Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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or sunscnlrrios :
P llr ( Mornlajr Edition ) Including Bunflar
HER , Onn Year . (10 00
ForHlxMonths . 600
Tor Tlirco Months . ' . . SW
Tlie Omaha Hindar B , mailed to nnr
tldroM , One year. . . . 2 00
. . m a-rrwrr.
OMAHA omen. No.fii AXII FAimy
Nrw VOHK orricK. HOOM V > . TninuNK Iltrif.iiiNO.
All communication ! relating to news andeJI-
toriul matter ulioulil bo adilruMod to the m-
Ton or TUB BMC.
All builnoM tetters and romlttanoei should tie
OMAHA. Drafts , ohocka and postofflco order )
to be made payable to the oriltrof the company ,
E. ItOSEWATKK. Enrron.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Btato of Nebraska. I _ _
County of Douzlas. J s < "
Ueo. B. TzschucK , secretary ot The Bee
Publishing company , does solemnly sweat
that the actual circulation of the Daily Bee
for the week ending June 10 , 1S37 , was as
follows :
Saturday , June 4 . 14,20 *
Sunday , June 5 . 14.20C
.Monday , Juno G . 14,02.
Tuesday , Juno 7 . 13.0H.f
Wednesday , Juno e. . 14,0 < X
Thursday , June 0 . U,05C
Friday , June 10 . 14.0GC
Avcrace . 14.101
GEO. u. Tzscitucic.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
llth day of Juno , 1887.
N. P. FKII ,
fSEAL.1 Notary Public.
Oco. 13. Tzschuclt , bclnt ; first duly sworn ,
deposes nnd says that he Is secretary of The
Ueo Publishing company , that the actual
average dally circulation of the Dally lieo foi
the month of tor June. 18SO , 12.20 ;
copies ; for .luly , 1880 , 13,314 copies ;
for August , l&Sfl , 12,404 copies ; for Septenv
b r , IBbO , 13,030 copies ; for October , 1B8G ,
12.0H9 eoples ; for November. 1S80 , VAW.
copies ; for December. 18SO. 13,337 copies ; foi
January , 1887. Ifl.CGfl .copies ; for Kubruarv ,
1887 , H.10S copies ; for March. 1887 , 14.40C
copies ; for April , 1837 , 14,310 copies ; for May ,
1SS7 , 14,227 copies.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4ft
* ayof June A. 1) . . 1887.
[ SEAL. I N. P. yciL , Notary Public.
THE Jlcrnldaoya Seavcy lias shown his
hand. So ho has. He holds a hand thai
will beat three knavca every time.
AND now a bill has been presented tc
the council for over $500 extra by the
street sweeping contractor. Why can't
these extra street cleaning jobs bo done
by the street commissioner.
If the formal opening of the board ol
trade building is to bo postponed unti !
Grover Cleveland accepts or doclincs tlu
invitation to be present , wn are afraid tht
event will not take place until 1333.
NKHBASKA does not get a very large
share of the appropriation of congress
gross for the militia of the states. Tlu
distribution will bo made next month ,
and this state will receive $4,608. Then
are eight states that get less than No
WHEN a big wheat "operator" geti
"busted" by being on the wrong side o !
the market , his inability to pay his mar
gins is. called a 'failure. " But when 5
country sucker sues one of these gam
bling grain operators to recover th <
money lie has lost , ho is denounced ir
unmeasured terms. A "failure" to sot
tie for mnrcms is respectable , but to sue
for moncv lost through gambling grain
deals Is disgraceful.
THE present season at Long Brand
promises to bo exceptionally gay anc
brilliant. The usual habitues of this favorite
vorito resort are nil booked to be there
and the coining of some notable strangers
gors is heralded , among them a Prussiai
countess , who is also a beauty. A visi
from President Cleveland to also hopec
for. Long Branch holds its precedence
as a popular summer resort against 1
competitors , and yet there are few place :
Tvhcro one can be more uncomfortable.
WE are informed that the bill of extras
which was presented for payment to tin
council by the paving contractors las
week with the inspector's certificate at
tached has been found slightly incorrect
There was an overcharge for about 40 <
yards of paving which will redaco thi
claim by nearly $700. That only goes l <
ebow that it is high tiuio the fast ant
loose method of doing business whicl
pruvailed under the old board of publli
works should bo abandoned.
respective powers conferred by the charter
tor upon the fire and police commissiot
nnd the city council are clear , sound , anc
fully sustained by the highest legal au
' thority. In the main they coincide will
the view's heretofore expressed by the BEI
on this subject. It is to bo hoped that thi
controversy between the council and tin
police commission , which has sprung uj
from a misconception of the law , wil
now bo dropped. Such conflicts botweei
coordinate branches of the mnnicipa
government only tend to demoralize tin
police force and create needless stnfi
where harmonious cooperation is cssen
Mn. McSn.VNK's editor has opened hi
mouth once moro and put his foot in it
In liis anxiety ( o down Mayor Broatch am
depose Sohvuy from the police force hi
lias jumped at the conclusion tha
the ordinance regulating the po
lice and prescribing the powers nni
duties of the police commission
which Mayor Broatoh has vetoed , wa
passed over the mayor's head by th
council , when , in fant , the council dii
not ever attempt to pass it over the vote
The lecture totho mayor as to his dutie
In the premises which Mr. McShano'
editor ventures to deliver is decided ! ;
THE BKE has taken no part in the pot
eonal controversy between Messrs. Con
oyor and Blackburn. The disclosure
made by the investigation into Mr. Black
burn's connection with the sale of cei
tain lots to the board of education ar
not very creditable to Mr. Blackburn an
reflect seriously on the whole board
The negative testimony of Mi
Blackburn's partner leaves a natural inference
ferenco that Mr. Blackburn had cither
direct or indirect interest m the sale c
school lots to the board. The fact tha
Blackburn's partner in the real cstat
business was the chief factor in the tran
ter must have been known to the othe
members of the board , nnd they ought t
know enough to know that real cstat
agents are not m thn habit of worliu ,
I for glory.
Prohibition In Massachusetts.
. The advocates of prohibition in Massa
chusetts have been carrying on one of the
most aggressive and earnest campaigns
that has over signalized the efforts of tins
clement in that or any other state , and
they have just encountered defeat of the
cardinal purpose of their struggle. Mar
shaling all their forces and armed with
ponderous petitions , they went to the
legislature with a proposition submitting
to the popular vote a prohibitory amend
ment to the constitution. The discussion
of this proposition has commanded a
great deal of the attention of the legisla
ture , and baa been conducted with great
zeal and more or less marked ability. Its
supporters pointed to the fact that the
amendment was asked for by 0,090 women
who had not laid asidu the duties of homo
"for the idle infatuation of the plat *
form , " by 40,000 voters representing the
virtue , Intelligence , business and propcrtv
of the commonwealth , by 220,000 attend
ants of the Methodist Episcopal churchits
55,000 communicants and 210 clergymen ,
by leading Roman Catholic priests and
temperance societies , and by rcprcsonta
twos of other churches. The opponents
of the proposed amendment held firmly to
thu ground that experience had demon
strated there and elsewhere that prohibi
tion docs not prohibit , and that the wises !
and safest policy , alike for. the state and
for the cause of temperance , is a well
enforced license law. A vote was reached
on Wednesday of last week , and the
proposition failing to receive the required
two-thirds was lost. A reconsideration
was moved , however , for last Tuesday ,
which was taken with the same result.
Among the most earnest opponents of
the amendment was Rev. Mr. Smith ,
member from Audovcr , the only clergy
man of the house. Ho had boon a state
prohibitionist , ho said , and fought for it ,
but Massachusetts had a history on
this matter , and men could not argue
from Kansas to Massachusetts. Under
the old prohibitory law there was it worse
state of morals than ho ever know at any
other time. Liquor was sold freely. He
had investigated this matter in all its
length and breadth , and ho declared
that the increase of temperance sent ! '
mcnt in the state is owing to the existing
license law. which allows each commu
nity to determine for itself the question
of issuing licenses. Ho believed that in
temperance is not to bo beaten by such
legislation as the prohibitionists proposed ,
Its effect on the contrary would bo to encourage -
courage sccrut ram soiling , and thus nol
only retard the cause of temperance , but
increase the evils of the liquor traffic ,
The reverend gentleman might have
found abundant examples with which tc
justify his opinion , had ho cared to ge
beyond his own experience of what a
trial of prohibition in Massachusetts had
developed ,
It is not to bo supposed that this
defeat will greatly lesson the mis
taken zeal of the prohibitionists of Mas
sachusetts. Their cause is evidently
hopeless so far as the present legislature
is concerned , but they will doubtless , find
in the largo vote they were able to com
mand encouragement to continue the
fight. It ought to be safe to predict ,
however , that the intelligent people of
Massachusetts , taking counsel of the
manifest failure.of prohibition to accom
plish ita object elsewhere , will before an
other legislature can bo called upon tc
submit a prohibitory amendment have
largely concluded that they could com
mit 110 graver error than to insert in
their organic law a principle certain to
bo continually violated , and thus to
subject the whole instrument tc
popular disregard and reproach. It ia
astonishing that with the knowledge now
attainable regarding the failures of pro
hibition there should bo so numerous a
body of people in Massachusetts willing
to engraft this principle upon the consti
tution of the state and abandon a system
which experience has amply justified ,
and which there as elsewhere has con
tributed more to the growth of temper
ance than ever prohibition has douo any
Germivny's Sick Ktilors.
The German people have present canst
for very profound solicitude regarding
thu physical condition of the men who
rule the atltvirs of that empire. The great
age of the emperor makes it inevitable
that ho must soon surrender the sccptru
of sovereignty , if not by death then from
inability to longer carry thn burdens and
cares of the throne , but this certainty
could bo awaited without serious apprehension -
hension while the crown prince was to b <
his assured successor , lie could bo dc
pendect upon to continue the pohcj
which has marked the course of the na
tion'under the reign of his father and tc
follow the beaten path at least undci
"substantially similar circumstances anc
conditions , " Out the orown prince maj
not survive the emperor. Despite th <
encouraging view which his physician :
pretend to take of his throat malady then
is good reason to believe that I1
is n very serious difficulty , which is jus
as likely to bo found unconquerable as i
is to bo removed. The fact will bo ro
rucmbcrod that when thu cancer whict
killed General Grant first developed , th <
interested medical opinion that sur
rounded him professed to see nothing
dangerous in the aflliotion , and this view
was sought to bo maintained just as louj
as there was the least possibility of tlu
public being deceived by it. It is more
than probable that the physicians in attendance
tendanco upon the crown prince have
their reasons-for taking a confident vie
of the case before the public , whatovoi
their private convictions may bo. Bui
oven if the growth , whatever it may be ,
shall bo effectually destroyed , it i :
thought the penalty of the operation ne
cussarj to do that will bo a total loss o
voice , and Germany would hardly welcome
como a speechless emperor. Added tc
these afllictious , Bismarck ia nov
reported to bo ill , so ill , in fact , that the
advice of his physicians to seek rest ani
a change of climate cannot bo carrici
A very wide range for conjecture i
opened when one comes to reflect upoi
the possible consequences to Germany o
the removal of those three from amonj
present and prospective rulers of tin
empire. Tbo death of the crown priuo
would make his eon , Prince William , thi
heir apparent , and our cabin dlspatche
have described the sort of man ho is. J
soldier with an ambition for glory , i
seems certain that the pcaco of Europ
would have no snch security with him 01
the throne , or near it , as it now has wit ]
an old man in power who has outlive *
ambition and desires nothing so mucl
as to pa * * the remnant of his days li
peace. The death of Bismarck woult
bo the signal , also , for most radical
changes. All that ho holds in his
iron grasp would bo released , and
the political and social forces now in re *
straint , being ect free , might speedily
change the relative position of parties
and almost remodel society. There are
infinite possibilities of change consequent
upon the death of these rulers , not only
most vital to the Gorman empire , but
which might eventuate in materially al
tering the map of Europe. There is ob
vious reason why the Gorman people
should feel gravely solicitous regarding
the physical condition of their rulers.
A Had rroccdont.
Among the various items in the monthly
appropriation ordinance which the coun
cil passed last week was an allowance to
Thomas Cummings for services as chief o
police during the month of May , at the
rate of $1,800 a year. Mayor Oroatch
vetoed this item on the ground thatThos.
Cummings was not chief of police , never
having been appointed such by the board
of police and iiro commissioners , but es
pecially because ho only served on the
.police force up to May 25th.
The council passed the illegal item over
the mayor's veto by a two-third voto.
One of the Moynlhan combine editors
interprets this action by the council as an
official declaration that if there is any
city marshal or chief of police for Omaha ,
Mr. Thomas Cummings is the man. The
councllmcn who voted to override the
veto had no such ideaThey knowas
everybody else including Thomas Cum
mings knows , that the office of marshal
had becu abolished on the 3d of March ,
and Cummings ceased to bo marshal
trom that day. They know also that
Cummings had not been appointed chief
of police by the commission , and there
fore was simply acting chief until the
commission had filled the place.
To vote Cummings pay for the time he
was in charco of the force after the office
of marshal had been abolished could
hardly be construed as a declaration that
Cumminga has any right or title to an
office which has been filled by the police
commission by authority vested exclu
sively in it by the charter.
Notwithstanding the two-thirds vote of
the council Thomas Cummings is not
legally entitled to pay for the full month
of May. His services on the police force
ceased on May 25th. The council had
no right to vote him pay for services not
rendered , and the mayor has no right to
sign a warrant to Cummings for a full
month's pay. It would establish a dan
gerous precedent , oven if it was lawful ,
to pay men salaries for service they have
not rendered.
Tbo Wheat Corner Collapse.
The great Chicago wheat corner , which
for several months has commanded the
undivided attention of the grain interest
of the country , was on Tuesday unex
pectedly abandoned by the clique engaged -
gaged in the deal , the result of course
being a panic in the market that proved
disastrous to a number of dealers. It was
thought after the June delivery day had
passed without the clique showing any
signs of weakness that it would bo able
to carry the corner on through this
mouth and squeeze the bears without
mercy , but thn outcome shows that the
task was too large. On the first of the
present month the clique was understood
to have control of over 40,000,000 bushels
of wheat , and its ramifications were said
to extend to all leading markets of this
country and even to Liverpool. It then
appeared to have boundless resources.
This appearance now seems to have
been deceptive , but there are other
circumstances that have contributed
to the defeat of the deal. The
clique was not simply confronted
by the powerlul bear interest , but all the
conditions were unfavorable to it , among
the most potent being the generous re
turns from the harvest thus far and the
excellent outlook for the growing crop.
Undoubtedly were the crop situation
loss favorable the clique would have had
no difficulty in obtaining all the money
required for carrying on the deal. The
general public feeling will bo one of
gratification that the end has como in
disaster to the promoters of the corner ,
but in a battle of this sort between gam
blers , honest people can have no sym
pathy or concern for cither party. The
bulls who have lost are entitled to'no
commiseration , and the boars who have
won should receive no congratulation.
The one class was operating to the dis
advantage of the consumers , while the
policy of the other class was hostile to
the producers. The fact that fortunes
have been transferred from the former to
the latter hnlps no interest and accom
plishes nothing for the general welfare.
Meanwhile the immediate future of the
market is entirely uncertain.
THE present month will be memorable
for the collapse of great corners. The
events that will give it distinction are
the breaking up of the coffee and wheat
speculations , the former having had a
duration of over a year and the latter of
several months. Of the two the failure
of the coffee deal was perhaps the more
important. The tendency of the
market for this commodity , how
ever , appears to bo stronger ,
the fact being that Micro ia a reduced
crop , and that notwithstanding the ad
vance of 200 per cent within a year on
the low grades consumption was not de
creased. The coffee drinker , it is evi
dent , must have his beverage with
stated regularity and in unrestricted
amount whether it costs fifteen or thirty
cents a pound.
Tnr. Burlington proposes to make the
same Chicago rates to and from Lincoln
as it does to and from Omaha. The Bur
lington is a good friend of Omaha so long
as it can throw its arms around her and
pick her pockets.
ACCORDING to the Herald. Seavoy is not
chief of police. Why , then , does the Her-
aid pay so much attention to hla orders 1
The grain elevator capacity ot Chicago Is
23.850,000 bushels.
Common labor is now better paid than II
has been for years.
A thousand clocks a day are said to be seat
from Now England to Europe , Mexico , and
South America.
There are lot ) cotton mills in the sou tb , of
which thirty-six are In Georgia , twenty-seven
la Tennesspo and twenty In Alabama.
Four railroads are now bains built In
Georgia to centre at Atlauta. It will then be
the greatest railroad centre In the south.
Out of 1050 puddltnz furnaces Iq Plttsburg ,
seventy-five are idle , aud the muck bar pro
duction Is estimated at at 3,400 tons per day.
Flottrlntt and grist mills employ 33 per
cent of all the water power used ; saw-mills
23 per cent jcottoiFtnllls 12 : paper-mills 7.
and woolen-mills 4
The Pottsvlllo silk'mill will employ from
COO to 1,000 hands , ana the building , which
will bo 830 feet irt .length , will , Including
machinery , cost 300,000.
The northern Investors In southern plg-
Iron plants are greatly encouraged by the
active demand in western markets for the
entire product of furnaces. This will load to
further extensions of capacity. Coke Is
Fort Worth , Tex. , Is to bt made a wool and
sheep depot with Immense stock yards and
scouring establishments. It now costs SM3
to pay the freight on 100 pounds ot grease
and dirt , and this Is to bo saved by the scour
ing establishments.
A London paper says there Is not one
corner of Europe where American small cost
liardware Is not for sale. Krupp , of
Germany ; Armstrong , of England , and
llotchklss , ot Franco , with all their vast re
sources are unable to produce a monkey or
screw-bar wrench equal to the American
Now England textile manufacturers are
generally Improving their capacity and put
ting In better machinery to decrease cost. ANew
Now Hampshire firm has ordered a cargo ot
wool from San Francisco around Oapo liorn
on account of high freights. The Pepperell
mill , in Maine , has just divided a half mil
lion dollars in dividends and has a million
dollars loft.
Flvo national labcr unions have boon hold
ing sessions throughout the past week the
printers at Buffalo , the shoemakers at
Brockton , the Iron workers at IMttsburg , and
the machinery workers and miners at Cin
cinnati. There were 200,000 shoemakers said
to bo represented through 150 delegates at
Brockton. The iron workers had ISO dele
Kacing shells and other boats are now
made of paper at Lanslngburgh , N. Y. One
boat has been built as largo as 43 feet long by
4 leet 4 Inches beam , to hold forty-two per
sona ; and a steam launch 10 foot longworked
by a one-horse power oil engine , boat and
engine together weighing but 430 * pounds ,
was last fall successfully run at a speed of
about ten miles per hour oil the upper Hud
son. The cost is something above that of
A Great Opening.
Philadelvhta Xorth-Amerlcan ,
Father McGlynn's mouth has reopened for
the summer season.
Journalism in Texas.
U'aco AilvnccAe ,
All subscribers , It is hoped , will pay
promptly. If there ever was a concern that
needed money , that concern Is the Dally Ad
vocate. It started on nothing , and so far
has been living on what It started on.
A Blunt rjakota Man.
Dakota Bell.
A Blunt , Dak. , man pulled a tooth the
other day by putting a string around it ,
tying the string to a nine in the floor and
then raising himself tip by his boot-straps.
This summer seems to be a good one for some
of the worst lies that ever disgraced civiliza
tion , | t _ _
New Styles in Scalp Lifting ,
Chicago ! Herald
The Apaches now on the war-path In
Arizona ought to show up a little bettor In a
scientific point of view than their predeces
sors. They are led by1 a young savage who
was educated at government expense at the
Hampton school. Of course he will cut off
scalps in a thoroughly civilized fashion.
, *
A Vanished Boom.
St. Lout * aidbe-Dtmocrat.
Government island a tract of about lorty
acres In the Missouri river , opposite Kansas
City was entirely washed out of sight a
few nights ago by a sudden rise of the tur
bulent waters. It had , wo presume , been
sold to a New York syndicate several days
before for several millions. It lived through
the real estate boom , but the river boom was
too much for it.
. Gnawing a File.
litoomfiigton Guard.
The Omaha Republican continues its un
called for and contemptable attacks on Gov
ernor Thayer. Editor Rotfiacker desired an
appointment that Governor Thayer declln ed
to give him , hence the whirlwind of ca
lumny and detraction against the old hero ,
but his onsloughts on Governor Thayer re
mind the people ot the viper gnawing at a
flle *
Mud Batteries Silenced.
Valli Cl\i ( \ Journal.
Governor Tliavor has effectually silenced
the batteries of those Omaha newspapers that
have been attacking him for his efforts In
favor of good government In Omaha. Their
slanders are manifestly absurd and their
animus Is so apoarcnt that they have been
treated with silent contempt by the whole
state. The people heartily support the
governor's position In this nutter because
they are all Interested in an eniclont police
force in Omaha. Wo all have to do business
there and we want protection from the
thugs and gamblers who have Infested
Omaha so Ion * and who are still trying to
bold their grip notwithstanding the now
state laws and the determination of the
governor that they must go , Governor
Thayer will not be bullied or frightened by
the Omaha outfit.
Keep Out of the Past.
Klla VThteltr Wltaxc ,
Keen out of the past , for lU highways
Are damp with malarial gloom ,
Its gardens are seru and its forests are drear ,
And everywhere molders a tomb.
Who seeks to regain its lost pleasures
Finds only a rose turned to dust ,
And its storehouse of wonderful treasures
Is covered and coated with rust
Keep out of the pest , it Is haunted ,
11 o who in its avenues gropes
Shall tind there the ghost of a joy prlzrd the
most ,
And a skeleton throne ; of dead hopes.
In place of its beautiful rivers
Lie pools tuat are stagnant with slime ,
And those graves gleaming bright on the
phosphorous ligit |
Cover dreams that werp slain in their prime.
Keep out of the past I'll ' Is lonely
And barren and bleak : to the view.
Its fires have grown cold and its stories are
old '
Turn , turn to the present , the new I
To-day leads you up to > h "III tops
That are kissed by the ra dlant sun.
To-day shows no tomb all life's hopes In
bloom _ _
And to-day holds ajifyze to bo won.
Nebraska' Huttings.
Corn is stalking n'6'w.
Henry Christian , agpd seventeen , was
drowned in the twtvchorous Platte at
Grand Island a few days ago.
A Kansas City railroad company is
skirmishing for bonds in Gage county.
It promises ere on par with an empty
James C. Fificld , a Nebraska boy ,
graduated with high honors from the
Johns tiopkius university in Baltimore ,
Bill Harrison , a white crook , and
Harry Anderson , a colored jlmmio , who
held up divers and sundry residents of
Bonklemcn , were transported to the pen
Tuesday , to serve a three year terra
Mrs. James Martin , a Grand Island
lady , gazed admiringly at a loaded and
brilliantly lighted window of a town dry
goods store. Mistaking it for the door
she stepped ia aud took * section of the
class with her. Her pocket book Was in
jured to the extent of | 75.
A flash of lightning touched Captain
James D. Head , at Glenvllle. Adams
county , Monday , killing him instantly
and burning the clothing on his body.
Ho was forty-six years of ngo and highly
esteemed in the neighborhood.
Beatrice survived the first dose of Sun-
Jay closing. The church boll and the
nglo of the contribution box alone dis
turbed the cemetery silence that pro-
vailed. Not evclu n soda ft/ ? could bo had
to irrigate the solemn occasion.
Conductor Carter , of the 11. & M. , of
ficiated as witness at the marriage of a
middle-aged conplo on his train a few
days ago. The groom's name was Mun-
son , and the bride veiled her identity in
a cloud of natural blushes. A car load
of merry passengers formed a unique
perspective for the picture , and their
congratulations and well-wishes were
unstinted. Engineer O'Connor ' tumbled
onto the ceremony , and played a lusty
wedding march on the whistle. The
couple loft the train at Ashland.
Iowa Items.
Dttbuquo will have a fire alarm system
Within thirty days.
Quite a number of Atlantic people will
join the communistic colony in Washing
ton territory.
Several Iowa distilleries are looking
for now locations , mellowed with bo.
mises and personal liberty.
The strike of the DCS Moines oinar-
makers came to an end Saturday , the
men and employers meeting half way.
Perry people are considering a propo
sition to light the town with gas.and also
are making efforts to have a canning fac
tory established in the town.
The proprietor of a Now Hampshire
boot and shoofactory.cmploying 200 men ,
contemplates removal to Gowrio in order
to got lower rents aud reduce the cost of
Members of the "profesh" in Dos
Moincs have oiganizcd a Press club.
Like their Omaha brethren they have
signed the constitution and deliberated
on by-laws , but the test of strength-
payment of the initiation fee is yet to
The tax voted in aid of the Davenport ,
Iowa & Dakota railroad will revert to the
people unless construction is commenced
within a few months , and the business
men of Davenport propose to subscribe
sufficient stock to commence operations.
The Irish saloonkeepers of Dubuque
played a match game of base ball on t ri-
day with the Dutch dolors of drinks. The
game demonstrated that the Irishmen
were as handy with the bat. and the emi
grants from "dcr faderland" were
Dcadwood business men have been in
vesting heavily in real estate in anticipa
tion of a boom.
Deadwood is moving energetically to
secure the establishment of reduction
works in that town.
The gas well near Blunt is counted
upon as sufficient to furnish that town
with light and fuel for the future.
Small chunks of coal have como to the
surface of the artesian well at Yankton ,
and the mute appeal to dig deeper will bo
The How of the new monster artesian
well at Yankton seems to increase daily ,
and it is now claimed to be the largest of
any well in the world 3,000 gallons per
A wonderful eave has boon discovered
near Hakervillc , in the Black Hills. It is
said to bo larger than the "Cave of the
Winds , " and abounds in natural curiosi
Railroad authorities have promised a
Dcadwood delegation that within two
weeks a surveying party will survey lines
and routes from or near Sturgis to Deadwood -
wood , after which the company would
further consider matters.
The rain of last week refreshed the
soil of all of southeast Dakota and crops
are responding with alacrity over that
gricnltural domain. Thu snows in the
mountains are molting , the Missouri is
filling its banks , evaporation is in pro
gress along the eastern slope of the range
and is precipitating itself upon the plains
in the form of rain.
Something About Those of Omaha
Who are Ijntcly Deceased.
Dr. Douglas A. Joy , whoso serious ill
ness from inflammation of the bowels
was mentioned in Tuesday _ even
' BEE died yesterday"morn
ing's , morn
ing at 4:30 : o'clock , at the resi
dence. No. 2323 St. Mary's avenue.
Dr. Joy came to Omaha but a short time
ago from Marshall , Mich. Ho was con
sidered an excellent practitioner by the
members of his profession. Ho was
thirty-three years of ago and was taken
ill last Friday night. The relatives of the
deceased physician arrived this morning
and the body wjll bo embalmed aud re
turned to Marshall for interment.
A Yonnj * Typo of Omaha Joined to a
Burlington hady.
Mr. Ed Wheelan , of this city , and Miss
Ella McDonough , of Burlington , wore
united in marriage at St. Philomona's
cathedral yesterday morning during a
nuptial mass by Father McCartliy. A num
ber of friends of the bride and groom wit
nessed the ceremony. Mr. Wheelan ia a
compositor on the Evening BKK , andoccu-
pics a high position in the estimation ot
his associates. The well wishes of
friends , both m the office and without ,
are extended for the future happiness and
success of both himself and bride.
An Iron God.
Crete Vidctte : For the past fifteen
years the political idolaters of Lincoln
have fallen upon their knees and rever
ently worshipped thnir iron god. They
have beaten their breasts and sent up
prayerful cadences through the smoke
stack of this same god. Their caucuses ,
conventions and elections have been
called together and run by this same god ,
whenever the voice string was pullea by
Marquette. lloldrcdgo or Perkins aide
do camps of thin iron god. Isoxv as the
water in getting low in the fountainund
thu grinding begins to grind the
grinded , these idolaters are
looking around for a now mecca
and another god. Their mournings can
bo heard above the storm , and the com
plaints of the Democrat fairly toll the
story of a people who have fuwninglj
submitted to the dictates of an iron god
.for ovur a decade. They call upon the
managers ot this iron god with the
voice of David , "Help , On , help , or wo
are lost. " The oars of this god are deaf ,
his tongue is mute , and his heart Is
geared with thick coatings of a saline
substance. The day of salvation is past
and the idolaters cannot look to this
iron god as their modern panacea. If
he hod the voice of an angel he might
speak , or if ho had the power of
an Anirelo ho might grab a scrub oak
from out the banks of the Antelope and
dipping it into the 3,000 foot bore , write
upon the blue vault of heaven , in letterset
ot sally fharpnoss , these words : "Oh ,
Lincoln , thou hast served uio well. But
my promise must bo broken. I cannot
give you the machine shops , but I will
get a photograph of mv shops at Hoi-
drcdgo and will hang thorn on the high
est point of thn depot at Lincoln , that the
idolaters may see what they would have
received had I not been n decitfu ! . a ly
ing aud a flattering god. "
Fata of Young Girls Lured to Salt Lake
from Abroad ,
Klnanor 1'aston's flitter Experience
in the Mormon Capital Freed Uy
a Kind Hearted Elder
New York Morning Journal : A pretty ,
but rather forlornlookincr young woman
of twenty was found wandering in a be
wildered manner about the Pennsylvania
depot In Jersey City yesterday afternoon
by Officer Brcnnan. Ho inquired what
her trouble was. She replied that she
wanted to go to the ho'uso of Mrs. Griffin
on South Eighth street , E. 1) . , and that
aho did not know the way. The officer
asked her where she came from and she
replied :
"From Salt Lake City. "
"Alono ? "
"No , sir ; not all of the way ; my com
panion , a young lady , left mo at Omaha. "
The officer became interested and after
some questioning the young woman said
that several months ago Elder Bascom
and several other Mormons went to Eng
land in search of converts. In a town
near Cornwall the young woman liycd.
Her name was Eleanor Paston. She and
sixteen other young women became con
verts and were brought to this country
by the elders and taken to Salt Lake City.
Eleanor and Amelia Clogg. another of
the converts , were assigned to the homo
of Elder Bascom.
Ho had three wives living with himthe
eldpst.llunnah.a gray-haired old woman.
Hannah made it warm for the girls and
warmer for her long while-whiskered ,
patmrchial husband.
When ho announced to her that ho in
tended to have the two girls sealed to
him she became enraged and threatened
them with violence. Amelia fainted
away when told that she must marry the
nncient suitor , and Klnanor declared that
they had been deceived. The cirls slept
together on the second floor. " During the
night of the day they received the news
of their coming fate they effected their
escape from the house and fled through
street after street until they weroinslffht
of the tabernacle. It was daylight by
this time and. fearing detection , they
wont into an alley to secrete themselves.
This alley led to the yard of Elder Junius
F. Wells , nn aged man , who is high up
in Mormomsm.
Whilotho tired girls huddled them
selves together to avoid observing eyes
Elder Wells came from his yard through
the alley. He saw the girls and asked
them what they wore doing there. Both
began to cry bitterly , and Eleulior told
her story truthfully. The old patriarch
felt pity for them. Ho said if they would
not betray him he would save them.
He took them to his barn , clothed
them in the mala garments of farm
hands and walked with them to
thu depot. While standing on the plat
form waiting for the arrival of the train
Elder Bascom came there. Ho panted
from the exertion of his rapid walk. Ho
asked Elder Wells if ho had seen the two
girls , and bcin" assured that he had not
Bascom walked away , almost touching
Eleanor as liu passed. A moment later
the train arrived. The two pirls were
handed tickets and placed on board.
When far from the influence of Salt
Lake City they made known their story to
some ladies on thu cars who aided them
to attire themselves properly. At Omaha
Amelia was told by a lady whoso husband
is proprietor of a hotel , that if she would
like to work as a servant there she could.
The friendless girl was glad of the op
portunity and availed herself of it.
Elo.inor decided to go in search of Mrs.
Grillin , whom she had known in Eng
land. She knew that she lived .some-
whore on South Eighth street , Brooklyn ,
E. D. , but that was all.
Officer Brennan placed her in the
charge of a man going to Brooklyn ,
whom he knew , and who promised to
sec that the girl found her friend.
How Big Salaries Are Earned.
Davenport Democrat : It ia said that
Thomas J. Potter , vice-president and
general manager of the ClnciipoHurling-
ton tfeQuincy railroad , has boon receiv
ing a salary of s85,000 a year. It is fur
ther reported that as general manager of
the Union Pacific railroad ho has signed
a contract for five years at an annual
compensation of $30,000 a year. These
figures to some may appear to bo enor
mously beyond the anility of any man to
return an equivalent in time or work. To
others the larger of these sums will seem
small when tlio responsibility of the posi
tion is fully considered. It is an afl'air of
daily occurrence , so common that no at
tention is paid to it. for an employe to
receive a salary of $1,000 n year
for biiperintending the management
of a business whoso aggregate for a year
may fall below $30.000. There are many
men who receive ? a,000 a year for di
recting a business whoso volume does
not in the course of a year reach $ 10,000.
Mr. Potter , as the executive head of the
Union Pacifio railroad , will bo the direct
representative of a corporation whose
capital stock runs up into thn millions of
dollars. An insignificant percent of this
enormous aggregate pays his salary of
§ 50,000 a year. If he has the ability to
handle millions of dollars in .inch a way
that a satisfactory profit is returned to
the stockholders , then his salary is small
in comparison with that of another of
ficer who in controlling thu tiamo busi
ness fails to make thu receipts overbal
ance the oximiiHoH. It is'from this stand
point that the services'ol the great rail
road manager must ba measured. There
are , very few men cnpablo of grasping
the details of a largo business , and they
iiro therefore in a position to command
largo compensations. At the same time
the stockholders of the corporation are
individually paying no morrt for the
services of Mr. Potter than some vastly
smaller business house or factory is pay
ing its superintendent who receive. ! a sal
ary of $2,000 u year. Thorn are those
who contend that no man can otirn
$50,000 a year by honest work. This
would bu true if the work was confined
to ( lurking ditches or to holding a plow.
There are thousands who can do ordi
nary kinds of worn and stand ready to
do it for day laborers' wages. Tlmro are
very fuw mun ondowc.d by unlitm with
the gunms of directing thn nlfttirs of an
immense concern successfully. Herein
lies die diflercneo.
Tim Itlvnry of Death.
Mn. M. L. ll.iunc in Dttiolt Frca lrt * .
Evil news rides post , wlillo end IIHWS baits.
Sauison Anonl tes.
Ten o'clonkl
I wavch anxiously from my window , for
this is thi ) hour when thu gray-coated
messenger of the people makes his duily
Ho comes , and with a pleased expec
tancy I look for to-day's mail.
The whitn-whigcd carriers of news
flutter in his humls as he turns thorn ovnr.
Ah I there i * one with a heavy hlunk bor-
dur some onu will have mournful IICWH
by to-ilvy's : mail !
For mo ? The dead ambassador of fate
is laid in my hand. Anil I had sulliihly
breathed an inward prayer of congratu
lation that
'Twas at thy door , O friend , and not at mine ,
'rhoanuel with the ainnrunthlno wreath ,
Panning , descendedanil with voice divine ,
\Vhiipcreil a word ttmt had aaouml of dnath.
I hesitate to break the heavy black .seal.
The .superscription is that of a strange
Alt ! what friend beloved has passed
through that ever opening door , "whoso
curtain uevur outward swings ; " \ \ ho&o
clad oyns hnvn opened upon the green
Holds and still waters , were none nro
over weary or slckb
Whoso earth-worn feet ] have climbed
the shining heights and entered upon the
journey of the now world ?
This mourning messenger has a story
to tul ! ; why should I so dread to hear it ?
Slowlv 1 oucn the dark-bordered mia-
sive and unfold the somber sheet within ,
Yes , it is a familiar name , albeit a. stran
ger writes the news. It is the friend of
my youth , the beloved one , who has first
crossed the dark river , the companion of
happy years that are past leaving mo a
simple mussngu :
"Meet mo in the morning. "
Well , alter all , death is the only crown
of life !
What Is excellent.
As (5od lives Is pormanonant :
Jlenrts are duit , heart's loves remain
Heart's love will meet theo
To-day's mall has been nn event of my
life , and not In minu alone. This sad
visngod letter has carried its burden of
sorrow all along the line , ULc a message
from the dead.
It has aroused pntlfotlc memories in
other hearts that have mourned.
The sorting clerk bestows a thought of
sympathy on the unknown who sorrows
rows , mid liis voice has u more kindly
The cancelling clerk remembers the
vacant chair at his own lirosido and won
ders if somebody's darling had gone into
the Forever.
The carrier forbidden by his calling
to wear the outward semblance of grief
mourns for a sweet child-life that has
just faded out in his home , and is less
gruff nud moro patient for her sako.
Even the little maid who brings it tome
has a loss impetuous qualltr in her voice
as she asks :
"Ess it anybody you for very much --I
care , mndama ? " . -
So I como to think that fashion has not
done a foolish thingin giving to the news
of "Mine nin countres" the livery of
death , since it prepares us for the great
est ot all great surprises , and draws
hearts together as it passes trom hand to
hand , oven though it has been writ by
the "expert finger of calamitie. "
An Omnlia Bleeping Cnr Port or.
Chicago Herald : "There is one sleep
ing car porter in this country who'll not
die poor , if thrift and smartness count
for anything , " said a gentleman who has
just returned from a trip to California.
"Soon after we left Omaha the porter
of our car bccnn to talk base ball and to
let us all know that ho was a base ball
crank. Ho grow rather familiar , too ,
considering hit ) station , but nobody ob
jected , for it is always best on cross
country trip to keep on the coed side of
the porter. Among the passengers were
several gentlemen who take n little inter
est in base ball , and so , along in the
afternoon , when the porter kml about
the sport some passengers had had the
the week bcf9ro , and suggested 'jus * to
kill time' we imitnto their example , 'the
common makin * up a base bull pool at
| 5 a guess , do pomman guessin' the
clostist to the waj' the fo' league games
comes out to take do pot. ' there wore
seven responses. After the money had
been paid into the hands of one wh'o was
selected to act as stakeholder , and the
subscribers had written out their guesses
and .signed their names to them , the porter
humbly asked permission to come in.
Though wo all thought the chap was dis
playing considerable freshness so long as
he had suggested the scheme , in which
wo had begun to take n good deal of in
terest , there was no one to object. So the
porter put up his $5 and filed his guess
with the stake-holder. The next day wo
got a paper at Cheyenne , and you can
imagine how surprised we were when wo
discovered that only one man m the
party had named tlic four winners , and
that man the porter , The way the fellow
grinned when ho put the 10'away in ins
pocket made me feel suspicious , and so ,
later on , when Another pool of the
sitnio kind was proposed I decided to
stay out and keep an eye on the porter.
About 8 o'clock the train stopped at a
little station and 1 saw the porter mak
ing a break for the telegraph office.
When he came out ho had a message.
which ho was reading eagerly. Ke sat
down in tnc smoking car and seriblnd
something on a piece of paper , carefully
consulting his message as ho did so , and
then walked oack to the sleeping-car ,
remarking that he'd 'give the gcramen a
chance to git a p.a't of the stuff back , '
nnd deposited with the stakeholder a f 5
bill and the slip of pnpor I'd seen him
writing on in the smoking-car.
"Having found out what his game was
[ took thn stakeholder to pno side and
said to him : 'This darkey is bunkoing
us. It is now after 3 o clock. In Now
1'ork and Boston it is after 5. Th
names have been played. We haven'
been thinking of that , but this darkey
liia. : Ho has just received a message
tolling him which clubs won , and has
named tlioso chtbs here and expects to
take our money , just as he did yester
day. "
"So the stakeholder and I took out all
the guesses , ehanged them all to read the
? : inio clubs that the porter had named ,
iiid put them back. Then wo posted the
sthor follows. Next day when the returns -
turns wore opened and it was found that
3uoh guesser had named the four win
ners , it was worth live times $5 apiece to
is to see the expressions which chased
. -ach other up and down that shrewd
Jarkv's face. "
A Uoornlet nt
Chicago Mail : Somebody broke into
Kaunas City about ten days since and
jarried ofl'its boom. The same iniseronnt
is now supposed to bo operating in the
neighborhood of Omnlm. if you nee any-
hinjr in the nature of n little boom hurry-
ng around the street corners here , with
ts elbow out and ita uppers on the
irnuiul , please pick it up and forward it
.0 tha Kansas City Times oilier ) .
Mr. J. F. Bluet is about to move to Pom-
> n\ , Cat , thirty-threo miles east of Los
/Vnjrcles. /
" Oh , HAGAN'S
li rxquliltclr lovely , " aM Ml l Browatohir
t rlcnili , u l.e uutcrxj tint ilravt liirf room , of tor
laUIng n Ivnr. knt , fnlluulii ? Orlto ever &
tamly.duVy wail. "Itlaco 1'urr , L'lcnnly
and JU'frtnlilna. I always liavu It ,
ami n 'tti 6 Harmlrn * Liquid , I can uio
It In a moment nud ict ; fcuch Itutaut relief ficm
tl.o JtcrtnrnH , KouubucMi , Snllomutn ,
Tnn , FrccUlm nnil Horrid Old Klilrt
ItlemlBhci , ciiuwl \ < j n Hat Min aiul Dry.
Hnmh WluiU. " Loillcn ,
1 * for I'nrr , Neck , Arm * a&d llaud * . H
- VltYlT )