Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    ; ' ' " ' , " / ; . . ' ' * ' * ' ' THE OMAHA. DAitY BEE : SUNDAY JUNE 12. ISST.-TWELYE PAGES.
1 Hart an Easy Victor in the Six Days Walk-
f ing Match ,
? ,
to-Dny'fl Unll CJnnic-Ottii Glut ) Notes
The Btnto Breeders' Blcot-
lnj { Oenernl Sport-
Inn News.
The Walking Mnlcli ,
Tlio six dnys walking match ended nt five
minutes past 12 o'clock tills morning. The
match has not buon n success linanclnlly , nor
lias It been satisfactory to the Unialia patron ; )
of legitimate sport. In the first place the day
of walking matches has pussud. 1'atrons o f
Bportlugotonts demand something more ex
citing than nn easy going pedestrian bout ,
especially when tno places that the contes
tants can take In knuwn before the match
commences. In the contest just closed Hart
bad a sincli on Hist place from tlio start. Ho
Is capable of walking GOO miles In six days ,
'nnd ' It was mere piny for him to iccl off tlio
two-thirds of tlmt distance that was more
than sufficienttonlvu him .first plnco. Ho
did falttiful woik yesterday , however , and
between brushes with O'l.oary and Herri-
man kept up n gait tlmt astonished the spec
tater * . About bo'clock lust nlxht he dropped
into n Hwlft trot on his own account
nnd ran ten , miles without a bait. O'henry
And HerrliftM were within a mlle of each
other durlntlitGlr walk last night , and exCited -
Cited n good dual of enthusiasm by their
brushes and simrtft of snood.
At 10 o'clock taut night Hart saw tlmt ho
would have to work to cover 400 miles. He
accordingly bioku Into n run which ho kept
up until the finish. Hcrrlman , who had
fimblrd painfully all day , braced up nt 10
.o'clock nnd made a final nnd .successful ellort
llor pccond plnce. He overhauled O'Leary In
\a \ short time nnd then led
Mm. To do this Hcrrlmnn had
Ills trainer ruiinlnc with him much of the
Wine , holding a wet spoilce to his hond. Ho
Succeeded In getting a peed lead on O'l.eary
nnd won second olnce. Hart , was completely
exhausted , nnd when four laps short of 400
miles fainted nnd fell on the trnck. Ho
was icvlved , nnd succeeded In covering
000 miles nt 10 minutes bnforu midnight ,
tend retired from tlio track after making ono
extra lap forcnod measure. Over U.OOi ) people
ple stood up and yelled themselves hearse ns
the men sped , nmbled or dragged themselves
around tlio track. When the pistol was llrod
At midnight the score stood ns follows :
Miles Laps
tlart 400 l
fllrrrltnan SS4 0
50'Loary : i8l 5
Urcsg 042 8
Smith ! V39 6
Hun man 317 3
Whatever may bo said of the principals In
the mntch , there can be no rninlhtcatlon of
the credit that must bo given to Mr. C. L.
Schriver for his management of the match ,
lie has done everything In his power to
irmke the event n success. Ho 1ms been es
pecially square In his dealings with tlio
patrons of ( ho match , nnd In this respect has
been a pleasing Improvement upon the nver-
pgc run of manimers of sporting events , who
Jinvo bilked the Omaha sport-loving public
.or "yoahs and ycahs. "
Hnso Rail Matters.
The rain yesterday caused a postpone
ment of the Omalm-Topeka ball game.
This was unfortunate from n finan
cial standpoint * Goldberg's giants al
ways prove n drawing attraction.
At Denver the club drew nn attendance that
nctteii the Delivers nearly S3.COO In three
'names. If the grounds are In condition the
lirst game of the series will bo played this
afternoon , The clubs will bo positioned as
follows :
Oinnha. Positions. Topoka.
Krehmeycr Catcher Knnyon
O'Loary Pitcher Sullivan
D wyeri 1st bnso Werden
Mpssitt -M buso Ardnor
Uourke 3d base Stearns
AVnKh Short Stop McCullar
finder LottKlclik ( ioldsby
GcnlnB Center Weld Holllday
Hwlft J tight Field Sliced
Xho AVcHtorn Ijrnuui
The standing of the clubs In the Western
Lua.uo is shown by the following :
, Clubs. Won. Lost
Omaha 13 ii3
Hastings 13 18
Lincoln 10 17
Den ver 17 14
Topekn 'M , 9
Kansas City 18 17
Lroavcnworth S3
Bt. Joseph 13
The following table shown the standing o
the clubs of the National league :
Clubs Won. Lost
Detroit 26 I
Chicago 10 17
Now York 131 1C
Boston ! M l
Philadelphia 17 l
riltsburg. 13 IE
Indian-polls 8
Washington 13 18
The C. K. Mnyne club will ( to to Lake
Alanawa this afternoon to play a match giuuo
with Moore & Ktplmgcr's nine of Counci
The cltv leaL'iio has now been completed
and the series ot match giuftos will bo cqm
inencpd this week.
The C. K. Mayne club will play nt Korll
I'lntteon July 4 , and will cross bats wltl
i clubs at Plum Creek , Coznd , Columbus
Bebuyler , Uraud Island and Kearney on the
borne trip.
Denver Downs St. Joe.
! . < si DKXVKR , Juno 11. ( Special Telegram tr
tlieUni : . | Thu tamest gnnm of the season
, Yf s played hcio to-dny between St. Joe am
6 Denver. Not n brilliant playas mad
jjj'throughout the game. Urlggs had a lingo
broken In the second Inning , and retired In
„ favor of Dallas , Denver's now catcher. Th
„ '
' ' latt'or Is not above the average. Hogan gav
* out In the seventh , and Sileh finished. Th
work of St. Joe In the field was very poor
ilumbo did the best batting of the day , whil
thatofWlegrllTewas a perfect farce. Hoi
. , . . rnan showed up well behind the bat. Th.
Donvers played very slow , listless and with
caijp'it apparent ellorl The following was tin
score :
v.Jenver l 3 o s o 5 l l l l
' tit Joe ( . . . .3 a 0 0 3 4 0 1 0-1
fi t Junscarned Denver 0 , St , Joe S. Krrors
tutlonvor-r . St. Joeli. Two-baso hits Sllch'
A . lomlth , Phillips. Sunday , Isaacson , Harding
& i Base lilts-Denver 20 , St. Joe IB. Doubl
41 \ Plays Robertson to Hrlmblocom to Isaacson
tt Bases on bnlls-Hogan 4 , Silch a , Welirrillo 0
bu , IMt bjr ri tenor hundav. Sllch. Strueve
rnssod balls-Hrlggs a , Dallas 4. llotlaian 3.
y Btruck out-Hogan 8 , Hllph l. WIogrllT 5.
X > lft on bases Denver 6 , St. Joe It. A\'ll <
i.irt'pltclies Hoean \YIoKrlfTo 3. Uatterlos
yrf wtojate Dall < isstJo ; °
( ' > . National tioaeuo Game * .
. < CUICA.CO , Juno 11. The game betwee
a i the Chlcazo and IMttsburj ; teams to-day re
/ inltod ns follows :
t Chicago S * u
* lltt-sburg 0
- 1 4
ntchors Clnrkson nnd Morrison , liaao
hlte-Chlcago 13,1'lltsburg 18. Krrors-Chl-
casro 1 , Plttsburg 3. Umpire Pnarce.
BOSTON , Juno 11. The game between
the Hoston nnd Philadelphia teams , to-dar
ipsulted as follows :
Boston 0 0 11
. Philadelphia 'J 04000003-0
Pltchers-ltndtiourno and Dally. Base lilts
" "V 8,1,01 ! 'i0' ' I'hllndolphla . Ki rors-Uoston
Phlladeltihla 7. Umpire Holland.
* * w X ° R15 June 11. The game between
jNew York and Washington teams to-day
, . . , . ultfdM follows :
isi MMwVork 11 1 W
. .4Washington. . . . . 0 0 o o o o 3 0 0 2
Pitchers Mattlmnrennd Shaw , llaso hits
, . > -TNew York S3 , Wajhlniton 4. Krrors-Ncw
< S .iork 3 , Wanhlugton IS. Umplra Pownra.
DETIIOIT , Juno 11. The game between the
. W'Detrolt nnd ludlanarolls teams tMay ref -
f "lit Detroit . ' 3 0000140 0 7
J Jbat Indianapolis 0 50010000 0
, Pltchbrs TwItchoU and Boyle. Base hits
\ \V f-Dctrolt 13 , IndlanaooJU 7. Errors-Do-
crj * troll , jadlanapolli B. Uniplrc Doeacher.
. ui ) ' Gxetor DoflBata Friend.
X , 7 KsrrKH , Neb. , June 11. ( Special to thi
f ujBi - . | The Friend and ExeUr nines played
I 'uIntercstinj ; c ! iie o' ball here yesterday ,
resulting In a victory f6r Kxoter by the fol
lowing score :
Friend 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 0-13
L'xcter 1 7324000 * 17
The American Association.
llAtiTiMonr , .luno 11 , The game between
Haltlinoro and Cleveland to-day resulted as
follows :
Baltimore 0 * -12
Cleveland 0 00030030-4
Pitchers Smith and Morrison , llaso hits
Haltimore 18 , Cleveland 17. Krrors-Ualtl-
more 2 , Cleveland 3. Umiilro Cttrrv.
Jt'r.w Yoitic , Juno 11. The game between
Metropolitan and Cincinnati to-day resulted
ns follows :
Metropolitan 0 10000000-1
Cincinnati. . . .i. . 1 10100000-8
PltPliers Kays and Sorade. Haso lilts
Metropolitans 12 , Cincinnati 5. Krrots
Metropolitans 4 , Cincinnati a. Umpire-
PnttiADr.t.PtttA. Juno 11. The game bo-
twoun the Athletics and St. Louis to-day re
sulted as follows :
Athletics ! 2 01040010-8
St. Louis 0 00001030-4
Pltchrrs Weyhlnp nnd Kinp. Haso hits
Athletics 10 , St. Louis 7. Krrors Ath
letics 4 , bt. Louis , 5. Umpire A'alentltie.
BIIOOKI.YX. Juno 11. The game between
Brooklyn and Louisville to-day resulted as
follows :
llrooKlyn 3 0020003 0-11
Louisville 1 20030200 7
Pitchers Porter and Jlutnscy. Uaso hits
Jlroonljn 14 , Louisville 10. Krrors liookl > n
2 , Louisville 0 , Umplro
John S.'Prlnce Is being Hooded with en
tries for the coming blcyclo contests which
will compose the program at the opening of
the new blcyclo track at the base ball cipunds
on Saturday and Sunday , > luno 35 and W.
Thopiogram for the two days sport Is as
follows :
First Event Amateur 3rx : ) class : First
mllu heat , best two In three. First pn/.e ,
gold medal : second prlio , gold medal ; third
print , silver medal ,
Second Kvont Amateur 3:15 : class : First
tnllo heat , best two In three. First prl/c ,
gold medal ; second prize , gold medal ; third
prbe. silver medal.
Third Event Amuteur 3 initinto class.
First inlln heat , best two In three. First
prl/c , gold medal : second prlx.e , gold medal ;
third prl/c , silver medal.
Fourth Kvent Hoys' race , half mile heats ,
best two In throe. First pile. gold medal ;
second pil/e , gold medal ; third prize , silver
tilth Event First hcr.t of professional
handicap race , mile heats , best two In thice :
open to all comers. First prize. § 40 ; second
prl/e , S o ; third prl/o , Sw. : Kntrancu-Sl.m.
Sixth Kvont Tilclc and fancy riding by
Speais , ctmmplon trick of America ,
Seventh Kvent Amateur 350classsecond : ; ;
mile libat.
Kiclitii Event Amateur 3:15 : class ; second
mile heat.
Ninth Kvent Amateur 8 minute class ;
second mile heat.
Tenth Event Boys' second half : mlle
Eleventh Event Professionals' handicap ;
second mlle heat.
Twelfth Event Amateur 3:30 : class ; final
mlle heat , if necessary.
Thlrtflunth Event Amateur 3:15 : class ,
final mile heat If necessary.
Fourteenth Event Auiateur3mlnutoclassr
final mlle heat If necessary.
Fifteenth K\ent Final mlle heat of pro
fessionals , handicap , It necessary.
First Event Amateur 8SO : class. Three-
mlle race. First prize , cold medal ; second
prize , gold medal ; third prize , silver medal.
Second Event Amateur :15 : class. Three-
mile race. First price , gold medal ; second
prize , gold medal ; third prize , silver medal.
Third Event--Amateur 3-ininuto class.
Five-mile race. Flint prize , gold medal ; second
end prize , gold medal ; third prize , silver
Fourth Event Ilalf-mllo amateur scratch
foot rare. Open to all. First prl/e , gold
medal ; second prize , gold medal ; third prize ,
silver medal.
Sixth Event-Trick and fancy 'cycling by
Champion Spears.
Seventh Event Ten-mile professional bl
cycle race , oonn to all. First prize. S50 ; second
end prUe , 80 ; third prUe , Sift. Entrance ,
Among the professionals who have an
nounced their Intention of participating In
the tournament nru Eck of Minneapolis ,
Knanp of Denver , Phil Haimuill of Chicago ,
Hardwlck of Kansas , Ashlnger ol Omaha ,
Prluco ot Omaha , and several others.
In the boys' race Masters Murphy , Kelly ,
Armstoad , Xcvlllu and 1'lxloy will enter.
in the amateur events , three minute class ,
Lytlo. Mlttauer , Blackmoic , of Omaha , and
McLean and Savageof Minneapolis , will bo
Wcrtz , Smith , Dukes , Hughes. JolllIT.
Uaynes , Frank Clark and Will Clark will
compote lor the prl/.es ollcied to the 3:15 :
amateur class , and among the 8:30 : amateurs
will bo found Townsend , Curry , Allan ! ,
Scrlbner , Gould , Babrr , Conner , Koberts ,
McKelvcy , Stevens nnd others. TMero must
bo at least three entries In rach amateur
event bcforo a start Is ordered. The now
wheeling track nt the base ball grounds will
bo completed next Thursday evening and
practice can be Indulged upon it until the
date of the tournament. Entries for the
tournament' will bo received until Juno
24 , by tlio Omaha Chronicle or John S.
Splendid Bicycle Contest.
LONDON , June 11. A ten-mllo blcyclo race
took place at Coventry to-day between Wood-
aide , Morgan and Ho well. At the end otthe
fifth mlle Morgan retired. Howard won by
a yard. It was a splendid contest.
TrottloR florso Breeders.
The annual mooting of the Nebraska asso
ciation of trotting horse breeders , which will
bo held In Omaha Aucust 10 nnd 11 next ,
promises to be a brilliant event. The list ol
entries for stakes , which closed April 'J , Is
large , andcompilsos the following hoiscs In
their respective classes :
No. 1. For two-year-olds , 815 entrance
with S75 added : payments S3 , S5 and S5. J.
F. Cordlnc , Ulysses ; Orphan Mnlil by Stock
ing Chief 2057 , dam by Dick West , J. ( J.
Smith , Ficmont ; Bell Flower by NodBolfour
20S3 , dam by WapsloCSS. Edw. Pile , lluni-
boldt ; Tienton by Stranger " 033 , dam by Jaj
( iouldl07. Frank S. ( iay , Fttllerton ; Lucky
Phillips by Jeff Phillips , dam by Blackblrtf.
A. Thompson , Omaha ; Joe Dandy by Ethan
Allen , clam Maggie Wallace. J. 0. Frantzo ,
Friend ; Lady timber by Silas Garber. dam
hy Blllv. 1) . C. Laugforil.'lVhanuih ; Walter
X. by Balsora jr. , dam bv Itud Eagle. ( Jeorso
U. Bally , Falrbury ; Ulmllco by Saturn 2003.
L J. Starbuck. McCook ; Omega by Tramp
S03 , dam by Sklnklo's Hambletoninn. P. Mc-
Evoy , Klkhorn : Susotto by Zulu 471K ) .
No. 3. For three-year-olds ; Si5 entrance ,
with 5100 added ; payments 5S , § 10 and 510.
Kosteison it Tolleth , Fnlrbury ; Seth P. by
Svtlccrt 050 , dam by lllchnrd's Belltoundcr
K ) . Dr. A. S. llolllday , Lincoln ; Almont
Aberdeen bv Almout 33 , dam by Aberdeen
ii7. Ilnrvov Plckrol. i'ork ; Count Wuldoiuar
by King Jlone 127S , dam by hvadun. A.
Thouipbon , Omaha ; Ezalda Allen by Ethen ,
dam Maculo Wallace. I. J. Starbupk , Me-
Cook : Lady May by Egmont 182S , dam by 1. J.
P. McKvoy , Klkhorn ; Omaha by Zulu 4200 ,
dam by Blowbcrg's Bashaw. P. McEvoy ,
Klkliorn ; DorlmU byulu 4JO , dam by
Majjnn Cliarta 10j. C. 11. Cielghton , Omaha
( ieo. Simmons by Simmons 2744 , dam by
Mambrlno Time HKO. Rabe Elliott , Xeincha
City ; Jcwsharp by MoMnhon 13U , dam by
Hambletoninn Chief.
No. a For four-year olds ; 525 , with S100
added ; payments 55 , 310 nnd S10. James ( J.
Logp. Flllev : Plutus byOnward 1411. dam by
Scott's Thomas W'J. M. Lovitt , tSuIdo llocfc
Coppormont by Eaniont 1SJA A. J. Brlggs
Superior ; Leonldas by King lienc l-7d , dam
by son of Almont JW. 1. J. titarbuck , Mc
Cook ; Tramp S. by Tramp 30S , dam by Mus l.J. Starbuck , McCook ; 1. Jay
S. by Tramp , dam Dy Bashaw 50. P. McKvoy
Elkhorn : Netile Xnlu by Xulu 4300 , dam by
Manna Chart a 2UX C. H. Croljrhton , Omaha
J. S. C. by Echo 40-X 0. K. Mayuo. Onmba
Captain Ashby by Saturn , dam by Bashaw 60
No4 : Forllvo-ycar-olds ; &SO entrance with
V100added ; payments85 , SIO and S15. D
I ) . Johnson. Mlnclaro : Ted MrMahon bv
MoMohon 1344. A. J.IBrlggsSuperior ; Per-
uuadur by Wagner's Bashaw 2004 , clam by
Llttto Crow S.W7. C. 11. Crelshton , Omaha
Dark Night by Alcyona 732 , dam by St. El mo
275.No. . nr.t'orpaclngmaros : S35entrancewltl
$100 added ; payment * 93 , SIO and t10 ?
tleorsell. Bailer , Kalrburr ; Fairy Bird by
CoUen Bow 2430 , dam by son ot Bay Bashaw
I ) . T. Hill , Syracuse , Pel Ix > zan by Logan
Chief. D. D. Johnson , Mlnotaw : Annie J
by Hamlet 100. dam bytPrinco Almont. C. K.
Mayne , Omaha ; Magnolia Maid by Magnolia.
No. 0. i'or a : sa stallions , > 35 entrance with
8100 added ; pavmenU 93. 110 and 915. D
C. I augford , Tkam h | Almond br Alraont
83 , dam by George Brown. Tucker Jt Pear
son , Lincoln ; Maxy Coco , Jr. 1830. A , J
Brlggs. .Superior ; .P r niider by Wagner's
Uashaw soot , dam by son ot Almont S3. 8
B. Shirk , UrauUX laud ; Western PatliUudcr
by Bui'l s Pathfinder 2371 , dam by Matnbrlno
Chief 11. D. T. Hill , Syracuso' LeCount
2315 by Sweepstakes 2-JJ , ttnm by Edward
Everett til. A. Thompson , Omaha : Kthen
Allen bv KlnL' 1'hllia dam by Hiram Drew.
I. O. Uaymond , Columbtti ; ( lUdlntor by
jakcland Abdnllah , dam by Abdnllah Id.
lamuj ti , Liddi Klllfiy ; Counsellor br On
ward Ull , dam by Pilot Jr. 12. Edward
: 'ylp , Humboldt ; McFarland by Charles
Cnffrev lo 3 , dam by Tlppo Bashaw.
Jas.W. Xlbbell , Fullcrton ; Locan Chief by
Uoo Logan. C. F. Stewart , Brownvlllo : Tim
McMahon by McMnhon 1344. I , J , Starbuck ,
McCook ; Tramp S. by Tramp K0 < 0 , dam by
Muscatlno 1S31. 1. J. StarbucK , McCook ; I.
Jay S. by Tramp HOS , dam by Dnshaw 50. C.
H. Crelfhton. Omaha ; Dark Night byAlcy-
onn 1M , dam by St. Klmo 275.
No , 7. For stallions ; S.X ) entrance with
Slf < 0 Added : payments SIO , 820 and 8 JO. A.
I. Bricks , Superior ; Competlnb by Courier ,
dam by , on of Uathaw 60. A. Thompson ,
Omaha : Ethen Allen by King Philip , dam by
lllram Diusv. J.M.Iillhollnnd. . SteolcClty ;
Cycjonobv Antar , di\m by Mambrlno Chief
II. 0. E. Mayne , Omniin ; Causul bv Saturn ,
dam by Sentinel.
No. n. Futurity stake for foals of IbST to
betiottedln 1WJ ; dri entrance with S10J
added ; payments 55 on June l , 1SS7 , when
maru shall bo named , S5 Juno 1 , 1VS3 , when
foal . ' hall bo named , S15 from irom those
which start on list payment for the Ibs'J
mvutlng. A. J. Briggti , Sti ( > orlor ; Blul ( dam
of Compotlnc. ) C. W. Beach. Auburn ;
Kittle Llik , foal by Tnlnvorn 1043. , ) . O.
Frant/e , Filend ; Daisy F , by son ot Wright's
Hattlcr , teal sired by Sllns timber. J. O.
Pinnuc , Friend ; Maud , by llam blcton Inn
Chief , loal by Ira M. l'J4T. L. B. Hot/cl ,
Auburn ; Stella H , by McMnhon 1344. foal by
Tnlavcra IWil. L. E. Slusabatich , Syracuse ;
Helen McCrccor , by Itattler , foal * by
Maximus 0175. L. E. Slnsabauj'li ,
Syracuse ; Lillian II , by Dick Me-
Nalr , foal by Younz Bashaw 2 ! > C6.
D. T. Hill , Svrncuse : Imostcne by Volunteer
y > , foal by Young Kentlnal 050. ( Ieo. C.
Smith , Nelson : Alice Sprague by ttov.
Sprastio 444 , foal by Bob Sprnguo otey. Geo.
C. Smith , Nelson ; Adda Wllks by Simmons
2744 , foal by Bob Sprogue HCSS. Oeo. B
French , Fremont ; Collno bv Blgelow Horse ,
foal by Bancer 202. Geo. B. French , Fremont ,
Nollda by Voutig Lexington , teal by Banger
2fi' ' . Edw. Pyle , Humboldt ; Eva Tippoo
Bashaw , foal by - . I. J. Starbuck , Mc
Cook ; Lady Prraton by Col. Preston , foal by
Tramp S. 47.11. 1. J. Starbuck , MeCo&k ;
Grnce Tramp by Tiamp COi foal by Attorney
100i. . . ) . Starbuck. McCook : Sunny .by
Tramp BOS , foal by Patronage 4143.
Racing nt Sr. Louis.
ST. Louis , JXino 11. The seventh day's
racing was notable lor splendid weather , n
dry nnd pretty fast track , nnd the Inrgcst nt-
tcndanco ot the meeting. The following is
the summary :
Tor nil ages , ono nnd one-sixteenth miles :
Kctnont won , Galatea second , Klnmath
third. Tlme-l.Vi. :
Foi nil nges , Hcven-olshlhs mlle : Little
Miuch won , Dynamite bocoud , Modesty
third. Tlmo-l:29. :
For two-year-old colts or fillies , three-
fourths mlle : Blithesome won , Wnlto sec
ond. Huntress third. Time 1:10& :
itllle : Maty Ellis won , Gasolluo second ,
Barak thlid. Time-lJ4 : . .
Mlle : Biddy Bowling won , Alfred second ,
St. Valentine third. Time l:43K. :
Handicap , steeple chase , full course : Ten
nessee won , Aurellan second , Nettle Watkins -
kins third. Time-5:39 : > .
1'rospooi Pnrk Speeders.
Nr.w YoitK , Juno 11. There was nn 1m-
menso attendance at the opening of the Juno
mcctlnir of the Brooklyn Jockey club at
Prospect park to-day. The weather was
cool and the track good.
Five-eights mile , all ares : Mnrson won ,
Tello Doe second , J. W. White third. Time
1:0. : } M" .
Flvo-olghths mile , two-year-olds : Bay
HUlge won , Soafog second , Filmore third.
Time 1:0 : : 4' .
Ono and one-sixteenth miles : Amalgam
won , Markland second , BUciilt and Lan
caster dead heat for third place. Time
l :4 : K.
Three-fourths mlle , two-year-olds : Guar
antee won , Now or Never second , Fordhnm
third. Timo-l:15 : % .
Ono and one-fourth miles : Favor won ,
Dry Monopoly second , Bnrnum third. Time
2:10)4. : )
Three-fouiths mile : Wlnonawon , Alarlc
second , frolic third. Time 1:10. :
Three-fourths mile : Tipsy won.Boughton
second , Saluda third. Time
The Atlantic Wins Attain.
Nr.w YoniJuno 11. In the Scnwanahaka
Cdrlnthlan yacht club regatta to-day , there
was a line sailing breeze all day , although it
fell during the homo run. The Atlantic for
the third time tins week led the fleet through
out. She made the thlrty-nluo-mllo course
around Sandy Hook lljht ship In 4 hours , 30
minutes and 7 seconds , beating the Prlcllla
on corrected time 5 minutes , 3S seconds , nnd
the cutter Galatea 0 minutes nnd 38 seconds.
Thn University Itaoe Abandoned.
LONDON , Juno 11. The proposed boat race
between the crows of Cambridge and Har
vard universities has been abandoned.
Kremonr Rejoices In Victory.
FiiKMoxr , Nob. , Juno 11. fSpecial Telo-
eram to thoBiih. ) The intelligence of the
victory of J. C. Cleland Hose company of
this city In the grand froe-tor-nll at the Sioux
City tournament to-dav has been received
hero with great enthusiasm. Our people are
rejoicing over the success ot Fremont's crack
team. May Bros' , cannon heralded the
victory by firing ten rounds. Arrangements
are being made to receive the company upon
their return to-morrow In nn appropriate
manner. _ _ _ _ _
Trap anil Gun.
The sixteenth annual tournament of the
State Sportsmen's association will be opened
in this city on Tuesday morning. The tour
nament promises to bo the most successful
ever hula. Mossrn. Penroso and Hardln , who-
hava haTl the managementof the tournament ,
have inado every possible arrangement for
tlio success of the meetlnir. Tuo tents nnd
booths nt tlio fair ground will be put up to
morrow. Thorn will hen refreshment stand
on the ground. There will bo tour shoots
earn day on the 'regular programme. These
will bo followed bysldo shoots. .Tho tourna
ment will continue four days. The managers
have secured thousands of live birds for tlio
contests and have provided lour traps for
the grounds to facilitate the work In contests
where there are a larijo number of entries.
The Lu Fevre club held n brief shoot yes
terday alternoon. The rain stopped the regu
lar match after each man had shot nt nine
birds. The members of the club will practice
again to-morrow and many of them will
cuter the tournament contests.
I'owrtorly Speaks at Boston.
BOSTON , June 11. Uenoial Master Work
man Powdorly , General Secretary and Treas
urer Alitthlnn nnd K. A. Cnrlton , of the gen
eral executive board , Knights of Labor , ad
dicted n mass meeting to-night for the bono-
lit of the locked-out shoemakers in
Worcester and elsewhere. Powderly
was greeted with much enthusiasm ,
for which ho thanked the audience , llofer-
nng to the reports of dissension In the order
he said differences did exist , and always
would so long as men were men , but the or *
der would survive all dlttlcultles. He deliv
ered a powerful phllllplc on the evils of rum ,
denied thai charge that ho had sought to use
the order In the Interest of the Catholic
church , and anally said ho was
not n candidate for re-election
to his otlire under any circumstances. He
had been misrepresented nnd falsely nccuscd
nnd desired privacy and rest. While speak
ing Powdorly suddenly placed his band upon
his breast , ami his countenance assumed an
expression ot Intense pain , After a few
moments ho expressed his regret at balug
obliged to abruptly conclude his remarks ,
and withdrew. It is stated that bo is nftlictcc
with a lung dllllcnlty.
Mnnnlnc Rack In Good Health.
NKW YOIIK , June 11. [ Special Telegram
to the 13KK.J Ex-Secretary of the Tieasury
Samuel Manning arrived this afternoon from
Europe , and was welcomed by a number ol
friends down the bay. His appearance in
dicates a butter condition of health , lie said
he believed hliubelf fully recovered from nls
recent trouble and was. ready to go to work ,
thouijh hl plant , ID that respect were not yet
fully matured.
-lolling ajHM8hut Down.
CHICAGO , June 11. The last SOO of the
8,100 employes ot the South Chicago rolling :
mill wore thrown out of irork to-night ou
account of the failure of the coke supply.
Fovr Miner * Killed.
HAKCOCK , Mich. , June 1L By the over
turning of a "skip cat" this even'.nr , four
inluers were thrown down the shaft and In
etantly killed.
< i
An Active Ddmani'jror1 ' Moaoy By Specu
lators in Grain and Provisions.
A Nervous and Unsettled Keeling 12\-
istliiK In 'roduoe-Clrclcs I'n'clc-
IIIR ProKfCpBliijt Favora
bly In th Wcst.
In the Cotninorclnl World.
CHICAGO , Juno ll.MSpeclnl Telegram to
the Br.E.J No very Important features de
veloped In financial circles during the week
just closed. Fiom some quarters bankers
were pressed for loans , but In most cases n
conservative couisu was pursued , and the
favors were distributed to vailous depart- {
mcnts of trade. The demand for money on
behalf of speculators In grain nnd provis
ions was quite active , though not ns urgent
its during the week previous , nnd while all
the paper presented was not readily accepted ,
boirowers biicceoded lu obtaining some
favors , sufficient to avoid any inconvenience.
Consldciablo money was forwarded to gram
live-stock districts but distributed
nnd - , was mainly
tributed through commission houses. In
Bomo Instances round blocks were forwarded
to the northwest to pay tor wheat to bo for
warded to Chicago. Some money wns also
sent to sections to pay employes ongnscd on
public Improvements , lallwny building , etc.
Lumbermen wore moderate bonow-
ors , but their demands were
not pressing. Manufacturers were
borrowing very sparingly and all parties con
nected with the building Interest nro out of
the market owing to the unsettled condition
of affairs on account of the strike. Whole
sale merchants require ory little assistance
nt the piosent tluio ns their business Is mod
erately nctlvoand their Inteilor collections
quite good. Hates ot interest nro well sup
ported nt CQ7 per cent , for call nndG ffiG per
cent , for time loaus. Very little money was
loaned under 7 nor cent. , especially on spec
ulative paper , rrad bankers In most cases re
quired wide { margins. Money in eastern
financial conteis appeals very easy and rates
ot Interest n little more tnvoiablu to borrow-
eis. Advices fiom foreign markets indicate
n very easy feeling. Money wiis quite plenty
nnd Interest rates very low. Now York ex-
clinngohas been In very good supply through
out the weeic nnd the demand was only fair.
The market was inclined to dullness and
prices ruled lower. Karly sales were made
nt par , but within the past two or
thrno days sales between banks were made at
40 @GO cents discount per 81,000. Toward the
close the market was steadier and sales were
made at par. Foreign exchange showed
some weakness during the week owing to
the Increased offerings of shippers sixty day's
documentary bills , diawn against increased
shipments of grain , cotton , and petroleum.
Early sales were made nt 4.sX : ! < s4.83J but
a reduction was submitted to later nnd bills
changed hands at 84.b3@4.83J < nnd closed
quiet The New York market was only
moderately active during the past week.
Leading railroad stocks met with some atten
tion , as repoits of earnings continue quite
favorable. Wall street operators traded with
some trecdom and outsldo parties engaged In
moderate transactions. Prices ruled higher
eaily , but thcro was-somo realizing ; within
the past two or threo"days. nnd prices have
declined somewhat. Foreign operators have
been moderately fico sellers at the recent
advance. Sales on.ttae Mew York exchange
for the week ngsrcgatiid 1,270,000 shares.
Business on the Cnlcago board of trade
stock exchange l was falily active
during the week , not nslargo , quite , ns an
ticipated , which may ho httributcd to the In
terest manifested In tflo grain markets.
Thcro was considerable trading In the shares
of leading rallioade St. Paul , Northwest ,
Heading , nnd UnloiifPacllic the former be
ing tlio loader. Some business wns- trans
acted In local bonds ; rtnd-securttes. ! A ner
vous and unsettled teellntt existed in
produce circles durliig Ine creator portion of
the week. The prices of leading articles
fluctuated considerably , though within a
comparatively narrow lange. Speculators
have watched the course of events very
closely , and , as a rule , while not trading In
near deliveries to any extent outsldo of sett
ling up old transactions have given the more
dcfcricd deliveries considerable attention ,
The grain blockade and light offerings of
lake tonnaze have Interfered with business
to a considerable extent. Tiado dining
the week has been far from sat
isfactory , nnd receivers nnd shippers
have suffered somewhat from want
of proper facilities to receive'and forwnrd
their property. Kecelpts of prnin in nil lead
ing , vcsteru markets have been free and the
export movement -well maintained. Prices
have been well suppoited In wheat , seeds
and crovislons , but for other articles they In
clined in favor of the buying Interests.
Stocks of irr.iln nre gradually shrinking ,
while supplies of provisions are being scat
tered to some extent through consuming dis
tricts , all quite large lor this season of the
year. The arrivals o live stocic are moder
ately large at all the principal western mar
kets , and prices are fairly maintained. The
packing of the west Is progressing favorably
nnd Is still considerably In excess of returns
last season to date. In wheat the fueling de
veloped has been very unsettled during the
week. Fluctuations , especially for June ,
hayo beod rapid and severe and n higher
range of prices lias been established , but not
fully sustained , while new crop futures , all
bovond July , after n slight advance early
ruled very weak and closed ma
terially lower. Outsldo Influences have not
favoied the "bull" side , in fact wore stionply
tempered In favor of " .short" solleis ,
houco the weakness Indcferred lutures , June
deliveries ruled rnthcr Independent from do-
foi red futures nnd the July future was affected
to some extent by the same , btit ns "short"
sellers became more confident in their calcu
lation" , this delivery , too , followed In the
wake of the fnr-oll months. A great deal of
Intciost has centered In Juno delivery , and
the stornco question has proved to bo ono of
the principal factors on the mnrket. The re
ceipts nro laixo. wheat pouring In fiom nil
sections. esj.eclally trom.tho northwest , nnd
It Is next to Impossible to piovldo storngo
room for nil that Is coming. Moro wheat
would undoubtedly come forward could ship
pers boguarantecd storage room. As much
as Sc and : < c per bushel premium , It is claimed ,
has been paid by parties holding wheat out
sldo to obtain storage room here. Coin and
oats have both been taken out of the elevators
to make stoMga loom for wheat , and during
the week something like 500,000 bushels of
wheat weio taken out , which helped to lessen
the pressure for storage room , at least tem
porarily. Two more elevators wore made
"roiiilnr" durlnc the week , which Increased
the storage capacity by 1,000,000 bushels. The
receipts dm Ing the wecic have not been far
from 1'JOO,000 bushels and the stock in stoio
nas increased probably oloso to 900,000 bush
els or more , Includlnc cars side-tracked
nwaltlne storage roo'uL'Vho ' last statement
of stock In store hero shows an n grngato of
15,202,000 bushels , Of Whenever 15,000,000
bushels comprised contract crudes. Last
year nt the same da to the stock In store hero
was only 8.344,000 bushels. What the out
come of this speculation will bo Is n ques
tion Impossible to answfirt' Whether the op
erators at present so. Ktronuously upholding
the market will llnrTvlt inoro profitable to
hold values to theopso of the month nud
foico settlements , or whether they will deem
it advisable to let tho-martet take its course
the same ns they < Ild tno May future , Is a
question dlfflculttotolvejj
Mnloney WIII'Testlfy.
Nr.w YORK , Juno lrlp connection with
the Sharp trial the fact has Just transpired
that before reassembles Court yesterday the
district attorney called the Sharp counsel
aside and made the following statement :
"We deem it proper to Inform you that Wll-
llnra 11. Maloney , reading clerk ot the 18S4
board has turned states evidence and will
testify. You have time to make such ar
rangements as you propose. " Sharp says no
testimony that Malony can give will Injure
his case. He nlso says a verdict of utility
with Its consequent Imprisonment , wilt boa
sentence of death to him.
He Wants Their Ifoads.
NOOAI.ES , Ail/ . , June 11. The governor
of Sonora , Mexico , has Issued a proclama
tion offering a reward of S500 for the head of
each hostile Apache.
Colorado' . Quarantine Kevoked.
DEXVKH , Juno 11. The governor has re
voked the cattle quarantine against Iowa ,
MUsourl. Nebraska and Kansas ;
Go Gives Grand Army Men n 1'lcco
of Ills Mind.
ST. Louis , Juno 11. General Noble and
Colonel Dyer , two prominent members of the
Grand Army , received n long letter to-dny
from General Bliormau , In which ho discusses
nt some length the recent muddle regarding
the Invitation to President Cleveland to visit
St. Louis during the encampment next fall.
After reviewing tliu many stories which have
been disseminated throughout the press ,
General,1 Sherman says : "Tho Idea of the
president being Insulted , much less
endangered , should ho bo ou the stand
nloncsklo our cointnaudcr-ln-chlof ,
FnlMhlld , M hen the Graud Army Is passlnc
In review , scorns to mo monstrous. I think
1 know the Iowa bojs too well to believe
such a thing possible. Brave men nro ne\er
ungenerous , nnd I will pledge my life that
no lown soldier will do such an unmanly
net , nnd should Mr. Cleveland accept tlm In
vitation , which 1 hope he will , to nttotid the
parade , 1 will bland by his side or
mnrcli past In the lanks. ns
may bo oidetcd by Goneinl Fnlrchlld.
1 notice with pain that the president's nctlon
In curtain pension bill * enters Into this un-
hnppy controversy. There \\ero many
private bills nnd one of a goncrnl nature
which the president vetoes. The president
can onlynccount forhls judgement by his
own conception of duty nnd to
his God. , Wc. ns soldiers must
submit to It bccauso It Is
law. 1 do not bcllovo the government can
over he too charitable to the old soldiers and
had 1 been near Mr. Cleveland 1 would not
have \onturcd to advise him on the ; encrnl
bill , but ns to private caves 1 would have
enld that charity enters largely into pen
sions nnd when any special bills hnvo
passed the ordeals of committees , nppiovo
them , but on the general bill exercise vour
full constitutional power. Honest men differ
widely on this question of pensions to our
old nnd feeble comrades. Wo all want to do
what Is right , but differ ns to means. All
we know Is that twenty odd years after the
civil war the government ot the United
States under republican nnd democratic
rule pays out to our soldiers of the union
army nbout $ ? ( W,000,000 a year , n few thou
sand to Mexican war veternns regardless of
locality , and not ono cent to the rebels of the
south. Wo old soldlcit ) of the civil war Have
not > ct just cause to make an Issue on the
question of pensions to our Infum
and wounded comrades. 1 ndvlsc you to co
right nloiiK nud prepare the way for the
Gr.ind Army nt its session In St. Louis , nnd
receive them ns they deserve , ns honored
eupsts , also the president of the United
States with such honored guests ns may
grace the occasion. "
The Grnnd Island Dully.
GIIA.VD Isr.ANi > , Neb. , Juno 11. To the
Editor of the BEK : Your Grand Island
correspondent mentioned several times
tliixt arrangements were inado hero to
start a first-class daily paper. It scorns
that your correspondent is not very well
acquainted with our ntlhirs und with our
men. Wo have ti first-class daily paper ,
the Daily Independent , which gives coed
satisfaction to nearly the whole of Grand
Jsland's citizens , with the exception only
of a little railroad clique , which smarts
under the Independent's lash. This very
same clique undertook last year to estab
lish a daily railroail paper. They induced
the Grand Island railroad organ , the
Times , to run a daily , and they just put
in all the mouoy and all the talent they
could command. The railroad daily was
started last year about the end of April ,
and with u good ilourish of trumpets an
nounced that it was going to make Grand
Island nnd Hall county a stalwart repub
lican country , and that it would kill off
the liberal republican" , including Van
Wyckaml the Grand Island Independent.
It opposed also , in a more underhanded
and treacherous way , tlio nomination and
election of Governor Thaycr. Tno ex
periment was a complete fniluro.showini ;
that Grand Island is not large enough to
support two dailie.s , and thai the Inde
pendent is too solid and too well edited
to sttflor any from such railroad competi
tion. Within about six mouths , right
after last fall's election , the railroad daily
of the Times collapsed without fulfilling
any of its great ho'pos and promises.
The railroad clique last fall was de
feated all around in the Hall county elec
tion , for which they are indebted to the.
indcfatigucable efforts of the Independ
ent and the liberal republicans. Since
that time tlicso defeated httlo "big guns"
of the railroad persuasion are putting
their head's together , trying to concoct
plans of revenge nnd future greatness ,
and now and then they issue through
your "innocent" correspondent a cry for
a "lirst-olass Grand Island dnily. " They
arc not the men to snerilico themselves
thousands of dollars for the support of
their now "first-class" railroad organ ,
nor do they liavo the brains to fight the
good daily wo havo. Hut under the
cover of the line , which is known as a
liberal pnpur , they probably hope to got
hold of some Innocent victims , 'which
would make for them the necessary sac
rifices , and help our railroad friends into
positions of honor tnd profit. They Will
have to hoe a hard nrtv , though , in try-
intr to down the Independent nnd the
libnral elements of Hall county , for
which purpose they started their unfor
tunate last year's Daily of the Times.
An Ugly Customer.
John Murphy was arrested last night
on charge of being a suspicious charac
ter , having knocked a man down on the
corner of Tenth and Jones streets. Ho
vvaa convoyed to the central police sta
tion and locked in a cell where there was
another prisoner. The patrol wngon
ofllcora went out again in answer
to a call. They had scarcely
ticqn gone before Night Jailer
Orinsby heard a struggle in the
cell and discovered that Murphy had the
other pnisonor down and was beating him
vigorously. The recumbent prisoner \vas
squealing for clear life. Urmsby wont in-
siilo ami undertook to take Murphy oil' .
At this Murphy struck at the olllccr
wickedly nnd a desperate hand to hand
struggle too place. It was only after
Orinsby had applied the locust with vigor
tlmt the wieked prisoner succumbed , lie
was then handculled to the barn.
The Apollo Club.
Thn Apollo Club have but two more
rehearsals before the concert to bo given
in Doyd's Opera house. Friends of the
club have dropped in from time to time
to note the progress anil the comments
have been most flattering to the club.
Last week the olub had as a listener a
gentleman ot great experience in music ,
and a competent judge. He pronounced
the singing the beet he had heard outside
of Now York city , nnd further prophe
sied that the Apollo club of Omaha
would make for itself a name second tone
no olub in the country. Ixst the general
publio support it by hearing the first con
A. New Savings nank.
John \V. Miles , of Davenport , la. , who
has made largo investments in Omaha
real estate and real estate securities dur
ing the past year , ia now engaged in de
veloping nn enterprise that will give
Omaha another savings bank. Ho is
busy securing subscriptions for the es
tablishment of a savings bank with a
capital stock of $100,000. The largest
amount of slock that may bo held by anyone
ono shareholder Is $3,500. The bank will
bo incorporated probably this week.
Articles of incorporation were filed yes
terday of the Plattsmouth Investment
company. Tno corporators are l > . H.
Goodrich , John Laten on , Jonn Hush , Al
bert Dubour , W. K. Grntton and O. J.
Fox. TUo capital 6 ock of the company
is placed at fOO.OOO and the places of bu -
iucss in Omaha and Plattsmouth.
An Eloping Married Woman Near Nebraska
City Returns to Her Old Lovo.
rrcmont's IIlRh School Commence
ment K.Kcrelscs Hulcltlo of n
farmer N'carDubiiquo An In-
ccudlnry Frustrated.
llnck to thn old Homo.
CITY , Xcb. , June 11. ( bpeclnl
Telegram to the Ifinc.l A man named
Qulzcnbury , ot Alcl'nul , Jo. , was In town
to-day In search of Mi wife , who loft her
home n few weeks ago with n Imndsomer
man. With thonldof ofllcois he found her
In a well known house of Ill-fame In this
city. Deserted by her lover , she leturnod
home \ \ itli hoi husband.
The Coliinilnm aiotnrRnlltvnr. |
CoM'Mntrs , Neb , Juno 11. [ Special"Tele -
Krnni to Tin : Jni-1 ) ; The election on the
question ot granting n franchise to the Col
umbus motor railway was submitted to the
cltl/cns to-dny und wag carried by seventeen
majority , An under current of opposition
which has been at work wns openly avowed
when the polls were opened. The cloMng ot
the salouus , ns inquired by oidlnnnce ,
engendered nntnconlsm. As the question
wns so purely local , and not nt nil likely to
breed nny disturbance , douhtless thiow nn
element Into the opposition thnt would have
been othcrw Iso directed.
A nnd YnuiiK Tramp.
CoiOMiuis , Neb. , Juno 11. [ Special
to the URK.J William Smith , n tramp
fifteen years of ace , was arrested for stealing
a coat from nn employe of the Union I'acltlc
round house , and was sent to the reform
school by his honor , Judge Spelco. This boy
has a very unsavory record lor his ao. This
Is tlio third commitment In a shoit time Irom
1'laltc county , neither of which weie resi
dents , but werotrnmps loving the country in
Idleness , and plundering.
Klcctort Another Superintendent.
Kur.MOMT , Neb. , Juno 11. [ Special to the
Bnu.1 The school board held unother moot
Ins yesterday and clcrtcd I'lol. J. A. Flom-
borgcr , of Audubou , la. , ns principal of the
city schools lor the comlnc nt n salary
of 81,200. The boaul first elected 1'rof. Wise ,
of Sownrd , who nccepted the place nnd then
refused to comply w itli his agreement as ho
had received a subsequent oiler of S'JO more
per year to go to i'awnco City.
Oakland's Commencement.
OAKLAND , Neb , , Juuo 11. [ Special to the
Bun. | The first annual commencement of
the Oakland high school was held Friday
evening nt the school house. The exercises
in the several departments durlnc the day
were excellent In nil respects , and did honor
alike to teacher and pupil ; nnd the parents
who were present had icuion to tool pi end.
The exercises in the oveniiic were very good.
Two ernduntcs were sent out Into the cold ,
cold world , with explicit Instructions by
County Superintendent E. Atkinson. They
nro the fust graduates from the Oakland
schools. The pildunnd boas > t ot Oakland Is
her excellent high school , nnd with ono ot
the best educators In the state ns professor ,
nnd nn efficient corps of assistants.
Commencement at Fremont.
FnKMoxr , Neb. , June 11. [ Special to the
BKK.J Tlio eighth annual commencement
exercises of the Ficinout hlRh school took
place last night. Despite the rain which pre
vailed there was a liberal outpouring ot the
people nud the opera house wns thoroughly
Jammed. The oxoiclsos , beta musical and
llteiary , were very Interesting throughout.
In addition to the graduating class there wore
n number of pupils Irom the other grades
who took part. The graduates were 12. Htcr-
UnR Freeman , Emnm A. ( Jay , Gertie Ha/en ,
and Charles B. Uoodspood. Their oiations
nnd essays showed no llttlo nnd 10-
snnrch and weie v\ell locelved. After the
diplomas had been conferred an overwhelm-
inc surpilso was Riven to Prof. Clarendon ,
who retires from the princlpnlshlp of our
schools. Ho wa.s called to the trout of the
staco and presented by Miss Nclllo Mcl'her-
bon , In behalf of the pupils ot the schools
with an elegant set each of Irvlms'b nnd
Slinkcspenre's works the former In ten vol
umes and the latter In four. Alter ho had
anpiourlately thanked the donois for these
Miss lilanchaid , In bolmK of the toachcis
presented n magnificent pleco of broiuo str.t-
nary , and ns lie was ncaln retiring ho was
stopped for the third time and Klvon by Kov.
John Howltt a beautiful and costly gold
watch and chain , presented by the cltl/ens
of Fremont. The professor accepted
all these tokens of esteem In n very gracclul
manner and spoke feelingly of his pleanant
residence here. Prof. Clarendon has had
charge of our city schools tor six years nnd
during all this time ho has shown himself to
be nn enthusiastic and nhlo educator. Ho
has raised the standard of our educational
Interests nnd mot with success In every ef
fort. In retiring from the position lie does
so with the profound ropiots of our citizens.
lie has given nlmobt universal satisfaction.
Condition of lown Crops.
DES MOINES la , , Juno 11. [ Special Tele
gram to the UIE.I : John H. Shafer , secretary
of the agricultural society , after much care
ful work in reducing the returns from 1,315
correspondents throughout the state as to the
crop prospects nnd condition , has succeeded
In making n very nccurato stntemcnt of the
mnltcr. The showing in far better thnn has
been supposed , nnd the rnlns which Imvo vis
ited the stnto of Into quite extensively will
increase the yield very greatly. The lowest
average is lu the gias.-j group , but
the rains will piovo vety ben
eficial with them nlso. Tlio
following Is n brief statement of the condi
tion of grains : Wlnterwheat , in per cent ;
spring wheat , 80 percent ; corn , 110 per cent ;
broom corn , 05 per cent ; sorghum , ft , pur
cent ; winter rye. 87 per cent ; spring rye ,
B7f percent ; barley T ! % per cent ; spring
bailey , M& per cent ; oats. 10V percent ;
llnx , &i percent : timothy , 05 percent ; cloter ,
70 per cunt ; mllictt , bpercent. .
The Grand Army Gees for Orovor.
Uis : MOINI ; ; ) , la. . Juno 11. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bin : . I Allot the ( irand Army
posts of the city have united In nn endorse
ment of General Tuttlo's action as com
mander for Iowa in protesting against hav-
Presldent Cleveland rovlew the Grand Anny
at St. Louis. They presented him with a
scries of resolutions concluding as follows :
"Resolved , That If Orovcr Cleveland nnd
his fi lends Insist upon using the prestige ot
the G. A. It. to obtain an nudlenco , that Mo
send n substitute , nnd if possible , the person
who icpresentcd him In the nrmy duilnc the
war. While wo respect the ofllco he fills wo
must tlll be allowed to nay ttiat we have no
kind feelings for its present soldier-bating
occupant. " _
Iowa Supreme Court Decisions.
Dis : MOI.NT.S , la. , Juno 11. | Special Tele
gram to the Bin. : | The supreme court ren
dered the following decisions hero to day :
W. S. Lewis vs. Adam Murkel. defendant ;
Daniel Lewis , Intervunor appellants ; Mills
district. Affirmed.
Mary p. Frank , executrix , vs.Juon.'e rank ,
appellant ; Jacki > on circuit. Jtevcrscd.
J. M. Sasuo et nl. vs. H. Benuer nnd others ,
appellants : Fremont district. Dismissed.
John G. DoWolf.appellnnt , vs.L.W. Taylor
ctal. : Henry circuit. Modified nnd ntllrniPd.
K.ll * . llllllaid.nppcllant.vs. M.liUrillln and
same , appellant.s. . C. F. Kaiegcr ; O'Brien
circuit. Afllrmod.
DldaMcGlnnU , ct al. vs. Menllls Barton ;
Shelby district. Afllrmcd.
Iiiimlier Yard Destroyed.
Ami. : , la. , Juno 11. ISpeclH Telegram
to the Bii-Carrell : : | & Ilasklus * lumber
ofllco and all their dry lumber burned last
night at 11:80 : causing n loss of Sl.wo toS,000 ! ,
nil the outside lumber was saved. The stock
was insured , but the office was not. The ori
gin of the lire is unknown ,
, la. , Jnno 11. ( Special Tele-
Cram to tne UKB.I Tills morning , between
12 and t o'clock , sqmc unknown person w nt
to the wood'hecl of Charics Altes 'in this
place , took n quantity of kindling nnd piled
It ngnlnst the back door of the house , nnd
set lire to It. A boarder was nwnkonod nnd
smelling smoke got up nnd tried to tot out.
nnd falling to open the door jumped out of
the window nnd gave the nlnrm , The lire de
partment turned out , but before It arrived
the neighbors had extinguished the llnmos. It
Is sttppoicd that robbery was the motive.
The miscreant escaped ,
Unrgtnry nt Sumniprsot.
SirMMKnbtrr , In. , Juno 11. ( Special Tolo-
grnm to the Bii : : . | At u o'clock this morn-
Inc. while the fnmlly ot Isnau Wright of ( Ills
place wore nbsont nt n festival , n burglar
entered the liouso nnd took out the clothes of
Mr. Wright nnd his daughter , securing S''tX )
In money. Suspicion rests on certain parties
Knloldo nt l > nliiiiic | ,
IHrmtQi'i : , In. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ur.K. ) Jofoph Miller , a veil
known gardncr , n ed fifty ycais cr.mmltted
suicide hy liauplng In his barn this morning.
He wns In good circumstances and uo cause
Is known for the net. llole.\vcsn wlfonnd
several children , mostly gio\\n.
The Ininnn Axyluni rail.
Coi.f-Miii's , > fib. ! , Juno 11. fSpcclnl
lo the Unn. | Gustavo ( Jr.bcr , who wns
sent to the tnsnno nsylum fiom Columbus ,
was biouent b.ick by D. 0. Knvanaugh , our
Rherltl , there being no room for nny more
Inmatci , nud twenty applicants awaiting
Itrfrcihlntf Ilnlns ,
Fitr.MONT , Neb. , Juno U. ( Special to the
HKK.J During the past three days there hns
been nn abundant lalnfall In this suction.
It Is n timely help to crops nnd farmers are
happy. _ ,
Jtiilco Urowcr will arrive on Monday to
hold United States court.
The regular monthly meeting of the
board of trade will bo held on Monday
The Injunction case of ICaton vs. Cro-
nyn was " again before Judge Gron" yea-
tonlay"aml4takcn under advisement ,
Joseph Gross commenced suit in thn
district court yesterday ngainst J. 1) .
Kathgober for $1,000 for breach of con
Mall McAnllo was arrested yesterday
clmruod with the larceny of $11 from n
visitor from the rural district who cave
his name as "just plain John Smith. "
The Metropolitan Prohibition club will
moot al Dr. ! ' . U. Wilson's olhro , Kron/.or
block , Monday cvonln < r , Jnno 1U. Im
Porlant business. 11. E. Grimm , Presi
In the district court yesterday after
noon Judge GrolY sentenced John Kelly
to the penitentiary for ono year. Kelly
was convicted of tlm larceny of an over
coat from St. Philomcna cathedral.
The Nebraska railroad commissioners
will moot at the board of trade rooms nt
4 o'clock on Monday afternoon to hear
the testimony of mcmborn of the Umnha
freight bureau opiu-orninc alleged dis
criminations against Omaha shippers.
Judge Wakcloy yesterday morning
gave his decision in tlio petition of Cooluy
vs. Mahonoy. This petition alleges that
Mahoncy & Minahan agreed to buy of
Cooley , I'olsoni & I3oauo. of Ashland , the
east TO feet of the west 100 feet of lot 7 ,
block 78. To this petition were attached
t\vo exhibits , of which ono was signed by
liicho , Howard & Persons , and is a re
ceipt for 810 as part of tlio lirst payment
for the entire lot 7. As has been men
tioned , this receipt is not feigned by Mahoney -
honey i % Minahnn nt all. The second
nxhibit Is a receipt of $20 as part of tlio
first payment lor the cast 50 foot of lot 7 ,
block 78 , so that , indeed , neither of the
attached exhibits truats the same piece
of ground which is described in the pe
tition. Mahoney & Minahnn demurred
on the grounds that the petition wa.s in-
sullicicnt on the statutes of frauds. The
decision of the court sustains the de
Monday Evening , June 13
riist Annual Hoiiuflt of
Omaha Lodge No. 39 ,
It. P. O. EILKS.
Tlio LCK tlmnto Coino'llau ' ,
Supported by an Excellent Company ,
lu Frod. Mnrsdon s Original 1'nroo ComoUy
" "
New Songs ! New Music ! New Business !
Tlakotscnn bo scoured of the members , or at
tliu box olliuo. Sulu or seals boiflua Satin-any.
1512 Douglas Street ,
Opposite Public * library.
Will sell for two weeks at the following
low prices :
Ilnxclton Vpriiit ! Parlor GrJtml ,
for If , 125 ; IM price , 61,000.
Iln'/.oltou VJprlKlit Medium , lor
$ ; ! : * r ; lint prloe feDOO.
Oaltler A gtclnwny Hqunrcn lor
@ 1 15 nn l 81 T5 , rcupectlvely.
t for tlio cclubrnlcd "Has-
cllon" PianoK.
Bfnson A Ilnnilinoctave ! , $ loa
worth 9 ITS.
Now lEiiKlaiHl , ° octaves , t § ft
worlli * ! - *
A few Second Hand Orifniik from
$00 lo * I 0.
Tiiv.c ure liAKCAl\S. Komi Tor
circular * .
V , Walter , 1512 Douglas St ,
Diamond * , Walclie * , Piano * and
Orunii * .
Dissolution Notice.
Notice Is hereby ulvou iLut-lho firm ot Douu-
lioy li lliinck , licroloforo doliiif liusliicgi t
111 I. ko Btroft , Omnlm , It tills d-jr dl8iore ( t
hy mutual conient. Mr. Donnher will carry
ou i uia buelncaa and will pay nil blUt ami col-
Itct oil money iluu to or fi oin lh nrra fore- J
Bnld. J * ' * ) J * Allfc. x .
Notion of
bolnir dl
a Indebted to thorn will pay W. B. Bosnoer
of ri'oliritBku Collection agonnr. 1013 Vurnat
street , ( up Bt.lrsl. JAft8 DOOLIV.
Omaha , Nob. , Juno 10 , 1697.