Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Advertisements under tlili head , ! ' ) cents po
Ino tor the first Insertion , 7 cents for cncli subsequent -
sequent Inccrtlon , andfl.Mn line per month.
No advertisement taken ( or Ios3tnan25 cents
Tor the llrst Insertion. Foven words wll ibo
counted to tlio line ! they mud run consecu
tively nnd mud bepnld In Advance. All ndvcr.
themfiits inuct lie hnndrd In before 1 : .TO o'clock
p. in. , nnd under no clrcumMnnces will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these column * nnd bar.
ing the answers nddrcwd In enroot Tur. Up.n
will plcnponsk for a check to enable them to get
tliclr none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All naiwcrs to adver
tisements should be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In thefo columns nro pub
lished In lioth tn'irnlng nnd evening editions of
1 ho HKK , the circulation of which
aggregates moro than 14,000 papers
dally , nnd ghcs thu advertiser the
licniflt , not only of the cltv clrcuhtlon of The
DKB but nlfo of Council Illuffs. Lincoln , nnd
nthcr cities und towns throughout this part of
the west.
M ONF.V to loan , no commission. Colo. 310 3
15th. Wtt
MONF.Y TO LOAN on Improved city prop
erty In sums of ? 1.000to f6OUO ut Pl.t per
k. cent Interest , bholcsi Crumb. il-'O
MONFA TO I OAN trTTty property in
sums of $500 nnd upwnrd * nt lowest rates.
Money nlwnys on hand. 8. & Campbell. 310
Couth Sixteenth street. KB
; r,00CCfl1o lonn Bin per cent , Harris JcSnmp-
eon , 1516 Douglas it 507
M ONKV 1O WJAN-O. V. Dnvls Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1505 t'nrnnm ct.
" \\7F have spcelnl facilities for placing laigo
loans on bu lnc s blocks or centrally lo
cated residence property and will quote very
low rntoa for choice loans. Central Loan Ac
Trust Co. , H. K. Cor ICth ar.d Farnnm. 401 ID
$600,000 To loan on Omaha city property ntfl
per cent. U. W. Day , s. o. cor. Kx. Hid.
6" !
MONKY TO LOANOn city nnrt farm prop-
crty , low intes. Stewart k Co. , lloom 3
Iron bank. 509
MONEY to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. and II. L. Squire , 1413 Furnam st ,
Pnxton hotel building. 510
"MONKY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
.i'L no commission charged. Loavltt Hurn-
bnm , lloom 1 Crolghton lllock. 612
WF will glvo very low rates on eholco farm
loans In South , Central and Kastcrn No-
lirnskn. Central Loan it Trust Co. , S. 13. Cor.
IGth nnd Farnitm. 4G3 I'J
61'iat CUMT-Monny to loan.
Gregory & Ilndler ,
Rooms 1 and 3 , Itedick uloch , 320 s. 15th St.
MONKY loaned oiT resilience property. First
and second mortgages bought. K. S. How-
ley , 311 South 15th street. 2IMJ25
1XAN Money Ixiaiis placed on nn-
proved real estate In city or county for
Now England Loan , V Trust Co. , by Douaa !
County bank. IGth and Chicago sta. 614
MONKY to loan on lniiio\cnl | city property at
0 per cent. Money on hand ; do not have
to wait Have a complete set of abstract books
of Douglna county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris lleal Estate nnd Loan Co. , 320 8.15th st.
TIIONKY TO LOAN-bythonmlerstgnod.wlio
O.T * has the only properly org nl7cd loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of J10 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons.
mBChlnory , &c , without removal. No delays'
All business ctrlctly conHdentlal. Loans so
made that any part cnn tiopnld at any imo.each
pnymcnt reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances
made on line watches nnd diamonds. I'crsona
should carefully consider who they nro dealing
with , as ninny now concerns nro dally coming
Into oxlMonce. Should you need monor call
n < PCO mo. W. IL Croft , Itoom 4 W'thnell '
Building 15th nnd Ilnrnoy. 66 !
TII1K OMAHA Financial Kxolinnge.
ti'.w > "irnor of Ilnrnoy nnd 15th ata. ,
over State National bank.
I * prepared to make short time loans on nnr
available fccutlty.
Loans mtido on chattels , collateral or real
Long lime loansmadoon ImnroTeareal estate
at current inlc .
I'urchaso money mortgaveg negotiated.
Hccured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Short tlmo loans mnao on second mortgage ,
according to marginal Interest , at collateral
Itcnl etato to exchange for rood Interest
tearing paper.
General llnnnclal business of all kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
any hind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Oorbett. Manager. 617
$ 760,000 TO LOAN at fl per cent. Llnahnn
Mnhoney , 1509 Fnrnam. 618
MONEY LOANED ut O. F. Heed & Co.'s Lonn
OBlco , on furniture , pianos , horses.wngons ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 819 8. 13th.
over Illnghnm s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 619
6PEH CENT Money.
It. 0. Patterson. 15th atfl Harnnr. 6ZO
FOH bALE Two gruln elevators ; clean stock
ot groceries ; 200 acres of tanning hind ,
IB acres in wheat : stock of gentlemen's fur-
dishing goods nnd ready made clothing , on
Fnrnnm 6t. ; horse nnd phaeton ; houss , barn
and lot on N. 10th et , , and other pioperty. For
particulars enquire of Hccord Advertising Co. ,
1513 Furnum st. oil 0
FOH BALE Hoot and fhoo Block Including
6 years lease of store , best location in
Elate und city. Address T10 Hcc ofllco.
475 Jy 17
1J10H SALE-firugstoro of $4,500 , good trade
X1 established , will sell on easy terms or will
take western land us part painont. . Address
J , H. Nelson * Son , Fnlrbury. Nob. 487 28J
WANTED-Gcntlomnn wishing an honest
business , profits 18 to $14 every day ;
only $110 required ; will oxchungo for stock or
trade. Two best bunks of Omahn given ns ref-
crenocs. Call or write to Oftico No. 1. ll'J North
Klxtcontli street , Omahn , Nob. 4J9
WANTED To Boll , my barber shop. For pnr-
tlotilars address T15 Dee ollice 4'.fj 2:1 : *
BUSINESS Chanccs-lf you wnnt to tuy or
sell nny business , city or country , write
VI Bee me. J. H , Johnson , 310 S 16th , room 4.
2U5 21 *
FOH EXCHANGE-If you hnvo city property
for farms or farms , merchandise , grocery
Mores to exchange call nt my otlloo. J. 8.
Johnson , 316 S 15th , room 4. 2W1 21 *
FOH BALE The best bargain Grocery store
centrally located on paved stroet. Old es
tablished trndo. Call on Fcaran , Cole ( k Hoo-
ertson,310S. 15th Bt. 201
E10H SALK Ilnlvcry nnd Ice cream parlor.
Address .Mrs. H. Auor , Osecola , Neb.
90121 *
GHOCEHV STOOK-Clean and fresh for sale.
PnrrottfcWilliamson. UpstairsHUl Doug-
Ins ft. 467
FOH HALE A boarding house and furniture ,
doing good business , 40 boarders , good
rcnson for Belling. Call at Currlo Ic Vollum.
l&tti and Capitol nve , Expuslton Hulldlng. iti'J
I5EKSONAL Touched up Do not glvo nn
agent your onlur for a crayon portrait , for
in nine cases out of ten they will palm elf n
Urg < ! photograph touched up with crayon , not
to exceed an hour's work. You cnn save
xgcnt'a commission and get a pure crayon
< 1 rawing , llret-griule , full Btlfeled work , by call
Ing fin it Nenl. the nrtltt , nt Rose Hrothers' Art
tore , 1521 Dodge 8U Ml-U'J '
13EHHONAL Adamantine Clilim dinner sets ;
If you want something very durable and ut
the same time vury pretty , call nnd BOO these
sets at Moody's China store , 3u2 Noith lilth et.
| 621 19
_ _
PEHSONAL A middle aged gentleman in
business dcslrus acquaintance of lady
wlihmg company. Address TU , this office.
4M 19J
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I > EHSONAIi Neat and nutty all-wool business
suits $7. Fine blue diagonal dress suits ,
$10.75. Call and see them or write for unniide * .
I , O. Jones & Co. , American Clothiers , 1JO
Farnam st , Omnha. W3J3J
f > EHPONAL-lf you wnnt a doilrnblp , cen-
.L trally located oDtco you can IHiJ it at U18
8 15th st , 978
_ _
I > KKSONAI.-PriTato home for Indies during
confinement , strictly confidential , Infants
adopted. Hddre > s E 4. . He e oOlcx. bWJy3
. Pr Nannie V. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical and butmttu Medium
Boom No. 8 , 121 NortU leth it. .Omaha , Nsk
J OS r-Holl. containing currency , fCU ; gold
t 140 , nnd tn-o checks endorsed. Ltbora ! re-
trerd by returning to H. II. Lucas. ShW ( Jumlng
-It. 637 81
OST Or itruyej from bottom on north
t t-'Kimderj clreut , bnv horse , 4-ycnr-olil
.ninrkf J with H. 8. nn left hind hip. Mnne
iborn thorl. llctuta tq II. H. ItUTcn. M8 a.
Atb it. 40J-Z4
TOST On Eluhtcenth , Sherman nvo or Clraeo
ft. , "Speclllcatlon" . " Pleuso return to
llfi'4 ' .North ICth st. , or P. J. CreeUon , nrchltcct.
opern house. M. T. Murpby , contractor ana
builder. 343
TOST Honn her c , 2 white hind feet , 10
i jeajs.scar on near fore foot. licturn to
> . I ) , Anderson's livery barn nnd receive re
ward. 333 19J
LOOK hero Wo hnvo a line south front lot
60.tl27 only J blocks from Humidors n. cars
for SIno. also 78x13.south ! front near Kountzo
Place t..OOO. F. tlarrett i Co. , 314i ! S. 16th.
.TJ4 23
rilAICKN I'P-Ono dark bay or brown tnulo 14
-L hands high , weight about 1KX ) Ib.J. Owner
can have same by proving property nnd ri.ij Ing
! Ypcn cs ut Honmu & Jerry's livery stable , 413
) Ut n i 243
TjMKST-CLASS Storage ut 110 N 13th Ft.
E First-class storage for nice furni-
J ture and lioxeil goods. 1ergnsou Furnl-
-lll ? Co _ _ ! ' 'l" 17-rJlNortliJit h strect. 175
SJ'IOHAOE Flrot-clims Btorag f for nice tur-
J nlturo or boxed gooUs , atlOlU
MAI ) AMU MA NATO U , Clairvoyant , 'loom a ) ,
1312 Iouilil9 Bt. 471 24
MIIH. nuitANT-Cliirlvoyantfrom Itoston.n
i cllablo In all affairs of life , unites separated
lovers. 822 N. IGtn it. room 0 691 J20I
' ' " * ' *
riHE old' Himiii'll Hull , 6l5"yT'l < iti r s t 7fl
ready to glvo board and room , or meal
lioard as low us the lowest. Pleasant rooms
nnd the coolest dining room in the city. Meals
'Se , Co in o to the old Uro\uioil Hall , 018 S. IGth
610 24
EMI'IiOYKIiSIn wnntof clerks , liookttnpers ,
tic. , can examine our list of applicants
'roe of clmrKO. Kecord AdtcrtMni ; Co , Ilia
rurnuni. Ml 20
OWNHHS of property for sale , cither In the
city or elsewhere , can bo put In commu
nication wltn btiyois through the llocord Ad-
NortlsliiB Co. No commissions. 151U rnrnam
St. Cll 1:0 :
WANTKO-Assistant bookkeeper by holo-
piile house ; must lin\o it tlioroiiu'li knowl-
ediro of bookkoeplntr ; btuto if mnrrlod or sln-
Klo , and waires ovnected younif man pro-
lerrcd. Wholesale , P. O. box 40. 627-20J
O MAIIA LAUNUKV/olN. 16th street "plilrts
10u. collars and ciilfs He , ladies' die ses
nnd family washing cheapest In the city : llrst-
cli\3S work , WJ-1U"
" | > AHTliS : who wish to rent rooms should
Jlook over our Hats. Uecord Advertising
Co. , r > l. ) Kiirmun. 511 20
rilHOSR who have rooms to rent or board to
X oiler , should pUce them on our books at
once. Thodutnnnil Is Krcntor than the supily.
Itecord Advcrtlslni ; Co. , 1513 Fnrnam. 511 20
. OOKKKIH'KKS , clorkg , olllco assistants.
-tJete. , out of employment should learn our
method of communicating with employers.
Itocord Advertising Co. , 1513 Fnrnain 541 20
rillir Santford Hnrrlcndo Door Fastener
J- Door may bo left open 1 or nrji e Inches for
admission of air nnd yet be llrm nnd Immov
able. Also completely Installs door when
closed. Detachable Slav bo carried in pocket ,
tatenul or linudbaK or loft In room. No tools
needed to place or replace It. Either can bo
done with thumb and tinker In ono second.
Last for ever. It Is not n lock. No bolts or
icrows. All in ono piece. Every house should
luno ono or moro. Travelers nro not safe with
out ono. Can bo used on any door. Trade sup
plied. Aircnta wanted. Sample by mall to any
liurson lor onlyiiOo postpaid. Circular free.
Address Santford Mfx Co. , llox 501. Omaha ,
Neb Urnnch omco 114 S , 14th St. 510 20 *
TNSTHUCTIO.N'S Rlvon in drawing and paint-
J. Ing. Apply at Mil Cass street for particu
lars. 48.3 24J
Illuo LlnoTnnK Co. , have moved their
olllcofrom the Kennard Glass and 1'alnt Co ,
to 1510 Dodfo. Ordeis for Giibohno and Coal
Oil promptly tilled. Telephone 793. Ward *
MolJoiiKiil. 1C. 1U
EMl'LOYMKXT , Hontal nnd Collection
Agency If you want work , or to employ
ntlp , or huvo liouf-es to rent , or accounts to
collect , call on H. Moynard , U17 South 13th St. ,
Omaha. 3J1J25
TnoRRBNT Square Htano J moatnlr.
J2 Hospe.Uiaoouglai. 621
TO parties having houses tor rent. Kontal
ARenoy , BenawaIcCo. . 15st. , opposlto post-
office. We have turned over to thorn our rental
I1& : . w rccomtueudthem. McCagu * llros.
"ClORRENT Organitl per month ,
-T 1B13 Douelai. 524
O ) . C.-Houio furnishing goodf , nil kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Banner , V.H5 DouKln * St. 623
F I OK HENT Square riano , It montnlr. A
Hoipe. 1513 Douglas. 624
JF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. Ferguson's , 715 N 16th. 623
FOK SALE Fine horses Hashuw B , hrown
Btulllon , elegant style , without record , can
show 2:30 : gult ; Prince , brown gelding , model
of n gontleman'sroadstor.fastnnd very showy ;
grey gelding , suitable for family horse. En
quire for Ilcudorshott , at Hainan's stnblo.
FOH SALE-Chonp 13.000 pressed 61820J. . .
J. Johnson * Co. , 220 a. 14th st. 61820
F OR SALE-Drivlnir horse nnd sidebar top
buggyNow York chop bouse , 1410 Douglas
448 1UJ
T710KSALE Ona 30 qt. Seaman ice cream
JP machine. W. S. Balduff , 10th and Capitol
nvo. S97 22J
F I OH SALE Smnll milk dairy , waeon , etc.
Address S 82 , Hoe. 323 20j
TJ OK SALE Cheap , a now caligrnnh , never
A1 used. Apply to Western Newspaper
Union , 611 S I2tb btr 2 J 1U
rr-OH SALE Half dorcn new National cabl-
l ? net letter flics , different BI/CS , will no sold
nt a reduction from regular pilcos , call and
nee them at the Western Newspaper Union , 611
B 12th Bt. 294 23
F 1CH SALE-Parrot , good talker. 62 ! ) S 14th
St. 432 19 *
FOK BALE 40 head fine young carriage
horses , cor. 17th and Vinton , Dodge &
Case. 282 Hij
SALR-Sacond hand buggy and harness
call at 310 N 15th st. 401 19 *
toil SALE Improved stock und grain farm ,
CCO acres , cuo.ip. Uox 63 , Coburg , Iowa.
4M aij
F 1 OH SALE Span fine matched bay _ . . .
horses. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 16th Bt.
FOK SALE Furniture nnd lease of six rooms
In flat , 5)7 S. 13tu Bt. Hoom No , a
FOH SALE Ono six-foot upright black will-
nut chow case , Milton Koger.i & Son. tWJ
FOR SALE-4,000,000 Hard BrlcK. T. Murray.
FO SALE-0 milch cows. E A Marsh. 904
N 16th. 665
T. Murray.
WANTED Good Job printer , ono that Is BO-
bar , industrious and doesn't think bo
owns the earth. Dally News , Norfolk , Neb.
644 20
W ANTED-A baker at 1410 Suundcrs St.
\\7ANTED-10J men for H. H. work and 23
TT Italians for surfacing track , frco fare.
Moore's Employment Agency , MIJ South 10th
street. 1511-10 *
AVTAN'l'ED Agents to sell our goods In city.
T T nig thing lor right man. Lovcll Mfg. Co ,
231 NKIth St. 452 19 *
WANTKD-Uoy in Hoe mail room. Inqillrn
H to 11 a. in. HilHi _
WANTED- nrst-class carpenters for
Tt bridge framing. Wages $3 ami $1.50 per
day. Albright's Labor Agency 1120 Farnam.
445 C3
" \\7ANTED Musician , ono who can Flng at-
T > tracilvo airs and play accompaniment
on banjo , guitar or melodlan , address Doctor
HA. , 2.11 J Michigan ave. 40.1 ll'J '
WANTED Stone cutters. Apply to W. II.
Tyler , Lincoln. Neb. S35Jyl6J
W "ANTED Cnrlionters. Inquire nJw church
2fiih and Loavenworth. M. T. Murphy. CIS
WANTED-Men and toiinis to work on grade
of O. . K. & N. Hy. ( HocK Island ) In Ho-
publlcan county , Kansas , foe < l cheap , plenty of
peed work to sublet. Apply to Hcthuno &
CraneyBro * . , Belleville. Kan. 412 22J
" \\7ANTF.D Experlenced boo ki > cper in dry
TT goods home , references required. None
need address who have not bad uxperlcncc.
12,1J office. til
WANTKD-ror ( lit ) tfnkin Pacific R. R. and
its northern branches a good tea nnd
cigar salesman ; to Iho right party Me induce
ments ottered. Address Howard i Miller , st.
Joseph , Mo. 3Ji ! 19J
WANTED-Ktporlenccd coat maker , steady
employment , good wages. Address T. 4
Ileo ollice. S-.K ) 19
WANTED-Agents to soil our goods In city.
IliK thing to right man , Lovcll Mfg. Co ,
221 N 13th 81. 452 19 *
ANTED Hnllroad laborers for Colorndo.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm.
W ANTED-A iood wlllln ? boy nt lloyn'l
gnllery , good chnnco to learn a trade.
W ANTKD-IOlaborers : apply 4 miles west
of Tort Oiniiha OP. Omnhn extension
Chlcngo It Northwestern railroad , 0. 1' Treat ,
Contractor. Si'J li'J
WANTED Intelligent , reliable , energetic
men ns special ozonts. W. 1" . Allen ,
General Agent Mutual Llfo Insurance Com
pany of Now Voru , No. 215 South 13th street ,
WANTED Flrst-class lightning rod sales
man. None other need apply. Slate how
much > oil can sell and what wages you want.
Direct 810 N. Ifitli St. , Omaha , Nob. 317 19J
\\7ANTED Young men to go to Io n , Must
T T bo men of education anil business ability.
J , M , 1'rcuuh A : Co. , room 1C , Husbmun block.
WANTED-Purtner with $200 In well located
and nicely furnished real estate olllco.
Apply to J. & Jonnson , 318 & 15th , room 4.
\\ANTFD-Tcn good bricklayer' , union
TT molt , can llnd steady employment at $3
per day ol eight houis In Denver Colo. 4S021J
fuu paid per month to inuiTto soil our Roods.
Address with stamps , 1)V. . McLino It Co. ,
Hurlington , Iowa. 690 Jy 2 *
'ANTED-.Men for railroad worU.AIbrlght's
Labor agency , 1120 I urnnin Et. U18
W ANTED First-class wood turner. Jaa.
Hlchurds A ; Co.cor 15th nnd Mason sts.
\ \ .NTED-Immediately , n nompetent sec-
'T ondgltl Wages S3 CO per week. M. T.
Patrick , co" . Snundcrs ami Lnko. 64221 *
WANTED Dining room gnl for Cheyenne ,
if SO , fare paid. Laundress for Central
City , $ . ' 0. Cool : for Dennlson , Iowa , ? 7.
( llrls for the country , 2 head laundresses , 3
pantry glils. 10 ( lining room girls In city , nurse
girlt. Middle aged woman nice plnce. . 4
dishwashers. Lots of good places lor general
housework. Mrs. Hrega i. Son , 310 S , 15th.
60S P.lJ
17ANTED E\perioneod dining room girl ,
> 2210 Cuniingst. 418 IM
w ANTED A good girl for general house
work. Inquirers Kith 9t. 410
YI7ANTED--A nureo girl , 915 Park n\o. .
l/'ANI ED Dining room plrl at Occidental
l inimcdlately. 2j'l '
TV7ANTED A competent girl to do general
TT hou'-cwork : alMi nurse glil. S. w. cor.
22d and Lakost. Oood wages paid to the light
person. 4FU 2t
WANTED Smart > 'lrl , 10 years old , Can-
Held Mfg. Co. , KOO Douglas St.,3d lloor.
1'ANTED , A good cook , NW cor 23th and
T Leavenworthst. 451
I'ANTEDImmediately , n good girl lor genT -
T oinl housowork. Inquire , -10 I arnam st.
-GIrl at 1013Chicago et. 37119 *
WANTED Oood nurse girl. German pre
ferred 462 Convent st. Mrs. Gco. Heyn.
W ANTED Girl for general housework In
small family , 2113 Douglas st. 400
WA.Vl'ED A good cook nnd dining room
girl at tno Carey house , 1102 D.ivenport
6t , northwest cor. 3' > 7 21
WAN 1 ED A good girl to do general house
work In family or two , must bu n good
cook and luundicss. Apply 2412 Diucnnott.
405-1'J *
WANTED-First-class skirt nnd basque
hands. Mrs. M. A. Wallace , lUth and St.
Mary's nvo. 310 I'.IJ
W /"ANTED-GIrl for general housoworlc. Ap-
L ply at once 32. ) N 17th st. 43110.
WANTED German lady to Instruct In book
keeping. Situation. J. H. smith 1613
Chicago st. 507 ' 'Oj
WANTED Dlshwn'hcr and second girl nt
Jacob Mil.or's , 10J1 N. 16th. 702
WANTED A nrst-clnss shirt ironor. Steady
employment. Nebraska fateam Laundry ,
108 nnd 108 S. llth St. 3.2 !
W ANTED Two good girls for cook ned second
end wont , Good wages at 2427 Uodgo st.
W ANTED 2 good chambermaids , middle
aged , 107 N. 12th. 50120 *
WANTED A good girl , washer nnd ironer.
Good wages. Mrs. Frank E. Moorcs , 617
South 18th. 600
YI7ANTED 50 llrst class girls lor general
TT housowora. Apply at 121 N. 15th , Miss
Kennedy' * Employment ollico. 49J 19
WANTED ( llrl for cliumbor work , boy for
dining room , Scandinavian preferred , 418
Bo. 13th Bt. 4'J7 20 *
W A ITED Go 3d wages to n good girl. 614 SJ
17th et. Mrs. W. Si. Bushman. fr8l
WANTED A good German or Bohemian
girl for gcnciul housework. A perma
nent place nnd good wages. Apply , Immedi
ately , at 720 8 22d St. , corner of Lea\ouwortli.
W ' - book-keeper at U. V.
Meat Market. UtL st , near Webster.
WANTED-Sltuntlon at anything by young
man , Hnvo sir years experience In olHco
work. Can glvo first class references. Address
T. 23 , Hoe ofllco. 6311 *
\\7ANTED-SilinitIon by flrst-cla's baker : by
T T steady man ; on bread and cukes , or caKcs
alone ; good on pan candy : ste.idy job wanted
In the cky | or country town ; state wages. Ad
dress ut once , Wm. Conlt , Biouz City , Iowa.
510 21
WANTED Hyn young Indy of experience
situation In Ice crcnm pnrlor , Is nent ,
ncttvo nnd competent. Mrs. llrcgu , 310 South
15th street. 612-20J
WANTED Situation In n grocery store.
Hnvo had throe years'experience. Cnn
furnish best of refeicuccs. Address T25 , Hco
ofTco. 530-1'J *
WANTED Situation in a wholesale or retail
confectionery store , have Imd two years'
experience. Can furnl h references from last
employer. Address , T 20 , Hco olllco. 530-19 *
V\7 ANTED Olllco work or any responsible
TT position by nn uxpcilcnced man. Satis
factory reference given. Address T 20 Ileo
Ofllco. 633 20 *
\\7ANTEO Situation ns n second girl , not
TT too hard work. Heforonco given. Ad
dress T 17. Hco Ollice. 605 10J
\\7ANTED-An engagement by an oxpor-
TT icnccd nurse in hospital or private
family. Address T13. Ileo. 476 20 *
WANTED Situation as traveling salesman
for groceries , dry goods , or boots and
shoes , several yeius' experience , best of ref
erences. Address S 70. Hco otllce. 370 2j
\\7"ANTED Position to do general house-
TT work n short distance In the country.
Small family. Address T. 1 , Bee ollice.
395 20j
\\7ANTED-Sltuatlon by July 1st as manager
T or clcik In drug store , U years' city and
country experience , registered , graduate , Bin-
Klo , use nn stimulants , A 1 references. AU-
dress TO. Hoe ofllcc. 410 19J
\\7ANTED-Hynman that understnnds the
TT grocery nnd tea business n position as
clerk , or will nccept n position m moat any
other kind of business , tbo best of reference
given. AddressT 6 , Ileo ollice. 40J 19J
WANTED-Situntlonln store , grocery , dry
goods or clothing. Address 3 ( > S , Ileo of-
flee. 35019J
"ITTANTED Position In any morchnntllo
TT busineBH , by un Intelligent nnd exem
plary young man. Hcfcronco given. If posi
tion of trutt , security given. Address s ( VI Bee
0(1 ( ! co. UXi 19J
ANTED Orders forYlfkmTls of help. Wo
nil them promptly und are giving univer
sal satisfaction. Trv us once nnd you will go
nowhere else. Mrs. Urcgu&Son , UlOeouth 15th ,
upstairs. 6JO-W *
\V 7ANTED Ilouio furnished or unfurnished
by responsible party. T 20 Ileo omco.
1\7ANTED Two seated carriage sultablo for
TV real estate buiiucw. C. If , Harrison , 677
\\rANTEn-Tcamsfordftynnd night work ,
M wages per day TAW : rraitci for night worK
$1 , also tno foreman wanted. Apply 4 miles
west of Ft Omnha on Omahn extan lon Chicago
cage it Northwestern It. K. C. P. Treat ,
contractor. a.4 19J
\\7ANTED-To buy 8 houses which can bo ro
TT moved. A. F , Mayne , 1103 Dodge t
17ANTEU 2 or : i her e power engine , 2nd
T hand. Apply at Mlllard hotel olllco. 4SO
WANTED-Desk room with nil attorney In
goodquartor. ; Address with price T IV ,
Ileo omco. j & 2C-19J
" \\7ANTEO-To rent cottage of live or six
T T rooms tiy gentleman nnd wife , bo t of
rolorenccs. no clildrch. ( Please etutc prlco nnd
locution. T 18 HOe olllco. 6J1-20'
WANTED buy ( rood 10 or 15 room house
In doslrabloiloeution. modern lmpro\c-
monte. Address 0.V. . HIIJ os , 1513 rarnnni St.
" \\"ANTEO To rent n5 or 0 room eottago
T near buslnebS. hniulro Omnlin Itubbur
Co. O. II. Curtis , 4fls I9J
" \\7ANTEO-Tn oAChnngo n 10 room house in
Idlowlld for Inside vacant lots.
To cxchnirc good lot for horse , buggy nnd
harness , lllunt .Vlrapey , 413 s Kith St. a. . ' lit
17ANTEDTeams for railroad work. AlT -
T brlght's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm. 74J
-Iho ladles of Omnhn to know wo
TT have 50 peed girls that wnnt places to
work. Omaha Kn.ployment llutenu , 11U N Itith
strcot , Crriunse lllock. 410 19
WANTF.U-Cholcn rooms for light house
keeping by responsible party. T 20 lice
otllce. 524 21J
\\7"AN1ED A careful tenant wants house 0
T > to 8 rooms by July 1st In west or south
western part of the city. Will take annual
len o It necessary , lloom 3 , Vrcuer block , east
I1. O. 3)3 ) I'J '
V\7"ANTI'n Ono or two unfurnished rooms
T T with board In private family by July 1st ,
for man and wife , must bo In good location and
where homo comforts can bo had , ex cry thing
must bo llrst cl ss. Kofcrcnco given and re
quired. State prlco. Address 8 71 , Hen olllco.
3 7
flOIC HENT-FIVO-room house. 13JU S. 17th
' St. 53519 *
FOH HENT Store building on N. Kith t ,
fOopormo. Itocord Advoitlslng Co. . 1513
Fnrnnm. 611 20
FOH HENT 7-room brick lint two blocks
frompostofllco , lutnltnro for < ale on tlmo ;
3 rooms suitable loroMiees , furnitnroforsalo ,
? 125 ; 22-ioom hotel on lltn st .lurnlturo for
sn'o. Co-Opcratlvo Land i : Lot Co. , 205 N. Kith
ft. 647 21
[ 71OH HENT 4 stall barn , cor 7th nnd Paddo
L1 btrcets. liU
POH HENT Part of store or ollicu room. In-
tiilro | at 1213 Douglas St. U ] 1
"I7WH HENT room hou o and barn , 17th nnd
-L Center tts. , house healed by hot water and
all modern Improvorcets , fill. Also a 7 room
house ns above J10. J. L. Welshaus , 3PJ S. 15th
street. 467
T71OH HENT Three room houso. 70T5 Pacific.
-t1 For Hent Six room house , 1101 S 7th.
For Itont-'lhroo room house , 1015 N2Jth CSS
I7OH HENT 4 nuw i-room ! liouscs , cellar ,
1 well , hall , closets etc. , ly miles northwest
of postolllce. ' ! blocks to street cars , $21 to $ > iO
per month Uregory \ : Dudley , Hooms 1 and : ) ,
fuiSIJtliat. ' .no
FOH HENT Small ofTlco In excellent loca
tion. Enquire of F. Uarrctt * Co. , 314'i
S. Ifitli. 227
room house , 1I06J5 S 7th
HENT flood tmrn , sultablo for four
horsos. Imiulro at 017 s. lilth st , UJ3
" 1710H KENT Seven-room house with all mod-
-l ? ern conveniences , 21th nnd Dmonport.
Inquire nt 217 S. 12th street flbh mnrket. 270
"li'OH HENT Hoarding houeo of 10 rooms and
J2 fiirnituro for Palo cheap. The house IB in
thoconterof thocity , nnd the rooms are never
emptv , oor $10J a month cleared above rental ,
lease runs urtll April noit. llrown Ic
Crolghton. southeast corner ICth and Douglas.
414 111
FOH KENT-2 large stores on South loth st.
near Vintoii , $ JJ u month each. Also S
stores sinno si70 but having 5 living rooms
nbove , rent for i1 month. All have city
water throughout Apply J. F. Hammond. 117
South 16th Bt. 431
fiOK HL'NT 3-roora Uouse , 70J Pacific.
I 612
ilOK HENT-Brlck yards , T. Murray.
1 440
FOK HENT Hcstauraot centrally located ,
good business. Fixtures and fuinlturo for
palo , $000 , H cash. Invoice $1,300. Co-oporntlvo
Land & Lot Co , 205 N. 10th st. 417 1
TJ OH RENT-Smwli house on fu > l lot Bristol
X ? st near Hnundcrs. L. C. Enow-old , 617
Virginia ave. 402 l j
FOH HENT One office , second lloor , nt 318
S 15th St. Kent , f 10. 447
FOH HENT-Mont market complete with
tools and fixtures nt the head of Ht.Mnry's
nvo : apply at once toL. C , Enewold , 017 Vir'
ginla avo. 402 10J
F I OH HENT 3-room house on 14th and
1'loico sts. Inquire ut 017 South lltn Bt.
Lot for Lease. Southeast corner
4-xb5'i ( Lciivenworth nnd Paik nvc.or will
build to suit tenant. Hobble Uros. 35'J
HENT Store ana Becond lloor on cor
16th and Marcy Bt. Inquire of Mrs. F.
Lange , 608 S 13th. 883
T7 OK HENT Window , good locality for low
JD cler or real estate. Apply to 3J3 n 16th.
51)3 )
FOH HENT Unfurnished double parlors ,
with bntb room , suitable for ollice or bed
rooms. 1607 Howard , 3d floor. 543 20 *
FOH HENT Four neatly and elegantly fur
nished rooms nt 17U8 Douglas St. 614 24 *
FOH KENT Hoomsln good locations , from
$5 to $ ) " > per month. Hocord Advortls-
ingCo. , 1513 Farnam. 511 20
FOK HENT Elognnt furnished rooms for
rent , l'J19 Dodge st. 623 2lj (
FOH HENT An elognntly furnished suite of
front rooms lor two gentlemen or man
nnd wife. 1718 Dodge st.1 63S-10 ,
FOH HENT Furnished room , east frontbay
window and hlcoyo. nil modern Improve
ments , ono block from Fnrnnm street car line ;
with or without board , Hoforonces required.
Address P. O. box 308. 517 20
FOH HENT-Two furnished rooms 2440
Capitol nvo. 511121 *
rj < OH HENT Furnished room with or without
F board for gentleman nnd wife. 1207 Fnr-
nam , upstair ? . 520 1'J *
Troll HENT Nicely furnished room for single
-L gentleman In private family. Good locu
tion $ > per month. Hocord Ad\ertlslng Co. ,
1513 Farnam. 641 20
F I OH HENT Furnished room. 1812 Dodpo.2I8
; HENT-Furnlehod rooms at 1810 Dodge st
, 88JJ * _
E10K HENT A 'nicely furnished room , 2517
Capitol n\o. < , 400 19 *
F OH HENT-Onico 2nd lloor , 314 S 16th. st.
price $10 , 113
FOK HENT Eloganf rooms , furniture nnd
house new , every modern convenience ,
1709 Doduo street/"Ittfforences required.
FOK KENT Elegantly furnished front par
lor. Ill 8.18th near Dodge , I0120J
F I OH HUNT -DeSk room. Enquire Vonng &
Bluckman. 214 815th st. 540
FOH HENT 3 rooms In n Hat cor 0th and
Nicholas st.r ' 112
Oil KENT Ware room cor. 14th and Call ,
ifornla on Rclt Line , lor particulars enquIre -
quIre ut Union Nat biink. IM
F I OK HENT Furnished front room , bay win
dow , with bourd. 003 North 17th street ,
l 411 19j
OK HENT 2 elegantly furnished rooms
new house , 2214 Furnam street. U9J SJJ
FOH UENT-Furnished rooms , 812 College
Bt. 3S8IQJ
OK HENT Largo nicely furnished front
room , 517 Pleafiint Bt. 377
" | jUH HENT Throe room house west of North
Jllth st , between Chicago and Cass. C9J
TTHMl HENT Ottlces In llellman building cor.
- iFnrnam and 13th sts. . In suites or singly.
For prices , diagrams and Information apply to
B.A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam it , Hoom'J.
KENT 13 rooms nenr center of town ,
-L and sale of furniture very cheap , a bar
gain rarely offered , to good parties who mean
business. For particulars inqulru of Dr.
Simons , 401 North 16th street , Omaha , Neb ,
4 < n
"CUM KENT Elegant aultn of t corns , refaren-
- * - CM r fulrd , 1007 Douglai § U 301
FOU IlENT-rurnlslieJ roams , 701 B 17tli.
45J 20'
FOR HEST-Two unfurnlshoJ rooms. 420
South 15th St. , IU floor. IH2-19 *
? OH HENT-Furnlshcd rooma , 714 N. loth ft.
.1 4C jyl7 *
FOK HUNT Nicely furnished room , call at
117 S 17lh St. 449 2il *
7011 * KENT Neatly fnrnl hed rooms with Ml
- modern convcnlencoi , In EstahrooK
block. Enquire. 403 N ICth.ikl floor. 411 W
TTOH HEST-3 rooms nnd 3 closcls. t5 ! per
J- " month : nl o for sale ono cherry sot cheap ,
1 cook stave , frt , 1 bcdMcnd , wlro spring ami
mattress , ? 7 , line Hrii'sells till pet. M yards ,
? 25. No. 2521 Caldttcll St. 4W 19J
HENT Front pnrlor , nicely furnMicd.
Prlco reasonable. Good neighborhood.
210(1 ( Chicago st , 609 19J
FOH HENT Fnrnl'hed room. 1MB Snundcrs
street , three blocks from tticct cars.
479 19 *
F HUNT Furnished cottage. Address T
11 , Ileo olllce. 478 22
TTOIt HMNT-lIandsomely furnished suite of
-L' parlors and small room , modern ronvlen-
lences with board , SI ? N 15th St. 3U4 1UJ
FOH HUNT Largo N F. room , llrst floor , fur
nished or unfurnl hed. Al o , S V room ,
with alcove nnd bay window. Northwest cor
ner 18th and Farnara , 472 Jy 1 *
F IOIl HKNT-Unfuinlshod rooms,24lO Chlcngo
St. 47J I'J *
FOR HI'.NT 3 furnished rooms with board ,
1 suitable for 4 gentlemen , 190'J Fnrnam ,
474 201
F I Oil KF.NT-DesV : room. John Gallagher ,
; i7 ! foutli l.lth St. 37821
IPOH HUNT Furnished nnd unfurnished
-L rooms In tiruenlg block , corner 13th and
Dodge. Davis St. llctherlngon , Mill ml hotel
billiard room. HU
HENT Nice furnished room. 20.5 Far-
nam. W ! >
] roil HENT Newly furnished rooms In the
Fstubrook block. Apply .Mrs. Norton.thlrd
lloor enmo building , cor. 10th nnd Chicago.
2'.K ) 1
FOH HF.NT-FurnUhcd room.003 S 17th st.
368 21 ]
FOH KENT Nicely furnished room. 1021
Dodge Bt. 110
OH HENT-Part of olllco room. Inquire at
1212 Douglas st. Ul'l
FOH HUNT 13 rooms near center of town ,
nndsalcof furniture very cheap , a rnro
bargain , and only ollercd lo good parties who
mean business. For particulars inquire of Dr.
Simons , 404 N. IGth xtreot. 4.8 !
FOHltKNT Desk loom , llrst ollloeto lelt
o\er Merchants National bank. 8J )
THADF.-Omaha lots for n good , clean
stock of dry doods. T , 21 , Hoe ollice.
510 20
AND Ilought nnd sold on commission. J. H.
J Myeis , Orfnliilla , Neb. 5IJ 24"
ITTOH SALE MA ceres of wood land In noith-
. * - ' west quarter section 21 , 14 , 44 , In Iowa ,
about three mile" south of the ptopoRcd wagon
brlilgo from Omaha to Council Hlulfs. Price
$20 per acre , ono half cash balance In thiee ,
live or moro years If wanted. Address r. M.
linker , U'Sll ) Hanover Bt , Chicago. 5i19 ; !
oTTsALlf on""ixCH.\NJK : lfJ ncrcs of
good fnrmlng land at Steele , Kldder county ,
Dakota , only about two miles from town.
Prlco f2 ! per acio. Willing to exchange for
Omahn property. Address T. 21 , Ileo olllco.
61310 *
T71OH RALETho Convent building on St.
-1- Mary's ave , bet. 2.'ld and 21th streets
There are about 210,000 brict In the building ,
besides flooring , doors , wlndoww. etc . In good
condition. Hlds will bo received until the 2'lrd
of Juno. Address , Thomas Swift , 405 N. 15th
TJ > OH SALE-Cornor lot on Virginia nvo with
X1 two good houos , cheap at $7,003. Terms
easy. Houses rent for $70 per month , y. S.
Campbell , 310 S. 10th st , Chamber of Com-
mcico. 27J
FOH SALE Uy Shaw & Co. ,
510 S ICth St.
Houses and lots in all parts of the city. Von
can't afford to rent when you know the price
and terms of this class of preporty.
On Georgia nvenno wo have n largo piece of
ground lor sale at loss than its value. It is
worth looking at K you wnnt n nice residence
Lots for sale In different parts of theclty.and
you are sure to make money by dealing with
us. Wo ate headquarters lor safe Investments.
FIVE Acres high anil sightly land for sale 3' ' (
miles S. W. ot postolllco. Tills Is a b.irgaln.
Patterson llros , Itoom 21 Fren/or block. 4UO 2 < J
SELECTS , mot no carefully listed bnrgnlns
hunted down by Cuke & Hillings. Our sam
ple case :
2 lots with 2 houses , J. T. Rcdlck's sub , only
block from sticot car line , 103x121 ft on 3
streets , big money hero for you.
Como , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , and
we'll make it pleasant and profitable foryou. _
WE Can sell for n few days only
Lot 100 GISO's addition for $0,493.
Lot 71 disc's addition , $8,300.
Hlock 1 lloyd's addition , t3,50J.
One-third cash , bnlanco 1,2 and 3 years.
Itcmiugton & McCcrinlck , 220 Soutn 15th st.
TEN room double house on Fnrnam Bt. Full
lot , line Blindo trees , etc. Everything In
good shape , price , f 4,100 , H cash , balance easy.
Six room new cottage In I'oi.o Place , only one
block from two car lines. Price , f J.OOO. $500
cash , Da'nnco easy.
Small cottage and good lot on South 18th St. ,
corner of Castellar. Fine shade trees , good
cistern , collar , etc. Prlco , $2OJO. Mnko your
own terms on this piece.
Cone & Johnson subdivision lies high nnd
sightly and loins the city on the north. The
O. If N. W. Hy runs alongside of our lots nnd
the depot will bo located near thorn. This ad
dition lias Just been placed m the market and
will be sold elf quick nt prices ranging from
KlOOtoi)75 ) per lot. Terms , $10 cash ! balance
$10 per month. Ibis Is 25 per cent loss than ad
joining lots arc bringing. Call nt once as prices
will soon bo advanced.
Parties calling nt our oflloo , 724 North 10th st ,
will bo shown uny of above property.
Dlf you have house ? to rent or property to sell
see us. Cone & Johnson , 7.4 N. ICth St. 525-1'J
FIVE Acres high and sightly land for gale 3 ! {
miles S. W. of postofllce. This is n bargain.
Patterson llros , Itoom 21 Frenzer block. 4i)0 ) 2.1
171OH SALE-Hoiiso nnd lot 27th street , 3
-L1 blocks south of Lake , $2,000 , 200 cu. h , tuil
$ .25 per month. Wo have several houses and
lots that wo can sell for small cash payments ,
bal to suit.
About the 22d of Juno wo will move to No.
1C01 Fnrnam street , whore wo will have ns con
venient an oflico ns there is in town. Park ,
Fowler .V Kennard , Itoom 4,1522 Douglas.
4 4 S3
/1LAHKEON & lleatty's 3 additions.
\J Hoyd's Addition
on State St. and Inside of Holt Hy. , only n few
lots lelt in original hands and easy terms.
When tncv me gone no more can bo had nt our
prices' und terms ,
Omaha Heights.
400 lots. 125 snld , 275 lelt. With every 50 lots
wo glvo nwny n $1,200 house. The prlco will bo
advanced soon andon should view this beau
tiful addition bctoro buying , 1-5 cash only re
Druid Hill Addition-
Just platted and offered to investors nnd
homo seekers , lies north of and adjoining lied-
font Plnco , Is high , dry and bo.iutllul.and oilers
the bnst Inducements to parties wishing to im
prove. Is on Btato street , the coming boule
vard and drive to the fort und Florence , and
this fall the car line will bo extended to this ad
dition , nnd some fair morning prices
will double , us scnsiMo men why
not take your Bhuro of profit
In any of the above additions. Vto will glvo
Bpcclnl Inducements to parties wishing to Im
prove. Why do you pay rent , when with
about the same expenditure you can own u
homo ? Consult us before buying.
ClurKson & Ueiitty , 210 S 14th st.
4W1 21
FOlt SALE Montnly payments , 5 room hou o
and lot on North''Itt bt , $2,5(1,1 ( ; flMo cash ,
bal.mco $ . ' 0 a month. T It ) , Ileo Olllco. 505 I'.ij '
SPECIAL list 2U acres norhtwest part of city ,
IfiO acres north of city.
3 btory brick block w itli 3 store rooms corner
3 principal els. only
2 nice lots Kilby pluto , ono n corner , only
$1.0)0. )
2lots Davenport sub near taurulers , $2,800.
Hnllding and lot 14th Bt bet Fainain and
Dodge , n bargain , $31uiQ.
Special bargains In all parts of ttio city. Oco.
E. Olbson A : Cu.,312 S ICth 6t , Chamber of Com
merce. 48) 20
FOH HAL.E-SI.5iX ) buys the residence nnd
practloo of a physician In county sent In
western Iowa. Address Ur. Jlrown , Itoom 4 ,
Ciolghton block , Omaha. 413 2.'j
TJiOH HALE- two years lease on n brick
.L1 ttoro room located on I'lirnam si. For
particulars uddross T8 Hcuollico. 430 20J
T A HAHOAIN-Lotsfi undfl.blotk T Lowct's
add , fronting on Hamilton , Charles and
34th sts. , total irontago ot ( Ml feet , fi l ,
Two lota lUOxl26tho finest east and south front
corner in Ambler Pliicolold purt,4 ) blocks from
car line , both for $1,760.
Corner FUxU'H oust and north front In West
Onui1-- ' , two blocks couth of Farnnm st. . f 4.5'W.
Corner 2s. " > foot frontage on Military Houdl''d
feet ilcun , on cur line , $5,000.
CE. . Iteitdr.UlOB. if.tb . St. , Hoard of Trade
Duildlllir. 2U
CtlOICfi street , near Ann , 116xl32per
foot . . $ 400
Farnam street , near 20th,2ixl3J . 10.000
Farnatu street , corner 3lillWiU. ' , per
16 °
foot . ; ' :
Fnrnam street , near Thirty-eighth , 4x- ,
' " ' ' '
Fat-mini sti'e'ot"iienVlV'Vli'l > jxl.c. . . . f O
Fnrnam street , corner In Jerome Park 3,000
Farnnm street , corner In Jerome Park a.ivo
Fnrnnm street , nenr 12th , Improved.
20-'xlia . 25.00J
Fnrnnm street , nenr Nineteenth , 77x133 ,
Improveil . 40,000
Ilnrnov street , near Twenty-third , 60t-
l.W.lmprovod . 11,000
Hartley street , near 2lst , 174x170 , improved -
proved . 50,000
Dodge street , near U'tnr > ( lil32 , per foot 600
Dodge street , near 27th. 4MU. , Improved -
proved . 3,000
Douglas street , near I'-'th , 44x132 . 35.OJ (
Fifteenth street , corner Jackson , COxlllJ ,
Improved . . . . 35.00J
Fourteenth street , corner JacHson.SUx
ii2impioved : . 35,000
Fourteenth street , corner Chicago ,
< UxlJ3 ! . 20,000
18th st , opp M. P. iHpot.OAlOI , per foot. 200
llth st , cor Nicholas , COxU. , track lit
nllcy -
11th t , near Howard , 3.1\0i , Imp . 13,000
Trackage , 60x112. Paddock Place . 2.0K )
20th st , noir St Man's , 40x120 , imp . f/XHl
sOth si. near Douglas , isuna . c.wo
Saundoisst. cor Hurt , KOvfil . 7.50J
Park nvu , near Loiivenwortli , UlxllO . 4N
Park lUe , opp park , 50\luO . i.OOO
Jeixmio Park , near Farnam , E front 47 T
" ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' '
rast"eira'r'Bt.Viear'Mh.BV'V\120. . ; . . . . ! .
West Onmlia , llncst acre . . .
llrown P rk,2lotsaty cheap .
Albright's Annex , < ! lots very cheap .
2--d St. , cor. Nicholas Truckage Imp , 132
xl.jj , . . . 10,000
Choice property In all parts of the city. ' S. A.
Slarnan , 1H01 Farnain St. , Itooins 22 and 23.
Wll. YATK3 , 32 South 16th St. KlxlM on
Loavonworth , near 2otli Street , JIM
per trent loot.
5IIeel on I.cavcnworth corner of 20th Street
for H',000. ' About four feet above gradu op-
po'lto "old for J220 per front foot.
C'xlo2 ( Chicago St. , between 1 Itn nnd 15th sts ,
at n biirgaln.
63 ft. on liith st. near Locust , $3,000. Cheap
est lot on IGth street.
bOxllO-oii Cnlllornla street near 35th street.
$ lfOU-VH ) ca h , balance ensy
South nnd east fiont coiner on Farnnm near
Lowe nvc. $ I.WO.
1 have a few good bargains loft In Hawthorne ,
where you can ilonblo your money in three
months. Only tnllo and a half from postolllce.
The Metropolitan Cnblo Line will run not nioio
than two blocks Irom tnlsuddltlon. Davenport
street Is being graded from ol ( h to 3Cth st
Coinoin nnd let mo show you the following
t o 43x10' ) feet lots , fronting on Davenport ,
ft.WO each. Onn-thlrd cash , balance 1 , S , ! 1
yours. I our leet above grndo.
Hast fiont ou'llth st.r)0tl3il. on giado , fl.701.
Kist : Iront , n corner on ( 'nss , .VitliiR-IIttlo
nbovo grade , only $ t/ > . * 0. t 50 ca h. The lot
opposlto Is Ing low. 1 * hold at $2,0K ( > . '
Two west fronts on 85th live , comer on Cnss.
$ J,100. KT"jl
Two west fronts , corner on Davenport , flr > 00
each , parllv In u hole , but mipiovimeut will
Boon make thorn woith $ J,100 caih
Three south fionta on Cuss , lie nicely , $1,100
each. '
5J' ? _
rilOPAHTIES who will build homos costing
X $1,200 to { 1/iiJO , wo will furnish bonulllnl
building lot" , requiring no payment of prlncl-
pnl for flvo years. Abstract Inrnisticd and
warranty deed given as soon as the bouso la
completed. Mead & Jainicson , 318 S. 15th st.
FOK SALK A line faim of 100 acres , en
closed with 3 wire fence , 33 noics under
cultivation , 11 neics of ah trees in tlultty
growing condition , pilcoJIO per acre , terms
eusy. This offer good tor thirty days only.
Address Clins. II. Wilson , Oxford , Funmn coun
ty , Neb. 073j > 8 *
/ VNK Hundred houses for sale ; terms nnd lo-
\J cation to suit everybody , lots In all parts of
city , acres. John tiullaghor , 317 Soutli lllth st
KKDIUK I'Altlv bus city water. 3TO maple and
elm trees , 11 residences under contract to
build , none of which ehull coat less than $1,200.
Its streets nro grmlcd and turnplkod. It Is
within thu old cltv limits opposlto Rountre
1'laco nnd nccesunblo from either Saunders or
Statostroels. Wo have a few lots lolt In this
addition whicl. wo will oiler to Homo seekers
upon very tnvorablo terms.
Wo also dlfor
100 ft fronting Hanscom Park , $0,000. H to H
Cor. 100x150. Georgia nve , $5,000 , $2,000 cash.
Full lot and 7-rooiu house ui e.xcclluiit condi
tion , I'nrkcr's add , $3,500.
Cor. . GGxl3 : ! , improved , S llth near viaduct ,
Every one of these pieces arc worthy of ox-
nmln ? / \ For particulars call on or address
' - f rMoad & jainleson. BoJ A jgi ,
SPECIAL Hargalns-Hlghland place 155x140 ,
south front and a corner , ono at the most
desirable building sites In the city and rcry
cheap it taken this month.
I'roston ic William' ! , Ml\140 an elegnnt lot with
shade and very desirable , close to business nnd
n bargain.
Saiindors st IMxlGO nt a very low figure ; op
posite Komiuo place.
South 10th st 50x200 , one of the choicest lots
on this beautiful St. , 3 or 4 feet aUgvo grade
und covered with shade trees.
Shinn's add. .l4xl20 corner , with n good
lione , rent $ . ( > , ono block fiom Saundersst. ,
this Is n bargain , H ca ° h , $500. .
Lakes add. 140x100. corner 18th and Sprueo
sts.n choice corner to improve , and cheap nt
QCalifornln st. , 2 choice acres in Park plnce ,
very cheap. Enquire lioyn's addition , n few
lots nnd u block of 10 lots , very cheap und easy
Omaha Heights , a $1,200 house to bo given
away In the addition , consult us nt once.
Clarkson S , llontty , 2111 S. 14th st 405-21
FOH SALK Cottage , 7 rooms nnd bath room ,
lire place , oak mantel , cistern , city water ,
etc. , ill foot of ground. 22d Bt. north of St.
Mary's nvo. Ji.500. C. W. & O. E. Thompson ,
314 S. 15th St. 210
nAllOAIN Uno hundred foot front on
South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,000.
Farton time. V. U Vodlcka , & 20 South 13th it
TJIOH SALE Kent or trade , llvo-roorn cottage
-U in Paulson's addition , Ton-room house
nnd three lots in Lndwlck plnce , nnd other
property. L. V. Crum , 120 N. 15th st. 403
IMMEDIATI ? sale will taKoii lots or less only
6 or 6 blocks from Eichango bid and
Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen
houses under contract In same block. I want
whnt they are worth. I don't want fancy prices
I wnnt to sell quickly. E. II. Hraiich. l-'J
Ten eholco residence lotn In the
thriving city of South Omahn to exchange
for wild land In eastern Nebraska and Western
Iowa , must bo suitable for farming. Address
T 9. Ileo ollico. 451-30
FOK UENT-Or palo. 5 room honso N. 311
Spruce street with full lot. EnquireG8S
north 13st. 60J-20 *
TEN lots In Carthage , $ U3 to $1,000.
10 lots In West Cumlnif. $803 to $1,500 ,
30 lots In Lincoln 1'1'icc. ' $750 to $1,500.
This property Joins the Putric * larm on the
cnst , Is nigh and sightly , and will increase in
vulne very rapidly. It is on the Metropolitan
calilo line to the Patrick farm. II you want to
secure any of thcgo elo ant lots call early as
they are on the maiket for a few days. Hart's
Great Western Itcal l.'stato agency , Crclghton
block. M. ) 9
OMAHA business Exchange. Wo are oiler-
Ing for a low da\s In Hitchcock's add , ulg
bargains. Lungland & Larsun. I'J I I'J
FOU SALF.-Ilargalns-Lot IB , block . Pat
rick's 2d add. . SI.O'iO. Lot 7. Pellmin Place ,
$1.350. Lot 'I , block 1H , Itedford Place , $800. For
terms Inquire at 1315 Douglas Bt. 4'J8 ll'j
POIl SALK Or trade , 25 lots in the w cstorn
part of Omaha near the llcnson cur line ,
prlco $400 each , $ . ' 50 duo on contracts payable
in 8 quarterly payments , will trade interest in
contracts for Nebritsun land. McCullocli & Co. ,
160U Fainain &t. 1000
F OUT Y-TWO feet on State street . $750
Full lot In gaundcrs & Himebaugh's add 475
Two good lots In Mc/ors , It. A T. and , each. 750
S.E. cor. In lloyd'R . 850
Trackage In Paddock I'lace , cheap , .
Itoom 20 , Paxton building.
Proposals for Sale of Booth Privileges for
the Grand Army Reunion.
SEALED proposals will bo roceH ed until July
1st , lor ovelusivo booth privileges on thu
camping ground ol the ( it and Aitny Hopiibllo ,
lit their mimml leunlon , to ho held In Oinnhii ,
Soptcinbcr 5th next , ami continuing one went ; ,
These pi lieges will permit any rcpntablu
business such us rCbtntiiants , icfrchhmonl
stands , t'roeeis , butcli rb , bakon < . tlnwiue , liab-
ordaMidrs , Ae. No Intovlcatlng Il'iuois or gam
bling allowed on thn griiunds Fifty thousund
soMleis nro expected to p.irtlclpnto at this reunion -
union , and Iho Impoilanro ot tno tiuslnesscan
bo estimated from this , as their fiubsistenrn
will bo puichn-tMlmnlnlynn the groun.lfl. Itlds
from others than pctsuns of Kiioun i espoii-- ;
blllty must bo ntcoinpiinled by cc rtllled elico'-
for one-tenth of the amount nnd approved
iiapor , payable on or bcfoio September In , for
imlimct ! Illitht reserved to icjact any or all
bids , -Ml bids must lie iidil rested to
1.01'IH Ill'IMHOn.
Chairman Coinmltleo on Privileges and Trans
portation , Hoard of Trmln Comniltlcu.
Proposals for Buying Fence tuni > ) r.
SEALED proiiosuls will bo received by Iho
undersigned until 11 n'cl'.ck n. in , JitmrJMh ,
lHj7 , for ceitaln fence lumber now Hnrcd on
Jclleicon p.u-k , ordered tola by ttsolutlou of
the oily council.
The right lo ujocl any nnd nil blilsls reset veil.
Sr. A. I ) . lUu.-OMBK ,
Chalrtnan Hoar. ! of 1'ublio Worko.
Ouinha , Null. Junu 17th , liM. . jcl8-23
Special OrdlnancJ
AN Ordlnuncu levying a spec Ww r\t
jcssment on certain lots and rK. 1 f fm
the city of Oiunlm , to cox er the cost 01 1
Ftructmgneower tn Hcwir District No. ' . ' . -
Wherein , It having been nnd being hereby' '
ndjudgcil , determined and e tabllshed that the
several lots and pieces of real estate hereinafter
icferrr-il to hnvo each been specially benellttcil
to the full amount herein levied and assessed
iguln t each of snld lots nnd pieces of real
cMnto , ic pccllvely , by ron on of Ilio recou-
MriletlonoC a se erln Sewer District Ni . 2.
'Iheruforo , for the | inipo u of paying the cost
of such setter reconstruction :
He It ordained by the city council of the city ot
Omaha :
Section 1. That the cost of reconstructing n
poucr In Setter DMrlet No. 2 , In the elty ot
Omalil , said cost being the sum of K1.30U12. no
nnd the same Is hoioby Unled and assess"d , In
uroportIon tf > Hie Icet front along paid 1m-
[ inm'iiicnt , nnd according In special benefits
: iy reason of until Improvement , upon the fol-
owingdescrlbeil lots and real 'estate , ns shown
by the geneially recognised map of Iho city ot
iniiiha , 1W ) , lltliographed nnd iniulNhcd by C.
n. Ma ) no ; said cost being FO levied on Bald lots
und real estate , iespectl\ely , as follows , to-wlti
Niuno Lot ur Ami oC
of Owner. Description. Illoclt. TUT.
Omaha National Hunk. . > } ! 120 103
Omaha Havings Ilukk.e27 f t nS 1 l.M 1(113 (
F L Amos w.nttnijl Kii 2.127
e lift n M2 IM flST
. .vlr4SSCaldttell.wlle'2n',42 ' 120 57
I 1 Itoillck w22tta l.'O 4J77
Heirs 8 S I'nldwell . , m2Jft2 I''o 4.177
Omaha Nnt'1 Hank s H o22 ft 3 " 1W 0,1
lleirs88Cald cll e'-'ftil " 4377
( IHI.aKo 1112-Mlit " 4377
( Jco Wuricn Smith 2. ft a 43 77
H . . , . . ; . 4 " 4JI7S
J JHrowii wutt4 ; " WtOS
Caroline Culm w44fti ( " 8764 Wai reu Smith . . . .o22ftli " 4J77
" . . .w ) ' II fl " I SS
fnm'lHnrns o214 was it " 4244
HHEIIls.011 Iil22lt0 " 4377
Ceo Warren Smith . . . . o 12ft 0 " 4,177
( JeoT.MIlU w31ft7 " C705
J H Lehman \ CM Hunt-en ,
Heirs John McCMrmlck. w 22 118 4U77
J w , M S. Jennlo .V James
Megoiith . , . . . .m22ft8 4377
J W , .M S , JennloJnme *
Megcnth . n25o22ft8 1 78
Clleiiulorlf . 8M7o22ftS 27 W
ChnsP Hirkett. . . . 822 oIV , ft 1 1 2323
.1 * M Kocheuthal n22 s 4 1 rt'i 1 1 1 ! > 9
S Lehman . n8S e22 1 20 4 ; |
Hitcucl Ill-own . nMw44 1 . 40M
. W318I4 1 I KM
CFMcCieary . o22 a I 4371
Sam'l llelchenberg . ni2J 2 ' 437' '
HSiHoglo.V- Abrahams.w22 2 437' '
Ceo nituun Smith . o2 : ! : i 437'
OC Cnmp'ell ' . wU ! 1 876' '
A lien on .VIM Johnson s--2 4 43 T
ChasWWIiltlleld . ullO 4 87ft
John A CiolL'hton . llllw.lil 5 14 HI
MoichiintsNuflH'k.nHe3m2Sn 3 1
tJco W t'inltli . o'-J "i 43T
MoiclmutsNiit'lH'lt. s8wllB 700 ;
II KA Pundt . w22 fl 437'
( 'lias Chllds . ni22 0 437
F L lieot . 023 fl 437
Oco Win ren Smith . 7 1313 ;
. w22 8 4171 !
Sam'l Jacobs . m23 4871
Neb. Nat'l Hank . o2J H 4371
ASPadilock . 1 * 3 1313
Cath lloelihtrasser . o'2 a 48
DoiaScliHnab . m23 IJ 437' '
Cnthormiirilnn . 3-J ! J 437' '
Win Pitt Kellogg . o22 ; t 437'
K S M cCi'ciu y . m 2. : 4J 7' '
.1.1 Hrown . w22 II 437
(1 ( WC.ray . 22 1 43V
AnnnFltch . . . .n27 l-2il'JJJ ' 4 17
Moses V J Koclientlml ,
. . . . .n-rB74'5 4 2141
MM I'll , guardian .o22nr,7't 4 11 4
Anna Kalmlmch c23 w44 n57' ' i 4 11 4j
.M & .I Koohenthal w22nt7 > 4 ] 14t
CnthorlnoU V1in Nnmeo w-145 8764
KH.Sc J II Callahun . c22 5 4377
.1 W Lvllo . e4l 0 FT 54
James Ciolghton . w22 8 4317. .
EKSharp . W22 7 437t
CF aooilinan . m22 7 4377
Sonhlo Lehman . o. ! 7 4377
CO House ! . \\i5ft % 4377
John A Crolghton . o 44.5 US 8868
Omahn Hopnbllcan . 1 3 7873
HncUlandXHajes . 3 16. ) 84
A W Street . o(4 ( ,1 8764
J H i\uns : . w223
" . 4
Jlax Meyer . 4 a 1.1130
Surah Meyer . w-12 fl 4375
WWLowo . ell 0 87M
( Sen W Smith . w22 7 8064
O Davis . o23 wll 7 8004 f
OK Perkins . o22w'S7 30 4 J
CUifMIHCo . o 7 BIBIt
fSeoW Smith . w 2. 8 1314 f
OF Davis . o22w4l 8 , 1114
CK Perkins . o22w ! < 8 1314
\-QUUCo . 0 8 30 W
.TJ Monoll . 1 1 11131 .
JA ( Jannett . c22 3 4877
Ooo Clays &J WLco . n > 23 t " 4877
JumooTH'iltt" . w2j 3 4H77- - , -
Anna Wilson . . IMO j-y.139 *
LJ&HolrsCHMcCormlck.ol-2 3 in
City of Omaha . B22wl-24 ' 4377 '
Anna Wilson . nHwl-2 4 4W 11
LJiSfHolrNCHMcCornHck.el-2 4 0103
FLAmes . 5 128 08
Heol'ilb.Co . em 5 6779
FLAmes . oWl.SO 6404
Hco Pub. Co . 011.5 0 2478
M Heifers . 7 " 13181
EDPatteo . w24 8 " 4871-
Cl ; Perkins. Tr . ell 8 " 8764
OeoAHongland . 1 F MlSl 4 ,
" ' ' ' " ' '
Heirs P P Monoll . . . . . . .si 3 3 F 61 W
Anna WlUon . nl 2 3 F 8989 *
HelisO CiMonell . fil 2 4 K 0194
Anna Wilson . nl-2 4 F 301BI
Gldrldn Atkins , EH linker ( . 5 , F 1113J
and HyMcFurland.Jr. . | 8 F 1)181 )
" 7 F 131 W
Alfred 11 Dufrono- . 8 F 13181 " 5
Section 2. That the special lazes nnd ns oi- , . <
raents le\ led and assessed ns nToresald. shall b *
duo Immediately upon the passage and M >
provnlofthls ordinance , and shall boconi do- !
linqucnt If not paid within fifty days Uiocro
after : and thetoupon shall bo addoci interest at '
the rate of one percent a month .payable In ad *
vnnco liom the tlma said tuxes become so do- "
Sections. That thlaordlnnnco shalltnko effect :
and bo In force from nnd after 1U pnssagc. j
Passed May 2ltli. 1H87. !
WM. F. HI-.CIIKI. , President City Council. . 3 ,
J. H. SOUTH utl ) . City Clerk. , ' y
Approved May 27th. 1887. J
- w J. HnoATCfi. Mayori J
The nhovo tax Is now duo and payable at the ) - , :
olllco of thu city treasurer , and will become de-
linqiicnt as provided In sections. „ , „ , , , j
JOHN KUS-H * * *
joibdjt - , City
Propoials for Keal
SEALED proposals will lie received brtht *
underBlgnnd until 6 o'clock p. m. BntnrdnJV"- *
July 2nd , Its ; , for the following described prop
erty , lo-wit :
Lots 5 , fl , 7 and 8 in block 105H and building !
thereon , In the city ot Omuhn , county of Doug *
The board icserves the right of usingtha
building on paid promises for ono year.
The board icsurvoti the right to reject any o *
nil bids.
Hy ( udcr of the Hoard of Education.
j7d"0t O. CO.NOVEII , Becrotary.
Proposals for Grading. 1
"PIIOPOSALS will bo rec-olvcd by the under *
J. nlgnod until 5 p.m. Monday , June 20.1MI7.
for tliogindlng of lots 17.18,111 and 20 , In block
10 , "Omaha View , " and lots 9 , 111 , 11 nnd 12 ,
block S , In "Hlllbtdo No. 2 , " In the city ot
The board reset vcs the right to reject any or
or all bids.
Hy "order of the Hoard of Education.
JelldCt Secretary lloiud of Education
rpHE license board of the city of Omnhn will
X sit on Monday , .Iuno2iitli , nt " o'clock p. m. ,
at the mayor's otlieo , to hear any complaints
that may bo made against the in an ting of a
HcoiiRo toOliiistophnrson mid 1'otcrson , forper-
mlt to sell liquor , .Vc. , at No. 1324 South 6ta
btreot. In the city of Omaha. .
jclOdlt J. H. SouTluim , City Clerk.
Notice to Contractors , _
SEALKD proposals will bu rei'eivcd nt the
olllco ot the county commlssloncis up to
noon of July 22nd , A. D. ISf-7 , for building a
county hospital In Omnhii , Douglas county , Ne
braska , nccoidlng to the plans and Fpecl'lcil-
tlons ou tllu in the county commissioner's
oil ! ce.
Knob bid Mtiiktbo acconipnnted by n curt'Ccj '
clicek In the amount of ilvu hundred dollars.
' 1 ho right In reserved lo reject any and n.l bids.
Hy onlcr of thu board ,
Ifci-.u , ) C. P. NKt.iiH , County Clerk.
Paid up Capital . $2CO,000
. < 18,50Q
H. W. Yutps , I'rcsuiciit.
A. K. Tuuxaliu , Vico-I'ri'slili'jil.
\V. II. S. Ilimhiw.v.sljlcr ,
W. V. Mono , Jc.lin S c' ft ,
11.V. . iTatt.'S , Lewi'S. . Jjunl.
A. K. Tou/uliu.
Cor. 12th ana Farnam Sts.
A General liuukiuir liuniucES Truocaclc