Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    tHE ? OUT ATT A DAILY BEE ? SATURDAY , .TUNE 18. 1887.
Advertisements ittiilor this head , 10 cents po
Ino for the Ilrst Insertion , T cents lor each subsequent -
sequent Insertion , ami Sl.Wn line per month.
Nondvcrtl'oment taken for loss tnan 25 cents
for the first Insertion. Seven words wll Jbo
counted to the line ! they must run conseou
tlvdy and mint bo imld In advance. All adver-
tteutnontH iiui-l lie handed In before 1 : HO o'clock
/ , P. in. , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or dlscontlniird by tnlophonc.
I'm Mas advertising In tlmfc columns find hav-
Inr the answers oddrc scii In euro of TIIK Ilr.R
I trill rilcimoiuk for n check to enable them to got
their nomi will bo delivered except
on | ire ontntlon of check. All answers to udvor-
tl enients should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In tlicio columns are pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
'Jho lire , the circulation of which
segregates more than 14,000 papers
elnlly. and glrc * thn advertl er the
Tienunt , not only of the city circulation of The
Drr. but nl o of Council RluiTs , Lincoln , and
nthcr cities and towns throughout this pnrt of
the west.
ONEY to loan , no commission. Cole , HI8 S
15th. Wl
MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop
erty In sums of T 1.000 to 15,000 nt six per
cult Interest. Kholes.V C'rinnb. C28
MONEY" LOAN Cm city propcrtyln
sums of J500 nnd upwards nt lowest rates.
Money nlways on hand. 8. 8. Campbell , 310
South Sixteenth street. 822
600,000 to loan nt 0 pur cant , Harris & Samp-
fM eon , 1510 1'ouglns st 007
M ONEY TO LOAN-O , F. Davis Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1605 Farnam st
f/H (
< 1500,000 ; To loan on Omaha city property atfl
P percent. O. W. Days. e. cor. Ex. Hid.
MONEY TO LOAN-On city and farm prop-
. crty , low intcs. Stewart & Co. , Room 3
' * Iron bank.
MONEY to loan , cash on nnnd.nn delay.
J. W. nnd I1Ij. . Bqulro , 1413 Furnum st ,
rnxton hotel bulldlnir. 610
MONEY TO f.OAN on improved real pstuto ;
no cotnnilsslon charged. Leavitt llnrn-
ham , Iloom 1 ( 'rolirhlon Illock. 512
61'Eli CKNT-Monny to loan.
( IrcKory & Hadler ,
) looms 1 and 0 , HuUiuk block , 3 1 S. 15th fit
MON13Y loaned on rosldonco propel ty. I'lrst
nnd second mortKagcs bought. K. H. How *
ley , 311 South 15th street. Cij26 )
f O LOAN Money Loans placed on im-
JL proved real estate In city or county for
New England Loan St. Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bnnk. Ifilh ami Chicago sis. SI4
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
8 per cent. Money on hand : do not have
to wait. Have a complete set of abstract books
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson. Abstractor ,
Harris Real Estate and Loan Co. , ICO 8.1Mb st.
Til ONKY TO LOAN by the nnderslirned , who
A'l has the only properly organl/ud loan
ngenoy InOmuha. LORDS of 110 to | 100 made
on lurnlturo , pianos , organs , bonus , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No dclnys.
All buslno's strictly confidential. Loans so
Bndo that any part can bo paid at any Imo.each
payment reducing the cost pro rnta Advances
made on line wntohes and diamonds. 1'crsons
ihould carefully consider who they arc donllnir
with , as many now conenrns are dally comlnir
Into exlstonco. Should you need money call
ml lee inn. \ \ . II , Croft , Hoora i WUhnoll
Building 15th and Harntiy. 610
'nillK OMAHA Financial Kxclmngo.
JN. . W. corner of Harnoy and J5th sts. ,
over Btato National bank.
is prepared to make short time loans on any
available security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or real
Loud time loonsmndoon Improved real cstato
at current rnlcs.
1'urchnso money mortgages negotiated.
Hccured tiotci bought , sold or exchanged.
Short time lonns maiio on second mortgago.
ecrordlng to marginal Interest , nt collateral
Itcni citato to exchange for good Interest
Scaring paper.
( lenornl financial business of all kinds trans
acted promptly , uulctly and falny.
Jfoney always on hand for approved loans of
nil } ' kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbett. Manager. D17
$ ; ' 750 000 TO LOAN nt n per coot. Llnahan
Mahoney , 1509 Farnam. MS
M ONEY LOANEDnt C. K Heed * Co.'s Loan
< OOloo , on furniture , pianos , borses.wagons ,
* personal property of all kinds , and nil other nr-
tlcles of value , without removal 319 S. 13th.
over Ilingham's CommUslon store. All busl-
nem itrlctlr confidontlul. 519
6 PKR CENT Money.
U. 0. Patterson. 15th atd Bnrner. 620
ANTED-Oontlctnun wishing an honest
* businessprofits (8 to fli every dny ;
only fldOrequired ; will exchange for stock or
trade. Two bent banks of Omaha given as ref
erences. Cell or write to Olllco No. 1 , ll North
Sixteenth street , Omaha , Neb. 4.19
TOR BALE-Flrst-elass restaurant , good location -
* cation , 60 regular boarders and good tran
sient trade , 28 months' standing lease. Address -
dress B04 lloo office. M' ) 18
THOR SALE A new , clean stock of groceries
JL' on easy terms , also household furniture In
excellent condition , horse and phaeton for
2.10. For fuller particulars Inqulio of Roccrd
Advertising Co. , 1513 Fornam St. 841 17
USINES3 Ohances-if you want to buy or
soil any business , olty or country , write
or see mo. J. B. Johnson , 316 S 16tb , room 4.
89S 21 *
FOH EXCHANGE-lf you have elty property
for farms or farms , merchandise , grocery
Ptoros to exchange call at my oflloo. J. 8.
Johnson , BIB H Uth , room 4. - aim 31 *
OR 8ALE-Tho best bargain Grocery store
centrally located on paved stroot. Old es
tablished trade. Cull on Foarau , Cole ft ROD-
rtson.8108.15th st. 261
OR SALE-IlrJf Interest In n good paying
drug store , wUi | tlrst-Clnsg doctor. Price
800. For particulars and terms address S 50 ,
this ofllco. itOi-18 *
1011 BALE-Or trade for real estate , t2.0
JL stock of Jewelry. Harris & Sampson. 15K
Douglas st 24Q IB
rOR BALE I'rofltablo notion store , 60S S lOtti
street , between Howard and Jackson.
825 1S
F I OR BALK Oakery and Ice cream parlor.
Address lint. IL Auer , Osecola , Neb.
801 21 *
_ _
BTOCK-t'lonn nnd fresh for sale.
. ' * Williamson. UpsUlra.HOl Douj
FOR SALE A boarding house and furniture ,
dolnsr KocHl bUFlnots , 40 boardori , rood
ronson for eolllnfr. Call at Currlo & vellum
15th and Caoitol ave , Kzpoilton llulldlnif. ar.
KltaONAb-Wlll Mrs. Mnry Jane Crral
come to the St 1 - > ioph Hospital. Ilcrhus
taod In there. _ 834 17J
PKltSONAI.-Nout and tasty all-wool buslnosi
lillti S7. Flno blue diagonal drss lulls
S10.T5. Call and ice them or writu for sampler
1 It. O. Jonei & Co. ' , American Clothiers. I'M
Farnnin et , Oinnlia , Ou3j3)
PURSONA/j-If you want a desirable , can
t rally located ollico you can find It at 3H
B 15th st. 878
KRSON'AL-Frlvato home for Indies durliu
ronflncment , strictly confidential , Infant'
, -loptrd. address 1 ! 42. lice onlco.
PURSONAL-Mr * . Pr Mannl * T. Warrer
clairvoyant. Medical aDd biulneti Medium
Jtoom No. 8 , 121 North ICth ft .Omnha , Neb.
LOST Bonn horse , S white hind feet , 1
yeoJs , scar on near fore foot. Return ti
i1) . Anderson's livery barn und receive re
vmrd. _ UJ3 1CJ
OR BTOI.EN-Ilrown horse 1
bands high , weighs M.V ) , heavy manu nni
tall , withltirfo Bear on Imclof rlirht Hind fool
25 reward for bis return \Vebitcr barn , " 7tl
nnd Lcavcmvorth. SJI 18
LOST On Klahlcetud , Sherman ave or Uruc
ft. , "Specifications. " 1'Icnso return t
ItttVi North Jflth st. or 1' . J. Crecdon , archttooi
opera houso. H , T. Murphy , contractor an
builder. 31 *
IOOK horo-Wohavo fine south front lo
J 60jl27 only S blooki from Bmindors st. oar
or f I.U > 0. also 79x133 south front near Kouuti
{ 'luce fi.OCKX K Uarrctt \ Co. , 3UVi 8. ,1Mb.
UiH rJ
T" OST Dundlocontalnlnirblnck cashmere no <
4-J dress not ilnUhrd : between -"sth nnd Lak
knd Uth and \Vcbst r. I'lcuo return to Tot ) N
and rocolve reward. 3 18
AKEN UP-8orrell niarerjTricy.
tary road , lit bouso welt or Tictz iuloou ,
TAKEN t'l'-Onb dark bay or brown tmilo II
hands hlirli , wohrht about. 00) ) Ibs. Owner
can have same by proving property und iiaylnir
expenses at Uoman & Jerry's livery stable , 41J
B Uth.
T(1IRST-CLA5S ( titorngo at 110 N 13th ft
loilAdK First cla s storage for nice furni-
turc And boxed poods , rcntuson I'unil-
ttirp Uou 71JV71 7-731 North 16th street. 176
STOHAOK Klrct-cluss stbrnee for nice tur-
nlturo or boxed iroods , at 1513 DodRi-it.
Mild. DURANT-Clarlvoyantfrom Iloston.n
lellablo In all olTalri of life , unites separated
lovers. OSS N. ICth U room B 591 J''SI
rplIK lllne Line Tans Co. , have moved their
JL nlllco f roni the Kennard Qlass ami 1'nlnt Co ,
to inifl DodKO , Orders for ( liisolmo nnd Coal
Oil promptly tilled. Telephone 7U5. Ward 4-
MeUoitRul. \W \ 19
EMl'LOVMENT , Rental and Collection
Agency If you want work , or to employ
help , or have houses to rent , or accounts to
collect , call on M. Mayiiard , 317 South 11th St. ,
Omaha. 30IJ25
FO It UUNt-Square Piano U montdlr. A
Hospo.lMa Douitins. 521
ROOMS If any ono has rooms to rent wo can
furnish parties ready to take thorn.
Record Advertising Co. , 15111 I'limnm. 1)11 ) 17
fllO parties having houses tor rent , Itentnl
J. Agency , Ilenawu & Cn. , Ijst. , opposite post-
olllco , Wo have turned over to them our rental
list. We recommend thorn , McCajjuo llros.
TTIOlt KKNT Orcans. IS per montb. llorpo ,
JL1 1113 UouirlM. 511
al. -Houso furnishing goods , ull kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prides at J ,
'onnor , 1U15 Douglas st. K.1
Foil KENT Square riano , ( t montnlr. A
Homo. 1513 524
JF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. 1 onruson's , 715 N Ifith. K3
FOR SAM : Ono 30 nt. Peaman Ice cream
mnohlno. W. S. Bufduff , 10th and Capitol
vo. a 7 2UJ
SAl.i : Thu furniture tlxtures. silver ,
etc , , of n restaurant. Address S M. Hoc
fllco. ! MO ISj
FORSAI.F.-Oood borso nml wagon cheap ,
1020 north 16th st J. Milllor. U.V > 18
SALE Small milk dairy , wneon , etc.
Address S 62 , lice. 1)29 ) 20J
IpOR SALE Cheap , a now cahffranh , novnr
1 iteod. Apply to Western Newspaper
Union , Oil 8 I2thstr 291 111
1 ; < OR PALK Half docn new National cabinet -
. ' not letter Bles , dlfforont sizes , will no t > old
it a reauctlon from regular pi Ices , call and
: eo thorn at the Westurn Newspaper Union. 511
512th st -"Jl 2d
SAM : Cheap , or trndo on lot , a young
liorso , bupffy and hurucss. V. Frootn , 11)16 )
Oracost. 41 ! ) I7J
TTCK SALE-Parrot , good talker. 62.1 S Uth
-K st va i
FOR BALE 10 head flno young carriage
hoi BOS , cor. 17th and Vlnton , DodKo &
JjOR SALE 1'alr of bay carriage horsoa ,
I1 Bound nnd reliable. Owner leaving city.
Enquire room 4second floor , ! ' 2J I'timum ,
256 171
FOR SALE-At n bargain , n nlco family
horso. Apply at tlio ollico of Geo. N.
Ucks , 215 S. 15th street. 2.H-18.
FOR SALE 2 city currlaeoi , ono heavy pint-
form spring wagon. A , Meyer , ! . ' 211 Cum-
ng st. 801 17J
NICE light double harness for sale , or will
exchange- good single harness. ( Jeo.
f. Hick" , 215 S. 15th streot. 25lS
FOR SALE Fine large horse , C years old ,
faultless , suitable two seated family car-
Call nt U70 Division st. 211 18J
F IOH SALE-b'ocond hand bugiry nnd harness
call at : Ufl N 15th at. 401 IS *
lt SALE Span nno matched bay driving
horses. C. F. Harrison , 418 8 15th st.
FOR SALE Furniture and lease of six rooms
In flat , 507 S. 13th St. Room No. 3. 3b2jyl5
IT1OR8ALK One six-foot upright blacK wnl-
L' nut show case , Milton Rogers & Son. 009
TOR SALE-4,000,000 Hard BrlcK. T. Murray.
V 746
F OR SALE-8 milch cows. B A Marsh , 804
N 16tb. 65
JJlOUSALE-Brlck. T. Murray.
W ANTED-Boy in Uoo mall room. Inquire
0 to 11 a , in. 444 IBj
\\T ANTED- first-class carpenters for
TT brldiro framing. Wages 13 and $150 per
day. Albright's Labor Agency 1120 Farnam.
WANTED Muslolnn.ono who can slug at
tractive airs and play accompaniment
on banjo , guitar or inulodlan , address Doctor
It A. , 2312 Michigan avo. 40J 10J
WANTKD-SO laborers ; apply 4 miles west
of Fort Omaha on Omaha extension
Chicago A Northwestern railroad. C. P. Treat ,
Contractor. 883 17J
W ANTED -10 first-class hard wood finishers.
Cor. l th and Davenport st. 879 17 *
\\fANTED Stonecutters. Apply to W. H.
T > Tyler , Lincoln. Nob. 835Jyl5J
WANTED First-class lightning rod snips-
man. None other need apply. Btato how
much you can sell and wbnt wages you want.
Ulrect 810 N. 16tb st , Omaha , Nob. 837 19j
IV ANT.ED-.Two men cooks for city , 150 and
T $ ti.vper month. Apply Omaha Employ
ment llurcau , 110 N. 10th et. , ' 830 17
"l\r ANTED A good baibor. Call on or ad-
TT dress JudClark , Falrbury , Nob. Steady
work. 83017J
YVANTED--Men and teams to work on grade
TT of C. , K. AN. Ry. ( Hook Island ) In Re
publican county , Kansas , feed cheap , plenty of
good work to sublet.- Apply toBothuno &
Cranoy Bros. , Belleville , Kan. 412 22J
\JI7ANTED-Pross feeders on Job pretses ,
TT Sylvester's Job OUlce , Hi S. ISthst. 4117
WANTED-Offlc * boy. G. K Mayne Real
Estate A Trust Co. , N. W. cor 15th and
Harnoy. 431 13
W ANTED Railroad laborers for Colorado.
Albright's Labor Avoncy , 1120 Farnutu.
\\7ANTED-A man who understands employ-
' ' inent ngeuoy business. Address T . llco
Offlco. - 42118
WANTED-Darbcr , 1116 Farnam st.
415 17J
\\7ANTKD Exporlcncod coat maker , steady
employment , good wages. Address T. 4
lice olllco. 890 19
V\7ANTni-rorthoUnon ! iMclno H. R. and
i ' Its northern branches a good tea and
cigar salesman ; to the right party bhr Induce
ments offered. Address Howard & Miller , St
Joseph , Mo. 3d 19j
" \\7"ANTKD Intelligent ; reliable , onergptlo
> men us sneciul nirenta. W , F. Allun ,
General Agent Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany of Nuw Vorlc , No , 215 South 13th street.
" \\7ANTEO-Vounjr men to go to Iowa , Must
IT bo men ot education and business ability.
J. M. 1'ranch A ; Co , , room IU , Dushmun block.
17ANTED A bread baker at 523 Main street ,
> Council llluffs , la. 819 1HJ
RANTED 10 first-class hard wood finishers ,
Cor. 19th and Davenport sts. 376 17 *
"WANTED 10 flrst-clats bard wood tlnlshers ,
Cor. l'.Uh and Davenport Rts. 376 IT
\VANTEI-Mon for railroad work.Albrlght'i
_ * Labor agency , 112U Farnam st Uia
\\TANl'EO Csrpenlors. Inquire new church
T > 2Cih und Lcavonworth , SL T. Murphy. Clf
irANTED First-class wood turner. Jas
> Richards It Cotorlnh and lloson sts ,
$100 paid per month to men to sell our goods
D.V. . McLano & Co. , Uurllnjtton , Iowa.
69(1 JyS
X y ANTED-0 Irl at 1413 Chicago , . 37117
TVTANTED Atone * , S good dressmakers ai
> > tm North 15th st. 8i > 8 17J
IVANTED-Experleocod dining room girl
2210 Cumlngtt. 418 19
"tlTANTED A good girl for general houjo
> > work. In < julr 4i4)813thsu ) 410
, * 3tv. -.t.Nitilll w i" " * - * * -
WANTED-A nurse girl. Apply to Mrs !
I'nrico at Windsor hotel. 82 < 1 17
Tir ANTEO--A nurse girl , 915 1'ark avo.
"WANTED Young girl to nuln with houe-
TT work and take care of baby. Apply nt
once , 1KW N. ISthst. 4' " . ' 13J
\VANlED-Dlnlng room girl nt Occidental
ti Immediately. " 53
TyANTED-Oood girl at 1707 Cass st.
ANTED-Smart girl , 18 years old , Can-
fleld Mfg. Co. , lio6 Douglas St.,3d door.
WAJSTED-A good cook and dining loom
fltl at tbo Carey house , 1102 Davenport
St. , northwest cor. 357 21
\\ANTED-Glrl forgeneral hou ownric. Ono
i > that can go homo nights. 1123 Harney ft.
80J-17 *
WANTED Girl for general housework. 2002
California st. 31117
WAXTll-lBllwnl : ) > llor'Brl'Soutnernlinto1' |
ii cor. Utli and Luiivcnwoilli. 38J 18 *
. 20'd
ANTED-OIrl for general housework.
St. Mary's avenue. 854 17
W ANTED-A nursu girl , apply at 80S north
ISlhst. 351 I8J
\\rANTEO-Flrst-cloS3 skirt and basque
hands. Mra. M. A. Wallace , 10th nnd St.
Mary's avo. 340 1UJ
\\rANTED Dlswashors , second cooks , woman -
' man cook for Oenlson , In. , (7 ; nice sue *
otul girl , ? 1 ; experienced nitr'c girl , $1 ! girl to
tend Ice cream tmilor , $12 : Indy clerk not afraid
nt work , $ .1J : laundresses for Central City. $13 :
lots of nice places in private families every
day. Mrs. lircga , 31U S. 15th street up stairs-
ysi 17 j
WANTnO-Compotont Indy bookkeeper.
State experience , relereuco and salary
expected. Address T. 2 , Iteo. 4UC 17J
W ANTED Competent girl for general house
work Immediately 2219 Cass. 41117J
If ANTED-GIrl forscnoral housework , Apply -
' ply at once 323 N 17th st. 431 19 ,
"WANTEU-A girl nt901 S 12th st.
> V 409 18 *
\\rAN nib A girl to do general housework
vi In family of tuo , must bo n good rook
nndlaundtcss , Apply 2112 Davenpoit , 40.1 17J
WANTED-4 pantry glrKIO dining loom plrls
for restaurants , boHidlng liouses and
hotoli : 4 latimlro ec , 2 head laundresses : 4
girls for Ihtht housework : 60 girls for general
housework : some very nice places. Mis.
llrcgu&Son , 310 South 15th street , up-stulrs.
41 17J
"WANTED nishwnshor and second ? lrl at
> > Jacob's , lOUt N. 10th. 702
WANTED A first-class shirt Ironor. Steady
omnloyracnt. Nebraska Stcum Inundry ,
OfinndlOaa. lllhst. 3.12
I7ANTED Two good girls for cook and sco-
i ondwork , Good.wages at 2427 Dodge t.
W ANTED Good waces to a good girl. 014 SJ
17th st. Mrs. W. M. lluibnian. Ml
WANTED A good Herman or Bohemian
girl tor general housowork. A perma
nent plnco nnd good wages. Apply , Immedl-
iitely , at 720 H 22d St. , corner of Lcavouwortli.
WANTED 1 dl hwashers , 2 second cooks ,
boy to run errands and men to work In
garden. Mrs. Hrcga i Son , 310 S 13th. 1)5 ) 17J
w ANTED flood cook nnd seeod girl. Mrs.
J.V. . Morrison. 1505 Davenport. 3S5 17J
IfANTED-Lady book-keeper at U. 1' .
i McatMarket Uth st , near Webster.
TVTANTED Ladies to work for us nt tnolr
TT own names ; f7 to ID per week can bo
quietly mndo ; no photo-painting , no canvass
ing. Tor full particulars please address nt
once Crescent Art Co. , 1'J Central St. , Boston ,
Jla s. ltox.5170. WTJel5 *
" \\rANTED Situation as traveling salesman
IT for grooTios , dry goods , or boots and
ehocfl , several years'experience , best of icf-
ercncos. Address 810. lieoolllco. 370 2.'j
WANTED Position to do gcnenil house
work a short distance in the country.
Small family. Address T. 1 , Bco ofllco ,
815 ! 20j
\\7ANTKD--Situatlon by July 1st as manager
' i or clerk In drug store , ! i years' city and
country experience , registered , graduate , sin
plo.URonn stimulants , A 1 references. Ad
dress T 0 , Boo offlce. 410 10J
V\7 ANTED By nman that understands tbo
' grocery and tea business a position as
clerk , or will accept a position in most Any
other kind of business , the best of reference
given. Address T 5 , Dee ofllco. 40J ll'j '
WANTED Situation In some banklno- ,
wholesale house or any position of trust.
Bfttlfactory references given. Address S 05 ,
Bee ofllco. 348 17j
SITUATIONS Persons out of employment
should learn our method of advertising.
Hocord Advertising Co , , 1513 Far num. 341-17
WANTED-Slttmtlonln store , grocery , dry
goods or clothing. Address S GS , liuo of
llco. 3501 J
TX/'ANTED Position In nnv morclmntlln
' ' business , by an Intelligent nnd exem
plary young roan. Hoforonce given , If posi
tion or trust , security given. Address S 01 Uoo
olllco. Utt 10J
\\7ANTF.D-8ituation as drug olerk by young
YT man , American temperategood nnblts ,
fl years' experience , moderate salary , regis
tered In Nebraska and Illinois. Address E. 11.
Kllner , 117 N. Eleventh et. , Lincoln , Neb.
814-17 *
17 AN1HD-Teams at 10th and Valley sts
I Mons Hanson 428 17J
WANTED-To buy good 10 or 15 room house
In desirable location , modern Improve
ments. Address C. W. Hayes , 1513 Farnam st.
42 ? IU
WANTED-Tho ladles of Omaha tr. know wo
have 60 good ifirla that want places to
work. Omaha Employment Bureau , 11U N 16th
street. Crounse lllock. 440 19
'ITTTANTEO A careful tenant wants house 0
TT to 8 rooms by July 1st In west or south
western part of tbo city. Will take annual
Iou5o If necessary. Room 3 , Frcnzor block , oust
P. O. 3U8 13
WANTED Room suitable for two , with
bath rooms , not to exceed 6 blocks from
postofflce. T 3 , Boo olllco. ! ! 87 17J
\\T-ANTED-Ono or two unfurnished rooms
T T with board In private family by July 1st ,
for man and wlfn. must bo In good location nnd
where homo comforts can bo had , everything
must bo first cluss. Reference given and re
quired. State price. Address S 71 , Boo olllco.
WANTED To exchange a 10 room house In
Idle-wild for Inside vacant lots.
To czchage good lot for horse , buggy and
hurnen. Rlunt Jclmpoy , 418s 15th St 3J3 19
I7ANTED Teams for railroad work. Ali -
i brigbt's .Labor Agency , 11JO Farnam. 743
T\7ANTBD-To buy 8 houses which can be re
T I moved. A. F , Mayne , 140S Dotlgo st
\v 2 or : t horse power engine , in'J
hand. Apply at Millard hotel olllco. 480
\\7ANTKD-Two seated carriage suitable for
TV real estate business. C. K. Harrison ,
4ISS15tb8t 677
FOR RENT 1 stall barn , cor 7th and I'aclno
streets. 193
FOR linjJT Part of store or olllco room. In-
quire at 1212 Douglas at , 013
Oil RUNT Three room house , 'W I'aoIQo.
For Rent Six room house , llOt ! S 7th ,
For Rent-Three room house , 1015 ? f2Jth 833
FOR RENT 4 now 0-room bouses , collar ,
well , hall , closets etc. , 1 ! * miles northwest
of postotfice , 3 blocks to street cnrs , t' * > to ? 30
per month. Gregory It Hadloy , Rooms 1 and'J ,
: to : B IMU it. ov )
FOR RENT Small office In excellent loca
tion. Enquire of F. Barrett & Co. , ; iWi
a 16th. 227
FOB RENT-Thr e room house , 1106H S 7th
"I710R RENT Good barn , suitable for four
-L1 horses. Inquire at 617 s. 13th st IUJ
"JjlOH RENT Seven-room house with all mod-
X1 era conveniences , 24th and Uavonpoit
Inquire at 217 B. 12th street llbh market 170
17JOR RENT--Hoarding house of 10 rooms und
X1 furniture for sale cheap. The bouso Is In
the center of the city , and the rooms are nevci
empty , over $100 a month cleared above rental ,
lease runs until April next , llrown A
Crelghton , southeast corner 16th and Douglas
414 W
10ll REXT-1 store. 113 8 llth st. botweor
J ? Douylai and Uodpe sts. Rent f4 poi
month. an 17J
TJ'OR RENT -2 large stores on South 16th ft
JJ near Ylntou , IJJ a month each. Also 1
stores same sue but having S living roomi
above , rent for IW per mootb. All have oltj
water taroughout Apply J. F.
BouUiWthsi. iU
I 'fbiiartAlt J
TOOR RENT 0-room house , 703 P clCo.
jpOR HENT-Ilrlck yards , T. Murray.
OR KENT-A good store bulldlny on N. 10th
stfiV per month. Inquire of Record Ad
vertising ' Co. , 1513 ramam-J Hi1. ! *
" 17(011 ( RENT-And furniture for sale. A nvo
JJ room cottage on 10th street north , rent
f I1 * a month to the party buying the furniture ,
vhlch will b sold cheap , uuwti A : Crclghtcn ,
> o. cor. Vlth and Douglas , ty ? 2W-17.
OR RRNT-RcstaurnntyBntrally located ,
good business. FUturitiJ furniture for
pulo.tMp , ! ic _ sli.Invoice . MXU , Co-qporaUvo
Land > t Lot Co. SU5 N. 16th f 417 H )
FOR HKNT-O-room housorTtiqulro 2'ilJ Dav
enport. _ r/ 4Qj 17j
TjUlt HENT-Small house on full lot Bristol
1 ? st near Saundcrs. U C. Eno old , 017
Virginia vc. 40219J
FOiENT-Mt-at rnnrkot complete with
tooUand fixtures at the beau of Bt.Mary's
nvo : apply at once to U C , Uuenoul , 017 Mr *
glnla ave. 403 19J
iroH RENT 3-roum house on 14th nnd
JP I'lorcests. Inquire ut 017 Eouth Uth st.
3.7 !
_ _
FOR RENT July 1st , One 7-room t-ottage ,
story and half , cor. 28th and Charles
streets. Enquire of Goddard Moore 211 N. ICth
ft. 4 < 3 19
Lot for Lease. Southeast corner
4x8"U l.eavenworth and I'aik a\e.or will
build to suit tenant. Hobble llros. 815'J
RENT Store ana second lloor on cor
FOR and Maroy st. Inquire of Mrs. r.
Lunge , 60S S 13th. 639
FOR RENT Ground lloor of ptoro building
on N. Hiih st. , t'M per month. Record Ad
vertising Co. , 1513 Farnam. 1)41 ) 17
> OR RENT Window , good locality for Ion
P oler or real estate. Apply to 3J3 n Ifit h.
FOR RENT-Lurgo , nicely furnished front
rooms , 1115 North Kth street. 428 ISJ
FOR RENT The entire lower lloor and two
rooms up stairs will bo let very reasonably
until November. House situated near St.
Mary's ave and n mlnuto's walk to ear lines.
Address S 72 lljo olllco. WU ! IS'
UR RENT A largo furnished room for ono
or two. 1729 Capitol nvo. 410 17J
RENT Furnished room , 1812 Dodgo.
TTIOH HUNT Excellent loom for two gontlo-
J-1 men , near street cars ; modern conveni
ences , ote. "jJO Douglas st. 300-17
FO It HENT Furnished rooms , 701 S mil.
300 17
LIO HKNT-4 newly and elegantly furnUlied
rooms nt I'OS Douglas street. 21D-17'
FOlt ItUNT-rurnlshcd rooms at 1810 Dodge st
HSKI ! < )
B1OII 11KNT A nicely furnished room , 2517
Capitol avo. 408 l'J
B'.OU HBNT-OOlcoSndiloor , 3HJ S 15th , st.
price $ 10. 113
FOU HENT 3 furnished rooms suitable for2
gentlemen. Nleely sltuiited near street
cars. Address223 I'urnnm , 31717J
FOK HENr Furnished room at 1812 Chicago
St. Also day boarders. 873 18J
FOlt HUNT Furnished room for two "Inglo
men in private family , with or without
board. 232J Charles 6t , cor aundcrs. 253 15J
FOH HENT Furnished roftm , JS per month.
2033 llarnoy st. . 313-18'
FOR HENT Two unfurnished rooms. 420
South 15th St. . 3d lloor. 3ni 34M7
FOlt KENT Elegant rooms , furniture and
house now , every modern convenience ,
1703 Dodge street. HoforencV * required.
'II il31
FOH HENT KurnlPlied front room , second
lloor ; light and plonsiuifc 4 blocks west of
business center. 1011 Douglas st. 315 ISj
"ROOMS TO KENT Wo npuld rent many
Jmoro rooms than wo Mvo on our books.
Persons having rooms for row should put them
on our records at once , fifecord Advertising
Co. , 1513 Fnninm. "T 341-17
FOll HENT Elegantly furnished front par
lor. Ill S. 18th near lare , M120J
POH HENT-Dcak room. Hhqulro Young &
Blackman. 214 S 15th St. " 540
HENT 3 rooms In ' OntT cor 20th and
POH St. ' r 112
FOK KENT Ware room cor. 14th and Call-
Ifornla on Bolt Line , lor particulars en
quire at Union Nat. bnnk. 18d
FOll HENT-Furnlshed front room , bay win
dow , with board. C03 North 17th street.
411 1UJ
FOll HENT 1 furnished room , 1 front parlor
and bed room furnished or unfurnished ,
all with gas und bitth room , hot and cold water ,
No. 207 S 23d bet Fornam and Douglas on st car.
407 18J
FOH HENT 2 elegantly furnished rooms
now liou'.e , 2214 1'iirnam street. 093 33J
FOH HENT Furnished rooms , 812 College
st. 359 20J
HENT Three room House west of North
FOR St. , between Chicago and Cass. 092
FOR HENT-Otnues In Bellman building cor.
Farnam and 13th sts. , in suites or singly.
For prices , diagrams and Information apply to
S.A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam 6t. , Room 2.
FOR HENT 13 rooms near center of town ,
and sale of furniture very cheap , a bar
gain rarely olforcd , to good parties who mean
business. For particulars Inquire of Dr.
Simons , 401 North 10th street , Omaha , Neb.
| 7 Oll HENT Largo front room , furnished ;
X ? 2412 Harnoy. opposite Pleasant st. 331 17j
] rOR RENT Newly furnished rooms in the
Estnbrook block. Apply Mrs. Nortonthird
floor same building , cor. 10th and Chicago.
SIX ) 19
FOR KENT Neatlj furnished rooms with all
modern convanlences. In Eetabroou
block. Enquire , 408 NIOth,3d floor. 44119
F OH UENT-Furnlshcd room.603 8 17th st.
- - - -
"I71ORRBNT Handsomely furnished sultoof
J- parlors and small room , modern convlcn-
iencos with board , 319 N 15th st. Sol 10j
FOll RENT Elegant furnished room with
board for gentleman and wlfoor two gen
tlemen nt 210St. ! . Mary's avo. CCC IS *
FOH IfENT-Dosk room. John Gallagher ,
317 south 13th st. 378 21
FOK HENT Largo nicely furnished front
room , 517 Pleasant st. 377
FOH RENT Nicely furnished singly room ;
modern conveniences for gentleman only.
211 8. 23d , near Farnam. Blair
FOll RENT-Furnisbed and unfurnished
rooms In Oruonlpr block , corner 13th and
Dodge. Dtivls * . Ilctborlngon , Millard hotel
billiard room. 014
FOR HENT-Nlco furnished room. 2025 Far-
nara. . V65
T710R HENT--13 rooms neaiu center of town ,
-L and sale of furniture vflv oheap , a rare
bargain , and only otrercd tijMood parties who
mean business. Tor purtlci p- * Inquire of Dr.
Simons , 401 N. ICth strret. y 438
FOR KENT Nicely'furnlhed room. 1921
Dodge St. 119
TT'Oll RENT-Pnrtof olllce5bm ; Inquire at
JL1 1312 Douglas st. VJ U13
FOR HENT Elegant sultc-ff rooms , roforen
ens required , 1607 Douglas st. 301
FORHENT-Dcsk room , Ilrst office to loft
over Merchants National .bans. 8.2J
Mitchell & Loyonmarck ,
1518 Dodge.
11 room house on Chicago street , all modern
Improvements , barn etc. , on paved street , 3
minutes' walk from post ottaun decided bar
gain at S7.WO , tJ.DOO cash. IkSostltrnto this.
UIso's add. u row blocks njfcst of Kountzo
Place , only * 1,250 each , ono-mtfrth oaih. Must
bo sold quick.
3 ton acre tracts platted , with1 two trooa
planted on each lot. adjoins an addition where
lots are Belling for (350 each , will sell for fl < 00
an acre. A splendid opportunity to mnko u
handsome proHt.
Idlowlld ndnitlon on 22nd street near Lake
street , U-rooin house in llm clas * coadltlon. all
modern Improvements , can bo sold cheap. Let
us show you this property.
Patrick's 2nd addition , 2 good lots , prloo f 2,400
and t2 , : ) each.
A. H. Patrick's add'n , a good south front. 50x
120 , on Corby street , a fuw blocks west of
Kountzo Placet only tl.COO. A good Invest
ment ,
Lindsay's add'n , 1 Jot Mxt2l , price $1.300.
Kountzo Plaoo , corner lot , 84x124 , pcloo
t .OCH
Thoeo arn only a Cow of the many bargains
to be had at Mltclioll. * Lovonroark ,
Real Estate Olllco 1510 Dodge st.
SJtl 18
Ti > OR BALE Corner lot on Virginia ave with
X1 two good homes , cheap at 17,000. Terms
easy. Houses rent for 170 per month. 8. S ,
Campbell,310 8. ICtb st. Chamber of Cora-
lucre * . I7J
FOR SALB-liy Etocudalo real cstato agent ,
a brick tenement litook ot three : houses
with ten rooms each , with all the latest Im
provements , ciwt fronts and only 'J mile from
po tollco. ! Price for nil J20.000
Homo of 7 rooms with largo hnrn and corner
lot , cast front , otio nlnck west of Park avo.
1 his H n birirnln nt fs.5i.xl.
House of 7 rooms In Shlnn's 1st add with a
very largo lot , fronts north on Cnldwcll st nnd
south on Indiana st This H vury cheap at
f 1,500.
Anlcohomo In Wnlnut Hill , n homo of 0
largo rooms , now , with lot 75x150 , south trent ,
for all $3,100.
i ; lot In Nelson's mid. clo o to Cumlng st with
bouse of 5 rooms , good well , conl house , and
other Improvements , lot 31x12.1 , (2,00(1
Would like to call your attention to lots that
I have. In the following mlJItlons that 1 will sail
voryehonpi Walnut Hill , Kostors , Carthage ,
Snundcrs nnd Himebnugh's , linker' * add ,
Croighton Heights , Hilton Hill and Orchard
Hill. Call nnd fee me , 1 am ready ntall times
to show property. Jnme * Stocxdalo , real c -
tnlo ngcnt , 113 n ICtli st , olllco with B H Halt &
CO. 17917
FOll SALE-Novr store bulMIng on llcltovuo
street , price JIUjO only , KM cash , balance
ono , two nnd three yours. This is a splendid
stand fora drug store , or nlinoM any kind ot
retail business ; for further particulars apply
at olllco of Ioo. ! N. Hicks , 215 S. 15th street.
rpwo beautiful acres In llonfeld for f 1,350 K
JL fash. 1 M Is u bargain. Look It up. Address -
dross S CO , care lleo olllue. 318 17J
IilOll SALE-lly Slmw * fo , ,
1 oio s lath st.
Houses and lots In all pints of t.'iti city. You
au't allord to rnnt when you know the price
nnd terms of this class of property.
On Georgia nvuntio Me have n largo pleco of
ground for snloat less than 1U value. It Is
worth looking at It you ivntit n nice residence
Lots for snlo In dlffarcnt parts of theclty.aml
you are sure to mnko money by dealing with
us.Vo are headquarters lor safe Investments.
SELECTS , are tbo carefully lutol bargains
li'inted down by Cake & Hillings. Our sum-
plnca-o :
S lots with 2 houses , J. I. Rodlck'i sub , only
block from stieet cur line , lOjxlJ ) ft on 2
streets , blir monuy hero for you.
Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , and
wo H make It pleasant and profitable for you.
mo PARTIES who will build homes costing
X 11.300 to 81,500 , wo will furnish beautiful
building lot , icciulrlng m > payment of princi
pal for five years. Abstract furnished and
wnrrnnty ileed given us soon ns the house Is
completed. Muad & Jnmloson , 318 S. 15th st.
' BAIiK-Allvuir barn wltli stable room
for nbout sixty horcs , situated In a desir
able location , nnd now doing n good business.
Good reasons given for selling. Enquire of or
nd.lress A. H. Comstock , real estate broker ,
152J Farnam st. 207 .
\ \ * E Can sell for a few days only
> > Lot 10(1 ( Clso's addition for f 0.40J.
Lot 71 Olso's addition , SB.HW.
Illock 1 lloyd's nddlllon , f 8,503.
One-third cash , Imlnnco 1,2 nnd 3 ycnrs.
Remington \ McCormlck , 220 Soutn 13th st ,
FOR SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
part of Omaha near the Benson car line ,
price f 401) ) onch , (250 due on contracts pnyahlu
in S quarterly pHymonts , will trade lntore t In
contrncts tor Nubrusku land. McCulloch k Co. ,
1600 Farnam Et. IPX )
FOlFs A LE New store buildiiie on llollovuo
street , will tniiko a first-class stand for n
drugstore , or , In fact , almost any kind of ictnll
bnslties . Price , $1,650 onlv , $050 cn h. For
luitherpnrllculars apply to Uoo. N , Hluk" , 215
S. 15th. 2.1S-18
FOR SALE House , barn nnd lot on N. Uth
for J25.0JO. Hocord Advertising Co. , 1513
I'm num. 341-17
Hundred houses for snlo ; terms nnd location
cation to suit everybody , lots in all parts of
city , ncrcs. John Qnllnghor , 317 South Kith at.
815 19
F011TV-TWO feet on State street $750
I'till lot In Saundcrs & Hmietmiigh'g add 475
Two good lots In Mejors , R. & T. nud , each. 750
S.E. cor. In Hoyd'R 850
Trackago In Paddock I'laeo , cheap
Room 20 , Paxton building.
IMMEDIATE ialo will take B lots or loss only
5 or blocks from Exchange bid and
Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Slxtbcn
houses under contract in sumo block. Iwant
what they are worth. I don't want fancy prices
Iwant to sell quickly. K B. Brunch. 121
Farnam street , near 20th , 110xl32per
foot $ 400
Farnam street , near Binh.2Jxl32 10,000
Fariiain street , corner 31si,130xlJ2 , per
foot 150
Farnam street , near Thirty-eighth , 47.x-
132 4.000
Fnrnam street , near 3sth , 05x132 8,0 0
Knrnam street , corner In Jorortio Park 3.0JO
Furnnm street , cornur In Jerome Park 3OliO
Farnam street , near 12th , Improved
202X13J 25,003
Farnara street , near Nineteenth , 77x132.
Improved 40,000
Harnev street , near Twenty-third , 60x-
132 , Improved 11,000
Harnoy etroot , near 21st , 174x170 , Im
proved 60.000
Dodge street , near Utn , GUxl82 , per foot Boo
Dodge street , near 27th. 48x132 , Im
proved 3,000
Douglas street , near 12th , 44x132 ! ) f > , WJ
Flttccnth street , corner Jackson , 00x132 ,
Improved 35,003
Fourteenth street , corner Jackson,6Bx
ISMmprovud ! 15,000
Fourteenth street , corner Chicago ,
0(1x132 ( 20,000
16th st , opp M. P. dtpot , 9\104 , per foot. 200
llth st , cor Nicholas , Cdxl32 , truck In
alloy 0.000
13th st , near Howard , 33x03 , imp 13,000
Truckage , Uiixll2. Paddock Place S-.OHO
20th st , nonr St Mary's , 40xU'0 , imp K.OOO
20th st , near Donirlas , iHxBO 8.IKW
Kmmdors Et. cor Burt , 160x51 7,500
Park ave , ncurLeavennortli , C > 6xl40 4WW
Park uvo. opp park , fiOxlSO 2,000
Jerome Paik , near Farnam , E front 47 x
132 1.8M
Castollar St. , near 8th. 6UJX120 1,000
West Omaha , finest ncro 15,103
Brown P rk,21ots very chonp
Albright's Annex , 3 lots very cheap
2dst.cor. Nicholas Trackago Imp.,132
T133. 20,000
Choice property In all pans of the city. S. A.
Sloman , 1301 Farnam et. , Rooms 22 and 23.
FOR HAtjK-l.100 buys the residence and
practice of a physician In county Eoat In
western Iowa. Address Dr. flrown , Room 4 ,
Ciclghton block , Omaha. 413 22J
FOR SALE ICO acres of good land tinoiitO'i
miles from postoflico. Prlco onlv (100 per
aoro. This is a great bargain. 10 acres'n. w.
lays beautifully , wllr mnko 50 nlco lots , only
(200 per acre. 264-feot south front on Bristol
street , will make 0 nlco lots , only (6,000 , Nlco
lot In I'lalnvlew (1,375. H. W. Huntress 1509
Tarnam street. 4''r > ] 8j
fJiOR SALE A two years lease on n brick
.C store room located on Fiirnam SL For
particulars nddreis T H Bee ofllco. 430 20J
FOR SALE A flno farm of IfiO acres , en
closed with 3 wire fence , 38 acres under
cultivation , 11 ncrcs of nsh trees in thrifty
growing condition , prlco (10 per acre , terms
easy. This offer good for thirty days only.
Address Chas. H. Wilson , Oxford , Furnns coun
ty , Nob. B73Jy8
Agents , 310 South 15th street , olfer the
following property for sale :
Elegant lots In Ambler Place , (050 and UD-
u sightly lots Allan's sub. of Hngnn's add. ,
(1,575 to ( l.SOO ; those are very nlco.
Some nlco lots In Carthage , only (700.
An elegant double corner In Highland Place ,
south nnd east front , only (0,500.
Homo Kllby lots ut * l,00l ) to $1,500.
Lots In Hanscom Place $2OUO.
An olognnt cast front on Virginia avo. , just
off of Woolworth , for (1,100.
House and lot In Hnnscom. Place , cheap.
Hi lots Itudlck's sub. , only (1,000 , east tront.
3 ncnt cottages on Capitol Hill , on easy terms.
Some cliolco lots In Omaha Vlow.
A snap In Orchard Hill , at (750.
Wo have some lots on Lauo street tbatwocan
sell at n bargain
Fomo flno lots In HltohcOok's addition.
Hnrnoy place on south side of Poor farm Is
peed property to got hold ot. Sco us about
thin , and for property in all parts of the city.
Blackburn * Kennedy. 374,17.
AT A BARQAIN-Lots 5 andfl.bloek T Lowo's
add , fronting on Hamilton , Charles and
84th sts. , total irontago of 3U7 feet , $5,200 ,
TH o lots 100xl20tho llnost east nnd south front
corner In Amblur Place ( old part,4 ) blocks from
our line , both for (1.750.
Corner 1,10x120 east and north front In West
Omaha , two blocks south of Fnrnam St. . $4.600.
Corner 281 feet frontage on Military Road,128
feet deep , on car line , (5,000.
a E. Hollar , 3108. 16th St. , Board of Trade
Dnlldimr. 274
TJEDICIv PARK has city water. 350 maple and
-IV elm trees , 41 residences under contract to
build , none of which shall cost less than (1,200.
Its streets are graded and turnplkod. It Is
within the old city limits opposite Kount/c
Place and accessible from cither Hanndors or
State streets. Wu have a few lots left In thH
addition wind , wo will ollor to Bomo seekers
upon very fnvorablo terinn >
Wo also olfor
100 ft fronting Hanscom Park , S6.C03. H to K
Cor. 100x150Georgia ave , (5,000 , (2,000caib ,
Full lot and 7-rooiu house in excellent condl
tion , Parker's add , ( W ) .
Cor. . 00x132 , Improved , 811th near viaduct ,
$1000. . ,
Every ono of theie pieces are worthy of ex
amination. For particulars call on or addroji
Mead & Jaraluson.Bole Agents ,
F'OR S'AI.E-Ata b.irgolii , IO acres of first-
' class farming land In Howard .county , this
Itflto , This land Is nil good eoll.chwilo two
rallror.ds the U. P. nnd It. ,1 M , ; will sell a portion
tion or nil , nt fl ure nnd terms that will mat.o
It an object , or will exchange for good Im
proved city property. Address Uoo. N. Hicks ,
ill ' 'M-la
South 15th street. -
2 lots south and enst front corner on
Piuninnt it for $ Rr > 00. 'Mils Is a great bargain ,
Itlnckuiirn .V Kennedy , solo agents ,
Only 3 blocks from cor linn is that double
corner oJ lot ) east front In Old Ambler Plnco.
Illiickbiirn ft Keiini lyfolOMgonls. 37317
ONE Hundred ncrcs ot good land and partly
Improved , a good house and Imrti.nnir two
miles from the city. Prloo ton thousand dollars
lars , ono half ciuh. Land adjoining this is
bclnt. sold fiom ( > OJ to (303 per acre. Call onrly
for this H n rare chnnco to double your money ,
nt Active Real Estate nnd Property uxchiingo ,
154 Dodgo. 372 13
f \ioIClTllvo } aero tract , close to city , for sale
W nt a bargain If taken quick Enquire at
ofllcoof Qoo. N. Hicks , 215South 15th street.
"IJ10R PALR-Cottnge , 7 rooms nnd bath room ,
JL- fireplace , oak mantel , cistern , city water ,
etc. , : n feet of ground. 22d st , north of St.
Mary's nvo. $1,500. C. fl. > V (1. E. Thompson ,
8148. 1Mb st. 210
BIO IJAHOAIN Ono hundred trot front on
South Eleventh st , cornsr lot , only O.OOO.
Farton time. V. L. VoJIckn , 523 South 13th sU
EJ >
"HlOlt SALE-Rent or trade , flve-room cottngo
JJ In 1'nulsou's addition , Ten-room house
nnd thrco lots In Ludwlek plnco , nnd other
property. L. V. Cruni.HO N 15th ft. 4UJ
Notice of the Sitting of the City Council at a
Bonrd of Equalization.
rpo the owners of lots or InmU abutting upon
X or adjacent to the streets , avenues or alleys ,
or situated in wholoorin pint wtthlitunyof
thodlitricts horelmiftcr named :
Ton , and each of you , are hereby notllled
that the elty council of the cltv ol Omaha will
sit tn ns n hoard of oiiuall/ntton , at Ihoolllco of
the city clerk ot fuld clty.ln the Douglas county
couit housu , on Thursday and Friday , the 2ilrtl
and 21th days of June. 18ST , and shall continue
lu session on each of snld days from t ) o'clock n.
in. to 5 o'clock p. in , tor the purpose of equal-
Irlngtliupinpnscu levyof ppeeliil ta\e nnd as-
se-snicntB , nnd of correcting unyorrtirs thoio-
In , and ol huaring all complaints that thoown-
orsot pionetty eo to bo taxed and assessed may
initku , said special tuxes and iif > CfsmcnU being
levied according to law to covarthu costs and
expenses ot pnvlng , sewer constructing , ourD-
Ing , curbing and guttering , street widening ,
nnd the ono half oostof grading , ns follows :
Eleventh street 'rom Capitol avenue lo Dav-
onpor ctfu'Ct , Pa vlng District No , 70.
Twelfth stiuot Item Capitol avenue to Dnv-
port sticet , Paving District No. 77.
Thirteenth street from Cnpltol nvenuoto Dav
enport street , Paving District No. 7S.
Davenport street from 16th street to 22nd
street , Paving District No. CO.
Chicago street fromlbth street to 2Mh street ,
I'nvlng District No. 108.
Tenth street from Center street to Martha
street , Paving District No. 01.
Ciimlim street from 32nd street to 80th street ,
Paving District No. JH.
Mi'son ' street from 10th street to llth sticet ,
Paving DUtrlct No 72.
Constructing sewers on 10th street In Stwor
District No. 31.
llth stieot from Lcu\enworth street to
Marey street
Uth street Irom Center street to Martha st.
Mnson treot fiom 10th street to llth Direct.
lOtli s'.root f i om Cnpltol nvc. to Davenport st.
llth " ! <
12th " " "
13th " " "
Cnllfornla street from 17th stieot to 22nd st.
STHKirr wtnnxiNO.
27th nvonuo from south line of Sweeny's ad
dition to noith line ot'fiuni' .
Luke street from ICth strbct to 18th stroot.
21th street from Seward street to old city
lilth street from Ohio street to old city limits.
13th sticot fiotu alloy south of Center street
to Vlnton street
Alloys In block two (2) ( ) Cnpltol Hill addition ,
and In block seven (7) ( ) McCorinlck'8 addition.
You , nnd o.ich of you are hoioby notified to
appear before said board of cquall/atlou at the
time nnd plnco nboru ppeclllod to mnUe any
complaint , statement or objection you uiny de
sire concerning cald proposed levy nd assess.
meat of special tnxus.
J. II. SOUTHAUD , City Clerk.
Omaha , Nob. , June 17 , Ib87.
Special Ordinance No. 055 ,
AN Ordinance levying n special tax nnd as
sessment on certain lotg and renlestitto In
the city of Omaha , to cover the co t of con
structing n sewer In Sewer District No ! .
Whereas , It hnviiiK been , and bclnr hereby
ndjudgcd , determined nnd established that tbo
sotoial lots and pieces of real estate herein ,
after referred to have each boon specially ben-
eiltted to the full amount herein lo\lod nnd
assessed airalnst each of snld lots and pieces of
reulo tttto , lospoctively , by reason of the con
struction of a BOW or In Sewer District No. 39.
Thoroloro , for the purpose of paying the cost
of such sewer construction :
Be It ordained by the city council of the city of
Omntia ;
Section 1. That the cost of constructing a
sewer In Hewer DUtrlot No. 33 , In the city of
Omaha , said cost being the sum of S2r > 51.3i ; , be
nnd the saino Is hereby lovled nnd assessed. In
proportion to the foutlront along said Improve
ment , nnd nccordlng to special benefits by rea
son of said Improvement , upon the following
described lots and real estate , ns shown by the
generally rocognl/.ed map ol the city of Omaha ,
1P80 , lithographed nnd published by C. E.
Miiyno , said cost being so lovled on said lots nnd
ical estate , respectively , as follows , to-wit ;
Name Lot or Ain't of
of Owner. Description. Block. Tux.
JnoAHorbach ol4ifttll ) . . ( ' ' 370
. . . W14D ft 01 . . 6.TIO
e 140 ft 62 . . 8370
w 110 It 1)2 . . 0370
" . . . . 0 14' ) ft OJ . . 0.1711
" w 140ft OJ . . 0.17(1 (
ABHnnt Ol40ft04 . . 6170
JnoAHorbach w 140 ft 4 . . 6'J70
DFIlrown nliol40C5 . . SI 81
JnoAHorbach s M e 140 ( . . ! )1 Sfi
wllOltltt . . 03U
CHanson ol40flM . . 4771
JnoAHorbach wUOftM . . 1771
Mary Elllnewood 1 14 7001
MaryA Wilson a 14 1001
Mary A Marovoll 3 14 700 :
OhasBroalus 4 14 TOO :
Dan'l Broslug B 14 .0 o ;
" 6 14 7001
Jacob Scllncr o6flft7 14 ! ! > &
AnnaM Krolbs W74ft7 14 fX)2l )
JucobSollnor ofiOftS 11 19K
AnnaM Krolbs W74ft8 14 W2
Cornelius Smith 9 11 70 u1
Km in a Wadsworth 10 It 700'
Joromlnh Knne .n ! i 11 14. 310'
Nelson Mrtrtin Siill II' IWO
AM Collet 12 14 700'
" 13 14 700'
" 14 14 TOO :
CnrlJnhn n 54 15 14 aiO'
WmSpellonborg 8 V 15 14 3.1 0
Nicholas Rummcl 18 14 TOO'
HKOTION 15'15-13.
F Illrmlngham. e 140 ft taxlot24 01 7 (
S II I'1nr-n wortli , 8 4R w 140 tax lot 31 4S Si
O W Kilig.n 15 w 140 ft tax lot 2 15'.r.
Mary Hurry , s yo 140 it tax lot 25 : U3 >
W ECrano , n Mo UOlttnx Iot25 3J3 :
O W King , w 140 ft tax Iot25 0171
Thomas Kinncy.n HoUOfttax Iot2d 323 :
Hans Nelson , s I' e 140 tt tax lot 2(1 ( ; ; ; ; i' '
O BSeldon , w 1411ft tax lot 20 et 71
A Burroll. w 140 fttaYlot 27 63 71
Mdlllon. w 140 ft tnx lot 27V' El 71
.1 Sweeney , o 140 ft tax lot 28 0,171
Thos Enwrlght , n 21) ) It o 140 tt tax lot 29. . 30 7 !
J Swociiey , s8l ft o 14U tt tnx lot "J ; i2 ! > .
8 rit/patricK.eHJft tnr lot 30 28 G <
.D Ulllan , w 140 It tnx lot 30 Jiifci
Section 2 Thnt the special taxes nnd assess
inenti levied nnd assessed ns nforo nld , shall b <
duo immodlntoly upon the paisngo nnd np
nroviil ot tills ordinance , and shall hccomode
llmiucnt If not patil within fifty days tlu-ro
nf lor ; nnd thereupon shall bo added Intureit a
the rate of ono per cent n month , payable It
advance from thu tlmo suld tuxes become so de
Sections. That thisordlnnncoshalltnko olfcc
and ho In forcofrom and after Its pusiUKO.
Passed May 24th , 1887.
WM. F. BF.CIIKI. , President City Council.
J. B. SOUTHAUD , City Clork.
Approved May 27th , 1M7.
The ahovo tax Is now duo nnd payable at tin
olhco of the city treasurer , nnd will become do
llnqucnt as piovidud In section 2 ,
JoUdlt JOHN RUSH , City Treasurer.
Special Ordinance Mo. 054 ,
AN Ordinance levying a special tnx and 119
go4 inont upon certain lots , parts of lot
and real estate In the city of Omuha , for tin
construction ot sidewalks.
Whereas , the owners , romioctlvoly , of tbo lota
parts of lota niii ) real cstato hereinafter do
bfilhed , hnvo failed to construct sldewnlk
within the tlmo allowed liy ordinance , after < lu
und | > roper notice so to do , nnd
Whereas , such sidewalks huvo been duly con
etrnctud by the contractor to whom was invmd
od the contract for constructing and rejmlilni
sidewalks : und
Whereas , the sovornl lots , parts ot lots am
real estate have each boon specially boneflttci
to the lull amount of the special tux and ns
EOissmcnt herein levied , by reason of such lie
provoment opposite tbo same , respectively !
Therefore , for the purpoto of covering 1111
paying the cost of such linprovotmint :
licitorduincd by tbo city council of the clt
ol Omaha ; *
Section I. That the several sumssct onpodt
the lots.imrts of lots und real cEtato horoli
af tor described , bo nnd the same are hereby n
gpcctlvbly levied and nsbuntod upon each < i
eald lots , parts of lots and reuifatntf , as follow !
lo-wlt :
Nain Lot or Am't c
of Owner. Deicrtpllon. Block , 'lax
CACIowry 5 43 | -o ;
43 1941
r Wilkln * * nssttl M 147
KG * C A.xfords . . .o Ml 69
J Vogell . . . , . . , w 4 ( I 74 737
Jnannii C Wright. , . . , , . , . w < i 7 74 207
Cari'lo .1 MnrM. . . . o Vi 7 74 lOd
II11 .V J II Foltom 8 71 IKM
EDI'atteo slit I W PSO
W I1 Kellog * 6 Hi 1050
A Ko < ewutorct al. .beluga strip of land
de.-crlbcd as lollows ! beginning at the
s w ror nf Farnam nnd UHh streets ,
thonee fouth 111) ) ft , thence cst neil ,
thence norlli IU ! ft , thence east 10 ft to
place of beiilnnlin ? < 40 U
E tutoof RSIuinnon , holngn strip of land
described as tollo si beginning at thu
west line of li'th ' trcet , lai ft soutli of
rnrtiatn street , ttuuieo south ti7 ft ,
tnoneo west M fl tnoio or lm , thence
north 07 ft , thence oa ttfi ft moio or less
to placool teslnnlat ; ; ijj
MW Kennedy 6 IOS 421
EStilht 6 16H 4277
M llollman n ! { 1 171
K * A M Kennedy o W ft 4 171 7 73
AniinM Kennedy .WU4U4 171 9t7 !
Jltosonsti'ln .4 1 T 108-J
A Ro < owator fl al s 9 f t 3 B4H t 8 N )
H R \ J II Folsoin Est..n part 3 tHi 0 Vi
' ' ' ' ' '
" . . . . . . fi Sll'Si ' 1.167
n X'4'H ! ' 1367
> 7 C4UJ4 1357
larloEIlurmelstor 8 t49i ! 1357
" II milt 1357
10 tWi 1762
able Tramway Co. of
Omnlm IS 251t ! 1380
able Tramway Co. of
Onmhn 19 WlH 138(1 (
able Tuunway Co. of
Omaha W 25US 191 *
St. Felix 13 } 1031
II 1 1175
alhorlno Mullln 15 1 075
" ' ' ' ' ' "
V .1 Ilunseom . . .I' ! . . . . ! 17 1 7.'i
ophtsy Anderson. . . . IS 1 0
Jbkow 1 J I' ' "
llorka 20 1 075
W llrooks 21 1 u's
VT Motion 23 1 075
nrnli J Moore ' - " ' J y >
: iUn.l Clark 21 1 13 .W
A Pwobo 1 ! > tsos
W Unwell -4 J 2')3B )
\HRelti-r 13 1 120
A L Smith W 1 * Sti
Vddlo V Ithoados 14 14 0,5
I'mtt l"i 14 1)75 )
IiuthaL Salmon in 14 075
I'Noiborg 17 14 ; 5
LWorley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } { J7.
larrlot Curtis ! . ! . . . . ' | W } J 0
' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' '
" . . . . . . . . . . . ! . 22 14 U17
LJ Doming 14 15 JJ75
16 15 l'7o
" 1U 15 1175
AJHanscom 17 15 1)75
Vixltor Wills IS 1" " >
\linaSniltli 19 IS 75
W LoomN 20 15 075
lorgun Holey 21 K 9.5
10 Devries 23 15 075
\lMohiistou 23 1 075
IiuthaL bchroter 24 IS 075
Vilollni Jahn 25 15 0,5
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
M J Orocvon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 17 HIM
lutinah fellies 15 U 075
; relifhtoii & Dougherty. . . . W 17 075
L Parks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
jj ( fl
Hatllir 1 " 075
Mlllvihlll 2J " 1'75 '
' " " " * '
. ' ' ' ' ' . ' . . . . . 23 17 075
OA Trctchley. . . . . . . . ! . ! . . 2.1 17 075
24 17 075
f. H Launsbury 2.1 17 75
" 2rt 17 1160
E Kountzo n40ft20 3 11 W )
Mllli.Vlll ) & CAMIWUt.t/N ADDITION.
Al'Smltl o.Mltll ) . . 4398
IHComeo w 60 0115 ft 10 . . IT 70
t C l'atlerson w 65 o 170 ft 10 . . 17 11
SOChiimbers o701tlO5 ! ! . . 2562
Irltta Fllnk o ' , ! s \ \ 11 . . 1378
G L Dunham oiin'fll 1-W
ILl'ruyn oillftll'S . . 778
JRCaniion wiiloUSftlHi - . l'l ' J
W Uosuckur . . .w3l o 10JH ll'.i . . 100:1 :
FA Andrews. . . . will o 1 1 It lli ! . . 1003
Englomiin & 1'olsenvillftlUi . . 1001
lOCoiby w 170 ft 10 . . M10
Jotgro\e ; vr 65 It I71S . . 1H81
S.I Chambers..ettlwllult 17M . . 1770
MLoc w27'/i ' el"ftl7Vi ( . . 811
Estate E Miilard..oU7'/ 17K 841
ur.r.s i-iacE AUDITION.
JIIDumont 81 . . 1385
Estate of Jos Rues ! . . 1207
" ' ' ' ' ' ' '
" . ! . . . . . 35 . . 12 H7
SO . . 1287 ,
37 . . 1287
as . . 1287
! 19 . . 1287
40 . . 1387
Ford Streitz , sub 1 oflt 211 , sec 27-15-1:1 : 22 63
Kouut/u llros. , s ; l7Hj It of that i > art of
bub lot 2 tax lot 2i ! , sue 27-15-13 , fi anting
on liith street 1098 *
Omaha \ Southwestern Ry Co. , n 37M 8
409 ol that part of sub lot Sot tax lot 29 ,
BOO 27-15-13 , i ranting on 10th street 1131
Scction2. That the special tavos and assess-
niohts levied nnd apccs od as aforesaid , shall be
Ino immediately upon the passage and op-
liroval ot this ordinance , and Hhall bcconjo do-
Inquunt If not paid within fitly days tncro-
nrtcr ; and thereupon , ehull bo added , Interest
nt the rate of one percent a month , payable In
ndvaneo from the tlmo eald taxes become so
Section3. Thatthlsordlnancoshalltukoeffect
and bo In foico from and after Us passage.
Passed May 24th. 1387.
WM. RF.ciiKi.l'rosdont ! City Council.
J. U. SOUTH uin. City Clerk.
Approved May 27th , IM > 7.
W.J line wen. Mayor.
The above tat Is now duo and payable at the
office of the city troa-wror , and will become de
linquent us provided In section 2.
Jol7d5t JOHM Rtibii.City Treasurer.
820 South loth street , Omaha.
Room 25 , Pnxton Block , Omaha.
813 South 14th Street.
.ttorzicy at 2Lia < w ,
Rooms , Frcnzcr niook.Opposlto Postofflee.
Room 332 N. lUth St. , Omaha. Oflke hour *
9 to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m.
nesltlenco , 6051 N. 17th St.
O. 8. HOFFMAN , M. D. ,
.an. a-iid.
Office , N-W Cor. 14th and Douglas. t
Office Telephone 405 ; Res Telephone , 42 Jn
JOS. W. JiABNSDALL , A. If. , M. D. i
I will
omce Hours Win 13-3to4-7 to9. i. ra. ,
Oftlce , IWIlownrd Urcot , Omuhu. alnta
of a
W. J. OALBBAITH , por-
iicl , Jitb.
Office , N-W Cor 14th anil Douglas st.
Office Telephone , 465 ; Res Telephone , 503.
Rosldoneo , No 1107 Jones strret. Olllee , With-
ni'll HlocK. Tclophono , rusidunco 125 , olllco
K. W. CONNEI/L , M. D.
jEIomccspatliiot ,
Office , Sly S. 14th st. Telephone , 580.
J. V. CORNISH , M. D. ,
Cor. 20th and Lake Sts.
fiEis ; piu.vriNft cu. ,
Printers , Book Binders
And Blank book Manufacturer ! . Not. 109 and
IWd.Hth street , OmanNob. J.V. Fiilrlle , Super
intendent Rlndurr. Tclophono No , 2U ,
KERYITA * . " < "
fnrr Tmtl u "r
[ DLL lUIAI > U ' > < ' J lbl l rr f ,
rllL.Il I nlHLi htrTomD Slllljrl toli2
I 11 bin I IIII1I.I , „ , iM , , Lwi HwhMd.
* c4 kiDlr 4 F * M iil. TrUlMfkif * Ml , * ? iU
pit. A. U. ULIN CO. , f > a. Ill w ,