Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    'l.H'-TO ij fyi > BfrMn > B3JTS . ' " ' 4 < l " * * . - . -atfta.i.fci1" ! * ' " " " "
The Omaha Gladiators Defeat the Sluggers
From Haw City.
Bnao n/ill Elsewhere Tlio Stnto
Spnrtmncn'a Shoot nnd Convcn-
tlon--Yc itor < lny's Score
K vents of the Turf.
The Cowboys Captured. "
When the Omaha team -made Its southern
trip u few weeks ngo Maunder Phllbln wrote
home Hint Dooms , who was then pitching for
Leaven win th.waa the only man In the south *
crn circuit whoso delivery was too much tor
the Omaha gladiators. Dooms Is now with
the Kansas City club , nnd occupied the box
in that team's contest with the Omahas at
Association park yesterday afternoon , and
the manner In which ho was slugged would
Indicate that the collators have made a re
markable Improvemunt In their batting. Such
1 * the caso. They found Dooms for nineteen
lilts , with a total of twenty-eight bases , and
the hitting of tlio homo team was only ono
feature of the game. Their work In every
respect was super'or ' toanythlnit bcforo done
by them this season. Healoy occupied the
box for thcOmahns and pitched a remarkably
good game , striking out cluht men and con
fining the cowboys to \\cho hits. Ills de
livery was speedy and puz/llng.
IIo was well bupportcd. llandlo
caught Urn tlret Inning with his
old-time style. In the second Inning hemet
met with a painful accident. ilcKeou was
at tbe bat and reached tor ono ot llealey'a
fearful down shoots. He made a foul tip
which canaht llandlo In the face , the ball
forcing its way Into the oyohole ot the mask
with fearful force and closing Handle's left
eye. He was knocked down nnd WAN uu-
consclous tor several minutes. 'Ills Injuries
consist of a badly bruised eye and several
loose teeth. ITarter was substituted and
caught an excellent game. The visitors were
out-played at every point , the game resulting
in a victory for the home team by a score ot
17 to 7. Tno score in detail Is ait follows :
Omaha Swift dropped a lly to center Hold.
Walsh and Dwycr hit safe but died on bases ,
JlosBltt retiring at tint by Klnzlo's assist
and Komko on a pop lly to short.
Kansas Clly ifcKcon fanned out. Mun-
nlng bit to right and scored on Bingo's lilt ,
llassaman being caught at second by Handle.
Slansell rapped the sphere for a two-bagger.
Klngo was caupht at home trying to score on
passed ball ,
Omaha llandlo made first on Manning's
error at fihoit , got third on Bailor's hit and
scored on Healoy's sacrifice. ( Jenlns wnnt
to first on balls and Under scored on Swift's
long fly to center wblch was captured.
Walsh made a home run and brought Uounis
in. Dwycr drove a grounder over second
bale and Messltt retired at llrst.
Kansas City Klnzlo hit to left. Crane retired -
tired at first by Kourko's assist. Mappls took
llrst by being lilt. Dooms struck out and
McKoon drove a little grounder down to
Dwyer and retired.
Omaha Kourko drove a line flr to left and
scored on llarter's two-bagger , llarter came
homo on leader's lly to center. Uenlns
truck out and llcaloy retired at tlrst by
Dooms' assist
Kansas City Manning's high fly was
nipped by Messltt , Hassaman bunted the
ball to llealey and retired at first Klngo lilt a
grounder to center and died at second , Man-
lit * cell irolna out at llrst on Swift's cleverstop of
* a daisy cutter and assist.
Omaha Swift went out at tint on second's
assist and Walsh followed his example.
Dwyer made a place hit to right and Messltt
retired on a fly to center.
Kansas City Kliule gave Hcaley a tip-up
and retired at first. Crane got first on Swift's
fumble of an easy grounder and scored on
Alapnls' hit overftccond base. Dooms struck
out and Mappla scored on McKeon's daisy
cutter past second. llcKeon scored on
passed oall , Manning tiled out to center ,
Hassaman made tlrst on Walsh's muff ot a
tip-up and Itlngo atruck out.
Omaha Hourke hit to left nnd scored on
llarter's throe-bagger to the same field , Bader
wai > caught at lint by third's assist Genlns
hit safe to left , scoring llarter , and came
homo htmneu on a succession of wild
throws that were made In a frantic effort to
head him off at the various bases , llealey
i struck out and Swift fouled out.
i Omaha Walan went outat first by second's
assist. Dwyerls long fly to the left was cap
tured. Messit's lly to the center was muffed ,
giving him first. Uourka bunted ono to
Dooms and failed to reach Drat.
Kansas City Doom's line lly to toe center
was captured by Uonlns. McKcon drove a
grounder to Swift and failed to reach urst
Manning bit to center , llossawan waa put
out at first by Walsh's assist
Omaha Hatter's long fly to the center was
muffed , giving him second base and a score
on Barter's two-bagger. Genln's tip to center
was captured but gave Dader a score , llealey
1 dropped a lly to center. Swift hit to left ,
1 Walsh struck out ,
Kansas City Klngo and Mansell strnck
out and Klnzlo retired on a long fly to right
( which was captured by Messltt after a long ,
bard run.
Omaha Dwyerstruck out Messltt retired
at first by short's assist Itourke struck out.
Kansas City Crane went to urst on ball * .
Dooms went out on a fly to Swift Mappis
truck out and McKcon dropped a fly to
Bwltt with the usual result.
In this Inning the Omahas began slugging
Dooms and soon piled up six runs. Tbo
Kansas Cltys succeeded in adding two to
their list , ending the game. The official
f pore Is aa follows : _
OMAJIA. . ros , xn. u. In. TII. us. ro. A. K.
Jtarter ( .
Banidlef e l l o n o a i o
Bader If
Oenlna . . . . . . .m5 3 340100
llealey p 5 l i l o l 10 a
Totals. . . . . 51 17 19 ! M a i7 ! 18 8
KAK. CITY. POS. AD. It. In. TU. B8. PP. A. KJ
kcKeon ib 5i i I o ia oj
Manning M 5 a 3 3 l o a l
Klngo. If 5 I 3 U 0 4 0 1
Mansell m
Totals . 43 7 ia 13 5 28 17 7
Omaha . 0 4303030 0 11
Kansas City. , . . . .1 0 04 _ 0 0 0 o a i
Hans earned Omaha 0. Kansas City 3.
Two base bits Switt , llarter , Bader , Gen-
Ins and Manuel ) .
Ttitee-baso hit llarter.
Uome rim Walsh.
Left on bases Omaha 7 , Kansas City 8.
Struck out lloiiloy a. Dooms 5.
liases on balls llealey 3 , Dooms 1.
liases for hitting man with bull llealey 1.
Wlldpltches-Healey 1.
liases stolen Omaha 3 , Kansas City 5.
Tltuo of game 3 hours ana so minutes.
Umpire Hunt >
The following is the batting order for to
city's game :
Omaha. Positions. Kansas Cltv.
Krehtnoyer . Catcher . Hin > ro
Bartton . Pitcher . Nicholas
D vry er . 1 s t base . Me Ke o n
Hwfft . 3d base . Crane
Kourke . 3d base . Konik
Walsh . Short Stop..J. Manning
Bader. . . . . Left Field . Llllli
( Jenlns . Center Field . Manse !
lUght Field . Uasjamti
Leavenworth Severely
DENVTH , June 13. [ Special Telegram to
the UKK. The initial Donver-LeaveuworU
rawo to-day was witnessed by about ax
people. As far as the visitors were concerned
It was limply fugging match. Welch dk
iwrac good work , but otherwise the playlns
was exceedingly poor. The home dub playet
ae of the eest xautn they Lave this season
ukla * net ft slagle error and scorlag M bit :
fl C yUaHuaec * , wblcU s the kighct
nailo by any Western league club this year.
[ 'ho score :
) enter. . 3 8 0 3 5 0 a 2 5-29
. .cuvon worth . . . . 1 000300 t ! 3 8
llaso hits Denver .TS , Leavenworth 17.
Errors Denver 0. Leavcnworth t' . Huns
arncd Denver 17 , Lcavenworth 8. Two
laso hits Smith , Tt-heau , McSorloy , SllchS ,
Ivan. Uorman 3 , Curtis , Drlschel 2 , Sproat ,
Wclcii , 1'coples , FltMlminons. Thrco basu
ills Kyan. O'Neill. Jlomo runs Gorman ,
tyan. Welrn , Tebcau. Uascs on balls
Sproat B , Fltzftlmmon * 7. 1'asswl balls
rXelll 1 , Welch 0. Struck out Sproal 0 ,
'luslrnmons 1. Left on Uasrs Denver 13 ,
< eavenworth 8. Wild pitches Fltzslin-
rnousS ,
fjlncoln Dcl'ontH Topckn ,
LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 14. | Special Tele
gram to the BKE.J Topeka met Lincoln for
ho llrst tlmo on the grounds of the latter
uid was an easy victim for the homo team.
The game was well played on the part of
ioth clubs and characterised by torrlllc bat
ting by the homo club. Jtown lifted the
spheroovcr the fence In an adjoining ward
and scared a homo run. Hart and lioover
were the Lincoln battery , and Conway and
Gunson for the visitors , The score by In
nings was :
Uneoln . 0 3070040 4 17
lopelca . 0 111 3130 1-10
National Longim Onmca.
I'lTTsnuito , June 13. The gama between
the Plttsburg and Detroit teams to-day re
sulted as follows :
Detroit . 0 0301350 * 11
1'lltsburg . 0 00000013 3
Wtchors Uot/eln and Morris. I5aso
hits Detroit 1C. I'lttsbur * U. Krrnrs-l'Itts-
burg 5. Detroit 5. Umnlro Doescher.
CIIICAOO , June 15 The game between the
Chicago and Indianapolis teams to-day ro-
fiiltud as follows :
Chicago . 0 U0300001 3
Indianapolis . 1 00000001 U
I'ltclwrs Ualdwln and Bovlo. Haso
hits Chicago 7 , Indianapolis 13. Errors
Chlcaeo 2 , Indianapolis 5. Umpire Pierce.
BOSTON , Juno 15. The game between
the Boston and Washington teams to-day
resulted as follows :
Washington . 0 0350510 * 13
Boston . 0 4
Pitchers Whitney and Hadboiirno. Base
il s Washington 21 , Boston 13. Krrors
Washington 3 , Boston a Umpire Holland.
NKW VOIIK , June 15. The same between
the Now York and Philadelphia teams to-day
resulted as follows :
New York . 0 1 1 3 8 8 4 C 3 29
Philadelphia . 1 00000000-1
Pitchers Tlernan and Keofo for New
York ; Casey aud Daily for Philadelphia.
Base hits Now York . " > ' ) , Philadelphia 4.
Krrors Now York 5 , Philadelphia 8. Um
pire Powers.
The Anicrloau Aoonclntlon.
NEW YOIIK. Juno 15. The game between
Metropolitan and Louisville to-day resulted
as follows :
-onlsvlllo. . 3 31010031 0
Metropolitan . 1 10110030 C
Pitchers Kamsov and Shaffer. Base hits
Loulsvlllo 10 , Metropolitans 11. Krrors
Loulsvlllo 5 , Metropolitans 7 , Umpire
Pim.ADKLrmA , Juno 15. The game between -
tween the Athletics and Cleveland to-day re
sulted as follows :
UhlRtlcs . U 0103130 3 18
Cleveland . 0 03001301 0
Pitchers \Ve > hmg and Daly. Base hits
Athletics 23. Cleveland 11. Errors Ath
letics 5 , Cleveland 5. Umpire Knight.
BALTIMOUK , Juno 15. The game between
Baltimore and St. Souls to-day resulted as
follows :
Baltimore. . 0 00000110 2
St. Louis . 3 2300010 * 0
Pllchers-Smlth nnd Foutz. Base hits-
Baltimore 8 , St. .Louis 10. Errors Balti
more 8 , St Louis 5. Umpire McQuade.
BHOOKLYN , Juno 13. The game between
Brooklyn and Cincinnati to-day resulted as
'ollows :
Brooklyn . 0 00200000 3
Cincinnati . 0 3100003 * 0
Pitchers Porter and Smith. Base hits
Brooklyn 11 , Cincinnati 11. Errors Brook-
yn3 , Cincinnati 1. Umpire Ferguson.
The Sportsmen's Tournament.
The attendance at yesterday's shooting
tournament was much larger than that of the
opening day. The shooting was also better
than on the first day. The contests resulted
as follows :
Champion team gold medal of the Nebraska
State Sportsmen's association , presented by
Pforzholmer , Keller A Co , , through E. Hal-
lett , of Lincoln , Neb. Teams of two , ten
blackbirds to each man , eighteen yards rise ;
ties on three to each man , same distance.
Entrance. 80.00 par team , birds Included.
The medal to remain trio property of the
Nebraska State Sportsmen's association , but
the team winning It may retain It by giving
satisfactory guaranty that it will be forthcom
ing at the next tournament to b shot for as
herein provided , the team so holding It to be
entitled to the entrance fees next i ear. Any
clnb may .designate as many teams as they
desire for tuls contest
iiKconn. Score
Won by Lincoln team at Lincoln , Juno 13 ,
1833 . .18
Won by Tekemah team at Plattsmouth ,
Juno 13 , 1884 . 17
Not contested for. 1885.
Won by Omaha Una club , 1880 . 13
OMAHA OUN cr.un.
Kennedy. . . . ' . . l llliotlll 9
t.ane . . . 1 111011110 8-17
Weers . I 110111111-0
F. CrablH . 1 011110111 8-17
Clarldcfl . . . . / . 0000100001 3
E. F. Cook . 1 11011 0101-7-14
STANTON rurN cxun.
Barnes . . . . .0 lOliiilll 8
Bain . . . . .0 lioooilll C 14
Ackerman. , . 1 111011001 7
Brown . 1011 lllll 1-9-10
Ilenkle . 0 Olllioiio 0
Jones . 1 lioiioill 8 14
Xeller . 0001 110110-5
Haarman . 1 lOlllloiO 7-13
Umcker . 1 101111001 7
Woods . 7 011011101 7-14
Knapp . 1 111011011 8
llobon . 1 001010011 0 14
Nason . 1 1-10001001 5
Burgess . 1 010001111-
Fitchett . 0 111010010 0
Chrlstler . 1 100111011-
Petty . , l 111100111 8
Brewer . , . t 111111101-
Ellis . 1 101011111 8
Kay . 0 110011101-
Krug . l 01110011 l ,7
Halo . 1 11101111 0810
GlldorsUeve. . 0 101111111 8
Smith . 0 011011011 6-14
Penrose . 1 11111111 1-10
Uardln . 1 11101111018
Won by Pean e and lianlin of the Omaha
Qua club. The jatraow KCBI | ! (9
Ccnnedy and Lane , who won the medal last
Twelve illnoHocksv 18 yardsrlso. Entrance
85.00 , birds Included. Four moneys 40 , ! X ) ,
JO and 10 per cent.
Llughes 1 00000000111 4
J. Crablll 1 11100101111 0
Uudd 1 1111111111 0-11
White I 01111000111 8
Howly 011100111111-0
Maysi-nt 1 0101111111 1 10
Jook 0 10100U11100 5
llergorsen 0 10001111111 8
Kennedy 0 10011010010 5
Jlarideo 0 10001000010 3
Skinner 1 11011011010 8
Williams 1 0111111111 0-10
Weers o looioioilio 0
F. Crablll 0 10011001101 0
I'lnld 0 00001011000 3
Humphries 1 01101100010-0
Barnes 1 11001101011 8
Oeorce. ; 0 11100101000-5
Ackerman 0 1111011111 1 10
Xeller 1 01011110010 7
llrown 011111011110-0
Brucker 0 11011011011 8
Haarman 0 1111101110.1 0
Hnyder 1 01001101000 5
Knapn 0 10011011011 7
Dakota 0 11111011001 8
Petty I 11000111111 II
Ponroso 0 1111111111 1 11
Hardlu 1 11011011100-8
( illdcrsleevo 0 10000011001 4
Smith 1 01001111001 7
Budd and Penrose divided first money ; the
toxlancoof the ties will bo shot off this atter-
Four pair live birds , twenty-one yards rlso ,
Humphries. 1 001010 0-3
llughos 1 l-r ,
Parmalee 1 110110 0-0
Williams I 111111 0-7
Haarman 1 011111 0-0
Drcoto 1 100111 1-f !
liotlman 1 111001 l-il
Den i l 000100 0 2
J. Crablll 1 1 8
Uarncs 0 1-5
Smith 1 111301 0-0
Falkner 0 011011 1-5
Ackorman 0 010111 1 5
Urown 1 110101 1-0
Hlnkol 1 011111 1 7
Cook 0 10011 0 0 3
Hergerson l 1111011-7
K. Crabill l 001111 n-5
Uudd 1 011101 1 C
llowloy 0 1 7
Xeller 1 0-0
Skinner. r 1 1 1 1 0 0 I 1-0
Kennedy. 1 0 I 0 1 1 1 0 5
Woolsey u 111010 1 5
West l 1011110-0
Tucker I 011101 1 r ,
lltrble l 1 8
McLaughlln 1 011001 1 5
Craig 0 011101 1 5
Patrick l 1 7
Bruckor 1 1100001 4
Aldrich 0 111111 0 7
Evans 1 0 l 1 0 0 l 1 6
Krmj 1 001100 1-4
J. Crablo and Uublo divided first , 374.80.
Ties on 7 for second , miss and out :
Williams 0 1
Hinkol l 1
Bergersen l l
Kawley 0 1
Patrick 1 0
Jlinkcland Burncison dIUdod SM5.10.
Ties on 5 for fourth miss and out :
Falknor 1 1
Kvans l o
Barnes 1 0
Ackenmm l l
F.Crabill l o
Kenneddy 0 0
Woolsey 0 l
McLauglln 0 0
Cialit 1 0
Falkner and Ackerman divided fourth
Ties on 0 for third miss and out :
Hushes 1 ill
I'armalee l ill
llaannan l 100
Decoto 0 0
Hoffman 1110
Smith 0 1
Urown 0 0
Budd 1 111
Teller 1 0
Skinner 0 0
West 1 0
Tucker 1110
Aldrlch 0 0
lluiches , Parinelee aud Budd divided third
Parmalee and lloliau shot a special match
for& > 0a side against Uudd aud Hughes.
The score resulted In a tlo on 14 at ten birds
for each man , and In a tie on 8 at six birds
tor each man. In the third shoot Budd and
Hughes won , killing eleven birds of a pos
sible twelve , while Parmalee and ilohan cap
tured but ten.
The Sportsmen's Convention.
The Nebraska State Sportsmen associa
tion held its thirteenth annual convention In
the parlors of the Millard house last evening
at 9 o'clock.
There were some twenty-five delegates
In attendance representing the Omaha and
Gate City Gun clubs , of Omaha ; the Teka-
rnah Sportsmen's club , of Tekamah , Neb. ,
and the Hastings Gun arid Game clnb , of
Hastings , Neb.
President W. U. S. Hughes was In the chair.
The first business In order was the reading
of a list of the delegates by Secretary George
E. Kay. Mr. Brucker then made a motion that
n committee of three on credentials bo ap
The chair appointed Messrs. Bardwoll. of
Tekamah , and General Smith and John
Zeller , of Omaha , and they reported that they
found the follow ! ng clubs represented and
delegates elected to this convention from
each club respectively , to-wlt :
The Tekamaha Sportsmen's club : Messrs.
C. E. Bardwcll , J. M. McLauzh Iln , J. K.
Beard , W. S. Craig and G. E. Atwater.
Bastings Gun and Game club : Messrs. J.
C. Weors. A. Beach , J. Gardner , W. U. Hayden -
den and J. Doty.
Omaha Gun clue : Messrs. II. B. Kennedy.
W. C. Ellis , J. Fields , U. A. Worley and G.
F. Bruckor.
South Omaha Gun club : Messrs. ' A. J.
Hobom , J , Zellor , P. Simpson , F. Pflaglng
and F. Uarinan. ,
The minutes of the last annual meeting ,
held at Omaha , June 11 , ItWO.-were then read
and approved. ' - -
The next business In order was. 'the pro
posals and election of new members-
The following applications- < momber-
shlps , accompanied by the initiation fee ,
were presented :
The Le Fever Gun club , of Omaha : the
Stanton Gun club , of Stanton , Neb. , and the
Prairie Gun club , of C larks ; NOD.
On motion of General G. S. Smith the rules
were suspended and the above clubs de
clared members of the association. : > „
A communication from tne tnm club of
South Omaha , notifying the association of
the change In the name of that organiza
tion to the Gate City Gun club , was read aud
on motion the change noted on the books of
the association.
Mr. Smith made a motion that the secretary
be authorized to correspond with Mr. Jen
nings , ex-treasurer of the association , and
request him to remltbalnnce In bis possession
due said association. Carried.
The secretary of the Lefever Gun club
presented credentials of the following list ot
delegates elected to this convention : W. D.
Towusend , Elmer Clark. It N. Burgess , W.
E. Mason andC. A. Abercromble.
The secretary of the Prairie Gun club
furnished delegates for the following delegates -
gates : E. A. Ulchardson , W. 11. Clark ,
William Douzlas , It li. Doulas and Davis
< Ulchardson.
On motion of Mr. Brucker both deleca-
, tions were seated In the convention.
, On motion of General Smith the conven
tion adjourned until this evening at 8 o'clock
sharp , when the annual election ot officers
will take place and the place tor holding the
next annual election decided upon.
During a large catherlnu of gunners and
sporting men at the sporting headquarter * of
Penrose & Hardln , corner of Thirteenth and
Dodge streets , last ovenlnt. Frank Parmeloo
wade the crack that he could beat any man
man In the city , .25 double rises , 31 yards , llvo
birds , for 3100 a side. J. J. Hardln snapped
up the offer like a hungry trout gobbles a
gray hnckle , aod a forfeit ot Si" was posted
with C. B. Lane. The shoot will take place
Friday altornoon , Uardln to narno Ms man
There Is much talk among the visiting
sportsman as to the ability of several of their
number to down the local crack
uttbt , Mr. U. A. I'en rose , at any
style and fos any amount It la
quite probable that several ot these ambitious
shots will be accommodated with matches
with the gentleman before the close ot the
tournament , and for whatever number ot
money they see proper to designate.
Tne state championship badge which waa
won In 1M by Messrs. Kennedy and Lane
WM contested for yesterday afternoon by
sixteen teama and wa * takta by Mtwa.
Pcnroso and llftnllh.liy a score of IS out ot a
possible 20 , there. tiMntr several tics In 17.
Charles Budd , wlttrclalms to be the chain *
plon win * shot of tlio United States , and
who Is In attendance at the tourney , shot
Lord Graham , chatnnlou of England , In Jer
sey. on the 1st "of January , lbS7 , each
killing bQ birds wit ot 100 , but both were
afraid to shoot ott tliA tie.
U U well worth aUrip to the Fair grounds
to see Budd and fVitroso shoot. They are
both dandle * with Hit gun , and no mistake.
The C. E. May lift diamond badge , valued
at SrflO , will bo shot tor to-day at U:30 : p. in.
Open to members ot the association.
A majority of tlio live birds seem to have
been poorly orife d. Many of them are
sliovcu Into the Ulyt more dead than alive ,
nnd the vorli f/tyro'Dught to grass from six
to eight out ot'ten. n ' '
Amonc tlioiiiota < v * national reputation
participating in tli6 tournament might bo
mentioned C. W. Budd of Dos Mnlncs ;
11. A. Penrose , Omaha I S. A. Turker
of Merldcn. Conn. ; "Bob White"
Belolt , WK , P. Bcrcensen , Choyunno , Wvo.
C. 0. Williams. Missouri Valley , la , , John
Huges , Fends , la. , and J. Crabill , Clarlnda ,
la. Besides these , there are stars at the trap
and In the field of a lesser magnitude with
out number.
To witness the crack shots nt the fair
grounds grass llvo birds and sinasli liuint-
mate targets , ono would Imagine no very
great amount of skill Is required. But step
to the score and try It , and It will bo found
that the very refinement of dexterity , quick
and unerring vision , the steadiest of nerves
tuid a cool head and stout heart arc all neces
sary to prevent being made the butt of ridi
cule and a laughing stoclft >
The weather has been all that could bo de
sired for the shoot , notwithstanding early In
the afternoon , these brlitht sunshiny days.
the light has not been conducive of great
scores. Nevertheless they are being made ,
nnd all those Interested in the cun and field
sports generally who do not attend are miss
ing an .opportunity but seldom ottered In a
lite time. The management Is thorough and
every facility for enloying the rare sport is
assured to visitors.
Budd makes a picture when ho steps to the
scoro. His attitude Is statuesque and grace
ful , and ho shows every point the great shot
that Uo Is.
LiiiKt of St. Louis Itnnes.
ST. Louis , Juno 15. Tno tenth anil last
day of tun races was ono ot the best of the
meeting , the weather being splendid , and
the track fast. The following is the sum
mary :
All nges , ono and one-sixteenth miles :
Spauldlng won , Wyamlotto Chief second ,
Luke Alexander third : Time 1:51. :
1-or thrco-ycar-olds , ono and ono-olghth
miles : It was a walkover for Daruna.
All aces , one and one-quarter miles : Miss
1-ord won. Jacobin second , Egtuont third.
Time 2:07Jf. :
One and one-quarter miles : Warslcn won ,
Pete Willis second , Alamo third. Tlme-
For maidens , three-quarters mile : Eight
to Seven won , Tom Upteerovo second , Clay
Sexton third. Time 1:10 : % .
Racing nt Oravcucnd.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 15. A.t Gravesend the
weather was crisp aud cool , track good , and
tbe attendance fairly largo. Following is the
summary :
Five-eights mile : Salisbury won , Bramble-
ton second , Monti third. Time 1:02 : # .
Ono and one-eighth miles : Ulchmoud won ,
Swift second , ( Jlilckhouilng third. Time
157. „ , .
Five-eighths mile , two-year-olds : Balston
won , Mary Buckley , ! tllloy , second , Lottie
Fllmore third. Time -MIX- -
Three-fourths inllo-J Tornado won , Stuy-
vesant second , J. W , 'White third. Time
Two-year-olds , thrcq-fourths milo : Toatray
won. i'ordliam second , Salvlni third. Time
Ono mile and seventy yards : Orlando won ,
Wlndsall second , Burton third. Time-14S } .
Meeting of the Grand Chapter of the
Eusti n Star.
The thirtieth nmnml convocation of the
Masonic grand led o of the state of No-
bmska mot last evening at 7:30 : o'clock in
Masonic hall in this city. About 400 del
egates were in , att ndanco together with
about fifty delegates' representing the
twenty lodges composing the Grand
Chapter of the Eastern Star. When the
convocation was opened the glittering
cross of gas jets from the white dome in
the ceiling shone down on as tine a rep
resentative. body as ever assembled in
Omaha. The lady delegates after the
preliminaries rotlrcd to their hall and
listened to thoToadlng ot the annual ad
dress , after which they elected the follow
ing olliuorc :
Grand Worthy Patron James B.
Grand Worthy Matron Alary A.
Associate Grand Patron II. R. For-
Associate Grand Matron Mrs. A. J.
Grand Secretary Rov. II. A. Guild.
Grand Treasurer Edwin Davis.
The oillcers in the convocation worn :
Grand Master Charles K. Coutaut.
Deputy Grand Master M. J. Hull.
Senior Warden George B. France.
Junior Warden J. J. Mercer.
Grand Treasurer Cliria Hurt man.
Grand Secretary W. K. Bowtm.
Grand Marshal R. E. French.
Grand Custodian B. F. Rawalt , who is
Grand Senior Uoacon L. H. Cooloy.
Grand Junior Deacon J. A. Randall.
Chaplain Rev. Mr. Hood.
Tnu annual address was listened to and
the election of oflicers will take place
From the report of the committee on
returns it appeared that 710 members
wore gained during the ynar , making at
present a total membership of 7,377 in
thu grand ledge , which is composed of
165 chartered lodges. The financial report
shows that the treasury contains
$11.709.67. Everything so far indicates
a flatteringly flourishing condition. The
convocation will bo .concluded it Is be-
liovcd thin evening.
Among these present are ox-Govornor
Furnas and William K. Hill , both of Ne
braska City ; Hon J. E. North , of Colum
bus ; J. G. Haystrcet , Kencsaw ; J. C.
Condon , Arap&hoo ; O. Homo , Syracuse ;
1) . R. Daniel , Norfolk ; J. L. Young ,
Tocumseli , and the ninny other delegates
whoso names could not bo obtained.
Mart Conly waa arrested last night
while attempting ft > von > a drunken man
in a Dodge strcot sitloon.
Harry Kimball anil C. Goldstein , two
notorious crooks , \vjeru arrested yesterday
afternoon for attempting to turn a trick
on Douglas street. , V "
Hose Marlon cn n ctl in a neighborly
row last night and appeared at the police
station with a soterelv cut scalp as a
trophy of her eucom\tor.
The Second ward ; republican club will
hold a mooting to , night at the north-
cast corner of Sixteenth and Williams
streets for the tratuilction of important
business. ' -j
Mr. W. II. Whltelyiof the Boston Her-
aid , was at the Pattern yesterday. Hu is
on route for San Jo&c/Cal. . where ho will
remain througliout-tho Hummer with a
view of bonelitUngJlUi health , which is
much run down.
Another National Docly.
The fourteenth national conference of
Charities and Corrections will assemble
in this city .on the Urst of September
and remain in session until the 7th inst.
The local committee have appointed ex
cellent standing committees on finance ,
transportation , entertainment , printing
and decoration. The affair is going to
bo pushed with vigor and earnestness.
The local committee are : J. A. Glllcs-
plo , chairman ; II. W. Yatcs , N. Merriam -
riam , Alvin Saumiors , Robert Doherty ,
G. M. Hitchcock , Mrs. O. C. Dinsruoor.
Broke a
William Rhodes , an employe at the
Fowler packing house , foil from a freight
car at South Omaha yesterday afternoon
and broke bis leg.
. . t-.liL
Theatrical People Given n Itaitqtiot By
Ijimilon'e I ira Mnyor.
ICopi/rfoM JSS7 ly Jitm'j ( Jonljn fi'nne'M '
LONDON' , Juno 15. [ N'ew York Herald
Cable Special to the UKH.J Lord Mayor
Hanson Is celebrating his new harouctairo
and this jlibllco year by a succession ot
feasts. In his official library can bo found a
cony ot the ant ranking stage folk with va
grants and vagabond * . In the adjoining
banquet hall this afternoon he entertained
at luncheon these vagabonds. A largo crowd
of pit-lies , as well as many customary Kuro-
jican boxes , gathered to see these vazrants
enter tlio municipal mansion. The Urst to
arrive was Mr * . Keeley , who , forty-live years
ano , nlayed at Nlblo's Garden. She stepped
from her democratic cab as little
like one elility-ono years old
ns Is George Baiicrott when ho
mounts his horse. Not long afterwards ar
rived Mrs. Fanny Sterlltu' , ten jo.vrs ,
younger , who at Victoria's asscsslon was a
dramatic belle In molo-drama at the Adulphl
when managed by the father and mother of
Uilmund Yatos. Between the arrival of
thcsu veterans cimo the youngest aspirant-
Mrs. James Brown Patter radiant In laoo
and muslin suited to an su degree day ; Mrs.
John Woods , who declines to bo termed a
veteran ; then Charles Wyndham , who she
dropped In 1S01 from her Now York company
"because there was no making of an actor In
the young man. " Thou Colonel Mapleson
nnd Augustus Harris appeared together as
amicably as If they were not engaged In
metaphorically cutting each others ooer.atlc
throats. Colonel Cody came on horseback- ; !
tended by a groom. Soon after him came Mrs.
Charles Mathews , best known In Now York
as Llzztn Woston. But a lull catalogue of
the cuests who were cheered by the crowds
ns statesmen are greeted as they arrive for
parliament , would exhaust many play bills ,
past and present.
A Junir.Rr. omcnx ROOM.
Inside the mansion house was literally a
jlibllco green room. There were hearty greet
ings , conversational buz/ , gracious and wel
come cues spoken , an abundance of straw
berries , , tigs , pcachcs.cherrlcs.aprlcots , ( lowers
of an Ku llsn June , of wines as old as George
Ill's Jubllco day , and the epigramatlc breath
over knives and forks can bo best Imagined
by your readers.
What took place In a public way was eron
better In Interest , Mr. Irving escorted the lady
mayoress , the lord mayor gave his own arm
to Mrs. Keeley , Mrs. Wood honored the buf
falo hero , the youthful Toolo escorted tbo
still youthful Mrs. Sterling , and all the man
agers and manageresses paired as smilingly
as If pooling their box receluts. All vocif
erously drank the queen's health and silently
hoped she would now often box herself.
The lord mayor , who Is a Cambrldgoman of
roputo.spoke a pleasant prologue of welcome :
"Tho luncheon Is an acknowledgement of
the great debt of gratitude my constituents
ewe thn ladles and gentlemen who had so
long Interested , laughed aud amused them.
It t < as over forty years alnco my thcatre-
Kolnir recollections began. I do not ,
however , propose going into his
tory. I merely desire to express
my ( treat gratification at the opportunity in
my official capacity to testify on behalf of
the public the regard felt for those
who had done so much to evoke their best
feeling. The weather , however , did not
justify , and it would be baibarous to keep
you unnecessarily long In a hot room. Wo
shall speedily adjourn to the saloon , where 1
hope you will lind U cooler. But , In the
meantime , I glvo with the utmost sincerity
the toast , 'Tho Drama , ' aud Mr. Irving will
respond. "
invixo o Tint DRAMA.
That gentleman began by remarking : "I
know the resuonslolllty of standing before
my follow actors and actresses. I know
what It Is by rehearsals nnd other ex
periences | laugh tori , and I have to bo ex
tremely careful in any remarks 1 may make. "
After some humorous allusions to ancclent
frictions between corporations and actors ,
Uo remarked that an actor always spoke
nicely of it and of lord mayors , lie then
gave felicitous quotations from Shakes
peare , and added : "Many predecessors In
your high oftlce , my lord mayor , have been
immortalized by Shakespeare , notably the
lord mayor in the play of Ulchard III.
I may tell you that the lord mayor
In Klcnard HI waa the first part
in which mv frlond Mr. Toolo distinguished
himself , aud it was indeed ono of his most
distinguished Impersonations. If he could
ever be Induced on any occasion to play the
part again for the benefit of any whom may
be worthy such an honor , I shall be clad to
support him on the occasion In the part of
the J > ko of Gloucester. " At this point of
laughter Mr. Toole was heard to observe In a
semi sotto voce , " 'Tls a bargain. " After
some graceful reference to many present ,
Irving observed : "The actors of this conn-
try , my lord , In some respects , are the best In
the world. [ Great applause. ] Whether
they are the best actors In all respects it
wouldn't be becoming in mo to
say. If I thought HO , I should
be very reticent , because I know what the
result would bo when engagement * como to
renewed. But If. my lord , they are not the
host actors In the world , they are certainly
the most appreciated actors In the world , and
the hospitable , welcome which you have given
to-day Is very gratifying. Wo are also very
delighted , to meet the sheriffs of London.
There may have been a tlmo , pnrhaps , when
the presence ofthe [ sheriffs [ Longcontlnuod
laughter. ] BiitYladles and gentlemen , these
days are past , and we will think only of the
bright future. My lord , on behalf of my
fellows , I tnanK yon , and 1 think I may say
for them that you will have their good re
port while you live and as good aa epitaph
when you die. "
Mr. Toolo continued in ono of those happy
Impromptus which the "Odoro Hook" used to
spend rnor'nlngs over In making Improvls-
lens , and next coffee and pleasant tags fol
lowed In the well ventilated reception saloon
until thoughts of call boys again Introduced
the company to the cheers and recognition of
the "million" outside.
Jublleo Plots nnrt Pardons.
LONUOX , June 15. Tno Central News Is
sues the following : A dynamite plot to be
carried out .during , the celebration of the
queen's Jublleo , has been discovered. The
police are retrlcent.
The following U from official sources : In
formation has been received In London
which loaves no doubt that dynamiters have
arranged to commit an outrage or series of
outrages during jubilee week , but the
authorities have full knowledge of the con
spiracy and these encaged In It , and are con
fident that they will defeat the plot-
t < * rd. For months past reports of
the movements of prominent nlotv
ters abroad and their probable accomplices
In England have been received in London
almost dally. The chief ports have been
watched dally during the game period In
vlewjof the arrival of certain suspects without
previous notice having been received from
British aeonta abroad , llio movements of
Patrick Casey and bin associates iu Paris ,
who have been closely followed by special
detectives , and others outside the Casey rlnc
are aUo known to be watched.
Queen Victoria , In commemoration of her
jubilee , will grant amnesty to all military
and navy prisoners convicted of minor of
Section Five of the Coercion BUI.
[ Copl/rfoM J&97 ! > ] ] Jame * Oonloii UtnnM. ]
LONDOX , June 15. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BEK. ] Clause fifth of
the Irish coercion bill as passed , reads as fol-
ows : "The lord lieutenant , by and with the
advice of the privy council , may from tlmo
to time when it appears to him necessary ,
by proclamation declare the provisions of
U > ls act wblch relate to proclaimed districts
to any ot those provisions to be In force
within any specified part ol ItoUad a frem
the date ot proclamation or any later date
specified In tlio proclamation , and the pro
visions of this act which are mentioned In
the proclamation shall itftcr said date bo In
form within such sperliicd part of Ireland ,
nnd that itartnf Ireland shall bo a proclaim
ed district within the meaning of the
proIsious so mentioned.njt \ snchi
mutton Hhtill bo tlccmcil toHUT c.ri > lrcd If
cm tnhlrcsv M jtrcn'nteil to licr nwjcnt\i \ Ini
cltlirr hmtko /wrMiinii'iif pruj/liii / ; f/mt /
jiroclfimtmtm xfmtl not continue in
force. This section shall not apply to the
provisions of this act relating to dangerous
imoolrtUnns. Whnn any provisions of sec
tion' } ot this act relating to Rilinmarv juris
diction are declared by the proclamation to
bo In force In a district , such provisions shall
apply to olTenscs committed In said districts ,
After the passing of this act , whether before
or after the date of the proclamation , when
the provisions of section .1 or section 4 of
this act relating to special juries or changing
thn pluco of trial are declared by proclama
tion to bo iu force In a district , such provi
sions shall apply to crluins committed In the
district bcforo or after the passing of this
act.Tho forcgolnn gives in Konian section r , as
orUlnally Introduced , the portion In Italics
are the amendments made In committee.
lloyalty Illclo With Buffalo BUI.
LONDON , June 15. The Princess of Wales
family nnd a score of members of foreign
royalties attended a private exhibition of the
Wild West show this morning. All rode In
the Dcadwood coach , the Princess of Wales
sitting on the box , Colonel Cody driving.
Giand Diikn Michael of Russia and Prince
( Jcorgo of Wales rode horses bolonglng to
thu company and made some good shots at a
break-neck p.\co.
Wilt Lenvo the House.
LONDON , Juno 15. Gladstone will close
the debate on the crimes bill Friday with a
criticism on coercion nnd the general policy
of the government In Ireland. Smith pro
poses to ntop debate and declare the bll
through the committee stage at 10 p. m. Fri
day. It Is cxpectod that members of the op
position will thereupon , without voting ,
leave the house In a body.
Ocrniany'H Spirit Tnx.
BKUT.IJJ , June 15. The retchstag to-day
adopted the additional provisions of the
spirit tax bill to the effect that In CARO a tax
shall hereafter bo Imposed upon spirits now
free from taxation there shall still he allowed
to publicans and dealers 40 litres and others
10 litres from the duty.
Coercion in the Cotuinonn.
LONDON , Juno 15. In the debate on ttio
crimes bill to-day Flnlay ( liberal-unionist ) ,
moved an amendment that any association
or associations proclaimed be spt'clflcally
named In the proclamation. The govern
ment accepted the amendment.
Kaiser Wllholm Worse.
BEUUN , Juno 15. The Uelchs Anzelger
announces that while tlio symptoms hitherto
attending Emperor William's malady con
tinues to subside , ho yesterday caught a
fresh cold , and , owing to this and the effects
of his recent Illness , ho Is somewhat weaker
and requires rest. The doubtful tone of this
bulletin has renewed alarm on the bourse.
Bismarck Growing Worse.
BERLIN , June 15. Bismarck's condition
has become worse. IIo Is affected with
rheumatic pains , wblch prevent sleep. Ills
doctors advise rest aud a change of climate.
His Illness , however , prevents traveling at
Earthquakes in Franco.
TAHIS , June 15. Earthquakes visited
Ilocheo. Surrognou and Lavornoig In the department
of Haut Marino . The
partment to-day. people
ple wore frightened Into a temporary panic.
What the Alayor Says About the
Recent Order.
"Your honor , " said a reporter of the
BKE , addressing Mayor Broatch , "thoro
is a great deal of talk on the streets about
your order probibiting music aud danc
ing in the boor gardens on Sunday.
Won't you lot the people 'know through
the BEE precisely what , was meant ? "
"With pleasuro. This is an opportu
nity I have desirod. In the first place
there was no regular manifesto issued ,
but instead , in consequence of innumera
ble complaints that have reached mo
from private citizens aa well aa from
members of tbo city council
from different wards , with reference to
the annoyance they have been subjected
to on account of boisterous and disor
derly conduct that ban marked the Sun
day gatherings nt the different beer gardens -
dons , especially these in the south end.
where they have music , dancing and
beer , I considered it my duty to take
some steps toward their .abatement , if
not suppression. Accordingly I simply
instructed the chief of police to Investi
gate the matter and order the closing of
all such descrlood resorts on the Sab
bath. The gardens where they have
dancing seem to bo the objectionable
places , and if there is good foundation
tor tbe verbal order given tbe cbiof ,
it shall stand. I am de
termined that the decency and dig
nity of the city of Omaha shall be main
tained. I am beset on all sides about this
Sunday question. It is a vexed one , and
as you know , public opinion is omnipo
tent when itis aroused. In too many
cities public opinion is asleep. Toughs
do as they please when honest men DC-
come indifferent. It is for us to decide
whether disorder shall take us by the
throat , or whether wo shall throttle it.
Wo must not forget that the welfare of
this city is determined by the people's
son so of what is lawful , innocent and
correct' . If the people demand order they
will have it. Mind , now , I am in sympa
thy with tlio laboring classes , and believe
that they should bo provided with
places of recreation and amusement
whenever they may have the time nnd
opportunity to indulge in .it , bo that
whensoever it may. But 1 do not take
any stock in disreputable dives , or disor
derly beer gardens or dance halls , no
difference who runs them or where they
are located. We have plenty of resorts
whore there is music and refreshments in
Omaha whence comes no complaint , and
they should , in my opinion , not be mo
lested. In conclusion you may say in the
BEK'that there has boon no regularly is
sued order closing the clty Sunday
pleasure resorts. Tbo animus of my in
structions was to reach the disorderly
places. Morning. "
"Morning. "
Being in possession of the mayor's
idea touching this interesting question ,
some of tbo tabooed and untabooed gar
dens and dance hulls vero visited.
Tbe first place called nt was Paul
Scnfa , way out near the corner of
Eighteenth and Vinton streets , ana the
BIK : man was not slow io > observe that
Paul was going to do tbe great kick
act. IIo said lie kept an orderly place
and was going to continue to keep it. ilo
closed last Sunday obedient to the police
mandate , nnd in consequence ho
was ? 100 out of pocket. Sunday
is his only day through the
week business is at a standstill , and if tie
is to bo deprived of this sabbatical reve
nue ho might as well put up his shutters
for good. Ho closed last Sunday , but is
not disposed to keep up thu Sunday clos
ing practice unless compelled by the po
lice. Scnf really has a very pleasant place ,
with umbrageous trees , easy chairs , ta
bles and numberless other appliances of
comfort and case , besides on Sunday
there is some startling music ( hut gives
the nerves very active exercise , while a
delightful ctlluvia that tells wondrous
tales of beer , renders the place nil that'
could be expected. Occasionally a crowd
of South Omaha toughs runs in on Paul
nnd for a time make things exceedingly
hilarious. But ho lias two bturdy po
licemen of his own hiring always on duty
aud ho is positive that they are MI ( Helen t
to maintain tbo best of order ut all times.
John Spoerl's gardens are just across
tlio street from Lent's , and hero pretty
much tbe same condition of things was
found. Spoerl has bcur tuul music aud
dancing on Sunday * . Ilu c.Uers to thn
same class of yuoplc , uud.of couriu , con
ducts art orderly houso. No. roughs , no
minors , arc tolerated there , lie intends
to kcup ills place in a way tint he will
not bo ashamed of , and will only close on
Sundays when the police lock his
plnca up.
1'rltJ ! Moollor , in tlio same neighbor
hood , presides over a neat llttlo beergar-
den nnd a commodious dancing ball , Ho
expects to entertain largo crowds dur
ing the summer season , bill clilolly relies -
lies on Ills Sunday afternoon patrons.
John HolVmaii , on South Thirteenth
streets owns a saloon nnd datiro and
theatrical hall. Ho say.s no one has over
complained of bis place ; that lie can got
tbo endoi'somoiit ot every citizen within
square ? of his ball. Once a month ho
gives a theatrical performance at hid
place , and the front rooms of his place is
occupied bv Palacky lodge , No. xix , C.
S. P. 8. , a Bohemian bonovolcnt order ,
and next Saturday the annual conven
tion of this organization will bu held
there , and on Sunday the delegates will
adjourn to Spoorl's garden for a general
A New Charge.
The Danish Lutherans ot tills city have
for some time past felt tlio want of a
church of sufllciont dimensions to accom
modate their increasing roll of members.
They have accordingly decided to build
a now church , nnd plans have already
been made by M \ P. J. Crcedor , archi
tect. The proposed building , which will
bo located on Twenty-second street , near
Lcavnnworth , will bo constructed in the
gothin style of architecture. Its length
will be 0(1 ( feet and width HO feet. A base
ment will run tlio entire length of the
building , and this will bo used asasohool
room. Hov. ftlr. Bodhoult , who has re
cently came to Omaha , will be tbo minis
ter iu charge.
Howe's London Circus.
Last evening the mammoth canvas of
this company was literally packed by an
enthusiastic ; audience , who seemed to bu
more than delighted with tlio perform
ance presented for their amusement.
Everybody speaks only In terms of praise
of the performance ) and nil assert that the
show is the peer of any fifty cunt concern
that has over visited the city.
I'ursonal I'arngrapho.
Jr. M. W. Stone , of Waboo , stays at
the Millard.
The city physicians report an unusual
mortality among infants , especially from
diseases of a dysentery nature.
Mr. Otto Puls , the thriving German
actor , starts to-day for Blair and vicinity
to make arrangements for a performance
of the German theatrical troupe of this
city , to take place at Blair on July 4.
Hon. James H. Kyncr , of Omaha , goes
to Ohio this week. He baa been notified
ot the acceptance of his contract for the
building of the new railroad from Lan
caster to Hambon Junction , through the
famous coal aud mineral regions of that
section of the above state.
The Modest Monument In a Cheater
Connty Cemetery.
West Chester Record : A few days ago
chancing byLongwood during tlio course
of a drive through Kast Marlborough and
Konnett townships , I tied my horse under
ono of the fresh green maples on the
grounds surrounding the old meeting
house , and sauntering across the road ,
through tbo little iron gateway loading
into its unpretentious burying ground ,
with iu ono hundred or so of humble
mounds and tombstones , I came , cro long ,
to the resting place of ono whoso name
and farao has been spoken throughout the
world , and who , though dead in tbo flesh ,
is destined to live within the realms of
literature forever. It was within a small
enclosure , probably not over ten feet
square , surrounded bv an iron railing of
plain design , but effectual in barring
strangers from intrusion within its sa
cred portals. In one corner of it stood
a tall ovcrgrccn tree with outspreading .
brandies that sheltered a goodly portion
of the lot , and under it , standing on a
granite base , probably a foot in thickness
and three feet square , on a small mound
of earth , rose a cylindrical shaped
stone less than five feet high and two and
a half feet in diameter , flat on top , and of
a light brown or buff color. Near it on
every side were growing shrubbery and
evergreens of humble but neglected
growth , and struggling through tbo
sward bore and there near the base of the
stone wore lilies of the valley , now fresh
inv'gorous bloom , with their tiny white
blossoms bowing In graceful clusters
toward the earth covering thu ashes
of ono who in life so oft had clung to
them. In a line extending mure than
half around the neatly moulded
cylinder of otono , I read thu
words : "Ilo being dead yet spoaketh , "
and under it , about tlio centre of the
cyclindcr , on the side facing the grassy
pathway , surrounded by a wreath of
laurel wrought by sculptor's art within
the Immortal stone , was a medallion of
bronze , with a raised profile. It waa Unit
of a kindly face , full of character , full
of cnorgv and perseverance , but with
lines of disappointment here and there ,
adding to its expression. It was not the
profile of such a man as ooe la accus
tomed to seeing every day. Under it in
letters , too , of bronze was the never dying
BxvAnn TATion :
January 11,18 ! .
December ll ) , 1878.
Turning with reverence from the snot
which thus held mo spell bound for a tow
minutes for I had not stood near the
grave since the day that the spot was liret
hallowed with Its * nacred treasure I
moved around the corner of the lot and
confronted a marble stone , too , within
the railing , and road upon it :
of the First Pennsylvania ( Buck-
tail ) Itllln Ureglment , who cave
bis life for his country at Oottys-
bur ; , July 2 , lbC3. Veil at the
head of bis regiment , leading a
Krectod by his soldiers and his frlnnds ,
In a mass of neglected and decaying
ruins , partly in and partly oil'the erassy
mound beyond it , was a large tloral harp
that had been placed there a year ago or
more , and had never been touched.
A. Man Winded His llomalna to bo
Scattered In Mid-Ocean.
Probably the most remarkable will
over made was drawn up in Plttsburg on
February 17 , 1877. The testator , Am
brose Hethargo , who is llfty-two yearn of
iigc , after ds ! | > 08ing of $10.000 in real es
tate , directs as follows :
"I direct that my body bo taken to St.
Michael's church , and , after the proper
religious services uro performed , that it
bo given in charge of my family , who
will convoy it lo Samson's crematory
nnd there have it burned lo ashes , the
ashes to be put in a small bottle nnd
given in charge of thn Gorman cpn-
sul in Pittsbun : . This gcntlonmii
will then forward my ashes to llio consul
in New York , who will give them in
charge of the captain of the German
steamer Elbe , who will place them se
curely In lilx ship for tbo ocean voyago.
" \t bun at mid ocean I direct the cap
tain to request ono of the pis : < nnger.s to
dress in a Hcafarlng suit and ascend with
my ashes in his hand to llio top of the
topmost mast , and , after pronounclnt : a
last benediction , to extract thn cork from
the bottle and cast its contnuta to tlio
four winds of heaven. I dinct. nlno.
while this corumonv is being performed
that it be witnessed by nil the passengers
on board.
"Alter the Elbe has completed hnr trip
and returned ugum to Now York , I want
a full .statement of my death and the scat
tering of my ashes in mid-ocean published
iu thn Pittsbiug papers , BO that my
friends in this city shall know mj burial
place , "