Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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XWm A Gigantic Move to the Front
i _ ,
/ f I * J
f. . .
/1 A "DTJ T Tf * *
. , . A.Jtt. ling loose anil removing the mil cons matter nnd will clnnr the Head , Throat , Bronchial Tubes ntul Lungs , In n few mm *
ifa&z- tiles. Ac single application gives immodhito rcliof in Cold * . Ctttnri'h , lli'onchltls , ILi\i \ fever. Croup , JS'i
I' ' % & - „ he , Sore Throat , anil Is used in connection with our "DKUKLLA'iOH" Treatment is warranted to euro every
' t\ & = : CT.JC. Athina and nil hum troubles relieved in live mliiutds and ctiral in uchrly every case. The "Carbolic Smolc"
M-s rte iV will remove Iho local troubles nnd tlio "Drliclla1o > ' ' ( a j.urely vpjjetablo treatment ) , will cleans the Liver , Cure In-
Vfej/ | | S | W&OiV digestion , llcyulntc the Bowels , Vurlfy the Blood , nnd drive outof the system all trace of disease. Houicmbcr it Is
J J3fj { ? * ' 2 - - - * &
This great romcdinl agoul , formulated nnd thoroughly tested by its originator ( tin eminent physician ) while actively engag
. ed in the special practice of Head , Throat nnd Lung Diseases , extending over n period of thirty years , on bcinfrplnceiTbo-
ANOUL. OK HEALTH fore the people in its present form the embodiment of simplicity sprang at once into popular favor by the wonderful
cures obtained from its use.
K . Tim " SMUICK tlAKUl. ] " ovnuumus UISUASU.
,000 That These Testimonials are Genuine. $1,000
Carbolic SinoKn Ilnll Co. Guntlomcn : I hnvo
been nccmMtuit sullerer from cut mill forthu
Init llvo yours. I Imvo trlcil ninny i einedlcs that
rlnlmeil u Hiiro euro but rerolvod nobonoflt
from iiny or tliimi. My bend iittlmta would bo-
roiiiu so stopped 11 p with mucous mutter Mint It
wns Impostlhlo for tno to lirnntlio through my
noslrlK My sleep wn also Inoucn by choking
scnuntlon cixupcil by thu dropping of the mu
cous mnttorlnto Iho throat. 1 Hist rccalvrd
free test of jour. Smoke Hall some three months
IIKO , mill was surprised to llnd that U cleared
my head In n four mlnutijs , and pnvo wonderful
rcllcft I then purchiiiMl n tmll which I Imvo
boon uslnjf dnco , nnd cun imw f-uy honestly
nuil truthtnlly , that I um entirely cured. I sloop
well at night , hnvo u Kood npiictlto and feel
llko n now man Vour * truly ,
N j\vfojf : IIALV , .
Wllli Omufift lleptibllcnn.
Sub'ci Hied In my presence nnd sworn to bul'oro
mo this Mill duvof May , 17.
ISKAI , ! W. \ \ ' . KUysolt , Notary Public.
OMAHA , Neb. , March ai , if > 37. RVOKU H.M.I , ro.-Oontlomen : I
Imvo used your Cut-holla Rmojjo Hull for on-
tnrrh , coldi , c-te. , iinil llnd fioni o\purlnnco
thnt It Blvos Immodlmo lellot In all such
troubles ; bolnir uppliuij by Inhnlatlon , It nut-
umllv reaches the xcnt or Ihn disease , rcmov *
IIIK Iho mucous mutter , illslnloctlmr nnd liunl *
Inif thodHeiiPcd inotnbrnnoa In n short time. 1
bullovo It to bo n wondortul incdluul discovery ,
nnd Uko ploniitro In ciidorMm- . I nin n ( 'rm- !
unto ot the university Pennsylvania Modlcnl
ColloKo.of 1'hllndo.lphla , whloh Ian Ktmrmitco
of my nuthoilty nnsubli subject * .
Yoiiis very truly ,
\Y. II. , M. I ) . D. 1) . S. ,
IW1 S. nth stioet , Council lllullH , In.
Buhscrlbod In inyjirosoncouiid sworn to boloto
this Uitluluyol Mniclt , 1KST.
JAMKrf ! ' . MOUTON ,
ISKAi/l Notary IMbllc.
1 t
Tiia Missouri Pacific and B. & M , Preparing
to Invade New Territory.
Hostilities A ain Renewed In the
Marlon-Berry Row A. Bold ,
Bad Man Capital City
The recent railroad movements in cen
tral Nobrasks portend a war for the
future , ' or at least a cloud somewhat
larger than a man's baud is already on
the borizonr Whoa the Missouri Pacific ,
sot its grade stakes in nearly a Uay.nnd
located and commenced work upon its
llnoifrom Talmadgo to Crete , it was evi
dent that It was a sjnrpriso to the BM. . ,
(9r ( it paSsed diro'cUy through u section of
country in which the latter road had en
joyed eminent , domain for years. The
Missouri Pacillc is now at work upon this
line nnd has all right of way secured ,
with depot grounds in Crcto , and it was
further understood by the recent acts of
their company that more 1) ) . & M. terri
tory was to bo invaded by the Missouri
Pacific people in a very short tine. To
check thcso Inroads , the H. & M. has
secured the entire right of way fora line
from Crete to Milford and the last work
of this character that secured the way be
fore the road was finished yesterday. It
is evidently the Intention of theB. . & M.
people to bmld this line At once and in
that way precede the Missouri Puoiu'c in
gathering in territory out of. the art that
would otherwise bo captured by its rival.
The Fremont Continuous Kiln com
pany , of Fremont , Neb. , lias filed its arti
cles of incorporation witli the secretary
of state. The company will manufacture
brick and terra , cotta , tiling , drain pines ,
nnd they have a capital stock of 130,000
for'tho management of the plant and the
business. The gentlemen forming the
corporation nre tlio Continuous Kiln com *
of Omahti , Manloy Rogers , K. II.
Btny , Scrouo U. Colson , Edward
lllowltt , Howard & Uothwoll. A. Chris *
tiauson , N. M. Hanson , J , W. I-ovo , C. U.
Toncmy , Kay Nye , General W. E. Dor-
sct , H. Archer , L. P. Larson. Meyer &
Sonumcn , T. F , .Quick , 1) ) . F. Morohonso ,
L. II. Rogers and Jnmcs Raiding.
Ttc management of the Crete Chautau-
qua assembly grounds are at work at
tempting to interest tholi. & M. in'a work
that would bo eventually profitable to
both nnd of much bouofit to tno assembly.
At the entrance to tlio assembly grounds
there is a Mghtly location that is every
way eligible for a hotel silo. What the
nis mbly people would like woull bo for
the road to interest itself to the extent of
putting a 100-room hotel nt that point
that would bo. through the summer
mouths , a popular place for a few days'
recreation. There is nothing of the kind
in the state , and it ought to pay , whoever
undertaken it.
The Marvin-Borry cosu that was tried
In the district court a few days ago , in
which Rorry was charged with attempt
ing to kill Marvin , is again renewed tills
soon after the defendant was lucky
enough to go free , The renewal of hos
tilities , as stated , Is that Kerry nnd her
son wont to Marvin's house when ho was
nway and took almost the entire contents
in the furniture line awny with thorn.
Marvin , assisted by an otUoor and a
warch warrant , secured the property
igntn from the' ccrrya , nut U came nnorly
OMAli \ < Neb. . April ' "J , 1897.
C.innnuc SHOIU : llu.i , Co.-Ocntlomen :
Fomo tlrao nto you Induced mo to try your
Sinoko Hall. Atthotlmo t had a child sutler-
Inif with n very bad whoopingcoUKh. Ho eoutd
hardly Ho down , aa It brotiKht on Htiiinuiilntiou
liom the phlegm , itnil In his cllorls to throw elf
thH Ptrln y iihleirm ho wns constantly vomit *
IIIK his fooil HE fast ns taken In. 1 nmdo him
lulmlu the mnoko fiom the ball thteo times fni-
u duy , nnd Insklo of 49 hours broke the cough
up. I'loin the start the rmokc altcreil the cltar-
nctcr of the secretions , they beetimo lee u ninl
easily thrown elf In the form ol mutter , and
thu rlilld tccovorcd fully III n lew dajs. Siuco
that 1 hnvo u od the Snioko Hull In my fnuillv
for all ordlnnrr colds , for which It ulvc-3 InUuut
relief nnd a speedy cure Ik'spccmilly , &o. ,
n. II. iir.iCMCH ,
fonnnUslon Morchnnts , bOI , fOI. bOS , 807 Howard
SuliscrlbeJ In my presence and s urn to bo this
22nd duy ot April , 18S7.
UIUL.Iv w. IClIVSOIt , Notary Public.
OMAHA , Neb. , March I , 18 7.
CVKIIOUU BMOKK DAM. Co. ( lentlomen : I
purchased one of ) our Caibollu Hmolto Hulls
I.ilt Junuuryut Kast St. l.ouU , III. , wm stiller-
Intf nt the Biuno tlmo with a sovoio case of
nasitl ciilniih , iind continuous dropln'H | ( of
miiuoug matter Into the throat. 1 vrns ulso sub
ject tu glcU hendacho , whloh troubled me a
Brent dual. 1 hayo used your ii'imdy faith-
Hilly nnd according to dlicctlons , and nm on-
tli-ely cured. Youis truly ,
li. II. MIJ1TAUT,2.,12 Jones street.
SubsetIbfd and sworn to before mo this ISth
ilny ol'Mniuh. 18S7.
ISIAU ] I. A. IlltADlUCIC , Notary Public.
OMAHA , Nob.March , 5 , IS17.
C.MinoMO SMOKI : ll\i.r , Co. , Onmha , Neb.
Oontlcmen : I take plentnire In lecommcndlnv
vour remedy , the Cnrbollu Hmoko Itnll , for 1
bcllevo It has saved my Hie. I have boon
tioublod for yours with what was considered to
bo an Incurable case ot Catarrh. Have bcon
under tieatment of several well known physi
cians of Omulm , but could rocelvo no relief
fiom them. My condition continued to grow
> \oirfe , until nt last tlio disease begun to eat
through the mombinnos of my nose and mouth ,
making the breath very offensive , nnd causing
sovoial pieces of decayed bone to caniu from
my mouth. I had given up all hopes of over
locolvlnjf n euro , but decided to try your rem
edy tor a relief I not only lorolved relief ,
but am happy to stntu that I am almost entire
ly cuiod. I Imvo locn using- the remedy now
for about two months : my general health 13
much Improved , and I nm sutlslled that the
Smoke Hall will entirely curn mo. Veiy ro-
spi-ctfully , MUS. 0. A. NEWMAN ,
Itos. Cor. 27th nnd Cumin ? streets.
OMAHA , Nob. , Jan. 8,1337.
CARnniiio SMOKK HAM , < ; < > . Oontlonion : I
hnvo used your Carbolic Smoke Hall for eolds
and sere throat nnd tlnd It to bo an Infallibly
remedy for such troubles. A'oura truly ,
Southeast corner DoUgo and lith ! streets.
OMAHA , April IS , lS7. BMOKE flAM. Co Gents : 1 Imvo
used your Smoke Hall to great ndvnntugp tor
henduohc.eolds nnd catnrrlinl alToctlous. from
which I huvo bcon a sufferer for n considerable
period. In every ease relief has bocn prompt
and to-day I nm entirely free Irani such ail
ments. For such cages the Snioko Hall Is all
you claim tor It. Yours truly ,
0. W. SMITH , 1'rop. Heal Estate Gazette.
Subset Ibcd In my presoneo and awora to before
me this 10th day of Apill , 1S87.
[ SEAL ] Notary Public.
being another free-for-all before they
were secured. This latest case is now in
A nvi > MAN.
The papers at the locality whore the
event Occurred anil in this city are busily
engaged at the present time in turning
over R chap named Victor A. JSoblo , who
is a resident of Johnson county , but who
has been teaching over the line in Gage
county. It is alleged that this man after
gaining the good will of the little girls in
the school amused himself by drawing
the most indecent and lascivious pictures
and writing fond letters , which he gave
them. When his work was discovered
bo was tired immediately from the school
and from the presence of the enraged
J.G. Stock well , who owns and operates
a. brickyard near the city , will on'Monciuy
evening ask the oity council tor the right
to pavu a portion of a street at his own
oxtionso , to test brick pavement.
J. L. McKenzlo has the past few days
been conducting a school of instruction
iu Odd Fellowship at that society's hall ,
nnd Friday ovenlns members of the
order in Lincoln presented him with an
elegant gold-headed cane nnd'a diamond
pin. IJp will dopavt from the oity in a
nappy frame of mind , with substantial
gifts to remind him of his visit' .
lu the district court tlio trial of Land
lord Hooney , of the Iowa house , lias
bocn in progress and Rooney has boon
cleared , liis oll'enso was shooting at
employes in the Now Republic printing
v Doom. who hns bcon pitching for the
Lcavonworths , has been purchased by
the Kansas City club for f 1,700 and ar
rived in Lincoln yesterday to play with
his now club. Lawrence , who has plaved
thus far this Reason with the Llncolns ,
lias been released and goes to the St.
A party named George Donsmoro has
bcon wanted for some time for an assault
committed on P. Coursey Richards in
Ai > nl.i IIo was discovered In the oity
Friday by an ofllcor and taken to Judge
Brown's court nnd lined $5 and costs.
An employee at the Windsor house
named Meyera was discovered by J.
Schwartz , u traveling salesman , in his
room with his1 samples , evidently on a
thieving expedition , In attempting to
escape and avoid arrest ho assaulted
Schwartz , but was'arrested nnd lodged
In Jail. Yesterday ho hart his trial , out
escaped with n line for assault 03 there
was no proof of his getting any good- * .
On the university campus Monday ,
commencidg At 0 n. m. , occur thu annual
Hold day snorts and contest * for prizes iu
this lino. These exercises will occupy
too day and are arranged as follows.
I. Running rac . 100 yards. Prize , bcsi
Dunlsp hat , given by W. K. Dennis.
3. Jumping , boat standing Hi in p. Prl/.e ,
an athlete sulr , by Kler.
a Wrestling mateh-ttrrt round.
4. Wuellbairow race. Prlie , set of Rollin-
son's Ancient Monarchies , by A. T. Lemlng
5. 1'ac of war * freshmen ts. juniors ; and
Boptioiuoies vs. seniors ,
C. Sack race. Prize , pair of wigwam slip-
, by Yale DriK
7. LOUR run , two-thirds of a mile. Prize ,
PODKOU silk coat and vest , by ilurlbut & Co.
8. 'Ihrowlnir match. Prlie , leather bourn
Shakespeare , by Kawell.
t . WrentllnR Bccoud round.
10. Tug of war between the best two teams.
U. Wrestllne match third round. Prize ,
Mommsen's Home , by U.V. . Urowu.
li Potato1 race. Prize , novelty : > Oxford
tippedfcuws , by webrter 4 Inlieoe , 101'J O
is. liasoball. University team vs. Lincoln
II. Decisions of JuCUcs.
The reform city administration cnn do
a little good work if it will reduce the
nuuibor of atroet fakir * who are ulnios
daily licensed to swindle the public
This may bo too practical work tor the
mayor , but ho rniglnUry it.
Mendelssohn & Lswrie , architect. D
L. Shane , superintendent.
OMAHA , Nob. , Jim. 4,1887.
SMOKE UAI.L Co. tentlomon : 1
wisn to express to you tnjr fullest roininendn-
tlon of the merits nt your Sinolto Hull. It hns
cured my c.Unrrh eonipletely. I bcllovo It to bo
the tfreatost medical discovery of iho nse , Olvo
mo some of your circulars nnd I will distribute
them o the road for you. Very truly ,
Trn\ollnj ? snlesman Churchill Pump Co. , 1111
1'urnaln Etrcot ,
OMAHA , Nob. . Doc. 27.18JO.
CAIIDOMC SMOKI : IIAI.II Co. ( lontlomcn :
Vour rahiiblo reraody , "Varbollc Smoke , " us
applied throiiKh your Caibolle amoko Hall , hiss
beun used In my lainlly und has ullvi'ded Immo !
dlntc. relief from he.iducho , cold and catarrh.
Infaot.lf pvopoilr nppllod , I consider It nspecl- '
tlo for tboso complulnts , nnd 1 behove It will
ijuroimr diica < o of the mucous membrane thnt
can bo . Inhalation. VouM.tiulv ,
c. c. runny.
Trunk manufacturer 140flDouila8 stioot.
OMAIM , Nob. , Jan. 5,1837.
CAnnoLic SMOKE HAW , Co. , Uniahu. Noo.
Onntlemen : Vour Carbolic Smoke Hall U in
deed n wonderful remedy. It has cuied mo of
n very severe c.iso of catarrh nnd trouble ,
from whloh I have sutlerod for Fomo tlmo. If
this statement will bo of any sorvlco to jou U30
It ns you FCO proper. Yours truly ,
1'ojtul Clerk U. 1' . K. 1L F. W. VAILM : .
OM IIA , Neb. . Jan. 3 , ISC7.
CMUIOUC SMOKI : HAM. Co. , Omalin , Neb.
Denllenien : Iliivltiff suffered with catnrth for
manv yours , I Inn o tried almost every teniody
and have Lut little lulth In "patent medicines.
About a month 111:0 I was induced to try one of
jour Smoke Hulls nnd cun honestly bay that t
Imvo received more benefit from the use ol It
than uny 1 have over tried. I bell\o It will en
tirely euro mo. Youru very truly ,
Foreman Itec3 Printing Co.
Ilex On-icu IlovnV OPV.U v HOIISK , I
Jnii.3,1887. f
Cvnnor.ic SMOKI : HAM. Co. , Omaha , Nob.
Oontleracn : Scolns your remedy nd\ortlsed
In the programmes of custom thoatois , pur-
chu cd n Carbolic Suiolco Hall , when your uncut
llrst started hero. 1 nm plonsed to sny that It
has proved effective In ouriiifr bud colds and
ratarrhululloctlons. 1 consider it a wonderful
remedy. You are at liberty to use this as j on
BOO proper. Very trulv yours ,
E. K. WH1TMOUR , Treasurer.
OMAHA , Neb. , Jan. 10,1SS7.
CAimoi.ic S.MOKn HAM , Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Oents : Wo hnvo both usedyout vnlunlilo remedy
ody , Cnibollo Smoke Hull , lor catarrh , and wo
are picascd to state that It has proved effective
In curing us. Y jurs truly ,
Itoal Estate Agents , 3M S. Fifteenth bt.
Oincr. or FICIIKH ft Nix , I
William's Hloe * . Omaha , Noli. , Dec. aJ , 18 9. f
CAHHOMC SMOKK HAM. Co. Uciitlomcn : I
lmM < been n constant sulfcror from acute ca-
tnrrh for twrnty-llN o years nnd hnvo spent bun-
dicdsof dollars for relief. Nothing bus Klvcn
me such satisfaction us your Carbolic Smoke
Hall. It affords Immediate rollof. 1 have also
used It forslclt heuducho with bonollt.
Yourstruly OKO. H.
' OMMIA , Neb. , Dec. 2S , 18 0.
CAiinoMC SMOKK HAM. Co. , Omnhu , Nob.
Ocntlonicn : I sec } on hare opened nuolllco In
Omaha and lsli you great success. It wns
your remedy t hut cured mo ot iiouralum nnd
liendnohe , trom which I bad boon troubled lor
ycnrs. 1 purchased n bill through the Indian *
apollp , Ind , , iiBcncy , nnd slnco 1 have com *
mcnced uilng It 1 huvo been entirely relieved
tiom my trouble. Hoping . this may bo of ser-
Conductor Pullman Car Co.
io. oiiio.
TOLEDO. 0. Ort. II , lS.-0.-Carbollo Smoke
Hall Co : Clouts I have had hay fever for the
past three yorrs. I hnvo boon luvlu ? It so bmlly
that thu nlr In my nose would close
up so I could not breathe through my head
Irom the time the attack would como an till
frtut would icllovo me. During the midst of
the nttaolr'.hlayoar 1 purchased n Hinokci Hall.
It h'nvo mo Immeilluto relief , nud 1 bavu
brouthcd through my bend ever sinceI can
recommend It to nil huy-fover suirorcrs.
It. 1. . NiRiioi.s ,
Supt. of MilbiirnViiKon Works.
ST. AuntiSTiNK , Flu. , January - . " > , 1SS7. Car-
bollc Sniolio Hull Co : ( lents Hiuo iecel\cd the
Snioso Halls for which nc'.epf my thanks : trill
always lecommcnd the Carbolfo Hmoko liall
for the ' ( Kil wo know It bn I done us ntul
others. Yours rcspei'tfully ,
Musi. citAULLS F . Guno.
T3T7" TVT A TT with full directions on receipt of price ? 2 , and * cents postage. "DKHEtr
JJJL IVlAXi-J LATOH"packttiro.tobo SPd In'connonlon ' wlth"3moko Hall" In all
Asthmatic , Uronchlal and Chronic Cases , $1 additional ,
NOTICE-r-Tliis remedy is not for sale by ' druggists , canvassers or peculiars. Call or address
Carbolic : Smoke Ball Company ,
Room 11 Creigutou l3loek , 15th St. next to the Postofflcc , Omaha , Neb.
CSTGood agents wanted in every town andcountv la Nebraska.
The Grand Lodge Organized Forty-three
Years Ago ,
Joe Smith's Efforts to Demoralize
Masonry The First TJodRes in the
State The Growth of "the Order
Its Grand Masters.
Davenport Democrat : The grand
lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in
Iowa- will assemble m this city iu their
forty-third annual communication next
Tuesday. And with a hearty greeting
and welcome for the grand oflicers and
representatives , the Domocrat-Gazottcin
honor of the event , gives its readers a
of tlio grand lodge , which' will interest
its Masonic readers , and bo read With
attention by the profanes. Of course the
history is but a sketch complete it would
require as much space as would the his
tory of the state itself ,
It was as early as 1810 that the question
of organizing a lodge in this state was
iirst mentioned , and at that time , while
Iowa wns only in-tlio second ycnr of her
territorial existence , it was a difficult
matter to iind men of sulllcicnt faith or
time to take hold of the matter and to
interest themselves in the organization
of a state lodge. The call was made by
James Clarke , afterward territorial gov
ernor , nnd ho in his proclamation re
quested the members of the craft to
meet in Uurllnelon1 , where they mightbe
able to hoar something for their good.
At this mooting Mr. Wflliani Thompson ,
Iliram O. Honnctt and Evan Kyans were
the most energetic , and thcso'gentlcmon
must , in a great degree , bo given the
credit for the organization of the order
in thn state whioli is now so prominent
and nourishing.
The Burlington lodge was the first one
formally established , and November 10 ,
1810 , the grand master of the Missouri
grand lodge issued to it the letter of dis
pensation. Together with the gentlemen
above mentioned , with the ofllcors , there
wore Messrs. Lovan Curtz , Hammer and
McCord , James It. Harsrook , late a resi
dent of Iowa City , was the iirst grand
master. The nest lodge' wns organized
at Bloomington , ' now Aluscatlne , in the
winter of 1841. Ansel Humphrey was the
Iirst master of this lodge. In the fall of
the same year a loduo was opened at Du-
buquc. The Iowa City lodge , which is
also among the oldest in tho' state , was
founded a early as October , 1843. Soon
after the forming of this lodge , the mem
bers of the four lodges then organized ,
determined on a day for the holding of r
Masonic convention. Iowa City was
designated as the plnco of meeting , and
on the first Tuesday in June , 1814 , dele
gates from these lodges ipot tlloro for the
uurposoof "proceeding to a complete
and perfect organization of the grand
lodge of Iowa. " At this' convention , the
lodges over the territory' were all repre
sented with the exception of ( ho
Turlington lodge. Besides the
lodges . represented , there wore
also delegates from two lodges ,
one being the Rising Sou , No. 12 , al
Moutrose , and Kookuk lodge. U. O.
These had bcon under the jurisdiction of
the Illinohgrand lodge , and had not been
invited ( o the .convention ; but at the In
stigation of' the Burlingtoa lodge they
carne unbidden to the Iowa City meeting ,
uud there , as a matter of course , wore
denied seats in the convention , not only
on account of their charters being , ar
rested , but also of their Mormon afliini-
ties ; for it will bo remembered that Joe
Smith had brought his colonies over into
that part of Iowa and was working his
principles into these two lodges. Ansel
Humphreys , of the 131oominirton lodge ,
presided at the meeting , and through liis
[ instrumentality and wisdom the grand
lodge of the state was organized.
The Burlington lodge was represented
bv J. H. McKenny , Y > cslcy Jones nnd II.
T. Hngins.
The Uloqmington lodge was represented
bv Worshipful Master Humphreys and
D'r. 8. B. Olds.
The Iowa City lodge was represented
bv Dr. William Reynolds , J. Hartsock
and Dr. Ballord.
The Dubuque lodge was represented by.
Timothy Fanning , G. W. Cunilngs and
T. S. Wilson.
At this mooting Oliver Cock was elec
ted grand master , and thus in duo form ,
the grand lodge of Iowa was established
on the 2d of January , 1H44. T. S. Parvin ,
who , with his father , Josiah Parvin , had
taken prominent part in the organization
of the grand lodge , was elected grand
secretary , a position ho has hold over
singe , with the exception of the year he
was grand master , ajulevcn llicn ho per
formed the grand secretary's duties. The
late Judge Joseph Williams delivered the
address at the convention. Such was
the beginning of the grand lodge of
There was little that occured of much
consequence till early m 1818 , the grand
lodge commenced the stocking of its li
brary and now it has in Us possession
one of the best and largest coUsction of
books in the States and a fine li
brary building of its own.
The first few sessions of the body wore
held at Iowa City , when in 1818 ,
it was deemed best to make an itinerant
body , or , as was generally romarkcti ,
"put It on wheels. " This was done in
order to remove it from the political
capital. The members of the fraternity
have ever regarded politics and mason-
ary as two separate institutions , and any
alliance of the two as wrong ; but in December -
comber , 1818 , two ambitious iiolilic'mns
sought the advantages that their masonic
friends and their rank might give thorn ,
and the ofliccs Which they sought came
to thorn very easy. Thii was used ns a
pretext by other politicians outside of the
order , and it cast , of course , an oppro
brium upon tno order to have such re-
ilcctions cast ufiori its members.
At about this'tintothe mania for the establishing
" " had its
tablishing ot "masonic colleges"
origin , and the grand lodge , with a
treasury of loss than foOO , wns hardly
able to indulge in < < this kind of work.
On this subjcctjtho/grand secretary , Prof.
T. S. Parwin , was pleased to remark in
his report , that "b/ippily , for once , the
dogged obstinacy of youthful members
overcame the proverbial wisdom and
strength Of the older onesr and the grand
lodge of Iowa was spared the humilia
tion of some of faof sister grand lodges
on thirf score' " '
It has also been the object of the Iowa
grand lodge in'tho'past not to recognize
any sentiment tending toward the estab
lishment of a national grand lodge. This
they have ever considered but the crea
tion of n great giant that would iu time
consume thu lesser bodies. The Iowa
masons hnvo also been not a little con
servative on all questions which seemed
o bear.upon the ultimate narrowing of
hnlr state rights , and tilts polut they
have guarded jealousy.
OAs is generally the case with largo pub
lie associations of this kind it has been
dil.icull for the Iowa grand lodge to
come up through all these years Without
contention und excitement. The Burl
ington meeting in 1800 was ono of ex
treme excitement , for nt this mooting
was to bo decided the question of nflllln-
tion , It is known to many that about
this time many strangers came to our
state and located : many of thcso were
Masons from eastern states who werede -
sirious of afliliatng ! with Iho Iowa , lodge ;
and this-question , involving as-it did
much risk to the Iowa fraternity , must of
a necessity engender alarm. To this
grand lodge thuro came great numbers
of veterans in the Musonic cause in the
cast , and these sought to assist the olli-
cers of the state fraternity in reaching
some definite conclusion upon the sub
This is the only question that has given
the grand lodge any extraordinary
anxiety. Its government has been ex
ceptionally smooth and but little discus
sion has existed in tlio order. This may
bo counted as a reason for its peculiar
success iu the state ; for really there is no
state grand ledge in the union that has
prospered better than this. When it or
ganized in 1814 , there was a representa
tion of only four charter lodges repre
sented. Now it has 481 working lodges.
Tills la an-increase of one-third over the
Missouri grand ledge , and ono half over
that of Illinois.
who have served in the executive chair of
tuo grand ledge , arc as follows :
Oliver Cock * of Burlington , 1844.
Ccorgo W. McCleary * of Wnuello , 1840.
Andrew lUyiiproys * of Muscatlne , 1S47.
William I ) . McCord * of JJur.lncton , ia"X ) .
Theodore S. Pnrvln of Iowa City , 18.7V
Jnmcs L. HoRln * of Slgoiirner.'U&l.
Aylett 11. Cotton of lAons , 1S55.
John D. Smiiord * of Keokulc , 1S5G.
James H. llartsock * ot Jo\va City , 1S5S.
Thomas 11. Beaten , Jr. , * of Council BufTs ,
Edward A. Oullbert ot Dubunnc , 1SCO.
Campbell Peck * of Keokulc , Ibb.
Reuben . Peck _ . of Monter.umn _ . , , ISOr.
' f.ttrC
Tfil.M UjiAtk * Vt
John Hcott oiKevcda , . .t
( Mas 1' . Wafers of Rurlln ; ton. isn.
Joseph Chapman ot Dnbtimie , lb ! .
lienry W. Roberts ot Keukult. 1375.
Xcphanlah 11. Luso of Iowa City , 1877 ,
Jeremiah > V. Wilson of Newton , 1878.
Albert 0. Abbott of Morsballtown , 1879.
( John N. McClnnahan of Chnrlton , 1680.
Jeorjo I ) . Van Saun of Cednr Falls , 1SS1.
Judue Granger of Waukon , lbb'4.
W. P. Allen of Dubtique , issc.
* Dead.
the number of Masons subordinate to
this ledge i * 2C47. }
The grand | edge will assemble for the
forty-third tirao in Davenport at 2
o'clock Tuesday forenoon , iu the Burtis
oporn house. The *
wlllbo ns follows :
Immediately after opening in duo forn.
Grand Master Allen will deliver his an
nual address , which will be followed by
reports of the other grand ollicors and
the report of the committee on urodon-
tials. The grand master Will tliuu an
nounce .the appointment of standing
Wednesday will bo devoted to routine
business , hearing reports of comrnlttcrs ,
cto.j nnd ills likely that the election for
grand oflicers will bo held Wednesday
afternoon. The Installation ceremonies
will occur Thursday afternoon , and ad
journment' Ino die will bo reached
Thursday evening.
How Two Selected Belles Bohaveu
TltpmsefveA During a Service.
A Sun reporter went with a country
friend to Grace church to observe the
'demeanor of the fashionable girls who
rendezvous there of a Sunday morning.
They sat for a short tlmo in a po\v at the
side that commanded a View of the en
trance. Othcw wore there waiting for
the ushers to find them better scuts.
When the voluntary was about coining
to an end the DOW- holders
began to arrive. The girls rustled by
in magnificent apparel , and every ono of
early Marguerite with the doVo-llko oyds
and the Haven Drains to his well devel
oped bosom.
Our widower , as wo have said , was
handsomo. The dark brilliant beauty of
the sons of Judcn was his. No thread of
gray had touched his raven curls. His
eyes were undimmed , his completion
good , and. best of all , ho had kept his
waist. Buoyant with excitement ho
plowed into the ship , To the stewardess ,
tie said i "You hayo a Miss Lena Strauss
.onboard ? " ( Delicious naino. Itsocmcd
NK\V Yom < , ,1iuiunry 2tl.lhS7.Carbolic Smoke '
Hull Co : ( icnts Soinu four wocKs uxolion
out Men , I was ImluciM tolmy ono of your
HaiU. 1 linru loiuul taunt Lonct'.t ' , ami I want
you to toiul mo ono dozen , C. O.I ) . , for my
Ir.einK J.S.Svui.rAfdll ,
Tiwullnc Snlctmnn for Collluirs , Doremy & , 460 ami ts. llioatlwiiy , Now York. j '
I.MHANAI 01. iHlml. . . July ' _ ' - ! , 1NMJ.
Ixnils R. Mnyr , Kfiq. . jeweler , No. li Clielo
street , snys : I Imvo Iinil 11 vury suvoio nun of
cntnrrli mill tlirout ttotiblo for ttto r-Htt ton
j ours , ninl my oyu < lnlit win trivntly WL-aVunuil ,
I | iuichisrd ; onu ol Iho I'uil'olla MMIOUO Hull j ,
mul Ttoiii it * use durlvcJ Inimodlntn lollof , niul
now nm iirrimmontlv ctirril. My ejcslKlit Is
perfect. 1 clK'ti fully ivcommrncl It to my
liiemls. LOUIS K. MAYU.
H\-Oov. II. M. llWiop sn > s ! I hnvo boon
troubled with c.Uairli tor suM'iHlyous 1 tried
your MnoUo Itnll , ami titko pluusiiiu In statin ) ; 1
conslilur It a vnlunlilo rumuily mul well wottliy
ol H trial by tlmso ttoublod wltU vnturrh.
ItosLL'ctrully ,
H. Jl. IllSHOr , Ex-Gov. of Ohio.
This letter was written to n frltmil :
MONT in : vt. , Fob I.ilsi37. 1'or more limn oljiht
ycnis my mother has tnkcn trcnltncnt from
several prores lotnl : fi-icnil. ' , ntul , 1 nm sorry to
ssy , oiliaustoa my own stock ot knowledge. In
trylm ; to cuio hur of caturihal iloutuuss nntl
npiirnlfrlii , but iillour ullorts failed. However ,
Ilko Marl : Twain , 1 nm trjinif nvcr > tlilnir that
coinua nlone1 , mul irnvo the Hmoltu Hull n Inlr
teit. To my utter surjirlso iind K ' 'it ' joy. In
lesathan ono wool , her ncurHlgm entlroly illi-
nppearcil , and atiy h now Ircc froin lljl PlUa.
\oucnnsnylolhoSmoKo Bull Company Ilint I
nm n medical inuu of e-lxlocn years' MiuiillnL-
nntl mumber of lioiiso of common ? , nnd wll
Klvu them her sworn testimonial mul my own
cettlflcato on honor whnt it u s done lor my
family. J A WATSON , M. D. , L. It. ( J. 1) ) .
Ycu.viiit.K , Ark. , Jan. KTi Carbollo Fmoko
Ilnll Co. : I have tc tnl your medU'liies mid cnn
truthfully H.iy this : I Imvo prnctleud moillrlno
for thirty years , und your Cutbollu Smoke Unit
rcllcvo * CHtnuh , a > thum , croup , iiciiialvln anil
bronchitis moroioudlly tlmn any prepniatlon ;
nnd will any further , uo physician cnn pro-
l .ro a rcmoily thnt will Blvo roller IIR peen ns
the Curbolto Hinuk' ) llall tor tliioagoa mimu < l In
your circular. \V. M. NOI5 , M. I ) .
Dr. Nee fli st purchase. . ! ono ball : the mitt or
der wns six Units : the next order 2 3 B.tlls : also ,
u second order of i&i HulU.
Cnrbollo Sinoko Ilnll Co. . fnrllnnnpolls , Ind. :
My llttln child ono nlwht Iind n severe nttnolt of
croup. I used the Carbolic Snioko Hull , which
1 Altvayg keep In myuoufco , and It relieved It In
a low moments It went to sloop mid Hoj't
soundly. I hnvo used it for many duoasog , nnd ,
from my own pcronnt oxperlonuoj. o m rccom- '
niond it no wonderful In Iu curntlvo olTocts.
N. V. CAIITCII , M. U. , Mnploton , 1ml.
Ciirbolic Smoke Ball Co. :
I bu\o sullerod with nsthmn slxteon ypnrs.
Mirny times my llfo wns dcgpiurcd of. rhy ieati3 !
In Kuston , P . , Jersey City. N. . I. , nnd In I'hlla-
dolphin fronted mo , and , In liict , spent nun-
drods of dollnra ; fouml no relief. I liixvo used
your modiclno for over two months : hnvo not
liad ( in tittnck , nnd feel permanently cured.
You hnvo my sincere thnnkg for whnl your
gmoko Hall nod Dobollator hns done for mo.
I'll I I.I. 11C. . Koi'l' ,
l" \ North Twonticth streot. St. I/nil" , fo.
Sworn to before mo ttila 7th < lny of Fcbrunry ,
1887. A. A. I'AY.oo.v , Notary Public.
Bt. I iu Is , Ho.
to suggest a clinging girl nnd a dreamy
waltz as ho mentioned it ) .
"Oh , yes ; Fraulein Strauss has bcon
ill , but blio is dressed and up. Stop this
wav. "
How he stopped. There were several
ladies on the sofas of the saloon. To ono
of these the stewardess led him. "Your
friend has come , Miss Strauss , " said sho.
Great kingl was ho droauiinf A pudgy ,
doughy faced , heavy-looking woman ,
whoso figure rcsouiblcd an 8 more than
any other , rose with a Jittlo squeal of joy
and cast herself upon his bosom. Lena
had bcon a fairy. She was as broad as
she was long. Lena's flaxen hair had
been bright , and so luxuriant that her
Marguerite braids wore as thick as his
wrist. Lena's stock of hairs hardly cov
ered her protuberant temples , and was a
dirty ash color. Lena in 'TO had been a
fragile poem in petticoats. Lena lu
' 87 was a churn with a bonnet on.
Who shall depict the cyclone of disap
pointment that swept over the widow's
soul ? The first wlfo , In willowy style
nttd Yankco dash , rose before him. Per
haps this was retributive justice. It
wasn't poetic. Hut the DOOI- man was as
brave and chivarlc a spirit as over wont
out to do battle m the Holy laud. Talcs-
tine never turned out a botlOr. Ho took
her homo , and , according1 to ftgrootncnt ,
ho nuxrncd her ; natl hh cnrlslian friends ,
mecthlK him out driving with Lena and
theohiidron , toll him next day ho'slucky
to have such a steady old nnrso for him.
"l.ftt Her Go , Gnllaslici' ! "
Now York Sun : "Lot her go Galla
gher ! " said Mr. William Kepley , of ( Jhi-
oago , ad ho sent a lignum vita ) bull down
ono of the bowling alloys at the White
Elephant the other night. Ho scQfod a
strike. Ho was risked why ho made use
of the expression , ' 'Lot nor go , Uttlla-
"It's huro good luck , "ho said. "It's
bettor than' mooting a man with ft
straight -tip before thd races. 1 caw by
the papers out west this Htmimor that
it tras all the go on 'Change
hero. 'And ] saw i > lot of funny
stories ns to whore it started. All wrong ,
every ono of 'om. One said it oamo trom
ft Now Orleans car-driver , nnothnr gave
the credit to a ChUuigo rollor-constor , and
others said Unit it boganin Troy anil Hal-
timoro. The ( Jallagiipr who gave rise to
it was Thomas J. Gallagher , formerly
sporting editor of thn St. Louis Globa-
Democrat. Ho is well known nil over
the west. He is ono of the bent liorso re
porters in the country. He tisi-il to bo a
jirst-clast sprinter , and ho is n line bil
liard player. George Slos on ssys there
are only two or three cushion-carom
players l > oidos Soliuofor and the other
big 01103 who can beat Tom. "
"Tom Gallagher used to play a good
many billiard mnfohos in Mu.sioy'd old
rooms at Fourth and 1'inc streets , St.
Louis. When ho was practicing a crowd
would always be on hand. They all
know him , and liked him. Now , Tom
has a deliberate wny ot walking nround
tint billion ! tauloand viewing .a hard shot
from various points.and then liddling with
his cue rolluotlvoly buforo ho shoots , not
uervous-liko , but It's his way. Sowlmntho
crowd got tiroil waiting gome ono would
onll out , a * Tom sawed with his cue , 'Oh ,
lot her ( ifo , Gnlla < zhorl' 1'innllylt ' got to
bo a common phritso around tit. Louidi
Then it got into the pool-rooms and on
the nu'o courses , Afterward the. billard
plnyoM with whom Tom ha-1 miitulioei
carried It away with them Magloll to
New Orleans , Carter to Cleveland , Lou
Morr's ' to the CotHt ; , and so on until it
worKed Its way Kast two yearn ngo nntl
struck 'Change hero contagiously laxt
"That's all there is to 'Lot her g , Galla *
her I' "
What you need is a modluluo which U
purp , cllicfcnt , reliable Such IA hood's
Sir ; < ! aprilla. It .possesses ) peculiar cura
tive powers.
MINT Hi'tuNO'.Vn. , Jlnrch 7 , 1W , Cftrbollo
Hmoko llall Co. , l.ouUvllU > , Ky. ( lentleinen : 1
Imvo boon uglnir your Cnrbollo Smoke IUI1 sov-
vrnl necki lor untnrrh , iiMthmn nnd nuurnlKla ,
\vhlohlmvohoietoforobnlllednll my iittoinptl
loieliove. Your mode of Iruatment nil meted
my attention , nnd 1 imrchn od n Hull und U'o-
bellntor piiokiiKiiof sour loenl ngont. The ro-
suit obtained o farhnx bocn mo t xntl'fnctorv ,
nnd I Imvo cvory ren on to bolle\o they will
eiuc mecompUMc.y. . K
, M. I ) .
ST. I.oiti ? , Mnroh 1 , 1687. Carbollo Smoke
Ilnll ( "o : 1 Imvo ndmlnliterod your rnrhollo
Hmoko Hull to my two chlldrnn for rntarrh nnd
nnd bromihlnl ntleotlon with Krntifylni ; results ,
speedily eitilnjr both Ubtuxscs.
.J. T. IIIUMMON1 > .
1'ieJidpnt Drummond Tobnoco to ,
Sworn nnd jiibscilbeJ before nm this nth day
of March , 1 7. W.M/IKU OAlilt , N. l\
Bx I'lUNfLsOO , Decemlior li ) , IM'l , Cavbolla
Hmoko Ilnll Oo : Clotitlomon-Momluy of tills
wook.our son Wllllo , iiRO'l twonly-two yen ,
rnlltil nt your olllco nnd purchiuoil n Smoke
Hull after rceolvliiK n free tcht Uo had mcnsloa
\\hrn hens thieo and a hall > eurs old , nnd it
loft him with deatness In tholtilt onr. When
ho loni'hod homo , h's fntliuf fritvetilm nnotlmr
doe. und tbnt night ho fret irrnnt lollof. oven BO
miioli the pnln lutt hla ehoti nnd huhnil n dl -
chnriru from his enr , whleh had boon very dry
und hail pnlm-d him very much for ypnrs. Our
boy cnn lienr now as % \ oM n any poreon llvla \
nnd our family is overloyo 1 with the results r > !
1 { ho treatment of the wonderful "CnrbpHi
rVinoko Ilnll. " Hoping this 8tnjopinn.t % !
I the monns of Ipltjniiyi'jy oll'tr Hliuetcl on ,
I know of tle | Kroni Jnicnoy ol tlio "Hinoko Ilnll , '
wontc , voryrospcclfully ,
Hom-.iiT WiNrr.n , ArtUt ,
417 Monlgomeiy street , Hoom IS.
ron jits. ; .
pimment. llullilirji t\nfunl\i \ \ hinilikiu.1. II.Mt J
with -loam , l.ljblii'l wiU f n. VVulor from Si Clali
lllvcr. SjDerlurU'trauiJjo In tninlaiuninri. A *
Unr for ctrculJr , SCHOOI , .
M , CtJlr , MluB.
For younjj women , Princeton , N , J.
Pro-ipcctu ? , * , bent on aj > -
I. n , M Elvainc.