I i t. THE < / * SIXTEENTH , YEAK. OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 14 : 1887. NUMBER 361 A BIG COLLAPSE IS COFFEE , The Bottom Drops Oat of the Market and the Usual Besulta Follow. SEVERAL FAILURES ANNOUNCED Prices Remain firm In Chicago and No I'rospcct of a Decline Re- portfl From Illo Indicate Half a Crop. Down Uoca Coffee. NEW TOUK , Juno 13. The excitement In the cutrco market which has attended the de cline In colTeo readied Its highest today and brokers acting fur bull operators became panlc-strickun and rushed to sell without ro card to prices. Tlio bulls blame th Gruner- Crossinan syndicate for starting the decline which culminated In to-day's panic , but the bear syndicate strained every nerve to check the fall without success. In fact the syndi cate of brokers were the only buyers at the opening , which was at 17 cents a pound , over 1 cent below Saturday's close ; and although a rally was caused by bear sup porting orders , rumors of trouble and con tinued selling caused them to stop buying and join the bulls In unloading the stult they bad taken early. All through the forenoon the Belling was coupled with the wildest scenei ever witnessed In the exchange. In the afternoon there was some hope of a rally , but the heavy selling con tinued and soon prices fell oft In heavy fluctuations until it reached 15 cents per pound. This decline was accompanied by the notice of the suspension of three firms 13. C. Arnold & Co. , Norton , Weyl & llevan and Mackay & Small. After the announce ment of these failures an organized effort was inado by prominent houses to sustain the market , and they succeeded in causing a rally of about 1 cent all around. The failure of B. ( } . Arnold A Co. attracted the most at tention , as they are the most prominent bouse In th4 trade , but It was generally an ticipated. The senior member of the Urm was caught In 18S2 by the collapse of one of the largest deals ever attempted In coffee and was compelled to suspend for over 81,000,000. lie started In business again and was successful In all hla ventures. He as cribes the failure to the fact that his cus tomers were so far away that It was impos sible to reach them In time to obtain sulll- clent margin to meet the decline. He could make no statement ot his liabilities and said ho could not say anything about the chances of resuming. Outsiders claim that the Ilrm has been carryIng - Ing 500,110 bags of coffee for Klo Janeiro op erators , known ns the Brazilian party , and the estimated liabilities will amount to over 81,000,000. The Brazilian party started to buy coffee after the Gruner-Grossman syndi cate advanced the price from 8 to 18 cents a pound and since then the Gruner syndicate have been bears on the market and are said to have unloaded all their long stulf to the Brazilians. The extreme decline Is from 21 cents two weolis ago to 15 cents to-day , or over Ok'cents a pound. There was some talk of trouble In banking circles as the re sult of the panic , but as the banks only loaned W per cent of the market value of colfeo It Is hard to see how any of them could have been Involved. Mackey & Small , one of the suspended linns , are supposed to have liabilities of 3200,000. The liabilities ot the other firms are small. The sales of the day were twice as large as on any previous day In the history of the ex change. Them were 413,000 bags sold , ,000 bags being sold after the second i-nll. " mo general opinion scorns to be that the market has toucUml urn uottorn ana will be stronger to-morrow , but no one can predict with any surety. The panic has resulted In a sudden Influx of telegrams upon brokers , one of which , from Havre , France , says that thl colfee market there has risen 3 francs (00 ( Rolnts ) to-day , "owing to erroneous quota- ons trom Mew York ? ' Thus It would seem that the bulls must have taken advantage ot the panic and cabled a heavy advance In stead of an actual decline. The Situation in Chicago , CHICAGO , June 13. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] While the excitement , failures and decline on the Now York coffee ex change has been the great topic of Interest among' the wholesale grocers here to-day , there has been uo change In prices or any ex citement hero. The "panicky" prices that have ruled In New York for the last few days . have had no effect hero. The head of ono ol the largo coffee linns here said this after noon : "You won't drink any cheap coffee this year. " The world's stock is about 700,000 bags short , and when you consider that the crop ot 187 , now about to be har vested , is but a little over 50 per ceut of the usual crop , you can see very little show for lower prices. The break In the New York market is of no Importance or significance. It Is just like the breaks in the wheat market here all the effect of manipulation. They don't grow coffee In New York ; they must get It from Itin.and hero Is our cable dis patch from Ilio this morning. It lays : "Market strong ; stock 12 000 bags. " Now , that Is where the coffee grows , and there Is no sign of a break In prices. The coming crop Is estimated at & 0.000 baits , while the usual crop Is from 600,000 to 650,000 bags , to there cannot ha much reason for a decline In prices. Price * are not abnormally high. They only attract attention because they have been so very low durI tie the last few years. So long have they been , in fact , that they have bankrupted about halt the plantations In Brazil. But while I do not look for lower prides , neither do I think they will be much higher. These sudden fluctua tions In the New York coffee exchange navt no oflect on prices here. Nothing but permanent changes In values reach out this far so as to touch the retail price. I think the short crop and all other bullish In fluences have been anticipated and dis counted , and I do not look for higher prices. The prices early last week were too high , but these breaks show that holders will always sell actual coffee when it brings fair prices. It Is only the speculators who make the fluctuations , without which they would have no business. The Work of Tramp * . EATON , O. , Juno 13. This mornlns W. T Boall , a wealthy farmer , living four miles south of here , came to town , leaving his wife and son John , aged twelve , together in the house. Whenhocamo homo he found his wife's body on the floor with two bullets In the head and the skull split open with an axe. The axe belonged to Bcall , as did also the two single-barrelled pistols , which had been locked up In an old trunk. Mho boy says ho was sleeping on the floor and his mother making carpel rags beside him. He suddenly awoke and found himself covered with blood and saw three trauips standlngiover his mother's body , but on seeing him awake they dropped the pistols and axe and ran away. He then went out , washed himself and gave the alarm to his father's hired men. The country has be n thoroughly scoured , but uo trace of the tramps can ba found. The father bclleve-a the boy's storv , but the neighbors do not nor do they believe the tramps had any hand In the murder. The boy admits he hac quarrelled with his mother , but sajs he after wards made it up. Mysteriously Murdered. PITTSIIUno , June 13. Mrry Ann Valen tine , daughter , daughter of G orge Valentino , ot Ktnaborougb , was found to-night a shor distance from home In an Insensible condi tion with a bullet hole near the right eye. She had left the house shortly after supper to meet her father , carrying with her some money for him. Fritz Weyman , a German has been arrested on suspicion , Miss Valen tine Is dying. Death By Dynamite. CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , June 13. Newt reached here to-night that Jive men had been killed and many woundvd by the explosion of a dynamite cartridge at the Inmau mines lour miles from here. The explosion oc curred In the mlneijof the Tennessee Coal Iron and Hallway company , five miles trom the telegraph office. It Is impossible to so- Mire toe dulalls to-nlgUU CAMPAIGN TALK. What Prominent Men Bar About Presidential Possibilities. NEW YOHK , Juno 13. ( Special Telegram o the BEH. | A Boston special to the Her ald says : Speaking of the labor party and Its irobablo successes In lb8S , Powdcrly said : I do not know how successful the party will > o In 18S8 , but I believe It will keep on grow- ng until It Is successful. Kveiythlnir cannot 30 accomplished In a day. and the labor mrty cannot gain everything In a year. You know a good Job cannot bo done In a liurry. The only way to do Is to work along tdowly and patiently until the dcslied result is obtained. " "Will you be the candidate of the labor party for president In IbSSV" "No ; emphatically no , " replied 1'owderly. with great decision ; "nor the candidate ot any other party , " "What do you think of the Independent labor party ? ' ' was the next query. "That Is a question which I have not time now to discuss , " replied Mr. 1'owderly. MnnntngBcllovcs In Cleveland. NKW Yoiut , June 13. ( Special Telegram to the BIK. : ] The Herald prints the fol lowing : "What do I think of the candidates In the next presidential campaign ? " said Mr. Daniel J.Mannlug at the Fifth Avenue hotel. "Well , I can sum It up In a very few words : [ consider Cleveland the winning card In the political game. Now , I do not care to say very much moro on that subject I leave the Held of politics to younger perhaps I may say newer men. You think there is some slight opposition to Cleveland In his own party ? 1 do not know whether this ba the case or not ; but this much I will say , if there be such opposition It will not hurt him. Cleveland is a party man , but a discreet party man. I do not care to express an opinion regarding the knowledge possessed by the average Intelligent Englishman regarding the politics of this country. I met with much kindness there , and when such matters were discussed It was In a friendly , Informal way , such as It would scarcely bo fair to formulate an opinion upon. " Ranks for President. NEW YORK , June 13. ( Special Telegram to the BKB.J The Tribune says : Morbss , who Is engaged In the manufacture ot adver tising signs , says : " 1 have juit received an order to put up a great big banner for what is known as the American protective alli ance. It Is an organization of which no one can become a member unless he Is an Amer ican citizen. 1 understand that it is a scheme to nominate General N. I1. Banks of Massa chusetts , for president next year. " Chandler's Election. NEW YORK , June 13. ( Special Telegram to the BEE.J The Tribune's Washington special says : Great anxiety Is shown by democratic officials In Washington In regard to the senatorial election In New Hampshire. In the navy department are several officers who fervently pray for the defeat of William K. Chandler. One matter about which there is understood to bo great solicitude Is the accounts relating to the construction of the Dolphin and the Kofich cruisers since the de partment took possession of them. It is as serted that these accounts , especially for the Atlanta , are In great confusion , and that nobody seems to know where the credits and liabilities of the assignees end and those of the government begin. Of- course , the navy department would prefer to settle those and other difficulties without any interference from Chandler In the capacity of United States senator. The Interior department hop * that he will not be elected , and this feelIng - Ing Is freely expressed by democrats. The oubjoat aaama' ta bo upparmoat in their minds The Boudlora in Montreal. NEW YoitK.June 13. ( Special Telegram to the BEE. ] To a Montreal correspondent of the Times , Maloney , now staying at Lachlne , said yesterday : "I have not the slightest In tention ot going back until I can do so In an honorable way. I Intend to stay here until September. There Is plenty of amusement here , plenty of society in the hotel , lota of boating , fishing and driving outside. I have been thinklucr of going Into the news paper business to occupy my time. My boys , Eddie and Charlie , are pitcher and catcher of a base ball team here , and are enjoying them selves thoroughly. " Keenan and Dempsey are still at the Windsor , but Delacey has taken a house In Mackoy street and has started housekeeping. Local Option In Canada. OTTAWA , Ont. , June 13. In the commons to-day , the amendment for the repeal ot the local option law , now in force in sixty-eight counties in Canada , was rejected. Sir John Macdonald and another member of the min istry voted yea. After some further debate the following was added to the main prohi bition motion : "Compensation being a matter of detail , that such be considered when the measure of prohibition is before the house. " A division on the main motion In favor ot prohibition was then taken , and the motion was negatived by forty-two ma jority. President Fitzgerald Denounced. PHILADELPHIA , June 13. The municipal council of the Irish National league of Phila delphia adopted a series of resolutions this evening , characterizing as untrue the reasons assigned by President Fitzgerald for prevent ing William O'Brien from visiting this city. The resolutions denounce Fitzgerald's ac tion as unwarranted and unjustlfiiable , and demand that the executive committee of the league take measures to prevent the repeti tion of his interference. McGarlgle Deulos the Charge. CHICAGO , June 13. County Hospital En gineer McDonald finished his testimony to day , and Warden McGariglewas placed upon the stand. Like McDonald , ho denied all of the allegations made by the prosecution's witnesses. Other employes at the hospital gave evidence tending to corroborate Me- Garlgle. The testimony will probably be all In to-uiorrow. _ _ Crop Prospects In the Northwest. MO.NTKKAL , Juno 13. The Canadian Pa cific Hallway ' .telegraph company has col lected crop reports from all points of the northwest and Manitoba , and with hardly a single exception the prospects are said to bo very much better than last year , and a plen tiful harvest Is expected. An Important Case. BOSTON , Juno 13.In the United States circuit court for the district ot Massachusetts to-day the cose of the United States vs Amer ican Bell Telephone company came up for argument on the domurers of the telephone company. The hearing will probably last three or four days. They Get an Advance. EVKHSON , Pa. , June 13. The Knights of Labor have all been ordered back to work at an advance of 12K per cent , and by the middle dleof the week 13,000 men will be at work. But a Pew More Left , BOSTON , June 13. James F. Buffum , one of the last of the band of abolitionists , led by Garrison and Phillips , died at his home in Lynn last evening. Favoring Free Trade. llEXFKKw , Ont , Junn 13. The farmers' Institute of South Itenfrew has parsed a resolution elution favoring free trade with the United States and pledging the Institute to do Its utmost to carry such a policy to a successful issue. Fatal Landslide in Panama , NKW YOBK , June 13. Advices from Pan ama , under date ot the 4ta Inst , are as fol lows : A landslide Is reported on El Pedroro farm. In Concordla. burying Senor Pedro Arestrepo , bis wife and nine children and servants In the bouse. In all Mxken tt r- iona wire killed. . THE TRANSMISSION OF TYRER The American Telephone Company's Man ager Out Off From the Central Office. HE RINGS IN HIS RESIGNATION. Directors of the Concern Hold a Sleeting and Elect a Successor- Beit Iluttcrworth Makes a Statement. Tyrer Requested to Resign. WASHINGTON , Juno 13. ( Special Tele gram to the Bin. : ] The directors of the American Telephone company met this morning to consider the situation. Mr. Tyrer was present , as was Major Buttorworth , president of the company. The reports which have appeared In the newspapers touching the criminal record ot Tyrer are said to have caused great surprise among the board of di rectors and each one expressed astonishment that the tacts were as they aro. A resolu tion was at once adopted asking him for his resignation and full power of attorney to carry out all the contracts between him and the Venezuela people. Tyrer at once com plied with the reimest and retired from his place on the board. A committee has been appointed to make a thorough investigation ot all the affairs of the company re- latins to concessions and prospects of business. Butterworth says he had no knowledge whatever of the record of Tyrer and that It never occurred to him to Inquire Into the character of the eentlemen with whom ho was to become acquainted , es pecially as he knew the majority ot them to bo perfectly upright men. He says that no one need loose a dollar and provisions will be made to repay any who may be dissatis fied with their investments. He has faith Btlll that the concession Is a valuable one and that the company will have a prosperous course. , A Novel Monthly Race. WASHINGTON , June 13. [ Special to the BEE.J On the tenth day ot every month tne people of Washington who have business in the vicinity of the telegraph ofllces are trnated to a race which Is never advertised In advance. This race Is run by a boy on a bi cycle on the ono hand , and another on a small Welch pony. The tenth of the month is the day upon which the crop reports are Issued from the department of agriculture. These reports frequently affect the market values of grain and cotton , and for that rea son every possible precaution Is taken at the department to prevent the premature publi cation ot the content ? of these reports. By a special arrangement made some years ago at the department the report is given to every one Interested at the same hour on the 10th. The telegraph companies always have a messenger on hand to secure a copy at the earliest possible moment It Is after the re ports are delivered to those messengers that the monthly race begins. Each messenger rushes to his steed , the boy on the pony lays tliQ whip on In an exceedingly lively manner , while the rider of the wheel works the pedals for all that is in him. It frequently happens that the pony objects very strongly to the manner employed to make him increase his speed , and that he refuses to so at all. When this happens the bicycle Is certain to reach the goal first and the way the rider dis mounts Is enough to frighten any timid per son who happens to be In the neighborhood. On Friday last the pony balked and as a re sult tbe bicycle boy had a practical walkover. He arrived at his often and rushed In to tliu recolyjng clerk , scarcely stopping lu dis mount , " -run oti.oi foiim aint In slant yet , " was his only remark. But the "other feller" was lu sight and , In fact , had only been beaten a couple of seconds. He saw that the pony was of no earthly use , BO he abandoned the homely little brute. He used his legs In stead and did not stop even to pick up his hat when It blew off. When the pony was caught It was chewing geraniums In the agricultural grounds. Cleveland's Proposed Western Trip. WASHINGTON , June 13. [ Special to the BEE. ] It Is no longer a secret that when President Cleveland goes west this summer to see St LoiUa , etc. , he will make a clean circuit of that section ot country. It Is his intention to visit nearly all of the central and western states , and I have It from a re liable source that Mr. Cleveland has privately accepted moro than a dozen Invitations to at tend fairs , celebrations , etc. , and Is consider ing the advisability of being present at many more. A number of county fairs have not been advertised because their officers expect to have the president In attendance , have not received his reply , and therefore do not know when ho will be on hand. A gentleman who recently talked to Presi dent Cleveland about being present when a fair Is held In a New England state says the only thing necessary to get the chief execu tive to an affair of a public nature when it will uot Interfere with dates already made is an assurance that no evil can come of his presence that Is , that there is no politics In the occasion. The president is paiticular not to get mixed up in any political scheme , lie Is especially sorry that there should be con tention over his going to St. Louis , and says that if ho had any idea that there would have been this rookery he would not have ac cepted. It is believed that he will yet decline to go there. Trying to Oust Oliver. WASHINGTON , June 13. A petition for a writ of quo warranto against John N. Oliver .was to-day filed In the district court In the name of the United States. Oliver was re moved from the office of justice of the peace by President Cleveland , but refused to sur render the office docket to his successor , claiming that he could be removed only by the supreme court of the district The peti tion , which was made returnable on the ICtn Inst , calls on Oliver to show by what rUht he continues to exercise the functions of justice. A "Bee" Man's Trip. WAsiiiNaTON.June 13. ( Special Telegram to BEE ] Perry S. Heath , regular correspon dent of the BEP. in Washington , loft for New York to-day. He sails for Southampton on the North German Lloyd steamer Trave on Wednesday. Ho will be KOUO about four months and will extend his trip as far as St. Petersburg ami Moscow. There will bo at least eight Washington newspaper men In Europe this summer. I'oatal Matters. WASHINGTON , Juno 13. ( Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Tbe postmaster at Beatrice has applied for the establishment ot the free de livery service. An Inspector has been sent to Investigate the condition of the town. It found sufficiently developed In the way of improvements the service will be put in operation there after the 1st of July. The president has appointed Walter Klrk- patrlck of Vlrden , III. , and Albert C. lloblu- son of Green Bay , Wis. , to be postmasters. Postal changes have been made In. Ne braska as follows ; star service established West Point , by Saint Charles to Monterey , eight and a quarter miles and bace , three times a week , by a two hours' schedule from July 1,1887 , to June 30,1S88. Dodge to Glen- coo. eight miles and back , six times a week , by a two hours' schedule , from July 1 , 18b7 , ! ° KJln.e50'.1,883Wal1 } messenger service es- tabllshed-Humphrev , Platte county , from Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley rail road , rout * 1,041.150 rods , often as required froinJuIv20uW7 , The name ot the post- office at Hamilton. Chase county , has been changed to Chamnlon and Kobert Ewlng has been commissioned postmaster. Will- lam H. Cookay has filed his bond and a commission has been Issued to him as postmaster at Geneva. A commission 1ms also been issued to Helen Eddy at Ked lovfa changes Martin Fox has been com missioned postmaster at Nashville. Star service changed to go Into effect July 1 M Irose to N w York , curtail service to end at Confidence , omitting Bethlehem and New J ork , decreasing distance eight and one- half miles ; Pelro to Correctionvllln , Include Galeion thisi route , between Lucky Valley and CorrectlouvlUe , incjeaslcg dUUncc two miles. Correctionvllln to Smlthland , curtail service to begin at Oto and omit Correction- villo and Gale , decreasing distance seven teen and one-half miles. Impure American Lard. WASHINGTON , Juno 13. Writing from Leghorn to the department of state , Consul Sartorls says the duties on Imports will be largely Increased to protect Italian Indus tries and products. A strong effort Is belnp made to have a duty of 13.39 per 200 pounds Imposed on American lard. A recent analysis presented to a commission is said to have shown that American lard contains 12 to 15 per cent of water , hidden by means of 2 to 8 per cent of alum and l per cent of calce caustlca. Virginians Censure nosier. WAsiiiNdTON , June 13. [ Special to the BI.E. | Virginians generally do not sympathize with General liosser In his last attack upon General Phil Sheridan. They say Kosser has said too much ; that It would be very natural for General Sheridan to want to visit the old fields of his conquest , and if he wants to he should not be moles ted ; further , that there can bo no excuse for callIng - Ing him vile names , even if a gallant con federate ofllccr applies them. Among the Military. WASHINGTON , June 13. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] In order to test the ad visability of making more frequent payments In the army , It Is proposed to make monthly payments at San Francisco and New York for six months or so. First Lieutenant Frederick D. Sharp. Twentieth Infantry , has been ordered to duty at Fort Leavenworth , at the expiration of his present leave of absence. Mandernon Select * MoMlohael. WASHINGTON , June 13. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE.J Senator Mauderson Is In the city. A meeting ot the senate committee on printing has been called for to-morrow , when a successor to Ben : Perley Poore will be formally appointed. The choice rests with Senator Mandorson , and ho Is said to have selected W. H. McMlchael , ot Nebraska , for the place. A Sllmly Attended Reception. WASHINGTON , June 13. The president held a public reception in th i east room this afternoon. It did not last long , as only a tow persons attended , owing to the fact that the reception would be given not being gen erally known. Lamar Hack From the South. WASHINGTON , Juno 13. Secretary Lamar returned from the south this evening. THE EA.RL OF ABERDEEN. Ho Is Received With Honor in San FraaotHCO. SAN FRANCISCO , Jane 13. The earl of Aberdeen , lord lieutenant ot Ireland under the Gladstone administration , was given a brilliant reception this afternoon. There were present all the justices of the state su preme court and judges of the local courts , the mayor of the city , and a large number ot state ofllcials and prominent citizens , num bering In all 800. A memorial was presented to the nobleman on behalf of the citizens , which declared the subscribers could not allow the opportunity to poaa without expressing their Warm approval of the manner in which ho hnd discharged his duties as lord lieutenant. The memorial was also hlchly complimentary to the Countess of Ab- berdeon In winning the love of the people of Ireland. In response Aberdeen said he re cognized the significance of such an expres sion apart from Its gratify " pereouui cimr- auiei. Ha wns quite 8UWth ttho best Amer ican opinion would never be in favor of any thing like the dismemberment of the rela tions existing between Great Britain and Ireland. "It Is. therefore , a highly desirable thing , " ho continued , ' "that the leading mem bers of the Irish community should make it plain that their views and alms are not In laver of separation , but of that form of self- government for Ireland which would bo per fectly consistent with and contrlbutlvo to Imperial unity. " The carl further assured the audience that he had perfect faith that the liberal party would be victorious in the home rule light British Grain Trade Review. LONDON , June 13. The Mark Lane Kx- press , In Its weekly review of the British grain trade during the past week , says : Premising crop prospects have weakened the values of English wheat. Ample deliver ies at the provincial exchanges assisted the fall to the extent of Od. The sales of Eng lish wheat during the week were 59,614 quar ters at 85s 4d , against 43,030 quarters at 31s lid during the corresponding period last year. Forefen wheat was unfavorably affected toward the close of the week. The belief that a brealt down In the American ring was Imminent , the presence of a whole fleet of arrivals off the coast , and the slackened continental de mand combined to cause a drop In quota tions of Id percental. Flour has maintained values. The demand , however , is slackened. Corn Is quiet. Thirty wheat cargoes arrived , nine wore sold , five were withdrawn , and sixteen remained. At to-day's market wheat values of all kinds were against sellers. Flour , corn and oats were dull. Linseed was firm at Is advance. A New Feature of the Strike. PiTTsnuRO , June 13. A new feature of the strike in the coke regions to-day was the action of the owners of the blast turnace. They sent a committee to the members of tbe late syndicate and Informed them they would positively refuse to pay any more than 81.60 per ton tor coke. They would keep their furnaces banked. This places the coke op erators between two tires. They say it will bo Impossible for them to pay the advance in wages , and then reduce the price of coke. The resumption of work at the Frlck coke ovens , now controlled by Car negie , Plilpps & Co. , glyes employment to about three thousand men , and will probably result In a general resumption throughout the Coniiellsvlllo region in a few days. The output of the Frick ovens is about five thousand tons of coke per day , of which Carnegie & Co. use 40 per cent of this In their own mills. River and Lake Men'o Convention. CINCINNATI , June 18. The convention of river and lake men assembled to-day. The object of their meeting is to protect their In terests under the Inter-state commerce law , Captain Kountze , who was appointed per manent chairman , said the object of the meeting was to form a permanent organiza tion of steamboat owners on laKe and river , and to resist the encroachments of railroads. Proper rates for steamboat transportation will force the matter for the consideration of the general superintendent of steamboat In- terestg , who will be appointed during the present convention. A Southern Industry Falls. NASHVII.I.B , Tenn. , Juno 13-Tho Hall & Ordway Manufacturing company , boots and shoes , failed to-day , owing to heavy losses In their business. The firm's liabilities are 1 > ,000 , and the individual liabilities 840000 ; total assets , 8200,000. This Is the only shoe manufactory Ir the south , and wa believed to be doing a goc > a business. Cora Lee On Trial. Si'ni.vapjELT ) , MOT , Juno 13.-Tho trial of Cora Lee for tbe murder ot Sarah Graham , wife of her paramour , Evangelist Graham , was beffun hero this morning. The attend ance Is large and the Interest in the case has not eubslded , although it It Is not us Intense as when the parties wore first arrested. Another Convention. CHICAGO , June 13. The second annual convention of the order of Hallway Tele graphers , Is to bo held In Chicago , com mencing June 15 , continuing two or three days. Delegates from all parts of tbe coun try are expected. Still Discussing. PiTTsnuno , June 18. At the Amalga mated association convenlon to-day the scale discussion was continued. UNITED STATES IN MEXICO , Besulta of American Railway Work in Oar Bister Republic. A REMARKABLY FINE SHOWING. What Licss Than Seven Years of Push and Enterprise Has Accom plished Commercial Annex ation of a Republic. Mexico' * American Railways. NEW YOHK , Juno 13. ( Special to the BEK.I What has been the outcome of the American railway Invasion in Mexico ? In 1880 there was not a mil * of American rait- way in Mexico and the whole railway mileage of the country did not exceed 500 miles , the greater part of which was the English road from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico. To day there are 3,700 miles of American railway In operation distributed as follows : Mexican Central railway . 1,304 Mexican National railroad . 763 Sonora railway . 205 International ( iluntlngton's ) . 210 Small lines. . 105 Total . 2J06 There are also 165 miles in Texas from Laredo to Corpus Cbrtstl built by the Na tional to give Itself a vent to the seaboard , and which are a part of Its system. In addi tion to this , the Central is encaged In further gradual building and the National has just started work on a division of 400 miles , com pleting Its main line to the United States. There U now In all Mexico a total mileage of a little over 3,000 miles ; the American pro portion of the system Is therefore now three- fourths of the whole , and this proportion Is rapidly increasing. There has been put Into these railways ( Including advanced construction already undertaken ) and other enterprises allied with them over 8120,000,000 of cash , all American or procured by American effort and represented by American securities. The face value of the various securities Is sued by these railways and associated com panies foot up nearly $200.000,000 , which Is about one-tiftn of the national debt of the United States bearing Interest. In the wake of the railways there have fol lowed mining companies , tramway com panies , telegraph companies , land and colon I/atlon companies , coal and Iron com panies , etc. , etc. . whose capital stock , and In many cases bonds , It is impossible to esti mate , but many well Informed persons think that Its aggregate would equal the aggregate of railway Invesoments. This Is the measure of the faith which the people of the United States had In the com mercial regeneration of Mexico through the railways a faith which the people ot Mexico have not had themselves as they have steadily refused to Invest In railway securities. The home aid to the railways in Mexico has been from the government and not from the people ple , Now how has Mexico responded to this venture ? Are there any evidences of changed or changing conditions , social or political , which will show the judgment of the American railway builders to have been a wise one ? In other words what have been the results ? The results so far are clearly marked and apparently such as to vindicate the work and the very heavy investment going on under It. Briefly , the leading changes which the railway leaven has mode In Mexico area * follows : 1. Mexico has been brought in connection With the world . It 1872 , when the Hi st Amer ican railways were projected In Mexico , but nothing built , owing to the panic of 1871) ) , It took a tclecram from the City of Mexico from a week to ton days to reach New York , and then It came up mangled by transmission through Spanish and American operators. Now the telegraphic service Is prompt and Intelligent. A message can go and be ans wered In a day. Then the transmission of of money to and from Mexico was a huge labor and hazard. Now the City ot Mexico has much the same banking and exchange relations with New York as Amsterdam or other great centers. Then mall went only twice a month by slow steamers ; now dally by express railway trains. 2. Politically peace has come to the dis turbed land through the establishment of law and order. Itoads have done for Mexico what they did for Rome under the Caesars , or for En&land under the Georges. 3. Economically the commercial and In dustrial development of the country set In at once and IB advancing slowly , for Mexicans are slow to change or at least to come Into our way , but still it is advancing steadily and surely. Perhaps what looks slow to us is really rapid from the Mexican point of view. The last ten years have worked for Mexico a social revolution creater than any ever worked there before In a century's time. The evidence of this development are not argu- mentnUve.but can bo summed up In achieved results , sornn ot which are the following : Theie has been a steady and continuous increase In the earnings of railways. Tne receipts both of the Central and the National show steady , gains from year to year. This year the gains are very largo and the other roads are sharing In the general rise. rise.Since Since the railway era the government rev enues of Mexico have advanced steadily from 817,800,000 In 1879 to 933.000,000 now. The budget of 1SS7-1S88 Is based on an esti mate Income. A detailed investigation of the government returns stiows that this ad vance has not taken place alone In customs , but In internal taxes as well. The develop ment of the country , therefore , has been sym metrical and regular. Them are no means of measuring the growth of internal trade and Industry in Mexico except as the Internal taxes may af ford such measure. The development of trade with the world , however , Is measured with reasonable accuracy by the customs du ties. Atloast while these duties may not measure the volume of the trade because thev leave out of sight smuggling and illegiti mate traffic , they measure fairly enough the rate of progression. The following table , showing the progress of traffic between this country and Mexico for the last eight years , presents very clearly the movement of In crease , and is Instructive and sugnestlvo In many respects. It Is it table showing the value of merchandise , Including coin and bulllion , Imported into the United States and exported from the United States into Mexico : Year ending Total ? " " ' ? ' * m' June 30 , Exports Imports 1870 . $ a,7 l12'H $14,017,819 , . 1880 . 7ffl , b64 18,325,417 24,1I5,281 ! I8SI . 11,172.738 17,4Ml2a 8S.6.M.WI4 18K5 . 16 01.018 15rrtJ,8.tT a ) > | ,8fl5 1R83 . lBOa4,572 17,9/10,109 3M44.6U3 1F81 . 13a t. ! 7 ,03i',387 85,072,314 18H5 . K.420.100 M,1M,613 33,006,823 1888 . 7.M7.658 Z7 , < i-3,3fW 35,471,028 4. The most satisfactory result as for as we are concerned Is that this country Is reaping as It ought this new Held. About 00 psr cent of the whole foreign trade of Mexico Is with France , Great Britain and the United States. Carefully compared statistics compiled trom the government returns of these three coun tries show that filnoe the railroad era the United States' trade with Mexico has steadily gained In relative proportion on that of France and Great Britain , and Is now rapidly gaining. Another significant fact Is tlia't this new volume of trade flows In new cur rents. It enters the United States by the railways and not by the waterways. 5. Th fifth result and the final one ot which tbe brief limits of this letter permit mention , Is the breaking down ot the barriers ot Ignorance , prejudice and misunderstand ing which always exists on distant frontiers. As the result of ten * years short work the people of Mexico and of the United States , up to this time total strangers to each other , divided by race , tradition , language and re ligion , have to-day as intelllgenfand Christian an understanding of efl H other as England and Franco have after centuries ot close neighborhood. The two peoples rapidly ac quire each other's language : there is mutual toleration of opposing beliefs ; the law less collisions of the frontier are yearly lessening ; the armies of the two nations cross and recroes the Klo Grande In pursuit of common foes ; the great manu facturing houses of the United Status have their depots in Mexico and canvabs the whole country with tllgUto of drummers , while the advertising columns of many ot the City of Mexico papers read as if pub lished In Now York. A reciprocity treaty has failed , but on both sides there has been considerable In crease of the ease of trade , brought about under the pressure ot the mutual national embrace. The new law of Mexico , which will go Into effect July 1 ot this year , makes material reductions on many Important arti cles. aThero Is very little limitation , Indeed , now to the coming great trafllc between the two countries. THIS CRIMES HILT * . Its Discussion Renewed lit the Honso of Commons. LONDON , June 13. The house of commons this overling resumed debntn on the coercion bill , taking up the fifth clause , which deals with the proclaiming of districts. Henry Fowler , liberal , proposed as an amendment that the proclamations bo made by order of the privy council Instead of by the viceroy. Balfour , chief secretary for Ireland , declined to accept the amendment. Hcaly , McNcal , Clancy and Dillon , nationalists , successively supported the amendment. After consider able debate the amendment was put to a d > - vision and was rejected 335 to 167. Shaw Lcfevre moved an amendment limit ing the authority of the viceroy In proclaim ing to districts where it might bo necessary for the prevention of crime and outrage. Ho appealed to the government to assent to the alteration , which he said would bring the clause In accord with the act of 18S2. After a debate by Attorney General Webster and Morley , Bradlatigh suggested that to inoct the views ot the government , the words , "and punishment" be added to the amendment alter the word "prevention. " Balfour an nounced that the government accepted the amendment with Bradlaugh's modification. The government accepted the amend ment offered by Fowler making proclama tions subjected to the veto of either nouso of parliament Alter several other amend ments had been rejected Attorney General Holmes moved to amend the clause by mak ing summary Jurisdiction and change of venue apply to crimes committed before the Issue of the proclamation If such crimes com mitted after the passing of the act. Hcaly said he considered the proposal a breach .of faith , made In order to occupy tbe little time that was left for discussion. The amend ment was carried by a vote of 217 to 118. In the house of lords to-day tbe considera tion of the Irish land bill In committee was finished and the report stage was set for July 1. t The Prince's Ijlfe In Danger. LONDON , June 13. The Chronicle's Berlin correspondent emphasizes the recent adverse reports regarding the condition of the crown prince of Germany. Uo asserts that Bismarck considers the crown prince's life doomed and that the latter's family are prepared for the worst. The correspondent has heard that the real statement ot Prof. Vlrchow was concealed ; that the professor went to the palace , and with tears In his eyes declared his examination had led him to believe that the malady was incurable , and that the prince's life was In danger. A specialist has written to the Tagblatt , saying ho believes the case Is a serious one , and that the fitting tlmo for the operation Is being allowed to PAKS owing to fears for the result. He says It Is neces sary to remove the larnyx. which Is the only way to save the prlnco.s life , although It will deprive him of his voice. Davltt' * Sunday Meetlnjt. DUIIUN , Juno 14. When It wasdlscovcred yesterday that Michael Uavltt had outwitted the authorities and was holding a meeting at Fcakle , a force of police was sent from Bodyko to disperse it. It did not reach Keakle , however , until after Davltt bad fin ished and loft the place. A severe fracas oc curred between the police and the crowd which had attacked the meeting , nd several persons wore Injured. < . , T Affairs In Afghanistan. LONDON , June 13. Sir James Ferguson , parliamentary secretary for the foreign ofllce , stated that the Husslan railway toward Afghanistan was completed to within 125 tulles of thu frontier. In the lords this afternoon \ Iscount Cross , secretary of state for India , announced that Lord Dufferin , viceroy of India , had tele graphed on Juno 9 that there was no fighting going on In Afghanistan , Steamship News. SOUTHAMPTON , Juno 13 [ Special Tele gram to the BKE. ] Arrived steamer Werra , from New York to Bremen. HAVIIE , June 13. Arrived , steamer La Gasconge from New York. Gi.Asaow.July 13. Arrived , steamer State of Georgia from New York. NEW YORK , June 18. Arrived , steamer Servia from Liverpool. A Slaver Sunk. LONDON , June 13. Zanzibar dispatches say that the slaver D'how attacked the launch of a British man of war and wounded the officer and five men. The D'how was how ever sunk by the force on ( the launch and and forly-threo slaves that were upon her rescued. _ Emperor William Improving. BEIILIN , Juno 13. This morning's bulletin 'officially states that Emperor William con tinues to make good progress towards recov ery. He slept well last night. Crown Prince Frederick William left Berlin for London to-day to take part In the queen's jubilee cel ebration. Another Insane Duchess. BERLIN , June 13. The duchess of Alen- con was taken to a private asylum to-day. A year beforn her marriage she was engaged to the late y\\\\z \ \ of Bavaria , but for unknown reasons the engagement was ruptured. Since the king's death the duchess has hovered be tween life hnd death , and IB now In a con dition similar to that of the duchess of Cum berland. Rioting at Athlonc. DuiiMN , June in. There was serious riot ing at Athlone to-day between the soldiers and civilians. The soldiers wrecked a num ber of housiw and many citizens were In jured with stones. A Nnw Konmnnlnn Cabinet. BEI.OUAI > K , June 13. A now cabinet has been formed. A New Vfco President. PAIIH , Juno 13. The chamber of deputies has elected M. Devllle vlco president of that body. Successful Toronto Strikers. TORONTO , June 13 The striking carpen ters met this morning. About 1,200 answered to their names. It was announced that twenty-seven master carpenters had signed the agreement granting an Increased rate , and the men , about 400 In number , employed by these went back to work this afternoon. It Is expected that the other masters will soon follow suit Three hundred plasterers also went out on a strike this morning for an ad vance of 2 > f cents per hour. Twenty master plasterers promptly aitreod to grant the In crease and the men wilt go bacif to work to morrow , leaving only about sixty men out. Strung Up l''or Murder , Mr..rms , Tenn. , June 13. Dago Joe , a half breed who shot and killed Walter Hayiies , a young white boy , at Shelby , Miss. , on the ibth ot May , was taken yesterday afternoon from the officers , who were con veying him from Duncan Station , Miss. , to Jail at Austin , by a crowd of fifty men and hanged to a tree. Weather Indications. For Nebraska , southerly winds , fair weather , nearly stationary temperature. For Iowa , local rains , southerly winds , stationary temperature. For eastern Dakota , southerly winds , fair weather , slight change In temperature. Arrested For Grand Larceny. ' NEWARK , N. J. , June 13. William Bank , an Englishman , fifty-one years old , was ar rested bete to-Oay on a dispatch from Je- 111 , chaif ing blw with graiid laiceny. VICTORIOUS OMAOA TURNERS They Oaptnro a Number of Frizes at Topeka Tournament. A SUCCESSFUL COMPETITION , Rain Again Interfere * With tny Oinaha-TopoKn flame the State Sportsmen's Shoot Doings on the Turn The Top ok a Tournament. \ TOPKKA , Has. , Juno 13. ( Special Tel- * ' gram to the BKK.J The annual gymnastlo and athletic tournament of the Missouri Valley turn-blzirk ( district ) commenced Sat urday , Juno 11 , at noon In this city. Classed present for competitive exercises aroasfol- , lows : From Missouri , Kansas City and St.4 Joe , one class each ; from Kansas , Leaven * ' worth , Atchlson , Marysvlllc , Newton , Wich ita , Topeka and Lawrence , ono class each ; from Nebraska , Omaha , two classes. The exercises were opened by an address by Hon. Phillip Andres , of Omaha , Neb. , after which the different classes eniuuod In the competi tive drill. The Omaha first class excelled all others , and was awarded the first prize. The Omaha second class was awarded the fourth position as regard point of excellence. While the task of awarding the prizes has at this hour not been completed , the following members of the Omaha classes have been awarded Individual honors : William Bloedol , lirst prlzo for excellence In apparatus exer- clsns ; John Anthes , third prize , ditto ; A. lleinze , fourth prize , ditto ; C. F. Claasson , seventh prlzo , ditto ; Casper Buechener , tenth prize , ditto ; Casper Buech- ncr , first prize for running high lump ; John Anthes , second prize , ditto ; John Anthes.second prlzo for climbing rope ; John Anthes , first prize for putting tha stone ; John Anthes. first prize for polo vault- ing. Too much credit cannot be given Mr. Henry Kummerow for the masterly manner in which he conducted the exercises , acting In the capacity of master of exercises. Mr. Kummorow Is the most finished teacher of athletics in the west as was ovlncod by the work of the Omaha classes which ho has drilled for the occasion. To-day will wind up the exercises , and the Omaha classes ex pect to gain several more prizes. Postponed Again. The rain of yesterday afternoon caused another postponement of the Omaha-Topoka series after one inning had been playofl , In which theTopekas scoied four and white washed the home team. The runs wore made on an error of Hourko's at third , Swift's wild throw to'third from right field and three passed balls by Krchmeyer. O'Lcary began pitching a great game , and would have doubtless puzzled the giants had the rain not Interfered with the game. Another effort will be made to play the game this afternoon , The Kansas City team will bo hero to-morrow for three games. St. Joe Badly Boston. DENVER , June 13. [ Special Telegram to the BIK. : The final game with the St Josephs to-day was In many respects the poorest played on the Denver grounds this season. WelgratTe was batted all over the field and no doubt would have been relieved had there been anyone to replace him who could have done bectter. The visitors made five times as many errors as the home club , and played with seemingly little or no Inter est. The Denvers played an exceedingly good game In every respect Nichols , the new pitcher from Savannah , Increased his popularity to-day by his pitching. Uo was hit for only three scores up to the end of the seventh Inning. The following was the score : ' Denver. 5 2302251 0 20 StJoo 1 10001033 U Huns earned Denver 20 , St. Joe 7. Two- base hits Tolwau , Harding , Palllips , Dallas. Home runs Gorman , Smith , Phillips 2 , To- beau , Isaacson. Bases on balls Nichols 5 , Weigriffo8. Passed balls Dallas 2 , Bell man 2. Struck out Nichols 4 , Welgrlffe 1. Left on bases-Denver 11 , St Joe 7. Wild pitches Nichols 1 , WelgrlffoS. Base hits- Denver 33 , St. Joe 14. Errors-Denver 3 , St. Joe 10. Lincoln Dcttents Kansas City. LINCOLN. Neb. , June ! ! ( . [ Special Tele gram to the BEI : . | The Kansas City and Lincoln clubs met for the first tlmo on the homo team's grounds to-day and the Lincoln club was victorious In a well played game. Hart , the now pitcher for the Llncolns , played an excellent game , and Dolan gave him perfect support. Dooms and Graves were the battery for Kansas City. In the third Inning the visitors made a long , loud kick over a decision of the umpire , and claim to have grounds for n protest. The game was finished , however , and won on Its own met Its. The following is the score by Innings : Lincoln 2 0430010 0 10 Kansas City 1 01302000 7 Hastings Defeats Leavnnworth. C HASTINGS , Neb. , June 13. [ Special Telegram gram to the BEE.J Hastings won the second game with Loavenworth to-day by superior batting. Nicholson pitched bis usual mag nificent game and wvs admlraby supported. Scorn by innings : Hastings 3 00300101 8 Leavonworth. . . .0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 4 Eriors Hastings 4. Base hits Hastings 14 , Leavenworth 7. Home runs Nicholson and White. Struck nut-Swart/ , Nicholson 5. Batteries Nicholson andHeeraes , SwartE and Reynolds. Time of game 1 hour and 40 minutes. Umpire Deagle. A Plum Greek Shout. PLUM CHEEK , Neb. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram to the BEE.J The gun club of the , city has arranged to hold a two days touroa- ment here , beginning Monday , June 20. A , ' large number of the good shots of the stato/1 urn expected to bo present. The shooting will be at live and clay birds , a large liumben of the former having been secured tor the oc casion. The entrance lee in each match ? ranges from S2 to 810. National League Games. PiTTSiiuiio , Juno 13. The game between the Pittsburtr and Detroit teams to-day re sulted ad follows : Plttsburg 0 10110030 8 , Detroit 0 00030000 33 Pitchers McCormlck and Weldman. Baso- hits Plttsbunc 10 Detroit IS. Errors Pitts * ! burg 8 , Detroit 1. Umpire Doeschur. CHICAGO , June 13 The game between the Chicago and Indianapolis teams to-day re sulted as follows : Chicago 1 3100031 * 0 Indianapolis 0 001 100 20 4 Pitchers Baldwin and Healy. Base lilts- Chicago 14. Indianapolis 15. Errors Chl- caeo 2 , Indianapolis 3. Umpire Pearce. BOSTON , June 13. The game between the Boston and Washington teams to-day resulted as follows : Boston 0 00003011 5 Washington 0 00004000- 4 Pitchers Madden and Whitney. BasehiH Bostonl , Washington 12. Errors Boston 3 , Washington 7. Umpire Holland. NKW YOUK , June 18. The game between the Naw York and Philadelphia teams to-day resulted as follows : New York 2 02000000 4 Philadelphia 2 1000110 * 5 Pitchers Keeto and Casey. Base hits- New York 13 , Philadelphia 13. Error.i-Now York 3 , Philadelphia 2. Umpire-Powers. The American Association. BALTUIOIIE. June 18. The game bntweno Baltimore and Cleveland to-day resulted ua follows : , Baltlmoie 2 W Cleveland 0 00000000 Ot , Pitchers Shrere and Puchlnoy. Base hit * Baltimore 12 , Cleveland 5. Errors Baltl' , moro 1 , Cleveland2. Umpire Currv. PHILADELPHIA , June 13. The ga'uie be tween the Athletics and St Louis to-day re sulted as follows : Athlollcs 3 3100520 2 1 St. Louis 0 03208000 a Pitchers Matthews for Athletics. Fout and Hudson for St. Louis. HRBO hits Ath letics 20 , St Louis 12. Erroru-AthieUomf b , bt. Louis. 9. Umpire Valentine. " Juao 13-TUe Banut betwei