Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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BomBthlng About An Instituton Which la
Very Little Appreciated ,
iTnckRon , tlioMurderer , Cots Thirty
Years In the I'on State House
Notes News From the
Prof. Lane vas athomoyestorday from
the commencement exercises of the state
normal school , of which board ho is a
member. Mr. Lane was greatly satislled
at the excellent showing of the state nor
mal school for the year , as were ajso the
entire board who wcro in attendance.
Located as the school Is in the qnict vil
lage of Peru , where naught is heard but
the echo of Tern Majors and hi5 speech
to the water-f yvl , very few people in Nebraska -
braska appreciate thu magnitude of the
state normal school and its thorough ,
consistent work that progresses through
the year without display or ostentation.
At the commencement exorcises just past
tlio school , in tlio opinion of the state su
perintendent , made the best showing in
its history. The school year closed lias
boon one of undisturbed work with the
thorough harmony that counts pervad
ing every department. The programme
nnd week of commencement exercises
scarcely appeared to tlio outside world erin
in print , and yet the board , who wcro in
attendance , pronounce all worthy of
especial mention. The school graduated
Iho present year and awarded diplomas
to seventeen students. Those students
wore from different parts of the state and
were : Lottie Burch , Peru ; Ellis K.
Good , Peru ; Grace Bollong , Schuy-
ler ; George A. Colman , London ;
Laura J. Bradford , Peru ; William B.
Harm an , Nebraska City ; Hello Carpen
ter. Watson , Mo. ; Richard T. Hawley ,
Brock ; Sarah Thorn , Holmcsvlllo ; James
W. Crabtrce , Weeping Water ; Carrie A.
Uowen , North Platte ; Ella Shelhorn ,
PuBois ; Lcroy Miller , Peru ; Hannah Rob
erts , Arlington ; S. M. Logan , Hastings ;
Alma Church , Nebraska City ; James H.
Vedder , Grand Island. Life certificates
were granted to the following past grad
nates who have successfully followed
toaohing the past three years : Evnlino
Birss , Lou 1) . Dort , Mary Shoaron , Olive
Wilcoxin , 11. H. VanVlcok , Delia G.
Nuckols , Anna Stroc c. Thirty-four of
the students in the elementary course
wore granted two year certificates , mak
ing a total of two-year certificates
grunted in the school to date of 151.
About 300 students have boon in attend
ance in the school in the past year , and
the faculty will remain unchanged the
coming year with the exception of the
ecieneo department , which is made va
cant by the resignation of Prof. Grant ,
the vacancy in tiiat department being not
yet filled.
Yesterday in the district court the con
vict Jackson , who murdered a man in
the satto penitentiary , was brought be
fore the court and plead guilty to mur
der. Jackson before had plead not
guilty , but ho evidently changed his mind
and preferred the mercy of the court to
the mercy of the jury. Judge Pound im
posed a sentence of thirty years in the
penitentiary at hard labor , and whiic
Jackson demurred at the scope of his
sentence the judge told him that ho know
hi ? career ; that it was not the first time
that ho had been before him , and that ho
had done no good for himself or the com
munity , and it wore better for both that
bo pass his time in confinement and
Yesterday morning Governor Thayer
received tuo following dispatch from the
Philadelphia Press :
Governor Thayer ; FIrasa telegraph at our
expense your opinion of President Cleve
land's order over the return of the captuied
confederate Hag * . Will the veterans of your
Btnto willingly part with the trophies of tholr
victories ? PHILADELPHIA
To which the governor responded :
LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 17. The Philadel
phia Press , Philadelphia , Pa. : The veteians
and people of Nebraska are tilled with iudlg-
tntlon nt the order for the return of the rebel
Hags. Thov are trophies of our victories over
the confcueiate.i , and must never bo surren
[ Signed.1 JOHN M. TiiAYKit , Governor.
At the auditor's ollico yesterday the
precinct bonds for $10,000 of South York
precinct , Pawnee county , and $35.000 ol
Pawnee City precinct 'wore registered.
Those are bonds issued in aid of tlio
Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway
to run twenty years , optional at ton years
and bearing 0 per cent interest.
. " - The force in the auditor's otlico are at
Fork preparing the grand assessment
„ - d'jf the stato. Up to date three coun-
KNiS have filed their abstract of assess-
t mont Saline , Jefferson and Richardson.
' The counties have until July 10 in which
to tile abstracts.
Adjutant General Cole departed yes
terday for a two weeks' visit at Lansing ,
Mich. While there General Cole will
visit the adjutant general's office in that
Htato and got aomo pointers in the work
ings of his now ollico.
Green , the salt man from Chicago , who
m.s been laboring to get tlio state to enter
' into contract to lot the Western Salt com
pany manufacture salt at the salt basins ,
is in the city.AI10UT
The board of , trade held a business
meeting at the court house Thursday
evening and discussed the question o :
getting the Santa Fo into Lincoln. A
I commerce committee was raised , con
elstmg 01 J. W. Winger. A. K. liar-
greaves , R. A. Perry and George H
Clark. The board discussed thoquosfioi
of rates and the action of the Omaha
board of trade passing resolutions agains
tholr action. The assurance was glvoi
that rates equal with Omaha wore to bo
Civen Lincoln. W. Q. Boll , secretary of
the board , resigned , and John E. Utt , the
now commissioner of the freight bureau
was elected in his stead.
The bright and brainy city attorney
attempted to get another case ngains
Lindsay yesterday , and had eight wit
liessos examined that know nothing o
violations , and the case was dismissei
with the city to foot the bills. The brief
loss city attorney who rattles around ii
that oil i oo could , with the mayor , cease
persecutions and conlino themselves to
prosecutions to the financial bouotU o
Mr. Fred W. Race and wife , of Omaha
were at the Capital hotel yesterday. Mr
Race was married Thursday to Miss EHz
Ratnour , at Weeping Water , and his many
friends in-Omaha will bo waiting to extend
tend congratulations upon his return.
The following notaries public hav
boon commissioned by the governor
George K. Smith , Kcarnev ; George A
Blnir , Inland ; J. J. Downey , Dale , Cus
torcountyC. ; S. Ellison , Algernon , Cus
tor county ; W. K. Gratton , Omaha ; Day
Mills , Omaha ; Emmctt Love , Grceloy
Center. Grecley county , E. T. Garland ,
Lincoln ; E. S.- Post , Asylum , Lancaster
county ; H. 1) . Kclloy , Newman's Grove ,
Madison county.
The Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy
ref takes is-suo with the attorney general upon
, the question of tholr rights to condemn
and take certain state lots in Lincoln , and
ho sale appol ntod for Thursday has.beon
tdjourned until July 10 , to allow the
> urtd to i > tua upon the question at issue.
Bclf WlnUlnic Clocks.
London Truth : It is curious what a
revolution in the watch trade self-wind'
ing has made , and 1 have often wondered
that no such plan had been adapted to
clocks , This has now been done , nnd I
fancy the clock which winds itself up
every hour will produce a coiuploto
change in the clock trado. The inven
tion is very ingenious. The mechanism
eliminates the heavy and costly parts of
the clock work , gives the movement one-
lifticth part of the work to do originally
entailed on It , and secures greatly in
creased clllclcncy and accuracy by the
lightness of its action. Old favorites
need not bo discarded , as , in most cases ,
wiiilc retaining entirely their old appear-
nnco they can bo converted to the new"
principle , and no longer need the weeKly
visit for winding. I went the other day
to Queen Victoria street to see these
clocks , where all about thorn was ex
plained to me , and whore I heard that
the government has already adopted the
system for the new postollico buildings
in Manchester.
Client ) Information. The United States
llotul company of lloston , imtillsli the most
clrirant set of maps of the city proper and
harbor , together with the most coniplnto liK-
tory ot tli city and stilnutw ( bcnutlrully Ill
ustrated ) over sent out as an advertisement.
Ten cents In stamps pays the postage.
Order it.
Tlio Crtila of Ijonilon KcnslltiR the
Wllit WcHtornors.
Correspondence Philadelphia Press ; 1
was told yesterday of an amusing scene
witnessed by an American gentleman.
An Knglish baronet with single eye-glass
and very English accent was asking a
couple of cowboys to dine with him.
"Ho kind enough to give mo your
cards , " said the baronet.
"Well , to tell the truth , " ropjicd the
rather embarrassed young men , "we
haven't got any. "
"Oh , never mind a mere formality
cards arc , you know. Not necessary at
all , my dear boys. Lady F - will bo
delighted to meet you. .What are your
engagements for the week ? "
The young fellows looked at each other
and said : "Most any night would suit us ,
1 guess. "
"Delighted , you know. Well , say Fri
day night. \ \ o shall expect you Friday
night. Quito informal. Never mind
dress suits. "
The two cowboys went , and I hayo no
doubt' behaved very nicely , but it will be
surprising if the fuss being made over
them hero docs not .spoil boino of them.
George W. Smalloy writes from Lon
don to the New York Tribune : "An
episode of Uuilalo Uill's career. All the
world knows , by cable and otherwise ,
that he was on Lord Charles Ueresford's
drag at the meeting of the Couching club
in llydo Park. Ho was the feature of
that gathering. The princess of Wales
herself was less an object of interest , or ,
at any rate , of curiosity. Hut there was
an unreported incident. Count Herbert
Bismarck was then in London as ho is
now. Ho went to tlio meet
and was seen by Lord Charles.
who hailed him and asked
him to come up on his coach. Count
Herbert accepted this invitation , climbed
aloft and was assigned to scat behind the
box seat , lie observed in front of him
and next to Lord Charles a big , power
ful man with long hair and what is here
called a sombrero. Presently he was in
troduced to this personage as Colonel
the Hon. William F. Cody. The son of
the imperial chancellor of Germany pos
sibly wondered who Colonel the Hon.
William F. Cody was , nnd pretty cer
tainly occupied his mind with specula
tions on the greatness of this un
known hero who was so conspicu
ously preferred before him. There is no
human being stiller than your Prussian
on points of etiquette ; none , on the
whole , so stiff. When Count Herbert
Bismarck returns to Berlin ho will have
it to relate that the man in whoso favor
ho himself was relegated to a back scat ,
was an American , lolnt proprietor of an
establishment sometimes called Cody's
London , however , having some time
since set up Buffalo Bill ns an idol , and
fallen down before and worshipped him.
and burned incense before him , is still
well content with its new imago. Ho is
liked as well as lionized. His nerves arc
not fluttered by contact with fashion.
Ho takes what comes to him with cool
ness and as if it were quito a matter of
course. Whether at luncheon or a din
ner party or an evening crush , our
long-haired handsome giant has every
art of being at homo. Why should
ho not ? It must bo easier to be the
center of half a dozen pretty women's
admiring attentions than a target for red
Indian bullets. "Havo yon met Buffalo
Bill ? " queried ono "smart" young man
about town of another , "smarter , " if not
younger. "Yes , often. " "What was ho
doing ? " "Mostly playing poker with
duchesses. " This may bo only a vivacious
form of expressing the extent of Colonel
Cody's intimacy with the most exalted
society , but , with or without the poker ,
of tho" intimacy there can bo no doubt.
"Fir Killer" Dutcbor' *
The most successful exterminator. Ev
ery sheet will kill a quart. Quick work.
Persistent use will keep ahead of repro
duction. Dutcher's Dead Shot for bed
bugs , _
How YoatiK Cossacks arc Trained.
London Times Russian Loiter : A
splendid idea was given of what the
hardy Cossack race really is by two
whole regiments , or twelve sotnias , of
boys , about 1,400 strong , from nine years
old up to fourteen , drawn for the occa
sion from all the slanitsas or settlements
of the Cossack territory. Mounted on
loan , shaggy native hurcos , and wielding
huge swords bigger than themselves , and
lances eight feet long , they formed the
most wonderful infant cavalry ever seen.
These boys can already ride at n headlong
pace , cling on to their stirrups like mon
keys and pick up handkerchiefs from the
ground as they careen along. His im
perial majesty , who arrived at tlio salut
ing point at 10 o'clock amidst tre
mendous cheering , was greatly inter
ested and amused by these Cossack
youngsters as they rode by in lines of
sptniiiB two deep , headed by tiicir choirs ,
singing Cos > ack nongs to tlio boat of tam
bourines. Their swords and lances wore
found rather too unwieldy for , such
children , so they were taken away just
bcforo the ride past.
Used by the United 8Utee Government
ndor ed bjr the hiMUlaot the Orctt Unlre ttle
and 1'ubllc Food AnilveUMTheSlrongeit.Purcst ,
nd moat Heilthtnl. Dr. Ptlct'm tba only Diking
vidtirtb t doc * not conUla AminonU , Lime or
lr. I'rlco'i Extract- , Vanilla , Lemon , tie.
' flint r i i *
Seasonable Advice to Sea-Bent Tourbls
By An Old Vet ,
Ucwnro of More * and Don't ' tict the
.American Eagle Gcrcnm Too
Frcqucntlj- Varied Col
lection of Don'tu.
New York Tribune : "So you want to
Hot sonio of my notions about ocean
traveling nnd doing Europe and that sprt
of thing , eh I Very well , it's a big sub'
jcct , but I long ago got my Idea about it
into pretty compact shape , just as the
more a man travels the smaller grows
the baggage that ho finds it necessary to
take with him. "
The speaker was a well preserved man
of perhaps forty-live , perhaps fifty , or
maybe even fifty-live. In fact lie had
just that sort of face which bailies specu
lation as to the ago of its owner clean
shaven , except for a brown moustache ,
abundant iron-gray hair , complexion
ruddy , but not at all booty , gray eyes
and Roman nnse. There was about him
an air of repose unusual in a country
wlioio motto is or well might bo "hurry
upt" Vet ho was an American and en
gaged in an extensive business. By his
familiars lie is called Colonel . Ho
was seated at Dolmomco's cafe smoking
a cigar of delicious fragrance with that
leisurely air that betokens thorough ap
preciation of it. Ilo had crossed the At
lantic thirty times.
"What , won't take anything but a
cigar ? Well , I guess you are right.
Drink may sometimes stimulate the im
agination , but it plays the mischief with
one's regard for cold facts , flake it that
above all things a nowjpai > or mau ought
to stick to cold facts.- " His back was to
the light nnd it was dilllcult to toll
whclhni his smile was one of irony or
trunk approval.
"You want mo to meander in my own
fashion us though talKing to some one
about to start lor Kuropc ? Well , that
suits mo best. When I'm 'running free'
1 hate being compelled to 'lull' up1 by a
question. If those metaphors don't tally
with nautical .science , so much the worse
for nautical science.
"Don't hurry.
Don't worry. "
"Writc.that advice plain and give it
plenty of room. If 1 were a preacher I'd
preach only from those texts ; if i were a
writer I'd write about nothing clso. if
this great American nation dot's not lined
it , sooner or later , there won't bo a sound
liv r or a decent digestio apparatus or a
clear head in the whole country. Above
all , don't go abroad with the expectation
of enjoying yourself unless piepared to
take a pledge that you won't hurry if
you can possibly help it. But if the temp
tation or the national habit is too strong ,
I would say to you as that certain happy
Irishman was wont to remark to his
neighbors when they got upset about
anything : 'Bo aisyj if you cairt bo aisy ,
bc'as aisy as you kin. ' I always had a
great respect for that fellow.
* "UON'TS. "
"You'll find my adyico is mainly made
ii ] ) of 'don'ts. ' The tourist concerns him
self too much with what ho ought to do
nnd not enough with what ho ought not
to do. Don't bother about getting sea
sick. Don't invest in any so-called reme
dies for it. They arc all a delusion.
'What is to be will bo , ' and you'll get
seasick or you won't get seasick just ac
cording to your constitution. Anyhow ,
it isn't halt as bad as it's represented to
bo. People say that when you're seasick
you wouldn't leave your berth to save
your life , but 1'vo noticed that when
there's n collision or anything of that sort
people tumble up on _ deck mighty lively ,
seasick or not seasick.
"If you're in doubt as to whether you'll
want anything abroad or on the voyage ,
leave it behind. Ten to one you'll get
along just as well without it. Avoid sup
erfluous baggage. Don't take any books
with you ; you'll find plenty on board
ship. Don't start a journal on board
ship. You'll only record a Jot of notions
about your fellow passengers that you'll
probably find all wrong before the voy
age is half over , and when it's over you'11
find that you don't care about them any
how. Besides , nothing so plainly shows
that a man is 'doing it , for the first thmi
as this keeping of a journal. Ana it's apt
to make ono priggish.
"Don't try any solid reading on board
hip. Head Murk Twain ; read Bret
Ilarte read anything that you can pick
up for half an hour and then drop. The
atmosphere of a ship , socially and other
wise , isn't , somehow , adapted to study.
All the follows who went in lor heavy
reading on board ship that I've over met
wore bqics. Beware of bores. Sheer oil'
on the lirst alarm. You can't insult any
body on board ship not oren a bore
and'if you let a bore once fairly button
hole you , ho is likely to stick to you for
the rest of the voyage , like the old man
of the sea to Sindbad I ho Sailor. Don't
bo a bore yourself. - If you have a par
ticular hobby , don't ride it on board ship ;
if you hayo any particular tad , don't air
it. Don't expect to feel all that
Byron felt-or pretended to feel. ( I bcliovo
ho pretended ) about the sea. Don't
profess an admiration for it that isn't
genuine. Ninety-nine people out of a
hundred find that it becomes awfully
monotonous after gazing at it for a few
hours , and before the voyage is over
they'd go in cctacies over any of the fa
miliar and despised scenes of every day
life on shore organ grinders , ash bar
rels , gas bill collectors , plumbers , street
cars , dogs , cats , any of the nuisances of
homo lilo. See how on board ship people
will stare at a scran of sail hardly visible
on the hori/.on , and which , if seen from
the shore , they wouldn't look at a second
time or coflcorn themselves about at all.
It's because they tire of the sea. So in
stead of trying to get up an enthusiasm
about the sea ,
'Tho deep , the blue , the over free , '
and all that sort of thing , try to scrape
up an acquaintance with some pretty and
entertaining girl there are many such
on every vessel that leaves Now York in
the season and it will pay you a 100 per
cunt bettor. Don't gamble , you can
find bettor use for your money on shore.
Don't try to outshine everybody in feeing -
ing the stewards. Have courage to give
thorn just what you think they deserve.
Don't expect the friendships you make
upon board to last ; somehow they novcr
do , but got all the pleasure out of them
you can while the voyage lasts.
"Wien you get ashore don't tool it in-
cum bent upon yon to make the American
eagle scream on every possible occasion.
Don't indulge in comparisons unfavor
able to the country you are in when talk
ing to the people of it. Somehow foi-
cigners don't appreciate.our greatness as
wo do ourselves. You may pity their ig
norance , but if you try to enlighten thorn
you'll only got yourself disliked. Why.
Englishmen actually have conceit
enough to bcliovo that they are the fore
most nation on the earth , and they don't
takn kindly to dialling at all. 1 once
overheard an American and an English
man discussing the comparative merits
American nnd Knglish tailors. The
American told the Englishman that his
clothes titled him like a shirt on a bean
polo. And in fact they did look some
thing like that. But the Englishman was
so impervious to a joke tlmt ho consid
ered himself insulted , and there would
have been a row if somebody hadn't m
"Because you are an American don't
scatter tips 'regardless of expense. Most
' * ? ' Iff
1 i > U..vy
/ M vs5gsJr ! This House
PLACE , and GIVEN AWAY. . If want it
To be built in BBIG-G-S No humbusr about it. you
inquire for particulars at once of
Englishmen use coppers for tips. Do
likewise. Don't bo afraid to travel
second or third class. I have heard
some one say that only fools or Ameri
cans travel lirst class. Don't purchase a
lot of stun" on the supposition that every
thing you get in Europe must bo cheaper
than il is in America. If you make com
parisons when you got back you'll bo
surprised to lind ho > v little difference
there is in the price ot many things hero
and abroad.
"This above all don't bo a slave to
any guide booK. You are an American.
Dare to assert your independence. Go
where you want to go. Don't go where
you don't want to go. Don't try to admire -
mire what you don't admire no matter
how strongly the guide book tempts you ;
no matter how much cultured people
may hold up their hands in pious iiorror
of vour lack of taste. Don't go to pic
ture galleries if you don't care for pic
tures , especially don't try to work up en
thusiasm 'for the works of the old mas
ters , if you don't care for that sort of art.
I don't for ono , and I know nine people
out of ten would lind more to interest
them any dny in a caricature in Puck or
Judge than in tlio masterpiece of some
painter of saintly madonnas who died
100 or 200 years ago. i
"If you want to enjoy a trip abroad
don't bo hoggish ; don t try how much
you can see ; try how much you can avoid
seeing. This endless sight seeing is all
humbug ; there is neither pleasure nor
prolit in it. Learn how to 'loaf and m-
Tito your soul. ' Tarry in pleasant places ;
move on when you ge.t bored. Don't
bother your head abet t what you miss.
Don't go to exhibitions' , or if you do go
to them treat them casually ; don't try to
do them thoroughly. Th'oy'll ' take more
energy out of a man ( in an hour than
anything 1 know of. Q
"There my cigar's finished ; one moro
' ' ' ' "
'don't'and I'm
done. ,
"Well ? " '
"Don't publish mv " nriitto. "
"But " ii >
"When I say don't I mean it. "
A boy riding a horse in a race at Ogden -
den , IL T. , passed the winning post , and
after running a short distance turned
sharply and ran into a wagon which was
standing by the track with the brake set.
Tim foot bar of the brake was on a level
with the boy's ear , nnd upon this bar the
boy was caught. The upper portion of
his ear wiis penetrated and the iron
ranged backward along the base of the
skull. The horse passed from under his
rindcr , who was left dangling in the Uir.
Ho is expected to die of concussion of
the brain.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $ (5Q,000. (
"Wo do hnroby certify thnt w o BiiporvUo tlio
nrranircmontB for all the Monthly and Soiiil-An-
nuul Urawlntfs of The Louisiana State Lottery
Comtmny , and In person mnnairo nnd control
the dritwIiiK * themselves , and tti it the same are
conducted with honesty , fairness anil In > rood
lalth toward all pnrtlos and wo antborl70 the
Company to uss this cortlflciito with fac-slm-
iles of our signatures attached , in its advertise
ments. "
Wotho nnclorslirnoil nanka ami flankers will
pay all I'rlros clrnwn In The Loulilitnti Stnto
lotteries which may bo presented utour coun
J. H. OULESIIY , Pros. Louisiana National Ilk.
1'IUKKK LANAUX , I'ns. State National Uk
A. BALDWIN , Pros. New Orleans Nut'llla nk
CAUL UOIIX , Pros. Union National Uanlc.
Louisnnia State Lottery Company
Incorporuta < l In 11) ) , for IS 7 ura by tholoKMaturo
for eilucitloiinl and clmrltiiblo pur pn e4 with
capital ot tl.lJ.OJ-H ( ) ) which u reserve fund ol UTCr
fVO.lW ) has since bocnndde I
Ilyanotorwlii'lmlne iiopuUr vote lt f ranchlsa a
innilo a pin nf tlio i > re < ontslate conjtUutlouinloitou ;
DccuniberZnii , A. 1) . IST'.i.
The only lottery ever vo od on nnd endorsed
by tlio people nl any stale.
It noror scales or poalpoliq * .
Its Grnml Single .Nuinber Drav.'InffS tnlcoplnoo
monthly , nnd the SemK.Vnnuul DrawitiK'3
rotftilarlyovvry x monthsJ Uuno nnd Decora-
boi ) .
FOHTUMJ. Bovcnth Urimilinruwlnir , class O ,
In the Academy of Mu lc , Now Orlcuns. Tues
day , July is , 18S7 20fitli Monthly Drnwlnir.
CAPITAL , PIClKlj ; SI.50,000.
C Notice-Tickets are JTen Dollars only.
Halves , $5. Fifths , % 2t Tenths , SI.
1 CAPITAL PHI/.B OF _ 150,0l10. . . . Sir ,00) )
lUKANDl'UIZHUP W.OoO. . . . 6.00) )
KlUANUl'HIZKOF1 . . , aOH. ) . . ' 'utOa
SI\UQK I'lllX.ISOr 10,000. . . 21.00
4 LAIUIBPKIZCSOF 1 6,000. . . 20.UO
SO I'ldKES OF , „ 1,000. , . . SO.MU
50 I 60J. . . . 6,1 ( HI
100 n 30) . . . . a'i.eoo
200 " , . „ UOO. . . . 40,000
6flO " ' " " 100. . . . 50,000
1,000 " V.Ui 60. . . . 60,000
ArrnoxiMATiox , raizes.
100ApproximationFrl7 siC ( J.WO. . . . f30,000
100 " WO. . . . SDJUOO
100 " " 100. . . . 10,0011
S.179 Prizes nmountlng to .nayfoa
Application fur club rates ihoTTld Im maUcuiilr o
thnolllcenf the romptnr In NewUrletni ,
For further Information write clearlr , clrlnv full
aildrcus. I'OHTAL NOTKS. .iprcn moni'T orders.or
New York Kichange In ordlnarr latter. Currency bjr
N.vr Ouu.ANS , Ll. .
AdrtrcM Registered letter * to
T7 "R "Nf . V. M . Tl TC II oeneruls Taat the Beaiireaurd * and of
Karly , who r In chars * of the druwln t , Ii aifuar-
ante * of absolute f.lrnou and loU rlty. that lUa
chaueci are all equitl , and that no on * can poulb'y
dlrln * bat nunMn will draw a I'rti * .
UKMBMIieit that tbe mjment of all Prties Ii
Orlonni.and the Ticket ! are signed by theprmldent
of an Institution , whose churtereil rights are recom
piled In tbe highest rourtst therefore , bowara of any
UulwUooi or auonynjotts icbamet.
May 14 , Clintlcs Sago nnd Catherine Brest ,
of Durtcaii.svilk1. P.i.oro innrrleil. All
wont well until tlia other d.iv. llu sent homo
a piece ol veal and n kec ol beer. The rail
ran elf w itli the veal , anil the beer leaked
out of the lu'L' . Thun he put on his and
abandoned wife nnd home.
Or Black Leprosy , la n < l ! ea c which Is considered
Incurable , but it has yielded to the curative proper-
tips of bwij-T's bncino now known all over the
world us S. S. S. Mrn. Bailey , of West Somcrvllle ,
Mills. , near Boston. Tf as attacked ecvcml ycsraapo
with tma hideous block eruption , and was treated by
the best medical talent , who could only lay that too
disease was a epcclo of
and consequently Incurable. It Is Impossible to de
scribe her euflcrlnES. Her body from thccronn of
her bend to the coltsof her fret as a mass of decay ,
masse8 of flesh rotting on nnd lc \ Ins crcnt cavities.
Her lingers festered and three or four nails dropi > cd
on at ono trme. Her limbs contracted by the fearful
ulccratlon. nnd for several jcars ( Oie did not Icavo
her bed , Her wclclit was reduced from 125 to 60 Ibi.
Perhaps some faint Idea of her condition cnn be
nlcanid from the fact that three pounds of Cosmo
lice or ointment cre used per week in dreslnc hci
lores. Finally the physician * acknowledged their
defeat by this Black Wolf , and commended the suf
ferer to her all-wise Creator.
Her husband hearing wonderful reports ot the nso
of bwirr's SrEcinofS. S. B. ) , prevailed on her to
try It as a last resort. She began its use under pro
test , but soon found that her cyftcm as being re
lieved of the poison , as the rorcs assumed a red ana
healthy color , as though the blood was becoming
pure and active , Sirs. JJalley continued the S. S. S ,
until lust February ; c\cry sore was healed ; she dis
carded chair and crutches , and was for the first time
In twelve years a well woman. Her husband , Mr.
C. A. Bailey , U in business at 1"V Blackstonc Street ,
Boston , and will take pleature In giving the details
of this wonderful cure. Send tons for Treatise on
Blood and bkln Diseases , mailed free.
1'an Sniri Ericirio Co. . Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga.
And many other complaints cured by
A Prominent Buffalo Physician says :
[ 1UKPA1 o , N , V. , Fob. 14,1W
DrIIorno.ClilCAKQ. III. Deir Sir. Ills something
unusual lor one of the moillcd ! profo al into ladona
an udvertl oa article : Tot I take pleasure In Inform
Inn you thatonoof > our Ulectrlo llulu cured me of
rhouraatlim. from which 1 hail suffered 2jear < . I
hhvo recommended your Invention to fit least forty
or my patients surrorliiK with chronic dlae tses of va
rious kinds , viz ; I'ulpltn'lon of tlio cart , nerrnm
debility , epllepur , fhe.iraHtl'ni pain In the bunk ami
klilncrs , etc. . etc. . cto. All have purchisoil "nil
worn them with most gratifying results. 1 cinnluhlr
recommend your Klectrlo llelts as pouoaslnn great
merit. Kratcrn illy yours.
I , IJ.McMlcnAFL. M. D.SlNlassra-st
A Chicago Phisicitin Says ,
Or Homo-Dear air : I hare usoil several kind i of
ronttnetlcHiitl Klectrlo llelli on patlentinnil myself.
Icmit lionestlr Klvo the preference to yours , or all
odds , lloncc I canandito recommend jrourt over im
others. Yours truterimlly , J. II. Joitnov. M I ) ,
Jun U , 1SS7. office. rr Stnte-st. . Chicago
A Physician SnyB. All of My Patient
are Satisfied.
OENKVA. NEU , Jan 31 , IW
DrW.J.IIorno. Inventor Dear Sir : I recommonl
your Electric Hulls to nil who nutrer with any normal
tumble , any ehronlc liver or klilnoy iHsoavju. Allot
my iiatlunts tlmt are usIiiK your Klectrlo Uolu arj
sjtlslleil. Pratornnlly. M. 1'iuirsr. M I ) .
Physician unJ Surnaon
A Minister of the German Evangolica
iChnrcli , Kays :
I.EiniiTO.v , AllOEiin Co. Mich. , Fob ) , B37
Dr. W. J. U > rno. Chlcniru. Ill-Dear sir : Tour
Electric Holla do all yim cliilm One of tho-n helped
meof Oynitepihi constipation nml Ronerul debility.
1 would Ilku to Introduce your good * hero. Will
you let mo have the aitcncy for this townshlpl'le sa
( five yourtermi 1 nm the minister of thii ( lornuil
ISvanucllcal Church of Lelithtnn. Itcipoctfnllr.
Hrv. Louis lluitMM.
Itcsldencc , tlkldlovllle , llnrry county , Mich.
Neuralgia of the Stomach Cural.
CHI STMIT. n i , . , Jun 10,13 ? ;
Dr. Homo Dour Sir : I wussutrurliu wuli
el i of the xtonmcn , nnd inelk'lno cemel to litvu no
eiruuievcn morphine did notrulltnu inn much. Tlio
iittiick would heitln every evening about nine o'clock
and last uboulMx hours I sent tor ono of your Kleo
trio Helm , got It and put It on , anil hivn'l had til
least symptom of nuural U since. well nleme
Youratruly. A I ) IlAitcufciiT
Dr. W. J. HOHXK , 101 Wabash-avemio
ole Inventor , Proprietor and Munufaourer.
temlataniD for cutluiguo
aiCHARD EHHITT , M. II. C. V. S. ,
Veterinary Surgeon
Graduate of the Uojal College of Veter
nary Surgeons , London , England.
Olllce , nenham's Stable , 118 North IGUi
Street , Omaha.
Cor.13lh Si Dodge Sts. Omaha , Neb ,
CURES an D. . etuxi ty
Impnidnuo , ( ttclf jkhti ) , tirem. ( l > et-
uil InJutnc ! ) , Cuntif.on , ( UloJ Tul-
un ) . t l jour cato and Mtfl lor Umvi.
Inflow * Xrrnl limp for tall InformAllin. Conwiltation
or l > r mail Fr * an.1
( httce llnuf * Utolta m . a IP a ami J * to H n. in.
Mo.Nnot ; ST
.Uadt , KitrcUe * uii
uro Mijor'i
9 ( * N.J
Coats and Vests in endless va
riety , vre are quoting at such
low prices that would-be com
petitors are giving up in des
pair. Among the lot just re
ceived in the way of coats and
vests for summer wear , are
We have a fine assortment
r i
of light and medium weight
suits to accommodate anyone
Our Prices !
Will Astonish You.
Gall at Your Earliest
At the
ing Parlors
1119 Farnam St.
is the perfected form of portable Roofing , manufactured by u
for the past twonty-sovon years , and is now in use upon roofs of
Factories , Foundries , Cotton Gins , Chemical Worts , Railroad Bridges , py < " i ,
Cars , Steamboat Decks , etc. , in all parts of the \vorld.
Supplied ready for use , in rolls containing 200 square foot , and weighs
with Asbestos Eoof Coating , about 85 pounds to 100 square foot tlon
Is adapted for all climates nnd can bo readily applied by unskilled
workmen. Samples and Descriptive Price List free by mail.
H.TV. Jolma * Fire and Wator-I'roof Asbcstoa Hlieathlnff , Iliillillnc Felt , ijrof a
Albeitos Steam Packing ! , Holler Covering * , Liquid I'ulnts , 1'lro-l'roof Paint * , etc. irpor-
VULCABESTONi Moulded Platon-noa ranking , King" , O kot , Hhnct Packlnir , eta.
F.t.hU.h.d msa 175 RANDOLPH ST. . CHICAGO. * w.r . Juiw , i.
For Sale by Clilcaijo Lumber Co. , Omalia , Neb. , and Council niufTH , Iowa.
New Model Lawn Mowe
Vive Sizes. Will cut hl/Iicr yraita than
nn u other. Jinn HO equal for simplicity ,
ilnrabllitami ; ease of ojierntlon ,
This is the latest Improved Ma
chine in the Market.
Low J'rlccs. Send for circulars ,
1 State Agents for Porter's I fa ulna Tool
of JSlittllng Tunnc.
Watches , Diamonds , Fiiie Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock , i'ricea the lowest. Kepalriii a specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 15lh streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchina-C er for the Union
JraciflcRatlroad Compsnr.