Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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The Jury In tbo Bhcllenborger Oaso Under
going a Long Siege ,
The Dead IJody of a Man Pound On
the Union 1'nclflo Track Near
I'apllllon Oilier Nebraska
and lown News.
Bwontlnc Out n Verdict.
LINCOLN ; Neb. , Juno 18. | Spec I at Iclo
gram to thu HKI : . ] At 10 i > . m. to-night the
jury In the Klmtlcnburgur case rounded Its
forty-night hours In the jury room , and jut
no Riens of a verdict or a release ; lor thuiu by
dismissal. It Is understood that thu jury
Btantlg as It lias stood from the start six for
conviction and six for acquittal. The judge
has said they should remain until they
reached a verdict , and thu prospect Is that
thev will becalllnir for winter clothing be
fore such a verdict Is attained. The jury
room Is on the third floor on the southwest
corner ol the buildlnc , the hottest place In
the entire torrid city , and when It Is consid
ered that they were two days In the court
room hearing the case before their forty-
clht | hours' incarceration , the climax ot this
case may end In a test of human endurance.
1'ubllc criticism on keeping the jury out
teems to be divided.
Franklin Acndciny Cnmmencnmont.
FitAMU.iN , Neb. , Juno IS. [ Special to the
BKE. | The sixth annual commencement of
Franklin academy occurred yesterday. At
tbo prize essay contest the 815 prize was
awarded to Miss Flora Drown , of Cowlea ,
nil the $10 prize to Miss Nellie I'ha-nlx , of
David City. These 'prizes were given by
Mrs. W. 11. Austin , one of our most public-
spirited cltUuns. Thu commencement exer
cises consisted of four orations for the Well-
man pn/o of 85. First honors were awarded
to Jllss Dora Moore , of Alum. A banquet at
the now ladJeV.liall was jjlvun by tlin cit
izens. This was one of the finest displays of
the ciilslno ever seen In FraiiKlin. mid did
great honor to the efficient committee , Messrs.
Short. OaKO , Hell , Miller and wives. The
annual address by Itov. George K. Taylor , of
Imlhmoln. elicited ureat auplatiso and was a
model of Its kind. Thu alumni reunion was
nn Important feature. All the old graduates
were back and did honor to the occasion.
This young institution has now flix grad
uates , counting the two of this year. The
next class promises to lie large. The art
exhibition was an Interest ! ! ! ! : feature. A
reception occurred last e\enni ! : in the hall
parlois. The summer term opens .In no 7.
A conservatory of inmlc and a full business
collide have been added to this flourishing
Will Ijoticka' Disappearance.
NOIIPOMC , Neb. , June 18. [ Special to the
BKK.J No further tidings have been received
from Mr. Will Loucks , the junior member of
the grain and live stock firm of Kudat & Co. ,
who left last week for a days' trip to Omaha ,
and who was subsequently heard from at
Denver and llock Springs , Wyoming. His
fattier , who Is an esteemed resident of an
eastern state , arrived hero a day or two since
and has boon Invrstlgating affairs. Ho said
to a citizen that he found nothing ot a busi
ness nature that would warrant htm In leav
ing , and expressed the opinion that his trou
ble was of a personal natuin growing out of
his marriage relations. The senior Mr.
trucks was very much chagrined over the
turn of affairs , as ho had inverted S'J.SOO for a
half Interest In the business In which his son
yras uncaged , and was not expecting this sin
gular phase of affairs.
Whiskey Gets Another Victim.
PAPIM.IOX , Neb. , Juno 18. [ Special Tole-
fcram to the HEK.I About 4 o'clock this
morning the dead body of a man was found
on the Union 1'aclfic track about a mile west
, ofjUila jjlace. it was removed to the court
jhouso , wllgro an Inquest wa Jssld this nftuf-
"noon. Several letters were found on his per-
Bon from friends In Germany , showing the
wiaino of the decased to bo Albert Bailor. The
Jeceascd was a friend of Frank Steidle , ot
.bis . place , and Is a native of Schondorf , Wit-
tenboitr , Germany , where ho leaves a widow
mil several children , llo took the train at
Jinaha , but being somewhat under the Influ-
ince ot liquor was carried past. The corpse
jore an ugly bruise on the back ot the head ,
where he was probably struck by a freleht
train. The Jury tendered a verdict of death
by accident.
Discovered a Forgery.
DAKOTA CITY. Neb. , June 18. [ Special
fl'elejjram to the HKH.J County Clerk J , P.
Twohlg , on looking over his books yester
day , discovered that his deputy , T. 1) . Cur
tis , whom ho had discharged that morning ,
Vrasa forger for about $1,000. The mode
adopted was In buying allowed accounts ard
prefixing and annexing figures to suit the
occasion , and then doctoring the books , llo
was an old resident of the county and had
peon doputv clerk for several years under
former clerks , llo left yesterday , leaving a
wile and child behind. Had it not been for
the timely discovery of Twohlg , the county
would have been a loser , as the , wariaius
tyould have been Issued next week.
* } Base Dull at Button.
/ BUTTON , Neb. , JunolS.-fSpoclal Telegram
Jto the 13KK.I The sport-loving people ot
Button witnessed to-day at the trotting park
grounds the most enthusiastic gatno ever
clayed In Clay county by the two clubs of
Jjntton and Clay Centre. A largo delegation
of citizens front thu latter place were hero In
* attendance. Sutton won by a scorn of 17 to
11. Mr. Theodore Wentz , of this place , was
jnuch praised for his promptness and fair
' dealing as umpire.
f i '
> / Throe Men Injured.
. L JtAnn CITY , Dak. , June 18. [ Special Tel
egram to the HKE.J To-day a section 800
feet long of the Dakota water power com
pany's Hume , under construction , fell , carry-
t ' Ing down the force of men employed. The men
( oil about thirty feet The scene of the accident
Is about twelve miles from hero. Doctors
imoned and found three inon hurt.
led Hastings , had his wrist hrokon
ba.llyhurt Internally ; ho will prob-
John Morrison , arm broken and
rnally ; an unknown man was cut
b huad.
icllninn Sues for Damages.
CITY , Neb. , June 18. [ Special
to the BKK.J Councilman 11. II.
lo-day commenced suit for 510,000
gainst Cooper Morrison , of this
culatlng the report that Unrtling
laseil the Kathbono judgmnnt ot
llnst the city , for Sl > oo , and then
fork a scheme through the council
judgment from the cemetery fund.
has created a big stir In official
I'lnlnvlew Citizens Indignant.
' P&AINVIKW , Nob. , June 18. [ Special Tele
gram to the liiCK.l ThocltUonsot this place ,
regardless of party , held an Indignation
Bioctlng to consider the late action of the
president concerning the return of the con
federate tlaas. J. L. Kevins , our silver-
toumied orator , delivered a striking address ,
after which resolutions of ludimiatlon were
passed with cheers and tirlnj : of canon.
Booth Uli-tits Hold.
AUDURN , Nob. , Juno IS. ( Special Tele-
grain to the BKE. | The sale of booth rights
{ or the Fourth of July celebration at this
place was held to-day. Ten boottis , two
dance platforms and two swinjr rights wcro
i > lu , UclUUR g'JJO.CO.
Inwa Suproino iuitrt Doolslonn.
1 IKS MOI.VKS , la. , Juno IS. [ ripoclal Tele-
iraiu to the UKK.J Thn supreme court run-
duredthe following decisions here to-day :
W.V. . Wlso vs. Oeorge F , Usry , appellant.
Toll ; circuit. AtUrim-J.
M. M , Btrole , appellant , vs. F , tiatichez.
IVai cllo circuit , Koverneil.
County of Sao vs. W , 11. llobbs and others ,
ppelUuts. Alllrmed.
0 , U Hlchards , appellant , vs. lucorpor.vted
Town of Hock Hapldis Lyou circuit. Ke-
Mrswl ou plalutltl's appeal.
1 Mf. F. Moore vs. Umliugton & Western
railroad company , appellant , Mahaska dis
trict. Urverscd. Opinion by Sccvers.
A. L. Ormsby T * . 11. J. Dudd. J. F. James
ct al , appollantsl'alo ( Alto district. Affirmed.
Drew the Muz/.lo Toward Him.
IUWIN , Iowa , Juno 18.- ( Special Telegram
to the HUE. I Fred Hubcr , a German aged
thirty-two , owner of n farm and other prop
erty here and at Harlan , WAS accidentally
killed to day by drawing a loaded gun toward
him by the muzzle , llo had been married
about a year.
livery I'nxqcncor Held Up , Not Kvcn
tliij Newsboy ItcltiR Overlooked.
HOUSTON , Tex. , Juno 13. Ono of the most
daring train robberies that everoccurietl in
Texas was perpetrated at 1:30 : o'clock this
morning a short distance this side of Schtt-
leuburg , on the Southern 1'aclllc road. As
thu train drew np at ttie stttlnn two men
withdrawn revolvers mounted the locomo
tive and forced the engineer to pull thu train
to the open prairie , iiOO y.xrds east of where a
lire was burning and abound which stood
eight or ten men , nil armed. Tlio two rob
bers on the engine stood guard over
the engineer while the others wont through
the mall , express and passenger cars nearly
all the passengers were asleep and unaware
of what was going on. All the passengers
were relieved of what valeablos they pos
sessed , the value of which was estimated to
be about S',000. The Wells Fargo expicss
car was eonc tliroui-h , but Iho amount of
money taken Is not known. The through
mail pouches In the express car were cut
open and the contents appropriated. The
total amount seemed by thu lubbers is placed
at 88,000 or 810,000.
( tAi.VKsro.v , June 13. Sheriff White , of
El Paso county , wa on the Southern Pacific
train robbed nsar Flatonla. The sheritl s.iys
thcro were twelve robbers in the paity and
when they entered thu express car Messen
ger Fulger threw away the keys to the safe.
The enraged desperadoes wreaked voneeaneo
ou him by beating him ever the head with a
revolver and cruelly splitting his ears with
knives. Thu robbers recovered the keys and
succeeded in opening the safe , which , It Is
thought , contained 510,000. After going
through thu express and mail cars
the robbers turned their attention to
the passengers , no ono of whom
wcro overlooked. 12 von the newsboy was
despoiled of his Wlnlo the robbers
were going thrnuiii the forward cars the
porter extinguished all the lights in the
sleeper. This was no use , as the robbers
brought In a hrakoman to hold a lighted lan
tern at every bltth. Several drummers from
New York and Galveston houses weio In
the sleouer , and were all robbed , nearly everyone
ono receiving a knock on the head with a
revolver. The robbers were very rouirh and
ugly In treatment , oven striking a lady who
was slow In finding her pockotbook. it Is
estimated that they obtained not less than
815,000 In money , besldns a large amount of
valuable jewelry. Up to a late hour no news
has bci.'n received from thu pursuers.
A Dclugo of Applications.
WASIIINOTOX , Juno 18. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEK. ] There are no fewer than
3,34i applications for clerkships filed with
the inter-state commerce commission up to
date. At present it is not the Intention to
appoint moro than twelve clerks , clthough
that number will hardly be sufficient to even
read the Immense quantities of letters which
are received every day by the commission.
But congress limited the appropriation for
paying the expenses of the commission to
8 100,000 and out ot that the salaries of the
commissioners themselves and the expenses
ot their southern trip have to bo paid.
Naturally , therefore , the commissioners do
not wish to Imperil tholr own remuneration
by engaging a force of clerks that would bo
adequate to cope with the correspondence
which Is pouring In on the commission by
the hundred weight every day.
Iowa Pensions Granted.
WAsnmsToif , June 18. [ Special Tele
gram to tbe DEE.I Iowa pensions were
granted to-day as follows : Elizabeth S. ,
widow of Sherman S. lilanchard , Postville.
Originals : Sterling Daniels , Parkcrsburg ;
William M. Dean , Spencer ; Sherman S.
nianclmrd ( decked ) , Pogtvlllo ; Thomas I. .
Donnelan , Washington ; John C. Ucll , Co
lumbus Junction ; Alex. Fix , Cantrll. In
crease : Charles M. Powell.WInterset ; Oliver
1Vllter , Uudd : John Connor , Forest City.
Restoration and reissue : Orlando 13. Baihen ,
Shellsburg. Kelssun : Erastus V. Andrews ,
Decorah. Ilestoratlon and increase : Spencer
It Wells. Eagle Grove. Uolssuoaud Increase :
Henry Taylor. Brooks.
The Avorld Balloon.
ST. Louis , June 18. A tulogram to the
Post-Despatch from the World's balloon cor
respondent , Duffy , says they were compelled
to land at Hoffman , Clinton connty , 111. .near
Ceutralla , at 8:15 : last nlht. Moororcclved a
very painful Injury before stalling yester
day , and messages from CVntraha statu that
this and the givinc out of the cas was the
cause assigned for Iho descent. None of the
other occupadts of thu car were Injured , and
the balloon was securely anchored without a
tear ,
Prof. Haznn says the balloon attained a
helcht of sixteen thousand foot above the
surface of the earth yesterday at 3:20 : p. m.
This Is the highest on record In America.
llazen says the trip , which full of excit
ing Incidents , was scientifically successful.
A Returned Defaulter Arrcstod.
PHILADELPHIA , Juno 18. Henry V. Les
ley , the defaulting secretary of the Chesa
peake & Delaware Canal company , who with
J. A. L. Wilson , former treasurer of the same
company , fled from the city In the early pirt
ot July of last year with n largo sum ot money
belonging to the company , was taken into
custody today and locked up In the contial
police station for a hearing. Ha had lately
returned hero and was hiding. Tim dofalca
tlon in accounts was S050.20J , of which S015-
300 represented nn over issue of thu com
pany's bonds and 52,000 in Lchiirh Valley
railroad bonds , and SU.OOO In cash abstracted
by manipulation of the books.
In viuw of the information from Lesley
telegrams to Toronto this evening resulted
In the arrest of Wilson tnern.
MoGlynn'8 1'nradn a Failure.
NLW Yoitu , June 18. The McGlynn parade -
ado and mass meeting , the purpose of which
was to protest against the action of Arch
bishop Corrlgan and the ecclesiastical
authorities at Koine against Dr. McGlynn ,
took place to-nlcht. It had been given out
that at least IOU.000 men would bo in line ,
but not over 0,000 persons appeared In thu
parade and about fi.OOO listened to thn
speeches in Union Square. The Central
labor union and anti-poverty society fonncd
the largest representation. A number of
speeches were made nnd resolutions adopted
favoring McGlynn's easo.
Made Insane * by Upturn.
PIIILADKLIMIIA , Juno 18. Mrs. Marie
Vanslyko Dodson , a icsldent of MadUon ,
WIs. , throw heiself from a bath room win
dow ot the private hospital of Dr. Mitchell ,
No. 1833 Arch street , yesterday afternoon
and died within a tow minutes Irom n fr.ic-
turu of the skull. Mrs. Yanslyko Dodson
was twentv-seven years of ase , and was an
unfortunate victim of thu opium habit , hav
ing be n brought hero by her mother lu the
hope of effecting a possible euro.
Frightful Accident In Hungary.
PiiSTii , Juno IS. While a party of MO
pilgrims were crossing the D.iuobo rlvnr
near Paks the boat was caught lu a hurri
cane and capsized. Only a few of the party
were saved. Over 100 bodies ha\o been re
Qulnoy Factoring Destroyed.
QUINCY , 111. , June 18. The mattress fac
tory of G. W. Vandeuboon , Silvorman's hldo
establishment , and Hants & Son's tob.icco
factory burned this afternoon. The loss will
00 , IMP ; Insurance , about 835.000.
Rwodlah LutUornn By nod.
CHICAGO , June 18. The Swedish Luth
eran Augustana synod of North America
opened a weeks session hero to-day. The
following officers were elected this evening :
President , Kev. Era Carlson ; vlco president ,
Prof. 0. Olsen.
RteaniBtilp Arrivals.
NEW ions. Juno 18 , [ Special Telegram
to the UEK. ] Arrived The JSrurla. from
QUKKNSTOWIT. J ine 18. Arrived The
Kansad and CepbeloAou , from
The Gladiators Drop a Oloaely Ooutestod
Qatne in the Tenth Inning ,
Xlic Other Western League Oanic *
Unso Hull LUosowlicrc The Walk-
itiK Fizzle nt the KxpoMtlon
Other Spnrtlnu Kyents ,
A Hard Foncht Contest.
What a cratty set of meii thcro are In the
Toucka team t
Uegiilar schemers , every one of them.
They went up lo the Omaha park yesterday
afternoon to play Omaha , They schemed all
Iho way up , and they schemed all the thno
they were playing the game.
Hut they never said a word ,
It was the umplro ratsl
Well , this Is the scheme those Topekans
hatched and carried out yesterday afternoon ,
right tliuio , before the very faces of 1,000 of
our most respected and disgusted citizens.
They'd lot Omaha get In the lead in the
seventh lunln ? , just to hoar some chin music
from the enthusiastic and hopeful audience ,
then they'd play along with insouciance
that's French , we got it otf of a blacking-box
lid until the tenth then they'd wrest It from
What villainy t
They knew If Omaha matlo three , four , six
or a dozen runs , they could liimmur out ouu
ortwo more just before the game ended.
So they nude one in the first , three in the
second , just to glvu splco to
Iho game and stimulate the Oma-
1ms. They called the turn , for Omaha , start
ing out with ono little tally In the opening
Inning , caught on to two moro In the fifth ,
ana In the sixth they piled up thrco addi
tional and were two In the von.
It was a buz/-saw to n wildcat that Omaha
would win. and overyoody yelled "Hey I
lluyl Hey I" till you couldn't hear your-
selt see.
Then , when the thousand spectators had
been lulled into the belief that victory would
iKrch on the Omaha b , inner , those hideous
Topekans threw oil their mask and tied the
g.imo just when It should have terminated.
They wcro hound Iho audience should
have their money's worth , and It was part of
their scheme to provide tor a tenth Innlne.
In this they took the game with very little
effort thu umpliu did all the playing.
Was thcro ever such lognrry before1. '
What tunny creatures those Topukans aie.
The lascals.
Hut let's see how their scheme worked.
After Swift's out in the first. Walsh made
a run ou a bad throw of Conway to catch
Dwyer at second. Hartrr then went out
from pitch to first , and Kourk touted out.
There were no flies on Sneed , but still he
fanned himself to death , and his
old confreies greeted his demise with
a louud of deilsive hoys. Stearns to liist
on balls , stele second and went to thlid
while McCullar was retiring on a high fly to
Swltt. Johnson's hit was tumbled by Swift
n ml Stearns scored. Holllday's safe hit to
left let Johnson round to third and Uollidny
scored , hut Werdcn hit the wind four times
and the Omahas came in.
Uut they went rilit out again as If noth
ing had happened , Mossltt.Geiiinsandiiader
retiring in imlck succession.
ThoTopekas meant business In their half.
Ardner srot first on a mulled lly by Genlns ,
and stele second. Conway hit safu past
Swltt , Ardner going to third. Then Kelson
kindly flow out to center and Sliced to second
end , but thu veteran Stearns brought In both
Ardner and Conway by acracklnc hit past
1-hvuT. McCiillar then drove the pigskin
Into left held lor two bases and Danny tal
lied. Thu side was out on a high lly by
Johnson to center.
Tins was an exciting Inning , and not ono
of thu vast audience went to sleep.
Three runs were in and the Topekas just
that many ahead.
The schemers.
lu the third It v.-an onn , two , three , Healy.
Swift and Welsh for Omaha , and thu same
forTopekaHolIIday , Werden and Ardner.
After Dwyer had gone out on n high lly
to left in the foiutti , and Hartcr from pitcher
to first , Konrko made a two-bagger , but was
lunominlously left , Mcssltt dying on n
charming catch of his foul by Stearns.
The Topukas got three men on bases in
their half , but wcro retired without a score
by some lidding on the part of Omaha with
whiskers on it. This was the way it was
done : liolliday went out from Swltt to
Dwver. Werdeu's lone hit to center was
misjudged , batter reaching second. Then
Mebsltt dropped Ardiier's lly , but
gathered It up and throw It home.
with such celerity as to cut oil Werden , who
attempted to run In on the hit from second.
Then Conway swung the. ash and knocked a
long ono to Bailer , who did not reach It until
U touched the ground , but ho too pIcKed it
up and sent It homo with an unerring accu
racy that killed the plate.
Two magnificent tluows , and they were de
servedly cheered.
In thu fifth Gunins out from third to first.
On Johnson's inutTof B.uler's tungo. the batter -
tor made first , stele second and third In the
most daring and pleasing fashion , and
scored ou Healy's clean hit to center. Swift
retired ou a lly to left , Healy took second
on a passed b.ill , and Walsh sent him homo
on beautiful three-bag drive to center.
Dwyer then cut short tl'o excitement by
knocking a little one to .vrdii'ir , who tossed
him out at lirst. The Topek'is ' went out in
Omaha but ono behind and the spirits of the
audience on thu elevate.
Thu sixtn was featureless on Omaha's
pait , but the ! > ch ° mers succeeded
in getting three men on bases ,
but none of them home , thu Omahas
lielding like ball plavers , particularly Hnrter
Who caught Nelson's high foil right up
against the wire screen In trent of the grand
In the seventh Innlns the Omahas con
cluded It wouldn't bo a bad Idea to maku a
few runs.
Genius wont out from third to first. ISadcr
hit safe passed Conway , stele second , took
third on a passed ball , and after Healy had
fouled out camu in on Switt's lilt to left ,
whleli was mull'ud by Wcrdon. Walsh also
hit to left , and aijaln Werdon madoa miilf ,
Walsh making third and Swltt scorlnir.
Dwyer was ou hand with a hit passed short ,
Walsh reaching the plato. Harter died on a
lone hit to center.
Thu result was three runs and a state of
extreme elation on the paitof thu audience ,
Kverv body was happy and smiles rippled
all over ihe grounds.
What an exhilarating thing ills toseo your
club ahead !
Topeka went out again one , two , throe , thu
Omahas following their invidous example In
the eighth and ninth , but In their half of the
latter , aluckad.iy. the Topekas tied the score.
That was their scheme.
Stearns hit safe to center , went to second
on Genlns tumble : Macullar's hit went
through Swift , Stearns scoring. Johnson
lluw out to Walsh , but liolliday hit atwo-
b.iser to lett , Mae scoring the tieiug inn.
Warden and Aulnar were then quickly dis
posed of.
In tliu tenth Walsh hit a beautv for two
ba'-3 to loft , but nolthiir Dwyer , Harter or
Uouiko could help him any fuithor.
For the Topekas Conway hit to Walsh ,
Nelson went out from same plaver to first.
Sliced then knocked a hot ono to Healy , who
tumbled , but threw the ball to Dwyp.r , Sneed
reaching the base just as ho caught It. Um
plro Dc.iulo declared ho was not out , but the
audlcncn yelled that ho was , and the audl-
enci ) was dead right.
For several minutes the pure Juno air was
redolent with groans and hisses.
liut the schema went on.
Healy was worried by this decision , anil
gave Stearns his base on balls , forcing Snood
to second , and then , oh horrors. Maeullar fol
lows Stearns to first on five bad pitches , and
Sneed ambles to third , Stearns to second.
Johnson's corker , after having throe strikes
called on him , past second , brings In two
runs , and the most exciting gnmo of the sea
son passes Into history.
Those scheming Topclcan.s , what miserable
duffers they arol
Hero's tholr diabolical job in detail :
_ SCOllK.
OMAHA. ru.S. All. It. 111. Til , lid. I'O. A. K.
410 11 13 5 IS 15
Double ulays Otuahafl , Topeka 1.
Struck out Hc.ilv 0. Conway 1.
Uaseson balls lle.ilrC.
Duses given for hitting man with ball
llealy 1.
Passed balls Nelson 2.
Wild pitches Healy 1.
liases stolen Oumha 5 , Tooeka 3.
Time of game 'J hours and 15 minutes.
Umpire Deagle.
The following are the positions In to-day's
game :
. ) maia. Positions. Lincoln.
Krehmeyer Catcher Dolan
llartson Pitcher Hart
Dwyer 1st b.iso Ueekluy
Swift 3d base Kowo
llnurkc lid base Lange
Walsh Short Stop Herr
Dador Lett Field Toohey
Genius Center Field Halt
iilussltt , Iv _ jht Field Shatter
Denver Defeats heaven worth.
DiiNVEit , June 13. [ Special Telegram to
Iho UEI.J Denver won the game nnd second
; > lace In the Western Icacuo from Leaven
ivorth to day. Swartzol pitched two Innings
for thn visitors , but was hit so hard that ho
was retired and Hughes finished the gamo.
Phillips' work at short Held and the bat was
the feature of the game. He accepted thlrteon
chances and ho had lour with a total of clirht
hits. Hurley had a fiiiL-er Injured In the third
inning. Meyers eausht thu remainder ot the
'ame. Whitchead did the best work for the
Lea veil worths. Denver now plays four
games with Hastings. To-day's score was as
follows :
Denver 5 4000023 0-13
Leaven worth..0 00004020 0
Eirois Denver 2 , Leavcnwoith 0. Base
hits Denver 20 , Leavcnwortti 8. KUHS
earned Denver 7 , Leavonworth 4. Two
base hits .McSorloy , Phillip * , Voss , Hrlgcs ,
llurluy , Curtis. Three basu hits Smith.
Homo runs Phillips , Levis , Meyers , White-
lead , liases on balls Voas 1 Hughes 2.
Hit by pitcher Jlyan , Smith 2 , Silch. Voss.
Welch. Passed balls Meyers 1 , Hoynolds It.
Struck out Voss 5 , Hu.hcs 1. Lett on bases
Denver 11 , Leavonworth 4. Wild pitches
SwaitrelL' . Time 2 hours , 15 minutes. Um
plro Hurley.
National League Games.
INDIANAPOLIS , Juno 18. The game be
tween the Indianapolis and Pittsburg teams
to-day resulted as follows :
Indianapolis 4 3300013 n IS
Pittsburg 0 * 1
Pitchers Boyle nnd Bishop Basu hits
Indianapolis 2J , Pittsburg 5. Errors In-
dianapolisS , Pittsburg 7. Umpire Pearce.
L'OSTO.V , Juno IS. The game between
the Boston and New York teams to-day
resulted as follows :
Boston 0 2
Now York -OlOUOOO * 5
Pitchers Madden' and Keefe. Basu hits-
Boston 9 , New York * lii. Errors Boston 7 ,
Now York 5. Umnlre'Power.s. .
PHILADELPHIA , Juliet 18. The game be
tween the Washington and Philadelphia
teams to-day resulted as follows :
Washington 0 40) 300310 G
Philadelphia 0)1 8" 0 0 4 0 0 0 7
Pitchers Ferguson and Whitney. Base hits
Washington 12 , Philadelphia 12. Eirois
Washington 5 , Philadelphia 3. Umpire-
Connelly , j , /
CHICAGO , Juno la The game between the
Chicago and Detroit teams to-day resulted
as follows :
Chicago lo 3 ; 0 4 3 l o * is
' '
Detroit 2'D'O , 100102-0
Pitchers Clarkson forj Chicago , Weldman
and Dunlap for DotEolt f.Uasu hits Chicago
U , Detroit 12. Eirprd Chicaso 1 , Detroit G.
umpire i oescnur.
The Amcr/dnn Association.
BALTIMOUH , Juno 18. The game between
Baltimore and Brooklyn was postponed ou
account of rain.
NEW YOIIK , Juno IS. The game between
the Metiopolitans and Athlets resulted as
follows :
Metropolitans 7 0000000 0 7
Athletics 0 0120001 0 4
Pitchers Mays and Weglnsr.
Base hits Mets 13 , Athletics 11.
Errors Mets4 , AthlecttcsS.
Umplie Ferguson.
CLEVLAMD , Juno , 18 The game between
the Cleveland and Louisville resulted as
follows :
Cleveland 30000001 0
Loulsvllio 00000010 2 3
1'ltchors Daily and liamsoy.
Uaso hits Cleveland ! ' , Louisville 7.
Errors Cleveland 0. Louisville 3.
Umplro Knight
The Shecpshcnd liny Handicap.
NEW Yonic , Juno IS. There were nine
teen starters in the suburban handicap at
Shcepshead Bay today.Tho trade , quarter
stretch and infield were a living mass of
humanity when the race was called. The
betting ring was so densely thronged that
several booths wcro knocked clown. The
Hold looked very pretty as they went to the
post , but unfortunately the race resulted In a
grand fiasco. The horsas got the ilr c at the
second attempt , but n shout of dismay went
np when It was seen that Ben All and Quito
were left at the post. Eurns was first away ,
followed by Oiithmme , ituhmond and
Ttmbookcr as named. Eurus at oncu
opened a gap of two lengths , with
Klchmond second and Grimaldl third , with
others strung out. Nearing the half , Grim-
nidi got his neck In front , and Richmond be
gan to fall back. Eurus Increased his lead
thu further ho went , and turning into thu
stretch was live lengths In advance , with
Grimaldl second. In thu stretch , Orlllammo
and Wlckham moved up. They could not
reach Eurus , however , who won in a canter
tV six lenu'ths , Orlllammo second , a neck In
front of Wlckham. Grimaldl fourth. Time
2:13. : Mutuals paid S W Straight , S75 place.
A nia ultidentlloral horseshoe was presented
to the winner.
The value ot the race to the winner Is esti
mated at about SlO.ouo. Considering the
heaviness of the course , the tlmo was very
good for a mile and a quarter. The number
of peoplu on the track is estimated at 23,000.
Other events resulted ns follows :
Five furlongs : Gleaner won , Boss second ,
Ichl-Bui third. Time 1:03W. :
Three-year-olds and upwards , one and one-
eighth miio : Berlin won , Argo second , Lot-
turv third. Time 2 minutes.
Two-year-olds , live tnilongs : Omaha won ,
Guarantee second , -Klnglish third. Timu
1:03. : f- '
Three-year-old1' , sovpn furlongs : Hanover
won. Kingston secowli.flirenzt third. Tune
iiurdlo race , ono and one-quarter miles , on
turf : Casslnlo wort , Mammonlst second ,
Harry Main , third. # l.i3Ui5f. | : .
At thu very lowest "estimate , liulf a million
dollars must have be n but on the track , and
over a million depended on the books.
The Thistlir Aunln Wins.
LONDON , Juno IS l'lif race between the
Thistle and Irex , arranged by the Mersey
Yacht club , took placl tcHlay , and the Thistle
added another to her list-of victories.
The WaU ijoj ! Match.
Tbe great twenty-five nillo foot race that
was announced for RVp6sjtlon hall last night ,
with Ashlnser , Hou'rlhan , Hart. Gregg , lire-
zee and Cunnlngham-as starters , wa * not a
great foot race at all , but in lieu , a great
However , it was to have been a nead square
race , and no lilppodroinlnp , and probably
merited more attention at the hands ot the
sporting fraternity.
The audience conslstei of ono policeman
a baker's dozen sports , " and a brigade of
Hsrt , Drezeeand Cunningham , seeing no
remuneration In the race , declined to start
but Ashlnger , Hourlhan and Gregg toed the
scratch at 8tf , and made a start , with
Cunningham as timer and scorer ant
Hurt referee. At the end of nine miles
Hourlhan quit , exhausted , A ah I Hirer having
scored eleven miles and six laps tn one bour
and ten minutes , ami Gregg ten miles and
Ight laps.
11 was a iUzlo of the llzzllngest description.
Local SportInc Tips.
The Llncolns this afternoon , Go outcarly
to avoid thu jam ,
Walsh made a couple of beastly fumbles at
short In justerday's game , but otnied up
natters with the stick.
Hftiran Is the only man on the staff of the
estern leauuo umpires who U giving any-
hlng llko satisfaction.
Under is the dandy base runner , the equnl
if thu great Latham , of thu Browns , or little
tf Ick , of the Clncluniitls.
Some noivbloud Is to bo Infused Into the
) maha ball team. The management is do-
ermincd that the team shall bo made a win
ning one.
Mrs. John S. Prince , wlfo of the champion
ilcycler , of this city , sails from New York
'or her old homo In London , England , July
J , lor a four month's visit ,
There will bo a meeting of the directors of
.he Omaha base ball club Monday evening ,
ind some builties * of Importanro will bo
: rnusacted ; In fact , somcthins ; may drop.
Walter Golsby , manager of the Topekas , Is
routined to his room at the CO//.IMIS with a
serious attack of Illness , but Is lu hopes of
being enabled to leave for home this evening.
Another postponed game will bo plaved
Monday with the Topekas , and on Tuesday
and Wednesday the Omahas will endeavor
to wipe up the velvety sward with the Lln
Hun Deaelo may bo an umpire , but ho
failed to exhibit his talents In yesterday's
tame. His decisions on balls and strikes
were decidedly off way off , and he evinced
a Inek of judgment In many other Imboitaiit
Tticker , Calhoun , Chandlco and Cassldy ,
representing the bigcest gun nnd sporting
goods houses of Now York , Boston and Phil
adelphia , are at the P.ixton. They say
Onialif , Is a gioat city for sporting goods.
Messrs. Penro o and Hardin , In conjunc
tion with several other gentlemen promi
nently Identified with the sports of torestand
field , tlm gun and dog , are perfectinc ar
rangements for a grand bench show In Octo
The Chicago Wliont Deal Kxirtctcd | to
Ijonil to K nil I ess Litigation.
CHICAGO , June IS. ( Special Telecram to
the Bii.J Thn great wheat game is a tiling
of the past , but the light ever the distribution
of the wreckage Is likely to drag on endlessly
to the delight of the lawyers. The creditors
of Iho broken cli.iuo houses are trying to go
their hands on everything In sight , t. They
arc especially hot after Charles Kgglcston ,
Kcrshows' special partner , and a determined
ctloit Is being made to hold him liable for
the debts of Kcrshaw and as a gonural part
ner , At this writing the creditors are mak
ing it exceedingly warm for Mr. Ezu'leston ,
who is making a vigorous and open fight to
retain his guy.s on his dollars , As ho Is
rated at 31.000,000 the stake is worth playing
for. If anybody gets Kggleston's property
ho thinks they are not entitled to they will
have to work for It That much Is admitted.
A new complication has arisen lu the .scttlo-
Ing of the dispute over the parceling out of
thu 000,000 brought up liom Cincinnati
Wednesday by Wilshlnes , Kckert & Co , Tim
deposit was in the shape ot a letter of credit
on the Fidelity Bank of Cincinnati for S2UO-
OCO and 'drafts on thu Chemical bank of
New York lor § 400.000. WiUhlno , Eckert *
Co. claimed to have dlscoveicd that
the f units placed with ! Mr. Irwln part
of thu American exchange were not being
applied as directed and agreed , and they ac-
couliuglv hungup the letter of credit in Cin
cinnati , and directed their principals to check
the money tli.U had been deposited In the
Chemical bank to meet the dobts.for 8400,000.
The American Exchange paid out 81-0.000
on Kershaw's checks against the SfiOO.OOO ,
and an unknown sum on Irwin , Gem A ; Go's ,
the check securing itself in certain matters
ns It hasbeun with what remains. The hope
is now expressed that a legal row will result
in establishing the Identity of the men who
were back of the whole deal , and they will
eventually bo compelled to loot the entire
loss. It Is duo to state that the American
Exchansro denies point blank that tlioro has
been a hitch over the drafts for S100.000 , but
information to the contrary comes from
equally good authority.
The Pope tn thn Queen.
PAitia , Juno 18. The Journal Dos Dcbats
has a dispatch from Uoma which says the au
tograph letter sent by the popu to the queen
ot England , congratulating her upon her
jubilee , oxpiesies thu wiih lor a re-establish-
niout of ofliclal rotations with England.
Acquitted of Train-Wrecking.
PAOLA , Kan. , June IS. The jury in the
case of the State vs. Floyd , ono of the alleged
AVyandotto traln-wreckors , after bolnir out
forty-two hours , brought in a verdict ot not
A North CarollnaJcrk.
IlALEioit , N. C. , Juno 18. Albert Tabors ,
colored , was hanged at Oxford to-day for at
tempted outrage on the wife ot Dr. Patrick
Decided Not to Contest.
MILWAUKEE , Juno 17. Mrs. Alexander
Mitchell has decided not to contest the will
of her husband. She thus leceivus 8200,000
In cash and $50,000 annually during life.
Union Labor Nominations.
LOUISVII.LI : , Ky. , Juno 18. At Lagrange
to-day the union labor paity placed a full
ticket in nomination to bo voted upon at the
coming state election.
The Drunken Frenlts nnd Fights of
nn Ilelreis.
NnwYoiiK , Juno 18 , [ Special Telegram
to the HKE.J Miss Mary Irene Hoyt , the
eccentric daughter of the ten millionaire ,
Jcsso Hoyt , whoso will she contested with
Ko < coo Conkllng and Benjamin Butler , has
been having another lark. She was a pas
senger on Thursday evening on the Now
Jersey Northern rail toad train , accompanied
by her middle aged cook , Mrs. Ann Tiernav
and a newly employed young laundress and
was L'oing with her servants to n house she
has rented for thu summer In Englowood.
Miss Hojt was under the influence of some-
tin nc. She wanted to know of Conductor
Spencer Louis why he didn't haven Pullman
p.ihxce car on his train. She went through
thu cars telling the passengers that the nuxt
time she came out she. would have a train of
her own. She scolded the conductor and
brakenion. When Englewood was reached
she nnd her servants left thn train. As the
train stailed Miss Hoyt followed It along the
platfoim shaking her parasol at the conduc
tor. When she reached homo the cook said :
"This is the last time I am going to the city
wltli you. "
' Get out , " screamed Miss Hoyt , and the
frUhteued domestic lied up stairs. When
she reappcated down stairs in changed attire
Miss Hoyt went for her again. Mrs.
Tlcrnay loft the house and found Constable
ClmrlesC. Townsend. who returned with
her to protect her while she packed up her
things. Whl ! " the three were talking to
gether , Miss Uojt struck at the cook who
duds-ed the blow and hid behind the consta
ble. Townsend stayed f-overal hours
wlthJMihS Hoyt , trying to calm
her. Finally she became hysterical
and a neighbor , Dr. D. A. Currle , was calleu
In , He gave her medicine that quieted her
for a time. Shu talked of going on the stage.
She assumed theatrical postures and warned
the constable that his end was near. Iho
cook inadvertently appeared at this Juncture
and Miss Hoyt How at her and drove her up
stalro. Townsend thought his presence
made Miss Ho > t worse , so ho went out on the
lawn. The cook was In a room on the third
lloor hOldlnir a lamp In her hand. Miss Hoyt
dashed the lamp out of thn eook's hand and
kicked the eook all the way down stairs and
across tno plaz/a. tearing the cook's clothes
and ripping In two the cook's hat. which she
snatched from Iter head. Mrs. Tlernay went
lo thu I'Alt ade hotel. The new laundress
fled early In the fracas. Miss Hoyt returned
in the city and spoilt the nleht. "i esterday
afternoon she relumed to Englewood anil
was arrested on the charge of assault and
battery. In the Justice court she kicked over
the chairs and behaved about as badly as she
could. She tried to get at the complaining
cook and twice she tore up the commitments
that the justice made out against bur. Hand
cuffs were placed on her and she spent a few
hours In jail until the trial was finished. The
cook said In court that Miss Hoyt was a heavy
drinker and that she often drank a whole
bottle of brandy In one day. .
Tba Local Money Market tbo Center of At *
traction the Fast Six Days ,
Wholesale Merchants and Lumber
men Ask For Very Few Favors
The Outlook ut the Clu ! o Moro
In the Commercial World ,
CAIC.UIO , Juno IS. [ Special Telegram to
the Bii.j : : The local money market
has attracted considerable attention
during the week owing to thu
unsettled condition of affairs In pro
duce circles , and the almost unprecedented
decline In prices. Whllu bankers weru not
disposed to refine assistance to good and reliable -
liable parties who weru able to piotcct their
papers by undoubted collaterals , they were
Inclined to exerclso more caution than usual ,
nnd fortify themselves In case an emergency
should arlso requiring muro united and
prompt action on tiiulr part. No doubt was
expressed of the solvency of our banks , and as
far as their manager was Intrusted with loans
on wheat and other grains they were amply
protected. So secure do they deem them
selves that they appear to bo In no hurry to
forcu this property on the maiket , and the
supposition Is that It will bo disposed
of giadually at prices which will
warrant its shipment , aua at the
same tlmo have no under Influence
on the course of prices on the other markets
mid assist lu providing storage room for new
grain as rapidly as It arrives. Very little
speculative paper was accepted during the
week , as those in that branch of trade were
absolutely supplied. Some money was for-
wauled to Interior markets to pay for grain
to bo shipped hero and nnd also for the
movement of llvu stock. Wholesale mer
chants wcro only moderate borrowers and
lumber men asked for very little assistance.
Kates ot Interest wcio well supported at OK
@ per cent on call and 0 > ® 8 per cent on
tlmo loans. Very little paper was accepted
under 7 per cont. Some speculative paper
was presented on the street nnd accepted on
waiehouso receipts on under margins.
Money at eastern financial centers Is
comparatively easy at 4@0 per cent.
Foielgn money markets are quiet and dull ,
with 1 mills plenty and rates ol interest low.
New York oxchangn was offered very treely
dm Ing the week and thu demand was light.
The market was weak and unsettled and
prices decidedlv low or. Sales were made be
tween banks at 2.j@31. ' r > discounts per 81,000
between banks. At thu close the market was
steadier at 7JigsO ( cents discounts and Foicign
exchange was in better supply , both in east
ern nnd western markets , and the feellnc
was weak. Moro bills were offered owinc to
quite fieo shipments ot cram and produce.
bluppuis' sixty days documentary bills on
London , changed hands at S4.82@4.bJj/
closed easy at S l.b.JcZ4. ( 'i' . Thu Now York
stock market was fairly active during the
past week. Principal railroad stoeks at
tracted considerable attention , but the mar
ket was not very well supported. Ad
vices from abroad Indicated an easier
feeling in this quaiter and largo holders
were moro inclined to realize. Prices were
moro lavoralvlo to buyers earlr In the week
owing to rather free offerings by heavy hold
ers , but during the latter part of the week
moro steadiness prevailed and prices rallied
slightly again.Vestern operators were not
disposed to give stocks much attention , as
they had other attractions at homo. The
bulk of trading was credited to Wall street
operators. The sales on the New York stock
exchange were 1,343,000 shares. Business on
the Chicago board of trade stock exchange
was exceedingly heated during the week just
closed. Early in the week theie was some
tradinc in railroad stocks , but within thu
past three or four days the market has been
neglected , owing to the excitement in wheat
Local stoeks , bonds and securities were quiet ,
buyers and sellers being bomewhat apart on
views. Very tow weeks In the history
ot the grain trade of Clilcaco have witnessed
moro excitement and fluctuations In prices
than the ono just closed. Owing to the ina
bility of the members of the alleged combi
nation In the wheat market to margin thuir
trades and accept the wheat tendered them
on expiring contracts , they were compelled
to suspend , which resulted in disaster in
several linns in the giain trade who \vem
forced to follow suit , ns they were unable to
obtain luaiL-lns from their customers witli
sufficient piomptncss to protect outstanding
trades. The loss ot the unfortunate firms
will probably airgretato from SiWO.Ooo to
53.000,000 , the great bulk of which Is credited
to two or 3 leading firm . This week in
June appears to bo an unfortunate one for
speculators , the present ono witnessing the
collapse of corners In wheat and
coffee and the coi responding week In
18b3 bringing to the surtaco the break
In the long-to-bc-rcmembeied squeeze In
lard. The disastrous ending of tills squeeze
in wheat , while entailing severe losses on
trade , lesultcd in reducin , ' the prices of
most articles of produce to a shipping basis ,
consequently general trade may be regarded
as ou a safer foundation and thn outlook for
a prosperous Krain business during the sum
mer and fall months are decidedly moro en-
couraginsr. Crop prospects nro peed in all
the country tributary to the Chicago market
and our commission houses are placing
themselves In a position financially toprojH
crly caru for such consignments ot new
grain as mav bo entrusted to their
care. There is little doubt but that strenu
ous etloits will bo made to forward the
greater portion of the grain now In elevators
to a distributing center and the nssistancn ot
the bank interests will be. tendered in order
to accomplish tills and encourage the ship
ment of new grain to Chlcam At thn close
of thn week the business outlook Is decidedly
moro encouraging. The shipping demand tor
grain is enlaiging and funds In banks
will bo released. Receipts of grain at
all the markets of thu west
have been liberal and shipments were quite
larce. Expoits from the seaboard have not
been so laige , still the aggregate was qultu
liberal. Stocks of grain have been reduced
somewhat , but supplies of provisions are
\\oll maintained. Arrivals of live stock
have been moderately free and prices well
maintained. Packlnc In the west progresses
rather favorably and the returns Mill show
an excess on the returns ot last year , but
this Is being diminished.
Smallpox In Knn Krnnclsco.
SAN FIIAXCHCO , Jnuo 18. Six cases of
smallpox among whites have been discov
ered to-day. The cases are all children and
it lit said the disease lias been contracted by
many ntlio s. The steamer Willamette ar
rived from Washington teriltory this after
noon with a case ot smallpox. All thu pa-
limits have been removed to the pesthuuso.
Troy Still In 1'rlsnn.
Duiii.ix , Junu 18. Peter Troy Is still con
fined In prison. Experts decline to certify
that the explosives are not dangorous. The
Inspector of explosives has boon summoned
to Investigate thu matter.
The Whisky Trnde.
CINCINNATI , Juno 13. The Clnclnnat
distillers to-day adopted the rule of tlio Ken
tucky association not to handle any whisky
made between July 1. 15S7 , and July 1 , mi
\Vnntlior HiilKmtloriH.
ForNeCraska , Iowa and Eastern Dakota :
Variable winds , fair weather , nearly station
ary temperature.
AiraliiHt nn Kieplmnt.
I know the country wull for miles
round mnkinir a rush by the only avail
able path throtmli thn dense jun ltt , nnd
coming suddenly upon thu Htorn of un
cloplinnt tnkinc his midday siustii ; nt
jcast I presumed , from his motionless at
titude , that ho was dozing , nnd I was
thankful for It. Ho wns standing in thu
narrow path , and completely blacked it
tin. I was so ilciir him thut 1 cotlld have
pulled his tail had I felt inclined to bo
impurtinenti as it wns , the only conrsu
opun to mo was a strattigic niovomont
to the rear. The jtmglo was so
thick that It was impossible
to turn him without attracting
his attention , and , under the circuni-
stances , it eocmcd a pity to disturb his
noon-day dreams. As no was quite ttlono
ho wt& probably a "roguo , " or "must"
elephant , and In th.t case my chano > o |
cscapo , should hu 1m pi.ii K m tut mo ,
would have been small. 1 foil ' ( iinpolloa
oven to deny myself the ilea uni ot try
ing to get a glimpsn of his head and face ,
Ills hugo hindquarters towered abova
me ns llxcd and inulionlcss as though
thny had boon carved in .stone. Alter
staring nt Ilium for n minute or two , ami
turning the situation over In my mind , 1
retired stealthily nnil ou tip-too. "Kpi
sodes In a Life of Adventure. "
llei-cliimu' National Hunk IhiilUinir , Kooru 1
Up Stnlo.
Telephone No. U7."i , Oinnlm , N'ubrnskn.
rhooiiU. London. Dtirlaml . fjTSlTUS
Klroiuiiii'g , Now iirk. N J .
Olon's 1'nlls. ( lien's fi\l ! , N. V . . . . 1,4 r.ViS
( Hi iinl , Philadelphia , l'u . l.aV
WoMflibStcr Nmr York N. V . . . l.aV * ! .03
CopperOLD ,
Copper Brass , Lead , Zinc , Etc
Wilipay good prices. Also bottlca bought
and sold ,
114 S. llth Street.
OITlre , South Oiatlm Kootna , Hunt !
Oniahii llo mC. OTOf Cummorcli INiitlonM nanfc
SvvorConnections inndo in nil Parts
of the City. Satisfaction ( tiinr&ntccd
14.07 Douglas St. , Omaha , Nebraska
Sprrlnllr niallllrd for
Medicinal Use.
DR. XDTT I. . WAl.LINO , Rnr
§ on In Chief , NaUonal Quart
of N.J.writ i :
"Mr attention wal called l <
Tnar Kf j ton Mall WbUkay bj
Kr. l lur , Drugglit , cf Trenton
and I have mi-J a f w bottlal
with far better rfTect than anj
bme bad. 1 am rerornmendfnfl
jour article In my practice , au ]
fled ft Tory eetdtictory. "
Oet < uln fcftl the Alinfttu
( gol. A | nU forlhlU S )
316.818 aai 820 R&ct St. Philadelihia , FA.
Goodman Drug Co. Gonl.Arjcnts.Omaha
Nobva ka.
Embody the highest excllcncius in Shape
linessComfort and Durability and
arc the
Reigning Favorites
n fashionable circles Our name is on eve
ry sale. J. & T. COUSINS , New York
FOEt VOUMi I. A DID ! ) .
Three course * of * tudy. T inrouuhnc * * In ovrrrto -
pnrlmcnt. KulldlniM olt'uiintly ftirnhhuit. Ili'iitod l.iuhUul with KIH. Wutur from St. Clulr
lllrur. Superior udrantituni In niusla nnil rt. Address -
dress fur circular. bO.MUHVILI.K HCllool. .
ht , t'lnlr , Mloh.
J. nut VOUNO IA1)IK3,1 :5 North Ilronil St ,
riillailolphla. 1 7th year bcirlnH Hnju. ! Mst , 18S7.
AUdlC9S Miss It. K. .fUDKINS , I'miclplU ,
who rnlora by special puriulsslon lo
Mr. and Mrs , .lolin N. Jowott , 1
Mr. und Mrs. 1'lilllp 1) . Armour , VChicngo ,
Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Waite , )
For young women , Princeton , N. J.
Prospectus , fullparticulars , sent on ap-
plicatonto J. II , M Elvaine.
differing from I.o
i l * cllH * .ctc.reiulilngfiorn Indiacrctlonior
XCfXKM rur.l without Minium ti 9l < llrlttr . ty tb
ShonM bo mid by Pat lien
9 * Rfnletn wltli lufhrmnllon of value to nil tnrn.
Mention Omaha tloo.
L. J. MARKS& Co.
Grain and Provision Commis
sion Merchants ,
JO and 12 Pacific Avrntie.
( Irnln nnil 1'rovlnlons bmiKlit ttncl iinld on margin-
nn Hi" Clilcnuu Hoard nt Trudo. Corrc'pondnnco > o >
llcltcd. Dally or weekly innrltet loiter Hunt on m > i > ll *
cation. Itoteioncu Corn Kiclmnito Hunk , Clilcuuo.
Iniitniiiicntf ; cxclidiifjrd , rented and
sold on cuny jHtytiiviitii , below
Factory Prices ,
Jnslt'iiinent * sllHlitly used at
Max Meyer & Bro"
Omaha , Neb.
- . - ,
Steam Belief & Sheet Ironworks
Cor. t'Jth 'tntl Citsu Streets ,
IluvlDiiluiioU tlieoUalan. ( or a term of icari I
nm proiar | ( j IK iinuounJ rrpulr nil ilndiof Lolleri
ami iliect from work HI lliort notice. Thirty your , ol
linctlnaleiperlpncoa * a ( irnctlcal boiler maker In
ttin east , finnllHet ruetn rumpela wltli all corner ! .
WorKnttcndol tolnf > rioa nnd ntliftcllan uar n
t ted Ciltu mo o trial , M. A. LANDH-C AUIf