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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SEVENTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA. MONDAY MORNING JUNE 20. 1887. NUMBER 2j GERMANY'S ' THREE INVALIDS. The Condition of the Emperor , Bismarck , aud the Grown Prince , ALL THREE IN GOOD HEALTH , The Kaiser Kxpnotetl to Still Further Improve liy Hln CoinitiK Trip to Cms .Sunday Jubilee- Scrriocs. Germany's Roynl Rick. .S7 bi/Jmncx Onn.'in llfnnrtl. ' ] BKHM.V , June 10. f New York llcrild Ca ble Special to the llr.n.J Three statesmen have concentrated the attention of all ( ler many upon themselves to such an extent that during the week politics and general news have given way to gossip about the health of this ono or that one jot' the famous Invalids. The emperor passed the crisis of his Illness last week , but nevertheless only on Thursday of t'lls week began aealn any thing like his regular routine , Blsmark's illness , though little spoken about , seemed for a day to bo rnoro serious than eltner of the others. 1 am told that neuralgia twinges kept the prince awauo night after night mult ho was exhausted from the. constant strain that seemed to threaten a general break up of his system. Karly In the week , while the emperor was still lighting for his life , Berlin gossips wills pcred that HIsmarck was too good a courtier to go before his master or to wait lon after him. The bourse also seemed to BFI some what of this opinion , for stocks , which were only slightly affected by the kaiser's Illness , and not even momentarily lowered by the crown prince's danger , were for two days considerably depressed bv the prince's con dition. For two days also the "health of 1'rlnee Bismarck" formed the central point. of every money article to the exclusion even of ouch exciting topics us the new Servian cabinet or the prospective failure of the Italian loan. Illsinarck was better on Thins- day. Ho saw both the emperor and I'rlnce William. This summer lest will , It Is said , put his health again beyond the danger point. = > TIIK cnowjf WINCH'S CONDITION. Kegardlng the crown prince , 1 .send here with an Interview with 1'rof. Virchovv , the greatest living authority on cancer , By a mlcrossoclc examination of the sections cut from the prince's throat Dr. Vlichow saved him from an operation seriously endangering his volcn , and even llfo itself. At present accounts Vlrchow and other very eminent authorities say the crown prince is not only In no danger , but is in much better condition than many other peisons who have been completely cured of this throat trouble. So far from being unique is the prince's disease that half a dozen more or less eminent speakers have been cured of the same disease in various Euro pean countries during the past few years. The truth seems to bo that a wife's over- anxiety , together witli a deep-seated super stition that the emperor would bo succeeded by his grandson , led to entirely too much im portance being attached to what , In a loss exalted personage bo regarded as a very com mon place trouble. Add to this the sensa tional lying ot ono London and half a dozen Paris ptpers and the nervousness of several general medical practitioners trusted with a disease new to them but old to throat spec ialists , and you have the secret ot the great amount of tnss made over his Illness. TIIK itiriion's : HKALTII. Unfortunately the great anxiety felt re garding the emperor has more serious foun dation. A cold was caught at Nlel when ho refused to leave the windy deck of his re viewing steamer because "Sailors so seldom have a chance to sco mo hold with old soldiers contempt for carnages. I might as well bo enclosed In a carriage as down below thcro In the cabin. " This cold shook the emperor more than any Illness since ho began his second end youth. His strength has been more ex hausted by It , aad his recovery has been Blower and more dlftlcult than ever before. Bladder pains caused by gravel have re peatedly kept him awake at night and drained his strength. Tim wonderful old man , ac customed with surprising ease to throw off all sickness , has somewhat retarded his re covery by Imprudence. Sunday , In the mo mentary absence of his attendants , ho at tempted to rise as usual. When being lifted tip he said , with something between a laugl : and a groan , " 1 thought myself strong enough to pull up the tiees by the roots , ichp dacht , Icho cucnte , noch baumo , nuszlchcn. ' Since then 1m has been more cautious. To ward the end ot the week ho began regular appearances at the window of thepalace. . It has been an an god for the emperor to start for Kins on the 25th , but he will bo foiccd to make the journey in two relays , as last year ho fainted on arrival at Ems. Three weeks at Ems , three or four days on a little Island near Con stance , three weeks at Gastolu from the sum mers piograinme. At Gasteln two emperors will certainly meet , and it is said on good authority that a third emperor will be pres ent. Ono great medical authority said to mo recently : "The emperor's vitality Is so won derful that once get him away from Berlin into the open air and he will probably quickly get back his strength and bo as fresh nnd strong as over. Pleasant stoiles nre continually coming to light to Miow how justly he is the most beloved ruler of modern history. Kccoutly a little eight-year- old peasant child of F.rofold wrote the em peror asking him if he would send his pic- lure to her little brother and self. Her letter was addressed to king in llurlln , but signed simply "Mailanna. " Accordingly the emperor - peror had the school registers of that postal district searched till Marlannu was fuuud , and then bis picture to her. Americans In Berlin. tCopt/rloht / ISS7 tv JMnri (7oniun DKIIUN , Juno 19. ( .New York Herald Cable Special to the BKK. | Herlin Is overflowing - flowing with Americans. I counted seven Americans among the twenty passengers In a single ear the otlitr day. They como mainly , however , for three or lour days ; then are off to spend time and mouey at the baths or In Purls. lllshop Nlnde , Methodist , returning from a duty tour through the far cut , was herewith with his wlfo and daughter last Monday , and preached at the German Methodist church through an Interpreter. Tues day he went to Cnsset to preside at a conference of the Methodist church of Germany and Switzerland held there to-day , thfllSce the bishop , /oes / to Scandina via. I'rof. Terry , of the Cartel UlUlcal In stitute , who has been itiuiytui ; In Berlin , also Went to the conference , Among the- more prominent residents of Berlin and Now York K Harold Fries * , ro- ccntly of Columbia collee , has greatly dis tinguished himself. Berlin Is a notoriously difficult university to pass examination , but Fries this week took ' Mecreo of doctor of philosophy before tin. N > professors. In granting the degree tht > , rior called atten tion to the fact that the university novtr be fore granted this degree of chemistry to n fouDfi tu uppllcaitt , Fries now goes to Paris _ and London for some months' work , and home In October. Sollber * , assistant librarian of the state department , Is among the book buyers at tracted by Berlins growing Importance as a library center. 1'rof. Muck , of Philadelphia , has also been hero on the same errand. Prof. Terry , of Kvanston , though not buying books has been hero partly as ail advisor In the sale ot the Ilankc library. This library Is now having a manuscript Index by Dr. Wleder- maun , Itanke's former assistant. There are also 3,000 volumes to 'o rebound , so It wilt not loach America mticf under six months. Senator Lowry , of Minneapolis , Henry Haarstlcic , of Gould's St Louis transporta tion company , and Gustavo Schwaab are among the more prominent Americans who have come and gone during the week. Solo of the LnnNdnlfi EITcctH. ft'njijiHoM 18X7 bu Jumei OonlmJoiii'11.1 LONDON , June 1'J. | New York Herald Cable-Special to the Bii.i-And : : now the LoiiMtalu town mansion and Thames villa are adveitlsed lor sale In tlio auction sales. The personal xale has been described in the llurald , and up to last night had realised S'i.V,000. ) Some prices were extraoidlnary. A picture of Mine , do Pompadour brought $47,000 ; two panels of old Gob elin tapestry fetched 37,000 ; a Marie Aiulonetto bedstead brought Sd,000 ; Lord Ciew , brother-in-law of the late Lord Houghton , paid 315,000 for a landscape. A Galn.shoro rural scene bi ought SSOUO , being (75 less than the late Lord Lonsdale paid for It ten years ago. Robespierre , an original portrait by Grue/e , fetched only 8750 , but Clmrhallo Corday's brought 811,000. I un derstand that Lord Hosebery and Lady do Giay , late Gladys , and Countess Lonsdale , who attended every day , bought many lots through agents. There will be a largo attendance to-morrow at an auction sale of the Chinese curiosities , which doubtless - loss many American tourists have seen In the South Kensington museum , to which they were lent by the owner , who recently died. The losses or poverty of British landlords Is nttc.iU'd weekly by frequently ten , sometimes twenty columns of adver tisements In the Times of sales of estates , town mansions and contents , libraries and jewels. The most Important sale ot the latter Is tliu Lonsdalo sale , an nounced for next Friday by Lonsdalo's auc tioneers. arH the property of the fam ily of a deceased millionaire. Tneso ciicuinatanccs are. as It were , evicting English landlords of their own household treasures. Even the queen's jubilee domains were yesterday Invaded by the hammer of the auctioneer. His block was In the paddock of Hampton court tor the sale of the royal yearlings. The young Duke of Portland , on the advlco of his trainer , a nephew of Matt U.iwson , ventured SbOO for a bright-eyed hay tllly , which had Vollour for a sire and Periwig for a dam , and Sherwood , tlio trainer , picked out two fillies , ono of Hampton's , and two colts , ono of Koslcru- clan's , for which ho paid S3.000. For an other Itoslcruclan , a brown colt , Douglas Baird paid 5,000. For a chestnut tilly , by Hampton , Lord Kodney gave a similar sum. Ho also took a Muncaster brown colt By the way , the statement cabled over to some American papers that the queen's cream ponies have talso tails Is a hoax. THE QUEKN S JUBILEE. Visiting lloyalty Attend Clturch Ser vices In London. LONDON , Juno 19. The prince of Wales and his sons met the duke of &axe-Coburg Gotha , and Prluco Merman , of Hoheulohe , on their arrival in London yesterday. The streets of the city were thronged with people , larger to see the jubilee preparation ! : , and to catch a glimpse of the foreign royal visitors. The German crown prlnco and his family passed the day at Marlborough house with ) ho prince of Wales , and attended services in the Chapel royal , where most of the jubilee guests met Jubilee services were held throughout the kingdom yesterday. 'Iho marchioness of Londonderry will present to the queen a casket containing 15,000 signa tures and 3,700 in cash as a jubilee offering from Irish women. 'I he , joint jubilee gltt to the queen from ail her children and grand children will he a solid silver center piece for the table adoined with pieclous stones. It was executed In Berlin. It comprises three parts resting on common case , in tlio center of which artt the British arms , bearincr the legend , "Her children and grandchildren to our beloved mother and grandmother. " Tlio middle portion consists of a vase adorned with arms and portraits of donors. It has a solid gold lid surmounted by a royal crown. To the right and left respectively are a lion and a unicorn. A Cnrdlnal'H Kind Words. LONDON , Juno 19. Cardinal Manning , In a letter to the clergy under him , says : "No sovereign In our long annals has been more loved or has so won the love of the people as her majesty ( Jucen Victoria. She has shown the heart not only ot a queen hut also the mother cf those who mourn. Her homo and her court are bright and spotless examples for all who reign and pattern for nil people. You will , 1 am sure , with joy , otTer our Heavenly Father thanksgiving prayeia tor her majesty on the jubilee ot her just and happy reign. " A Jubilee ltlot , LONDON , Juno lt > . A riot occurred during the jubilee celebration at Liverpool to-day between a party of Orangemen and a crowd of socialists. Sticks and stones wore freely used and men on both sides received seiious cuts and brulsej. The police dispersed the rioters and arrested live of the leading par ticipants , _ O'Brien's Duhliif Ovation. DUUUN , Juno 10. William O'Brien ar rived here this evening , and was received with the greatest ovation witnessed here in many years. _ FAILED TO AGUEE. The Shcllonttcrcer Jury Discharged alter Seventy-two llcmrs. LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 19. [ Special Tale- gram to the JJr.K.I To-night theShollen- berger jury ended Its seventy-two hours' ex istence In the jury room , and the emaciated jurors appeared before Judge Pond on his summons , and were discharged. From lirst to last In their long confinement they failed utterly to"agree upon a verdict , and the long and cxpenslveMrs. Shellenbergermurdorcaso will have to be retried. Some of the jurors were loud In their complaints against the judge for their lone Incarceration. Fremont's Street Railway. FnLHOKT , June H' . [ Special to the RKK. | At the election held yesterday to grant a franchise to the Fremont street railway com pany S.VJ votes weie cast for and 8 ngalust the proposition. Woik will begin at once , aud two miles of road u III be built this year. She Just Doted on Thackeray. Hoston 1'oat : A lady of my acquaintance. here In lloatoii , a great reader of liclloii , and ODD of those fortunate people who are able to lose themselves completely In a book , told me that Thackeray's works were her only allevi ation while suffering recently from a sovete attack of ihcumatlsui. She gave me a graphic description of herself , yroppcd up In bed by means of pillows , groaning with pain , and reading Iheblg library edition ot "Vanity Fair , " neld In frout of her by the nurse. This WHS a bight more eloquent than uny panegyric , nnd It U a thousand pities if Thackeray did not see It from those ihndcs where he wanders , 1 suppoe , in company With Ficidlut ; , CerviUites nud iitc l * > ' _ _ MM MMaa a y H1 HB H GENERAL DRUM INDIGNANT , He Denies That Ha Advised Cleveland's ' Recent Rebel Flag Blunder , MILES A MUCH INJURED MAN. Army Ofllccrs Think A Grout Injus tice Has Ilccn Done Him Hy Sou- rotary of the War Kntileotl National Capital Notes. Mn III od Drum. Junu 1U. [ Special Telegram - gram to llio UBK.J It Is said tliu long sufferIng - Ing General Drum may break tliu silence about the battle ling fiasco. lie has been charged with beluga republican , and this ho will not stand. Some ot tlio uuwspapers , In trying to defend the president , havu asserted that Cleveland was led Into making his tre mendous blunder by the republican adjutant general , who probably had sinister motives. This Is what ciliated Drum. He lias been a llfo long democrat of the strictest sort. I ) urine the war , because of hi * south ern relations and his suspected se cession sympathies , ho was not sent to the front at all , but was transferred to the Paclllc coast. When he came back to Washington he continued to make offensive his political sympathies. Cleveland's elec tion set him wild with delight and he has ever since worked to strengthen the hands of the democratic president That he thought this could be done by sending back the rebel gii uo one questions. Miles and Kndlcotf , WASHINGTON , June 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to the BIE.J : The Sunday Herald , which Is regarded as an authority on army matters , says to-day : "There Is a matter In It is claimed and believed by the army , ex cepting perhaps one or two of the stalf bu reaus , that the secretary of war has commit ted an act of great Injustice. It will bo re membered that when Secretary Kndlcott uado his last annual report , by reason of in adequate and imperfect information , he com mented upon General Miles and Mi conduct of theGcronimoalTair In Arizona In a way which that officer's friends considered mark edly unjust. General Miles has made a reputation in his management of Indian nllairs that Is unequalled by any oflicer of the army. He has successfully end ed live Indian wars , by the capture of the hostlles. and has never been defeated In act- Ion. With such a record as this , his Irionda In thi ) army and out of it , are indignant that he should bo thus censured under a partial knowledge of the facts. The matter was represented to Secretary Kndlcott , and It is currently reported that he promised to make the amende in some public form. "If he has done so , It has not been heard of , " bald an oflicer of rank and position , whom the writer asked. ' 'We think It very unfair and unjust , for what has happened to Geneial Miles might occur to any of the rest of us. Thatolllcer he unjustly reflected upon , and when he has learned the tacts of the case the secretary makes no amende. " "What will be done ? " was asked. "Nothing , 1 presume. General Miles Is too old and Kood a soldier to take any bteps that might appear to be In subordinate , but his friends hem are very restlvn and may take some action without consulting him. WEATHER IJULLETIN. Weekly Signal Hcrvico Report of Tem perature nml Rainfall. WASHINGTON , June 19.--The signal office has Issued the following weather bulletin for the week ending June 18 , 18S7 : Temperature Durint the week ending Juno 18 the weather has been warmer than the average for a week except at stations on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts In the west Gulf states and Pacific coast north of San Francisco. In the wheat and corn regions of the nortu the excess of temperature for the we.ek has boon from 25 degrees to 70 degrees , an average daily excess above normal of from 4 to 10 decrees. The greatest excess of temperature occurred in the northwest and the weather conditions of the past week are reported as especially favorable tor corn and wheat except in sections of Illinois , Iowa and eastern Missouri , where all the crops except corn have been more or less Injured by the drought. The temperature for the season frsni January 1 to Juno 18,1887 , In the cotton and corn reirlons lias been In excess of the daily averairo , ranging fromltoSdegrees , while on the South Atlantic and Pacific coasts and northern California the tempera ture for the season has been slightly below normal. Kainlall. During the week there has been a deiicicncy of rainfall generally throughout the agrlcultutal regions east ol the Kockics , except in scctlcns ot Michigan , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Nebraska and Kansas , where .sleght excesses aie reported. The greatest deficiency of rainfall occurred In the south ern states , lower Ohio and the central Mis sissippi valley. The season's deiicieney In Iowa , Illinois nnd southern Wisconsin ex ceeds live Inches , while an excess of live Inches Is reported trom the north Pacific coast and upper Ohio valley. The week has been generally favorable for staple crops. There has been more than the average amount of sunshine in the central valleys and the weather has been especially favorable for harvesting , which has been 1-ugely completed for wheat and hay in the southern states and now extends to the forty-second parallel In many sections of the wheat region. "Weekly Crop Summary. CHICAGO , Juno 19. The following Is the weekly crop summary printed by the Farm ers' Review at this date of writing : The winter wheat crop in all sections has so nearly reached a state of maturity that re ports show no change In the condition and none will take place unless hall , Insects or rust should damage the ripening grain. Eight winter wheat growing states report the aver age condition of the crop at 89 per cent. Our reports on Its condition In the different status Is as follows : Twenty counties in Illinois report an average condition of 89 per cent ; Insects and drought are little complained of. Eight counties in Indiana report the condi tion at'Jl percent. Kansas counties report no Improvement In the crop ; the damage by insects is very serious in Marshall , Smith , Franklin and Neosho counties. Kentucky rei > orts an averairo condition of 06 per cent , with damage by Insects in Harilln county. Michigan reports an average condition of 93 per cent. Missouri counties repoit the average condition at 100 per cent Ten comities In Ohio report a con dition of 6S per out. Seven counties in Wis consin place the average at OS per cent , with damage by chinch bugs In Portage county. The condition of soring wheat In the differ ent states is as follows : Wisconsin counties report an average condition of 63 per cent. Soventecn counties In Iowa place the aver age at ! H per cent. Eleven Minnesota coun ties report an average of 87 percent Nine Nebiaska counties place the average at 00 per cent , and six counties In Dakota at an average - ago of 109 per cent The condition ot the oat ciop from drought and insects is everywhere below the average. Corn prospects are first class. Hay and grass aie short troui drought. The fruit prospects are , fair , Wells College Commencement. ttociiKSTEit , N. IV , June 19. Commence ment at Wells college , Aurora , began this evening , when the baccalaureate sermon was delivered at the Presbyterian church by Dr. Kdwaid Frisbce. president ot the college. Mis. Cleveland was present and also at tended divinebervlce in the morning at the same church. Mrs. Cleveland Is looking in excellent health and evidently having a very enjoyable time. Another South Carolina Shake. CHAULKSTON , June 19. The News and Courier reports a startling shock of earthquake - quake at Summervlllo at 10:37 : this morning , accompanied by the most prolonged roaring htard blnee October 23 of last year. Charles- ta it culet , 1HKVHEIl IN WALti STUKKT. llto Wheat and Coffee Collapses Kr aut Against the Share Iilst. Nr.w VoiiKJuno 10. I Special Telegram to the lir.K. ] The sudden collapse of the great bull speculation In wheat and coffeewtth the attendant fall in es of operators and firms en gaged In Inflating th o two commodities and flurries In the monej market , reacted sharply against the share list during the first half of the week. The professional bears and room traders , nearly all of whom were on the short side , availed themselves of the opportunity of these stirring events to undermine confi dence and to bring about a very unsettled condition of afTalrs. Their attacks were well distributed and quite effective , resulting In it drop of 1 to r > % points , although the decline In the most prominent stocks was compassed within a range of 1 } { to 3 points. A number of stop orders were reached on the way down and them was considerable covering with the long stock that came out. After the excitement In wheat and coffee had subsided the specula tive atmosphere cleared up and there was ( Iitltii a rally , but dullness set In again near the close , and on Friday there was a reac tion. In various quarters the bursting of the wheat deal was regarded as a good thing for the market In the future. The decision of the inter-state commerce com in Isslon on the long and short haul clause , where the roads come Into competition witli water communi cation and foreign lines , was regarded as liberal to railways ahd had considerable in fluence in bringing people over to the bull side , especially after London followed with free buying on the strength of It With a change of sentiment came a very conserva tive teeling , and. recognizing the narrow ness of the market. It was generally ad mitted that nothing like a boom could be ex pected In the Immediate future , and , in fact , more or less feverlshness is expected until liquidations In wheat are finally completed. Some favorable factor Is still needed to draw In the outside public and also to enlist the active support of the capitalists now out of Wall street. Kxnctly where this factor Is to come from or what It Is to be Is not clear at the moment to the average run of operators. There is n lar.-e class who look to an Invest ment demand likely to grow out of July dis bursements as the path to increased activltv , and still another who think the gold imports will pave the wav. It Is just possible that both these expectations may be realized , and therctoro the events of the next few weeks will be watched with much Interest. Trading In railway mortgages was very moderate , and changes , as a general thing , were cor respondingly sliirhf. Governments ruled irm throughout , although quotations showed Jlttle or no change. There was - Impression pression In forelun exchange , which declined sharply , first , because of continued light Inquiry , and sec- iiid. because of a material Increase in the supply of bills. The latter were made botli against securities and wheat taken tor foreign account , the export demand for the latter having increased perceptibly after the wheat corner broke at Chicago. The mone tary situation was disturbed fora time by the events already noticed , and also bv the pav- ment of about 87,000,000 toPhiladelphia capitalists by the Porter hvndlcato ' on ac count of the purchase of th'e Diiluth & Iron Kan eo and other properties In the northwest. Considerable was done in call loans at 5@0 per cent , and once or twice rates reached Syj 10 per cent , but as the week drew to a close the market returned to .something like a normal condition , and plenty of money waste to bo had at 5' per cent hnrt under , with ex ceptional transactions as low as 2Q3 per cent THE CLEARANCE RECORD. Monetary Transaction * In the Conn try During the j nst Week. BOSTONJuno 19. | Special Telegram to the BKK.I The following table compiled from dispatches to the Post from managers leading clearing houses of the United States shows gross exchanges for week ending June 18 to gether with rates per cent ot Increase or decrease - crease , as compared with gross exchanges for corresponding week in 1880 : Net included in totals. ( NOTE ) The Post says the Minneapolis tlgures appear to bo ofllclal and that the St. Paul and Columbus figures are partly estl- mated. Mlss Iloyt's Strange ActlonH. NKW YOIIK , June 10. [ Special Telegram to the BKK. I Miss Mary Irene Iloyt , whoso conduct at her summer homo at Knglewood on Thursday night and Friday afternoon resulted In her temporary Incarceration In Hockensack ] all , is DOW In New York , where , her lawyer , Frank J. Duplgnac , does not care to say. Surrogate Kolllns' decision sustaining the will of Jesse Iloyt , which Mary Irene contested , Is upheld In a decision given Saturday by the general term of the tiiprerae court. Iloyt left to Mary Irene the income of Vl.ffM.OOO for her life. lie had glO,000,000 , and she was Ills only child. When taken to Hackensack jail , Miss Iloyt gave her ago as about forty-five , and made some strange answers to the questions asked by the turnkey. When asked if she was married or single she said : "I have been married. My husband Ira rich man , but he Is now In Europe. Ht \ a dissipated sort of a fellow. " She went * n the prison recora as being married. "What Is " your occupation ? "Housekeeper. " "Where were you bornP" "Oil , I'm French as much as anything , I suppose , " The Philadelphia Way. A New York girl visiting recently In Phil adelphia was taken to the opera by a young man , and at the close of tae performance was asked to partake ot some slight refreshment in the way of a supper. She accepted the in vitation , and at the close of the repast , was somewhat astonished to see her escort reach for her i > ocketbook , which lay on the table at her side , and cooly pay the bin out of her money. This , It seems , Is customary In Philadelphia when a young gentleman's means are somewhat limited. It relieves his lady friends of the embarrassment they might otherwise feel on partaklntc of any entertainment at his cost. It struck the New York girl , I'owever , as be ing very ridiculous , and she began to laugh. " 1 fear you are laughing at my expense. " said thu young man. "Let me explain. " "O , no , " she replied , "I wus laughlui ; at uiy expense I" OMAHA COMES OUT ON TOP , The Lincolns Defeated By a Score of Fourteen to Twelve. BUT IT TOOK TWO UMPIRES. Snucy Players Promptly Flncil For Their Impudence Kansas City Defeats St. Jon Other Sport ing News. Lincoln Llcketl. It was warm for the atlluent In the grand stand. It was hot for the Impecunious on the desiccating boards , and It was incandescent for the hapless Lincoln's on the diamond. But notwithstanding tlio torrid meteorolog ical condition of thlnzs , It Is a very sizable crotvd of men , young and old , that delights In a Sunday game of ball hereabouts. The sun poured down with a vengeance , and a sultry breeze was blowing , but for all that nearly 2ooo men and boys hurried throtich the turnstile at the Omaha park yesterday afternoon , filled the grand stand and crowded the 2r cent seats till they were as a swarm of Hies on a piece of bread aud molasses. In the opening Inning Swift went out from Hall to Beckley , then Walsh made second end on a hit past Lan ; ; and a fumble by Toohey ; Dwyer retired on a throw by Kowo to first , Walsh going to third , where he was left , Krehmeyer going out on a high fly to center. For the Lincoln's Hall flew out to Bader. Hccklev hit a beauty tor three sacks over Messltt's head , and came In on Lang'o safe to confer. Shaffer hit to short , forcing Lain ; at second , and the lecaleltrant Kowe took his seat on a tlnow of Swift's to Dwyer. In the second , third and fourth tlio Omahas never saw first , but In the third tliu Lincolns , after being goose-egged in one , two , three order in Iho second , made another tally. Hart hit for three bases , and came home on Hall's single over Biirtson's head ; he took econd on Beckle > 's hit , Messiti took n Lang's long drive to rteht , ami threw Hall out at the plate , he having tried to score- liter tlio ball was caught. Then in the fouitli they even did better. Shaller hit a corker which Kouiku allowed to go thiouuh him ; then Kowo hit to Walsh. vlio threw to second , extinguishing Shatter , towe gaining llrst , Dolan How out to Swltt. lerr lined a not one out to lett , and just as iadcr was about to scoop it up , It struck n clod and bounded way over his head and nto the carriages , Herr , making a homo un and driving Kowe lu before him , I'oohey reached first on a fumble by Switt , but Hart died on a high fly to Kourko. The score now stood 4 to 0 In laver of the Lilncolns , and the nlr be an to grow sul phureous. But you have heard how Leonldas , cladIn armor and a butcher's cleaver , stood In the pass at Thermopylae , aud stemmed the tide of Persian toomen , but you ought to have seen the Omahas jump upon Mr. Hart In the tilth. It gave Manager Kowo tlio night sweats , and ho vehemently Invocated an in- .ervention trom the gods , hut tlio gods had Ul cone over to Council Bluffs , and Dave could only crimace and bear It. Kourko cia ked a safe one to cen ter ; Mcssit followed with a du plicate past second , and Genlns an- jther to center. Three straight hits and thu jasos lull , How the crowd did howl 1 Bader then sent one whizzing like a shot from a catapult to Lan rand that uoutloman fumbling It , Kourko run home , Baderreached lirst and Messltt and Genius moved up a bae. Barston brandished the willow four times fruitlessly and look his neat. Swift drove ofle to short , who nipped Messltt at the nlato , and still the bases were all occupied. Wiilsh also sent ono to Herr , which he generously fumbled , letting Genius In , and Walsh to lirst. Then Dwyer hit safe to left and Bader and Swift tallied. Krehmeyer put a stop to the fun by fouling out to left. The score was tied , and If the crowd had had a welkin with them they would have inadn it ring. Lincoln , however , In their half Jumped to the front again , on a hit by Hftll , a steal , a pass ball and a three baser by Shaffer. But Omaha didn't earn a continental rap for a little thing like one run , so they Just went In and knocked out three themselves. Kourkediove a sate one to center , Messltt mother in thosamoearden. and Genius being tnumped by the ball , the rases were lull. Bader then toed the scratch and banged a nasty one at Hart , who pluckily nailed it and by a quick throw caught Kourko oil third. Lang then throw to Beckley to nip , Bailer , but he didn't. Instead Messitt came in , Genlns took third and Uador second. Hart- sou then hit safe and Genins and Bader reached the plato. Swift went out to Toohoy , Walsh inado a hit , but Bartsou was caught trying to make third. For tliu Lincolns Dolan got as far as second end , and Herr to lirst , but despite amateurish plays by Swift , Bartson and Bader , ho failed to do anything better. At this juncture Dolan , on account ot a split thumb , received in the. fourth inning , gave way to Hoover , as the receiving end of the battery , and tlio game went on. It was the seventh , Krehmeyer and Mes- sett scoied , on a hit by the former , a fumble by Beckley , a passed ball , and a baser by ( jenlns. Dcaglo , who had umpired up to this point , was hero relieved on account of a painful con tusion received from a foul tie In the second inning , nnd Kockwell took his place. All the Lincolns got in their half of the seventh , was a two-bairger by Shatter , and a nice ten dollar line by Kowo for working his chin too energetically in addressing thu um pire. In the eighth the Omahas added four runs to their total , on Swift's base on balls , Walsh , Dwyer and Kourk's sato hits , and Kowo's wild throw , while the Lincolns ( lid likewise after this fashion : Herr was hit by the pitcher and wont to first. Toohey made a home inn , Hart struck' out , Hall died at first , Beckluy hit for three bags , and Lang , who hit to short , ran all the bases on that gentleman wild throw Into the bleaching boards. The closing Inning was marked by u run by Genlns for the Omahas , and two for Lin coln by Herr and Toohev , but as theru was nothing particularly brilliant In the way of fielding , by either side , a description of the play would bo tiresome. The battle had been a hot and close one , with plenty of free hitting and a redundance of errors , but no one cared aplcayuuesolong as Omaha won. Just sco how they did It : OUAIIA. i-os. AH. n. lu. TII. us. i > o. A. K. Swift lib 6 a a a o 4 s 2 Walsh as Dwyer. Ib 6 1 2 3 0 12 1 0 Harter c Uonrke 3b - Messitt rf Genlns in Bader , . It Healy. p Totals 46 14 19Jl 2 U7 17 7 I.IXCOLNS. ros. AH. u. In. TII. ns. ro. A. E. Hall in 2 00 Beckley . . . Ib 5 3 3 7 0 0 0 2 Lang 8b ScliaiTer. . . . rf Kowo 2b 2 40 Dolan Hoover c 2 Herr Toohey If Hart Totals 44 12 10 87 2 27 18 7 TIIK SCORK. Omaha . 0 0004324 1-14 Lincoln . 1 0121014 1-13 Earned runs-Oman- ; Lincoln 5. Two base hits Walsh. Dwyer , Shaffer. Three base hlts-Bcckley 2 , Hart. Homo run-Herr , Tooney. Bases on balls Omaha 2 ; Lincoln 1. Hasp on hit by pitcher ly | Barston 1 , Hartl. Pass balls Hoover 1. Wild pitches Barston 1. Hart 1. Left on base.3 Omaha 5. Lincoln 7. Struck out By Bartson3 | , Hart S. Time of gamo--2:10. : Umpire Deaglo , Itockwoll. Denver Defeats DRNVKR , June 13. ISpecial Telegram to won tUo lim KQiue of the series from Hastings to-day. The game started very one-sided , but became Interest ing after the visitors made llvo runs In the fourth Inning. Denver proved themselves capable \\lnning when necessary. Phillips agalu distinguished himself at Iho but and III the field. The Hastings Iniield Is very weak , and was responsible for most of thii runs made by the Delivers In tliu lirst Inning. O'Xelll cnui'ht the best game of the season. He Is the only catcher capable of holding Sproat , who Is the swiftest pitcher In thii Western le.igii' . ' . Wherlo was somewhat wild , and Keevc-s was not at his best. Score by innings : Denver 7 4-01 Hastings o 10520000 8 Krrors Denver 1 , Hastings 10. Hase hlt.s Denver ' "J. Hastings I' ' . Hun-t c.uued Dsnver 11 , Hastings 7. Twn-b.tsn hits Kyan 'J , Phillips , Slldi , Dmjan , Kenve-i , Welch. MeSorley , Smith. Three-base lilts Knhrer Home runs Slldi , Phillips'J. Double plays Deosloy to Knhrer , to lieUlin : ; De.Hloy to Kelsing. H.iM-.son ballfl-Wlierloil. lilt by pltelier Laiimaii. Passed balls O'Neill i , Kceves I. Sttuek nut Sprout 7 , Wheile- > . .eft on haxeDenver f < , Hastings 4. Wild litehes Sprout 1. Wherlo ii. Ilatteiles : Den- er Sprout and O'Neill. Hastings Wherlo nd Beeves. St. Joe Huntcn liy KIUINHS City. KANSAS CirvJnn lit. I Special Telegram o the HER. ] Thu "Cowboys" defeated the t. Joe nine in a rather uninteresting gamu o-day , their heavy batting proving too much 'or the visitors from the start. Koblnson scored first for St. Joe with a home run hit o right. The features ot the game weiu Jim -tanning's - phenomenal stop of Kluet's rounder In tliu fifth Innlnir and Bellnan's catching. The " " made mo "Cowboys" twenty- wo hits oil Khut. while the St. Joe's only mule nine hits off Knowiton. Tliu lollowliiri s the scoio by innings : Kansas City 3 0-13 'it. Joes 0 10300000-4 Kuns earned Kansas City 0 , St. Joes 2. Two base lilts Manning. Homo mil Hob- .nson. Double play lla-tamacr to McKeon. Bases on balls Knowiton 1 , Khut 1. Hit "iy pitcher Monsell. Passed balls Graves . Bellman 1. Struck out Hy F.lmt B , by iiiowlton 3. Left on bases Kansas City U , St. Joe r > . Time of game-two hours. "Jmpiro llngan. Batteries : Kansas City Cnowlton and Graves. St. JJoes Khut and iellman. 'Iho American \HHoolalion. Nnw Yoitiv , June 1U. The game between he Huioklyns and Metiopolltans resulted as 'ollows : Irooklyu 0 0 k. 0 0 2 t 3 1 ' Metropolitans 1 0200002 0-5 Pitchers Terry and Ciishman. Base hits Hiooklyu 17. Mets 0. Errors Brooklyn ! ! 0 , Mcts5. Umpire Ferguson. CINCINNATI , June , 19 The game between ho St. Louis aud Cincinnatts resulted as 'ollows : St. Louis 0 4 1 12 0 0 2 4 0 il incinnatl 0 00 0 0 3 1 0 * \ Pitchers King , Foutz and Corkill , and Smith. Base hlts-St Louis 32 , Cincinnati 12. Krrors St. Louis 2 , Cincinnati 4. Umpire McQuade. German Shootinu Tournament. CHICAGO , June 10. Tn fifth annual shoot- ng of the Chicago Vereln opened to-day and will continue nu ll Wednesday. Besides the local assocla- Jens there are In attendance delegates from organizations ot St. Louis , Cincinnati ) , Dav enport , Inwa ; Milwaukee , \Vls. , La Crosse. Wls. ; Dubunue , Iowa ; Toledo , O. ; Belle ville , III. : Bloominirton and Peorla. Kd. Borcer , of Davenport , Iowa , won the silver cup to-day. KmilBerg , also of Davenpoit , received a cup and a gold medal. C. Schmidt and It. Kowe , of Milwaukee , also won prizes. Local Sporting Tip * . riierfl was a blood curdling Uaine nfball on the commons near tlio Association paik yes terday afternoon between the Steam Laundry team and the S. P. Morse calico renders. The sun sank to icst in the west li-aving tlio the score standing 17 to 13 in tayor 01 the renovators of soiled linen. BUTLER 1HU-JAH.M LOOSK. What ncnjainln Snys of the Itatlln I''litf ; Order. BOSTON , Juno 10. | Special Telegram to .ho Hr.R.J The first dinner of the famous Butler club was held last evening. Of course the general was there , the cent ml liguro for an admiring remnant of the peoples'party of 18S4 , with a goodly sprinkling of warriors in his pievlous campaigns. Seventy-six ( Hitlerites In all matched in ( o dinner. But ler very naturally was tlio principal speaker , and no one paid much attention to what the others said , although Colonel Plympton's ietinltlon of a simon-nuro Butler man woke , ip the boys. Butler could not allow the battle Hag episode to pnss without mention. In tact ho nuido It the burden of Ills speech and the text for a violent attack upon the Cleveland adminis tration. Atter renewing tiio matter in all Its aspects and in every sarcastic vein , ho con cluded : "Wo have sent back to the south pretty much all wo got from them. Wo have given them all wo took f torn them In cotton under the laws. 1 don't complain ot that at all. Tlieio Is no sentiment there. But we must stop somewhere In this slvlng upevcry- tlilnu' that belongs to the war. For , it we return our flags captured irom them , I think the next thing they will ask will be that wo return the slaves captured from them. 1 propose to stop at the flags , hero and now. " ciiuucii uiscoun. A Lively Row Hriiuku Out Over the Amlovnr Hcciftton. BOSTON , Juno 10. ISpecial Telegram to the BKK. | President Seelyo , of Amlierst college , Is authority for the statement that the extraordinary and Inexplicable decision of the Andover board of visitors In the case of the accused professors was not signed by him. This has been the belief In well-in formed circles , but until this announcement from Amlierst the truth has b.u-n sedulously kept a hecret by the other two visitors , The friends of Prof , Smyth nro already in print boldly speaking of the decision as "acaie- lully matured plot."a Jesuitical conspiracy , " tlio cut came of the "malignant hato" of Prof. Kdward A. Park aud his coterie of superammted clergymen , who. It Is alleged , have been tollowing Prof. Smyth over Rine.e ho came to Andover. The tooling over the outcome of the Investigation Is bitter in the extreme , and the appeal to the courts which Is to come will by no means nllay the excite ment , though It may change tlio verdict. That a split in the Congregational body Is to be the ultimate result is now baldly a matter of doubt. A Negro Uprising Imminent. COI.UMIIUB , S. 0. , June 19. ISpecial Tele- Brain to the Uin.J : Application was made yesterday to Governor Klcliard.son for arms and ammunition to enable the cavalry com pany newly organl/.ed In Laurons county to take the tield and protect the lives and prop erty of the whites of Laurens county from the negroes , who are expected to rlfo and murder all white men and outrage women. The governor wan informed that tlio negroes were , some time aco. Incited liyono Hoover , recently shot In Georgia , to rise and take possession ot tlio lutxl. The necroos hiivu formed Into clubs and have meetings In the dead sf night. Armed pickets are stationed outside of the meeting houses. They talk freely of burning out the whites and having a general masbucic. The negroes are well armed by somu mysterious agency. Governor Kiehardson Is further informed that an outbreak is expected at any moment and Is requested to send assistance at once. The governor Is able to have MO soldiers In the county In less than twenty-four hours , If the whites were taken by surprise and In their unarmed condition there would bo undoubtedly - doubtedly great slaughter , but thu nenro s could haveno hope ot bulng able to hold tlio ground against the militia , and the retribu tion would bo tcrlble. The companion hero ore holding themselves m roadluesi. - Weather Indications. For Nebraska and Iowa : Southerly w inns fair weather , nearly suthnary ten-pwalnre. - Fov Vusu-rn Dakota : Fair weather , nearly stntlvuary temperaturo. IOWA DEMOCRATS CLASH Bad Fooling Engendered Over the I > at | Ecveuuo District Consolidation , * ; BITTERNESS AMONG BOURBONS , ' An Incident of a Sinn Who SncceuM fully 1'nnsed a Civil Hervloc ICx * mnlnntlnn Other Iowa nnd Nebraska .Nu\M ) . ni'tmtlifnctlmi Aninni * Democrat * . - Dis : MOINKSI , la. , Juno II1. | Spccia { * to the BKI.J : There Is. u pleasant llt < tie Instance In Iowa polities just now of th tall wagging thu dog , and wagging vigor , ously , too. When the piesliient's ' order was received a few \u-eks ago , abolishing the Fouitli Iowa revenue district , or rather con * ? solldatlng Its business with that of the Sco * , end district , It seemed n very natural thing i to do. The Fouitli dlstilct Included about a i do/en counties the Second dlstilet Included- " - nearly thirty. Tlio former had been In the ' " habit of collecting about SMJ.OCO or $1)0,000 ) year , the latter S'J.OOO.uoo or 3OCH,000. ; ! ) So it jj was not Mil prising tlut In older tor consoli dation tlio lesser "Fouitli' ' was merged luthe greater "Second. " But in doing this , the president retired from lolllce Collector Kuhl- inelr , ot Burlington , and retained Collector Stewart , ot DCS Molnes , whoso headquarters havu been at Davenport. Then there was music In thu air. Kuhlmeler was a life long democrat and popular with his party. Stewait was selected by General Weaver tad was very unpopular with his party. Charges of a cilminn ! nature had even been preferred against him , and his appointment lu thu llrst place \\iis a meat surprise. But when he was allotted to remain and the good faithful 1 democrat was compelled to walk the plank , the demociats of southeastern Iowa were ? & angry and they sent In some lively protests. * Foi once tlieir kicking was toU and the president has issued an order making tlio suivivlng district the fourth aad retiring Stewart and leaving Kuhlmeler In charge of tlio consolidated district. That makes thu district with fourteen counties and less than s fclOO.ouo of annual business absorb Urn dls- J trlct with twenty-nine counties and 83,000- 000 business. Kiiblmeier's triemls are happy and Stewart's It lends aru mad and threaten to make trouble in the democratic camp. 9 111 : nor TIM : ri.Acu. Thu recent announcement of the death In Santa Fo of Hon. James Thoilngton , former ly and tor many years ot Davenport , recalls many intercaiiii : things In his lifo. Ho was u plain , blunt man , but much npprec'ated ' by Iowa peonlo , and served as major ot Daven port , and member ot cougiess for several . years. He was appointed to a lorulgn consul ship by PiesUlent Grant , and It was at the line when there wiis some little excitement iniong llter.iry dudes over eivl | service ex- \miiiatlons. Mr. Tliorlugton was sent nto tlio examination , and tlio story runs that hta lirst question was , "How many soldiers did Knglund send over to tills coun- ry during tliu levolutlonary war ? " Uls iiiswor , blutl and heaity , was , "I don't know the precise number , but it was a d d sight more than she e\er took back. " The econu question was , "How tar is the sun rom thu earth' . " ' to which he replied : " * don't know precisely , but not so far as to o prevent my discharging my duties as con- mi. " It Is needless to say that he got the ilaco. CAIN lAIM-i > AT A CONVKNTION. ) The Miirshalltown convention has been accused - , cused raising Cain witli democratio hopes , ill because it nominated an old utuenbackec of that name as a tlilid party candidate for governor. That settles tlio question of fusion , mil the democracy is lacing the chilly nlk'r- mtivoof "going it alone" hi tlio next win- . I.AKIiAlir.n S rilCMl'T.XKSS. i The promptness of ( iovcinor Larr.ibcc la \\liiiiL' to tlio wliito housu his protest In be-i talf ot Iowa ag.ilnst t lie return of the rebel las ? , was received with great favor tluouzh lie state. Kveiybody approves ot it , and tliu , ncidcnt Is going to make Mini all the morer jopular in the coming campaign for re-elec tion. I , , IOWA'S cnoi1 PKOSPKCTH. 7 Leaving out of thu question the hay croo , $ ind in some sections thu wheat , theprospocttT n Iowa generally are tor line crops and a * .lountlfiil harvest , are very good. All parte1 * ) f tlio state now leport lieiiient | rains , and"i liey have come just in time to save the crops.-- It has been about live years since Iowa had 'f eal olil lasliloned good ciop , and everybody * would like to bu surprised with one now. % MISSOURI HOAI ) AGKNTB. Queer and Clumsy Robbery ola Htage Coach. BAI.I.WIK , Mo. , June 10. The Baliwln and Manchester stage , which runs from hero to Dairntt's on tlio Missouri Pacllic twicu a day , s stopped yesterday afternoon about 0 o'clock when returning and about a mile from the latter point by three masked men who had been concealed in the thick underbrush - brush which skirts the road on both sides near what is known as Sugar creek bridge. As tliu sta o with tit teen passengers approached preached the robbers advanced with drawa revolvers and ordeied driver Bennett to stop and the passengers to form In lino. W. Sup- pun , ot Ciess Hi os. & Co. , Wiii.-aw , HI. , waa tlio first to descend and was lelleved of a watch , valuable Knight Templar badge and monov altogether about $75. Ho had ) secreted SW under the cushion as ho went out. Louis Kessk-r , Jr. , gave up Sand a watch. He had secreted about $70. Mr. San- - ' * ; dersou was lolleved ofVI00. . lie had about t > SI,100 on his person In money , besides a A watch and diamonds , worth altogether about ) all of which ho saved , tluowlng the watch into tlio grass. Henry Dlehl gave up S.MJ nnd his watch. As lie stepped out ho f banded 3irojto his wife , which she secreted - . in her bosom. Henry Seholp and Frank Her- ' zoj escaped by running away without being. , perceived , Hhowing well that the robocrs T were not accomplished in their profession and no doubt new hands at the business. Tha ladies were not molested. There is some dispute as to tlio number of i - men actually engaged , some claiming there were six more , with drawn revolvers , con cealed In the underbrush In easu the pussen- geis .should offer any resistance , but It can . not bu authenticated. The masks were mode ! 1 of red handkerchiefs , with holes cut In toy t t ] them , and ono had a slcevo of an undershirt drawn over his head as tliu only covering. ' Considering the amount of money and val uables owned by thu passengers , the robbers' made a vcty poor haul , hccuilntr only about 8i.V ) out of an estimated $2,400. Considerable ? excitement prevails , and u nosso Is out scourIng - Ing thu country In search , but an theio Is no/ clue and no knowledge ot thy direction the robbers took , they will probably escape. The' ' robbers were young men from 20 to 23 yean old. The loader was about flvti feet ten Inch es , ami the other two , live feet eight Inches aud live feet seven Inches in height. In Honor of tin ) Queen. ' Niw : YOKK , .liuui 10. Several thouiandi people were at Trinity church to-day to at tend the jubilee choral services to celebrat- the fiftieth anniversary ot the accession ot her majesty , Quenn Victoria. v The TiilophMiio of 1005. North American Kevlow. : "Thi-re It nota * Ing new under the sun , " not even the tele * phono. Permit me to state that In the year lira theio was published lu Knuland a book with the title of "Mlcou'raphln.1' The aiS thor was Dr. Kobcrt llooko , a celebrated Ml * enlist , mathematician , and philobonhlr , who , was born iutlio lsleot Wight In 10IJ5 , aolj educated at Oxford , The work referred to contains various philosophical de * BTiptions of minute bodies in ado by nnt'iiltylng glasses , as Iudicata4 In the title , together with "Ohservalinim and Inquiries" on them. In the preface the. learned scientist asserts that the lowest - > est whispers by certain luoann ( which he does not make public ) may be heard at the distance ot a turlong : that he know of a way by which It Is r.isy to I'car ' any one spealc ihinugh a wnll tlneo feet tl'luk ' , and that tar uivans ot an extended vlra sound may b . eou\oe ; < ! to a vury sreat dUtutice tthaoMla - ; tin ! lijtaift.