THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. 1 . 1887.-TWELVE PAGES * . AILY BEE. LISHEO EVERY MORNING. rrnvs or suiwcnmios : Dtttr ( Mornlflir Edition ) Including Sunday BIB. Unn Year . $10 00 tor Blx Months . & ( For Thrco Month * . 2W The Omaha Sunday UK , mailed to nny ftddnra , Ono Vour. . . . 200 OMAHA omcr. No. nn AD m FAJO AM STREET. KW vniiK orrinc , KOOM ITS. TntnuNB iHiit.mxo , orricE , NO. Ml KOUIITIKXTUSIUIKT. All communications rolntlnn Ui news nndcdl- torlnl in tier nhouM bo nU'lrujsod la tlio Koi- toil or TUK IJBK. IJBK.mrsT.vtus mrsT.vtus r.rrrKtist All hiKincsd letters nn > l romlttimeejihould tin rtdrcsiod tO Til F. II Kl I'UUUSIUNO COMPANY , OMAHA. Drafts , rlieck.i nnd poitnfflco ordori to bo raado payable to tlio onlr of tha compuny , THE BEE POBLISHI 7cipm , PROPRIETORS , E. KOSEWATEU. KniToru THK DAILY UKK. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Btato of Nebraska. I , . County of Uouzlafl. fa' s' Geo. B. T/.sehueH , secretary of The Bee Publishing company , does solemnly swear that the actual circulation of tlui Dally Bee for thn week ending Juno 10 , 1SS7 , was aa follows : Saturday. June 4 11.205 Bunday , June 5. . . . 14.200 Monday.JunoO 14,02.1 Tuesday , Juno 7 1.T.IW3 Wednesday , Juno B H.OOO " "Yursday , Juno 0 14.050 . 9H iday.Junc 10 14,000 Avcraeo 14.101 OKO. J * . TZSCIIUCK. subscribed nnd sworn to before me this llthdny of Juno , 1837. fSKAKJ Notary Pu'bfle. Oco. JJ. Tzschuclt , bclnpr lirst duly sworn , deposes and says that lie Is Bccrotary of The Eco Publishing company , that the actual average daily circulation of the Dally Bee for th month of for .Mine. 1SSG , 13.298 copies ; for .July , ISSn , 12,314 copies ; for August , 18N8 , 12-lVt ( conies ; for Septem ber , I860. 13o0 : ! copies ; for October , 18W , 12.1M ) copies ; for November. 1880 , 18M3 : copies ; for December. IBM. 13,2.17 copies ; for Danunry 1887. Ifi.eO' copies ; for February. 187 , 11,108 copies ; for Afarch. 1887 , 14,400 conies ; for April , 1887 , U,310coplea ; for May , 1887 , 11,227 copies. Oio. H. Tzscnucir. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 4th * ay of Juno A. D. , 1887. ( SKA L. | N. P. Fun * Notary Public. Contents of the Hominy Dec. Pngol. Now JTork Herald Cablegrams BpeclMs to the BKE. General Telegraphic News. Paso 3. Telegraphic News. City News. Miscellany. Page it. Special Advertisements. Pniro 4. dltorlals.-Pollllcal Points. Personalities. Local. The Chip Basket. Fnco 3. Lincoln News Locals. Adver tisements. 1'au'o 0. Council Bluffs News. Miscellany , -Advertisements. II Paso 7. ( ieneral and Local Markets. Ad- mtlsements. Pace 8. General City News. Adver- tlMments. Fnco 0. Society In Omaha Tender Mem orlea of Mexico , by Grneo Deano Hunt rrcparinu for the Itevlew , by P. S. liratli. _ Page 10. Solace for the Summering. Woman's Extensive Sphere. Self-Made . Women. Honey for the Ladles. Musical nd Dramatic. Advertisements. Pniro it. Hvmen's Hltchlnir Strap. Con- imblalltles. Educational. Count fjolstoi. Religious. Singularities. Impieties. Pep- ] * riiilnt Drops. Advortisomenta. Page 19. The Electrical World.-Doan Lanch. Bird Notes. For Sweet Charity's Bake , by Clara Bnllo.-A Story of the Past WIIKRK woa Ilumphroy Monyihan When Soavoy wont out ? UK. BIJAINK is in Lorn' ' " " loolctug Interest upon Hullalo Bill's boom. IK Scavy had not resigned yesterday. Iho story would have been circulated to day that ho was the original old man Bonder. TIIK New York World's balloon , which grounded in a small Illinois town yester day , may bo regarded , to all intents and purposes , as a lizzie. IN St. Loins to-day the Sunday law foes into effect , but whether it will prove iffectivo is a question agitating the minds If the citizens of the spectral town. TrtK report thatdynamito is to bo used luring the queen's Jubilee , should cause Iho czar of all the Russins to telegraph kls congratulations to the queen. THE adumbrant form of Sarah Bern- tftrdt is by this time across the Atlantic. Her son Maurice will doubtless write a look on what ho knowa about America. RHODE ISLAND will oxpcrimont with krohihition , while the local officials will K > called upon to experiment with those Mho drink the cxlulerating elixirs con- Vary to law. Tin : Boston Advertiser writes a column to favor of maintaining the political parties. Few object to such a plan , but the maintenance of some politicians has boon looked upon as suicidal. TUB legislature of California recently Macted a law making adulteration of Wino a misdemeanor. Unfortunately , California wines are generally adulterated Mtsido of the wine cellars and outside of the state. ANOTHER train robbery is reported from Xtoxus. When Colonel James loft Mis- ouri , on account of its bad society , ho Mid ho proposed to embark in an enter prise in Texas. Ho is evidently proving fee dead-head. THK trial of the father of boodlors , Mr. Jacob Sharp , appears to bo progressing lowly. The distinguished gentleman Will pass this bright Sabbath day in the Lad low street jail the aarno place where Boos Tweed died. CHICAGO experienced fourteen fires in BO day supposed to bo caused by the xcessivo heat from the sun. This recalls the idea of Ignatius Donnelly to the ef fect that the great Chicago fire of ' 71 was caused by the tail of a comet. Now that Scavey haa stopped down find out wo expect to see the great ex pounders of the charter , who claimed that Soavoy was only personating chicl of police , take off their hats and bow to McDonald , who holds his commission and gets his title to the olllco from the Mae authority. It makes a great differ nee how you expound the law. THE Missouri legislature Is ccrtalnlj Ot regarded as a thine of beauty or a Joy forever. Tbo Bnlil Knobbors , who es- . aped conviction by the Christian county ( rand jury have served notice upon the lingering statesmen , at Jofl'urson City , IHatunlosa they adjourn by Juno 85 , DM entire army of Bad | Knobbors will elare war and diiband them in the Sweet Hlxteen. THK IAtr/r UEK made ih advent I * Omaha bixtoen years ago to-day. It was Issued as a trcn distribution dodger , from a dinpy old job ofllco without the usual high-sounding prospectus full of great promises coupled with the nJsuranco that it had been destined to till n "long-felt want. " Nobody wanted it in those days , not even its editor and publisher , who did not dream that ho had planted the germ of ono of the great dailies of America. To tell the whys and where fores that impelled him to attempt this enterprise would make a rather long story which wo must defer for another time. Suflicc it to say that no other paper in America sixteen years old can point btiuk to a more active and success ful career , covering a period in the history of Omaha nnd tlio state that will ever bo memorable for its fierce and bitter political strifes , marvel ous industrial development and unpar- tilled growth. It gees without saying that the UKB has been a very important factor in every political conflict fought in Nebraska slnco 1371 , and has never failed to cncourairii every project and enter prise that has contributed to tlio material welfare of Nebraska and mudo Omaha the chief commercial center in the upper Missouri valley. Having made no fulsome promises at its birth , the BIE : is not disposed now to give a blanket mortgage on the future. Its destiny is bound up nnd linked for ever with that of the city and state in which it has lived and nourished. What ever befalls them must also affect it in the years to come. Omaha nnd the State. The ingenious nnd designing cfl'orts of the local press at the state capital to ar ray the state against COmahn. in the con troversy over railroad rates , arc not likely to enlist popular sympathy. The nssur- anco that tlio light Lincoln is making against the "outrageous oppressions and exactions of the railroads1' is the light of the state against Omaha is decidedly g.inzy. The "outrageous oppressions and exactions" which Lincoln complains of consist chiclly in the fact that the rail roads decline to concede to Lin coin the same rate to and from Chicago and St. Louis which arc accorded to shippers at Omaha and other points on the Missouri river. It is not a question of exorbitant charges , but a demand for unjust discrimination in favor of tlio Lincoln jobber as against the merchants who are compelled to com pete with him on unequal terms west of Lincoln. In other words this is purely a local fight on the part of Lincoln in which the balance of the state has not the remotest interest. Omaha has suffered more from "oppressive exactions" at the hands of railroads than Lincoln , but she makes no pretense of lighting the battles of the whole state as against a common enemy , and docs not designate as that enemy ono of the great cities of the stato. The people of the Htato nt largo are interested fully as much in the growth of the metropolis as they are in that of the Capital city. Omaha pays one-tenth of the entire state tax , which goes a good way toward mnintakiing the state institutions at Lincoln. , . nuha'H marvelous giowth Illlt uono more to advertise Nebraska abroad than all other agencies combined. She has become a great financial centre , from which every city and village in the state draws more or less capital for local investment and enterprise , and she has with her own resources established grent packing-houses and stock-yards , which afford a profitable and constant home market for the cattle-raiser and farmer. Within less than live years this market will absorb the.greater part of the cattle product , not only of Nebraska and Wy oming , but of western Iowa and southern Dakota. The attempt to array the whole state against Omaha , under any pretext , is su premely selfish , short-sighted nnd abor tive. Whatever cripples Omaha cripples Nebraska. A man may cut off his nose to spite his face , but the operation would not improve his digestion. " The Board nnd the Schools. It will soon be the duty of the board of education to choose a superintendent of tlio schools , elect teachers , prescribe whatever new regulations the expanding system may require , and provide for needed reforms. Wo take it that every member of the board is duly sensible of the responsibility that attaches to this duty , and that their action will bo guided by what to their nest judgment appears to be for the highest interest and welfare of the public schools. Omaha has much to be proud of in connection with her pchool system. Wo have no doubt it will compare favorably in character and results with that of most other cities of the country , or at least of the west. But it is not without faults and defects , some of which are quite serious , nnd which being capable of remedy , gen erally with little difficulty , ought to be promptly and thoroughly removed. 'Moreover , education Is pro gressive , and wo must not bo entirely content with things as they have been eras as they are until it haa boon demonstrated that they cannot bo improved upon. Allover ever the country there is a tendency to leave some of the old ruts that have been so long followed in this most vital matter of public education , and to partially re model the structure , so as to put it more nearly in consonance with the newer ideas of what is necessary to bo taught in the schools of the people. We shall not hero oven suggest the several direc tions of this movement , but it is the duty of enligh'toncd educators and those hav ing charge of the interests of popular education here to acquaint themselves with this tendency and its directions , and to consider and determine how far it maybe bo desirable and practical to follow them. There are several practical considera tions relating to discipline and ef ficiency in the conduct of the schools which may properly bo suggested. First among these in importance is the neces sity of clothing the superintendent with the full responsibility in the manage ment of the schools , in determining the qualifications of teachers , and for the of- ticlonoy of those subordinate to him. In no ether way is it possible to secure and maintain discipline and the thorough at tention of all to their respective duties , A divided responsibility , giving warranl for a feeling that recourse may bo taken at any time , for whatever reason , to n hi ghcr authority , must bo destructive ol that prompt and willing obedience whict is essential to harmony , the .orderly pur suit of duty , ' and complete efficiency There mnst bo confidence in the judg ment nnd integrity of the superin tendent , and no man unworthy of such confidence should hold the po sition. It has been a complaint of the present superintendent , whoso qualifications nrc unquestionable , and .whose slnglo purpose wo believe to bo the advancement of the schools in every practical way , that his efforts to this end have been frequently thwarted by the in terposition of the board , with results guucrally unsatisfactory and disadvanta geous. Such a policy must in the nature of things bo inimical to the wclfaro of the schools. Let the superintendent be given full responsibility In the line of his duty , nnd hold him to a strict accountability for the faithful nnd judicious discharge of that dnty. If more is required of him than ono man in such n position can rea sonably bo expected to do , give him an assistant , keeping the entire responsi bility , however , with the head. There is reason to believe that some weeding out will have to bo dona. There arc teachers who have outlived their use fulness ns such , nnd there are others who arc hardly up to the standard that should bo required. With regard to the former it would bo much better in the long run to pension them than to continue them in service , while with respect to the latter they may properly bo given nn op portunity to better fit themselves for the duties of teachers , if they desire to con tinue in that vocation. Obviously the schools must not bo made nn asylum for the disabled or a nursery for incapablcs. Young blood nnd well-trained brains are essential to the best results in our schools and to their continued welfare and pro gress. Wo have no doubt that a more rigid nnd careful examination of candi dates for teachers should bo required. The law is not defective with re gard to this matter , but its requirements are believed to bo loosely complied with. The importance of re form in this respectif the fault suggested exists , will not be questioned. There arc other considerations that might bo sug gested , but wo have indicated these of most vital importance and commend them to the careful attention of the mem bers of the board. California's IVhont Crop. The harvesting of the California wheat crop this year is already begun in the earlier districts. While the winter's rains were not as plentiful as expected , yet the yield from the great valleys promises to bo very largo , far in advance of what the most sanguine predicted in March nnd April. While the papers of the coast are now indulging in wholesale advertising for their pccularly favored sections , ono of them is honest enough to say , regard ing their wheat crop that it will fall short of what might have been expected on general principles from a total rain fall of nineteen inches at this central point , wiiich represents pretty closely ' the average of the stato. This quantity , or the smaller proportional ono in any of the interior valleys , if as evenly distributed as usual would have snflicod for a large crop , but the very inadequate spring rains coupled with the tropical visitation last month can be fairly expected to lead only to such poor results as nro foreshadowed by most of the rrcent reports. It has been ono of the drawback ? of the Golden State -experience almost total failures in different crops , regularly every other year , but it is now claimed that with the increased attention paid to the summer fallowing nnd the increased use of irrigation , anything like an extreme failure is now out of the question , even in any part of the southern counties , where a wheat crop is likely to bo at tempted. Of the May estimates on this year's crop , the Chronicle Kays , "some high au thorities still count on a surplus of 1,000- 000 tons from this year's crop , but this estimate is neither borne out by the press dispatches nor by the published reports of the Produce Exchange. The official deduction from the latter is , in effect , that in the middle nnd southern counties referred to the crop on the whole will only reach half , while in the northern counties it will about equal that of last year. NoV , the closest esti mate so far of last year's crop it * that of the Washington departmentwhich places it at 30,000,000 bushels. Then , according to local calculations , two-thirds of this quantity must bo credited to thn middle nnd southern and one-third to the north ern counties. It therefore follows that the produce exchange estimate is 21,030.009 bushels , which , deducting 10,030,000 bush els for seed nnd home consumptionleaves a surplus of 14,000,000 bushels , or 8,400- 000 centals. This is independent of the 2,000,000 centals to bo carried over and the imports from Oregon and Washing ton territory , which nny pgain roach 1- 600,000 centals , making in all a grand total of 13,000,000 centals , or 000,030 short tons for export. But it is quite possible that before harvesting is completed some middle point between the two estimates may yet bo fixed upon that will appeal more strongly than cither to the final judgment of the trade. Fall of the Coke Syndicate. There has been no recent industrial event of greater general interest , or of more significance as illustrating a prin ciple , than the downfall of the coke syn dicate in the Connellsvillo region of Pennsylvania. Pursuing the course that such monopolistic combinations always do , this syndicate had steadily advanced the price of coko. leaving labor in the meanwhile wholly out of consideration , although it had asked to be better paid. When the advance bad reached 33 per cent the demand of labor for an increase of wages became imperative , and being refused a strike ensued. A tribunal of arbitration decided against the strikers , as did also the executive board of the Knights of Labor , but the men would not submit. There was a general stoppage of production , a number of furnaces were blown out , and the Injury to the iron Industry extended to other branches of business. There was every indication two weeks ago that this state of affairs would bo long continued , with stoidily increasing damage to the in terests involved. The strikers , largely composed of foreigners imported by the syndicate , were very firm and resisted all efforts to replace them with other workmen. The man to solve the difficulty was Mr. Andrew Carnegie , and in order to do so ho had to array ono syndicate against another. Doing u member of both the coke nnd the Uussemor stool syndicates I ho decided to sacrifice the for.nor to the . I latter , and he thereupon cabled to Uie coke firm with which ho is identified to grant the ndvnnco asked by the work * men. It was simply a choice between .osing money on thulr coke or closing their manufacturing establishments with steel rails at if 13 a ton , There was a largo falling off in the production of stocl rails during the month of May , nnd the demand was so much in ex cess of the supply that the deficiency had to bo made up from Europe. There is a profit in steel certain to overbalance any possible loss on coke , nnd Mr. Carnegie nnd his associate steel manufacturers wcro too shrewd to close their establish ments and permit the foreign manufac turers to got nny share of this profit rather than yield a small advance to the : eke workers. Hence the coke syndicate tvns made to surrender to the Bessemer monopoly. , There is perhaps n lesson in thi.clr- umstaneo for tlioso who contend that ho protection policy is the bulwark of nbor. It is this policy that enaCled the able syndicate to advance the price of t3 product one-third , but If this had not reduced the opposition of another pro- ectecl interest , brought about by the ompctition of foreign steel m ami fact ti ers it is more than probable that the joke minors would not have been sue- lessful , or if they Dually won , the strug gle would have been greatly prolonged. iVhcn the conflict became ono of mono polies , labor was incidentally bcnclitted. n this case it was not protection that iiclpud labor , but foreign competition in despite of protection. Honoring tlio Actor * . * "Good , my lord , will y * > " sec the play- jrs well bestow'd ? Do j'ou hear , let horn be well used ; for these are the ab- trncts nnd brief chronicles of the timo. After your death you had better have a bad epitaph than their ill report while on live. " So said Hamlet to old Palo- nius , reflecting the sentiment of Shako- ipcare's time , but in these modern days ho actor is hold In lighter esteem. That ho dramatic profession is not without loner in this practical ago , however , bund novel illustration in the reception and luncheon given the actors by the ord mayor of London last Wednesday. The event was not only unique , but ex ceedingly interesting alike in what oc curred nnd in its sugzcstivoness. There ivore present these who had once illumed ho stages with the brilliancy of their tal ents , and ] many more who nro contrib uting to its worth and glory to-day. It was a gay and merry throng , and we may bt sure there was enough of wit and wisdom distilled to make a vol ume of rare reading. The lord mayor , who was recently made a baronet and lias been celebrating the honor , in happy terms told his guests that the luncheon was an acknowledgment of a debt of gratitude , and Mr. Irving , in most graceful speech , showed thut ho is quite as competent to think for himself as to interpret the thoughts of others. Perhaps there was no precedent for this affair. Wo do not remember ever to have read of any other lord mayor loing anything at all like it. So much the more credit , therefore , should ho of to-day have for a finer and jnstor dis crimination than his predecessors. But actors in England have not in the past lacked distinguished favor , r.ot only of ord mayors nnd the lesser lights of no bility , but of royalty. Garrick was more lonorod than any actor has been since lis dny , and that wonderful man was worthy of it all. But John Philip Kcm- blo , Edmund Kcan , his son Charles Kcan , Macrcady , and a number of others , had entre to the very highest circles of Eng lish aristocracy. And it is not recorded that any one of them ever abused what then was esteemed the first of earthly privileges. The stngo has its share of the base and the shallow , and unfortu nately by these it is often judged ; but it also has true nnd noble men and women who art worthy to be honored by any station in life. Tlio lord mayor's en tertainment of the actors does not make this truth any stronger , but it does pro claim it. TUB Now York boodle aldermen who are sojourning in Montreal , are accord ing to a correspondent "thoroughly sick of their prolonged residence there and will bo heartily glad wh6n they can once more return to New York. The useless , idle existence they are leading and the almost total lack of amusement has a dampening effect on their spirits. Day after day they may ba seen loafing around hotels , smoking cigars , and look ing listless and dissatisfied. None of them have been received into society. " This should bo a timely warning to all boodlcrs. Even after escaping the vin dictive vengeance of the outraged law , to know that in a foreign country a cold shoulder is turned , it is little if any bot- thau a prison life. AMONG the varied boasts and claims of Kansas'City , the Star says the literary taste of that community ranks far above that of other cities , and offers as its evi dence the alleged fact that "Bon Hnr , " "Lcs Misorablcs" and "Monto Cristo" are among the books most frequently in demand at tlio public library in that city. For just what reason people of Kansas City read Wallace's "Ben Hur" wo can not imagine , unless 'ti for the excellent contrast it furnishes' ' Tjlioro are many unrcformed Jean Val Jeans there holding up the populace at nighits , which doubt less explains their 'lovo'Ior ' "Los Miser- ablcs , " and when wq'reinombor that the inflated town wants ho earth , it at once makes plain their deration for "Monte Cristo , " whose boasf was that the world was his. u' * ' THE Denver Jicptlllican says other places in Colorado offer better opportun ities to young men tluin Denver. Omaha presents to the young man the same chance and guarantees' ' the same privi leges as are enjoyed1 Iftrolder men. The Pennsylvania republican convention will probably be held in Ilarrlsburi ; Auzust 17. Iowa politicians are cucsalng at what Gen eral Wearer will do next. Tbo labor party has dropped him. The Manitoba lAglalature has passed a bill giving to all females who are property own ers the right to vote at municipal elections. The Baltimore American 8ays that if the president goes to St. Louis , as rumored , ho will swing around tlio circle or all the west ern cities. The election next August on a prohibition amendment In Texas will be thn climax of a campaign more exciting than one for the choice of state officer * . There U a 'disagreement between the re publican senate nnd the democratic house of the Ithodo Island legislature as to when a constitutional convention should beheld , A Boston contemporary propounds the full-faced query , "What Is economy/ ' Econ omy , them fair barbarian. Is the watchword of the present administration , The entire democratic state administration of Texas Is solidly against the prohibition amendment nnd It Is tislnt ; Its tnflucnco to brim ; about n defeat of the proposition at the August elections. The prohibitionists propose to spend 330- 000 In this year's campaign In the state of New York. Added to what the brewers and liquor dealers will contribute , that sum ought to enliven the proceedings apprecia bly. bly.Gath Gath quotes an ex-cabinet officer as saylns : "Bob Lincoln Is a great drat more ot a man than ho Kets credit for among politicians , but 1 sinccriily bcliovo ho Is the only man In this country to whom the presidential nomination would come without any satisfaction. 1 believe that he would decline it. " PEKSONAIjlTIK9. The duchess of Cumberland is still qultn Insane , but her physical condition has Im proved , and sue has had nuuy lucid Inter vals. vals.Ladles Ladles will be Interested In knowing that 2115 ! was realized during March 'at ' Port Elizabeth , Soutli Africa , from the sale of os- tilcli feathers. When Dr. Oliver WendcllHolmrs wants to road ono of his poems In public ho has it printed in Inrgo typo In unbound sheets. Boston loves its Holmes. The princess of Wales has completely sub- ( lui'dilio great chlof nnd the big braves of the Wild West show. Buffalo Bill yields her , It is said , undisguised honing ! ! . John Hay says lie nnd six others know who wrote the "Breadwinners , " but that they are pledced not to "give It away. " The book has been a well-kept library sccict. Lruly Randolph Churchill intends bringing her hpsbnnd over to America this year. So tlio ongdees say She desire to Inoculate Handy with a little republicanism. Sirs. Henry Wood used her nen fluently and profitably. Hur estate at the time of her death was valued at StW > ,000. Her greatest revenue came from "East Lyno. " Mrs. Langtry intends to write Boetry when she visits YosemitH valley. The big trees , she , hopes , may iusplro her. Whatever the Lily wrjton will bo published on silk , with lace edges. Matthew Arnold says that the best Kngllah is spoken by well-bred Englishwomen. Matthew has never heard n Ho osier girl chopping up United States with a set of store teeth. Mrs. Henry Ward Beechcr will pass the summer with her daughter , at Stamford , Conn. She bears up bravely In the face of her great sorrow , but she Is the widow of a bravo man. Miss Anthony , lawyer , of Dublin , the only lady law ) or at the Irish capital , abandoned her .suit against the editor ot tlio Irish Times because ono of the jury laughed. Uow dif ferently would our own Susan B. Anthony have acted. She would hare marked that juryman. Governor Hill , of New York , Is a lover of eood music. He had placed In the executive mansion at Albany a piano valvod at S 1,500. it Is proper to state "hero and now" that Governor Hill does not play the piano him self. Down-Easter Git tin' a Nebraska Homo H'rtm/or ! ( Vie Sunday lice by Lu U. Cake , I. A square , hearty hug ye give mo wife ; You're glad I'm.back It seems , An' so am I , too , I've thought bout you , Been seeiu' ye in my dreams. I've got our land though , half section , wife , Pre-emption an' timber claim , An' when 1 provo up six months from now , I'll ttko ; a homestead the samu. ir. Whar 'bouts ? In Nebraska , course It Is , Way out whar folks back hero , Thinks nothln' but Injuns an' cactus grows , An't rains only once n year. 1 heeid It so longl thought so , too , That's why when you coaxed ma so , 1 spto the neighbors "Iknow'ts no good , I'll go to please her , you know. " in. But when I got thar an' need tlio soil , Smooth prairies as rich as cream , The green bottom lands a stretch ! n' out , With timber along the stream ; The cattle an' shcnp , the fluids of grain , My head jest begin to buzz , I looked an * I looked until I gasped "Waal , what a iliim fool i wuzl" IV. For miles an * for more they ride an * plow , No stumps not a stun In sight , Keep goln' until the furrow's so long , They never git back till nlcht. The do all the work with machines out thar , One boss will jest pull more load , Thau two kin pull here , for man an' beast Life ain't secli an up-hill road. Bo hardships out thar same's evcrywhar , But , Pollv , a few rough days. Unit bettor bo stood an' git n home , Than drudgin' 'roud'hero always. Wti'll wear ourselves out where Ian as soliigh A poor man has got no show ; Out thar It is free , and we'll have some , Fer the children.1 * ' sake you know , They'll hive a chance when they're grown , out thar , They'll have but a poor ono here , A slavln' to Ilvu from hand to mouth , As wo'vn done from year to year. Ono year moru an' Tom kin take a claim , 1 wish every child was twin , WoM spread out the fam'Iy over claims An' take a whole township In. So git yourself ready , Polly dear , To pull for the golden West , I'vo found us a home that's all our own , The rdaco that I know's the best , , Hight out in Nebraska , choice of all , An' close by a county scat , ' I've got us two claims will make us a homo That Eden Itself can't boat. Why 01(1 Mnlils Prefer Cnta. Ifew llttven Keies. Miss Hltono says she can't take "Piigey" to the beach this summer. Ho barked at the wrong time the other day and spoiled a pro posal. A Master I'lcoo. Hon. John M. Thayer Is the most polished and cultural gentleman that ever graced the gubernatorial chair of Nelirasks. His speech to the middle class of tlio high school In this city , last week , was a master piece ot elo- quecc } . _ _ Just Out of Roach. TJ-7JI ( [ . It Is now that the childlike , Impulsive sou of Italy comes round with his ble organ at 0 a. ru. and plays .selections from the "Mi kado" under your chamber window for ono consecutive hour. A I'errlem Prophet. St. IMUU Republican. There will still be cakes and ale In spltu of blue laws and blnu coats to attempt to en force them. There will likewise bo base ball , brass bands , benr and a number ol other things as long aa tlio people want them. The Unwritten llulc. HViuue UaiMc. Hon. Geo. W. E. Dorsoy has been giving It dead away to a Chicago Interviewer thai ex-Sunator Van Wyck has the largest tollow- lri ) ( of any man In Nebraska , and that ho may make It uncomfortably warm tor Man * demon and Thurston two years honco. Ho furthersays that the unwritten rule of only onn term for senators will-probably defeat Sanderson oven as It did Van Wyck. George W. E. Isn't much of a statesman , buthcseoms o bo pretty well posted on Nebraska politics. How Are the Mighty Pallon. Detrall Journal , A few years njto one of the staunchest crit ics and assailants ot the power of r.itlroad corporations was Charles Francis Adams , of Massachusetts. His papers , his utterances , were bold nnd scourging , llo was fearless In his attacks upon the rascally methods by which railroad wreckers and speculators ac quired their fortunes. To aplko his ( runs ho was made president oC the Union Pacific road , llo has never fired n shot since. llcstoro tlio Plunder. Kiinnu CUM Sldr , As land grabbers railroads have shown enormous capacity. They have not only taken nil that legally belonged to them , but have been willing to help themselves to the public's possessions. If Land Commis sioner Sparks Is correct , nnd It Is presumed that ho speaks from the books , the Burling ton A Missouri Kivor railroad has received land patents for 200,000 acres more than It was entitled to under the grants to It. This alleged plundering of the public domain calls for restitution. Uallroads nro public blessings , but they must remember that they cannot Jionestly lake n foot more of laud than the law allows. Still Advancing. SI.xrtif * GliiJie-Dcmocrat. The boom In real estate throughout the west has lost something of the unprecedented impetus of n month no , but It has not by nny means reached the point of reaction. There Is still a healthy nnd steady tendency toward higher prices , ana the volume of in vestment continues to bo larger than has been known In any previous year. The coun try has nn abundance of surplus money , nnd real estate offers the best opportunity for Its profitable Investment. Wo may , therefore , expect the boom to be prolonged , particularly In towns and cities which have achieved n lecltlmnto and substantial form of prosperity. TUB CHIP BASKET. WHKX sin : roMis : HOMI : . When she. comes Lome again ? A thousand ways I fashion , to myself , the tenderness Of my glad welcome : 1 shall tremble yes ; Anil touch her , as when lirst In the old days I touched her girlish hand , nor dared up raise Minn eyes , such was my faint heart's sweet dlstiess. Then silence : And the pcrfimio of her dress ; The room will sway n little , nnd a haze Cloy oyeslzht soul-Blent , even fora space ; And tears yes ; nnd the ache hero in the throat. To know that I so III deserve the place Her arms make for me : and the Bobbing note 1 stay with kisses , cro the tearful face Again la hidden In the old embrace. James UTUlcomb Rllcy. Tills , though , Is the way a married woman put it up while her husband was away at lodge : WHKN ITK COMKS HOSIE. When he comes homo against a thousand ways I fashion to myself , the festive sport ot my mad welcome. I shall drub him , yes ; And pull his hair , as In tlio old days Mam used to wallop pap. Then silence : The perfume of his breath ; To him the room will sway a little , and a n hazn Cloy his eyesight for a week or two If I but trot n chance to heave at him The old potato masher , To know that he so well deserves it all , Fills mo with fiendish glee and the swag gering brute I'll pound full black and blue ere his rum- colored fnco Acaln Is hidden In the old embrace of his two gallon jug. THE pled piper of Ilamelln was the first man who was ever justified In crying rats. BENJAMIN F. : Is a blacksmith In Colton , California , and a fraud In Massa chusetts. A GEonniA legislator proposes to tax cats ten cents per head , and the salvation army caterwaul free 1 A ror.H , "bn the Back Porch My Cat Is Yaullng , " Is respectfully decilned\vitli ; the ad vice to heave a brick nt It. KDITOI : Gn ADV has a base ball club named after him. Fnmo comes to men like tlio cholera morbus In cucumber time. UAISOX Tr.NNYSox gives pout as a reason for not writing an ode. Maybe if ho would quit writing poetry with his feet he could write poetry. GOVEIINOI : ToitnK.sof Sonora , A.T.has Is sued n proclamation olteringa reward of S-VX ) for the head of each hostile. Ap.iclio. And up to this date them has been no "Trust" formed In the Apache head business. A UKSpEitAno known as "Dago .loo , " was taken from the officers nnd lynched by n mob near Austin , Miss. , Monday , nnd yet some neoplo will Insist that there Is nothing In a name. Is Garfield cminty , C l. . there an * 1,100 un married men and only twenty-eight unmar ried women. Here Is a clmnco for 1,0 ? ! youiu ladies to Improve nn opportunity. And It Is said that opportunities are not plentiful. EmvAiin EvKiir.TT HAM : told the stu dents of Cornell that the best opportunity ot studying human nature was tn bu had by en tering the profession of school master. Ed ward Everett perhaps never undertook to run for ollice. TIIK most plausible theory of the Impure milk which has poisoned the York state pcoplo would bo that the pump handle was broken. The Idna that sorao cows In tlui neighborhood had hoof rot has no connec tion with Urn case. I.v the town of Harrison , WIs. , last week nn old lady was arrested for pasturing her cow In the road and lined $ ' ' and costs. After f > he had paid up she produced n basket of rotten eggs and proceeded to pelt the man who complained of her. Here Is a lesson and a moral earnestly and hopefully offered to the town cow of Nebraska City. Tm : following Improbable story Is going the rounds of the eastern press : It Is stated that a younz lady In Nebraska , who was sittliR' on a spring lounire. with her lover wns struck with lightning nnd killed. The lover was unharmed. The true btury Is that two lovers were sit ting on a lounge , and a hungry dog that was waltlngand watching on the front Htep was struck by lightning and killed , and the lovers were not unarmed. A MKTRomo stone weighing at least two tons , recently fell near St. Joseph , Ind.bury ing Itself tifteiju feet In the ground. The most singular thing about these meteoric stones Is that they never etrlko n candidate for office or an amateur poet. To drlvo a poet fifteen fuel In the ground and leave two tons of stone oo him , all'at a single mbvr , would bo an achievement that gods would efivy and the ctitiro populace applaud , OF n former follow , known ns tha free-for-all excursionist , the Chicago News of a recjnt date anys : "Loyal L. Smith , who attracted generAl attention two years ago through his dry goods escapade tn Omaha and subsequent trip to Canada , has been liv ing In Chicago the past year , boarding nt the IVxlmitr lioiuo. llo was tn charge of n bucket- shop. Telegrams trom Pulladulphla yester day announced that Mr. Grlesmer , of the firm of Glogurtfe Grtctmer , of that city , had seen Smith In Chlc.ieo , and , having nn nc- count against him , had sworn out a writ nnd It Is expected that his arrest will follow to-day. Axltom to Hie cITcct Hint n robin has bulll a nest In the mouth of ono of the 1'arrotl guns that ornament the burial plat of the t.Moiimiketn , la. , Grand Army post , recall ! the story of wheio , In Washington City , dur Ing the darkest dayn of the rebellion , when Lincoln and his tuiMed secretary , Stanton , wcro closeted ono day In a room In the wilt ! house , eagerly \\onderlng what the otitcomi would be , and earnestly discussing the seri ous question ; n drunken nrllst , for a Ions ime a privileged character nt the mansion , reeled into the room nnd sat down by n table. He remained in his drunken stupor several minutes , \\hen he suddenly rose , for n moment only , took his pencil and scrawled on n plcco of paper : "Oh , that some bird from the sunny south Would build Its nest In the cannon's mouth And stop It's terrlblo roar. " CITV newspapers announce that " numerous" highwaymen are "dangerously In that city nnd accordingly there Is a crying demand for moro police. In one week three citizens were "held up nnd robbed In ono night. " The Tlinci Ia.shes itself Into iiiidun excitement and presrilbes n code of ethics to oe followed In case a lank 111311 with n bowlo knife and n dark lantern suddenly springs upon a consumptive cltUen who has nothing on his person except town lot statistics and n clearance lecord. It says "don't shoot. " In that far-seeing nnd fatherly fashion for which alt Kansas City papers are esteemed nt homo and abroad , It advises every citizen to arm him self with n hickory club nnd n police whistle. The Times continues : The attack might como so sudden thai neither of thuso could bo used , but them arc nine eases In which a whlstlo could ho blown or it blow struck with a cane to ono In which n pistol could bo drawn and fired. While It may or may not bo true that o man who has no music In his soul will steal , them are fo\v citl/ens who would care to play a tune from the old masters on a police whistle , simply to ascertain whether n ills- clplo of Jonathln Wlldo who had previously demanded your money or vour life had music in his soul. The boldest and bndest man who ever robbed n coach or throttled the throat of a lone pilgrim would fall down nnd weep when ho thought of his modera tion as compared with some of the real es tate duals recently consumated in a town where the papers are now denouncing high waymen and yelling for moro police. NOTES ABOUT OLD FOLKS. Lowls Alton , a veteran of the war of 1813 , died at WhaleoIeMass.June | ' . ' , aged ninety * ono years. John Goodrich died June 4 , at Springfield , Mass. , aged eighty-live. Ho was a real estate dealer , and highly esteemed. General Baron Ungern Sturnbcrg , oue of the Itusslan heroes of the Crimean campaign , died a few days ago in England , aged clghty- three years. The Hon. Sir Charles Cooper , Into chlof justice ol South Austialin , died May 34 , at his residence in Pultonoy struct , Bath , Eng land , aged ninety-two. A printer UD In Canada Is said to be loa years old. Ho ha * made HO many typograph ical errors during his career that ho Is afrnld to die. Kainh Day , n native of Dover , Mass. , died In Boston , Juno 1 , nguit eighty-livo tears. Ho was a carpenter , and erected , among other buildings In Cambridge , Porter's hotel , llfiy- two years ngo. Kev. Bela Hicks , died nt Sandwich. 111. , JuncG. Ho was born In Stafford , July 2 , 1707 , nnd was prominent In organizing most ot the Baptist churches within a radius of twenty miles of that place. Lorenzo Dow Morris , need olghty-ouo years , six months and eighteen days , died at his lesldenco In White Hall , 111. . Wednes day. Ho had been a resident of that county about sixty years , and leaves nn estate valued at about 810,000. Tlio lit. Hon. Admiral Lord Edward Uus- sell , C. B. , Is dead at tlio age. of eluhty-two. The deceased oflicer , who was the son of the sixth duke of Bedford , was a knight of thn Legion of Honor , was naval aldiHlivcnmp to the queen from 1810 to 18M , and sat n8 mem ber of parliament for Tavlstock from 1841 to 1S17. 1S17.Dr. Dr. AtiL'uat Plizmalrr , the eminent orient- arist. died In Vienna lecently at the ago of eighty. Dr. I'llzmaier was a very high authority on Cliiueso and litera ture nnd liistoiy , having devoted himself ex clusively to the study of thcno subjects for upwards of titty years. Ho wrote several works on his favorite studies. The death nt the ngo of elthty-threo years is announced of tlio Vmi , 1'redeiick Twlstln- ton-W ) kcliiun-KIennos , Lord Sa\o nnd Sole. He. was thn thirteenth baron of that name , nnd the twentieth in descent from Geoffrey. Lord Save , who was ono of the twonly-llvo barons appointed to enforce the provisions of Mngnn Charta. The lirst baron of Iho Fleunes family was beheaded by Jnck CuUo In 1-lJL Frederick Jones , for half a century n re spected clti/en ot Boston , Mass. . died In that city. lime 7. llo was bom In Alliol , Mass. , August 111 , 180i : , being n descendant of Lewis Jones , who .settled In Koxbury about 10. . Ho has been n prominent lit ot ami shoe deal er throughout nearly all his active business career , nml has been mi honoied leader In religious circles. Hii was n man of sound judgment nnd very llburnl in his iilfts Ho was < | ulet nnd retired and hold his friendships ns lasting ones. There appeared week bnforn last In the obituary columns ot the Philadelphia Ledger L notices of the deaths of lilti-en | er.sont * , hvu men and ton women , who had lived to or be- yoiid the ndvanceu ngoof 80 vi-ars , to-wlt : Thomas Johnson , Wendell Wrlulit , Mary King. Mary Vnuehn. Krlo McWilllams , W ) ; Christiana Wlmrtouby. f'J ; John McAllister , Susan Thomas , Itoso O'Donnull , Nt : .la . a StaaU , 31. Ficderlck Welle , Anna Kll/.a Ciir- penter , b5 ; Margaret Kelly , 87 ; Maria Lyons , W ; Elizabeth Wolfe , tia. During a thunderstorm at Ha/el ton , Pa. , lightning struch n penknife in the hands of High Sheriff Xlerdt , who was bathing in it tub. When ho eaino too nothing but small splinters could bo found of the tub ho had been bathing in , nnd the water it contained WHH equally distributed over the tloor as if donu with n mop in the hands of a scrubwoman. The metal in the knife was melted. No other evidence that the lightning had en tered the room could be found , Colonel Beach , of Kirklin Valley , A. T. , is the owner of n tliroo-oycd colt. Kach eye is in possession of nn upper und lower eyelid , delicately fringed with eye lashes , but whilu the two In the custom ary locality diminish gradually toward ' thn outer edges of the head , tlut lids belonging - longing to the middle e.yti look , when cl6 u < l , like the segments of a circle. In addition to three oye.s the colt H ports u double set of nostrils , both of which nro perfectly delined. Percy Ashland , aged fourteen , of Adrian , Mich. , has just returned homo from nearly a 25.COU-milo trip the lust year. Ho mndo his own way with a bootblncK'8 kit. never rode a brnkebenru , nnd cenornllv found comfortable quar ters in the caboose or baggage car. llo pain no fair , but put up nt n hotel whim he arrived in town. Ho is very bright , and well advanced in the common brunches of ntuily. rends the newspapers , ud wrote hia mother regularly.