Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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< The State Superintendent Makes His Semi *
Annual Apportionment
A Largo Audience Attends tbo Gradu
ating Kxcrclsos of tlie State
University at the Opera
HOHSO Capital News.
iriioit THE nEn's LINCOLN uonEAu.J
The state superintendent has made the
Bomi-annual apportionment of school
moneys for the six mouths ending Juno
1 , nnd the audllor has drawn the war
rants on the treasurer for the amounts
duo the different counties. The number
of children of school ago in the state
upon which the apportionment is made
lius increased the past year from 250,409
in 1880 to 270,083 In 1887. The amount
apportioned at this time is not so great
ns the amount apportioned In December
last , as the school revenue is greater the
last six months in the year than tno first.
Following Is the number of scholars and
amount apportioned In each county :
r . , . . No. of Amount
Counties. Scholars Due.
Antelope 4,022 S 2,985.03
Adams B , 32 4.183.35
lionno 2,881 2.1o3.04
Uulfnlo 5,004. 4,0'7.2-J
Iliown 2,015 1,004.19
Jjurt 777 2,803.70
Duller 4bOO 3,022.51
Cass ' 7,227 5,301.73
Cherry . b27 013.90
C'lieyenno . 1,820 1,343.00
Cliaso . ( Ml
Cedar . 1,009 MOiioi
Clay . 6,787 4,330.99
Colfax . 3,054 2.&W.15
Ctislcr 4,100.77
, 2.000.78
Dakota . 1,811 2,344.35
Dlxon . 2,701 ! 2,011.04
Dodtje . 5,520 4,702.03
UotlKlas . 19,911 14,400.27
Dlindy . 701 f.04.91
yillmoro . G.291 3,927.04
PianKlin . 2S2 2,000.04
Frontier . 2,054 1.524.73
iMiruaa . 3,223 2,392.51
Onso . B,825 0,551.03
Urceley . 1,513 1,145.41
Oosper . 1,4:55 : 1.005.23
liall . 5,011 H.742.07
Hamilton . 4,5.10 8,802.73
llnrlan . 2,907 2,157.94
llnyes . 001 440.14
Hitchcock . 1,525 1,132.01
Holt . 0,700 5,032.90
Howard . 3,110 2,318.08
J vlferson . 4,013 3,424.34
Johnson . 3.921 2,910.00
Kolth . I,2i5 909.35
Kearney . 2,909 2,203.90
Knox . 3,100 2,301.21
Lancaster . 14,519 10,800.08
Lincoln . 1,800 1,402.99
Loup . 4SS 803.25
Waillson . 4,011 2,970.04
Merrlck . 2,870 U , 130.47
Nanco . 1,274 915.72
Nematia . 4.5.58 3,883.52
Nuckolls . t . S , : ' l 2.474.17
Otoo . C.774 G.028.51
Pawnee . 3,531 2,058.30
1'helps . 2,5S2 1,910.03
1'llTCO . 1,497 1,111.20
riatto . 5,005 3,715. Si
J'olk . 3,50rt 2,003.59
Keil Willow . 2,000 1,934.50
llicliardson . 0,858 5.09U.83
Saline . 7,100 5,315.04
Karpy . 2.0S9 1.550.71
Hutiiulors . 7,044 6,074.33
, Kim arcl . 0,437 4,0'JO 02
Sherman . 2,150 1.590.00
Sluux . 208 193.94
Stun ton . 1,3.7.3 1,003.02
Thaycr . 4,001 8,010.8 !
Valley . 2,287 1,0'J7.70
\Vashlngton . 4,315 8,203.13
Wayne . 1,583 1,175.10
Webster . 4,087
Wheeler . 078 503.30
York . 5..WJ 4,1H4.00
Blalnn . ir s 117.23
Box Butte . 433 320.08
lu\ves ) . 1,541 , 1,143.02
Clnrtieia . 419 311.03
KuyaPaha . 1,884 1,390.54
Logan . 248 184.10
Bliuridan . 1,470 1,095.07
Total . 279,982 C207,83750 !
A very largo attendance and a most
select ono assembled at the opera house
ye-sterday morning to attend the gradu
ating exorcises of the university. The
governor and boitrd of regents wore
among those in attendance and the fac
ulty and university students were out in
force. The graduates acquitted thorn-
Bel vea witii great credit and were the re
cipients of many favors and compliments
from the audience. Tlio exorcises
marked the close of the many entertain-
menu of commencement week with the
execution of th < 3 chancellor's levee that
was hold at the senate chamber in tlio
. A three months'
evening. vacation ro-
KiiuB now for the students to enjoy
prior to the now year.
Anna D. Criss has tiled her petition in
district court asking legal separation
from her husband , Joseph Criaa , on the
grounds of abuse and cruelty. Tlin
couple wore married iu November last
by the county judge , and the first duto
ascribed to bad treatment is in April of
the present year , when her lord , as is as
sorted , in the presence of numerous wit
nesses used the most violent , obscene and
abusive language , IDO scandalous for
publication. Again in Juno , the present
month , on the 8th day thereof , ho again
continued his abuse and threatened her
life with a knife , which he nourished
around her head promiscuously. Again
when she was sick ho refused to provide
a physician for fear of accumulating a
doctor bill , and for all those reasons she
asks legal divorcement.
The Crete Loan und Building associa-
on , located at Crete , Nub. , tilou its arti
cles of incorporation yesterday and is
ready for the business of buying and
Bnllmg real estate and all such busi
ness as is generally transacted by asso
ciations of this character. The amount
of capital stock is fixed at $500,000 , di-
vldou into shares of the usual amount ,
and the incorporators arc J. U. Neil , J.
L. Tillbull , F. H. Slovens , John A. Dosh ,
1) . O. Koiu > , M. A. IJaughorty , George D.
tJtoveus , 'A. Waterman and U. J. F. Uecd.
TOWN Tories.
The jury in the trial of Agent James
returned a verdict of guilty , and yester
day Judge Pound passed sentence upon
him , making the same much lighter than
was supposed , the sentence being thirty
diiys in jail and to pay & Una of $ 1 and
costs. There woreno law and order
representatives to assist him out ot hia
A sneak thief entered the store of A.
Spohn , on east O street and robbed the
money drawer of some f IS in cash and n
check for $11. The police had a party
under suspicion for the oflenso , but up to
noon yestordny no arrest had been inado
In police court yesterday two men
named Itowman and lluller were ar
rested for fast driving. They had their
case continued. A man named liycrs ,
for a like otl'enso and ruaning over a
man , was illicit | 5 and costs. Four other
oases of minor otl'ouses wore up for dis
in Justice llrown'a court the cele
brated Marvin-llerry case was up for
hearing , Marvin charging Mrs. Kerry
with stealing their household furniture.
As Mrs. llorry is Mrs. Marvin , the judge
held that n wife could not steal property
that was partly the property of fius band
and wife and discharged the suit. Just
whcro the next trouble in this family
will come from can only be conjectured.
There was a dance at the hall on the
third floor of the Carr building Tuesday
night , and thrco parties became decid
edly boisterous. Due of tin ) men In his
hilarity , whllo escaping from the build-
iujr , ifrcd Ms revolver" the polo tar
nnd was arrested ) The court yesterday
discharged him ,
taragut Post , O. A. H. , this city , has
passed formal resolutions asking the
commandcr-in-chlof to remove the place
of meeting of the national encampment
from St. Louis to Chicago.
1'rof. Uccso , the mind reader and for
' tune teller , is in the city , and n largo
'number of pronnncntcltl/.uns have called
upon him , and cxnress much wonder at
his wonderful work iu his lino.
David City , L. 11. Jovvott , Hrokon Bow ,
J. B. Parmclo , Nebraska City ; D. W.
llusson , Wm.Vhitnoy , 1'onca : W. H.
Ireland , Howard ; H. Huywood , II. T.
Clarke , Omaha ; U. McKon/.lo , Friend ; A.
S. Maxwell. Grand Island ; Gcorgo W.
Burton , Orleans ; S. G. Bryan , Ashland ;
W. Kppcrson , Weeping Water ; Champion
S. Chase , Omaha.
That Tired fooling
Afflicts nearly every ono in the spring.
The system having become accustomed
to the bracing air of winter , is weakened
by the warm days of the changing sea
son , and rapidly yields to attacks of dis
ease. Hood's Sarsapanlla is just the
medicine needed , It tones nnd builds up
every part of the body , and also oxpcls
nil Impurities from the blood. Try It this
Trnnflfcrs Piled Juno 14 , 1887.
John A Wakcfleld nnd wife to Vlorlan
, ! Itcnpglo , n K of no 05 ft lots 105
nnd IWi Nelson's add , wd . S 8,000
City of Omaha to I-invH S Kcc'l,14xlG ' ! ,
beginning at n w cor of lot 5 blk D7 ,
qc . 013 20
Ocurxe 11 Hoifes and wife to Ctiarles
1'lnley , lots U and 12 blk 11 1'ark
Forest , wd . 050
Arthur L I'erklns and wlfn to Mary M
Dundy , lots 0 and 7 blk 1 Ji-romo
Park , wd . 5,310
Orcgtj Inirrahain anil wife to Edward
Plekctt , unillv U Int in lots G and 7
blk30inahaVfu\V , wd . 100
George 11 Jioitcs and wife to Mathlas
llniss , lot 0 blk 3 Uoxgs & UHl' " add ,
wd. . . . . . . : . . coo
James O'Urlen and wife to John Moid-
linger , s X lot 3 Darkcr's allotment ,
wd 1,500
Douglas county to Kobert E Copson.lot
1 ! ) blk 5. lot 5 blk 9 Douelas add , wd. . 2,175
Milton J Kcnnard and wile to Arthur
L Perkins , lot 0 blk 13 Isaac & Sel- .
den's mid , wd 5,500
Thomas It Nelson nnd wife to Alfred
C Schneider , lot 8 blk 1 Clarendon
add , wd 1,075
Edwin Uood and wife to Fred Sonnen-
schlcn , lot 17. block fl , Albright's an
nex to South Omaha , w d 250
City of Omaha to Henry Ostuotf , lot
4. block 24 , qc 1
Douelas county to Mrs Anna O Foil ,
lot 4 , block 11 , Douglas add , wd 1,175
DouKlas county to J. A. Gustafson , lot
5. block 11 , Douglas add , w U. 1.1DO
Bernard Mnginnm and others to the
public , plat of Foaron Plnco , north
440 feetot west 30 foctofaw > { ol
flwjf , sec. 21.15,13 , dedication.
City of Omaha to heirs of James P
Peck , deceased , 14x132 feet , begin
ning at southwest corner of block 53 ,
q c 73920
William T Kdwards and others to W
L Sol by , lots 8 and 9 , block 1 , Lin
coln 1'laco , w d 1,300
Edward It Perfect and others to Harry
A Davis , lots 1C , 17,18 nnd 1'J , block
2 , H Itchcock's 1st add , w d 4,000
William U Barber and wife to William
Gentleman , GO acres In sec. 32,16,12
w d 3,000
L 1' Pruyn and wife to Monnau 11-
Brown , south 30 feet of lots 10 and
11 , block 10 , Patrick's 2d add , w d. . . . 2,500
Sylvia EThomasto Carrie LBehm.un-
dlvlded M Interest iu lot 23Maytibld
add. wd. 3,000
Chester A Evans and wife to W U
Albright , 5D by 150 feet from north
side of lot "D , " liaskell's add ,
w d 4,400
Eilward F Weld to Arthur East , lot 2 ,
Pruvn's subdivision of lots 1 to 8 In
clusive. Paulsen's add , w d 2,400
Joseph Fbtout and wile to Jurien
11 Boonstra , lot 5 , Cherry Garden ,
w d 2,200
Emma G Cook and wife to Peter Lav ,
north uOxlOO feet of lots 0 and 10 ,
block 3 , South Omaha Park add ,
w a 200
Jacob L Kaloy and wife to L Pruyn ,
lots 3 , 4 , 5 , 0. 14 , 15. 1ft and 17 blk 1 ,
Pruyn's subdivision ot block S.Ilyde
Park.wd 3,000
City of Omaha to Mary Wlllett , 3x
131.17 feet beginning at the no cor of
lot 107 , ( Use'sadd , qc 78.50
A C TIOIIP et nl to the public plat of
Troup's subdivision of lot 50 , Glso's
add , dedication
Florence Land company to James O
Mitchell , lot 8 , blk 25. Florence , w d 1
Douelas county to James Montgomery ,
lot 27 , blk 3 , lots 18 and 4. blk 7. lot
2 , blk 2 , Douglas add , w d 4,025
Douglas county to Orlando F Teft ,
lot 13 , Mk 0 , Douglas add , w d 1,325
Dennis U Andrews to Simpson Os-
born , w 40 ft of e 80 ft of lots 1 and 2 ,
blk 2 , Shlnn's add , w d 3,000
State of Nebraska to S T Peterson , 10
acres In 10,10,13 , d 150
Gee W Ames and wife to Lydla Camp
bell , lots , blk 4 , HllUdalo , w d. . . . . 200
Anthony llobon and wife to Anne H
Hobble , n 23 ft of w 48 ft of lot 20
and o 28 ft of n 48 ft of n 37.12
ft of lot 19 , Terrace add , w d 4,600
Louisa Von Wagner and husband to
Clifford S Kempton , lot 3 , blk 10. My
ers' , Klchards' , and Tlldon's odd , w d 750
Harry A Davids to Edltha 11 Corbott ,
lots 10,17,18 fcud 19 , blk 2 , Hitch
cock's 1st add , w d 2,500
Young and middle-aged men , suftoring
from nervous debility and kindred affec
tions , aa loss of memory- and hypo
chondria , should enclose 10 cents in
stamps for large illustrated pamphlet
miggcstlnn snro cuio. Address , World's
Dispensary Medical ossciation , Bull'alo ,
1. X.
The ItevUcd Version.
Dakota Bell : There was a llttlo oc
currence in Washington last spring ,
which so far has kepi out of the papers.
It happened like this :
There was a certain senator who sittoth
in the high places , led up of the spirit
into the wilderness to be tempted of the
devil : And the devil takoth him up into
an exceeding high mountain and showcth
him great wealtb and the fullness thereof
below. *
And ho pointed to many sacks filled
with pieces of silver and much stock ,
yea , railroad stock , and the steamship
stock , and Pan-Electric telephone stock ,
and likewise fat jobs for his family und
friends and all the glory of them all.
And said unto him : "All these thing ?
will I give theo if thou wilt vote aright
on my little measure. "
And the senator answered nnd said
unto him. "For heaven's sake do not
got behind mo , satan. And just watch
my vote to-morrow and see if it isn't all
right' ' "
U d by th United Elites GoTsrnmtnt.
Endorsed bj the heads o ( tha Grit * Unlrtrtlttas
nd Public Fool AnslrstsMTba8trongestPurest ) ,
and mMtllMltbtal. ui. Frlc * ' * tbe only Biklnj
Kmdar tbit dee * not contain Ammonia , Lira * ot
, % m. Dr. frlc * ' * BxUacU , Vanilla , Lemon , etc.
r Jslicloiulj. flUCK
OrorstooklBg the Market.
1 Philndolphl Recordt The hvo stock In
terests of this country nro In an unex
ampled condition. Fabulous sums nro
paid for preferred animals , horses selling
for $ 10,000 , cows for 120,000 , nnd even
trios of poultry have sold as high ns $200 ,
whllo rams of certain strains of merinos
fire scarce , with prices as high as $ 1,000
each , Yet , with the daily papers recordIng -
Ing the ealcs , nnd the prices at such a
scale as only to [ permit of the wealthy
owning the desired stock , there are scores
of people who fear that tlio market may
bo overstocked. The markets have been ,
overstocked long ago with inferior
stock ; hut merit is always salable , and
thcro is a demand for all the productions
of this country , nnd at high prices , if
they bo of a superior quality. There is
always a remedy for overproduction ,
especially with stock , and that Is to
breed something'hotter. Those who suc
ceed are over endeavoring to produce
somethinc bettor than others possess.
Capital docs not control the superior
stock. It is waiting , however , to
reward tlio skill and patience of the
producer. The fastest trotters , the
llcctest runners , the deepest milkers nnd
'ho heaviest steers were raised by exert -
> ert breeders and sold to their present
wealthy owners. And the market does
not have one superior animal offered for
a hundred ready customers. Nor is the
crowcr of fruit or vegetables an exccp-
'ion. When the blackberry was lirst
iiiltivnted an overstocked market was
ircdlctud , as such fruit grew in all the
iclds and by places , bnt the superior
Duality of the cultivated berries jiluceil
them at prices novcr before attained ,
ilthough car loads were arriving in the
inirkct daily ; and the past setibou has
lomohstratcd that the prediction of an
overstocked market of broilers , due to
use of a largo number of incubators , WMS
unfulfilled , as nriccs were nearly 00 par
cent higher , owing to the bettor qualitv
Ihan they were last season. The Intro-
luctioii of new and better vntiotiesof
) cuches calls for a rapid sale at good
, I Drices , oven whan the market seems
' loaded with the supply ; and the same may
bo said ( if garden crops. The solution of
Aho prevention of an overstocked market
s not by restricting production but by
producing something better. This has
been proved by practical experience , and
"he difficulty at the present day is not
low to dispose of inferior goo'iU , but
low to meet tlm demand and supply the
market with the best , for which pur
chasers tire willing to pay the highest
Farms Growing Smaller.
Cleveland Leader : The cry has pone
.ip from sensational labor agitators that
; ho farm lands of this counlry are bocom-
, ng the properly of a few rich men , and
Mr. Powdcrly has so far yielded to the
icnsenso to proclaim a Knight of Labor
bull against an "incipient land-holdinjr
nristoeraey. " The absolute absurdity of
such assertions is evidenced by the fol-
owing statistics :
lb0. 1870. 1SOO.
Alabama 109 225 301
Arkansas 123 154 245
Klorida Ill 2:1J : 444
Kentucky 129 15S 211
Louisiana 171 247 5i3 !
Maryland 120 107 190
Mississippi 150 193 370
Missouri 12 ! ) 140 215
North Carolina 142 212 810
South Carolina 143 233 448
Tennessee 125 100 251
Texas 203 301 591
Virginia 103 240 824
Connecticut 78 IU . .
Massachusetts S > 7 10J
New York 08
Pennsylvania 'J.J OU
Ohio 09 111
Illinois 124 127
Minnesota 144 140
Kansas 150 148
California 4tW 480
Unltea States-total 134 153 199
Thus it will bo seen that in all the
newer states , where settlers began by
pre-empting eighty acres , and later on
added another eighty , the acreage of
farms has steadily decreased. In the
country ns a whole the decrease is very
marked , trom thceo statistics there can
bo no doubt of the gratifying fact that
the land is being divided up into smaller
parcels , nnd that the agricultural class is
not likely to become a class of renters ,
but will continue to own as well as farm
the land. . It is a matter for congratula
tion that it is so , and that the growth and
prospority.of the country has not mili
tated , against this fundamental principle
of our hind doctrine.
In tliis , ns in most of their talks , these
agitators have taken n few individual in
stances instead of the grand average. If
they know more about the subjects they
discuss they would talk less. It is no
ticeable Unit it is not renters or little
farm owners who worry about the land.
They are not troubled in the least. It is
the idle , thriftless classes of city laborers
who could not be induced to live on nnd
work a farm ; it is from them that the cry
of land monopoly mainly arises. As
long as carefully prepared statistics show
the gratifying result exhibited above the
sensible people of the United Stales will
not bo greatly alarmed. If such dema
gogues would confine themselves strictly
to facts their profession would bo gone
Scaoonnbla Hints and SuRgostlottH.
If a rut get into a chicken coop It will
kill every chick if it can have time to
carry them oil * before being discovered.
To fatten poultry quickly con line the
birds for ton days and feed them on a
mixture of corn meal und potatoes four
times a day , wltti all the wheat and corn
they can eat at night.
No invariable rule can be lafd down for
the raising of calves on skim milk-ant
each feeder must make a rule for oaoh
Small chickens should never bo kept or
fed with old ones ; they are apt to bo in
jured. Have two or three yards , and
separate them according to size and
Dampness is Jad for young chicks. Ar
range their drink vessels so that they
cannot get into them , nnd do not allow
them to run in the wet grass or to be out
in a storm.
As sunflower seed is very liable to heat ,
the shfost wav of keeping it for fowls is
to cut on" the liowcr hond when the seed
is-ripo , nnd pile it loosely till thrown to
the fowls.
Steady application is what counts in
any business , especially in farming , for
in this employment a day or an hour
wasted is usually more than loss of time
for it is opportunity gone.
On the average farm a calf that will In
three years with the same feed and care
make us heavy and aa valuable a steer or
heifer as another calf will do in four
years , is worth at least $10 more when
It is never good policy to divide a farm
in small fields , for it is waste of lands
waste of timo. and oppressing increase
of fencing that becomes a burdensome
tax in construction and maintenance.
Do not lot the strawberries mat too
Illicitly la the rows. It is bettor to have
the space between the rows cultivated
and manure worked in , so ns to boncfi
the crop for next season. Cut away the
runners if they become too numerous.
To those who may not be familiar with
collie dogs it may be stated that they
will not drlvo sheen or cattle unless first
trained to do so , though the supposition
on the part of some is that such dogs
perform the work by natural instinct.
They are more easily taught to drlvo
stock than any other brood of dogs , bu
tney will not do so unless taught.
A clover pasture is of most value for
This House
To be built in BRIG-G-S PLACE , and GIVEN AWAY. No Jrambusf about it , lif you want it
inquire for particulars at once of
crowing hess , though very cheap feeder
or a part ot the ration after the fatten-
ug process is begun. During the spring ,
when most rapid growth is taking place ,
an acre of green clover would furnish
; rccn food for a dozen or more hogs be-
ng fed corn to fattyn.
Every farmer has noticed thoaotorlora-
.ion of oats. The best varieties fall bacK
if tor a few years and are little better
.han the common oat. More attention
night bo profitably given to the seed.
i'wo suggestion shave been made : Thrash
the bundles lightly with a Hail and thus
get the best sued ; thu other , winnow out
all the light oats.
The oat is a splendid food for young
animals , because , compared with corn ,
straw , etc , it is rich in muscle and bone
forming elements ; and this also makes it
a splendid food for work animals. Corn
should be fed sparingly to work animals ,
during the .summer especially , us it is a.
lieating food. It will pay to make the
grain ration of oats iu thu morning und
at noon.
Hungarian grass and millet are two
grosft crops that are grown In summer ,
[ he seed being sometimes sown as late as
July , but June is better should a rain oc
cur. The HungarianllKrttss affords sev
eral cuttings during thu same season , and
is excellent for horses ; when cured. Mil
let grows very tall , makes a heavy crop ,
but is mowed only onct ) . ' Both crops need
rice soil , but can be gipwn on sandy soil
if it be properly manufcd.
The influence of tlio mure iu transmit
ting hereditary qualities is , as a rule ,
greatly underestimated. * The female pod-
fereo of a horse is almost entirely lost
sight of , while tlm male is given special
prominence. The bo/it / breeders agree
that the marc cxercisqs ns potent an in-
lluencp over the progeny as the stallion.
Especially in the matter of soundness
should the breeding moro , be unobjection
Many farmers neglect to clear their
mowing iiclds of stones , sticks and other
obstructions to the mowinK machlno un
til thu grass gets so hid ! that it is dlllicult
if not impossible to see them , and so the
knives of the mower are injured if not
broken ; this is very poor policv , for on
most mowing fields , if the work bo done
before the grass starts much , the labor of
removing all obstructions to the harvest
ing machines is comparatively liaht.
A writer in tlm Henderson Journal ,
who has cultivated broom corn for eleven
years , says that the same amount of labor
that will produce three acres of tobacco
will product ) twenty acres of broom corn.
Estimating both crops at 5 cents per
pound , the good , lugs and trash are worth
$150 , while twenty acres of broom-corn
at $25 per acre are worth $500. Besides ,
on every 600 pounds ot broom-corn you
will get 1,000 pounds of seed , which nra
worth more than the same number of
pounds of oats.
It is much better to watch for the white
butterlly.tho parent of the cabbage worm ,
and kill it than to have the annoyance of
the worm. It Is not so difficult to keep
the cabbages free of worms by killing
the buttcrilies as may bo supposed ,
though it requires constant watchfulness
for n while.
Lice will breed on all classes of
animals and fowls at this season unless
the quarters bo kept clean. Dry dirt is
ono of the best prevcntativcs of lice , es
pecially if used on the floors , but the
stock should bo examined occasionally.
If in good condition , however , lice do not
attack animals readily.
Keep up the use of paris green on the
potato vines. Every year the number of
bugs is being lesseneil , and witli the aid
of paris green and the parasites that prey
on the beetles , the time may come when
they will bo exterminated. The rule
should bo not to allow one to escape.
When grape vines fail to bear , and do
not thrive well under good cultivaion.
cut the old vine off close to the ground
and allow a uow cane to crow. Train it
on the trellis , do not allow too many
shoots , and the result will be a great im
provement over thu old cane.
Never feed all the cows by a certain
measure , giving each cow the same
amount as is given another , as cows
differ in their wants and preferences.
The cow that is m full llow of milk
should be given nil she may wish to eat ,
as she will thereby bo bettor enabled to
give a largo quantity of milk.
Young ducks should bo marketed when
they weigh about thr eipoiinds ; each , and
may bo sold cither alivu or dressed , the
best prices being obtained for the dressed
carcasses. The best lime lor selling
young ducks is in Jnile1 * and July ; they
should be plump nnd fnt.
In advance of thosipUly season render
yourself impregnable , a malarial atmos
phere or sudden chungu of temperature
is fraught with dangerVusc Dr. J. H. Mc
Lean's Streugthcumg'Cordiul and Blood
Purifier. '
There is a peculiarity which Vienna
shares in common with all Austrian
towns. At 10 o'clock ( | ip streets are do
sorted. Scarcely will you meet ono soli
tary soul. A law authorizes the portiere
or concierge to low a tftfof ten kreulzcrs ,
called the sporgold , on'Kny ' person leav
ing or entering the house after that hour.
Thus the snergeld obliges you , when you
are inviteu to a party , to pay ton kreut-
zorson leaving your own apartment , ten
more for yourself and your servant on
entering your host's 'house , the same
when your leave it , and the same on reentering -
entering your own. This sporgold gives
rise to some curious fashions. Thus the
theatre and opera begin early , and the
performance is timed to end at 0:45. : If
it lasts longer nearly the whole audience
rises and hastens away to be homo in
time to -o the spergold. Cafes are
cmptcd t .hat hour , and the trains arc
crowded as the last moment of grace ar
rives. and even tbo rubbers of whist at
the clubs are interrupted. It grows into
such a force of hnbit ; and is such an ac
cepted factthatexcept under exceptional
circumstances , you do not think of incur
ring the debt.
The Doom In Dakota.
Dakota Bolls "A boom out in Dakoty ?
A boom iu Dakoty ? Well , I should say
wo had , " exclaimed n passenger from
the west shores of the Missouri. "You
lover saw anything like it. Things arc
ust whooping. Now tows everywhere ,
low buildings , plenty of now settlers ,
plenty of land buyers and speculators
why , it just beats all. Boom is no name
for it. "
"The crop outlook is good , I suppose ? "
"That's whore I'm a little oneasy ,
ntrangor. That's what's worrying me.
I'm afraid we're going to liavo a short
crop of wheat. "
"Backward season ? "
"No : tlio season's a hummer. "
"Chinch bugs ? "
"Nary a bug. "
"Rust or smut ? "
"Not a bit. "
"Grasshopper * , perhaps ? "
"There ain't a grasshopper iu the ter
ritory. "
" \Vhat , then , is going to spoil the
Wheat crop ? "
"Why , you see , 'bout half the land in
Lho territory has boon staked out in town
lots , an' the farmers haven't boon able to
; ct much plowin' done. "
A Word About Catarrh ,
"It U the mucous membrane , that wonderful
somi-llulil on vclonosurrounalnp the delicate tis
sues of tlio iilr and food pnsstigcs , that Catarrh
makes Its stronghold. Oncn established , tt cats
Into the very vlinls , and renders llfo but a lout ;
drawn bro.uh of misery and dlecnso , dulling the
soiiso of hearing , tnimmolllntf the power of
speech , destroying the faculty of sraoll , tnlntluir
the bretUli mul klllltiff the rclluod plenturosof
tasto. I.isMlously , by crcoplnit on from a sim
ple cold In the nesaults the membranous
llnhiK and onvclopa the bones , cntliiK through
the del lent o routs and caiibtnyr Inflammation ,
slouirhlnK and death. Nothing short of total
eradication will secure health to the patient , und
all allovlatlves aru simply procrastinated suf
ferings , leudlnir to a fatal termination. SAN-
ruitn's UADICAI. Cm IK , by Inhalation and by In
ternal administration , has novur fulled ; oven
when the dlaoaso has made frlghlfullnronds on
delicate constitutions , hearing , smell nnd taste
have boon recovered , and tlio disease thor
oughly driven out"
HAMOUD'S HAIHCAI. CUIIK consists of ono bottle
tle of the lUmcAt , Connono box CATiiAHitiiAr ,
Bot.vKMT. and ono IMHIOVED , neatly
wrapped In ono packagewith full directions ;
price , fl.OJ.
TOTTER Dnua ! c CIIKMICAT. Co. , Boston.
Numbness , lameness , soronesa ,
uckiiiKCouirli , Difficult Urcathlntr ,
Asthma. I'lourlgy and Inflammation
' of the 1'outoral Muscles. Instantly
'relieved end assisted to a ipeody euro
by that now , original und infallible
antkloto to pain , the CUTICIJIU. ANTI-PAIN
I'I.ASTKII. At druifgl ts 2.1o ! flvo for flor
postage free , of Potter Drug and Cbomloal Co. ,
llostou , Mass.
Or Black Leprosy , Is a disease which Is conildcred
Incurable , bnt It ban yielded to the curatlre proper
ties of SWIFT'S Bi-Ecifjc now known all O\CT tha
world aa S. S. 8. Mrs. Bailey , of Woet Somerville ,
Mais. , near Roaton.woi Attacked several years ago
with this bldeons black eruption , and was treated by
Die beet medical talent , itho could only say tbat tbe
disease was a species of
BDd consequently Incurable. It Is Impossible to de
scribe her tuCcrlngs. Her body from the crown of
her bead to the solca of her feet was n mass of decay ,
rr.asecs of flush rotting off nnd leavingRreat cavities.
Her Ci > f rs fettered and three or four nails dropped
off tt one time. Her limbs contracted by the fearful
nlccratloE , find for cccral years she did not Icnro
her bed. Her eight was reduced from 183 to CO Ibs.
Perhaps tome faint Idea of her condition can be
cleaned from the fact that thrco pounds of Cosmo-
line or ointment w cro used tier week In drcsalnc her
cores. Finally the pliyelcians acknon lodged their
defeat by this Black Wolf , and commended the suf
ferer to her nll-w it-o Creator.
1 Her husband bearing wonderful reports of the nsa
Of bwirr'B Brzcirio ( S. S. S. ) , prevailed on her to
try It as a last resort , fahe began Its use under pre
test , bnt foon found that her system was being re-
llcvd of the polon , as the rores assumed a red and
btalthy color , as though the blood nas becoming
pure and actUc. Jlrs. Jlatley continued the 8.0. if
until last February ; every sore w as healed ; the dis
carded chair and crutches , nnd WM for tbe first time
m twelve years a well woman. Her husband , Mr ,
C. A. Bailey , Is In bncincea at 17 * Ulackstouo ( Street ,
Boston , and will take pleasure In gUIng I ho details
of this wonderful cure. Bend to us for Treatlso oa
blood and Bkln Diseases , mailed free.
Tug bwirr bnciric Co. , JJrawer 3. Atlanta. Gt >
Embody the hichest exellencies in Shape
linessComfort and Durability and
are the
Reigning Favorites
n'Tashionable circles Our name U on eve
ry sale. J. & T. COUSINS , New York
Throa courses of a'udy. ' T.iorouuhnes In OTflr ? de
partment. HulIdlniM elegantly furnliUud. Iluxtcnl
with steam. I.liihtod wltliiai. Wntor from St. Clalr
Hirer. BuporloradTactsxoi In rauilo nnd rt. Ad *
drti for circular. 8UMEUV1LI.K HCIIOOU
Bt.CluIr , Mloh.
FOU YOUNU liAUIKS.lXU North Dread St ,
Philadelphia. 17th year borlns Sept. 21st , 1S47.
Address Miss It. K. JUDKINS. I'nnulpal ,
who rofurs by apoclal porinlsjion to
Mr. ana Mrs , John N. Jowutt , I
Mt. Hiid Mrs. I'lilllp D. Armour , VChica.'O.
Jlr. ana Mrs. Horace K. Wane. >
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware II
The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing n specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas nnd 16th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchma fcr for the Union
FacificRaiiroad Company.
_ _ _ _ _ IM SK f fftPIUICs Aproduced ' from twelve „
D All "RO AD KClflCitcrful vegetable ingredients , sq
Icra Morbus , Colds , Sere Throat and lamgs ;
illPitllSII lll
. -We the following :
n als of Ihehfghest character have established.We publish
0 , ,
-ys ! ihave kept a supply ofllallroad Remedy on han
ntcd , and cheerfully 1JJgjj 'ij ' , , , , Neb.
. . .jm , pain In the back nnil kidneys , and have found Imme.
& & * * & 3&
S & lKi siM r ' y
Over 3.090 teat cases cured. For sale by allnrat class drucglsts. Trade supplied by lUch-
ardsoa Driur Company , OmahH. ,
/ LHU111) )
Omalia , JSTolo.
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplus ] 48,600
H. W. Yntos , President.
A. E. Touzalin , Vico-Presidont.
W. H. S. Hughes , Cashier ,
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Ueod.
A. E. Touzalin.
Cor. 12th ana Farnam Sts.
A General Banking Business Transncte
And many other complaints cured by
A Prominent Buffalo Physician says :
BUI-PA to. N , Y. . Fob. 14. IW
DrHorno.Chicago , 111. I ) ir Dlr : Ills somc-tuin ?
unusual ( or ono of tbt medical profOMlo n In Indors *
nudvertlsoc ; article ! jet I UWO pleasure In Inform
Ing yon that one of jour Kleetrlo Haiti cured ma ot
rlioummUim. from wulcli 1 ; mJ ufforod 2ya ars. I
Imve recommondnd irotir Invention to at lemt fortr
of mr pntleata suffering wltti clironlo cllssuion of ra-
rlou * kinds , viz ; 1'nlplWlon of tlia carl , nerroui
debility , opllopjr , rneumallim pain In the buck anil
kKlneTK , etc. . etc. . oio. All tuvo pnrclrise < i nd
worn tliomwltn ratut gratifying results , leanhltthlr
recommend your Klectrlo Uelti si po aojiliu great
merit. Kratcrnnlly ronrs.
I , . D.JilcMlCHAXf. , M. D. ( VI Niagiira-st
A Chicago Phisidiin Says ,
Dr Homo lanr Sir : 1 IHT. ) u o I kind i ot
magnetic and Kloctrle Halts on imllanuitnd mysolf.
1 can lione tlr Klre tha prnforonco toronrs. by all
odd * . Ilonco I can and do rccumincnrt ymirs nvor nil
others. Yours fraternally , J. II. Jnmm.v. M ! > .
Jun II. 1M7. OBcoJOT Stule-st. . Uhlcaim
A Physician Says. All of My Patlout
are Satisfied.
( iKKkVA. Nun. , Jan 31 , Bi7
DrW.J.IIorna.Inrentor-IWar Sir : I rooommunt
your Klottrlo Bnlu to nil whi.miffer wltnnnynerrnai
iiouble , any ctirontc liver or kldnuy dlianous. Allot
my patluntu tlmt nr uilng yuur Kloctrlo Haiti am
satisfied , fraternally. M. I'nui'.HT. M I ) .
Phyilcliin nnd Surjuun
A Minister of the German Evancolica
: ciiuivli , Kays :
I.KtnnTON' , Alloiun t\i. , Mich. . KetH. 14)7
Tlr. W. .1. H > rno. Clilcigo. tll-lJir bin Your
Kluctrlo nulls du all you claim. Oneof them belimd
m of ilrij.i'pjU tunitlpitlon un4 iconeral debllllT.
1 would Ilka to Introduce your Knodi liprt ) . Will
yon let ma bare the avnncy for this townihlpll'lona
Klro yotirtBrmi. I umth * minister of tint ( lormm
Kvangellral Cuurchof I.elahton. llesnuctCully ,
Hrv. Louis HutiMW.
Residence , Mlddlorlller Uarry county , Mich.
Neural ? la of the Stomach Cured.
CIIMT.MJT. ILL. . J ll. 10.1U7
Dr. Ilorne JJMr Sir : I wns siitrnrlnu wlih neural
( I I of eho itomach. and medlcln * mod to hiva nu
efreclisren norpblnadld notr llet mu muoh. Tlia
attack would \iauln \ every crenlnf about nlno o'clock
nd last aboutslx noun , liont for nnaot your Kl o
trio Belts , tot Hand put It on. nj hnrn't hid tli
Irait symptom of unuraUla since , lutn wnll pleato
Voutitruly , A.Q. IlAiicounr
Dr. W. J. HOBNK , 191 Wabash-avcnno
ole Inreitor , Proprietor und Mnnufacurer.
t od stamulor catlujua.
Ittn suffering from l t Victor ,
WEAK u > l > > hllllrs ck of
lupu > .at. Vtrmmturu
o , Ho. , runltlni from l > .
laiAi"l/rt. R , utU.ii.J )
' ' l" ' ' ' l lulhebmrti
hj' " ( iP' % < *
ff IbHrHoi. . . * J-Kfl'l" llll
lnrocnMllanori > li l i > llRiiu.
HARSTCN ICMtCY CO. 19 Park Place. N w York.
Mention Omaha
Hpeelnllr Distilled for
Medicinal Use.
f ton In Cbltf , National Quad
of H.J..wt1t :
"Mr att Dllo > * M ealltd tt
Td r R jltor. Valt Wlil k jr bl
Kr. Ijtlor , Pruglit , cf Ttnton
and I hire mod a few bottta
with far bttUr tffMt thaa any 1
hat * had. I an rw nmD < lina
your artUls Iu soy prattli * , tsi
Bud I1117 jaUrtactory. "
Q7 Tkt GnoQlo * kfci iki tlztatut *
rt-statl cf ZtMlt. " ti.
ISoll llttlM ronbt U.3. )
816.818 and 320 Rac * St. Pbiladelcbia. PA.
Goodman Drup Co. Oonl.A/rents.Omaha
Nobra lea.
. . .
1707 Olive St , St. Louia Mo.
Of the Mibsouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giescn , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
More especially Hue arising from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to conesponJ
without delay , Discabcs of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention ( rom business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa-
tlenta whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms- All Icttm receive immediate
And will be mulled FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "I'ractical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical KxhausUqn , " to which is added tn
"Essay on Marriage , ' with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all yountt
men. Address ,
1707 Olive St..St. LuUM *