THE OMAHA DAILY BJEJE : TUESDAY. JUNE 14 , 1887. Brooklyn and Louisville to-day resulted as follows : Urooklyn.M . 4 1 3 0 S 1 0 0 0-11 Louhvlllo , . 0 01002200 s Pitchers Toolo and Terry for Urooklyn , ItnuHcy for Louisville. JJaso lilts Brooklyn 1 ! . 1/wilsvlllo 1.1. Krrors Drooklyn 0 , Louis ville 0 , Umpire Korinison. Nicff Tonic. Juno 13. The came between Metropolitan and Cincinnati to-day resulted as follows : Metropolitan . 0 02301000-0 Cincinnati . 0 1 l 0 1 8 1 1 * -13 I'ltchers-Cnshninn nnd Sertid. Uaso hits Metropolitans 10 , Cincinnati 17. Errors- Metropolitans 8 , Cincinnati 6. Umpire Racing nt St. HT. Louts , Juno 13. The attendance was fair , the track fast and the weather glorious. The following Is the summary : Ono and one-fourth miles : Procrnstina- tlon won , Mahoncy second , Polo Willis third. Time 3:11. : For thrpc-year-olds , ono and ono-olehth nllos : Miss Ford won. Carrie eecond , Kosa- land third. Tlmc-l:57. : One and one-eighth in I Irs : Hornpipe won , liobel Scout second , Alarua third , Time l : 7Jf. Two-year-olds , five furlongs : Haceland won , Vanlcland second , Hltar third. Time Two-year-olds and upwards , three-fourths of a mile : Cora L won. Howard Orajr BCC- end , Dudley Oaka thlnl. Timc-llO. : I'roupcot Pnrk Races. Nzw YOIIK , Juno 13. There was an ex cellent attendance at the Prospect park races to-day. The weather was fine and the track good. The following h the summary : Thrco-nimrter uillo : Alarlc won , Gleaner second , Wlnona third. Time lilOK. Five-eighths inlla two-yoar-olds : Ucndlso won , Fauxpas second , King llab third. Tlmo-l:04& : One nnd ono-elphth miles : Favor won , Uarnum second , viceroy third. Timo-liM. One and one-eighth miles three-year-olds : Maroon won , Fltzror Second. Time lMf. : ! Two stakes. One and onn-slxtconth miles three-year- olds and upward : Kuvellor won , Hataplan srcond. Magglnj third. Tlme-lM& : Onomllo : llnrlin won. Hlogrnnd second , Parasol third. Tlme-lMsy. Iho Tournamont. The thirteenth annual tournament of the Nebraska State Sportsman's associa tion opens to-iliiy at tlio fair grounds , tinder the most satisfactory nrospects. Thogrounds will bo in excellent condition. Mr. Penroso and several ether lending BOortsmon were this morning engaged at the grounds putting up a number of tents for the accommodation of the marksmen. Ono of tncso will bo a hugo one about the tizc of a circus canvass. The attendance is expected to come from all parts of the state , uml will bo representative of all the loading gun clubs in Nebraska. Judge Barnes of Ponca arrived .yester day accompanied by his son John.n bright little follow about ten years of ago who is quito a promising shot. The judge says that the North Nebraska association Trill bo represented by Messrs. Bay no , Ackormnn , Brow , Ley , Borland , all of whom arrived last night. Tekamah will bo represented by a largo delegation of its club , among whom will bo Messrs. Heard , Craig , White and sev eral others. The Western Nebraska association will bo represented by at least U. W. George , Kearney ; Jerome Lewis , McCook ; A. Weirs , Diller : Franfc Crablo , Loup City , ns also Messrs. Beach ana Doty. The Gate City's Shoot Following Is the score of the date City gun club's last weekly shoot , at JUver View Park ground at twenty-flvo blue rocks : Zeller 1111101111 11101 11011 11111-23 A. Christlanaon..OOlU 00111 01111 10111 11101-18 Knapp 10111 11011 01111 10111 10111-20 K llaarman 11111 11001 10111 11101 10'J01-IS Hnrder OlOoO 11010 10000 11111 11010-18 Pflapinir neil ooii ooiooo neil 10101-14 -Jobnion ooiio Olooo louoi 01010 loill-n J. Htturmou 11111 001U 10110 01111 11111-20 Hobon 11110 11110 00011 00010 00011-13 C. ChrlitianRon..liooi ooioa 10111 ooooo 11010 11 O. Johnson 10110 11101 00111 11100 01100 15 norland. . . . nnoi ooooo 11000 10100 oooio- F rr r 10000 00000 OOOOO 01100 OllOO- Andoison 10111 01001 10000 00011 10011-1Z / Illinois Sportsmen's Shoot. CHICAGO , Juno 13. The thirteenth annual tournament of the Illinois Sportsmen's asso- XT , elation began at Grand Crossing to-day. S Mearly 1,000 pigeons wore slaughtered and . - any number of clay birds shattered. The board of trade diamond badge was won by * Isaac Parting ton , of Champaign. The Atlantic Again Leads. . , TOMKINSVH.I.K , s. C. , Juno 13. fn the A Corinthian regatta to-day there was a fine - ' breeze between Sandy Ilook and Sandy llook llghtshl ps , though there was little In Bide either starting or finishing. The cutter Stranger led from early In the race until the wind came on , and then the Atlantl c and Ualatcawent ahead. Tbo Atlantic finally passed the Galatea and was not afterwards headed. The Atlantic , Galatea and other large boats are becalmed In the lower bay. The Atlantic is nearest homo and will proba bly win. LATER The big yachts finally drifted In with the tide , and the Atlantic won , beating the Galatea on corrected tune , by 8 minutes , Bp seconds. _ _ _ _ Another Walking Match. There will be another walking match at the Exposition building on Saturday night. It will be a twenty-live mile go-as-you-please contest. Already there are ilx entries , among them Hart , C. W. Ashlngor and liourlhan. Bvndred Mile Bicycle Race. INDIANAPOLIS , Juno 13. The 100-mile bicycle race , run to-day on the public roads near Crawfordsvlllo , was won by Rlioades. Tune. 7 hours , 57 seconds , Crocker was econd. The Cortlaud Crooks. COMTLAND , Neb. la [ Special Telegram to the BKE.I Chase , the burglar arrested yesterday , has given the scheme awayant Implicated.a plasterer liero by tbe name of Martin , who was arrested this morning Chase claims that Canon , the ono who Is till at largo , has about two thousand dollars worth ot ourglar tools In different parts of the state , .and says that they are the ones that lately did some work In Seward , this state. Chase's face and bauds are full o nowdor marks , showing that he has been In the business. Commencement at Central City. ( CENTRAL ClTV , Nob. , June 13. | SpCCltl Telegram to trie UEE. | The commencement exercises of the Central City hitch schoo wore hold at the Grand opera house this evening. The graduating class wore Misses Gertrude Hooper , Eva Vleregp and Cora IjOtcher. Kev. W. E. Copeland , of Omaha , delivered an addrens on the subject of "American Citizenship , " which was well re- , celved by a largo and appreciative audience. The Windsor Chanties Hands. T LISCOLN , Neb , , June 18. [ Special Tele Itrani to the BEE. ] The lease of the Wind nor hotel , owned by Glass A Montrose , was fi cold to-day to parties from Kansas , who take K possession of the house Thursday. Messrs. Glass & Montrose have made tbe Windier one of the best houses In the state and re grets will be numerous over their retirement from business , Killed by'MRhtnlng. r NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram to the BEK. | Lewis Smith , a young employed on the farm of Charles Dann a few miles east of this city , wus struck by lightning yesterday afternoon while herd- Ins cattle and Instantly killed. A little one-year-old daughter of Henry ScDlnder , while laying with ether children last evening , had her arm broken and sboul- der dislocated. A Crippled Editor's Hard Luck PLUM CBEKK , Neb. , Juno 13. ( Special Telegram to the Unit-O. | U. Signer , ed- k Itor of tbe Gazette , had the misfortune to 2 break bis arm last Saturday. As ho only has iv cue arm and one log his misfortune Is doubly Ik Bovero. doing Deeper For Salt. LINCOLN , Neb. , June 13. [ Special Tele gram to Ui BKE. ] Contractor Bullock , who i&k the MM well for the utato la th talt ba- . " .46 ' X ' . . - sin , was in the city to-day and entered Into contract with tbe board of 'jpnbllo lands nnd building * to rink tbe weu an .additional thousand feet Captured A llorso Thief. Kf , , Ia. , Juuo 13. [ Special Telegram to the UKK. ] Sheriff J , W , Dlady , of Dallas county , cleverly captured George Chester , a horse thief , early this mornlnc nnd safely Indeed him In the county jail. Some tlmo during tbo night the thief entered the stable of Mr. Goodson , residing near Vanmetor , and took ono ot bis best horses. This morn lnc about daybreak ho rode up to Jap Rey nolds' , about two miles northwest of Add , where ha got his breakfast After breakfast ho Ibantored Mr. Heynolds for a trade , oiler * Ingt o take ยง 'J5 and Key n olds' horse for hl . Mr. Reynolds' suspicions were aroused , and he took him up at hU oiler and went to Ado I for tht money. When he feturned no brought the sheriff Instead , who at once took thn thltf Into custody. There was ) so much talk ot lynching that the prisoner was taken to DCS Moincs to-night for safe keeping. Impeaching Judge Labour. Dr.s Moi.xns , Ia. . Juno 13. [ Special Tele gram to the DEE. I The Impeachment trial of Police J udge Labour on a charge of embezzle ment began before the city council to-day. A sensation ras produced by an offer through ills attorney to resign his ofllce for G50. The council Indignantly rejected the ofTer and proceeded with the trial. During the pendency of. the proceedings all police court business Is suspended and violators of city ordinances are having their own way. Labour started for Canada April 6 with about 83,000 ot foes belonging to the city and Bounty but returned and proposed to refund the money , but insisted on remaining In olDce , hence the impeachment to put him out. Iowa Supreme Court Decisions. DES MOINKS , Ia. , Juno 13. ( Special Tele gram to the BKE.I The supreme court con vened this afternoon and tiled the following decisions : J. F. Hubbard vs. M. D. Hfirt and Gnorge F. Caso. appellant , from Cass district Aflirincd. Barrett & Barrett , appellant , vs. Wheeler Hewftld , from Pottawattornlo circuit Ke- vorsod. St Louis , Ottumwa & Cedar Itaplds rail way , appellant vs. Elizabeth Duvlne et al , from Wapullo circuit Affirmed. Helen J. Allen , appellant , vs. City of Le Mars , from Woodbury district Affirmed. Mary C. Walker vs. Chicago A Rock Island railway , appellant , from Pottawattomle dls- 'rlct Reversed. Mattlo K. Wagner vs. Almlra Condeon , ap pellant , trom Sac district affirmed. Gross < & Hamuntc vs. George P. Scarr , ap pellant trom Cass circuit Ailirmed , Sad Fatality at DCS Molnes. DRS MOI.NKS , Ia. , Juno IB. [ Special Tele gram to the BKU. | A little son ot Mr. Mo- ,033 , , a driver on a broad gauge street car , ran to his father with a cup of water this ifternoon between Fourteenth and Fifteenth treoto on Grand avenue. The father was en- gairod In making change for a passenger at the time and directed the child to wait n moment. While the little one stood there he team started , knocking him down and the oar ran over him , crushing his head and causing Instant death. An Important Rumor for Omaha. DAVENTOUT , Ia. , June 13. The Gazette says : A report , well authentic , is circulated bat arrangements are about completed whereby the International distillery at Dos- Molnes , the Iowa City distillery , and tbe dls- Illery at Atlantic , la. , are to be removed to Omaha , Neb. , or St. Joseph , Mo. , the entire ixpenso of transportation to bo sustained by tno Chicago , Itock Island & Pacific railway Sioux City Aids llallroads. Sioux CITY , la. , Juno 13. A citizens' meeting to-night resolved to vote a 5 per cent tax In aid of the Sioux City & Northwestern and Sioux Oity & Manitoba railroads. The latter Is projected to run north to Marshall , Minn , , and the other to LIvermore , In Iowa. Work of Nitroglycerine. BUFFALO , N. 7. , June 18. While driv- ng a wagon loaded with nltro-glycerlne cans near Clean to-day , the cans exploded with terrific force , Instantly killing Lorn Hart , whose mangled remains were found many yards away. The wagon was blown to splinters , the horses badly mangled , and fences , etc. , demolished. Oar Flag's Birthday. HAHTFOBD , Conn. , Jane 18. To-morrow Is the one hundred and tdnth anniversary of the adoption of toe stars and stripes as the national emblem. Flags will be displayed in this city and the Courant editorially recom mends that the custom of displaying flags on that day be made national. Miles to Fight the Indians. Tucsox , Ariz , , June 13. General Miles will arrive here to-night to take personal charceoftho Indian campaign , as there Is every appearance of a prolonged war. . ' Rioters to Be Tried. JERSEY CITY , Juno 13. District Attorney Wlnlleld. , of Hudson county , has taken stops to bring to punishment lierr Most and a number of his followers for their connection with the rioting yesterday afternoon. John Russell YonnR'a Switch. PHIULDP.U'UIA , June 13. John Russell young , ex-United States minister to China , was elected president of the anti-poverty so ciety of Philadelphia ( Henry tieorge-Mc- Glynn party ) to-night A BRUTAL ASSAULT. A Commission Man Assaulted on a Street Car. J , W. Gassman , a commission mer chant doing business at South Omaha and living at 1019 Hurt street , was bru tally assaulted on a Parlc avenue car yes terday evening by a bricklayer named Thomas Lee. It appears that Lee had been abusing a small boy who was on the car and finally struck him. Gassman at tempted to remonstrate , when Lee draw a heavy hickory cudgel which ho carried and struck him a fearful blow in the face , knocking out two of his teeth and cut ting his liu very severely. Lee was lodged in jail. Passengers on the car are very indignant over the matter and characterize Leo's assault as purely bru tal and unprovoked. Leo was under the intlucnco of liquor at the time of the trouble. Personal Paragraphs , G. Waterbury , one of the postofilco in. specters of this city , is in the city. 11. S. Rollins , J. II. Kcone , Alex. Mitch ell , Jr. , and C. 5 , Carrier went to Idaho last night. Judge D. J. Brewer arrived from Loavonworth , Kas. , yesterday morning , and is at the Paxton. Thomas C. Bralnard , proprietor of the Grand Central hotel at Kearney , Nob. , Is at the Paxton. H. H. Marley , southwestern passenger agent of the Michigan Central railroad at Kansas City , is in the city , looking after the interests of bis road. Judge Beach 1. Iliuman , of North Platte , was in town yesterday and in conversation with a UEE reporter ad mitted that ho had come to town to ascer tain what prospect there was of the Mis souri Pacific railroad reaching North Platto. The judge bad been informed by certain Union Pacific olllcials that the road In question baa a surveying party in the field which was running a line to Kearney. This announcement aroused the dosfro of the North Platte people to sou if they could not Induce the M. P. to como to their city , especially as they were willing to ollbr a number of induce ments. The Judge wa accordingly com missioned to oorno here to consult with 8. U. H. Clark on the matter , That gen tlomati , however , had gone away. 80 the judge's visit waa barren of results. Money to loan at 6 per cent. 8. S Campbell , 810 U. 16th K. , Board ot Trade building. RIGHTS OF OMAHA JOBBERS , A Forcible Presentation of Facts to the Railway Commissioners. SIMPLE JUSTICE DEMANDED , Mr. Btaoabarn'a Investigation A Brntal Assault Bontb Omaba SirtlnRs The Board of Trade Other Local Mat tor * . They Found Plenty of Complaints. A well attended meeting of the busi- ICES men of the city Vv&S Hold at tlTo board of trade rooms yesterday , called to enable them to meet the state railroad commissioners and present to them the grievances under which the commercial ntcresU of Omaha arc laboring. The nicotine throughout was characterized by a forcible presentation of the subject nt S3uo , Uon. Euclid Martin was cho sen chairman , and briefly and pertinently stated the objects for which the meeting was called. W. A , Jj. Gibbon arose and addressed the mooting , iiis presentation of facts was 'orcible , and was listened to with marked attention. Mr. Gibbon said "tnat in the consideration of Omaha's traffic relations ho subject properly comes under two icads first the unrighteous discrimina tions that have been and still exist against us. which prohibit Omaha mer chants from selling to a largo number of owns m contiguous territory , notably the three tiers of counties in the eastern > : irt of the state , representing a majority of the population , wealth , etc. , of Nebraska and this triulo diverted to Chicago and other eastern markets. Second , the remedy asked is one of sim ple justlcoi no preference or advantage s asked over the great markets of the cast or any competing center. We want o stand upon a plane equal with compo- ilivo cities with regard to rates. In jluclng the case before you , wo feel your lonoranlo body is free from local inter ests and influences a body whoso indi vidual members have been selected to fill he position because of superior intelli gence and sound judgment on the com- ilicatod questions that must come before .he . railroad commission. From such a jody wo must expect wise and equitable action. Wo realize also in the discussion of the subject of our grievances , the like claims in the interest of other cities that are liable to bo frought with selfish motives because of the contending in- .orests. . In the battle for supremacy be tween rival cities , denominated jobbing or distributing centers on the ono side mil those peculiar machinations of freight tariffs made to divert trade to iistant markets and secure the long mul for railroad's on the other side , ho plausible arguments advanced by the wily tariff managers are opt to mislead in arriving at a true solution of what is but a plain and siinplp question. For these reasons I hope you will ) ardou the trespass on titio if we discuss , ho subject in a general manner before ilacing facts and figures before you ouching Omaha's special claims. Wo do this as wo dcslro to show the nature of the foundation upon which we desire to erect a superstructure which you must receive as tenable. Wo hear much about state and inter-state law made to regu- ate railroad trnlHo , and in looking up he question find that all law is divided nto what is called common and statute law. The most Important point m common law , especially to all business men , is that which derives its name from an ancient phrase , "thu law merchant. " By this Is meant the law of merchandise or more accurately , the : aw of governing mercantile transac tions. Statute law can be made to-day and repealed to-morrow , and is too often so loosely made that , as a great Irish jarrister once said of English laws , "you can drive a coach ana four through them. " Let us then , for a moment , leave statute law to the jurisprudence of the supreme bench , and rest our case at the bar of public necessity. In common law , made by the well-devel oped usages of the commerce of the country , two interests are to be considered first the claims of rival jobbing centers and the questions of freight rates. The jobbers and jobbing centers are merchants' creations made to cover an over-ruling clement in trade , viz : convenience and economy. The jobber is the dealer that buys irom the manufacturer and sells to the retailer a middleman , so to speak. Sorao econo mists have argued that the jobber being a middleman was an unnecessary ap pendage in the commercial world and should be abolished. Experience has taught that the jobber is not only neces sary but is a tower of strength in con venience to tUo manufacturer and producer , for if the laws of credit and finance had reached a state of perfection the goods could be distributed safely and economically , say to the dealer , in the western states by the manufacturers of Europe or even New England , it follows that the manufactur ers would distribute their own product and dispense with the retailor/ This is not practicable because it lacks the "ele ment of safety and economy. Jobbing centers depend on geographical position. Their permanence and importance depend - pond moro upon natural than artificial causes. If the position is natural , that is , their geographical situation is in the cen ter of a populous and prodoctlvo terri tory , the artificial aid will turn towards it as naturally as the needle to the pole , and its growth will bo certain and rapid even against opposi tion and discrimination till a great mar ket is established employing hundreds of millions of capital. These great markets are situated at various distances accord- to density of population in the east from seventy-five to ICO miles apart mntin the west from 200 to COO miles apart. The very nature of these jobbing or distribut ing centers prescribe that their territory must bo limited in extent. This is so much recognized in older countries and In the East , say from the seaboard to the Mississippi river , and oven Im portant towns on the Missouri , that wo find in this section of the country as be tween competing cities freight rates as a rule equitable that ia to say no one city or market has special advantages over the another on account of freight rates. To illustrate : Philadelphia and Chicago competing for Omaha business taking Fifth-class freight for conven ience the rate from Philadelphia to Omaha is 47o. The rate from Philadel phia to Chicago is 17c and the rate from Chicago to Omaha is 30o. The suih of the two locals Is 47o , precisely the same as the through rate , thus placing the two cities on a parity as regards freight rates. This is true of nearly all the great east ern cities. Now move west and take Chicago for tbe base of supplies in competition with Omaha and points west of the Missouri river. The rate from Chicago to Wahoo ( rlfth class ) is 85 cents. The rate from Chicago to Omaha is 30 cents ; Omaha to Wahoo , 10 oenU ) sum of the two locals , 49 cents. The through rate from Chicago to Wahoo being only 35 cents makes a clear-cut discrimination agatnst Oman and in favor of Chicago of 14 cents. The same difference exists with Fremont. Lincoln and other points , and there are 100 towns in Nebraska which come under the same ducrimlnatioasw On lumber rates , taking in Kansas , Colorado and Nebraska , nearly 400 towni are discriminated against in favor of Chicago , A retro spective view of tbe growth of the jobbing business will enforce the argument 1 am trying to niaki and be an interesting study , especially for the railroad mag * Bttej , who Imagine thej can make aiul unmake Jobbing osnlen at will. What great market , let Us twk , supplied the ter ritory known as'Indiana , Michigan , Il linois , Wisconsin'ettt ; , thirty years ago ? The answer is Ncjv York and other sea board cities. Many of us who did busi * ness in Chicago tvvjjnty years ago can remember - member how at early morning wo would hasten to the Michigan Central depot to catch an Interview \tith a western ro- taller on his way to Jvcw York for goods , vainly ondcavorlrig to persuade him to stop and look at 'our stocks. IIow is it to-day ? What great market supplies that great territory ? The answer is Chicago. , . UoV Wa9 ' ( his chance wrought * Did Now York ( sur render peaceably ? No ! she battled for the trade long and valiantly. Was she lucking in moneyor ; ? No ; she fra ! all pSWcrful Then , as how , In this regard. How , then , was this wonderful change accomplished ? That same inex orable law which represents the conven ience and economy of the people. The battle so successfully fought by our sister city of the lake thirty years ago is now being waged on the banks of the Mis souri , and the god of war that so success fully brought Chicago through in her efforts will unfold the banner of victory over Omaha in her proscnt struggle to hold the trade of the territory that naturally belongs to her. Op position strong and unrelenting will con tinue to work against us. Chicago , with her allied railroads , stretches her strong arms across our state and snatches by discriminating rates the trade from our very door. To stop this wo demand that rates on freight originating at points cast of Nebraska and destlnou to interior points in Nebraska , shall bo made on a basis of the sum of the two locals. This is justice , and wo must have it. Omaha js not alone interested in the question. The people of this commonwealth de mand that this embargo bo removed , and that they bo allowed the conven ience and economy of buying supplies at the metropolis of the state. The rail roads may as well vlold grace fully to the inevitable on this question , as the reserve power rests with the people ple and sooner or later it will assert itself. " Mr. Gibbon was warmly apnlandod throughout and at the close of his re marks lie was followed by F , W , Gray , who matte a succiut statement of the gross discrimination against the lumber Interests. Ho was listened to with marked attention. Robert Easson fol lowed with a statement of the disad vantages under which the grocery trade labored. He said : The main cause for our requesting your honorable body to come and hoar , what wo had to say , was the demand your honorable body made upon the railroad company's runnning into Lincoln , to make the rates from the cast to that city the same as they are to Omaha. Do- liovlng as wo do , that you are aware of the purpose for which the commission was created by the legislature , namely to protect the interests of all cities and towns as well as corporations or firms , we were reluctant .to .believe that you wore sincere in yourjdemand , but rather that a pressure had boon brought to bear upon you by local interests ut Lincoln , and in order to gratify the request you Inconsiderately asked for Omaha rntns into Lincoln from the oast. Just look for a moment , at the posi tion of the itwo cities and sea how it would bo possible for Omahn to do nny business west of Lincoln on any of any of the railroads were your demand prrcquest to bo com piled with. You would place an embargo on the commerce of Omaha , , a oity to-day of 100.000 people , a city of which you gen tlemen ought to bo proud as citizens of Nebraska. You would attempt to build up an interior point .which has no more claim to such favors .than her sister cities , Framont , Beatrice , Morfolk , Hastings and [ } rand Island , who are taa uqar to the Missouri river or equally entitled to Omaha rates as Lincoln ia. NOW , gen tlemen of the commission , we ask you plainly and oalmly on what grounds you make this demand. You will readily ad mit that were your request complied with , that tbo jobbing trade of this city would simply be taken from her ? Do you really wish that this should be the case ? Is it your duty as officers of this state to build up Lincoln at the sacri fice of Omaha or tiny other , town in Ne braska ? Wo don't lay any claim to the entire - , tire trade of our state or the west. Lincoln has as much right to live and do business as we have , but she is not entitled geographically graphically or in point of importance to any advantages over the metropolis of the state. Omaha has been glaringly discriminated against for years past uy the railroad companies , and discrimi nated against in favor of Lincoln for years. It is a well known fact that wholesale houses , if not retailers as well , enjoyed the same rate from the east as Omaha had , but now , when the inter state railroad law goes inio effect , and this state of affairs cannot longer exist , now the secret morsel has been taken from the Lincoln jobber and now he asks you to take up the cudgel and champion his cause in the most selfish manner possible , and to the detriment of a city which has suffered so much here tofore , to the injury of the metropolis of the state. Wo ask you , can you conscien tiously continue your request , if so. why ? Has Omaha no claim that you are officially bound to respect , is it right , is it just , that you should ask for what would nara- lyze the industries of this great and grow ing city. " Mr. Easson was followed by ex-Commis sioner Griffiths , who in a few brief words appealed to the commission for their as sistance in enforcing righteous treat ment in behalf the commercial interests of the dity. Conversation of a general nature was indulged in by those present. Commis sioner liabcock said Omaha's grievances ought to bo corrected. There was noth ing but what was right , and commission ers would bo glad to assist this city. Mr. Martin inquired whether the board had power to place Omaha on an equality with Chicago , Lincoln or Fremont so far as the same rates in western Nebraska were concerned. It was stated that a majority of the board did noth.qld to the opinion that Lincoln was entUlod to Missouri river rates. After further discussion the meeting adjourned , after having been in session two hours. , 1P)1,0 ) WITH THE UH.frrtfr . RESULT. The Board of Kdlujjitjoii Investigates Mr. Blackburn. ' * Uusc. The judiciary comja'ii tee of the board of education met last might to investi gate the charges niade n a recent issue of the llerukl , accusing.Mr. T. W.Black burn , a member of thVboard , witli hav ing rushed a real estate/deal through the board to his own profit. Mr. Davis , chairman of tbo ooramittoo presided and conducted the examination. Secretary Conoyorf\vfo first called. Ho admitted that ho had given the Herald certain information that he received in regard to the real estate transaction in which Mr. Ulackburn is accused of hav ing defrauded the board. Ho know nothing of the partnership relations be tween Mr. Evana and Mr. Blackburn ex cept by hearsay. The proposition , made by Evans & Co. , to sell the board the school lots in question , was , he said , in Mr. Blackburn's handwriting. Ho said that the first payment upon the property was ma do to Mr. Evans and not to Mr. Blackburn , as stated in the Herald. The ppint claimed by Mr. Oonoyor was that the signature on the proposition , purporting to DO that of Mr. Evans , and that upon tbo resolu tion introduced by Mr. Blackburn in the board , were both made by Mr. Black' burn. Cross-examined bv Mr. Black burn , Mr. Conoyer admitted that the proposition made by Mr. Tukoy , which was accepted by the board , was received without advertising the same as the proposition from J. B. Evans & Co. , of fering the property over which tlio trouble aroso. Further questioned , Mr. Conoyer refused to tell how much of the information published in the Herald had boon furnished by him. Nothing satis factory i was prodacod by the cross-examination. owing to Mr. Conoycr's decided aversion to an swering Mr. Blackburn's questions. The statement published that Mr. Blackburn had engineered the deal for thp pvrchaso of of , tho. pr.opyrty from Evans Co , , through the board , was the subject of considerable discussion , Mr. Conoyer stated that when the question of purchasing the school site was DC lore the board , Mr. Blackburn went to Mr. Davis and had him change his vote in favor of the proposition. Mr. Blackburn showed by cross-examination that ho and Mr. Davis had voted on opposite sides of the question. Mr , Conoyer's testimony waste to the effect that much of ( ho matter pub lished in the Herald was not in accord ance with the information furnished by him. The Herald'a charge that Mr. Black burn had received money from the board of property in which he was interested was based on the statement that the sig nature to the stub of the warrant given by Mr. Conoyer was the sumo as that made by Mr. Blackburn on the resolution offered by him authorizing the purchase of the property. Mr. Conoyor stated that Mr. Evans had signed the warrant stub. Ho was not certain whether ho hud told the Herald of this fact or not. Mr. Clark , as a member of the com mittee on buildings and property , stated that his only object in reporting in favor of the property offered by Evans was that the ground was larger and cheaper than the property offered on the north side of the Tukoy purchase. Ho received his in formation regarding the property from Mr. Evans. Ono of the owners of the property on the north had raised the price of her property above the amount authorized by the board. Mr. Tukey testified as to the circum stances loading to the sale of his property to the board and his conveyance of the property adjoining to Mr. Evans. He had no dealings with Mr. Blackburn and did not know that that gentleman had any interest in the matter. Sir. J. B. Evans testified that it was frequently the case that he made invest ments on his own account , separate from Iiis partnership with Mr. Blackburn. His sale to the school board was of this char- actor. His proposition was made as an agent of Mr. Tukcy , and his commission was to be between $400 and 5500. Ho had consulted with Blackburn , Mr. Black burn told him that ho could have no in terest in transaction and would re ceive none of the commission. Ho was to receive 91,000 for the sale. Of this amount $000 was to go to another agent. The other agent was not Mr. Blackburn , is not a member of the board and has no direct connec tion with the board. Mr. Points insisted that the name of the agent bo given inasmuch as a suspi cion attached that the money had been used for a wrong influence. Mr. Evans replied that he could not toll the name of the party who re ceived the | 500. Cross-examined by Mr. Blackburn , lie said that Mr. Blackburn had no interest in the deal and had never consulted with him. Ho testified that ho had signed the proposi tion which the Herald alleged had been signed by Mr. Blackburn. Mr. Blackburn was called upon and gave his version of the caso. Ho denied In tote the charges made in the Herald , corroborated the testimony of Mr. Evans and Mr. Tarkoy , and denied hat ho had any interest whatever in'tho deal. Mr. Blackburn's evidence closed the examination. BOA-XID OP TIIADE. Considering NOW. Y * JU .v-a. rn > Ing Hoheme. The regular mooting of the board of trade last evening , was not largely at tended. The report of the committee on rules for the government of the board was referred to the hoard of directors. The resignation of C. Hartman as a mem ber of the soldiers and sailors committee was accepted. E. E. Bruce was appoint ed to 1111 the vacancy. The secretary of the Union Scale Works of DCS Moincs , wrote the board asking what encourage ment would bo afforded by the citizens zons for the location of the scale works at Omaha. The com munication was referred to the committee on manufactures. The rules of the freight bureau of the Omaha board as engrossed on the books were adopted. Mrs. Naxon , a representative of the Now York Journal , was heard by the board in reference to an advertising scheme which it was proposed the board should further. She asked the assistance of the board in procuring a full-pago write-up of the city for her paper , and also the issuing of her screed in pamphlet form for distribu tion among persons seeking western homes. Subscribers to the Now York paper were also desirable , it was neatly insinuated. The members of the board did not warm up to the scheme which it was represented was solely for the benefit of the board , and done principally as a charitable move on the part of the eastern publication. The board was asked to subscribe a certain sum and each individual take the pa per. A resolution was presented , stat ing that avcll writon article in the New York Morning Journal would bo of great value to the board of trade , and that the board of directors be directed to expend a sum sufficient to cover the ex pense of the advertisement. It created n great deal of discussion. The resolution was amended to provide for the expendi ture of ? 100 for the "ad , " Mrs. Naxon said $100 was not enough and she couldn't do it on any such term's. She insisted on each of the 237 members of the board taking the" paper for ono year at $1.50 per year. As only about one-tenth of the members were present , the one-tenth' didn't feel like committing the ether nine-tenths to tho'subscription list of the paper. The resolution was amended tenet not allow the sum to exceed $150 , and that the article bo referred to the board of directors for approval. In this form the resolution passed. The consideration of the advertising scheme occupied the greater portion of the evening , and it was 10:30 : when the board adjourned. The members were yawning and appar ently greatly bored , but were too gallant to adjourn. South Omaha News. Police Judge Ueuthcr has been ap pointed justice of the peace and n now precinct created out of the old Douglas precinct , to be known as South Omaha precinct. Parties have arrived from St. Louis to begin the work of constructing a now standplpe for the stock yards company. The standpipe will bo located on the high ground west of the yards , and will bo seventy-live feet In height by twenty in diameter , The stock yards company have put in a new pump as an addition to their water works. The pump has a capacity for a million and a half gallons every twenty- four hours. It has Dcen connected with the stock yards lake and will bo used to pump wntor to tbo Fowler and Llpton houses. Bids are being received for the construc tion of the proposed sewer from South Omaha to the river. Tbo only fish of any size , over caught out of South Omaha lake , was captured yesterday afternoon. It was about a foot ia length and had a largo flat head ex tending out into n shovol-shnpod beak. Its eyes were very small and bright and it * mouth wns small and located on the under side and about two inches back from the end of the beak. No ono around the yards was able to toll the name of the strange creature. Mr. Boyd , the father of Superintendent Boyd will have the fish mounted. Damages $1.OOO. Edwin Davis and J. S. Gibson were re ceiving yesterday morning a list of the damages claimed by property owners for street tbo winning to jto ftot vf Tljlr- tccnth south of Cnstollftf. Tlioj-ioomod to think that the ilatungcs asked would roach 110,000. BOLD ADVENTURERS , Ten Thousand Miles of Boa In an Open Boaf. Pall Mall Gazette : The Homeward Bound lay at rest in Dover harbor after her ten months' tossings m two ocean * , A weather-worn , cockle-shell , sea-stained and barnacle-covered. It was Sunday , and the little boat was hung with stream ers of bunting , their bright colors con trasting oddly with the woc-brgono ap pearance of the hull. The day was bril liantly line , and there was a constant stream of visitors to see the Homeward Bound after her adventurous voyago. The captain WHS at homo and ho hailed mo to come aboard , which I did with sonic diflcultyfor ! the Homeward Bound Is not an ordinary craft , but canvas-cov ered and crank as a bit of cork. The crow consists of Captain Nelson , his brother and a blacksmith , ono Olson , who , a couple of years ago , wore work ing together at a little settlement in the Orange Free State. The captain who had been at sea for many years previously , had a storo.blacksmlth shopa few horses and a bit of land ; and his brother nnd Olson wore in his employment They had often discussed the question whether it was possible for an open boat to weather the towering winter - tor waves of the capo of Good Hope , and trade not being over-prosperous , they determined to try their luck. They had their boat to build , which was not an easy matter 250 miles inland , without proper materials and tools to work with , and some of the dflloultics thu men over come remind ono of Robinson Crusoe's attempt to make a boat out of a trco. For instance , the bent weep necessary for the construction of the bull had to bo sawed out % of squared timber , an operation which necessarily delayed the work. This is only one instance. However , after a time the little boat was ready to bo put on the ox wagonits length having , indeed , been regulated by the length of the conveyance , nnd from Uitzleshoek she was carried over the Drakonsborg , nearly 0,000 feet nbovo the sea level , down to the eca at Durcan. By the time she was fitted out she had cost between 200 and 300. Before giving n few details of ono of the most adventurous voyages that were over undertaken by men , I may describe the arrangements of the Homeward Bound. She is twenty feet long , has a beam of four feet six inches , and draws four und one-half feet of water. She is four and three-quarters tons burden , and her rigging consists of a mainmast with gaff and boom , carrying mainsail and gaff topsail , with two jibs. After the trip from Port Natal to Table bay , a top mast was added , and the captain put on other sails a square sail for running , a square topsail for fine weather , ami in fine winds stunsails were put on both sides. Lumps of granite and sand bngs were mod for ballast , and seven twenty- gallon casks of fresh water were stowed away below the main deck , each barrel being filled with suit water as the fresh water was finished. It must bo under stood that the boat is an open boat , in the SCneo that it ia little moro than olioll covered over a thin canvas deck , well oiica , ana aiviaon into two air-tignt com partments a small one aft for stowing the provisions , spare sails and ether material , separated by a well , five feet wide by two feet six inches deep , by two feet sue inches long , from tbe larger portion tion forward. This was used as a cabin and general storeroom , and a very extraordinary little hole it is to bo the homo of throe big men for ten months. It is entered from the well which I have disoribod , through a small sliding door , through which I crawled with some great difficulty. This is what I saw : To begin with , the height is about two feet four inches , so that it is impossible to set up , and there is only room for two of the crew to lie down , the third man being nt the holm. Some blankets , rotten with salt and water , cov ered the floor , and coats , oilskins , trousers , boot and shirts were piled up on either sido. The cabin is lighted by a little tlo window about ono foot long and six inches wide. The compass is inside , the man at the helm being able to see the nccdlo from above. A little aneroid ba rometer Is nailed up close to the lamp. The ether dunnago was a curious mixture of odds and ends , such as sextant , n little mahogany sea-chest , strings of candles , bread bags , rusty scissors , knives , forks and spoons stuck into the beams overhead , billies and pannikins , iishing-lincs , log-glass , foghorn , charts , and many articles too numerous to men tion. Imagine this stuffy little hole in the tropics , with the sun overhead , and not a breath of wind ; or in a hurricane with great seas boating down on , the can vas overhead and driving the frail craft almost out of sight by their weight. In the hot weather the deck is kept cool by buckets of water , but'in bad weather the door was generally kept open , and so well did she ndo the gales that only about half a dozen times was it found necessary to shut the doorway. If the well filled , as it sometimes did , the man at the helm gave it it Jerk- and lot as much water out as possible , and then all hands turned to and baled. The men had suffered much from want of oxcrciso , for the well was their only exorcise ground ; and I have given the dimensions of that already. The galley stood hero ; n little parnfino steve in which everything was cooked. They hnd ample supplies of tea , coffee , a few bottles of rum for medical purposes , sugar , biscuit , flour and an infinite va riety of tinned meats , vegetables and potatoes , running short sometimes , but getting fresh supplies at ono of the four ports at which they touched. It was intensely interesting to hear Captain Nelson's account of the trip. Ho is a Norwegian who speaks very good English , is a passed merchant captain who has boon weathering .storms for twenty years in every part of the globe , who has fought in the Zulu war nnd holds a cortiticuto from Haker.of Baker's Horse , for his services during the Basuto war , With such u line fellow for skipper it is not surprising that the Homeward Bound reached British waters after her duspor- ate voyage. The captain had taken out ills papers from a very moist portman teau on board , but we adjourned to his lodgings and examined its contents ut leisure.for the crowd wus a little curious , and the cabin was not exactly a place for an interview. Every bit of paper was endued with a romantic halo. There were all manner of mysterious packets done up in scraps of old newspapers , cer tificates , mail | > aj > er.-inotebooks nnd pho tographs. But the log book was the most interesting item in the collection , for Captain Nelson has hnd a careful train ing , and his log book has been kept in tbo most minute manner. In this voyage the orow was divided into two watches , the captain taking the first four hours , the other two taking the next four and so on. They suffered much from want of sloop , the longest spell lin ing three days and three nicuta. It is remarkable that they shipped n rat on board somewhere , and only got rid of him after a long chase , driving him clean overboard. In the tropics a huge shark followed them for weeks , which was a little uncomfortable , but it sheered off eventually. Captain Kelson wns pn * to some queer shifts during hs | voyage Ho hul : no chronometer , ami u wng oflen tlllllctilt to take the sun , owlncto the lowncss of the boat In the water so many of his courses wore steered'by tlcad rccKonliig rrlono , but the constant handling of the boat hnd reduced the un. certainties of the log to a minimum. St. llcloim , which Is but txepol on the ocean , was hit ; so , too , was Michael In the Western islands , and Dover after n while. After leaving the Azores thu log ling was lost , nnd then the eye alouo measured t' ' Ustnpciis.njUj but still Lo hit the jsi of Wight. The litllo boat WQ5 ID \a : plight moro than once , the wnolo u i being siibmo'rgod over and over ngaln , RECTORY PROFESSIONALCARDsT A. s. CHUBCH LL , 020 South 15th street , Omaha. BLABAUOH & LANE , Room 25 , Paxton Block , Omaha. VT. J. CONNELL , 813 South 14th Street. L. D. HOLMES , A-ttorxioy at XJC , Room P. Kronzor lllock.0piio.ilto Toitofflro. PHYSICIANS. Room 822 N. IGth st. , Omaha. Office hours 9 to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m. DR. ELEANOR HTALLAHD DA1LRY , Residence , 605 } N. 17th St. O. S. HOFFMAN , M. D. , and. Suxgreoxx , Office , N-W Cor. 14th and Douglas. Office Telephone 465 ; Res Telephone , 43 JOS. W. BARNSDAL1 , A. M , , II. U. Specialist , Surgeon and Gy Office Hours lOio 12-3to4-7 toff. Onico.K'OTIIoiritrd ittrcet , Omaha. W. J. OALBRAITH , asxd. Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas it. Office Telephone , 465 ; Rc Telephone , 508. JAS. H. PEABODY , II. X > . Residence , No. 1407 Jones street. OWe * , With- nell HiocK. Telephone , residence 120 , offloo B. W. CONNELL , M. D. Z3Tom.coopatlilst , Office , 818 S. 14th st. Telephone , B69. J. V. COKNI8H , M. D. , PHYSICIAMSORGEON Cor. 20th and Lake Sts. FINE JOB PRINTING. REES PRINTING CO. , Printers , Book Binders And Blank book Manufaotureri. Koa. 109 and lOSS.Uth street , OmahnNob. J.F. Fnlrllo , Super- utoaJpnt Dlntlcrr. Telephone No. SKI Notice , SEVERAL persons of Into have gotten Into trouble from tbo use ot Qro hydrants for private use , untl . wo publish below tbo ordlq- Dti m An * .ef " * * * * " , * CL4.U. WW lAt oil u hydrant near St. Rury'H nTOnuBTflnly il f v il'ij-a * any on inn urmutnomoa person , and It wus soon loaded through tbe oOzzio by ralschiovous boys with a cow's horn , u Inrso ploce of brick nnd a gtono. When Iho hy drant was tried by the Inspector It wng fount ) broken , nnd caused a largo amount of damage * atid annoyance to private parties taking water on this line , and nearly suspending the county court on account of lack of sunltury water at the court houso. The clitof oavlacer fceli , thai unless the abuse bo abated , that u flro might ooour In some locality where hydrants ore tint ot service from some unauthorixed psreon uslntr thorn , and either breaking by Ignorance or leaving them In bad condition. OIVDIHAMCH NO. 488 CITV or OMAHA. An Ordinance to prevent unauthorized Ufc of the flro hydranta In the city of Omaha , or tampering with the samo. Do It ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha as follows : Hoc t Ion 1. It shall bo unlawful for any per son to draw water from , to open or olote , or to do unv ether thing with or about any lire hy drant In the city or Omaha , unless authorized 8n to do , under the authority of the oIHolals of Skid city , or of the City Water Works Company. Section 2 , It shall bo unlawful for any per- ' eon to put any substance or thing Into , to hitcher or fusion horses or other animals to , or to meddle or tamper , In any way , with any Huch flro hydrants , or to do anything with or about the same , not necessary and proper for Its legit imate uso. Section 3. Any person violating this ordin ance shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor , and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a Una not to exceed Bfty dollars , or un Imprisonment not to exceed ton days , or both. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordin ances Inconsistent herewith , are hereby re pealed. . Section 5. This ordinance to take effect and bo In force from and after Its passage. Pasted January 3rd , 1883. DAN. SULLIVAN. DraiflLayerfSew Builder Sewer connections made in any part of the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1C20 Capitol Avenue , Omaha. JOII\ . DAK 1'rfi ' Snwf n-lJ | Sewer Connections made in nil Parts of the City. Satisfaction Guaranteed 1407 Douglas St. , Onialm , Nebraska OLD IRON , Copper , Brass , Lead , Zinc , Etc Willpay good prices. Also bottles bought and sold. KRETSCH & SONNENSCHEIN , 114 S. llth Street. Homffipathlc Physician fiSurjreon Odicoand resilience , Hoom 17 Arlington Hook IKUOodgb St. let building West of I'outonice Telephoned. AS BRIGHT'S DISEASE , DROPSY & Olabetci are Cureil bj Ilie Asabel Mineral Spring Water Deatln from theiauraincrtncos. Ultcbariioi , lUlo- tnroii , cprottute ; Klind , vaitcocelo , bladder nil clirunlCllenusc uiQ tlieio and muil be coro.l by tha Aiuhnl MnJIcnl UurunuKiitopeunanU Anicilcnu poclullit iilijrilclan'f local and Internal porfitct 'fin- iMlJiortliu iiirereri nr9 lot . Old iihyslelnn't ndtlca nnd baoi. vrltb p.irtlculnri and euro , Jreo at 291 Broadway. Now York. Proposal * for Real Estate. . . proposals will bo recolvml brlh SKAI.r.D until 6 o'clock p. ru. biiturdiiy , July''nil , UttT , for tbo following dsscrlbud prop erty , lo-wltj I/its fi , fl.7 and 8 In block 1MH and bulldlotJ thereon , In tbo city ot Otnatm , touuty ot Uuuv > las , Nebraska. . . . . . . . . . The bonril reserves tbo rlBDt of uilug tU bulldlni ; on mlJ premlies for one year. Tim board roiorvea the right to rejoot any or ull bids. ny order of the board of Education. J7U301 0. Cosorau , eeo > 4t u.