulT st. _ WANTUD A peed cook nnd iflrl for ircnciiil tionseworh In n family of tour. Mrs. TliotnBs Olllcer , No. KCI Willow avenue. TJUM SAlitt-OrTrado-SIx soctloui of KOOI | -L1 Iniul In Lincoln rouuly. Nob. , on U. 1' . rnllwiiy. Call on or niMress Odell llroa. A Co , UrM'imrlet. , Council lllutT" . " \\rANTKD-A itnod Klrl for trononvl liouso- work. Apply M TIM Plxth nventlQ. Hiis a complete line of ! r Ililiorv , Largo hnts In vrhlto , lilnck nnil all colors. Pat tern bonnets , litl : nml toqnei , u specialty. No 1514 UoiiKlns St. , UniHlm. OFFICER C 1'USEV , Council BlulTs.Iowa. EstabllBheil Jti" . REAL ESTATE. Vacant Lot . Lauds , City Ilcslilonccs nnd 1'urins. Acre property In western piirt of city. All telllnff cheap to mnko room for spring stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Hoom 5 , over ODlccr & 1'uscy's liank , Cou 111 nils. Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , orricKs : No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. 33 Na. 015 Main Street , Telephone No , 93. FOR FEMALE DISEASES Am ! Chronic Diseases , Of all kinds , call on DR. RICE , No. 11 Pearl Street , Council Bluffb , Iowa. It. K1UE , M. n. Cancers and other Tumors Removed without the knite or Drawing o Blood. Over .10 vcars Practical experience. No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. Star Sale Stab/es and Mule Yards Ilrundwuy , Council llluirs , Opp. Dummy Depot 5 cal l\ S K Horses and mules kept constantly on hand , for sale at retail or in car load Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SHLUTEK < k BULKY , Proprietors. Telephone No. 11 Formerly of Keil Salo. Stables , corner 1st. ave. and 4th st BEST LIGHT LIYERY The finest of driving horses always on hand and for .sale by MASE WISE. OHN Y. STONE. JACOB Sllll STONE S/MS , Attorneys at Law , cticc in the State nnd Fed era I Courtt Rooms 7 and 8 Shug.irt-Beno Block. COUNCIL UI.UKFS. E. S. BAKXETT , Justice of the Peace , 415 liroadway , Council Bin IK Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. N. SCHUJtZ , Justice of the Peace. Oillcejvur Aineilcan Kx CROCKERY , LAMPS , JALASSWARE , FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JVO. 23 MAIfi ST. , CO UXCIlt U LUFFS , ti IA SPECIAL SALE , DURING- THIS WEEK , AT Eiseman's Peoples' ' Store , IN WASH DRESS GOODS. 'llio largest department in the wrst will bo opened to the public , this week , with thousands yf the greatest bargains over oll'ered. Lawns , Seersuckers , Silicons , llntlstcs , India Linens Victoria Lawns Mulls , Nainsooks , India Mulls , and ovcry ether known make of Summer \Vusli lood ! will be in this great sale at prices way below any tormor quotation. All of our summer stock must bo closed out during this and next month to make room for the comlni ; season's goods. Lace Embroideries , White Goods , KuHnngs , Tin-kings , Muslin Underwear Ladles' , Misses' and Children's ( iiin/c , Halhriggan and Silk Underwear , Hosiery Gloves and Mitts. Corsets , Linen Collars and ( 'nil's , Chemisettes nnd many other goods to bo sold during this great sale regardless of cost or value. FANS AND PARASOLS AT HALF PRICE DURING THIS GREAT SALE. Liberal Reduction on Domestics and Linens at this Special Sale , Conic to the PC j pic's Slore and see what we can do for MCII'N Furnishing Gtoodg , Hlcu' HoNlcry , MCII'N Underwear , Glen's .SiiNieiidcr | , Men's Night Shlrtv , niun's llandUurvliierM , nien'H Orcst SliirlM , Itlen > Kiiinnicr oalN , Men'H Fancy Percale Slilrls , menV Summer C'oaH anil Ve fN , Men's Working ShirU , MCII'N llalN and Cupi , Men'N Flannel Slilrfo , HIvii ! * IIool < * and Mine * , Vnlaiindricd Slilrln , All To Be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices During This Week's ' Special Sale ! Bargains in our Cloak and Suit Department During This Week. Ladle's Wrnpn , Ladles' Jacket * , Liulien' Jemeyi , Liullc * ' Slum-Is JLiidius' Calico , Sutccn , I.axvii , India Linen und Gingham Wraps , elegantly , trimmed with line Embroideries nnd Laces at greatly reduced prices at this week's sale. Now sample line of Wash Suits , made up , to bo closed out at half price during the week. Como and sec us and do not delay as these poods are selling at these reduced prices ; come iu time und get the lirst selection. Henry Eiseman & Co. , 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA. Mail Orders receive prompt attention. O. T. OOLIBIT , Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Ululfr Olllee , H3a oiilc Temple. Oiiuiliu Oillceolll North I mil street. I'nrticitlur attention jiven to in * voxtliitf fund * lor neil - resi dent * . Special bargain * In loin & acre properly In Omaha iV. Coun cil ItliilU. Correspondence itcd. OT iLaA * * Z&vslJlJoc < E.it BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL , Best $2.00 a day house in the west. y LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE BOOMS end il ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Regular : - : Boarders : - : Reduced : : Rates. GARDEN HOSE , team , Gas and Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa Mall Orders Shipped L'sui