Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Quito a Battle In the Wheat Pit Won By
the Clique.
A Very Unlit Trmlo In Corn anil
I'rluo Fluctuations Narrow
OntH In Fairly Active Oc-
tunnel Quotations.
CnicAdo , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram to
tlio BKK.1 Cables were far from strong' to
day nml thu outsltlo domestic markets all
tended towards n lower rniuu. In tliU mar
ket Juno was firmly held at WUJMc. .Inly
was buoyed m > bycll'iuo muscle , and deferred
deliveries cased oil In sympathy with the
weakness prevailing elscwlieie. July wheat
opened nt Sij/c , or H'o below Saturday's
closing price. The crowd \\ai bearislily dis
posed , but theru was a irood demand : it thu
start and tlio price moved uu. One of the
clique houses displayed n willingness to take
nil the olferlnits and thu price moved up to
83J c , wheru there was unite a battle , the
clique , as usual , winning the light. Thu
clique buying at 83X@c ! was on a liberal
scalc.and atthe latter quotation Itoscntuld
bid the market for "any part of .1,090,0(0 hush-
els" The price Immediately went to S4J.Cc ,
but settled later and at 1 o'clock rested at
tfiJfQ&lXc , with June quoted at 02J4c , Aug
ust nt 0c , September at VJc. Thu Hue-
tuatlons In tlio AiiKUbt option weic from
EO'jc at the opctiini ; to 7U c , back to
0 , ' ( ! ibO)4'c , down sharply to 7li > .fo
and buck to 7HJ < c , and down
again to TOYc. September ranged bO fifl
Tli e , and December Kl fe Vc. Theru was
liberal trading In tlio whole list of futures.
July htill continues to atttact the lion's share
of attention , however , and will doubtless
continue to occupy thu position of spccnluti ve
honor lor thu next ten days at least. Tlio
crowd Is attacking now crop futuies with
great vigor and the temper of tlio wliolu
country seems to be bearish on the new crop.
The spirit ot hostility to tliu clique stems to
be gaining .strength on 'change. It Is taking
form In a well-delincd purpose on thu part ot
the board of directors to uncouragu the enlargement
of " " and It
largement "regular" storage room ,
Is sold that the directors will put thu neces
sary label on about 1,000,000 bushels capacity
additional to-morrow.
Corn was well nleh featureless In tlio
speculative market , there being a light trade
and narrow fluctuations In prices , t'lio ex
treme range covered by July , which was the
leading feature , was JiV. . It opened and
closed at 3tta on the regular board , with
3HJc high and : toc low. August was l c
pioiuliim over July , and September 2c prem
ium. Thu 1 o'clock quotations were about
on a level with Saturday's latest bids.
Oats for future delivery were In fairly
actlvo demand , though buying to-day was
largely bv shorts to cover outstanding con
tracts. Heller July ranged at ' rKu.Xc ) and
closed at 'Mont I o clock. August and Sep
tember rented at U5c , though in the early
dealings both sold down to 4c. There was
a pretty llrm tone to tlio trade at tlio closn.
In tlio provision pit the week opened with
Rpeculativo Interest confined almost wholly
to short ribs. For lard there was only a
moderate demand for parties desirous to
change over or extend some outstanding con
tract , and in pork there was literally nothing
doing. Prices were held steady. The
changes witnessed oven in short ribs wcro
limited , and at 1 o'clock lard stood at about
Saturday's figures , and short ribs 3 > < @ 5c
lilt-tier , I'ork for cash and Juno deliver re
mained at 12-J.OO.
AFTKKNOON SESSION Wheat was steady
for Juno at ttJi.Ce , July at Nij c , August at
TOc , September at 7b , ' < c. Corn was easy ;
July , : th@iS : , ' < c ; Auuust , au c ; September ,
40c. Oats were easier ; June , 24 c ; July.
lUKc ; August , 24c. I'ork was neglected
and nominal , Juno being quoted at 322.00.
Lard averaged -J-ic lower at the close , when
Juno stood at § 0.00 , July at $0.05 , August at
CIIICAOO , June 13. [ Special Telegram to
the BKK.J CATTI.K The receipts to-day
wcro quite largo and included fully 5,000
more natives than on last Monday. The
market was naturally weak and slow , as
buyers bezan by bidding 15@iJ > c lower. Sales
were inado slowly and thin , rough and
heavy cattle wore loft until the last and at a
late hour a good mani such were unsold ,
Smooth fat 1100 to 1250 Ib cattle sold about
5@10c lower than Friday , but all others sold
10@15c lower and trade closed quite weak at
that. Grassy cattle , of course , suffered , and
buyers wore naturally morn fastidious than
If they had not had a big supply from which
to select. One lot ot 121 steers and stags.
1204 Ibs , sold at 84.00 , the lot being more
than half stags. At 'J o'clock some of the
best heavy cattle In the yards wcro unsold.
Bhlppliig steers , - 1 50 to 1500 Ibs . , S4.15@4.85 ;
' " " " "
cows , . . . . . . . .
steers , $4,85 ® J.OO ; grasscrs , > .i.bO(9.i.50 ( r ; bid
83.40(34.00. (
lions The quality was good and shippers
bought liberally for Monday. Best mixed
butcher weights and fancy heavy sold at
5.10(1(0.20 ; a few lots of common mixed
sold as low as 84. 0@5.05 ; Yorkers , 85.00 ®
5.10. Shippers arc cautioned against send
ing grassers to this market unless they can
be bought at a discount of 15(0206 ( , for that
Is about what buyers hero will take off when
they find anything grassy In a lot.
OnloBgo , Juno 13. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports an follows :
Cattle Kecelpts. 11,000 : slow and 6@15c
Itwer ; shipping steers , $3.G5 ( < ? 4.85 ; stackers
and ieeders,82.25 < < S3.50 : cowsbullsand mixed ,
S1.75@3.25 ; Texas cattle , 92.8034.00.
Hogs Jtecelpts , 3,700 ; 5c lower and closed
stronger ; rough and mixed , $4.755.10 ; packIng -
Ing and shltiDlng , ! 5.00@5.25j light , 84.70 ®
S.foj skip * & .25$4.70. (
HhoeD Itcceipts , 5,000 ; slow.'best about
steady ; common I0$25c ( off ; natives , S3.00
( $4.25 ; western , 83.0004. 60 ; Texans , 12.50
< < j3. > ; lambs , per head , | 1.25@i.50. :
National Htoolc Yard * , E t Bt ,
IxmU , 111. , June 13. Cattle Receipts ,
1,400 ; shipments , 300 ; steady ; choice heavy
native steers , 84.40@4.G5 ; fair to good ship
ping steers , 84.OOQiH.85 ; butchers' steers ,
| 3.504.-0 ; feeders , fair to good , S3.10@4.00 ;
stockers , fair to good , 82.15 3.10.
Hogb KecelptB. a.200 ; shipments , 800 ;
opened active and lOc higher , closed easier ;
choice heavy aud butchers' selections , 85.10
? 5.2u ; packing , fair to good. 84.9035.05 ;
orkors , medium to prime. 84.75@4.00 ; pigs ,
common to good , S4.00Q4.53.
Hamas City , June 13. Cattle Kecelpts ,
0,000 ; shipments , none ; slow , weak and lOc
lower for snipping ; butchers' steers and
cows 5@10c lower ; common to choice , S3.50(3 (
4.40 ; stockers. jf2.CO@3.25 ; feeding steers ,
63.80(33,75 ( ; cows , ja.OO@S.75.
lions Kecelpts , 6,000 : shipmento , 3,000 ;
market was strong and active ; common tc
choice , 84.l5f34.UO ; skips and pigs , $3.00(5
NEW VOUK , June 13. [ Special Telegram t <
the BKE.J-STOCKS The marknt oponec
weak and declining , except In St. Paul. It
this stock the sales were qulto large at V © > ,
per cent decline. It was chiefly a scalper1 !
market , and hammering was done with en
rgy , the bears selling slowly , and semi
Itock was coming from tired holders. Bu
jfew of the larue operators were In tlio mai
iet. A canvass among eighteen coinmlssloi
louses Saturday night resulted In flndlni
fourteen bullish , ttireo undecided and on
bearish. London quotations at 2 p. m. , com
pared with Saturday's close , showed # pe
cent advance on New York Central , X m
Union Pacific , and X on Lake Shore. HeadIng
Ing was } ' per cent off , St. Paul , Louis
vlllo A Nashville and Krlo unchanged. Thi
effort to break stocks In London on the pea
clble consequences of the death of the em
peror of Germany Saturday , caused a grea
deal of short sellln ? there In American so
entitles. At the same time some of the mor
prominent and very conservative brokers li
New Vork had fairly large orders to buy 01
the decline. Meetings of the Michigan Cen
tral , the Lake Shore , and Canada Souther ; :
toads bar * been called for June IS. Tuel
purpospjls to re-elect the old officers , present
tlio quarterly statement. ' ) and declare divi
dends. A 2 per cent dividend Is expected on
Lake Shore and Michigan Central , and 1)4' )
on Canada Southern. All the Norfolk A
Western preferred stock not subscribed for
by stockholders hai already been sold by tie ]
company , and all placed , The total sales for
the day were 101,70.1 shares.
OOVEHXMKXTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
MONKY ON' CAM , Loaned Irom 4 to 10
percent ; last loan , 5 per cent ; closed olfcreu
at 4X per emit.
STKiu.ixn KxniANOK Dull and steady
at i4.sif for sixty day bills , and for
Chicago. June 13 , Following quo t-
tlons n re the 2 ; : > u closing figures :
Flour Firm , dull anil neulcctod ; winter
wheat Hour.84.3.r$4.M ( ) : southern ,
8l'.0i4.JO : Wisconsin. S4. ; > 0il4.r ( > 0 : Michigan
suit spring wheat , S3.Si ) ( 4lfiO : Minnesota
bakers , S3.SOC 4.50 ; patents , 84.GOS5.OJ ; low
Kiades , 32.05W3.20 ; rye Hour , quiet at 23.35
MH.50 ; In sarksand barrels. 8' ) . 10J13.90.
Wheat-Unsettled , pern-rally lower than
Saturday's closing figures ; cash , 92Jfc , ;
July , b3fc ; August , 7'Jc.
Corn Moderately active and ( inlet , closing
shade below Saturday ; cash , 3Jc ; July , 3Sc ;
August , MX-
Oats Quiet all around ; cash,24J cAiuust ; ,
Hye DulfatKiKc.
Barley- Steady at Mc. )
Timothy Seed Prime , 81.01.
Pork Steady : casl. , 822.00 ;
Lard Moderately nc.tlvu niul lower ; cash ,
SO.fA ) ; July , 80.IW ; August. 0.7. ' . .
Hulk Meats Shoulders. Si.fiOiM.TO ; short
clear , $7.'JOt7.U5 ( ; short ribs. 87.70.
Butter Firmcreamery ; , iiK@lWcdairy : ; ,
Cheese Kasler ; full cream cheddnrs ,
Sc ; llats.7ki7Xcyouii ( ; ) { Americas , 7 ,
. . . Liisler at 13 > u'14e.
Hldes-Uiichangedii'av.v ; ] ? rpen salted 7ic ;
liuhtdo , 7fHc ; HAlted bull hides , Oc ; green
Rilted calftie ; dry flint , l2S13c ( ; dry calf ,
lS ( < 614c : deacons , 40ceach ; dry salted , lOc.
Tnllow UnchansPd ; No. 1 country , 3c ;
No. 3,2c ; cake , 8) @ 3j c
KecalpM. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 10.000 27.000
Wheat , bu 244.000 527.000
Corn , bu 119,000 240,000
Oats , bu 14S.OOO 150,000
Kye , bu 2,000
liarloy. bu 2,000 1,000
New York. Juno 13 , Wheat Receipts ,
29 > SOOO ; exports , U'5,000 ' ; spot l ( < lKc and op
tions 2 < a2Hc lower , closing heavy ; ungraded
red. 9DSc : No. 3 red , 03e ; No. 1 red.
U8 > ic ; No. 2 red , 9r > J < c in elevator , 'MXdk
97Kc delivered , WiJig97xIi'c ( free on board ,
July closing at U2c.
Corn 15not general ly steady but less active ;
options a shade lower and dull , closing
heavy ; receipts. 08,000 ; exports , 9-1,000 ; un
graded. 47 'MJSj c ; No. ' . ' , 4S@48tfc deliv
ered , 47c In elevator ; July closing at 47Kc.
Oats A shade lower but active ; receipts ,
lOD.OOO ; exports , 1,100 : mixed western , "
3Cc ; white western , 87Ct41c.
Petroleum Stcauv : United clospd
Kggs Steadyand Infalrdemand ; western ,
Pork Steady ; mess quoted atSlC.OO for
naw : S15.00 for old.
Lard Moderately active and a shade
Huttcr Quler but li'rm on Uno grade's ;
western , 10@18 } o.
Cheese hasier and more active ; western ,
Milwaukee. Juno 13. Wheat - Weak ;
cash , SOJfc ; July. 8t > c : September , 89 .
Corn-Hull ; No. 3 , iSTKc.
Oats Weak ; No. a white , 30c.
liyo-Qulet ; No. 1. 57Ke.
JJarley Steady ; No. 2 , 57c.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , June , 814.00.
OlnolBnatl , Juno 13. Wheat Easier ;
No 8 red. 8Sc.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3 mixed. 41c.
Oats-Quiet : iu. 8 mixed ,
Kye-bull ; No. 2 , 63@64c.
Provisions Pork dull at 815.25. Lard , In
lltfht demand at 80.40.
\Vhlsuy-Steady at 81.05.
MlonoapoiU , June 13. Wheat Unset
tled and lower : No. 1 hard , cash , 79c ; Aug
ust , 80c ; No. 1 noithern , cash and July ,
78Mc : August , 79e ; ; No. 2 northern , cash
nu.July , 77Kc ; August , 78j c. On track :
Kt > . 1 hard , EOkc ; No. 1 nortnern , SOo ; N.O ,
2 northern. 78 } < c.
Flour-Quiet J patents , S4.50@4.GO ; bakers' ,
Koceipts Wheat , 160,000 bu. ; flour , 375
Shipments-Wheat , 23,000 bu ; Hour , 23 ,
000 bbls.
Wheat In store-Minneapolis , 5,901,559 bu ;
St. Paul , 540.000 bu.
Bt. Ijouia , Juno 13. Wheat Weak
and lower ; cash , SOJfc ; July , 78'ic.
Corn Lower ; cash , 35Jfc ; July , 84c.
Oat-s Nominal : cash , 'J7 c.
Pork Steady at 815.00.
Butter Steady and unchanged ; creamery ,
I4@17c ; dairy. I0@14c.
ifaataa City. June 13. Wheat Weaker ;
No. a red , cash , 6Xo \ asked ; June , CS > ic
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , cash,29 > c ; July.SOc.
Oats No quotation.
Liverpool , June 13. Wheat Quiet but
steady ; California , No. 1 , Bsld@Bs 3d per
cental ; red western sprlnp , 7s 3d $7s4 < lper
cental ; western winter , 7a 4d 7s 6d per
Corn Quiet ; new mixed western , 4s Id per
New Orleans , June 13. Corn Easier
but not nuotably lower : mixed , 50@50 } ; yellow -
low , .V-XiW ; white , 44 < 45c.
Oats Unchanged at SGc.
Cornmeal Unchanged at 82.30.
lloic Products Unchanged , Pork 810.00.
Lard-relined tierce. SS.G'-iW.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 50.00 ; lone clear
and clear rib. 57.75.
Monday , June 13.
The receipts ot cattle to-day were liberal
for the tirst of the week. While a good
niany of the cattle were sold at nearly stead )
prices the general feeling on the market was
lower. The reported decline In eastern mar
kets made the buyers hero very weak.
The run of haes to-day was fairly heavy
for the opening day of the week. The mar
ket opened about steady with Saturday and i
few sales were made at those prices but de
clined very quickly 5@lOc. The market waa
fairly active after the buyers bad enc <
got down to business , although It opened i
little slow. The bulk of receipts were closet
out before noon. Nothing of any accouu
was left over.
There was nothing doing In the market
Cattle po
UOKS. „ 4,10
10 ilorses 4
ner Prevalllnu Prices.
erm Showing the prevailing urlcej paid for llva
stock on this market :
1- Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . . 94.20(94.35
s- Choice steers. 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . .10@4.30
s10 Fat little steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75M4.00
10s Kxtra choicecows and heifers. . . . S.85M8.35
* Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.15 3.40
- Common to medium cows 3.00(33.10 (
nit Uood to choice bulls 3.7.V&V.25
ite Light and medium heirs 4. . * > 5rtM.r > 3
ere Uood to choice heavy hogs 4.70@4.S5
re n Good to choice mixed hogs "
in Representative Hales.
inn No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
n M. . . 1274 KIO 42..1M2 14.17 }
Ir 40..1178 4.15 63..lima VfiO
18..1240 4.15 M..1242 4.00
5..1193 4.15 38. . 1103 4.20
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..1760 J3.00 . . . . ! * 83.10
1..1C93 3.UO 1..10SO 3.15
STOrKF.lt1 > .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
so. . . . 072 83.40 w. . . . ta 53.40
cows. _
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
5. . . . 930 83.40 2..1125 S3.W )
No. Av. Shit. Pr ? ° No. Av. Slik. Pr.
07..200 M 84.50 , ' . ) . . . . 2SO 84.70
73..202 40 4.M 07..240 bO 4.70
C' . . . .230 M 400 70.,235 200 4. < 0
r.S..S > 3 40 4'.00 GT..249 W ) 4.70
W..245 100 4.1V. 60..247 & 0 4.70
71.'iV , 100 4.0.-I OS..2.51 4.i5
J77..22J 120 4.05 09..274 120 4..5
07..258 W ) 4.0.1 UM..245 200 4.75
M..251 240 4.0.-I 77..537 4. < ia
MI..2M 80 4.05 70..2.V1 SO 4.,5
07..217 40 4.0. ' ! 40..2iS 40 4..5
r.2.V ) ) ISO 4.05 : M..22fl 40 4.7o
7,1..241 100 4.0.70..245 40 4.u
71..2:17 : 100 4.0,1 r,7..243 10 4..5
73..215 40 4.05 7U..2Vi ( oiOl.W
67..2.W 4.70 7J . . .SO ) 4.3
00..200 210 4.70 5j. : . . . : ; 4.N )
01..2,11 40 4.70 OS..244 40 4.bO
71. . . . 2-13 120 4.70 N.241 100 4.bO
01..241 200 4.70 03..247 W ) 4.N )
58..204 4.70 0i..24'i ( 40 4.bO
00..200 120 4.70 5S. . . . 01 4.S
05..250 fcO 4.70 79..200 2 0 4.b5
Mvo Htook Sold.
Showing thi ! number of head of stock sold
on the mai ket to-day
non .
Anclo-Amerlcan Packing Co 1,701
(1. II. Hammond < te Co 310
Llpton 0 > 3S
Squires > \ : Co 431
Harris & Fisher Ob
Total /3,294
O. 11. Hammond iteCo 887
Shippers IN ) 04
Total C31
Showing tlio number of cittle. hogs and
sheep shlppd Irom the yards during the dty.
No. cars. lit. Pest ,
10 . H.I . Chicago
20 . N. W . Chicago
20 . ( j. U. &Q . Chicago
8 . K. i . Joliet
All sales ot stock in this market are made
per cwt live wolirht unless otherwise stated.
bead hogs sell at % a per 11) . for all weight * .
"Skins , " or hogs wuUlilni : loss than 100 Ibs ,
no value. Pregnant sows are decked 40 IDs.
by thonubllo Unpoctor.
Stock NotcN.
Cattle weak.
Hogs 5 ( < ? 10c lower.
liberal receipts for Monday.
D. S. Parkhurst was In , after a month's
Mr. Jackson. Cortland , ' was in and mar
keted a load ot hogs.
A , D. Sears , Clarks. came In with a load of
hogs which sold on thu market.
Hurt Grant , St. Paul , was here with live
loads of cattle and ono load of hogs.
C. E. Welch , Papllllon , was In.ith a load
of cattle which sold on the market.
A. W. Trumblo. Gllmore , was here with 113
head of cattle of his own feeding.
J. C. Bishop , St. Paul , was In with five
loads ot cattle. 40 , 1170-lbcattl3 sold at $4. ir .
P. J. Files , a hcavv shipper from Cedar
Rapids , Neb. , was In with live good loads ot
E. M. Gibson , of the Brush Lake Cattle
company , Albia , was iu with the loads of
William Walwork , hog buyer for Fowler
Bros. , has returned from a two weeks' visit
to Chicago.
Mr. Sackett , Albion , marketed four loads
of hoes. One load averaged 200 Ibs and
brought 84.85. the top.
Henry Kncrson , Cedar Itaplds , Neb. , was
Iu and sold two loadsof hogs. Ono averaged
247 Ibs aud the other 243 Ibs , and they both
sold at S4.bO.
Mr. Stewart , of the Qrm ot Stewart &
cWJPf Sti Paul , was here with two loads nt
catifl' . Iwcniy-jHA neau averaged 1,274 Ibs
and sold at 84.10.
M. A. Fugltt , of the North Loup Cattle
company , was at the yards with six loads of
cattle and one load of hogs. 100 cattle aver
aging 1230 Ibs brought 84. iO ,
General Produce.
Monday , Juno 13.
The followino prices arejor round lots of
produce , as sold on me market to-aaij.
Eoos The receipts were light and the bulk
went at He ,
BUTTKH The best country butter Is mov
ing at 12@14c , but only a small proportion of
the receipts is bringing that price. The bulk
Is going at 0@lOo.
CHEESE. Full cream rheddars , single ,
14c ; full cream flats , wins , He ; Young
Americas , 14Vc ; fancy Swiss. 18c ; Swiss ,
Imported , 25c : Llmburger , 15c ; brick , 15@10c.
POULTHY Llvo fowls are going at giOO ®
3.25 per Ucuen , and spring chickens at 83.00.
"drATOES , St ck , of nil kinds is scarce.
Old potatoes are eotng at SLuxSugS , abid
ing to quality. Now potatoes at § 0.00 per
IliKAKs.-lnferlor stock,75c@31.00good ; clean
country , ! S1.00@1.25.medium , hand picked ,
S1.40@1.50 ; hand picked navy. 81.50af.GO.
LEMONS The market hern Is about steady
with an active demand. Messina , choice ,
per box , 84.505.00 ; fancy , S5.50@0.00.
OnANOF.s-HIverslde , 84.50 ; Navels , 84.50.
BKIIHIES The best strawberries sold to-day
at 82.00Q22.0 per 10 qt. case. There were a
few black raspberries In which brought § 6.00
per case.
CHEWHKS There is a fair supply on the
market and the average price for iO-lb boxes
is S2.00@J.25. :
BANANAS Tnere Is a fair supply of choice
large bunches on the market. Largo bunches ,
per bunch , 83.00 ( 4.50.
PEACHES Per X-bushel box. 81.50 ( 2.00.
KASI-BKUIIHIKS I'tr 12-qt case , 82.75.
ArrnicoTB Per2O-lb box. 82.00ci8.50. (
PROVISIONS. Ham , 12c ; breakfast bacon
rib , 10 ; breakfast bacon , plain , lOKc ; dry
salt sides , > tf@SJf ; dried beef , recular , 10@
11 ; dried beef , ham pieces ; 13c ; lard , 50 I
cans , 6Kc ; lard , 20 Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7c :
lard , 10 Ib cans , Fairbanks. 7Vc ; lard 5 Ib
cans. Fairbanks , 7 c ; lard , 3 Ib cans , Fair
banks ,
General Market * .
VAKNJSHES Barrels , per gallon. Furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ;
coach , extra , 81,40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , TOc ; asphaltum
extra , 85c ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linish ,
DUY PAINTS- White lead , 7c ; French zinc ,
12c ; Paris whiting , 2Kc ; whiting , gliders ,
-5fc ; whiting , com'l , lj < c ; lampblack , Ger-
manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , Be ;
Prussian blue,55c : ultramarine , 16c ; Vandyke
brown , Be : umber , burnt , 4c : umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris
green , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common ,
22c ; chrome green , N. V. , 20c ; vermillion.
American , Ittc ; Indian , raw and burnt
umber , 1-lb cans. 12o ; raw and burnt sienna
12o ; vandyke brown , I3c : relined lamp
black , I2c ; coach black and Ivory
black , 16c ; drop black , ICc ; ultrama
rine black , ISc ; chrome green , U , M. ft I ) . ,
16 ; blind and shutter green , L. M. AD. ,
I6c ; Paris creen. 20c ; Indian red 15c ;
Venetian rod , Oc ; Tuscan. 22cAmerican ; vermillion -
million , Li. A D.,20c : yellow ochre , 2o ; L.
M. ft O. D , 18c ; .rood ochre , 10o : patent
dryer , 8c : graining color , ll ht oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash , I2c.
Dituus AND CIIKMICAT.S. Acid carbolic ,
50c ; acid tartarlc. 6'ic ; balsam copaiba , per Ib ,
60c ; bark sasafrass , per Ib , lOc ; calomel , pei
Ib , 78o ; chlnchonldla , peroz,2,5c ; chloroform ,
per Ib , 50c ; Dover's nowders , per Ib , 81.25 ;
epsom salts , perlb. 3) ) < c ; glycerine , pure , poi
Ib , SOc ; lead , acetate , perlb , 20coil. ; . castor.
o. 1 , per gal. 81.00 ; oil , castor , No. 2 , pei
gal , S1.40c ; oil. olive , per gal , 81.40 ; oil , orle
annum. 60c ; opium , 84.50 ; quinine , P. ft W
and U. &S. , per ; oz , 70c ; potosslum , Iodide ,
perlb , 3.25c ; sallcln. per oz. 40c ; sulphatt
morphine , per oz , 83.35 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c :
strychulne , per oz. 81.10.
PAINTS IN On. White lead , Omaha , P. P. ,
OKa ; white lead , St Louis , pure , 7c ; Mar
sellles , green , 1 Ib cans , 16c ; French zinc ,
gren seal , 12c : French line , red seal , lie
trench zinc , In varnish ass I. , 90c ; Frencl
Tine , 75c : vermillion. English , In oil , 75c
ted. 10e : rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red. Cook
* ' > * ' > ( < : : Venetian red. American , IKc
rrdIcud,7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20e
chromei yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochelle. 3c
trench. 2 c ; ochre , . Amerlcaa , l a
bpanlsh brown. Xo ; Prince's mineral brown , 3 ?
. SPIRITS Coloeue spirits , 168 proof , 1.10
dp 101 proof. l 12 ; spirit * , second quality
101 proof , 11.10 ; do 168 proof , | 1.09. Alcohol
18S proof , S2.1S DT wine gallon. Hedls-
tlllild whiskies 51.0.1(3 ( UJO. Clln , blended
. .
o iinAbV' > > w < IJrfltlliltSt * u i | .njt i jut v' ' * ' * * 'H * - ' * " ' <
domestic , Sl.tiOiS3.oo. Olns , imported , 54.60 ®
0.00 ; domestic , 81.2.y < R.tio : Champaines 1m-
porli-d , per case. S'J3.00@33.00 ; American ,
per c < wo,510.00(3W.OO. (
HIDES ( keen butoliors , S ) ( 'iOc ; croon
cured , 7c : dry Hint. HQl''c ; dry > -alt , Pynoc ;
creen calf skin ? , fc ; ( damaged hides , two-
thirds price. Tallow 3c. ( irease Prlmo
white , So : yellow , 2c ; brown , IXe. Sheep
UKAVY llAnnwAHK Iron , rate 82.70 ;
plow steel , special cn t , 4'fc ; cruclblo steel ,
OWc : cast tools , do , WalSc ; wagon bpokcs ,
perset , 82.0oa,60 : ! ; hub- , per het , 8- ! ' ? li'l-
lees , sawed , dry , Sl.CO ; tongues , each. tOj ;
axles , each , 7."c : iimro | nuts , nor 11) , Olil7lc ( ;
coil chain , per Ib. 0H'13c ; malleable , SCftlOc ;
iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Oc : harrow teeth.
4Vc ; spilng steel , 4ylc ; Burden's her > o
shoes , 81.75 : Buidon's mule bhocs. S.V75. .
Barbed wire , In car lots , S4.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nnllsrates,10 to.'iO.S2.f,0 , ; .steel nallsS2.75.
Shot. S1.31 ; buckshot , Sl.OO. Hnzird powder ,
kegs , S5.00 ; do. half kegs , 82.75 ; do , quarter
kens , 81.50 ; blasting , kegs , S2.10 ; fuse , per
10 feet , 03c. Lead bar. 810.00.
( Jrocrr's LlHt.
n Ordinary grades , 2122c ; fair ,
LivTuhlln'sXXXX , 2S c ; Dllworth's , 27c ;
SVHUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kres. S1.2S@1.30 ;
New Orleans. i > er gallon. 3Sif4Gc ; inanlo
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , TOc ;
1-callon cans , pur do1UO ( ; halt Rnlion
cans , per do/ . Sii.fiO : qimit can , SU.
CA.VDY Mixed , M © llc ; stick.
Cii.vrKr.ii1 ( iarnt-au's soda , bultur and
picnic , fi > se ; ereams , b > iu ; inecr btups.SKe ;
cltv soda , 7ive.
PICKT.I.S .Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In
half DbKSMXi ; small , In bbls. SS.CO ; do , in
half bbls , 84. W ; gherkins , In bbls , 8'J.OO : do ,
In half bbls , 85.00.
SUOAU Ur.iniilatrdG\Q6)lc ( ; conf. A,0 < a
white extra 0 , 5J < .if.iic : extra C.
; yellow 0. n QW ! cut loaf ,
powdered , CK"c.
CANNIIO ( Teens Oysters , standard , per
ease. S'j.iHJtfMUO ; strawberries , 'J Hi. pnr ca o ,
82.30 ; raspberries , 2 Ib. per case , S'-J.- > @ 2.4" ;
California pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots ,
per case , 84.30 ; peaches , per casp , 84.00 ;
white cherries , per case , 85.60 ; plums , per
case , 5 > 3.50 ; blueberries , per case , 81.8.r > ; ejtg
plums , 2 lo. per case , S'J.5o ; piircapples , 2 Ib.
per case , 53.203.ri.7."i ; 1 Ib. maekurel , per do/ ,
S1.40 ; 1 Ib. salmon , pordoz , S1.50@l.r.5 ; 2 Ib.
L'ooseberries , per case , 81.75 : 2 Ib. stilnn
beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per
case , 8l.rX ) ; 8 Ib. marrow lat pens , per case.
S2.40@2.fjO ; a Ib. early Juno peas , per case ,
S2-7r ; 3 ID. tomatoes , 82.50 ; 2 Ib. corn
52.50. _
Dry Ijitmbcr.
13ft lift 16 ft 18 ft _ ft a ft
17.60 17.60 17.50 18.60 IB.50SJ.M I > 50
17.60 17.50 17.50 18.50 1 .50 22.50 22.59
ZlS 17.50 17.50 17.50 18.60 I .50K.60 , ! 22.50
ZxlO 17.50 I7.5Q 17.50 18.50 IU.50 22.60 22.50
2x12 17.5'i 17.50 17.5J 18.50 10.Mir8.GO 22.50
44-8x8 lf.50 18.50 18.50 IU.50 20.602i [ ; 0(1 23.UO
No. 1 , com , sis . S10.50
No. 2 , com , 8 1 s . 17.50
No. 4 , com , sis . I3.rx >
No. 1 , 4 & 0 In , 12 A 14 ft. rough . 819.00
. 2 " " ' " " ' "
No. , . 15.00
A , 12 , 14andia ft . 882.00
JJ , " ' " . 20.50
C , " " " . 15.00
D , " " " . 13.CK
1st com. , In White PlnoCelllnc . 834-00
Clear , % In. Norway Pine Celling . 10.00
A . 6 inch , white pine . . 835.00
C . 29.50
' ( SelFen'c ) . W.0
° < K1OAlD9
. , , . .
No. i , com. 13 in.s , la. ,3. & 14. . . . . . . . 20.00
No.3 " ' 'is ' .tuft. . . . 18.00
' " 16 It . 17.00
1st and 3d , clear , luiaen , s. 9s. , , .550.00
Inch. s. a l'i , lk. In 45.00
mcni3 s ao : l , iyt , 3 In 37.00
White Cedar. 6 In. . Hs 13ct 9 ln.grs..lla
- * CHICAGO * " °
Tb enlr road to take for COB Molnes Mar-
ghailtowa , C dar Kaplds , Clinton. DIzoB , Chlca-
RO , Mllwaukao aud all points cunt. To tbepco-
nle of Hebrnika , Colorado , Wyomlntr , Utah ;
Idaho , NoTRda , Oregon , Washington and Call-
rornla , K offon superior advantairos not posil-
ble by any other line.
Amonira few of the numerous point ! of iu-
pirlority enjoyed by the patron * of this road
between Omaha and Chicago , are iti two train *
a day of DAY COACHES , which are the finest
tlmt human art and Ingenuity can create. Iu
PALAUBBLHKPINQ CAH8 , which are model !
of comfort and elegance. IU PARLOR DUAW-
INQ ROOM CARS , unsurpassed by any. and Its
Widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OARS
the equal of which cannot be found elsewhere
At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union Paclflo
Ry. connect In Union Depot with thoie of the
Chlcaco A Northwestern lly. In Chicago the
trains of thliltne make close connection wltb
those of all eastern linos.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , NlagaraSalls , Buffalo. PltUbiirg.Toronto ,
Montreal , Boeton. New Yon. Philadelphia ,
Baltimore ) . Washington and all points IB the
east , ask for a ticket via the
If you wieh tk best accommodation. All ticket
agenU Mil ticket ! via this line.
H. HUQH1T ? , B. P. WILSON ,
Qenl. Manaf * * . flenL PaM't Aftnt
W. M. BABCOOK,0111080' IU"L. B. BOLLBS ,
Western Agent. City Pau'r Areat ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the llrm of Dona-
liey It Uanck , heretofore doing business at
1811 Lake street , Oraahii , IB thle day dissolved
by mutual consent. Mr. Donabey will curry
on said business and will pay all bills and col
lect all money duo to or from the firm afore
said. J.F. DONAIIBY.
Notice ,
MATTER of apnllca'tlon of Chrlstofforsen 4
I'otereen for Iku6r | lloonso.
Notice Is hereby giviin that Chnstotrcrscn &
1'otcrsendld upon tbb tith ilny of June , A.D.
1887 , tlio their application to the mayor and city
council of Omulm , for llconso to soil malt , spirit
uous and vinous liquors , at No. 13. < South Fifth
street , First ward , Oiimlm , Nob. , from the llth
day of April , 1687. to the 10th day of April , 1B88.
If there bo no objection , remoiietrauoe or
protontfllcd within two weeks from Juno 6th ,
A. D. lKb7. the said license will be granted.
J. B. aouTHAiin.Clty Clurk. JeC-13
' _ from
Welshan's Germ Flour sound wheat.
, , HenUermKlo'r
rande. Makoa bone arid muscle. liiTluoratei tlio
i br strengthens _ the . nervei . enriches the blodil.
Suffurers from drspopsla , Inilliiestlnn , constlputlon ,
( itlabutei Drlcht's disease , etc . will It nil U Invnlun.
Me. (1OOI ) Kill WKI.I , I'Kdl'I.K. Order It of jour
dealer. Sample package free t iihyslclunn who will
par express charges. Circular giving full particu
lar * on application.
Pratt & Unities , OmahaNcb
Manufacturers of Cereal Specialties.
Cor.Uth & Dodge Sti. Omaha , Neb.
CURES AU L ; t.c u it' ,
Inipmlcnn , ( Mf Abuic ) , ljr M , ( Br < .
I nut itamp tit full lnfunntion. CoDKilutlon
Itnonilljr or b ; nAII FrM > nd CunMnilUL
lourt , 9 lo 12 . Iu . 1 to S nd T to * p. m.
TREE TRIAIrss'.ty.w. . '
InlALirjr . ii1 :
- ' ' " " 'Bc * '
Ten Itatlrotds , nnd more are coming. ICO
Trains Daily.
Stnt unUcrsltr , Wc lcj n University , Slate Ca
Most of the nu lr * T.ot hnvo rtouMod In rrl < "o In
thelaftU nionthv Acre-land , within 1 rallci
of the city .Incrfus c < l over two
hundred percent.
Lincoln In tlio crouton Kallmml Center of in ase
Intliewurld. Hrlck lilock | inr 8 to ai per cent. Vncnnt
Ion have aveniniM 10J per cent per nnnum on lift
' ' '
Uiii-ohi'u'H'ir'at i1l < trlbutlnif point. Pome whole-
talc de ler < rinvo imde princely fortnny * .
llnllitlniriKii'nKUiilniillillrcrtloii * . Hmlneji f
cnilygoml. Hunkers , rctiill luerclmnti , mcchitnl
etc. ,
Kunnlni ; between Council Hluffs and South
Omaha. In addition to the stations nifln-
tloncd , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-
fourth streets , nnd nt Summit , In Omaha.
C. & N.V. .
C. D. ft Q. |
All trains run dally. . . . ]
C. It. 4 St. P. j
All trains run dally. . . . . j nl5am : 0:15am :
6:40pin : 700pra
K.C. St.I. * 0.
Except Saturday. 1000 ; mtO:85am :
tKxcept Monday. * 8:55pin : 5:30pm :
W. St L. & P.
All trains run daily 2l5pm ; 12:15 : pm
S C. A P.
7:05 : a m : a m
6:25 : D m b:50pm :
Chicago , Milwaukee &SI Paul Ry
Tlte Best Route from Omaha and
Council JRluffn < oj
Two Tiains Daily Between Omaha and
Council Blulls
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids
Rock Island , Frceport , * Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesvillc ,
Beloit , Winona , LaCrosie ,
And oil other Important points Unet , Northeast
Hiid Boutiicnst.
For through tickets cnll on the ticket niront
at 14U1 Karnam st , In 1'axlon hotel , or at Union
1'Hcifio depot.
I'nllmnn Sleepers and the finest Dining Cara
In the world are run on the main llnci of iho
Chicago , Milwaukee iV St. Paul Jtnllwuy anil ov
erjr uttontlon Is paid to puspuncers bjr courto-
ousoinplojces of the coin puny.
It MII.I.KII. ( icneral Manager.
J. F. TircKKit , Asilstaiitdenerol Mnna cr.
A. V. U. CAitre.vTKit , ( Jenurnl l'ai fngor and
Ticket Agent.
OEO. K. IIEATFOIID , Assistant General I'aasen-
ger and Ticket Anont.
J. T.CLARKUoueralBuporlnteuUeut.
Omafia Jobbers' Director/ .
Agricultural Imf/emcnts.
Aarrlcultnral Implements ,
and Ihiftlcn. Jcnr ilroot , b twvcn Oth
and K'lh.Omnhn , Ntb.
Aprtcttltural Implements ,
\V gen .Oarrlatc > , nuMle , rile. , Wholesale , Om h *
iy , o n E\DO n r < o
VYtiolcMle Dealer * In
AcrlrtiUnnil Imiik'iucnla ,
( Vagoni and nuiintc . _ 1CI , W , M and )7 ) , Jonrn at
Art/its' Material.
A. UOSPE , , TK. ,
Artists' Materials , I'ianos niul Organs ,
! n Poiiglm Street , Omnlia ,
Builders' Hard war * and Scales.
Buillcr ( 'Hnntwnre& Sea loKcpnlr Shop
Uechatilct' Tooli and IlnlTalo Pratei. liu' . Douglai iu
. Omaha , Nb. _
Boots and Shoes.
jr. r. MonsE P co.
Johbrrs of Hoots and Shops.
1411 Karnam it. , Omaha. N b. MtnufactorT , UttmraM
. C CO.
Wholcaalo Knbber Boot < anil Shoes
Uubbvr niul ) lled Clotlilinf mill Kelt Ilooti
and ShocB. Southeast Corner lith and Douglai.
Lnpcr Boer Hrowcra ,
lf.21 Niirth I'lh Street , Om h , Neb.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
( nsigo Casings of all kinds nl sjs la stock.
Jom-ssi.omab *
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Onmlia Corrco and Spica Mills.
. .Splre . Unking 1'Owder. FluTOrlnElUe-
tmcts , Ijiunfiry lllue. Ink. Ktc. 11U-1G Uarner
Klrcet.Omabn. Nab.
Cornier .
John Epencter , Prop.
Muinfaetnrer f Galtanltod Iron anl Cornte * . 9H
Dodge and 103 and 104 M , 10th U omaba. Neb.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Window * , K1na1s.MetnUr5krllghttc. 3108.
12tn it. , Omaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
GalTanlced Iron Cornices , etc. Snecl' lmproTed Pa *
ntUptmile Skyllglit. ! t08 andtlO B.l'Jlli n..Omaha.
Jobbers of
Jarpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , BURS ,
Linoleums , Mattlnm. Etc. lilt Douflai itreet.
Crockery and Hotians.
Agent for tlio Manufacturers nnd Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chlmnejs , etc. Offlco , 817 South Uth ct
Cinaha , Nub.
Commission and Storage.
J > . A. HURLEY ,
Commission and .Jobbing1.
Butter , KBK and Produce. ConilgnmeDti lollcllcd ,
Ileadquarteri for Stoneware , Hurry Dorrs and
Qrajie Baited. 1414 Uodgeitreet , Umaba.
Storage and Commission Morcliant'i ,
Bpecliiltioii Uiuier. Kttm. Clioeno , ro.iltry , Game ,
Oj-itcra , oto. , etc. 112 a. 14th St.
Commission Merchants.
Fruit ) , Produce and Prorliloni , Omaba , Neb.
' WIEDEM3.N < 8 CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butler , Oamo , KinlU , etc. 330 S.
Omaba. Neb ,
Coat ana' Limi.
Olu. i. LAHACIII , rrei. C. F. Ooon > N , T. Pica.
J. A. HDNniKLAHD , Kec. and Treaa.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
909 Soulb Thirteenth Street , Omaba , Neb.
> T. , T. tlOUXSON C CO. ,
Mannfucturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Con I and Coke , Cement , Planter ,
IJme , Ualr. Flro Brick , Dmln. Tile anil Sewer Plp .
omro. Pazton notol. rarnam ft. , Omaha , Nub.
Telephone 111.
Manufacturing1 Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Frulti.Nutt and ClKai * . UU Kamam St.
Cigar * and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
dune and Ammunition. IIS to 223 B. lllti it. , 10U to
1024 rarnam it. . Omtha , Neb.
Manufacturers of fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealer * In Loaf Tobaccos , Nos. 106
and HON. UUi street , Omaba.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH cB CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1102 and 1104 nouglai , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Dlstlllen nf Mquon , Alcohol and Spirits. Importers
and Jobbcri of Wines an J Liquors.
CO. ami 1LER & CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobber * of Fine Wlnei and Liquor * .
Bole manufacturer * of Kennedy's Cast India Bit-
Urs unit Domestic Liquors. 1111 Harne ; BU
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam it. . Omaha. Neb. _
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. IMC , 1203 and 1210 Tarnam at. , Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Noc.t05.07.709andna.lOthStOmah . N b.
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltn and I. Tenwortli * ti.Omaba.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agent * ( or Howe Sole * .
_ and Miami I'uwderCo..OmahaN > ib.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Spring * , Wagon Stock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1201
_ and 1811 Harney St. , Omaha. _
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wagon and Carrlsie Wood Block , Hear ? Uardwar *
Ktc. HIT and mt l.cavf uworlb it. , Omaha , Neb ,
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantlet , Qratei , Orasi Roods. 1U1 aud 1323 raraUB
Iron Works.
Wrongkt and fait Iron Bylldlag Woik , Iron Stain ,
, U mi anddlrderi , Hleam Bag.lnes.HraM
gillTnK . ITouudrj , MacbUe and UlacksulU )
ork , OmceaalWorti.D. r. Bj.andnmstudl.
Omaha Jobbers' Directory ,
Jl. K.SAtr\'Eltt
Mann fiieturltip Dealer in Smoke Stackqj
Urltctilnm , Tnnki.nmUlfnn'nl Itnllir IHpnlrlng , IKMnlin slrod.Oiiiali * .
Mnnufiictturrs of
Ire and Iron ItniHiKrs , Desk Rallr (
Window Ciiitrtli. Kliiwer SlnniM. Wlr . lfni , Ilia
l1N.Kth. Ontrr < lit mill pminptlT ntlfndodt * .
Lumber ,
1)C.U' _ AIIKInddof
JiulldhiR tfcacn-ial nt Wliolos , l < ! <
trni-i > A. _ iuin t'urtflo Tntrk , Omnh * .
LOl , IS Jilt A IFORl > ,
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash *
Doors , Kto. Yards-CornorJth and Douelasi Cornel
8th nnd llouglas. j
Wholesale Liuubcr , I
S1 P.Hth nrcft,0m hi > , Not' . . Colpeltsr , Manage *
V. JV. D1ET2.
13th and California MrtPtu , Omnha , Neb.
W. Git AY ,
ninb r , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. I
Cor.CtbanJ Doutlai iti. , Omaha. Na > . |
* '
Lumber. \
To Dealers Only.
Offle , 1(0.1 Fnrnam itrect.Omnha.
Hardwood Lumber , ;
Wood Carpets and 1'arqnet Kloorlnj. Vth and Doustal
Oaohn. ,
Wholcsnlo Lumber , Etc.
Inpnrttd and American Portland Cement. Rlatl
AientforMllirauken-llfdraullc Ceiniutaod Boik
( Julncy > Vhllel.lme. >
Z/Ve Stock.
Of Omaha. - |
Limited. John F. Bojd , Buparlntendtnt. j
Lift Stock Commission.
M. KUltKE < C SOX8 ,
Llvo Stock Commissioii.
_ Oeo. Ilurke , Manager.
Union 5look Tardi , 8. Ouiaha. Taltpbone Ml.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of anr and all klnrii of Block sollelte4
L'nlon ? tock TanlsOmaha , Neb.
- -
Millinery and Nations.
Importer * nnd Jobber * of
Millinery and Notions ,
1213and 1215 Ilnrney Hueet , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer ! In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
40.1 and li B. Tenth St. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls , I
lean * rant * , Etilrts. Ktc. 1103 and JlOt Doului Street/
OmahH , Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry a nice utock of I'rlnlliiuVruiilnK | ndVrlt ,
Inu liaper. Bpediil iitlentlon clvon to car loud os >
o-iler , which will be mtuped dlroct from inlllri. All
order * will receive personal attention.Yeftuan *
mi too good goods anil low price * , lilt and 11113
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers , )
And Book Binder * . 10(1 and 108 South FourteentH
itreet. Omaba , Web.
_ _
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealer * In Typo , Preuei and I'rlnter ! ' Supplies. (00
South Twelfth Street.
r s-- . . - . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . : - ,
Manufacturers and Dealers la
ngiiiRR , Boilers & General Miichiner ?
Bbect Iron work , Steam Pumps. Saw Mills , Acme )
BhaftlnK , Dodge Wood split Pullnri , Belting , eta. .
Aliowagoui , ierapenandbaletloa. ULt-UlSL.e/ .
Tenwonlnt. Omaha
P UMPc67t
Wholosule Pumps , Pij > e , Fittings ,
eam nnd Water Sunpllei. Headquarter * fi > r Mn
KoostCo's Uoo > ln. 1111 farnnm St. . Omaba. Neb.
rjalladarWInd Ulliil fleam and Water Suppllei ,
IMunib'ne Uoortf. HeitlnK. llose. i'18 ' anil WO Far-
uam it. , Oiunha. s. K. Kelton , Manager. I
Telephone No. 510. ' . I
Pumps , Pipes and Engines.
Steam , Wat r , Rallwar and Milling Supplies. BUI '
930 , va aad VU Fa roam at. , Omaha. Neb. i
Safes , Etc.
Atrents for Hall's Safe & J/ock Co.s'
Fire and llurglar Proof Safes , Time I-ocks , Vault *
jand Jail Work. latJ tarnara street Omaha. Neb.
Omaha Safe Works.
Uaoufactnrersof Fire and UnrclarProof Safes , Vault
Uoon , Jail Work. Shutters anil Wire Work. Cor.
_ UtbanilJacssonHU. . Um a , Neb , I
Sash , Doors , ftc.
co. ,
Wholesale Manufacturer ! of
Sash , Doors , Blimla aud Moulding1 ? ,
Mraneh and Iicrd sU.Osab , Ne ! > .
manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , i
s.HUIr Workond Interior Hard Wood
Just outued. N. 1C. cor. 8ili und J/eaveuworthHU.
umaba , Neb.
_ _ _
Johnstown , Neb ,
The best accommodations for travelers * '
The bcbt hotel in town.
F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor.
Lincoln , Neb.
The beet kno n u nU most popular hotel 1.
o Biato. I.ooaiiono < 'iitr liip | > ofnltncnls flis
class. llcniliiiurt'i | § for coiiiniorclHl men am
11 political ttntl public tritthcrluirs.
E. r. 11UOUUN , 1'roprlctor
School , County and City
Wo nrTl pay hlvhest price for a-ime.
jA-ZRIvd : ZjO .2.NTS
Made ut lowest i tos. ( 'orresiioiiiloncogolit'ltoil ,
nr Dr. Bnedlker's luelboU. No operation ! No P la |
No Detention from buslnv . Adaotbd to rUlldren
si well as grown vnjoyle. Unudredi ot sulo rjp
SUt Jill.I' 11 I ill , \ \ I II. . ' . /.Illlll
PItOF. N , U , COOK ,
Itoom 0 , 1514 Douglas St. , OiaaUa ,