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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 188 ? : THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , * Nothing of Interest in Any of the Fits Ex cept Wheat. MINGLING OF DREAD AND HOPE. Corn Actlvo nnd Unsettled nt n Kiinrp Decline Holders of Provls- lonR Frightened and Un load Quotations. CHICAGO PRODUCE MAKKET. Ciiir-Ano , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram to the UKK. I Nothing was talked of'or thought ol on 'change to-day of Interest to traders or the public but the wheat panic. Men went to the boaid to-day with many fears anil with no Idea how the day would end. Jf Kershaw & Co. held out and margined their trades , the collapse might not be complete nnd disastrous Trading had not fairly Martnl when several .small failures were reported. The pits were feverish , and traders knew not what to do. On the belief that Kershaw would hold and that Chicago capital would take wheat at 12c the market was somewhat steady early , and a few slight ad vances cicatcd the idea that all was not yet lost to the clUiuo. The board of trade clear ing silent , however , showed that some ten linns , Kershaw Included , hud tailed to pay theirdcbit balancesand prices went tumbling down. June , which opened at 75 , ' c , sold nt one time as high as 7Hj > ami then de clined point by point , sometimes Ic at a jump , down to C'c. July wheat sold rrom 7Gc up to 7G/c on the hopes of the clique's promises , but from 10 a. m. futures declined persistently to 73c. whrio it rallied n little. ' 1 he .second decline set In after the clearings showed Hiich failures and the price of July went down till it tound a turning point at 70c. A reaction tow aid the close left Itatl p. m. atT c. August sold down to72'2'c , and later at 74c. December opuned at bJc : , reached S3c and went to the lowest point at , BOc. BOc.Corn Corn , like wheat , was active hut unsettled , and prices declined sharply. Trudltii.- , how ever , was mainly In thu way of evening up , operators being anxious to get out of all their old trades as fast as possible , as the calling ot margins made It dilllcult for many to keep their heads nlloat , anil they wanted to get Into .shape to uavo tlieniseUes. July opened nt "H j c. sold at 3 ; < c down to sr e , up to 37c , and closed tit l o'clock at that figure. October closed at Provisions were active , but , like rraln.wero unsettled. Holders became frightened at the continued decline In wheat and began un loading freely , liuyers ( were scarce , and the reported failures prevented many trom taking hold , and prices of short ribs broke fit,4L ( 42'jo ' In a remarkably short time , hard dropped 17J c for the same reason as ribs. Toward the close the feeling bcc.uuo better , and a reaction of DC on lard and 1 % on ribs occurred beforn the 1 o'clock close. July ribs opened at $7.55 , Hold to 5j7.00 , lnokotoS7.17K. reacted nnd closed at7.32 } . July laid opened at 80.00. sold to 5-G.42K , but closed atG.47 > . Juno pork remained steadv at 822.00. Am EIINOON SENSIO.V Wheat was Irregu lar ; June sold at 71 ( < 72Kc , closing at71c. July nold from TBJfc to 73 0. Iellto72) ) < c , closing at TifcAugust74c \ \ , September 70c. Corn was qu et and steady. Oats weie un changed. Pork was neglected and lard 5c higher. CHICAGO 1,1 VK STOCK. CmcAno , Juno 15. [ Special Telograin to the UKK.J CAT/n.K The receipts to-day were falrlv largo , and theio weru moro good heavy cattle than were needed. Thedemand this week has been actlvo for nice fnt , light and medium weight cattle , and prices for such huvu only declined about 10 ® 0c from last Friday. Heavy cattle and thu common to fair grassy and rough cattle arc 20@-oc lower than las > t Friday. Hie general market to-day was quiet and slow. Very nice cattle were steady , but there wuro many good to choice heavy cattle that sold 5c lower. Some twocarold half-bred Polled Angus steers sold at S4.M@4.W ) . Thin , grassy natives were extremuly.dull at S3.00@ux ; ) . Some 1,077 to 1,310 Ib cattle bold at $4.15 , and a car of 1,521 Ib btecrs sold at $4.25 , while the same price was paid for twenty-one fat 712-lbycarllngs. The present prices are only about 15f < 5c above the low est point ot the season. ahlpolng steers , 1850101500 Ibs , 4.15fif4.75 ; 1'JOO to 13.X ) Ibs. 8155 : 050 to 1200 Ibs 83.05(34.25 ( ; fancy , 84.85 @ 4.W > ; stockers , S1.GO@3.25 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.7.X33.SO ; grasbcrs , 82.b5.i.03 ; led , HOOK The market was slow and 5@10c lower , HID decline being mainly on piiuio heavy nnd fancy butclier weights. Light and mixed dropiKd : only about Be. Heavy butcher weights soldat85.105.20 , largely at 85.15 ; mixed , S3.UOGI5.10 , and common , S4.uo@4.i > 5 ; light sorts , 84.75@5.15 ; YorKcrd , S5.0.V&5.10 , and a string of Unlit was made up at Si.Uo. A few singeing pigs sold at § 5.10. F1NANCJ1AU NEW YOHK , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram to UioUuB.J-8TOCK8 A review of yesteiday's business shown that the lowest prices were made about 2 o'clock. The subsequent rally was a bounce or Jump , occurring moro easily than the decline , and moro naturally until a gain of X\K per cent xns reached. This paved the way for the opening to-day at X9X per cent rise on grantors aud X@X on the tri'nk lines and favorites. London advices reported leading American securities about X per cent better all/round. The bulls argued that largo amounts of money released from other speculation would now tind Its way Into Wall street for dividend-paying Blocks ; that lower prices for wheat would stimulate exports and swell the railroad earn ings. Parties wl.o had been operating for lower prices were thought to have covered their shorts. On St Paul , Union Pacific , Western Union , and Louisville & Nasavllle the strength of the London market and buy- me on foreign account acted as a sustaining force , lint theie was no decided rise during the forenoon. Most stocks were quiet and steady at a small advance over yeaterday'c closing London puichases were chiefly ol St , Paul , LakeShore , Louisville & Nash' vlllo and Krlo. UOVKHNUKNTS Government bonds were dull but steady. YKSfKlinAY'S QUOTATIONS. U. S. 4'RCOUpon.l2l8/'C. ) ? AN. W . 120J < ; U. 8. 4W's coup. . lOOJf do preferred. . .148 Paclliotit.sot'l > 5..iy : ! lN. Y. 0 . lllj < Canada South'n. . OOJCO. K. & N . 101 Central PHclllu. . 3t > > { O. T. . 81 Jj Chicago * Alton. 148 PacihcMail do preferred. . . .103 P. , I ) . AsK 30Jf C. , H. AO . 145 Pull man l'al.Car.152 U.L.V Heading so 1) & 11(1 Kock Island 181 Erie St U AS. P. . . . 41M do preferred. . . . do preferrM. . . . NJ ) < Illinois Central. C. , M.&St. P I. , H. * W S3 do piertrrod..l23i . . . " . " " _ . V : IL. | * ft. 1 * > t A. Tk C * * < ' K * T. . . . . . . . . . 8utfst"iv& oy."wi : ; Lake. hue ! ! ! ! ! ! i ' .do I' " * ' " " ! . . " " CO Texas 1'acilic. . . . 31Ji Michigan Ccnfl. . Union 1'acllic. . . . 5i ! > , Mo. 1'aciao 10Si < W..St l < ifcl > . . . . 1SJ , No. 1'nclllo 81K do preferred. . S'J ? do preferred. . . . .V.i ' \V. U. Telegraph 77' MONKT ON CAJ.L Easy at 4(38 ( per cent closed offcreit at 4 | ier cunt. PHIMK MEUCAMTILE PArcn 5C tO p crnt. MTEKU.NO KXCIIANOK Dull and hcav at > ! for sixty day bills , and H.S5 > ; fo dfinnnd. 1'IIODUCK SIAHKHXB. Chicago. June 15. following quota tlons are the aJW : closing ligures : Flour Unsettlcit , owlue to tlioexcltemen In wheat : winter wheat now. Si.avgJ.&o inutnern , * 4.40j Wisconsin. .8oc < i4.50 Michigan tort sprlnK wheat , C3.tOC44.50 Minnesota bakers , S3.SGt4/iU ) ; pateuU. 84.0 S5.0J ; low grades. * S.05 < 83.2Q : rye Hour. $3.8 on.f.0 : In narks anil barrel * . I3.103S.W. Whcat-Upened wild and excited aud be cnma stronir and lltictimtua wildly , but late ( lio'lned considerably : Juno option opene < at 7.ric and closed at 71c : July opened at 71 @ 7fiXc and closwl at73Ko ; AtiKust. 74tfc. Corn Uiibettlrd , weak and lower ; cash We ; July. S7o ; August , . UaU Weaker ( or catU and June , July and Aueust ruled higher ; casli , July , 25t 'C ; Auiust , 2o c. Itye null at ftc" . "wrloy-'Stcady at 59c. irtothy Sced-J'riuie , S1.S5. Pork Nominally unchanged ; Juno , 22.00. Lard Fairly artlvo but irregular ; cash , S0.47K ; July , SO. . ' . ' " , ; August. So.O'JK. Hulk Meats-Shoulders , 8.VOO\-5.70j - short clear , S7.75W7.80 ; short rib ? , 87.U7H. Huttcr Firm ; creamery , 14@17Hc ; d&lry , 12 10c. Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 8/i | SJfcj Hats , 7 f'iS 4c ; joung Americas , bW irgs Kasler at lfl@14e. Hides-Unchanged jlieavy green salted 7 > { c ; Ilt'htdo , 7 VOibc ; silted bull hides , Gc ; green .salted calf , NJ ; dry Hint. 12@t c : dry calf , 13Ml4c ; dearons. 40o e.icli ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow Unchanged ; No. I country , 3"ic ; No. 2,2 c ; cake , 3kQ3 fc. . . bhlpments. Flour , bbls . 22.100 15.000 , bu . 47S.OOU 113.000 Corn , bu . 179.000 Oats , bu . 141,000 10 ,000 Kye , bu . looo Uarley. bu . 8,000 1,000 New York. Juno 15. Wheat Receipts , 417,000 ; exports , 71,000 ; about 2c lower and heavy ; options were nervous and at times BiiMtly excited in sympathy with the west , duo to numerous failures and general selling. Prices advanced } < < . ' * &c early , later became decidedly weak and declined 1 C J1 % < - ' , most matked on June , closing heavy , showing an iriegular reaction of Jtffelc : speculation was quite brisk ; ungraded red , BCCf'J5o { ; No. 3 red. bC@V.i } c ; No. 1 red , 03Wc ; No. 2 red , 9-ttiiCtc in t-luvator. tB'glBjfc de livered , lKJ@K ' ) c free on board : July ctoa- Int' at S7 c. Corn buot ifljJKc lower , and fairly active ; options opened jj'OfHc higher , closIiiK weak and advauco lost : receipts. 91,000 ; ex ports , ; ungraded , 4u&i47/1c ; No. 2 , July.cloMtn ; at4GJfc. Oats Opened lirmer , closing shadu lower ; receipts , C' ; exports , 500 ; mixed western , S4tfflc : ! ; white webiorn , ! ! 7@41c. Petroleum Finn : United closi-d at02c. Eggs Fair demand aud lirm ; western , 15Jf-ilCc. ( - Pork Steady and less active. Lard Lower and moio actlvo ; west ern steam , spot , SO.bO. llutter Finn and fatr. request ; western , 10 Cheese Dull aud declining ; western , S@ 'e. Mll\rnukco. Juno 15. Wheat Fever ish : cash , 73c ; July , 73 > < c ; Suptembor , iM . . Corn Weak : No. 3 , 35c. Oats Dull ; No. 2 while , 30c. Kye Lower ; No. 1 , 50c. llailoy Easier : No. 2 , 5Cc. Piovislons Quiet ; pork , June , S14.00. Oiiictiinatl , Juno 15. NVlieat Dull and neglected ; No. 2 red offered at 82c , without buvers. Corn Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 40c. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 2UW,1l > tfc , Kye-Dull ; No. 2 , C3c Provisions Poik neglected atSlS.OO. Lard , heavy aud lower ; ottered at jC.oO. Wldsiy Steady atSl.05. Mlnnoapoila. Juno 15. Wheat De clined about 2c : closed steadier ; No. 1 hard , cash and July , 71c ; August,72Xc : No. 1 Jioithcrn , cash and July , 70c ; Au- ust , 7l < fc > ; : No.2 northern.casli and July , OSc : August. C9j > c. On track : No. 1 hard , 72c ; No. 1 northern , 70c ; No. 2 northern , Gbc. Flour Quiet ; patents , S4.50Q4.00 ; bakers' , J3.COQ3.70. IteceiutaWheat. . 84,000 bu. ; flour , 900 bbls. Shipments Wheat , 113,000 bu ; flour , 13,400 bbls. bbls.8t. 8t. Jjouln. June 15. WHeat Weak and lower ; cash , 76c ; July , 74c. Corn Irregular ; cash , 34 @ 35c ; July , a-ic. aic.Oats Steady ; cash , 27@27c ; Juno , 27c. Pork Steady at 815.00. Lard-yo.25. Uutter Quiet and fair ; creamry,1518c ( ; dairy. 1015c- . Atternoon Board Wheat liregular ; July , 74 ; c ; August , 75Kc : September , Wc. Corn Firm. Oats Nothing done. Ksusaw City , Juno 15. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , cash , C5c bid , CCc asktd. Corn-No. 2 , cash , 2Sc ; July , 27J c bid , 28Jfc asked. Oats No quotations. New OrlcniiH , Juno 15. Corn Quiet and weak : mixed , 50@50K ; jellow , 01i < 52c ; white , 54a55c. ( Oats Steady at 3G50Xc. Cornmeal-Quiet at 82.30. HouPioducts Dull aud drooping. Pork S15.50. Lard-SO.OJ' $ . Hulk Meats Shoulders , 50.00 ; lonz clear aud clear rll > . V7.75. LIVE STOCK. Juno 15. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; slow and a shade lower : shipping steers , 83.05(3.4.75 ( : fancv , ? 4.b5@ . 0 ; stockers andleeders , 81.60 ( 3.25 ; Texas cattle , 82.85S3.00. Hogs Hecelpts , 2.1,000 ; closed lOc lower ; rough and mixed , 54.70(785.10 ( ; packing and shipping , 4.9535.25 ; light , 34.75@5.10 ; skips , Sheep Receipts , 3,000 ; steady ; natives , 83.00@4.40 ; western , 83.'J5@4.10 ; Texans , 82.50 4.00 ; lambs , per head , | 1.50 ( < J3.50. National Stock Yards , KitDt 8t. Lnuls , III. . Juno 15. Cattle Iti'celnts , 1,000 ; shtunifnts. 500 ; steady ; choice heavy native sti-crs. 54.3."i@l.CO ; fair to good * hlp- Elnj : steers , 33. X ! 4.30 ; butchers' steers , ilr tocholco , S3.70C4.15 ( ; teeuers , lair to ( 'ood , sn.lO4.00 ; stockers , fair to good , g2.10@3.10. Hogs Upcelpts,5,400 ; shipments , 500 ; actlvo and steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , S.r.10(35.'JO ( : packing anil Yorkers , medium to prime. 94.90 5.05 ; pigs , common to good , S4.'i" < 4.SO. KanH R City. June 15. Cattle Receipts , J.OOO ; shipments. 1.600 ; slow , weak and 5c lower ; common to choice , 3.iO(34.SO ! ; stockers , tfi.003.25 ; feeding steers , S3.XK3 : 3,7U ; cows. 82.00ft:5.50. ? : Hoes Hecelptn. 13.300 : shipments , 5,000 ; opened strong and closed weak and 10@l5c lowitr ; common to choice , 84.40(34.03 ( ; skips and pigs , 83.00@4.GO. OMAHA LIVI3 bTOCK. Wednesday , June 15. Cattle. ' The receipts of cattle were much lighter to-day than yesterday , there being only about one-third as many In. There were not many good handy fat native steers In , and that Is about the only grailo ot cattle that Is sought alter. The market was slow and dull ana only a few bunches chanxed hands. Trices were about steady with yesterday. Hog * . The run of hogs was heavier than yester day by 400 tiend. The market opened a little slow , but when the buyers once got at work thu bulk ot hoi's were soon sold. The mar ket was 5@10c lower but was fairly active at the decline. There were a tew loads of late arrivals curried over. There was notblni ; doing on the market Kecelpta. Cattle. . 700 Uogs . 0,500 Prevailing Prlcea. Showing the prevailing prices p.ild for live stock on this market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . . 84.10(284. ( 30 Choice steers. 1100 to 135-1 Ibs. . . 4.00C44.15 Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75 ( < J)4.00 ) Extra choice cows and heifers. . . . aS5it.35 ( : ( iood to choice corn-fed cows . . . . ai.V23.30 Common to medium cows . U.5038.10 H Uood to choice bulU . 2.7.Vct3.i5 Light and medium hoz * . 4.00U4.0.i ( Coed to choice heavy hogs . 4.70@4.M ) Uood to choice mixed hogs . 4.0X5-1.75 Itcpreaentfttive Hale * . STICK IIS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. 88. . . 1021 83.05 10..1C03 84.10 65..12.W 4.00 17. . . . 1315 4.20 2. . . .1155 4.00 ! ! > . . . . 1326 4.20 20. . . . lOiW 4.05 1. . 18G3 4.20 80. . . . 1800 4.10 17. . . . HCW 4.25 COWS. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 19. . . .1070 83.00 1..1110 3.25 HO58. No. Av. 8hk. 1'r. No. AT. Shk. Pr. 74. . . . .204AO V4.55 03. . . .239 N ) | 4.7ll 7 > . . , .25 ! bO 4.00 M.'iVJ H ) 4.70 G4..204 160 4.CO M..S51 M ) 4.70 71. . . .SOJ HO 4.00 60. . . .251 40 4.70 04 . . . .244 ISO 4.G9 74 . . . . ' S 120 4.70 61. . . .214 200 4.00 67. . . .241 4.70 69. . . . tt 40 4.05 50. . . . 209 100 4.70 ta..UO 60 4.05 5S..259 40 4.70 09. . . . 230 80 4.65 70. . . . 247 120 4.70 50. . . .847 bO 4.65 6A..253 V2U 4.70 74. . . . 281 40 4.05 6U..239 4.78H 77. . . . 227 60 163 67. . . . 245 40 Mvo Htock Hold. number of head of stock sold on the market to-day OATTt.K. O. II. llammond&Cu 103 KwlttAc Co 4 Local 42 Total 101 Showing the number nt nattlo. hoes and sheep shlpp'-tl from the yards during tlio day. C.V.TTLK. No. cars. lit. Dcst. 0 H.I 17 C. , H. & Q Chlcauo 1KKIS. ai . .K. I. Jollet All sales ot stock in tins market are mailo per cwt live woUht unless otherwise stated. bead hoe-i sell at Kc P'r Ib. ( or all wolehti. "Skins , " or ho s weUnloc loss 1UJ Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IIM. andsta sSJlbs. by thu miMlc imyootor. Ijlvc Stuck XotcM. Cattle slow. Iiois.5@l0c lower. JIo receipts heavier. llo.s avcraced 05 to the car. Thomas C. T.igi : was in \ \ 1th a load of hogs from Waco. J. Richards , Wababh , was hero and sold a load of hogs. J. J ) . Dunn , Arapahoc , was In with three loads of cattle. John Ellis , Orleans , Neb. , came In with two loads of IIOKS. J. I ) . Lewis , illllsdalc , la. , was hero and maiketed a loud of ho s. J. E. Hunt , Papllilou , caiuo In with a load of hogs which sold on the market. JIark Shepard , P.iwnce City , Neb. , was a won it the visitors at the yards. M. 11. Jeffrey , Osceola , was hero and mar keted a load ot 2.Tlb. . hogs at $4.70. E. U. West , Uothenberg , came In with two oads of hogs too late for thu market. llurter Pierce , of the linn of Pierce & Son , A.urora , was In with two loads of cattlo. William Moran , Yutan , was In and mar keted a load of hoes ot his own fccdlnir , J. U. Hall , Gibbon , was In with a load of 10-lb hogs which bold on the market at 84.C5. Joe Parkins , Weepln.t Water , came In with a load of hogs which . -old at satisfactory prices. A. W. Uealim , of the lirm of Trexel & lieahm , Cortland , was hi and marketed a load f 10 < JS-lb. cattle at 34.05. Oeorpu W , Lee , Harvard was In with two oads ot cattle aud ono load of hogs. 38 head averaged 13 > 0 and sold at S4.20. Mr. Nuchman , Arap.ihoe , was in and sold n load of Tery line 2'Jl-lb. hogs at $4.02 > tf , the ' .op ot the market , and two loads of cattle. Oeo. S. Brown , of the commission house of Brown. Parkhurst & Co. , was ovuicomo sud denly with the heat and had to be taken lomo. Mlko Murphy , Armour's IIOK buyer In the Turlington division at Chicago , was hero ookiut ; over the yards. He will be a buyer n the market here. J./ . Stevenson , Greenwood , was In with AVO loads of cattle and one load ot hojzsof his own reedluir. Ho is a now shipper aud was ivell pleased with the market. A. C. Virgin , of Viwm & Nelson , Utica , accompanied bv a friend to whom he was to show the sights of Omaha bv gas liclit , was 'n with two loads ot cattle and two loads of UORS. There Is likely to be a large Increase In the number of commission linns at the yards ' .his year. Theio are at least six Chicago inns that am talking of moving hero or establishing branches. OMAHA WUoLljSAlTt : MAHIIETS General Produce. Wednesday , June 15. The following price * arejor round lots of produce. < > Hold on tnc innrkct to-wi\i. \ EIIUH The receipts continue light and the market'is ' stronger. The bulk ot the block is moving at 11HGJ12C. BUTTKB Tlio best country butter Is mov ing at 12@14c , but only a small proportion of the receipts Is bringing that price. The bulk iscolnis atOftfllOc. Cnr.KSE. Full cream Cheddars , single , 14c ; full cream Hats , wins , 14c ; Young Americas , 14 > < c ; fancy Swiss , Ibc ; Swiss , ' ported , 25c : Llmburger , 15c ; brick , 15@10c. PouLTitv Llx o fowls are going at S3.00 ® 3.25 per dozen , and spring chickens at 83.00. POTATOES. Stock of all kinds Is scarce. Old potatoes are totnjr at $1.15@1.2.5 , accord- lug to quality. New potatoes at SO.OO per barrel , | UKANS.-Inferlor stock,75c@81.00good ; clean country , S1.00@1.25 ; medium , hand picked , 81.40(31.50 ( ; hand picked navy. 81.'jOSl.CO. LKMONS 'I'he market hern Is about steady with an active demand. Messina , choice , per box , 84.MM5.00 ; fancy , 85.5 < > < < { 6.00. OitAHciKp Hiverside , 84.W ; Navels , 84.50. llKituiEs The best strawberries sold to-day atS2.uo 2.SOpcr 10 qt. case. There were a few black raspberries In which brought 86.00 per case. CiiKimiKR There U a fair supply on the market and the average price tor io-lb boxes Is 82.00@2,25. BANANAS Tnere Is a fair supply of choice large bunches on the market. Large bunches , per bunco , S3.00@4.M. I'KACIIRH Per -bushel box. 81.502.00. JtAHruKitnitiKB Ptr 12-qt cisc , 82.75. Al'PiticoTS PerSO-lb box , 82.uOCa3.50. PitovisiONR. Ham , 12c ; brenkfast bacon rib , 10 ; breakfast bacon , plain , 10 } < e : drv salt sides , 8K&i Jf ; dried beef , regular , 100 $ 11 ; dried beet , ham pieces , 13c ; lard , 50 Ib cans , OKc ; Inrd , 20 Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7c : lard , 10 Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7Kc ; lard 5 Ib cans , Fairbanks , Ttfc ; lard , 3 Ib cans , Fair banks , 7\c. General Market * . VAUNISHKS Barrels , per gallon. Furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , SI.00 ; coach , extra , 81,40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum extra , 65c ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil tmisb , 81.50. UHY PAINTS- White lead , 7c ; French zinc , 12c ; Paris whiting , 2Kc ; whitlnir , gliders , 2 > fc : whltlnp , com'l , luc ; lampblack , Ger- iimnntown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , Sc ; Prussian blue , 55c : ultramarine , Ito ; Vandyke brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c : umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris creen , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common , 22c ; chrome green , N. V. , 20c ; vermlllion. American , Ibc ; Indian , raw and burnt umber , 1-lb cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna 12c ; Vandyke brown , I3c ; retined lam | > - black , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black , lOc ; drop black , 10c ; ultrama rine black , 18j ( ; chrome green , L. , M. & 1) . , 10 ; blind and shutter green. L. M. A U. , I6c ; Paris green. 20c ; Indian red 15c ; Venetian red , Oe : Tuscan , 22cAuierlcan : vermillion - million , Jj. & 1) . , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2c ; L. M. &O. 1) , 18c ; good ochre , lOc ; patent dryer. 8c : graining color , llkht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and , lie , UituusAM ) CJIKMICALS. Acid carbolic , 60c ; acid tartarlc , 52c ; baUam copaiba , per Ib , 60c ; bark sasafrass. per ID , lOc ; calomel , pei Ib , 78c ; chlnchonldla , peroz,25c ; chloroform , per Ib , 50o ; Dover's nowders , per Ib , 81.25 ; epsom sslU , perlb , 3 > < e ; glycerine , puie , pei Ib , bOc ; lend , acetate. i > er Ib , 20c ; oil. castor. No. 1 , per eal. 81.60 ; oil , castor , No. 2 , pei gal , S1.40c ; oil , olive , per cal , 81.40 ; oil , orle- annum. Mo ; opium , 94.50 ; quinine , P. & W. and H. &S. , PIT ; oz , 70c ; potosslum , Iodide , perlb , 83.2. * > c ; salleln. per oz , 40c ; sulphate morphine , per oz , 83.35 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c ; strvcnnlne , per oz , 81.10. PAINTS IN On.-White lead , Omaha , P. f. , fikc : white lead , St. Louis , pure. 7c ; Mar tellies , gre u , 1 Ib cans , ICc ; Frencn zlno , green seal , 1-c ; French zinc , red sen ) , lie ; French zinc , In varnMi a $ t. , VOc ; French zinc , 75c : mmlllioii , 'English , In oil , 75c ; red. lOc : ro e pink , 14ci Venetian red , Cook- son's , 2 fc : Venetian red. American , IHc ; red lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c : chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ociire , rocholle. 3c ; oohre , French , "hcochrt \ - , American , lUc ; Winter's mineral. 2 e ; Lehldi brown , 250 * ; Spanish brown. 2 > $ c ; 1'rlnco's mineral , .To. SriittTS-Colozno spirits , 1W proof , 81.10 ; do 101 proof. 81.13 : sinrll ? . second quality , 101 proof. 81.10 ; do IbS proof , S1.09. Alcohol , IS.1 ! proof , 82.13 per wine gallon. Redis tilled whiskies , S1.00M1.W. ( iln. blended 81.50 ( ' 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.OOiJO.00 , Kcntifckv and PennsylYanl * ryes , S2.03 ( < $ 0.50 ; Coldcn Sheaf boutlxin and rye whiskies , 81.50(33.00. ( Hranilles , Imported , 85.00(718.50 ( ; domestic , Sl.w : < jr3.00. ( iins , liunoitcd , 84.50 ® 0.00 ; domestic , Sl.'i'Kgaoo. Champagnes , Im- poried , per case. fr2\oOrf33.oO ( ; American , porca < c , smoo lO.OO. HIDES Green butchers , 5)V ) ( < ? Gc ; green cured , 7c ; dry Hint , ll ( < U2o ; dry salt , IKilOc ; preen calf skins. Sc ; damaged hides , two- thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white. So ; vellow , 2 5 brown , IKo- Sheep pelts , 25&75C. HUAVY llAiimvAiir. iron , rate 82.70 ; plow steel , special ca t. 4 } < c ; cruclblo steel , O' ' c : cast tools , do , r.fjtlbc ; wagon spokes , per set , S2.003.50 ; hubs per set , 81.25 ; Id- Iocs , sawed , dry , Sl.CO ; tongues , each. tOj ; axles , each , 75c : souiire nuts , per Ih , Oliil'lc ; cell ch.xln , per Ib , 0 @ 13c ; malleable , bGlOe ; iron wedges , Oc ; cro\v r\rs , Oc ; hanow teeth , 4Vc ; spring steel , 435c ; liurdcn's IIOP.O slioes , 84.75 : Hunlen'b mulii shoes. 85.75. Harucd wire , In car lots. 84.00 per 100 Ibs , Iron nallsratcs.lO to50.VJ.CO ; steel naisS2.75. ! Shot , S1.35 ; buckshot , 81.00. llaiard powder , keiss , 85.00 ; do , half kegs , 82.75 ; do , quarter koifs , 81.50 ; blasting , kegs S2.10 ; fuse , per 10 feet , 05c. Lead bar. S 10.00. Grocer's COPFKK Ordinary grades , 21i02c ( ; fair , 21 ( < i2.c ! ; piime. 2. ! 24 : eholcu. ! 2g25 ! ( ; fnncy L-reon and yellow , Sl@25u ; olil covernment Java , SSdi'iiJc ; Interior Java , 21@20o ; Mocha , a50c ! : Arbucklis's , ro.isted 'iijfp ; > Ic- LaiiL-lilln's XXXX , SS c ; Dllwoith's , 27c ; Ked Cross , 27'ic. SYBUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. 81.28 1.30 ; New Orleans , per uallon , 3SjJ40o ( ; m.iple syrup , half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , 810(0 ( ; half gallon cansper do85.50 ; quail , S3.00. CANDY Mixed , 8' < ; ® iic ; stick. 8 Q9Kc. CKACKIMIS ( Sarneaii's ' soda , butter and picnic , 5 } c ; creams , bl , < c ; ginger snaps.b c : city soda , " } { c. PirKiM.s Medium. In bbls , 87.00 ; do In mlf Ubls , 84 00 ; small , In bbls , S8.CO ; do , in ialt bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , 89.03 : do , n half Ufels , 85.00. SudAit ( iranulated , G2H ( 6 > c ; conf. A.OQ O'nc ; white extra C , 5XW : , . ic ; extra C. % c ; yellow ( J. 5 @ 5 > 'de ; cut loaf , " " ) owdered , GK@7c. CANNKD ( IOODS Oysters , standard , per case. S2.HOrtr3.10 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per ease. 82.30 ; raspberries , 2 Ib. per case , 83.25@2.45 ; Jalifornia pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , , > er case , 84.30 ; peaches , per cas < \ S4.00 ; white cherries , per cuse , 85.50 ; plums , per case , 83.50 ; blueberries , per case , 81.b5 ; eeg plums , 2 lu. per case , 82.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib. lercasc. S3.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib. mackerel , per do , 51.40 ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz , S1.50@1.65 ; 2 Ib. gooseberries , per case , 81.75 : 2 Ib. strhu > eans. per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per case. Sl.CO ; 2 Ib. marrowfat peas , per case , 82.40@2.50 ; 2 Ib. early June peas , per case , 82-75 ; 3 lo. tomatoes , 82.50 ; 2 Ib. corn , 82.50. Dry litimlicr. DIMENSIONS AND TIMBERS. 12 ft 14 ft Itt ft IS ft CO ft'23 ' It 24 ft 17.50 17.HJ 17.50 18.50 19.50 22.fiO.a8.5a 17.50 17.50 17.60 lfi.50 17.50 17.50117..W 18.5H 19.51,2. , M 32.BO 17.50 17.no17.5U ] IH.50 lO.fiO 82.fiOl33.10 212 17.51 17.Wll7.5J 18.50 19.WK , . .50 | ± ; .80 Ji-SxB 1H.M 111.50 20 LO ' . ' 3 ( Hi 2li.CO lOAUUS. No. 1 , com , sis . . . 810.50 No. 2 , com , si s . v . 17.50 No. 4 , com , sis . 13.50 rr.Nrijfo. No. 1 , 4&0ln , 13 & 14 tt , rough . 510.00 No.8 , " " ' " " ' . ' " . 15.00 SIDING. A , 12. 14andlO ft . S2J.OD U , l ! " " . . . . . . . . 20.50 r CEIMNn AND PAKTITION. Istcom. , Jf In White PJn Celling . 834.0J 'Jlear , H In. Norway PWe Celling . 10.00 . A 6 Inch , whltojiine . 3.r'.00 C " " " . 20. 10 E" " " ' ( Sel Fcn'g ) . l'J.50 ' STOCK BOARDS. A13Inchs.l8. . . . . . . . 8 .00 No. . i , com. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12. A 14 . 20.00 -inn . lo.oo No. 3 " " ' 12 , tl4ft. . . 18.00 " 16ft . 17.0J . 1st and 2d. clear , iw inch , s. a a . ? 5o.oo 3d , clear. 1 inch. s. a s S < " > IK , IK. - In 45.03 B select , 1 inch , s. 8 a 30 ; Itf , 1)4,2 ) In 37.00 POSTS. White Cedar , 0 In. , > $ s 12o ; 9 ln.qrs..llo Union TrustCo 308 S. 15tli St. , Onmliu , JVeb. Capital , - $300,000 Loam Pintle on Kcnl Csiate. School , County nnil Municipnl Bonds Ne gotiated. WM. A. PAXTOSJ , L. H. WILLIAMS. 1'roeidont. Vlc < > I'rca. KOUT. L. GAIU.ICIK , F. 11. JOIINXON , fcoorotary. Tiuitsurcr. DlUliCTOHB : WM. A. PAXTON , Htvuv T. CI.AIIKE , W. G. .MAWI. , U II. WILLIAMS. ItoiiT. U UAKLiniH. S. It. JOHNSON. F. II. JOHNSON. Thli beautiful < land , now famous RI on < iot tha most nttmctlvj summerreiorU on the EiiKtcrn mint lleiln PiiBiamiquoildr b r. ntf the emit of Maine , between the malnlanil and ( .rand Mnnun. . Ithasnttinro fnintttgo of thlriynvemljen , ilet-ply Indented by numcroni nivn. fttng-n * and Inleti , while the Interior nboundi In lofty nnd ilennely wooded hllln that offer rare clmrms to the lovcru of tlio pic turesque. Thei cillfx th t overhand tha sea for many miles re trulrrrand. The Tlew f thcuo mltihtr and uwc-lii- nplrliiK rocki , towering unilitlit uu out of the so a , will alone repay the l ltor for the Journejr there. The Hotels , to be Opened July I , are the tlncil to bo found east of Boston. Thor ara bciiuilfullr funilhboJ undupjulntcd throughout , iind In both exterior nnd Interior lutTonnnlr of hoiucllkJ comfort und reflnement eldom to bo found. There are some forty mlltn of roiidn on the island , and the driven nro varied anJ liuerctilnic. Tim ctablca are well equipped with well-trained tiuWlo anddrlvlnKhoraoi. a he bcmtlnx and nihlnz are excellent , and canooj with Indian KUldei , are always nt hand. HOW TO UKT TOCAHPOnir.LO ! : , Take the itenmeri of the International Line. loav. Inu lloston Monday , Wcdnesdty and Krlduy at 8J ; ) a. m. , arrlvlniiat KastporctlM folio ring morniniat B o'clock. , An annexitenmer connects with all itoamerJat Ka iport forCHiuiMibelloovo miles climnt. The steamers of the International Line * ro new andare ihotlnettcoastwUoKtatmcrs from llnstor. By rail no vl i Bouonanl Sl.ilneor Kaitorn It. It. ti Callas ; thencebr neamer ilnwiitho bejutlful B:0rolx river , or by c.irrlaie toii : tiort l.'i ) miles. By either routobiRuaze may bo checked through toCampobello. From Bur Harbor'to ' Campobcllo. Take itcamer nt liar Harbor for Machlan. where carriages mar nlwar * be found Inreadlnosi. Drlvo t : > l.ubec , mllei : tbence by ferry to Campobelloin mllc ) . The drive In c y and delightful. Aiipllcatlon for rooms mar bn made to T.A. BAH- K Kit , hotel m I'inKer. at lit * oKIco o f the undcraluncd. Illustrated book" with railroad and itenrner time tables , plamot the hotel nnd maps of the Island well nt full Inforniatlon revirdln the property onanpllcatloii to AI.KX8. POIll'ICK , en. Manager Campnbellp Island Co. , 27 State 8U Boiton , Mass. II. K. IIUIIK.ET. Funeral Director & Embalraer 111N. ICthSt. Telephone No. 10 DA H. SULLIVAN , Sewer connections made in any part ol the city. , Satisfaction guaranteed. 1620 Capitol Avenue , Omaha. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. NORTH W m.mmwt\ \ Thsjonly rend to take for DCS Molnes Mnr- Bhailtown , C dir Haplds.Clltfjn , DIxoB , Chlca- BO , Ifllwauke * und all points cunt. To the peo- ule of Nebrnskn , ColornJo , Wynmlnff , Utah Idaho , Nevada , Oroyon , Wn hlnirton and Call- fornla , it nlTar * superior advantage ! not pout- hie by any other line. Amonir afew of the numerou * point * of lu- perlorlty njoyed by the patron * of thli road between Omaba and Chicago , ara It * two train * a day of DAV COACHES , which ara the finest thxt humnn art and Imreniilty can create. It * PALACE ShEBI'lNtl CAH8. which are rood ell of comfort and ol gatioe. Its HAULOK DKAW- INJ KOOM CARS , unatirnaised by a y. and It * widely celebrated PALATIAL DININO OAKS tha equal of which cannot be found aleowhert ) At Council niuir * the train * of the Union Paclflo Itv. connect In Union Depot with those ot tha Chicago & Northwcftcm Hy. In Chicago the trains of thin line miike close connection with those of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin nati. Niagara Sails , Buffalo. Piltsbunr.Toronto , Montreal , Doiton , Now YorK , Philadelphia , Baltlmor * . Wahln rton and all points m the east , ask for a ticket via the 'NORTH WESTERN. " If you with the beet accommodation. All tlekel agent * Mil ticket * via this line. H. HTJOHITP , I. P. WILSON. UenL HanacwT , OenL Pata'r Arent Chicago , III. W. M. BABCOOK , L. R. BOLLX9. Wectarn Agent. Citv Paii'r Ageat. Omaha , Nebraska , THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF T11E Chicago , Milwaukee &SI Paul Rj The Route fi-otn Oinuhn and Council Hilt/fa to , THE E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha am Council Hlufr Chicago , ANI > Milwaukee , St. I'aul , Minneapolis , CeiiarKapids Rock Island , Frceport , Rockfonl , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , He oil , Winona , La Croife , Anil till other Important points East , Notthi-iu und Southeast. For through tickets call on the ticket agen at MOI Farnuiu st , In I'm ton hotel , or in Union 1'HciBo depot. I'ullinnn Sleepers and the finest Dining Cur In the world nro run on the main line of the Chlcoeo , Mllwaukeo & St. I'nul Hallway and ov cry uttontlnn H pitld to passengers by tourto ouscmplo > oi H of the company. It. Mir.i.KH. licnornl Mutmger. J. F. TUCKEII , AsUtantJonorul Mnnairer. A. V. U. CAitt'K.NTEH , General Passcuger am Ticket Agent. OEO. R llKArroun , Assistant General 1'aiaen ger and Ticket Agent. J. T.CLAHK , Utmoral Buperlnteodent. Omaba JoUars1 Directory. Agricultural lirplemtntt. WhoUtalcDrtltrln Asrrlcnlturftl Implcnients , r Koi nil llutel'n. Jcnc < Urcot , b lwp n Vtb nil linh.Onmhii , b. L1X1XQEH t SKTVA17F CO. , Aprlcultuntl Iniiilcmimts , . Hte. , Wholmtlc * . Om..h . , OH EXDOR l < " ,0 Vriiolc I Donlcrt In Aerrlcultnral ImploniPiils , WI.W , Wi ( iiul'.UT , Jones t Artists' Material. A. irOSVE , < TK.t Artists' Miiterinls. Pianos and Organs , U13 Douslns Street , Om li . _ _ _ Builders' Hardware and Scales. _ ' ' 'iffarEnAuaW'tC TAYLOR , Bnililora'lIarilwarn&SealoltopntfSliop Uochaulcs' Tuult niitl lluff.ito Sriilvt. 1100 Douk'ln > U , jk Uiualm , Net' . floor's and Shoes. TT. V. MOttSK cC CO. Jobbers of Hoots nnd Shoe ? . (11 K ru ni it , Unmha , N b. Mamifnclury , Butnmot f trrel , UtiRton. Z.T. LINDSEY < CU. Wholesale Itubbor Uoot4 and Shoes Huhliur niui tlllitl 1'UHIiliiK Una Kelt lluot * and SUoos. boutheaet Corner Itlh Beir. STORX cC ILER , Lajjcr Boor lirowcrs , IMl North l lh Street. Oiunh * . Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Uutchcrs' Tools and Supplies , Sansago Coilnm of nil Xlnrtu nlwayi In Hock. 111 ! Jonrtst.iOuiiftU * Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLAIifK SR r "co r Omaha Co.Tiio and Splco Mills. Tc .Ooff ( > o < . HpUcK. lluklnu 1'owdcr. tr ct , I-suuJiT Blue , Ink. Ktc. IIU- Birvet , OninbK. Nab. Comic ? . John Eponctor , 1'rop. Manafaeturer of Unlvanlted Iron and Cornle * . 933 Dodge and 103 ml lei IV , lOtii it. , ( Imalm , Neb. RUEMPING tE HOLTE , Uanufacturcrt uf Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer WlnUowB , Klnali.JleiallcSkjllght.vtc. 8108. mn it. , Omaba. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Sprcht , Prop. GaUanlied Iron Cornier * , etc. 8i'Oct' lmproTe < I Patf ent Metallc SKylluht. UB nnd 610 8. Hlli t.nmh ) . Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobberi of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , "Ruga , Mnolcnimt. MnttlnRS , Etc. 1511 Doui'ai ' ilrect. Crockery and Notians. Agent for the Mauu ! cturcrii and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lampi , CblQiuuii , etc. Offlrc , 317 Bouth lth it OiuabaN l > . CLOTHING M. ELGU'lTltR'S Mninmotii OloUiliipr House , Torncr 1 imiiun ami Tenth Streets , Oniulm , Neb. Commission and Storage. I > . A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing : . Kntter. EcgsanJ Produce. Conilanmenli ( ollcltcd. Ileadquartera for Htiinewnrp , Horn Holes and ( rape llaiketi. Kit Dodge itreet , Umaha. RIDltELL C RIUDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , ppuclultles ilutlcr. Kiiif. I'licem * , PO'ltry , Oaiue , O/ct-'rs etc. , etc. 1128. Ulhbt. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Provliloni , Omaha , Neb. WIEDEMA N (0 CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Fonltrj , llutter , Ontno. Kiulti , etc. 290 8. lilbit Omaha. N U , Coal anafUmt. O U. t.i.AIIAUII , TrCI. C. F. GOODMAN , V. PlOI. J. A. HUNinui.ANn , Hoc. and Trem. OMAHA COAL , COKE t LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 303 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob. , / . , / . tlollAtttttf t ; Cu. , Hannfuctnrora of Illinois White Lime. And rlhlppcn of ( JemI and Coke. Cement , Platter , IJmp.Hilr.Hro Rrlrk , Dn.ln , Tile anil Cower Pipe. Office , Paitnn Ilutul. Karnum Ft. , Omitha , Meb. Telerihono Pll. Confectionery. F. P. FAYA CO. , Manufactnrinp ; Confectioners , Jobber ! of Kruiti.Nuti and Cliar > . Ull Karuam BU Omabk. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER < C CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , = Quo * and Ammunition , 215 to223 5. lllh it. , 1100 to TJ3 * Farnnia U. . Oiuiba , N b. WEST A FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cicrarn , And Wholesale Dealer * In Leaf Tobneeoi , Noi.109 and 11U N. Ulb ctriiei. On aba. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Not ions 1102 and 1104 Douitlai , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. Distillers. DlitllUn of Uqunn , Alcohol and Spirit * . Importer * and Jobberof WlnusanJ l.lquori. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLE'f CO. and ILER , K CO. , Importer * and Jobbertof Fine Wlnea and Mqnnr * . Bole m nnf oluritr of ICninedr'n Kill India Ult- ten ana Douinllo I.lqunr > . 1112 llnrtnj HI. furniture. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Farnam tt. . Ouiatm , Neb. CHARLES SIUVERICK , Furniture , JJeiUlinff , Upholstery , Ulrron , etc. HOG.1209 and 1210 Farnam M. , Omaba. Groceries , PAX'l'ON , GALLAGIIER ,0 CO. , Wholesale Groceries and 1'rovisions , Not 70 ,707,709 and 711 K. 10th BU.OmuhK , Neb. McCORlt , Il.ltAltY , C CO. , Wholesale Grocers , K'tn and I.tirenworlb * li.Omahit. Hardware. C CO. , JobberH of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , HIic l Iron. Ktc. Aucntt ( or Hone Scalai , and Miami I'nwlerro.umaha.rf ( < b. W. J. nitOATCH , Heavy Hitrdwarc , Iron and Steel , BprlDO , Waion Block. Hardwar * Lumber , etc. 120) anil 1711 lUrner it. , Omuba. EDNEY < C GIUJJON , Wiiolesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carrltpe Wood Block. Ilearr Hardware , Ktc. l.'l" and I2I'J Leuvrnworth it. , Oinuhn , Neb. WTLTON RODEliS Jb SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , WaatUl , Uratei , Until Uoodi. 1X11 aud UU Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory. Iron Works. 1'AXTOX d > riERLIXt ) Iron Works , ht end Cit Iron DutMIng Work , Iron WUIn , lulling , llenml ulul ( llrJert. Stem KiiKlne * . litttM \Turk , ucnpral runnilrjr , Machine mil llltrkimltt ) Matt. UfncetnnVurtl.t ; . P. UT.ninliiliMlrd. ll.K.NAIt'VKJt , Vnnururturinfr Dealer In Sinoko Stacks , llrltililUK' . Tin * , Kiut ( icini at llollrr Ilepalrlnf , V. II. Mi'MANtlS. r PtTM.tVAH. OMAHA H'lllK .flltOX WOKKS , Itanufnctnrnrt of Ire nnd Iron Knlllue , Desk Rails , Wliulnw ( liiard * . Climer Hinml . Wira Slcni , Ut 1J1N. I'th. Orilori hr mnll prnminlr ( iltendcdt * Lumber. OMAHA T.UMHEH CO. , Doalor' . AUKIiulfof Jlnililliifir Material at 18tli StffBt and Union rapine Track. Omah . " JA ) U1N It KA DFOltl ) , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Llnio , Sash ) eon , Kto. Vanli-CtiniFrTlli and IXiuiilaii CoruM _ tflh _ ' ClllCAUO LUMBEli CO. , AVliolcsulo Lumber , HIS. lull utroet , Omaha , Nib. F.Colpt'ltcr , Manager. ' C. N. D1ETZ , Lumber. IStti i\nrt Cnllfornla ytrccti , Omaha , Nob. W. ( litAY , Lnra her , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kte. Cor.Clb and nongUs Hi. , Omaba , NaX JfOAGLAXD , Lumber. T. W. JTAKVEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Otflco , 1103 Farnam tr ctOronh . COAS. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood CntpelB and Parqnet Flooring. Vth and DouglM Omaba. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , "Wholesale Lumber , Etc. baport < fd und American 1'ortland Ccrarnt. Pint * Agent ( orUllwaukeu Ilrdrnullc Ccmout nnd Ueit WhiteI.lmp. Lire Stock. UlflOX STOCK YAJIDS CO. , Of Omalia. Limited. Johu F. noyd , Bnp rint cdtnt. iiV Slock Commission. 3T. liUHKE P SONS , Live Stock Commission. Oeo. Ilurke , Manager Union Stock Turds , 8. Omaha. Telephone tfH. SAVAGE At GREEN Live Stock Commission Merchants , BblpmenU of an ; and all klmla of Block lolloltad. Union Stock Tnrtln. Oraaba , Neb. Millinery and Notions. I. ODERFELDER C CO. , Importers and Jobberi of Milliunry and Notions , 121S and 1215 Harner ! * t > eot , Omahn , Neb. Notions. J. T. MOBIN SON XOTION Wholeiate Dealer ! In Notions and Furnishing1 Goods , 403 and 40a 8. Tentb St. , Oraaba. Orer alls. CANFJELD MANUFACTURING COMPANY , I Manufacturers of Overalls , ' Jeani PanU , Slilrtt , Ktc. 1103 and 1104 Uoujlat Street Omaha , Neb. PAPER CARPENTER TAFER CO. , Wholesale I'lipcr Dealers. Carrra nlcoHlncknf I'rlnltnii , Wrapping and Writ- IIIK puper. Kpcdul iitlcntlun EUon to car load or oiier , which will he ihlppeJ direct from rullli. All ordcrt will receive pcrtoiml at entlon. We cuar- niiteii KOOII Rooild and low price * . 1111 nnd 11116 Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makers. And Book Binder * . IOC and 10H Soutb rourteentk itreet. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealer * In Type. Preniei and Printer1 Huppllos. COO Pouth Twelfth NtrecU Pumps. JiROH'NELL C CO. , Manufacturer * and Dealer * In ncrines , Boilers & General Machinery Bheut ( run work , Htoam I'urapf. S'lw JllllJ , Acms Sbaftlnu , Dodg Wood ipllt Putlara , Baltlnv. to. Aliowagani , icnpsrj.aodljaletlei. venwortbnt. Omaha CHURCHILL PmTP CO. , " \Vholesalo Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Eteimnnrt Water Huppllei. Headqiuirtcra fur Mu | K3DitCo' Uo.vU. 1111 taraam ) hn. Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. Dalladar Wind Mllm : rleam and Water Pnppllei , Plumbing Oooiti. Beltlni ; , llnne. Via unit raj tar * ' nara > t. , Omaha. B. K. Feltnn , Muuagcr. T lephine ( No. 210. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines. Uun , Water. Hallway and Milling Hupnllci. EMk tJO , 1KB and 824 t'arnam at. . Omaha. Meb. . Safes , Etc. p. HOYER e co. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock CO.B' Fire and Ilnru'ar Proof Safat. Tlra Ixicki , Vault * _ and Jail Work. 1WJ Kaniam ttrett Omaha , Nab. _ G. ANDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. HanurncturenofFtraaml IlarglarProofBafei , Vault IXiort , Jnll Work.Shut.era und Wlru Work. Cor. Hlb unit Jackson rltt. , Omnbu , Neb , Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISItROW < K CO. , Wlioloale Mnnufncturcraof Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , llranch office , UiUfciid Itsrd tt BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , ii ftulrWnrkand Interior Ilnril Wood Klnlth Juil op neO. N. K. cor. fith and Leavtnworll ) bta. OmuliK , .Nob. m\ \ ] KLEIN HOUSE Johnstown , Neb , The best accommodations Tor travelers. The be t hotel in town. F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor. CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb. Tlin lien knnnu nil most popular hotel In Plate. Locmldno ciitrulupioliiiiiientn ! | ( list class. Ht'ui | < | imrtut8 lor < ominurciMl men and ull political unit pufollo iriitliiiilnirM. 15.1' . ItUUUtiN , Proprietor Fchool , County and City IBOKTIDS ! Wo will pay hiirlien prlco for same. Made itt i li's. Coirctpoiiilnnce s-olidtod , STULL BKOS. ,