Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In tiny part of tlio city HI
twenty cents per week.
V , W. TILTOX. Manager.
BtPittrcsOrncr. No. 43.
NIOIIT Kunou No. SI.
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
New spring goods atHoltor's , tailor.
There were two drunks and two va
grants booked by the police yesterday.
Wanted A good pirlforgenoral house
work. Mrs. P. M. i'ryor , 700 Sixth avo-
nuc ,
Charles Nichols is getting out a now
bill posters' Wilson with advertising on
Iho outside.
Agglo Urov/n wilt not bother Pierce
itruet tor ten davs , but will board in the
county jail.
Tlio Atlantic base ball nine worn to
play the M. & K.'s yesterday but did not
put in an appearance.
Clialmcr Lyons , of this citv , has boon
given the contract for priintmg Page
xniiity's now court house at Uhmnda.
Council HUilIs hasboen .selected as next
fear's mooting plnco for the Iowa real es-
; : tte dealers' association. A. 1) . Walker ,
f this city , is eluded vice president.
The C. K. Mayno club will play the M.
fe K. nine at Lake Mnnawa on the M. &
K.'s grounds to-morrow , jf the weather
aorniits. ' 1 Ills is the third attempt of
ihcso clubs to pnt ; together.
There will bo a praise service nnd a scr-
won to the children by Dr. Phelns to-
norrow morning at the I'resbytorian
: hiirch. For the evening the Sabbath
icliool has prepared a service suitable to
"children's day. "
Officer Ilcswick found ono fellow sleepIng -
Ing in front of the Ogden house yester
day. The fellow insisted that ho was
limply waiting for the hotel to reopen ,
out the oniccr.thniight ho must have been
to too much of an opening already , and
10 put him in the cooler.
Harry W. . Smith , of Council Rinds , and
Miss Stella May Shlnn , of Marion , la. ,
were married by Elder Ira J. HanKins at
Des Moincs on the 18th hist. They ar
rived in this city that same evening and
expect to remain hero about a week with
his brother , N. U. Smith , when the newly
wedded couple will go to northern Iowa.
Mr. William H. Maxfiold and Katie M.
Nichols were united in marriage at the
residence of the bride's parents , Green-
dale , Council Ulull't ) , at 8 o'clock Wednes
day evening , Juno 15. A sumptuous repast
was spread , after which the evening was
spent in delightful social converse. The
couple were born and raised in Council
liliilFs , and willHtill make this their home.
There was a largo gathering of relatives
and friends both from the cily and from
a distance. The bride was the recipient
of numerous presents.
The Omaha Herald man gets into
trouble by writing up a concert before-
liand. In regard to the "Omaha Night"
at St. Paul's church hero , he says : "I.
M. Trcynor , the Mcrkel sisters anil others
were highly successful in their roles ,
receiving as many recalls as they wanted ,
and more , too , considering the high tem
perature and the weather. " If the Misses
Mcrkcl and Mr. Trcynor had taken part
in the concert , the encores would doubt
less have been there.too , but they neither
sang , nor were called back.
The "Deestrik Skulo" was lately given
two nights in Woodbine , by ono of the
churches there. As there was a great de
mand oven for standing room the soci
ety must have made a Itnanclal success.
The entertainment originated in Council
UI nil's and since its production hero thn
Congregational church folks received so
many letters of Inquiry concerning it
that it was decided to publish the outline -
line in pamphlet form for the guidance
of other churches desiring to get tip such
an entertainment. Those pamphlets are
being sold at $1 oacb , and orders have
come in from all parts of the country.
The other day a church in Maine sent for
It. It is taking wonderfully.
Other agents may talk as hard as they
please about the Ilardman piano. It gets
away with them for all that. These
pianos arc hard to beat. The Mueller
Music Co. sell always only the best.
Our new mall bicycle has arrived. The
Trywoll Hall Head Tangent spokes , the
finest wheel made In Europe or America.
Bee It at Cole & Cole's , 41 Main street.
Tlio Omaha Boys.
The boys' choir , of All Saints' church ,
Omaha , which gave such an excellent
concert hero on Thursday night , was en
tertaincd on the lawn at llov. T.'J.
Mackay's residence. The choir con
sisted of Willie Frank. Harry Stevens ,
Chris. ISontzon , Gray Montgomery. Soy-
bolt Lozier , Charles t rank , IlcrbcrtUnnn ,
Eskel Nelson , Willie Norman , Charles
Higgins , Harry Finn , U. llendm , Henry
Nelson , sopranos ; Lovcll Dunn , Charles
Wearuo , Robert Uays , A. J. Bollard ,
altos ; K. M. Weir , John Ihirness , J. H.
Morrlani , tenors ; C. V. Baker , K. M.
Jones , 0. M. Woodman , L. L. Eppich ,
-13. Roberts , T. J. I'onnell , bassos.
For rupture or hernia , call and got Dr.
Rice's now invention. It makes a man
f you in live minutes. No pain. Mo. 11
oearl street.
To too Public.
On Monday next , Juno 20,1 will open
up In the McMackcn building , corner
liroad way and Sixth streets , a line of
oods similar to the line now carried by
Pline ln my establishment on Upper Uroad-
rca Tway. Tlio now shop will bo run under
Bto ti\,0 \ | title of L. C. 15rackett& Co. Trusting
woultto receive a share of your .patronage , I
nfllicinn Yours truly ,
DSCap .
With 1 Freed at Ij sr.
I The trial of William Bobout for niur-
BEtfler has just been concluded at Sidney. It
nnotlvesulted in his acquittal , the jury being
Bcttlo ut twelve hours. Judge Dcomor pro-
ThisSsided : The tratjcdy occurred eighteen
low yours ago. Bcbout was u pilot on n
ferry boat plying between Kastport and
Nebraska City , The man ho killed was
R. P. Hill , the engineer on the boat. The
men quarreled about whether another
trip should bo made that evening , and m
the quarrel Bebout shot nnd killed Hill.
Hobout claimed to bo acting in self-de
fense , and after eighteen years ot delay
a verdict has been readied acquitting
Tinners wanted. Competent workmen
can apply at Cole & Cole , 41 Main street.
For Bale.
Two drug stores in central Nebraska.
Good thriving towns. Will invoice from
f 1,500 to $3,600. Apply to
Council mull's , Iowa.
Peri aim I
A. A. Hazard is quito ill and confined
to his houso.
Attorney . J. Trotter , of Aynca , was
In the city yesterday lookinsr after the
Minden liquor case. It was postponed.
Clarence H. Judson has returned from
Chicago. Ho expects to remain only two
wccki , and will then co.back to Chicago
to engage in the printing business with
Ins brother.
Attorney Charles Mackenzie , of Dun-
lap , has entered the licld as a temper
nco lecturer. He has made a practical
Itudy of the great evil and will doubtless
prove K worthy worker iu the cause ,
One Good Turn Mar Deserve Another. Bat
It Won't Work ,
A Contlnunnco For n Month A 1'hc-
uomciinl Itllml 1'lanlst Xlic Gas
Compnny'H Moilrst Request
Will lie Ucfuseil.
A Trick Thnt Can't Ho Turned.
Thu HII : : lins several times called atten
tion to the new county jail niut tlio ilis-
satisfaction which tins been felt concern-
hiK it. It scorned to be a pretty irood
Idea to have the cull rooms in the form
of si cylinder , revolving easily , so that
ono cnlrunuu might answer for all the
cells. Theory and practice prove to vary.
Whatever the theory may have been , it is
now pretty well demonstrated that the
revolving part of the jnil is bordering
upon a falltiro. Yesterday two men , by
applying their utmost muscular ability ,
succeeded in turning the great cylinder
so that the prisoners i-ould bo let out
into the corridors. The ofllcors hardly
dared to lock the men up again in the
cells lest they could not be revolved out
again. It seems that the revolving part
has been growing worse and worst ) , the
cogs slipping and sticking and the cylin
der turning harder and harder. It would
be a startling situation if the men should
bo in the cells when the great cylinder
stops never to go again , for it would bo
no little trouble to get them out of this
huge bird cage with no door for exit. It
seems that the only chance now remain
ing is for the manufacturers to come on
hero and lix the jail so that it will swing
around the circle. Perhaps they can do
this , but if not , what will the county deV
The situation is getting borious and
some change will have to bo made at
onco. The troubles have been growing
worse and worse , until now it is abso
lutely necessary that a radical change bo
made so that the troubles will be obvi
ated , or the rotary plan abandoned.
A hull In Ijlqttor.
There will be a cessation of legal
sparring over the liquor cases. Yester
day morning Judge Carson decided to
continue the hearing of the injunction
cases until July 25. This will suit the sa
loon men , and is looked upon by them as
u victory. The cause of delay is the dif
ficulty in getting the two chief witnesses
out of jail in Omaha , and bringing them
to this side , the defendants insisting that
they should have a rightto cross examine
these men concerning the facts set forth
in their affidavits. There seems no im
mediate prospect of thcso men being released
leased , and so the cases have gone over
until the date named. This will permit
the judge to attend the Avoca term of
court , and clear up some other business
which needs looking after.
Two cases were disposed of yesterday
by Judge Carson refusing to issue the
temporary writs of injunction asked for.
One of thcso was the case against Mr.
"litter , who was charged with selling
"rinks , when , as is well known , ho has
ot been in tlio saloon business at all.
'ho other was the case of Ncls Smith , the
lourt holding that the evidence was not
This breathing spell will bo appreciated
V the attorneys on both sides. During
: ho past few days of wrangling Jacob
Sims lias been physically unable to appear
n court , and the prosecution has de
ended on , who is a young law-
or only a year out of the school , and
ivhilo ho may develop into u good lawyer ,
10 lacks experience , nud it has been an
ncqnal warfare to pit him against the
.blest and oldest members of the bar
lore. Mr. Sims will bo able to take hold
if the cases anew , and as ho has both ex
perience and ability , he will doubtless
make a better light against such able at-
.ornnys , as Mr. llaldene , Colonel Sapp ,
N. M. 1'usoyV. . A. Mynster and others.
Kven ho , with the state law on his side ,
ivill find that ho has no easy task.
A Blind IMniilst.
There is now stopping in the city , tha
guest of Dr. Richards , on Myustcr street ,
young man , or rather a boy , who is a
musical wonder. Ilis name is G. S.
loush , and his homo is near Ft. Wayne.
lo is but nineteen years of age , and has
been blind since the ago of live years.
Ho has been thoroughly educated at the
nstitution in Indiana , and is especially
prolicicnt in music. Itcsidcs a musical
education , ho is gifted with great natural
endowments , which have developed rap-
, dly for ono of his ago. Since ho has
been in the city a number of citizens and
judges of music have had the privilege
of hearing him play on the piano , and
they have been enthusiastic in their
praise. Yesterday the BEE representative ,
with others , wore at Dr. Richards' resi
dence , and listened to him. To say that
his performance is wonderful but faintly
expresses it. The most difficult and
classical music is in his repertoire , and
ho executes thcso with the greatest case ,
and with marvelous expression. Ho
seems to bring out of a piano all the
music there is in it. All that is needed is
for one to play a piece , no matter how
difficult , or to read the notes to him ,
and ho at once catches it , his
memory holds fast to every note , and ho
plays it at onco. Last week fourteen
pagcsof the mostdiflicult music were thus
read to him , and that very day ho played
it accurately and with an expression
which showed that he had already fami
liarized himself with it. Ho has thus
stored away in his memory , to guide his
fingers in their blind but rapid running
over the keyboard , three score or more
of the great master productions. Yes
terday to please those who called upon
him ho played Li.s/.t's transcription of
Tanuhauscrs march , executing it won-
dorfullv well. Such is out -a sample of
the class of compositions with which ho
is familiar. There has been some dcsiro
expressed hero to have arrangements
made for him to appear in concert , before -
fore ho loaves the city. Ho has very
limited means , and is very desirous of
securing enough to enable him lo further
his studies in Europe , ami if n benefit
concert could bo arranged , it would
doubtless prove an enjoyable ono to those
who attended , while it would give needed
assistance to a worthy , struggling young
man whoso gifts promise ere long to
make his name a familiar ono in at'
musical circles.
IMitylnjt High.
The gas company has fixed up an ordinance -
dinanco for the council to pass , renewing
their charter. Th assurance is given
that the request to renew this monopoly
will bo pigeon-holed by the council , and
that the proposed ordluanco will never
pass a second reading , The rates which
this company proposes are as follows ;
3. That In consideration of the pledges
herein granted to said company. U shall fur
nish the Inlmbltants with llluintuatln ? gas at
| ) per 1,000 cubic feet , until the amount
annually consumed for Illuminating pur
poses shall equal 50,000,000 cubic feet , when
the prlco shall bo reduced to 52.60 per 1,000
cubic feat until the amount annually con *
suraod for illuralnatliiK purposes shall equal
100,000,000 cubic fret , when the price shall be
reduced to S3 per 1,000 cubic feet , and so' re
main until the expiration of the grant herein
made ; provided , UiatU an/ new dlwyery or
new Improvement bo mmlo In the manufac
ture of KAS from coal or other material ,
cither iluld or solid , by widen tlio
cost of producing the same Is mater
ially lessened , and the same shall bo
adopted In other principal cities of the coun
try te t , then. njul | n sncn wise , said company
shall ti lutrouucc such liiiprovct'icnj ' InM \ \
manufacture of Its ens In mud city , and make
such deduction In the price of gas ns shall bo
effected by such discovery or Improvement.
Said company shall at all times furnish to
said city upon Iho scvernl streets , avenues
and nlley.s therein , through which the lend
ing 1I 1 main pipes or street mains may bo laid ,
for I the purpose of supplj Int ? the Inhabitants
with Illuminating ( , such qualities of Il
luminating K < is as may bo ordered by the
city council for , and all the pas requited to
llffht all the public street lamps located
thereon , at the prlco of fX ) cents per 1.000 cubic
leet t less than shall bo charged to the inhabi
tants 1l 1 lor Illumlnatliift ( 'a. . until the total nn-
1C 1C nual l consumption of Illuminating iras In
said city filial ! amount to ' 00,000,000
cubic feet , whun the price of all shall bo tlui
same , to bo paid monthly In war funds , said
lumps I to be llL'htcd and extinguished accord
ing to the time table at or near this latitude.
The lamp posts , lamps , burners and metres
to be lurnlshcd and kept In icpalr'at the ex
pense of the city , but sdd uas comparer
ntireos , whenever iho number of street lamps
shall exceed lee , to light and cxtlnuulsBiho
saint ) at Us own expense , and upon the fail
ure or refusal ot either party to carry out
any of the foregoing provisions , the other
paily not In fault shall bo relieved there-
Tlio High School.
The commencement exercises will oc
cur at the opera houss on the 34th. The
graduating class consists of Clara V.
Southwell , Josephine Clausscn , Ada
Ainsworth , J. K. 1 > . SehtirDorinda ! ,
( Jrass , Mary Lojiiso Finley , M.iria L.
ISriggs , Ivanellu llattenhauer , Mary V.
Kilmore , Mamie M. Hardin , Charlotte K.
Pile and Mary K. Mtinson.
The music will bo furnished by the
Fifth regimental band , under Messrs.
Dalby and Roll' , and also by Messrs. Till-
leys and liadolet.
J. W. & K. L. Squire make beautiful
abstracts of title and deserve the success
they are enjoying.
At Seen Ry Others.
Your correspondent , in company with
E. Hodges , made a short visit to Council
Ululi's Friday of last wecK and among the
many improvements going on wo did not
fail to observe the splendid court house
and government ptistollice buildings.
Also the fine hotel at Lake Munawa.
Notwithstanding that it rained all the
time wo were there , wo could not help
seeing that Council 151 nil's is in the midst
of a great boom , as well as Omaha , that
may reach vast proportions. [ Malvern
Drs. llanchett & Smith , ollicc No. 13 ,
Pearl st. , residence 130 Fourth st. Tele-
hone No. 10.
A Puzzling Drink.
In a seizure of liquors nt Dunlap there
was a quantity of "B. B. , " which so puz
zled the officers that they concluded to
send it back to Wheeler & Ilcrold , of
Council Bluffs , of whom it was originally
obtained. The beer was destroyed , but
the officers did not dare take the respon
sibility of spilling the 1) . B.
Latest improved gasoline stoves at N
501 Main street. W. A. Wood.
The First Mississippi Uivcr Steamboat
Pioneer Press : An Anoka man has
come out with a correction of the state
ment that the lirst steamboat lloatcd on
the Mississippi above St. Anthony's Falls
was owned by Z. E. B. Nash. Iho Gov
ernor Ramsey , built in 1810 and on the
water in 1850 , ho claims was the first. It
was constructed by a Maine man known
s "One-Eyed Smiley , " unit the boiler
.nd engines came from Hanger , Mo. , via
.ho ocean , New Orleans and the Missia-
lippi. It was hauled from St. Paul to St.
Anthony by a twelve-ox team. The boat's
Irst passengers were a delegation of
Jhippcwas , who hud been attending a
onncil at Fort Snelling.
This chronicler of river history goes on
, o note that Governor Ramsey presented
.he boat with a tlag. She did good ser
vice for three years and was succeeded
by the H. M. Rico , a side-wheeler. The
machinery of the Governor Ramsey was
then sent to do duty on a boat that was
run on the Red River of the North. That
'boating" was profitable in those days
: annot be doubted when it is claimed
hat the Governor Ramsey paid for itself
n the first three months of its existence.
Special advertisements , such as Lost , Found
rjol/oHnKor Sale , To Kent , ft ants , Boardlmr ,
etc. , will tialneertod in thli column nt the loir
ratoofTEN CUNTS PEH LINE for the Orst laser-
ion a /ivoCcuta Per Llnaforoach subsequent
Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our olBco
No. U I'curl succt , near UroaJwuT. Council
WANTED A Rood cook and irlrl for vencial
housework In a family of four.Mrs. .
Thomas Officer , No. 6KI Willow avenue.
WANTGD--A peed Girl for light housework.
Apply at once at No. ! 1 Vine at.
WANTKD-lmmedlately. a Ulrlof li or 15. to
assist at IlKht house work and care for
two children , axes 3 and 6. Address , giving
references. Housekeeper , Hoe ollice.
FOR SALK-Or Trade-Six lections ot good
land In Lincoln county. Neb. , on U. P.
railway. Call on or address Udell Bros , ft Co. ,
103 Pearl St. , Council niuffn.
WANTKD A good girl ( or general houte
work. Apply ut 704 Sixth avenue.
Justice ol the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffv
Refers to any bank or business house In the
city. Collections a specialty.
Justice of the Peace.
Oilicejvec American Express.
lu Amber ,
etc.Hair Or
naments , as
well as the
newest nov
elties in hair
i Hair goods
madeto order
XrSTcfL. Gillette
20 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Attorneys at Law *
ctlce in ( he State and Federa I C ourti
. , Ro mi 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block.
Finest : Landaus
Couches and Hacks in City.
omccs :
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. 33
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , IW.
And Chronic Diseases ,
Of all kinds , cation
DR. RICE , No. 11 Pearl Street , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
Dr. llauRhawout : Omaha Dental As
sociation Dental operations rendered
tminlcss bv the use of compound oxygon.
Teeth without plato , bridge work and
crowns of every approved kind inserted
by the most satisfactory method. Hell-
man block , cor. 13th and Farnam sts.
Council BluUs.Iowa.
Established 1S57.
Vactnt Lots , Lands , City Itcsldoncos nnd
Fnrms. Aero property In wustern part of city.
All celling chciip to raako room for spring stock
Real Estate Insurance Agent ,
Rooms , over Officer & Puccy's Bnnk , Cou
The finest of driving horses always on
hand and for ? alc by
EngineerySunreforMapPubHsher ,
Over Jfo. 12 North Main St.
City and county maps , of cities and counties
n western lown , Nebraska and Kansas.
R. RICE , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knile or Drawing o
Over 30 vears Practical experience.
No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Lnrgohfitsiu white , black and all colors. Pat
tern bonnets , hats and tocjnes , u specialty.
No 1511 Uauglui st. , Omaha.
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
JVX > . 23 MAIX ST. ,
COUlfclL VLUFFS , : i IA
Star Sale Stabfes and Mule Yards
Uroadway , Council Uluffa , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horses and mules kept constantly on
hand , lor sale at retail or in car load
Orders promptly 'filled by contract on
abort notice. Stock sold on commission.
SHLUTER & BOLET , Proprietors.
Telephone No.'Tl
Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables , corner
lit. ave. and 4th st
lit. ) tlup U C
luM. f
Owing to tba liaoitl , tUITUITT ot th * cloth ( which
our t t t * cot.r ) will III ftrttettr flnt
Urn * worn. R * < i lr i > obruklnr la. Ill MTta D
by Mll.r af tpr bclnr worn ten d y. If not found th. moil
4 CcBtfartabls Conet rer wgrn. Bold by all ,
JVo otttci" fioitsc in flits slate can
Mti7t a lat'UK ami complete
or dive the iH'tcca tvc quote in
his list. A wholesaleslockainoiint-
'nif ' to $175,000 In bo aolil at less
than wholesale priccn.
Good quality 1'rlntn , 2ct 3c and -lc
per yard ,
llcst qunlllij Shirting and Jrcsn
1'rlnts , such an jUerrlmac , Chocc-
coen , Allen * , AincrlcanstItichiHonds ,
lc. , at < 7c. Sold elsewhere at Sc and
American Sateens , yard wldc,10c.
Imported Sateens , 15c , HOc and
Shirting and Dress I'crcalcs , tic ,
7c , 3c and We. Itcgttlar price lac
to 25c.
Thousands of pieces to select from
in both imported and domestic
Apron Glnyhatns , 4c , Sc and fie.
Dress Ginghams , Sc and Gc ,
Itenfrcwtt , Lancas crst Gorman-
dies , Ainoskays , and other brands
at fie and We.
Imported Ginghams , 12\c \ up
wards , of which ivc have a great
Crlnlilcil Seersuckers in plaids ,
stripes , combinations and chain-
brays , 5c , 7c , Sc , We , 12c and JSc.
Cheviots and Shirtings from Sc
upwards. A full and complete line
always on hand.
Ill-own sJiectings and Muslins , 4c ,
Yard wide Lawrence , "L , L. " and
other brand" , Sc.
Jtest yard wide Indian Head
Sheeting , Gc , 7c and Sc.
Kroivn and JJleachcd Pillow Case ,
8-4O-4 , 10-4 , 1V-4 , at less than
ever before.
litcached Muslin , yard wide , 5c.
Lonsdale and similar brands ,
yard wide , G\cto \ 7jc.
Jf'ainasntt , 1'ride of West and
other brands , lOc to liic.
A discount given to piece lots.
Lawns and White Goods
from 3c Upwards.
Latest Styles Domestic and Im
IvLrfiTilmlil OfiL4L <
On Monday , June 6th ,
Of all kinds of Dress and Wash
Goods , at almost any price.
Wraps. Suits , made
up Dresses , etc. , we are selling
cheaper than ever.
& GO'S.
Nos , 314,316,318 , , and 320
Special ms :
Beginning Monday , June 13 , at
Parasols at greatly reduced prices to close
the season's stock.
Black Lisle Thread Hose , good ones at 25c
The present invoice of this splendid
bargain is nearly sold ,
Remnants of Dress Goods and Silks at
prices to clean the counters.
Ginghams , Seersuckers and White Dress
Goods in a very great variety.
We are headquarters for Carpets of all
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
o. o" .
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council KliilCs Office , Masonic-
Temple. Omaliii OJIlceo 111
Nor til I < ! lh street.
Inrtleiilnr attention gi\cn to In
vesting . funds lor non - resi
dents. Special bargains in lots &
acre property In Omalia iV Council
cil ISIiill's. . Correspondence solic
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : : Boarders : - : Reduced : : Rate ? .
Stfeam , Gas and Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Mail Orders Shipped I'r.t > i ptly.