Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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' - " . ' ' ' , ' : ; . ' / . .v ; . > ! : < 1"v IHE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY : .TUNE 18. ' . 1887.- ' ' : " ' - " - ' " ' ' ' ' " - ' " '
The Chicago Market Once Moio in a De
cidedly llcaltby State-
Only n Ijli lit Trade In Corn , With n
Woakur feeling In Control Out 4
( JiMiernlly Dull Market
CmrAcio , Juno 17. [ Special Tclceram to
the HIIK.I The excitement nn the board of
trade Is subsiding and conliilcnco Is slowly
reluming. Only onu suspension was an
nounced to d.ty , and that was not a serious
affair. Wheat Is down below a shipping
bash , and the outlook , considered from a
shipping nnil grain Handling point oflow ,
Is most encouraging. Tliciu Is inure activity
In thu cash grain market than tus been wit
nessed for a long tlmo. Tlio amount of
nctnai business handled Is limited only by
the vessel room availablu for tiansportation.
The engagements reported to-day aggregated
nbnnt 300,000 bushels. It Is believed that GOD-
000 bushels would moro nearly loprrscnt thu
quantity for \\hlch freight nriangoments
were made , and It Is sthtud on excellent au
thority that scvoial million bushels moro
have been bought by patties who h.ive con
tracts to 1111 at ttdo water and who will mo\o
the stall out at thu earliest moment. In
this connection It Is proper to remark
that thu shipments from points further west
art ! falling olT. Thosu who had wheat ready
to forward on .Iiino and July contracts tlnd
It moro prolltablo to III ! them with purchases
In this nurKct than to ship In thu grain from
thu outside. Thu purchases for western nnd
Rnuthwestcrn account have been siilllclently
heavy within the last two days to form an
Important lactor In trade , to glvu thu niaikut
considerable .support , 'llio dally Hhlpmunts
from Duluth are very heavy. Indeed wheat
D Is being rushed toward Now York Irom all
quaiter * . That market seems to have been
oversold for Juno and Is now presenting pe
culiar attractions for parties who have wheat
for salo. Hcnowud activity Is noticeable In
tlio foreign markets and Liverpool quotes an
actual advance for spot wheat and futuics.
The foielgn markets only settled a trlllo alter
the collapse of thu corners heie , nnd they are
shotting a decided disposition to react
nn the legitimate supply and demand.
The situation of the wheat market , taken all
In all , may bo described ns In a decidedly
I licnlthy condition. The pressme of. bank
rupt stocks of wheat may have a temporarily
b depressing eflect , but capital has confidence
in wheat at current prices. The fluctuations
In wheat to-day were life In cash and June ,
2c In Julv , ltfc In August , Ic In September ,
and % c in December. Tlio market opened
higher all around than It closed jesierility ,
but the tendency of values was In the direc
tion of a somewhat lower range , though the
1 o'clock quotations show only a Blight de
preciation In values as compared with jester-
day , Juno resting at 70Jc , July at W c ,
August at 74Jfc , September at70 cand De
cember at Sic.
A lleht trade was witnessed In corn all
.through the long session and during the last
hour a weaker teelih held control , "There
was lair animation early Incident to the
closing out of Wadhani's and other broken
speculators' deals. considerable corn
being sold "for whom It may concern. "
Most of the tlmo the business passing was
light. Nervous shorts were buying a little ,
and Mtin.vy Nelson uns a fair bujei. Twice
the market showed spurts of strength , and
up to noon It aveiagcd steady and linn.
About this time lirago appeared as a treu
seller of August property , llo did not put
out moro than 2 jO.OOO bushels , It was claimed ,
but with the crowd In Its present ncnous
and distrustful mood not a great deal ot corn
was necessary to hll It up. ' 1 he Increased of
ferings broke prices , July selling down from
S79/c to 'MXc , nnd August from .We to ! ls' < c.
lly 1 o'clock tlicro was a recovery to 3 @ 'J7Xc
for July , nnd to UJWc for August. Septem
ber was at Ic premium over August.
Oats were dull to-day , and the new busi
ness passing was mostly in August and Sep
tember. The latter future averaged strong ,
closing at 20 > < c. August was easier. It sold
off from 2 % c at thu opening to ' > % c , and
closed at that , July restluir at iiOJ&cor * '
lower than last night.
In the provision pit the day's trading made
a rather poor showing. Operators were In
the usual attendance , but there was a general
Indisposition to branch out , and business
from the start dragged badly. Hased on last
night's closings , Itird at 1 o'clock showed a
decline ot lOc and short ribs of 12 > < @ 15c. In
these articles thu opening was at the best
prices of the day , w hllu the closings wore nt
bottom figures , folk was quoted at S2J.OO
for cash and Juno. The cash product was
AFTERNOON SESSION Wheat was firm ;
Juno71c , July 72J c , August 74fc. Corn
wa # linn. Oats were steady. 1'ork was
quoted nt 822.00 for cash and Juno , with no
trading. Lard was steady ; Juno SOH7X ,
July S0.40irf0.42) { . Short ribs declined 2 > $ u ;
June and July closed at 7,35 , August at
17.45 , nnd September at 87.55.
CIUCAQO , June 17. [ Special Telegram
to the BKE.J OATTLK The receipts
to-day were about 11,000 , and about all native
beeves that had been corn-fed. The largest
rcceluts on record for a week were G'J.ltU , Oc
tober 20 , ISSi That was the height of the
western range cattle season and Texans were
also coming fiooly. This week the quality
of the cattle has been very superior , only
about 8,000 Texans coming and very few na
tive gnus cattle. Thu receipts will undoubt
edly bo the largest on record for a week In
numbers and In pounds of beef. The re
ceipts run far ahead of anything ever known
before. The market to-day was In bad shape
for anything except a few cars ot fancy fat
looo to 1300 ID steers , and one load of double
extra beeves , which sold to a Pennsylvania
buyer at 84.UO. Good corn-fed western cattle
were solline at about S4.00 , and In many
cases soiling for plump 50 per cent
less than country cost Large
numbers of cattle are coming ; from
Missouri. Iowa. Kansas and Nebraska , be
cause they were contracted for the lit to the
15th of tlio month , and have been hold as
long as possible. Then , too , some holders
have become panic-stricken and think they
mleht as well sacrifice their cattle at one
time as another. Prices to-day on all except
Just a few cattle that buyers fancied were de
cidedly the lowest of the season , ind plenty
of salesmen were glad to got out with a ! Hs
lOc shave. Evciybody voted the market thu
worst of the season on heavy and all ordi
nary cattle , and yet nobody was surprised.
In fact , some sensible people were aston
ished that prices did not go oil much worse.
Prices on the cenernl run of cattle are 25 ®
30o lower than the highest point ot last week ,
bhlpplnt : steers , iao : to 1,500 Ibs , 3UK : > (3 (
4.50 ; 1,300 to 1,350 Ibs , SJ3.GOS4.50 ; 050 to 1,200
Ibs. 3J.50ffl4.10.
Ilocis The market was active and about 5
glOc higher , the advance being largely on
good medium and nice light mixed , that sold
at f 5.10. liest hiuvy made 85.15 , and rough
and uneven lots 85.uo@5.o : . Light ports sold
at84.WX35.lO ; Yorkers and prime assorted ,
100 pounds average and upwards , ? 5 iCitaxio ,
Chicago , June 17. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as foliows :
Cattle Uecelpw. 11,000 : shipping steers ,
IH.50S4.V1 ; htockors and feeders , Sl.COcS
5.SO ; cows , bulls and mixed , S 1.75(2 (
8.25 ; Texans ,
lions Receipts , 2,000 ; active and 5c
higher , closing weaker ; rough and mixed ,
E4.B5R.MO ( ; packing nnd shipping , fS.OOS
5.15 ; light. S4.bOQt5.10 ; skips , 8:150 : ( 4.75.
Sheen Receipts , 4,000 ; st'iady ; natives ,
f3.UK24.50 ; vttwtern , S3.50@4.00 ; Tcxaus
r. .5K ( < v3.lX > ; Iambs , per head , 11.25 3.00.
National Stock YartU , Knst St ,
lcml . 111. , June 17. Cattle Heoolpts
< JO : shipments , 600 ; steady ; choice.heavj
good , rue < 34.00 ;
Si20 3.10. t
Jlogs-ltocelpts , 3,000 ; Bhlpramits
market active and stronger ; choice
and butchers' selections. S5.0035.15 ; packlni
niirt Yorkers , fair to choice , 4.S5 5.00 ; pigs
eomtnou to good , S4.2.Vu( (
City , June 17.Caltle Kecolpta
1,000 ; elilpmeuts , 400 ; dull ; cuwiaaUgrat
stuff weak and lower ; common to choice ,
f.l.MMI.20 ; stockers , S'ifX ) . ! 1 } ; feeding
steeis , ? ftu ; cons , g'i.oocjl't.20.
Hoes Itccelpts , o.OOO ; shipments. 4.400 :
heavy. 5c liUln-r ; Ihcht medium. lOc higher ;
eoinmon to choice , 54.35@4.W ; skips and pigs ,
Niw i'oiiK , June 17. [ Special Telegram to
Ilia llr.K.J STOCKS The stock market to
day was the dullest for many weeks back ,
with but little business doing.
UoviuvMKNT3 : Government bonds were
dull but steady.
U. S. 4'fl coil poll. 120V C. AN.V 121a'
U. S. 4X'4coiip..lKi' ( ? | do preferred. . . ! &o
Puclllctj'sot > "j..l2.ilN. | Y. 0 113
CnnadaSouth'n. . fiO'fO. It. & N 10J
Ceiittal I'aclllu. . asJ4' ( ) . T 31 %
Chicago \Uon.l4S Pacific Mall MJi
do preferri P. , I ) . A : K 7
C. , JJ.:0 14- Pullman Pnl.Cnr.lM
I ) . , L. itV 1'WJf IttMillng
I ) AeU.0 2'J Kock Island. .
Knu 'Wit. L. k\cS. \ K.
tb preferred. . . . 71& do proferrnh. . . . . ,
IllinoisOntral. . 120)J ) U. , M.&St. P. . . . WJ ) <
I. , H. , t W 2t do preferred..1245f
K. iT ! io St. P. & O. . . . f.J
L.iko shore ! i7tf ilo preferreil .110 > j [
L. AN COJf'Iexas Pnclilc. . . . !
MIchltrniK'eiifl. . W'4 ' Union Pnclilc. . . . 00
Mo. P.ielliu . . . . .107 . . ; - W. , OL. LAP . . . ii',5 '
No. Pacific M. ! J tin preferred. . : ! 4'i '
do preferred. . . . COJi W. U. Telcurnpli 77
Hx. illv.
iMo.vr.ON CAM. P.asynt 4) ) (20per ( cent ,
closed ollered at 0 pur cent.
PHIMK .MBitcAMrii.i : 1'Ai'Kii J0 per
STMILIVO I\THAnr : : Dull nnd steady
nt S4.b.yj lot sixty day bills , and 8l.84 f lor
Clilcnuo , Juno 17. Following quota-
thins nrotlin liiU : ; closing fiKtires :
Klour Unchangedinter ; wlipat
Hour. S4.u@4.r)0t : southern , 84.20 ®
4.40 ; Wisconsin. 84.800l4.5o : Mich-
lean soft spring wheat , S3.bK < fr .5Q ;
Minnesota balcors , SAbOCt4.rjU ; patents , g4.00
@ 5.0Jlo\virades ; , S2.0V.J3.20 ; no 1lourS3.33
( ef .SO : In saeksand lunels. Sl.lO y.UO.
Wheat A nnlct feollnu a aln prevailed
durlni ; moit of the session : It opened i ( to
higher on options and closing trom 'tf to
> a'c lower for July and Aueust ; June , 71c ;
July 7J c ; AiiBiist , 74Jfc.
Corn Quiet and firm mo t o ( the day
closing lonci ; cash , 30jc ( ; July , S7' c ;
A us-iist , libVc.
Oats Dull and quiet ; casn , 25 c ;
July , 2fi , ' < c ; AusiiDt , totfc.
Kyo 5Jc.
Timothy Seed Primp , S1.8JQ1.00.
Flax Seed 81.17K.
Pork Unchaneed ; Juno , S22.01.
Lard Tamoaiid easier ; caliS0.37X ; July ,
S0.42W ; August. S0.52.if.
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , S5.00@t > 70 ; short
clear. 87.75 < C7.bO ; short ribs , 87.i2K- :
Huttcr Easier ; creamery , 14@lbc ; dairy ,
12ftlCc. (
Chceso Steady ; full cream died-
dars , 7fi bc : fiats , 7 (280 ( ; JOUIIB Amer
icas , 8Jij48 ( c ; skims , a tnsc.
KITRS Lower nt 12cS 13c.
llldos-Unchangedlieav.vgrocn ; salted 7J c ;
light do , 7Jf8c ; salted bull hides , Cc ; green ; dry Mint , 12@13c ; dry calf ,
13M14c ; deaoona , 40ueach ; dry salted , lOe.
Tallow Firmer ; No. 1 country , 3'ic ;
No. 2 , 2c ; cake , S > @ 3 c.
KocB'titi ' Shipments.
Flour , bbls . IS.tOO 12.000
Wheat , bu . 17.000
Corn , bu . 78,000 77,000
Oats , bu . lll.ooa 77,000
llje , bu . 2,000 11,000
Barley , bu . 7.000 -
Now York. Juno 17. Wheat Kecolpts ,
75,000 ; exports , 147,000 ; spot a shade stronger
nnd fairly active ; options somewhat unset
tled , opening steady , later declined Kf"Mc ,
subsequently strengthened and advanced
on Juno and X@ 4C on others , closing firm
with n general reaction of M@Mc on deliver
ies after Juno ; ungraded red , 80&'J4c ( ; No.
3 red. b9c ; No. 1 red , U3Wc ; No. 2 red ,
JOc delivered early In July ; July closing at
Corn Spot M PKc and options a trlllo bet
Ojts Jfd&'ic & lower ; receipts. 18C.OJO ;
exports , 500 ; mixed western , 34gv ( < Gc ; white
western , 37@41c.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed nt G2J , c.
Eggs Steady ; western , ISJ/QlOJ c.
PorK Dull and heavy : mess at quoted S14.50
@ 14.75.for old ; 515. 00 ® 15.25 lor new.
Lard Dull and lower ; western steam ,
spot , 50.75.
Butter Qulot and rather weak ; western ,
10@lUo ; western creamery , 15@19e.
Cheese Heavy and lower ; western , 7 @
c.Milwaukee. . Juno 17. Wheat- - Firm ;
cash , 73c : July , 73 c ; September , 7GHc.
Corn Steady : No. 3 , 30J < c.
Oats Weak ; No. 2 white. Site.
Kyo-Qulet ; No. 1. 50e.
Barley Firm ; No , 2 , 57c.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , Juno , 814.50.
Cincinnati. Juno 17. W neat Dull and
ewer ; No. 2 red , TDc.
Corn In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 40c.
Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , WWUJXc.
Hye-lleavy : No. 2 , 03c
Provisions-Pork quiet at S10.00 ; lard firm
at S0.25.
Whlsty Steady at 81.05.
Minneapolis , Juno 17. Wheat Quiet
nnd about steady ; No. 1 hard , cash nnd July ,
72c ; August , 7JKc ; No. 1 northern , cash and
July , 71c ; August , 72Mc. No. 2. northern ,
cash nnd July , oa c : AtiBUsto71c. On track :
No. 1 hard. 73 > { c ; No. 1 northern , ? 'c ; No. 2
northern , 70c.
Flour Firm ; S4.25@4.S5 ; bakers' , J3.33Q
3 ' 45
'Kecetpts-Wlieat , 1)1,000 ) bu. ; flour , 15
Shipments Wheat , 27,000 bullour ; , 10,000
Ht , Loula. Juno 17. Wheat Nervous nnd
lower ; cash , 73Kc ; July , 74K@75c ,
Corn-Lower ; casU,34 @ao > ic ; July,34 c.
Oats-Dull ; cash.27tfc ; July , 27c.
Pork bU-ady at 815.00.
Lard Dull nnd nominal.
Whisky-Steady at 11.05.
Butter Quiet ; creamery , I518c ; dairy , 10
'Afternoon Board Wheat Firm ; July , 75c
bid ; Aniust,75V@755 < c ; Septeniler,76K ( < 77c ,
Corn-Easy ; J uly , 34 > ic bid ; August , astfc.
Oats Nominally unchanged.
iaa City , June 17. Wheat Steady ;
* '
Corn-l'llBher ; No. 2. cash , 2SJ < c ; July ,
29Hc ; August , KOUc bid , Sltfc asked
Oats No quotations.
Liverpool , June 17. Wheat Dull and
lower , and holders otter freely ; California
No. 1,7 10d8s ( percental ; red western
spring , Bs lld < 27s Id per cental ; red western
winter , 7s ( < J7s 2d per cental.
Corn Dull and lower ; new mixed west
ern , 3s ll d per cental.
Now Orleans , June 17. Corn Dull
nd lower ; mixed , 4'Jc ' ; jcllow , 51c ; white ,
CFats-EaslPr at 30c.
Cornmcal Qulot at 82.30.
V u Products Dull and drooping. Pork
-S.iS.50. Lard-5C.C2K.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 80.00 ; lonz clear
and clear rib. 57.75 ,
Friday , Juno 17.
The receipts of cattle wore very light nnd
the market wa * lOo lower In sympathy with
other market * . The number of cattle which
changed haudd was small.
The receipts of hogs were lighter than
yesterday by MX ) head. The market opened
slow but at a little better prices. It became
moro active as the forenoon advanced and
the bulk of the hogs were all sold before
midday. The market was 5'410c better on
the best heavy hogs , but the advance was not
telt as much on light and medium trades.
There was nothing of any account leftover.
There were n few fresh receipts but noth
ing dolug on the market.
lleoelpt * .
Cattle. . 20C
liOUS. . . 3.7IK
Sheep . . . . . 40 (
Prevailing Price *
Showing the prevailing iirleei paid for 11 va
stock on this market :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs . . . . 84.0004. 15
Choice slear * . 1100 to IS50 Ibj. . . 3.WX9I.UO
Fat llitlestoers 900 to 1050 lb . . . .
Extra dioicecowu and htlfors. . . .
Good to choice coru-lei com . . . .
Common to medium cows 2.40(32,73' (
Uood to choice bulls..4 2.7ViM.OO
Llchtnnd mediumhozs 4.4V < t4.oo
( lood to choice heavy hogs 4.7.V34.v
Good lo choice mixed hogs 4.00 ( . < < l.3
Itcprcsontiuivo Hate * .
' '
No. Av. Pr. 'No. Av. Pr.
7. . . iw s.un is..iis7
in..112.1 : t.bO ! . . . . : 3.00
1..1120 3.S5 17..12S1 4.00
No. Av. Pr.
3. . . . MO M.25
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
ri7..211 120 P4.50 07..2.V1 84.7(1 (
I'M..207 240 4.50 M..201) ) 4.70
GS-.2Ji : 1GJ 4.JV. S3..2 IS 120 4.70
71. . . 2CC bO 4.ftTi 05..2Vi 70 4.70
m. . . a ? ) coo 4.w > ( . . . .27. ) 40 4.'o
fill..22) iO 4..rM W..24' ) 120 4.70
W..2JO bO 4..T , 70..2.V5 10 ! 4.70
.VI..317 43 4..Vi M..27I K ) 4.70
? J..227 400 00 . . .242 W ) 4.70
( > 7. . . 218 bO 4..r 01..Bll 120 4.70
OS..214 4.f > 7' 01..2bT , 40 4.70
f.O. . . .SB 32i ) 4(0 ( M..2I.7 120 4.72J.J
77..211 40 4.00 6S..27U 40 4.7J > j
71..23) ) 1IX ) 4.GO r.'t..375 . 4.75
34. . . 221 bO 4.00 C3..2S2 4.75
84 . . .210 4.COlil..35i 120 4.7ft
W..3JO bO 4. ( M..K02 320 4.75
KJ. . .222 120 4.1.0 . 0.2bO ( ) 120 4.75
G4..2H. ! 40 4.ftHf ni..2. ' 7 120 4.7r
r.S..200 120 4.0V C0..2il ( bO 475
CS..24I 40 4.01 78 . . .221 100 4.7r ,
Rl..COft 130 4.W 178..37'i 200 4.bO
04..247 200 4.iri 1UI..S71 2SOI.SO
C3..2tt : bO 4.0T | R4..3nj I'.d 4bO
41) ) . . .2Vi 40 4.O. " , 48.G'J ! 4.S"
( W..237 200 4,0."i C0..20I
01. . . 2SO 40 4.0C0..2'JU bO 4.b5
Iitvc Stiiok Sold.
Showing thu number ot head of stock sold
on thu m.u lu-t to-day
d. li. Hammond itCo 03
Local 28
Shlppeis lis
Total 181
Anirln-AniPilcan Packing Co . 1,730
T. J. Llpton . WJ
Squires it Co . b4l
O. 11. Hammond & Co . Ib3
Total . 8,7 il
Showing the number ot cittlo. hos nnd
sheep shlpp.-d Iiom the yard ) during the d iy.
No. cars. Jtt. Dost.
5 . H.I . Chlc.tgo
8. . . . C. , 1) ) . Q . Chicago
2 . N. W. . . . Chicago
15 . H.I . Joliet
MIIKI : > .
2 . ( J. . B. & Q . Chicago
All siles of stock in this market are made
per cwt live wolzht unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at Kc per Ib. tor all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weUhlug loss than 10J It ) } .
no value. Pregiitmt sowa.xro dockeJ 40 Ibs.
and stags 83 Ibs. by thu nubile
Tilvc Stock Notes.
Cattle lower.
Hogs all sold.
Jlocs po up50 $10c.
Light run of cattle.
Hogs averaged 02 to the car.
A. II. Wilson , Walton , Neb. , was hero nnd
marketed a load of hogs.
11. C. Wlmylaml , Crand Island , represent
ing JI. Burke & Sons , was hero.
F. M. Sackctt , Albion , nheavy shipper , was
among the visitors at the j arils.
John Anderson dro\o in n load of cattle
from Pottnwattamiu county , Iowa.
N. M. lioodell , Western , was in and sold
two loads ot cattle and three ot hogs.
C. H. Williams bi ought In a led of SOl-lb
hogs ft 0111 Wahooliioh bold at S4.b3n-ilm top
Mr. Christian , Broken Bow , came in with
wo loads of 2bl-lb hogs which topped the
George S. Brown , who was taken suddenly
lek a tew days azo , Is rapidly Improving
ind will bo out again In n day or two.
Armour nnd Fowler have lately been land-
ng as many as thirty to slxtv cars of hogs
10111 Omaha hero at less money than they
could buy them hero. Shippers would thero-
" 010 m ike plcntv ol money by shipping to
Chicago direct. Chicago DroverJournal.
If the aboxe Is true why Is It that so many
speculators have tried to buy hogs hero for
'hu Chicago market and been foiced to give
t up on account of their heavy nnd contin
ual losses ? There Is not a buyer who can
pay the market price for IIOL'S hero nnd got
out on one lend In ten by shipping them to
'Jhlcago , say nothing about making anj thing.
General I'rodtico.
Friday , Juno 17.
Hie following arc the prices at which
IOHJH ? lotx of itrnilncc arc &olW In tlilsinnr-
\ct. \ The r/iut ( < ffonM ( on fruits nnd other
commodities slilppal In fiom n dlslunrr arc
the prices at whUh outalilc union aic Jillal :
EGOS The receipts continue light and the
market Is stronger. The bulk ot the stock
U moving nt llH12c.
BurTKii The receipts nro liberal nnd In
excess of the local demand : creamery. 15@
17c ; dairy , choice , 10@12c ; dairy , good , wS
10c.OIIEKSE. . Full cream pheddars , single ,
14c ; full cream lints , wins , 14c ; Younsc
Ametlcas , 14Uc ; fancy Swiss , Ibc ; Swiss ,
imported , 25c : Limburger , 15c ; brick , 15@10c.
Pom-Tin The receipts aio fairly liberal.
There are n good many very small spring
chickens coming in which are slow sale :
chickens , old , 8J.OOtt3 25 ; spiing , large , fc2 50
( . ' ! .00 ; spring , small , Sl.75@3.23 ; pigeons ,
POTATOES. Stock of all kinds Is scarce.
Old potatoes are going at & 1.15@1.25 , accord
ing to quality. New potatoes at SC.OO per
barrel ,
OIIANOKS Santa Ana Mediterranean
Sweets , per box , 84.00 ; 5 box lots , S3.75.
LEMONS The hot weather of the past few
days has caused an Increased demand tor
lemons ; present low prices cannot possibly
last much longer ; fancy bar , per box , 6.00 ;
fancy , 85.50 ; fancy , 5 box lots. 85.00 ; choice ,
$4.50 ; choice. 5 box lots , per box , 84.00 ; talr
to good. $3.750)4.00 ; ( ar | to good , 5 box lots ,
BANANAS , ETC. Port Llmon. per bunch ,
83.00(34.00 ( ; cocoanuts , per 100 , 80.50'uj7.00.
CALIKOKNIA FHUITB California apricots ,
per box , S1.75'plums. ; per box , 82.00 : peaches ,
per box. 83.00 : cherries , 81.75.
BKUIIIIS : , ETC. Strawberries are nbout
played out Very little good shipping stock
arriving. Black raspberries are plentiful
nnd nice. Hod raspberries very firm , but too
tender to stand long trips. Blackberries nro
arriving In very nice condition. Blueberries
have also pi * In an appearance. Domestic
cherries are bcarco and will command high
prices ; strawberries , per 10 qt case. S2.50 :
black raspberries , per 2-1 qt case 83.50&4.00 ;
red raspberries , per24pt case , 82.50 ; black
berries , per 'J4 qt case , 84.00@5.00 ; blackber
ries , per 1 biibtand. 84..W5.00 ; cherries , per
2 qt basket , 81.75(22.00. (
PEACiiLi-Per one-third bushel box , 81.50
(31.75. (
APPI.KS Apples are now beginning to
come In. One-third bushes boxes will bo
quite plentiful within a few days. Now ap
ples , per Xbu. box , Sl.ootjn.25 ; per bbl , 85.00.
VFir.TAiii.r.s Now potatoes , Cal. , per Ib ,
2Xfi3c ; Mo. , per bbl. , fr350 < o > l.OO ; now on-
loiid , poi bbl , 83.50 , per box , 81.50 ; cabbage ,
per crate , JM.OOQ4.50 : tomatoes , per K on.
box , 81.2531.40 ; turnips , per bbl , S3.OOtJ3.50 ;
beets , per bbl. 83.00 , < < 3.50.
WATKHMKI.ONS There have been several
cars In which met with ready sale nt 825 per
hundred. Cantcloupes nro expected shortly.
PBOVISIOHH. Ham , 12c ; breakfast bacon
rib , 10 ; breakfast bacon , plain , 10 > { c ; dry
salt sides , BJ di ; dried beef. re-'Ular , 10C i
11 ; dried beef , ham pieces , 13c ; lard , 50 Ib
cans , r > Kc ; lard , 20 Ib cans , Fnlrbinks , 7c :
lard , 10 In cans , Fairbanks , 7Vc ; lard 5 Ib
cans , Fairbanks , 7c ; lard , 3 Ib cans , Fair
banks , 7&c ,
General Market * .
VAHNISIIKS Barrels , per gallon. Furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach , extra , 31,40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum
extra We ; shellac , Sb.50 ; hard oil finish ,
DKT PAINTS- White lead , 7c ; French zinc ,
12c ; Paris whlllng , 2Xc ; whiting , gildorH ,
2fc ; whiting , com'l , l > fc ; lampblack , Oer-
niRDstown. I2c ; lampblack , ordinary , bo ;
Prubslanblue,55c ; ultramarine , Itc ; vnndjko
brown , 6c ; umber , burnt , 4c : umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris
r en , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common ,
22c ; cliromecrcen , N. Y. , 20c ; veruilllion.
American , Ibc ; Indian , raw and burnt
umber , 1-lb cans , I2c ; raw and burnt sienna
12c ; > andke brown , I3c ; refined lamp
black. 12 c ; coach black and Ivory
IGc ; drop black , lOc ; ultraiua-
rlne Mack , ISc ; clirbmc green , L. , M. * D , ,
10 ; blind nnd shutter Crecn. L. M. A D. ,
lOc ; Paris creeii. 20c ; Indian red 15cr
Venetian red , s > c ; Tuscan , 22cAmerlcrtn : vcr-
million , L. & D. , 20c ; jcllow ochre , 2c ; L.
M. t O. D. lsc ; good ochre , lOc ; patent
drjer. be ; graining color , lUlit oak , dark otk ,
walnut , chestnut nnd ash , I2c.
Dia'tm AND CiiKMtcAt.s. Acid carbolic ,
Wo ; ncld tnrtarlc , 5.'c ; balsnm copaiba , per Ib ,
OOc ; bark sasafrass. per Ib , lOc : calomel , per
Ib , 7bc ; chlnchonldla , iwro/,20c ; chloroform ,
per Ib , 50u ; Dover's imwdurs , per Ib , S1.23 ;
epsom salts , pnrlb , M'sc'.gljccrlne. puie , tier
lbuUc ; lead , ncetnti1 , pur lb,20c ; oil , castor.
No. 1 , per gal. 81.00 ; oil. castor , No. 2 , per
gal , SLIOc ; oil , ollu . pergal , S1.40 ; oil , orle-
niinum. Me ; opium , 84. .V ) ; quinine , P. V : W.
and H. its. , per ; o70c ; potosslum , Iodide ,
per Ib , S.VZ'ic ; sallcin. uijr oz , 40c ; sulphate
morphine , per oS3 3.1 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c ;
stncliiilnc , pel ot. 81.10.
PAINTS IN On.-Whlte lead , Omnha , P. P. ,
Ckc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. 7c ; Mar
seilles , green , 1 Ib cans , lOo : French zinc ,
grion seal , 12cj French zinc , red seal , He ;
FicticliInc , in i varnish asst. , 20c ; French
Inc , 75c ; vermlllioti , English , In oil.7r.c . ;
red. lOc : rosi'tilnk , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook-
Simnlsh brown. 2 c ; Prince's mineral , ! lc.
bi'inirs ' Coloiino spirits , Ib8 proof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof. 51.12 : spirits , second quality ,
101 proot , 81.10 ; do ISs proof , Sl.tXi. Alcohol ,
Ib-s proof , SJ.13 per wine gallon. Hedls-
tllled whiskies , S1.00 l.50. din. bleiulod
Sl.fAKitJ.OO ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00uGuo ( ,
Kenttii'Cv and Pcnnsvlvnnla rjcs , &J.Ov ) @
0.50 ; ( inldcn Sheaf bourbon and rj e wliNkles ,
81OQ3.00. . Urandles , Imported , S5.UOC't8.60 ;
domestic , Sl.Wtjr.1.00. ( Sins , impoitcd , ? 1.W@
0.00 ; domestic , 81.25fif ! XOO. Champa .lies , Im
ported , ) > er case , t2S.OOU0.1.00 ( ; American ,
per case , SU'.OO&ilfl.OO. '
Jlmns ( iieun butcheis , 5iZflc ( ; crcen
cured , 7c ; drv Hint , HOil-'c ; dry salt , O lOe ;
preen call skins be ; damaged hides , two-
thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime
white. 3c : u-llow , 2c ; brown , l } c. Sheep
pelts , 23 ( 730.
HEAVY HAIIDWAIII : Jron , rate S2.70 ;
plow steel , special cnst. 4 } c ; crucible steel ,
O'i'c ' : cast tools , do , 12JC18c ( ; wagon spokes ,
per set , 82.000. ) . 50 : hubs , per set , 81.25 ; lei-
lees , sawed , dry , gl.CO ; tongiiijs , each. SOj ;
n\Ies , each , 75c : bdiiare nuts , ner Ib , OlCT'le ;
cell chain , per Ib , GXGglRc ; nnlk-nble , b10c ;
iron wedges , Oc ; crow liars , Cc : hanow teeth ,
4'c ; spiing steel , 4 ( < 5c ; Burden's her o
slioes , 84.75 : Buulen's mule shoes , 81.73.
Barbed winIn car lots. P4.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nallsrates.lO to50S2.fiO ; steel nnIsS2.75. !
Shot , Sl. : ; buckshot , 81. GO. Hazard powder ,
kegs , S5.IK ) ; do , half kegs , S2.73 ; do , qinrtcr
ko s , 51.50 ; blasting , Kegs , S2.10 ; fuse , per
10 feet , G3c. Lead bar , S1G.OO.
Croccr'fl List.
COKI-KK Onlluarv grades , ai@22c ; talr ,
21 ( 2.c ! ; prime. 2-@J4 ! : choice , 24Q23 ; fancy
green and vellow , 24@23c ; old goxeinmcnt
Java. 2Ju2Sc ( ; Interior Java , 24i2K ( ; ; Mocha ,
2'3@SOc ' : Alhurkle's , roasted 'ibj/c ; Mc-
Liuuhlln'b XXXX , 2SXc ; Dilvvoith's , 27c ;
Bed Cross , 27 c.
SYBtii'-No. 70 , 4-gnlIon kegs , S1.2S@1.30J
New Orleans , per gallon , ! ! SJ4Gc ( ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " PIT gallon , 70c ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , SlO.iO ; half gallon
cans , per do85.50 ; quatt cans , S3.00.
CANDY Mixed , b > iilic ( ; btlck. bK@flKc.
CiiACKinis ( iarneau's sodn , butter and
picnic , 5 ic ; creams , b c ; ginger c ;
city bodn , 7 > c.
PICKKLS Medium. In bbls , 87.00 ; do In
half bbls , S400 ; binall , In bbls. S810 ; do , In
half bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , S'J.OJ ; do.
In half bbls , § 5.00.
powdered , CK@7c.
CANNKII < ioons Oysters , standard , per
cnso. 52Wrt ) > 3.10 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per ,
S2.3' ) ; raspberries , 2 II ? . per case , SJ.2X32.4- ;
California peais , per case , S4.50 ; apricots
per case , 81.30 ; peaches , per case. fcl.'JO ;
white chenles , pel cise , S5.50 ; plums per
case , 8.50 ; blueberries , per case , Sl.b'j ; e''g
plums , 2Ib. per case , S2.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib.
per case , S3.20@ " > 75 ; lib. mackciel , per do/ ,
S1.40 ; 1 Ib. salmon , perdo/ , , S1.50@l.65 ; 3 Ib.
gooseberries , per case , SI.75 : 2 Ib. strlin
beans , per case , S1.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per
ca o , 81.00 ; 2 Il > . nuu row fut peas , per case ,
S'.40S2.50 ( ; 2 Ib. early Juno peas , per case ,
? 2'75 ; 3 lo. tomatoes , S.i.50 ; 2 Ib. coin ,
, Dry Ijiitnlier.
| 12ft U ftllU ft 18ft
'l7..riO ' 17.50 17.11 . I'.l.Ml 2iM 22.50
2x6. . . . . . . . . . . . 17.riO 17.5'J 17 50 1H.50
2x8. 17.50 17.50 17.-.0 18 50
17.M l7.iV ) 17 50 1V.50 10 5o.r , , 2/fl
2x12. 17.5i 17 50 17.5J 1P/.0 lit 50 23 M
1850 lit &JI0.5020t023m JJ.IO (
No. 1 , com , sis 810.50
No. 2 , com , si s 17.50
No. 4 , com , sis 1'iM )
No. 1 , 4 & 0 in , 12 & 14 It , rouijh 819.00
No.2 , " " ' " ' 15.00
A , 12.14 and-10 ft 892.0 }
B , " " " 20.59
C , " " " 15.00
D , " " " 13.00
Istcom. , % In White Pine Colling 834.00
Clear , % in. Norwav Pine Celling 10.00
' '
A G Inch , whltopinc. . . . . . 833.00
C " "SV ' an ' , o
E" " ' ( Se'l Fen'g ) 10.50
A12Inchs. Is 84 .00
No. 1 , com. 12 in s. 1 s. , 12. All -O.w
' in M00
No.2 " " " jo tt4ft. . . . is00
18ft 17.0J
Istand2d , clear , IKlncl , s. Us SSO.oo
3d , clear. 1 Inch , s. 3 s 3 * > Uf. 1H. 'J' ' " 45J
B sekci , 1 Inch , s. 3 s 30 ; 1 ,1 ,2 In 37.00
White Cedar , C In. , < s 12c ; 0 ln.qrs..Uo
Union National Bank
Paid Up Capital , $100,000
Authorized Capital GOO.OOO
W. W. MARSH , President.
J. W. RODEFKR , Cashier
Accounts solicited and prompt attention
given to all business entrusted to its care.
Pay 5 per cent on time deposits.
No 206 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av
enue and Ibth sts.
Telephone No 842.
3OSS. 15th St. , Onialui , Neb.
Capital , $300,000
Lnuni Mil tic qn Ileul Estate.
School , County nndpMunicIpul Bonds No-
W t. A , PAXTOK , t L. II. WIU.IAMS.
I'rofiaent. Vlcn Pros.
ROUT. L. QAnt.icns , < V. II. JOHNSON ,
Secretary.I Treasurer.
Wit. A. TAMOS , 4 Hl'MlY T. Cl.UlKC ,
w. o. MAUL , U li. WIM.I < MS ,
Hour. L. QAKUCIIS. B. H. Jo
IfilO North 16th Street ,
Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000
OKO. B. nAltKER , President.
ROUT. L. GAHLICH3 , Vice-president.
UODT. L. GAHLicns , WM. Seivciis
F. B. JonfBOX.
A general banking business transact L
Interest allowed on. irao dipoilti.
llunnlni ; between Council HlulTs and South
Omaha. In addition to the stations mmi *
tloned , trains stop at Twentieth nnd ' 1 wenty-
fourth streets , and nt Summit , In Omaha.
Th onlj road to take for DCS Moines Mar-
ihnlltowa , Ccdnr IlanUtt , CllLton , Dlxon , Chica
go , Milwaukee mid all points cant. To the poo-
, ilo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming : , Utah
Iclnho , Nevada , Oregon , Wnnhlnyton nnd Call-
fornla , It ollrs superior advantages not posil-
ble by any other lino.
Among a few of the numerous polnU of iu-
perlnrlly anjoytHl br the patroni of tbli roiid
between Omana nnd Obloago , are Its two trains
adny of DAV COACHKS , which nr the finest
tlmt human art anil lijronulty ctn create. IU
1'AI.ALK BLEEPING OAKS , which are raodelt
of oomfort and elegance. Its 1'AHLOH 1JUAW-
IN(1 ( KOUM CAKS , unsurniigsad by any. unJ IU
widely oelebratud PALATIAL DIN I NO OAKS
the equal of which canuot bo found laewhere
At Council BlutTi th trains of the Union Paclflo
Ky. connect In Union Depot with thoae of the
Chicago & Northwoitoru hy. In Chicago th *
trains of thu line muko close connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Coltimbun , Indlannpolls , Cincin
nati , Niagara /alls , Buffalo. PJttsburp , Toronto ,
Montreal , [ iocton , New YorK , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore. Washington and all points IB tht
eait , ajk for a ticket via the
If you wUh the boat acoommodation. All ticket
nirenU Mil tlcketi via this line.
H. HUamiT , . P. WILSON ,
UenU Manager . "enl. PMJ'T A nt
Western Agent. City Pais'r Agent ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Chicago , Milwaukee &St , Paul Rj
The Best Route from Omaha and
Council Bin/ ) ' * * oj
Two Tiains Daily liutwecn Omaha and
Council 13 lull's
Chicago , _ ANH Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarHapids
Rock Island , Freeport , RockforJ ,
Clinton , Oubuquc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , lanesvillc ,
Heloit , Winona , LaCroste ,
And till other Important points Kust , Noitlicaft
utld Southunit.
I'or thioiiffh tickets call on the ticket npoin
at II'U ' Kurnuiu st , In 1'uxton hotel , or ui Union
PuclQo depot.
1'ullmnu Slcopors and the finest Dlnln ? Cara
In the world nro run on tlio nmln line of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , l' ul Ituilway and rr
cry uttontlonlspitldto imssonKCis by courto
ousemplojeos of the company.
It. MIU.MI , tionornl Mutiutror.
J. F. TUCKEU , AetibtiintGcncrul Manager.
A. V , U. Cuirt.sTut , Oeneral Pnsbcniter am
Ticket ABont.
Qru.R. llKArroui ) , AeslEtautQenorul I'aiaen
g r and Ticket Aifont. . . . .
J. T. CLAIIK , General Superintendent.
flmafta Mm1 Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
Whotf l IH'rtlcrlu
Agricultural implements , AVnfjons ,
ml lluiilf * . Joni-K Mrcot , bctnpeii Vtb
ttS METVALi ? CO. ,
ApriciiHiirnl Iiniiloincnts ,
\Vniton , ri > rrlMio . Haggle , , Klc.Vholo lo , QJI h .
Atrrioulttinil Iniplomcnts ,
PTngoninni' llucglc' . IW1WX > nnil' < 17 , Jones it
. " - _ _ _ " . . _ " * *
; ir/ r.T" ! rtr mT- - - - - - i"t s
Artists' Malarial.
A. JIOSI'E , < rii. ,
Artists' Msitorials , Pianos ami Organs ,
UH Dnupht MrortiUmttm.
. Builders' Hardware and Scales.
BiiihlcTs'Hanlware&Scale Hi-pair S
Mechanlcs'Toolmml HulTnlp ? < ! . ItOJ lloucla * > U
A tiinntui. Nob.
Boots and Shoes ,
Jobbers of Hoots mill Shoes.
Ill F rni mitOniuh , N b. M mifnetorr , Uiimmat
Wholesale Uubbor lioot < ) ami Shoea
Hubbei niul DlleJ t'UUhlui : HIM lelt llootJ
ind Shoes. Southeast Corner Hth and Uougla * .
Bar ,
Laercr llcpr Urewcvj ,
1J51 Nnrlhl < lliRtreotOiniih . Nob.
_ _ _ _
Butchers' Tools.
lintchcrs' Tools and Supplies ,
! autaie CailCKi of nil klnili nlnajs In "lock. 1315
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omnha Corrco and Spice Hills.
lToo'.S-plfC1 llaklnn 1'owdcr. n TOrlnK
s. Laundry Illuo , Ink , Kio Kll 1C Unrnef
Smei.O.mih * . Neb
John Epouctur , 1'rop.
Uanufncturcr of ( Hltnnlted Iron an I Cornice. 9J1
DoilROHiid lOHend 10it > , lOtb lit. lm b , iNob.
Munufactiirert of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
> ormer Wlntluwi , Hn l , Mcl llcf-kjllcbtctc. 310B.
l.'t'i it , Urn ilia.
C. Specht , 1'rop.
QnlTHnlzed Iron Cornlcn. etc. Spect'slmproted Put
cnt Mi lallokyllght. ( . Ma lUidilOH Uili nt Omnha.
Jobbers of
larpets , Curtains Oil Cloths ,
Mno'nums , Mttlns , Etc. Itll Douf'ai ' itrccl.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for Ilio Unnufactureri find Importer ! ot
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lnmpp , Cbluuiuyf , etc. Offlce , 317 South 12th 6t.
UuiHha , Neb.
MiUinuolli Clothing House ,
Corner I nriiiim Mini Tenth Streets. Uuiali i , N'cb
Commission and Storage.
Coiiiiuhsion and .lobbinp ; .
Bnttrr , V\-L' nnJ 1'roduce. Conelgrmon's icllc'ted. '
lieadqtmrtera for Blunewnro , lierrjr llox < uud
dnipo llatliulB. Kll Doilgotrect , Umalia.
L 0 JtfllDELL ,
Storage and Commission Merchants
-n-ittcr , Ksit * . Cli3o c , Po iltrr , Game ,
Oysters , etc , etc. 112 S. llth St.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and ProTliloni , Onmba , Neb.
B CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poaltrjr , Butter , Qninp. Knillf , etc. 22U B. litbit
Oniaha. Neb.
Coal antf Lime.
Old. t. IjAMAOit. I'rci. C. r.OnnnuAN , V. Piei.
J. A. HUNUKKI.AKD , Hcc. nnd Treat.
Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
309 ? o th Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob.
, T. , / . .JOJIA'SOJT < t ; CO. ,
Mannfucturcrs of Illinois White Lime.
And Shipper * of Coal and CoHe. Cement , Plaaler ,
IJme , llnlr. Fire llrlck , Drain , Tile nnil S wer Pipe ,
onice. I'ulon riotol. Farnam ft. , Ora ha , Nub.
TclopnonE ) 811.
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of KrulU.Nuts and Clcaii , 1211 Faruam BU
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
UJDI and Ammunition. 315 to 23 8 lllh t. , 10JO to
HfU rarnmatt , Omtli .N b.
Hanufacturcra of Fine Cigars ,
And Wboloalo nculeri In Leaf Tobacroi , Noi , lot
and HON. 1 U > ( tract , n-unba.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH tC CO , ,
Dry Goods , Fnrnishin Cioods & Notions
nd 11M HuuKlni , ror. llth Bt , Omaha.Neb.
i , Alcohol and Sphfltt. Importer !
and Jobber * of Wlncnanu Liquors.
CO. and ILER < C CO. ,
Importers and Jobborrof Fine Wlnen and Manor * .
Solo m nur eturr of KenucdT'H B it India uit-
ten nd DouiLi'.lc I Iqunra. 111 ! Ilarnejr HI.
Wholesale Dealei s In Furniture
Furnani BU. Omaha. Kcb.
Furniture , lioddinff , Upholstery ,
Mirror * , etc ia > ; ,1203 and 1810 Farnam tt , Orauba.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
No ; . 7a-i,7r7 ( , TOO ami 711 S. 10th St , Omahn. Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
lln ami I.earennorlti els .Orcaba.
Hardware ,
' "
E , 'FRIED"e co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Kails , .
Tinware , Chcet Iron , Etc. AcenU for Howe Hcalea ,
and .MUuii Punderi o.OnialiaN > ! li.
If. , / 11ROATCH ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Waenn Flock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1201
and till llarncjr tt , Onijtia. _
EDXEY c annoy ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wazon and Carriage Wood Stoci , Hearj Hardwire ,
Klc. KIT and UIV l.o t'owcrtb it. , uniatia , Neb.
Stoves , KaiiReH , Furnaces Tiles ,
Mamle , Urat > . UruiiUoc-di. lai oud 1M3 Karaii
w v > * VH v _ .A..i _ _ aH _ _ MBMVVM l 4
Omafta Jobbers' Dlreciory. '
l. . . < lJillH |
Iron Works.
l WE
Iron Works ,
Vrentht nil O t Iron HnlMIng Work , Iron PUIM.
llHlllnir , BiMiniii anil ( Jlrdem , JMcnra Knglnti , llrait
VTorx , UMK'tll JTouudrri Machlno n < l Illtrkimltn
Wort. umio nl WoUt.U.r. HT.nndlttlntitet.
jK. . SAUTE K ,
Inniifaettiriiifr Deuler in Smokp Stack ? ,
. Tnnk4Aml tlonc itl llollrr KepMrlnfr ,
HH Douglm > troctOmiilii\ .
K. It. MrMANUi. C. BtH.UVAN.
Munnfnrtu'en of
Ire niul Iron KaHliics * , l > csk Rails ,
Vlnilnw ilutd , Honor PlmiJs , Wire Slrni , Hta
iri.N.lfth. Urilfr by mill iinmiptlr alien Jed lo.
Doiter. . All KlmU of
Jlnlltlinjj1 .Matorlfvl nt Wholesale.
litli Street nd Union 1'aclHe True * . Om hi > .
" "
) ealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
> oor , Kte. Yards-Comer 7lh mid louglai | CcruM
VthnuU DotulHi.
Wholesale Lumber , I
US.llth tr tOmnbaNcli. r.Colpottfr , M nngcr )
V. N. DfETZ ,
Hth nnd Ollfcrnld gtrcctn. Omnha , Neb.
> It' . GRAY ,
Lain ber , Llmo , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Cor.Ub and liotislns itl , Ouiaba , Mas.
To Dealers Only. )
OBIco , UMFarnnmiitrcct.Omatin.
ciTAS. R. LE E ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpolt and 1'nrquet Flooring. Slli and Doula (
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported nnd Amrrlcan Portland Cement. Rtat <
Aitenl ( urMllwnukou llrdrnullc Ccmuut and Iloat
( 'ulncr WbltuLlmu.
Litre Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John K. Boyd , flupfirintccdent.
Lin Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
_ Ooo. Ilurke. Manager
Union Stock YarJi.H umalia. Toltphone M7.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of nj and nil klnil * of Stock ( ulloltod.
_ Union Slock Y rrt > , Oiuabn , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importori and Jobbtn ot
MiHiucry and Notions ,
1513 and ISIS lliroej f = t , cot , nmahn , Neb.
Whnlctalc Denleri In
Notions and FurnishiiiK' Goods ,
40.1 and 40J 8. Tenth Ht , Omnha.
Manufactnvera of Overalls , , '
leanil'anti , Bhlrti , Klc. 1102 and 110 i Doujlns Street ,
Omnhn , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Tarry a nice stock cif rrlntlnif , Wru iptiu and Writ-
Inn i.nper. Special itt'cntlon ulrcn to car load or - .
orilera , which will bo ihlppc 1 cllrnct fro n mill * . All y.
orders will rccolvo persoiml attention. Woauar- ' *
nnten ( ) I cooild an I low price * , lilt and 111W
Job Fvintcrs , Ulank Book Maker * .
And Hook lllnderi. 1H ( > nnd 103 South Fourteenth
> treet. Omahi.Ncb.
Auxiliary PubllHliers.
Dealera In T/pe. Premies and Printers' Buppllos. 609
South Twelfth Mroct.
, MannfHcturcrs and Dealers In
n trln os. Boilers & ( tencral M
Cliect Iron work , Hteim Pumpr. Saw ltlll . Acme
HhaftlnB , Dodg * Wood split Pullori , llaltlnir , ota ,
AlfowaKoni , erapori.aadaalttloi. Ull-1115 til * .
Tenworthtt. Omaha
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stenm and Water Supplies lleadquartcri f. r Mart
FoaitCo' ( Jo.cls. llll tiaruntu It..Ouuba.Neb.
Dnllaltr Wind Mill * ; pi mm and WM r Pnppllei ,
I'lumbmB Goi dn. HclllnL. Mine. OK mill IU ) tur-
t. , iinabn. H. K. l-elton , Muna cr.
Ivlophone NO. ] j-
rumps , Pipes nnd Engines.
Bt ua , Water , IUIlwrr nd Mllllnn Rupplici. Eta
HO , ( and 034 Barnaul it , Osiaha. Neb.
Safes , Etc.
Agents for Hail's Safe & Lock Co.s *
Fire and nnrg'ir ' Proot Bufai , Time Ixicki , Vanltc
udJallWurk. 10IJ I arnara itrett Omaha. N > b. _
Omaha Safe Works.
Manufacturer ! of Flra and Burclar ProofBnfei , Vault
l > oor , Jail Work. ( < hutier anil Wire VVork. Cor.
14thanil Jacknon Sis , Omllm , Nub ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wliolcial * Manufacturer ! of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and lloiildlnfi's ,
Draneh officeIJlii ui u.rd rti , Orcabs.Nrb.
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Monld'jiii ! fitalrWorkand Interior Hnrd Wood Klnlrt
Juit opuned. N. K. cor. Bth nd l.cuvcnwortU Ht § .
OtnabH , Neb.
Johnstown , Neb ,
The best accotnmoilutions for tra\clera ,
The best hotel in town.
F. G. FRITX , Proprietor.
Lincoln , Neb.
The lifit known n in ) moft | oiiuliir hulnl In
o state. I.oontldtio < mini , iiiipoiiHinoiitii Hist
cluss. Hcailiiuiirtori lor coinniori'iKl men anil
nil iiolilloal nnil pulillu unthorlnva.
It. P. ItOOOUN , Proprlet cr
School , County and City
We vtIII IIHJhitliost prlco for same.
. .Arr XjO-f-iTES
lit lowest talcs rorr * poinln'icf > tolii.ilc < l ,