I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . MONDAY , JUNE 20 , 1887. FIGHTING STORM SEWERAGE , A Queer Lincoln Combination Against a Much Needed Protection , THE STATE JOURNAL IN IT. Arrangement ! ) For editors' Day at the Crete Assembly Completed A New Hock Islntid Line Capital City News. irnoM THE IIKE'S t.i.vcor.x nunnAu. ] rlho city council has called an election ( o vote upon Issuing $20,000 in bonds for the construction of storm watur sower- ngo in the business center of the city. In the call for this election the city council was unanimous , nnd in preparing for Rtorm water sewerage they were but fol lowing in the wake of older cities that have successfully followed the plan. The opposition lo tills plan of protection to the business center of the city showed iUelf In the columns of the Journal yes terday in a petition which goes before the city council to-night , and it is no more than proper that the animus in the petition and that gave it birth should bo known to the citizens of Lincoln. To any who have learned from the experi ence of older anel moro advanced cities the fact that storm water sewerage Is re- quirce ! needs no explanation. For fifteen 3'cars the city of Lincoln has had an ef fort in force to dispose of storm water through sewerage , and the city is liable for damages from the wretched no-sys- tym practically that the city has long since outgrown. This agitation against protecting the business center comes di rect , to bo explicit , from the asphalt pav ing lobby , engineered by a law linn and the State Journal. The question of the worth of asphalt versus cedar blocks is not the question now , but because over 60 per cent of the prop erty holders in the second paving district preferred blocks , and have filed their record to that effect in the city clorK'H oilice , the attorneys for the asphalt company , aided by the Journal , propose to got in their revenge on the business men who preferred * blocks by defeating the storm water sewerage. In fact , it comes to the BKK direct from two of the most responsible citi/.ons in Lincoln that the attorneys for the asphalt company demanded an exchange , that the people should change to asphalt in consideration of their not lighting storm water sowar ago , This proposition was repudiated , nnd hence the light. The spcetaelo of the Journal in the controversy is admir able. That paper started out on the paving question in favor of cedar blocks , but almost at the identical time that thn nsphalt company retained attorneys in the city , the Journal company , by n sim ple twist of the wrist , became converted to asphalt. Just what it cost to turn the Journal around is a conjecture that every one can conclude as they see ( it , but the change was maelo in the wink ot an eye. Again , the Journal company hud nothing to say against sewer bonds until the proposition of the asphalt attorney to trade ) support of bonds for support of nsphalt was rejected , and then , by the pull of the fairing , the Journal opposes tlio.storrn water sewerage. The petition to present to the council against the coming - ing election contains the names of seven employes of the Journal company , the proprietors themselves doelging putting themselves on paper , ns usual. As to the necessity of storm water sewerage , it is illustraled in the work on the new Burr block , that has boon detained by storms Hooding the foundation , a month at least , and every day for thrco weeks the tlow of surface water into the cellar has required the proprietors of the block to keep a force of men at work to save the foundation from ruin. The Burrs have spent over $3,000 nlronely in pro- tooting tl.eir foundation work from the damage for which the city is responsible , nnd the claims for elamagcs are on tile in the otlico of the city clerk. A few such cases as this would cat up moro than n thorough storm water sewerage will cost. It might bo interjected nt this point that the block erected by the as phalt attorneys Is already protected by storm water sewerage , anel the statement is made that they have gone to the extent - tent of running their sanitary sewerage into the storm water sewer , which is expressly - pressly prohibited. There have boon no feasible grounds yet stated for the defeat of a system of sewerage as contemplated. One party expresses himself as opposed to it because - cause the bonds would exhaust the limit allowed to bet issued , and stop the con struction of sanitary sewerage. This is entirely wrong , as the surface water sow- crago is entirely separate and distinct in the city charter from the sanitary sower- age.which would not be interfered with in the least by the present is- eiio of bonds. Ttie public may consider it .wise 19 leave the business center of the city unprotected from surface water , and have constant claims against the city for elamages , but it is wise to remember that the entire city pays these damages through taxation , and if there are no greater objections to surface sewerage than these cre ated by the paid attorneys of a paving company , the ones- tion is worth n little moro consieiera- tion than men who sign petitions have liiven it. The Journal , however , ought to take its present course if it expects to earn a fee. fee.EDITOUS' EDITOUS' DAY AT CltKTE. F. J. Foss , president of the Crete Chuutnueiua assembly , has , at the request quest of tno executive committee of the state pri'ss association , selected Thursday - day , July 7 , as editors' day at the assein- bly , the date immcellutoly following law- yens' day. At JltfO p. m. of that tiny Juilgo Uooelwin , editor of the Salt Lake Tribune , will deliver the address to the association , all trains for the day arriving - ing at Crete before that time. It is pro- posoel in the evening to have a reunion unit business meeting of the association nt the now editors' buileling , and a pro gramme will bo arranged for the even- ing. This programme can bo carriee out in full before the train leaves in the night for the west , gjving all who attem d nnd cannot stay lonccr to participate n n all exercises between trains. It is nn necessary to state that the speech iK Juelgo Goodwin will boworth the hearing of all , no mailer whether newspaper mot n or not , and the evening programme wll 11 be made interesting. The buileling ir course of erection by the state press asso ciation is two stories in height , will : upper ami lower perches surrounding tin cnliro building The windows all react ; to the lloor , are hung on hinges , and tfn porches can all bo mili/.ed as part of the audience room. Members of the nssocia tion who remain for a night or longer ant the assembly will find the building the ! "permanent homo while on the grounds. IS THE KOCK ISLAND COMING ? Theret has been a good deal of discus sion the past few days in well inform iSMl circles over the tact that the ) Hock Islam company has in contemplation the builel ing of n line from Fnlrbury to Lincoln This line would strike through ono of th richest sections of the stale , which is n present almost entirely under the contrei of the Burlington , ami the information i made that iwo corps of surveyors ar runninc preliminaries in this direction u the present timo. Several towns on th contemplated line have committees actu ally at work for the road , and the poln that is yet dark is where Iho Hock Islam would cioss the Missouri river to com plete the line lo Lincoln. imi UK ITEMS. The ncllon ot Farragut post , in this city. In passing rcsolullons asking the national commaiieler to change Iho place of Iho reunion from SI. Louis lo some oilier point seems to be attracting a good deal of ullenllon. Ono post from down in Missouri writes the boys , anel congrat- ulales them on Ihelr nclion , which lliey hcarlily endorse. Frank Sheldon is doing his part the present summer in Iho building boom nnel has a largo force of men nt work upon two new brick blocks that are lo- Dialed ; ouo aeljoining the Windsor hotel anel another on Iho corner of Eleventh and U. In addition to this work Mr. Sheldon is building what will be , when completcel , one of the handsomest resi dences in the west. The case brought by Baker , Iho cloth ing man , against F. Ewlng & Co. for keeping their sloro open on Sunday , will bo up in Jtieigo Parson's court for a hear ing to-morrow morning. It will probably be the means of keeping all clothing stores closed on Sunday. Mr. Frank Lovcll , who has been Iho very successful city editor of the Demo crat the past len monlhs , has changed nnel laken Iho management of Iho circu- Jalion of that paper , winch will feel the effects of his push nnd energy. The delegation lliatloft Lincoln yester- elay morning to take in the Omaha-Lin coln ball game nt the Metropolis was nn enthusiastic one , and nothing but the ex treme heat prevented their numbers be ing elembloel. There were a number of disappointed people in the city yesterday who had maeio arrangenipnls lo enjoy Iho day in Iho woods at Milforel and were surprised to learn in Iho morning that the B. & M. excursion train had boon abnneloncd. Barrett's circus is billed for the Capital City July 5th. anel the city is ablaze with elecoratcd bill boarels. The managers of the circus will make headquarters at the Capital hotel while in the cily. C. W. Kitchen has been shaking hands with Lincoln friends Ihe past few days anel it is understood that ho has nearly compleled negotiations for the purchase of a leading hotel in Denvnr. Peace anel quietness reigned in police circles yesterday with arrests few and far between. Mrs W. II. B. Stout , who has been seriously ill for some limo , died Sunday morning at 4 n. m. from catarrh of the stomach. The funeral will bo held from the family residence at 4 p. m. Tuesday. Stood thn Test. AT.LCOOT'S Pouotis PI.ASTEHS have suc cessfully and triumphantly stooel the test of many years'use by thn public ; they have never been equalled by unscrupu lous imitalors who nave sought to win a part of the reputation of Ai.i.cock's by making a plaster with holes in it ; anel tliejy stand to-day endorsed by not only the highest medical authorities , but by thousands of grateful patients who have proved their ellicacy as a household remedy. HEAL , ESTATE. Transfers Flleel Juno 17 , 1887. Alvln Saunelers and wlto to Charles B Dewey ct al.westrhalt lot S.Keyes' division of lot 9 , Chapitol addition. \V d v 8ouU IliiRh G Clark nnd wife to Carl J Carlton - ton , lot 18 blk 5 , Dul'ont place , vrel. . 850 Cltv of Omalm to Uonjnmln Folsom et al,14xl3-J feet beKinningat the notth- rast corner of lot 8 blk UU7X , ejed. . . . 402 City of Omaha to heirs of John B tol- 8nindccoased , 14x183 feet , bOKinnlni ; at northeast comer ol lot B blk 2U7M , rjcel 402 City of Omaha to Byron Heed , 134xlU3 feet , beginning at northeast corner of lot 5 blk 48 , ej cd GW 40 City of Omaha to Kebecca M White. .WxOl.51 feet beginning nt S E cor of lot 7 , Isaacs & Grifllth's aetel , qc 133 o9 City of Omnlia to Mary Miller , 15x00 feet beginning nt the NBcoroflot 8 blk 4 , Credit Fonclor nrtel.qo 00 City ot Omaha to Kdwnrd H Kdson , 14x00 feet beclnnlng nt the M K cor of Iot4 blkTS , qc 809 CO Erastuti A Benson and wife to Addle H Smith , lot 30 , blk 11 , lot 37 , bile 4 , lirlges Place , w el 3,100 Erastus A Henson and wife to Addle H Smith , lot 3 , blk 11 , UrlEKS Place , wd i500 Enxslus A Benson and wife to Addio K Smith , lot 10 , blk 5 , Brlggs Place , wet 1 , X > Ilarvey M Trimble et al to Thomas Uacuo et al. lots 5 , 0 , 7 and 8. blK 17. BeUtord Place , w d 2bC0.83 Alexander 1J Hess to Charles F Me- taln , lot a , blk 1 , UlllslUo add No u , wd llJ Lincoln It Scott to Alfred B Do Long et nl , lot U. blk 8 , Potters add , w d. . 1,500 Mary U Wallace and husband lo Selina Stein , Jot 7 , blk 34a , Omaha , \vJ 0,000 John F Mawhlnney to Flora ounpr , lot 1 , Flack's subdivision ot lots 11 , 13 and 14 , Catalpas id ! add , w d 3,000 W L Selby anel wlfo to William L Monroe It 3 blk 4 , lot U blk 3. Heish & Se'lby's add to South Omaha , wd. . 1,100 W L Selby and wlfo to Win L Monroe lots 1 , U blk 4 , Hush & Selby's add to South Omaha.w el 1,125 South Omaha Lanel Co to Frank PI- von kn , lot 0 blk 77 , South Omaha , wd 335 Elijah Dunn nnd wife to.I elm J Mahoney - honey , lot 14 , Buell's sub of blk "A" Shlnirsaandd. wd 1,800 Douglas county to Xelllo Buitelson , It bik 13 , UoiiBlnsnUel.wd 1,025 F U Karbaimh to J J McLntn , lot 4 blk M , South Omaha , w el 77t > City of Omaha to John Mclvor , 15x3 ; ! feet beginning nt no cor ot lot 'J blk 10 , Credit Foncler add. n c J7.15 John A Lovgre'ii and wile to W G Shrlver. wKlotablk 7 , Reeds 1st aelel.wd. . . . ! 4,000 W ( ! Shriver and wife to Ellen Lov- gicn , wK lot 3 blk 7 , Heeds 1st add , wd 1 John AuchainpaiiRh nnd wife ) to Win T Seaman , n M ) it ot lot 4 blk 201.c. \ . I Carl .1 Carlson to John it Clark , lot 15 blk S Dupnnt Place , wel 000 Edward .M Stlcknoynnel wile to Helen L Lock wood , lots 34 , 35 , IX ) , .37 Fair- mount Place , wel 8,545 City of Oenaha lo Aelella M Maynarel , 11x54 % ft beginning at mv cor oC lot 1 blk ! ! Heed's Istaelel , wel 2JS Win .1 Paul to llenrv L Shilver , lots 8 - 4 blk 7 Mnuie's aeld , wel 1,400 William 1C Paul to W O Albright , lots bk2Mayno's ! aelel.wd CCO City of Om hu to Hobcrt Nelson , ffiKfifl tt.becinnlni ; nt sw cor of lot 5 blk IS Credit Foncier aelet , no 193 City of Omaha to FrniiK Biirklcy , 24x lo7 tt , tieidnnin ; : at ne cor of lot 14 blkO KomiUOit Huth's aeld. nc 20 Willis O llemenway to John W How- ell. wK "I n M of lot 6 , blk 5 , Park - Place , w d. . . . 3,100 Otto Lobeck , to tlio public , plal ol Lo be'ck's sub dtv ut lots'-T ) , 20. 27 and s yt of 21. Spring Valley , elcelicatcd Susan 11 Laia'don to C Hansen , et : nl. , lot 10 , blk 1 , Amos Place , w d. . . 000 - Erastus A lienson , trustee , to Theo f dore Williams , w K lots 1 and 4 , blk Slensnn.wd ? ! 750 Augustus KoimUtf unit wife to Martin Puirncr , 43 x150 ft ot lot 4 , blk 0 , KounUo'sDel addition , wd 300 Clui. Corbltt nnd wlfa to Emily U - Hose , lot 2 , blk 2(5 ( , West Side actel , h w el 700 Norman A Kiilm , trustee , to E J h He-ynolels , lot 18 , sub-ellv of blK "A , " Hescrvolr add. w el 650 Goo K Haw ley to John W llowoll , un- - dlvldod X of lot 19 , Okahoma add , w d 2,500 Daniel Kendall and wlfo to Henry ir Hoist , lot G and south half of lot 5 , block 7 , Kendall's aelelitleni. w d 3,500 Gcorco M hndwick and wife to Jose - phine ) Fisher , lot 3. Pruyn's division of lot 35 , MlllarJ and Caldwcll's aelelltlon , w d S.COC Frank Pivonka and wlfa to Mary - Powers , lot 14 , block 77 , n c 1 . Mary K Elliot , et al , to David O McKvun , lot 4 , block 1 , Shull'sscconl at w d 1.05C atol William Uatov. et al. to William H is l < ntey , et al , 30 by 110 feet of tax lot 43 In westiieiiuU'rof southwest eiuar- , llt tm.of . 10,1. is , wd So5c nnx.M Kilobs anil husband to John Ho 1) KIIU , lots , block S40 , Omaha , w et 20.70C tint D G P.itierson and wife to F William nt llruocharl , lot 0 , Pattoreou park , THE STATE'S ' PROSPERITY , How Broken Bow Secured Its Name and the Town's Bemarkablo History , THE BOOM AT CRETE STILL ON Enterprise nt Kearney Which Arc Itnplelly Pushing the Town to the Front Prosperous Uuslncss nt Howard , Broken How's Hotuarknblc His tory liitoKKX How , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Corre spondence of the BIK. : ] Wo have been n constant reader of the Met : for the last year , nnd in some of its recent Issues hnvc noticed articles concerning the "Great State of Custor. " Wo are always proud to see in print , notes ; ind sayings of nnd nbout this ono spot in the heart of Nebraska thnt clothes , feeds nnd keeps in employment or in some substantial manner supports 23,000 honest , law- abiding citizens , but it scorns us though a low jealous fellowincn have como among us nnd nro endeavoring to lear down Iho only point within a radius of 100 miles Hint hns any substantial future or phew whatever of supplanting in Iho midsl of this vast country , that ton years ago was n lot of cattle ranges nnel Indian hunting grounds , u point centrally located thnt in size and capabilities will equal Grand Island or Kearney as a trading point ami cily in general , whcro everything can bo bought and solel nnd where factories nnd other inelus- Irtes will locale , or , in other words , become to this part of Nebraska what Omaha is to the whole state. While Custcr county lias several jjooel lowns of from fifty to two hundred Inhabitants , thai have been written up for your col umns anel have at the sumo time ex pressed their opinion in regard to the division ot this county , wo have failed to observe Iho first encouraging worel for the "emeon city of the northwest.Ve are not jealous , not nt nil , but wo be lieve that if the cornor.s of Custer county nro allowed n representation in your col umns , that Broken Bow and its aeljoiu- ing territory , or the real valuable uul bountiful part of the county will be shown duo respect. Broken Bow has been written too many times for us to bolhor with elates of platting , etc. , but suflico to say that six years ago to-day where Broken Bow now stands was a cornfield , and that the lirst building erected here that year was a sod building , which stands to-elay , the old nnd only hind murk to remind one of the former days when prospects were less encouraging than they are now. An other strnngo feature of the Blurting of this city is thnt. the lirst real business started hero was Iho publishing of the Custer County Republican , the oflieo oc cupying the old stanel-by , Ihc "soel on Iho corner. " From Iho 'moment Ihis sheet issued forth to-thn world and gave glow ing descriptions of this valley anel county in general , the future and identity was established ana Broken Bow begun to grow. There were three or four farmers living within : i mile of this spot at thnt time nnd they began elovising plans whereby the future city would become real. One of the characteristics of the popularity of this city is its nunio , the production of ono of these slurdy farm ers who woreTcndcavoring loand lending a helping hand or making a welcome suggestion for its benefit. As the story goes. Broken Bow , or rather Iho ground upon which the city stands , was once an Indian fighting ground , unel during ono of these encounters , ouo of these American braves broke the bow with which ho was fighting. Ho left the weapon on the spot and in after years , just ns this town was boingstarted , one of the tillers found this bow , ns It lay on the ground , broken in two. lie imme diately suggested the mime.and from thai date our magic city has been known all over the west as Broken Bow , or , the queen city of the northwest. The first throe years the crowth of the town was small on account of the terrible inconvenience the people were put to about celling lumber to build with and other material necessary to make exist ence possible. But after three years had passed away n now turn in ntl'nirs seemed to take place nnd the town began to pros per. The roads wore lined with "prnirio schooners1' nnd strangers were thick every whoro. Government land was taken every day by the thousands of acres , nnel as Broken Bow was tlio county scat , the only place for filing on land , except the United States land ollicn , the influx of strangers into the town was simply im mense. Tee demand for moro buildings and moro room , became the great trouble auel car penters were busy from morning till night pulling together ns fast as possible the numerous structures that were being continually contrnctod for. Now firms opened out and a largo brick hotel wns built. A 3t go line between this point unel Plum creek was established and as high as twelve passengers a day wore curried to and from the railroad , and from ono to three spring wagons did ser vice as coaches. In this way a route was established whereby strangers could como and reach this inland city within ten hours after leaving the railroad. This short route had a tendency to increase the steady flow of emigration , land hunt ers and speculators. About this time a second pupor was started here , called the Leader. With two papers to set forth its advantages , the seat of gov ernment established hern nnd tlio splendid soil to substantiate the state ments of its friends , the future was too convincing for the enterprising visitors nnd the result was thnt at the ago of four years Custcr county's capital was a bust ling little village ot about 300 souls. The increase of population was in a like ratio throughout the county , and when the census was luken in 1835 Cuslor county's lolal was something over 18,000 , inhabitants. The field was a lilllo too tempting , and in Iho sprint : of 1880 Iho 15. & Al. com pany began the extension of their line from Grand Island under a new charter unel name , the now extension beingcnlleel the Grand Island & Wyoming Central railway. The distance from Grand Island lo Broken Bow is eighty miles , hence the track w.is not laid inside the corporate limits of Iho city until some time in August. For a your previous lo Ihis Broken Bow had been considered a live and energetic town , but after the arrival of the iron horse a now start seemed to have taken place , ami where n month before it was enterprise nnd business , it was then ex citement nnd boom. People lloekeel to the town by Iho hundreds , and ere snow fell in the fall Broken Bow's population numbered over 1,000. A lull in the winter - tor immigration occurred , which was natural , but with the opening of spring , the tide began to pour forth , anel ever since the nightly arrivals have increased until the two regular passenger coaches nro landed in our city every evening filled with travelers. Possibly you doubt our statement. If so , we will try to con vince you in another way. Hrouon Bow has seven hotels , respectively the Inmim. Commercial. Pacific , Green's hotel , New York housei , Cli&neweth's hole ! , Farmer's house nnd Iwo rcsluurnnls , anel every night people are turned away because they cannot bo accommodated. Broken How has also been bulletins some this summer. The following build ings are built , or nearly completed , anil nro not air ensiles : A two story brick 7t feet deep with BO feet front , by Messrs Wick , Ueyner , MaulicU & Walton. A tour story brick by tessrs. Inman , Coll- man & Clino. A throb story frame by Mr. Chenewoth : a two story frame by Messrs. Trefrcn ami Hewitt. Amsborry & Talbot ; n largo store room by II. N. Dill ; n cigar factory by J. S. Balschi n , largo business house , frame , by Judge Hamar , and several small buildings too numer ous to mention. Tile first National bank will erect a tine brick on the corner whcro the Sod printing ofllco stands so prominent. A $10,000 court house will adorn our court liotiso square cro snow Illoi. Electric lights will shine for all , and water works will have a ten dency to quiet one's fears in regard to fires , before the fall is over. Street cars are talked of and several other smaller enterprises will bo pushed to completion before the year rolls by. Broken Bow has a line flouring mill , with a largo capacity , owned by a stock company ! four banks , four hardware stores , live grocery and provision stores , ono exclusive dry goods store , four lum ber yards , four drug stores , and several more institutions that go to make up a first-class town. Wo spoke some time ago about there being two newspaper ? at Broken Bow , but that time was some two years ago. In the fall of 1835 the Nebraska States man was first issued , and in the fall of 1880 the Broken Bow Time * took its place among the journals of Custer county. This spring tno Daily World was started , and now Broken Bow has live able- bodied , well-patronlml newspapers. The Republican 11 edited by 1) . M. Amsborry , with ti. It. Humphrey as assistant ; the Leader by S. C. Bcebo , the Times by G. W. Trefreii , with S. 1. Alcseraull as gen eral manager ; the Statesman bv It. K , Martin , and the Daily World by J. S. Dellinger , with J. P. Walters as city editor. A board of trade lias boon organized and the proper attention will bo given so that our city will bo treated fairly. Societies are in abundance , there being the A. F. & A. M , , I. O. O. F. , G. A. 11. , 1. O. G. T. , K. of L. and P. of O. Four religious denominations arc rep resented here , vi/ . : Baptists , Methodists , United Brethren and Presbyterians. Our school facilities are not quite on an average with thn balance of brick structures , but $10,003 will bo expended that way this fall and a line brick build ing will take the place of our present one. About ? 100,000 have boon expended in buildings in Broken Bow this year , and that much moro will be invested before the next six months are gone. Broken Bow is booming , and don't you forgot it , and whenever you sec or hear of a man that has been in Broken Bow within the last sixty days , just ask him for your own sake and see if ho don't say. "Sho booonis , you bet she booms. " If anyone wishes any information con cerning this county and its capital , they will receive same by addressing any of the names given above or tno secretary of the board of trade. Crete Boom. CRETE , Juno 18. [ Correspondence of the BEE. ] There is { nothing like having a good boom. Crcta has surely got it now. The question bf voting bonds in aiel of the Missouri Pncifio railway com pany has boon , decided. There lias not been a single dissent ing vote. It.j is something unusual to see anything * as unanimous as this has boon. There were at least 800 votes cast. This assures the railroad's coming to Crete , in fact it was ensured before , and upon the assurance of some of our prominent ciiucns , the railroad company hue ! commenced to do some work , but now it will bo pushed with all the vigor which Manager Clark is capa- bio of throwing into it , which means a good deal. The B. & M. also have their forces at work running their line to Beaver Cross ing and on to Aurora , also north to Mil- ford. ford.The The foundation of the now Methodist church has already been laid and the material is on the ground to complete the building. It will bo the finest church in the city , and by the time it is completed nnd fur nished it will bo but little less than $10- 000. It will be an honor to the society , as well as an ornament to tlio city. Tfib editors , under the management of Presi dent Bushnoll , to whom great credit is duo , have got their biiildiusr under way upon the Chautauqua grounds , and will have it completed before the assembly , for the use of their profession. Mr. Bush nell has used grcnt taste , and it will give the profession great pleasure to look upon tlio building which bo has selected. It will bo ono of these upon the grounds which will attract a great deal of atten tion. With the press taking such nn in terest ns they do in this matter , with their headquarters permanently estab lished , there is no reason why the people who are connected with this association should not spend a good deal of their time here. The entertainment which they will got will moro than repay them , and the rest which will come with the recreation will be such as they will noed. The lawyers building is also nonring completion , which of itself is a mammoth thing. It will bo the largest building up on tlio grounds and will attract n good deal 01 attention. It will have n secreta ry who will bo in the building all of the time , and tend to the wants of the profes sion as they como on the grounds. All lawyers will know where to come at once , and will bo taken care of. The management of the assembly have made arrangements for nearly three times tlio number of hauls that wore hud upon the river last year. This will jrivo those who enjoy boating a chance to have all they desire while here. The river is in excellent cor.diton , free from 1 brush , drift wooel , snags or anylhing which woulel interfere with the rowing. The water runs slow so thnt there is but little resistance while rowing up the river , anel those who attend the assembly will hardly go away without having al least ono boat ride. ISntorprUo at IConrney. KIUKNEY , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Correspond ence of the BKK. ] The magic wand ol enterprise seems to'have been waved over our little cily. causing quite a llullei a mong real ostnto holders , more property having changed hunefs the pusl week than for many weeks previous. There have been with us gcntleni'rn from Ohio am oilier points representing muiuifaeturinj. inle > resls , who huvq scoured valuable pieces of property , and hayb returnee homo to bring back : with them othci capitalist. The fa'c't seems to have been fully ostiiblishctj that a full supply of water can bo maintained in our canal and is in such condition now that it onlj awaits capital to establish manufactories such as this country can well supply anel support. The flow of water over the dam is 1,009 cubic feet par second , afford ing all the power that will bo necessary for some timo. The canal company i now preparing to dig a largo basin at the houel of the canal , with which to supply tlio How , instead of having the watei como direct from the river , thus doinj away with the hoadgates and avoidmj any possibility of sand coining in. Engineers are now nt work on tin Union Pacific line from here to th northwest ; also on Iho B. & M. line fron here lo lloldrege , and on Friday morn ing a party went quietly out to the north supposed to bo Missouri Pacilio engi ncors. Ono elegant now hotel is being pushei rapidly nnel will bo ready for occupanc. curly in Iho fall ; over ono hundred am sixty now residences are now under coa struction , In addition to several business blocks ; boluls have boon voted for a now court house , nnd the supervisors hfiv.o of ficially made the levy 50 that work can begin early on. the building. All these , with the four new buildings at the state industrial school , will inako building in terests rather lively. Bills are out for the state firemen's tournament , which begins hero on the 18th day of July , continuing for flvo days. The citizens have raised $ i ,200 to bo efts- tributed m prizes to the best companies. The company here ouo of the best in the state claim they have no fear of any of the iiro laddies save those from York. The prizes being the largest ever yet given , the attendance will probably ex ceed that of anr previous tournament. The hook nnd ladder company hero has just received a very line new running wagon , with which it expects to beat the best record. The time and expcnso other cities put on base ball , Kearney spends on its Iiro department. Arrangements are being made to estab lish an electric light plant , and have it running in time for the tournament. The lessee of Lake Kearney has gone to Chicago for a yacht which ho will place on the lake in a few elays , in addi tion to fifteen row boats , ttius being ena bled to handle a party of 10J or moro atone ono time. Arrangements have been completed for the annual soleliers' reunion of Buf falo county to bo held at Uavonna , n thriving town in the north part of the county on Julv 4. Aspirants for the various county of fices are ele > ing considerable handshaking ing with the husky granger these times , hoping it may avail them much in tune of need. There are several eandielates for district juelge of the Tenth district , among whom might bo mentioned the present incumbent , F. G. Homer , Hon. E. C. Calkins , General A. II. Conner , Louis Irvine , of Buffalo county , Hon. C. W. McNnmnr , Dawson county , and Hon. Goonru W. Hoish , of Cheyenne county. These are the republicans , witli the dem ocrats and back counties still to hear from. The weather for the past few days has been quite warm and all kinds of grain is growing very fa.Jt in consequence. A verv largo acreage of corn has been planted this season , witli plenty of cattle and hogs in the country to food it to. A general good feeling prevails among the business men which is materially as sisting the real os'ato deals. Many rumors of coal linels have boon circulatcel of late , all coming from what are claimed to bo coal blossoms and wo fear digging will prove them to have been cast away buds washed from the great mines to our west. Prosperity nt Valparaiso. VAU'AIUISO. Nob. , Juno 18. [ Corre spondence of the Bui : . ] The fine weather is giving the corn a boost that will put it far ahead of any corresponding season for several years , and if the weather con tinues favorable wo will have the largest crop ever raised in this vicinity. Small grain looks well. Building is still going on in our town nnd additions are being made on the north and'cast. A well has boon put down by the business men of the south side and a pump put in for the use of farmers. Great preparations are being made for celebrating the Fourth at this place , and all seem to enter into it with the energy that will make it a success. P. P. Johnson , proprietor of a ranch a few miles west of town , lately received several car loads of young cattle , and now has one of the largest ranches in this section. It required over 25,009 bushels of corn to feed thorn through the past winter , and ho has purchased a good many more cattle this spring for fatten ing next winter. J. 11. Cl-jrk , of Lincoln , is building a tine largo house on ono of his farms cast of town. L. B. Dcnman , late of Ohio , is also building a very nice farm house a few miles west of town ; while the plans are drawn for two residences in town to cost in the neighborhood of $5,000 each. "Still they come and are made welcome. " A Finite County Boomer. LINDSAY , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Correspon dence of the BEE.1 This is a lively burg , which is n good trading point. There are three general merchandise stores. Gray & Moore , Connelly Bros , and Morrison & McAlistcr represent the above business ; one hardware store , represented by S. K. Painter ; ono furniture store , Smith & Brown ; two hotels , P. A. Marsclis , pro prietor Marsolis House- ( lots to eat ) ; Adams ; proprietor of the Adams hotel ; ono bank , K. Underwood , banker ; two lumber , grain and stock dealers , Nyc , Wilson , Morchouso company and Smith & Fuller , proprietors ; two blacksmith shops ; ono implement house ; two saloons , M. A. Jaonsch & Co. and Adams & Co. , proprietors ; and all doing a good business. \ \ o arc having n great plenty of rain. Crops look very flattering at present. Wo want a good harness maker , a good shoemaker and some gooei man to start a livery and feed stable , and a good barber will do a fair business here also , "men with families preferred. " We expect without n doubt the B. & M. rail road here ere long. The farmers hero are all well-to-do. This is a good stock country. Land la valued all the way from $18 to $33 nnd $40 per ncro and not much for sale at these figures. Lots sell hero from $75 to $250. The ] town site is high and dry and overlooking the rich Shell creek valley. Good DuslnoBH nt Sownrrt. SEWAIIO , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Correspond ence of the BEE. ] It is an assured fact that wo are to have the Morris Lock com pany factory located in SowarJ. The citizens have raised $ ' 3,500 by subsorip- turn , the amount asked for by the di . rectors , and in thrco months' time it will bo in full blast , employing at the start about fifty men. Witli the Morris Lock concern secured , ono now railroad nearly complotoel.good prospects for the Missouri Pacific , the waterworks bonds as good as carried , canning factory already to begin opera tions , electric- light in prospection ami a number of small enterprises in embryo , let us all pray for a genuine real estate boom and Sewarel's everlasting fortune is maelo. Mr. McKenzie , national instructor for I. O. O. F. advanced work , has been secured - cured by the Seward loelgonnd will begin Juno 28. Crous of all kinds in this county look well. Corn is No. 1 in every respect and will give extra yield. Michael's Fremont llcconl. FHEMO.YT , Neb. , Juno 18. [ Corro- spomlonce to the BEE. ] There is a j ? ra- oral feeling here that Senator Manderson has made a serious blunder in the ap , pointment of W. II. Michael , of Grand Island , as clerk of the senate committee on printing to succeed the late Bon ; Pcrloy Pooro. Michael was formerly a resident of Fremont and his flagrant character is n mutter of public comment hero. It would perhaps bo unfair to say that when ho removed from this city ho left no friends behind , but it is certain he loft a host of enemies. There is am ple cause for the general lack of esteem for the man which prevails horo. He succeeded in demonstrating here ns else where m Nebraska where ho has lived in that ho is an unprincipled scalawag. In business matters lie is absolutely unre liable as a score of Fremont merchants will testify. Ho did not rely upon his small income to support himself and id.V family in thnir luxurious style. Ho con .V tracted debts which ho never paid and id proceeded upon that basis to take in the 1- unwary. Daring his residence here u e owned the Tribune. When ho disposed of the pnpor ho perpetrated the climax of all his swindling and dishonest opera tions. Ho sold the ollice. "gooel will" anel all dues on subscription. Immedi ately after doing this nnd during n week's absence of the purchaser , Fred W. Browne , who bought it for llrowno & Hammonel , ho drew up statements of delinquent sub scriptions nnd placed them in the h.inds of ihreo collectors who were dispatched post haste throughout the county lo col lect the money before the now purchas ers became apprised of his skuleluggory. These collectors , according to instruc tions , took money where they eoulel got it and notes where Ihoy wore obligoel to. These notes were solel to the Firsl Nn- llonnl bank , and Michael pocketed Iho cnllro proceeds. The present proprietors , Messrs. Hammond Bros. , into whose hands the paper soon after passed , were two or thrco years gelling Iho list slraighloned up from Ino interminable mess inlo which ho had placed It. They estimated that tills bold thieving of his aggregated from f500 lo $800. They are emphatic In their denunciation of Michael as a slick swindler anel a thief , nnel extend a cordial invitation lo him lo begin suit to recover damages for Injeircd character. They say they are able lo pay many limes the full value of his character If ho can disprove ) their charges. At the time of his candidacy nnd nomination for United Slales marshal , a slrong prolest was sent \Vnshington from this city. His dishonornblo course has been pur sued wherever he has lived in Nebraska , and thai Senalor Mnnelnrson shotilel pick upon such a mugniliconl scoundrel ns successor to the late Ben : Perloy Poorc , shows that he hns either been duped by Michael's honeyed words anel cringing subservience , or else that that was the kind of a man ho was looking for. Button's nullellns ; Itoom. SUTTON , Nob. , Juno 18. [ Correspond ence of the BEH. ] The building boom hns set in for the season in earnest. Con tractors complain that they cannot got workmen to carry on building as fust as the demand would warrant. A largo force of curpenlcrs has been engaged for some weeks past in rebuilding the Sullen creamery reconlly burned. The splen did now residence of Prof. John Roberts is nearly completed. Hon. George W. Bemis has lately purchased the Paxlon & Gallagher properly hero auel has re moved the frame buildings and will at once erect a brick adjoining his present block now oceupieel by the Citi/.ens' bank. The new building will bo occu pied by Schwab & Schaollo for exclusive dry goods. Dick Stives is also creeling a large brick block on the cast side of Snunelcrs avenue , to bo occu pied by Silver < te Bauer , a largo hardware firm. Mr. L. Stam , of Iowa , has been hero for several days looking up busi ness , and tins to-day closed a deal in which ho leases from Dr. Clark an eighty- foot brick store room , to bo erected be tween thn Oakland hotel and the opera house. The louse calls for $50 per mouth in aelvanco , for three years , and the building is to bo completed by August 1. W. Golel & Co. , the firm represented by Mr. Stum , will put in n line line of dry goods. N. Witlenbcrg lasl wcelc purchased - chased of John Curran a lol adjoining the Curran block , on which he will erect the present season nn clcgnnt brick store room , 100 feet deep. It will be n beauty , nnd Mr. W. will occupy it himself for his exclusive dry goods. The people arc all jubilant over the early completion of the new line lo Omaha. The first through train reached York from here to-day nnd track Inying from York to Stromsbiirg is progressing nt one mile per day , nnel thnt will soon cover the distnnco uf eighteen miles to Stromsbiirg. St. Joe has tendered our business men an excursion over the new Union Pacilio line to thnt city , and St. Joe jobbers are working up a line trade here. But our business men generally seem to bo moro inclined to warm up to Omaha on the completion of the now lino. A Surprise. CROWNVILLE , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Cor respondence of the BEE. ] About two weeks ago Uev. George M. Gates , a young man from Omaha , was sent hereto to supply this charge lately vacaled by Hov. Burch , of Pennsylvania , on account of poor health. Ho preached the last two Sundays to a largo and appreciative audience at the M. E. church and our people , being so well pleased with him , concluded to give his family a surprise. So last Tuesday evening the citi/.ons from all over the city began to "Ihrong his castle" at an early hour , each of them bringing an armfull of provisions or presents of some kind. Canned fruit , j cakes , colleo , tea , flour , money and al most evcrylhing was preseuled to the surprlscel host and hostess. All partici pants wore mot at the eloor anel coreliallv welcomed by the host nnd hostess to their new homo. Young , old , church mem bers and many who were not church people ple kept gathering until their large house would not contain them , so they gathered in groups nil about the lawn , each seeming to enjoy themselves lufgely. A nicely ar ranged programme was given , consist ing of music , recitations , speeches , etc. , till about 10:30 : p. m. , when lomemado and cake was served by the good sisters of the church. Evcryboely seemed to enjoy themselves very much. Brownvillo , though on the decline , has bright hopes for the future , as much is now said concerning the now railroad bridge crossing at this point. Wo see no reason why this should not bo ono of the best cities along the river , as it has many excellent qualities. Coal can now bo had in any quantity , and of the best quality , at a efepth of 800 foot. A more beautiful farming country never surrounded any city. The farmers , ns a class , are ) all well-to-do men nnd of a high intellectual order. The old Fumas farm , just join ing the city on tha west , now owncel by D. O. Cross , is certainly ono of the linesi farmers in Nebraska. Another beautiful farm , only live miles west , is owned by John Bath. This gentle man prides himself on tine stock , having a few thoroughbreel cows that have cost as high as $ lUO. Hois a wiele-awnku Englishman and fully understands - stands all Iho arts of farming. Wo merely mention these two line farms ns samples of thn many that encircle this city. Many prominent men still reside in Brownville. Our merchants are a genial , whole soulcd class of men , ready to elo anything for Iho upbiiihling ot the city. Wo think Brownvillo is not dead yet , but is only sleeping , taking a short rest nftor her years of great prosporily , nnd will ere long spring into great pros perity anel notoriety , when people will least expect it. Farmers are all fcolinf jubilant over present prospects for corn and wheat crops. Ex-Governor Fnrnas is busy mulling thousands of his now agricultural paper to the farmers ami enterprising men of the west. It is a grand success. Hemper School CominenoomRnt. BOONVIU.E , Mo. , Juno 10. [ Corres pondence of the BEE. ] The forty-third annual commencement of the Kcmper family school was held last night in the assembly room of the school. A largo and intelligent audience was present. The seniors acquitted themselves very creditably. The following are the grad uates : Latin course W. G. Boll , Austin , Tex. ; E. H. Blakei , Kansas City , Mo. ; J. T. Casey , Clinton , Mo. ; W. B. Waggoner , Atchison , Kan. Commercial course W. B. Beebe , Columbus , Ohio ; A. M. | Crooko , Kansas City , Mo , ; Al H. Nelson , Kansas City , Mo-i C. W. Templet , Kan sas City , Mo. It is universally conceded Hint moro proficiency has bcou shown in the examinations than ever before. The baccalauivato sermon was preached at the Presbyterian church by the Hov. W , H. Marquess , of Fulton , Mo. Mr. Mareutess preaeheel a very able sermon. The annual examination commenced Monday , June lit , and ended Wednesday at noon. A line street parade was given Tuesday , at 7 p. m. , by companies A auel B , KompeT catlots. The Kumper family school was founded in June , 1811 , nnd has therefore ! completed the forty-third year of ita existence. After the elcnth of Its founder in 1831 , the priueipalship of the school passeel into tno hands of T. A. Johnston , A. M. , who was for many years associate principal. During this entire period Its management has uoon actuated by n single aim , namely , to furnish to the youth of Missouri and the west such education as Is necessary to constitute thorough preparation for college or for business , and while doing this to attend carefully to the training of the habits and manners of its pupils , so that the education they rcceivo may be extondeel for good and noble purpose's. Its grad uates and former stmlonts are prominent in nearly every state In the Union , nnd it receives patronage from all parts of the west. During the year , sixty-two pupils have been enrolled. Last summer exten sive additions and improvements were made that airgre'gatod many thousands of dollars. Further additions anel im provements will bo made r.ml completed this summer before the opening of school in September. The Insntio llnxpltnl Acoldonts. LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 18. To the Edi tor of the BKE : 1 feel it my duty as n correspondent of the hospital to say something in regard to the system of government hero , which is being so stren uously criticised by the public. Surely it is most unwise to conclude "lax manage ment" to bo the source of the late acci dents. Docs not the world know thai fires , deaths and accidents often occur in rapid succession in families as in institu tions , maki ng it a proverbial truth thai "it noveT rains but it pours ? " Any ono who has had some experience in this work knows that no system of govern ment can secure an insane asylum from accidents. Several ellschnrgos have oc curred within the past few weeks , which goes to prove the .superintendent eloes not intend to bo lenient with these who prove themselves incompetent or unlit for the duties assigned them. Attendant ! slioulel bo careful how they siieak anel act regarding disobedience to the rules and regulations of the institution , ami- must learn that the rules are not more forms to bo complied with or ignoroel at will , but if honor and principle are not sufficient ngents to war rant n ready compliance , remem ber that a prompt dismissal is the result. Thoughtlessness , carelessness or neglect in any way cannot bo considered n suffi cient or worthy excuse. The pivsont corps of nttcndnnts are fairly well el s- ciplincd. The system adopted by the nsyluni requires that every ability neces sary to make a first-class attendant , nvtn- ifest itself sooner or later. Sometimes the inabilities of persons employed m euro of the insane are foundjout.sooner/ometimra later , but just us soon as such persons ure found incompetent to discharge their duties they must give up to others. It requires more good inllucnccs and gen eral ability to Keep the position than it docs to get it , for "many are called but few are chosen. " 1 will say that of all who are in the institution there are none whoso duties iiro more responsible ai.d more binelmg in over vjwny than' ho jo w ! c have immediate charge uf the patients , who are designated attendants. Peculi.il cuialificntion.s arc required to lit ono lor daily intercourse with the insane. Na ture must have endowed him with n hu mane heart and a discriminating judg ment ; he must bo duly impressed witli the responsibilities ho assumes. Upon attendants devolves n great duty. Let us look into the nature of this duty and the manner of its performance. What sncriticeus are to lo made , and what remuneration to be rc- coiveel. Attendants' duties are these of a servant nnd friend. No object of care must bo passed by on the right or on the left. Christian love must character/.o ! their course. Their tempers must bo sub jugated , their feelings disciplined so that under all circumstances they can aelmi n- ister to the law of love. They must nelopt fully the maxim , if smitten on ouo cheek to turn the other , nnd to possess their souls in patience. They have to learn to endnro abuses , insults , menacing , and even violence , nnd never forget that they nro offered by irresponsible beings , oven when jiielgmemt seems to say that malice , and not madness , instigates. With for bearance they must hold the hand , anel with the mantle of charity cover every oflensc. The position is not without sac rifice. Lives are perilled , the pleasures of society more or less limited , habits must often be changed , old associations destroyed , and new ones formed. No moment of time , while on duty , is their own. As to remuneration , no ono who labors merely for wages , is worthy his station ; yet wages are necessary , biit I am sorry to say , are not in the least justifiable or even encour aging for either man or woman to make the sacrifices that are absolutely neces sary to make the position a "profession. " There should bo n standard of wages , regulated by the general assembly of each state , as an'object to urge those engaged in the work to do good , to minister to the wants.to investigate the ills and alleviate the sorrows ot suffering humanity. The nlllictions with which attendants have to elo pre-sent motives to exercise all the better feelings of their natures. They are called upon to persuade the obstinate , cheer the gloomy , console the disconso- lute , culm the excitedbind up the broken heart , anel aiel in calling homo the lost anel wandering faculties of the human mind. There is no field of labor throughout - out the state where rests more responsi bility and requires more sacrifice to bu made and more perseverance to endure than ele > es tlu position of an attendant in the hospitals for insane. DR.PRICES SPECIAL Ntfrg NATURAL TROT FLAVORS MOST PERFECT MADE hy the United Rtitca Oorcrntniint. Endorsed liv tlio lie&Udnt the Orcat Uulvi-rrltlat anil J'ubllc f'ood Anulr'UaiTtiemroDKuat.rureat , and muitllualthtul. Dr. I'rlco'B tlio milllulilo : J'owder that ilwa not contain Ammonia , Mmoo- ,1im. Dr. 1'rlce's KJtrnctH , Vanilla , I , 'mon. etc urdollciuualy. I'JUClilJAKiyo I'OWHKUCO. crue'.VUlro.H : ; rnUlcilctU . ruMcombln d. Uuftrantrcdtho emj una In tlio vroilUirrntritluz ACuntliiuoits J'trctrta if Jfncnrrij ourrrnf. BtuntlUcI'owtrfui , Uui&Mu , f'omforuMs anU tllecilTe , ATOlit Irnu-lt. Of > r ( I OOll cured. Rcn lheimp for pAniiihlfeL AIXI ii.i.ui : me ) im.in rou imuAm..t Ol. MURNE. iH tNTOR. 181 WAIAU AVE. , titHU