Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
\ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. .TLT&E 10. 1887 SPEOIALNOTIOES ; Adcrtlecmonts under this bead.10 cents pa Ino for i bo first Insurtlnn , 7 cents tor eocli sub- c-qticnt insertion. andl.r < 0n line per month. No nilvoiU'ctncnt tnkon for lest thnti 25 conta for the Nist in ertlon. Povrn words wll Jbo counted to tlio iliiq ; they mint run eonsc-cu. tlvolr mill muit bo nnld In advnnco. All mlvcr- tltcmcntH must bo banded In before 1:80 : o'clock r. m. . and under no circumstances will they bo taken or discontinued by tele-phono. I'nrtlon advertising In the e column" and hav- Inir the answers nddroscd In enroot THR UEE will plen e a k for n check tocnnhlo them to fret their lottnrs. a ? none will bo delivered oxrcpt on presentation of clicck. All answers to ndvor- tlupmonts should Im enclosed In envelopes. All ndvortlqcmcnts In thono columns nro pub- lulled In both mornlnir nud evening editions of The BKB , the clrctilntlon of which nwregntes more than 14,000 pitpers flnlly , and ( tlvo' tlio hclvrrtl'or the Icnuflt , not only of the city circulation of The BFK but also of council filuffs. Lincoln , nnrt other cities und towns throughout this Ji.irt of the west. MONEY TO LOAN. T\f ONKV to loan , no commission. Cole , .110 S JL > L mth. rat MONEY TO I/JAN on Improved city prop erty In sunn of 11.000to (5,000 ut six per cent Interest. ShoIcsA Crumb. ! i2fl MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In Bums of I'CXI nnd upwards nt Inn cit rate * . Honey always on hand. S. 8. Campbell,310 Boutb Bixtoonth street. R22 [ 00,000 to loan at 0 per cent , Harris ft Hump- son , 161' ' ) DoiiKlAR It Ml ONKV to lonn In largo or amnll nmotintH by Win H. l.ench. ISO ! ) Fnrnnm. CM Jl" > M ONF.Y TO LOAN-O. F. DavU Co. , renl estate and loan ngents , 1503 Fnrnam st. | _ 6Qj CJCOO OO To loan on Omixlm city property nt8 P percent , O. W. Dny , s. o. cor. Kx. Illd. _ O7'l MONRV TO LOAN-On city nnrt fnrra prop. erty , low intos. Btovrnrt & Co. , Uoom J Iron bank. Wi _ MONEV to loan , cnsh on delay. J. W.nnrtK 'L. &iulre , liU Kurnara St. , Tnxton hotel bnlldlnir. CIO ONPA' TO LOAN on improved real estates L no commission charged. LonvlU llurn- bi'.m , llooin 1 Crolnhton Illock. 613 _ 6 PEW CKM'-Money to lonn. Gregory & Had Icy , Rooms 1 and 3 , Itodick block , ICO B. 15th St. 513 MOKBY loaned on residence property. First and second mortgages bought. K. P. Itow- ley. 3118011th 15th street. _ 8MJ25 rrv > LOAM Money Loans placed on ira- J. proved real cstnta In city or county for Mow England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. 16lh nnd Chlrngo Ms. _ 6U MONEY to loan on Improved city property at 6 per cent. Money on hand ; do not have to wait Have n complete set of abstract books cf Douglas county , I. N. Wntson.nbstrnclor Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. , 1E08 , 15th at. 515 M'ONKY TO LOAN-bytno nndorstgned , who has the only properly organized lonn ency InOinuhn. Loans of $10 to | 100 tnndo on furniture , plnnos , organs , horses , wngoni , mnchlnery , Ac. without removal. No doinya. All bullness Btrlotly conOdcntlnl. Loans so Bade that any part can I bo pal at any Imo.each payment reducing the coat pro rnta. Advances siado on fine watches nnd Alumonds. Persona - - - - - - - - - , - - hould carefully oonaldor who they are dealing with , as many new concorna are dally comlnir Into exlstonco. Should you need money call ml Bee mo. W. R , Croft , Hoora 4 W'thnoll ' Building 15th and llarnoy. _ 510 nillKOMAHA Financial Eichnngo , , State ' National ° J ! HB , " > y nd 16th BtS. , over bank. Ir t'Psrcd to mR o abort time loan * on any Available aecurlty. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real estate. Long time loans aadoon Imorovod real estate kt current rales . 1'urchaio money mortgages negotiated. Hccured notes bought , unldor exchanged. Bhort time lonnB mndo on second mortgago. according to marginal Interest , at collateral rates. Kcnl cstnto to exchange for good Interest tearing paiior. ( inncrnl llnanclal business of all Hindi trans- Ik-ted promptly , quietly and lalriy. Money always on hand for approved loam of * ny kind , without doLiy or unnecessary pub- llcfty. Corbett. Manngrr. 517 $780,000 TO LOAN nt 0 per cent Llnahnn * Mnhoney , l&OO Fnrnam. 618 * J\TONKY LOANHDut 0. F. Heed A Co.'a Loan .Ml. onico , on furniture , plnnoa , horBoa.wngona , versonal property of nil kinds , nnd nil other ar ticles of fnine , without removal. U19 S. Utn. over Blngham a CommlRslon itore. All busi- a M strictly confidential. 61 6PRU CBNT Money. B. 0. Patterson. IGth abd Barney. 620 BUSINESS CHANGES. % 70R SALE The best bargain Grocery store JT centrally located on pared street. Old es tablished trade. Call on Fearan , Cole & Ron- ertsonD10S. 15th st. 201 BUSINESS Chances If you want to buy or soil any business city or country , wrlto or MO mo. J. S. Jolinao ? 310 S15th , room4. 2Ui 16 * f TJ OR EXCHANOE If you have olty property JU for farms or farms , merchandise , grocery Stores to exchange cell at my ollleo. J. 8. Johnson , 818 B 16th. room 4. 2I"C 16' FOR SALE Half Interest In a good paying drug store , with Ural-class doctor. Prlco flOO. For particulars and terms sddro s B 68 , ynis office. , iiOi-18' * I7UHt 8ALK-Or trade for real estate , $3,000 stock ot jewelry. Ilurrls & Sampson , 1518 * | 7IOU BALIU-Profltable notion store. 5ns 8 10th J- street , between Howard und Jackson. 2J5 18 * FOH SALE-Oneof the best paying Weekly nowipaponi In the si ate with job office at tached. Vor particulars nddrcsi B U7 , Ileo offloo. 1M 15 > _ _ LT7IOR BALK-Hakcry and ice cream parlorT J- Address Mrs. H. Auor , Oarcoln , Neb. BU1U1 * TilOHBALF.-Ment market doing good bns | . Juolft Uood loontlon. Iteasoni f or aelllng- . Addrog P4Ttlle . TUQHJ - HOCKHY STOCK-Clean and freah for aJo. 1'arrott * WllilamtOB. U ) taIrtU01 Doug. Uasu | 487 TT0113ALK A boardln * house and furniture. * doing good buslncaa , 40 boardori. good renaon for selling , fall at Currlo ft Volltim , 16tb and Capitol nvc , Kxposlton llullillng. 339 PERSONA ! . . PEllflONAL-Wlll Mre. Mary Jane Carrall come to the Kt. Joseph Hospital. Her hua- DanU U there. _ 3J4 17J PEUSONAL-Neat and tn ty all- wool buslnesi ulti $7. Fine blue diagonal dress suits , f 10.TR. Call and lea them or write for lamplei. ti. O. Jonei ft Co. , American Clothiers , IJU9 farnam st , Omaha. B03J30 IKHSONAL-If you want a deslrablo , c ti- trally located oflico yea can nnd It at 316 B 15th at. 878 _ IilHSONAL-rrlTate home for Indies during confinement , itrlctly ronfidentlal. Infanta Mopted , uddr en K 43. Uee oOloo. 84DJ y3 BK80NAL Mra , Or Mannt * T. Warren clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium i ha > . 121 KerU 16t et .Omaha , Neb. LOST. V OST Koan borfo , s white hind feet , 10 Jt-t yeaJiicr on nonr fore foot , lleturntc 1' . n. Anderson' ! livery burn nud rccelvo reM \M \ 1 J VJTRAYRD OR SrOLEN-Hrown horse I ! O hands high , wcmhs S.V ) , heavy niano and tall , with largo scar or. heel of right hind foot f2& reward for his return to Webster Imrn. 27tli and Leiivonworth. 131 18 * T OST Juno Bth , rod cow , about A yours old , XJ llownrd ( or return to M. J , Molhous , ror , 10th and ( iraco sts. S72 15' T"OST A lady's gold ring. The owner think ! 4-J she dropped It In front of Fotncy i Con rally's shoe store. 722 N. Itith st.on Friday 01 ( Saturday last. The person leaving It at above address will be rewarded. 27510 LOST A reward of 120 will be paid tor the ro turn of one Iron grey mare , 4 or 5 yoin o ! > 1 , branded D. B. on lest Ulp. Hoturn to 1C03 r 80th St UYJ 15J CTHAVED Dark bay borso IB hands high , hi K ? has part of bis mime rubbvdoff , little wbiti on hIna foot. A liberal reward for his reiuri to Wit brow burn , Harncy street. T. J. Flow Ing. 1JJ 16 T .O3r On KUjkuontn , tibvrman ave or urac < J-t St. , "flpeclBeatlons. " Plento return t < llOVi Moftk Uth St. . or P. i. Croodon , nrcUltnct pent houM , M. T. Murphy , contractor aac KuUdw. 34 roviro. FOUND-On N. IBth St. . between Cass and Cnllfornla , a black shawl , inquire HX18 Cnss st. 302-15 * rilAKEN I'P-Onodntkbnyor brown mule 14 X hnnds high , weight about ! K lb . Owner can Imvo snmo by proving property nnd paying expenses at Homau & Jerry's livery stable , 41J 8. Uth 2 3 8TOBAOE. at 110 N 13th Ft kJTOHAOK Klr t-clnss storage for nice furni- 3 turoand boxed goods. Ferguson Furni ture < Jo.71 .V717-721 North Ifltb street. 175 STOIIAOrT KlMt-clasa storngo for nlco rur- nlturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodvc-st OLAIBVOYANT. M1W. DURANT Clnrlvoyant from Bostonis tellable In nllnfTalrsof life , unites separated lovers. 322 N. ICth ft. room 8 ttl J28I MISCELLANEOUS. rplIE Blue LlnoTaim Co. , have moved their X onico from the Kcnmird Glass nnd Pnlnt Co. to 1.116 Dodgo. Orders for Oiutoltno and CoAl Oil promptly llllcd. Telephone 7V6. Wnrd jr Mcllougnl. U22 19 EMPLOVMENT , llontal and Collection Agency If you want work , or to employ help , or have hou os to rent , or accounts to collect , call -on M. Maynard , 317 South Uth St. , Omahn. PAI'KtlJI AN'OINU 15 per cent discount from Moro prlcos. Address Pnporhnnger , 811 North ICth . st. CijO-J-lt ) CUSS I'OOLS , alnka nnd vnults clcntied , odor- loss process. E. Kwlng , box 4J7. cltv. JJ8UJIBJ WILL some ono who understnnns the It S. llallcy aystpm of dre s cuttlnir , nnd will ing to tench It , write to S 53 , Bee office. 2H316J FOK IIH -Square I'mno U monthly. A Ho3pe,1613 Douglas. 624 a O parties having houses for rent. Rental Agency , Hen awn & Co. . 15st. , opposite post- office , Wo hnre turned over to thorn our rental 1st. We recommend thorn. McCngue Bros. FOlt IlKNT Organs , $3 per month , iloupe , U13 Douglas. 6 1 O ) . -House furnishlnir goods , nit kinds ; e cosh or installment ; lowoit prices at J. Bonnor,1315 Douglnsst 625 Foil IlKNT bquare fiano , ( t montnlv. IIospo. 1613 Douirl'ts. A24 "F you wnnt to buy or soil f urulturo , go to - J. l-nridison'a , 715 N 10th. 6JJ FOB BALE MISOELL-ANEOUS. TT1OR BALE-Smnll milk dairy , waaon. etc. X1 Address B 82 , lies. 32J 20j SALE Cheap , n now calicrnpli , never X1 usod. Apply to Western Newspaper Union , 511 S 12th str 2M ! 19 | ; -OR HALE-Hnlf docn now Nntlonnl cabl- I' net letter flies , different si/.et. will no sold nt a reduction from rugtilnr pficos , call and RCO them at the Western Newspaper Union. 511 S 12th st. 2'Jl ' 23 TfOK SALE A fresh milch oow flvo yours old. X1 inquire 1508 13th st. opposite Cosmopolitan. 2S810 * FOR SALE Household furniture , nonrly now nnd in good condition. Party la breaking up housekeeping. Cnll at 0 , ! S. 17th st. 2tsn 1G * FOH SALK 40 head fine young carriage horses , cor. I7th and Vlnton , Dodtro & Case. 212 1UJ FOR SALE Pair of bay carriage horaos , Hound nnd reliable. Owner leaving city. Enquire room 4second floor , 022 Fiirnum. 258 17) ) FOR SALK-At n bargain , a nice family horse. Apply at the ollleo of Goo. N. Hlcka , 215 S. 15th street. 258-18. NICE light double hnrnc a for snlo. or will exchange for good xlnglo harness , ( loo. N. Hicks , 215 S. 15th street. 25S-1S FOR SALE Flno Inrgo horse , n years old , faultless , suitable two seated family our- rtlaifo. Cnll nt U70 Division at. 241 l8j FOR 8ALE--A pair good mules. Apply at N E cor mh nnd St. Mary's avo. U8J "ITIOR BALE Top delivery wagon , Simpson's X1 make , ono fiirm wagon , 2 sols double liar- nc a , ono sot slnglo harnoss. 20 h p boiler. 8 h p engine,2 ponies. Storage Warehouse , 13th and Izard. 095 16 } POR SALE Span fine mntahod bay driving horses. C.F.Harrison , 418S 16thst. 678 FOR SALE One sixfootupright blaoi wal nut show case , Milton Hog-era * Son. 009 FOU SALE-4,000.000 Hard Brick. T.'Murray. 740 F OR SALK-o mlloh oowa. B A Marsh , 801 N Kith. Do' R SALE-Briok. T. Hurray. 623 WANTED UALE HELP. W ANTED-Stono cutters. Apply to W. H. Tyler , Lincoln. Nob. 333Jyl5J WANTED-Flrat-class lightning rod aalea- man. None other need apply , State how much > ou can sell and what wages you want. Ulreot 810 N. IGth at. , Omaha , Nob. 317 19J ( VANTED- Two men cooks for city. 150 nnd ' $ iS ! per month. Apply Omaha Employ- montllureau , 11UN. IQthit. 33317 V17ANTKD A cook and dishwasher nt res- VI taurant No. IW3 Douglaf St. 230 Iflj WANTKD-RO mon for Wyoming , trackmen and splkors. Ingram It Russell , 1007 i'ar- nam. 24i 15J WANTED A largo aollroboy or young mnn. Apply to Thoo. Williams , Ult Farnam. lloo onico. S \\TANTED-A good bnrbor. Call on or od- 'T dross Jud Clark , Falrbury , Nub. Steady work. 1KO17J WANTKD-Pevoral flrst-class traveling men for Iowa , Nebraska and mountain trndo. Only parties thoroughly acquainted with gro cery trade nond apply. Reference required. Address 8 40 , UceoiUce. 215 13 \\7ANTED A first-claw broad baker to take TT charge as foreman. Good wages to a good man. Smith * Co. , No. G23 Main St..Council llluffs. on 15 W - baker at Pacific hotel , 007 Fabric street. 2i > 5 1GJ W ANTKD A baker at 2IOJ Cumlnus Btroot. 277 15J WAN'I ED 2 good cooks tor railroad camp. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam St 271 15 WANTED Laborers , tracklayers , men for TV surfacing gangs. IX O. O'Keefo , Labor Agent , 309 8 , llth at. 2SU 10 * T\7ANT D Intelligent , reliable , energotio TT men as snocial ajrents. W. F. Allen , General Agent Mutual Llfo Inturanoo Com pany ot New York , Na 316 SoutaUth street. WANTED-Boy at 4W 8.10th. Apply F. II. Evans. Sol-ID * WANTED-A good active boy 15 years old , to lonrn trade , f 4 per week to start on. Two COOKS for city , 1 dishwasher , 1 man to wait on table. II. E. Wnlto , 119 N. . st. , Crounso block. U20 10 WANTED -Young raun to go to Iowa. Must be mon of education and business ability. J. M. French & Co. , room 10 , llushman block. 31620 WANTED-A peed strong boy to drlvo a touin , P. Lias , J miles west on Dodge. 316 15J \\7ANTKD-A boy of 18 or 14 to take cnro of V > bo tie and make himself generallr useful. I Inquire R. B. Wallace , Bee office. 312 15 > \\7ANTnD-Aboy , 17 or 19 } ears of age , In T T n store , A good pluco for a good boy. Ad dress H K ) , lice ollleo. 310 15 WANTED A Boy about 15 years old to work In store ; must speak Uermau. 4108.13th 213 \\rANTED-Ayoungmantomake bills and TT to assist In general in a wltolc-mlo confec tionery. Apply in own handwriting , stilting experience , wages watncd , cto. Address Con fectionery , care Omaha Bee. Uood referancus required. 23 U WANTED A Hrst-class watchmnkor at 1305 Douglas street , Ouiahu National Lonn ot- floo. 2M 10J WANTED-Men for railrond worU.Albrlght's I abor agency , 1120 Farnam St. U8 | YlfANTtiD Carpenters. Innulre new raureh T > 20th and Lea\cnworth. & 1. T. Murphy. 818 ANT D-Flrst-class wood turner , JaT Richards * Co.cor ISth andMatonsts , 815 \VANTED-noy about 15 to 18 years old to M carry foot route on Evening Bee. KM ( t IOU paid per month to meu to sell our goo4 . P D.V. . Moljuie * Co. , Burlington , Iowa. WANTED A mau of gooJ education to aot ns traveling salesman with n flrst-cln s houie. Must be able to give security. Box 703 , Omaha. 188 J 1 J " WANTED gEMALE HELP. \VANTED-A nurse girt ApWtcTMTsT T > Prince at WmdiorTiotol. 320 17 ANTED-Compotont gltl for general housework Immediately. S21J Cmi. 828 15J \VANTED Dining room girl nt Occidental Immediately. 258 WANTED-An oxporionceJ girl tor goncrnl house work , except wnslnng. Apply Inrgo house In front ot Crolgliton college. ! ! 57 16J W JANTED-GooJ girl at IToT Cass st. ANTI'.n Smart plrl , 10 years old , Ciin w llcld Mff ( , Co. , 1A(1 ) ( Douglas st.UJ llqor. WANTEH Woman cooks nt Denlson , Iowa. 1 7 : nice necond Klrl. J < : cxporloncod nurse Rirl ; , f 4 : Klrl to attund ice crcnm parlor , fir. : ludy clerk not nfrnld of work , fW ! limn- drpis for Centrnl City , tis ; dlshwas tiers , fccond cooks , lota of nice piaooi In private fmnllo ! < every dny. Mrs. llretra \ Sou , aio S , 11th st. ANTfill A jrood fomnlo cook for private family , fail at I'll ' ! D&Utflua. TX 15J WANTr.n A ( fond plrl In n family of four to do Kcnernl housework : must ttlvo irood rnfercncos Mrs. A. Klley , residence rot Houth.1)111 ) at , , UcoirlH iivo."J 1S _ \ \ rANTnn Olrl forgonernlhousovrorfc. One ' ' tliut can go homo nights. 1U3 llnmcy st. A good laundry Tvoman for u restaurant , 3-'J N. Ictli , 11. C. I.owli. S31 10J " \\7ANTnD Kxporlonccd bns < iuo nnd skirt > tnnkor , Mrs. K. C Scatult , 18Ji St. Mnry's nvo. yn 15J \\7ANTED-A good girl to do goncral hoiuo- nork in n small family. A p pi i'4'H Con vent jt. WJ15J \\7AN'ri.D-Oood girl for gcnornl housework. ' Inquire,2511 st. Marj's M'or & 0il ho. lath at S2 W ANTHIJ Dishwasher nnd otcond girl ut Jacob's , 1001 N. IGth. 702 WANTHD-A llrst-clitss shirt honor. Stt-tdy omplovmcnt. NohraSK'i Steam Liundry , 10) ) nnd 103 S. 11th st. : iu W ANTKD Two good girls for cook ntul second end worrf , ( iooilnigcs at 2437 Dodge st. U.1J IN I'ii-0o : ) ) d aucs to n peed girl , nit S ] 17th st. Mis. W. M. llnshmnn. b3l V\TANTEH Host of wnges paid to u competent - ' tent cnok nml laundress. Mrs. .1. M. Thurston,2J03 Farnam. 799 WANTKD-2 cooks for city , $4 nnd ? 5 per week. 4 dining room girls , n dish wnshorc , 2 chnmbor maids , 1 cook for Dounlson , lown , 1 dining room girl for Wahoo. Wt girls for gen eral IIOIKO woik. OmnliiiKmplojmont Huieau , liu n 10th. ! ll ! 10 - good Oermftn or lloliommu WANTIID-A girl for general housework. A pornin- nent plnco nnd good wnces. Apply , Inimedl- ntoly , nt720 8 2JJ St. , corner of Lcnvcnwortli. W ANTI'.D-Lady book-keeper at U. P. McntMniket. Uth st , nonr WcbMnr. Tfi'l \\rANTBD-LadiP8to work for us nt tnolr Ti own nomos ; $7 to 1' ' ) per week can bo quietly mndo ; no photo-palntln ? , no canvass ing. Tor full particulars addnm nt once Crescent Art Co. , ID Central it. . Boston , Maps. Ioi.ri7i ! ) . jet5 * SITUATION WANTED. WANTED-lly young girl situation to tnko cnro of children and a' ? > t with housework or light housework. Small wngo4 not connld- erod. Call at 322 N. liith St. , room II. oil ICj . Young mnrrlod luily. Amorionn , i' would like n situation In n private fnmlly for board and room , Address S ill , Ileo. 3iJ r > j W ANTKD Situation ss drug clerk by young man , American temperate , good Habits , n years' experience , moderate salary , regla- tered in Nebraska and IlllnnK Address n. R. Kllner , 117 N. Eleventh St. , Lincoln , Nob. WANTED Ry reirlstdred drugclst , situation nt clerk. Address P. F. , box Z , Weeping Wntor , Nob. 314-IU * W ANTKD- Situation In n grocery store by n young mnii , hiU'o had 3 yourso.xporlcnco Address S M Dee Olllco 21-2 I5J ONK Hundred dollars A young ffontloman well educated , will give $100 for perma nent position of trust , with rospectnblo firm , good security and references. No objection to travelling. Aildio sS57 lleoodlce. 2M7 16 * JdlSCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED To oxchnngro n 10 room house In Idlowlld for Insldo vacant lots. To exchnpo good lot for home , hugory nnd harness. Itlunt k Impoy , 4IS a 1'ith St 312 ) WANTF.OTeams for day nnd nlglit work. TV wages per dny , f:150 : ; wngcs for nlht woilc , f 4 ; also two foremen wanted. Apply * nulca wp tof Ft. Omnhn , on Omaha axtonsinn Chi- oiifO & Northwestern It. R. C. P. Trent , con tractor. O4 ! 1UJ TANTED-Teams for railroad work. Al \v bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Fnrnnm , 743 TANTED To buy 8 houses which can bo ro moved. A. F. Maynu , 14,13 Dodge st W ANTIJD 2 orH horse power enfrlne , hand. Apply ut Mlllnrd hotel office. \X7ANTRD-Two aevtud ctrrm o aultiiblo for V real estate business. C. P. Jlnrrl on , 418 81Mb at 577 FO& BENT HOUSES and LOTS. F I OR RENT 4 stall barn , cor 7th and Paclflo streets. IV. ) F IOU RENT Pnrt of store or office room. In quire nt 1213 Douglas at. OU FOR RENT Three room honso , 7n'i ( ' Pnclflo. For Rent Six room house , 1IO < ) 9 7th , For Kent-Three room house , IOU N2)th CS.1 "IOR HKNT 4 now 8-room liouaca , colhr , A1 well , hall , closets oto. , 1 miles northwest of postofflco , ! ! blocks to street cars , 12" to } 30 prr month. Gregory Sc Hodloy , Rooms 1 and ; > , 32) S ISth it. VJ FOR RUNT-Small oiHio in oxcoilont loca tion. Knqulro of F. Barrett & Co.14li : ! & 15th. 227 nOR RENT-Tbree room house , UOfllJ B 7th 1 315 IPO It HKNT Good burn , euitablu ( or four I ? horses. Inquire at 817 . Uth st. tttl- RENT-5room houto.20S5 Ilnwnrd St. , $35 per month. 8 room hoiMo.'XW Jlownrc' t. . 10 per month. Apply to3. n. Hnyd nat Cartpr White Lend Co. U.11 TfJXR HENT-SoTen-room house with ill mod- X1 orn conveniences , 21th and .Davenport Inquire nt 217 S. 12th street flbh market 271 * T7 > OH HKNT July 1st now 10 room bouse , nl J ? modern conveniences. 2218 Chicago- ( & > . J. 1C Rlagvralt , 218 .S. ISth st. 283 11 TpOlt HENT-a-room house , 703Pacinc. , , ( ' R HKNT-Drick yards , T. Murray. FOR KENT And furniture tor snlo , A flvo room cottage on lutb street north , rent f is a month to the party buvlnit the furnitnro , which will bo sold chonp. Brown & Crclghtr.ii se. cor. Itith nnd Douglas. 2W-17. F I OR RENT 3-room house on Uth und Pierce eta. Inquire nt 017 South Uth at. 3J7 FOR RENT Store und second tioor on cor 18th and Maroy St. Inquire of Mrs. F. Latge , COS B 13th. 880 THOU IlIiNT-House , and furniture for sale X' Oroom houbo centrally located on Cna street ; will be rented for ono yenr at $ Vo ) month to parties buylnir tbo furniture , all in good condition nnd worth (7.V ) , will be cola for $000. Brown & Crelghton , so , cor , Hth niu Douglas. 313-10 FOH RENT-Wlndow , good locality for low eler or real estate. Apply toUJ3 n Ifttb. 633 FOB BENT BOOMS. F I OR RENT Furnished room , 1813 Dodge.2J8 TJUJR KENT Excellent room for t\\ogcntlo > X men , nenr street oars ; modern conveni ences , etc. 55.0 Douglas st. 200-17 FO U HKNT-FurnlSucJ rooms , 701 S 1Mb. 300 17 TO RKNT-4 newly and elegantly furnished rooms at J703 Douglas street 21tf-17 * FOB RENT-Furnlahed rooms at 1818 Dodge st W8J 19 FOR UBNT-Omoo 3nd Boor , 319 a 15th , st price $10. 113 "ITKW BENT 3 furnished rooms suitable for ! gentlemen. Nicely situated DMT siree MM. ACdftwSTm'WBtm , 31U7J FOR RENT Front rooms.iduitnblo for gants or man nnd Wife , with I privilege of bonrd , Clg N11UU St 1D g. 16J HENr FurnUhed room at ISIS Chicago FOR Also day boarders. 873 18j RENT A vcrv desirable iront room FCTR . 1911 Capltfa vo. 2iit Iflj RENT Furnished room for two single FOR men In private family , with or without board. 232J Charles BtcorrSnutidors. 25315 ] 1011 RENT Two furnl'hcd rooms for 3 gen tlemen , or single room for ono. Apply 2020 St. Mmy'a ave. 7 2S11CJ R RENT Kloitnntly furnished front par lor. Ill 8.18th nenr DoMne. KU 20 ] F" I aKNT-Desk room. "Enquire Vounif & nincknian. 211 a 15th at. MO OH KENT Nicely furnished front room suitable for two gentlemen. 2511 t-t , Mary's avc. > NI OAHUnnd room with nil modern convent' B onces , 703 8 18th st. 116 1S . OU RENT-3 rooms In a Hat car Mth and Nlcholcs st. 112 " " 1OOD HOME Board nnd nlco rooms can bo \J had nt 60J South 18th etroot , upstairs ; reasonable. 30B-Jy 14. ItP.NTS arc room ror. Utn and Call- Foil Uorniaon Bolt Line , lor imrtlculara en quire nt Union Nat , bun It. 183 IOHHUNT Three room house west of North p llth at , between Chicago and Cuss. O'Ji 1700M AND HOAHD-Kor pent and wife or IV twnMnglo mcn.nt " 010 Cnllfornln atiecU Moderate terms to right parties 30.1-Hi * -filOK In llollmnn bulldmifoor. X1 Fnrimra and llth Ms.In auttin or singly. I'or prices , illnirrnms nnd Information apply to S.A. tjloniaa , 1J1Kurnam St. , Uoom J. 003 f OR KKNT Lorgo front room , furnMiod , 1 2412Hnrnoy , oppoalto Ploi nnt at. 33117J KENT Newly furnlshrd rooms In the Jroit block. Apply Mrs. Norton.thlrd door gnmo building , cor. 10th nnd Chlcnxo. I7IOH HKNT-'lwo wcllTUinUhed rooms lth L' bo.ird If desired , prhnto fnmlly , location con\unlent and iileasant. l'J-J rarnnm 167 10 n IUNT-A : nlco room for two. I'nrt moalsifilojlrcj. 81-'ri 2 > J. 153 10J FOK UK N'T Nicely imnlslied singly room ; modurn convcnlonccsfor gentleman only. - 11 S. 23,1 , nunr Furnnm. 31li' r. IOU UKNT-J nluoturn Ishcdrooms. } N. F r th St. 1. > J 18 rplir iild UrjwnoM Hull , fiH S. 10th fit. Is -L ready lo give bonnl nml room , or mom ioanl and unfurnlsliod rooma with board , na o\v MS the lowest. Ploaonnt rooms and the. toolen dining room In the cltv Meals 25c Coino to the old Drownell Hall , 018 S. 16th St. 1,7)10 ) FOH RUST Nicely furnished oust front room , suitable * for two j untlomon.clogiint location. MO S. V.ith st. Sti7 III * FOH HUNT Furnished nnd unfurnished rooms In ( irunnl * ; block , corner lUth nnd Dodgo. Davis ft llothorliujon , Millird hotel billiard room 014 ItBNT-Mco furnlahod room. 2025 Far- FOlt nnm 085 FOlt UKNT-Nlcoly furnished room , 1921 Dodge . FHr.NTPnrt of Olllco room. Inqulro at Douglas st. 013 FF F Oll HUNT Klognnt aullo of rooms , roforen- rcqulrod , 1U)7 Hoiudis St. oOl T710R HUNT Desk room , ,1lrst , office to lolt X1 over Merchants Natlon-il bank. 8 0 FOB SALE HO TJJ3E3 LOTS. HOICK INVISTMESTS.J ; ! C rarnntn street , near 2Jtlu llGxlSJ.pcr foot : il $ 400 Farnani strot-t , nenr ; itli. xlU 10.000 Farnnm street , corner 3l3i,13xlo2 ( , per foot \ 150 rnrium street , near Thirty-eighth , 47x- 13J : 4.000 rnrnnm atrcut , nunr3Sth'J5jla : 8,00 Fnrnnm street , corner In Jcromo Park 3.00J Fnrnnm street , corner in Jerome Park 11,000 Fainnm street , near l-'tli , Improvoa 20JXIJJ ti 23,000 Fnrnnin street , near Nlnotocpih , 77x132. imrrovo.l , 40,000 Ilnrnor street , near Twenty-third , 60x- U , ' , Improved < . . * 11,000 H.unoy street , near 3.lstiJT4xl70 , Jm- proved i. . . , , . . . . 00.000 Dodge streetnonr lithCflx132 , per loot fiOO Uo.lgo . street , nenr 27th. 40x132 , Im proved / 3,030 street , near 12th , 44x112 35.UOJ Flltcenth street , corner Jackson , Cflxl32 , Improved 35,003 Fourtounth street , corner Juukson.BBx 1 > 1U' . iiiliroved 35,000 Fourteenth street , corner Chicago , iiHxl3J 20,000 18th at , opp M. P. dtpot.Wxim , per foot. 200 lltli st , cor Nicholas , Gtxl32 ! , track In alloy. B.OOO 13th st , nenr Howard , tflxtn , imp 13,000 Tract.acts Mxll- , Paddock Plnco 2,000 20th st , ne'tr Ht Mary's. tUiliO , imp B.OUU EOlhBt , nonr Douglas , illxOfi S.OOO Saundorsst. cor Burl , 180x51 7,500 Pniknvu , nenr Leiivonworth , Mlxl40 tJM Parkuvo. npppark , fiOxlSO 2,000 Jerome Park , near Farnam , K front 47 x las : l.Sfl Cnatnllar at. , nonr 8th. OHJxlSO l.iKJO West Omaha , tlnest acre 15,100 Drown Park , 2 lots very ( heap Albrlght'a Annex.2 lots very cheap 22d st. , cor. Nicholas Trncknxo imp ,13J xllJ. 20,000 Choice property In all parta of the city. 8. A. Slomnn , 1301 Fnrnam St. , Itooms 22 and 23.2SJ 2SJ rp\VO bnnutiful acres In Uontold tor ? 1)60 ) H -L < n h. TliHI n barKUin. Look it up Ad dress S 8) ) , cnro Dee office. 318 17J ' ReulKetato A gone v , AMES' 150 TFnrnam St Four9-roomed modern houses , in ( list class lot-niton , at t'u X ) , ( TOO cash , balance monthly or quarterly. Flvo llrst class , 0-roomod oottnges , with well , cistern , bath room and coal houso. Only ono block from car lino. fZ 750 each , (350 cash , balance : 'j per month. 435-New 0-room cottage , full lot , flno trees , Only a block from Banicom park , . ' 12 00 433 New 8-room modern house , nsnr Popploton avo. Very choice homo. . 5,000 430 Ono of the finest lionlo/t In llanjcom Place. Full lot and modern U-room bouse nnd good burn. This Is worth looking at 0,350 439 Splendid cnst front lot on Virginia nvc. and good o-room house 4,000 423 Full lot , < jOxl33 , can front nnd splen did ti-rooincottage , peed barii.wiiKOn houeo nnd outbuildings , only 1 uiilo irom postofflco 4,000 419 Full lot nnd good 4-room bouse In Plalnvlew , only , 1,600 417 I'lno lot In Hnnscom Pluco , nnd good 4-rooui houao.barn and outbuilulnpfa for . . , . . 4,000 41i ltd feet on Dndiro and 25th strectand ( rood 7-room house , only 8,000 4J3 IJoat front lot nnd modern 0-room . house In Haneuom Place on Dela ware street , no Bncr location In the city ; 7,000 844 Two aa fine acres as you can find In Douitlna cnuntycnn be had for. 0,000 BIS-Kino lot In Patrick's addition 1,900 846-Klejrnnt lot In Tabor 1'lico J.WO 812-Two good lota in Kllby Place , for bott ; 2,100 BIO Two lots , 103x113 , corn * * . In Kl Iby Plncp , lay very fine nnrlcan bo hud if taken within a few dttja for 3,600 KJ9 inst : front lotonillst rftfln Redick'a ( rove , corner and only ; : . 2,60C KB 7ri\l.iO on ( loorgln nvo.jTnls | ' * do- ' cidou bnrtrnin . , , 2 , Sll-Vory flno lot In ThornUdrg addition. 8J5 WJ Ono of the finest loMfcn Lowe nv cnuf. Just north ofDoil est 2/100 824-Ooodloton CnssstforA 1.300 818-100x121 , corneron Dod/9 st lO XW 800-Two very line lots on Vfrif'nla ' ftve emt irrtnt nnd very oluldp at 4,503 794 Kino corner in Clarendon , ono blocs : from street cars . 1,700 Ames , 1507 Farnnm st. M 181 18 FOR SALH-lly Shaw & Cnl 51551fith ( st. Houses and lots In nil putt * of the olty. You can't iitroid to rent when yWS know tbo price und ti'rmsof this class ot | u-rnorty. On Rooridn avenue MO hrfrc a largo piece of ground for sale at less thiW' ' in value. It Is worth looking at If you wamu nlco residence property. Lots for sale In different pnrti of the city.and you are sure to make money by dealing with us. Wo are headquarters for safe Investments. 55J FOlt SALP.-Lot 3 and 4 , block II , Ilnnscom Plnco , east front on Park ave. . 100x150 there Is no better property on Park avo. , ttnd this can ho had at a low figure If taken at once. Tome nnd sco about It. E. T. Gadd i Son . 1323 Farnam su 133 SP.LECT8. nro the carefully luted bargain * hunted ( lown by Cake A Hillings. Our sam ple case : 2 lots with 3 houses , J. I. Rodlck's sub , only block trom street car line , 103x12) ft on 3 streets , big money here foryou. lleauty of llartlott. fruit trees , flne view , only 11.400 cash needed. Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market. Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 1Mb , and we'll make it pleasant and prodtable for you. ADAROAIN-lot 13 , bloc * 18 , Omaha View ll.poo : 1100 cash , IIS a month , For * few days. Itp.Dosworth.awH. utu. M7J * FOR SALEBy Stockdale rent estate airotit. a brick tenement block ot three houses with ten rooms each , with all the latest Im- irovements , onit fronts and only ) i tnllo from po tonico. Prleo for nil f 20.000. HOUJO of 7 rooms with Inrtre barn and corner ot , cast front , ono block west of Park nvo. llm Is a bnnrnln nt ? , W. House of 7 rooms In Shlnn's 'st ndd with a cry largo lot , fronts north on Cnldwcll st and outh on Indiana st This U very cheap nt . . A nlco homo In Wnlnut Hill , n house of 8 artro , with lot 73x160 , south trout , for all M.KJO. 54 lot In Nelson's add , clo < o to Cumtnir . t with IOUPO of fi rooms , good well , coal house , and other Improvements , lot Hlxl25 , t2,00a Would like to cnll your attention to loM tlmt Imvo In tbo follow Imr ndJItlona thnt 1 will sell oryclionpi Wnlnut Hill , Kosters , CnrthiiKo , "nundors nnd HlmcbnURh's , linker's ndd , CroiRhton Height * . Clllton Hill and Orchnrd 111) ) . Call nml see me , I am ready nt all times o show property. Jnmca Stoccdnlo , renl 01- ate ngont , 111 n 16th st , ollice with H R llnli Ic ; o. 17917 _ FOH SALE New store bulldltiK on Hcllovuo at root , price flilJU only , f 6V ) cnsh , bnlnnco ono , two and tliree years. This is u splendid tnnd for a drug store , nr almost any kind of retail buslncs ; for further particulars apply at ollleo of Gen. N. Hicks , 215 S. l.ltli street. | 2V-18 ) _ _ t OR SALE-Cornor lot on Virginia nvo with P two good homos , chcnp at f 7.00J. Terms cn y. llonocs rent for $70 per month. S. S Campbell , U10 S. 16th st , Chamber of Com- ncrio. 27.1 _ TO PARTIES who will build homos coating -L ll/-ifl to M,500 , wo will furnish beautiful buildlnv lot ? , rciUlrlnK | no payment of princi pal for five yonrs. Abstract furnished nnd vnrrnnty deed given aa anon an the house U completed. Mend if Jamloson , 318 S. IGth St. 0 1 IJ'OIt SALK-Allrorr barn with stnblo room for about sixty horses , situated In n do lr- nblo locution , and now doing n good buMm s , lood reasons gl\on for sailing. Kmiuiro of or td.lress A. II. Comstocte , roul cstnto broker , IWJFainnmgt. UM7 \\7E Cnn sell for n tow dnya only > Lot lOfi ai o' nddition for Jrt.lW. Lot 71 ( iISO's nddition , $0:3)J. : Illock 1 lioyd's addition , fS.500. One-third cnali , bnlnnco 1,2 nnd .1 yenr * . Hcmlngton & McCormlck , 2W South Wth at. JTlOHSALK-Or trnilc , Sllotsin the wo tern JL' purl of Omnhn near the llcn on cur line , iirlco 5IIK ) onch , fJMduoon contracts pnynblo In a uuartcrly imyinonts , will trndo intore t In contracts for Nobrnskn laii'L MoCulloch X Co. , 1501 rnrnnm st. 10X > i : Now store building on Ilolloviio street , will mnko a flrst-cla s stnnd fora drug store , or. In fact , almost any kind of retail business. Price , fl.Y ( ! ) onlv , SOM cnsn. For lurthurpnrlloulars apply to Uco N , lllcks 215 3. 1Mb. ! i'.3-ia FOR SALI : Cottage , 7 rooms nnd bath room , lire plnco , onk mnntel , cistern , city wixtor , etc. , Ill feet of ground.M at. north of St. Jlnrj'anvo. ? t,500. C. W. ft O. K. Thompson , 3148.15th at. 210 ONE Hundred housea for snlo ; t rma anil lo cation to suit everybody , lots In nil parts of city , acres. John Gallagher , 317 South 13th st TilOKTY-TWO feet on Htato street * 7.V ) - IFull lot In Saunders & Himebungirs add 475 Two good lots In Meyers , K. ft T. nnd , each. 750 S. I' , cor. in ItoyJ'n 850 Trockngo In Puddock Place , cheap , . . . . ltoom2C , Pnxton building. 174 IMMEDIATE aalo will takeR lots or loss only 5 or H blocks from K\chnngo bid nnd Union Stock yards on fnvornblo terms , blxtecn houses under contract In same block. I want what they nro worth. I don't want fancy prices 1 want to ecll quickly. C. II. Hranch. 12- ! /CHOICE flvo aero trnct , close to city , for snlo \J nt a bargain If tnkon quick , l.nqulro at Olllco of Gto. N. Hlcka , 215 South 15th street. 258-18 TJHDICKPAIUC has city water.350 mnnlo nnd -Ci elm trees , 4" > residences under contract to build , none of which shall coat less than tl.-'OO. Its ftroetg uro grnjed and turnpikod. It is within thu old city limits opposite Kount/e I'laco and accossablo from cither Siuimlers or Stnto streets. We Imvo n few iota left In this addition wlucl. wo will ollor to homo Bookers upon very favorable terms. Wo nl o offer 100ft frontinffllnnacom Park , 10,000. H to ! 5 cnsh. Cor. K/OTl'iO. Georgia nve , $5,000 , SJ.OOOcnih. Full lot and 7-rooin houao in excellent condi tion , Parker' * add , 11,509. Cor..fliixl3J , Improved , S llth near viaduct , 810,000. Kvory ono of these pieces nro worthy of or- amlnntlon. For pnrtlculArs cnll on or nddroas Jlrad ft Jamloson , Solo Agents , 318 S ISth at. 991 OH SALK A line farm of 100 acres , enclosed - closed with 3 wire fence , 33 acres under cultlrAtlon , H acres of ash trees in thrifty growing condition , prlco tie per acre , terms oisy. Mills offer good for thirty dnya only. Address Cbas. 1L Wllion , Oxford , Vurnas coun ty , NOD. 873Jy8- TOOK SALE At a bargain , (10 acres of first- E class farming 'and ' In Howard county , this state. This land la all good KO | | , close to two rallroada the U. P. nnd U. < t M. ; will sell n portion tion or nil , nt flaiiroi nod terms thnt will make It nn object , or will oxehnnao for good Im proved city property. Address Goo. N. Hicks , 2l1 South 15th street. 258-18 AT A HAlUlATN-Lots 5 andil.bloek T Lowo'a add , fronting on Hamilton , Oharlca and 34th ats. , total irontago ot 'J'H feet , * 5,2UO , Two lota lOUxl-O.tlio Qnost east and south front corner In Ambler Plnco ( old part ) , ! blocks from cnr line , both for $1,750. Corner 150x128 oust and north front In Went Omuba , two blocks pouth of Fnrnnm at. , $4,590. Corner 285 feet frontage on Military Koad,128 feet dcop , on cur line , $3,000. C. K. Welter , 3103. Iflth at. , Board of Trade building. 274 FOll SALK-Lot H block 11 , Koad'a 1st add. with ones-room house nnd ono IZ-room bouse , now , Just completed ; good well , cistern ami outhouses about on grade , lot (10x127. 1'rice I7..VX ) : thla la n clump plooo of property and money In It. Call for terms. K. T. Gadd ft Son. , 1525 Farnam st. 133 DAKOAIN-Ono hundred feet front on BIO South Eleventh st , corner lot , only 65,000. rartonttme. V. L. Vodloka , oi ) South 13th gu FOH SALE-Rent or trade , five-room uottnge In Paulson's addition. Ten-room bouse and three lots in Ludwlck place , nnd other property. L. V. Crum , 130 N , st. 4 < n rpHE Apple of My Kye"nomo only M bloek oft X St. Mary's nvo car line , convenient to busi ness , built "not for n diy but for all time. " Bargains In business property. Liu with ua for we put them whore they keep hot. Cake * Billings over 101 South Uth at. 20J FOIl HA LE-12 lots 50x151 on 7th and Cas tellnr , with houao nnd good vineyard ; a flne location for brickyard , best of clay. Price $10,000 cash. Address S 51 , Bee offluo. 2C8 15 * - . Notice. CBVKHAJ/porsons of lute have gotten Into O trouble from tbo u e of fire hydrants for private uae , nnd wo publish below the ordin ance covering such cases. A cap was loft elf a hydrant near St. Mary's avenue , only a few clays ngo by some unftiitborl70d person and It was soon loaded through the noz/ie by mischievous boyx with a cow's horn , a Inrjio piece of brick und a atone. When the hy drant wnstrlod by the Inspector It wai found broken , and causud a Mrgo amount of damngo and annoyance to private parties taking water on this line , und nearly suspendlug tlie county court on account of lack or sanitary water a tbo court lieu o , The chief engineer fools , tha unless the abuse lie abated , thnt n fire mlgh oceur In some locality whore hydrants are out of service from no mo unnutlioiUod person using them , and olthor breitklng by Ignorance or leaving them In bnd condition. ( HlDIIMKOK NO. 4.SH-OITV Or OMAHA. An Ordinance to prevent unauthorized use of the Bio bydimits In the city of Omahaor tampering with the same. Bo it ordained by the olty council of the olty of Omnha as follows : Section 1 , It fliall be unlawful for any per BOH to draw watur from , to open or close , or to do tiny other thing with or about any tire by drant in the city of Omnha , unless authorize ! so to do , under the authority of the otllclnlsof BUM citv. or of the City Water Works Company Section 2. It filmll bo unlawful for any per son to put nny substance or thlnirlntq , to hitcher or fasten horses or other animals to , or to mcddlo or tamper , In any way , with any nucl llro hydrants , or to do anything with or about t ho same , not necessary and proper for Its legit- Imntuuae. Section II. Any person violating this ordln uncohlmil bo guilty of a misdemeanor , and on conviction thereof shall be punlshod by n line not to exceed fifty dollars , or nn linprlsonmOn not to exceed t n dnys , or both. Section 4. All ordinance * or parts of ordln ances Inconsistent herowitb , are hereby 10 pealed. Section 5. Tills ordinance to take effect am bo In force from and after lu ptudiige. Passed January 3rd , IBS , ' . JW5t Notice to Contractor * . Proposals will bo rocencd at the SEALED the county clerk up to 2 o'clock p ro. Saturday , June 18 , 18S7 , for grading roa ( knoB n as Ireland's Mill rend , Just eust ot Little Fapilllon crook , Section 11 , town 15 , range U about 4.000 yard * moro or loss. A deposit of $ J5 will bo required with each The right is roanrved to reject any or all bids By oriljr Of the board. jolMJt 0P. . KBBDHAX , County Clerk. HAY FEVER. NOTICK All sufferers frcm liny Fever who will use the Smoke Hull and "Dol > ellntor"pncH. go six nooks prior to August l t. I8i , nnd mvo the llr t symptoms of thn dlnenin npponr ifter thnt ditto , wen III ItKFl'NI ) Till ! MO.MJV , u t summer this remedy win used by many ullorcr * , uiul gn\c satisfaction luovcry cnse. "Cnrbollo Smoko" Rives Immcdlnte rolli-f In 3atnrrh , Asthma , llronchlnl nnd Throat AIToo- lions , Ilcmluchii , Croup , Colds , Lima Dlsenscs , ) tc.nnd If tnktn In connection with our Dobol- ntortreiitment Is warranted to euro every case. A Free Test nt our otllco pnrlors. Sent by mnll on receipt of prlco , $3. Bmoko Hall , $ - ' , Uebollator $1. $1.CARHOLIO SMOKK BALL CO. . Room 11 Creighton Block , Omaha , Nob. Union National Bank OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 600,000 W. W. MARSH , President. J. W. RODKFKR , Cashier Accounts solicited and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to its care. Pay 5 per cent on time deposits. No 200 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av enue and IGth sts. Telephone No 842. THE BANK OF COMMERCE IfilO North Kith Street , OMAKT..A. . Paid in Capital $100,000 GEO. K. DARKER , President. KODT. L. GARLICHS , Vlco-Prosldent. F. n JOHN8ONCnshl r. DIRECTORS : SAMUEl.Tl. JOHNEO.V , Gf.O. B. DARKCR , ROUT. L. GAIILICIIS , W.M. SKIVERS P.O. JOIINBOif. Agenornl banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Imo deposits. RUPTURE CURED. ny Dr. Snedlkar's method. Noopormllon : No Flint No Detention from business. Artauted to chlldroa welt at grown people. Ilundrodi of nutograpa timonUUoi 'III VI In i u , > . ij./o > -lll ) tlal. CONSULTATION pitor. iv. D. COOK , Room 0 , 1014 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Cor 13th and Capital Stock $1BOOOO Liability of Stockholderi 30O.OOO The only regular savings bank > n the atato.Five per cent Interest paid on deposits. Loans Made on Baal state. omcens : GtrvC. BArtTOM , President ; J. J. Duow.s , Vice President ; L. M. UEN.VKtr , Manavinz Di rector : JOHN B. WlLHUn , Cashier. CAPITAL PRIZE , $ { 50,000. "Wo do hereby certify that wo supervise the arrangements for all tbo Monthly and Heml-An- nuul Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Company , and In pt-rson manngo and control the drawlnga themselves , and tlint the name are conducted with honesty , fairness and In good faith toward all parties , and wo authorize the Company to us * thla certificate with fao-slm- lles of our signatures attached , in its advertise ments. " COMMISSIONERS. We the undersigned Dank * and Bankers will all Prizes drawn In The Louisiana State ottcrles which may be presented at our coun ters. J. II. OULKSBY.Pros. LouWana National Ilk. 1'IKllKB LANAlTX , Prcs. Stnto National lik A. HAI.mviN , Pros. Now Orleans Nnt'lllanle CARL KO1IN , Pros. Union National Rank. UNPREOEDENTElTATRTACTION ! OVER A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Loiiiannin State Lottery Company. Incorporated In l&B , for23yfaro by the legislature for eiluoitlonnl nnd charitable purpoton with n rap'tnl of llr J,000-to which a rosorro fund of over fViO.UU lias alnca becnniili1 > Ilytin overwhc'lmlnu popular rota Its fmnrlilto wn mndo purl of the preiunl Mttto coiutUutlou adoptud Ueoembor 2nd , A. I ) . Hi' ' . The only lottery over voted on and endorsed by the people of nny fltnto. It never scnlos or jioatpohes. Ila Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly , and the Beml-Anmml Drnwmga regularly every x months ( Juno nnd Decora- > ' bAr SPLENDID OPPOHTtlSITV TO WIN A FORTUNE. Seventh Grand Drawing , closa O , In the Academy of Music , Now Orleans , Tues day , July 12 , 18ti7-20'th ' ) Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL P1IIZC , 8150,000. tSTNotice-Tickets are Ten Dollars only , Halves , 35. Fifths , S2. Tenths , $1 , i. I.-JT or rtii/.M. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OK $1M,000 . . . JluO.OOO KJRANDl'UIXUOP W.OOO. . . . W.OsJO 1 ( IRANI ) PRIXK OK 20,000. . . . 20,000 2LAIK1K PRI/I'SOK lO.OilO. . . . 20.0DO 4 LA ltd R PHIZES OP A.OJO. . . . 20.0JO 20 1'UIZES OF 1,000. . . . 20iKK ) BO ' 600 , . . ZB.IK10 ] ( H ) ' BOO , . . . WI.OOO 2(10 ( " KU ) . . . W.IKW UQ " ifo . roooo 1,000 " 60 . . 60.WO API'linxIMAXION PIU7K * . 100 Approxlmntlon Prlics of t * ) . . . . fnflifKl 100 " " Ziti 2ll , ( 0 100 " " 100 , . . . 10,000 3,173 Pi Ues amounting to . tSA'i.OOO Appllcntlon for club ratoi liould hn mailo only to UIH oillce ( iftliH rompany In Nuw Orleans , Korfurtbnr Inldrinnilon write clenrlr. clrlnn full ncMreo. POSTAL NUTKS , eiprem money onion , or New York KJccliunKO In onllnurr lettor. Curruncj br ) c.pre. . ( at our " OrM.A. AUPinN. WASIHNQTON , D. C. A < l < li'csn Jtcdlstered letters to MK\V OULUANS NATIONAL HANK KtWUftLEA.SS V M H "R frnilt lhe. , . . . l U iu. i ) JU IV oanurnlilleauro < ara nJ Eirlr , whouralnchirga of ibe dr wln < jli uKU'ir. nu * ot b outo ftirneti and Integrity , tnal aa cti ncci re lliviunl. ml that no on * can poult/ ! dlTto * what number will * r w n 1'rlis. IlKlIKllllKIl tbu tba pujraoin ot * I1 prltot l < airAiUKTimi nr POIIII NATIOVAI. nXK-iof New OrlMui , nil th Tlcketure signed hj the preiHoit of an Initllntlon. whoto churtoro'l rUhtt mo r > > ooi ; . nlted In Ibt hl h t rourin tberafort , btwiro ul a lmlt ll ai or aaoarmoui ichcnai. FRINK 0. MEM , Carpenter and Builder , FINE CABINET WOKK ASl'KClALTY , Telephone GOO. South Nlxtucntli Street. I J DOCTOR JONES. I OIIH'c , 1411 19 rarimm. llcsldcucc. aoih nmlt'nliroriilnSt SURVEYORS. Omcei.Eootn Omnhfi ItooraJ , Hunts Dull.ilujNIat Omaha nouai8.oror Commcrola IMntlotml , tAUD EUU1TT , SI. U. C. V. S. , Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of the Uoj'at College of Veter inary Surgeons , London , England. Olllcc , Hcnhatn's Stable , 118 North IGlh Street , Omaha. r. WACKUKOW , Veterinary Surgeon , 417 S. 14th K OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Capital % $800,000 Surplus 100,000 Herman Kountze , President , John A. Creighlon , Vice-Presldenl. F. H. Davis , Cashier. W. H. Meo-quier , Asst.Cashier. . DR. OTTERBOURB Cor.13th & Dodge Sti. Omaha , Neb. CURES All D.w * d fainal by lnipnucti ! , ( belf Abue ) , > acrM , (8et ( * u/illiMluVeiic / * } , Cent ion , ( lllood 1VI < on ) Btt * your rso ami sonil torUrm * . IWK Strut itsmn fr full tnfonntlloD. onallf nr by ma'l I rw and OonftUntlal ( Mlii > lli > ar $ . V U > _ U i in , < la A rn7 ! ( a B ft. m. WELSHANS' GERM FLOUR , ' Mmlo from touml wheat , nrct Corm Vlonr nmi'.o. Mike < bcno anil muscle. InTluorntcs the drain , itronEthonn the nerve , nnrlclini the b'nod. ' Sufferers from ilrsiM'psU , InilUoiilDii , cunntlpiitlon illabctes , nrlelit'i dl.inse. eta , wilt Und It Invnlun bio. (1O01) Kilt WKM. PE01M.K. Onlar It of jronr dnnlor. H raplo p IOIMKO free t > iilornUUni who will pay cxprci9 rhargca. Circular Klvlng full pnrtlea- lart on application. AYclsliaiia , Pratt oc Halncs. Omaha.Nob Mauufncturera of Cereal Specialties. Proposals for Grading , "PROPOSALS will bo received by the under- JL slenoil until 6 p.m. Monday , Juno 20,1887 , for the grading of lota 17. IH.IU nnd a ) . In block 10 , "Omaha View , " and Iota l , 10 , 11 nnd 13 , block 3 , In Hillside No. 2 , " In the city of Omaha. The ixmrd reierves the right to reject any or or all bids. lly order of the Donrd of Education. Cit.uir.ts CONOVKH. JeMilOt Secretary Hoard of Education Pxopoiali for Real Kitate. SRALED proposals will bo received t > 7th undersigned until E o'clock p. m. Saturday , July 2nd , US7 , for the following described prop erty , to-wlt : Lots 5 , fl , 7 and R In block 195M and bulldlnft thereon , In the olty ot Omaha , county of Doug las , Nebraska , The board reserves the right of using the building on snld promises for ono year. The board reserves the right to reject any or all blda. By eider of the llonrd of Education. jd20t C. CONOVKU. Secretary. Notice. MATTER of application of Walter Brando * for liquor IICOIIAO. Notice it noraby given thnt Walter Ilrnndos did upon thu 7th day of Juno , A. D. 18S7. tlio hla application to the mayor and city council of Omaha , for license to soil malt , spirituous and vinous llquois , at No. U1U South 10th street. First wnrd , Omaha. Nob. , from the llth dny of April. 1 S7 , to the Kith day of April , 1B68. It there bo no objection , remonstrance or fllod within two \\eokg from .InnoSth , A. D. 1837 , thu snld llornso will bo granted. \VAMKH HIIANDKS , Applicant. J. H. SOUTnAliD City Clerk. Je15 Notice to Tax Payers. Taxpayers plouso take notioo that the board of county coinmlsslonors will meet n a board of oqualfzatlon of taxes , commencing Monday June 6th , and continue for twenty days. Tax payers are earnestly requested to nttond to their assessment * as thu board cannot rectify any mistakes or make any changes after to * close of the session. Uy order of the honrd. U. P. NfciunAMCounty Clerk. Notion. rpHE undersigned will receive bids until i X o'clock p m. , tintiirdny , the 25th day of June , A. I ) . 1887 , for the following supplies to bo furnished , and the otllclal printing to b done , for the next fiscal year commencing Julr 1st. IK)7 ) , aa follows , rixt Hay , oat , corn , coal nnd Ice ; also the print ing of ordinances and ofllclal notices from th various city Mllces. The city coUkll roccrves the right to reject any or nil bids , JlOdUt J. U. BouiiuBu.Clty Clork. Fropoiala for Oradlny. S HALED proposals will bo received by th undersigned until 11 o'clock a. m. June 25th , 18 7 , for griming for lollowingslroot aud alii , * as per Ordinances Nos. 1,1V ) nnd 1371 , viz ; 22nd street from St , Mary's avenue to Howard stroot. That part ot the alloy in block 0. Kountze & Ruth's addition , fiom Lcnvonworth street to a point 250 foot south of said street. In accordance with pinna and specifications on tile In the offlis ot the board of public works. lllds wll ) bo mndo on printed blanks furnished by the board , and to bo accompanied w Ith a cor- tided chock In the sum of tMO. payable to the city of Omnha , nsan ovulencu of good r ltu. The bourd rusorvea the right to tejcctuuy or all bids nnd to walvo dofoets. BT. A. D. nAwoMm : , Chalrrnnn Hoard of Publlo works. Omaha , Ncu.Juueth ( ! , Iba7. J7lllS tropoialt for Oradln ? . SEALED ptojiosulH will bo received by the un- dersljfiied until 11 o'clock n. m , Juno 2.1th , 1M7 , for KI tiding for.followlng strcots and alley us per Ordinances Nos. 12 < 11,1277 mid IZtl. viz : ( 'ullfoi nln uti cot from 27th avenue to the ( old ) city lliLlts west , iMh struct from CASS street In Hillside addi tion No. 1 to Ciiinlng stroot. , Alloy in block 2 , K. V. Smith's nddition. ID ncuoidnnco with plans ami specifications on file in the olQvo of the bourd of public work * . llidi will bo mndo on prlntnd blanlm furnished by the bonrd , mid to bo nccompntilod with ncer- tilled check In the sUm of ? r > i ) . pnyablo to the city of Omnhn , ns nn evidence of good faith. The bonrd rosorvcn thu rUht to reject any or all bids nnd tounlvo defects. tir. A > D. iUT.rnMiiE , Chnlrmnn llonrd of Public Works. Omnha , JunoOth , 1837. J7-S-H-15 Army Supplies , DlPOT QUAIITEHIIASTEII'S OFFICE , I Omahn , Neb , , May 10thI8i7. I QEALED proposals In trlpllonto will bo ro- IJ u ivcd nt this oUlco until Thursday , Juno llth , ' 87. Ht II n , m. , at which tlmo and place they will boopunou lit Uio prnsrncuot btdilers tor government supplies of the following kind : Hardware , stove lopalrs , stationery , water sup- pllui , s uldlcru' KUpphusc. . Lists giving qunn- I title ? nnd otner Information furnlihod upon ap plication , licit quality of RrHcleH required ) prefironcu given to articles ot domestic pro dilution. Bidders ore requested to attach oopj ot this ndvortUomiint to thulr bidi. ft A. IL.MtOAiir.rv.Cant. , A.y.M. , U.3.A.