Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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120 pairs women's Curuco Kid , button , 50 pairs nions' Seamless Calf 15als , nt
worked button hole , at $1.50. This Is a $1.75. They usually aoll at $2.50.
solid shoo throughout and cannot be 18 pairs mcns' Seamless Calf Dal.s , at $3.
duplicated in this town for lets than It will pay to 0x31111110 them.
S'J.GO. We still have on sale 250 pairs of our
BO pairs mcns' Calf Congress , at $1.50uc- ; metis' cclohratod solid seamless calf
tual value , | 2.25. shoes at $2.50 , in all styles.
And that is the Old Reliable , 1320 Farnam St ,
Where we set the LOW PRICES.
Let Those Follow Who Can
Uo you hear mo ? I tell you them
is nothing llko it. M. F. Martin is
closing out liis stock to quit business
This is no idle talk. Ho means busi
ness from the jump , for ho has re
duced prices all over his immense
line stock of
Stoves and Carpets
And will sell to all who conio , strangers and all , on time , small payment down ,
balance weekly or monthly as you wish. Now is the time to lurnish a hou o
cheap and all on credit or for cash. Makes no diu'cronee , wo will sell for cash
just as cheap as wo will on monthly payments.
Store 017 and 01 ! ) South 13th street , between Jackson and Jones. Cheapest
place in Omaha to buy.
Leading Carriage Factory
Estimates Furnished on Application.
1409 and 1411 Dodge Street.
Store , Office and RanJi Wort : , Door and Window Screens made and
put up at bottom prices. Furniture Jlepalred and Upholstered *
Don't throw awny your old furniture when ture dealers nnd others ID the business who do
tou oiin hnve it repaired Knd upholstered for not mnko it specialty. Drop us a card nnd
milr what it will cost to got now , nnd your old we will call wltB gam plds of f urnlt lire covering ,
fiirnfturu In bettor than choip now. measure your windows nud doom and give
CAHPK1S LAID. WoKlvoour whole ntton- prices before your furnlturo loaves the house.
lon | to the business. Having had n lar o sxpo- Don't forget the place ,
* hence .f TO good In the satisfaction oust , we and feel prices confident below wo furni can 3O1 N. 15th , Opp. Baptist Church.
JRHIS is the perfected form of portable Roofing , manufactured by us
1 for tlio past twenty-seven years , and ia now in use upon roofs of
Factories , Foundries , Cotton Gins , Chemical Works , liuilroad Bridges ,
Cars , Steamboat Decks , etc. , in all parts of the vrorld.
Supplied ready for use , in rolls containing 200 square feet , and weighs
tvith Asbestos Roof Coating , about 85 pounds to 100 square feet
Is adapted for all climates and can be readily applied by unskilled
workmen. Samples and Descriptive Price List free by mail.
H.W. Jolmi' Fire ftndWaler-I'roof Atbettoi Sheathing : , Building Felt ,
Albettot Steam Packings , Holler Covering ! , Liquid 1'alnti , Plro-Vroof 1'alnti , etc.
VULOABESTONi Moulded FUton-Hoa Faekloir , Rlngi , Gaskets , Sheet racking , eta.
F.tahiUh d msa. 175 RANDOLPH ST. . CHICAGO. * w.i. < .Kji.ii i u.
For Sale by Chicago Lumber Co. , Omaha , Neb. , and Council Bluffr , Iowa *
Gratton & Hash's
Faulitn'i odilI , V8 t.,0 room liniue. city wntor Ambler's Bilil , Imyn . , 5 room hou o , well ctstorn OUiHcnsb , bulunce totult. barn. fiOOOi fTOO cn < h , 1ml. ROpcrmontb.
Lake's add , Ijtko ! . , 6 room liouso , vrcll , clstorul Nelson s tvJil.Cummlnx at , 5J ft fronUKB by 1'35 ' , 'J
S4JO ; IS.V ) CMnh.bul. fJOpcr montb.7 per cent. room home. J10,400i fl.UM cull , bnl , 3 years.
llorbiclt'Bldadil , IStti ft. , T room houo , barn , well , Dozgs A. Hill's add , 2.ithst.S room house , barn , well
Cittern , etc. , 14 'MKJU \ cash balance to lull , etc , M.WU ; ll.MJ cash , bnU t , 2 nnil 3 years ,
Omaha VIew , silatul tt4 room liouso , barn , well , Fairmont nilit , IWtUnvo. , 8 room tioiuo , city water ,
tlitcrndo..f..M ) ; 11,030 cmli bill tonrmngo. cistern , H.MOi $80Ucashtial. easy.
Uiualiu VIew , uliral * t.i room liouso , barn , well , Knuntzo AHulh'sBdd , 13th et. , nlco house , fruit and
CUtcrn , etcfVO ; 3'JO ' cush , bal 1,2,3 and < years. uliailotreos , etc , fl.OOJ ; consult for tormi.
Ouulm View , Mliiml t , 7 room houio , on wcit KountioAUuth' dd , Uth t. , 3 houses with Im
llopc , t..MO , f A ) i a li , 1ml 1,2 , mid 3 years , proventstTUOi I1V cash , b il. to arritngo.
AVulnut HillNicholas t.,5 room house , barn , fruit City , proper , O.ussU , 3 houses , cor , on ! d , rentals
trees,2lots , ! ! , ; ) ; fl.UOOrusb , buHJJpar month. | tt n month , I3JUO ; tenaa easy.
\Y hmt Hill , Nelson St. , 7 loom house , city witter , Citypropcr,0.iinit.'Jroouiliousoall . modern Itu-
Pico location , $ .1,100 ; K'.UfO c uli , bal In & year * . jirovoments , J15 , XIHca ; ti.
Walnut HillNlolul t t. , 7 room house , city water , Cltrproper , Doutlu st. . 10 room brlclc house , top
BiHitoJ i\nl o.Meaiud , S.I.WiVU ) ; cusli.balS yi'.irs. of lilll near IStli , 111,10) ) ; Hc.isli , bal. to urranue.
\Vnliint Hill , door Ki'ft ,5 room homo , well , cisti-ru CityproperWebstsc St. , 'J roam house , noarcar
barn , otc.l--W ; JKflcasli , bil CJSper month. linocityator.harn , WOWMc ; s' bal to arranue.
HeJIct1 , add , I'.irkavo. , 8 room liouso , large lot I'lty , proper , Webstar St. , 1) room home , l.irxo lot.
ftceiouVelructsSWOi ti'Mdowu. bal urranue. well , cistern , fruit troes.IJMX ) ; M a hbal. U rr.
Vlso a Large List of Acreage and Business Prop
erty , at 1421 Douglas street ,
212 .North Sixteenth Street ,
Dealer * In Watches , Diamonds , Jewelry tC Silverware
Headquarters for Emblematic Pins and Charms
All warranted.
v. L. jatioKsos e co. , zix y. ictu st ,
Wounded With n 1'ojsoncd Hpcar In
anAfrtcnn Jungle Skillful Hut-
New YorK llcrnld : A man without a
jaw is Michael Custclar , who was recent
ly admitted as a patient to Roosevelt
lie is a Spaniard , about fifty years old ,
and has spunt much of his tiino at sea.
1 hrco years ugo the bark on which lie
was acting as mate was driven ashore on
the coast of Africa in a hurricane. Three
sailors besides Castelar were the only
ones who survived the shipwreck , and
one of the sailors fortunately hud boon a
membernf an expedition that had KOIIO
into the interior several years bctore in
search of ivory and was familiar with
the country and the habits of the natives.
To get to tlio tnarest elvili/ed settlement
required a journey of about seven hun
dred miles through thick jungles and
misasmatic I lowlands and over lofty
mountains. The four started on the
wearisome march. At the end of a
month two of the sailors died of fever ,
and after their bodies hud been decently
buried the survivors pressed onward to
the place of safety.
There was plenty of food in the wild
growing vegetation , birds' nests and
biuall game , and much danger from the
wild beasts and ferocious natives. The
two men alwavs avoided the natives
whenever it was possible , but on several
occasions there were hand to hand con-
llicts and the travellers had many a
wound to testify to the agility of the na
tive born citi/.eus. On one occasion Cas-
tclar , while lighting with a native , was
struck in the face by a long spear-like
weapon , the point of which was driven
through botli chocks. Castelar grabbed
the weapon and with a devterous' thrust
sent it into the black man's heart. Ho
carried the thing with him afterward.
Some leaves that the sailor gathered
checked the hemorrhage from the severe
wound , and when they got to the settle
ment about ten days'later , the wound
seemed to be healing well.
An English suigeon was visited , and to
save disligurcment from the imperfect
healing he reopened the wound and
sewed it up in the regular way. 15ut the
wound did not heal as roiwiily a.s had
boon anticipated , and the llcsli sloughed
away in a surprising manner. Castelar
jest llcsh , became exceedingly weak and
in time his skin became a dark copper
color. Then the surgeon , on examining
the weapon with which the wound was
made , found that it was the travjah or
poisonous spear. The head of the spear
is dipped in a vegetable poison known
only to the natives , which , though it acts
slowly , is believed by llicm to produce
certain death. An antidote was given
and had the o fleet of improving the pa
tient's condition and rendering tlio skin
a natural color. The external wound in
the cheek closed , but there was constant
soreness and twinges of pain in both
Castelar was so completely run down
that lie was ailvised to take a sea voyage ,
and when a Ir&uip steamer came into the
port ho shipped on her , bound for China
and thence to this city. Throughout the
long voyage Castelar did not luuo a mo
ment's peace. The motion of the vessel
seemed to aggravate the pain in his jaws ,
and on tlio trip from China here he would
have been turned over to the fishes if the
captain had not been unusually mild for
his calling. The day of his arrival lie was
removed to Roosevelt hospital , and ins
case was carefully studied in the light of
the history of the injury.
From tlio symptoms and the gradual
decline in the patient's health , tao con-
conclusion was reached by Dr. Spencer
that the patient had a cancerous tumor
involvjnjr both jaws. As to how far tlio
condition of the jaws was duo to the in
oculation of the poison was a matter of
doubt. Some of the consulting physi
cians hold that it hud nothing to do witli
it. But it was decided that extirpation
of the jaw was necessary. The patient
was taken to the operating room the
day after his admission to the hospital
and placed under the inllucncc of ether ,
and the operation was successfully and
skilfully performed. What was loft did
uot look much like a face.
The wound has now nearly healed , the
patient is recovering strength , but his
lace is as flat as n pancake. An attempt
will be made as soon as the tenderness is
gone to put in an artilicial rubber jaw to
give the face a natural appearance. If
the patient can got used to the incon
venience there will not bo much deformity
left in tlio contour , though , of course ,
the scars will show something of what ho
has gone through. Whether there will
bo a permanent euro cannot be told for a
One Woman's Success.
Colonel Higginson in Harper's Mazaar
tells of a Now England young married
woman who has made a decided success
of the manufacture of a very superior
kind of blanxqts. Several capitalists
have joined her in the venture , and the
establishment , with their help , will now
bo onlanred. "Their verdict , " writes
Colonel Higginson , "may bo taken as es
tablishing H fact that a woman has suc
ceeded in taking the load of all others in
the eastern states in n most dilliciilt branch
of manufacture , and this by her own ener
gies. Such an example does not prove
that it is the duty of all women to under
take business enterprises , any more than
it IH the duty of all men to paint pictures
or open retail shops. There must bo a
proper consideration of special talents.
In this case it appears my visitor had
tested herself very carefully as slip wont
along , had taken up the uudeitaking as a
temporary matter only , and had neon
carried on by the interest with
which it inspired her , and by
her own evident adaption to the
work. The use of her example is not
in its being followed implicitly or fool
ishly , but in the help it gives to all
women who dare. When Margaret Ful
ler , in answer to a question from one
who wished to set limits to the sphere of
women , answered , 'Let thnfn uo"sea -
captains , if you will , ' she did-not forseo
that Captain Betsy Miller , of the bark
Clootus , would ere long bo doing the very
thing which she had selected at random
as an extreme instance. One ol the
very functions which have been
oftencsc named as beyond tjio
natural gift of woman , has boon
tilt ) superintendence of a largo manufac
turing establishment , involving usiLdooa
three separate faculties a knowledge of
machinery , a business aptitude , and the
capacity to control men. Yet hero these
three qualities have been combined ; and
liavo been tested by success. The result
should rurely encourage every other wo
man who hesitates bcforo sonic similar
opportunity. One such victory docs not
prove that every other success is certain ,
but shows that it need not bo .set down
aside as impossible merely because it is
impossible. "
Disease lies in ambush for the weak , a
fccblo constitution is ill adapted to en
counter a malarious atmosphere- and
sudden changes of temperature , and the
least robust are usually the easiest vic
tims ; Dr. iT. 11. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purilicr will give
tone and vitality and strength to your
entire body.
Only a Tramp , ' "it lie Had $15OOOO.
Now York World : In overhauling
eomo old papers in the office of the board
of county commissioners at the court
honso in Wheeling. W. Va. , a few days
ago , documents having a face value ol
about $ 150,009 wore mie.irthcd. The pa
pers bore the signature of Loveli Gore ,
and their perusal calls to mind the mys
terious death of a mttn of that name in
that county about five years ago. In the
summer of 1683 a dirty , unkempt and
ragged stranger made bis appearance
ami cncAiupcd by the roadside , where
bo * U ft frugal meal begged
roni a nciglibonng farmhouse.
The next morning the old man
was found uncfoifs'ciolis and almost dead
from an assault ulilch had been made
mon him during the night , while his
clothing and the. , wagon had evidently
jeen searched by Some one having know 1-
edge of valuables in Ins possession. Tliu
old man died iHfow ) ( hours. Sewed in
ils coat were found several letters and
papers , but these were subjected to a very
superficial examination , and wcto then
front to this city' , where they were tossed
nto n plgeon'hWe ' at tlio court house.
J'o-day's examination of these papers
showed them to consist of pronuntssory
lotcs , bonds , deeds to Vermont land and
other evidences of wealth to the aggro-
'atu amount above stated.
Use of .Money at Elections.
From the Louisville Courier-Journal :
In at least ono e eetiou for governor of
iu'iitucky since the war tlio successful
candidate spent money lavishly , and is
renerally credited with having bought
lis nomination. Ho dumped $10,000
nto Louisville at ono whirl , and
certain delegations from this city
ivho were named in his interest
lad to bo bought again in convention.
[ n the convention which nominated a
lovernor in 1833 , money was so plentiful
.hat many delegates found it impossible
: o suy which candidate they preferred.
They generally managed , however , to
fall on the side which had the biggest
Money was openly and notoriously
used in the election in this city last Au
gust bv every candidate who had any to
use. Money is a big factor and is rapidly
coming to bo , if it is not already , the
controlling agent in our politics. There
night to bo a strong , vigorous movement
.o put down this evil , this shame to
American manhood.
Nniiolcoti'N Letter.
Paris Letter : A curious autograph Jot-
: or from Louis Napoleon to his uncle ,
Joseph Bonaparte , was sold at the Hotel
Dronot last week. It was written in No
vember. 1830 , immediately after his at-
.cmgt at Strasbourg to get into a
revolution against Louis I'Jnlippe ,
ind read as follows : "You have
icard with surprise of the Stras-
jourg all'air. When one does not suc
ceed one's intentions are misunderstood ,
calumniated and blamed , oven by one's
own family. 1 do not attempt to-day to
2lear 1113 aulf in your eves. To-morrow 1
leave lor America , amfyou will be doing
mo a service by sending me a few letters
of introduction for Philadelphia and New
York. On leaving Europe , perhaps for
ever , I experience the greatest sorrow at
.ho thought that oven in my own family
1 find none who pities my lot. "
Didn't , \Hk Her lUt-lit.
Mr. Burdctte insists that lie overheard a
woman lectuilnc her husband as follows on
board a tialn : "Now I'll toll you why 1
wouldn't co Into the icstauiatit ami have a
cup of couVe with you while wo weio waiting
lor the tialn. 1 didn't like the way you
tskcd me. Keep quiet. 1 have the lloor
N'ot half an liourtboloic jou said to Mr.
L'uller : 'Come , letts > ave a cigar , ' and away
> ou went , holding , jhis arm niui uot Riving
him a chance to , Decline. When wo mot
John O'llowdy onour way to luncheon ,
you said , Mtiit In ( line , Jolin ; come take
lunch with us. ' Anil then to-nlilit. when we
found the train aiKJiour late. jou looked at
your watch , me , aad said in a ques
tioning way : 'Woulft you like 11 cup of cof
fee' " And Idid wftrft It : I was tired mid a
little hungry , but 1 would have fainted before
I would have accented such an invitation.
A nd you wont away a little bit vexed with
mo and had your coffee and bread and but
ter by yourself and didn't enjoy It verv
much. In eflect jou said to mo : 'If
you want a cup of collec , it you really want
It , i will buv It for you. ' You aio the
bust husband In ttlo world , but do as
nearly all the be-rti husbands do. Why-
do you men seem Ho dole things out to
your wives when you fairly throw them to
tlio men \ou know ? .Why don't you Invite
mo heartv ( ! asou Invite men ? Why didn't
you say , 'Come , let's pet a little cntTce and
something , ' and take mo right along with
you ? You wouldn't say to a man' 'Would
you like mo to go and Uuy you a cigar ? '
Then why do you always Issue your little
Invitations to treats In that way to moV In
deed , indeed , my dear husband , it men would
only act toward their wives as heartily ,
cordially , frankly as they do toward the men
whom they meet , they would lind cheerier
companions at homo than they could at the
club. "
Popularity of tlio Hose.
Tick's Magazine : The sale of roses in this
country amounts to hilly 1,000,000 plants a
year at the present time. There are no sta
tistics by which the exact number can bo
learned , but a knowledge of the extent of
cultivation by the principal piopagatois en-
dblcs us to estimate as above stated.
The probability is that the annual
pale exceeds considerably rather than
falls slioit of this amount. These
plants are almost wholly raised on their
own roots , as budded plants , which at one
time were quite common , have lallcn into
dlsreputo and will now scarcely command a
purchaser. The popular judgment in this
icspect Is nodoiiDt right , and will bo sus
tained. Budded plants , except with some
weak growing varieties , will never attain be
In vogue , and the number of excellent varie
ties ot vigorous growth Is so great that deli
cate growers will bo di cauleu tor this fault
alone , no matter what other good qualities
thov may possess.
Tlio rose Is the most highly pii/ed , and ,
next to the geranium , the most generally
cultivated Howcring Plant. These remarks
apply to amateur cultivation. Professional
Hori.itB make rose-growlnjr a very prominent
part of their business , and immense quanti
ties of flowers are raised during thn winter
season tor cutting. The statement is made
by ft competent authority that in 18S3 "Iho
ti ado sold ! M,000,000 cut roses. " This Indi
cates to some extent the popularity ol this
particular llower.
The popular blood purifier , Hood's
Sarsaparilla , is having a tremendous sale
this season. Nearly everybody takes it.
Jr.y > t Yourself. _ _
Enrthquako Shock in a Hoop Mine.
Virginia , Nov. , Knterpriso : Yesterday
morning at ten or twelve minutes to U o'clock
this city was visited by an earthquake shock
that was probably the severest ever felt here.
It awoke nearly every ono In the city. From
first to last It continued elelit or ten seconds.
It began with a , thrill or quiver that
lasted only a tracl'mn 'or a second ; then
came the big thump jorfshock , which was as
sudden and as soon jo.'yer as the report of a
cannon. Had a half'dozen such jerks as the
blc ono ott'urred in siicpesblo many buildings
would have sutlers * . TfTlie big shock was
followed by a lonJ , throbbing tlulll that
finally died out. 'The shockwas felt
In most mines along the Comstock. A
miner who was on tEs 1,500 level of the Con
solidated Cnlliornla. ' mid Virginia sajs it
seemed to him that tlw ground under him
was "all alive. " Miners at work in the
and Belcher thouirh Utero had been a big
explosion of gas In tbd bulK-headod poitlon
ot the Consolidated * Ufoinla and Virginia.
At the Ophir the miner ? ou the 1,800-fout
level thought some klml of explosion had oc
curred , and , liastuulii to the main shaft ,
were hoisted out. Spwo of tire men say that
It seemed to-thumUnftffQmcthlng had swcut
thiouch the mtno wk was "like a big
" -
In making the assertion that I'ozzoni's
medicated complexion powder is entlro
ly free from injurious or deadly poisons
wo do it upon the authority of a thorough
chemical analysis. It is ono of thooldest
face powders in American market , and
is used in the fanuilic' of seine of our
most prominent men who have
personally acknowledged to the proprie-
or that they not only considered it harm-
ess , but esteemed it highly beneficial in
very respect. Sold by all druggists.
Complexion Powder is an absolute
necessity ot the refined toilet in this cli-
mate. 1'ozzoni's combines c * ry clement
of beauty and purity.
Dr. Hamilton \ \ arren , Magnetic Physi
cian and Surgeon , Hoom 3 , Crounsc bloolc
corner ICth and Capitol avenue. Chronlo
tnd uurvous diseases a specialty.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Combine ? , la a manner peculiar trt Itself , the
best tlool-inirlf ) ) Ins and Mrcngthenlni : reme
dies of the \ cpct.iblo kingdom , You w 111 find
this wonderful remedy cflvctl\o where other
medicines Imo failed. Tiy It now. It will
jmrlfy jour Wood , rcgulato tlio digestion ,
and gl\o new life and \lgor to the entire body.
"Hood's Sirsnparllli did mo great good.
I was tired out from overwork , and It toned
mo up. " Mus. ( } . K , SI.MMONH , Cohoes , N. V.
"I sudcred tluco > uars from blood poison.
I took Hood's S.irsapnrllla and think I nm
cured. " Jilts. M. J. DAVIS , llrockiiort , N. Y.
Purifies the Jilooil
Hood'a Sarsaparilla Is characterized by
three peculiarities : 1st , the combination ot
remedial agents ; Id , the proportion ; Dd.tuo
process ot securing the nctho medicinal
qualities. The result Is a medicine ot unusual
strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Send for book containing additional evidence.
"Hood's Siriatiaillli tones up my system ,
pinnies my blood , sharpens my appetite , and
scums to imke mo over. " .1 r. TiioJirsoH ,
JUcgbttr of Deeds , J.oucll , M.iss.
"Hood's Sarsaparilla licats all othcri , and
iMTnrlli Its weight In piM. " I. HAUISIXJTON ,
130 Dank btrcut , Kcw Yuik City.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all drupptsts. $1 i six for $5. Made
only by C. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
EOO Doses Ono Dollar , ,
who de lrc3 n pet feet
FllOllId WOlT OIIC. Will nol t'nkonV oliltf lirlngnorn.
tOKSU CO. . 215 anil 1'iO Market St. , Chltaja
PRIZE , $ (53,000. (
"We ilo hnroliy certify that wo mipervl o the
amiiik'umcms lor nil tlio Monthly niul Seiiil-An-
mini DinwIujTS of The Loulslnim Stnto Lottoiy
Company , nnil In prison inamuro mid control
tliodinwlniritlioinsohi" ' , and Unit tlio saninuro
oomluelocl with honesty , fnirnees nml In ( jnod
fnlth toward nil purllcs nnd wo nutlinrl/o the
Company to ii * > e thl1" cortltlc'ito ' with fiic-ilm-
ilo-i of our slstmtim-s attached , in Its udvortiso-
lututs. "
1 ft \f f * ' JM& *
We the undersigned Hanks nnd Hunkers will
pay nil 1'iUes drawn in The Louisiana State
Lotteries which tuny bo presented ut our coun
J. H. H5lisiV : , Pros. Louisiana National Ilk.
I'IKKKi ; I.ANAUX , 1'rcs State National Ilk
A. IIAI.mVIX , Pros. Now Orleans Vat'llta ilk
OAK I , UU1IX , Proa. Union National
Loulsnuia State Lottery Company
Inciirpiratoil In 15 > N , for5 > y art by tlio legislature
for otluciitlomil anil clmrlt'iblo purp'm'H with n
capital ut tlWOto ( ) which roaono fund of over
t iO.llUO 1ms since boonnililed
Ityan o ervrhelmintf poptilHr vote It * franchliu Y.M
m luo it part of the pro cnt ntuto const It u lion adopted
December 2nd , A. I ) . 1ST' ' . ' .
The only lotteiy o\or voted on and ondoiEcd
bytho peoplool' any state.
It never ecalos or postpones.
Its ( innil Single Numhor Uiawlnga tnkoplaco
monthly , and the bemi-Annual Drawings
reirularly ovury x months ( Juno and Ducoui-
bor ) .
roilTUNi : . Boventh Oinnd Drawlnjr. class ( ! ,
In the Academy of Music. Now Orleans. Tues
day , July 12,1887 aifctu Monthly Diawinp.
CAPITAL PKIKE , $150,000.
t2T"NoticO"Ticl < ets are Ten Dollars only.
Halves , S5. Fifths , S2. Tenths , SI ,
' 'LAHOi : Pltl/USOF
G'J ' "
100 '
200 "
nee "
100 Approximation Pri/es or
10) ) "
100 "
2,179 PrI/oa amounting to _ ,
Application for club nitr > 3 lioiild l > o ni.ulo uiily o
tliootlicoof llio coiiiininy In .Now Orlo.un.
For tnrtlu'r Infornmtlnnrlto cle irly , ulvlnc full
afltlr R1 * . 1'OSTAI. NOTKS , express moiH y ortlorp.or
New York Cxclrineci In ordln iry letter. Curroncf by
ciprcbs ( at our expense ) mlilussod
NUW 011LKAN3 , LA , ,
Oral. A. DAiiriiiN ,
Registered letters to
It TO1. "M" & JU ii Ti1 It That the prosonca of
j uenenils llo uro'arl and
Karly , who uro Inclmruo ot the drawlnua. Is aitii'ir-
nntee of nii-oluto fairness and lute rlty , thit tba
cbknccanreulloqiml , and that no one can possibly
divine what numuera will draw a Prize.
HJ.MKMUKIt Unit the payment of all prUes Is
nrAUAMFKIl IIV 101111 .NArlllVAI , lUNhMOt N'0\r
OrlejtnH.ftnd tlm Tickctsure8lKiiod by the provident
of im In'tltntlon , wlioso chuiU'rol rlzlits iiro rovoi-
nl/oil In the hlRliost cniirn ; therefore , benara ot any
Imitations orauonyuious schemes
Printers , Book Binders
Andn'ank book Manufaoturors. No ) . 100 nnd
10SS.14th street. Omnlia.Nob. J.F. Vnlrllo. Super-
IntcnJont IlltiUorr. Tolophouo No.U. .
inois Washer
Hnuiouquitl It will vrnflli
anylliltif ; . Iroin dnost lace
Uilionvy carpet , perfectly
: > lunn His easy tu work
Hint almplo to linnillo
_ Thmnuiuls run tustlfy tn
Hsiucrlti.'o sunrantce HilUfartlon. Try ono AH
kinds of wriiik'On luiulrocl hlur Slan'Ilf Co. , 1U.I1 N ,
Ibt'i etrcot , Uuinliu , Nebraska.
Of House Ftirniture , every \Vulnudday (
and Saturdny ut 507 S. 13th St. ,
nt 10 .t. in.
Uonglit and sold , rurnituro sold on time
payinonts. Cliuftpcst jilaco to buy furni
ture and housohuld trooils in the city.
A. \ \ ' . COWAN & CO.
For young women , Princeton , N. J.
Prospectus , fullparticulars , sent on ap-
plicatonto T. II , M Elvaine.
I OH VDUNCJ b.H > USUU6 : North llrond St. ,
rbllAdclplilu. 17th year boirlns Sopt. 21st , 1847.
AildroB Miss It. K. JUOKINrf , I'linclpul ,
who refers liy spoclul puriulgalon tu
Mr. and Mts.Julm N Jo olt , I
Mr. and Mrs. J'hillp U. Armour , V
Mr. nna Mrs. Homco F.Vruto , )
Veterinary Surgeon
Offlcc , 417 S. 1 Itli STUKUT , '
Clean house at once with
It Is ft Bolld cake of Scouring ! 3oap used for all cleaning purposes except the laun
What would you glvo for a filciul who would tal < o half your hard work off your
shoulders and do It without a niuimur ? What would you ylvo to Mud an assistant
In your housowoik that would keen your floors and walls clean , and your kitchen
btlyht , and yet never grow ugly over the matter of haul woik ? S.ipollo Is Just
such it Iilend , and can bo bought at all ( jroccrs. NO. 21. ( Copyright , March , 1837.J
New Model LawnMowe
rive. Sizes. Wilt cut liifiJict' oi' < ts
anil other , lias nocqtutl for ttlni ] > licU > / ,
diirabilitif and case of operation ,
Tin's is the latest Improved Ma-
chiiu' in tlio Market.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Woik waiiuntal.
Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Wntchma cr for the Union
1'acifioRailroad Company.
Wholesale and Retail
1522 Douglas St. ,
Telephone 501. Correspondence Solicited.
1213 Farnam Street.
House Furnishing Goods.
In his invldc pocket , and he wait strolllnn down Kith street , with a
j/oung tatlj/bif Ills aide. Fi-on ) appearances you would Jndgo It wan
love at first sight. She was smiling , but he fconed worried , as he. want
ed to go to hoiim-kccplng , and Ills money onlij amounted to $ tfin > hcn he
noticed the 1'eople'n Installment Jloitsc , ( iJi North Jdthtitrcet , between
California and Webster streets , and there bought Kiijlclent goods to
start housekeeping with , / / ; / making a jlrnt yauincnt. Thanking the
firm for the gentlemanly way In which theu were receivedt and they
arc now at home and happy.
Rosentlial & Co. , Props.
ffo connection with any other house In the city.
Pianos , Organs , Violins , Guitars and Banjos
- FROM -
CRAP BROS. , 219 South 15th Street
And don't buy a piano until you ha\c examined the celebrated Solmier , ulilch has
received fust prize wherever exhibited , and in the cast command * a higher price
than those of any olher make.
For a short time only we will ofler these celebrated pianos al less than othm are
asking for a second claes instrument. It will pay you to call and tee us. I'ianos
from $200 upwards. Organs from $20 upmards.
Small instruments at correspondingly low prices.
1412 Farnam Street ,
- Have the largest and finest assoitment of -
Harness , Saddles , Whips and Turf Goods
Call and See Them at 1412
# ; Do you want a Klru I'ot In r
'oni AiTTi > TiT "n A T'nosc' ? Ai'"n * ' r o ti
V I I 1 1M / I14 IJ Jl I Ix % " UM ur ' " " " " Wo * " " " " " * " * tlllfm
, 1 I 1 I V I. lIJ illlVVJ I | ' .
VJ JLJ r JU JLVJ-Wl. tj rci-alnorersliowam i. und l
' / tanuble price * .
810 N. 10th Street , IWl'Rlrtor ' Any Btove.
. CUMING , i > jtuitT sTN. % Stove Repair Co.
LH-.JI. . .j.1. .j. - /