Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Btoro Opens at 7:30 : in tbo Morning.
1519 and 121 Douglas Street.
Another Grand Smash-tip nnd Chop
in-Two Halo For Next Week
The Goods Must Go
Price NoOhJcot.
Monday morning nt 7GO : you will find
us open and rrady to show you some of
the greatest bargains over shown in
100 pieces full standard dress style
Ginghams on sale Monday at Gc } per
Now do not think for ono moment that
thcso goods nro trash. They arc just
as wo advertise the best brands made ,
worth 12o ] per yard , and at price quoted
is indeed a rare bargain.
Monday only Ono case cream crinkled
Seersuckers , 12 yards for OOo. Now ,
ladies , get another wrapper.
Not over twelve yards to any ono cus
Monday only Ono case fancy stripe
seersuckers , 15 yards for if 1.
Monday only Twenty-live pieces im
ported Scotch ginghams , in checks only.
Thcso goods cost to ininoi 117c per yard.
We will close the lot Monday nt 1J ! yards
for ? 1.
Twcnty-livo pieces plain Ch.imbr.iys in
Nile greens nnd bull's. Our price Mon
day to close the lot , Oc per yard.
Monday Only Ono case 30-inch
bleached muslin , 15 yards for ? ! .
Monday 100 8 | pound feather pillows at
67 > c each.
Twenty-live pieces clrgant figured
Batiste cloths , lOc per yard : worth 15c.
100 Cnshmcro Shawls In Cream , White ,
Blues , Browns , Cardinals never sold less
than $2,25 , $3.50. $2.75. up to 3.50. Your
choice of the lot at $1.05 ,
100 Cashmere shawls and scarfs , all
colors , worth from ? 1.75 to $2,50. Our
price to close the lot $1.48.
Monday 25 pieces colored silks , all
colors , OOc per yard.
C pieces colored silk Grenadines , 75c
per yard , worth fl.GO.
0 pieces black silk Grenadines , f 1 per
yard worth $2.
Just received , 5 pieces more of that ele
gant black silk , on sale Monda.v at 75c ,
would bo cheap at f 1.10.
Monday only 25 pieces white India
linens , Co per yard , worth 15c.
50 dozen bleach linen huck towels , size
20x42 inches , extra line quality. Our
price Monday 35c each , worth 75c.
Monday only 5 pieces extra line qual
ity bleached damask our regular $1
grade. Price for this sale , G8c per yard.
10 pieces elegant figured curtain
scrims , at 7c per yard.
Yon will find Monday hundreds of
other bargains on our counters besides
those advertised. Como early Monduy
morning and avoid the rush.
M. A. Berlin ,
250 TO $5.00.
85o. 50c. 75c. fl.
Located on Saunders , Twentieth ,
Twenty-second and Saratoga streets , live
minutes' walk from the Oak Chatham
station , contains some of the finest lots
in additions north of Kountzo place , is
now for sale , to parties who will build
good houses. ' A liberal discount for a
short time will bo made on a limited
Dumber of lots , on or near Twenty-
second street , bringing them under the
prices of poorer lots in surrounding ad
ditions , where no guarantee of tasty cot
tages and reputable surroundings Is of
Parties contemplating building and
who are in quest of a location are invited
to see these lots before deciding. Fo r
further particulars call on
. - W. F. SMITH ,
1220 Farnam-st. , or on the premises.
South Oman * Correspondence.
This is n lively burg nt this time , every *
thing is booming. Millions of dollars
will bo spent hero this summer in build-
Ingt grading and other improvements.
Wo who live hero regard the future of
our town as settled. Sites are being secured -
cured nearly every week for some new
enterprise which will give employment
( o hundred ! of mou. Omaha will have to
cot UP and got there or South Omaha will
be crowding her. South Omaba
M an Eli town and gets there
on a big scale. It would do you
good to see that army of men at work
on Swift's now packing house ; they are
making things ily. The South Omaha
Land Co. are about commencing the con-
truction ot a viaduct on L street , con-
Booting the east and west parts of the
city. It is fortunate for us that the C. E.
Mayno R. E. & T. Co. have the agency
for Souh ) Omaha , for they are the men to
make things go , and if you want to get
fully posted on the statistics and future
of South Omaha , call on them at their
office on the northwest corner of Fif
teenth and Homey streets. FILIAS.
85o. OOc. 75o. | 1.
Tbo Doc Diya.
The deputy chief of polieo desires to
notify the owners of dogs that they must
tag their canines or the dogs will bo shot.
Mr. McDonald says , however , that be
will not commence the work of slaughter
until the 15th inst.
Go , wanderer , go , to C. E. Mayne's
office and ho will give .you a home iu
South Omaha so cheap you can't resist.
And all the work you want , as Swift's
sew packing house is now under con
struction and the South Omaha Land
company are building a viaduct across
the railroad on L. street , connecting the
qast and west parts of the city.
Bargain * In Brlgg * i'Uce.
If you will glance at the map of the
city you will see that nearly every prin
ciptU street running cait and west runs
through Brlggs , and tbo Belt Line will
soon build a passenger depot in this ad
dition , Superior inducements are offeree
to invest in this property both in matter
of terms and prico. Call on the C. E.
Wayne R. E. & T. Co. on the N. W. Cor ,
of 10th & Harney Sts. aud they will
ikow you tbit property.
' < . -
Every item advertised in this dcp't this
week will bu a leader. Wo have in stock
nearly llfteen hundred (1,600) ( ) doot tow
els ; wo propose to sell a number of these
this coming week.
Wo will divide them In 0 lots. This
sale will bu for the retail trade only and
quantity limited.
Lot I. All Linen TowolsRod Bordered
, nn cotton ) but all linnn fie each , ( JOc do/
Lot II. All Linen Towels in Damask
or I luck. Tlioro are some very largo and
good towels in this lot at 7c } each or OOc
do/ .
Lot III. Contains funcvColored lurk-
ish Towels at lOc each or $1.20 a do/ ; ono
of those special bargains you don't see
every day.
Lot IV. All Linnn Towels in Crepe ,
Huck or Danmsk. You will find in this
lot the lurgcsfttnd towels ever of
fered in Omaha. Tlioro arc towels in this
lot worth up to 20 and UOo our price this
week 19c each or ? ' 2.28 a do/ .
Lot V Special goo' ' value in Turk
ish Towels , Fancy Colors , Fancy Stripe ,
Fancy Figures. Knotted Fringes ; njso ,
Plum White in Extra largo si/.o , only 25c
apiece or $ U a do-/ .
Lot VI Extra Quality , Extra Largo ,
E\tru Fine , Red or Blue Borders , all
Knotted Fringe ; also , some very good
value in Knotted Fringed Turkish
Towels , si/.c 2-l.\5l in. , and an elegant
satin damask Jowcl , all at 50c each for
lirst choice.
This sale of Towels this week should
keep our Linen Counter busy , for vou
all will admit that after souin what "wo
advertise to bo the best Bargains over
ottered in Towels in Osnaha.
Wo will place on sale Monday morn
ing , and continue during the week , two
lots of Bleached and Cream Damask ,
which will bo worthy of your inspection.
Lot 1 Will include table linen which
wo have been selling at 05c , 75c , 85c a
yard , GO inches wide , both bleached aud
cream , our price will bo 5c ! ) a yard.
Lot 2-Will bo the bargain of the
season , some very handsome patterns
and extra quality among this lot. You
will acknowledge it to bq the best thing
in table linens over shown in this city.
Largo selection : of patternsand in width
will measure from 02 to 08 inches wido.
Our price will bo lor same 85c a yard ,
worth from $1.00 to $1.50 a yard.
150 pieces of Scotch bleached glass
toweling at OJo tv yard , worth lOc.
133 pieces of German grass bleached
toweling , 18 inches wide , at 12jc a yard ,
worth 20c.
100 dozen fancy bordered and fringed
napkins , Gorman linen , good size 8c each
or U5c a dozen.
A full line of brown and bleached
sheetings , iu nil the different widths , at
manufacturer's prices.
110 and 118 S. Itith Street ,
Between Douglas and Dodge sts. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Wo have some broken lots in this de
partment which wo propose to clear out
this week and if low prices will do it ,
then they will go. Plcaso remember that
the prices we name for Monday are not
for Monday only , but for every ( Jay this
week or as long as the quantities hold
out. As lirst olioico is generally the best
Bloro New Towns.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway company will in a few days
open sale of lots in the new towns of
UTE and RODNEY , which have been
located along its now Sioux City & Ma
nilla branch. Sale of lots at Ute will
occur Friday , June 17 , and at Rodney
Saturday , Juno 18. Ute is located on thn
banks of Soldier Monona county ,
Iowa , aud Rodney is also located fn
Monona county , on the banks of Little
Sioux river , both towns being located in
the lincst gram and corn-growing and
jrrazing country in the world , and are
about 18 miles distant from Onawa , the
county scat.
These now and promising towns ofler
excellent opportunities for investment to
the man of means , merchant or me
chanic in fact , to any person desirous
of availing themselves of an opportunity
to associate themselves with new and
thriving towns in old and well-settled
communities , with the very best of edu
cational facilities.
Remember that thcso towns are located
on a nctv trunk line of the C. M. & St. P.
Ry. , with 4 express passenger trains
uaily already lu operation , besides a
number of freight trains daily.
Do not fail to bo on.hand early and se
cure good location. II. G. llaugiui , Land
Com'r'C. M. & Sfc P. Ry. . or C. A. Pad-
ley , General Land Agent , Milwaukee ,
Wis. ( , _ .
Owing to the serious illness of the rec
tor's youngest child , the graduates' re
ception on Tuesday evening at Brownoll
hall will not take place.
Married people as well as single who
are seeking a desirable place to establish
u home are turning their attention to
wards Brigcs Place as presenting numer
ous inducements and advantages and are
rapidly buying up the lots remaining
unsold in this desirable addition.
Life Insurance nt half the Old Line
rates oy the "MUTUAL RESERVE" of
New York in easy payments. It pays its
policies in full and promptly at death.
It writes moro busiuess than the Old
Line companies combined where worked.
It has written $250,000,000.00 now busi
ness in six years , and over 3,000 policies
and $7,000,000.00 in Nebraska during the
past two years. Write for terms and cir
culars. Exporiauco agents can obtain
liberal contracts by applying to B. II.
Robison , General Manager Western De
partment , Omaha National Bank Build
ing , Omaha , Neb.
New Firm.
Mr. Julius Wlldo and Mr. William Larsen -
sen , formerly with Gcorgo Uciurod , huvo
purchased the stock of groceries owned
by Henry Dltson , 003 S. 18th street , where
they will bo pleased to see all of their
friends. Wilde is Larson , 603 S. 13th
Room , Itoora to Turn Around In.
This you can find in those beautiful
acre lots in Benson on the Motor line.
Remember that this is the only acre prop
erty ottered for sale which is reached by
street car accommodations. There de
sirable lots are going fust and persons
wishing to secure them should call at the
oltlco of C. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust
Co. , at once , and make their selections.
F. V. Atwater ,
1005 Howard street , has without doubt
the best and safest vapor stoves for sale
in tbo market. Simple and easily man
aged , not liable to get out of order. 600
of them now in use in Omaha. This
steve is called the perfection and 1003
Howard street is the place to buy it.
Their store is also headquarters for
builders' hardware and tools.
The absent-minded member of the 1st
M. E , choir , who last Sunday rendered
the lines :
" 1 can read my title clear.
"To mansions in Brlggs Place , "
roust have been reading Mayne's adver
tisements of a 14,000 mansion to. bo given
away there.
it would bo prudent for you to call early
and make your selections.
Our trade on Satiushas been very good
the past month and our stock is getting
light for our prices soil them on smljt.
Wo have reduced the satins for this week
to 5c. 80 , lOc , 12Jo , 15c , 18o , 24o , and 350
a yard.
I lot of Batiste. 32 inch wide , at lOc a
yard in dark or light shades.
Crinkled seersucker In light or dark
shades in stripes or plaid , our prices 7c ,
lOc and 12Jc a yard.
Dotted an < l llgurod Swiss dross goods
a handsome line of thcso goods in stock ,
our price this week lOc a yard and up
India linen in ecru and white , two
special numbers this week at lOc and 37c
a yard , worth from Doc to 50o a yard.
Striped and checked nainsook nt Ojc , 8
lOc , 12Jc , 15c a yard.
German blue , Indigo blue yard wide ,
prints , lOc a yard.
API on checks iu Ginghams at 5o a
Yard wide French calico , lOc a yard.
Plain colors and stripes in soersuclccrs
and chambroys at 10 , t2i and 15o.
Organdie lawns reduced to lOc n yard ,
worth 15c.
Organdie lawns in colored chocks and
fancy figures , this wecR 12 } , and 15c ,
worfli 25o.
Wo have a line assortment of the above ,
our sales in our Lace department arc
away ahead of our expectations , and this
department is going to bo ono of our
most popular departments. .Ladies who
have not been in our store will bo sur
prised at the stock we carry and still
more surprised at the prices when they
see them. Wo have almost anything and
everything pertaining to this branch.
Observe a few specials below :
45 in. wide Oriental Iloancing 47o.
45 in. wide Oriental flouncing G5c.
45 in. wide Oriental llouncing G7c ,
45 in. wide Oriental llouncing 07ic.
45 in. wide Oriental llouncing $1.15.
45 in. wide Oriental llouncing $1.47.
Thcso are extra good values and wo
can match the same in narrow laces , wo
also have some good bargains to offer
you in Lace lidies and Lace Pillow
300 pairs of Lace Curtains in Ecru at
$1.50. $1.75 , $2 , aud $2.50 a pair , 3 to 3J
yards in length and very desirable'styles
and tape bound.
A Great Room For Council Bluffs.
When it is linishcd the people of that
city can afford to como over and buy
; hcir shoes at the Chicago Bargain Shoo
Store , located at 1320 Douglas street.
The building is old fashioned and unpre
possessing. But a casual visit to the in-
: crier with its immense stock and un
equalled variety will convince the most
Fastidious , that it docs not takn an im
posing building to make a lirst class
shoo store. Their stock comprises every
thing in the shoe line , from the lincst
and costliest ladies' foot wear to the
lieavv brogan. Tlio store is full of
customers from among Omaha's verv
best people who are beginning to under
stand that the Chicago Bargain Shoo
Store carries a stock equal in every
particular to the best in the city ,
and that their prices are tiie lowest to be
found. They have been doing business
but little over a year , yet in volume of
trade and class of customers they
acknowledge no superior. Hundreds of
pcoplo from the cast , now located in
Omaha , who have traded -with their
branch houses at their former homes ,
are their customers here. The reputa
tion of thcso stores is established for
honest dealing , for selling just what is
represented and for ono price to all.
Among the branches handled by the
Chicago Bargain Shoe store are the fol
lowing : Reynolds Bros. , Utica , N : Y.j ,
P. Cox , Rochester , N. Y. ; Hieglor-Bros. ,
PhiladelphiufGco. W. Ludlow. Chicago ;
A. F. Smith , Lynn , Mass. ; E. P. Dodge &
Co. , Ncwburyport , Mass. , and many
others which lack of sp.ico prevents
special mention thereof. You can find
ladies' , children's and misses' footwear ,
men's , youths' and boys' shoes , working-
men's shoes. In short there is not any
thing in the line of foot wcarHUat cannot
bo supplied at reasonable prices , by the
Chicago Bargain Shoo store , . 1320
Douglas street. _
Three Million ,
Building permits were granted 'in the
months of March , April and Mav.for
buildings which will cost $2,000,000
in the city of Omaha. This docs not
include South Omaha , where the build
ings uudor contract in process of con
struction will amount to a million more.
With this unparalcllod growth and in
crease in buildings , real estate must rapIdly -
Idly advance iu all parts of the city.
Parties who wish to got the benefit of
the advance should see the C. E. Maync
R. E. A ; T. Co. , who can show them
around the best place to invest. Their
otlico is on the northwest corner of 15th
and Harney streets. _
Architects and Hnparlti tondonts.
Jlodgfon A' Son. 26 Iron Hunk , brunch
ojjiccs Minneapolis and Kansas City. '
If you fail to get a lot in Bnggs Place ,
cither on Harnoy , Farnam , Douglas ,
Dodge sts. , Capitol ave. , or Davenport
St. , you will make u mistake. The lots
can be bought on terms and at one-
fourth the price for which lots are selling
a few blocks cast. Thcso lots will cer
tainly double in value before the snow
flies. This is positively the most desira
ble residence property offered for sale ,
either for those seeking homes or a good
investment. The C. E. Muyno Real Jfe-
tate and Trust Co. , Solo Agonto , Office
N. W. Cor. 15th and Harnoy sts.
United Presbyterians.
Rev. E. B. Graham , of the United Pres
byterian chnrcb , delivers an address be
fore the Christian society of Tarklo college -
lego on Wednesday next. During the
next week the same gentleman's church ,
on the corner of Eighteenth and Call'
fornia streets , will bo enlarged and deco
A Picnic In South Omaha.
The grounds are managed by C. E.
Mayno , Solo Agent of South Omaha
Land Company , and each of the pic
nickers receives a chromo in tbo shape
of a lot in South Omaha for a considera
tion BO small that the purchaser can
double his money in a few months.
Ladles' and gent's genuine English
lover watches , an sizes ; at $1.03 , regular
price $0.50.
( tent's solid silver hunting case
watches , 50.50 , worth $13.
Ladies' coin silver Cliatlinc watches , in
open face or hunting case , $0.25 to $7.50 ,
good value at $12.50 and $15.
Ladies' and gent's nicklo watches from
$2.90 to $1.50 , worth double.
Ladies' solid gold watches , line quality
and warranted accurate time time keep
ers , from $12.50 to $21. Thcso sluuo
watches sell from $25 to $45.
Nicklo clocks , guaranteed for time and
quality , $1 , worth $2.25.
Alarm clocks $1,35 , regular price $3.75.
Fancy plush clocks , strike or alarm ,
$2.50 , usual price $5.
Eight-day French orPlack clocks fO.OO ,
former price $15.00
A largo and well assorted stock of
solid gold and roll plated jewelry in clo-
pant now designs , such as watches ,
chains , charms , rings , broaches , lace
pins , car drops , bracelets and eye glasses ,
which will ho sold at just one-naif of
their value in order to Introduce this de
partment. Thcso arc facts positive and *
the money will bo refunded on all goods
if not as represented.
42-in all-wool diagonal suitings 39c , for
mer price 75c.
4'm all-wool summer weights suiting
40c , former price OOo.
4U-in all-wool suitings in plain checks
and stripes at 85c , former prices f 1.25. A
few pieces loft of those.
Illuminated Aneglo cloths at 19 , former
A few of those combination suitings
at 29c , former price 45c. 33 in. DoBcigo
Suttinirs , summer weights 23c , former
price 85c.
A job lot of Checks and Plain Mo
hairs at 12c } to closo.
A few ot those Handsome Embroidered
Robes which sold for $7.60 , now $3.95.
Black Cashmere reduced from 40o to 30c.
Black Cashmcro reduced from 45c to 35u.
Black Cashmere reduced from 50c to 40o.
Black Cashmcro reduced fiom GOo to 49c.
Black Cashmere reduced from 80c to G9o.
Black Cashmere reduced from $1.15 to 89o.
Black cashmere reduced from $1.25 to$1.00
Remnants in Dress Goods in lengths
from 3 to 8 yards , at a bargain.
110 and 118 South 10th St. .
Between Douglas and Dodgo.Ornaha.Nob.
Just received 3 cases of Ladies' and
Children's hosiery irii plain and Fancy
styles , wo will place them on sale Monday
morning , Juno 13th , nnd as thorn are
some special styles in this lot ladies
would do well in calling onrly to secure
lirst choice as at the price we have
marked them they will not last long :
Ladies' balbri/rgamhose / , Richelieu rib ,
full ruaco soles iu modaand tan shades ,
25c , worth 50o.
Ladies' balbriggan hose , fast blacks ,
29c , worth 40o.
Ladies' Ingrain hose , blacks only , nice
ly liuished , 15c , worth' 25c ,
TIio "Six Mcmbora'V.Want that Set
tled by the Supreme Court.
The BEE of yesterday''contained the
opinion of Mr. Lane , state superintendent
of education , to the effect that the
six members of the board of education
lust elected , had a right to hold over.
To settle the matter definitely the mem
bers in question have addressed the fol
lowing statement of facts in the case and
request the court to determine the ques
tion at issue. The communication ex
plains itself.
In the supreme court of the state of Ne
braska :
Tliu state of Nebraska on the relation of
William Leese , attotney general of the state
of Nebraska , vs. Herbert J. Davis , William
Cobnrn , T. W. Blackburn , Hindi ( J. Clark ,
William K. Copelaml llemy Livesoy.
Agreed statement of facts and submission :
The above named parties hereby represent
to the court that an actual controversy exists
relative to the questions ot law arising upon
the facts hereinafter set forth , which the said
pin ties agree to bo the material tacts In the
During the years 18S5 anil 1880 , and for sev
eral yearn prior thereto , the city of Omaha , In
the county of Douglas , state of Nebraska ,
was a city of the lirst class.
Under HIP law relating to schools in the
cities of the first class , at the city election In
1885 , the defendants , Clark , Livesey and Co-
burn , were elected members of the board of
education for said city for the term ot three
* AtSthe annual city election In 1880 , the de
fendants , Blackburn. Copeland and Davis ,
wore elected members of the said board for
thn term of three years.
- Under the art of 1887 , incorporating cities
of the metropolitan class , said city became a
city of the metropolitan class , and the city
council of said ctty extended the limits ot
wld city so as to Include territory not there
tofore in said school district.
At the annual school election in 1S87 nine
members of the board of education were
elected In said city.
The defendants claim tbo risht to repre
sent the present school district of the city of
Oinahn , and are at present holding and ex-
ercUlnK the t > aul oilices. They also claim
the olllce ot member of the board of educa
tion of the school district of the ctty of
Omaha , as organized under the act of 18S7 ,
relating to schools iu clt Ics of the
metropolitan class , and are proceeding to
take part In the organization of said school
Doubts have arisen as to their right to hold
and said ollice , the acts of Raid
boards are brought Into question , and for the
purpose of obtaining a speedy adjudication
of the rights of the defendants to hold said
olllces , It is agreed to submit said controversy
to the supreme court of the stnto/t' Nebraska
for Its decision , the parties hereby waiving
the tiling of an information or petition , the
Issuance of summons , the takinc of testi
mony , hereby agreeing that said court shall
try and determine said case upon the facts
herein stated , which the- parties agree to be
flio actual facts In the : m material to the
decision of said questions. Signed :
llEitniuiT J.DAVIS ,
WILI.IAU C'enunN ,
T. W. UtACKllUHN ,
licxnv LIVCSKY ,
By U. J. Davis , thelrattorney In tact.
Trouble at the Barker.
There was considerable excitement
about the usually quiet acighborhood of
the Barker hotel yesterday morning. The
usually smiling countenance of Clerk
Uayford was overcast with an ominous
cloud while Manager Baton's equanimity
was uncommonly disturbed. The cause
of nil the consternation was a strike
among the attaches and an attempt at
suicide. First the cook , a man named
Tremalne , quit work and instigated.a
strike among the dining-room girls.
The manager informed the whole
number that arbitration was out of the
question , and their places would bo sup
plied with a new force at once. Meanwhile - '
while the routine of the hotel was con
siderably disturbed. At 10 o'clock ono
of the female employes of house , known
as Mrs. Nellie E. Lytle. attempted sui
cide by taking ten grains of morphine.
The woman had received a letter during
the morning from her purported hus
band , a man answering to the name of
Children s regular made hosocorduroy
rib. all sixes , 15c , reduced from 25c.
Children's Heavy Cotton Ribbed Hose ,
lOc , worth 35c.
Children's Striped Hose , dark grounds ,
15o , worth Wo.
Children's black ribbed hose 10 and
12Jo per nair.
Ladies' balbriggan and cauzo under
wear , Jadles' cau/o vests 25c , worth 40c.
Ladies Fine Balbriggan Vests 33e ,
worth 50c.
Ladles Jersey flttlng Balbriggan Vests ,
Lace Trimmed ,
39c , worth OOc.
Ladies Faiicv Cotton Vests , Swiss
ribbud lOc. worth ? 1.
Our Monogram Woven Corset nt25els
a Bargain.
Ask to see our Diamond Corset , French
woven , at 75c.
50 do/.en Ella corsets , silk stitched , and
nicely liuished ,
45c , worth 50c.
Ladies Fabric Gloves , embroidered
backs , 12lo pur pair.
Ladies Fine Fabric Gloves , embroid
ered backs , 17c , worth 30c.
Ladles black and Colored Silk Mitts ,
80c , worth OOc.
Ludlos Kid Gloves , Tan Shades , 40c ,
reduced from T5c.
Childrcns Cotton Gloves , all sizes , lOc ,
worth UOc.
A full line of Bustles in stock , 15c , 25c ,
35c , 4Hc.
Ladies Fine Muslin Aprons , nicely
tucked , 10 o.
Infants Long Slips 25c , worth 40c.
Infants Robes , nicely linished , 47c , re
duced from 75c.
The largest variety to bo found any
where. Thcso prices will rule duniig
tliis week.
80 doz. assorted sizes , lOc each.
'UO doz. assorted sizes , 15c each.
42 doz. assorted sizes , 1'Jc each.
28 doz. assorted sizes , 25c cacti.
17 doz. assorted sizes , 83c each.
23 doz. assorted sizes , 59c each.
8 do/ , assorted sizes , $1.10 each.
7 doz. assorted sizes , $1.47 each.
10 doz. assorted sizes , $3.47 each.
On Monday morning wo will oiler :
25 doz. Ladies' Linen Collars , 2jc each ,
were 5c.
35 doz. Ladies' Linen Collars , So each ,
were 8c.
30 doLadles' Linen Collars , lOccach ,
were 12Jc.
15 doz. Ladies' Linen Collars , 121c each ,
wore ICc.
25 now styles in Collars and Cult's to
match will bo placed on sale Monda.v.
8.5 doz. Children's collars , assorted
colors. There are some beauties among
them for the little ones. Only 35c , former
price 75c.
Remember our stock of Ribbons is
complete. Wo have made it a point to
keep all the now shades and widths.
110 and 118S. IGth st. ,
Between Douglas and Dodge , Omaha ,
James Lytle. The letter is dated Wich
ita , Kas , and gives his address as 234
North Water street. It seems the woman
has been constantly receiving letters from
Lytlo asking for money , and all her
carnincs have been forwarded to him.
Several days ago she sent him $1 , the
last cent she huu. Other begging letters
came to which it is presumed she could
not substantially respond. This prob
ably led to the letter from Lytio yester
day morning which caused the attempt
at suicide. The epistle is written in a
bold , -r.lerky hand and coldly informs
Mrs. Lytle that slio need not trouble her
self to send him money , that ho has sent
homo for funds. The note is curt and
doubtless threw the woman into a despondent
pendent lit. Physicians wcro summoned
iind nt noon the woman , .who is young
and rather comely , was pronounced out
of danger. Lytlo was about the city for
some time and is a worthless fellow of
the tin-horu gambler stripe.
The Grand Ijoilgc.
The grand lodge of Nebraska masons
will meet in Masonic hall , this city , on
Wednesday next. The grand custodian
will be hero at 0 o'clock a. m. , on Wed
nesday next , and the grand ledge will
convene at ' 7:30 : p. m. on Wednesday.
It is expected that between four and live
hundred delegates from the different ,
parts of the state will attend. The scs
sion of the ledge will continue through
the week. The following is a list of the
oflicers .of the grand lodge :
Charles K. Coutant , grand master.Oraaha :
R. W. Hull , U7 , grand deputy master ,
Edear ; George B. France , 50 , grand se
nior warden , York ; John J. Mercer , 4 ,
grand junior warden , Brownville ; Chris
tian Hartinau , 11 , grand treasurer ,
Omaha ; William Bowen , 3 grand secre
tary , Omaha ; Ilcnson B. Btirgrss , G ,
grand chaplain , Plattsmouth ; . William
M linger , 15 , grand orator , Fremont : Ben
jamin Rewalt , 84 , graud marshal , Kear
ney ; Earl A. Coolov , 10 , grand senior
deacon , Lincoln ; John A. Randall , 110 ,
grand junior deacon , Alma ; William J.
Mount , 11 , grand tylcr , Omaha.
run "DUX CHAVAT. "
"Happy the man whose wish and care
a few paternal acres bound , " but happier
the man who is the fortunate possessor of
a few of those beautiful acres in Benson.
THI : "mix CUAVAT. "
Notice. Mrs. J. W. Morrison will re
open hort'mploviucnt otlico for domestic
help , 1505 Duveuport , where she will bo
glad to see her friends who are in need of
good girls for all kinds of domestic help
Thn Santa Fe In Chlcajro.
CHICAOO , Juno It The Atchlson , Topeka -
peka & Santa Ke railroad began TX big con
demnation suit in thecounty court to-day.Tlio
parties sued own ground all the way from
Ucsplalnes river near the * Intersection ot the
county line 10 the Lake front near Sixteenth
street , along the line sought to bo adopted
by the company for Its entrance to this city.
An Unknown Killed.
Si'niNOFiEi.i ) , Neb. , June 11. ( Special to
tbo BKK.J A tramp was found killed on the
Missouri Tactile track a short distance below
here. The coroner's Jury brought In a ver
dict to the effect that "the deceased came to his
death by being struck by an engine on the
Missouri I'uclilc railroad and that no blame
can be attached to the said company or any
of Us employes. "
to contractors and builders of Omaha.
We , the undersigned , committee of jour
neymen carpenters and joinersearnestly
request all reliable contractors of car
penter work , that have not been waited
on by the committee , to meet the same at
the G , A. R. hall , Douglas street , Juno
13 , at 3 p , m. for the purpose of adjust ,
ing hours and wages to the satisfaction
of all concerned. Bv order of unions No-
69 and 271. TUB
Imported Fancy Balbrlgpan shirts nnd
drawers reduced from f 1.25 to ! )3o. )
Imported plain Balbriggan shirts and
drawers reduced from $1 to $75o.
oO do/ summer Merino shirts and
drawers reduced from 75o to 50o.
100 doz of four-ply linen collars lu
small and largo sizes at 3c each , worth
50 doz 4-ply linen collars in nil styles
at 8c. worth 15c.
100 doz imported fancy Balgnggau
liosu lOc , worth 25c.
50 doz plain Btlbriggan half hose at
15c per pair , former price $ J5c.
Closing out our line of satin lined
neckwear at 21c , worth 3"c ,
100 doz of patent wire buckle suspend *
ors at 20c , worth 50o.
100 doof unlaundricd shirts with
double backs and extra well made , 4Sc ,
worth at least 75c.
50 dozen of laundricd white shirts at
75c , worth $1.25.
A few dozen of fancy and white shirts ,
slightly soiled , at one-half former prico.
20 gross of white string tics at 80 per
dozen , worth 15c.
100 dozen fancy percale tics at 5c each ,
worth lOc.
Now invoice of fans received last
Thursday , and will place the same on
sale Monda.v. Wo will bo able to show
you some novelties in fans at prices from
lOc , 12jc , 25c , etc. Our prices on fans
cannot bo duplicated.
Wo have an immense stock of Swiss
and Hamburg Embroidery iu all widths
from i of an inch to 45 inches wide , bought
direct and at prices tosuit everyone.
In order to introduce this branch of our
business to the ladies we have selected
25 pieces which wo will ofler on Monday
morning at 20 per cent less than the ac
tual cost.
Pearl and dress buttons to bo slaugh
tered this week. *
Pearl buttons that wcro 80 now 5o a doz
I * it u ii in it n > it
" " " " " "
12 } 10
ii u u i. 15 u 13j ii
Dress buttons that were 15o now 5o
" " " " ' . '
20 10
u u u i.
35 15
u u n u ii
go 25
And still greater reductions in finer
buttons. Tins will bo a rough week on
buttons and buttons will have to go.
110 and 118 S. IGth St.
Between Douglas and Dodge , Omaha ,
riiKsuvTKiiiAX rmmciins.
Presbyterian church Cor-Uodge and 17tn
street ; children's day , services ntio a.m. ,
to bo addressed by members of the Lutheran
svnod ; the Sunday School will meet at 10
o clock promptly In the bunday school room ;
evening , at 8 o'clock , preaching by a number
of the Lutheian synod ; young peoples
meeting , 7ir : p. m.
Park Avcnuo Presbyterian church Wor
shipping In Trololl's hall ; Leaven worth
street near iMth : preaching by the 'pastor ,
Her. John Gordon , nt 10 : SO a. in. , subject
" ( led Not a Man , " and at 8 p. in. , subject
"Christ Stilt In the Flesh ; " Sunday School
at 13 m ; seats free.
South west Presbyterian church Mornlncr ,
Rev. S. A. Ort , D. D. ; evening , Kev.J. O.
Cafctellar Street Presbyterian church-
Evening , Kev. M. V. StupDlebccn.
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church
Kev. Wlllard Scott pastor ; services ntlUiKO
a. in. and b n. m. ; pieaclilm ; lu the morning
by Kev. ( i. E. Albrccht 01 Chicago ; evening ,
Knv. Dr. Shull of York , Pa.
Third ConKrceatlonal church Evening ,
Kev. J.W. Young.
First Congregational church Services at
10:80 : a. m. and u p. m. ; childreu's day , read-
in ? , songs , Illustrated sermon , all appropriate
to the day , will all tbu children please come
early ; Sunday School at noon ; evening ser
vice and sermon as usual ; all welcome.
iiAi'Tisr cuunciins.
Both. Eden Baptist church Kev. II. L.
House pastor ; children's day. services will
bo held at : t : 0p. in. at St. Mary's Avenue
Congrecatlnnal church ; pravcr meeting
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; strangers
welcome : seats free.
Calvary Baptist church Morning , Kev. N.
Von Alstlno ; evening , Jlev. M. L. Beard.
First Baptist church Strangers' Sabbath
homo ; cor. 15th and Davenport streets ; Kev.
A. W. I.ainar pastor ; prcachlnir nt 10:30 : a. m.
nnd bp. m. ; morning , the children' ? day cx-
ciclses ; evening theme , "The Lord the Shep
herd of his People : " .Sabbath School at 18m. ;
prayer meeting Wednesday evening at B p.
in. ; all are cordially Invited ; scats tree.
Kouutzc Memorial church Morning , Rev.
W. 11. Kiihns , D. D. , will preach to thn con
gregation , he served twenty-live years ago :
Dr. Kuhns Is the founder ot the church nnd
It will be gratifying to many to have the op
portunity to hear him preach uealn ; the
evening .sermon will bo by another former
pastor kindly remembered by many of our
cltl/ens. Uov. 11. L. Uaupher , 1) . I > .
Herman Lutheran church 1005 S. 20th
street ; service every Siindav nt 10 n. in. ;
Sunday School at S p. m. ; E. J. pastor.
St. Mark's Lutheran rhurch Morning ,
Kev. 11. L. Bauuher , I ) . I ) . ; evi'ulntr , Kev.
11. W. Kuhns , U. D. nnd Kev. U. U. Funner.
Swcedlsh Emauuol church Evening , Kov.
J. A. CluU.
oTitini cmrr.ciiES.
All Saints church 2.1th and Howard
streets ; tirst Sunday after Trinity , June 12.
1SS7 ; holy communion U a. m. ; mornlnc
jirayor and literary 11 a. m.\ \ evening SOUK ?
p. m. ; in the morninz the choir will sing thn
To Deiim nnd Jubilate In K , by ( iarrutf and
also Tours nuthcm , "Itlossed are They that
Dwell in Thy Housu ; " In the evening will bo
sung for the lirst time In Omaha , Florlos
Magnlticnnt and Nunc Dlinlttw In UUke ;
Farnam nnd Park Avenue cars to B5th ftreet ,
or St. Mary's Avenue cars to Falrvlew street.
Fhbt Christian church 20th and Capitol
Avenue ; Kov. Jeseph 11. Fey , L. L. D. , pas
tor ; services to-day at the usual hours ;
theme "The Centurions of the Now Testa
ment ; "seats frco ; n welcome to all.
Park Avenue United Presbyterian church
cor. Park Avenue and ( irant street ; services
at 10SOa. : in. and b p. m . ; conducted by the
pastor , Kev. J. A. Henderson ; Sabbath
School nt 12 m.all ; are cordially Invited to
nttcnd these meetings.
Unity church Morning services at U a.
m. ; the Sunday School will join the church
In a choral service appropriate to Flower
Sunday ; there will be u coubecratlon of in
fants , reception of members nnd a sermon to
the children ; at l'J:15 : the baud of mercy will
Local sports are endeavoring to ar
range a meeting between the Irish Giant
and the Cardiff Giant on the 4th of July ,
the mill to couio oil'on one of thoec ele
gant residence lots in Benson that are
still being sacriliccd at $250 to $500 , al
though worth twice as much. The only
acre property reached by the car lines is
nt Benson , and now is the time to buy.
It must advance.
Tin : "DUX CHAVAT. " '
HUDSON'S , MILL Alii ) 110 rtl. BLOCK.
An Mnterprlfllnjt Iowa Ijlfo Insurance.
The Llfo Indemnity and Investment
company of Waterloo , Iowa , has complied - ,
plied with the Nebraska insurance lawsv
and a certificate of authority has bceiv
issued to the above company to transact
business iu the state of Nebraska , Mr.
Charles II , Baker , general agent , is.lo
cated at No , 200 , South Fifteenth street
residence , 1720 Capital avenue , and is'
desirous of securing some reliable insur
ance men to produce business for this'
company on very liberal terms. '
The Lifo Indemnity nnd Investment !
company is a Regular Surety Mutual Nat-1
ural Premium Llfo Insurance company , i
and gives Guaranteed Insurance- its-1
actual cost.
and lias $100,121.32 deposited with the
state auditor of Iowa. In accordance ,
with the Iowa law , requiring a company
to keep on deposit at that oilico for the
benefit of its policy holders , a sum suffl-
cicnt to cover its liabilities , on account
of policies in force. This law , wbieh
thereby guarantees every policy , also
specifies that the securities so deposited
shall consist of stocks and bonds of the
United States or of the .stato of Iowa , or
ot bonds and mortgages on miincum-
bcred real estate in Iowa , worth at least
double the amount loaned thereon. Its
notes are based on the actuaries' table of-
4 per ci-nt , and in fixing tie ! o rates it has
had the iidvli-o and endorsement of
Mr. Mervlu Tabor , of Chicago , actuary
of the Illinois insurance department and
manager of the bureau of llfo insurance' '
The Lifo Indemnity & Investment com
pany has written over ? 28,000,000 of busi
ness ; has paid over SWO.OtK ) in death )
IO.HSSC.X , and has accumulated over $100,000) '
in cash.
Loavitt & Johnson , Bankers , Waterloo , .
Iowa , Juno 4 , 1887. To whom it may.
concern : The Life Indemnity & In
vestment company , of Waterloo , Iowa ,
has $ 100,000 in farm mortgages on de
posit with the auditor of the state of ,
Iowa. Is doing business on a sound
and conservative basis. Has paid all
losses promptly and oilers reliable insur
ance at a lower rate than eastern corn-
John II. Lcavitt , treasurer Lifo Indem
nity and Investment company , Waterloo , ?
la. : Matt Parrott , president ; Edgar
Piekctt , vice president ; C. E. Mabio , sec
retary and actuary ; D. W. Crouso , med
ical examiner ; C. 11. Barker , general
agent. The company is now doing busi
ness in Iowa , Illinois , Wisconsin , Dakota
and Nebraska , nnd it has applied for ad
mission to Kansas and Missouri and est
tablishing their business as fast as time
will permit. Its sound and honest man
agement and methods bospcak for the
Life Indemnity nnd Investment company
an enviable future iu the history of life
Insurance. Mr. Barker is desirous of se
miring a number ono Insurance man to
handle this company in Nebraska , giving
him a very liberal contract aud the gen
eral management of the state of Ne
braska. _
"Over 150,000 Happy Thought ranges
in use. " For sale by C. F. Gardner , 710
North 10th st.
Mr. G. II. Zincke , the traveling repre
sentative for the celebrated Steak piano
house in Now York , is spending a few
days in town with intentions to invest in
Omaha real estate. Mr. Zincku reports a
very satisfactory trade since leaving
home and is very loud in his praise at
the success and constantly growing busi
ness of the Messrs. Woodbridpo Bros. ,
the Stock agents for this state. Wo trust
his judgment in investment will bear
good results amd thereby induce some of
his colleagues to come and do likewise.
Titled to Konl Kstntc.
The value of real property is advancing
rapidly in Omaha and it is of lirst im
portance to owners and purchasers that
they know that they have good titles.
The oflicc of C. E. Mayno , Real Estate
and Trust company , is tiie place to ascer
tain the condition of your title , as they
have n complete set of abstract books.
Corner 15th and Harney Sts.
Architect ? and Superintendent * .
Hodgson < fc Son , 20 iron Hank , branch
offices Minneapolis and Kansas City.
Estimates for glass furnished by Cum
mings if Ncilson , jobbers of Plato , Win
dow'and Ornamental Glass , Paints , Oils ,
etc. , 11181'arnara St.
Place. "
Solo Agcntsir 09 Farnam-st. , Omaha.
Sole Agent , SOUTH OMAHA.
Beautiful Benaon.
Wo do not refer to the gentleman
whose name this addition bears bnt to
the finest , most beautiful and picturesque
Hiibuib of Omaha. This property is
going rapidly , and If you do not seouro
an interest you will make n mistake.
Ilcnney Buggies at Armstrong , Pettis
& Co.'s 1308 Izard st _
A Bargain.
I have for sale at a bargain 20 acrrs
situated on the main line of the B. & M.
R. R. , and near the new South Omaha
depot at the terminus of the dummy line.
Plenty of good , clear spring water , and
an elegant grove of native timber , suit
able for n summer gr.rdcu.
W. G. ALtmmiiT , 218 S. 15th st.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed C. E. Mayno sole agent lor the
gale of their lots. Ho will show the prop
erty and furnish all desired information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President.
Billy Border , an authority on sacred
music , says the beautiful hyiun ,
" 1 can road my title claar
To mansion * In the sky , "
was suggested by the complete and reliable
blo abstracts of title furnished by the C.
E. Mnyno Real Estate & Trust Co.
Week or Brownel ! Hall.
Sunday , June 12 Holy communion in
the oratory of the hall at 7 a. m.
IQ.'M a. in. Annual sermon before
trustees , faculty and students , iu Trinity
cathedral , by Kev. Robert Scott.
Monday. 0RO ; a. m. Art exhibit , music ,
recital and essay delivery.
4 p. m , Meeting of ulumtiic.
8 p. m. Meeting of education com
Tuesday , 10 a. m. Annual commence
No reception In the evening.
Made by r'Ukn , Clark & Flagg
No expense has been spared by the C.
E. Mayno Real Estate and Trust Co. to
make thnir abstract books correct , relia
ble and complete. Their system is the
best and the work has been carefully
done by competent and experienced pcr-
Eons. This tct of books have lust been
completed and they are prepared to rnnko
complete abstracts on short notice nt
their olllce on the N , W. corner of 10th
and Haruey eta. . ,