IHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY JUNE 12. 1887.-TWBLVE PAGES. 9 PREPARING FOR QUIET NODES A Quiet but Pleasant Week Among the Beaux and Belles of Omaha- THE MERCER RECEPTION , Mme. Modjcska'fl Commendable Choice Mrs. Gilbert's Party The Sbeltan Anniversary Various AVccldlnjzs I'ctHOiinls. The fiercer Iluccptlnn , The principal society event of the wcc-k was the reception of Dr. and Mrs. Murcor to their friends Thursday even ing at their elegant homo on Mercer avenue , Walnut Hill. The roads were badly torn up and rendered very muddy by the lieuvy rain during the afternoon , but the long line of carriages found no difllcttlty in following the circuitous route as it was designated by n plentiful supply of lanterns. Besides n number of guides wcro stationed at frequent in tervals. Upon arriving at their destination the visitors wcro charmed at the magnificent display of Chinese lanterns , which wcro distributed throughout the extensive grounds. It had been the intention to give a lawn party , hut the rain prevented this delightful feature of the evening's entertainment being carried out. The capacious nnd handsome Mercer residence was brilliantly illuminatedand presented an attractive appearanco. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer gave n cordial welcome to their numerous guests , who in turn congratulated them upon possessing one of the most beautiful homes in the city. There was but very little , if any , form ality during the evening , everybody feel ing perfectly at u\so. : It was indeed an en joyable aflair. Notwithstanding the ram , there were but few regrets sent In. Amontr those invited and present were the following : Oeneral Hawkins and wife , Hon. J. C. Cowln and wife , Mr. A. D. llalcombo nml wife , Mr. S. 1) . Unrkalow nnd wife. J. M. Drown. Fort Onmlm ; Mr. U. 1C. Darker nnd wife , Miss Akin Merlin , .Mr. Charles Dnlbnch and wife , Mrs. M. llodkln , Mr. Lewis Ilnul- ford and wife , Mr. John 11. Cornish nnd wife , Mr. Levl Carte ; nnd wife. Mr. S. It. C.illa- way and wife , Mr. 0. It. Coutant and wife , Dr. James Carter and wife , Mr. Chapmnn and wife , Flor ence ; John T. Clark , Dr. Ayres and wife , Mr. W. F. Ai. Allen and wife , Mr. Oeorge M. Ames nnd wife. Dr. J. 11. Beau , Eagle Itock. Idaho ; K. A. Henson , Mr. L. M. licnnett and we. Mr. W. II. Hums and wife , Council UlulTs : Misses Emily Jluttcr- lield and Susie liadolctt , Council UlnHs ; Mayor W . J. Brontch nnd wife , Mr. E. Rose- water and wife. Mr. W. 1 * . Adams and wife , Mr. Preston Allen and wife , Dr. J. 1.1. Ab bott. Fremont , Neb. ; C. K Belndorf , Mr. J. T. Beatty aud.wife , Mr. Samuel Hums nnd wife , Mr. N , J. liurnham and wile. Misses Fannie JButterlicUI , Nellie Hums and Maggie Burlln , Jir. Charles Brown and wife , Mr. O. A. Ballou mid wife , U. P. Unmis , Mr. J. J. Brown and wife , Mrs. Bur- dett. MaJ. nnd Mrs. Bnrrlccr. Mr. J. W. Bedford and wife.MliM Uarrows.lt. S. Berlin , Mr. Alt Sorerison and wife , Mr. E. U.-Ual- lou and .wife , Mr. V. Uadolett and wife , Council Bluffs ; MUton Barlow , Mr. L. Burn- Imin and wife , Mr. Samuel Brown and wife. Terry Brulolctt , Council Blulis ; Bn Bar rows , Mr. Joe Barton and wife. Mr. Truman Buck and wlfo , Miss Mabel Balcombc , Mr. D. V. Barkttlow and wile , Mr. W. K. Bochel nnd wlfo , Mrs. Joseph Barker , Mr. E. M. Barlcttand witc.Mr. ( luyC. Barton midwife , Mls-s Nora Balcombe , Mr. W. N. Crane and wlfo , Chicago ; Mr. 11. Carrier and wife , Mr. JohnN. Cornish and wife , Cenural Crook nnd wife , Colonel S. 8. Curtis , Mr. S. 11. 11. Clark and wlfo , St. Louis , Mo. ; Mr. Samuel Cotner nnd wlfti. Mr. 11. T. Claik and wife , Mr. J , S. Collins. Father Collonan. C. C. Chase. Mr. W. J. Connell and wife. Mr. W. J. Chambers. Dr. V. 11. Coflman and wlfo , Mr. Frank ColneUer and wlfo. Miss Collins , Mr. Frank D. Cooper anil wife , Air. I. E. Cong don and wile , Mr. James Chambers am wife. Dr. J. W. Dysart nnd wife , Dr. Charles Dlnsamro aud wife , Mr , E. S. Dundy Jr. , and wito , Miss Lot ; Dundy , Guy Donne , Mr. F. Dinko and wife , Mr. J. J. Dickey and wife , Miss Belle Dickey , Mrs. M. Dotwefler , tholU. Rev. Dowllng , Mr. Kbctleter and wlfe.Mr. Krickson and wlfc.Mr. < . W.Frost and wlte , Mr. Will Frlen , Plaits mouth : Miss llattle Fuimer , Plattsmouth . Colonel Frederick and wlfo , Allss Filed , Dear ( iardncr aud wife. Air. J. 1 * Umrlson am ! wife , Mr. Ben Uallaghcr and wife , Mr. Gar- rabrantand wife. Air. Ciroll and wife , Air. Ulbbs and wlfo.Mr. Fred Uray and wlfr.MIs ; Jennie Grant , Air. Coburu and wife. Col. C H. Chase , Mr. .Charles A. Coo nnd wlte , Mis : ( iraco Chambers , Air. D. O. Clark and wife Dr. P. AI. ChndwIck.AIr. J. A. Crcighton and wife. Airs. T. B. Cumlngs , Miss Gertrude Clark , Allss Carrie Congdon , Dr. E. U. Dew , Dr. J. C. Demise ami wife. Hon. K.S.Dundy and wife , Miss May Dmidy.Mr. U. W. Doane and wife , Air. Luther Drake , Air. Ed Dickin son and wife , Air. L. Dickey and wife , Air. C. 11. Downy and wife. Airs. Dubols , Colonel J. AI. Eddy and wfe | , > lr. Robert Knssonand wlfo , Air. B. AcKpwlor , Air. J. B. Turay and wife , Dr. Fey , Mr. John Field and wife , Mr. Carl Fried and wife , Air. Uoodman and wife , Mr. Gardner and wife. Walnut Hill ; Air. < } . 1. Gilbert nnd wife , Dr. L. B. Ciraddy nnd wife , . Mr. "Gannett and wife , Mr. It. E. Gnylord and wife , Mr. Glllesplo and wife , Charles Union , Park Goodwin , Dr. Gifford , Lew Hill , Air. C. U. Howard and wife , Air. illmebaugt : and wife , Mr. llellman and wife , Mr. O. M. Hitchcock and wife. Mr. K. S. Hall and wlfo , Mr. A. P. Hopkins and wife , Miss Laura lloagland , Mr. A. J. Hanscom and wlfo , Mr. * Kussell Harrison and wlf , Mr. B. Hlgby and wlfo. Air. William 11. IJiims and wife. Miss lAuio Isaacs , Dr. 11. P. Jensen and wife , Allss Kcogh , Air. F. P. Klrkcndall and wife , Air. J nines Kitchen and wife , Miss Julia Knlitht , Mr. Klcrsteod and wlte. Mr. C. Keller and wlte , Mr. Jcs o Lacey nnd wife , Dr. P. St. Iielscnrlng nnd wlfo , Mr. Joe Lelnner , Mr. Lovctt and wife , Dr. H. Lurt- ilinpton and wlfo , Airs. Sophia Lowe , Air. U. W. Llnlngor and wife , Theodoio Livingston and Miss Annlo Livingston PlaltMiiouth ; Miss L. B. Loomls , Lincoln ; Dr. K. C. Alooro nnd wile , Mr. J. H. Mlllnrd and wlfe.Mr. Al fred Allllard. Air. Bob Garllch , Air. N. F. llenshaw ana wlfo. Air. F. Holler and wife , Mr. lloldrego nnd wife. Air. C. W. Hamilton nnd wife. Colonel Henry nnd wile. Air. O. Hollman and wife , Air. ( Jeorgo A. Hoaclnnd nnd wife. Miss Emma Hoagjand , Air. J. It. llydo and wlfo , Air. William Hughes aud wife , Allss Hams , Airs , E. and Sarah Jacobs , Dr. Koch.Mr. T. L. Klmb.tll and wlfe.Mlss Bella Knuball , Atr. Herman Kuuntzo and wife Air. J. U. Kulclit and xvlfe.AUss Alary Knlsht Alr.ltlchnrd Kitchen , Mr. Kennedy nnd \ > lfe , Atr , Jesse Lowe , Air. D. S. Lander nnd wlfo , Allss Dora Lehmcr , Dr. E. W. Leo and wlfo , General W. W. Lowe and wlfo , Mr. Fred B. Ixnrc nnd wife. Dr. It. H. Livingston nnd wlfoot PlnttMnouth ; Dr. Harvev Llnko of Mlllard ; Ajr. C. A. Leary nnd wife. Mr. W. B. Mlllard and wife , Miss Jcsso Millard , Mr. Frank Murphoy , Mr. J , AI. Mctralf and wife , .Mr. W , V. Mor.io and wife , Mr. O. S. Meyer- Hon nnd wife , Air. C. E. Mnyno and wife , Mr. Max Alcycr and wife. Mr. Moritz Meyer aud wife. Julius Alejrer , A , Afont omery. Mr. Nathan Men lain and wlte. Miss 1 * . Morgan , Mr. W. a. Maul and wlfo , Mr. W. W. Marsh and wlfo , Air. W. O. Alercer and wife , Mr. L , C. Mercer and wife , 1'iattsmouth ; D. H. Alerccr , W. A. Morris. Dr. George Miller nnd wlfo , Air. It , AlcCormlck and wife , Mr. A. O. Mctlavoclt and wile. Dr. McKenna and wife , Mr. S. P. Alorso and wife. Air. E. M. Morsenmn and wife , Mr. C , F. Mandcison nnd wife. Key Alaynr , Mr , Adolph Myers and wife. Air. C. S. Mfintuomery and wife , Mrs. J. It. Alerldltn , Mr. F. C. Morgan and wife. Mr. W. J. Alount. and wife. Mr. Win. St. Maul nnd wife , E. Moroney.J. E. Alar- kell. Hon. J. A. AtcShane , Mrs. Dr. Mc Clelland , Air. W. H. MoCord and wife. Air. F. A. McConnell nud wife , Mr. ItemlntUnn nnd wife. Air. H. S. Itolllns and wife , Mr. S. P. Hounds and wife. Mr. Itothackcr nnd wife , -Mr. William Itedlck and wife , Mr. Charles B. Itustln and wlfo , Air. Lytnan luchanlson and wlfo. Miss Ellen M. Itueere , Bishop and Miss WortUlugten , AIr . Nellie Wakeloy , Air. Woodburn , Air. James Woolworth and wife. Mr. A. Wakcly , Mr. Hint Wakcly , Mr. A. U. Wyuian , Air. McWhortcr and wife , the Atisses Wallace. Mr. John Webster and wife , Air. Wesiels and wife. Captain Wilcox , Fred Drexcl , Mr. Kil Joanson and wife , Air. S. T. Josselyn and wife , Mr. A. D. Jones and wife. Mr. F. J ) . Johnson and wife , Mr. Trimbell and wife , Air. N. P. Hunt and wife , Alilwtukee , WIs. ; Mr. P. J. Mcholsand wife , Air. K.W. Nosh anil wife , Hon.JamesNcvllle and wife. Air. T. AI , Orr and wife , Mm. O'Lynn. Chadron , Neb. ; UoUirt Patrick , Mr. Nelsi Patrick audjwlf * , Miss Grace Pcrine , Mr. Churchill Parker and wife , Mr. J. L Redlcknnd wife , Mrs. Kod- dlhs.Mr. M. R. Rlsdon nnd wife , Captain R.iy nnd wife , Mr. Charles. J. Ryan , Miss Clara Rtistln , Mls Minnie Richardson , Miss Lucio Rogers , Judge Wnkely and wife , Dr. Woodburn , Mr. L. B. Williams and wlfo , Mr.Vooilard \ and wife. Mr. 1 * Wakely , Mr. Will Wnkcly , Mr. Clark Woodman ami wife. Mr. William wnllnro and wlfo , Mr. Howard Worloy , .Mr. Ben Wood and wlfo. Mr. John Wilbur , Mr. Robert Law , Mr. P. K. Her and wlfe.Mr. Snm R.Johnson and wife , Mr. Sam Jone.s and wife. Dr , J , C. Jones and wifeMr. Henry 1' . JpnniKonnndwueMr. F. A.Crelgh and wife , Mr. X. Tlinmnson. Mr. F. A. Nash and wife , Mr. C. P. Necdhnin and wife , Mr. Ncely and wife. Walnut Hill : the Right Rev. Bishop O'Connor , Mr. D. K. W. Snxe and wife , Mr. r.dwlP Sherwood and wife , Mr. Stunrt and wife. Dr. K. L. SlKttlns nnd wife , I'Jattsincjiitht Mr. ChnrlesStebblrj ! ) and wife , Air. Howard U. Smith and wlte , Dr. Sawyer , Mr. 11. L. Sow.ud and wife. J. G. Taylor , Hon. John M. Thurston and wlfc.Mr. George C. Towlo and wile , .Mr Bruno Tischiick and wife , Mr , R. M. Taylor and wlfo , Mr. U'lllis Yntesatid wlfe.Mr. Henry Yatus and wife , the Mlsi < es Young , Miss Bertie Yost , Mr. Van Camp and wife , Mr. Milton Rogers and wile. Mr. K. ( ! . Uaingo nnd wife , Dr. C. Rosowatcr , Mr. Hyion Reed and wife , Mr. O. Ramsey nnd wife , Mr. A. Swart/lander nnd wife , Mr. Sam Spratlin and wife. Mr. Squires and wife , Mr. N. Shelton nnd wlte , K. W. Simernl , Dr. George K. Summers , Dr. J. K. Summers. Mr. Alvln Saunders nnd wife , D. C. Sutphun , William K. Stephens , Mrs. William Stephens , Captain II. K. Pal mer and wife , of PlntUinouth ; Mr. James N. Phillips nnd wife , Mr. William 1'axton and wife , Mrs. Mary I'utmnti , Mr. K. P. Peck and wife , Mr. L. P. Pruyn and wife , Dr. S. 11. Parker and wile. Dr. Pmney and wife , of Council Bluffs , In. ; Mr. Will Paxton. Dr. J. II. Pcabody and wite , Mr. Augustus Pratt and wife , Mr. O. L. IVrlno nnd wife , Mr. J. B. Kviins. Mr. J. K. lilngwalt ; Mr. Med- loeknnd wile , Besty Wortlilngton , George Armstrong Mr. Dorneher nud wife iind mother , Mfca Cnrrlo Wynian nnd mother , Mr. B. S. Knight nnd wife. Colonel 11. C. Frederick nnd wile , Dr. Lebert. Mr. AI Patrick , Mr. John Patrick , Mr. Watt Patrick and wile , Mr. Perino and wife , Mr. Louis Shroedor and wife , Mrs. E. F. Smythc , Mr. John R. Shaw and wife , Mr. Tom \\obe nnd wife , George Stcbbons , B. F. Smith , Mrs. Fannlti it. Smith. Miss Abblo Shaw , Sir. C. T. Tau'gnrt and wife , D. K. Traccy , Dr. Tilden nnd wife , Mr. L. H. Tower nnd wife , Mr. C. T. Taylor and wife , the Misses Truclnnd , F.tlgar Yntcs , Mr. Kms- tus Young and wife , Mr. Yost and wife , Mr. Van Curcn nnd wile , Mr. Lewis Reed nnd wife , Mr. O. T. Howen and wife , Columbus , .Neb. ; Mr. E. G. Rlley and wife , Mr. Andrew Rosewnter and wlto , Mr. Thomns Rogers nud wlte , Abe Reed , Mrs. Fanny 1) . Reed , Mr. Charles Shlvetlck and wife , Miss Addle Spratlin , Georce Squires , the Kev. Mr. bher- rlll nnd wife , Mr. H L. Stone nnd wife , Rev. C. W. Savldico nml'Kilo , Miss Carrlo Sum mers , Charles L. b imlcrti , Mr. Sargent and wife. Mr. O. F. Steuhtns jmd wife , Wllcox Stephens. M JQIICi. i. Soolotjr' ' tn , Oin aim. In the bright lexicon of Gate City so ciety there's no such word as. dull. True the whirl and gayety of the elite may vary and at times it may seem that the fountains of social pleasures have been drained , yet each week records events of such pleasure and brilliancy that compel thn perhaps lethargic beaux and belles to do the honors. The past week has been a quiet one , but with its splendid Mercer reception , its numerous weddings and its many little teas , it nay be said to have been a most enjoya- le one. The "Naiad " aside Queen , by reason , rom its merit , of the participation of our oung folka , has attracted social attcu ion which probably has never been ac- ordcd a similar cvcut. But with the departure of the major' ' : y of our social swells for the summer csorts , must necessarily come n social ethargy , and one by one the fortunate cings are leaving for their favorite looks. A boundless contiguity of shade , where rumors of oppression nnd deceit ind real estate and colleo quotations do lot rcacn , is appreciated by none more han the beau or belle of Omaha , nnc he exuberance of spirit manifested on he occasion of their departure betokens more than an ordinary desire for rest for ho weary. A PARTY of gentlemen left last nigh' ' by special car for Idaho where they will remain for a week. Among the number vero G. W. Holdrego , L. 11. Tower , D. J J'Donahoo , U. C. Gushing , J. B. Kitchen . ' . E. Her and son , T. B. Johnson , J. G Taylor , of this city ; Judge Fitzgerald o Cincinnati ; E. C. Webster , of Hastings 1.1) . Brown , of Illinois ; Mr. Mason , o S'uw York , and Congressman Laird. THE COMMENCEMENT services of Brown ell hall begin this morning with the an nual sermon before the trustees , faculty and students iu Trinity cathedral. Oi Monday at 0:30 : a. m. will bo held the ar exhibition and musical recital. The com mencement exercises will be held nt the hall on Tuesday at 10:80 : a. m. , and the reception will bo given Tuesday evening , June 14 , from 8 to 11. Tni : CBKIGHTON College Philomathic society gave an interesting programme Friday night to a largo and appreciative audience. TUESDAY EVENING Mr. andMrs.Georee D. Gilbert gave a card party at their res idence iu honor of-Mr. hml Mrs. Frank Cranston , of Providence , U. 1. The fol lowing wcro prepont : i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cranston , Mnj i and Mrs. J5. 1) . Knight , Mrs. Lynmti Richardson , General and Mrs. Muntlcrsou , General and Mrs. Dandy , Mr. U. F. Smith , Mr. and Mrs. Mctcalf. Mrs. Cornish , Dr. and Mrs. Moore , Mr. aud Mrs. William F. Allen. Mr. nnd Mrs. U. E. 1) . Kennedy , Mr. ami Mrs. Augustus i'ratt , Mr. and Mrs. Shelton - ton , Mrs. E. T. Beall and Mrs. Model- laud. THE HF.ciM'TiON tendered by the young folks of Kouutzo Memorial church to the members of the Lutheran synod Tuesday night was a very pleasant affair and with the decorations , refreshments unil earn est ellbrts of the young people the many clergymen present enjoyed themselves greatly. \ * * THE MAititiAGE of Mr. Joseph D. Lloyd nnd Miss Jessie A. Miller occurred Thursday at the residence of Mrs. Kll/.a- bctli Bull , on dimming street. Rev. C. W. Savidgo officiated. An elegant din ner was served the guests. * * Mu. IlAituv II. MOLK and Miss Khoda 1) . Brooks wcro quietly married Thurs day evening at the residence of Mr. Ilcury St. John , on Sherman avenue. Mit. EUGAK C. SNYDER , the associate editor of _ the Excelsior , departed InFt night for the east. Ho goes to Now York City bo married to Miss Emily Hose nt 0,30 p. m. , Juno SI , nt Grace and then to Philadelphia , where he will ( Episcopal ) church. Mr. Snyder nnd bride will RO to his mother's home , 100 miloa west of Philadelphia , on the Juniata riyer , nnd remain for three weeks , when they will return vlti Niagara Falls to Umuha , * ON SUNDAY last tno marriage of Mr. Maurice Meyer to Miss Bertha Strauss took place ut the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Auerbach , foster parents of the bride , 023 South Fifteenth. Itabbi Benson otliciatcd. Many friends from a distance were present , nnd many costly gifts wcro tendered the happy couple. A VEKY pleasant surprise party was tendered Mr. C. If. Hontly at the resi dence of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Vicrlmjj , Capital avenue , Friday evening. REV. J. H. For , I ) . * D. , of the First Christian church , goes to DCS Molncs , la. on Wednesday , to deliver the annual ad dress of Drake university. Dr. Fey will return to preach ou tbo Sunday follow ing , Juno 19 , but will leave for Now York ou the 31st inst His pulpit will DO occupied during.July by Her , B. B. Tyler , of the West Fifty-sixth street church , New York. THE FHTEENTH anniversary of the marriage of Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathan Sliclton was celebrated at tholr residence on Dodge ttrcct. Many friends wcro pres ent , nnd the beautiful gnmo of "pro gressive hearts" was introduced iu Omaha for the first time. NEXT TUESDAY evening Mr. C. F. Gros- curth will be married to Miss Klsio J. DcLand.at the rcsldcnco of Air. and Mrs. C. F. Stimsou , No. 703 North Nine teenth street. W. II. C. WootmuitsT and Miss Bessie E. Anderson will bo married tit Glen- wood , la. , Juno 10. The couple will reside at North 1'latte , Neb. * * Tin : ELK ? will bo represented In De troit by A. B. Davenport and D , W. Van- Colt , who leave hero lor tlitit city on the 10th , * * * OK THE 8th inst. Napoleon B. Hntohor of this city was married to Mrs. V. W. Knapp of St. Louis. The nuptials were celebrated quietly and the happy couple will as quietly return to Omaha nnd take up their abode at the Mlllard. TO-MOIUIOW NIGHT the first annual benefit of the Elks will take place nt Lloyd's oporti house. " * * # OMAHA society is to bo congratulated upon the acquisition of the talented Mine. Modjeska and her agreeable husband to its circles. The great tragedienne has rented a house ou North Twenty-third struct , near Burt , where after her return from a short western tour she will spend the greater portion of the summer. Personal. General Joseph E. Johnston is in the city. Senator C. M. Mutidcrson is in Wash ington. Elmer D. Frank has returned from Hot Snrings. Rev. Willard Scott is nt Saratoga Springs , N. Y. Miss Ida Sharp is visiting friouds at Ogulalla , Neb. Mr. I. Hodgson , the Minneapolis archi tect , is in the city. Mr. Market , of the Millard , has re turned from New York. Mr. Swobc , of the Millard , has returned from A trip to Salt Lake. Mis ? Seyer , of Brownell Hall , will shortly leave for Europe. Miss E. E. Poppleton has been elected a trustee of Vassar college. Mrs. C. S. Johnson , of Wnhoo , spent a few days here the past week. Senator A. S. Paddock was in the city several days of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Itoggs have re timed from their eastern trip. Mr. Andrew Rose water and family mvo returned from California. Mrs. F. C. Bruncr and daughter , Miss aura , hayo returned from the east. Mrs. Alary B. Huydcn aud daughter , Miss Jcnnio , have removed to Lincoln. Mrs. James Grcig and family , of Guernsey , la. , are visiting friends hero. Mrs. J. It. Nichols leU Tuesday for a , 'isit to friends in Ohio nnd Pennsylvania. QColonel Champion S. Chase will orate on Indcnpcndanco day at Champion , cb. Airs , J. AI. Woolworth and Aliss Mcnio iVoolworth left Friday for New York and toston. Airs. C. S. Parrottc and Mrs. Charles iVells are summering at Colorado Springs. Airs. Wilkins and daughter Allss Nellie , of Pierce street , left Tuesday for Toronto , 'Janada. Lieutenant Colonel J. T. Fletcher Second end infantry is expected in Omana in a "ow days. Air. and Airs. ( J. O. Parker and son nnd Herbert Parker , of Fulton , la. , are n the city. Mr. Isaac Hodgson , jr. , and family ; iavo gone to Baylield , wis. , wliero they will summer. Air. W. H. Ilanchett , of Alilwaukeo , is visiting his nephew , Dr. Ilanchett , ou St. Alary's avenue. Mrs. C. S. Crawford , of Stanton , Va. , .s visiting her daughter , Airs. Dr. Dar- row. of Una city. General Lowe , accompanied by hjs laughter , Aliss Irene , left Friday for his Florida plantation. Miss Lizzio Isaacs , the pianistc , of St. Louis , has returned to Omaha aud will make it her homo. Air. and Airs. E. N. Blackman , late of Norfolk , Nob. have taken up their per manent abode nerc. Mr. Edgar W. Bishop , of Oulncy. 111. , is the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs , W. F. Allen , 2109 California street. Mrs. Swoopo. of Murfreesboro , Term. , is in the city the guest of her daughter , Mrs. George Darrow. Mr. C. H. Rich , of the South Omaha Stockman , left with his wife for a trip to the Wisconsin lakes. Airs. S. H. H. Clark arrived Monday , and is the guest of Mrs. J. B. Evans , Twenty-sovcnth street. Miss Cochranp , who has been visiting friends in this city , has returned to her homo in St. Thomas , Canada. Mine. Modjeska and husband , Count do Ho/.entti , attended the presentation of the the "Naiad Queen" at the Boyd Friday night. Mrs. Judge Fitzgerald , of Cincinnati , is the guest of Airs. R. C. dishing and Airs , i'emplcton , at Twcnty-lifth and Douglas. Air. nnd Airs. Guv C. Barton , Mr. Charles Barton rfiul Aliss Bertha Yost will bail for Quccnstown on the Umbria on July 7. Mr. S. R. Callaway , who has bceu in Alaska for sometime past , has sailed for America and is expected to arrive iu Omaha in about ten days. Bishop Worthington will preach the baccalaureate sermon before the State university at Lincoln to-night. The bishop's ' family will summer on the Hud son. ' . " Grocer's htst. COFFEE Ordinary grades , 2l(322c ( ; fair , 21Q23c ; prime. 21Q24 ; choice , U1@U5 ; fancy jrroou nnd jellow , lM@i. ' c ; old government Java , 23 < 3'toc ; Interior Java , 2 3ac ) ; Alocha , ! WQ3tc ) ; Arbucklo's , roasted SJSJfe ; Ate- Lnutfhlln's XXXX ; 2sfc ; Ullworth's , We ; Red Cross , 27 c. SYBur-No. 70 , 4-gallon ke \ S1.28@1.SO ; Now Orleans , per gallon , & < $4Gc ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c ; 1-gaUon cans , per doz , 810.10 ; half gallon cans , per do85.50 ; quart can . & 100. CANDY-Mlxed , t > X@llc ; btlck. 8K@9Kc. CKACKKHS Garncau's soda , butter nnd picnic , & 3jc ; creams , fe ] < c ; ginger snar > s,6c ; city soda , 7Hc. PICKKI.S Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In half Dbls , 84 00 ; small , In bbls. 8.CO ; do , In halt bbls , 54.50 ; gherkins. In bbls , S'J.OJ ; do , In half bbls , 5.00. SITOAU Granulated , 6V < 36) c ; conf. A. < xa We ; white extra C,5Co/ : extra O. 5 c ; yellow C. 5i4'@sabc ; cut loaf , 0) powdered , OJfQTc. CANNED ( fooDs Oysters , standard , per case. 8'iW 3.lO ; strawberries \ Ib. per case , S'J.SO ; rasptJetrlcs , 21b. per caw , SiiX < M5 ; California pears , per case , 54.50 ; apricots , per case , 34.W ; peaches , per case. 84.00 ; white cherries , per case , 85.50 ; plums , per 91.40 ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz , 81.50(31.55 ( ; a Ib. gooseberries , per case , $1.75-a ; Ib. Etrinz beam , per case , 51.70 ; 2 lb. lima beans , per case , Sl.CO ; a Ib. marrowfat peas , per case , 82.4d@2.M3 ; lb. early June p&s , par case , 82-75 ; 3 ID. tomatoes , S'ASO ; 2 lb. corn , If you wish good plumbing call att'912 Dougl 8. Spclnian & fierce. . ; j / 4tifcii ? ! * t This House To be built in BRIQ-G-S PLACE , and GIVEN AWAY , No humbug about it. If you want it inquire for particulars at once of ' C. E. MAYNE REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO. BIG EXCITEMENT IN MEAT , The July Option Takes a Sudden and Unex pected Drop. JUNE STAYS FIRM AS A ROCK. Corn Again Weak ahd liowcrVlth Heavy Trailing In the AsRrejjatc Oats Touch Dottom Prices Quotations. CHICAGO PRODUCE MA.RHF.T. CUICAOO , Juno ll.r-SpecIal [ Tclejram to the Biu.1 : There was wild commotion In too wheat pit to-day , the excitement being concentrated into the last half of the session , However. Uo to 11:30 : a. in. the market ruled teady aud rather quiet , with July ranging jetweeu 85J c and Wc. ) The Initial trades n July were at SSXc. The prices worked up o W5c. with light business passing. It then vorked off to 85 c , which point was reached , bout 11:30. : The crowil ana scalpers gener- , lly had been operating fpr several days on he theory that the market was pegged at JSJ c. Every time the price got near that imit the crowd had taken the market and un It UD a little ways. The number of alters was on the Increase , and presumably heir holdings swelled at the same time. The llquo was expected to cone alone any min ute and put the market up to enable tailors to ell out at a profit. The clique concluded to et the tallcrs and the crowd have the mar- cet. Possibly the clique may have let them mvo some wheat , too , at the peg price. At any Vate , when the peg price was reached , some of the bears put out feelers and they couldn't lind the peg nnd were encouraged to slier property. Nobody wanted any and ho market looked weak. No sooner lad the market settled under b2 } c han everybody wanted to sell , and a ] lood of orders poured in. In about three ninnies the market broke ic. From Ww > 4Mc there was a fractioimhtecovery to ittc. The next drop was to We. then 8SKc was struck. A reaction to 6SKC Occurred , fol- owed bv another sharp break to WMc. Again .hero was n Kc recovery to" SSJfc , then n de cline to b.'Hc , a slide to satfc , and a quick slump to b-Jkc. This vws Jjfteen or twenty nlniitet. before the close. ' Prom that point to the ei.d of the session there * was a steady ad vance and the linal quotation was KJ c. Iho total break from the besf price was c , and at the close the market showed a loss of 2c as compared with yostenMy. The clique bro kers did nothing wartevtr that anybody could see until about h Mi hour before the ell tapped. During the1 * halt hour they weio busy enough , how VeC and bought tre mendously , closing the.thaftet linn at lc recovery fioiu the bottom. There seemed to Bo no difliculty in getting tBe crop below 84c. June wheat may bo described as iirmasa rock. The fluctuations'were ' between 91 > 'i ' :92Kc : and the last quotation was 92)fc .ery little was done. ' Awgnst opened at 81Kc , advanced to ts tcs , broke toTOKcwid closed at 80 < e September-was quoted as high as 81Jf@81J c aud ks , low as 70 ; c , clos- "corn was'again weak to-day , and a further slu inkage In values took place. 1 he opening figures were only a shade below yesterday's closing sales , but as there was quite a pres sure to trade , a large amount of July long corn coming out. and good buying of more deferred deliveries , the tendency was to In crease the premium. There was heavy tradIng - Ing In the aggregate , and nt3S < a38Kcfor July there appeared tobe unlimited buying orders. Norton and Wortblncton were the largest local buyers to-day , the lowest figures being established during tbelast hour of the ses sion. Sellers for the month rested at 37 ; c , July t : w > iS3SKcAugust ( at 30'fcaaoYc , and September at 40 > t'c. Oats wcro extremely weak and Heavy in the speculative market , ul prices brobu K@ % c on the entire litt of futures , all closing at the bottom. July sold down from 20jc to 25Kc , Aucust , trom as o to35c , and Septem- . In the provision trade the spec ulative Interest developed was con- lined mainly to short ribs , with pork neglected and lard only moderately active. Tradeifl were given ample opportu nity to watch the rib market , which was both active and Iriecular. The undertone govern ing It , was however , ostrongone , and though it was doptessed for a time by the selling of "tailors" and weak holders , who were in fluenced by the weakness In wheat and corn , the day's movement showed remarkable ktroncth. The depressions suffered here speedily iccovcrcd. and at the adjournment ot the hoard the different deliveries of ribs showed an actual Improvement ot 5c on last nUht's closing. In Inrd the fluctuations were 5c,7Kc and the closings only 2o lower. 1'ork for J une delivery was again quoted at gi'i.oo. O.v TUB Cuiw. June wheat steady at03 July ranged KWCSS c , with trades on the open board at b3 % . CHICAGO L.IVK STOCK. CHICAGO , June 11. ( Special Telegram to the UKB.J CATTLH With the fresh ar rivals and the number , carried over , tltcro were about 3,000 on salev nil of which were sold out at about yesterday's prices. Ship ping steers , 1,8V to l.GOO Ibs , S4.4f@l.9Q ; 1.200 to 1.H50 Ibs , S4.KXS4.GO : 060 to 1.20D Ibs , 83.7X24.SO ( : stockers and fcrders , 82. xa3.40 ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.T.xati.'iV Texas grasoers. 82.75aa.M ) . lloas liuslness was. active , with an up turn of 6@10c. Within the past day or two light sorts have advanced a Rood 0c. and to-day sold as high as 83.10&0.12U for light , and 5.10(35.in ( tor Yorkers , uest mixed , butcher weights and fancy heavy sold a ) $5.10@5.25. A few lots of common mixed sold as low as S5.C035.50. F1NANCHAL. NEW VOHK , June 1L [ Special Telegram to the DEE J-STOCKS The market to-day was dull and uninteresting } sales being con fined to 53,000 shares. Mndon was weak and lower and * foreign houses had selling orders. The bank sUMment was rather a disappointment and onry showed an increase In the reserve of ! 93boa The general feel Ing was weak and price ? declined X@X per cent , the close being ttmej the only stock showing strength o Importance being St. Paul and Dulutb , which'gainedIJtf , butbroke Ji per cent. Business wtK | Chicago bouses amounted to prsctlcally.nothlng. The Sat urday half-holiday U br to business on either Friday or Saturday'as it U Impossible to fictile contracts and'dflrrer stocks on Sat- arday , and those of Friday have to go over until Monday , This keeps both parties In the gap too long and the governing commit tee are expected to decide at the meeting next Wednesday to Ignore the Saturday half-holiday and to return to the regular hours for trading , ( lOVEHNMKNTs Oovcrnrnent bonds were dull but steady. YESTERDAY'S QUOTATION'S. Chicago , June 11. Following quota tions are the 2:30 : closing figures ; Flour Quiet , not uuotnbly changed ; winter wheat Hour , S4.tt@4.r : > 0 : southern , 842.0(34.40 ( ; Wisconsin. 84.30@4.5U : Michigan soft spring wheat , S3.UX44.50 : Minnesota bakers , 8 .hOca4..W ; patents , S4.CO@5.0J ; low grades , S2.05M3.0 ' ; rye Hour , quiet at 3.35 ( < j8.50ln ; sarksand barrels. S3.10C43.90. Wheat Unsettled , nervous and excited ; Juno held lirmly most the time , closing at icsterday's ligures ; July , the center attrac- lou , opened a shade stronger than ycster- lay , but fluctuated widely and closed ' -c ho ow yesterday , and other futures l@le } ewer ; cosh , W 'c ; July , 83 fc ; August , . Corn Fairly active but decidedly weaker , closlnK-UAjKo b lpwyeterday ( ; cash , 87c ; J uly , 38 ii-iOc ; August ; 89 5-ioe. Oats Dull , weak aud moderately active : cash , 25c t JUly,1 2Wc ? " August , 25c. Kyo-Uull at53kc. Barley Firm at 5Uc. Timothy Seed Primp , S1.0Q1.00. Flax Seed-1.10 > f. W.hlsky-8UO. Pork Quiet ; nearly nominal. Lard Tame and moderately active ; cash , > .G2 4@ < ! .G5 ; jujy , S6.07 ( o0.70 ; ; August , SG.75fuO.77K. Bulk Meats Shoulders. S5.fiO5.70 ; short clear , 87. 0@7.95 ; short ribs , S7. i5a7.67K. ! Butter " Firm ; creamery , 13 , @l7c ; dairy , Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , S 8 Wo ; ttatfl , 7 ( g8c ; young Americas , 8@8)c ; eklms , 3a6c. ( Eegs Firm at 1SHW4& Hldes-Unchangedbeavygreen ; salted 7W c ; llaht do , 7i@8c : salted bull hides , Cc ; green salted calf. 80 ; dry flint. I2@13c ; dry calf , lSttl4c ( ; deacons. 40c each ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 8 ic ; JSo. 3,20 ! cake , 3K@3 c Itecolptfl. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 13.COO 14.000 Wheat , bu . 170.000 74.000 Corn , bu. . : . 100,000 245,000 Oats , bu . 100,000 UUV Kye. bu . 2,000 . . . . . liorley , bu . 3,000 2,000 New York. June 11. Wheat Hecelpts , 15,300 ; exports , 02,000 ; spot lots Ilrm , quiet ; options unsettled , June and July opened linn , advanced K@f < c ; later months de clined Xft c. closing heavy ; ungraded red , l lC 198o : No. 3 red , OCc ; No. 1 redi OT c ; No ! 2 red , OSc in elerator , 98c delivered , OS ® Vo free on board , July closlnit at95)/c. Corn Spot firm , moderately active ; options a shade easier , fairly active ; receipts , 10,000 ; exports. 47,000 ; ungraded , 4C9fc ; No. 2 , 48c afloat , 48c..ln eVemtor , July cloclne at 47"ic. Oats Steady ; receipts , 54,000 ; exports 78,000 ; mixed western , S3@36c ; white west ern , 38ffl42c. Petroleum United , r,3c. Eggs Steady , demand fair ; western , 15X . Pork Dull. Uarley Steady. Lard Lower ; cash , dull ; western steam spot , quoted at SG.tft. Butter Quiet and lirm ; western , 10@16c. Cheese Quiet and unchanged. MinncappilB. Juno \l. \ Wheat Opened weak and unsettled , closed Oc lower : N'o. 1 1 No. 1 northern , 7'J Oc ; No. 2 northern. 7bc. Flour Quiet and steado ; patents , S1.50 ® 4.fl ( ; bakers' . * .W@3.70. Keceipts Wheat. 122,000 bu. ; flour , nrx ) bbls. Shipments Wheat , 80,000 bu ; flour , 10,000 bbls , Cincinnati , Juno 11. Wheat Weak and lower ; No 2 red. b8c. Corn Dull ; NojS mixed , 41 c. Oats-Dull ; : No. 3 mixed , 20 ; < c. lire-Dull ; No. 2. CSc. 1'rovisions Light and demand easier. Whlscy-Steady at 81.05. Milwaukee. Juno 11. Wheat-Unsettled ; cash , 8l > c ; Julr,82j c : August , 80 - ; . Corn-Dull ; No.3 , 37Kc. OaU DulP No. 2 white SOJ c. Itye Qiilet ; No. 1. 6'Kc. Barley Inactive ; No , 2 , 5oc. Provisions Firmer ; pork , June , 814.00. 8t , liouls , June 11 , Wheat Lower ; June , W.H-C ; July , 79Vc. Corn Lower ; cash , : ! 5Q3.r > c ; July. Oats Xomlnally unchanged ; cash , 27 July , 2.5c , Pork Steady at 815.00. Lard-86.40. Whlsky-81.03. Butter Firm and unchanged ; creamery , 14 @ 17c ; tjalry , I0@14c. Uauaas City , June 11. Wheat Dull aud nominal : No. 2 red , cash , 70c bid. Corn Weak ; No. 2 , cash , and Juno 30j/c bid , so c asked ; July. Mic. Oats-No. 8 June , 28c aaked. Neir Orleans , June II. Corn Dull , weak and lower : mixed , 50Q50K ; yellow , 5'-ft ( 63 ; white. 44 ( < J45c. Oats-ilasler at SCc. Cornmeal Quiet and wcr.k at 82.50. ilog Products Hood demand at lull prices. Pork 810.00. J.ard-relmed tierce , 85.C2 > . Bulk Meats Shoulder ? , SO.OO ; long clear and clear rib , 87.75. Liverpool , Juno 11. Wheat Dull and the supply Is eood ; California , No. 1 , bs Id@8s8d per cental ; red western spring , 7s 3dw7s4d per cental ; western winter , 7s4d(3 ( 7sul per cental. Corn Dull and lower ; new mixed western , to la per ceutal , MVE STOCK. Cblcneo , Juno 11. Tbo Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Hccelpts. 2,000 : steady ; shipping steers , S3.70 ( < i4.W ) : stockers and teederf. S2.SO ( S3.4U ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.75ji3.25 ( ; Texas grasscrs , 52.75@i.50. ; Hogs Iteccipts. lit.OCO ; active and 5@10c higher ; rough and mixed , S4.70 J5.15 ; packIng - Ing and . . $ \ . < X shipping , 85.00i35.25 ; light , > @ 5. fcX ; sklpsi 5 3.004.40. Sheen Kecoipts. 400 ; steady ; natives , SH.OO @ 4.40 ; western , sJ.25@4.a1i : ; Texans , 82'JO ( ai.yO : ; Iamb ? , per head , Vl.fiO@3.fiU. Nntioni'l Htock Yard * , Kast St. I/ouls , in. , Juno 11. Cattle Receipts , 100 : shipments. COO : steady ; choice heavy native steers , 4.40 ( < $4.G' > ; fair to good ship- pine steers , S4.00Qj4.Vi : ; butchers' steers , & 3.70&4.2d ; feeders , lair to eootl , 53.153-1.00 ; stockers , fair to good , 8 2.10(33.10. ( tlo s Keceipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 000 ; the market was slronr 'And a shade higher ; choice heavy ana ' butchers' selec tions , 85.05(2(5.15 ( ( ; packing , fair to good. S4.b5r35.00 ; Yorkers , medium to choice , 84.70 C$4.t5 ; ptlgs , common to good , 84.0034.80. Kansas City , Juno U. Cattle Receipts , 500 ; shipments , none ; about steady ; common to choice , ? 3.15 ( < C4.W : stackers' , 82.00 5 ; f ceding steers , 83.3033,75 ; cows , 82.00 Hoes Receipts , 8,000 ; shipments , 2WO ; opening strong , closing weak ; common to choiceTM.15@4. 0 ; skips and pigs , 83.00 ® 4.00. _ OMAHA tilVE STOCK. Saturday , June 11. Cattle. The receipts of cattle were light to-day and there was \ ery little dome on the market. A few head changed hands at about steady prices. The receipts were very liberal for the last day of the ween. The market opened with a very strong demand and at an advance of Giji)10c ( ) over yesterday. The demand was such and the receipts not being heavy , that the market was very excited nnd advanced almost Immediately tie over ycj-tciilny. In some Instances loads wcro sold at an advance ol 20c , but the general market could not bo called over 15c higher. The pens wcro cleared at a very early hour. Shflcn. There was nothing doing In the market , Receipts ! . . Cattle. 400 llogs 8,700 Horses 75 Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market : Choice stcera , 1800 to'1500 Ibs. . . . 84.20624.35 | Choice steers ; 1100 totsr.o Ibs.U0@l.30 Fat llttlo steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.7BM4.00 Extra choicecows and heifers. . . . 3.25@3.85 Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.1.V < i8.40 Common to medium cows 3.K.10 ) : ! Good to choice bulls 2.7.1(2)3.25 ( ) Light and medium hoes 4.fiOa4.70 ( Good to choice heavy hogs 4.75@4.90 Good to choice mixed hogs 1G5M4.SO Representative Hates. BTEEUS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 17. . . 1000 S4.00 30..1212 S4.25 at. . . . 1241 4.00 BULLS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1670 2.40 1..1550 82.75 YKAItMXGS. 4l-Per head SUM.noon. noon. No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Silk. Pr. 70..232 180 S4.CO 71..343 94.75 OH..244 80 4.00 O4.61 ! ! 120 4.75 CO..230 40 4.00 65..203 300 4.75 St.WS > 100 4,60 CD. . . .235 120 4.75 73. . . . 238 100 , 4.65 M..254 4.75 1M.217 240 4.05 75..247 40 4.60 07..240 240 4.65 06..244 4.80 07..240 4,05 . . 01 i..255 80 4.80 07..243 4,03 ' 67.240 ; N ) 4.HO 09..243100 4.05 MS..2C8 320 4.bO 72..207 100 4.C5 01. . . .275 4.80 73..227 4(1 ( 4.05 70..247 120 4.M 09..214 60 4.C5 0.1..2 0 ICO 4.K ) CO..1C J 4.05 ( VI..236 4.W ) 05..202 200 4.70 84..270 80 4.80 01..240 320 4.70 C0..2TJ SO 4.bO 07..218 40 4.70 01..252 120 4.N ) 72..205 ISO 4.70 M..29S 120 4.tS 09..243 40 4.70 M.2M ) bO 4.85 i 62..240 4.70 71..254 40 185 74..243 120 4.70 G5.H4 ! 4.85 09..239 40 4.70 01.2-10 ! 40 4.PO CO..282 100 4.70 70..247 200 4.90 49..243 4.75 ( > $ . . . .20'J 80 4.O ! 02..249 4.75 47..835 80 4/JO 00..207 SO 4.75 49..til 4.90 W..2.'i9 100 4.75 ft.270 40 4.90 Ilvo Slock Solil. Showing the number of Jiead of stock sold on the market to-day , lib os. Anclo-Amerlcan Packing Co 2,720 ( i. H. llnmmond& Co 4ot : Llpton MZ Squires & Co 1 8 Total 3,903 CATTI.U. Shippers 102 Local 11 Total ' . 113 Shipment * . Showing the number of cattle , hors and sheep shipped from the Yards during the day. CATTI.K. No. cars. lit. Dest. 29 C. H. < &Q , Chicago 110(19. 5 , - . . . , Mil Chicago 5 H. I Johet All sales of stock m this market are made per cwt live welsjlit unless otherwise stated. bead hoes soil at Ho per lt > . for nil weights. "Skins , " or hoga weighing less thun 100 ibs , no value. Pregnant eowsaro dockuil 40 loj. " " ' bytheoubllo Stock Notcw. llogs 15c higher. A very lUht cattle market An excited hog mailed. A. S. llerr , Alma , Neb. , came In with two loads of hogs. W. K. Klnclla , Panama , la. , was at the yards with a load of lie s. O. H. Klilott , Strawberry Point , la. , was In with three loads of stociccrs. AV. J. Perry , of Perry Bros. , Wayne was in and sold a load of hogs and a load of cat tle. tle.Kylor Kylor & Like , a stock firm o ( Davenport , la. , took a deal In cattle at these yards to day. day.Ucorgo Boctcl , Mlllard , had business at the jards and.brought In a load of lie s for com pany. J. W. Conn , the renowned rutiio buyer of Nebtoska , was In with two loads ot hogs from risUtamoulli. . . ' > Ir. White , of the flrm of King & Whlto Bradshaw , was In with two loads ot hogs and a loiut of cattlo. James 11. Dnlboy , of the live stock com- mihslon linn of Alc.xnniler A : Alexander , Chlengo , was among the visitors at the yards. Armour's pmchaso of over a thousand hogs on Frlilny mny hnvo had something to do with Saturdsv'a advance , as It cut down the surplus just so much. John B. Robertson , of the Allcrton Pack- IIM comimny , Chicago , was looking ovurtho yards. They aio heavy puckers and always buy the best hots they can eet. The hog buyers wcro determined to fill their orders , and as the receipts were light , they lushed in and paid more In some In stances than they would probably have done had the receipts been more liberal. 11. E. Palmerton , formerly In the count Is slon business at the yards , Is now located at lloldregc , Neb. , having leased the jards of the Holdrego Live Stock company , and buy ing at several other stations , had in two loads of ho in which struck the boom. Ho has averaged nearly a car a day since he got started. OMAJ1A WaOliEaAJUB MARKETS General Produce. Saturday , Juno 11. Tlic foUoumin prices uro .for ruitnJ Jots of produce. CM sow 071 IM 7mirJce : to-day. Kcos. The market Is about steady at 10' . , UUTTKB The best country butter Is mov ing at 12@14c , but only a small proportion ot { the receipts is bringing that price. The bulk > IsgoingatOC'llOc. CHIIKSU. Full cream rhcddars , single , 14c ; full cream ll.Us. wins , 14o ; Younft'- Amcrlcas , 14Mc ; fancy Swiss , ISc ; Swiss , POTATOES. Stock of all kinds Is scarce. Old potatoes are cotng nt Sl.l5tai.25. nccord- ' Ing to quality. New potatoes at 60.00 per barrel , | UKANS.-InforIor stock,75c@S1.00good ; clean. country , ! 31.00(31.25 ( ; mcdiiim , hand picked , S1.40@1.00 ; hand picked navy. Sl.Mgl.OO. LnsioNS The market hero Is about steady witti an active demand. Messina , choice , per box , 84.MQtn.00 ; tancy , 85.W0.00. ) OJIANCIKS Hlverslde , 94.50 ; Navels , $4.50. HKIIHIES The best strawberries sold to-dayt at.W.uou2.50 ( per 10 qt. case. Tliero were a few black raspberries In which brought 56.00 per ease. , CiiKiiniKR There Is a fair supply on the market and the average price tor 10-lb boxes Is S2.00@2.2Tj. BANANAS Tliero Is a fair supply of choice large bunches on the market. Large bunches , per bunch , 83.00 ® 1.50. PKACHK.S Per jirbushel box. 81.50CJ2.00. ItAsriiKRiiKiFB Per 12-qt case. S2.75. A i > i > iiicoTS-l'er20-lb box. 82.00(32.50. ( ' PROVISIONS. Hum , 12c ; breakfast bacon , rib , 10 ; .brenkfnst bacon , plain , lOKc ; dry salt sides , bK'SW ' ; dried beef , rezumr , 1031 11 ; dried beef , hnm pieces , 13c ; lard , 50 lb cans , 0c ; lard , 20 lb cans , Fairbanks , 7c : , lard , lOlb cans , Fairbanks , 7 ! o ; lard C Ib ' cans , Faiibanks.7J c ; lard , 3 Ib cana , Fair banks , 7jtfc. 7jtfc.General Markoti. ' i K ! * Unrrels , per gallfm. Furni ture. , extra , SI.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 91.00 ; coach , oxtrn , 51,40 ; coach , No. 1 , SI.20 ; Da- mar , extra , 31.75 ; Japan , 70oBuhaltum extra , 85c ; shellac , § 3.50 ; hard oil ttulsb , 81.50. Dnv PAINTS-White lead , 7o ; French'zinc , 12c ; Paiis whiting. 2Kc ; whiting , > gliders , 2jfc ; whiting , coin'l , ijfc-lampblack ; , Ger- manstown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prussian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , Ibc ; vandyke brown , He ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 2.r > c ; Paris green , common , S2c ! ; chrome green , N. V. , 20c ; vcrmllliou. American , Ibc ; Indian , raw nud burnt umber , l-Ib cans. 13c ; raw aud burnt sienna , I2c ; vandyke brown , 13c ; rcllnod lampblack - , black , I2c ; coach black and ivory black , lOc ; diop black , 18c ; ultrama- . rlno black , ISc ; chrome green , L , M. & I ) . , 10 ; blind and shutter green. L. M. 41) . , JCc ; Paris crfcn. 20c ; Indian led 15c ; Venetian red , tte ; Tuscan. ! So ! : American ver- mllllon , L. & I ) . , 20c ; yellow ochre , Co ; L. M. & O. D , ISc ; good ochre , 16c : patent dryer , tc : graining color , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , 12c. Ditmis AND L'liF.MioAi . Acid carbolic , Me ; acid tartarlc , 62c ; balsam copaiba , per lb , OOc ; bark sasafniss , pur lb , lOc ; calomel , per lb , 78c ; chlnchonldla , per or , S5o ; chloroform , per lb , 50c ; Dover's uowdere , per lb , $1,25 ; ppsom salts , pcrlb , 8J4c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , 80c ; lead , acetate , perlb , 20c ; oil. castor. , No. 1 , per gal. 81.00 ; oil , castor. No. 2 , per . ' gal , 51.10c ; oil , olive , per gal , S1.40 ; nil , uriu- , annum. Me ; opium , 34.r > 0 ; quinine , P. & W. and U. its. , pur ; oz , 70c ; potassium , Iodide , per lb , 33.2r.ic ; sallcln , per m. 40c ; sulphate morphine , per oz , sa..tt : Biilphtir , per lb , 4c ; strychnine , per 01. 51.10. PAINTS IN Oir.-Whlte lead , Omaha , P. P. , 0 > c ; white lead , SU Louis , mire , 7c ; Mar- bcilles , green , 1 lb cans , ICe : French /.Inc , green seul , I2c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; Kiencli xlnc , In varnish ast. , 20c ; French /Inc , 75c : vermllhon , Kngllsh , In oil , 75c ; red. lOc ; ic epink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook- son's , lijtfe : Venetian red , American , 1'ic ; red load , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow , K , We ; oclire , rochelle , 8c ; ochre , French , 2 ? < c ; ochre , American , IMc ; Winter's mineral , 2 > { c ; Lehluh brown , 2 > c ; Spanish brown. 2 } c ; Prince's mineral , Sc. Si'iuiTS Colocno spirits , ! ( ! ! proof , 81.10 ; do 101 proof. 81.1 ! ! ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof. 81.10 ; do 18 proof , Sl.W. Alcohol/ 188 proof. S2.W per wlno gallon. Hedlu- tilled whiskies , Sl.CWfL.W. Gin , blended 3l.M2.00 ) ; Kentucky bourDong , 83.OOCi6.00 , Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00@ 6..0 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 51.50@M.OO. Hrandies , Importe < l , S5.00f.8.60 . ? ; ' domestic , Sl.iWcfaou. Gins , impoitcd , < < 4.rxxi $ 0.00 ; domestic , SI.2.V(3.00. Champagnes , Im ported , per case , .ia.00@3y,00 ; American , per case , Slo.OO@lO.OO. HIDES ( ireen butchers , 5KC'Jr'C ; areon cured , 7c ; dry Hint. ll ( < $12o ; dry halt , 0@10o ; Rreen calf skins. Ko ; dutnoged hide ; , two- thirds price. Tallow He. Grcaso Prlmo white , 8c ; jellow , 'A ; ; brown , IXc. Sheep pelts , 255i7f.c. llKAvr llAHDWAiin Iron , rate 52.70 ; plowbteel. speclul cast , 4J < c ; cruciblu steel , OKc : cast tools , do , 12 ( < il8c ; wngon xpckeft , perset , e2.XXS4H.fxi ( ; hubs , per set , 31.25 ; fel lees , sawed , dry , 6I.CO ; tongiu'8 , each. fcOj ; axles , each , 75c ; Miunro nuts , perlb , GlftTlc ; cell chain , per lb , OK@13c ; malleable , K iWc ; Iron wcdget. , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow teeth. 4Vc ; spring steel , 4 f > c ; liurden's liorso Bhoes , 84.75 : liutdcn's mule HIOCH ! , S5.75. Harbed wire , In car lots , S .UO per 100 Ibs. Iron nnllRrntes.lOtor < 0.82.CO ; steel natlRS2.75. Shot , Si./ : , ; buckshot , fel.co. llu/ard powder , IcegH , S5.00 ; do , half kegs , $2,75 ; do , quarter keira , 81.50 ; hlnsting , kcgfl , S2.10 ; fuse , per 10 feet , We. Lead bar , 616IOO. The blood must ho' pure If tho-hody would ho in perfect condition. lr ) , J. II. McLean's StrciiKtlidiliiK Conlliff nml Itlooil 1'urilicr. mnkrs pure blood anil im parts the rich bloom ot health uud vluor to the whole l-odjv