Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha Citizens Indignant Over President
Cleveland's ' Confederate Flat ; Order.
Editor Morrlssey's Foe Mortuary
MaltcrK Carpciitcrs nnil Contrac
tors * * County IJontl8Tyi > ojrn | li *
leal Delegates Local Mcwa.
Clcvclniul Snt Upon.
Yesterday morning a ISr.i : reporter
sought nnd obtained thu following inter *
vie ws with citizens of Omaha touching the
tiction of President Ulevulund in ordering
thu lettirn to lite southern slates of tlio
confederate Hags captured in battle by
federal troops during the late war :
Max Meyer All memoiials of victory
in battle , nil war tronhies , should be kept
by the country capturing them ; Unit is ,
taking into consideration the usages of
nil nations in such matters. I think the
president'aetion is calculated , in a mea
sure , to revive the old sectional strife
which has been so happily expiring dur
ing lute years.
Mr. IV. V. Morse Am of the opinion
that If these confederate flags wore to bo
returned it would have been the graceful
thing lor congress to have empowered
the Urand Army to take this stop if the
Grand Army felt so inclined.
Sherilt'Coburn I do not hesitate to de
nounce the whole business an uminaliliod
outrage. Those Hags \yero nut there by
nn act of congress and it should take the
same power to remove them.
City Treasurer John Hush I am not
Civeii to profanity , but if 1 were , would
use some very tropical language to ex
press my indignation. These lings are
Bouvcnirs which , in future generations ,
would bo a most potent factor in procre
ating patriotism. 1 also believe in for
giving and forgetting , but think that
every citi/.en in the north , whether demo
crat or republican , should feel a very de
cided indignation over tins arbitrary act
of Cleveland's. It is an outrage.
General C. H. Frederick Don't think
Cleveland lias any right to return these
Hags. They belong to the archives of
the government , in which the whole people
ple are interested. It will make one of
tlio blankcdesl rows the country has ever
experienced if ho persists in carrying out
tills infamous order.
Charles L. Thomas The restoration of
these war memorials to their old rebel
lious owners would be a most flagrant
outrage. It cannot help but meet with a
sweeping protest throughout thu whole
Major Hobert Williams I don't believe
Cleveland lias or ever will isiiio Mich an
order. If he does , that will settle him
with me. He couldn't get my vote.
Postmaster Gallagher If it is a fact
that thu president has made such an
order , 1 very thoroughly dissent from his
views on thu .subject , 'i Hags should
remain IP the hands of the general gov
ernment , in memory of the victory of
union over disunion.
Captain J , S. France It is a blamed
outrage , and strikes me as an usurpation
on the part of the president , as if he was
straining his powers as chief executive to
intentionally insult the union soldiers.
Charles' K. Burmesfcr Think Cleveland -
land should inform himself. Don't
think he has any power to return those
Hags , and will venture to say further
that if the Grand Army was called upon
to take these rags over again they'd
jinni ) into the ranks and do it too quick.
I'm ready to go.
Frank K. Moorcs It is a out
rage , and I want you to put it in just as I
say it.
Major William Chambers Ditto , only
I don't want such Howery language to
show xip in thu KKK.
John A. Creighton Won't express an
opinion until 1 Know just exactly whether
I have one to express or not. Pll wait
mul scu just what is done.
James Cascy.Arcado llotcl There are
38,000 words in the English languagcbut
that number is totally insuHieiont to ex
press the length and breadth and depth
of my indignation.
J. U. Manchester It sceais that a great
many of the old soldiers have lived to see
the ( lay when they must through their
chief executive truckle nnd apologi/o to
traitors , but wo little thought m 18U5that
the country would ever place a coward
nnd coppoihead in the executive chair.
If somn one could have foreseen this } a st
act of humiliation , while Mead and Sher
man's men were encamped around
Washington , there would have been no
rebel .Hags or banners left for distribu
tion. . Won't fomu democratic organ
please relieve my feelings by yelling
r'bloody shirt. "
M. A. Uisdon I believe it to be a
studied insult to the Grand Army of the
Itcpublic , because it was announced that
body would not receive him at St. Louis.
It is also an attempt to bolster up confed
erate bonds.which , as you knowhavo ap-
preointed in Europe from one hundred
und forty to two hundred.
Tlio Business Transactions Dcl'oro
All Our Tribunals.
In thu United States circuit court the
case of Calvin Manning et. al. vs. Ely
Shorf et. al. is being argued.
Judge Urower yesterday morning ron-
dercda decree in thu case of liaird vs.
Day In favor of plainlitV , and the prose
cution dropped. Thu present suit is the
" Before Judge Hopewoll the case of
> 1 James Stephunson vs. John II. Noyles
was commenced. Plaintiff sues for ? 5,000
damages suffered by reason of false im
prisonment. Thu facts as claimed are
that last August , Noyea came to Omaha
from Iowa , in which latter place he re
sides , and demanded of Stephunson n
team of mules , which ho claimed were
stolen from him , Noylos. Stnphunson
ill-dared that he had purchased them in
good faith from a young man and paid
lor them , and refused to surrender thu in.
A suit In replevin was commenced but
when the papers wore sought to bo exe
cuted , it was discovered that the mules
had been shipped from the city. Noyles
then sworu out a warrant in Judge Stun-
berg's court and had Stephuuson ar
rested for concealing stolen
property. On the cMiminaton Stephenson -
son was discharged.
The trial of Ollicer White for man
slaughter was continued yesterday morn
ing. Thu first witness put under cross-ex-
animation was Mr. D. A. Kussul , thu cab
driver. Ho remembered thu night of the
' . 'Oth of February last. Ho was driving
north , taking n person to Twentieth and
Hurt streets ; was driving north on Six
teenth. Hu was between California and
Webster , on the west bide of thu street
car iv\ck , when the shooting occurred !
saw a llishj the man who tired was on
the corner of cJIs'eenth ' and Webster ; lie
heard two shots In quick succession ;
thought the shots were goin In an up
ward direction ; It was a vttry dan ; night ;
did not scu the party that did tlio shoOting -
ing ; there was no light on thu corner ;
when going up Cummg'struet ho saw a
man lying about fifty feet west of Six
teenth street. After leaving the man he
had in charge nt Twentieth nnd Hur.t , ho
returned on the same road and saw al
the same place ho had noticed before a
man lyine on the street , . but did
notstopj'wcnt toward homo ; on Six
teenth and-Webster ho saw two men
going north , ilo could uot say who the
men were ; could not oven describe the
men , as IIP drove by rapidly. Then he
drove directly homo. About twenty
minute ? elapsed between the time ho
heard the shooting and saw the two men.
J. L. Thompson was sworn : Ho saw
the defendant on the 20th of February
last , at the time of the shooting , near
Sixteenth and Webster streets. Witness
went to where the sound of the pistol
came from ; found White and several
other men there. White told him he had
tried to arrest some fellows ; they had
knocked him down and then he shot ;
White said he thought ho had hit one ;
witness did not hear any men running
away ; was at the freight depot at Four
teenth and Webster when the shooting
Cross examination ; White did not tell
him that lie shot in order to
attnct the attention of the police.
White said ho had been hurt on the
neck , but witness did not sec any blood
on white's hands' .
Charles Hello sworn : Saw White's right
after tiio firing ; the second shot was fired
in a northerly direction ; White told wit
ness he hul : shot because somebody had
knocked him down , whom he w.uitcd to
Cross-examined ; witness was going
south when the first shot was fired ; turn
ed around anil saw the Hash of the second
.shot ; did not remember that White said
he lircil in outer to attract the attention
of the police.
C. A. Baldwin , for the defense , made a
motion just before the adjournment of
the forenoon session , to dismiss tlio case
for the reason that the evidence for the
state showed a case of justifiable homi
On the reassembling of the court at 2
p. in. Judge Grotl' instructed the jury to
lind a vertllct of not guilty. The verdict
was so returned.
Kntcrocl Into Rctwcen
Journeymen and Contractors.
OMAHA , June 13 , 1887.
At a special nicotine : called for the car
penters and contractors of Omaha , the
following was adopted :
Hesolvcxl , That from the Sth davof July ,
18S7 , to the 1st day ot .January , 18S\tliat nine
hours dcr constitute a day's work for all
journeymen carpenters In the cltj ot Omaha ,
and eUlit hours on Saturday con
stitutes ' the same , with additional
vay-atid-a-half fur all over-tune , said
conductors reserving the right to
Biado their men ns they deem proper ; and
that ! cents per hour bo paid to all compe
tent c.irponteis and joiners. Signed ,
James Haynes J. W. Given , K. C. Stevens
& bon , T. II. Smith , J. < ; . Snilsburv , James
Grimtli , John 11. Haste , Hamilton & Woollev ,
Mnyor Ac Hicks , Slmw As Field , Davis As 11 ca
lling , Simmons , Hcov s & Co. , G. M. Buck ,
A. W. Plidps As Son. Charles
Jerrohl , Noillni' & Keynolds , U J.
Coirey. S. Mct.reer , George Wnddcll ,
Win. Ktiicion , A.Moyer , J. . Tyrrell , 11.
. Hrown. J. A. Ha/ell , Geo. C. Alien , 1. N ,
Uonnett , hoitv As Benson , S. McCleod , 1'eter
Sperlimr/H. M. Nlcolson , J. Wccder , James
UichnrdsjAsCo. , M. T. Murphy , Arthur A ;
Only two firms , which have been asked ,
refused to sign the above. Mr. Coots
was absent from town and could not bo
si-eu. Thest' were N. Kosonberry and A.
J. Coimsnian. Hosenborry said ho would
work the- nine hour business if he found
the organizations were strong enough to
establish , that system. Coiinsmaii said
the workmen had no right to interfere
with the 'ton hour system. The names
feigned to.the above agreement represents
1,100 carpenters.
Rciircsfjutatlvo Gunzolus Tolls of the
Convention at ItiiU'alo.
Wednesday evening W. II , Gunzolus
and Jason Lewis , thu Omaha delegates to
the International Typographical union
whose annual session has just closed at
BuHalo , N. Y. , returned home. Said
Delegate Gunzolus ycsterdav morning :
"Of course we had an excellent time.
We were royally treated at Dullalo.
There were 1152 delegates from sub
rdinato unions in attendance
pen the convention , and the
hirtv-third annual fathering is said to
ave been the most representative body
which lias over convened. It was also
no of the most impartial. The west so
ured full representation this time
n the selection of western
ncn for the olliccs of vice-prosident ,
ccrctary-tniasuror , two delegates to
he federation of trades' assembly. Furth-
irmoro Kansas City was named as the
mooting place of the next convention. 1
succeeded in securing the appoint
ment of James Dormody , of this city ,
us organiser for the state of Nebraska.
The convention had many important
matters before it which arc of more in-
crest to the craft than to the publln at
argo. " The Omaha delegates were rce-
Dunizcd by being placed upon several of
the most important committees.
A Bargain.
I have for sale lit a bargain 20 acres
situated on the main line of thu B. As M.
11. U. , and near the new South Omaha
depot at the terminus of the dummy line.
Plenty of good , clear spring water , and
an elegant grove of nativc'timber , suit
able for a summer gr.rdcn.
W. G. ALimiGHT , 218 S. 15th st.
The CoininlsslonerH Float Now 20-
Year Bonds.
Yesterday the county commissioners
placed : i $ . ' 08,000 20-year loan , the bids
for the bonds being ottered in the after
noon. Seven bids wore read. Throe of
them being withdrawn on tlio grounds of
the collapse of the wheat corner anil the
tears of a panic. The bonds wcro taken
by N. W. Harris As Co. , of Chicago , who
offered ? 1,71U5 premium. The bonds will
bo issued July 1 , and the amount will
take iii > those of the old bonds duo on
that date. The old bonds bear 8 per
cent interest and the now are ilo.itcd at 5
per cent , a net saving of U per cent.
Tlio Omnhn Smelting Works.
The Black Hills Times says : "The rail
road committee which visited Omaha last
week , paid u visit to the smol ting and re-
duoti on works where they wcro accorded
a kind reception and escorted through
the extensive plant. The company ,
through Its manager , m anlfestcd a lively
interest in the Hillsand adcslro to secure
ns much ore as possible from this locality.
The gentleman confessed that until re
cently the facilities for handling ores
were limited , but four now stacks of
sixty toils capacity each are ready to
blow-in , and the company is now pre
pared to receive ore of any character and
in any quantity , uud guarantee * prompt
payment. "
Estimates for glass furnished by Cum
mings At Neilson , jobbers of Plate , Win
dow and Ornamental Glass , Paints , Oils ,
etc. , 1118 Famam St.
Dodge Street 1'avlnc.
The eastern members of the Asphalt
paving company are in the city to confer
with the cabla line company in regard to
paving Dodge street. The method being
pursued of stone teething the tracks and
Jointing the work , then filling with other
material , it is claimed is not in accord
ance wllnho ! contract. The railroad
company has beui : tilling up the spaces
in the teething with cricat. : : This is
not the sort required nnd the com
pany will place the concrete base and
aspiialtnm in place iu thu regular man
ner. . ,
J. 'McDonnell , F. A. 'I. -Architect , '
N. E , cor , 10th iiud Dodge ,
Ho Applies It With Force to Mr.
Henry Gibson.
For some time there has been a feeling
between the business department of the
Herald and the editorial staff. This , it is
said , has been duo to a disposition on the
part of the business end to dictate the
policy of the sheet and to as
sume control of the various de
partments. Tnls feeling culminated yes-
tciday in a personal encounter
between Editor Morri . oy and Henry Gib
son , the latter of the Herald job rooms.
Since the sale of the paper to John A.
McSliano by Miller & Richardson , the
job department has been more than ever
divorced from the newspaper. The paper ,
however , lias employed a job room artist
to make its portraits. Wednesday after
noon Mr. Gibson entered tlio room of
Editor Mornssey and demanded
that there bo a settlement for
the work done for the paper
by the job room. Mr. Morissey said ho
had nothing to do witli the payment of
the bills that belonged to the business
department. Ho could only O. 1C. such
work as ho had ordered done. Mr. Gib
son said ho would bo btankcty blanked
if the thing didn't have to bo settled right
then and tlicro. The Celtic blood of Ed
itor Morris ey boiled forthwith nnd
lie bounded from his revolving chair.
Morrissy grasped Mr. Gib'-on by the mine
of the neck anil as ho hustled him to the
door he repeatedly applied the too of his
boot to the bo om of Mr. Gibson's
trousers. Tim all'air created a sensation
about tlio olliee. It was said yesterday
that Mr. Gibson intended taking out a
warrant for Mr. Mornssey's arrest on a
charge of assault and battery.
In connection with the internecine
war which has so long agitated the
vicinity of the Herald it is further stated
that J. A. Mathews , for over a year busi
ness manager of the uapcr , has resigned.
Yesterday ho was presented with a gold-
headed cano and a beautiful watch
charm by the Herald employes outside
the editorial rooms. The latter refused
to take a part , it is understood , and also
refused to make a mention of the presen
tation in the columnaof the paper. Mr.
Miithews will remain in Omaha and look
after his real estate interests. His suc
cessor has not yet been named.
Something About Those or Omaha
Who ore Lately Deceased ,
The funeral of John Swrency will take
place this morning from" his late
residence , Seventeenth and Clark streets.
It will be attended in a bodv by the E.
M. A. , and the C. K. of A. Mee'tings of
both these organizations will be held to
night to make arrangements for the
event. The remains will bo interred in
Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
A tclccram was received yesterday
morning from Mr. Mitchell F. Chapman
to the effcot that the remains of the late
lion. James G. Chapman will arrive in
this city this morning at 8 o'clock.
The funeral will take plaeo at-I o'clock
p. m. same dav. The place from which
tiio cortege will start nas not yet been
decided upon.
The funeral of Leopold Griebcr , who
committed suicide by hanging Friday
morning , took place yesterday morning at
10 o'clock from Lre\cl As Maul's. There
was an affecting scone when Mrs. Grie-
ber and her three children came to look
at the body of the husband and father for
the lust time. The remains were taken
to Prospect Hill cemetery and wore fol-
fowed to the grounds by a few of the
friends of the deceased.
The remains of Mrs. Sullivan , who
died of dropsy Wednesday at the corner
of Twenty-ninth and I-arnam streets ,
weio taken to St. Louis yesterday after
noon for interment.
New OlUcitrs.
Lewis S. Reed yesterday morning ent
ered upon the duties of active vice-presi
dent of the Nebraska National bank. At
the same time he assumed the duties of
president of the Equitable Trust company
he oflico of which is on tlio corner ot 12th
and Farnam streets.
The following directors have been
elected by the Nebraska and Iowa Insur
ance company : L. I ) . Williams , vice-pres
ident Cable Tramway company ; S. H.
Johnson , president Cnblu Tramway com
pany Thomus A. Creish , of O. F. Davis
ft Co. ; John L. McCsguo , ot McCaguo
Bros. , bankers ; F. 15. Johnson , casmor
Hank of Commerce ; A. P. Hopkins , prcsi-
lout Commercial National bank ; Hon.
Kli Clay ton , prominent stockman of Iowa ;
J. W."Morse , general passenger agent
Union Pacific railroad ; F. O. Gleason ,
capitalist , Council Blutl's. General Man
ager Hart retires and Eli Clayton has
been elected secretary and general man
Army News.
The left wing of the Second infantry ,
under Colonel Da < jgott , marched to
Bcllovue yesterday morning. The right
wing did ffood work while at the range ,
though falling short in their last year's
number of sharp shooters.
With regard to the property now
claimed by Harrison on tlio army range
at Bellcvue , it is now known that
another party has a tax deed to the salne
and will soon occupy the land.
With respect to other adjacent is
now known that these were purchased
under false representation , and the
claim to them will bo contested in the
Mittman'H Miseries.
Mittman , the man who is alleged to
have defaulted his bond , it is believed uy
some friends in town will still return.
He knew his case was not to come up tlil
the 20th inst. If ho has gone to stay , it
is not because of the judgment against
him , because he has paid into court suf
ficient to Mitisfy that , but rather because
of the fooling of hatred which obtains
against him in Millard , as also the do
mestic infelicity which obtains in his
household. _
Stopping Sun tiny nail Gninos.
A movement is on foot , headed , it is
understood , by Hev. Mr. Savidge and the
Hev. Mr. Pearman , to stop the playing ot
base ball on Sunday. It is stated that a
petition is being circulated , that a num
ber of names have been secured for it
and among these it is claimed is that ot a
Catholic priest. Both of these gentle
men first mentioned will preach upon the
subject next Sunday. Tlio petition will
then be handed to the mayor.
Burning Asphalt.
Yesterday morning at 8 o'clock the fire
department was called to the corner of
Thirteenth and Dodge where a largo kot-
to ) of asphalt , which working men , en
gaged iu building the track of the cable
line at that point , were using , caught lire ,
A lanro barrel of the same material was
sot ablaze. Two hand grenades and a
small chemical engine , procured from
the Millard hotel extinguished the lire ,
R'lurds of Initialization.
The county commissioners are still in
session as a board of equalization. The
council will sit as the same on the 23d
and 21th insts ,
Wanted Pop
. Deputy .Sheriff HouoK has gone to
Grand Island armed with , a warrant for
tlio arrest of a niaa uauied Joh'nsou , who
is Granted for 'forgery. Johnson came
from Kansas City , represented himself as
owner of a property there , traded it for
property lioro.wold the Omaha property
and skipped , Ho signed the name o'f
Harry A. Davis *
onicor-J nines Hlnchcil.
Officer James , formerly of the Law
and Order league , of this city , who it will
bo rcmcmbered/\wont / \ to Lincoln to work
reforms , and was charged with adultery ,
was yesterday found guilty of the charge
and sentenced to Imprisonment for thirty
days nnd a line-of $1.
PlAstcrero In the Woods.
The picnic of the Omaha Plasterers'
union will take place nt Callioun on next
Sunday. Three trains will leave the Chicago
cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis As Omaha , nt
8:15 : , U0 : ! ! and 11 o'clock a. m. , returning
nt ? : ! ! 5 p. m. The procession will start
from llth and Douglas streets.
A Little Sufferer.
Lucy , the little daughter of Kov. J. L.
Malic , of 2518 Douglas street , fell from
the second story of nor father's residence
Tuesday and .sustained a serious fracture
of the right limb between the knee and
hip. She was attended by Dr. llanchctt.
Yesterday morning Mr. John Kerns , of
this city , was married to Miss Delia Bally ,
of Springfield , III. Jack Wood.hisb usincss
partner , left Wednesday to attend the
marriage , , in which ceremony ho acted
nsMr. Kerns' "best man. "
Absolutely Pure.
This powilor noTcr viirics. A mm vcl of purIty -
Ity , strength nnd wliolesotnones * . Mare ecnn *
cumuli than the ordinary Itliuls , ami cannot bo
sold In competition with the multitude or low
con short nclichtnluin or plio'plmto powders.
Sold only In oan < . ItovAt , II IKINU I'owuun Co.
101 Wall-st. , N. Y-
Importer's Prices
J-ho BKST nnd 3IOST
Thread of Modern Times.
Sold at wholesale by
illiiilrlvMioeli Dry Goods Co.
n. E. Snillln V Co.
I'nxlon , < JullnKlier & . Co.
And by tillilCotnll Pealcrn.
U. S. DEPOSITORY , a , ,
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplus 42,600
II. W. Yates , president.
A. E. Touzalin , Vico-Prcsldcnt.
W. H. S. Hughes , Cashier ,
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Kced.
A. E. Tou/.aliu.
Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts.
A General Banking Business Transacte
When we want them to tell a convincing story about our clothing. "
The types will tell you that the prices are the lowest in the citybut
an examination of the garments alone will convince you how good
they are , and that they are really sold far below their value. Our
stock is unquestionably the largest and most comprehensive in the
city and is not exceeded in extent or variety by those of even the
most important houses in the east. Knowing we have a lanre trade
and perfect facilities , manufacturers and importers give us first
choice on lots on which they are overstocked , and which they have
to sacrifice. If the goods are strictly desirable we command the
lowest prices by paying prompt cash , no matter how large the lot.
The system of selling every article at a very small profit and mark
ing down at even less than cost , those goods which do not move
quickly , is a ruling principle of our business.
Today we are opening several lots of flannel and mohair coats
and vests , bought at about one half the t > rice that was asked for
them early in the season , and we have marked them accordingly ,
All goods marked in plain figures and at one price. 'U ' I'j '
Nebraska Clothing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
'I.f '
.f >
± 3O8
Toe Presented. a * TicUset
Cor. 13th St. and Capitol Ave. , OMAHA , NIB.
Heit fid itlei. aip | trattt An t remold , f > r n < * v .ril trmlmrnt of
cvrry lormorilu > t.iMri 'lulrliij < MMitnlor Hingtrn ! IrtulniruL
WHITK roil ( met I K * tut IHtbrmlllM in I Itrarri , f Inlt I rft.
rimatureorilit.Si lurl lie. , I nm im , Cunrtr , Calm ill , llrnntliltlt ,
lu'iuUllm , I.ICTI , icily , 1'uruIl.U. I | .il , , HJ Kline y , IllaJJu , 1 je ,
Ijir. bkin , aiul IJIuoJ , nu l ull bLTgical OiKntlloiii.
Hook on Diseases or Women I'Rii : : .
All IHnwl MM-IIMI imcrfufully trtfltfrl. PT.M1ltle | FoliMii rrmnvf I
from the > ftieni wltliout t Mercury New lit -loiatlvo J rrtitim nt fur
Lou of \ itttl I'umr 1'uioiit unnl > lfl to \ Uit ut nia > l irruitit ft I
home , Ity U > rrr | M > n < lenrtf , All minmunlratli ns ConMIt ntUl MeJI
cliiMorliulriiimnutent by mill IT eiprm , MTU rely | nrkt. I , ID
mark * lo tn limit ) cmilruti or * nilrr Outi | XTMHIH | fnltrtivw j r-
Mid Call miJr in ultu , orbcnlliUtorrol > gur C HK , \ \ ldlUrnp ,
* it4 tw will tend hi 1'Uia ttrui.r | , uur
I in I KorrnuH I S mlnit wfnVntM
H-rniat | ( rrli < f4. ouorih ijt , Olitl , ml \ rl
curil .
Dr. HcHenamy , Cor. I3ib st. & Capitol Ay,0raatia , Net.
Medical ItooKs or I'upcrs Free.
Dr Mr.Memimy of Iho Omaliii Mi'rtlonl uuJ Hirsl-
cal limltuto Ima iiuhllcicil it Mil inble irt ( if book *
unit | IIICT | upon ihrmlcnml surulrul Ul utBO ; < unit
( U'liirniltlcn , a Hi tlio uu-tlio Is t > ( rura wlilcli luuo
lii.nlo the Inttllutu i' > celobmtoil that ino llclnon arc
Kent to unit iwtlcnti rcceltoii from eiery utito In
Hit ) union , Amoiu the bnnki | i o 10 mxiii IhedUuiii
es of woman : oiu upon nervous , gpeclnl rind ( irlrnto
JlK'n es of the neiual nid urinary < iriiiii > i T rlco-
< clo cured by tuvlcul oiurutl | < m i anil tlitilr litlfl )
InvvnliU ( laiup cdninresi m.iu-n | ory for the rcller
nmlciiro of vurlroccle , nerrcut oiliaiKtlon unil sex
ual debility , new re t < rV.lvo treitmenu I'lipor *
unon surulcHl bracon , r lit" , canccru , | i-rily i , tin
Klectrlclljr Hnii llie naw iiiaKiii.'tlc buttery for homo
u c : ratarrliandlnhalallon.etc. Unlike inont books
ItDiietl by doctors wit i fictitious numon and Initial * ,
orrubbliih of that k nJ , but are ilitln description *
of rilieuseii.srmptoms new dlHcuverles In inctllclnr ,
snrtrt-ry and clectrlcltr. and are sel worth the po
lu ul , and ran be ob'aincil free by ndtlroi > Kln { the
dmilii MutllcalnnJ Huriilcnl Initltuto , 13lh street
and Capitol Atcnue , ( ) ni ilui , Nebraska ,
WEAK MENf Uitii d thi or *
PstOJJ. O.'Si. IlLdltl , WK - ARtKTIKTO
Ihii Niw l
inuous , mild , loot him current ! of
Itrdlnctlj lbriiu U til cik r rtirnlor.
| o ht-tUli tcJMjutou , > 8lrttBih.
Coritnt O p-Wtlniunllrnr weforfcU iJ.WO In ciih.
( Jrt > leitlmprj ni > ntloicrsri other tielli Wurilcnnptr.
rnii ntl7Ciir > illntir ) eniaiith > brtlttl rimpltltMe itimp
The tJnden Eltetrio Co. 169 LaSalic * ! „ CMcsga
" < KU ' / trrert.
ebuu , IP .U .
, Lo > l M tthoo4 ,
. lie.
. OI.IH CO. . NO.
U. U for & . .
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
IB Death to
Consumption ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills sad Ferera
Or Insomnia , a
rjphold Perar , DisBlmnlatlon ,
01 Food ,
Dyspepsia , Teu Years Old ,
Farera No Fusel Oil ,
This will certify that I have examined the Rel'e of Bourbon Whisky , received from
Lawrence Ostrum & Co. , and found the same to be perfectly tree fiom Fusel Oil and
other deleterious substances ind itrictljr pure I cheerfully recommend the mine for
Family use and Medicinal purposes.
J. P. HARNUM , M. D. , Analytical Chemist , Louisville , Ky.
For sale by druggists , wine merchants and grocers everywhere. Price $1.25 per bottla
If not found at thu above , lulf-cloz , bottles in plain boxes will be sent to vny addrest
in the United States on the receipt ofkix dollars. Express paid to all places east of
Missouri Ri\er.
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
ItlLEY & DILLON , Wholcwle Liquor Dtaltr * , \ Omaha ,
faminesaitpplicd GLADU'LOXE ItltOS. < C'O. ,
Watches , Diamonds , Pine Jewelry , SilvorwaroJ
Thelarekt { ; stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing .1 ( .pcdalt . Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Ucciuud Watchm : i cr for the Unloa
Pacific Railroad Compsni