Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Lutheran Convention the Busiest
Known in the Synod's History.
A Bronk l-'or liberty She Wnntcd to
1)10 tlio Italn Storm Two
I'lros School Mutters
Other Local.
The linthornn Convention.
The synod convened at 8.30 and opened
with prayer by I'.cv. K. K. Bell. It wus
resolved that the synod would htand
finally adjourned on Monday evening
next at 4 o'clock. On motion of Hov. J.C.
KuulVman it was resolved that a commit
tee should bo appointed to devise ways
and means to prevent Such frequent nnd
protracted vacancies in thu congrega
tions. This same subject had been
brought before the synod by overtures
proposing the appointment of a board of
supply for vacant charges. This had been
winced in the hands of a committee
which reported recommending thut the
district synods bo advised to adopt
such legislation as will require the
church council of all charges mndo
vacant , to report the same nromplly to
the president of the synod with which it
fitand.s connected , and to sookhis counsel
respecting the choice of n pastor ; and
that the presidents of all the district
synods bo constituted n general commit
tee on whom .shall devolve the duty of
corresponding and conferring with each
other relative to supply of vacant churches
nnd finding Holds for capable preachers
who desire employment.
The report was adopted.
The report ot the committee on prop
erty of the German Theological semi
nary , in Chicago , occasioned a long dis
cussion , as was frequently the cnso dur
ing the session when matter pertaining
to German work wore under considera
tion. The n hole subject was , referred to
'tlm board of education with power to act.
The committee to nominate delegates
to other ecclesiastical bodies , reported
flho following names :
To tlio General Assembly of the Pres
byterian Churoh Hov. \ \ . M. Baum , D.
D. . alternate , Hev. L. E. Albert. D. D.
To the General Assembly of the United
I'resbytorinn Church Professor \V. H.
Wynn , Ph. 1) . , alternate , Kov. George C.
To the United Synod in the South-
Professor P. M. Biklo , Ph. U. , alternate ,
Eov. P. H. Miller.
To the general synod of the Reformed
churcli in tlio United States : Ilev. T..C.
Ulllhumccr , I ) . D. ; alternate. Hoy. W. H.
Singiey , D. D.
To the general synod of the Hoformcd
church in America : Hov. N. Van Alstlne ;
alternate , Hov. G.V. . Kmlcrs.
To the general conference of the U. B.
church : Kov. P. Borgstrossor , U. D. ; al
ternate , Hev. J. B. Hclwig , D. D.
Tlio report waa adopted.
The report of the statistical secretary
having shown a discrepancy between the
number of communicants in the previous
report nnd the uumbor in this report ,
when the additions were taken into ac
count , occasioned a discussion which de
veloped the fact that in some instances
pastors _ failed to report all who were en
titled to bo considered as members nnd
yet were inactive. Tlio motive for ox-
eluding such persons from the
Jibt m found in the fact
that tlio apportionment of money
to bo collected Jor benevolent purposes
was based upon the number of members
on the roll ot each church. In view of
those facts the following resolutions wore
adopted :
KesolvPd , 'That It Is the sense of the eon-
eral synod that no one can l > < dropped fioni
the rolls of church membership on earth ex
cept In ono of three wavs , viz : by death , by
lionornblo transfer , or by excommunication.
Itosolved , Thnttho different delegations
bo urircil to press this mutter upon the notice
of their respective synods to prevent im
proper reduction of our rolls.
'Iho special committee on the Lord's
clay and temperance , which had boon
appointed by suggestion of Hov. N. Van-
Alstinu , submitted a serious of seven res
olutions setting forth the duty of keep
ing the Sabbath day holy.and the evils of
Intemperance and the tralllc in strong
drink , especially in thjir ofl'oct upon
Lord's day observance. The saloon was
declared to bo the greatest anuruy of- the
Lord's day.
"No notion on this report was reached
nt the time for adjournment , The closing
prayer was made by Kev. .1. F. Shearer.
The closing session of the Lutncrnn
synod was opened with prayer by llov.
J. A.'Tvirnest.
The consideration of .the report of the
committee , on.tho Lord'3 Day and tem
perance , which was pondingat the close
of tlio morning session , was .resumed ,
nnd after laying on Uio table oiio resolu
tion that scorned , objectionable , the re
port was adopted.
The hymn book committee -iiskod for
instructions concerning the cheap edi
tion of the Book of Worship , which , at a
previous session , had been ordered to bo
published. The original action was so
modified that the committee was ordered
to publish an abridged edition of the
Hook of Worship to contain not 'more
than eighty pages. The committee to
make the selection of h mns for this
nbridgomont consists of Hcv. J. A. Glut-/ ,
Kev. S. B. Burintz nnd Hev. II. L.
Uaughcr , U. D.
The report of the committee on the let
ter ot the bishop's of the Protestant-
Kpiscopal church on Christian Unity was
considered. This report was prepared in
u very short time , ns the letter was not
placed in the hands of the president of
the synod until late in its sessions. The
following abstract of the report was pre
pared by-trie author. The report hailed
this friendly communication from a com
munion so closely related in Its articles
of doctrine ; nnd its forms ofi worship tq
the church represented by thin body. It
nlso expressed a deep sense of the cvlla
. whiuh.innrk the diyislons of the Christian
church and n readiness to enter in broth
erly conference wirn other "bodies for the
removal .of these evils , bnt hold that the
restoration of organic unltyat the present
rorlodlft neither desirable nor practicable.
V'hilc. holding earnestly to thp Niccno
creed , this body cannot consent to the
view that this is a sullicient statement of
the Christian faith as it fails to guard
> * ngainst grievous errors which have crept
into the church nnd Is silent , among
other things , on the 'sacraments , the
p'roper administration of which are in
this very declaration accounted h vital
feature of Christian faith and order. On
the "Historic Kpisoopnto" the ground
was taken that no form of church gov
ernment is prescribed by the gospel or
cssonttial to its success yet declaring a
willingness to accept the Episcopate as
it obtained in the Auostolio. church nnd
ts it was understood by the grunt body
of reformers , both Anglican and Ger
man , This report was adopted.
A-commlttco of three clergymen and ,
three laymen was appointed to hold
further conference with the committee
of the Protestant -Episcopal churcli ' ,
touching the vital' question of mutual
recognition and co-operation , and this
committee' wad Instructed to maintain the
position that true Christian unity rnnst
arisn out cfti- common faith nnd to offer ]
us the sufficient basis for this end , tba
Augsburg confession , the historic basis of
I'rotcsUnilsni and by caramon consent
the mo t catholic expression of the
pom man faith.
Tlio committee consists ol Ilovs. 1.
Valentine , 1) . 1) . , S. Sprechcr , D. 1) . , II.
tickler , D. D , , witu Messrs. Alex.Gob -
hnrl , II. S. Boner , and Hon. W. H. Rup-
plo.Kov. . N. Van Alstyno presented the re-
> ort of the committee on address of the
National Woman's Sufl'rago association.
The report reviewed the subject and de
clared it to bn worth investigation and
study , but did not commit the synod to
any dclinlto opinion. The report was
idoptod without argument. Hov. 11. L.
[ laugher , 1) . U , . presented the report on
: ho state of the church. The liguros
found in various places in those reports
were brought together and thu informa
tion g'lthurud from the reports of the
various boards formed fhe basis for an
interesting and succostivo review of the
whole Held of work in which the churches
aud boards of the conoral synod are en
gaged. The report was adopted and
ordered to bo printed In the" form of a
Iract for general circulation. On
motion ot Kev. H , R. Fonnor it was
resolved that the secretary of Iho general
synod bo instructed to have mailed to
every Lutheran minister in the United
States and Canada irrespective of synod-
ical sulootions and doctrinal differences ,
a ropy of the minted minuteof the
present convention , as soon as the same
shall have- been issued.
DHov. J. D. Scvcritighaus road the report
of thu committee on foreign correspon
dence , suggesting that there was no need
of continuing the committee. The com-
mittco Is therefore discharged.
Hov. 11. L. Uaiighor , U. U. , introduced
a icrics of resolutions calling for the
appointment of n committee to prepare a
development of Lentior's small catechism
iu the English lauguagn , keeping in
mind entire harmony with tlio
teachings of the church , ex-
actment of statement , simplicity and
brevity , both as regards particular parts ,
and the work as a wholo. The transla
tion to bo used to bo that agreed upon by
the joint committee having that matter
in chargo. The resolutions declared it
to bo dcsirablo that all Ensrlish-spoaking
Lutheran churches should use the sumo
The resolutions wore adopted and Hov.
H. L. llaughcr , 1) . IX , Kev. N.icjricr ,
U. 1) . , Hov. A. J. ImholV , 1) . 1) . , and Kov.
C. S. Albert were appointed as the cotn-
mittou'to perform the duty referred to
Hov. 11. K. Konncr presented the report
port of tho. committee on Sunday schools ,
showing an increase of $70,01)0 ) in con
tributions over the previous two years.
The majority of tlio Sunday schools arc
now using the Lutheran lesson helps.
Kev. H. L. Bnughor , 1) . 1) . , who repre
sents the Luthei an church m thu inter
national lesson committee , presented the
following preamble and resolutions :
Inasmuch as for twelve years and moio ,
for the sake of uniformity , our Sunday
bchools have been using the "International
Sunday School Lessons , " and in all thattimo
have been unable to secure any it-coK'niton of
tlio church festivals or any plan by
which wo cnn with anv adoption nnd suit
ableness , observe oven tlio laud marks ot the
Christian Year.
That the Christian system as sot
forth by the "Christian Year1 Is moro valua
ble. , than uniformity of lessons without It ,
and that , therefore this gunernl synod shall
appoint a standing commute * to propose or
Join with others , who may bo appointed tiom
oilier bodies of Christians In pioposlnc a
scheme of Bible study which .shall recognize
and Imrmonl/.c with the main leatuics ol the
Christian Year , for the use of our schools
and all others who may unite with us therein.
llrtolrcil , That this committee be not
limited as to length ot thno In which it shall
t'o over as nearly us possible the whole Ulblo ,
ncwlvctl. That It bo dlscrotionaiy with
this committee viewing the signs ot th times ,
to Issue their \\orUbotoro the next mectlmrol
tlio general synod or not. but that tlioy shall
report If possible , their whole proposed
scheme at our next meeting.
These resolutions , together with the
Sunday school report , were adopted , and
the committee called for therein consists
of Revs. E. J. Wolf , U. D. , A. J. Imliolf ,
1) . . . und .T. Holler , I ) . U. , Hnv. 11. L.
Daughor , D. D. , and Mr. P. A. Sohnidlcr.
It was ordered that the Sunday school
committee bo instructed to gather nil
rciori'iices to Sunday school work in the
reports adopted during tlio convention ,
ui ul to publish the same in the form of n
Kov. G. W. Eudcrs introduced resolu
tions recommending to the favorable
consideration of the church for financial
aid the theological seminary at Chicago ,
and suggesting that on the Sunday near
est the Hlfet of October in each year col
lections should bo taken in the Gorman
churches for the bonelit of this institu
Kev. S. Stall was appointed statistical
The time for the next convention wus
fixed for the Wednesday after Whit Sun-
davinl88 .
The by-laws were so amended as to
permit the ofliccrs of the general synod
to change the time and place of mooting ,
if from any cuuso it Should become
necessary to do HO.
Kev. S. B. Barnitj ! and Rov. J. H.
Mcngcs wore added to the transporta
tion committee.
After singing the familiar l&ng motor
doxology , thoTnombors united in singing
thu Lord's prayer.-
This brought the business session to a
close , after the longest -convention in the
history of tho'synod. .
A Hrenk For liberty.
The men who were arrested the other
night charged with a conspiracy to rob
the MlHsouri Pacific train , made a des
perate cflbr } t yesterday afternoon to cs-
capo. They were Sentenced to thirty
rtaj's in the county jail on the chareo of
vagrancy , by Judge Berka. Officers
Wliulcn and Shanolmn were dctailo'd to
conduct the men to the county jail. The
prisoners were taken np shortly
before 7 o'clock. Jailor Mil
ler happened to bo absent at
that hour and the ofliccrs started to take
the men through the jailer's residence to
the jail. As the officers wcro passing
through the hallway Ed Hartigan ami
Jolm Wilson made an attempt to osrapo.
Hartigan made aluugc at Oiliccr Whalcn
and was mot by n blow in the face that
shook his resolution. Ho was clubbed
into submission so that Whalcu , ny n
vigorous use ot his club and gun , man
aged to keep the two Hartigans and Tom
1'oloy under his coqtrol , Wilson was
more. fortunate at- first in his effort. Ho
succeeded in dodging Oiliccr SUanohan
and darted out of the open door , Shano-
haa gave hot .pursuit and after a
lively chase overhauled his man at the
corner of Twentieth and Harnoy streets.
The 'prison'crs wore finally1 secured and
locked up. Meanwhile the police uro
working on. clues in expectation of produc
ing evidence that will convict the men of n
moro serious ofFeoite when they have
snrvcd1 their vagranny sentence.
She Wanted to Drown.
Lcona Grccuwaldwas taken to the city
jail last' evening oa charge of intoxica
tion , and attempted to commit suicide.
The statement by the police is that Miss
Grconwald threw herself into a puddle
of water and mud at the corner of Ninth
and Jones streets ; aud then ran toward
the riyer. As sh'e reached tin ) water's
edge , Officer WcOarty , who had been
chasing hqr , reached tbo riyer just as she
was about to spring in. When Miss
Grrcnwuld was asaisted from the "hurry
wagon" u > d escorted to , her apartment in
hotel do.Orrasby SOQ was covered with a
delicately shad * ! coat of mud fresco ,
which she had obtained in the puddle.
Bho had put bar lace downward in the
mjjij , am4 her _ featpre-i were in consequence
quence making au obedient cast of them-
solves. The story goes that Leona and
her slMer c me bere from Iowa
a few months ago , and that since
then the former has. been living
with a mui who worked on the grade.
The course of true love has not run
smoothly of l&te , and yesterday the man
Ion , deciarins that he was. "shot nv thor
uullpass&i uv'cui , " Lcona loved him ,
or thought she did. Upon his declara
tion she failed to do what she would if
she had known men bettor. She ought
to have judt waited for his penitent re
turn , nnd then have made him buy her anew
now dross. Instead , she proceeded to
bowl up. She then thought of suicide in
some manner. She first tried tlio puddle ,
to find it too shallow. Thou she wont for
the river. _
LilglitnlriB Struct.o Stove. "
The storm which has boon visiting
Omaha during the past week culminated
at 4 o'clock 3-ostorday afternoon in a
down-pour of rain , accompanied by vivid
lightning nnd shaip peals of thunder.
The streets ran dcop streams of water
ami Iho shelterless have had a hard time
of it. The experience ot several localities
ot the city was quite unpleasant , owing
to the proximity of lightning strokes.
The first building which was actually lilt
was the maison do joie of u notorious
woman , whom the inmates of her estab
lishment address as "Mother Emma , " but
who ij , more commonly known as French
Em. The lightning struck a chimney of
her house , on Twelfth street , between
Dodge and Capital avenue , went down
into the garret , down a stovepipe , through
a steve , jumped to another stovepipe ,
followed it to the lloor beneath , ran
across a brussolls carpet , and iinaliy de
scended by another stovcpipn and a piece
of scantling to the ground. Two woman
in the hoiifo were knocked over. One ,
named Gypsy , was thrown from
a sofa to a standing position
in the middle of the room and then ,
knocked down with u suddenness that
made her think her "lover" had arrived.
Various carthonwtiro articles wcro bro
ken , and a bottle of whisky was myste
riously transferred from u small shelf to
an obscure corner of the room , and still
was intact as to contents. Its anxious
owner tipped it up and took a long pull
before she was reassured , not even bsing
convinced by statement that
lightning had too much discretion to fool
with the iluid.
'Trench Em , " who is built somewhat on
tha plan of an cm quad , was consider
ably agitated. She led the way to liar
own room , where she staled she was
asleep when the lightning struck , and
exclaimed , "Look at 7.0 stove ! Look at
/.o steve ! Him lightning lie eoofn down
/.o chimney and bust zo steve wide far. "
Tlio stove , it may bo remarked , is not
beyond recovery although somewhat di
The fire department was called by an
alarm when the house was struck , but
the damp condition of the roof prevented
it catching. The water was not turned
AXOTiiKit ruin.
l'"rank Colpclzer's house , at Twonlj'-
sixth and Loavcnworth streets , was
struck by lightning just before tlio stroke
which caused the alarm spoken of above.
The damage was slight , and there was
no necessity of turning on the water at
this place , the work being done with the
The second alarm was sounded while
the hose carts of numbor.s three and live
and the extension truck ladilor were ui
Mr. Colpotzor's residence. It having
boon learned that there was no daugcr ot
a lire there , the thrco teams with'carts
and trucks wcro sent on the fly for the
second box , No. 61. Down Farnam
street they came thundering , nnd passed
the opera house just as the'.Naiad Queen
matinee was out. Hundreds of persons
wcro in the streets booking cabs and
struot cars in the rain. The scattering
which tlio swift coming lire engines ,
with their horses on a mud run , caused
was remarkable. Everyone regained tlio
sidewalks in safety.
A washout occurred on the uowly
opened Fariiamand Park Avonuu street
car lino. The point was on Virginia
street near Leavenwortli. Fully 101) ) feet
of track was washed away and under
mined so thut cars could not pass over it.
As u result the Farnam nnd Park Avenue
line cars wore run over the St. Mary's
Avenue tracks last evening and some delay -
lay was necessarily caused. The break
will bo repaired thus morning.
Tlio Naiad Qnooii Will Be Presented
Acnln on Tuesday Night.
Last night tlio seventh consecutive per
formance of tli "Naiad Queen" was given
to a largo audience at the Bnyd. Not
withstanding the rain of yesterday after
noon tlio performance at the matinee was
the most largely attended that has over
been given in the house. Nearly 1,400
people were in the'honso.
The patronage of this remarkable pro
duction increased from the opening
night , notwithstanding the warm weather
until the rain interfered. That alone
prevented u succession of houses the
largest in tho- history of the theatre. Be
cause of this rain , therefore , thousands
of our people have , beort prevented from
witnessing this almost entrancing 'piece.
The cost of producing -the opera
however , has boon as great as , if the
houses had been uniformly largo , and
this expense lias not been less than ? 2,700.
It would not bo well for Omaha to have ,
it said abroad that U spectacle which has
everywhere not only attracted thousands
of people but at the same time liberally
rewarded its management , fftjled hero to
receive the attention which Ih'o merits of
the piece deserved , and tlio aintcjliggnce ,
wealth ami culture of our pcdplc-'iujglu
easily bestow upon it. This view 'in en
tertained bv hundreds of leading citizens
who second the BKK'S suggestion , that
the opera should bo repeated. The fol
lowing corrospdndonco' explains itself.
OMMIA , .luuoll , ite ? . Prof. Arthur C
Mi-Knight. Dear air : In Just recognition
of your unqrmlilicd success In providing the
most novel , inaitulhcfmt audonderful en
tertainment "i'lio Naiad ( Jueen" ever of
fered to Omaha'h people , as well ns for your
untlrlnc labors In behalf of hundreds of its
sehool-golni youth for nearly three months
past , aordlngthem ! ) Impoitant'ciittiiro uUfly
acquired in our academies or schools , wo
cordially tender you a f.iM\\oll bunellt on
Tuesday evening next , .lime U , when wo
hopn once more to witness your wondrously
beautiful "Fairy Oooro" anrt prove to you
the appreciation Of Omaha's people ot your
magnanimity and rare ability and skill.
Kespoottiilly Your * ,
( ieoree L. Miller , J. C. Cowln ,
John A. filcShano , if. Koiint/ ,
H.V. . Yates , W. A. Paxton ,
Low W. Mill. Klmcr D. Frank ,
Ben . Wood , 8. P. Morse.
W. V. Morse , H. H. Orchard ,
Dick Kitchen. Max Meyer ,
M. T. liarlow , C.V. . Hamilton ,
Charles Shh erick , F. A. Xasn , .
W. N. Babcock , J. M. Kddy.
George il. Joslyn , J. T. Clarkson ,
A. U. Wvman. . J. H. MllUrd ,
Charles U. llrown , William II. Bechcl ,
K. Uosonator , C. H. Uewoy ,
W. J. Uroatch , a. M. Hitchcock ,
S. P. Hounds , Ai W , Lsmar.
PAXTON HOTIII , , Juno 11 , lb87. Messrs.
Geo. L , Miller , J. C. Cowln , John A. Me-
Shane , H. Kouuu , and others : Ontlomen :
Your ceuerous and hearty approval of. my
humble efforts Iu your midst illl.-t mo with an
emotion which cannot bo expressed In words.
The particlpnnts in the opera having gen
erally consented to rev-appear on Tuesday
ovwiinc next , I cratefuliy accept the flat
tering compliment so graciously tendered
me. Faithfully yonrs ,
AuTiiun C. MclWidiiT.
in deference to the wishes of many
readers of the BEG , as also to the young
gentlemen themselves , the names of the
"Dryads" are herewith presented. Thesa
are the latest of the pcrformo'rs to receive
Justice in these columns , ' This justice
will be noue the lea ) appreciated because
of ita tardiness , especially in ri w of the
fact that the names of these yotrog men ,
notwithstanding | hb rounds of applause
which , their evolutions' nightly evoked ,
failed to appear vpon the * programme.
It may hero 'bo remarked that they are'
of Omaha.Ibo followiufi are
the name < : Jsi5o3worthVm. . Free
man , Harry Vinfbrvoort , Richard Brad
ley , A. Bell , ScblFVati JJliltlll Jsaac Har-
rls. The ? . Smltlison , llurton Pratt , J. W.
L'olcnr , Frank Stockdalo , Chas. Mcrlo , A
51. Joplln , M. A. Bosworth , J. Walker ,
Till : r.IJCS' 11F.NKKIT
To-morrow' night tlio popular come
dian , Uolaiul Hoed , will appearnt Boyd'n
opera house in his funny comedy of
"IIuuiwiK. " Jlic performance will bo
given for tlio benefit of the Omaha lodpn
of Elks , anil a rousing hon o is assured.
The San Frauctauo Chronicle says : It is
no humbug that Fred .Marsden , the pro
lific playwright , has written for Roland
llcccl nnd denominated "Ilumbujj. " The
comedy has a plot thut is in estricalile
confusion from the first scene in the first
net to tlio last , scone in the last act , when ,
as as possible , it is unraveled , though
the mixed circumstances in a certain d -
{ yreo still exist. The theater was well
filled with an audience that was kept in a
continual roar of laughter. Tlio comrdv
is a much bettor one than the same au
thor's "Cheek , " and the company is im
proved. As Jack Luster , Mr. Heed is in
imitable , and the reception accorded him
last night was a very flattering one. His
song with "The Accent On. " met with
the hearty applause that it always re
ceived , and he was forced to respond
with verse after verse , and in the second
act when Mr. Heed sings "Jam , " and ac
companies himself on the piano , the
laughter is miDoumlpd. He also sang anew
now version of the "Hen Convention'rin
a capital manner , but when he sang "A
Pocket Edition of the 'Mikado , ' " the ap
plause was infectious and the whole
house rang with laughter.
The Chicago Inter-Ocean of a rccont
date has the following concerning Jef
freys-Lewis , who plays at Boyd's opera
house no.\t Pridayand Saturday : "After
an absence of about two voars Miss
Jouroys-LowLs appeared before a Chicago
cage audience last night at the Chicago
oper.i house. The play was Menvalc's
"Forgol-Me-Not , " lirst presented to
Americans by Miss Genoviovo. Ward.
Miss Lewis' impersonation of the heroine.
Stephanie do Mohrivart , is full of fever
ish passion and intense realism. She in
vests the part with the fervid impetuosity
of a young and passionate woman , and
at no point in the play is deficient in the
qualifications winch the character re
quires. Her work throughout is that of
a most careful and deserving artist ,
whoso equals arc few on tlio American
stage. Mr. Harry Mainhall acceptably
sustained tiie roln of Sir Horace Wolby. * '
jvnnv.'ri < uitm.v. :
To-night a tripplo bill will be presented
by the German Comedy company at this
popular garden on Tenth street. The
pieces are "Dio Bcidcn Jungessollen , "
"Kin Kuss , " and "Duron's Schludsollod. "
Messrs. Jjaurois , Puls , Koch , Ulig , and
Mrs. Baurnis , Alrn. Puls-Ahl and several
others will appear.
Dcor Kflss | n the Air.
Krug'e handsome team uf brown colts ,
which draw the big beer wagon , became
frightened at the''corner of Cutrung and
Sixteenth streets } yesterday afternoon ,
and ran to Webster street , where they
collided with fin express wagon. On the
trij ) of two blocks , which was made in
unprecedented time , a beer kef bounced
oil' the vvagon/cvwy live feet ; When the
procession was over there were beer
kccs scattered dll over the pavement.
The express wagon was demolished. Tlio
liorf-es attached toail were knocked down
and mingled wiUl the Krug horses for a
few seconds in * n remarkable tangle of
kicking. None of the animals , however ,
received serious injury.
Pcrinitn ,
Superintendent Whitlook issued build
ing purmits yesterday as follows :
Y. .M. C. A. , 4-story brick bulldlnjr ,
Sixteenth anil Douslas 70,000
S. U. Fnlkcncr , IK-story frame clwoll-
IIIK , Lowoave 500
J. W. West. IJrf-story li.ime cottage ,
Flltli nml Beech 300
Evangelical Association , 2-story
chuich , llarcy ana Twenty-sixth. . . 2.0TJ
Four permits nssrp atlnir S73.475
Kicking Against Cross Tracks.
The Omaha Belt railway company
commenced an action in the district court
yesterday asking for an injunction re
straining the Fremont , Eikhorn & Mis
souri Valley railway company from
building a line across the licit Lino's
right of way near the stock yards. The
petition alleges that the building of the
"Klkhorn's" tracks at the point in ques
tion will seriously interfere with the op
eration of the licit Lino.
Will nlUI it Anyway.
Mr. Hanson , the railroad enthusiast of
Yankton , has written a letter to the
Omaha hoard of trade urging that body
to go ahead with tha Omaha & Yank-ion
railroad scheme , whether the proposition
of Mr. Young and his Chicago syndicate
is satisfactory or not. Ho says that
nothing can prevent the road from being
built if the citizens of Omaha will show
the same interest in the venture that the
people along the line are taking.
All members of F. O. W. A. M. are re
quested to attend a special meeting Mon
day , Juno 1 , at 8 p. m. sharp. Import
ant business.
Naval Hills \VuntciI.
WASIII.VOTOV , Juno 11. The backward
ness of ship Imlhlers in applying for Information
mation ns to the plans and specifications for
the now navy cruisers Is causlnc consider
able apprehension among navy ofHeers. Thus
ar there has been but ono Inquiry for Information
mation about the plans ot the ulnetccn-knot
cruiser that o the Union woiks , of San
Frnnclsco-and a full s > ct of drawings anil
specifications have been mailed to tliPin. No
Inquiry has yet been received na to Newark ,
and there does not seem to bo any disposition
nmonc ship builders to undertake her con
struction at tlio UMxlmuni cost allowed by
congress , SI.IXW.OOO. The reason for this
backwardness ciV'tho ' i.nrt of builders is
ascribed at the navy department to the rapIdly -
Idly increasing cost of material. The simply
of material , partlculnily stcul plates , used in
tlio construction of these vessels , Is at
present very lintlt < < l , and every contract Jor
a new vessel stUI.fui thor Increases tlio pried.
There Is also tf largo private demand for
steel. . .
Concluded to Ho Honest Dccnttio Ills
lltmlnotn Dili Not Par.
1 once had the pleasure of making
visit with the governor of the state o
Illinois to the penitentiary at Jollet , say
n writer in the International Record.
There was confined in it at the time a very
noted burglar from the city of Chicago.
The governor had promised that ho
would have some conversation with him
In rcg-ird to an alibi which ho claimed to
bo able to prove and establish his Inno
cence of the crime of which he had been
convicted. I had some impression of tlio
character of this man when I saw the
warden , on sending for mm , open a
drawer In his desk , take out a revolver
and put it ill his pocket. The prisoner
was brought in and the governor listened
to the tale of his alibi. At its conclusion
lie inquired :
' 'How many burglaries have you over
committed ? "
"I don't know , governor ; I never kept
count. I suppose about a hundred. "
"You have been a very bad man.1
"Who says so , governor ? "
The governor was taken somewhat
aback and answered. "The newspapers'.1'
"Why , governor , I have seen your
name in tlio newspayers once or twice.
If they will say such things about a man
in your position , what must bo expected
of a man in mine ? "
lie went on to remark that ho need
have no hesitation in granting him a
pardon , for , though ho made no pro
fessions of repentance it would bo
absurd to do that ho had como to
the conclusion while in prison that a
life of crime docs not pay. Ho hail tried
it. Ho had also been all his life a burg
lar. Ho had robbed banks' ; he had had
hundreds of thousands ot dollars pass
through his hands , and ho was just as
poor as when ho began ; and , having
como to that conclusion , ho thought that
the governor might safely rcleaso him ,
since ho fully meant to quit the business
and follow some other pursuit for a liv
ing. Hut , in so far as burglary in itself
is concerned , lie wished him to under
stand ho regarded it just as legitimate a
vocation in life as the practice of law or
of medicine or the preaching of the
The governor asked : "How do you
make that out1
"Why , property has certain rights ,
powers" and privileges. It must have
corresponding obligations , and the lirat
duty of properly is totako care of ilsolt.
If in a country neighborhood there are
three stores doing a general busihos" ,
and there is not business , enough to sup
port more than two merchants' familio.s ,
what happens ? Two of these merchants
combine against the third , and by a
judicious application ot the laws of trade
they dnvo him out of business and divert
to their own pockets the profits whiph ho
otherwise would have made. Kvory-
bodyssys that is right. Now , what dif
ference does it iniiKo whether this is.
done by a judicious \\-o \ of tlio
laws of trade or by a moro summary pro
cess ? Why , governor , you know very
well that there are a great many men in
this world who arc rich who have no
more right to what they have than you
or I. "
"lo I understand , " said the governor ,
"that you contlno yourself in your depre
dations to that class of people ? "
"Oh , " he replied , "I aim to I aim to.
The last man 1 robbed was a member of
congress. "
It is needless to say that the governor
did not pardon him. He served his term ,
has since served a term In the eastern
penitentiary of Pennsylvania , ami is
understood now to bo in the Virginia
penitentiary at Richmond.
What Befell tlio Imsr of 1OO Who
StfirtoU lilfo Together.
Everybody is grouped with certain
others in this life. Wo may not kncn if ,
but piinh is the fret. There are groups ot
100 , groups of 1,000. and groups of still
larger numbers all starting together in
life at the same time. All are presumably
upon the same footing and with equal
advantages and the same good fortune as
to health and favorable surrounding- : .
This , however , is only true in theory.
Are you aware that of the nincty-nino
persons in the group that started out in
lifo witli you only about fifty survive the
fifteenth year ? Thirty jog along with
you till you arc 40. When you arc CO
only eighteen of your companions re-
mam. Aut 70 but ten are loft , at 80 you
will have reason to feel lonely , for only
four of your original companions will bu
with you. Ono of these will drag out a
lonely existence to ago 00 , possibly 100 ,
when the last of the group will bo no
more. Tlicso figures arc based on an
estimate in the United States census re
port of 1830.
Now supposing , if it were possible , that
these 100 persons , or their parenss fen
them , had embarked in au assessment
lifo insurance scheme as they stopped
upon the threshold of life , what would
have been the outcome of the venture ?
If the first fifteen years' death , amount
ing to nearly fifty per cent , of the whole
nnmbor. had not "busted" the concern ,
what , think you , would have been the
ultimate opinion of tlio value of that kind
of insurance of the Single old fellow who
held out faithful to the end ? After
coming up to the scratch ninety-
nine times , and paying assessments
for thu death of all his com
panions , no one is left to pay for him.
Nothing more forcibly illustrates the ab
surdity of assessment lifo insurance. It
is true tlio claim is made that "now
blood" is continually brought in to take
the place of the deceased members , but
what folly is it for a young , healthy
risk to voluntarily go into a society of
aped and , perhaps , decrepit members
.with the expectation of boating the old
follows by an early and untimely death !
Tlio theory is fallacious. Nothing but
the level premium plan of the regular
.insurance companies meets the iniquities
of such eases , and places all , whether elder
or young , upon an equal footing , and in
vests all with equal risks.
1'Iumbcrs Postpone Their I'lcnlc.
The first annual oxcusion and picnic ol
the Plumber's union , which was to have
bopn hold at Papilllon to-day , has been
postponed until Sunday , Juno 20th. Thu
plasterers will picnio next Sunday at
Cnlljoun. . „ _
Charley Green , the B. & M. attorney ,
loft over the Kansas City , Sti Joe &
Council Uhill's train last evening.
JH Ms In.fldf pocket , and he' was strolllnu down IGth street , with < i
ladvrbfrlils side. J-'J-OJH appearance * you would judge It was
love ntflrat sight. Site wits smlllntf , & < ? ie seemed worried , an he want
ed to no to hoitneliceitliHj , and hla money on'/ ; amounted to % lSwlien he
noticed the jPcmtte'K Installment House , ( H3 North 10th street , between
California and Webster streets , aH there botifjht auflic lent uoods to
start hoiiekccnln/ , frmaJtliifj ; a first tywenf. . Thanking the
flrtn for the { icntleiixtnli/ way in which they ivcrc received , and they
are now at home and happy.
Rosenthal & Co. , Props.
No connection with any other house In the city ,
REAL ESTATE , 310 South isth Street
Some Bargains in Wcit End on Dodge , Farnam , 80th and 35th sti. This prop
erty U very choice.
100x124& & Euclid Avenue and 31st. A beautiful home lite.
10 fine lott In Brlggi Place.
133 feet Cleveland Place , | 1 , 00.
3 nice acres In West Omaha , suitable for platting. ' . >
66x140 S. 16th , nice grader , | S4 per toot. 60 ft. trackage on Lea'veriWQrth , 19S ft ,
t'raukase on Nicholas street. , . '
Omaha Joifters1 Directory.
Agricultural imp/emend.
tcmr/L IAII
WholtMilo Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
nna IHicglcf. Jonon triot , l twnaii Pt&
nil lOth.Omtthn , fieti.
rrc' . t L F co , ,
Agricultural Implements ,
ynnnn , CArliK : n , IhtMln * , Hi .iWholcMlf _ , Om he.
Whole * lotX'Mcr * In
Agricultural Implements ,
nnelp . WttKO. W4 nnrt 11T. Jonr * ft
Artists' Material.
A. nosrr , jn. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
lilt Doujtlna Street , Omalin.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
imiEii AUfFff aTrTi fLOJt ,
Builders'Hardwaro&Scalo Kcpulr Shop
UocliimlcV Tools nnil llulTnlo Stale * . UOu Lo\uU iu ,
Omnlm. Nob.
Bears and Shoes.
Jobbers of Itoots nml Shoos.
1411 r/irnnm > t. , Otiinhn , Kcb. Mnnufsclor ; , Rtimmoi
nit ? i't. Ikulon.
Z.T. L1XD8EX < C CO.
Wholesale Rubber Boot * ami Shoes
Hutibor nml oilixl ciothluir uud Ki-lt ilooti
nnd Shoes. Southeast Corner lull nml Uoualna.
Betr *
Latror Boor Brewers ,
1531 North 1'tli Street , Omaha , Nob.
' '
Bntchors' Tools and Supplies ,
! ausa o CuelDCi of nil hlniln Mwoysln Block. 121 !
Junuast .omuUa
Coffos , Spices , Eic.
cLAjn itir6s co
Omaha Corroo and Spice Mills.
ToaiOofTce , SnlCC Unking 1'owdnr , FlivorlncBt-
trncts , I.auuur7 lllun. Ink , ito. lI
btrcet , Oiiuihn , Neb.
Jolm'Eponcter , Prop.
Monufncturor of Galvanlz il Iron mil Cornice. V23
Dodge nnd KUnuU 105 N , IQlh U urnahii.Nob.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlmlown , Finals.MetMlaSkylight , tc. 3108.
l.HUt. . , Omnha.
C. Speclit , Prop.
3BlTi > nlz9(1 Iron CnmlcM , etc. Spoot'ilraproTCd Potent
ont llc'tullc gkylUUt. 606 nud 611) H.UIIi nt..lmnha. )
CO. ,
Jobbers ot
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Kug8f
Linoleums , Mailings , Kir. Mil Douslnj ilruot.
s. A.
Wlioiesalo Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curuila Ooodi , KM. 1U3 Furcani Rlront ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent ( or the Mauufucturcrs nud Importers of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lumps , Oblmouys , etc. Olllcc , 817 South UtU
Oumhn , Neb.
Commission and-Storage.
ConnnisHlon anil Jobbinpr.
Butter , Kcssnnd rroiluco. GonilRiimentu solicited ,
llcadquitrtcrs for hlonetrnru , lU'rry Ilnxi't * nnd
Urupo Itaekel * . 1UI UaJgo street , Omaha.
StorapfO and CommiHilou Murchauts ,
tfpuolalllo * Uutlcr. rw + Uioow. I'o llr ) , Ounio ,
Oystcri , etc. , oto. 1US. illhSt.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and rrovltloni , Oniatm , Nob.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , nutter , Game , KiiilU. etc. 2M t ) . Htlist
_ Omnha Nuh , _
Coal ancf Lime.
U u. I' ' . I.AUACIM. I'rov C. F.OoiiDUAN , V. Pivt.
J. A. SCTNDtiu.A n , Bac. and Treas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
M South Thirteenth Streot. Omaha , Nob.
, / . , / . , /OMXIHOS a * co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And Shipper * of Conl ami Ooko. Cement , IMaitcr ,
Umo , Hair , Uro nrlck , nniln , Tlio imd gpwor 1'lpo.
Oftlce. I'.ixtou noU"l. Knrnnin nt. , Omnhk , Nob.
P7 irAY Ar
Mannfactnriuff Confectioners ,
Jobbcru of Fiulto , Nut6 nnd Clguis. 12111'ninani Bt.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cifyars , Tohncco ,
Qun End Ammunition , 215 to31 S llth St. , 1050 to
Wit FurnnDi Pt.Omitl , Ncb.
WEST < K FltlTUCJfElt ,
Jfanufacturcrs of Fine
And Wlioloinlo noulcre In Lcnf Tobnccos , Nos. 103
nnd HON. 11th street , Om a hn.
Dry Ooods.
M. E. SJUITf'tti CO , ,
Dry Goods , FiirniahiiurGooim & Notions
1103 and HOI Douk'lis. ror. llth St. , Omaha.Neb.
Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importe-a
nod Jul tcrsotVlQoaun.l Liquors.
CO. and JLKJt ct CO. ,
Importern and Jobbere of Kino Wines nnd Manors.
Bold innnufnaturcjrs of Kfunodi' ' Kmt Indlilllt-
ter ami Domcillc T.tquoTi. 1111 llnrnoy St.
Wholesale Dealers In Furniture.
Kurnain St. , Omaha , Net ) .
Furniture , BoildJns , Upholstery ,
Mlrrori.ete. IKi ; , 1203 and 1213 Karnam t. , Omabn ,
Groceries ,
litJf G
Wholesale Grocorieg anil ProvlsIniiH ,
Ko3.71C.7rn.700 < ihtl7HS.lCtliSt.mnlm.NBb. ( )
Wholesale Grocers ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , 8he t Iron , Fto , Awonli for Hovro Joul
niniiii. N U.
if. mtoATOir ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron mid fitpcl ,
Bprlns : W ron Rtnck , Haniwaro lumber , etc. lit !
and 1'Jll Junior it. , Uninlia.
EDNEY e GinnoN ,
Whole nlo Iron and Steel ,
Vr ( ton and CnrrlajB Wood Stock , Heaty Hirr < i f > ra
Ktc. 1.17 and 1 'J Learmiwurtti rt. , OUMH. ! Neb.
Htoyes , Ranges , Furnaces , Tilc ,
Mautlci' , Ur > t04 , limiGood * . LSI and ull r tnm
ttrc t.
Omaha Jobbers' Directory.
Iron Works ,
1'AXTON if
Iron Works ,
WMiicht und ra t Iron BfllMltis Work , Iron Ptnln ,
Itnllmi , ' . lloHms nntl Hlnlprn , fHonm Knitliivn. llr
Workli r T l .Tonnitry , Mitcblne n < l niitckrniliu
Watt. ooicoonJ\Vork > , U. r. Ur.aminiliMrpot.
II. K. SA n'
Maun fuctui'lusr Dealer in Snioko Stacks ,
Uiltchlnu , Tiink < , iid Horn-nil II
I in IHntiilm
OMAILI irntK P mot ? WOUKU ,
Manufartnron of
ivo and iron llailincrs , Desk Hails ,
Vlnclow ( ; unrd < , 1'lowcr ni nil , Wlro ? Un < . Hla
1-tN. HUH. Ordor. by mall pnuuptly altotidiHlto.
Dealer. . All Kind * of
Unildlnar Material at
Htli HtrMt nnd Union I'acUIQ Tract , Omnh .
" "
Denier in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Snsh ,
Kor , Kto. TarJj Corner 7th nnd Doutjlnsi CotuOf
Vth nnd Do
Wholesale Lumber ,
US. llth street , Oraahn , Nob. r.lVjlpoUcr , Minigor.
Uth and California Streets. Omaha , Nob.
L umber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Eto.
Cor.Ctn and nougln iti. .
Lumber ,
To Dealers Only.
Orao , UOJ Knrnnm itrcotOm ha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpots and Pnrqnpt Flooring. Bth and Douilaf
Wholesnlo Lumber , Kte.
Impart dl und Aracrlcnn I'ortlnnil Ccrucnt. ( Itatt
Agent lor MllwiuiVco llvtliaullc Ccuicut aud ucst
( julia'y while l.lnio.
Lira Stock.
Of Omaha.
Llmltad. Jolm V. lloyd , S'lporlntcndent.
Lire Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Oeo. Ilurkfi , .
Onion flock Vanls , 8. Omaha. Teltphono 6CT.
Lire Stock Coiuinission Merchants ,
3hlpmcnU of any and all kinds of Stock solicited.
_ Union Stock Vardu , Omnha. Nob.
Millinery and Notions.
liniorlori | nnd Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1215 and ! ! ! . ' Unrncy Stvott , Oraabii , Neb.
CO. ,
Wboloialu IleMors In
Notion ? and Furnishing Goods ,
< ( ll nntl < OJ B. Tenth 81. , Omnlm.
. . WsiNUL
Mjinufnetiirera of Overalls ,
Jeans I'ault , Slilils , Klc. 11(13mid ( 1101 Dou'jUs SlrooL
Oiiiahi , ffBli. *
Wlmlcsalo rajitii' Dealers.
entry ii nice Mods ot I'rlnlliiK , Wruiilin | | unit Wilt-
In * iiiipor , iiuonlliiii Blvuu lo cur loud or
onlOM , wlilclitvlll Ii3niliul ! | | aiioctfroiu mills. All
oruura will iciolra iiciinnal attoatlori. WoRiiur *
11 iitan goiil mioilt Hnl Ionprlo . llll nml 11110
Job Printers , Blank Book Makorar ,
And Hook Hinders. 1011 und 108 Houtli Fuurtoontb
street. Oniuhn.Neb.
Auxiliary rnblhdiors.
DaalonlaType , Proniat and lrlntors'Supplies. W3
Bomb T > TOl h Blrcot.
f K W . .wi..i.i..i.i-ii .i..i. ' . . - . .i. . . . ' . . , - . . , . fc. . . . - . . . . . . " . . N
Mantifncturpra nnd Dealers In
iifrlncs , toilers 6t General Machinery
Bbuut Iron work , Stcum I'umpj.Saiv Mills , Auma
Bbaftlnu , DoJirs Wood split Pulluys , Baltln . t %
Alsownvons , BCrapon.a
vcnwortlnt. Ouiuha
AVliolosalo Pumps , Pipe , Fittiiifyg ,
Btonm nml Water Huppllt < . Hcndquiirtcni for llosl
" ' ( Jocwls. llllliirmim si.Omnlm.Nob.
U. A' . W1NJ ) ENGINE and PUMP
llallndarWInd Mllist ptcam ind W&tor Pnppllei ,
I'lumblni ; oed < . lleltlnir. llixc. Dig nnd IW ) I' r-
mini ist. , Oninlin. N. K. Keltnn , Mummer.
'loluplmne No. ail ) .
A. L , STJiANG CO. ,
Pumps , Pipes and Ktifflncu ,
Btcam. Wnter , Hallway end Milling Hnpi > llfc , Kto ,
1EO , i undlBtKarnnin et.O-i.alia , Neb.
Safes , Etc.
3 '
Agents for Hairs Safe & Lock Co.s'
FIre nnd Ilnru'ar Proof S.ifos , Time T.nckt , VsinlU
nnd Jail Work. 103 ; Karnnra str t Omaha , N b.
Omaha Kafo Works.
Mnnufucturf rsof Klro und llarslar Proof Safes , Vnull
UuorD , Jull Workbliutiora und \Vlro Work. Cur.
lull unit Jiick im hta. , Oni&hn , Nub ,
i'nsA , Doors , Etc.
CO , ,
Wholosi-lo SMnnficturcrsof
Sash , Doora , Blinds anft
llnmcn caicc.niU mill lurd iti , (
Manufacturers , of Sash.Dotrs , Blinds ,
Monld'ncn.f'tnlrWorlcond lnt rorllard | Wood Finish
Just opened. N. K. cur. 8tb nnd Lcuvoawortu UM.
Johnstown , Neb ,
The bett accommodation ! for traveler * .
The lieu hotel in town. |
% F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor.
Lincoln , Neb ,
Tlio liosi known u nil must ponulnr liotclSlu
o eiato. Ldoullonc cijilrnlihi'iiulnlmoiiu ' Uist
class. Kontlijiturtbrs for rotnniurclal mon mid
all political and p'lhllo ( ntliofmirs.
K.I' . ItOtiUBX , Proprietor
" " " "
Fcliool , County anil City
We will pa ; hlzbuM price for same ,
Mmlo ntjo'v citrates , CnrronponUstio * pollene
. STULL B.BOS. . '