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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1887)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. SUOTTAY MORNING. JUNE 19 : 1887. TWELVE PAGES. NUMBER THE CRIMES BILL. lull Test of the Measure asPassed Through Committee- 7I I THE LAW AS IT WILL STAND. A Document of the Greatest Interest to Irish-Americans. THE CROWN PRINCE'S LARYNX What Prof , Vlrchow Has to Say of the Alleged Oancer. IT IS ONLY A WARTY GROWTH. HmpcrorVllllniiis Proclaim * thn Blttlrii ; nfdio Kelctistnn nto'n Hnd Tlio Iiclpslo I'rlsonors Sen tenced Foreign News. Text of the Crimes Kill. /W/jy / James Onnlon LONIION , Juno IS. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the IKI.J : I am enabled to send you an rintlioil/.ed olllclal co | y if thu crimes bill as it passed the committee. It ' will undoubtedly pass the house as It now reads , and of course the lords also soon afterwards. Your readers must first bear in mind that the llrst six sections , called hero clauses , have alone been considered In com mittee. The whole remaining sections have been repotted by the operation of cloture to the house for consideration on third read ing without opportunity to amend In com mittee of the whole. Of course certain amendments may be now named , but with the party In power there Is less proclaimed , 'Iho district attorney gen eral of Iteland may , if ho thinks lit , by an order In writing , under his direct resident magistrate , of whoso legal knowledge and experience the lord chancellor shall be satis- lied , hold Inquiry under this section , and thereupon such resident magistrate may. If ho so thinks fit. although no person may bo charged before him with the commission of such crime , sit at police court , when the offense has been committed , in Dublin , or in the place where the petty sessions for the petty sessional district In which said offense has been commuted are usually held , and ex amine ono or the other concerning such offense any person whom he has reason to believe to bo a scope for them. The proba bilities , thcief ore , are that all the now nn- consldcred sections 7 to 20 will pass as they now read that Is to say , In torty-ono sittings , Ono hundred and tifty-thrce lines have been passed by commons and 293 lines ! more have to be swallowed under cloturr , or , i as Americans term it , tlio previous question. INQUIItY. R A bill to make better provision for the pre vention and punishment of crime In Ire land and other put poses relating thereto ; Ho it enacted : Section 1. Where sworn information has been made that any offense to which this section applies has been committed Incapa ble of giving material evidence concerning euch offense other than any person confess ing himself or herself to bo the offender , or husband or wife of such person , and shall make a statement of such witness , and if ho see cause , may bind the same witness by his own recognizances ; provided , that no sitting of any inanity under this section shall commence , except between the hours of 10 and C ; provided , that a short- band writer shall bo in attendance at such inquiries , and shall take down the questions of the magistrate and the answers of each witness ; provided , nlso.that upon any person being accused of crime respecting which an Inquiry under this section has been held , such accused person , or his solicitor , upon being returned for trial , shall forthwith be supplied with copies of all depositions taken In any Inquiry under this section of any witness to bo called against him. The enactments con tained In petty sessions of Ireland , act ol 1851 , section in , relating to compelling atten dance ot witness .before a justice , and re quired to give evidence concerning themattoi ot Information or complaint for an indictable offence , or concerning the matter of an Information mation or complaint in. respect of an offence punishable upon summary conviction , as the case may bo , Bhall apply for the purposes ot this section as It they were re-enacted heroin , and in the terms made applicable thereto ; provided , that In case n warrant shall bo Issued for the anest ot any wltnos' In the lirst Instance , and without a summon ; having previously been served and dis obeyed , such witness shall , on demand , b ! entitled to receive from the resident magls trato holding the Inquiry , a copy of the In formation or complaint on which the war rant for his arrest Usucd. When a witness Is examined at an Inquiry under tills section n ho Is under thu ago ot twclvojear.s , the par ent or guardian of such w It ness , or the rela tive friend with whom such witness usuallj resides , shall bo entitled to attend at sucti Inquiry. A resident magistrate holding an Inquiry under this hcctlon shall himself con duct such Inquiry , and shall not permit othci persons to question or examine an ; witness. A witness examined under thl : icctlon shall not bo excused from answcrlni tny question ou the ground that the onsvve thereto may criminate , or tend to criminate himself ; provided , that the witness who an ivvors truly all questions which ho is rcquirci to answer , shall be entitled to a certltUato o Indemnity , under the hand of the magUtrat making such examination , stating that slid witness has so answered. And such certid cato of Indemnity shall be a bar to all crlni inal proceedings , and proceedings tor recov cry , and penalty in respect to any offence ate to which such person has been examined li such Inquiry , and auy confession or answe by tlio person to whom the question Is put a such examination , shall not except In tin way ot criminal proceeding for perjury com mlUcd at or after the holding o such Inquiry , bo In any proccedlnf civil or criminal , admlssablo in ovldenc ngalnst Mich person or the husband or vvlf of such person ; provided , if any person ha been charged w Ith the commission ot a crltn * w hlch is the subject of Inquiry , no witness I compelled to answer who has been called t give evidence for the defense of such accuse person , except with the consent of the wl ness under examination ; nor persons othc than the magistrate and other olllclal pei tons shall be present at such Inquiry save n aforesaid. The witness examined under thl spctlou concerning an offense shall not b required to answer any question which b might lawfully refuse to answer on tli croundof privilege It ho were being cxau I ned as a witness at the trial ot a pcrso charged with that offense. A nia.MslnJ who conducts an examination niuli this section of a person concernin any offense , shall not. It such offcti ! Is punUhab'n ou cuiumry couvlct'oi take part In the hearing and determination of the charge for that offense , and shall not , If such offense Is an Indictable offense , take part in taking the depositions or commltlng for trial any person for such offetuc. In case any wltno- examined under this sec tion shall not peak English , the Interpreter emplojcd shall not bo a policeman. The oilensts to which tills section applies are any felony ormNdcmnanor , and any offense pun ishable under this net committed In a pro claimed district , whether committed before or aftrr passing this act ; provided , that no Inquiry sliall b held under this scectlon con cerning any offense puulshablu under this act committed In any district before the proclamation of such district unless such otlenso would have been Indicta ble If this act had not parsed , and unless such oirunsn was committed blnco the expiring of the prevention of crlmo In Ireland , act of 18-W. F.vcry summons under this section shall bo In the form of the sched ule to this act or to take elfect. Kvery war rant to commit a witness to prison for refus ing to answer thu qucbtlons put him on ex amination held under this section , shall setout out tlio question which the witness reluscd to answer. There shall bo published qnirterly In the Dublin Gi/cttu a return show Ing the number of Inquiries held during the preced ing quarter , the hours during which such In- luirles have been held , the number of days occupied , the number of witnesses examined , the names of and sentences of persons com mitted for contempt , and the result If any of each Inquiry. bUMVIAHY JUIIISDICTIOV. Sections. Any person who shall commit the offense mentioned In sub section U of this section anywhere In Ireland , or sliall commit any of the follow Ing offenses in the proclaimed dlbtrlcts , may be prosecuted be fore a court of summary jurisdiction under this act : Any person who shall take part In any criminal conspuacy , now punishable by law , to compel or Induce any person or per sons to either not fulfill his or their legal ob ligations , or not let , hire , use or occupy any land , or not deal with , work tor , or biro any person or persons in the ordinary cours o of trade , business and occupation , or Interfcio with the administration of law ; any per son who shall unlawfully. with out local authority , use- violence or Int'mldatlon ' to or towards any person or persons with a view to cause any person or persons to do any act which such person or persons has or have the ! e'al right to abstain from doln > ; , or abstain from doing any act which such person or person * has or have a legal right to do , or towards any person or persons In consequence of his or their having done any act which ho or they had a lezal right to do , or If his or their having ab stained from doing any net which bo or they had a legal right to abstain from doing ; any person who bhall taicc part In any riot or un lawful assembly , or. within twelve months after thu execution of any writ of possession , of any house or land , shall unlawfully take or hold forcible possession of such lunibo or land , or any pan thereof , or shall assault or wilfully and unlawfully resist and obstruct any sheriff , constable , ballllf , process server or other minister of the law while In the ex ecution of his duty , or shall assault him in consequence of such execution , SPECIAL JUUV AND HEVIOVAI , OK TltlAI. Section 3. Where an Indictment for crime committed In a proclaimed district has been found against a defendant , or the defendant has been committed on trial for such crime , and the trial Is to bo by jury before a court In Ireland other than a court of quarter ses sions , the high court shall , on an application by or on behalf of tbo attorney general of Ireland or the defendant , make an order that the trial of the defendant or defendants , if more than one , shall bo by special jury. Section 4. Whereas , It Is expedient to and tlio law relating to the place of ttlal of offences committed in Ireland for securing moro fair and impartial trials , and for reliev ing jurors from danger to their lives , prop erty and business , be It enacted : Where an Indictment for a erimo committed In a pro claimed district has been found against the defendant or defendants and they have been committed to tilal for such crime , and the trial Is to bo at a couit of assize tor any county In the proclaimed district , or at a court of quarter sessions tor any county oi borough In the proclaimed district , the hlgli court , on application by or on behalf of the attorney general of Ireland , and upon tils certilicato that ho believes that a more tali and Impaitlal trial can bo had at the court ol assize in some county to bo named Ir the certilicato , shall make an onlei as of course that the trial shall bo had at the court of assize in the county named In tin certificate. The defendant or defendant ; if moro than one , may In n prescribed man ncr within a proscribed time , apply to UK high court to discharge or vary any such or der for cmoval of trial upon the ground thai tilal can bo more fairly and Impartially had In a county other than the countv named Ir the order of removal , and thereupon the hlgl court may order that the trial shall be had Ir any county in wnlch it shall be had In an ; county In which It shall appear that the tila can more fairly and Impartially bo had. PKOCIiAMATION OF DIST1UCT8. Section 5. The lord lieutenant,1 by am with the evidence of the privy counsel , may from tlmo to time , when It appears to him necessary for the pieventlon , detection am punishment of crlmo and outrage , by procla matlon declare the provision of the act which relate to proclaimed districts , or r\n > ot those provisions , to be in force withli any specified part of Ireland as from the dat < of the pioclamatlon , and the provisions o tills act which are mentioned In the procla matlon shall , after said date , bo In forci within such specified part ot Ireland , am that part ol Ireland shall bo a proclalmei district. When the meaning of the pie v islons so mentioned In any such proclama tlon shall bo deemed to have expired , If ai ; address bo presented to her nnjesti i by either house of parliament praying tha i such proclamation shall not continue li force , this section shall not apply to the pro visions of this act relating to dangerous as soclatlons. When any ot the provisions o i section 3 ot this act routing to'summar ; i jurisdiction are declared by proclamation t f bo In force in districts such provisions shal apply to offenses committed lu the dlstrlc i after the passlns of this act where bafdro o after the date ot proclamation when the prc t visions ot section 3 and section 4 of this nc relating to special juries or a changed plac of trial , are declared by proclamation to b In force lu districts , such provisions sba ! apply to crimes committed lu the district be fore or after passing this art 3 DANOKltOUS ASSOCIATIONS AND CIUMRS. ) Section 0. If tbo lord lieutenant Is satlsllc I that any association formed fur the commls slou of crimes , and Is carrying on operation tor or by tlio commission of crimes , or on courr.glng and aiding persons to comml s crimes , or promoting or Inciting acts of vl < s leuce or intimidation , or Interfering with th 9 administration of law or disturbing the matt 3 lenancoot law and order , exists in any pai o of Ireland , the lord lieutenant , by and wit itho advice of the privy council , may , froi II tlmo to time , by proclamation , declare to I o dangerous any such association orassoch r tlons named or described In such proi g lamation. Under the authority cou o terrcd on the lord lieutenant b i , his section in a district roK-rrlut to n special proclamation , copv of every special Is procl imatlon shall bo laid before each house of parliament within seven davs after the making thereof , If parliament Is then setting ; or If not , then anoiher seven day rafter the next meeting ot parliament. If , within n period of fourteen dajs after the special proclamation has been laid before parliament , and addicss presented to her majesty by either house of parliament pray ing that such special proclamation sliall not contlnun In force as to an association or associations named and described therein , such special proclamation shall bo deemed to have expired so far as the same relates to such association or associations. Whenever any special proclamation Is Issued under this act of parliament , then separate b > such adjourn ment or prorogation as will not expliowithin twenty day , such special proclamatlonsshall bo deemed to have explied at the end of a week from the date thereof unless during that week parliament sliall bo summoned to meet within twenty das from the date of the summons.Vhen a special proclamation ex pires or Is revoked , the powers confeiro l by tlio seventh section of this act shall for the time being cease to bo In force In respect to the association or associations as to which the special proclamation expired or has been revoked- and any order ot the lord lieutenant made under such spec ial proclamation shall also cease to bo in force. The expression "crlmo" in this sec tion means any felons or mis-demeanors , and any ollcnso punishable under this act. Section 7. From and after the date of such special proclamation , and as long as the same continues unrevoked or unexphed , the lord lieutenant In council may. from tlmo to time , by an order to bo published In the prescribed manner , prohibit or suppress In any district specified In the order , any association which ho believes to bo a dangerous association. From and after tlio date ot such order , and dining the continuance thereof , every assembly or meeting of such association or of the members ot It as such members In the specified district , shall bo unlawful. The assembly and association Itself shall bo an unlawful association , and every person callIng - Ing a meeting of such association In the specified district , or any members thereof as such membeis. knowingly taking part in such meeting , or publishing with a view to promoting the objects of such association any notice of the calling together of any biich meeting , or of the proceedings at such meeting , or contributing , receiving or soliciting In the specified dlstrist any contri butions for the purposes of such associations , or in any way taking part In the proceedings thereof in the speclhed district or of a branch or meeting ot It In such district , shall be guilty ot an offense and may be prosecuted befoio a court of summary jurisdiction under this act 1 this section the term "associa tion" includes any combination of persons , whether the s.imo bo known by any distinc tive name or not. The lord lieutenant In council may , from time to time , wholly or In part , make any order made under this sec tion. tion.Section Section 8. The peace preservation In Ire land act , ISM , as amended by the peace pro- sotvatlon In Ireland continuance act , ISbO , sball continue In force for live j ears from the passing of this act and until the end of the next session of parliament. A warrant under said act In the direction of a search for arms and ammunition In a house , build ing or other places In the proclaimed district as defined by that act shall bo valid In law , notwithstanding that those buildings or places to be searched are not specified therein fuither than as being the house , bulldin ? or place situated in a specified town , city or municipal ward. 1'IIOVISIONS AS TO SPECIAL JUIIY AND III ! MOVAI , OF rl'.IAL. Section 9. Where , uud r this act , trial Is had by a special jmy , f\io \ special jurors- shall bo taken by ballot in the manner provided by the nineteenth section of jurlspiudenco in Ireland , act of 1870 , from all the jurors in one panel returned by the sheriff fiom the special jurors' book. Section 10. If any order for removal ol trial of crime to any count ) * in England oi Ireland or the queen's bench division , the hUh court of justice In England or to the central criminal court has been made undei this act before an Indictment Is made , such crime may be Inquired of b > a grand jury and heard and deter mined In the county named In the order ot removal , or the queen's bench division , or the central criminal court , as the case may be , In like manner as If the crime had been committed In such county , or In county Middlesex , or within the central crim inal court district , as the case mav be : and if the order is made after an indictment li found , sucji crime may be heard and detei- mined as It the indictment had been found in the court to which the trial is removed In either case the defendant may be convicted and sentenced as If the crime had been com mitted In the county named In the order ol removal or in county Middlesex , or the central criminal court district , as the cast may bo ; but the sentence of the court shal bo carried into effect Is If he had been trlet In the county In winch It would have bcor tried If the order had not been made , and tin defendant shall , if necessary , be removei accordingly in purslianco of an order of tin court In which ho has been tried and madi for ( ho purpose. Counsel and solicitor : qualified to practice in the hlgl court of justice In Ireland , shal when engaged lu the prosecution or in tin defense of any person whoso trial has beet removed to any county In England , or thi owens bench divisions , or the central crlml nal couit , have the same richts and privilege In the court of assUes for such county , o the queen's bench division , or the centt.a criminal court as they would have had h court In which the trial would have takei placeIf the ordei of lemoval had not beei made. t PUNISHMENT I'nOCHDU UK DEFINITIONS i Section 11. A person prosecuted before : court of summary jurisdiction under this act shall bo liable on conviction to imprison ment without nard labor for a txrra not ex cccding six months , and shall have the sain ) right to appeal as ho would have under th 1 summary jutlsdlctlon acts In case of an ; t other summary conviction. If any pei son licensed under the acts relatln ; to Intoxicating liquors is convictei under this act. such conviction shall bo en tcred in the proper register of licenses ant 3 may bo directed to be recorded on the llcens I ot the offender in the same manner , an when recorded shall have the sumo effect a If the conviction were a conviction for ai offense against those acts. If the offense I prosecuted summarily under this act th same shall be prosecuted before a court c summary jurisdiction In the manner pro vlded by the petty sessions of Ireland , act o 1S51 , and not otherwise subject , nevertheless to the ptovlslons of this section. The urc cecdlnes for enforcing the appearance of person charged and the attendance of wl nesses for the prosecution shall bo the sam as if the offense were an indictable offens * Upon PA cry proceeding before n court c summitry jurisdiction for an offense undc this act , the evidence for tno prosecution an defense shall bo taken as depositions In th ' 'same manner as If tUc offense were an li dictabie offense , and bitch depositions shall I in evidence on any appca A court of summary jurisdiction sliall , within the police districts of Dublin metropolis , bo the divisional high court for that district and clsowhcro by two resident magistrates In petty session , one of wilom sliall be a person of the sufficiency of whoso legal knowledge the lord lieutenant sball be satisfied , and the expression , "resident magistrate , " means a magistrate appointed In pursuance of the act of the session of the sixth and seventh years ot the relgu of King William IV , chapter 13 , entitled an act to consolidate the law s relating to the constabulary force In Ireland. In a hearing detnmining at any quarter sessions an appeal under this acl , the court judge , hcalrman ol the quarter session" , or recorder shall sit and act as the solo judge , subject to the rules of the high court. Any jurisdiction vested be this act In sight courts , shall bo ex ercised by the queen's bench division , and may bo cxcrclsad by any judge thereof , Section 12. Asy order , notice or other doc ument of the lord lieutenant under this act may Do slcnlllcd under his hand or under the hand of the chief secretary to the lord lieutenant , K\ cry special proclamation under this act bhall prov Ule for the manner of proc lamation , and the notices of proclamation thereof In the manner piovlded , shall bo pub lished In the Dublin Oazette , the production of the printed copy In the Dublin CJazette purporting to bo printed and published by the queen's authority. The special procla mation , order or notice under this act shall bo conclusive evidence that such proclama tion Is a special proclamation. The order or notice and date thereof , and In case of proc lamation that tno district specified in such proclamation Is a proclaimed district , within the meeting of the provisions of this act men tioned in the proclamation , and In case of proclamation or special proclamation that such proclamation or special proclama tion has been duly promulgated , and In case an order that it has been duly made o copy of every proclamation not being a special proclamation shall be laid before each house of paillament within four teen daj s after the making thereof , If parlia ment is then setting , and If not , then four teen dais alter the next meeting of parlia ment. Section 13. The lord lieutenant , by and with the advice of the privy council , may fiom time to tlmo by a further proclamation or order revoke any proclamation or any special proclamation or any order under this act. A copy of each such further proclama tions shall bo laid before parliament within fourteen day , If parliament be then setting , and if not , within fourteen days after the next meeting of parliament. Section 14. There shall bo paid out of mono ) s provided by parliament such allow ances for otllcers and other DCISOIIH acting In pursuance of this act , and' such expenses In- cuired In reference to any court exercising jurisdiction under thlsict.andsuch expenses of persons , charged counsel and witnesses made pa ) able In pursuance of this aet as the lout llcutenant.wlth the approval of the com missioner of her majcstytetreasury.may fiom time to tlmo direct. Section 15. The lordJleutenant may from tlmo to time , with the advice of the privy council , make and when made revoke , add to and alter the rules in relation to the fol lowing matters In a ase where a special jury Is required or vUfere a trial Is removed to nny rounty in Upgland , Ireland , the queen's bench division High court of Justlco of England or tha iWtral criminal court : In relation to the atteJV * n ! < , h " ' * ) rl y and duty ot she/iffis Jailers , officers ancf persons , the 'removal and custody of prisoners , the' alteration of any writs , precepts indictments recognizances , proceedings and documents ; the transmission of iualctoients , reca 'nl/an- ces and documents ; Iho cxpcnseof witnesses and carrying thn sentence Into effect ; also In case where a bpecial jury is required ; the number of jurors so return on any panel , and In the case ot removal of trial to tno court of assuo for the county to England , Ireland or tha queen's bench division , high court jiibtico of England or the central crimi nal cour In London , in relation to duo pro visions mudo by the prescribed crown solici tor In the prescribed manner for an advance of money to defray tlio necessary costs of defense , so fai as that occasioned by remedial or trial , and for enabling the de fendant or defendants and witnesses rt quired for the defense to attend the trial : In relation to the forms for the purposes ot this act , and to any matter by this act directed oi prescribed , ana In' relation to any matter which appears to the lord lieutenant , by and with the advlco aforesaid , to bo necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of this act. And the new rules made pursuant tc this act shall judicially noticed bo of the same validity as It they were contained in this act Section 10. Any powers or jurisdiction conferred by this act on any court authority In relation to any trial , offense or matter , shall be deemed by in addition to , and not in derogation of any other powers and juris diction of any court or authority subslstinR at common law , or by act of parliament In relation to such trial , offense or matter ; pro vided no person shall be punished twice foi the same offense. Section 17. Save as provided by this ac tion the expiration or revocation of an ) proclamation , special proclamation or ordci shall not affect the validity of anything pre viously done thereunder. Section IS. Any agreement or combina tions which under the trade union acts o : 1S71 , Ib70 , or the conspiracy protection prop erty act of 1ST5 in legal , shall not , noi shall any act done in pursuance- any such agreement or combination , b < deemcd to bo offense against the piovlblon oi this act respecting conspliacy , Intimidation and dangerous associations. Section 11) ) . [ This section Is simply devotee to express definitions of ninny words ant phrases occurring in the act und not noces sarv to cnblej. BHOBT TTTMJ. Section CO. This act may bo cited as crlml nal law and procedure. Ireland , act 1SS7. NOT oAtiOEROUS. Prof. Vlrchow Tclki of the Crovvi I'rtnce's'Ihront. [ CopvrtoM ISSJby Jamu Qonlnn 7midt. ; BHU.IN , Juno 18. [ New' York Horali Cable Special to ttie BKK. ] No man couli desire a greater tribute to his scientific repu tatlon that Prof. Vlrchow recently obtained not only in Germany , but in England am America as well. Several very eminent mcd leal authorities were of the opinion that enl ; a very dangerous operation could save th crown prince trom UeaOi by cancer. Uefor using this operation the different specialist agreed to submit the case to Vlrchow's decis ion. Accordingly three small pieces wcr cut from the diseased portions of the throat each piece In a section not bigger than a pen It may fairly bo said that Germany held it breath while toe scientist looked through hi microscope at the minute portions of royaltj Fortho physiciansVirchovv wrote out tw pases of reasons why the grow th In th prince's throat was. harmless and not cancel ous In its nature. Do far as 1 know thes reasons are equally convincing to both th cancerlte and antlcanccrlto physicians. J3i the mass of Germans did not want to rea the report of the great authority on cancer ) They simply related , "Virthow says It I not a cancer , " than ran to cheer the crown prince , perfectly convinced of security. WHAT vtuciiovr JA\S. 1 said to 1'rof. Vlrchow that many Ger man's In America would like to be assured directly from him ot the prince's safety. Ho permits me therefore to say to ) our German readers that ho examined three pieces show- lug a section of diseased portion of the prince's throat. It proved to be a harmless vvartllku growth , with nothing cancerous about It and no suspicion of cancerous growth near It. Cancer could not result from such a growth nor was cancer specially likely to occur near It. 1'achy- ( tcimla Vcrrulas , ho thought , a good name for tlio growth. It grew as a waity mass just where the voice formed. If neglected It might Increase. Its llrst effect was on the voice , but It Imn no effect on the general health. Ho said ho hoped thu trouble had been entirely cured without dostioylng the voice forming muscles of thethioat , just as a similar growth was removed from Pastor Stoeckcr's the antl-semctie le.adci throat without harming his voice. Such a growth , Vlrchow said , could not lead to strangulation , and so far as the larjnx was concerned the crown prlnco might live 1,000 jears. Pri vately Vlrchow told mo a large number of persons suffer In the same way as the prince , many much more serious cabcs being known. END OF THE IIKIOIISTAG. The Kinperop Clone * the Session Jjdpslc Prisoners Sentenced. IBS'/by iVcit' Yiirk AfMtdtcd P c s.1 HKIIMN , Juno 18. The relchstag to-day av ing disposed of all tlio business remain- ng on the notice paper , Heir Van lloettlcher ead an Imperial message closing the session. The message expressed the irratef id apprc- latlon with which the emperor nxaided .ho labors and decisions of the relchstag , > vhereby the defense ot the umpire and Its inanclhl position acquired that strength and olldlty which were the primary conditions of _ oace , as they were also ot the empire's general development. When the reading iv as concluded the members separated with hreo cheers for ( lie emperor. A general re- lew of the legislation effected and the posl- Ion of the parties show the sticngth of the government , reposing on the support of the hreo leading groups In the relchstag , is greater than ever. It has been proved dur- nc the debates that the revenues arising rom the spirit and sugar duties will more han cover Increased army expenditures , the pirit tax alone Increasing the treasury re ceipts 1W,000,000 marks. Till ! I.KirSIC IMHBONKKS SENTENCED. In sentencing the Iittlpslcprisoncis to-day , ho president of the court referred to the ob- .ect of the patilotlc league as being plainly a rcconquest of AIsac-Lorralne by an armed orce. Involving a war of revenge ; therefore , persons becoming members shared tlio de signs of the league , and if German subjects , were guilty of hi h treason. In taking a nllder v low of the position of the accused , tlio prosecution desired to believe they wcro inawareof the significance of their acts. The mildness ot the sentences corresponded with the tone ot the imperial procurator throughout the trial. TIIK EVII'l KOll'S HEALTH. The Helchsanzelger says the progress of the emperor toward recovery Is slow but noticeable. The language ot the announce ment , though guarded , suggests that the time has come when the emperor must pass away forever from wtlyo public dutle * . llUnhy- .c foi bid another Indiscretion llkn his Kiel journey , and order that the emperer henceforward undertake no duty that will Involve any strain upon him or chance of ex posure. _ Remarkable Speed. [ Copi/r//M / ( IS97 bv Jamct Gordon Dennttt. ' } GLASGOW , Juno 17. FNew York Herald Cable Special to the BKE. | The tfollovvlng is an extract from the Glasgow Evening Citi zen : "A remarkable example of the facility with which communication may now bo had w 1th America was brought under our notice jcsterday afternoon. A Glasgow grain mer chant handed In a telczram at the ofilco of the Commercial company hero at 2:25o'clock , addressed to a tlrm In New York. 'Iho an- swei was received in Glasgow at 3:03 : o'clock. The answer was in cipher. It was wired to Liverpool , and thence cabled under the At lantic to the Wall street telegraph offlce.thcre It was written and sent by messenger some distance off. The receiver had to decipher II by means of a code , vvrlto the reply in ac cordance with the same code , and .sent il to Wall street when It was telegraphed tc Glasgow. All this was done and the answei obtained In Glasgow in the almost Incredibly short space ot forty-two minutes. One wonders whether thoMackay-Uonuett people do all their work In this fashion. If so , we have certainly something to learn from their in the matter of telegraphs in this country.1 The O'CAllnghan Kstntes. LONDON , Juno 18. The agent ot the O'- Catlahan estates at Hodi ke. which have beer the scene of the recent evictions , writes t < the 'limes , stutini : that almost all of the ten ants paid their rent icgularly until the Na tloual league Incited them to demand 30 pei cent reduction. Even then many tenant : paid their lull rents secretly and had theli receipts back dated prior to the league man date , and some went so far as to Implon that ejectments bo served on them , althougl they had paid all , In order to avoid tin leamm'd vengeance. "Tlio whole resist ance. " the nircnt says , "was duo to tlwac tlon of the tenants , f have not thu leas doubt I could have effected a peaceful settle ment but for the mischievous interference o outsiders. " Jlodyko TennntB Snntencod. DUIII.IN , Juno 18. Several tenants ar rested at Ilokyko.tfor resisting the otllron have been sent to prison at hard labor fo terms ranging from ono to three months After being sentenced they were taken ti Emits station under a heavy escort of i > olic < Crowds of svinpatlilzlng peoplecatherei and cheered them , and became so demonbtra tlvo that the police weio ordered to chari : nml disperse them. Mills they did with wII and piled their batons ho vigorously that sev eral of the people were Injured. The French Army Mill. PATHS , Juno 18. The chamber of depv ties has passed clause ono of the army bill It declares It tlio duty of every Fronchiuai to perform military service. Alter tlicpassage | of clause ono of the arm bill , the chamber proceeded to the consider ! tlon of clause two , which , alter a short tl ( bate , wi a adopted. The clause prov Ides th duration of military service to bo tvvent 3ears ; that the service Is to be personal am the same for every one. ChicagoHoodlcm Found Guilty. Ciiicvao , June 18. The jury in the case e the boodleis retired this morning , and thl afternoon returned their verdict of guilt ] fixing the penalty at three years In the pen tentlary , When Judge Shepherd resume his neat on the bench In response to the n < tlce that the jury had agreed upon a vordlc only a couple attorneys were present , th others not expecting a verdict so soon. Ver few people were In the court room. Whc the verdict was read the defendants seeiue for a moment stunned , but soon recovere their composure. A motion for a now trlr w a ; at once entered by the defense. Judt ; Shephcid said ho would hear arguments P some luturo time , and , notwithstanding th protests of the defendants' counsel , decline to admit eltlur McDonald or McGariulo t ball. The decision on this point fell wit crushing cfftct upon the defendants , the ! council and friends. The convicted me were taken to the county EVERYBODY CAN GRADUATE , How University Education Is Brought to the Doors of All. ENGLAND'SCOLLEG EXTENSION Will tlio UnltPtl States Adopttho Pro Plim A liettcr From Van Wjckon Widows' y ft College ( Jrndnnto. WASHINOTOV , Juno IS. ( Special to the BiiK.I Grunt attention has boon ulven hero recently , not only by tliii scholars who report nn educational development In every put of the woild for tie ! government's educational bureau , but by thu bolter Informed class of public men and all students of social prob lems and i opular education to tlio system of "university extension" In England. The question Is asked whether or not this does not contain a bint whereby educational work In the United States may bo lurtlieied In an unprecedented way not at the public ex- but by public spirit at the c\pcnso if the pupils'.1 This novel tuo\cment called "unherslty \tunslon" has been In prozress In England i > r moio than ten jears , and theie Is now no .uestton as to Its popularity or success. Tlio Unlveislty ot Cambridge lias supplied lee- irers for 003 "extension" courses , which , a\o reached 00,000 heaiers , moro than oue- alf of whom have shown themselves to bo arnest students bv n'.tendliu class exercises n addition to tlio lectuios. Not Cambridge lone , but the University of Oxford , Owens ollege , at Manchester , and the local colleges .tLlvcipool , Leeds , Birmingham , Hrlstol , ilieHleld , Nottingham , Cardiff and Hanger re all engaged In this democratic educ.a- ional mission. Tlio Idea Is talcing Hold of : oiiBcr\ativo Scotland and It has alieady been ut In practice by tlio universities of Aus- .ralla. Sooner or later the movement must weep America , for It Is essentially demo- ratlc. To a practical mind the most Interesting 'eaturo of this movement is Its economic jharactcr. It Is not altogether n missionary uovemcnt or an educational ciusadc. It has .ts business sido. It In primarily a case of -lemaml and supply , llepresontatlvesof labor and capital In England Im\o awakened to the lact that universities aio In possession ot a useful commodity called solid higher educa tion. Men beMn to realize that a coodKnowl- sdge of English liistory , political economy , nodal science , literature , and the aits makes or the general improvement of society and .ho development ot a better state ot icollng among Its members. The present demand is not for common schools , these exist alieady. The cry Is higher education for adult voters and persons past the school ago too busily enca ed perhaps In othei pursuits to permit of much continuous study , and vet able to glvobomo of their tlmo to intellectual im provement. Giaspin the situation and Its possibilities , public spirited individuals bavo formed edu cational societies or associations In towns and parishes. They have afliliatcd with ex isting local Institutions jof an educational or social charactei , such as local colleges , Insti tutes , literary and philosophical societies , church institutes , mechanics' institutes , night schools , etc , ; they liavo appointed active secretaries with subcommittees rcpin- sentlngthe ladles , young people who sell tickets , teachers , artisans ; without sectarian or political entanglements they have united the test forces of .the community , with the mayor ot ttomo public officer at the head ; thev have tnRen suDscrlptlon shares of live dollars , some persons tvklng several shares , others clubbing together tor one share , tint nil havlntt representat'on In the society. Upon such a hound ecoiiomicil basis thcso educational associations have undo their do- mauds upon the universities lot local In struction by lectures In systematic courses , costing from tlueo to five bhillliigs tor a course ticket. The universities meet this demand by a supply of well trained , enthusiastic young lecturers who.for a reasonable compensation , arc willing to give public courses In tnc towns anddlstiicts of England. The Cam bridge men no out from their comfortable Quarters to Icctuio to tlio people for n v aricty of considerations , good will , ambition for distinction , nubile splilt , scientific propa ganda and a tee ofJ5 toi a lecture once a week for twelve weeks. They agico also to conduct a class each week for review or dis cussion of the picvlous lectuie , and to correct voluntary exercises written at the student's own homo upon sot questions requiring private reading. This Involves laborious , painstaking work on the part ot both lecturer and student. The university aupolutb an examiner upon the term's work as maikcd out in the kcturer's printed syllabus of topics which , by reason of Its caieful analysls.sives much labor In note taking. Tlio examination leo Is ten dollars. Two sorts of certificates are given , "piss" and "with distinction. ' Theiu Is no fin ( her gradation of rank unless the local nuthoiities oiler piizes. A term's work of twelve lectures and twelve class exercises is tlio unit of the Unl- veislty Extension svstem. It costs altogether about fc-U5 , including the lecturers fee , advertising and other Incidentals. Kntei- prising towns and district unions quickly multiply their courses until they have a regular curriculum extending through three v ears , In various groups , such as (1) ( ) litera ture and history ; ( - ) natural science ; (3) ( ) the line arts. The courses in English history and political economy are very attractive. J'er sons who follow a tlueo v ears' course In one of the above groups , embracing six courses of twelve weeks each , and two courses In one other group besides the choswn specialty aio allowed to be enrolled "Mudcnfc Affiliated to the University , " provided thcv will pass an examination in the elements ol the hUhcr mathematics , in Intin and in OIK other foreign language. iStich persons ma ) counttheli threocats of university e\ten slon htudv as the equivalent of onejeai's residence at the university and may complete there the course foi the bathelo.'s degren Ir two jcars. \\IUuiutlouoilng icademU standaids , English universities ariiextemliii ! . theli privileges to the English pcoph This policy lias led to the establishment oi student assnclat ons throughout the land am' ' to the most liuarty support ot thn higher cdu cation and ot educational institutions by tin working men. The English universities an ( loins moro than anv other ono lorco ii England tow aid breaking down the antag onism between the rich and ttia poor. Ar noldTo ) nbeo , a miil > r to his cause , OIK ! other Oxford graduates have cairled thl' ' of education into the heirt of jCas fospel .ondon , where Toj nheo hall , with itslectun courses , class rooms and Industrial training was tlio foreiunncr of tlo People's palaci recently oponeil by the queen ot England A socletv fur the oxUnslon ot unlversltj training hns boon formed In London and I associated with the universities of London Oxford and Cambridge. lie'Ui's Toynbei hall , at Wliltechapcl , East London , tills so duty 1ms thirty or more local rcntcra of edu rational operations In and about London Each center has Its own secretary , orgaui/a- tlon and economv. If the localMilxcription and sale of tickets rue not adequnlo to nice expenses thn central society aids largely li meeting tliedoliclt. It is worth noting tha thosalo of tickets olten pavs liultof allcosts University extension In England will In crease its noble work with Increasing own.1 and success. Its advantages are too great t bo abandoned. First , It is rovolutlonlzln popular lectures Instead of Uio old attain n Ivceum courses wnlch was notliiii , ' but cheap variety show tor an evening's cntci talnmcnt. 'J'hero Is now real Instructloi with continuity ot interest and spcciall/atloi upon a particular subject until the uudlcnr knows fiometning about It. Second , 1111 ! verslty extension brings the hMhor wlnca tlon Into provincial towns without the nece ssity of their rwlowlnir collo/es or multlplj liu universities. Foi a few hundred dollai each joar every largo town and ulstrlcl union In KiulruHl can have thu uuhcrsit system brought to Its very doors. 'Ihire this system strengthen" all local appllcnce for education , whether schools , collides , IE stltutes , libraries , mtis'ums , art gallulesn JiU'iiTy societies. It combines with every thing and Interferes with nothinir. It is thought by not a few Iwlei * tu Amu lean educational work that some such plan as this may at omo tlmo supplant the de cayed or decaying Ice turn business In tlio United Stales. Instead of rich men found ing now eolhyes educational donations may IH > undo for the bringing of thu best fea tures of the best existing colleges to any town or village In thn union , Thu bearing of such work on the labor problem , when every energetic mechanic ma ) become n col * lego graduxte , Is obvious. A rimrnotcrlHtlo Iifttor. WASIIISOION , Juno is * . [ Special to the ItiiE.I Tlio following tettoi needs no explanation : To the Honorable Seciotarv of the Interior or Uoird ol Appeils : As to thu question ) when a widow's ptiusion should commence , allow me onu suggestion. Thu practice ot the department has been that tlio pension commences liom the d itn of lillng her appli cation. 'I lu re nr\v bo soiiui reason for tnal ruling , where the husbind never obtained a I elision In his lifetime , und thu allowance ot 'ho pension was alone on thn widow's oppll- atlun. Hut when the pension was allowed ,11(1 commenced in the lifetime of tlit ! iiisbind , piMiiont to tlio widow ot minor chllihcn was only a continuation ot ho sinie pension , and there Is no reason r Justlco why the pension should cease ta , ct 01 piynient be reluscd lu'causo thu widow ir children neglected to nnku lounnl nppll- itlon. I'ho faith of the government la .ilcdccd to the soldier that If lie- dies from tha .Usabilities contiaeted In or Incident to the icrvIce , his widow and minor children shall HI piovlded for , and that filth should not bo .irnlcen , even If , thiougli ignorance or neg- ect , formal application Is not at once made. It Is alleged this construction miy tnko mill- onsoutot the tuusury. 'I his has been tha .terrotj ped argument aealnst ( lie allow uica 1 payment ot pensions. It can Imvo no forca v hen the Ingenuity ot statesmen lb excrciscil 0 derlvo some plan to take money from he treasun ; whether to piy a bonus on uigar ; to squander millions on ihuit and mateilals for guns ; inllllona .or . a rate ot spied In war sliljm , which they know can never be obtained ; millions for Iredglng livers and harbors ; jet , when the ipicstlons ot pensions Is raised , either In jongiessor the departments , a certain clasi become veiy economic and full of political iilillosonhy. That economy Is wisest which , s based on justice. Even an ertorof jude- ucnt will be forgiven by tlio people , If It .can . to the side of equity , but 1 submit that 1 fair legal construction will continue tha pension from tlio date of the husband's de cease , whcio death was liom the cause foi which the pension was given. Very iospect 'ully , c. 11. VAN Wvcic. Counting thn Cnnli. WASHING rex , Juno 18. [ Special Tel * gram to thollin : . ] The work of countlns ho cash In the Uulfd States treasury Is na Iglitjob. For the last two weeks in tha llinly lighted silver vault under the treasury ilepaitment a force of eighteen men has been , atwork _ In rcl.iv s counting the silver storetl tlicro. Fourteen ot these men are laborers , nnst of them colored men , while the othca four aio counters. Althoiuh the walk 13 [ irogresslng at the rate of SJ,000,000 a day , err r > , ino a minute , It Is not expected that It will bo completed for four weeks. The money is n bazs containing Sl.uo.l and weigh- ' ng COO pounds each. Each laborer - * borer handles i00 ! pounds of sllvci very minute , so that It may readily bo i ned tint they require frequent lest. They woik In reUjs. Tlircu of the men rcmova the bags fiom ono of thu numerous comparU nients Into which the Immunso vault U di vided , another puts them on tlio scales , and three others stack them up evenly in a compartment - partment opposite. Onu of the countois keeps tally and the other watches the fc ties. If there Is foi-nd one bag which Is lluhtrr oc heav tei than jt should be It Is taken to the counters who are resting off duty , and the/ count the silver , dollar by dollar. So fnc everything has been found perfectly correct and every bag contained ' the right uuai-v tor t > f dollar.In thl ' - vauTl there Is stored SoS.flOO.CC..1 ! a g'lv ' t-or 1.80CW tons. It may not bo generally known tha * the vault now In use Is the largest In the , world. But the vault 'that Is in course ot construction , and upon which work is pro-1 pressing satisfactory , will bo twice as target as the present one. it is being dug out ot the ground In the north court yard of the do-1 piirtincnt and will hold , when completed/ 8100.003.000. It willbecntlielv underground and will be surrounded on each side and ou1 the roof bv a wall of brick , cement and aa plialt , four feet thick. McMlcliacl Assumes Hln Ontles. WASHINGTON , Juno 18. [ Special 'folo > gram to the Uir-W. : : ] H. McMlclmel , the new clerk ot the senate committee on pilnt- * " I lie , arrived in the city last night and 03. sumed his duties to-day. It has been dlscov- eiod that Major Pooro removed a great deal of material belonging to the committee to his house at Indian Hill , Mass. It W.T.S his In tention to do a great deal of work at his tarm during the summer. None other ex cept members of tlio committee know any thing about the papers in the custody ol Major 1'oorii's family , and lor this reason Senator Mandci ton htartcd this afternoon lor Hoston tobccuro data which beloncs tu tlio committee. Ho will bo back again by the end of tno month. In the meantime ho has wired Congressman Mcbhano to come on at once to look out tor matters connected with the bridge. The secretary of war has as yet done noth ing toward settling the question of location. Ho has been absent a greater part of the sum mer , but Senator Mandeison think * ho will' decide the question as soon as ho gets down to work. After his return the senator Is conlidcnt ho will finally succeed In securing an order fiom the war department for participation oC the regular troops In the soldiers'reunion In September. Ho says that those from Fort Omaha and Sidney and the light battery from Fort Le.avenvvoith will , In all pioba- blllty , bo directed to take part in the reunion. Military Manor * . WASHINGTON , Juno 18 [ Special Tele gram to the Uii : : . | Fust lieutenant A. C. Sharp , Twenty-second Infantry , and First Lieutenant A. I * . lilackson , Sixth cavalry , have been ordered to Inspect the national guard of Ohio during thu national ment In July and August next. Lieutenant i ; . S. lienton , Third ft any or | has been ordered to Inspect the urtille. ' Iment of tlio saute organi/atlon a vv.aie , O. ttllon Second Lieutenant John T. Knlgl cavalry , has been dotillod as prof military tactics at the Virginia A i. . . . . and Mechanical college at UlaclcsuiiVi" , ! L"1 September 1. Implulnu First Lieutenant J. A. Irons , Titiivoru Infantry , lias been detailed HS an ij , forpnr- at the Fort Lcavenworth military sriouth 6tU licvliit : First Lieutenant Arthur \L , . Thlid Intantry , who has been ordere Clcrlf his station. * --i - . Major S. S. Stunner , Klchth cavalry , Imv been ordered to duty as actlnir Inspector gen eral ot thu Department of Columbia , vice Lieutenant Colonel H. M. La/i'lie. Leave of absence tor thice months h s been L'lanted Second Lieutenant It. J. Duff , KUhth cavalry , and the IP.IVO granted As sistant Suiircon Charles llichaid has been extended two months , Itausniu to Suucocil Ijninar. WASHINGTON. Juno IS. [ Special Tola- cram to tlio UKK.I Senator Jlansora , ol North Carolina , when asked today If there was any truth in the published report that ho had been tendered tlio position of secretary of the Interior , It having been decided to plate Secretaiy Lamar ujmn the United fctntrs ciipremo bench , replied : "There Is not n shadow Ot 'OuuuV'O'i ' tor the report. No word nor any soil of insinuation ! iHt iia sd ( between the president and mjselt or ll between fjccietary Lanur and mvsolt or any IJ member of fie aduilnlstrailon , directly or InJJ dhecilv , in refeienco to thut matter. My visits this v.cnk to tlio president and to Sec' rpIaryLimarhavp been solely and exi-lu. slv el v upon iNorth Carolina matters. " Not- wlti.stindln/ / statement It It currnntly believed hero that .Senator Hansom will ml ct-i a La'iiar as i-ccretury of the iutciior. 0'XnHI'K Coiivlollrin Connrmc < l. NKW YOJIK , .iimo 18.-Tho general term o < ihf biipiomc court to-day alHrmnl the con. vHlon of John ( ) 'N..ill.iioot . the aUirmuii , who Is in Sln bliif ,