1HE ? OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY JTJN.U 10. 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. THE .ELECTRICAL WORLD , Practical Tests and Inventions to Guide tbo Current of the World ! PERFECTING ELECTRIC MOTORS' Light on tlio Unttlcllcld Telegraph Cabled , Cnllo Jtntcs ami Elec tric Lights Klcctrlc * cal Artillery. The Ktcctrlcnl nnllwny. An olcctriC'Vailwny , tlic lirst to start in New York state , was formally opened at ' Uinghamptoh 'to-day , May 22. The cars run without notse at the rate of from live to eighteen miles an hour. A load of livo' tons seems to make no difference In spued. The road is nearly four miles long , from Uoss park to the state insane asylum. The coit ot the change was something over $20,000. Electric Whistles. Melodious sounding electric whistles nrc a novelty , and arc paid to be taking the place of electric bolls in France. The whistle is made by lilting a small brass . tube with suitable apertures so that it opens against the spring of a suitably formed communicator. How Much Wire. Uuflalo News : "Hero's something to guess at , " exclaimed a lineman , indicat ing the wire bound telegraph polo at Seneca and Pearl streets. "What length of wire do you suppose is about that pole ? " lie asked. The polo is girted with a coating of wire about six feet up. I made a guess of a few hundred yards. "Within a foot of a mile , " said tlio line man. "Just about two length of No. 9 wire. The coils come in half mile lengths. I The Baltimore & Ohio polo at Washington - ton and Seneca streets , the biggest one in the city , has got a mile and a half of wire wrapped about it. " A New Electrical Invention. Hiiflulo ( N. Y. ) Express , May 20 : The certificate of incorporation of tlio Battery Light and Power company was Hind with the county clerk yesterday. Tlio object of the company , as stated in tlio docu ment , is to "manufacture and sell in Now York state cloctnc and other appliances , and also carbonic electric batteries em bodying the invention of Charles II. Wilder , and also to sell to others within the statn the right to make , use , and sell said carbon electric batteries and such electric and other appliances. " The capital stock is f 1.000,000. divided into 1,000 shares. The term of existence is to bo fifty years. The operations are to bo carried on in Buffalo. Mr. Uefford said yesterday that the invention was intended lor use in families , offices , etc. , whcro light machinery , such us sowing ma chines , was to bo u ed. whore it could also be employed for lighting as well as tor power. Most of those interested had not seen the invention , but one or two had been to Boston , whore it is in success ful operation , and had become convinced of its value. So far no move has been made towards manufacturing the ma chines hero , and there is no need of doing so at present. With battery and motor iu the house , both power and illumina tion could bo produced very cheaply. The election of ollicers would probably occur iu a day or two. Electric Matches. Uuflalo Express : Tlio subject of gas- lighting by electricity was well handled by Mr. Frank Kitten , of the Western Union , before the Electrical society last evening. It was , ho said , ono of considerable interest and importance as illustrating n most useful and convenient application of the electric current to methods of ig niting and extinguishing gas jets from a distanco. The principle involved in electric gaslighting consists simply in making and breaking an electric circuit , cither mechanically or electrically , in the immediate neighborhood of the es caping gas , which was ignited by the spark which followed the breaking of contact. The spark was the result of an extra current set up at the moment of breaking the circuit , the latter of which included tlio burner with its two elec trodes , a spark coil , ano two or three open circuit colls. The spark coil was best constructed of a bundle of iron wires to servo as a core , around which a few layers of thick insulated wires should bo wrapped. Mr. Kitten described and fully illustrated by experiments the sev eral systems in ordinary use for domestic purposes , including the pendent , ratchet and automatic burners , as also the sys tems employed for lighting theatres , large halls , etc. , which were usually fur- mined with the necessary power . . . by means of the I induction coil or Irictional machine. Electric Motor * . St Louis Republican : Early yesterday morning the Lindell car , to which a Jullcn motor M'aa attached some time Ago , was run out on the Washington avenue line and made a round trip with out giving the driver the slightest trouble in making stops , starting or regulating the speed. E. J. Uangmtll had spout a few hours the night before charging the itorogo battery" in the small dynamo in the company's barn at Twenty-second street and Washington avcnuo. Ho waste to have shut down the engine at 11 o'clock , but believing that the cells were not filled , ho kept the machinery running until 12 o'clock , when ono of the boxes ucgan to boil up. Ho then at tempted to cut the circuit , and in doing > ; so molted tlio wire and burned out part of one of the cells. When the second trip over tlio road was completed that cell had been exhausted and it was about 3 o'clock in thu afternoon wlum tlio elec trician had the circuit complulo to make another trip. Twenty-live passengers woru taken from Fourth street on the last trip and the service was as perfect for the accommodation of passengers as any motive upwor could furnish. The dynamo in the company's barn is too small to charge the storage batteries as rapidly as is desired , and to remove that inconvenience a wire is being ex tended from the Brush electric light plant on the corner of Seventh and Wal nut streets to the car-barn. It will bo completed to-morrow , and the storage batteries on the car will bo charged from tlio Brush plant. The olcctrio car will then be used regularly , il it continues to give as good service as it did yesterday. The company does not believe , however , that they will adopt tlio Julian motor as the motive power of their lino. Thny havn ordered for trial a Sprague motor , which , it ia bolievcd , is more perfect than the ono they arc now trying. Tlio now motor will bo swung between the axle and a thwart-piece , and the interposition of a single pinioii. working in a gear , will give revolution to tlio car wheel. Then there will bo ono gear engaged at each end of the armature ( .haft , which allows ono to bo lixod and the other ad justable. The motor delivers seven and ono-Imlf-horse-power on its armatura shaft , and there being ono of thcso on each axle , a lifteun-horso-powcr ia furnished. It is also claimed for this motor that it removes the difficulty ol lack of sufliclent adhesion under all coiv ditions by having independently-driven axles. In an experiment mada in Pliila dclphia on this point a snow-covered , very slippery track wns complotelj cleaned by the rotation of the for\vari wheels , wnile tlio rear wheels took lioli of the track and propelled the car. Tlu Snrftgttc company has just cjoscd a sheri time contract for completely equipping a forty-car thirteen-mile system for the city of Richmond , Va. Opposition to Telegraph In Yunnan. The Chlncso Times says news has been received from Yunuan that there has been much popular opposition to the erection of the telegraph wire at Ta- ting-fu , in the south of that province. Tlio workmen have been attacked and wounded , and the foreigner in charge lias also been threatened. Work has been suspended , and the magistrates are oc cupied in trying the people , who al lege that the Feng Slim is interfered witli by the telegraph poles. A late report says : 'I ho disturbances in Yunnan nnd Kiicl Chou , on account of the telegraph continue. For many days no messages came from I'i Chloh ( : i district in the province of Kuel Chou ) , and tin olllcial who was sent to discover the cause found the natives in an excited state. They had assembled in great numbers on the night or April 23d , and destroyed the telegraph ofllco , pulling down the poles and wires. The oflicers escaped to the ) Taotai's yamcn. The Taotai of the Kuei llsi circuit , whoso yamon is at Pi Chieh , has been ordered to arrange the matter. The Newchang correspondent of the North China Daily News , writing on April 20 , says : We heard of Monscigncur Boyor's death , in the extreme north , where ho had gone ( hiring the winter. Smco lie became bishop Monsclgeur Boyer had not spared himself , nnd being over sixty , the traveling and discomforts on the road , which are ( { iiito enough to upset young people , were too much for him. He had been some thirty-live years in China , coining out with Monselcneur Tagliabuo of PcKlng , and was a great linguist , very energetic and zealous. The Missions Ktrangeres must miss him greatly , for Monscigncur Boycr was a thoroughly good _ man. The committee of the chamber of com merce had a very satisfactory interview with Colonel Uonby , United States min ister to China , April 21 , at the United States Consulate-General , Shanghai. The old questions of tno Woosung bar , duty drawbacks , lekln , etc. , were referred to , us also tlio certification of invoices for the United States , the irregularity of the malls via San Francisco , and the lately levied additional tax 0:1 : kerosene oil. A medical missionary association has been formed in China. There tire now seventy-nine medical missionaries ( Prot estant ) in China , Corca aud Slam , of whom fifteen are ladles. The new military college at Tientsin has boon reorganized. In the course of an article on George T. Bromley the Chinese Times savs : "An anecdote may bo mentioned to illustrate the exquisite tact which made Mr. Brom ley's intercoursa with the Chinese of ficials so smooth. U Hung Chang on one occasion rather abruptly uskcd him was he republican or democrat. With his usual self-possessed smile , which was never cynical and always pleasant , Mr. Bromley replied : 'Why , I am the United States consul , ' and the viceroy laughed loud at the answer. Perhaps no creator compliment was ever paid to tlio repre sentative of a foreign country than when the viceroy , on hearing of his probable supersession , telegraphed to the Chinese minister at Washington to use his influ ence there to obtain Mr. Bromley's reap- pointmcnt. The minister , however , re plied that it was impossible , as certain crsorml influences wore too strong. " Light for the Battle Field. Electrical Review : Just nt the present irac , when war clouds are hanging thick , nd heavy over Europe , and more or less ixaggeratod rumors of war are filling the ho columns of the dally press , it is not iiirprising to road of now inventions made in the interest of army soldiers. Only a short while ago the Prussian war department announced a competition for \ portable military barrack , open only to [ Herman architects and civil engineers. And now a novel application of the electric light to military hygiene of the buttle field is said to have been made in iVurtomburg. According to Mr. Nach- igal , a German army surgeon , a light mbulanco wagon , easily drawn by two orses , has been constructed , which is equipped with an clcctrio light of 2,000 3andlo-powor , generated by means of a dozen galvanic batteries , which last for continuous illumination during a whole night. The arc lamp is suspended from \n adjustable truck , not unlike some of ur patented portable lire escape appa atus , and the light hangs so that it may bo turned free in all directions , which is necessary , inasmuch as a parabolic re flecting mirror is placed behind the light in order to increase its power of illumi nation. Experiments marto during the late maneuvers with such an ambulance wagon demonstrated the possibility of successfully lighting a battle field to a distance of nearly half a mile from the ambulance to such an extent as to enable the search for and discovery of the bodies of dead or wounded soldiers , partly hid den from view by shrubbery. It is said that the ambulance wagon is so strongly built that it may readily bo driven across meadows without interfering with the proper working of the electric arc light. Co t of Electric Llghta. Baltimore American : Mr. F. W. King , superintendent of lamps , has collected duU from official scources in reference to the cost of clcctrio lighting , Various matters , such as the number of lamps , the ownership of plant , candle power , etc. , must bo taken into consideration in figuring up the cost in the various cities. The candle power in all cities is 2,000. except in Brooklyn , whcro it is 1,200. Now York has a contract for one year with the Brush and United States com panies , and has in use 711 lamps at 70 cents each per night. Philadelphia has 525 lamps , for which an average of 51 cents pur night is paid unilnr a ono-ycur contract , and the Brush , United States and Houston systems are used. Brooklyn has 095 lamp at a cost of 50 cents each (1,200 ( candle power ) . The contract is for ono year , and the Thom son-Houston system is used. Boston lias 504 lamps at a cost of G5 cents each , furnished by the Brush , Western and Thomson-Houston compa nies under a three-year contract , and tlio city owns the posts , extensions and hoods. Newark , N. J. , has 150 lamps at n cost of 50 cunts , furnished by the United States and Western companies under a throe-year contract. Providence , R. I. , has 175 lamps at a cost of 50 cents , furnished by tlio West ern and Thomson-Houston companies under a one year contract. Albany has 481 lamps at 50 cents each , furnished by the Brush company under a live year contract , and owns the lamps , pos' s , poles and lanterns. Rochester. N. Y. , has 330 lamps 809 at 15 cents and 77 at HO cents each , furn ished by the Brush company under n contract for live years. Albany , Boston and Philadelphia , which pay 50 cents , 05 cents and 51 cents , re spectively , own more or less of the plant. Now York recently rejected a bid of 05 cents , but thu city is about to have an electric light war , and , it is stated , offers are made to furnish the lights at 23 cents each. Calls ! anil Gable Rates. Now Orleans Picayune : The Picayune has received from tlio United States hy- drograpliio oillco in this oily a map of tlio world on Morcator's projection , showing the lines of submarine telegraph in every part of the globo. PUCK'S ' celebrated boast of being nblo to put a glrdlo around the earth in forty minutes cannot bo realized for the lack of a short cable across Bohrlng's Straits and a land line througu Alaska. But elsewhere communication is fully cstab- islicil. There aru ten cable : across the Atlan tic between Eiiropo and North America , nnd two between Lisbon , Portugal and Pcrnambuco , Brazil , There are cables down thu Atlantic to the Moditeranoan , through that sea to the Red Sea , through that to the Indian Ocean to Bombay , thunco across India and around the coast to Madras , on the cast coast of India , thunco through the Indian ocean to and through the Straits of Malacca , thcnco through the Yullow , Chinese and Japan seas up the const of Asia to Nicolatowsx , on the cast coast of Siberia , about 55 deg. north latitude. There is also an overland line across Russia and Siberia from St. Petersburg to Nico- lalewsk. Every seaport in Asia between the limits mentioned and many plucos in the interior , have telegraphic communication with Europe and America. Europe , like the United States , is covered with a net work of wires , and the coast line of Nor way clear to the Arctic ocean is covered by land lines with cables across the bays and gulfs. From India there are cables to Austra lia and New Zealand. As for Africa , it is provided with cables and land lines which communicate with every point of importance around the coast , but they penetrate but a small way into tlio in terior. South America , by means of coast cables and land lines , can bo communi cated with at every place of consequence on its entire coast line north , cast and west , Patagonia alone being loft out. There is also a transcontinental line from Montevideo on the east coast to Valparaiso raise on the west. Thus it will bo seen that in every part of the world where civilized society ex ists to any extent the electric telegraph is in use for the transmission of intelli gence , and while all parts of Asia and of the coast of Africa can now bo readied by way Europe , it cannot be many years before a direct line will bo laid from San Francisco to thu Sandwich Islands and thence to Japan , when thu girdle around thn earth will bo complete. It is no longer a wonder how the press is able to print the daily transactions in all parts of the world. To gratify the curiosity of these who may wisli to know the cost of cabling messages , a few figures are given from the voluminous tariff of rates. From Washington to points in Great Britain , Ireland , France and Germany the cable charge is 12o a word. To extreme point * of Africa it is $3.18 a word. The tari < Mo places in South America , according , to remoteness and roundabout lines of com- mumcation , varies from $1.04 to sfO.Ol'por word. In Asia rates go up as high as $2.14. To Australian points the extreme price $3.04 pur word. These rates are for cable service. The charges over land lines are added. How Switchboard PlroR Starr. Chicago Tribune : "How do fires start behind switchboards in telegraph and telephone ollices originate ? " City Elec trician Barrett was asked ycsteiday. "Bytho | electric spark passing from ono wire to another and igniting the cotton covering , which lias become frayed by use , " ho roplicd. "Is it possible to prevent these fires ? " "Yes. A lead-covered wire can be used , and all danger of lire avoided. " "Then why don't the telegraph compa nies use that kind of wire ? " "Because it cosls about four times as much as the other. " "What causes the electric spark to pass from ono wire to another ? " "The spark or current always seeks the shortest route to the ground , as wires always are in large switchboards , the current will leave the ouo which is tlio farthest from the ground for the other. " "How docs Ihis cause a fire ? " "Tho cotton covers of the wires are generally soaked in parafiinc , but as this evaporates it leaves the cotton perfectly dry and inllammablu. Constant use wears the cotton and leaves the wire ex posed , and as the electric spark jumps from ono wire to the other it ignites the cotton. As there are generally a great many wires with the frayed cotton hang ing from their ends only a slight spark will ignato them all. and in a moment there is n big blaze behind , which , unless extinguished at once , communicates to the board itself , which is generally of wood. This , of course , gives tlio iiro a start , and after that you know as much about what happens as any ono else. " The Electrical Artillery , Baltimore News : A few days ago the News discussed the otl'ucl of the use of io much electricity in cities upon the electric fluid of the average storm at mosphere. Wo throw out the suggestion that the collection of so much of the sub- he fluid from the atmosphere by electric ight machinery , and the consumption of t in lights had perhaps a tendency to diminish the quantity that otherwise would bo burned in electric storms. It also occurred to us that the many tele graph and telephone wires , as well as the electric light channels , would curry off the mysterious currents to such an extent as to largely mitigate the severity of the summer storms , which are usually so heavily charged. This theory seems plausible. Electricity so readily seeks every conductor that will convey it.to ttio earth , and it is not unreasonable to sup pose that immense quantities find path.- , ways to the ground over the elevated not-/ , in which cities are enmeshed. Thus denuded - ' nudod or drained the atmosphere iqust contain less ammunition or electrical Uwn charges than would otherwise be Uiai case. And this suggestion seems borne out by the recent experience. There have been electrical storms of unprece dented severity in various parts of the country and tlio list of fatalities is start ingly long this year. But these casual ties have been in the country , where there are no wires to catch the bolt nnd carry it oil'or to silently and impercepti bly conduct thu surplus electricity from thu clouds and thus diminish in extent and intensity the bombardment of which tlio clouds would have been capable. While thu casualties in the country from the ravages of lightning have been sign- larly fatal and startling this spring , the cities have entirely escaped. If lightning has struck any largo cities which possess the average complement of telegraph , telephone , and clecitic light wires , it lias only been in thu outskirts , whcro such taps are inconsiderable , while the cen ter of the cities have escaped. There may be something in the theory , and , if there is , the questions are suggested whether overhead wires are not u protec tion to cities during electrical btorms , whether underground wires would furnish the same protection , and is it not safer to live in thu busy city than on the moro exposed suburbs or in the open country ? TW The Day of the Dynamo. Now York Post : Until very recently the use of electricity for propelling sur face cars has been looked upon , even by most electricians , as something for the distant future. The experiments made by a number of inventors. Edison amonc them , hud shown the perfect feasibility of running cars by electricity , but the coat was apparently higher than for steam or horses , and many problems of detail seemed to require years for their solution. So long ago as in the forties , Professor Henry of Washington suc ceeded in running a minaturo tram by means of an electric current derived from primarv batteries of zinc and carbon. The toy interested a great many persons , but the cost of obtaining power from zinc was enormous , and nothing was done to make practical use of Professor Henry's work. The world waited for u moro economical source of electricity than the chemical battery to bo discovered. The invention of tlio dvnamo solved thn prob lem : it otl'ercd cheap clectricity.and from the beginning there was no doubt what ever in thu minds of all scientific men ns to the supreme importance of this inven tion. This conviction , has deepened yearly since then. Tlio. dynamo makes possible the transmission of power In Il limitable quantities from any placu whcro natural power , such as that of a waterfall , may bo had for nothing , to distant cities aud shops. It transforms mere power into light , heat , or electricity , and it transmutes electricity again back into power when so desired , This extraordinary invention , which enters already so much into the indus trial lifu oi the country , and is destined to play a moro and more important role , already lights our streets and houses , sends our despatches , and , according to experts , will very soon run our surface and elevated railway cars. Originally it required n great dual of steam power , used in revolving rapidly the dynamo urmaturo ; to obtain vury httlo electricity gradually this difference in the working value of what was put into the dynamo , and what was got out of it , grew less. and to-day a thousand inventors are seeking to increase still further this clTi- cioucy. By revolving the urmaturo of the dynamo , an electric current is ob tained , which , Introduced into another dynamo , causes the armature of that also to revolve. This is a rough statement of the practice of tlio transmission of power by means of electricity. The electric current may bo sunt along a wire or a car rail. With thu majority of electric street railways now in operation , tlio gen erating dynamo is placed iu a station somewhere along the line , and worked by steam or water power ; the current so produced is sent along the. rails or along a wire suspended tun or twelve feet above the tracks. Each car is provided with a small dynamo , which , upon re ceiving a portion of the current , coining along tlio track or the overhead wire with which it ir. connected by a sliding device , axles of the car , to move t'ko car along the track. The principles involved are as old as the dynamo itself ; their applica tion in practicu is a iliattcr of cvcry-day improvement. For electric light the current from tlio dynamo is used to heat to incandescence a bit of carbon : for tlio street-car , to tuvolvo tlio armature of a second and smaller dynamo carried upon a car and geared to its axles. To reduce ; ho loss in the transformation and trans mission of power from the steam cngin c or water-wheel to thu axle of the car , or 'o other uses , is the constant study of .nventors. . The results depend largely upon thu form of the dynamo , the meth ods of transmission , tlio distance which the electricity must travel between tlio uncrating .station and the motor. Five years ago there was not an elec tric railway in practical operation in the country , while to-day there arc more "him a dozen , with every prospect that hero will be a hundred within the next two years. Experts do not hesitate to predict the speedy displacement of the horse as a motor for cars in cities , and one authority believes that the change from horses to electricity will soon go on is fast as the electric plant * ! can bo man ufactured. Step by stop the dynamo lias been so improved that the work which it costs $10 to do with horses can be done by electricity for $0. Even if electricity rt'oro no cheaper than horses , the change would bo for the better. The streets will to cleaner ; there will be fewer great city stables to pollute the air and expose the city to destruction by lire. Penn Ailtiinaaw 'IravcJer. Oh , de. she b'nrs coniu w'eu old 'Ligy blow'd 'his lio'n , ( Doan yer lauen at do sarvcnt o do Lawd. ) An' da crabbed up do chiilun like or liaug c.V In' co' M. ( Doan yer laugh at de sarvent o' do Lawd. ) Go up , old baldy , 'lowed the Ireeklo lace chile ( Doan yer laugh at do sarvent o' do Lawd. J n' den er b'ar Blabbed him wld pr mighty broad smile , ( Ionn yer laugh at do sarvont o' de Lawd. ) DC pa' cliilo hollered ana tried to get loose , ( Ioan jer laugh at do sarvent o' do Lawd. ) But du b'ar drug him oil' like cr varmint wid a goose. , ( Doan yer laugh at do sarvcnt o' de Lawd. ) Doan yer lauch at do sarvent o' deLa\\d , young man , Doan yer laugh at do prophet In tlio lane , Fur de b'ars mout cum from do woods , young man' An' eat year up 'gardless o' do pain , pain , V.UD , n' cat yer up 'gardless o' do pain. Den praise old Llgv and praise Mar.3 Saul , ' wo'll dance w'd ' David 'ftwnd de ark in de hall , Oh , yer better be kecrf ul w'en yer titters at ' .er man. ( Doan yer laugh at de sorvcnt o' de Lawd. ) Fur jrr raout strike ttio prdphet o' do Jordcn river ban' , ( Doan yer laui'h at do setvent o' de Lawd. ) An' It mout be de case daft > cr pusson widout li'iir ( Doau yer lautrli at do servant o'do Lawd. ) llab tot er awlul 'lluencerwld de hallelujah ( Doan yer laugh at do saryont o'de Lawd. ) An' den yer eyes is open w'on Its dun too late ( Doan yer laugh at do sarvcnt o' do Lawd. ) Dat yer hub crooked yer linger at do v , rong sorter n Ue , ( Doan yer laugh at do sarvent o' de Lawd. ) Doan yer laugh at do sarvent o' do Lawd , young man , Doan yer laugh at do prophet in do lane , Fur do b'ars mout cum from dn woods , young man , , , An' eat yer up 'gardless o' de pain , pain , pain , An" ' o' do . eat yer up 'gardless pain. Den praise old Ligy and praise Mars haul , An' we'll dance wld David 'round de ark In de hall. Ulrit Notes. The blackbird has been found equally destructive of the eggs of birds of other species with that of the crow and spar row. row.A swallow flow against a Philadelphia boy's fuco and drove his bill clean through his cheek. The boy held the bird fast by his teeth , and it now occu pies a cage as a pet. A pair of swallows have built a nest in ono of thu electric lights in O.shkosh , Wis. , and have hutched six young ones. The nest is directly under the bowl which is placed over the light , and but a t'uw inches from tlio light. ' John Ellis , of Williamsport , Pa. , has a very intelligent crow. Whenever he seen the 'dog dining ho sneaks up behind anil grabs his tail. Thu dog wheels around. when the crow snatches up tlio coveted food and is instantly out of reach. The catbird , just before dininz upon your nice , ripe cherries , perches himself upon an eminence in the neighborhood , and then you are treated to a comic opera of over a half hour's length. His melody at siu-h times is very pleasing. An owl swooped down from a tajl troc upon a catlish which James \ \ ilkins , of Amoricus. ( ! a. , hud upon Ins hook while fishing. The light between tlio owl and Wilkms was a doiporato one , with tlio final discomfiture of the bird. Tnrco times n Sumtor ( Ga. ) man broke up thu nest of a guinea hen that scorned determined to Ret. The last time shu de liberately walked to a well.lluw up to tlio curbing , and plunged head lirst into the deep waters below. When got out she was dead. Something now in tliu bird line was captured bv F , B. Phelps Mulberry , S. C. It lias the head of the owl , with tre mendous black oyes. It * face looked like a monkey's , with white cheeks , and t black streak over each eye. The rest ol head inclined to gray , with black dots near thn end olcacli feather. The body was covered with a beautiful plumage Whenever ho went near It it would give a most unearthly yell that frightened the dogs. It whipped every dog on tlio pluuo. Michael Morrison , a man known to hundreds of anglers in Now York city was found dead in bed last week of hear disease. Air. Morrison was neurlj seventy years old , and for the last twuntj years no was engaged iu trying salmon flies , his skill in the art buing regarded us greater than that of anybody else in the country. , , 1 FOR SWEET CHARITY'S ' SAKE , Now and Novel Method of New York Society to Aid a Worthy Cause , MRS. CLEVELAND'S SACRIFICE Tlio Wltca of the District Messenger Hey An Astonished Woman Tap- I > ln A AVlckcil Itrokcr Clara Delta's Letter. YOKK , Juno 10. [ Correspondence of the BII : : . ] Whun high lifu visllcs to lisport itself at homo and all ordinary means are exhausted , It lituls a way by iihtitutiiig a fair iu aid of a charity. Such in event and a successful one of its kind , joth financially and socially , occurred his week at one of the way uptown man sions , where the city lias not eaten up ho lawns with hotels and apartment iotiM > 3. Fancy articles weru sold in ) ooths under the trees , refreshment ablcs were scattered invitingly about on ho crass , and catch penny games abounded everywhere. One of the most ittraetivo features of thocVcnt was a sale of veiled statuary. Dark cambric cur- alns shut oil'a portion of the long ver andah , and when they were drawn aside seven figures wrapped in white and completely masked were exposed. The gentleman who played the auctioneer was clad in his dress suit , .ami it was : v surprising fact that several other guntlc- nen present were in full evening dress n spitu of thu fact that the entertain- nent was expected to como to an end at about sundown. The auctioneer with moro or less successful attempts at minor described the statues as a repre sentation of the classic goddesses and offered thorn for sale ono after another. Kidding on the first began at $1 and mounted rapidly by dollar jumps to $9 , then by half-dollar bids to $11 , at which mcc it was knocked down. The gen tleman maidmr the purchase paid his money and feeelved n ticket with a num- jor correspoVdeing to tlio card held in he hand otV ho statue. The next statue wrought only $0. After that none sold for less than $10. Rich Uarikcr Suligmann stood on the verandah steps watching the transactions with an amused smile. When number ivc was put up he started the bidding with a loud five dollars. Somebody im mediately bid six , and Mr. Scligmann Followed with a determined ten , as if by that means to shut elF further bidding , but two others without any pause what ever carried thu figure up to thirteen , and before tlio banker could recover from his surprise it was knocked down. Tliu result was that when number six was put up Mr. Scligmann bid ten , and when utter a moment somebouy ventured a bid of eleven , he exclaimed fifteen. No one competed with him at that figure ami liu secured the ticket. When it was all over the purchasers were requested to come up and remove their property. The man who had been so anxious to get number live found that it was NOTHING HUT A UUOOM imcssno ur with a sheet and a mask , and Mr. Scligmann turned pale. Uut he was correspondingly rejoiced to find that in escaping tliu dummy he had secured onu of the handsomest young ladies of the day , and the quantity of strawberries and cream , and the knickknacks - knacks that lie bought for her out of his great joy would not bear mentioning. Number live was the only dummy , and money poured freely into the treasury coilurs from the pockets of the pur chasers , for it was part of the duty ot the statues to insist on being treated. Strik ing amusement was conducted by a hand some girl. It was cailed"Aunt Sally."and thn fun and money lay in throwing clubs at the wooden face of an old I woman stucK on the end of a stick at a distance of about fifteen feet. Ten clubs for ten cents , and the person breaking the great est number of clay pipes thrust into Aunt Sally's nose during the afternoon was entitled to a big box of candy. Every young aud every gallant old man was led up to thn sacrifice and made to expend s money in the vain attempt to secure for his favorite lady the prize box. It proved no easy task to break a pipe. Men and women both tried it. The club would bo swung with the utmost appear ance of accuracy , and thrown with great determination only to fall several feet short of its mark or go flying away above it. The young man who got the prize did so on a record of nine pipes broken , nnd to do so he had to spend nearly live dollars lars iu clubs , more than twice as much us the candy would have cost him at a storo. But he had his fun and the spec tators had more of it. The sacrifices women make for their husbands an ; manifold , but it is doubtful if any wife endured a more unpleasant ordeal th ! n Mrs. Grovcr Clovdland dur ing her Adriondack trip , if the region could bo rid-of biting tilings , and if de cent roads ctHllil bo made , it would bo a blissful johfnVy to go'to them and abide a while ; but the awful , springless carts , the boulders sunk in mud they call "carrys , " which have to be tramped , nnd the inuumcrabln insects , maku life for a woman a nightmare. The miles of rail way and steamboat travel that land you at thn spot whcro you go into the wilder ness are pleasant enough , but farewell , vain world , when you leave them. Your troubles , like a young bear's , are all be fore you. A day perhaps ( it depends on whether Paul Smith's , the Upper Sara- mic. Knob Luke or still remoter points form your destination ) must be spent in springlcss wagons on corduroy roads. Then you taktf little boats , loaded usu ally to tliu gunwales with your expensive outfit. Von hardly ilarp to snee/.o for fear of upsetting the lilting , water-logged craft. You sit up in the sun without a straw to case your back , till your liver pin hurts you and your spinal column Is a vertabral chronicle of misery. Then you stcor your bark into a crook ending in a muddy bank , where a wretched cart and an ox take up your boat , and you follow meekly behind. Hero you begin to understand what thu beauty of thu primeval forest must have been ; and1 you only wonder that Eve didn't construct her" petticoat of block tin instead of fig leaves. There is a steady , unsatisfied , ciuuiiballbtie appetite connected with T11K AUIlIONIIAfK MOS < jriTO , unknown to thu Jersey kind , or the every day country skeuter. Ho can eat earlier , oftener , and more of it , than any other specie. There is tlio indigenous citizen called the black fly , small and eager , with a big mouth. He takes chunks out of you , and .sits , while you howl , in a near by huckleberry bush , uata his piece , and positively smiles. There is no known beast so distractingly - ingly unbearable as the awful black fly. Then conies that infinitesimal terror , tlio midco. Almost invisible is this pigmy instrument of torture , but drcadtul in his ravages. The only remedy for the mosquito is to live like thu Man in thu Iron Mask under a cauo of bars , over which netting is spread and carefully tied down upon your shoulders. The refuge from thu black tly is in tar and oil , a compound which creeps and slips upon your cuticle , provoking an unbearably tickling beiisiition. The only known euro for the midge is found in suioku and lota of it. To escape thu midges you build tw0 smudges several feet a part nnd sit be tween them till thu condition of a ham is Httlo worse than .your own. No woman can bo happy in this society , nnd that is the sort of thing Mrs. Cleveland had for the days shu stayed in thu wilderness and baited hooks for ( trover , No matter what time you reach the Adnondacks , there is always the ono story told to you. There has been fo mucli rain that the trout won't rise , or there has been so minh something else that thu deer nro shy , and so you eat salt pork and a nativu slap-jack called "choke dogs , " and think with grief of your far away comfortable home , and with tre pidation of thu siillering that must be en dured In retracing your steps. How hard we work to enjoy ourselves. Everyone knows who trius the so-called pursuits of pleasure. Uut the most melancholy heart-rending form of enjoyment Is go ing to the Adriondaeks , and Mrs. Franees Cleveland deserves a great deal of crudit for her martyrdom. Thu district messenger boys of Now York are daily becoming sharper and more untrustworthy. Every precaution has to bu takun in dealing with them. They consider the persons who employ them as their peculiar prey. A lady had the bad luck to stop on her diamond bar pin and break the fastening. She rang for a messenger boy , and sat down to wrlto a note that the boy could mall on Ills way to thu jeweler. As she was di recting thu envelope the boy entered. "Tako that" she said , extending the pin. and never looking up. as she fin ished the superscription , intending to add "to the juwelur's at the corner and wait for it. " lint the small tough , not much higher than the table , broke in before she could finish her sentence with : "How much do you want to gut on it ? " Thu astonished lady looked at Tim LITTI.K lU'KKIAN in amazement. "How much do I want to get on it ? " she repeated. "Yes ; you wants mo to pound it , don't very" "Pound it ? Mcrey no. 1 just stepped on it and havu broken the pin. " "That don't spilo the sparkle ; I guess yer kin git twenty cases on it. " "Why. boy , what are you talking about ? " "Oh , como olTI Der yer want mo to hock it. or don't yer ? What's yer racket * " The lady called for help. She had heard that the insane possessed unnatural strength and though this young cub didn't weigh ninetysho couldn't tell what he might do if he was as crazy as lie talked. It was not until the servant acted as interpreter that the hoodlum was made to understand the brooch waste to go to a jeweler to bo ropairnd , instead of a pawnbroker's shop ; but the boy explained - plained that most all the ladies who sent such things by him "was spontors and was raisin' the wind on their supers an' sparkles. " * A double lifcd gentleman who has a wholesome fear of his spouse , but a love of other pretty women used a messenger boy as thu Mercury to fly between him and his Venus. For several months' ' the lad carried notes and presents to the lady love. In his leisure moments ho looked up his client's record , and put himself m possession of much useful knowledge. The other day he presented himself at the gentleman's office nnd asked that as tounded individual what ho thought it was worth to know as much as ho did of a broker's private life ? A mad hornet is a mild creature compared to that man , but thu boy had him. "I know whcro it'll fetch a good price , " said he impudently. "I shall expose you to the company , and prosecute you for blackmail" tremu lously retorted the old man. "Oh , no , I guess not. " Thu old broker effected n settlement , but how long will it last ? The lad will break out on him again to a ccrtaiuty-any boy who will start into business as early ns that onu is going to live and keep at it. CLAIM. BELLI : . o A STOEY OF A PASS. [ I7ie / ollnirfiiunniwioiig / ronf/tfjuffon inrow thcvtiKil a icell-h noum Minnesota editor. ] "There ain't no use in being a patriot , no more , " said a classical member from the Upper Minnesota , as ho wiped the hard-earned reputation for sweating labor off his intellectual expanse at thu Merchants hotel dining room , addressing some granger compatriots , just after the last meeting of the state alliance execu tive committee. "What's that ? " asked E. H. Atwood , member of the aforesaid executive com mittee , and who is rapidly developing into a dignified , Fathcr-of-his-country style of statesman. "Up in my section , " said iho classical member , continuing his serious tone , "I haint never had my call to repeat my say so not yot. Hut 1 say , there ain't no use in being a patriot no more. It's an awful dcprussin' line of business , just now. " "I don't see why , " said the member from Maine Prairie , who has a solemn appreciation of the responsibility at taching to his official position , and who hud been anxiously scanning recent rail road rate tables with an oce to getting onto tlio railroad commission with both feet ho and Eric Olson. Ho had also witnessed witli unadulterated alarm the disposition of the patriotic business in the case of Gibbs , Myers and Stordock , and retains a glimmuring ray of hope that there may bo compensation still left for honest servitors of the human race. Hence the incredulity. The classical member continued : "Don't you see , this has been an era of big crops of oliice.s. Now normal school , new insane asylum , new prison , now re form school , now commissioners , new warden , now every darned thing under the sun. liig pay for big men , Uut big men all found. Hailroad rates was high , and now they're a going down. Lumber is cheap , 'dudb' is cheap , talk Is cheap. Everything is going to the demnltion bow-Vows. There is moru patriots than there is wheat , and they got some moro of 'em to bo put in the big boons there's too cussed much smartness overproduction tion of lingo. " "Uut homo one must speak for the pee ple. If everybody Mays at homo and docs nothingJay Gould and Jim Hill would soon water all the stock in Minnesota , and run thu wind-mill com- panics out of business , " said the Maine prairie statesman , who Is not averse to having his little joko. "Yes , but I can give you n straight furrow on a casu where patriotism wasn't no good. This here furrow was cut with u double gang plow.und is straight goods , and never went out on a strike , liuck- man gave it to him , ho got it from Flynn , Postluthwaito gave it to him. Uuckiuan gave it to Postlcthwaitc , and Jim Hill gave U to mu , so I got it straight , and don't you forget it. Uut don't you give it away to Myers , 'oattso ho don t want to know anything from Jim Hill unless Miku Doran spits on it. "Oneo on u timothis ( is no darned fairy story , but actually happened once at a time , ) in tlio fall of Anna Damminmo 1880 , the Hon. James J. Hill wrote a all''ctionute epistle , saying , says hn : JsT. I'Ai'L , Nov. au , Ib-sfi. Senator Inde pendent M. Smith. Serai > | ivllle , Minn : .My m-ar Senator Noticing fti how you navu ile- fealcil that soiiolaKiinhat trli'd to beat vou for ntllco In whlcli you are kroliij , ' to he a blf , ' nun , 1 tnko 1'roat pleasure In Immllnu' \ou niv nu-itebnanl. extra ni/e , warranted to kill the bird that Illes tlio hldicst. ( inod on all lines. Como 111 and bee me. Your obedi ent bervant. UON. JAMIS. : ) . HIM. , Hy Cetieral Pass Airunt. t "You sou it was made up awful purty. It was a juwhharp with threu prongs , to Smith ; and whun h'j oCiii-d ] tlut letter and saw that pass he just jumped up ami down ami got up into his fourteen-story intellect and viewed the ozuruajrat clo u connection. Then ho coma down out ! the ground floor again and sets down and writes , Says ho : , 'SKitAPiivn.LK , Nov. 81 , IbSfl. James J/ Hill , KSIJ : Dear Sir Your letter ntiii b check ate to hand. 1 slmll refer tliu matter to my constituent : ) . Respectfully , SKXATOII I , M. SMITH. ' "Then ho wont out into his store roonf/ / where ho runs a farmers' alllaneo with the grangers and their wives in the day time. and a theological seminary with thu viil.igo kids at night. And he showed everybody in the nllianco ( which was iu session at that time of day ) Hill's love- letter and Ills reply , and said ho won * dered if Hill thought ho could buy him/ ' And then ho went out and hitched up hi * dunged old buokboard , nnd drove out'to ' Danetown tp see his constituent ! ) . And ho got n lot of 'cm out to the school house and got 'em to elect a president nnd secretary , and then ho proceeded to respond. Says ho : Ladles and ( luntlonicn : This Is tlio most momentous moment of my life. U wns snlit of ( leorKC Washington that corruption fled at his miproru'ii. Hut wlutt's a limn goln to do when the dm nod thlni : does nil thu n ] > - pioarlilu-V 1 come bcte.ro you to-night. I thank ( foil , a senator In the InK lnturo oC the Krentstnte of Mltineso-tnlil 1 came bo- fnru you Ipausu ) conscious ol the rectitude ! ot your iood Intentions. When you elected me senator for ( lie gicnt state of Minnesota I you elected mo becausu you thought > ou oiuhtto ; ; becnuso you thounlit , when you thought of t' o vine-clad hills of Norway , that this creat state needed a David to save t from this blK I'hillstlno of monopoly. [ Applause. ) Because you thought , \shcn you tliouuht of the bouir.llus * 110117011 of tlio west , that perhaps Smith could do the bus I- ' ness for you. ( Immense anplausuj Itc- cau o you tlioiiKlit when you thought of tlio when you thought of the thoucht youl thought ahem when you thought , you' ' know , if you ever thought of but awny with the thought you knew that Smith was thu man to buck the tiger Hmmciiso excite- ' nicntl to all I to bo.ud Uio lion , as It were , In his den. \ oti knew that you had a Danles como to Judge you. You knew that whether the JUR or not crushed you under the bloody Iron wheels of destiny , that 1 would lleo from tlio wrath to como and spread oil across thn waters. 1 hold In my muids an epistle front the popoof St. 1'aul. [ linmeiisn agitation , ! He oilers to buy mol MI : I MK1 Your senator In tlio great state ot Minnesota I Khali 1 accept a brlbu ? I Cries of "No ! Noll" | Then 1 say No I a thousand times , Nell Ills scorpion breath ; utilises your wheat Holds , Imrvestntos youc grain and cereals , and demonstrates your horses and cattle. | Shuddering groans , f He figures up your bank account [ wild excite ment ] , and takes olT nnd puts on what kind ol figures ho wants. Is It wrong to take out of him all wo can get ? Ain't It ours ? Ain't wo just getting bacK our own ? 1 leave It tA your voice. Shall 1 keep the pass or not ? ( Mingled cries of "Keep it" nnd No."J Now , gentlemen , I leave It all to you. If yon say keep It , keep It she is. If you say return It , back she goes. Uut 1 pay SHOO a year freight on groceries nnd dry goods over this roan. This will make my expenses light. Light expenses make cheap goods. Cheao goods , rich farmers , big houses , big barns , big herds. It Is all In your hands , gentlemen. Shall I keep the pnss ? that is the question. Those In favor of the pass rise and bo counted. Seventeen. 1 believe every ono ol you gentlemen supported Smith for bunaton Those opposed , snmo altrn. Gentlemen , the motion Is carried. This convinces mo how soon the Scandlvavlan becomes a clnooinq American. The convention Is adjourned slnydlo. "And in the mortifying hours of thd night ho mounted Ins I'ligassus , and blessed his starry top-lights lor being1 senator for so intellectual a constituency. And ho swept thu hemisphere with the hyenas of monopoly. And ho went out and made some soundings , and heaved ui ) Atlantis , and in duo time towed the old wreck into St. Paul , as an evidence of what too much watcrin' will do. "And then there was a long distance of silence between himself and the hyenas , S and the hyenas sort o' cleaned him out at \ It. lint the senator blinked them , or. rather , bearded the lion in his den. And he went home from the halls of legisla tion with his ollicious trust executed , with n bustin' breast , and n climbing "Lxcel- sior" round his hat , and got tlio brass band to toot him into the bosom of a proud and neglected , but happy family the big gun of Scraphvillc , till some other gun goes off , 'cause its tliu powder what ( iocs the work. And after ho had been to -Jl home awhile , lie gets this kind of a epis tle : 'Sr. PAVI , March 14 , 1S87. Dy Dear Sen ator : My heart Is broke. Single misfortunes never como alone. L st November 1 sent you a piece ot our best four-plv pasteboard. It was for a Christmas gift. Uut the halls of legis lation Is airalnst us. I guess niebby you had better send back the pass. I understand the masses Is opposed1 to your keeping It. Your grler stricken servant , JA.MKS J. IIiu. . 'P. S. Kates Is rlz lately on short hauls. Olson Is onto the commission , nnd the com missioners are onto me. Got no specials , but have liled your letter. J. J. 11. ' | Dletated.J' "For two days Smith was wild with suppressed patriotism. Then he had his bran new female type-writer to write this hero thing : "SiiiAriiviM.B : , March IS , 1887 James J , Hill , Esq. Sir : Your letter Is to hand. Things Is come to a pretty pass. If 1 were to pass this thing by In silence my posterity would rise In their graves and shako their bony fingers nt me. Sir , I consider your at tempt to throw the odor of this confiscation onto other people ns a public outrage. Them asses nt Danetown nnd Seraphville long ngo ratified my conduct In ncccptlnif this pass , and 1 owe nothing to any one elso. Your conduct , sir , Is apprehensible. Uut 1 shall leave you to the torturing of your own con science , nnd to bo judged In the great here after by perhaps a greater judge than me. Respectfully , SKNATOU INDEPENDENT M. SMITH. ' "And some way or other the masses at Danetown and Scraphvillo heard that ho had called them n lot of asses , and they burnt him iu efligy , and accused him of going over to the monster monopoly. And he's all gene to pieces because InH neighbors call him Deacon Perhaps , and because that typo-writer spaced his words wrong. No , sir , patriotism is no good ; at rate since the inter-state any not - com merce law como in. " And Atwood chows his cud seriously , to think how slender a thread fate works with , and how foolish men are to cut ofr their own occupation. Where the Dead arc Hurled. The Jtiponcso deck with lloworsthoir "eternal mansion ; " and the Turks per forate the monumental slabs spread on these who shall see no more , in order tiiat a natural bloom shall sprint : up through the apertures , and that thu buds so nourished by the grave and set fruo to thu winds of heaven , shall shed thulr fragrance and strew their petals around the Moslem's "city of silence. " The western traveler gazes with deep sympa thy upon the graves of the Chinese ; it IB n simple , conical mound of earth , but over it spread and twine wild roses ami cover it with n mass of pure white blossoms ; or , it is crowned in sim Jr. ple majesty with a tall plant of waving Jr.ft grass. It is pleasing to note , however , [ ft while of of" speaking this subject by way contrast , thar in our American cities , whuro formal cemeteries with unneces sarily largu and meaningless monuments were the rule , there is developing a strong desire to bury thuir dead where woods unfold their masuivo foliagi : and brcathu tin air of heaven , and that , thulr butter tubto has made the green grove and velvet lawn , with its hcuuliful Mow ers , swuct as heavenly censors briialhinir , more .sucred to the memory of thosu who nro gonu to the realms of peaco.tlian any devices of human hands. West Chester ( Pa , ) Republican. Professor \ . L.Jacimossm , of Chicago , has written thu Lord's pr.iyur within a round space no longur than the end of n common lund pencil. When it is con sidered that iho pniyur consists of vM ! Litters , ten of which nru capitals , and fif teen marks of puiitimtlon , th < ! act of the Viuniiiifcu professor in writing forty-two French words ( of nil-named luimtli'iipon a grain of wheat is frouie.wlr.il thrown into tin ) shade. The writing was done without the aid of a gla , and can easily bo rewl with thu naked e.yo.