' THE OMAHA DAILY BI3E : SCTNimr .TONE 12- 1887TWELVE SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advcrtls < metits underfills htad.10 cents po ino ( or ibe lint Insertion , 7 rents for each sub- ir < | iient Insertion , mid II.60 n line per month , No ndvertl'cniont taken for lets than 25 cents for the first Insertion. Povcn words wll Jbo counted tt > tlio line : they must run consecu tively nnd must tie raid In adtanco. All adver tisements must bo banded In before 1SO : o'clock p. in. , nd under no circumstance a will they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising lnthe.c columns and hav ing the answers addressed In c ro of Ttir Ur.r. Will plcaso ask fora check to enable them to act I litlr letter ! " , ns none will bo delivered except on ( iresentntlon of check. All answers to adver tisements ilionld be enclosed in envelopes. All advertisements In thcje columns are pub- lulled In both morning nnd evening editions of Ilio lice , the circulation of which aggregates more than 14,000 pnpers flaily , enl give * the udvortl er the bentflt , not only of the city circulation of The lire but also of Council Blues , Lincoln , and other cities and towns througnout this part of the west. MONEY TO LOAN. M ONT.V ( to loan , no commission. Cole , 310 S. 15th. WJ'J 1V10NEV TO LOAN on Improved city prop- J.H crty In sums of $ l,000to $5,000 ut sir per cent Interest. J-hoicsA Crumb. 826 \fONEY TO LOAN-On city property In AU sums of $500 and upwards at lowest ratei Money always pn hand. S. 8. Campbell. 310 tjoulh Sixteenth street. K2 ; 500,000to loan ate per cent , Harris &Fnmp- ton , 1510 llougliE st M7 M ONKV to loan In lartfo or small amounts by Wm II. Loach , 150a Farnam. 6W J15 M ONEY TO 1XJAK-O. V. Davis Co , real estate and loan agents , 1005 furnam ft. TO LOAN Hrst mortgage notes MONEY . J , A. Hlcstand , room 9 , Arling ton block. SOVJ12J , To loan on Oinalm city property nt3 $500,000 cunt. O. W. Day , s. c. cor. Ex. Ilul. GVJ MONKV TO LOAN-On city nnrt farm prop erty , lowlatcs. Stewart < k Co. , Uoom 3 Iron bank. 50'J MONEV to loan , cash on nand.no delay. J , W. nnd n. L. Squlro , 1113 Farnam St. , raxton hotel tmlldlnir. 610 MONF.V I'lret mortifage note * . The loiiKla3 ) county bank will buy papers eacureil by flrst niortgaRo on city realty. 611 "MONKY TO LOAN on improved renl potato ! I i. no coinmliMon charifed. Leavitt llurn- bnm , Itoom 1 CrelRhton Illock. 512 5PEU CUM'-Monny to loan. OroRory iTIadler. Rooms 1 end 3 , Kedick block , 320 s. Uth St. .113 loanud on residence property. First MONI3V and second mortKagus bou bt. U. S. How- Icy , 311 South ir.th Btroct. 2flOJ2S ! LOAN Money l.onns placed on improved - . proved real estate In city or county for New Encland Loan & Trust Co. , by DougHs County bank , ICth and Chicago st . 514 MONUY' to loan on Improved city propeity at 8 per cent. Money on hand ; donothnvo to wait , llnvo a complete set of atistract books of Doutrlas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Itcul Estate and Loan Co. , 0208.11th st. MONhTO LOAX-by the nndersurnort , who uas the only properly orfranl7od loan agency In Omaha. Loam of Jlo to J100 made on furniture , plimog , ornaus , horses , wauons , tnaehlnery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans go ffliido that any part can bopald at any linoeach payment rotlurlnK the co t pro rata. Advances rnadiinn nno watches and dl monds. Persons should carefully consider who they ara dealing with , as ninny now concerns are dally comlnir Into existence , bhould you need money call andReoniP.V. . R. Croft , Uoom t Withncll Bulldlnif 15th and Hnrnuy. 618 aHIKUMAUA Kmnncial Nn. ' cofiorof Harncy and 15th sis. , over State National bank. " .Prepared to make short time loans on any available security. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real tato. Lor.ff time loans made on Improved real estate at current rale ? . Purchase- money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought , polder exchanged. chort tlmo loans nmno oneccond mnrtK. according to marginal Interest , at collateral rotes. Heal Citato to exchange for good Interest bonrlnsr paper. ( lenernl llnnnclal business of all klnda transected - octed promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Money nlwars on hand for approved loans of nny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Corbett. Manager. 517 $ ,750,000 , TO LOAN nt 0 per cent. Linuhan 4t Mahoney , 150 1'arnam. 518 MONEY" LOANED ut C. F. Heed * Co.8 Loan Office , on furniture , pianos , liorpcs.wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. U19 S. 13th. over Illnghain's Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 519 ft PER CENT Money. W K. o. Patterson. 15th and Harney. 520 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE-lOOJepot cash will buy if sol' in the next 10 daj a , a restaurant establish ed two years. The cheapest rent and doing the best business of uny reetounmt in Omaha , feeding about Wj ) per dry. No incumbcranco of nny kind. If you waut the best bargain In Omaha , investigate this , as It Is worth | 1,5UO , but the proprlotor's health Is falling ; has been ordered to n higher altitude. For particulars cull or address G * H. Moore , of thu Omana fur ulturo company , 1212 Furuain street. Omaha Neb. 22MS * TJTANTED An flnergctio man of local in TT tlucnce to take an Interest In and the management of a Chicago business in Omaha , Neb. Ho will have a monopoly that will par from $ I,00 to 55,000 the first year , with possibi lities of $20OOJ per annum ami permanent other cities nro now open , to which uowi ! . refer : n thorough investigation will convince any builncis man of the above facts ; only $ .ISOO cash required. Address U. C. Co. . Moo- tauk block , Lhlcago , HI. 102-12 * ' A SPLENDID chance to secure a coutrollng interest In n manufacturing establish ment with a good business , and superior Jinan clul standing , 35 to M per ecnt profit In the pro ducts manufactured , prefer n person who u III devote his time to the business. Adilrojn S3 ? , llco office. 169 IJ * A GOOD business chance for a Ftcam Utter to take an Interest In an established bust nets. No capital required. Apply , 1111 Fnr- nam st , 142 13 FORSALE-Onoofthobest paying WQckly newspapers In the etato with job office at tached. For particulars address S17 , Bee office , 161 15 WANTED-Partlcs who dcslroto buy sell or exchange Mocks of general raerchan- Slse.dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes hardware , drugs , jewelry. Improved or unliu. . pioved town or city property , Improved or un improved farms lu any part of the United States , to addrcit Kiaus& Foster , 310 So. 15th It , Omaha , Nob. 037 14 BUSINESS change , small notion store for rale on 10th meet ; good stand. Address 8 17. Uoo office. r-4J 12J TIUR SALK llakrry and ire cream parlor , i ? Addrcis Mrs. H , Auer. Osccola , Nob. 901 21 * L TT'OR BALK First class Ice cream and con- i' fectlonary store. Good paying trade. In quire li7 ! So l.ltli tt. taj 14 FOR SAl.EtapIo grocery Moon nnd fl.x- turtslna giowintf tiLbras' u city , address 8 24 , Bex olllco. bJ 14 I HAYS for caluar will exthimgo forttocU of murctiHiiilUo In a live tonn , nbout Twelve Thautanit dollars worth of Improved Real Es tate , including out-tun , ono twenty , and ono lortyncro tract , sUe the bo l uriruto feeding lanch in Nubrugua with lurifo burns H0x250 lent , t o gralncrlos. com crib , food rick * , trouuhs , wind m.IIstock fculc" , good gro\o , about 100 acres of corn und potatoes ; nil tlttcil up for feeding sheep or rnttlo ; will divide estate If more convonltnt for purchUKnr. Write N. llarns , Real I > tale llroker , Centrul Clty.Mcr- rlc k county. Nib. vis\ \ ] CCIDI..NTAI , Hotel property for Kale. This valuable property , corner of luh and How ard itreets , U offered lor lulu : M fret on lOlh nndTO foot nn Howard. If not fold will bo with drawn from market on the 1Mb I net. Apply en the premises to John 1.1'arnter. tO 1.1 1/10 H SALE-Mcat IB nrkst doing good busl- Jnets , tiood location , lltujons for soiling. Address47 , Use. ft ) 15J TTROCIiRV STOCK-Clean nnd f reSRloTlaToT VI I'srrotl i.Wiiamjou. : ! Up totnlt'Jl Doug- "IJiOR SALE A boarding house ami tnrulture , JL' doing good businuM , 40 Vo.irders , coed reaociii for telling. I'M ) at Currlo & voll'ini. IMh and Capitol ave. Exputltoo lliilldlnif. o3 FOR SALE A general stock merchandlto. about $5,000 , itore , houic and lot $ lt iiiU new , centrally located In HIUW , thilfty io ti : terms H emu , the bnlasco seciir il pnpur at per cent , on rvavonahle tlmn If detlrrd. Art- tirrts Wra. MeEndree , Central City , Nch. t SALE Very cbetp , gonaTUrii'c property In Grand Island. Ntb. Tbegrcatest tiargaln and belt ir-rns lo this city. Uood r - tons for t lllnr. For particulars address J. H. Wcc.ey , Attorn/ LHV , Grand Jl njt. Ntb. LOST. OST- Black Loverlck Bitch , white feet nnd breast , from 1009 Davenport , Return , $5 reward. na 12 * LOST A reward of $20 will bo paid for the ro- turn of one Iron grey mure , 4 or 5 yearn old , branded D. 8. on lest hip. Return to 1803 N 20th St. 953 15J UTI1A VKD-Dark bny hone 16 band * high , ho O tun part of his mnno rubbed off , little white on hln < l foot. A literal reward for his return to Wlthrow barn , Hartley street. T. J. 1'lotn- lng . 139 15 * _ LOST On Eighteenth , Hhcrmnn ave or Oruco St. , "Hpccltlcations. " Plcuso return to 116U North 16th st. , or P. J. Crccdon , architect , opera house. M , T. Murphy , contractor and builder. 343 rouwn. TfOUND A calf which owner can have by -a. proving property and paying charges. Apply20--10incest. 157 llf CLAIRVOYANT. MHrf. DURANT-Clsrlvoyantfrom Boston , is tellable in allaffalrsof life , unites separated lovers. 322 N. 16th it. room n 591 J2S | STOKAOE. STUHAOIr For household goods nnd general merchandise at low rates , corner Thir teenth' anil Izard streets , up town office 519 Eouth Thirteenth. TelephoneCK2. 427JH * STORAGE First-class storage for nlco furni ture and boxed goods. Ferguson Fnrnl- turo Co , , 71V717-721 North 16th street. 17ft TiMRST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th Ft. JL' 621 : Firet-liis storage for nice rur- S ulturo or boxed goods , atlSU UoUge-9t. PERSONAL. TJEIISONAI , A lady posiessliiR musical abli- JIty can secure a position , salary $ ' .00 per annum , who can furnish M.O'.O rush , on In terest with approved Eccunty. Address B4I , llco. 19t 13 _ I > KltSONAL-tawlllbiiy n'decoratnd dinner sit coneUtlntr of ! ) dinner plates , 0 tea plntcs.Ueaucu dl hes , U ln < ll\lluiil butter * , 2 open vegetable dishes , 1 covered di h , 1 ( rnivy boat.l covered butter dish , 1 sugar bowl , 1 cream pitcher , nml'Jteacupi and saucers. This It not u plain print In ono color but Is u very pretty decoration In dllTercntcolors and la very cheap at nbo\o prico. Call and bcoit ut Moody'B China Ptoro , : iu2 N 16th st. Ifil 12 _ IinSONAL-A : stranger In the city would like to foim the aciiiialtitanco of n young lady who would appreciate the attention of a letlncd irontliiiuan of means. Address S. 41 , llco olllcc. 177 12J _ "DEIlSONAL-Nent and tasty nil wool business Jcults f 7. I'lno blue diagonal dross suits , SI0.75. Call and see thorn or write for smnpliH. I ) . O. Jones & Co , American Clothiers. 1JJ rnrnam st. Omaha. 9C3J3J _ 13iitSONAIj-ir : you want n desirable , cen- trally located olllco you can llnd It at U13 'J73 _ WAN rr.H Fifty younir men to correspond with fifty llvolv ynung ladles. Hold 10 cent" , silver , for the list. Address , American Carrespondlng llureuu , Ilex 190 , Cluilieburg , W. Va. Tl'l ' 12 * 13EI1PONAL Private homo for Indies during confinement , strictly coiilldontlul , infants adopted , address K 12 , Hco olllcn. SI9J j3 PEUSONAL Mrs. Dt Nannl * V. Wnrren clnlrvoyant. Medical and business Modluyj Boom No. 8,121 Korth 18th st .Omaha , Nob. 6J7 MISCELLANEOUS. G IRLSInwant ot peed places , call on Mrs. Morrison , 1535 Davenport. 210 j 11 T7IAMIL1E3 In want of domestic help , call enL -L Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1505 Davenport st. 215 J11 LLL the now novelties In fancy work at Mrs. M. K. Mitchell's 1512 Douglas. 1G3 12 * BARGAINS in mncdoomod pledges , consist ing ot line watches , dlnmonls and Jew elry. Liberal advances made on all articles of vuluc , Utifllncss strictly conlldontlnl. Old gold and Bluer bought. H. Honnonborg , Omaha National Loan office , 1305 Douirlus st. 117 12J TTUI How to reduce It. Full diet. Elegant JL1 treatment. By "Tho Doctor. " Bond two 2c stamps for Manual. Tbco. Wing , Plalnflold , Conn. 14J HJ FTMIE Illue Line TunaCo. . , have moved their -1. office from the Kennard Glass and 1'nlnt Co , to 1510 Dodgo. Orders for Gasoline nnd Coal Oil promptly filled. Telephone 795. Wood * McUougul. D22 19 EMPLOYMENT , Rental and Collection Agency If you want work , or to employ help , or have houses to rent , or accounts to collect , call on M. Maynard , 317 South 13th St. , Omaha. BOIJ25 PAPERHANGlNa-15 per cent discount from store prices. Address Paperhanger , 814 North ICth it , CW-j-16 * CESS POOLS , sinks and vaults cleaned , Oder- less processK. . Ewlng , box 427. city. C80 JI6J FOBRHNT Square Hiano $ J montnlr. Hospe. 1513 Douglas. 521 TO parties having houses for rent. Rental Agency , Benawa & Co. . 15st. , opposite post offico. We have turned over to them our rental list. We recommend them. McCagua Bros. 523 Tfion KENT Organs , $ a per month , ilofpe , J ? 1513 Douglas. 524 Ol. C. House furnishing goods , all kinds ; * cash or installment ; lowest prices at J. Bonner,1315 Douglas st 523 Foil RENT Hquars flano , $ montnlr. A Hoipe. 1513 DOUKUS. 524 [ F you want to buy or sell furniture , go to J. Ferguson's , 715 N lilth. 62J FOB SALE MISCELLANEOTJS. FOR BALE-54 Inch Export Columbia bicycle , pattern ol ' 80. Address S , 42 Bee office. 200-12 * TpOlt SALE By Goddard & Moore , 211 north , 13 year lease of 20 feet front on 10th Bt. between Cap. avo. and Davenport. A good team of hortcs. 182-12 FOR SALEFlne large , gentle horsesultablo for two seated carriage , SUS Bee office. 145 12 * FOR SALE-Chcap , lease and furniture of good boarding house,25 boaidors , within 4 blocks of postoOlce , Address 8 sa. Roe office. 173 14 [ OR SALE Span of roan ponies , match team 5 and 8 years old , harness , wagon , cheap , l white horse and wagon , H. H. Ra ven , 506 B. 10th St. 15.4 13 * TJ10H BALK--A pair good mules. Apply at N -C K cor 19th and St Mary's arc. UK ) FOR 8ALE Good family horse and phaeton , kind and gentle. uddrcEi P O box ( V-'S , city. 11112 * TJIOIl BALE Top delivery wagon , Simpson's JL1 make , one farm wagon , Z sets double ) vtr- UCM , ono ei t single harness. 20 h p boiler , ( Hi p engine,2 pomes. Storage Warehouse , nth ami lyard. TOS j T70R SALE 400 cords of dry woodcan bo rto- - UIIvcred at I'aclflo Junction , Iowa , if Bold , by Juno20th : can bo bought at a bargain. Ad- dncss , P. O. Box 42:1 : , Glcnnood. lowu. Dtd 13 TIK H BALE-Sawdust at saw mill , 2d and Pop- J-1 pleton avo. 7W12 * 'E710R SALE Span fine matched bay driving X ? horses. C , F. Harrison , US S Uth st. 570 FOR BALE Ono fix-foot upright black wal nut chow case , Milton Rogers & Son. 009 SALE-4,000,000 Hard Brlce. T. Murray. OK SALE-emclicons. K A Marsh. 904 K ICth. 5M T. Murray. 523 HELP. W'ANTED-Two flrst-class advertising solici tors ; peed ray ; call Monday room 3t Chamber of Commerce. V.17-12' VV ANTED-Agcnts ; novelty that is taking Chlrago by storm ; a regular picnic , ovei 2XOOJsold ( ) hero. J. It , Pugo & Co. . Oblcngo HU 08 14J J A Boy nbout IS years old to wort In ( tore ; must ( peak Qermau. 416 8.13t \\7RNLED Flmclaii Hlaekimlth. Davis t T > Cowglll Iron Work * . Htli st. 213-13 WANTElT A good solicitor , will pay a imlarj Inquire UUl N ICth st , Omaha. W 16 bright boy about 18 years ol > T uguto uisttt teamitsr. Apply to 617 U 13th if. 1M W PANlKD-Flrtt-claii wood turner. Jas , Richards Jo Co. , cor 1Mb and ila on sts. 045 _ w IANTED-Meu for railroad work.AJbricht'l Labor tkgcnijr.U iainaiuit. tilt WANTED-Orlcklaycri , ( union men ) . 23nd and Grant and 33rd and Pacific- . Rear & Brusch. 17012 WANTED-10 laborers , Swedes , for Colorado , $2 per day , faro paid. Canadian Employ ent office , 318 8 1 Jtn st , up stairs. KO 13j WANTED-Pnrtnor In paying buiincs * , mall capital required. Enquire for tew dnrs D. W. Woodman , room 2 , 318 S Uth. W2 12j \VANTKI-IOT ) o001" 13 to 19 yn" 833to ' TV carry foot route on Evening Bee. 833 \\7ANTED-3 pants makers. A. Knllsh,31 > V 815th. C9-J WANTED-Carpontors. Inquire now church 26th and Leaenworth. M. T. Murphy. 818 \\TANfKD Intelligent , reliable , energetlo TT men as special airents , w. F. Allen , Ocneral Agent Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of Now Vork , No. 21S South 13th street. $100 paid per month to men to sell our goods. D , \V. \ McLano It Co. , Burlington , lowu. 698 jy g * WANTED A man of good education to act as traveling salesman with a first-class house. Mutt bo able to give sccurltv. Box 709 , Omaha. 189 J I6J WANTED FEMALE HELP. W ANTED A good woman cook at 912 Douglas - las st. 127 "st ! lea ANTED-Nurso girl at 108 South 25th et , 156 13J WANTED In n private family twoKlrl' .ono to COOK , wash und Iron and ono tor f ccond work. Apply at 1U15 Capitol avo. 1501J WANTKD-Good Bcncrnl cook with ( rood reference. Apply 1'JH Farnam st. 143 l-'J WANTED-Qood cook and laundress for 2 in family. Hcst ot wages. 1W1 Davenport. 175 W ANTI'D Oood rlrl forgcneral housework. Good wages. Inquire 1015 So. 0th st. 176 1.1 * V\7ANTEn-Good girl for general housework. Inquire , 2511 tit. Mary's avc , or 60(1 ( So. 13th St. B8J W ANTED Dlshwasbcr and second plrl nt Jacob .Mll.cr'3 , 1001 N. 10th. 70'J WANTKD Two good girls for cook and sec end worn , Good wages at 2427 Dodge st. WANTKD Oo.id waprs to n good girl. Oil SJ 17th st. Mis. W. M. llushmiiu. 81 WANTKD Host of wages paid to a compe tent cook and laundress. Mrs. .1. M. Thurston,2303 rarnam. 7P8 W'ANTL'D-Oood second girl at MM Vliglnia ave. Good wages paid. CU WANTED A good German or llohommn girl r&r gcncial housework. A perma nent place and good wage" ! . Apply , immedi ately , at 720 8 22J sL , corner of Lcaonworth. .103 WANTUD-Lady bookkeeper at U. P. Meat Market. Uth st , near Wobftor. 781 \\TANTr.D Ladies to work for us at tnolr own nomos ; $7 to n per week can bo quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass ing. Tor full particulars plea e address at once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central ft. . Boston , Muss. IloT.r > 170. w Jel5 * SITUATION WANTED. WAN'l ED Situation as seamstress In private family : 2609 Parker t. 2U1-14 * WANTCD-Sltuatlon by young man with several years experiences as book-keeper and cashier In inrgo packing houseFlrJtclass references. 1. E. M. care Lord Jt Thomas. Chi cago. 20J-14' WANTED-lly a thoiough Parisian dress maker. Suits to inako. Will work very reasonably. Call at 631 S. 20th 6t. ll"J-12 * WANTED Position a < ) salesman by young mnn of 2i , now icprcsentlng aChlcngu house. Uost of references. Address S. 10. llco office. 174 18 WANTED A position In an American fam ily as coachniHii Dy nn Intelligent young man with experience. Salary no object. Ap ply at 319 South )2th ) St. 17513 * \\7ANT1JO lly American lady , situation as ' housekeeper , companion or unv position of trust. Hefcrences exchanged. Call or ad' dress , S. II. X. "G _ ' . ' , Capitol a\e , Qmaha. 91014 * WANTED Position in clothing house. In quire 620 S 13lh St. 10 12 * WANTED Situation In a hardware or lnv plcmont store by young man strictly temperate. 8 20 Dee olllco , U27 14j WANTED lly a competent porcon , situa tion as housekeeper ; reference ex changed. Address S 15 , llco. 17il2 < B1ISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED Front room with alcc.vo or largo front room TrJlh board for young man and wlfo , must boilrst-class ; private family preferred. Address S. 45 lice. 210-13' WANTED A family of two desires to rent a four or five room house by the middle of .Inno , or soon after , must bo between 15th and 20th and St. Mary's avo. and Mason , answer 1313 S. Ilth , Monday. 187-1JJ WANTED-2 unfurnished rooms or ono fur- niihcd , where no questions are asked. Ad. dress S 31 , llco otllco. 137 13 WANTED A house and lot or good build- Ing lot near High school. Address 3 3- Ilci office. 130 14 vl/'ANTED Furnished room for twogcnlle- iv men. Cost of references. Address S 32 Bee office , 131 13 " \\7"ANTED Two rooms with board or near TT good boarding place about July fth , for gentleman nnd daughter , will furnUb ono room , good neighborhood , within 2 blocks of 'car line , private family preferred , charges moderate. References exchanged. Address S 14 , care Dee office. 799 WANTED Teams for railroad work. Al bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 743 WANTED-Hoarders at Old Urowncll Hall , BIOS. 16th St. 141 U WANTED-To buy 8 houses which can bo re moved. A. \ \ Maync , 1403 Dodge st 798 WANTED 2 or 3 horse power engine , 2nd hand. Apply at Mlllard hotel office. 486 \\TANTEn-Two seated carriage suitable for TV real estate business. C. F. Harrison , 413 S Uth st 577 FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. TVw ItKNT- Store and three rooms. 612 8. JD 8th street. 200-14 * FOK HKNT 4 stall barn , cor 7th and Pacific streets. 103 FOIt HENT-A good paying blacksmith , wagon and paint shop at Hlslng City. Neb. Apply P. H. Gainer. Ul.lng City , Neb T71OR KENT Part of ( tore or office room. In J ? quire at 1212 Douglas it. 013 TOOK KENT 7 room llat $10 per month , $550 JL1 worth of furniture for $ JM ) , Including rent to July lit irooms are n ) w rented.brlmrlng $92 per month. 11 steady boarder * . Co-opera' tlvo Land and Lot Co. , 205 N lUth st. 119 12 FOIl KENT 7 now 6-roora houses , cellar , well , hall , closet * etc. , 14 ! miles northwest of postoffico. 3 blocks to street cars , $25 to $30 per month. Gregory Jc Hadley , Kooms 1 and 3 UJ 815th st. 000 FOR IIENT 3 room brio bousa with base ment In Omaha View , $12 per mouth. J. F.Hammond , 117 B IBth st 110 FOR IIENT-4-room cottage on H 24th st , firs , house south ot 1'oppleton aye. Inquire on premises otter 8 o'clock p. m , 1G2 12 T7IOR RENT Seven-room cottage on 2 th JC street , one-half block from Cumlng street llronni Crclghton , se cor Douglas and 16th. 16013 T7XK KE T A One , new vlx-room bouso , J- water , gai. bath , etc. , 8 bldckn from V. O , ilrowu i Crelgbton , 10 cor. Douglas and 16th. 16613 _ _ TTIORRENT-Threo room house , IIUAM 8 7th JC 345 T7OK RENT Oood barn , sultablo for four , JC horses. Inquire at 817 a. 13th st. KU F OK HF.NT Ilai cment well Ujrnted and dry 1813 Howard st , Inquire of Bhaw & Co. , 610 Slbth. 284 _ TOOR RENT-3-room bouse , T 813 KEST-Brlck yards , T. Murray. FOR RENT Store and second floor on cor 18th and Marcy it. Inquire of Mrs. F. Lapge. ton B Uth. 888 TTTOR RENT Thrre room house , 709V4 Pacino. -E tot Kent-HU room bouse , 1109 ft 7th , For lUnt-Tfaree roomttouie. JOli N Jth 033 WOIl HENT-Window , rood locality for lew cl r or real estate. Apply to 3J * n 16th. FOB HC27T BOOUa , fllO RENT-4 rtwlj and elegantly furnished JL rooms at 1708 Douglas street. 219-17 * FOR RKNT Nicely furnished room sultablo for two genUemnn , south exposure : con- vcnlcnt to botn. 191 Dodge st. 214 13' FOR RENT-Furnlshcd room. 1912 DoJgo. - 7M FORRKNT-Warernom cor. 13th and Cull- ifornla on Belt Line , ior particulars en quire at Union Nat. bank. 16i IjiOR RENT-Furuijbcd rooms at 1818 Dodge It J ? C69J 10' FOR RENT Two fnrni'lied rooms , private family , $5 each1,2701 Howard tt. 918 llj FOR HKNT Ono or two furnished rooms , 8117 Harney street. U04 12) ) FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room suitable for two gentlemen , 2511 St. Mary's avc. usi FOR RENT Furnished room and board , 820 N 16th st. SOS L > FOR RENT f.legant rooms , furniture and house now , overv modern convenience , 1709 DoJgo street. References required. 858 13 FOR RENT-Eouth front room , good neigh borhood , Unit-class table for two , gentle man preferred , References required. Address B. 31. OS ! ) 12 FOR RENT Two pleasantly furnished rooms with board at 1 14 Farnam. 12J 12j BOARD nnd room with all modern conveni ences , 708 3 18th St. 115 15 * PORRENT-Offico2ndloor,3tt ! ) 3 15th. Bt. price $10 , 113 TJ10K RENT-8 rooms 709 Pacific street. 114 FOR HKNT 3 rooms In a llat cor 20th and Nlcholes st. 112 FOR RENT Desirable unfurnished rooms sultablo for office or sleeping rooms , yio S 15th et 078 FOR RENT-Nlcoly furnished rooms cheap , DOdSouth mil street. Upstairs. J3 FOR RENT Furnished front room , gas , bath first class board. 521 Pleasant st. 8M 14 * FOR : iENT-Dosk room. Enquire Voting & Blackman , 214 S 15th Bt. 540 FOR RENT Three room house west of North Ilth St. , between Chicago and Cuss. O'J- FOR RKNT-On north 19th st. furnished rooms cither n ith or without board.1SI5U 1SI5-U Tj'OR RENT rooms newly furul hcd,2nd en- JL1 trunco from the south In IMabrook hlk 3d floor , room 40. Inquire Mrs. Norton. I8S 12 If1 OR RENT Largo front room , nicely fur- JF nlshcd , elegant location , modern conve niences , prices reasonable. 401 N. llith. FOR RENT-Olllees In Holiman building cor. Farnam and Ilth sts.In suites or singly. For prices , diagrams and Information apply to S.A , Sloman , lul-i Farnam St. , Room 2. 693 FO RKNT-Uosk room A. P. Tulsoy 1321 Fix man st. t > 72. FOR KENT Nine-room llat centrally located , 310 S 15th , 77 rooms with board at Old FURNISHED Urowncll Hall , (110 ( S. 11th st. 141 13 FOR RENT-S furnished rooms at 1812 Chi cage St. 114 12 * POR KENT-Fin nlshcd front rooms , H113 Howard st , 2d floor. HO 14J RENT Two well furnished rooms with board If desired , private family , location con\cnlent and r pleasant. 192) ) rarnam. ' 167 10 * FOR RENT-2 nice turnlsbeJ. rooms. nJ N. 15th st. , 15D 11 * FOR lU'.NT Twowell furnished rooms , also day board ; 31T N. 17ti ! st. 17J 12 * T710K RENT- nlco room for two. Part JP meals If doslrcd. 8I2S.22d. 155 10J milE old Brjwncll Hall , 013 8. 16th st. is J- ready to give board and room , or meal board nnd unfurnished rooms with board , as low as the lowest.Pleaxunt rooms and tho. coolest dining room In the city. Meals 25c Como to the old Urowncll Hall , 613 8. loth St. i 1M18 lir.NT Furnished and unfurnished FOR in Uruonig block , corner 13th nnd Dodgo. Davis 4. Hethcrlngon , Millard hotel billiard room. till RENT-NIco furnished room. 2025 Far FOR nam. B FOR RENT Nicely furnished room , 1921 Dodge st. 119 FOR RENT Larzo room , newly furnished , with board , 2210 Farnam. IU7 12 * FOR RENT Elegantly furnished front par lor. Ill 3.18th near Dodge , P31 13J FOR RENT Part of office room. Inquire at 1212 Douglas St. 913 DIOR RENT Two flnoly furnished rooms , now house , 2214Farnara Btieet. 'JOO I3j FOR RENT Elegant sulto of rooms , reforen ces required , 1007 Douglas st. 801 FOR RENT A furnished front room and board for two ucntlcmon at 1722 Dodso st FIOR RKNT Eleven nlco unturnlshed sleep ing rooms. Separate or all together , in building 316 S 15th ft. 975 FOR RENT 2 Btoro rooms in best city of 4,000 population In Nebraska ; U new rail roads now building to It. Harrison , Ambler & Woollcy , 418 B. loth St. . Omaha , Nob. 495 j 13 fTlOR RENT Desk room , first office to left -a ? over Merchants National bank. 82 ] FOB 8A LE HOUSES LOTS. FOR BALE Hotel : O rooms furnished com plete with good run of custom. Good reason for selling. Enquire of J. II. Parrotto , 1G08 Chicago. 1US-12. "tT-OH SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western JJ part of Omaha near the Benson car line , price $400 each , $ . ' 50 duo on contracts payable in 3 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In contracts for Nebraska land. McCullocb .V Co. , 1509 Farnam st. 10JO STEVENS BROS. , 1513 Farnam st , offer the following special bargains : Business 1'ropcrty. Saundcrs it , 06x140 $ 7,500 Saundersst , 110x140 , improved IH.OUO Dcdpo St , 44 ft 16.000 Farnam st. 44 ft , Improved M.uoo Farnam st , 66 ft , corner 22'iOO Farnam st , B2 ft. Improved 30,000 Douglas st,22 ft , Improved rj.OUO Douglas st , 44 ft. Improved 20,10) Harney st , 4 choice lots Capitol ave , corner 15.000 16th st , opp. M. 1' . Depot,00ft 13.010 Ifith St.,0x50 r.OJ 13th Bt corner 100x150 13.00) 20thstC6xllO Improved O.GOO Residence Lots. Maunders st. 5 lots PlalnvIcwISlots Patrick ave 60x127 2,500 Virginia ave 1)0 ! Springs ! 2,500 Lowe ave lCoO 10 lots facing Hanscom Park DO lots In Ilanscom ] Place 20) lots in all parts < < f the city Residences. Yes , wo h vo , them In nil parts of the city at all kinds of prices and terms Iromii50 to. . . { . . . . . 45,000 ' J Acres. 110acres insblu the city limits. Call for prices Acres in Weft Omaha and different parts of the city. Btovens Jlros. 129 12 TpOR SALE-iLoVll block 11 , Heed's 1st add. -L with ono 8-room house nnd ono 12-room bouso , now , JUst completed : good well , cistern and outhouses aoout on grade , lot 60x127. Price $7,500 : this Is a cheap piece of property and money In it. Call for terms. E. T. Oadd i Son , . 1525 Faruam it. 1X5 HAWTHOHN-Hawthorno Is advancing now. 1 f you don't believe It IOOK ut the transfers. Lot 8 , block 4 , cast front , $1,700. Lot 1 , blockseast front nnd a cornur , for only $1.550. Corner opposite Isbeld at $ . ' .000. Lots3,4 nndS. ! block o , fronting on Daven port street , $1,500 caeb ; Y cash , balance 1 , 2 and 3 years. Lots 15 and 16 , corner on Davenport street , $1.500 each , one third cash. Lots 27 nnd 28 corner on Cass , $3,100. Three west front * . In Hillside , Son 30th street , $5.0CO. w. H. Gates,824 8 15th street. Entrance on Harney. ll > 8 18 I F.TY-THREE ft. front on Leavcnworth between S&ttfand 6th , 121 ft. deep at a low figure. Fifty-three ft. on Leavenworth corner 26th St. , l , (00. ( Hero Is some business property that Is advancingfast. . Two lots on 24th street near Mason at. at a bargain. Lot 11 , block 8 , Sulpbur Springs , fronting on Bberman ave. , $3.000. ; cheapest Tot on Bherman ave. W. H. Oittes,324 8.15tb tt Entrance on Harney. 198-18 FOB BALE A livery barn wltn stable room for about sixty horses , situated In a doslr > able location , and now doing a good business. Oood reasons given for soiling. Enquire of or a.d4r ss A. H. CorostoCk. ' real estate broker , U&Farnantt. Wl Ton SALS-Twcntr eholee "crc ? clple to U Mliourl Paeltlo railroad and West Albright , only two or three blocks from the John Dierks Manufacturing Industry , that Is already under way and will employ a hundred or more me chanics , This property commands a magnlll- centvlewin all directions and will plat into 100 elegant lots. $750 an aero bilys it If taken gulck , Ueo.N. Hicks. 211 13 FOR SALE 50 feet frontage on Vlnton ( t. , running to 20th st. Is business or reiidenco property and by Improving will yield 15 to 18 percent on the Investment. Depth Is 159 and 184 feet. It will be sold upon liberal terms at a bargain nnd must bo told , F. B. Woodrow. drawer 18. ' \ia 14 ] "VT'OU may look , but where will > ou llnd n list .L of bargains as olfcrcd by Need's Item Es tate Exchange. Farnam st , cor. 20th , 0x135 , Improved , $1- Farnnm f t , cor , loth , 41x132 , Improved , $33- 000. 000.Farnam Farnam st , bet , Oth nnd 10th ft ? , C6xI32 , per foot.00. . Farnam st. Highland Place and Jerome Park , sorao special bargains. Harney st. On tills street wo have several good bargains ; ahoon Dodge , Douglas , Capitol tel av. , Chicago , Cnmlnir tetc. . 00189 , cor. 13th ati'l William sts , 2 stores and cottnge , rents for $1,1-8 per year , $13OJO , one- third cash , $2,000 4'i years nt 6 per cent , bil- nnco one , two and three years , 8 per cent. This is n bargain. 120x132 , trackage , cor. 2Ut and Irani sts , without Improvements. Only $18,6X1 , $3,000 cash , balance one. two and three years. 0-room homo and full lot on Oeorgla tiv. on graJo , only $4.250 , for tow davs only. New D-room homo , full lot , south and cast front , In Windsor Place extension , at a bargain for a few days only. 6-room house ou Franklin 6t , only $2,5uO , easy terms. Lot50xi24 ! , 7-room house. 13IU Rt , bet St. Mary's av. und Loiuonnorth , very cheap. Full lot , south front , on Franklin et , only 1.700. Choice residence lots In Ilanscom Place. I J lots , north front , m Davenport sub , K blk westof SaundorB st$1,500 each ; ca y terms. 6-room hou o and lot , KOS , water , etc. , In front of street car line on Virginia ave , only $4.003. Flno residence lot on Davenport st , only $2,500. Several flno residence lots In Kountre place. 30x140. cast front , on 17th st , in Klrkwood , only $ $00. 2 east front lot < < in Rcdlck park , very cheap. 80\lf,0 , on California st , ouly $ J,100 ; H cosh , balance Syr ? . 0-room house nnd full lot on California street , only $3fOO. 2JxlMonCttS3 st. , bet. Ilth and 15th pts. , only lioxlOO Dorcas bet. 9th and 10th , 3-room house , o nly $2lfiO. 7J\I 2 on Castellar bet. 17th mid 15th , with fine E-room house , only fl.'KW ' : ! t cash. 37'4\15019th ' , near Castellar , only 31,010. ( lood corner In West End , on Dodge St. , $1,000 50x130 tnst front lot In West End , two good liouscs. only $1,600 , fO lots in tiriunorcy park on ensy terras. 2j01ott in Manhattan , 10 per cent cash , bal ance $10 per month. B.&M. park lots $100 each. $10 cash , balance "iivUj foot east front In Windsor Place KT- teu-'Ioii at u bargain. For paitlculiira como and see us Nodd Html Estate Exchange , 1408 Fur nam St. , opp. Piixton hotel. 201-12. L1OT3 In Manhattan from 3.50 to flOO. 10 per / cent ca'h , bill monthly. Ncdd's Heal I's- stnto U.xcliimgo , llO'l 1'arnam Bt , opp Piixton hotel. ' 201-12 QPUCIAL bargains for n few days. Lots 0 and 7 , block 5 , Hawthorne , east fronts , extending from Sbth to Mth etreots. for each only $1,150. Terms ono third cash , bnlaiico 1 and 2 years. Contract. A lull lot on Capitol avenue , with house of C rooms , south front. t > ) ,750 , IKi feet front on Capitol avenue , with house of rooms : everything complete. Call and get prices nnd terms. 40 acres dliectly west of Patrick farm , good improvements , at a bargain. This property Is n quarter of 11 mile from Norttiwe8torn depot and will double In value In nihoit time. Would take some city property na part paj ment. 100x140 on 19th sticot , adjoining Kountro Place , for all , $2,500. One-half cash , balance " If you want to buy or sell como and BOO mo. J. L. Plcrson , Itoora 3 , Omaha National llnnlt. rpWENTV acres for sale onV. . Dodge st , A $ ltO'J.V. ' . L. Sclby , 1021 Farnam.DJ8 DJ8 13 CLAIiKSON * IlIIATTVS special Dargalns- Vlrginlanvo and Howard , OJxHO , corner , 7,000 Yates & Iteods add a tew choice east front lots BUxliO , easy terms 1,250 Viindorcook Tcrraco 2 lots each 1.B.V ) 10th stl3.'xH.I . , corner , \cry ebcan 12,000 10th st COx20J good cottsigo uoar llrowaell Hull , oli'K'int lotshidooto 5,000 20th ft lOSvCO. impioved. rents for ? 2,000.27r)00 lath st 132xiu : , cor Davenport Bt , elegant business corner , easy terms Ofl.OM lilth st 43Y14 ! ) H cn < h , bal 1,2 and 3 years. 0,0)9 ) 10th 8150x140 , business property 6,000 Paddock plaoo Gtxll2 ! > iblk 4truukago. . . . 2.0CO Haundors 120x100 , very cheap , Lowes addt xl27 , corner , good nouee , will make very easy terms 100 Lakesadd. 01x140 , east front ! V-W Lukes ndd. 105x140.south front corner. . . . 7,000 Highland Place , 140xlVi , corner , south front elegant building site 11,009 1'alrmount Place , 21x121 with good house Sl.OOOcunb , bal. Syoars 1 , ! > 00 Lake st. 12 It. corner , snap .V > 00 Douglas st. 182x182 l'iOO ' Douglas st. 41x132 35.0JO Dodifott. : xl32 , Improved 18,000 Dodge st. CflxSi corner , rontu $ J,000 40,000 Jioyd's add , lots 8 and 7 blk 8 , one-third cash 1,450 Royd's add , bik 7,10 lots , one-third cash 7,030 Hoyd's add , several lots In blk 18 , $ SOO for cor ners , $750 Inside , very easy terms. Lake st , 60x100 , to alley on State 2,590 Omaha Heights , $300 to $530. ono chance In GO to get a $1,200 homo free. Call and Investigate , alpo goo us for bargains In all classes of prop erty. Clarksoii & lleatty. 210 8.14lh Bt. 180 14 FOU SALElly BtocRJalo real estate agent , a brick tenement block of three houses with ton rooms each , with all the latest Im provements , cast fronts and only ! i mile Irom postolllco. Prlco lor all $20,000. House of 7 rooms with largo barn and corner lot , east front , ono Dlock west of Park avo. 1 his Is a bargain at $3,500. House of 7 rooms In Shlnn's 1st add with n very largo lot , fronts north on Caldwcll Et and south ou Indiana st This is very cheap at $1,500. A nice homo in Walnut Hill , ahouioofS largo rooms , now , with lot 75x150 , south front , for all $3,100. ! i lot In Nelson's add , close to Cumlng st with house of 5 rooms , good well , coal house , and other Improvements , lot 31xUr > , $2,600. Would like to cull your attention to lots tba ( 1 have in the following additions that 1 will sol very cheap : Walnut Hill , Kostors , Carthage , Sounders and Hlmcbaugh'0 ! linker's add. Crcighton Heights , Clltton Hill and Orchard Hill. Call and see me , I am ready at all times to show property. James Stockdale , real es tate agent , lii : n 16tn Bt , office with D R nail & Co. 17'J 17 JF. HAMMOND-Speclal bargains. . South Oranlm , U beautiful lots , ono a corner , in Cxcnango Place , right in the vicinity of all the largo establishments , houses all about them. $2,700 for the the three , or $900 each for Inside , $950 for corner. Lots 9,10,11 and 12. block 9,8. E. Rogers' ' add. , corner 16th and Dorcas streets , $103 pet front foot If sold together , If sold separately $100 per front foot for inside , and $110 per front foot for corner , on which there Is a 4 room houpo 21 per cent on Investment , business property in South Omaha , price $7,300 cash , rents for $1.500. Trade Will trade a full machine fhop for Improved or unimproved property at a bar. gnlo. Two 9-room houses for sale , to bo removed before October , bet Uth and 19th Bts , on Far nam. Improved and unimproved property In nl parts of the city. In addition to my own extensive list I have as n member of the Ne braska Heal Estate Exchange access to the list of 110 other real estuto firms In th city , all of whose properties 1 bav. indexed and available , consequently In whatever local'ty you may desire to purchase it will bo next to Impossible to mis ; finding Just what you want , J. Y. Hammond 117 outhlOth t. Mil "OBDICK PARK has city water. 350 maple an -It elm trees , 45 residences under contract ! . build , none of which shall cost less than $1,200 , Its streets are graded and turnplko'l. It li within thu old city limits opposite Kountz < Place and accessablo from cither Saiindors 01 State streets. We have a few lots loft in thl addition wind , wo will otrer to nome Becker upon very favorable terms. Wo also olfer 100 ft fronting Ilanscom Park , f 0,003. H to l > cash. Cor. 100x150. Georgia ave , $5,003 , $2,000 caeb. Full lot and 7-room house in excellent condi tion , Parker's add , $ ' 1WU. Cor. . 06x132 , Improved , S Ilth near viaduct , $10,000. Every ono of these pieces are worthy of ex amination. For particulars call nn or address Mead & Jamleson , Solo Agents , 818 S 15th st. SPrCIAL-e6xl-tt ft lot Inside ot the ono mile limit. $3,800. Worth $4.500 of any man's money. Oood tf room nouto on Poppleton ave , a tplondld homo for somebody. Cull and get Rrlce and terms. 20 lots In Bedford Place , 40 > ts In Meyers , Richards < fc lilden'a add , 15 lets In lioyd's add. UO lots In Orchard Hill add , 9 lots In Ilrown Park at a bargain. 2 lots In walnut Hill , tine trackage at $1.0JO each. 1 dno soutn front lot In Foster's add $ -i/HK > . A good 5 room hoi'so with basement , cellar , cistern , well , barn , etc. , K blocks from the red car line , for $2W ) . one-third cash itnd the balance In 1 , : and 1 years. This place is very cheap , and ou lit to be taken at one * at this price. Wo have about one hundred bouses and lots tor sale on very easy terms J nd ono of the Urge it lists ot proj- ertr in Omaha. Give us a rail F. F Williams At Co. , lot andCklcafoit. , near Douglas Co. A MK3' Real Estate Agoncr. ' J\ . ISO 'Farnam St. Four roomed modern houcei.lm flrtt cl location , at $5,200 , $ ? U ) cash , balancv monthly or quarterly. Five flrst class , 8-roomtd cottage * , with well , cistern , bath room and coal houso. Only one Mock from car lino. $2.750 each , $350 cash , balance $ 'A per month. , full lot fine 434-Now 6-room Cottage , trees , Only ! ! block from Hanscotu park. . $2,500 432 Now 8-room modern house , near PoppUton ave. Very cholco homo. . 8,000 430 Ono ol the finest l.oraos In Ilnnfcom Place. Full lot and modern li-room hou < o and good barn. This is worth looklugat . il.S.V ) 429-Splctidld ea t front lot on Virginia ave. and good 9-room hou o . 4 , WO 423 Full kit , 50x132 , cast front and f pltn- did 6-room cottage , good barn.wiiKOii house nnd outbuildings , only 1 tnllo f rom postoffice . 4,000 410 Full lot and good 4-room house In Plalnvlew.oniy . 1GOO 417 1'ino lot In Hanscotu Place , nnd good 8-rooui housobarn and outbuildings for . . . 4,000 41J-GO feet on tlodiru and 25th street , and good 7-room house , only . 8,000 413 East front lot and modern B-roora houto In Ilanscom Place on Dela ware street , uo Oner location In the city . 7,000 814 Two as line acres as you can tlnd In Douglas countycan bo had for . 0,000 813- Vine lot In Pntrlck'9 addition . l.WO 846 Klegant lot In Tabor Place . 1,050 M2-T\vo good lots In Kllby Place , for both 640 Two lots , lOJxllS , corner , in Kl Iby Place , lay very flno and can bo had if taken within a few days for . 3wX ) K59 Kast front lot on 31st st , In Redlck's Groic , corner and oulj- . 2,800 6.13 7r.xl5'Jon ' Georgia a\c. This Is a , de cided bargain . . 2.TO ? Kit Very line lot In Ihornburg addition. 8-5 S-'a Ono of the finest lots on Lowe av- eiiuiju t north of Dodge st . 2,000 8.4-Good lot on Cuss st for . 1,300 8HI-100X12I , corner on Dodge st . 10.UOO fc09 T o very line Ms on Virginia a > e , east front and \ery cheap at . 4,600 794-Flno corner In Clarendon , ono block from street cars . I"00 Ames , 1507 Farnam st. FOIt PAMC Cottage , 7 rooms and bath room , lire place , oak mantel , cistern , city water , etc.,31 feet of ground. 22d pt. north of St. Marj'savo. S1.500. C. W. * 0. E. Thompson , 2148.15th st 210 LOTS In Manhattan from $250 to $503. 10 per ecnt cash , bal monthly Nedd1 * Real rs- tate Kxchange , 1103 Farnam Et , opp Pa\ton rPO PARTIES who will build homos costing JL $1.2t)0 ) to $1,500 , we will furnish beautiful building lots requiring no payment of princi pal for tlvo years. Abstract furnished und warranty deed gl\en as soon OR the hnu o is completed. Mead & Jamleson , 31S S. 15111 tt. - feet on Statn street . $7ffl FOHTV-TWO Full lot In Faunders & Hiincb.uigh's add 471 Two good lots in Meyers , H. & T. add , each. 7ffl S.r. . cor. In llovd'fl * M Trackage In Paddock I'lnco , cheap , . . . Room 21 , I'axton building. P. TUKEV , 1321 Tarnam et. , mikes Investments - A vestments for uon residents a specialty wlthiruaiantncd interest or share ot prollts , and takes full cbnrgo of property ; lofercnoo given. 3 ! > (1 ( IMMCOIATC sale will take nioH or less only 5 or B blocks from r.\chango bid and Villon Stock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen houses under contract In same block. Iwant what they nro worth. I don't want fancy prices I want to sell quickly. 111. . Ilranch. U- ! - hundred foot front on BIGlJAniTAIN-Ono South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,000. Farton time V. U Vodlcka , 5-J ! South 13th st. WH. GHBK.V.215 S. lltli St. , oilers the fol lowing bargains : 7 beautiful lotts 21x90 to 10 foot alley ou Leavenworth St. , corner of 20th st. This is the best and cheapen business property on the Btreet. Lot 03x120 , east front on 9. Ifith st. Oao of the finest on the st. , $11,500 ; easy terms. Onoot the Gr.cet residence lots in Clark Jd , , 64x123 , $5.400. Cor. of Loivenworth and 2".th ave. , 14414 on Lcavcnwoith aud 126H ou 25th. Great bar gain , $ 12,030. Ilrown Park nnd South Omaha lots from $100 to $1OUO. W. H. Green , 215 .S. 13th St. 711 SELECTS , are the carefully Il o1 bargains hunted down by Cake < ! E Hillings. Our sam ple ease : Slots with 2 houses , J. T. Rodlck's sub , only block from sticet c.ir line , 103x12) ft on. 2 streets , big money hero for you. Ilcauty of Ilartlett. fruit trees , flno view , only $1.500 cash needed. Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market. Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , and we'll make It pleaaant and profitable for you. rpHE Apple of My Eye."nome only ! 4 block off. X st Mary's ave car line , convenient to busi ness , built "not fora day but for all time. " flargams In business property. List with us for we put them where- they keep hot. Cake * Hillings over 101 South 15th st. 60J TTNTILJuly 1st I offer my f5 feet east fronton LJ Falrvlow street bv 130 feet deep to a 15-ioot alley In CKrko's addition , ' ,5 block north of St. Mary's avenue , being lot 5. and south 21 foot ol lot 4at $ ro per front foot$5,003 cash.balanco In 1 and 2 years at 8 per cent. It not sold by that date will be permanently withdrawn from the market nnd Improved. This Is thn handsomest lot In the city fora strictly first-class residence. Parties m search of something extra line upon which to build an elegant icsldonco are rn cpcctfully requested to look at this property. J. A. Griffith. Hellman Ilullding , 13th and Fur nam. 991 TJ10R SALE-Hy Shaw > tCo. , J ? 610 8 IGth St. Houses and lots In all parts of ti ! city. You can't afford to rent when you know the price and terms of this class of property. On Georgia avenue w chare a largo pleco ol ground for sale at loss than in valuo. It Is worth looking at If you want a nice residence property. Lots for sale In different parts of the clty.and you are sure to make money by dealing with us. We are headquarters for safe Investments. 653 /10MPAHE tk fo bargains with adjoining \J property. Wo are sole agents. Lot 10 , block 15 , Ilanscom Place $2,000 Knst front , 100x151 feet on Virginia ave. . . 4WO Lot4bloek2 , Kllby Place l.Cixi Lot 6 , block 8 , Isaac & Bcldon's add. , ta tcct | front , only 2,0'X ' 'I beautiful lots in Windsor Place 2.UOO 1 lot on Purk avo. , 50x150 feet 1,500 25 acres within city limits' , $ " 50 per.ncro. Potter & Maclcod , 15091'arnam st. 15813 FOR SALi-Or ; exctiango , South Illinois farms for Nebraska property , mild climate fruit plenty , fuel cheap. What bnvo you to trade. Write particulars , J. C. Hall , McLeans- bore , Ills. 1U113 * ARLlNGTON-Flne south front lot. U lots m Bedford Place , 20 lot sin Iloyd's add , 10 lot * In Meyers , Itlchnrds & Tlldon's add pc\orul lots In llrennun Placellurr Oak , llrlggs Place , Brown park , Uaker Place , Creston , Cart huge. Conkllng Plaeo , Clltton Hill , Crcighton Heights , ClovcidBlo , Cotalpa Place , Ciovclam Place , Douglas add , Drake's ndd , Doninnn Place , 1'alrmont , Ilanscom Place , Hillside No. 2 HlllsldoNo. 3 , Hartman's add. Highland park Hitchcock's , 60 feet front on North Ifath ftrcet north of Nltholns st , south fron corner on 28th and Capitol nve.r.0xiii ; for $2.80) ) Lots In Jerome park. Kllby Place , Klrkwood Kount/o Place , Kouut/e & Ruth's add. Konntxo's 2nd , Knuntro's 3rd. Kountzo's 4tl sup. , Ijiko's add. , nice corner 01x115 In Lowe's add , $1,000 south front. Fine souta front li Foster's add. , $ ,1100. Ono5011 south front lo on Decatur Bt. In Ktcd's Srd for $1,100. Lot In all of the beat additions in and to Omaun \Vo have oto of the beet nud lur/est lists o good property to bo found in the city. A good 6 room housn No. 2517 Poppleton nvo that must bo soli ) , nnd would Ilkoto get agooi reasonable offer from someone ; this place can bo bought right. Wo linvo a very complete list of residence property too Inrgo to oniimer ate. Give us n call ifjou iir looklnir lor ai Investment. F. F. Williams i. Co. , ICth line Chicago Us. , nnar Douglas county bniik. HO T.OT3 in Manhattan ftom$250 to- . . 10 pe t-t rent cash , bal monthly. NeJa'a Iti.ul Kn- tate r.xchangu , HOC 1'arnum bt , opp I'axtoa hotel. : 01-12. FOR SAi < ! . At a bargain , new flare building und good builnes-i lot on llclii.xuo . Mreot , at the Intersection of South Omiitm with the city. Priucl.6'rO : only JMH ) culi : , babinro 1 , ; und 3 years. This Is n splc n < ! i > l plueo I r almost uny klnil of retail buelues * . Gco. K. HCHH ! , 215 South 15th street. 'AI7 13 ElTauir cheap Hit- COxl.C , a corner on 13th it f 7.0iv ) 100x132 , a corner on 1'ltlist I'l.ox ) r.flxi : ; * , a corner on Jonei > t i'b.ro'j l.fixl.h. ucormir on S Ilth et 8im ; (10x132. u corner on CumlngEt 2R.o ' 0 lUiixlihlontiaundersit r > ,5ij ( 2 U front lotb In Hawthorne add t'.O'V ' ) Slots In Raker Place , for both S-C'I 75xlft2 Hnd afi room coungeon ISthnt. . 3,0'0 McGavocki. O'Connor , 315 South 13th ft 471 \I7K Can soil for a tew dus onU' > Lot 100 Gilo's addition for f rt.40) . Lot 71 Gtie't addition. fO.TU. niockl Iloyd's addition , $ ' , VK ) . One-third caih , balance 1,2 an.1.1 jear . Remington 5 ; Mcl'ormlck.iaiPouth IJtli ft. FOR SALK-Lct 3aiii | 4. block II , llmncom Place , cant front on I'ark ii'.u. . VlOilVi tl.ore U no bettor property en Park nTo.nn.l this can t > ei had at u ! uw ( Iguru if taken at cncu. Come und fee about It. K. T. QaiW iSon. , 15' ' ! 1LU HOUSES for s l . I hnv three jrooJ drlvln borers for sale cheap. See mo bo ore itiylng. L. P. Hammond , room 3,1WJ I > W I. IPS , [ TOIl SALi : 4 sections of und worth f0 pe > F1 acre. Will sell for f i If taken nt oneej Urrlnon , AmbUr A Woollcy. 418 S. 1Mb it < i Omaha , Neb. 4 ! J13 ONi : Hundred homos ( or snlo : t rms and lo cation to mil everybody , lots til all parts of Ity , acres John Gallagher , 317 South liith at. 815 19 FOR SALE-Kent or trnde , live-room cottaio lu Paulson's ndultlon , Ten-room house ml tliri'o Ion la l.iulwk'k place , ami othop iroporty. U V. Crum. 110 N. IBth St. 403 1' UTS In Manhattan from $250 to $500 , 10 po * J cent cash , bal monthlr. Ncdd'fl Heal Eg atn K.xihango , 1100 Fnruam st , opp Paxton lotol. 201-12 pHE Patrick Farm and Conkllug Placev JL Query : \\bnt lias tin. 1'utrlek Knnn got ta o with Conkllng I'mco ? Answer : It joins ] Conkling Place on the west and north , ana irnctlcally surrounds It , and the owners of the 'ntrick Farm will irrado und pave the streets , mild 4 first-clan brick residences on every iult block , and will put water , BOS and sewer * ge In the addition , and will commence wore on their cable line within 24 hour * after thele rnnclil e Is voted next Monday. Tlu < ra will bo n "city" adjoining Conkling 1'liico on this farm with n cable line to It running along Ilirco sides' of Conkllnir I'liico. What U the mural ? It 1st bis : Conkllnir Place Is the handsomest , best ? ocatcd nnd mo ncces-ilblo property In the ! restcrn portion of the city , and li very cheap now , only $55. ) to $750 for corners , and $500 to < M forltisUle lots' , and uilonls , both buyen or Improvement and speculation , the best ndvantngcs far n homo nnd eurcit profit ! of auy propcity or ln\e tmont beforetno public * 0 day. The ImproTonient of the Patrick Farm and rapid transportation thereto , will tnako Conkllnir 1'lacc lots very desirable , and thejt N ill go up with a rush , Wnliavo In n quiet sort of n way , sold Ml of these lots to representative itl/cns of Omnhii and Kansas Pity , iuul hayo eft 110 very choice lots to offer at preionf irlocs until July 1st. One-filth cnsn , balunco In 1 equal 8cml-nnnunlpuynicntsnt 3 per cent , Vor 'urther particulars cull upon or aildro ft J , A. Irlillth. solo aucnt , looms"0 and 21 , Hcllmna llnllaliig , inth mid Kiiinam. PO-I 1OR SAM ! A line farm of ICO acres , en- JL' closed \\lth 3 wire fence , 113 ucirs under ciiltlvution , 11 acres ot n h trees In thrifty growing rondltlon , prlco$10 for aero , terms ousy. This offer peed for thirty days only. Address Chus. 11. Wilton , Oxford , lurims coun ty , Ncli. 7.y > s * Master's Sale. In thr Circuit Com t of tlio United States for the Dlstilct ol Nebraska , Tim NoidyKo nml.Marmon 1 Company I In Chancery. James Monro ot nl. J i oiitcuxt'tiE OF MnnTOAan. DUHMC notlio Is hereby Riven that In pllrsil- uncound by vlrtuu of n dccieo entered In thi ? tibovo ciuiso , on the ' 'ilth Uiiy ol Octobur , 1W , 1 , WIN L. KlurbowiT , Special Master 111 chancery In uld lomt , Mill , on the IRtli day ot Juno , lf'7 , t the hour of 10 o'clock In the lotemmu of the PiiUl day , at thn north door ol thn United Stales couit house and post ollteo hulldlnp , lu the city ol Omnlia , UcniRla * county , Btiilo nnd dhtilu of Noluaeka , Bcllat uutllon the following duscilbcd piopeity , to- Comincnolnff nt n point on the Most line of section No. llftcon ( IS ) , In township No. tlueo north of iaiiKO No. tire (5) ( ) W. nnd thirty chain Mini live links ninth of tlio south-west cor no of paid ecctlon , running thunco couth SI deir 4'Jm. east ok-ven (11) ( ) chnlns.thonco north 15de riOmln. cnat nlnu | U ) cimlns and & 7 links , thcnca northM dew. W ) niln. west sixteen (10) ( ) chains and twenty links to the ucst line of s M section , tliencii south on f aid west line of Bald section to sixteen (1U ( ) chains nnd sixty (10) ( ) links to point of iHRlnnliiR , und contaltilnir Id5fi acics. The bearlnpof linesulven from u miipnetlo varia tion ot II drir. 18 mln. cast ( savln r and e\coptlnir a tract ( iStlt.'O feet In sl/o released from Hen of mortKiittoto the tnedom Ilaptlst Church by deed dated September 1 , IBS1 ! ) . Also lots No. ton (10) ( ) and eluvon (11) ( ) In Roctlun No. el.xlcon (10) ( ) township No threu ( U ) , north ol ianto live (6) ( ) west : also the rlKht-ot-wny over sold section No. sUteen (1(1) ( ( ) us described In deed irotn .luincs Moore to jlttcrbu ! h Wrlpht and Co. The foro- tfolnir bolnir the ontlro mill tirnpcity known H3 "Onk Mill" In Rlk Precinct , Nuckolls county , Nebraska , nnu Includes all the machinery , llx- turo * . njipuitoniinces , rights and prlvilenca to Bild mill property belonging or In any wise ap- pe.taininjr. | UKllnowRIli Hpcrlal Master In Chancery. O. A. Annorr , Solicitor for Coiuplalmmt. Notice. THR undcrslirnod will rcccivo bids until 4 o'clock p in. , Saturday , the " 5th dayof Juno , A. I ) . If87for the followlnpr nupiillos to bo lurnlplicj , and the olllclal prlatlntr to bar done , for the next fiscal year commencing1 July 1st , 1 S7 , na lollows , \ I/ : liny , oats , com , coal and ice : also the print * InK of ordinances und olllclal notices from th Milfons city ollirca , The city council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. B. SOUTIURD ; City Clerk. Proclamation anil Election Notice. EXECUTIVE DKPAUTMCNT , CITY o OMAHA , NKIIHASKA , MAYOU'S OFFICE , Juno 3 , 1887. n\ | virtue nf the nuthorlty In mo vested , I , William J. Urontcli , Mayor of the City of Omahit , do hereby proclaim to the quallllcil voters of said city , nnd the re spective wards thereof , nnd voting districts therein , that on Monday , the 13th day of June , A. U. 1SS7 , a special election In said City of OmMia will bo held at the following places In said city , to- wit : FinbT WAItD. VoUnfc District No. 1 At S. W. Cor. Tenth and JOIIPS. Voting District No. 2 At N. E. Cor. ' blxth and 1'leicp. Votlnt ; District No. 3-AtElovcnth St. No , 4Englnolloubo. HECONO WAItD. Voting Di.strict No. l-At S. W. Cor. Sixteenth and heavenworth tits. Votinc District No. 2-At N. B. Cor. Sixteenth nnd Vlnton Sta. Tumi ) WAnn. Voting District No. l-At 017 Capital Av. Voting District No. 3At 303 S. Street. roimTir MAnn. Votlne District No , l-At Planters' IIou , i Dodge bt. , bet. Sixteenth and Seventeenth * ! Sts. ' Voting District No. 3-At 1803 St. Mary'i' Ave. FIFTH AVAIiD. Voting District No. 1 At 500 N. Sixteenth Street. Voting District No. 2 At N. E. Cor. Six- Urnth and Iiard Sts. H1XTII WARD. Voting District No. l-At 1018 Saundar * Street. Voting District No. 3 At 8. W. Cor. haiindcrH St. and Aines Ave. BKVENTII WAIIO. Voting District No. l-At N. W. , Cor. ' Twenty-ninth Ave. and Woolwortli St. Voting District No. 3 AtQuealey'sSohoo * Houso. EIGHTH WAItD. Votlne Dibtrlct No. l-AtS017 CtiniinB St- Voting Dlstilct No. 3 At 2407 Cumlng ; St. .NINTH WARD. Voting District No. 1 At store of Cliarlca J. Johnson , Twenty-ninth and Fnniatn. Voting DiutrictNo. 2 AtlloitzmauUloclft Cor. Werner Ave. nnd Eureka St. The polls of said election will l > o open at 3 o'clock in thomnrnlng and will continue open until 0 o'clock in the attornoou , and at said election the following question and proposition concerning the irriuttlnir of a Imnclilfif to the .Metropolitan Cable Hallway Company ot Omaha will lie submitted to said electors of Bald city , to-wlt : "Shall conuent.'rlght ot way and authority bo given to tlio Metropolitan Cable Railway Company of Omaha to construct , maintain and operate a street railway with cart * propelled - polled l > y electricity , compressed air , horna power or cable , or by sucli other motor as may licre.tttcr bo shown practicable , except bteani locomotite-t , for the operation of HtrcctralU \ \ ayriltli suitable turnouts , coiiiicctlons unit turn-tables , in the City of Omaha , on and through -ttio following streets in salol city , vlx : Mason , Mnrcv , J cnon worth , Jnne.i , Jack > nn , Howard , llarncv. Fftrnam. Douglas , Dodge , west of Twentletn ; Capital Avenue. Davenport. Chicago , Cass , Call- lornln , Webstur , it tut , Cumin ? , Hamilton nnd I'/aid , all bctnenn Klcvcntu street nnd the city limits on the wi" t : IJHuwnth street , Twflffh. Foiiituunth , Fifteenth anil Six- tcenth uctwccn Mason and Ciiinlnt ; , and Klt'venth ' , Twelfth , Fourteenth , Flffcentli aitl : blxtecnth trom Mason to Vlnton ntroota ; Vlnton from IvNentli to Urcen , Soven- tcenlii , Nineteenth bctnocii lliv > nrd and I/mil ; Twonty-iirst , Twotity-.seconl and Twenty-third hctwren Doduu and J/.ard , and otic of Its termini hull be nt the InU'fBectlun ol two of the previous ubovn named Mrrcts , and thn other nunr tlio west line of the xjuth- , east quiirter of Hrctlnn Township IS , " UaiiKo I cuht In Dougiai County , N.C- ' ll votes "Vcs" on said question and proposition ( hall bo rn arded and cniiKtil'red as In f.ivor of LTiintliik'talil iranclilMi ntiil all .1 \otcs "No" shall bu rerdp < l and cnnsklered us against urantlnt ; ald tranchlse. i _ . _ . . In WltniAs Whereof , 1 have here- J , . , . . , ( . unto sot mv hand ami c'nihi'd the / ill I > ' > ! of al ' -'lly to bu afllxiM Ilia 1 ' ' day ami year tlrnt above written. , V. JM.I A > t J. liitoA-xcii. Mni or. - Attest : J. ij. SOUTMAUU , City Clerk- . 134WI