Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' * i * * , 'VfvTF * * rv ' 7rrwyiyF
. .
Delivered by currier In noy part of the city at
twenty cents per weak.
H. W. TILTOX. Manager.
Runrr EDITOH No. 23.
N. Y.Plumbinjs Co.
New spring goods atRelter's , tailor.
The city council meets to-morrow
Woodbine , Iowa , is preparing to have
a "deostrict skule1' entertainment.
Alderman Keller has generously
donated to the Fifth regiment band
twenty chairs to be used in their room.
Those who have boon complaining the
most bitterly about the want of rain are
among thu lirst to complain that thcro is
too much.
Petitions for cloven attachment stilts
nave been begun 111 thu district court
against James Niman , the recent lessee
of thoOgdcn house.
The tendency to make Pearl street an
alloy for the stores fronting on Main
street also , is again appearing. The
marshal should help stop the nuisance ,
if those more interested do not have
enough pride in the matter to stop it of
their own accord.
Justice Harnctt will on Monday decide
the motion to dismiss thu case against
Himlick for selling mortgaged property.
One of UK ; important questions involved
is concerning the vcnuu. It is claimed
that it is no ollcnsc for a man , who has
given a mortgage on his team , to drive
the team beyond the county lines. The
only penalty is that that the man holding
tlio mortgages can foreclose. It is claimed
that Uurdick drove out of the county in
nocently , having no intention to dispose
of the horses. Afterwards ho got into
some trouble , and whiles in another
county g.ive tip the team to another
party. It is insisted that there is no evi
dence that ho formed any intent in this
county to dispose of the property , and
that if ho did this in another county , ho
should bo tried in that county , and not in
this. The attorneys arc splitting some
fine hairs trying to settle the case.
The sheriff has concluded the inventory
of the furniture of the Ogdcn liousu , and
will the First of the week take the furniture -
ture out of the hotel. He is to retain
possession of it until tlio court orders
otherwise. It is understood that so soon
as the litigation is over the furniture and
the lease can bo got into proper shape ,
the owner of the building , Mr. Stout.who
is ! t gentleman of means and pluck , will
proceed to make improvements and will
cause the house to bo reopened in a man
ner which will cause it to bo the pride of
the city. Others claim that as the lease
docs not expire until August 1 , 18S9 , lie
cannot assume control of the building so
long as ho insists on the payment of the
rent up to the expiration of the lease.
The feeling is general that the Ogden
will bo speedily reopened , and that all
things will work together for the good of
the city , as well as those concerned.
Services and Sermons.
The following announcements are
made concerning the several churches of
the city.
Sermon topic in St. Paul's church
Morning : "Love the Fulfilling of
the iJuw. " Evening : "Is temptation
nPurt of ( Sod's Plan in the Moral Govern
ment of Man ? " You are cordially in
vited to attend. T. J. Mackay , rector.
Thcro will bo services in the Congrc-
. Rational church morning and cvonintr.
Children's day concert in the morning ,
preaching in the evening. A cordial
invitation is extended.
No preaching services at the Presbyte
rian church to-day. Sunday-school at
13 m.
Children's day will bo celebrated ap
propriately this morning at the Method
ist church. The exercises will consist of
- songs , recitations nnd readings by the
children and n brief address by the pas
tor. Topic in the evening : "The Power
of Noble Aspirations. "
Rev. J. L. Picrson will preach at the
United Brethren church at 8 o'clock this
evening. _
Commencing Sunday , Juno 19 , hot
morning train for Sioux City via hot
Sioux City & Pacific railroad will depart
daily from Broadway depot at 0:45 : a.m. .
arriving at Sioux City at 1:35 : p.m. , and
the evening train will arrive nt 0.50 p.m. ,
instead of 8:50 : p.m. as heretofore. Elkhorn -
horn Valley trains will depart at 7:10 :
a.m. nnd arrive at 8:50 : p.m.
Drs. Hnnchott & Smith , ofTico No. 12 ,
Pearl st. , residence 130 Fourth st. Telephone -
phone No. 10.
Personal Paragraph ! .
Mrs. Richard Rickctts is quite ill.
Deputy City Clerk John Burke IB back
from Sioux City.
E. C. ( Jlcason has gene to Brcckcn-
ridge , Colo. , on business.
Chief Tcmpleton , of the fire depart
ment , is home from Sioux City.
Mr. Parks , of St. Louis , an undo of
Gcorgo Parks , is visiting the city.
' Postmaster Thomas Bowman left last
evening tor Jancsvillo , Wis. , to attend
the races.
A. L. and M. C. Kaego are back from
Illinois , whcro they went to visit their
old homo.
Rov. Dr. Phelps , of the Presbyterian
church , ia absent from the city , having
been called to preach the baccalauruto
sermon nt the college commencement.
For a well made , finely finished and
lovely toned piano , see the Hardman.
Wo are satisfied they will please and vou
will buy no other. The Mueller Music
company endorse the guarantee given by
the factory.
The County Buys a Farm.
The county boara of supervisors yes
terday purchased a good farm for a pooi
farm. The three members from the casl
part of the county have boon quite anx
ious to locate the farm near Neola , while
the two others have preferred to have o
farm near Council Bluffs. There were
many reasons why the farm should be
be located near here , but the majority o !
the board was against it , nnd hence the
purchase was made. The farm thu ;
bought ii known as the Leonard place
consisting of ICO acres , nnd the price paid
la | 33 an aero. Possession cannotbo had
until next March , unless some arrange
ment is made with the roan who hai
leased it. The old poor farm was sole
by the county for about ton thousanc
| > Supervisors Underwood and Waiti
were chosen as n committee to sectionr/i
the old channel ot the Hover in Crescen
L , township , and have the old bed ot Hone :
IV Crock lake and other lands surveyed.
The board after the transaction of semi
other routine business adjourned.
Take Notice At the Bankrupt store 01
, Monday jfnuzo shirts will bo sold for 14i
I * and lawn ties 80c per dozen.
\ \ \ Cheeky Performance.
' ' Roland Reed's "Cncois" will be sbowi
m the opera house next Tuesday even
" ing , Few comedians ars so well kuowt
and few plays so popular. Mr. Reed ha :
KB mexhattstable supply of fun am
.comicalities. Those who cnioy heart ;
Uughs should bo out ia full force Tum
i y evening.
Shoving the Queer.
Last night a man giving his nnrno as
Rugger Slttimoro , was arrested for pass
ing counterfoil silver dollars on Main
Ills method was to enter a store and
ask for a 5-ccnt clpar and lay down a
silver dollar. After visiting the candy
and cigar store at No. 101 Main street ho
went into Shopurd's drug store
and then to McAtco's grocery.
At McAtce's they discovered the
money to bo counterfeit and John Mul-
queen , who is a clerk there , went in
search of the man. Ho found him in
Throll & Kracht's groccrv , corner of
Seventh avenue , and held liiin until the
arrival of the police.
On reaching the jail nearly $3 in
change was found upon the prisoner be
sides a couple of counterfeit dollars. Ho
is apparently an Italian.
The milling and dale , 1880. of the coin
are blurred , the rest of tlio die being well
defined. It has an oily feeling , rings
well , and is very liable to deceive , al
though of light weight. Ho claims ho
had a f 5 bill , and a conductor of a street
car gave him these dollars in change.
The Junes Case.
Judge Carson listened patiently yester
day to lengthy arguments on the motion
for a new trial in the case of Jonathan
Jones. The case is taken under advise
ment. Colonel Scott , of Omaha , appeared
for Jones , and made ono of his telling
speeches , covering the dry bones of logic
and law with ruddy , pleasing , healthy
ilcsh. He is one of the few men that can
argue a motion before a court in so inter
esting a manner as to cause
outsiders to wait to hear him through ,
and yet not weaken his argument
by a waste of rhetoric or nourishes. One
of the grounds on which the motion for anew
now trial is based , is that of newly discov
ered evidence. Jones' attorneys claim
that on account of the mental imbecility
of Jones , they were able to get fe\v sug-
pubtions and little information from him.
They now learn that his father , now dead ,
was insane for live years before his death ,
and that a cousin has been insane for ten
years. In a now trial , with this evidence
before a jury , the cla'm ' of insanity might
bo viewed entirely different.
Another Warrant For the Pair.
The two saloon informers are promised
a warm reception when * they roach this
side of the river , if they ever do como
across. The habeas corpus proceedings
have not been decided in the Omaha
court , but a decision is expected the iirst
part of the week. Both prohibitionists
and saloonists here arc preparing for the
event of their release in Omaha. It
seems that the saloon men have planned
to have them arrested on n charge the
moment they stop upon Iowa soil. There
is an information liled in 'Sfjuirc Bigg's
court , charging the pair with perjury.
On the other hand , the prohibitionists
are preparing to keep possession of this
precious pair , if they can get hold of
them again. They have caused an in
formation to be liled in Justice Barnett's
court , charging them with carrying
concealed weapons. It is conjectured
that the two informers prefer to bo in the
hands of the prohibitionists , rather thau
to fall into the hands of the saloon men.
It is a question which warrant will bo
served served first , when the two inform
ers stop upon this side of the river again.
On the part of the saloonists it is under
stood that an ofliccr will o in readiness
to arrest them the moment they step off
the tram at the transfer. The plan of
the other party seems to bo to have an
officer right with them , and the moment
they pass the state line , on the train , the
warrant from Judge Harriott's court is to
bo served , and they will bo hold on
that charge at least until they can have
an opportunity of giving their evidence
in the cases which are set for the 13th.
With a warrant to hold them it is ex
pected that the informers will not bo in
condition to bo frightened away by the
threatened prosecution for perjury.
As another move to hold tlio men and
bring them to this side , or to get them
out of the clutches which retain them in
Nebraska , an information has been tiled ,
and a warrant placed in the hands of the
sheriff at Omaha , charging them with
being fugitives from justice. The contest
over thcsn two men seems to bo narrowed
down to about this. The saloon men
want to keep liiom in Nebraska , and prevent -
vent their coming to this city , while the
prohibitionists are equally anxious to get
them out of Nebraska. If they come over
hero the saloon men arc prepared to pinch
them hero , having several charges ready
on which to prosccuto them. The
attorneys for the parties concerned
are at present having their con
test in the Omaha courts , where the
cases have been pending for a week or
more. It is said that the saloon men
have n largo number of charges to bring
Against them in Omaha , ana they pro
pose to keep them there on the gridiron
as long as possible. At the same time , if
they do not succeed , and the men como
to this side , then the prosecutions hero
bccin , The saloon men feel pretty well
Satisfied M aio \ worth of the testimony
of those twi5 men 15 pretty well shattered ,
and they point with satisfaction to the
fact that the prohibitionists brand the
two witnesses as fugitives from justice.
On the other hand the prohibitionists
claim that if the saloon men are no cer
tain that these two men will not bo be
lieved in court , they should not bo afraid
to have them como over hero and appeal
before the judge who has the cases in
A. Prohibitionist's Trouble * .
Another sensation is caused in tbo wni
upon the saloons. M. K. Smith , a well
to do farmer living near LoMars , has beer
cuthusiastlo in the cause of prohibition
and has employed men to visit saloons
gather information by buying drinks
Lately ho has been personally at wort
in this county. A number of case :
have been brought against saloons in this
county. The two Oakland justices
seem to bo having most of thu cases , anil
are reaping a harvest of foes. Fifteen
cases were 'brought again ? !
a man named Meggers , o !
Avoca , who claims to run i
temperance billiard hall. Smith was tin
only witness against him. and swore thai
ho drank beer in his place. Megger *
claimed that it was mineral water , urn :
other witnesses testified that they had
tried to get brer there but couldn't.
Attorney Converse appeared as h <
claimed in behalf of Colonel Daily , th <
county attorney , and prosecuted the case
Fremont Benjamin was the attorney toi
the defendant. Meggers was convictei
by a jury and fined $100 , from which he
Yesterday Smith came to Avoca , anc
was at once arrested on the charge ol
having perjured himself in the trin
at Oakland , Meggers tiling the informa
tion. Smith waived examination , and wn
put under f 1,000 bonds. The ofliccr
Drought him to this city and lodged hin
in jail. A bond was approved last evening
ing , and as Smith was released from
jail Deputy Sheriff O'Neill served anoth
cr warrant on nim for assault and batter :
and again locked him up. The warran
was issued by an Avoca justico. It bein )
Saturday uicht the deputy sheriffinsistci
that ho could not take him out to Avoc
until Monday , and that in the rneiu
time ho would have to remain in jail. I
seems like a well laid scheme to triv
Smith a smell of the jail into which he I
zealously pushing others. The trcatmen
of Smith aroused great indignatloi
among tbo prohibitionists , and they ha !
tencd to get bonds arranged for Hmith' '
As a side ahqw of the Bmlth affal
another case has started up. W. H. Shll
ing of Avoca , in talking to Smith waxed
very warm , and perhaps indulged his
tongue a little too freely m abusing Smith
before A crowd. Smith has commenced a
slander suit against Shilling , fixing dam
ages at f 10,000.
At 10 o'clock last night Smith was
brought up from jail to blm'3 law office
by Deputy Sheriff. O'Ncil ) whilst a hack
was s6nl after Judge Carson. The pro
hibitionists present were UV. . Tullcys ,
Henry DeLonc , A. Ovcrton. O. O. St ,
John , C. H. Smith , 11. Kellcy.
The county attorney. Colonel Daily ,
Attorneys /ink and blms , and the HKE
reporter completed the company. The
bond of Smith was fixed by Judge Car
son at $300. This bond was t'lvcn ,
signed by Colonel Tullcys and Henry Do
Long , and Mr. Smith ouco uioro breathed
the free air.
Another New Church.
The contract for the now German Cath
olic church is to be let to-morrow. The
building is to be 47x100 feet , of brick , and
of Gothio architecture. The church , while
not one of the largest , will be ono of the
handsomest in the city. The location is
on the corner ot Pierce and Bluff streets ,
the ground having a frontage of 155 feet
on cacli street. The property was bought
of Capt. L. Kirscht , who sold the society
the lots for 91,100 each , and donated one-
half lot , there being two and a half lots
in the piece. It is expected that the
church will bo ready for occupancy by
Christmas. The ladies of the church
have the honor of being the originators
of this enterprise , and its success will bo
duo largely to their efforts. A long lime
ago they began giving socials , and in other
ways securing small sums of money , the
start seeming to be an almost hopclo sone ,
but yet the faith of the women , with her
true devotion , never ( lagged during all
the discouragements. From these littles
n fund of about eight hundred dollars
was raised. When Bishop Cossrove was
here tu lay the corner stone ot the now
St. Xavicr's church , a separation was
made between the two nationalities , and
the German Catholic church was organ
ised. Father Wessolinjj has been called
here as pastor. He has been occupying
the chair of Greek and literature in the
St. Benedict's college in Atchison , Kas.
He has been here but little over a month ,
but rapid progress has been made. Thu
bishop donated 'JI.OOO from the proceeds
of the sale of the Catholic property here ,
provided the members would rai an
equal amount for the building. Alieaily
there has been secured from seventy-live
families of the church $4,000 , and there
seems no reason why the work cannot
bo pushed forward to a speedy and hiic-
cesstul completion. The German Catho
lics are quite cnthuiastic , and arc giving
generously , and others will help them
gladly in securing this new place of wor
ship , which will be of public benefit.
Them is murh praise to bo given to I ho
ladies , who when others saw no hope per
sisted so nobly in their efforts to get the
starting fund.
It is not the first instance in the history
of the city , in which the women wens the
originators of worthy enterprises. Those
who know the history of the beautiful
St. Paul's church , in which the city takes
such pride , need not be told that ir it had
not boon for the \rork of women , their
devotion and faith , that elegant iiousc of
worship would not now bo standing ,
Excelsior lodge No. 2 ! 9 A. F. and A.
M. , will hold its regular communication
next Monday evening , Juno 13. Visiting
brethren cordially invited. By order
W. M.
Tbtonly road to take for DCS Moines Mar-
ibnlltowa , C dar Itnpldj , Clinton , Dlzoa. Chica
go , Milwaukee and all points cant. To the people
ple of Nebraika , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and Cali
fornia , it offers superior advantages not powl-
Me by any other line.
Among a few or the numerous , point ! of iu-
pcriority tnjoyod by the patron * of this
between Otnana and Chicago , are Iti two tralni
nday of DAV COACHES , which are the finest
thut human art and Imrnmilty can create. IU
PALACE BU5BPJNGOAKS. which are model *
of enrafort and elegance. Its PA HUM DHAW-
INU KOOM CARS , unsurpassed br any. and Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OARS
the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere
At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union Paclflu
Hy. connect in Union Depot with thos * of thu
Chicago & Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the
trains of this line make close connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , Nlagarb/alls , Buffalo. PltUburir.Toronto ,
Montreal , Boston , New Yoric. Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington and all points m the
east , ask for a ticket via tbo
If you wtah the best accommodation. All ticket
ngentt Ml ) tickets via this line.
UenU Manager , GenL PaMt Agent
Cg °
Wettern Agent. , City Pasa'r Agent.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Chicago , Milwaukee &SI , Paul Rj
Tlie Best Route from Omaha ami
Council Bluffs to' .
Two Tiains Daily Between Omaha anc
Council Bluffe
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidi
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , . Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madiion , Janesville ,
Heloit , Winona , La Crose ,
And all other Important points East , Nortbess
and Southeast.
For through tickets call on tbo ticket neon
at 1401 Farnam et , In Paxton hotel , or at Unloi
1'aciflo depot.
rullman Sleepers and toe finest Dining Car
In the world are run on the main line of tbi
Chicago. Milwaukee At St. Paul Hallway and ov
cry attention Is paid to passengers by courte
ousemployees of the company.
1L Ma.t.EK. ueneral Manager.
J. F. TrcKCR. Assistant (1 corral Manager.
A. V. It UuwMtTgR , General Passenger an <
Ticket Agent.
QEO. B. JlnrroRD. Assistant General Fasten
ger and Ticket Agent. '
J. T.CLAB , General Superintendent.
Ab other house in this state can
show such < t largc and complete
stock or give the prices we quote in
this list. A wholesalestocltamount
ing to $175,000 to be sold at less
than wholesale prices.
Good unullty I'l'lntu , Ac , 3c and Ac
j > cr yttrd.
] lci > t quality Sltlt'tinfi and Jrcss
I'rliits , .s c/t an Men linac , Cltocv-
cocn , Aliens , AinerlciiniiKichmoHds ,
etc. , at .5c. A'oW clactvhci'c at tic and
American Sateens , yard wtdcIOc.
Imported Sateens , l > c , XOc and
and Dress Pci-calc * , tic ,
7c , Sc and 10e. Jieijular price J5c
to 23c.
Thousands of pieces to t > clert from
In both Imported , and domestic
goods ,
AI 'OII Glnyltams , uc and < ic.
Dress Ginghams , Jc and fie.
Renfrew * , Lancas crs , JTorman-
dics , Amoskaijs , and other brands
at Sc and lOc. >
Imported Ginghams , 12\c \ uj-
wards , of which we 'have a yreat
variety. ' '
Crinkled Seersuckers in plaids ,
stripes , combinations and chain-
brays , 5c , 7c , Sc , We , 12c and lOf ,
Cheviots and Shirtings from Sc
upwards. A full and complete line
always on hand.
llrown sheetings and Muslins , 4c ,
Yard wide Lawrence , "L. L. " and
other brands , Sc.
Jtast yard wide Indian Head
Sheeting , Gc , TcandSc.
Brown and Bleached Flllow. Case ,
S-4O-4 , W-4 , 12-4 , at less than
ever before.
Bleached Muslin , yard wide , 5c.
Lonsdale and similar brands ,
yard wide , Gjc to T'jc.
If'ainastitt , Pride of West and
other brands , lOc to lic.
A discount given to piece lots.
Lams and White Goods
from 3c Upwards.
Latest Styles Domestic and Im
lVL4lUImL\l OiiJUL
On Monday , June 6th ,
Of all Kinds of Dress and Wash
Goods , at almost any price.
S3TJerseys. Wraps Suits , made
tip Dresses , etc. , ' \ iuq are selling
cJtcapcr tluin ever.
& CD'S.
Ik 314,316,318 , , and 320
Bpeclal advertisements , such as Lost , Found
o Loan , For S.ilo , To Rent , fliMitj , Bonrdintr ,
etc. , will bolnsortetl In this column at the loir
rateof TEN CENTS PEH LTNE for the nrstlusof
on and /I vo Cents Tcr Line for each subsequent
njortlon. I/euro advertisements nt our oflico
Nn. 13 Tcarl sticct , near Uroadwnr , Council
FoH SALK-Or Trade Six sections of Rood
land In Lincoln countr. Neb. on 1) . P.
nllwuy. Cull on or address Udell llros. it Co , ,
OJ I'earl at.t Qoiinull
\\7ANTKI ) A gooil girl for penornl liouso
T T work. Apply at 70J Sixth avenue.
WANTED A youngmnn of about 19who
resides at homo. Kn < iulro ot Itudis &
Ycniwlno aflho Miinliatlnn.
floTl Itfik'T Klco fmnVlioa room near the
lOH Itr.NT House of Qrc rooms. Apply ut
215 Franklin street.
WANTT.D At once , n cnrrlapo trimmer nt
Hnltcnhftuur's , Council lllulla.
\\7ANTED Woman cook nt once at Homo
restaurant , No. 337 llroadwny : nlso peed
lining room girl. Good wages. Mrs. W. 1) .
Y Into- _
l < r JunoB , 1NS7 , on the promises or
XiAKKN subscriber , ecu. 11 iind 12 , Unrncr
ownshlp , i'ottumiittnmlo comity , Iowa , knonit
is the old Voohls place , ono dark brown liorso
ibout 7 years old. The owner Is requested to
irovo property , pay charges and take It away.
Juno 7. litfT. II. H. WltlQHT.
WANTP.D A good plrl ( or ( cencral house
work In small Inmlly.liberal wnes will bo
> nld. Inquire at IMsuman's l'coplo'8 store or
it No. IJI 1'ark iivcmio.
A situation with eomo wliolesaol
firm as traveling salesman nr assistant
lookkeenor. Addrvdg W. ( j. No. 100'J Chicago
street , Omaha.
The finest of driving horses always on
land and for sale by
Council Binds , Iowa.
Established 1657.
Justice o ± the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards
Uiondwuy , Council UlulTs.Opp. Dummy Depot
= 3
§ 5
Horses and mules kept constantlyon
hand , for sale at retail or in car loa. d
Orders promptly tilled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SHLUTKU & HOLKY , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 11
Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables , corner
1st. avo. and -1th st
Attorneys at Law ,
cticc inThe State and Federal Court !
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
lu Amber ,
etc.Hair Or
nanicnts , as
well as the
newest nov
elties in hair
Hair goods
madeto order
Mrs. C. L. Gillette
20 Jlftin St. . Council Bluff * , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
NO. 23 MAIM ST. ,
Engineer , Surveyor , MapPublisher
Over Jffo. 12 North Main St.
City and county maps , of cities and counties
n western Iowa , Nebraska and Kansas.
Specially nUtllUd for
Medicinal U e.
f ton In Cbltf , Nation * ! Quart
of N.J. , rltM :
"Mr itUnUoa WM railed M
Tour K j ton Mklt Whbk jr bj
Kr. IJilor , Dmiftit , Trenton
ind I h t uitl a few bo'.tiH
with br tttur tfftet than nj }
lint b > d. I am rromm n < Uni
your artlclt In my prwtlM , aM
find II very atMaetory. "
( rpTkt draiUt kM tk < Slnltm *
riMlBfil t ! Irttll. < " > ' L xl-
( * ! * | t u br ttt I'.H )
818.818 and SSO Rat * 81 , Philadelphia. Pa.
odrann DrugCo. Qenl.ARents.Oraahu
Hcbra ka.
" - I M HV
Special Bargains !
Beginning Monday , June 13 , at
Parasols at greatly reduced prices to close
the season's stock.
Black Lisle Thread Hose , good ones at 26c.
The present invoice of this splendid
bargain is nearly sold.
Remnants of Dress Goods and Silks at
prices to clean the counters.
Ginghams , Seersuckers and White Dress
Goods in a very great variety ,
We are headquarters for Carpets of all
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
o. cr.
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council IIIiitlN Olllco , Itlnsoulc
Temple. Onmlia Olllcc , No . 111
IV'ortli 10th strcel.
Particular attention given to Investing -
vesting . funds for non - resi
dent * Special bargain * In . lot * A ;
acre property . In Oinalia A. Coun
cil Blum. . Correspondence solic
Steam , Gas and "Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa
Mail Orders Ship pe d Prom ptly.
Has a complete line of
r i i IMP
niw MIIIIL , ,
Largohntslnwlilto , black nnd nil colors. 'Pat-
Urn bonnets , hilts and torjiics , a specialty.
No 1511 Douglas St. , Omaha.
It. It ICE , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knile or Drawing o
O\er 80 vears Practical experience.
No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
, ,
Vacant Lou. Land * , City lloilloncoi nnd
Knims. Aero property In western tmrt of tlty.
All tollliiff cheap to raako room fur i'rnf ! ilork
i Real Estate & Insurance Agent , j
' ' llnnlt , Coui 9
Hoom 6 , orer Officer * I'ueey'e
N. SVUUltX ,
Justice of the Peace.
Oflico over American Express.