Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Chief of Police Scavy Resigns and John Mo *
Donald Succeeds Him.
Killed by the Cnra The Hoard ofPub-
lie Works A New Cat hello
Church Other Local
Sinners. ;
A Uhnngo or ChlcfX
The dlG'oronccs that have existc'd be
tween a majority of the couucil and the
board of commissioners of fire and police
worn amicably settled yesterday after
noon by the retirement of Captain W. S.
Scavoy from his position as chief of the
Omaha police force. The commissioners
i wcro in session for several hours yester
day ilffernoon considering the resigna
tion of Chief of Police Seavey. This
resignation was received on Wednesday
an. , was as follows :
OMAHA , N > b. , June 15,1887 To the Hoard
of Flro nnd Pollcu Commissioners : I liavo
the honor to resign my position as chief ot
Dinnlm. 1 nin , gentlemen , very respectfully ,
your obedient tenant ,
\V. S. SKA.VKY ,
Chlet of 1'ollce.
The commissioners had refused to take
action upon the resignation until yester
day afternoon , when Captain Seavoy
went before the board and requested that
his resignation bo accepted. After hear
ing his rcafons for tlio request , the com
missioners accepted the resignation with
regret , us expressed in tlio following res
olutions :
Whereas. W. S. Sn.ivey 1ms tenUeJcd his
unqiialllicd resignation of the ollice of chief
ot police , nnd asked this board to accept the
same without dnlnv , nnd
Whereas , This has been n surprise to the
board and wholly unasked aud unlocked for ,
Whereas , All tlio duties of the office have
been faithfully , effectually and satisfactorily
performed by Mini , bo It
Kesolved. That the board nccept the resig
nation ot Chief hcavey with deep regret , and
take tlio occasion to express Ita continued
high regard for him ns an officer nnd cltl/en ,
and thank him for his earnest y.eal in ollice.
The commissioners then selected John
McDonald , the senior captain of the
force , to succeed Chief Seavey. The
news of the commissioners' action spread
rapidly , and the police headquarters was
Boon the center of attraction for inter
ested parties who were anxious to inquire
into the truth of the reported change of
chiefs. The councilmcn met at the usual
hour for the regular weekly committee
meeting , but the oppressive heat in the
council chamber and the desire to cele
brate what was styled ns the victory of
the solid twelve over the police commis
sioners prevailed over the Inclination to
attend to business , nnd the wise moh ad
journed. Councilmcn Lee nnd Ford took
charge of the committee of the whole
and started out to make n night of it.
Chief of Police Seavey was on duty
last night us usual. Ho will turn over
his badge of authority to his successor
on Monday. Ho was seen by a BEE re
porter last night and in response to a re
quest for his reasons for resigning his
position , replied :
"Wholly in the interests of the police
department , the police commissioners
and the city of Omaha. "
"Will you please bo more specific ? "
"It was simply this way. 1 rom the ac
tion of the council on Tuesday night _
saw that a majority of the members of
the members would throw overo obstacle
in the way of the commissioners nnd my
self in the management of the police de
partment. This year promises to bo ono
of the moft successful in the history ol
Omaha. There is at least a million del
lars here waiting Investment , but not a
; i cent will bo invested until wo have
a good , stable ' nity govern
ment , and this could not bo
secured without harmonious action b
the commissioners and the council. 1
seemed that the council had determined
to take a stand which would block every
thing in the way of perfecting a police
organization , i intend to remain a cit
izen of Omaha and I never want any
man to say that I stood in the way of
good government. The salary , position
and honor are not equivalent to the city's
prosperity that would bo injured by my
remaining at the head of the police
department. The police commissioners
have stood by mo and would have con
tinued to do so , nnd 1 cannot speak too
highly of their treatment of mo. I am
going to remain in Omaha and you will
hear more of me. "
The appointment of John McDonaU
ns chief of police was very favorably ro
coivcd , especially by the present mem
hers of the force.
Frightful Death of an Unknown Man
On Tenth Street.
Last night about 10:45 : o'clock an tin
kfown man was rua over , badl ;
mangled and almost instantly killed a
the crossing on Tenth and Chicago
streets , by a freight train on the Chicago
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroad
A largo crowd gathered around and triei
to got a look at the unfortunate man as
he lay between the wheels. The strce
was crowded with bareheaded women
and men eagerly struggling for n front
place in the peering crowd , which was
aided by a few lanterns in obtaining in
distinct glimpses of the dead man.
The police tried to Keep thu crowd
back until the coroner came , when ho at
once proceeded to nubpoona a jury and
witnesses. ( Jeorge North , the foreman of
the train , Max North , brakeman , and
James Diman , a timid witness
who lived in the vicinity
were sworn as witnesses. Diman swore
ho was laying on the porch of Mike
Douglas * boarding house , when ho hoard
thu shout and running down signalled
the slowly moving train , which stopped.
The train men came forward and de
ceased was found under the car dead.
Did not know him. The train men
know no/thing except that they were
signalled , stopped and found the corpse
aa ho then lay.
The holding of the inquest was quite
ghastly. Lanterns were hold over the
little group ol seven , the jury and coroner
ner , while the police kept back the surg
ing crowd and the object of the commo
tion and legal form lay dismembered 1
aud bloody under the sombre bottom of f
the car a few fcot distant. Women , chil
dren nnd men wcro eager to glean the
facts. All the oral evidence being in , the
dead nmn was grabbed by the
Icga and pulled out between the
rails for identification. His Ings were
broken and limp ; a bloody hole was
through the right side of his neck : the
right side of his lip .was nearly cut oft * ;
his features were distorted ; the left boot
was torn ounn and the muscles and flesh
sadly mutilated. Ho has cropped brown
hair , brown tnnstacl.o. nnd a vigorous
frame. Alderman Ford thought ho know
him ; many others thought they did ;
none could glvo his name , though all
were allowed To pass by and examine the
features closely. The man was attired
la striped shirt and punts ; had red sus
penders , but no coat. A white sombrero
With red leather band was found by him I ,
and iu hia pocket was found (17.55 iu
( frcoubncks ami silver , wrapped in ttfo cotton handkerchief ) .
The , following wrq the jury : T. P.
Duffey , foreman. Uufus Pruitt , Peter
Uowdull , James ( towels , James Fagan ,
iu.d William Morris. They brought In a
rtmJict m accordance with the facts ,
the remains were removed to the coro-
. ofllco.
An Important Meeting Jjftst Night
The Dills Allowed.
The board of public works met last
evening , Messrs. Balcombo and Hclmrod
being present. City EnglnccrTillson was
also at the meeting , and n few bills ap
proved by him were allowed.
The bill of Murphy , Creighton & Com
pany , for curbing under the Eleventh
street viaduct , was allowed , at sixty cents
per foot , being a deduction of twcnty-livo
cents on the original price.
Chairman A. D. Balcombo stated that
City Attorney Webster had loft a written
opinion on the Davenport street paving
question. Mr. Webster had gone to Den
ver last evening Saturday and would
bo absent several days. According to
the statement of Mr. Balcombe , Mr.
Webster had asked that the Asphalt Pav
ing company cease work on Davenport
street between Fourteenth and Sixteenth
streets , temporarily. The council , by
ordinance passed in September , 18SO , gave
the Asphalt company the right to pave
from the west side of Fourteenth .street
to the west side of Sixteenth street. Six
teenth street at the time at this point was
paved. In February last the council
passed a resolution requesting the board
of public works to let the contract to the
Asphalt company for the pavement of
Davenport street as above indicated.
The property owners on the two blocks
had made known their preference for a
block pavement , claiming they consti
tuted a now district under the ordinance
of February , 1837. Tha council did not
concede this claim of the property own
ers and accordingly ordered the contract
let. The city attorney now expresses his
opinion that the property owners arc
right and that the block pavement must
bo laid.
Tha question puzzles the council , as. If
the Asphalt company is permitted to
finish the pavement , the collection
of the special tax on the contiguous prop
erty owners will bo by them resisted. If
tiie Asphalt company is not allowed to
proceed , a suit for damages for breach of
contract is threatened by that company.
The matter was deferred until Monday
evening , June 21 , at 7:30 : o'clock.
The following bills wcro allowed :
To Murphy , Creighton & Co. , paving
between Jackson and Jones streets on
Eleventh street. Balance duo $300.84.
Curbing Fourteenth street from Lcav-
enworth to Marcy street , $457.21.
To Hcgan Bros. & Co. , from Center to
Martha on Tenth street. Balance duo
$8,090.22 ,
To Stuht & Hummell , excavation be
tween Pacific and Williams on Twelfth
street. Balance due $2,335.00.
The following inspectors were ap
pointed :
John P. H. Boyd , C. C. Thrano and J.
S. Behm.
Meeting adjourned until Monday even
ing at 7:30 : o'clock.
An Omaha Mnn Who Fought With
the Iowa General.
" 1 belonged to General Tuttln's regi
ment , the Second Iowa infantry , during
the war , and am well acquainted with the
man who is just now receiving so much
attention from the press , " remarked an
Omaha man yesterday , "A more quiet ,
unassuming individual tlian Tutilo 1
never saw. At Donclson ho led his regi
ment iu an assault upon the rillo pits ,
capturing thorn at the point of the bayo
net , though suffering a loss in live min
utes of nearly 800 killed and wounded
out of COO men. At Shiloh ho commanded
n brigade in the division of W. 11. L.
Wallace , whoso stubborn fighting in thu
union centre caused the confederates to
christen that point in the line 'The
Hornet's Nest , ' and Tuttlo'a coolness
and courage in holding the position when
the command fell to him by the death of
Wallace early in the afternoon , had
much to do with the final result of that
battle , for a break in our lines half an
hour earlier in the day would have been
of vital importance to the enemy.
Knowing his modesty , I was interested
in looking up his reports of these engage
ments as printed in the union and con
federate records , and can safely refer to
them as unequalled in all those ponder
ous books for brevity and
conciseness. They arc in marked con
trast to the reports of General Low Wal
lace of the siimo battles where his ser
vices were of but little value and his loss
trilling. Wallace , however , was always
more llucnt with his pen than with his
sword. General Tuttle is a democrat in
politics , but ho is a patriot more than a
partisan , and the proposition that the
grand army was to bo reviewed at St.
Louis by a man who has spared no oppor
tunities to insult and sneer at its mom-
bciship , was more than his sturdy man
hood could swallow , hence his outbreak ,
which has attracted BO much attention ,
Ho was a great favorite with his regiment ,
the boys calling him 'Pap1 Tuttle , though
ho was then not more than forty years
old. "
A Walk Out Caused by the Krnploy
niont of Nou-Unlou Men.
The dispute which existed between th <
master painters and paper-hangers and
the men , which resulted iu a ctriko a
month ago , has been revived through the
alleged failure of the masters to adhere
to their agreement. At that time it was
arranged that no discrimination would
bo mudo between union and non-union
men ; the scale of wages was fixed nt
$3.75 per day of nine hours , and "timo
and a half " rates wcro to bo allowed for
extra work. In consequence of the mas
ters not adhering to this agreement , both
as regards wages and hours of labor , the
st nto executive board of the Knights of
Labor , after making a fruitless oll'ort to
arrnngo matters , ordered the union monte
to leave the shops until such time as the
question should bo definitely sot-
tied. All the union men ac
cordingly loft work yesterday
and a meeting of union and non-union
men was holilin the afternoon at Motz s
Hall on South 10th street for the purpose
of giving the non-unionists an opportu
nity to corno in and join the league ami
to discuss the question of tbo stnUo gen
erally. The proceedings opened with
the appointment of a committee to receive -
coivo th'j names of men who were desir-
ous to join the union. Only eight mon
responded to the call , and as there are
seine 150 non-union mon employed in the
shops the unionists regard this tictiou of
the former as a refusal to act in contort
with the loaguo. A lively discussion fol
lowed during which the action of the
masters and nou-unionists was freely
discussed. The spcccncs wcro of such a
nature that loft no room for doubt that
the men intended to to take a firm stand
until their grievances are mot. A
resolution was eventually carried
to the effect that the union
men would not return to work in any
shop in which non-unionists arc em
ployed. This action will practically put
a stop to all painting and paper hanging
work in the city for a time , as thn other
trades unions will not work on jobs in
which non-union painters and paper , .
hangers are employed ,
I The nerjtmtfln ! ? r I" " settlement of
I ' .lie strike will bo commenced ourly in the
week , and a committee of the executive
board of the Knights of Labor appointed
to moot the masters , with u view to an
oariy .settlement. _
A Card to ihfe Public.
The statement appearing in last evon-
-IIIR' . * BKI : in regard to the cause of the
trouble : it prcucnt existing between too
master painters of this city and their em
ployers being so very far from correct wo
deem It but justice to the public that
they should have the truth in the case ,
which in n few words is UP follows :
Upon the conclusion of the recent strike
thu demands of the stilkcrs having been
granted both as to amount of wages and
the timu which should constitute a day's
labor , the men returned to work with
the express agreement that the non
union men should not bo hindered from
filling the places which they Had occu
pied during the stilkc , and in opposition
to the above agreement the union men
now demand of the master painters the
immediate discharge of all men who do
not belong to their society. This calling
for a breeoh of faith on our part with the
men who helped us through the trouble
wo buffered during the strike , wo could
not accccd to their demand without the
forfeiture of every vestlgo of self re
Hcnco the present strike , appealing to
the sense of honor of the public for their
moral support. Respectfully , M. P.
A Union Pacific Conductor Rises to
NOKTII Pf.ATTi : , Nob. , Juno 17. To the
Editor of the BKI : : The intellectual
monstrosity who concocted the malicious
Ho that appeared In the Omaha Republi
can of thu 14th inst. , in which ho lire-
tends to have discovered a conspiracy
among employes of the Union Pacific
railway to rob that company , evidently
wrote the nrticlo while his feeble brain
was muddled with some cheap dive
whiskey. However , this does not ro-
Hove the management of that paper from
its responsibility. Wo would treat such
n silly article with the contempt
it deserves were it not for
the tact that this alcoholic
preserve takes such idiotic delight in
having "stirred them up , " losing sight
of the fact in his paroxysm of ludicrousness -
ness that railroad men are of some 10-
bpcctability as a general tiling , and im
mensely so when compared to sueli
things , who arc a bane to good iowspa-
porp and a disgrace to good society. His
glee must have been of short duration
and brought to an inglorious end , as lie
was confronted in Omaha by some ono
interested and made to " , " as
evidenced in the article of the
15th inst. when ho says : "In justice
to the men running out of
Omaha it may bo stated that they have
never been suspected. ' Most of the dep
redations committed have been on the
west end of the line , " and insinuating
that men running east from Cheyenne
have been discharged for some myster
ious offence in order to give his allega
tions some foundation , thinking that such
a scurvy effort to remove his b.ibo and
slanderous canard from those whom ho
probably fears would administer , a
little personal admiration which he
so richly deserves , would bo "tho bet
ter part of valor. " Now on behalf of
the men on this end of tlio line we say
without fear of successful contradiction
there lias been no ono running "east
from Cheyenne" discharged for this
oflenso during the last ten years , the
Omaha Republican to the C9ntrary not
withstanding. We necessarily look for
some motive for such nn unwarranted
attack. Can it be the fact that ten copies
of the BKI : and other Omaha papers are
sold on the trains and at stations to
every ono of the Republican ? If this has
actuated it we most indignantly protest ,
it is base ingratitude. Wo have seen the
news agents imploring passengers with
tears in their eyes to buy ono of these
papers offering extra inducements
in the shape of figs and peanuts , simply
as an experiment to sco if ono could bo
sold all to no purpose. The paper can
bo found on the trains , generally in the
water closets and occasionally contain
ing the lunch of some foreigner whoso ig
norance of the English language is sulli-
cient excuse.
If the stockholders of the Republican
expect to build up a circulation in the
west ( and the Lord knows they need to ]
by slandering the respectable and influ
ential citizens of the "western cities
where startling developments may
bo looked for in tlio near fu
ture" they are greatly mistaken
If they do not make ample apology wo"
shall believe the stall' to bo composed
wholly of such mon as wo of tho''west
end of the lino" have come in contact
with , notably u gentleman from Denver ,
who is well remembered and a'lirst-class
blackleg , who was traveling representa
tive of that paper along tlio Union Pacific ,
whoso pass , conductors were ordered to
take up and unless ho paid his faro to
kick him from the train.
The only tangible clue the paper haste
to goods missed are two pair of brass
knuckles. This should clear
railroad mon from any complicity as
such articles nnd | blug shots are onlv
the tools of burglars , thugs and a certain
class of newspaper men. The manage
ment of the Republican should ascertain
whether the editor of this sensation is i
fool or a knave. If the former relegate
him to tlio society of feeble-minded
whom ho would disgrace , nnd if the latter
kick him from tlio ollico to Council Binds
and leave him there. The newspaper
men of that city have improved every
opportunity to throw mud at Omaha
Sue should now take this revenge
and compel them to associate with sue !
a renegade , for a time at least. Bctte
still , put him on a braKobcam where wi
will venture ho will bo at homo. Som
him to the "west end , " where some o
the "conspirators" can teach him many
things , of which truthfulness would nebo
bo the least. They might also toll him
that the time is fast approaching whei
conductors cannot bo slandered with im
punity. if tlioro is any virtue in the law ,
by such insignificant curs , who can , for
a very small consideration , bo induced to
cover up true criminality and boodle ma
nipulation and then endeavor to make a
balance by such n contemptible display
of imbecility. Such men would soil their
own reputation for a rotten egg and cheat
tlio purchaser. CONUUCTOK.
The Clone of JcflVy-Lowis' Cngngc-
inent at the Iloyil.
Miss Joffry Lewis' engagement came to
n close at the Boyd last night in "CIo-
thilde. " The piece Is ono of Sardou's ,
which was accorded its fivst presenta
tion in Ouialia. It is essentially Sardou.
in strength of development , identifica
tion of character and manipulation of
a theme which ancdates the author by
many years. In brief , the story is that
of a woman who has given heart to a
lover of the mechanical aud , according
lo the French , conventional order. The
latter , without qualms of conscience ,
without oven imagining that ho is doing
anything to which hii former love may
take exception , conceives a love for n
young girl whom ho conceives to bo all
that is pure and innocent in womanhood.
This love , the hero tolls to Clothildo.
The latter is offended because she is not
made its object , aud secretly seeks to be
rdvcugod. ;
Th.c ob'Dcl of tha hero's love Is a girl
\vhoui Clothlldc formerly rescued from
depraved associates. This fact is con
cealed from the hero until after the mar-
riago. Clothildo then seeks to destroy
the happiness of the married pair by dis
closing the fact of the bride's anteced
ents. A separation seems imminent , but
at the last moment Clotilda resigns a
letter , indicted a , moment before mar
riage , which re-establishes the love of
the young wife in the breast of thn hero ,
The story is an old ouo. It has been pro-
settled iu new style , and U Tory
stroncl.y told. Miss Lewis' interpreta
tion of 'the character is ttrong and forci
ble. It is characterized by an intensity
at times almost domonlacnt She was ad
mirably sustained by Miss iLillian Owen
and Harry Mainhau. MIM Lowis' visits
to Omaha have beun untimely. They
have been made in the heat of summer ,
when it is too much to expect people to
swelter in a theater. But she has found
admirers among all who have scon her
because she is unquestionably an accom
plished and powerful artiste.
The columns of our city nowspapcM
have for the past week teemed with com
mendatory notices of the celebrated
Howe's London circus , now exhibiting
on the corner of Eighteenth and Sher
man streets. Owing to thn hundreds of
reqiicsts the management have had , It has
beun decided to give two performances
to-day for the benefit of tlioso who could
not attend during week days. They
will bo given In the afternoon at 2 p. m.
and In thn evening at 8 p. m. Those who
attend will enjoy themselves greatly.
On next Saturday night the Boyd Dra
matic club of this city will present the
beautiful piece , "Tho Pearl of Savoy. " at
the opera house. The proceeds will bo
applied to the benefit of thu poor. The
following is the cast.
Mario. . . . . Mrs. W. K. Rockwell
Mnnturlc Miss Mary Meyers
Herrott Mr. ( ieorce Ostram
Marchioness MlssN. O. llntcher
Arthur Mr. Josonli Murphy
Ciiochcn : MUsAnnle Hutruo
Commander u Mr. J. C. 1'iilmer
ijcnstnlot Mr.John King
Dauat Mr. Dowit
1'rlest Mr. Arthur Knthbun
Price of admission , 50 cents. Tickets
will bo on sale at boollico Thursday
morning , Juno 23.
siirHALL. : .
The attention of the German public at
largo should bo drawn to the perform
ance which will bo given to-nighi at
Met > ! hull , South Tenth street by the Ger
man Theatrical club. The programme
is a very interesting one and tho'per
formance will undoubtedly bo received
with great applause. It is a fact , which
cannot be denied by anybody , that rec
ently the German troupe has made llio
greatest possible cllbrts to satisfy their
patrons m every way , and it would bo
but just that these efforts should bo
rewarded with a numerous attendance
of our German citizens. The thcatro
fully deserves it. After the perform
ance there will bo a dance , and a general
good time is anticipated.
KIUSCI1 .luno 17 , on Second avenue , Cen-
tuil Park , John , son or Mr. and Mis. John
Klrscli ; a ed 7 months.
DAVIIUFF In this eitv. Juno 18 , at 7 a. m. ,
Oilanclo , son of J. K. ana Liz lo Dnyhull ,
aged 4 months.
Funeral to-day at 10 a. m. , from the family
resilience near 13. & M. round house. Friends
WHITE-ln this city. Juno 17. Clnra May.
daiiKUtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram White ;
need 4 months.
Funeral took place yesterday at 3 p. in. , ,
from the family residence , 1414 South Seven
teenth street , to Laurel Hill cemetery.
WARD-ln tills city , Juno 18 , at the family
resilience , liJOS Ohio .street , Oeorgo Oarlln ,
son of George 0. and Annana K. Ward ;
aged 11 months.
Kemalns will bo tiikcn to Washington , D
C. , to-morrow evening.
AUST Juno 18 , at IS i Catharine street ,
after a brief illness , Mri. Catharine Aust ,
aged 42.
funeral notice hereafter.
FALKNBIl Harry , son of Thomas and
Miirenrut F.ilkner ; aged-7 months.
Funeral at 4 o'clock this afternoon , from
the HUh school. Friends of the family in
vited to attend.
Died nt the Hospital.
John J. O'Mallcy died at St. Joseph's
hospital toIay , from heart disease. Deceased
ceased was a laborer and forty-live year
of age. His relatives at Aspmwall. la. ,
have boon notified of the death , and the
body will probably bo shipped to that
place. _
The Hoard of Education.
The members of the board of educa
tion held an informal session last even
ing , the newly elected members being
present. It was decided to allow the oli1
members of the board to elect the teach
crs at the meeting to-morrow evening.
A Presentation.
Mr. Burcon , manager of the Midland
Electric Co. , was presented with a tea
set and an elegant watch charm by his
I. O. O. F. friends.
Died in this city Wednesday , Juno 15
1887. George Alfred Halstead , only son of
Mrs. R. M. Halstead , age 3 months 21
days. The funeral took place Thursday
afternoon. _
Park Ave. United Presbyterian church
cor. Park avo. and Grant st. Services a
10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. Conducted
the pastor. Rev. J. A. Henderson. Sab
batli school at 12 m. All are cordially
Musical and Literary Kntortalnmcnt
Under the auspices of the O. B. P. S
colony at their hall , 1114 Farnam street
nt 2m. ] . to-day. All are cordially in
vitcd. Admission free.
Get abstracts at the ollico of the C. E.
Mayn'j Real Estate and Trust Co. , north
west corner Fifteenth and Ilarnoy streets.
Dr. A. S. Billings wishes to announce
to his friends ami patrons that after a
vacation of three months ho is now in his
ollico again prepared to do all Kinds of
dental work.
"Over 150,000 Happy Thought ranges
in use. " For sale bv C. F. Gardner. 710
North IGth st.
How the ClRarctto Il.\l > it Arose.
Lilly , in the "History of His Lifo and
Times , " mentions a clergyman of Buck
inghamshire who was 'Vo given over to
tobacco and drink that when ho had no
tobacco he would cut the bell ropes and
smoke them. " Eccentric as such an act
may seem , there are , nevertheless , eases
on record of the most extraordinary ex
pedients resorted to tor supplying the
deficiency of tobacco. Pittsburg Com
mercial Gazette.
Personal Paragraphs.
Dr. Isaac Sinclair , " a physician of
twenty years experience , formerly of
Indiana , has located in the city with
ollico and residence at the Omaha Medi
cal Institute.
The Omaha Medical Institute has added
to its faculty another physician , Dr. Isaao
Sinclair , of Indiana.
A music firm in Birmingham , England ,
was asked to send n pianoforte in a
neighboring town where a concert waste
to take place. They discovered that a
telephone existed in the room where the
piano was. Forthwith they asked that
ono of the notes of the- piano should bo
struck. When this was done the sound
could bo distinctly heard m their ware
rooms and by gradually reducing the
pitch-pipo the tone of both Instruments
were made to correspond.
An interesting relic of the war was car
ried at the head of the decoration parade
at Pittsburg. It was the guidon of Bat
tery B.First Pennsylvania artillery , which
was the lirst Hag in the army of the Po-
toraao draped in honor of President Lin
coln on the day of his assassination. The
bit of crane tied over the colors then still
remains there.
A Murderess Sontcnond.
BUFFALO , June 18. Mr.-UlattloIVnseyres
the convicted numk'ro , waj todaysen
tenCed to iiuprUpnmeut for life. _ .
A Grand Sale Monday. June 20 , of Summer
Goods of All Kindg *
Stock Must Ho Jlcilucert If Von
AVntit Good's Clicnp Tor Cash
Call On Us Next Week nml You
Will Go Homo Happy *
10 pieces Black Brocade Sating , regular
prices $1,25. ijl.50 nml | 1.75 , your ciioico
of lot Monday , ! > 3o per yard.
25 pieces Colored Silks , iu all shades ,
80c , worth fiOc.
Pongee Sillc Embroidered Robes in
Patterns , oup lot nt " ? 17.00 , worth f.'S.OO.
Pongee Silk Embroidered Kobes in
Patterns , ono lot at i18.(0 ( , wortli ? ; ! 0.00.
5 pieces Silk Grenadines , Too n yard ,
never sold loss than fl.Sfl.
< ! pieces Silk Grenadines , USc a yard ,
never sold less than $1.60.
O.Moiulay only CO pieces India Linens
at ( ! Q per yard , wortli lOc.
Monday only HO pieecs India Linens
at 8Jo per yard , wortli Ifio.
Monday only 25 pieces Striped Pique
nt-lc poryard , worth lOc.
Monday only 25 pieces Checked Nain
seeks at , ( ic per yard , wortli I'ijc.
Monday only A bin lob in Figure ,
Swisses and tancy While goods at half
price. Ask to sec them. Bleached Huck towcls5ocach.
Monday only 50 do/on Bleached Huck
towels , fancy borders , all linen , 15c each ,
worth 25c.
50 pieces Manchester Sateens , 7c , worth
Monday wo will sell the balance of our
Clinmbrays , in nilu green and bulls , Oc a
50 pieces Ginghams in dress styles , sold
all season at 1'JJc , Monday's price Ojc a
yard. These are the very best makes
and at this price is a very great slaughi
Monday morning wo will give you
your choice of of our embroidered kids
and eight-button Suedes , sold all sea
son at $ 1.00 , $1.50 pair , choice 55c a pair.
A lot of Children's Kid Gloves Monday
morning , blacks only , 15c a pair. Tlicso
arc slightly soiled.
1,000 Palm Leaf Fans Ic each.
10,000 yards cheap Ribbons , 2c n yard ,
sold by the piece , containing 3 op-10
10 yards Lawn SOc , all colors.
Don't forget Wide Awake bargain
1510-1521 Douglas St.
The Lifo Indemnity ; Investment
Company. AVnterloo , town ,
Is to-day _ ono of the strongest and most
solid financial incorporations in Iowa.
State of Iowa , Oflico of Auditor
of Stato. DCS Monies , March 15 ,
1887. This is to certify that the Lifo In
demnity & Investment company , of
Waterloo , Iowa , have on deposit in this
ollice $100,13-1.3. ) in lirst mortgage real
cstato securities. J. A. LYONS ,
D. W. SMITH , Deputy. Auditor of Stato.
Speculation with policy holders' money
is impossible under the laws of Iowa , as
the securities arc deposited in public
Annual uremtums to renew and extend
the insurance after the first year in the
Lifo Indemnity and investment company.
At ago ISO , $10,000 insurance , $105.10.
" " 35 , 10,003 " 113.80.
" " -10 , 10,000 " 121.00.
' " -45 , 10,000 " 143.30.
" " 50. 10,000 " 181.00.
Usual whole lift ! rate charged by level
premium companies :
At ago 30 , $10,000 insurance , $227.00.
" " 35 , 10,000 " 203.80.
" " 40 , 10.000 " 813.00.
" " 45 , 110,000 " 379.70.
" " 50 , 10,000 " 471.80.
Other ages m the same proportion.
To illustrate say a man at the ago of 45
wants 10.000 insurance. A level pre
mium company charges him $360.70 per
Now the lifo indemnity carries the risK
above cited at a guaranteed cost of the
lirst year , $175.53 ; second year , $149.70 ;
total amount paid under the artilicial or
level premiums in two years , $750.40.
inference in favor of the Lifo Indemnity
ana Investment company , $414.10 , or a
sum sufllcicnt to purchase $14,087.48 ,
which , added to the $10,000 , would give
$ .14.087.48 of lifo insurance for two years ,
as against $10,000 under the level premi
The radical difference between the tw9
plans is tnis : Under the level or arti
ficial premiums you are forced in addi
tion to paying for your insurance to-day ,
to prepay for the future. Under the
Natural Premium , adopted by the Lifo
Indemnity and Investment company ,
you pay ( is you go and net what you pay
for. Jnsnrance that docs not insure is
dear at any price. Insurance that costs
beyond the needs of safely is an unjust
That system is the best which combines
safely with the minimum cost.
Mr. C. 11. Baker , General Agent , is de
sirous of securing good and reliable men
of experience in the lifo insurance busi
ness to represent this company in Ne
braska. Liberal contract will l > o made
with the right men. C. E. Mobic , Secre
tary. C. 11. Uaker , General Agent , 1730
Capitol avo.
A Grcnt Kntcrprlsc.
The older records of deeds in Douglas
county are very imperfect and it is almost
impossible to ascertain from them alone
whether the title to a given piece of prop
erty is perfect or defective. These facts
leu C. E. Mayno to employ a corps of
capable and experienced men to hunt
up old instruments , imperfectly recorded ,
others which were erroneously indexed
and others which have never been placed
on record and from all sources at com
mand to compile n bet of abstract LOOKS
which are as nearly perfect as they can
bo made. This was an enormous under
taking and cost u largo amount of money
but no expense has been spared. These
books have just been completed and the
C. E. Mayno Heal Kstato and Trust com
pany arc prepared to furnish reliable
abstracts to any real cstatn in Omaha
and Douglas county. Oilico N. W. cor.
Fifteenth and Harney streets.
This Is the Way to California.
The next grand excursion via the
Missouri Pacific , Texas and Pacific and
Southern Pacific railways will leave
Omaha at 0:10 : p. m. Juno aist. Only $ (10 (
for the round trip. Tickets good six
months and choice of routes returning.
For further information call at Ticket
Juice , 218 South Thirteenthat.
Attention IIulUliiiK Contrnctors.
On and after the 1st of July , 1887 , the
laborers working with bricklayers and
plasterers known as the Bricklayers anil
Plasterers Tenders' Union of Omaha , do
ask $2.25 per d. y , same hours as brick
layers , with Saturday pay day.
15v Oituuu or UNION.
The Cnll
A corner lot on Dodge street on cable
line , a bargain if sold this wcet.
Chamber of Commerce , ground lloor
on 10th street.
Architect ? an it Superintendents.
Hodgson & Son.
Ofliccs Iron Dank , Omaha , Loan &
Trust Building , Minneapolis , Nelson
Building , Knnsas City.
Will buy a good 1st mortgage for $500
for eastern parties. A P. I'UKKV ,
1U31 ! P.irnnni tt.
Hennoy Buggies at Armstrong , Pettis
' .
I CO ,
Iho most compact , the most substantially built , and work.l ikc a charm If yoi
want a good Vapor Stove , ono that never gets out of order and will cook or bak
perfectly i , buy the Monarch. Wo handle tlio Perfection , which is a highly prized
article of furniture in over 500 families in Omaha. Our new store is headquarter *
for f Builders' Hardware , Mechanic's Tools and House Furnishing Goods.
P. V. At water & Co. , 1605 Howard St.
An Important PuhllshliiB Knterprlse.
Ono of the most extensive and most
creditable of modern undertakings by
Philadelphia ] publishers is that of repro
ducing i in our language thogreatGerman
work on the Arts ami Sciences , issued by
Brockliaus , of Loipsic , under the name of
the Bilder-Atlas. The Ixsipsic work is
very extensive , and deals with the whole
circle of knowledge which the subject
presents , illustrations accompanying tlio
text in the most profuse manner ; but the
Philadelphia publishers have made many
important additions , and have even
greatly improved the merits of the origi
nal. They have had the advantage of
dealing with the German work in its
complete form , and thus of being able to
rearrange its contents which were not
always systematic in their order in the
most logical and symmetrical sequence ,
from beginning to end. They secured
the services of Dr. Daniel G. Brinton , a
most competent authority ; as editor ,
and the American work ( which by
arrangement with Mr. Brockliaus is to
bo the only edition issued in the Knglish
language ) will bo a skillful arrangement
of valuable materials. Its title is The
Iconographio Encyclopajda , and two vol
umes are already out , the first treating of
Anthropology and Ethnography , while
the second , starting with Prehistoric
Arcrueology , goes on with the evidences
of development of intelligence in the
human family in fact gives an elaborate
History of Culture. Illustrations arc pro
fusely introduced , and they add a great
interest to tlio work by the fact that they
are pictures of actual objects m art or
archieology , reproductions of ancient
engraving , paintings , portraits , etc.
Their character and the high order of the
art with which they are executed increase
jnormously the importance , as well as
, hn cost , of the whole undertaking.
Volume 3 , Painting and Sculpture , with
43 quarto plates , representing ancient ,
mcdiaval and modern art , is nearly
Mr. O. H. P. Applegatc. of St. Louis , is
hero with sample volumes , and can be
conferred with by postal through this of-
'ico or the general postofllco.
President Cleveland's rooont order to
return all rebel Hags captured during the
war , which has created so much discus
sion and mot with such strong opposition
by the loyal citizens of our glorious re
public that it was immediately with
drawn , will have no effect on the present
low prices of lots in South Omaha ,
IJriggs Place , Benson and other equally
good locations of which the C. E. "nuyno
Heal Estate & Trust company are solo
agents. While wo hardly feel authorized
to criticise the president's actions in this
matter , the sanio spirit of loyalty that
prompts us to take notice of the subject
at law , inspires ns to call on nil lovers
and followers of the Hag wo love so well
.o drop into the ollico of the above-named
. 'inn and examine the liberal inducements
offered in all desirable additions in the
city. Whether any decided steps are
necessary or not , this well-known firm
stand ready to furnish carriages and gen
tlemanly salesmen nt all times to show
these addititions and convince the people
that our talk is not idle.
Since the adoption of the new system
of sewerage in Vienna , statistics show
the city to DO ono of tlio healthiest of
largo 'mctropolists. Wo cannot speak
witn any degree of certainty as to this ,
wo do know that lots in Benson , Brigtrs
Place and South Omaha Syndicate are so
low that almost the poorest of the poor
are enabled to own property , the pay
ments being so easy as not to cripple anyone
ono in meeting them , wlulo wo can safely
say the numerous street and cable rail
ways now building are more to the liking
of the average American than transpor
tation facilities in Vienna.
Now Cnrrlaio nn < l Harness House.
Having removed into larger and more
commodious quarters wo are now bettor
prepared than ever to furnish bargains in
carriages , wagons , buggies , liarncas nnd
till kinds of liorso clothing. Western
agents for the Toomny sulky. Solo agents
for the celebrated California horse boots.
10th st. and Capitol avo.
Scaled bids will bo received until Juno
25th. at 12 m. . for the N. E. } of the S. E.
} ot.Section ISO , Township 12 , lianire 11 ,
Douglas Co. , 4'l acres , an elegant piceo
for platting ; lying just west of and ad
joining Kensington. Address Brown &
Creighton , S. E. cor. lOtli and Douglas
streets , Omaha.
Stock is being rapidly taken in the
new Saving bank. It is intended to put
the stock into the hands of a thousand
persons , if possible , and if this can be
done it will have such strong support
that it must necessarily command n largo
business and a leading institution iu a
short time.
The abstract books of the C. E. Mayno
Real Estate and Trust Company are complete -
pleto and accurate , and they are pre
pared to make reliable abstracts of title
to any real ostatu in Omaha or Douglas
county on short notice at their ollice , u.
w. corner 10th ami Harney streets.
The Benson mo or made a trial trip
over the new line a day or two since.
Cars will run regularly soon as the con
nection is made on Cuming street , which
Will be in a few days.
Wanted A house and lot in the vi
cinity of the High school.
Chamber of Commerce.
On account of going out of business 1
have several good delivery and express
wagons which i will sell at cost.
L. T. LoKuritAr ,
Cor. 10th nnd Cuss Streets.
Get your dinner to-day at Xorrls1 hotel
restaurant , cor Sixteenth and Webster.
South Orunhn.
Any person who has watched th <
development of the packing and stock
business m Kansas City can tnko a pencil
nnd figure out something of thn future ol
South Omaha when the packing house *
and factories now under construction ara
completed and in operation. Within ona
year South Omaha will contain a greater
population than the entire city of Omaha
did in 1870 nnd then people will bo say
ing , "What a fool I was ; why I might
have made several hundred per cent on
this property if I had only had sense
enough to invest in time. "
This properly will bear investigation ,
and the C. E. Mayno Heal Estate and
irust company , solo agents for the South
Omaha Land company , will showjou
the property and give you facts.
Nearly two hundred thousand dollars
have already been expended for lumber
and material to bo used in the construe *
tion of the new Swift's parking house be
ing erected at South Omahn. This looks
like business , and will bo .sure to bo fol
lowed with more industries , looking to
the advancement of South Onuuia.
Houses are being erected as rapidly as
labor can be obtained to accommodate
tlio largo number of men employed iu
tins growing town , and the man who 1u
wise enough to anticipate the increased
value his property will bo selling at
twelvemonths hence , will at once pur
chase a lot in the syndicate property ,
which is so desirably situated , and build
his own house , thus saving cxhorbltant
rents , and bo master of his own domain.
The C. E. Mayno H. E. T. Co. , are tha
solo agents for this propertyand will take
pleasure in showing it.
Hello , central !
( Jive me No. 021.
Is that the C. E. Mayho Real Estate S
Trust Co. ?
Is that you , Vado ?
Yes. What is it ?
Sayl I wish you would cheek off for
mo seven good lots in Briggs Place ; onu
on H-arnoy : ono on Farnam ; ono on
Dodge ; one on Douglas ; ono on Capital
Avenue ; ono on Davenport and ono on
the Belt Lino. I want to try my luck on
ono lot each of principal Blreets of
.ho city. I am sure that there is good
nonev in them at present prices ami
, hat tluvy will advance faster than any
residence property in the city. I will
call to-morrow and settle.
All right ; remember our ollico is N. W.
Corner 15th and llarnoy streets.
Free Chnlr Cam to UniiHas City.
Commencing Sunday , Juno 10th fret
reclining chair cars will leave daily from
Omaha depot on our 8-10 : a. m. train foi
Atchison. St. Joseph and Kansas City ,
Apply for tickets , ratesetc. , , to H. Dcucl ,
ticket agt. , 13U Farnam st.
A Now Depot
Has been located by the B. & M. at Bur
lington square , which is ntuatcd just
northwest of Fowler's packing house in
South Omaha. A line hotel is being built
opposite the depot silo. A few lots foe
sale cheap by the owners. BrcnnanAiCo. ,
Chtamber of Commerce , ground floor on
It , hst.
A Hargaln.
I have for sale at a bargain 20 acres
situated on tlio main line of thn B. & M.
U. K. , and near the new South Omaha
depot at the terminus of the dummy line.
Plenty of good , clear spring water , and
an elegant grove of native timber , suit
able for a summer garden.
W. G. ALUUIBHT. 818 S. 15th st.
The most beautiful residence lots in the
city , just south of the Sacred Heart auad-
nmy grounds. For particulars call on the
owners , Brcnnan & Co. , Chamber of
Commerce , ground floor on 10th street.
A corner on California and Pleasant
sts. , south of the Nash plnco will be sold
for IJ.OOO , easy terms. A. P. TUKBV ,
liWI Farnam st.
Big 10 Gent Show !
Corner of ISMi ami Slicrm u SI * .
- - - - - -
2 - Special Performances 2
This afternoon nt 2 p in. To-nlKlit ntSn.m.
For lli ) t'H'fclnl ' irnitllhutlon of tlio orxing <
iniui unJ hUlunilly bo tun nut utuml onecn
Tlio Ulii/liiK BUII of tlio amuwmonf ky !
Tlio most ruJnoil ml popular tout bUow or *
Tlio best tliow you will too Oils ytar.
IO Cciit " "AilinUl < 1C ,
fist col'nil , on IHIIIU lot.