THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JUNE 19. 1887WELVE PAGES. NEW yoiiic , June 13. fSpoclal Tclcifram to the UIK.J-STOCKS : The stock market opened rather heavy tills nJbrnlnp , tlionjrli the declines from lost cvonlug' Una ! prices VVCTQ for Inslpnlfir.tnt factions only. Heading wns active anil there was a fair tnulinK In 1'iiclllc Mall. The market was llrm and slight ndvanres were c-stabllslicit over the cntlro list , wlilln Heading showed decided strength , ntlvancltiK ) ( per cent. Later prices receded from the best flgurss. but St. Paul & Duhith contlnuud strong , scoring an ndvnucoof 1 porcent. The stock market alter 11 o'clock became still duller If possible than during the llrst hour , but prices acaln recovered their llrm tone , though the changes In ntiotff , tlons were few anu mslgnincant , excrpt for St. t'anl & Dtilnth , the gain In which was 3 > f per cent from the opening price. The close was very dull and llrm to stronir. Ooviu.VMKNTs : Uoverninont bonds were dull but stead ; . YKSTKltDAY'9 QUOTATIONS. MONET ON CAM , Kasy at 3Q5 per cent , closed offered at 4 per cent. PHIMK MBIICAMTII.K 1'Ai'Kn 5@0 per wnt. \ STKKMNO EXCHANGE Dull and steady at 84bJi ; ) for sixty day bills , and84.S4)i-for ) demand. MAKKUTS , Ohlcairo , Juno 18. Following quota tions nrutho aw : : closing inures : Flour ( Julct nnd unsettlud , averaging 13 ® ZOc iiulow last week's quotations. Whent ( Juletnnd steady , fluuttiatlonscon- fined to a limited r\iuu : ; opened lower nnd closed about the same ns yesterday ; cash , 71Mc ; July , TJJf ; Auu'iist , 74 'o. Corn Opened a shade lirmer than yester day and closed 'f@ ? e higher ; cash , 805-lOc ; July , ifT&fc ; August , U8Jic. ( Oats Dull but a shade better than yester day ; cash , 2513-iCc ; July , 207-lto ; August , 20 c. Ityo-Dull at KJc. JJarley-'Steady at 5'Jc. Timothy Seed Prime , 82.05. Flax Seed-81.18. Whlskv 51.10. Fork Dull and nominal. Lard Unsettled at a slight decline cash ml.fillyS0.3JXtt0.3.i ( ; August.80.4.r50.47 ( ; > J. Bulk Meats shoulders , 8.5.RO ( < .5.70 ; short Clear , S7.7i@7.73 ( ; short ribs , 37.3j f ( < $7.35. Butter Easier ; creamery , I4 1&c ; dairy , IZffUCc. cream ched- youug Amer- Eggs Lower * at Il@i2i" lllues-Unchangedheavy ; green salted 7)fc ; lleht do , 7fOJ8c ; salted bull hides , 6c ; grueu Baited call , Sc ; dry Hint , 12 ( < 13c ; dry calf , 13f 414c ; deacons. 40ceach ; dry Baited , lOc. Tallow Firmer ; No. 1 country , No. 2. 2c ; cake , SXWc. Kucoliiw. Shipments. Flour , bills . 8.COO 6,000 Wheat , bu . 29,000 & 5.000 Corn , bu . 73,000 134,000 Oats , bu . 112,000 134,000 llyc , bu . 1.000 Uailoy , bu . 8,000 . 7,000 Now York. June 18. Wheat Receipts , 815,000 ; exports , 101,000 ; spot X@lJc higher nnd lalrly active , closing linn ; o'ptions vari able aud Irregular ; June advanced lc , closIng - , Ing nt the best ; latter months % < < 4c lower. closing firm with slight rerovuty ; ungraded red , b'JC't'-HKc : No. 1 red , I5 > c ; No. 3 red , U3c elevator : iMtfe free on board ; MX@IIHQ : delivered ; July closing at bSc. V Coril Uecelpts , 10,300 ; exports , 25,500 : spot firm : options ncidcctcd and more o'r less nominal , closing steady ; ungraded. 47@48c ; No. 3 , 47k'475fc atloat : July closed at 4CJfc. Oats itcceipu , 118,000 : exports , 155 ; ml uud western , 32(33Gc ( ; white western , 37Q41c. Petroleum Steady ; United closed at63 c. Kggs Steady ; western fresh , 15J e. I'ork Dull and nominal : mess at Quoted 114.50(314.75 ( foroldSl5.00@l5.2o ; for new. Lard Dull , lower and heavy ; WMtern Btuam , spot , quoted at C.'J7K. Butter Quiet and weak ; western , 13c ; creamery , I5@l3c. Cheese Dull and depressed ; western , 7K9 Cincinnati , June 18. Wheat Firmer ; o. 2'red , ) c. Corn Dull ; No. 3 mixed , 40c. Oats Easy ; No. 2 mixed , a'J ( < 43Dtfe. llyo-Dull ; No. 2 , C2c. 1\ \ I'rovisious 1'ork quiet atSlS.OO ; lard ouiet at 80.30. Whisky Quiet at 81.05. Milwaukee. June 18. Wheat-Quiet ; cash , 72JShC ; July , 7J c : September , 70 > Jc. Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 37c. Oats Quiet ; No. 3 white , 30c. Jtyo Steady ; No. 1. 57c. Barley Dull ; No , 3 , 50fc. } Provisions Qnlct ; pork , June , 814.50. Minneapolis. June 18. Wheat Steady and inactive ; No. 1 hard , cash aud July , August. 71Xc on track ; No. I har , 73c ; No. 1 northern , 72c ; No. 2. northern,70c. Flour Firm ; patents , 4.25@L33 ; bakers' , 13.35(23.45. ( Kecelpta Wheat , 138,000 bu. ; Qour , 340 bbls. Shipments Wheat , 6,000 bu ; flour , 17,000 bbls. bbls.New New Orlontti , June 18. Corn Dull and lower ; mixed , 49c ; yellow , file ; white , 64 < g55c. Oats Easier at S6c. Cornmeal Quiet at 83.30. llou 1'roducts Dull and drooping. Pork -815.50. Lard-S0.62K. Bulk JleaU Shoulders , 80.00 ; long clear and clear rib. $7.75. KSUH.IH City , Juno IS. Wheat Steaay ; No. 2 rod. ay'c. Corn Higher ; No. 2 , cash , 23Kc ; July , IjlVKSTOCK. Juno 13. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : I t Cattle Hecelpts. 1,000 ; shipping steers. 83.4U@-1.35 ; stockws nnd teedera , S1.CO < 4 If U.20 ; cows , bulls und mixed , 81.50 ® 3.15 ; Texas cattle , 82.25(33.00. ( "I llogs Uecelpts , 12.000 ; slow and 5c lower ; rough nnd mixed , 4.bOif5.05 ; packing and shipping , S4.1CC 45.15 ; light , tf4.805.05 ; Skips , 83.404.70. Slieop Ueceipts , 500 ; stnady ; nathos , S3.X ( ) ( 4.U ) ; western , S3.505N.20 ; Toxaus , V3.75S3.80 ; lambs , per head , 1.40@3,00. National Stock Yard * , Knst St , IjouU. III. , June 18. Cattle Uecelpts , GOO : shipments. 600 ; steady ; choice heavy native steers , 54.40Q4.00 ; fair to good shliv ping steers , 54.00(34.40 ( ! ; butchers' steers , I fair to cllolcp , S.'J.104.00 ; tueders fair to Kood ,'0 1.2.5 ; atockors , fair to good. 82.20 < Hogs-Uecelpts , 21.000 ; shipments , 1,200 ; actlvo and ntrone : cholco heavy and butch ers' selections , 85.05@5.20 : racklngand York ers , medium to prime , S4.t 5.oO ; plis , com mon to Eood , 4.2.X24.y ) . Kansas City , June 18. Cattle Uecelpts , COO ; shipments , none ; shipping , stronger ; common to choice. | 3. 0it4.20 ; good cows and butchers , steady ; stockers. saWsfUS ; leedluj : steers. 83.30,33,45 ; cows , 82.00in.a25. HoL'8-Ueceipts , 7,000 ; shipments , 4,000 : heavy , 5c higher ; pigs , weak nnd 5@lUc lower : common to choice , 84.45(34.00 ( ; skips nd pigs , S2.75Q1.40. OMAIIA 8TOC1C Saturday , June 18. Cnttln. The run of cattle was light again to-day K nud there was barely enough In to make a V market. The few that changed hands went at about steady pilces. ) Hogs. Thn run of hoes was fairly liberal for the close of the week. The market was alow to 1 open and the buyers wore very backward. On accountof the heavy run durlne the week , 'I and the liberal purchases on the. part of the packers , they Jiad nearly all the hogs they could kill during week. Sheen , There were no fresh receipt ) and noth- ) Hf doing on the market. VL. ItcoclpU. Cattle 800 llogs t -l.SOO Prcvnlllntc Prloo * . Showing the proratllugprlco : ] paid for lira slock on this nurkrt : Choice steers , 130J to 1WO Ibs. . . . S 1.0034.15 Choice steers , line to I3VJ Ibs. . . 3.UO < { 4.00 Fnt little stccr.l 900 to 10,7) ) Ibs. . . . .nM'.l.W Kxtracluiicncowsand lielfors. . . . 3.'iVi3.3r > ( teed to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.0Uni.U.ri : ) Common to medium cows ! MOii2..i ( Unod to rholcn bulls 2.75fd3.00 Light and medium hoei 4.4V < t t.CO ( looil to clioico heavy hogs 4.7rxa4.8. " > Good to cholco mixed hogs 4.00(34.75 ( llcprosontntiva Sales. STICKlta. Iilvo Block Sold. Showlncthu number of head of stock sold on thu market todayATTI.K. ATTI.K. U. II. Hammond & Co . 157 Local . SO Total . 177 Cl.trknliros . C'Jl T. J. Llpton . S07 Stjuirc.s it Co . 4bO (5. II. iiaminonu & Co . 214 liios . 127 Total . 1,813 Unsold . 2,275 Shipments. Showing the number ot cattlo. hozs and sheep shipped from the yards during the day. CA.1TLK. No. cars. Kt Dcst 5 . Mil . Chicago nous. S . K. L . follet 2 . N. W . Chicago 8 . IU 1 . Chicago All silos of stock in tuts market are made per cwt , llvo weUlit uuloss otliurwUo stated. bead l c per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs wtiljhlni : less than 10J Ibs. no valuo. ITo nant sows are docked 40 Ibs , by the oubllo Inspactor. Iilve Stock Note * . A dull day. No sheep market. , Light run of cattle. Hog receipts liberal. Over one-half of the hogs unsold. Fowler Bros were not ou trie market lion. A. B. Slater , Wayne , was hero with V. Allyn , Plum Creek , was a visitor at the yards. J. Manlon , Wabash , was here with a load of hogs. A. S. Uerr , Alma , was here with two loads of hogs. William Carton , Dewltt , was in with a load of cattle. Packers hod more hogs than they could handle. H. A. Smith , Oxford , carao in with two loads of hojtf. George Brown Is out mralu and able to at tend to business. ii. E. Palmarton , lloldrcge , was here with wo loads of hogs. P. A. Barrett , Weeping Water , was hero aud sold a load of hogs. George F. Moore , CSallna , Kan. , was among ho visitors at thn yards. A. E. Horn , of A. K. Horn & Co. , Chicago , was looking over the yards- Li. T. Mnrtln , of Maitin Bros. , Chicago , passed tlrrough here on his way west. P. Murphj , Jlogors , Neb. , sold a load of bogs averaging SCO pounds at the top price. E. W. Black , riattsuiouth , was In with two loads of hogs. Ono load brought the top price. Messrs. Kills & Pleasant , Dowltt , were in and marketed 87 bead of 1213-lt ) cattle at $4.10. Out of twenty-five loads of hogs shipped by Fowler Bros , to Chicago there were 23- dead hogs. D. Guernsey , Alma , a well known banker aud cattle man , was auion c the visitors at the yards. Buckler & Ross , Strorasburir , well-known bankers , were In with fivu loads of. cattle and one load of boss. W. G. B. Allen , formerly a well-known citizen ot Omaha , but at present of Idaho , and stock agent oti thu Oregon Short Line , is at the yards. Air. Young , with McCloud & Love , has re turned trout Chicago , where he Irad been with alondof cattle. While. standing In the caboose an engine struck the train and hurled him against the side of the car , bieaklug a rib iu two places. OMAHA WllOLiESAtiE MARKETS General Produce. Saturday , Juno IS. fhe following arc the prices at which roimd lots of produce are sold in Hits mar ket * Tlte < ; KoMfo ( i8 071 fruits and other commodity * shipped In from a distance are the prices at whtcti outside orders are Jlllcd : Kooa The receipts continue light and the market Is stronger. The bulk of the stock is moving at lU ( $12c. liurrEii Tlio receipts are liberal and In excess of the local demand : creamery , irxg I7c ; dairy , choice , 10@12c ; dairy , good , U 10i\ 10iCIIEKSE. . Full cream Cheddars , single , 14c ; full cream flats , wins , He ; Young Americas , 14Hc ; fancy Swiss. l c ; Swiss , Imported , 25c : Liinburger , 15c ; brick , 15@l6c. POULTUY The receipts are fairly liberal. There are a good many very small spring chickens coming In which are slow sale : chickens , old , 83.0003.2.5 ; spring , largo , S'iM 0100 ; spring , small , ; pigeons , 75fai,00. POTATOES. Stock of all kinds Is scarce. Old potatoes are coin ? at S1.15@l.3. " > , accord ing to quality. Now potatoes at SO.OO per barrel , OIIAKOF.S Santa Ana Mediterranean Sweets , per box , 54.00 ; 5 box lots , 53.75. Lr.iioNS Tim hot weather of the past few days has caused an Increased demand tor leinous ; present low prices cannot possibly last much longer ; fancy bar , per box , 86.00 ; tancy , fo.SO ; fancy , 5 box lots. SS.OO ; cholco , $4.50 ; cholco , 5 box lots , . per box , 34.00 ; fair to good. S3.75@4.00 ; fair to good , S box lots , 3.ftO@j.75. : BANANAS , ETC. Port Llmon , per bunch , 8S.00@-I.00 ; cocoauuts , per 100 , S0.50t't47.00. OUFOIIMA FRUITS California apricots , per box , 81.75 ; plums , per box , SJ.OO : poaches , pur box , S3. CO : cherries , 51.75. BKUIUKS , P TC. Strawberries are about played out Very little good shipping stock arriving. Black raspberries are plentiful and nice. Ited raspberries very firm , but too tender to stand long trips. Blackberries are arrlvlne in very nice condition. Blueberries havenlso put in an appearance. Domestic cherries are scarce and will command hluh prices ; strawberries , per 10 qt case , 52.50 : black raspberries , per 24 qt case 83.5034.00 ; red raspberries , per24pt case , 82,80 ; black berries , per 21 qt case , Sl.OOciJ5.00 ; blackber ries , per l bu stand , S4.50Q5.oo ; cherries , per 3 nt basket , 31.762.00. PsACiiKi-Por oue-Uiird bushel box , 91. SO ® 1.75. Arrr.ts Apples are now hoelnnlne to come In. One-third bushes boxes will be quite plentiful within a few days , Kew ap ples , per Kbu. box , 8 UKV3 1,25 ; per bbl , S5.CO. VKOETAUI.KS New potatoes , Cal , , per Ib , 3 > ' @ : ic ; Wo. , per bbl. , 83.50 1.00 ; new on ions , per bbl , S3.50 , per box , f 1.50 ; cabbage , per crate. S4.00QJ.50 : tomatoes , per K bit. box ; SL2.xai.40 : turnips , per bbl , S3.CKX33.CO ; beets , per bbl. S3.00fci3.50. WATIJUMKLO.NS There have been several can in which met with re * Jy sale at 525 per hundred. Canteloupcs are expected shortly. PnoviBioss. iiain , I2o ; breakfast bacon rlk 10 ; breakfast bacon , plain , lOWe ; dry 8ali Iies,8KQtl ; dried beef , regular , 10 $ U ; dried beef ; ham pieces , ISo : lard , 50 ID cans , 6Ko ; lard , SO Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7c : lard , 10 Ib cans. Fairbanks , 7Vo ; laid S Ib cans. Fairbanks , 7 c ; lard , 3 ID cant , Fair banks , 7Xd General VAnNisiir.s Barrels , per gallon. Furni ture , extra , . 81,10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1.00 ; coach , extra , 81,40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.20 ; lamar - mar , extra , SI.73 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum extra &c ; shellac , S3.W ; hard oil linlsb , SIM Unv PAINTS- White lead , 7c : French zinc , 12c ; Pails wlilllng. 3Kc ; whltlnir , gilders , 2e : whltlnc , com'l , ijfc ; lampblack , Ucr- manstown , l-o ; lampblack , ordinary , Vc ; Prussian blue,55o : ultramarine , Ibc ; Vandyke bro-Aii , be : umber , burnt , 4c : umber , raw. 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris irreun , guiiulne , 25c ; Paris green , common , 22c ; chrome green , N. \ . , 20c : vermlllion. American. Isc ; Indian , raw and burnt umber , 1-lbcana. 12c ; raw nnd burnt sienna 12c ; Vandyke brown , 13c : rclined lamtc black , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black , lOc ; drop black , ICc ; ullrama- rlne black , ISc ; chrome green , L. , M. V 1) . , 10 ; blind nnd shutter green. L. M. * 1) . , lOc ; Purls green. 20c ; Indian ird 15c ; Venetian red , lie ; Tuscan. 22cAmcrlcan : vermillion - million , Ii. A D. , 20c : yellow ochre , 2c ; L. > I. & O. 1) , ISc ; coed ochre , ICc ; patent drjer , Sc ; cralnlng color , ll ht oakdark oik ; , walnut , chestnut and ash , 1'Jc. Uituos AND CIIK.MICAI.S. Acid carbolic , 50c ; acid tartnrlc , Me ; balsam copaiba , per Ib , COc ; bark sasafrass , per Ib , lOc : calomel , per Ib , 7Sc ; chluchonlilia , per oz,25c ; chloroform , per Ib , 50u ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 81.25 ; cpsom salts , perlb , 3J < c ; glycerine , pure , per IbSOc ; lead , acetate , perlb , 20c ; oil. castor. No. 1 , per gal. Sl.OO ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal , S1.40c ; oil , olive , per gal , S1.40 ; oil , orle- nnnum , ftOu ; opium , 84.60 ; ( ( tilnlne , P. & W. nnd H. AcS. , per ; 07 , 70c ; potosslum , Iodide , per Ib , 83.25c ; sallcln , per oz. 40c ; sulphate morphine , per oz , $3.3.5 ; sulphur , jicr Ib , 4c ; str\ciinlne , txir 01. SI.10. PAINTS IN On. White lead , Omaha , P. P. , Ckc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 7c ; Mar seille ? , green , 1 Ib cans , ICc : Kronen zinc , grenn seal , 1-c ; French zluc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst. , 20c ; French zinc , 75c ; vermlllion , Kngllsh , in oil , 75c ; red. lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian roil , Cook- son's , 2J/c : Venetian red , American , 17 * ; , red lead , , 7Kc ; chronic yellow , genuine , 2Uc : chrome ycflow , K , 12c , oclirc , rochellc , 3c ; ocliro . Kronch , avc ' ; ochre , American , 15 < e ; Winter's mineral , SVr : Lulilch brown 2kc ; SpanUli brown , 2 > < c ; Prince's mineral , 3c. Si'ir.iTS CoIoL-no spirits , 168 proof , S1.10 ; do 101 proof. 91.12 : spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 31.10 ; do 1SS proof , Sl.OU. Alcohol , IBS proof , S2.18 per wlnn Eallou. Kcdls- tillcd whiskies , Sl.OOffll.GO. Gin , blended Sl.r > 02.00 ; Kentucky Txnirbons , 82.00 46.00 , Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , t2.00@ 6.50 ; ( iolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 81.50(33.00. ( Brandies , imported , 85.00(38.50 ( ; domestic , Sl.WXt&OO. ( ! ins , imported , t l.50iJ ( | 6.00 ; domestic , Bl.25@3.00. Cliumpaiiies , Im ported , per case , S28.00@33.00 ; AmLi'lcau , er case , 81 .00@t0.oo. HIDES Un-en butchers , | 5K < 3r'c ; ercen cured , 7c ; dry Hint , HQ512c ; diy s\lt ; , 0@lOo ; green calf skins. He ; damaged hides , two- tlilrds price. Tallow oc. Grease Prime white. 3c : vullow , 2c ; brown , IKc. Sheep pulls , 25@75e. HEAVY HAIIDWAHK Iron , rate S2.70 ; plowbteel , special ca.t , 4J < c ; crucible sleel , OKc : caat tools , do , 12fil8c ; wagon spokes , per set , S2.00@3.50 : hubs , per set , S1.25 ; lei- Iocs , sawed , dry , 81.60 ; tongues , each , ( Oc ; axles , each , 7,5c : snuarc nuts , per Ib , 6li71c ( ; cell chain , per Ib , OK@13c ; malleable , ! > Q10c ; 'ron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , 6c : harrow teeth. IJtfc ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Burden's horse ilioes , 84.75 : Burden's mule blioe.s. S.5.75. liarbcd wire , In car lots. 54.00 per 100 Ibs. ron nallsrates,10 toOO.S3.00 ; steel nallsS2.75. Shot , 81.35 ; bucksliot , 81.60. Hazard powder , kegs , 55.00 ; do , half kegs , 82.7.5 ; do , quarter kut-8 , SI.50 ; blasting , kegs , 82.10 ; fuse , per 10 feet , 65c. Lead bar , 816.00. Grocer's I .list. Ordinary grades , 2lft22c ; fair , 2iy23c ; prime. S5@ > J ; choice , 2KU25 ; fancy green and yellow , 21@25c ; old government Java , B3ii2iic ( ; Interior Java , 2l@2 c ; Mocha , 2S@30c ; Arbueklo's , roasted ! ibVc ; Me- lautliHn's XXXX , 2S c ; Dllwotth's , 27c ; Itcd Cross , 27tf c. t SYBUf No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , S1.2S@1.30 ; New Orleans , per gallon , as JGc ; maple syrnp , halt bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , S10.10 ; half gallon cansper do$5.50 ; quart cans , 83.00. CANUY-Mlxed , 8 } < @llc ; htick. 8M@OKc. CnACKKits ( Jarneau's soda , butter and picnic , 5c : creams , SXc ; ginger snaps.SJ c ; city soda , 7 c. PICKKI.S Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do in half Dbls , S4 ( K ) ; small , in bbls , SS.CO ; do , In half bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , iu bbls , 80.03 ; do , Iu half bbls , 85.00. SuoAit Granulated , 6 # < 96 } c ; conf. A,6@ orcwhltotXtraC,5M.f ; ( ; ; extra C. 5c ; yellow C. 5' @ 5 ; > 6'c ; cut loaf , powdered , G.X < ! 7c. CANNKH GOODS Oysters , standard , per ease. 82.0003.10 ; strawberries , ti Ib. per c.t o , S2.30 ; raspberries , 21b. per case , S2.25@2.45- ; California pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per case , 84.30 ; peaches , per case , 84.SH ) ; white cherries , per case , 85.50 ; plums , per case , 83.50 ; blueberries , per case , 81.85 ; eeg gooseberries , per ease , 81.75 ; 2 Ib. string beans , per case , 81.70 ; 3 Ib. lima beans , per case. SLfiO ; a Ib. marrowfat peas , per case , S2.40@3.50 ; 2 Ib. early Juno peas , per case , 82-75 ; 3 ID. tomatoes , S2.50 ; 2 Ib. corn , J3.60. Dry 1m tn her. AND 13ft Ii ft IS ft 18 ft 20 ft' ' 3 ft2rt ! Xxt 17.50 17.50 17.50 18.50 sin 17.50 17.50 17.50 13.50 l9.Mfe.50 2-i Zxti 17.50 17JW1T.BO 18.50 IU.50 32.50 ISIS ) tuo 17..W'l7. ' l 18..W IU.BO 32.00122.60 2113 17.5' ' 17.50 17.5'J ' 18..VJ 19.50 M.BO 22.50 1S.1C 18.50II8.6U IU.50 M.M'2l ' : Ol > | 23.00 . No. l , com , sis $19.50 No. U , com , si s . ' . 17.50 No. 4 , com , sis 13.50 FENCING. No. l , 4 & 0 In , 12 & u tt , rough 519.00 . " " ' " " " " No.a , 15.00 SIDING. A , 13.14 and W ft . . . . 32.00 11 'v * ' * . * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on < wU.t ri > J C , " " " 15.00 D , " " " 13.00 CEH.INO AND PA11TIT1O * , 1st com. , ; In White 1'inn Coiling 34.00 Clear , ? In. Norway Pine Ceiling 10.00 ' A 6 Inch , whltopino " S35.00 C " " P't ! . . ; 9/)0 E" " " ' ( SelFen' ) 19.50 No. l , com. 13 in a. 1 s. . 12. & 14 20.00 " " " "Ifift W.OO No.a 12 * 14 ft , . . . is.oo " " " " leu n.oo FISISHISS. IstandZd , clear , lKlncUs. 3s SW.oo 3d , clear. 1 iuch. a. 3 s 515 itf , l , a in 45.00 a sdcct , 1 inch , s. 3 u 30 ; l , IK , 3 in U7.00 POSTS. White Cedar , 0 iu. , Ha ISc : 0 ln.qrs..llo Jl D. S. DEPOSITORY. Capital $500,000 Surplus , 100,000 Herman Kountze , President. John A , Creighton , Vice-President. Fi H , Davis , Cashier , W , H , Meo-quieri Asst.-Cathler. Union National Ban OMAHA , NEB , Paid Up Capital $100,000 , Authorized Capital .600,000 W. W. MARSH , President. J.V. . RODEPKR , Cashier Account * solicited and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to its care. Pay 5 per cent on time deposit : . No 206 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av enue and 16th sts. Telephone No 812. DAN : SULLIVAH , Sewer connections made in any psrt of the cltj. Satisfaction guaranteed , 1C2Q Cupitol Avtfune , Omaha. lioMrustCo w 308 S. V * " .St. , Omnlia , Neb. Capital - $300,000 1 , „ , m _ Lonm itBiulc on Rent IMitfc. School , County Ami Municipal Domls Nc- j iRotiatcil. WM. A. PAXTO , L. n. WILLIAMS. I'roiMont. Vlcn Pros. lion. L. OARMCIK , F. IJ. JOHNSON , Secretary. Treasurer. DUUiCTOUSi WM. A. PAXTOf. \ HKNIIY T. CIAHK , W. a. MAUL. i I. It. WILUAMS. llUDT. I * . GARUCHS. s. It. JOHNSON. F. i ) . JOHNSON . THE BANK OF COMMERCE 1610 North 16th Street , OMA.KC.A Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000 GKO. K. BAtlKER , t'rrildont. ROUT. L. UAHUCIIS , Vloo-Prcsldont. F. I ) JOIINSON.Cashler. DlltEUTOltS : SAMUF.LR. JOHNSON , Gio. E. lUnicin , HOIIT. L. GAIIL1CI1S , WM. SttVtlU F. II. JOHNSON/ ARcncrnl banking business transacted. Interest allowed on irao i Cor 13th anil Douglas ats. Capital Stock $150,000 Liability of Stockholders 30O.OOO The only rc uhr snvlnirs bank m the stnto.Fivo percent Interest paid on deposits. Loans Made oil Real ctato. OFFICERS : UuvC. IlAnTOX , President ; J.J. nisow.x. Vice President ; \ . M. HnvNirrr , Manmrmx Di rector ; JOHN E. Wit.imu. Cashier. WoodbridgeBrothers STATE AGENTS fOU THL OMAHA , NEBRASKA. DREXEL & MAUL , Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs , UNDERTAKERS AftD K.TJISAL IKBSS. At the oldstand 1407 Farnam st. Orders bytolopraph solicited and promptly at tended to. Telephone No. 225. RICHARD , . ri UITT , II. R. C. V. S. , - > rj * Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of life Royal College of V.elcr ary Surgeons , London , England. Onice , Bcjham's Stable , 118 North iClh Street , Omaa. DRS. S. &D. DAVIESON ' , ,17QVC > liyeSt. . St. Louis Mo. Of the Missotm State' Museum of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hosp'i- tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES , More cs peciaily thsc arising from impru dence , m\ite all so suffering to correspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily with out detention from business , and \\ithout the use of dangerous drugs. Pa tients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms- All letters receive immediate attention JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaubtion , " to which is added an ' Essay on Marriage , ' with important chap ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or gans , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise which should be read by all young men. Address. DRS. 3. & D. DAVIESON , 1707 Olive St..St. Louis. Mo. PILESV SfiLT _ _ _ n _ . > _ ' _ * i _ _ _ _ _ A n WELSHANS' GEM FLOUR. Made from sound whont. Ilent Oem Hour miulc. Mukci bono nnd nuncio , lurlKorates tlip briiln , trciiBtliem iho nor cs , enrlcBC" the blnod. rimrerersfrom dyspj)3l , lndliie tlon , coiiitlpallau ilhbclci , llrlRhl'i dlMxe. "to. , will Und It Inyaluii. bio. I > OI ) > Kdlt WKI.Ii 1'KOI'liV : . Onlor It of your doulcr. 8'inipls luckago free tu physlclsnj who will nay xnrC8i chsrgoj. Clrsular ulvlng full purlieu. Mrs on application. Welsliaus , Pratt & Haincs. OmaliaNcb Manufncturera of Cereal Specialties. KB. CHERBOURG Ct > ri13th & Dodge Sts. Omaha , Neb , U RES All DiMiKl ciucil by prwliinn , ( Self Alxua ) , Eictu , ( l.i. _ Imlu ! nce ) , CoDtiilon , ( KlooJ I'ot. nrloMa ' flir full InfjmiAtlon. ConiuIUtioii nnllor b inatDlfe lul Con&luilUL ; nnll/ or * tlfcr < llourf , j > t la . . m , 1 lo i IM | IQ * p. m. ODD A sent ( VtrcnMO eniy > w m > a m > rerr town for The host ev $ B5 $ of the popularity of your Tanslll's I'unbh H that uftor tlia trlul I liavo a psrmarVent < MiftQmor. I Uuvo sold them for moro thKn < Ilire years amltlio only fault that my customers find with them Is that they can't smoke anr.ether fie olirar with satiafctlou , ItOUTU. COWUltIV , I'll. a.ChlCUBO. II.1ESS , K. W. TAHSILL & CO. , CHICKI JtntliTlTlX . . _ . . -uotti.inlliL > u tlili > | currinu of F dlrtctlihntufh all vitk pirtf.rtstor * Ciunnl -riflloiunHrcrwtforfilijt oO fnctih. UnttMl ImproTimcDti ortr ll othtr Ulu. Worn CIMI p r. mn < itl7cur dlnihr < i aaU > f. 8 li < r mphUt4c. tuinn TheSsadwElMtrioCo. IC9Utsllc UCMcso > oulklnl triMl. THE RA1LWA1 TIKE TABLES , OMAIIA. DUMMY TWAINS. Itunulm : bet ween Council Bluffs and South Omaha. In addition to the stations men tioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Isventy- fourth streets , und at Summit , In Omaha. WcHtwnril. Kastwnra. COUNCIL BLUFFS. CONNECTING LINES Transfer Transfer depot | depot C.IU.&P. : , , 7:15 : am' ' 0:15 : a m All Trains run Dally. 0:15 : am 5:25 : pm 0:40 : pm 7:00 : pm C. & N.V. . All trains run dally. . . . 915 ; a m 0i5a ; m 6:40 : pin 7:00 : p in C. B. & Q. All trains run dally. . . . j 0:35 : am m 9l5a 7:00p : m m C. M. & St. P. All trains run dally. . . . . | 0:15 a m 0:15 : am 0:40 : p m 7:00 : D m K. C. St ,1. & C. B. Except Saturday , 10oo ; mtO:35ara : tExcept Monday. * 8:55pni : 5:30 : pm W. St. ! . & P. All trains run daily ; J 2i5pm ; 12:15 pm Alltralns run daily. . .j 7:05 : a in : a m G:25urn : ThtorJy road to take for DCS Motnes Mar- BhiUllown , Cedar Knphls , Clinton , lllxon , Chloa- go , Milwaukee and all points cunt. To the poo- nlo of Nebrnskn , ColorH.Jo , WyomlnR , Utah Iilnho , Nevada , Oroiron , Wnshlngton und Coll- foriiln , tt otTars superior BdvantBfes not possi ble hy any other lino. Amonic B few or the numerous point * of su periority enjoyed by the pntroni of this road between Omaha Kim Chicago , nre Itg two triUns adnr of DAVCOACH15S , which are the llnest Hint humnn art and Ingenuity can create. IU I'ALACESI.EKI'INfl CAHH , which are mOdeU of comfort nml olttrunce. Itg l > AltIXlt DUAW- ING ItOUM CAUS. unBiirpnnsetl Ijy any. end Ita widely celebrated PALATIAL DiNINQ OAKS the oquM nf which cannot bo found clsonhern At Council IllulTs the trains of the Union Pacltli : Hy. connect In Union Depot with those ot thu Chicago & Northwestern Hy. In Chlvngo the trulns oftbls line miiko close connection with thnne or all eastern linos. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin nati , Niagara/alts , Buffalo. I'Utshunr.Toronto , Montreal , Boston , Now YOTK. rhllndelphls , Baltimore , WuihlnRton nnd all points m tin east , ask for a ticket via thn "NOHTHWESTBBN. " If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket RR nU sell tickets via this line. H. HUGHITT , K.P. WItDON , Oonl. Mans r , Hen ) , Paas'r A-ent Chicago , 111. W. M. BABCOCK. U B. BOLLKB , Western Aftent , City 1'ms'r Ag at. Omaha , Nebraska. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Mil waukee&SI , Paul By The Vest Route from Omaha anil Council Itlnffa ( oj THE E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and Council UluOg Chicago , ANI > Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapids Rock Island , Frceport , RockCord , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , > radifion , Janesville , Beloit , Winona , La Croste , And all otlicr Important points Kagt , NoithcnEt nh Southeast. For throuuh tickets call on the ticket agent t liJl l-'urnam it , in 1'uxton hotel , or at Union 1'uciOc depot. 1'ulltnnn Sleepers ftnd the finest Dlnlnf ? Cars In the world nro run on the main ln ! of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 1'aul Hiitlwuy anil ev ery attention It puM to passciiKcra by courto. ousomployeos of the company. It. Miu.Eti , Uenoral Mnnn or. J. F. TticuEK , AsslttantUonoral Manager. . A. V. 1C CAui-Khzieu , ( leneral l'us cngor an > l Ticket A ( font. GBO. B-llKAn-OBn , Assistant General Passen. gee and Ticket Agent. Oinato Mm' Directory. Agricultural Imp/tments , cTfuiicihLL PARKER , Wholesale DpiiUr In Agricultural Implements , Wnprong , CSr rliEos au4 ] lnjelo . Jonrn lru t , between 9tb iu\10UiOiu h . Nab. LINING EH it"flETOALF ) CO. , Agricultural Implements , W gnn < .C rrlago < . llnitglM. Kta. . Wholoalo , Om ti . PARLINORENJOR\C MARTIN i \Vliolo9HloDcitloriln Agricultural implements , iYr.jtont mit ! nurplf. IOI..XV1W3 nml JOT , Jnncn st Arthts' Material. A. nOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1113 noujilni Ptrret , Omth . Builders' Hardware and Scales , irnrEiiAUGJi "SlfAYLoit , BuildurB'Hnnlwara&ScaloHcpiilrSliop Uocliaiilci'TooUanil IlutTnlo Hc U . llfti l > outfl U -v Umnlin , Nuti. Hoofs and Shoes. w. r. MOUSE te co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. Kit Farn ni it. , Oninlia , Neb , Manufactory ) BnmtDM itrrct , llof ton. Wholesale Rubber Boot * and Shoos Hublior nntl Oiled Clothing nml Kelt Hoots and Shoos , Southeast Corner Hth ud Douglas. B r. STORZ .C ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1W North ISth Btr l , Omaha , N b. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS .UELLEIt , Batchers' Tool ; ] ami Supplies , Sausage Cailngi of all klndi nlwnjt la mock. UU Jonuimt.iOiuaba Coffee , Spices , Etc. Omaha Como : and Spice Hills. Tca .CoTe ( > o , Splc . linking Powder , FHvorlntK- tracts , laundry lilue , Ink. Kic. HU-16 llnrr j Street , Oniuhn. Neb , Cornicf. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epouctcr , 1'rop. Mnrnfncturor of ( laUnnlteil Iron airl Cornlca. SCI Dodge and 10S end los M , lOtbtL. Ora b , Neb. RUEMPING < C JiOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Wlndowo , Klnaln.MoUMc Skylight , tc. 3138. 12tli it. , Onmlm. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. GalTanlzttl Iron Cornier * , etc. Spcct'n Improved I'nt- cnl Mctnllc Mcrlluht. 60S auiJ i Ml ) 8.ISth Rt.nnuh . Carpets. OMAIIA CARPET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , I.trolonmi , Mnttlngo , Ktc. lilt Donflnt itrert. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for 'ho Manufacturer and Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , Lampi , CblmusjB. etc. ORlcc , 217 South Uth it. Omaba , Neb. CLOTHING M. ELGU'lTElt'S Mammoth OlotliiiiRr Honso. Corner Inrnnmand Tontli Streets , Ouinli i , iS'ob , Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing1. Duller , Kcgaand Produce. ConslRr.roenu eollcltail. UeHdqu"rtPr for Mnnnwaro , licrrj llozea uud llrapo lluikuta. lilt IwJuentrectOmaba. 1111 > DELL C Storage and Commission Alorcliants , Specialties lltittcr , Kgitt. fhcme , Po tltrr , Uamo. Oysters , etc. , etc. 112 a. tub St. FEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Frutte , Produce and Prorlilons , Omaha , Neb. J CO. , Prodnco Commission Merchants , Poultry , Duller , Gama , Kmlti , etc. 290 S. UtOIt , Umuha. Nub , Coal o/70 * Lime. UKO. t.L/iiiAOii , 1'rrs. C. p.noonuAN , V.P > ti. J. A. auNiiniLAND.-tiee. unJ Trent. OJC1/ZJ. COAL , COKE d ; LEHE COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 309 Soutb Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob. J. J. JOJUftiUJT M VO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shlppe-m of Conl anil Cobx. Onnient , Planter , Utnc , llnlr. Flru Urlrk , Drain. Til * and Honerl'ipo. ORIce , I'irton Iliite. . runum ft. , Omaha , N b. Confectionery. ' " " * . Manufacturing : Confectioners , Jobbers of FrnlU.NutsandClciui. UU larnam SL Oiuiha. Cigar * and Tobacco. , C CO. , Jobbers of Cisrars , Tobacco , Ouni auJ Ammunition , J1S Io223 S. lllb at. , 1(00 ( to Kuriuiu it. , Omiha , Neb. WEST A FRITSC1IER , Manufacturers of Tine Citfars , And Wnolesnlo Dcnlcrs In I.o.if Tnbncroa , Noa. 103 anil 110 N. Uth rtr-ict , Onmlui. Dry Goods , M. K. SMITir ,6 CO , , Dry Goodq , Furnishing1 Goods & Notions 11C3 and 1101 Douclnn , cor. llth St. , Oronhn , Neb. Distillers. DUtlilers of Liquors , Alcohol and SplrlU. Importers aud Jobburaof Wlneann , ! Uquora. WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILLS' CO. and ILER ,0 CO. , Importers and Jobbort of Fine Wines nnd Motion. Uolumanurnotureriof Kennodr'ii K t India llll- tar * unit liimc ; loLI'UMr | . 1115 llurueybt. Furniture , DEWEY C STONE , Wholesale Dealers iu Furniture. Karnam it. . Qmxhn , Nub. CJL i IILES Furnlturo , ] ! oUHnflf ( , Upliolstory , Ulrrori , etc. 1700,1MM imd 12JO Farnam it. , Ora.iha , Groceries , f'AXTOSt , OALLAGIIER < 0 CO. , Wholnsalo Gvocorlea and Provisions , Knj. TU.1'17 ' , WO itml 711 S. 10th M , Omiha , Neb. MuCORV , Ji.KADY tl > CO. , "NVholcsalo Grocern , l'th ; and LeaTtnworth rts.,0mnh.i. Hardware. Joblicrs of Ilarihviirn anil Nails , Tlnwaro , Hlioct Iron , lo. ! AconH ( or IIow Scnlsi , vnd Jllanil l'uw < Jcr'u.Oniili.iNnli. W : , L HROATC1I , Heavy Hardware , Iron ami filed , Bprlui3Vr.ron ; Flock , UnrdwHro I.umbor , etc. KM ad \ \ . et. , Otuulm. KDNEY o Wliolesalo Iron and Stcol , Waion and Carriage Wood Stocli , Hoovr l ! r'f ' ra. Etr. 1211 and 1S1V Le Tf nnorlb it. . OinuliH , Nsb. MILTON JUJUlMtli tl ) SfiNfT Stoves , Raiiffes , Furnaces , Tiles , Uantlai , Ural * * , UniMfiowJi. 13JI ud W3 r rna Omaha Jobbers' ' Jobbers'm m r Iron Wort * , \ ' * ' * WMutbt and rail Iron BulldlM Wort. * t * i M IUIIIUK , lluami nml dirtier * . Mini ImttM * : ! Work.dtngrM BVunrtrr. Matsjn tf MMI * . Voik. umca nnl Wotki , U. r. 7a d TUiHi * * * . ? Mnniifacfiirltifr Dealer In SwoXciStftekft- UrUchlnKf. Tanks , nml ( Innn-al BoitwHtpsMM. 131J DoiK'hn ircct.Oi a < m. . , j. " . K. H. jipMANi' " . n. stJi.ttr. OMAIIA WIRE , /ROJV WVR. .Mmiif olit'vr of " " ' ire nnd Iron KtiilinM , D * k B , Wlndnw ( InitnK Klowor BOadft , WH " 17. ) N , Ifith. Onlor. br mill prompMr " Lumber. l > o.ile < - All Kinds of Material at Hth Hlrootaml Union I'aaltla Traclt. LOUIS JlRADt'OKD , Dealer iu Lumber. Lath , LlnfO lX.or..lC.e. . Tard onyr d Pp hs , < CHICAGO LUMItEK C' , Wholesale Lunbcr * Ml B. Uth itraet , Om ha. W b. r. Ootp t * f. 1 " ' ' 5"- " " " " " ii ILr ffitf V. JT. JJJiJltJ Lumber. nth and California Blroou , Omahm , K h , J'Ji/JII IF < &JR41V Lnro ber , Lime , Ceincat , Me * MfC Cor.eth and nongln iu. , Omaha.M X h UOAGLANDt Lumber. 2' W. HARVEY LUMBXM To Dfcalors Only. * x * , U03 Fnrnitm tr iOBMl > ii. CJTAS. Jf. LEX , , Jlardwood LnHibcT , v Wood Carrots and i'aranet Flooring. StkMrill Omaha. _ n JOHN A. WAKEFIKLD , * Wholesale Lumber , Etc < Imported and Amerlrnn 1'ortlnnd OmMi. Asont forUllnnukpu llyilrnullo Cr ( Julncj WlilluUae. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK Of Omnlia. Limited. John F. Dojrd , fl issrliilliiisai. Lift Stock CommiHien. JU. UURKIt .0 SONS , Llvo Stock CommlsalML Oeo. Ilurko , Manure * Union Stoelt Yard. . 8. Omaha. Trt pbOB SAVAGE & GREEN Llvo Stock Comnilssiom Ehlpmenti of nr and nil klmli of Stock Union Ptock VnMn. Omaha , Kib. Millinery and Motions. I. OIIERFELDER tO OO IraporUn nnd Jobber * of IHllincrjr and Notloni , 1113 and Kli llarnej St , oot , Onuli * , K k. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTIOJT , Wholcialo IKriUrs la Notions and Furnishlny Gooda ; _ 403 and 40i B. Tenth U Ow h . Overalls. COMPANY Manufacturers of Overalls , eana Tauti , Shirts , Ktc. IIP ? and 11U Doailmi gttMfc . ] Omaha , NoU. ' PAPER CAJtPEXTEK PAPER CO * ' * Wliolosnlt ! Paper Dealers. : arrya nlcontocfcof Printing , Wrapplnu and Wrt V n paper , nt'.entlnn stran to car' loaaofv , rnors , which will b ihlpiieJ illract from mllU. At- < ordcri will leeolye personal attention , wvnus > nteo ROOI ! goods and low price * . UU and Utl ' . - ' Printing. REES PRINTING Job Printers , Blank Book Maken , And llook llladcri. 101 and 109 South 'oart ab tr t. Omaha , N b. r WESTERN NEWSPAPER Auxiliary Piiblisliors. , \ i , Prosse * and I'rlntori' BappllMr M Bouth Twelfth btrett " Pumps , SROWNELL & CO. , Manufnctnrcn and I > en ) In Jicrliieg , Uoilcra ft. Ocnoral llachl iliout Iron-work , Btamn 1'umpi.8\w MIIli , Shaftliw , Dodge Wood split I'olleri , Bcltta * , ' AJto wagons , ieraper , uad5 ulttlM. UU-UU Tcnirorlhst. Omnhj CIIURCniLL PUMP CO./ Wholosala Pumps , Pipe , Fitt HtOtttnond Water Bu i > llc > . II J u rHr KoootC'o' Uo , > ls. llll Vurimra it..u U. S. WIND ENGINE and f COMPANY. Iillxdity Wind illliv nieam and Wl lluaiblnir Uooda , Itultlntf , Ho1 * * . 91S I now it. , Oiiinlm. B. K. K el ton. Mi TulcphiuioMu 210. A. L. STRANO CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Knglneg. Staam , Watur , llallvrnj and Mllllnf Bnppl Sad , lUiand W Hirnaiu > t.Omaha , Sufcs , Etc. J' . DOYER C CO. , Agents for Hull's Safe & Lock Plro and llmtfar Proof Sif.u. Time | na Jail Wore. IM ) Farn iin itmn G. ANDR1SEN , Onialia Safe WorXs. . , - ? Unnufucturornnf Klro mid Ilorjlar Proof Safe * , TsMtV Uourn.Jiill Work.uiiuticin and Wlru Work.Of * , J 1 llh und Jiickxin tilt. , Ocikba , Neb , 7"i " * Sasfi , Doors , Etc. ? in. A. WholoioloMnniifn Urortof I Sash , Doors , Dliuda and Houldi fk llianch ollco , 12lli nud Itr.rJ BOIIN MANUFACTURING' Manufacturers , of Sash , Ooort , . .orknnd Interior Hard Woiut. N. 12. cor. 6th iird LcaTCOwuitu Umtbii , Ncli. KLEIN HOUSE ! Johnstown Neb * , , , ? The best accommodations for travelers , ! ; The best hotel in town. V ' * F. G. FRITZ , Propri t rl ; MIR Lincoln , Neb. The licet known n nil tnoi.t poi > ulur liotclia 1 n sitto. I.ooniloiiu ciilialnppolntincnt < K cis4. ) ; lloiiilqunrtcis lor couuuorcliU awi lM _ ull v' unil | iiil > lloiiulicrlnn. y.v , U. l * . UOGOENProrUtir lool , County and Cilfro1j ] | D3 TDS ! ' \Vo will pay bl hcst prlco 'or * . STULL-SB