Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1887, Image 1

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. . 1 11 ' ' * * ' - - - , - Him - " -1 . , . -rfa.
Tyrer's Expose- the Sensation of the Hour
at the National Capital.
Washington People Protest ARnlrmt
the Proponed Elevated Railroad
The President to Take Another
Jaunt Cnpltul Mews.
The Tjrer Expose.
WAsmxoTONJuno 12. I Special Telegram
to the BK.K.I The sensation of the hour la
the expose of the criminal record of the
vice president and manager of tliu American
Telephone company. The history of this
man lias been known ton number of news
paper men In Washington for some tlino ,
butns liuFcomcd to bo engaged In legltmato
business there was no disposition on their
part to Injure him or his prospects. It WAS
only after It became known that
the company was encaged In question
able operations that It was decided to print
the truth about the organ ! /.cr. Kvcnts have
shown that the story came out Just In the
nick of time. The local papers today are full
of the affair and the ofllnes along "News
paper How" have been beselgcrt by scores of
government clerks and others who have
cither Invested or who were about
to do so. The alluring circulars
prepared by Tyrcr were well timed. They
were distributed among department clerks
Just before the smnl-monthly pay day and It
IB learned that a great many employes of
the government proposed to Invest a part of
their salaries on the The publications
made yesterday and to-day will doubtless
chock them. There has been a creat deal of
talk about libel suits and last night one of
the directors of the company announced that
olio of the local papers ( onlay vrould print a
thorough vindication of the character of the
accused. Instead of a vindication the paper
referred to printed half a column which Is us
scvoro as any of the storUs which have
been sent. out. Tyrer cannot bo
found to-day. It is learned that ho took a
night boat to Norfolk last evening , and It Is
not likely that ho will bo present at the meet
ing of the directors which has been called for
to-morrow morning. Major IJuttorworth ,
president of the company , has been tele
graphed for , and will doubtless be hero In the
morning , it Is reported that there are sev
eral other members of congress who have
been caught by the oily tongue of Mr. Tyrer.
Senator Sabln , of Minnesota , who kni'.w of
hit ) prison record , had a great deal of confi
dence In hls-flllorts to retrieve Ills past , and
It is said that ho encouraged T > rcr with
money as well as good advice.
Washington's Elevated Itond.
WASHINGTON , . ) line 18. | Special Telegram
totho IKI.J ! It Is stated that efforts will DO
made this winter to Induce congress to grant
a franchise to an elevated railroad company ,
and that It Is the purpose of the corporation
to put In operation a complete system of ele
vated transportations. 1 have mentioned
the scheme to a number of property owners
here and politicians who will have to do with
It when the matter comes before concicss ,
It It ever does , and with one accord they speak
discouraging ! ) ' of the project. There Is no
place In the country where It Is so difficult to
get the right to occupy the streets as In Wash
ington. It will bo remembered that a very
able attempt was mane by well known citi
zens to eet a charter through congress last
winter for the construction of a cable rail
way , and that It failed. People are com
plaining that the streets are already too much
cut up and dlsllgured by railroads and tele
graph companies to put all their wires under
ground. With this kind of sentiment It is
not at all likely that the property owners will
submit to having the streets and avenues dis-
llgured by elevated railways.
Gossip About Gould.
WASHINGTON , Juno 12. ( Special Tele
gram to the UCK.J The presence of Jay
Gould's yacht In the I'otomac last week
created something of a sensation. It was re
ported at Urst that ho was 111 and had coma
out to get an airing. When he and his fam
ily made an appearance In a carriage on the
streets , howovcr , this impression vanished
and then it was reported that Mr. Gould was
hero to do something with the Inter-state
commission and had the stock inaiket and
railroad consolidations In view. Now that
Mr. Gould lias sailed down the Atlantic coast
It transpires that ho was only on his little
outing Mid saw no person about business
while In the national capital. It has been
surmised that Mr. Gould will have an In
terest In the now hotel about to go up at
Fortress Monroe , but of thai . UOtUlflg ilcuaUo
J.rat-- -
' -
cajj bjj ifiutusd.
Cleveland Wants More Exerclao.
WASHINGTON , June 12. ( Special Telegram
to the HEK | Gentlemen who have talked with
the president since his return from Saranao
believe that ho will soon bo off again on an
other jaunt. One who conversed with Mr.
Cleveland about his exercise In the woods
says that the chief executive Is greatly pleased
nnd wants to have a repetition before the
Reason Is over , it Is believed that the presi
dent and Mrs , Cleveland will Kiiend most of
July and August traveling in the west and
that an opportunity will bo ollcred thu masses
to see both of them.
A Notable Iloaton Wcddlnir.
BOSTON , Junu 12. ( Special Telegram to
the UKK.f A. notable wedding occurred to
day In Kings chapel \\hen Miss Pauline Revere -
vero was married to Nathaniel Thayer. It
was peculiarly tlttlng that the ceremony
should take place at this historical associa
tion. lor Miss Revere Is a descendant of one
of the oldest families of New Kugland. She
Is the daughter of Major Paul J. Koveio ,
who was killed In the war of the rebellion ,
nnd ho was a crandson of the famous Paul
Jtuvert ) of revolutionary fame , the hero of
Longfellow's poem. Thayei alto represents
ono of Uoston s oldest and most respected
_ _
No Change In the Hit nation.
IyuiANAi'oi.18 , June li There I * no
chance In the situation of affairs In reference
to the crossing of tracks by the Indianapolis ,
Decatur & Sprlugtleld railroad company.
The Decator people have made no effort to
resume work. It Is understood they will
now continue the light In the courts. The
Jilg Four otllclals still maintain the blockade.
Increases In
It Is Interesting to note , says the Chicago
Time * , that the cities of all sections ) , accord
ing to JJrartstreet's classification , show gains
last month , as compared with May , Its' ) , ox-
ceptliu only the middle states. The growth
of the business of some localities , as Indi
cated by these returns , since IsSl has been
remarkable. Thus , the Indianapolis ex
changes have grown from 50,300,000 to 518-
WO.Ooo. There are no returns from Omaha
for 1KS4. but there was an from
S4,400COO In lbS5 to 814,3)0,000 ) in 1S7.
In the same tluui the lncrea > o In Mlnne-
polis was from $9. ,000 to 515,600. ( WO. In
St. Paul the Increase was from 89S < X > ,000 In
1 4 to SUi.WJ.000 In lbS7. Tiw returns irom
Diiluth last month foot up S1TUOOOU. ! Kui
previous years there are no returns , bt
Joseph has Jumped trora S3.5UO.000 in l.sst tc
ST.-'CU.UM ) In ISS7 , and Kansas City from 5iV :
NW.UOO to : W,200,000 In the same time. The
luori-aso In Chicago has been S57ooo,000 , 01
mnro ihan lust month's total from any clly
in the country , excepting Now York , Uoston ,
Philadelphia , St. l.ouls and San Francisco ,
The gain In the last named city was Si-.OOO-
000 and St Louis Sl , otx\ooo. All tula point ;
to a decided commeicl&l growth In the west
nearly everywhere wet of the Alleuhfiilo-
nd north of the cotton states ovm in coui-
artl ! with jUa prosperous year Ibil
The Signal Scrvlco Synopsis For the
Past Week.
WASIII.VOTON , Juno 12. The following Is
a synopsis of the signal oftico weather crop
report for the week ending Juno 11 : Tem
perature During the week thu weather has
been warmer than thu weekly average In all
the aErtcultural districts east of the Kocky
mountains excepting the Atlantic states and
southern Texas. This excess of temperature
has been the greatest In the corn and wheat
regions of the northwest , where the average
daily excess ranged above normal from 4 to 8
degrees , conditions must favorable In the
present stogo of crops. During the past
six weeks , which have been Important ,
especially for the grain growing dlstilcts , the
temperature has been steadily In excess over
the corn mid wheat regions , which must have
" 3eeu most beneficial to crops. Kamfall
Jurlng thu week the rainfall has been
lightly dellclent in agricultural districts , ex-
; ept from western Pennsylvania Routheast-
, vard to Arkansas and the Indian territory ,
where a slight excess has fallen. Showers
' ave been numerous and well distributed
ave In a few sections of local Importance
nly. General remarks Over all agrlcul-
iral districts the weather of
IB week apparently ha been favor-
ble for important crops , a marked
leliclency of temperature occurring in local
'cctlons of secondary Importance us regards
taplcs. South of the thirty-ninth parallel ,
where presumably eialn harvesting is now
reneral , the weather has been favorable for
.hat work , as no general rains have fallen ,
) r high winds occurred , while sunshine has
jeen at or above the average. Local rains
ave fallen In the past eight hours or are
iredlcled from Minnesota eastward to Mich-
gan , where they will bo timely and bene
ficial to growing crops.
Weekly Crop Summitry.
CHICAGO , Juno 12. The following crop ro-
ort summary Is printed by the Farmers'
tovlow this week : The wheat harvest has
been somewhat retarded In the south by
ihowery weather , but In other localities the
aln has had a beneliclal efl'ect. Missouri
lias the best prospects lor nn oven and abun
dant winter' wheat crop. Our reports on the
condition of winter wheat are as follows :
Twenty counties In Illinois report the aver
age condition at 87 per cent ; six counties re
port Injury from drought and insects.
Eleven counties In Indiana report the aver-
igo condition at b < 5 percent ;
eport Injury by insects. Seven counties In
Michigan report the average condition at Si
ier cent , and two of them complain
of Insects. Five counties In Wisconsin re
port the average condition at 9Ti per cent ;
tour counties report the average condition at
b , " per cent. The average condition falls to
OT per cent In twelve Kansas counties : re
ports ot Injury from Insects and drought are
general ; Clmutauqua county reports an al
most total failure of the crop and In Mesa
county it Is the same. Five counties In Ken
tucky report the uveraze condition at ill pei
cent , Twelve counties in Missouri re
port the averaeo condition a trllle over 100 per
cent , Condition of spring wheat : 'thirteen
counties In Iowa place the condition lit SO
ner cent , with Injury from Insects In seven.
Three Kansas counties place the average at
GJi per cent. Seven counties In Nebraska
have an averace of 87percent , with Inlury
from insects and drought In three. Dakota
reports tour counties with an average condi
tion of 'Jt : per cent Font teen counties In
Minnesota report an average condition of SO
per cent. The corn ciop all through the corn
bolt Is above the average In condition and
prospects are good. Oats and trass have
suffered from the dry weather. Potatoes are
In good condition and fruits promise a fair
ciopas a rule.
Monetary Transactions In the Coun
try During the Pant Week.
BosTONJunol3. ISpeclalTelegram to the
BKI : . ! The following table compiled from
dispatches totho Post from managers leading
clearing houses of the United States shows
gross exchanges for week ending June 11 to
gether with rates per cent ot Increase or de
crease , as compared with gross exchanges for
corresponding week In IbSfl :
* Ntt included in totals.
ST. PAUL , JUUB 12. While the committee
of freight agents ot the northwestern roads ,
to which trio general managers referred die
question of mllllng-ln-translt , refused to
make known the decision reached before
reporting the same to the gene rat managers ,
It has leaked out hero to-day that the com
mittee. Including a representative ot the
Milwaukee road , h as agreed on a report con
tinuing the nillllnic-iu-translt , but making
the transit rates equal to the sum of two
local. The general opinion Is that this will
practically kill mllllng-ln-translt.
A Monument to Journalists.
NEW YORK , June 12. The dedication of
the monument eree. id by the Now York
Press club at Cypress Hill cemetery took
place this afternoon. Preparations had been
carefully made , and were carried out without
a hitch. Chauucy M. Dopcw delivered the
oration of the day. Ho referred to the
rcportorlal corps In the highest terms a.s n
body that had furnished the most powerful
Influence of modern thought" . An nddiess
was also delivered by Itov. T. DoWItt Tal-
Helping the Carpenters.
Sr. PAUL , June 1'J. The trades and la >
bur assembly , which Include * all the bulldlnij
trades In the city except stone masons , held .1
general meeting this afternoon and decided
that unless the demands of the striking car
penters are met by next Wednesday all othei
workmen within its jurisdiction shall be
railed out. This would add about 000 to tht
present number on a strike.
Three Children rcrUh.
WjNNii-i.o , June 13. The residence of a
farmer named Jameu Edwards , living In the
township ot Mlunta , South Manitoba , burned
last nijlit , und three children , aired seven ,
twelve' auct fourteen ; perished iu the minus ,
Two Oracksmon Attempt a Job at OortlanJ ,
But &ro Frustrated ,
Ono of the Criminals Caught , nnd
Their Kit 'of Crooked Tools
Falls Into the Hands of
the Ofllcew.
Attempted nurulnry at Corttand.
COIITI.AND , Xeb. , Juno 12. [ Special Tele-
ram to the Br.E. ] An attempt was made
ast night to burglarlzo the State bank at this
lace , which resulted In the capture ot ono of
le burglars. Yesterday , when the Union
'acllic freight from the north arrived , two
'oung ' men cot elf and stopped at the Com-
ncrclal hotel , where they registered us
harlcs Chase , of Nebraska City , and Francis
anon , of Grand Island , Neb. , ono man rcg-
sterlni ; for both. Last night about IU
clock Mr. Uallard , the cashier , who
leeps In the bank , was awakened by some
no trying the window. Raising up In
KH ! ho frightened them so they fled , leaving
lelr lantern Inside. Mr. Hallard gave the
larni , and in searching found the tools out-
Ide the window. It being very dark , no
search was made until this motnlng , when
iy the soft condition of the ground they were
slly traced to the old school house , one-half
mile south of the town , where they had slept ,
ut had got out early and gone. They had
eturned toward town and Chase was found
it the hotel and arrested and lodged
n jail. The other has not yet
been , captured but there is no cTiancc
nor him to get away as several men are close
utter him. The outfit captured leaves no
doubt as to the Intentions of the men , the
autern being one of very small size and
made expressly for carrying In the pocket
They visited the various stores during the
evening , trying to purchase a revolver.
The man In custody refused to say anything
only that they have no proofs against him.
lo Is lame and makes a queer track which
gives him away.
Denver Experiences Defeat From the
St. Jno Club.
DENvnn , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram to
he UIK. : ] The Denver club lost their Urst
game to-day since tholr return from their
eastern tour. The game was lost in the
eh'htli Inning when McSorloy made an error
by misjudging a ground ball and gave the
visitors an opportunity to score three men ,
running their count up to six , With this ex
ceptlon the game was most exciting and \vel
Mlayed. The attendance was 13,000. The fol-
owlng is the score :
Denver. a 10010050 0
St. Joe 0 10200-10 * 10
Errors Denver 4 , St. Joe 0. Hixse hits-
Denver 17. St Jofl 17. Two-base hits
Silch , Smith , Ike , Robinson , Tebeau 2 ,
lirimblocom , BellniHii , Strouve , Ehrot
Double plays McSorley to Phillips to Smith
Khret to liardiug to Isaacson , linses on
balls Voss 1 , Ehret 2. Passed balls Mey
ers 3 , Harding 1. Struck out Voss 4 , Ehrcf
4. Lett on bases Denver 9. St. Joe 7. Hat
torles Denver , Voss and Meyers ; St. Joe ,
Ehret and Harding. Umpire Hurley.
The American Association.
BROOKLYN , June 12. The game between
Brooklyn and Cincinnati to-day resulted as
follows :
Brooklyn 0 00000004-
Clnclnnatl. . .A..I oioooo n 0-7
Pitchers Harktns and Smith. Basohits-
Brooklyn 4 , Cincinnati 7. Errors Brooklyn
4 , Cincinnati 4. Umpire McQuado.
Local Sporting Notes.
The neavy rainstorm that passed over the
city at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon , caused
another postponement of the first game of
the Omaha-Topeka series. If the weather
permits the game will be played this after
The State Sportsmen's tournament will bo
commenced to-morrow. The moetlnc will
bo hold at the fair grounds.
Managers of clubs that have been admitted
to the city league , will meet at thn store of
O. U. Gordon & Co. , 422 South Fifteenth
stieet , Wednesday , Juno 15 , at 7r.O : p. m.
Edward Sells of St. Louis , junior member
of the linn of Sells & Co. , wholesale com
mission dealers , and a prominent member of
the Missouri BycJclS club , spontgunday wltu
thn Omaha wheelmeriV "
Frank Mlttiiner , Arthur JollllTc , Jim Moul-
ton and Will Cooinbe , members of the Omaha
wheel club left last night for Sioux City and
Spirit Lake by rail , taking their wheels with
them. They will return trom the Lake by
wheel and anticipate a pleasant trip.
A DcaMoincs Judge Says the AVhole-
sale Separations Must Ccano.
DF.S Moi.xns , la. , June 13. [ Special to the
Dr.E. | This city has become unenvlably con
spicuous for the laxity with which it has
treated ths marriage relation. Probably It
is not the city so much as the courts that
should bear the blame. Judge Kavanaugh
of the district court of this county has de
termined to call a halt In the rush forjjdi
vorces on the slight grounds of Incompati
bility and other insufficient reasons. Ho de
livered an opinion yesterday In refusing an
application for a decice which contains some
sound advice as well as some startling lig-
ures. Since Januarv 1 , Ibb7 , there have been
issued from the clerk's ollii-e 241 marrlago
licenses , but di.rini ; that time , according to
the judge , there have been pending in his
couit sixty-four applications for divorce.
Forty-two of those were commenced sluco
thu 1st of January. One-third at least of
the decrees granted are Immediately followed
by second marriages. HB declared : "This
conduct differs from the Utah system not In
principle but In method , " and publlcoplnion
will say ho was right. Sixty-four applica
tions tor divorce pending In live months In
ono court Is occasion enough for comment
and serious reflection.
An Insect Placuo.
TRENTON , Mo. , June 12. This town and
vicinity has been Infested for the past week
by an Insect , a description of which agrees
fully with the species of cantharldes , Span
ish fly , as given In the United States dis
pensary. The Insects come In perfect
swarms ana not only devour vegetation with
avidity but their vesicating power on the
human body Is equal fully to cantharldes.
Fully a thousand people in Trenton are at
present nurslnir blisters caused by this In
sect and lights in residences at night have
been almost abandoned for fear of attracting
the poisonous Insects.
Cleveland's Standing In the South.
MKMPIUS , June li Some time ago the
Memphis Evening Scimitar sent out circular
letters to the leading newspapers of Ala
bama , Arkansas , Mississippi , Loulblana.Tcn-
neisee and Texas , putting the following
query : "Jn view of President Cleveland's
pocket veto of the river and harbor bill , do
yuu favor bis renomlnatlnn bv the demo
cratic party In 1888' " ' Thirty-live replies
were received. Of thnso twenty-seven wcro
In the utllrmntlve , six in the negative and
two non-committal.
Steamship Arrival * .
NEW YORK , Juno I1) . [ Special Telegram
totho Bir. : | Arrhod The Bretagne , from
Havre ; the Anchorla , ( rum Ulasgo-.v ; the
Uuropla , from ilamburg ,
LOXDON , Juuo 12.The Ilauimonla , from
New York for Hamburg , passed The Lizard
HAVRE , June 12. Arrived The Gascocne ,
fiom New York.
QrKKXsrnw.v. .June 13-rArrived The
Aurauu , from New York fur .Liverpool. .
Full Text of Old Tcoumsch's Letter
On Cleveland.
ST. Louis , Juno 12. The followtnc Is the
full text of the letter of General W. T. Sher
man which was brlclly reported yesterday :
"Tho rumor of your trouble In St Louis
reached mo by telegraph , and has lost noth
ing by distance. I believe wo hero In New
York now understand the facts : that tno
Grand Army of the Republic holds Its next
annual encampment at St. Louis on the last
Wednesday of September , 15S7 ; that the
great fair of the valley of the Mississippi be
gins Monday , October 2 , that the best citizens
of St Louis have Invited many prominent
men to bo the guests of their city on the
accidental coincidence of these two Impor
tant events , among these tin ) president of our
common country , Grover Cleveland ,
his family and suite. The Grand
Army ot the Republic is composed
exclusively of men who served In the
army and navy of the union , to which Mr.
Cleveland docs not belong , and therefore he
cannot participate In any of Its proceedings ,
but the moment the Grand Army emerges
from Its hall of deliberation , It becomes , like
the Free1 Masons , Odd Fellows and other so
cieties of good men associated for a noble
purpose , a part of the general community ,
subject to the laws [ and usages of that com
"Mr. Clevelandthe president of the United
States , by a lair election of all our people , Is
cominandcr-ln-chlef of the army and navy of
.he United States , free to come and go wher
ever the jurisdiction of this our nation
overmncnt extends. Ho may visit any fort
or ship where the national nag will be low
ered to manifest respect for him and his
office , and should a foreign ship fall to do
lilm full honors , none will bo so quick to
resent an Insult as the members of the
Grand Army ot the Republic , who
perilled life and limb to make that Hag re
spected at homo and abroad. Thu Idea of
his being Insulted , much less endangered ,
should ho be on the stand alongside of our
commandpr-ln-chlet , General Falrchild ,
when the Grand Army is passing In review ,
seems to me monsttous. 1 think I know the
Iowa boys too well to think such a thing pos
sible. Bravo men are never ungcuerous.and
the Iowa soldiers wore bravo men. 1 know
It of knowledge acquired In battle , and
I will pledge my life that no soldier will dose
so unmanly an act , aud should Mr.Cleveland
accept the invitation , which I hope ho will ,
to attend the parade of the ( irand Army of
the republic at St. Louis , on the 23th of Sep
tember next. 1 will stand by his sldo or
march past In the ranks ot Hansom post , as
may bo ordered by General Falrchild.
" 1 notice with pain that the president's
action on certain pension bills enter Into
th 8 unhappy controvtwy. There were many
private bills and one of a general nature
which the president vetoed. The constitu
tion of the United States compels the presi
dent to approve or veto each separate bill as
U roaches film trom congress. If approved It
becomes a law : if vetoed It requires an In
creased majority ot concicss to pass It ; but
the president can only account for his judg
ment by his own conception of duty and to
ills God. We , as soldiers , must submit to
it , because It is the law. I do not believe this
government can ever bo too charitable to the
old soldiers , wounded , or In distress by age
und Intlrmltv. and had I been hear Mr. Cleve
land 1 would have ventured to advise him on
the general bill , but as to the private
cases 1 would have said : Charity enters
largely into all pensions , and when any
special bills have passed the ordeal ot the
committees of the snimte and the house , ap
prove them ; but on tlm eeneral bill exercise
your lull constitutional power. Honest men
dlifer widely on this question of pensions to
our old and feeble comrades. Wo all want
do what Is right , but differ as to the means.
All wo know Is that twenty odd years
after the civil war the government of the
United States , under republican and demo
cratic rule , pay out to'our old soldiers of the
union army about SfiO.000,000 a year and n
few thousand to the Mexican war veterans ,
regardless of locality , and not one cent to the
lebcls of the south whom we fought during
tuo civil war. We old soldiers of the
civil war have not yet just cause
to make an Issue on the question
of pensions to our Inlirm and wounded com
rades. 1 advise you to go right along , pre
pare the way for the Grand Army of the Re
public at Its session of Wpdnesday , Sep
tember 23 , lbS7 , at St Louis , and receive
them as they deserve as honored guests ;
also the president of the United States , with
such other honoicd cuests as may grace the
occasion. If any of our comrades feel hurt
at the association they can remain at home ,
but the sun will rise each morning , the sea
sons will follow each other In quick succes
sion , and the world , with Its myriads of people
ple , will go rl | it { don * nil the same. Let us
do rlsUtjts near as we knawtqw , < VU4 trust
tbefmuie to thahoys who look on us old
veterans as prodigies or as old fogies ,
lingering impertinent on the stage of life. I
believe I know you both perfectly well and
that you would sacrifice life rather than
honor ; therefore , whatever you do I will
stand by you same as to Rainwater Ken-
nard , Cobb aid Jerome Hill A'ho took the
wrong shoot in 1SG1 , but who are now with
us In heart aud net for the "Union , ono and
Indissoluble , now and forever. " Instead of
the Grand Army of the Republic meeting
only in the loyal states of UOl-5. 1 am in
favor of their meeting hereafter attNashvllle ,
Chattanooga and Atlanta , following the ex
ample of our armies in the war of the union.
I am always your friend.W.
An Englishman's Description of an
Audience With Krnnz Josef.
Vienna Dispatch to London Times : The
Englishmen who attended this morning's
audience at the palace obtained an insight
into the methods by which the emperor of
Austria retains such a strong hold over the
affections and loyalty of his subjects. The
ante-chamber of the audience room wns
crowded with generals and noblemen who
had como to thank his majesty for promo
tions or decorations. But mingling with
these were authors , inventors , professors ,
widows and 01 phans seeking pensions , and
a number of very poor men nnd women who
had petitions to present There are few
countries In which persons of this last
category would ever get a chance
of see ing their sovereign ; but In this
empire anybody who has 'any thing reason
able to ask of the emperor Is sure of an audi
ence. On one or two days a week his
majesty receives all corners who have ap
plied to bo received , and he receives than
alone. Every applicant takes his turn. A
master of the ceremonies opens a door , the
visitor walks In and finds himself face to
face with the emperor , who is unattended.
The door closes , and the petitioner may say
to the emperor what ho likes. There Is no
chamberlain or secretary to Intimidate him.
The emperor stands in a plainly furnished
study. In undress uniform , without a star or
grand cordon , and he greets everybody with
an ongngln ; smile and a good-natured ges
ture of the hand , which seems to say , "There
Is no ceremony here. Tell mo your business ,
and It 1 can help you 1 will. "
This Is a truly Imperial wav of receiving.
It Impresses everybody with the fathorllncas
of the emperor. Thu emperor of Austria has
a penetrating eye and quick , catching man
ner. By a glance he makes people feel at
homo , and by a word draws from them what
they have to say. Then hi- gives his own an
swer , straight out nnd fearlessly , but gener
ally with an acquleccinv smile , and whatever
he promises Is faithfully performed. There
is nothing petty or evasive in him. Ho is a
monarch who replies by "yes" or "no , " but
a'wajs with so much courtesy that the hum
blest of his subjects receives from him at departing -
parting the same bow as he vouchsafes to
ambassadors. A most lovable trait In him Is
that whenever he sees anybody nervous at
his presence ho makes the audience last
until , by his kind endeavors , the nervous
ness has been completely dispelled. 'Ibis
sufficiently explains his majesty's extraor
dinary personal popularity , so great that It
forms a most t > olld bond of ' union between
races which , hut for an emperor like Frauds
Joseph , could not live to etuvr.
Only a Very Quiet Business ! Transacted in
Share Speculation ,
lUc Public Taken Uy Surprise Hy the
St. 1'iuil's "New Departure " - Unimportant
important Movement in Ilail-
rend Uonda Money 1C nay.
Among the nulls nnd Urnrs.
Niw : YOIIK , Juno 12. ( Special Telegram
to the UKE.J Tim events of the week fur
nished some of the featuresof Inteiest iu share
speculation , but , excepting occasional spurts
of activity here and there on the llst.buslness
was very quiet , and , In fact , positively dull
at Intervals. Something approaching to a
sensation was created at the opening by the
unexpected announcement of the proposed
Issue of 510,000,000 additional St. Paul
common stock for the purchase and exten
sion of lines. As everyone knows , the policy
of the St. Paul directors has for a long time
been to Issue bonds for such purposes , and
the sudden dcpaituro from this established
practice naturally took the public by surprise.
It was a sreat card for the professional bears
and room traders generally , who were workIng -
Ing on the short side of the market , and the
most was niado of It to bring about a lower
range of values , an operation In which some
assistance was received from London , where
an unfavorable view was taken
of the proceedings. A heavy pres
sure was brought to bear acalust
the stock , and subsequently , in turn , upon a
number of other leading shares , and for sx
time a very feverish and unsettled leellng
prevailed , sometimes being Intensified by
sensational rumors regarding individuals
Gould having been reported verv 111 and Km-
peror William dead. The impression made
on prominent stocks ranged from 1 to 'i } {
points , which , under the circumstances , was
not wholly satisfactory to the bears , some
thing more having been expected from the
ellorts put forth. As the week drew to a
close it was evident that Insiders had sold
bt. Paul In advance , and they covered with
stock which the street afterward sold. In
fnct quite a little bull feeling was engineered
by Armour , who bought freely , and then
came out verv effectively In defense of the
new Issue. This started a general covering
movement all along the line , and the market
rallied , some stocks recovering ; partially ,
others wholly , and a few selling higher
than before. The lluctuatlons In the special
ties were confined within a much narrower
range than usual of late , and about the only
wide change was In St. Paul & Uuluth ,
which hrst broke 3M and then advanced CK
points , the rise havine been due to reports
that a compromise had been reached whereby
the common stockholders would eet
something to represent past earnings. The
position of individuals Is practically un
changed. To .sum up the situation in a few
words , it can bo said that there rs no cam
paign in sight for the Immediate future , only
such reactions and rallies as have occurred
ot late , and the public are anxiously waiting
for something or Homebody to lead the mar
ket out ot its present unsatisfactory condi
The movements in railroad bonds were far
less Important than of late. Thu changes in
the majority of Instances were conlincd
within narrower limits , and dealings were
comparatively light. Taken altogether , the
issues which declined early In the week sub
sequently-rallied , A tnct which Is partly duo
' i the Improvement of the share list.
Governments were lirni , on very moderate
Foreign exchanges weie heavy and lower
on account of very light Inquiry and tree of
ferings ot bankers' bills. In late transactions
a steadier tone prevailedand the actual rates
were a traction above the lowest touched.
The monetary situation was rasy.especlally
during the last half of the week , when rates
rarely got above r per cent. The future of
the market has been the subject of much dis
cussion and some definite announcement Is
eagerly looked for from Secretary Falrchild.
Thi ) project of paying a years' Interest on the
public debt In advance is not universally ap
proved and some objections are urged to It.
The government Is now paying quarterly
pensions , which amount to about S1-,000,00'J.
This money , however , Is paid out In small
amounts , and it takes somn time for It to get
around to the strt-ot , The July disburse
ments , now near at hand , will afford certain
relief , but what business men want to see Is
a considerable portion of the largo surplus In
the treasury let loose lor the bonelit of UadQ
and commerce and the country wMJj the
uiw crops movu la -
Cardinal Gibbons.
BAT.TIMOIII : , Juno 12.--Cardlnal Gibbons
pleached during high mass at thu cathedral
to an Immense congregaton. Ho referred to
his late visit to Rome and his gratification at
his return to Baltimore.
The Carnivorous jJriito' Attacks a
Waiter at thn Illchcllen.
Sarah Bernhardt and her pot tiger cub
"Mlnette" had a royal time on Thursday
afternoon , at the Hotel Richelieu , which was
not so pleasant for the other parties con
cerned. After wrestling with thu startling
and artistic emotional ecstacles of "Fedora , "
at the Columbia , Mine , Ucrnhardt gathered
her feline pet In her long , graceful arms ,
and entering her carriage with Maurice
Gran , was driven to trio Hotel Richelieu.
Hero ehe had ordered for herself and party a
sumptuous dinner to vary the monotony of
western railroad tare , which was served
according to her lavish and exiiens
ivo tastes. "Mlnette , " the pet Infant
tiger , was not to bo overlooked ,
and the madame , calling the artistic "chef"
of the hotel to her side , ordered a special dish
of "consomme and poached eggs" for the
snarling little brute which was attached to
her wrist with a golden chain , and was gay-
Ing with luiugrv eyes nt the tempting viands
upon the daintily spread table. The accom
modating "chef , " to win the favor of his Il
lustrious countrywoman , prepared the "con
somme" in most delicate fashion , and with
his own hands , an honor he seldom vouch
safes to the wealthy natrons of the Michigan
avenue hostelry. While tills dish was In
preparation the young tiger , with protruding
tongue and snapping eyes , could hardly bo
restrained from mounting the table and de
vouring the unpronounceable dishes upon
which the madame and her party were Bayly
feasting. When the "consomme" appeared In
a silver tureen , berne by a trembling and
awe-stricken waiter , named Frank Lugcl-
man , tne hungry young tiger made a spring
and fastened bis teeth in the arm of the ter
rified attendant which caused him to utter
a howl of agony and hastily deposit his as
sailant's dinner on the richly-carpeted floor.
This llttlo episode , artistic In Its natural
gracefulness and emotional In Its painful
realization of suffering , diverted the atten
tion of the madame for a moment but findIng -
Ing her pet uninjured , she laughingly re
sumed her repast The bitten waiter rushed
from the room , and In a short time his
wound became so painful that ho wns put
to bed and a summoned to at
tend him , anil ycsteiday be was un
able to perform his duties Thinking to
pacify the madam. Hugo Xicman , the head
waiter gallantly offered to take clmrge of
Sarah's amiable pet , and as he icached out
his hand to take the chain , a warning "take
care , " In madam's most dramatic tones , was
heard , and the terrified Hugo stepped back
just In time to escape the sharp teeth of the
snarling animal. This was enough
menagerie for ouo afternoon , and no ono
could l > i Induced to offer any further civili
ties to angry "Minotle. " When train time
arrived Sarah gathered up her volumlnlous
wraps and fondly caressing her delightful ,
though somewhat carnivorous pet , left the
hotel and was driven to thn depot without as
much as an Inquiry after thu welfare
ot the poor fellow who wss groaning with
pain in another part of the holuU It b said
that X.oelman's ; lujiirles'are quite suriousand
blood jxjlsonlnj : is feared.
\ Desperate Affray at a Picnic Near
Union town , N. J.
Jr.nsKY CITY , Juno 1'J. A desperate-affray
took place this afternoon at Conrad Schnei
der's Oak Cliff park , Uniontown , N. J. It
was engaged for the day by the socialists ,
who assembled about 2,000 strong to hear ad
dresses by Most nnd his co-laborer , Uraun-
schwelg. The park was decorated ami < i
a rgo quantity of beer was tapped. Each of
the socialists .Invested 23 cents In a
ticket which admitted them to the
grounds and entitled them to sK
glasses of beer. Thu proceeds ot the picnic ,
It was announced , wore to be used to obtain
n new trial for the condemned anarchists in
Chicago. Admission was denied to all sus
pected of being reporters or detectives. They
enjoyed themselves unmolested until soon
after noon , when a disturbance occuricd.
The row was caused by Hcrnnrd Wiun. n
laborer , who attempted to pass through the
woods , us was his custom. He was seized by
several of the socialists and assaulted when
ho declined to answer their Inquiries. Wlnn
managed to break away and escaped , hater
In the afternoon a game of base ball was
commenced on thn adjoinlnc grounds by the
Monitor club , ot New York City , and a nluo
Irom Danbury. Conn. Several hundred men
and boys were witnessing the game. When
Wlnn re tinned to the picnic giounds he
scaled the fence , but had scarcely done so
when the socialists , many of whom wore
armed with clubs , swarmed around him.
Winn drew a revolver , but was disarmed
before he could use It and was horribly
beaten. When his assailants tnoiiirlit that
ho had been sutllclently punished they hurled
him bodily over the fence. William P.
Willburgpr , of th Hoboken police , tried to
rescue Wlnn , but was himself assaulted ,
The outcries attracted the attention of the
crowd on the base ball grounds , and they
began hurling stones at the picnickers. A
general mrlco ensued , during which a do/en
or more pistol shots wore tired. Constable
Jackson was struck in the arm , nnd a boy ,
whose name was not learned , had two lingers
shot off. Several of the socialists wore
struck with stones , and pandemonium
reigned. vVlllburgcr was dragged by the excited -
cited throng of socialists , who yelled "Hang
him , " and similar cries. While the uproar
was at Its height , Justice of the Peace
Walker and three constables appeared. The
justice was admitted , but the constables were
compelled to remain outside the gates. An
excited throng surrounded and threatened
them. The justice , alter a long parley , suc
ceeded in securing Willburger's release. Ho
presented a trluhtfnl appearance. His head
was cut open In three places and ho was
covered with blood. Constable Patrick
Tlmmany of Wechawkon , was also beaten
and several other men were roughly handled.
Ho Delivers It Whllo the Authorities
Are hooking For Him.
Duni.tK , Juno 12. In consequence of the
government's proclamation forbidding the
meeting announced to bo held at Dodykn to
day , an extra military torce was drafted into
service to enable the authorities to enforce the
proclamation. Michael Davltt eluded the
authorities , however , and addressed 5,000
persons at Fcaklo while the authorities were
searching for him. Ho afterwards spoke at
Scarltf. He asserted the people's right of
meeting In public , and said It the people
were aimed they could deal with the mack-
coated burglar biigada as they deserved.
In his speech at Scarlff , Davltt denied hav
ing counselled uny further resort to extreme
violence. He had only maintained that It
would be cowardly now to nhow ra
tional resistance. He expected thin would
be the last meeting which he would have a
chance to address before the coercion act
would again Indulge him with the luxuries
of a prison plunk bed. Before going into po
litical retirement for six months ho would
give them this ndvico : "Boycott the inquisi
tion causes ot thn coercion act nnd welcome
Imprisonment rather than assist the govern
ment to make the act operative. "
The Qnoon Will AVoar State Jlobeu.
LONDON , Juno 12. The queen. ln"ofder to
invest the jubilee ceremony in Westminster
abbey with great pomp , consents to assume
state robes and be surrounded with all the
Insignia of sovereignty after entering the
abbey. Eight thousand troops will line the
route to the abbey , besides a < uard of honor
of fitO. The Noith Gorman Gazette , in an
article on Queen Victoria's jubilee , com
ments on thu long existing friendship be
tween Knclnud and Prussia , and expresses
the hope that thrvse relations , the foundation
ot mutual confidence , and liruily cemented
by the marriage of the princess royal and
Crown Prince Frederick William , will bo
maintained } j the future *
Another liiHtnllment.
LONDON , Juno 12. The Times this morn
ing has another article on "Parnellism and
Crime"traclngtboconnection between Frank
Byrne and Parnell. It claims to have Information
mation that It was an opportune remittance
from Parnell that enabled liyrne to escaimjto
France , and asks : "Is Parnell prepared to
take steps to put this statement to proof or
evento contradict it ? "
A Nation's Common Cause.
HIIUS-KI..S , June 12. King Leopold , In a
speech to the artillery and civic guards to
day , said the country , seeing armaments
changing all around , is compelled to adopt
perfected arms and modern organl/atlon.
When the defense ot thn country and the de
velopment ot Its Industrial and commercial
resources are at stake , It Is the duty of the
nation to make every possible effort In the
country's behalf.
The Pope Congratulates the Queen ,
LONIION , June 12. An autograph letter
from the pope to Queen Victoria , after con-
gratulatlng her on her jubilee , otfers great
acknowledgement ot the action of thu In
dian government toward Catholic missions
and of the motection u Herded the Catholic
hierarchy In India.
The UHIKI ! Uosult.
PAIIIS , Juno 1'J. M. Clemenceau and M.
Foucher , the latter editor of the National ,
have fought a duel with pKtols. .Neither ol
the combatants was hurt. The duel was the
outcome ot a newspaper quarrel.
Thn Inundation in Hungary.
VIENNA , June 12. Twenty-live thousand
square miles of land are inundated In
Hungary. There was another hurricane at
Make Saturday. Water washed over dykes
and destroyed a number of bridges ,
Chicago's Ijauor Troubles.
CHICAGO , June 12. In accordance with an
order from the carpenters' council , al
journeymen who are told to-morrow to work
nine hours will quit and report to head
The Haveiniiyer lie II n cry Pirn.
NKW YOKK , June 12. An employe of the
Havemeyer sugar refinery stated to an As
soclated press reporter to-day that the loss
by yesterday's fli o will be nearly S2,000,000
The bulldlncs and contents wore cohered by
insurance to a fair percentage of their value
Six PontiileHS Greeks.
NEW Tt'oiiK , June 12. Among 3,000 oml
grants landed at Castle Garden to-day were
sixteen pennllesH Greeks from Syria. Com
missioner Stevens lavor.s sending them back
A Now Feature In Mcthotllam.
NKW YOIIK , June 12. A new feature in
Methodism was Introduced to-day Iu com
menclng on an Indoor camp meeting at tht
Jane street .Methodist Episcopal church li
this city. Meals will be served during It
continuance. The services are the same as
nt outdoor camp meetings.
"Wont her luillciitlonn.
ForXebiaska : Fair weather , except loca
rains In eastern portions , southeasterly
winds , slight change In temperature.
For Iowa : Southerly winds , local rain
satlonary temperature.
For Knstorn Dakota : Fair weather , nearly
stationary turned iituic , variablu.wlnds.
A Fisticuff Encounter Which Ho Indulged
. in Many Tears Ago ,
\n English lltilly In Kansa * City
Given a Legion Uy the Voiinu
Frontiersman Which llo ,
Itctiicinbcrcd ,
A Plctitcr With UN l-'Utn.
Hon. William F. Cody ( Hiiffalo lllu/ ,
vhosc exhibition has recently been visited by
ter majesty thu empress of India , was a pro-
ego of the famous border hero , Wild llllt ,
vitli whom ho hunted and scouted , and who
uade him lirst deputy when holding thu re-
ponslblo and dangerous position of city
narshal of Abllcnc.Kan. , writes a correspon-
tent In the Kansas City Journal. HulTalo
Jtll had achieved a reputation on the plalnw
> eforo Ned Huntllno brought him In his wild
vest dramas prominently before the people
f the east as a typical frontiersman. A llttlo
) cforo this tlino ho tlgurod In an exciting
iiiglllstlo encounter In Kansas City , llo was
young man , then as now superbly devel-
ped physically , of undaunted courage , re- ,
owned for his exploits In the killing of but-
ale and at a government scout In times of <
ndlan troubles , and doing at leisure intei-
als n little work , conspicuous for Its con-J
clontlous attention to details In the way o-\ \
palntlne frontier towns iu wur point hues ofv
carlet and vcrniilliou.
Kansas City was at that time the rcudcz-
ous of the buffalo hunters and general out-
ittlng point for expeditions over the plums.
t was an ungainly , * overgrown settlement ,
trunc along the steamboat wharves at the
oot of the blurts on the Missouri river oppo-
Ite the mouth of the Kuw , but giving even
hen Koraa promise ol Its subsequent marvel
ous itrowth. It was In the "red-hot" stage o
ocal development , nud had a population
'earful and wonderful tocontemplato. Hero
verc gathered ox-bushwhackers of the war
ust Mulshed. Union and conlcdcrate , with
inlmositlcs yet unhealed , biifluloliunteisanoV
rappers from the plains and mountains ,
Mexican freighters lioin over the Santa Fe
rail , roustabouts from the steamboat land
ings and gamblers Irom everywhere , .
who mingled , caroused and toughtt :
' on the diop of the hat"t
ivhllo , attracted like camp follow
ers to the Held of cnrnago , painted , showily ,
Iressed women practiced their allurements" ]
n numerous dance halls anil lent a gaudy ,
adornment to the muddy streets. Almost' !
every nmn openly carried weapons and was * I
irompt to use them on occasions , with , and
often without , provocation.
Hero In this frontier paradise appeared an j
athletic and bumptious Kncllshman , whol
soon made himself objectionable to the coir.- ,
inunlty by his fondness for list lighting. He'
[ losseiscd both strength mid science andM
iourtcd encounters at HstlcuffH from which he
' .nvarlably came out victorious , llo had "done ,
ip" successively every man who could beCi
louud to meet him from those who made pre-
eniilonslo ability under the rules of the
nl 7.0 ring to the unpromising boatman.
'halt horse half " who
, alligator , iouxhtU
viciously rough and tumble , llo was
mllylnc and overbearing of demeanor ,
ind had become a Eouicuof chronic oxns-
leratlon. to the lighting population of Kansas - '
sas City , llo went ostoiitntioiiRly without
weapons , and there existed in the minds of
many a prejudice iiualust Nhooling an un
armed man , which Interfered with the adop- '
tlon of the ordinary methods of gutting rid of
an obnoxious party In thu community. A
popular sentiment hud arlteu , however , andi
was rapidly extending , favorable to hl
ishassmatlon , when In ( ntormal conclave It *
was concluded after some discussion , to ,
await the coming of Uulfnlo 1)111 , wno waa
daily expected to arrlvo from the plains , and
to then contrive that a hostile meeting should
occur between them.
In course of time HulTalo Hill appeared In
town , and as soon as possible after his arrival
a meet Ing was effected between him and the
Kuglishman In a saloon , a qnairel easily
started and a light arranged. A back room
of the saloon wns the arena , and both men
set to business with promptness and energy ;
For the Uftcon minutes Dullalo Ulll.w'io ;
was us llthh and quick as in Indian , fouguu
on the defensive , nnd did little but dodge
and parry the blows of his antagonist , who
iollowcd him about the room , hitting heavily
but generally Inellcctlvcly , and who soon
eat warm nnd began to lose wind amt
temper. Then HulTalo Hill , who ;
though somewhat punished , had kept
his coolness and tumpcr , assumed the aggres
sive. Avoiding a terrific blow at his face , he'
sprung with the movement at a panthcp
under the Englishman's guard and caught
him with both hands by the throat In a griff
like Hteol. For a lew moments the Kngfish-
man rained short arm blow.s on him and
struggled to break his hold , but his efforts
could not loose the grasp on his windpipe ?
and presently ho grew black In the face and
fell to ( he lloor. liurfalo 1)111 held his grip
until his opponent was motionless and ap
parently dead , and then released him and
walked away , bearing Rome marks
of punishment , but victorious. II
took a long time to bring
the Kngllshnmu to. and tor a while the lasf
Deemed hopelsss. He was shaken and rolled.
deluded with Ice water , nnd xtrong hartshorn
was hold to his none , but under these strong
provocatives he lay like n log. It t > eemed bo
was gone beyond recall , but under thu most
strenuous elforts he liuully revived and waa
eventually , as far as physical Injuries went ,
all right. The encounter , however , broke
his releu of terror In Kansas City , nnd was
ouo of the occurrences that went to estab
lish the Invincible prestige of liutTalo Bill.
The III I nil , Deaf and Dumb Woman's
V'lult ton Watch Factory.
'Waltham , Mass. , Times : Miss Laura
Bildgmau's second visit to the city of Wul-
thaui and her Inspection , In her way , of the
watchmaking process , If not quite as notable
as that of the queen ot the Sandwich Islands ,
yet created a deal of Interest among our people
ple , who have so loni ; felt a pitiful sympathy
for the girl , blind and deaf from so early a
period In her existence as to have no memory
of sight , speech or sound. Mr. Hal E. Hart
ford escorted thin queen of the darkness and
silent realm , with her attendant , Miss
Ualsy Monroe , through thu busy rooms
ot the factory , where enough , was
understood through the nense of toucn
and mystical hand language of her
friend , to till the susceptible mind of the vis
itor with delight during the two hours
passed , us she expieescd It , In "surveying the
works. " Mr , Shirley put Into her hands the
several disconnected parts of a watch , and ,
by guiding her linger.bhe was made to under
stand how they were put together.
Miss Urldgman received many calls during
her brief stay with Mrs. Monroe , all of whlcn
were welcome ; but to Mr.s. George H. Shirley
Kho took a Npcclal liking , and upon learning
that she attended the Baptist church , ex
pressed a desire to accompany her Sunday
morning , which she accordingly did. Uetflct-
Ing the odor of ( lowers , she Inquired If there
were bouquets on the altar , and Mru. C. O
Kills , who furnished the Moral decorations foe
the duy.pruscntcd to her a beautiful bouquet ,
at which her delight was ardently expressed ,
Among her accomplishments wonderful'
for hands unguldtul by the sllgntest glimmer
of blitlit Miss liridgman makes u itmitlful
kind of lace , almost like cobweb In Its deli
cacy. This Is made In squares of varying
aUes and Is sold tor a trillc. which , however.
Is of material aid to thu maker. Conrldei lnf |
her peculiar lite It U not strange that Miss
Uiiddiimn should remain' just a little childish ]
In her tnsti-s , leellinis , and pleasured. Lasfr
Christmas she \\as presented by a lady friend
with a doll and a complete outfit of clothing.
These various costumes Shu hoon learned to
put on , taku otf , button and unbutton , pack.
and unpack , uud many a happy hour has.
this chlldUh occmutlon ot taking cnru ot hen
"baby , " as she calls It , ail'ouled her.
In ptunoiial appeatance Miss IJilduman (34 (
of medium hekiit , very slight , j > alu , com- *
plctelv closed eyes , 'very delicate
durk hair just touched with &y. i >