iTHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : * MONDAY. JUNE 20. 1887. FIMANUIAU NEW Yonic , Juno IS. ( Special Telegram to Ihc HKK.J Srnr KB The stock market 'opened rather heavy this inonilne , though the declines from last cvcnlny'i liual prices were for Insignificant factionsonly. Heading was actlvo and there was it fair tradlni ; In 1'nclllc .Mall. The maiket was linn and slight ndvances wore established over the entire list , whlln Ucadlni : showed decided strctmth , advancing } f per cent. Later pilces receded from the host fl''itrus , hut St. Paul it Dulutli continued strong , scoring an advance of 1 percent. The stock market alter 11 o'clock became still duller If possible .than during thu fltst hour , hut prices attain recovered their lirm tone , though the chanqus In quota tions were few ami insignificant , except for St. t'.inl A ; Dulutli , thn pain In which was 8'f ' per cent fiom the opening price. Thu closy was very dull and linn to strong. loVKn.v.MKNTS ! Government bonds were dull hut steady. YKSTKIltlAV'S OUOTATIO * ? . I4'flcouiion.UMVC. ! . . * N. W. . . 121 < 1) . S. 4K's coiii' . . IW t do preferred. lM'f ' 1'aclllc > 's ot 'iij.z \ \ > 4 N. V. U Canada Sotith'n. . ( , < ) , ' { O. K , N lOi Centinl Pnolllu. . 10 O. T. lOiH \ Chicago * Alton. 118 P.iclllcMall do preferred..KM I' . , D. Ac K 37 C. , . Ac ( J US I'ullman Pal.Car.l.Vl 1) . , L. AsV ii : * % I ( u.idlng r.lH . J > . &U.U W Hock Island 1W ! J Kno WjSt. L. .VsS. F. . . . 41' ' ? do prelerred. . . . Tl'f ' do prcfprred. . . IllinoisC < 'ntral..l'"j ; { 0. , M. &Ht. P. . . , I. , I ! . .feW at | do prulerred. , li4)i ! ) K. , fe T : w St P. ct ( > W"f /ilto Hhoro ! )7 ) > 'fi ' do preferred L. * X 07 Texas Paclllc. . . . Michliran Ccnt'l. . W Union Paclllo. . . . fii ( j : Jlo. Paellic 107- ' < \V. \ . St. LA : P. . . . No. 1'acllic : ' ( , do jireferred. . doprufeired. . . . CU\ \V. U. Telegraph MONKV ox CAM , Kasy nt ! ! ( JJO per cunt , closed ollereii at I pur cent. I'IIIJIK .Mr.uc'ANiii.i : 1'Ai'Eit > T fl per cent. STKiir.i.vo K.VCHANOI : Dull and steady lit S4.St f for bixty day bills , and Sl.bljf tor ( leinniid. I'llODUCJi : MAKIIKTS. Clilcnco. , luno 18. Following rjuota- tlons arutho ! iKU : closing lleurrs : Flour ( Julct and unsettled , nvcrailii ; ; 'IB ' ® 20c uelow last wcelc's iiuotatioiis. \Vhcat-Julct and steady , lluctuatlonscnn- lined to a limited inn o ; opened lower and closed about the .sainu as yesterday ; cash , 71Kc ; July , 7U % ; Auirust , Vc. Corn Upcnt'd a Miado tinner than yester day and closed ' # aj c higher ; cash , SOO-Kic ; July , : )7Vc ) ; : AIIKUSI , 3Jje , , Oats Dull but a shiidu better than yester day ; cash , 115 iMCc ; ; July , 'JG7-lCc ; August , " ? - ) at 6Hc. Harloy--ateady at r > 'Jc. Timothy Seed Pilinc , 52.05. Flax Seed-81.18. Whisky Si.iu. Pork Dull und nominal. Lard Unsettled lit a slight decilnn rash and July. SC.i.'KCt0.3 : ( > ; Anisust. SM : > ( $ ( > A X. Uulk Meats bhoulders , S'l.dO . 'i.'O ; shoit clear , S7.7i@7.75j ( short ribs , 8r.'Ji : ; 7. : . Huttcr Kaaiur ; creamery , l-lc ibc ; dairy , 12f ICc. Cheese Steady ; full cream ched- dara , 7iiKc ( : Hats , SQS'/c ; JOUIIR Amor- leas , 8 > 4ciSKe ; bklms , 'Jji'tirx : . KIIKS Lower at IKJil'Jc. Hiles-Unchantedheav.virecn ( ; salted 7 > fc ; llKhtdo , 7fScs.iltud ( ; bull hides , Gc : ureon ; dry Hint , laCtUto ; dry calf , UJMHc ; < teaconslOoeach ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow Firmer ; No. 1 country , 3 o ; No. 2 , ; ! % c ; cake , 8K@3 c. UecuiiiH. Shipments. Klour , bbls 8(03 0,000 Wheat , bu : w.OX ( ) Corn , bu 7sooo I3iooo : Oats , bu ll'.OOO IIH.OOO Uyc , bu . % 1,000 Uarley , bu 8,000 7,000 Now Kork. Juno 18. Wheat Kccoipts , SIS.OOO ; exports , 101,000 ; spot } ( < MJ < fc higher und talrly active , closing linn ; options vari able and Irregular ; Juno advanced % , clos- Init at the best ; latter months % & % < } lower , closing linn with slight reeoveiy ; ungraded red , B'JOtVl c : No. 1 red , (5 ( c ; No. v ! red , Kio elevator ; iM'/e ' tree on board ; lM 4@'J-l o delivered ; Jnlv closini : at bSe. Corn-Uecelpts , 10.30U ; exports , M.SOO ; spot lirm ; options nculcctcd and inoro or less uals Heeeipts , lisuuooxiwits : , iftS ; mixed vesiern , u Qltflc ; white western , S7n441e. Petroleum Steady ; United elosi-d ntfi3 c. Sternly ; western fresh , PorK Dull and nominal : mess at quoted 814.50@14.75 for old ; Sis.ool5.t tor now. Lard Dull , lower aud heavy ; western bteam , spot , minted at 50.07k1 , IJutter Quiet and weak ; western , 12n ; cioauiery , I518e. ( ; Chceso Dull and depressed ; western , 7 } Cincinnati , Juno 18. Wlieat Firmer ; No. 2 red , 80c. Corn Dull ; No. 3 mixed , 40c. Oats Easy ; No. ! i mixed , 8yu)20Wc ( ) , Kyo-Dull ; No. 2 , G2c. Provisions Pork qulot at 815.00 ; lard nulot nt S0.0. ! ! Whlssy Quiet at 81.05. Milwaukee. Juno 18. Wheat-Quiet ; cash , 72 > ( Tc ; July , TO c ; September , 70xc. Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 37c. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white. We. Jive Steady ; No. 1 , 57c. lliirloy Dull : No. 2 , 50J4e. Provisions Quiet ; pork , 411110 , 514.50. Minneapolis. Juno 18. Wheat Steady and Inactive ; No. 1 hard , cash and July , 71Hc : AuKtist , 7lKc on traek ; No. 1 hard , T.c ! : No. 1 northern , 72c ; No. a. northern , 70c. Flour Firm ; patents , 54.254.S5 ? ; bakers' , ' Itocelpts Wheat , ii3,000 : bu. ; flour , 240 bbls. Shipments Wheat , 0,000 bu ; flour , 17,000 bbls. bbls.New New Orleans , Juno IS. Corn Dull and lower ! mixed , 49c ; jcllow , 5lc ; white , M 55c. Oats Easier at 30& CornmOal Quiet at 82.30. UOK Products Dull and. drooping. Pork -815.50. hard-0.02K. IJulk Moats-Shoulderf , 50.00 ; ionic clear and clear rlti , S7.75. K naa Olty , June 18. Wheat-Steady : No. a red. 65tfc. Corn-lllcher ; No. 2 , cash , SS c ; July , 80c bid , satfe aakcd. STOCK. Chloaxn , Juno 18. The Drovers' Jour- Dai reports as follows : Cattle Kecelpis. 1,000 ; shlpplnK steers , J3.40Q4.35 ; stockrrs and feeder Sl.Wi 3.20 ; cows , bulls und mixed , 81.50(3 ( 8.15 ; Texas cattle , 82.25Q3.00. Hogs llecelpts , 12.000 ; slow and 5c lower : roiiKh and mixed , S4.80Qt5.05 ; packlncant shipplnc , S4.li50t5.15 ; light , 84.SO&5.05 ; klu * . ! Jl40i4.70. : ( ; Sheen Kecolpts , 600 ; steady : natives 83.0004.60 : western , S3.60'M.20 ; Texaus J2.75 3.bO ; hiiubs , per head , | 1.40 ( 3.GO. Nationnl Stock Yards , Kn t Ht Ijouli. III. , Juno 18. Cattle Kecelpts , 600 : shipments , OOO : steady ; choice heavj native steers , 84.40@4.00 ; fair to good ship nlm : steers , S4.00ai4.40 ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , SUO : ( < } 4.00 ; feeders , fair te good , 83iicl.2. > ; stockers , fair K good , 82.20yi3.10. UOKS Itrceipta , 21.000 ; shipments , 1,200 active and stump : choice heavy and butch ers' selections , S5.05&5.20 ; packlngand York era , medium to prime , 84.85(35.00 ( ; pies , com won to good , & 4.2.Xg4.tO. KnniaH City , June ia Cattle Kecelpts 600 ; shipments , none ; shipping stronger common to choice. ? 3.50i t.20 ; good cow and butchers , steady : stockers. iGO < g.l5 : feeding steers , S3.2u < ( i3.45 ; cows , S2.XHiii.2J ( : itoirs-Uecelpts , 7.000 ; shipments. 4.000 heavy , 5c hiKlwr ; pits , weak and 5 < 3iu lower : common to choice , 84.45(34.1)0 ( ) ; skip and plKs , S2.7534. 40. OMAHA LIVE STOCK. Saturday , June18. . Cattln. The run of cattle was Hunt again to-da and then * was barely enough In to make i market. The few that changed hands wen at about steady prices. HoK . ' The run of hogs was fairly liberal for th close nf the week. The market was slow t open and the buyers were very backward On account of the heavy run duriuir the wee and the liberal purchases on the part of th packers , they had nearly all the hogs the could kill during week. Shoe p. There were no fresh receipts and nott lug doing on the market. IlCCCtltS4 | ' " ' ' . . / ' Cattle. . ' . . , K . ; . . ? i . 800 Llo s. . . . 4,200 Prevailing I'rlcon. Showlnitthoprovallln ? urlcoa pitJ tot llva sloekoti this nuikft : Choice steuH. MOO to 1500 lhs..84.oaa .15 Choice steers , 11W ton : > Ibj. . . 3.Wi ( l.oo Fat little steers WO to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75@ : .liO Kxtrachoicecowsand heifers. . . . 3.2.VJ3.5 : ( iood to choleo corn-fed cows. . . , 3.00i ( : ! .25 Common to medium cows . 2.40Q42.75 Hood to eholcn hulls . 2.75 3.00 Llcht and medium hnifs . 4.4"iW4.00 Uood to choice heavy hop ) . . . . . . 4.75@I.S" > ( iood to choice mixed hogs . 4.00iit.5 Itcprcjctitntivo Males. liivo Htoolc Hold. Showing tht ! nuniberot head of stock sold on Uiu maiket to-day CATTI.I : . O. 11. llaminond iVCo . 157 Local . 20 Total . . . 177 Jlo 9. Clarke Hros . 001 T. J. Upton . 207 .Squires vfeCo . 4S ) ( > . 11. lliuiimuiul & Co . 214 Hio : Hros . 127 Total . 1M ! ) Unsold . 2,275 Shipment. Showing thnnumbar of c.ittlo. hnjs and sheep shipped. Ironi the yards during the day. C'ATrt.R. No. cars. Jit. Dest. 5 . Mil . Chicago 1KIOS. 8 . U. 1 . loliet a . N. W . Chicago SIIIIP. : 8 . U. I . Chicago All s'xlosof stock in this market are tnado per ewt. llvo weight unless othurwlsust.vted. Dead hogs sail at Me per Ib. for all weight * . "Skins , " or hogs weUhlnsr loss than 100 IDs , no v.iluo. Proliant sowsara Uuokuvl 49 lUd. and stags 80 Ibs. by the nubile inspector. Live ytook NOICH. A dull day. No sheep market. Light run of eattlo. Hog tccelpts liberal. Over one-half nf the hogs unsold. Fowler Hros were not on the market. Hon. A. 13. Slater , Wayne , was hero with hogs. V. Allyn , Plum Creek , was a visitor at the yards. J. Manlon , Wabash , was hero with a load of hogs. A. S. llerr , Alma , was hero with two loads of lions. William Uarton , Dewltt , was In with a load f cattle. Packers had moro hogs than they could audit1. li. A. Smith , Oxford , came In with two oads of ho/s. George Brown Is out again and able to at- end to business. 11. K. Palmarton , Holdrege , was hero with wo loads ol hogs. P. A. Harrett , Weeping Water , was hero ml sold a load of hogs. George F. Moore , Sallna , Kan. , was amoni ; ho visitors at thn yards. A. K. Horn , of A. K. Horn & Co. , Chicago , vas looking over the yards. L. T. Martin , of Martin Hros. , Chicago , iassed through heio on Ids way west. P. Mm phi , Itogors , Nob. , s-old a load of logs averaging 300 pounds at the top piice. K.V. . Hlack , Plattsmouth , was In with two oads ot hogs. One load brought the top price. Messrs. Kills Ac Pleasant , Dewltt , were in mil marketed h7 head of 1243-lb cattle at 5M.1U. Out of twenty-tlvo lo.uls of hogs shipped by L4'o\vler liios. to ChlCiigo thuro weio 232 dead iogu. D. Guernsey , Alma , a well known banker ind cattle man , was union , ; the visitors at the yards. Unckloy it Hess , Stromsburif , well-known bankers , were in witli live loads of eattlo and one load ol hojts. W. C. H. Allen , foimerly a well-known clti/.cn of Omaha , but at present of Idaho , and stock agent of thu Oregon Short Line , s at the yards. Mr. Younz , with McCloud & Love , has ro- : urned from Chicago , wheri ) he had been with a load of cattle. While standing In the caboo o an engine struck the train and hurled him igalnst the side of the car , bioaklng a rib In two places. OMAHA \VHOLiUS\LI5 MAKK.UT9 General 1'roiluce. Saturday , June 18. rite foUowlno arc the ) > rlrcn nt which raitnd lotn nf firotlucc arc mild In tills initr- i\ct. 'J'lie iinotntlons ou frnlta nnd other commodities shipped In from n dtytitncr. arc the prices nt u-hli-h vittsldc orders arc filled : Hoes The receipts continue light and the market Is stronger. The bulk of the stock is moving at liv < ; (3'l''c. ( UUTTKK The receipts are liberal and In excess of the local demand ; creamery , 15(3 ( ! I7c ; dairy , choice , lOQK'c ; dairy , good , Wai lOe. lOe.CIIKKSK. . Full rream Cheddars , smRle , 14c ; full cream flats , wins , He ; Young Americas , 14Vc ; fancy Swiss , Ifc ; Swiss , Imported , 25c : Llmburger , ISc ; brick , 1510c. POUI.TIIY The receipts nro fairly liberal. There are n good many very small spring chickens coining In which are slow sale : chickens , old , | 3.00 < % 3.25 ; spring , large , S2.50 @ : i.OO ; spring , small , bi.75@2.25 ; pigeons , 7501.00. POTATOES. Stock of all kinds Is scarce. Old potatoes arn eotng at SI.15 < gl.25 , accord ing to quality. New potatoes at Sfl.oo per barrel , OIIANOKS Santa Ana Mediterranean Sweets , per box , 54.00 ; 5 box lots , 8X75. LKMOXS The hot weather of the past few days has caused an increased demand tor lemons ; present low prices cannot possibly last much longer ; fancy bar , per box , $6.00 ; fancy , 15.50 ; fancy , 5 box lots , 85.00 ; choice , 84.50 ; choice , 5 box lots , per box , 84.00 ; lair to good , $3.75@4.00 ; fair to good , 5 box lots , 3.50@U5. : HANANAS , ETC. Port Union , per bunch , S3.00@4.00 ; cocoanuts , per 100 , 8t.50Ctt7.00. ) C > i.lKoiiMA FIIUITS California apricots , per box , SI.75 ; plums per box , S2.0U : peaches , par box , 83,00 : cherries , 31.75. HKIIUIIS , KTC. Strawberries are about played out Very little good shipping stock arriving , lilack raspberries are plentiful and nice. Keel taspberrles very lirm , but too tender to stand lone trips. HlacKberrles are arriving in very nice condition. Blueberries have also put In an appearance. Domestic cherries are scarce anil will command hleh prices ; strawberries , per 1(5qt ( case. S2.50 : black raspberries , per 21 qt ca o 83.50 4.00 ; red raspberries , per24pt case , 82.50 ; hlack- berrles , per 24 qt ca e , S4.0or : ) .oo ; hlackbcr- rles , per 1 bu stand. 84.50@5.W ( ; cherries , per 2 nt basket , 8l.75a2,00. ( ; PEACitig : Per one-third bushel box , 81.50 91.75. Arri.KS-Apples are now bcclnnlnr' to come In. One-thlid bushes boxes will be quite plentiful within n few days. New ap ples , per Kbu. box , Sl.ooCil.25 ; per bbl , 55.00. VKOETAIJI.KS New potatoes , Cal. , per Ib , 2X < 33cMo. ; . , per bbl. , S3.50 ( < 2 > 4.00 ; new on ions , per bbl , 9X50 , iier box , 11,50 ; cabbage , per crate , 84.00(21.50 ( ; tomatoes , per K bu. box. ei.250Sl.40 ; turnips , per bbl , 83.003.50j beets , per bbl. S3.0 ; i3.50. WATKISMKI.OXS There have been several cars Inhlch met with ready sale at 825 per hundred. Cantelnupes ant expected shortly , 1'ltovisio.NS. Ham , 12c ; bre.ikfast bacon rib , 10 ; breakfast bacon , plain , lOKc ; dry salt sides , SXt > Jf ; dried beef , reztiUr , 10(1 ( 11 ; dried beef , ham pieces , ISc ; lara , 50 ID cans. G c ; lard , 20 Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7c : lard , 10Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7'fc ; lard S Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7Xc ; lard , 3 lo cans , Fair banks , 7,9 c , General Market ! . VAUXISHKS Harrcls. per Rallon , Furni ture , extra , SI. 10 ; fiirtilttirc. No. 1 , 81.00 ; coach , extra , 81,40 ; coach , No. 1 , S1.20 ; Da- mar , extta , 81,75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum extra b5c ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil llnlsh , 51.50 Dnv PAINTS- White lead , 7c : French zinc , 12c ; Paris whtUntr , 2Uc ; whltinc , gliders , 2 c : whiting. com'I , l'ic ; lampblack , ( ier- manstown. 12o ; latnoblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prussian blue , 55c : ultramarine , Ibc ; Vandyke brown , b'c : umber , burnt , 4c : limber , raw , 4e ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris L-reon , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common , 22c ; chrome gieen , N. \ . , 20c ; vermlllion. American , Ibo ; Indian , raw and burnt umber , Mb cans , I2c ; raw and burnt sienna 12c ; Vandyke brown , l5c ! : iclined l.imti- black , 12c ; coach black aud Ivory black , lOc ; ( hop black , ICc ; utlr.una- rlno black , ISc ; chrome green , L. , M. A : I ) . , 10 ; blind and shutter green. L. M. & D. , lOc ; Paris crf-en. 20c ; Indian led 15c ; Vrnetlan red , Oo : Tu can , 'J2cAtncrlcan : vermillion - million , Ij. & 1) . , 20c : vellow ochre , 2e : Jj. M. it O. D , ISc ; good ochre , lOc ; patent dr > er. be ; graining color , llnht.oak.darl : oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , I''c. DIIUHS AND CIIKMICAI.S. Acid carbolic , 50c ; aeid tarlarle. 52c ; balsam copaiba , per Ib , OOc ; bark sasafrass. per Ib , U'c ' ; calomel , per Ib , 7bc ; chlnchotildla , pero25cehloroioriu ; , per Ib , 50c ; Dover's nowdeis , per Ib , tl.'ii ; epsom salts , porlb , M'-jc ; glycerine , pine , per Ib. 30c ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20c ; oil. ca'-torr No. 1 , per gal. 81.00 ; oil , castor. No. 2 , per gal , 81.40o ; oil , olive , per gal , 61.40 ; oil , orle- iiiinuiu.rA ; ; opium , 84.50 ; iulnlne | , P. it W. and K. its. , per ; oTUo : potosslum , Iodide , per Ib , S3.25c ; sallcln , pei 07 , 40e ; sulphate morphine , per at , 83.85 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c ; strvclinine , per o51.10. . PAINTS IN On. White lead , Omaha , P. P. , OUc ; white lead , St. Lr.nls. pure. 7c ; Mar seille ? , green , 1 Ib cans , ICp ; French zinc , Kit-en seal , I''e ; Fiench zinc , red heal , lie ; French /.Ine , in varnish ass ! . , 2Uc ; French zinc , 7."ic : vermlllion , English , In oil , 75c ; red. lOc : ro u nink , lie ; Venet an red , Cook- .son's , 2jeenetlan ! : red , , lJ < jc ; red lead , 7Ke ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20e : ehrome yellow , K , 12c , ochre , roehelle , 3c ; oehre , Ftdiich , 23ic ; ocluc , American , ll c ; Winter's mineral , 2'-je ; Lehlgh brown , 2Jic ; Spanish brown. U e ; Pilnce'.s mineral , 3c. SiMKirs Cohi.'iio&Dlrlts , IbS proof , SI. 10 ; do 101 pioof. SI. 12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 prouf. SI 10 ; do I'sb proof , Sl.rjy. Alcohol , Ito proof , ! r2.18 per wine gallon. Kedls- tllled whiskies , Sl.OO l.riO. Gin , blended S1.50 < H2.00 ; Kentucky bouibons , s2.00itO ( 00 , Kentnckv and Prnnsvlvanla ryes , S2.0J ® G..W ; ( irilden Sheaf liouihun nnd rye whiskies , Sl.f < 00 : .00. lirandles , impotted. 85.iu\itS.fiO ) ; domestic , : ! ( Jlns , iuipoitedSI.50rta 0.00 ; domestic , Sl.2.Vit.00. : ! Champa lies , im ported , per case , S'-W.OO ( < i)3.00 : ) ; American , ercase , 81d.OOvi5lC.00. limes Groan butchers , I KGifio ; creon cured , 7c ; dry Hint. ll@12c ; ury salt , IVMOr ; green calt skins , be ; damaged hides , two- thirds price. Tallow 3e. Grease Prime white , 3c ; yellow , 2o ; brown , 1K . Sheep pelts , 25@75c. HKAVV llAiiDWAiu : Iron , rate S2.70 ; plow steel , special c.i t , l ! c ; ciuciblo f-teel , OJ c : cast tools , do , T'c lbc ; wagon spokes , per set , S-MKM.50 ; hub- * , per .set , Sl.'J'i ; tcl- Iocs , sawed , di y , Jjl.60 ; tongues , each. t-Oe ; axles , each , 7."ic ; sijuaro nuts , per Ib , OlOi'lc ; cell chain , per Ib. OJ 'glSo ; mulleable , bftilOc ; iron wedges , Oc ; erowbais , Oc : hauow teeth. 4VC1 spring steel , 4'7i,1c ; Burden's hni-so blioos , 84.75 : Burden's mnlo shoes , S5.75. Ilni boil wiie , In car lota. Si.UO per 100 Ibs. Iron nailsrates.lO to 50,82.00 ; steel nailsS2.75. Shot , M.5 ! ; buckshot , 81.00. Ha/ird : powder , kcL-s , 85.00 ; do , half kegs , S2.75 ; do , ( inarter ke.-s , 81. 50 ; blasting , kegs , S2.10 ; tube , per 10 feet , 0 je. Lead bar. S1C.OO. ( Jrnccr's List. CorKKK Ordinary grades , 21ft22c ( ; fair , 2iri 2ic : ; prune. 23Q24 : choice , 84Q125 ; fancy preen and yellow , 24@-5c ; old goveinment Java , ffii S : ; interior Java , 24 ( < J2V ( ; Mocha , 2S@SOc ; Ai buckle's , roasted 'Jsjfe ; Mc- LauL'hlln'sXXXX. 2S c ; Dilwoith's , 27c ; Ked Cross , 27'4c. Svisfi' No. 70 , 1-gallon kegs. S1.2S@1.30 ; New Orleans , per irallon. 3i@4fie ; ; inapln syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , 810.10 ; halt gallon cans , per doS" > .50 ; quart cans , SI ! HO. CANDY Mixed , h' . nic ; stick , b > # @OJ < fc. Ci\n\iis : : Garncau'h soda , butter and picnic , 5rfe : creams , b > c ; ginger Mups,8 } c ; city soda , 71 0. PICKKI. ' . Medium , in bbls , 87.00 ; do In half bbls. S4 00 ; small , in bbls. Sb.lO ; ( In , In half bbls. S4.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , S'J.03 ; do , In half bbls. 55.00. Su < iAit Granulated , G1(3G ( > e ; conf. Af 5 ? O'c ; white extra C , 5Xf 5Je : uxtr.i C. 5ftc ( ; yellow C.5'5Jbe ' ; cut loat , OM puwdeicd , ' CANNKD ( .foons Oysters , stnndaid , per case. 32.00 3.10 ; strawbeiries , 21b. per ca'-c , 52.30 ; raspberries , 2 Ib. per ease , S2.2y < i2.45 ; California pears , per ca e , S4.50 ; apricots , per case , 84.0 : ; peaches , per cas" . 84. ! K ) ; white chenies , per case , SI. 50 ; plums , per o.nse , S3.5U ; bluebeiries , per case , il.b5 ; egg plums , 2 In. per case , 82. 5o ; pineapples , 2 Ib. per case. S3.20@5.75 ; 1 Hi. mackerel , per Am , 81.40 ; 1 Ib. balmon , per do/ , S1.50@1.55 ; 2 Ib. gooseberries , per ease , SI. 75 : 2 Ib. slilni : beans , per cne , S1.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per case , ; ; 3 Ib. manowtat peas , per case , S2.40@2.50 ; 2 I b. early Juno peas , per case , S2-75 ; 3 ID. tomatoes , 52.50 ; S Ib. corn , 52.50. _ Dry Lumber. DIMCNS1ONR AND TIMilKUS. | 12 It U ft 1U ft IS ft 20 ft'22 ' ItlSft . ] _ . - . ] . . 2x4 17.50 1 7.50 17..W If.M I9.VI2.50 22.53 SxO 17.fa 17..1J.17.5U 18.5U ID.322.M 22.50 ZiU \.Ui 17.SJ,17..r.U 18.5) l .5J12i.Ml22.5a ZllU ' 37.rii ( I7..r0 17.5U IS.f.O III..V ) C2.0U 22.M i'Xia 117.5 . 17.f)0 17.5J 1S.M ) lU.fiO I'll W 22.50 18 W)1 ) IS 50 111.60 20 SO ' . .I ft'i 1IOAUDS. Ao. 1 , com , sis . 819.50 No. 2 , com , si s . 17.W ) No. 4 , com , sis . 13.50 rr.NciNO. No. 1 , 4 ifcflin , 13 & 14 ft , rough . 819.00 No. 2 , " " " . . 15.00 SIDINO. A , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . Sa.03 B , " " " . 20.50 C , " " " . 15.00 D , " " " . ' . . 13.00 CE1MNO AND l'AUTITIO > . 1st com. , Jf In White Pine Ceiling . 8 - ° 'J Clear , } ( In. Norway Pine Colling . 10.00 A 6 Inchf white pi'n ? . ! . S3WK ) " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' E" - ' ( SeVFn'cj : . . . . . . . . . , STOCK BOAKUS. , _ „ . . 845.00 No. 1 , com. 12 In s. 1 8./12. A14 . 20.00 " . -in ft . i .oo No. a m .tua. . . woo ' " " " " 16 tt . 17.0J . 1st and 3d , clear , iv inch , s. as . ? 50.oo H clear. 1 Inch. s. a s s5 IK. IK , - In 45.03 JU heltci , 1 inch , s. 8 s 30 ; ll'i,2in 37.00 POSTS. White Cedar , 6 in. , xs 12c ; 9 ln.qrs..llo U. S. DEPOSITORY. Capital $5OO,000 Surplus 100,000 Herman Kountze , President. John A. Creighton , Vice-President. F , H. Davis , Cashier. W , H. Mevquier , Asst.Cashier. . Union National Ban OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , . $100,000 Authorized Capital . 600,000 W. W. MARSH , President. J. W. RODKFKU , Cashici Accounts solicited and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to its care. Pay 5 per cent on time deposits. No 200 Masonic Building , cor.Capltol Av enue and 16th sts. Telephone No 842. DAN. SULLIVAN , Sewer connections made in any part 01 ( he city. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1C20 Cipltol Aveune , Omaha. Union TrustCo SOSS. 15th St. , Omnliii , Neb. Capital , - $300,000 lnan < * Pilule on Renl r lutc. School , County ntul Municipal Bonds Nc- WM. A. PAXTON , Ijt U. Wu.u * MS. I'lCfidont. Vlcn 1'rcs , Hour. L. UARI.ICIK , 1. II. JOHNSON , Sccrctiiry. Troasurcr. DlUiCTOUS : : WM. A. P.VXTOX , HKMIV T CI.UIKE , W. o. MAIM , , I. H. Wii.i.iM . HOIIT. I * ( iAiiMrii . S. It. .IO r. H. JOHNSON , THE BANK OF COMMERCE JfilO Xnrth UHh Street , Paid In Capital , - - - - $100,000 QUO. H. IIAItKKIt. I'ri' lilciit. KO11T. U ClAltLR'HS , Vlcp-Presldcnt. T. JOIINS'JN.CusliIor. niHECTOHS ! S < ' ! ! ! , It JOHNSON , ( ! no. K. , HOIIT. L. GAHMUIIS , WM. SIUVKIH K. U. JOHNSON. A cpncrnl bnnltlntf business trn.ii8n.ctoJ. liitcicst nlumcd on line ilotioalts. (111(1 ( ( Oll Cor llith and lou'hissts. ) Capital Stock $150,000 Liability of Stockholders 30O.OOO The only rcKUl'ir fnvlnirs blnk m the tiito Kivo pcrecnt Intercut pi : u on dupos.ts. Loans Made on Runl atato. OKHCKIW : OtivC. IUIITOS , I'rc'sMenf J. J. nitowx. Vlco I'resldont ; I. . > f. IlKN'NBrr. Mamutinr Hi- lector : JOHN K. Wtt.ntiu , Cashier. WoodbridgeBrothers STATE AGENTS i'Olt THL cker Brothers OMAHA. NEBRASKA. DREXEL & MAUL , Successors to Jno. ( } Jacobs , UXDEJf.TA HERS Ai\ At the ohNtnnd 1407 Faruura st. Orders bytclcpraph solicited and promptly at tended to. Telephone No. 225. KICHAHI ) E1HUTT , 31. K. C. V. S. , Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of the Uoval College of V cter nary Surgeons , London , England. Olllcc , Henham's Stable , 118 North ICtb Street , Omaha. DRS.5.&D.BAYIESON . . . 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo. Ol the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giescn , Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES , More especially thee arising fiom impru dence , unite all so suffering to correspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily with out detention from business , auditliout the use of dangerous drugs. Pa tients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms All letttrs receive immediate attention JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " to which ib added an ' Essay on Marriage , ' with important chap ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or gans , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise which should be read by all young men. Address , DRS. S. & D. DAV1ESON , 1T07 Olive St .St. L uis. Mo. PILESVWtlHEUM end all akjn dlseoeea. A new metbod ol eom- poundlnc Tar. A Cure guaranteed , or money rcfunilwl. Sold by druccl t , oiul ftt th office of TiR-OID CO..73 IMNlrHST. CHICiQO. frlcct ! , WELSHANS' GEM FLOUR. Mmlc from found wheat. Uest ( lem Klour mnilu. Milken bono unit mixcle. InflKoratet the hniln , ttroiiKtben tlie nerve * , i-nrltliei thn blood. BnlTercrafrnm riyinpsla , Indl eHilnn. confltlpntlon fll.ibetci , Rrlvht'n dlieHie. otc. , will Unit It Invulim- Mo. ( iOOl ) KOK WKI.I , I'KOPI.K. Onlor U of your dealer. Rumple imckaKO Iron to phynlclan who will par eii'rem charge j. Circular ulilnKfull purtlcu- Iur on uppllcatlnn. Welslians , Pratt & llalnoa , OninhaNeb Munufucturcrd ol' Ccical Spovlnltles. DR.OTTERBOURG Cor.Oth 4 Dodge Sts. Omaha , Neb. CURES AU n ; iL < Mu. ii > r\n [ , ( b lf Atuw ) , tlrru , ( Sci. utltuOulcrncc ) ; Conttifion , ( lllood Tut. on ) . Pl t ) rourrai iMl nMUortrrni . Ttnul tramp for full Irfurmalkiru CoDMluUon [ rti > n ny ( r I ) Jf In all Irtff b4 I'onrklnitiaL Offlfp Hour * . ilo ) I' ' > nt , y to ft amilo 8 p. m. On * Acont ( Hfirnant onirl w nt l in i-T > ry town for Your TanolU'g Punch Bo clgnr gives Konulno nntl faction , but competition here Is verygront. I think nftcr a while I may b alilo to Foil moro of them. T. UOBKHTS IlAKKIt. Drugelst , Hlcbmond , Vn. IEBBESS , R. W. TANSILL & 0. , CHICltl iblit : > lrdlkn _ tiUcrrtluiia or . _ OL-1B1IITIITO n New luriOTiu . , Grttuit Improvcmrnliottr all othtr l > lit. Wont irintntljrurtU In thr o month * . Kral < i pimr > hl t4c. Tka Bindin EUctrio Co. 189 LiSallc t. . Chicija CDCC TDIAIrf rntt Ks THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. DUMMY T11A1NS. llunulii' ' : bet\\eonCouiKill liliiirsnnd South Omalia. In additlun to the stations mt'ii- tloncil , tralm sunuitTwentieth ami'I weuty- fourth streets , nml at Summit , In Omaha , \VcHt\viird. COUNOlIj | Leave i Arrive CONNECTING LlNESiTransfer Tranler I depot depot 7:15 am 0:15 : a m All Trains run D.illy. 1 0:15 : a m 5 5pm 5:40 : p in 7:00 : pm C. & N.V. . i i t ; 15a m 9l5a : in dally AlHrainsrun 6:40 : p in 7:00p : m C. B. & Q. i I All trains run dally. . . . ] 0:35 : a m 0:15 : m C:35p : m 7:00p : m C. M. & St. P. AH trains run dally. . . . . | 0l5a : m fll5am : 0:40 : p in , 7:00 : Dm 1C C. St .1. is C. a I 'Except Satmd.iy. 10oo ; m 10:35 : am Except Monday. * 8:55pm : 5:30 : om W. St. I , . A p7 ] All trains ruii daily . . I 2l5pm ; 12:15 : pm AJltralnsrun . 'tally. . . . . J 7:05 : a m : a m 0:2o : urn b:50pm : Thcenlr road to take for Des Molnei Mar- thnlltown , C < lrtr Uaiilda.Cllttin , 1)1 ion , Chica go , Milwaukee aud all points cwht. To the poo- ile ot Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming. Utah ilnho , Nevada , Orcpon , WaahlnKton and Cnll- fornU , It od rs tuperlor tdvantages not possi ble by anjr other line. Among few of the numerous point * of su periority enjoyed by the patrons of this rood between Omaha and Chicago , are Its two trulni a day ( DAY COAUHB9. which are the llnest thnt human art and Ingenuity ctn oreite. lu PAI.ACK BI.KKPINO OAKS. wUlch - re models nf oorafon and elegance. Its PAKLOIt IlliA W. INn KOOM CAIIS , unmirpnised by mny.and Ita widely oelebratod PALATIAL DINING OAKS tue equal of which cannot bo found eliowhere At Council BlufU the trains of the Union I'aclflo Ky. connect In Union Depot with those of tlia Chicago Ac Northwestern Ity. In Chleiigo the trnlns ofthUUnn muke close connection with thoee of all eastern lines. For Detroit , ColumbUR , Indianapolis. Cincin nati. Niagara/alii , Buffalo. FltUburg.Toronto , Montreal , Boston , New VorK , Philadelphia , Baltimore. Washlntton find all points IB the east , ask for a ticket via th "NORTH WKBTBBN. " If you wtan the best accommodation. All ticket agonU sen tickets via this line. H. RDGH1TT , B. P. WILSON. Gent Maner , nenL PaM'r Aen BABCOOKehl ° Wl " W. M. , "V B. BOLLKB. Western Agent. City Pass'r Agent. Omaha , Nebraska. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee &SL Paul Rj TJic Rent Route fi-oin Omaha and Council IHiiffx foj Two Tiains Daily Del ween Omaha and Council Ulullb Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids Rock Island , Freeport , RockforJ , Clinton , Duhuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , licloit , Winonn , La Croste , And all other Important points East , Nottlicast mid Soulheuit. For through tickets cull on tlio ticket ngont at Hll Fanrnii , tt , in I'uUun hotel , or ut Union 1'iK-lflo rtepot. rullmun Sleepers and the llnest UlnlnK Cars In the vrnrld uru inn on the inuln line of the Chlcugn. Mllwuukto & St. 1'iiul Hallwuy und every - ery attention Ij pulil to pit8 ongers by tourte- oudumploecn of the compuny. It. MII.I.KH. Uencrul Munagor. J.F. TI'CKEIU ABilctatitCuncriil Manager. A. V. U. UAIUT.NTKH , ( Jencrul 1'aiscngcr and Ticket Agont. . IlKArronii , Assistant General Paiien- ger and Ticket Agent. J. T.CUAIIK , General $ ut > crlnUudeat. Omafia Agricultural Implements. Wholesale Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wncnng , Crrl iU' aud lUitplcf. Jonc Mrt'ct , tvlvtocn utb nntl loth , Omaha , N U. lMsfC. l7/r C'O. , Agricultural Implements , Waioni.rarrlaaoi , Ihiuilos , Hie. , Wholcmlo , Om h . PARLIN , OK liNtO KlC VTholonalo Dealers In AcrrlcuKunil Implements , mi nugglen. 001 , 103. ' .US nmt'.UT , Jones t Artists' Material , A. 110SPE , ,77 ? . , Artists' Miiteriuls , 1'iunos mill Organs , lift Hoimlm Street , ( minim. Builders' Hardware and Scales. itiMEiiAL'G uTr , f r/o7 BulUler8'lltmlwiire&3c.ilo ! Repair Shop Mechanics' Tuoii nml IhilTiilo Soaltp * . HXi Uouglai eU , Omaha , Job , Boots aid Shoes. ir. r. MOUSE tvTco. Jobbers of Hoots anil Shoos. 1411 F rn m it , OnmhV Nfb , MituutnctorT , Summer Mrci't.mmo-i Z.T. LINDSEY C CO' Wholcs.ilo Uubbor iioot * ami Shoes Rubber nii'l ' Dllotl nuiiiliirf im.i ivit llooti nndShoos. Southc t Cornoi' UUi ami Douglas. cer. Laser licer Hrowerst , U31 North Uth Street , Omidm , Neli. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , Sausaso Catlngi'Of nil kind * alwarslu 'lock. 121 ! ) Jonus si. .Omaha Coffee , Spices , Etc. czrosffwTrwpsriciwrr Omaha Coftvo and Spice Mills. Tea * , Oofree , Splrrf , Itnklnu Vowdor , Kl YOrlnzISt trade , -aunOry lllue. Ink , Kic. lllt-IC llorrojr ( > i n'lU.Dur.iUn. .N etL Cornicf , . John Eponctur , Prop. Manufacturer < ! Gnlanl i"l Iron end Cornice. 9X1 Itodgoand 10,1 una 10& N , IQtli L. RUEMl'lXG C HOLTE , Manufacturers of Orniinientul ( ialvauizcil Cornices , Dormer WlnUown , Klnaln.Meullcfekylli : lit , etc. 3103. 12tli At. , Omaha. WESTERN CO It NICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Galvanized Iron Cornice , ctr. Hpi'ct'o Improved Pnl < cut Mi'tollc Sbylliilit. 'Ori anil 510 8. 1 Mnt .Onmlm. Carpets. Jubbera ot Carpets , Curtains , Oil Clotlis. Ruirs , LlnoU'iiniK , MnttliiRH. Rtc. 1511 Ioug' s street. Crockery and Notions. /TWRIGHT , Agent for 'lie Miuuf Acturers nnd Importer ! ot Crockery , iilasHwaro , Lamps , Cblniucye , etc. omrc , 317 South 13th Bt. OinaliH , Nub. CLOTHING M. EL G U'l TER 'S Miinimotli ( 'lotiling Honso , Cor.ior lrutin : unU IVnth Street : * , Onmlm , Neb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing. Butter , Kh-uanixt I'ro'liico. ronilKt.iaenta nnllrltrd. licnilqunrtera for btimcwnrc , Ilorry lion s inU UrJ | > e lluskeli. 1411 Doiljcoitreut , Omalm. JtllUiKLL D It 11)DULL , nml Coiiiiuisiioa Merchants , llmtor , KM * t'ln'c c , I'o iHrr , Uaino , Oysters , etc. , etc. 112 S. nth bt. PEYCKE ItllOS. , Cominia.sinn Merchants. Fruits , I'roduco nml 1'rovUlons , Oiunhn , Neb. - irjuU.EEr.jy d > co. , " Produce Commission Merchants , Fonltrr , lluller , ( Jnmo , Kiults , etc. 220 8Uthet Unmhn. Nel > , Coal ano * Lime. uiu. r. lilAun , rrc . C. r. GnnntiAX , V. Vim. J. A. MUNliKUI.AND , Hoc. nnd Trcai. OMAHA COAL , COKE D LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 203 outii Thirteenth Street , Omuhii , Nob. / . . / . , iojt.\Mt\ - Co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Phlpporit of Cnnl unit Colt * . Coniont , Planter , l.lrne , llnir. Uro Ilrlrk , Druln. Tile nml Sewer I'lpe. ( mire , I'nton Ilotul. Funmm M. , dm Urn , Nt > b. ' ' Confectionery. F. P FAY'A Manufacturing : Confectioners , Jobbcnof l iulti.Nulp and CIcaiB. 1211 Karimm St. OniubK. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER dj CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , OUDI and Ammunition , 215 lo223 8. HlhiU , 1010 to rnain 8t..Onnli , N li. WEST C FRITSCUER , Manufacturers of Fine And Wholesale Deitlera In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos. 108 aud 110 N. ' , Uh struct , Omnha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Not ions 110 } and 110 * DouKlas , cor. llth St. , Omnha , Neb. Distillers. Dlstlllen of I.lqunra , Aleohol and Fplrlts. Importer ! and Jobbers of Wlnesami Liquors. WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILLE' CO. and ILER < C CO. , Importers and Jobtierc of Fine Wines and I.lquora. Hole m nuf etur ri o ( KtnnedT'n Ksit Indln lilt- leriunJ Domrsile Liquors. 1113 llnnieyht. furniture. DEWEY ( C STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Furnam ft , . Omah'a , Neb. CHARLES SHH'ERICK , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirror * , etc 1206,1201 and 1210 1'arnnra St. , Omaha Groceries , PAXTON , GALLAGHER C CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , No : . 705,707 , TOO and 711 S. 10th St. , Omnlin , Neb. McCORlt , JtAtAJJl" CO. , Wholesale Grocers , ltn nnd I.envcnwortli Dt , , Ouiuha. Hardware. LEE , FRIED < C CO. , Jobbers of Hardware nnd Nails , Tinwaru , flieet Iron , Ktc. AtcnU fur Howe bcnles , and Miami l'ond < rC'u.OmaliaNt'b. W. / . BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprloga , Waiton Stork , Hardware Lumber , etc. IMS and Ull llarnvr St. , Omaba. EDNEY .C GIItllON , Wholesale Iron aud Steel , Wagon and Can-lane Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware , Etc. 1417 and 1219 I.savf nwurtb St. . Omnb.t. Neb. MILTON ROGEJtti cC SONS , Steven , Ranpes , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantlet , O.-ate * . liruts Goods. 1321 mid 1323 faruuia hlieeu Omalia Jotters' ' Directory , ! Iron 1'AXTOX cC Iron Works , Wronsht nml Out Iron llnlKIInt Work , Iron fulr * . llnlllni : . Drums nml lilrtlpM , f > tc ui Knmnft , lira * * \Tork , < Ji < nnrnl Ifniimlrjp , Machine nn.l Ularktratlb Wort. Offlcoiin.lWork > , tl.r. llymi < 1iih ln t. / / . If.NAH'YKJi , -Miuiiifaotiiflnc : Heiilor ill Smokestacks , llcltoliln 'MMnV . .in.l Crnoinl lloll.T lltpalrloc , _ Mil lionul.K ttrort , Oin.ihn , _ K. II. MrMANIK C St'M.ITAN. OMAHA WIRE C tROX WORKS , Mnniif iclitrors of Ire niul Iron Itnillnu's , Desk Rail * , \Vliiilnw ( lunrd * . Kluwcr stnml < , \Viro Mint , > I1.N. \ . Hth. Orilf r bt mll iirom nlt nd 4Uw OMAHA fUMItElt CO. ,' , . All Klmlsiit nlhUiifif Material lit WholoseJe. Htli airoctunJ Union I'adtlo Trnok , Om h . " LOUIS HUADFOKD , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Uto. Yunlj-Corner 7IU nml UoUk'l" ! Corn I vthniul tou U . Wholcsalo Lumber , I 8H8. l4thFtreclOm. ib > , Neb. r. Colpoticrnnn ! ei\ 'C. N. DfETZ , Lumber. 15th and Callfornln Mrroti , Onmlm. N b. t W. GRAY , Lniii her , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Eto. Cor.Ctb nnd uouelas sts. , OaiaUa. N iX UOAGLANV , Lumber. 2' . W. HARVEYLUMRER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , K0.1 Fnrnam streetOmahn. C'nAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets aud 1'arquet Flooring , llth and Donclat _ Onislia. _ * JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported nnd American 1'ottUml Ccinrnl. Ptit < Avont forMllwnukeo llyilnuillc Cptuuntuud llest ( Julticy White l.liue. Life Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. Boyd. H'jpcrlntct.iant. | t Life Stock Commission. M. HUltKE ,0 SONS , Live Stock Cominissioiu _ Ooo. lluikp , .Mnnoecr Union Stoek Vardd.S. Oiinhn. Telephone Mt. SAVAGE c GREEN , Live Stock Commlsaion Merchants , Bhlpiuentsof PUT niul nil klnila of Stork follcH Ji Union Stock Ynnls. ( nnnhn , Nub Millinery and Notions. I. OllERFELDEK , C CO. , Importers nnd Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1213 nnd 13151 lamp ? St. cot , Omnhu , .Veb. Notions. Wholeialo Denlem In Notions and Fnrnishinif GoodH , 40.1 nnd 4J5 B Tnntli St. , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELb" MANUFACTURING I COMPANY , il Jfannfacttirci'd of Overalls , r * J > ; eans 1'ants , Shirts , Etc. 1102 nnd 1101 Uoulns Btreeft Onmhn , Neb. PAPER 4 i CARl'EXTKR PAPEIt CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry n nice vtocfc uf rrlntliik. , Wrn plnj and Writ" Intr iinpur , Spoclnl iitli < iitliin clven to rar load of orilorn , ivlilch nil ) ho shliipoil direct fro n mills. All diclurs will lecolvo personal nt'nntl < in. Weuuar < nntce goo.I anil low i.rkv . * . Illl nml 1111U Printing. REES PRINTING CO3fPAlfYt Job Printers , Klatik Hook Makerj. And Book Binders. lO'i nnd IfH South Kourtosutll street. Om.iln , Neb. WESTERNNEWSPAPER UNIO24 Auxiliary Tubliflhers. Dealers In Typo , Proves nnd I'rlnters' Kuppllos. 601 Kouth Twulf th .street. Pumps. NELL iC CO. , Mnniifnotiircra and Dealers la Hollers An ( Jonurul Mndiinpr ? Bliect Iron work , 8tcim I'ampr. SI\T ) IIII . Ao-n * tthuftlnir. Dodge Wood split I'liUoyi , Ueltla * . ata. Alsowaiiona , icrapcrs.nndb nlotles. UlMiu Lt * > Tenworlh 4t. Om.ihn CHURCHILL PUMP COT ' Wholesale PUIHIIH , Pijie , Fittings , ' Stenmnnd Water Suppllcn. HenUiU.irters fir Maj | KoastCo'sUoo'ls. lllllarnum H. , OrntiUa. Nob. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMf COMPANY. Mllis : nlram and Whltr Piip nlle % I'luinbinit Coeds , ncitlng. Hose. 91S unit IUO Far- nam St. , Omaha. H. K. Kclnm. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines. iteam , Water , Hnllvny and Mllllnu Supplier. KM MO , IKUand 024 Knrnam Bt. , O , uhn , Mb. Safes , Etc. P. iiOYER < & CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire and llnrii'ar Proof Safee , Tims locks , Vault * .and Jail Work. 10J1 Knrtiam strcot Omaha. N b. G. ANDRE EN , Omaha Safe Works , Uanufactiircrsof Klroaml IlariilarlVoofflafrs , Vault UoorB.Jnll Wrrk , Shutters and Wire 'Tork. Cor. 14th mid Jackson Kts. , Omaha , Me b , 5'osA , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISTlJlOWtC CO. , Wholesale llnnufacturciso ( Sash , Doors , lillnds aud Mouldings , llinnch o icelZil > BOIIN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould'jins.Stnlr Workand Interior Hard Won Junt upviicd. N. K. rar. 8th und L Omnba , Neb. KLEIN HOUSE Johnstown , Neb , The best accommodations for traveler ! ) The Lea hotel in town. F. G. FRITProprietor. . THE CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb. Thn licet kmnui u ml inurt popular lintel la I.ountlono ( > nliiilupiulniiiiontii | Hint class. Mculqimrlern lor i-ommurciid men and ull polltlum und piilillo triilhurlinrd. K.I' . HUOUEN.rroprlutor School , County and City Wo will pay hUrhesl prleo for . -A. : : ! JljOi ! ; iile tulo intb ) . Coituapomlunco tohcItoJ. S1TJLL BROS. ,