Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1887, Page 12, Image 12

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'Tho President's Sister Enlisted in a Crusade
Against Man's Horrid Habits.
.Dedication of the Actor's Monument
JT' Edwin Itootli'rt Dignified Pftll-
lll-Hrcd 1'copln nt the Opera
Clara Dcllu'rt hotter.
Nnv YOHK , Juno 0. [ Corrcspontlonco
of the BUB. ] All the week and industri
ously , too , I have been studying the pub
lic manners of girls. It was not a cheap
promiscuous excursion , but on a private
yacht , which conveyed n party of se
lected swells to a regatta , that I had ono
opportunity to study au enamored pair.
If their names were here written down ,
that of the follow would bo recognl/.cd
from his fathcr-a wealthy prominence ,
and the maiden's would bo synonymous
with social altitude. They calmly sat
for hours in blissful unconsciousness of
the fact that the cabin full of passengers
wcro laughing at them. She lay back in
a sofa chair in a languorous attitude ,
with her head pillowed on ? omo shawls ,
while ho leaned worshipfnlly over from
another chair , and made a pretense of
snapping at her chin. She caught his
oar , nt ono of those dives toward hcr.and
then ho had to hold his head down close
enough so that she could whisper in it
Without lifting her head. Then
Bho curled his moustache , stroked
his chin , patted his check , tapped his
teeth and poked her linger into his
mouth. Thin last performance gave
them another Idea , and she would sco
how far into his mouth she could poke
her linger and then draw it out again be
fore ho could bite it. This amused them
for a long time , lint the car business
seemed to strike them as the most en
joyable way of passing the time , and
during the journey up and.back each ouo
of those cars was murmured into many
times. The dust that gathered In thorn
seemed to have much moro attraction
for her oycs than the landscapes , nnd as
for him , why , he would have lot her pull
out a tooth , and sat through it all with
the same ecstatic expression that rested
on his countenance all that day. Noth
ing interrupted their attention from each
other. If the steamer had exploded I am
Bnro they would have boon seen Hying
through the air on the suioko stack un
is really to become a teacher in ono of
the fashionable schools for girls , ami it
will become"Iier"duty to take her turn
with the restof ? thrt faculty in lecturing
on poUteneWfor belles. I don't know
but she wilFsay some things about men's
behavior , too , judging by what she said
to an acquaintance of mine while here.
"Tho most 'unpleasant feature of the
elevated railroad"sho said , after a ride
on it , "is the pronoucss to expectoration
that overtakes thd male passengers on
the stairways. A journey up or down
the covered passages leading to the
streets from the stations is fraught with
as much danger as going around the
Horn. The companies should put a
monitor on the landings to muzzle the
men who so outrage decency.
This is the season of big sashes. Half
the ladies' gowns have long ends of broad
ribbon depending from their rears. In
climbing stairs , a woman catches up her
skirts behind , but nine times out 01 ten
the sash escapes , and goes sweeping the
stops behind ncr. This is an accident to
shudder at. Its an indelicate subject to
write about , but wo are forced to con
sider it every time wo take or leave a
train. " Miss Cleveland was asked in a
Jocular she would cure the men
" 1 think women could disgust men with
the practice of eternal expectoration if
they all went in for it themselves , " she
replied half seriously , "hot women
nerve themselves , and band together for
one wcok of this business. Chow some
saliva provoking substance , and go
abroad to spit about the streets and pub-
he places , By Saturday night the papers
would bo full of anathemas , and the of
fense of the women would be the ono
subject of conversation. Possibly a re
form by force of example would ensue. "
Women do keep' a much higher aver
age of seemllness'ln ' public places than
men. Look down the aisle of a theatre
aad 6co tho'old boots and wrinkled socks
waving iu tlje air. , Thevaroall mascu
line. Thero'the'mon
sir dangling a leg
as if it was a ttaby with the stomach
ache. I saw a man the other night with
a foot ( made on the now principle of
twenty-one inches makes a foot ) and a
c&ae as big as. his log. The foot was
beating the air * like the dasher of a
churn , and the cane was striking the
boot at every revolution that is every
UIM the old foot came around. A prinia
* O a was singing , and this lovely
rythraio boat annoyed every ono iu his
X sat next u man who bad the jumps
that same night. Ho would convulse
' kljauelf and give n snort , dig his knees
into the back of tbo seat in front of him ,
Itpt his legs , stretch them out till the hats
of Jils neighbors were kicked into the or
chestra , and then start into the back of
that seat in' front "again. The oc
cupant looked doggars aml every time J
beard the seat crack I got nervous
Myself. Between acts ho went out , and
while ho was gene I lixod things for him.
Every available pin that put mo together
I took out , and darned into the back of
that Beat , points up , and an inch of the
point bent over. St. Vitus came back-
Bad began the programme. Ho duuccc
his leg in the aisle , then slouched in his
seat , so that his knees stuck up nearly as
_ high as the back of the heavily protected
1 seat. Ho dug thorn in for a minutewhen
they began slipping down ho struck a
hat pin. Before ho could pull up ho was
impaled on n bug safety pin. That was
reinforced by several dimple , common
every day pins all pointed , however
Wo had no more climbing and 1 bet he
aid his prajors ovcry way but on hi&
knees that night.
Chorus girls and actresses who have
* sot yet arived at the dieuitvofa speak
IKK part were present m abundance n
u the ceremonies attending the dedicattion
k (
i * Evergreen cemetery , There was
„ comparatively few well known no
I tresses there , but for thousands of curl
' ' ew people who stood about , and pushet
and crowded for a front row position
the minor artistes were as satisfactory as
if their fame had titled > two continents
I'or the chorus girl in holiday array is ai
striking a ( Iguro as any tragedienne
i tkat over played. She boars the stamp
. ; ! the stago'In ovcty- feature , ornanicn
ad action. Aud'tdls apparently without
\ trying to appear conspicuous. The spec-
, toMrs , therefore , wonv away under the
impression that they lind seen a vast
f fathering of popular , successful
; I'M * accomplished women , for that
M M the estimation in' which actresses
* aw usually held in spite of the social
' taboo against which they have toftrlvo
* " Vfwcro ! nbout si'My ° t Vnftw dlsting-
hSm0fn ! P IJJSiiOflothorln arudo ,
* " , , . < llr the purpose of singing
P f In two hymns in the courseof
CX'rcises. Except that their skirts
re long and their throats covorcd.thoy
teeked about as they do In comic opera.
Their fashionable hats were poised co-
" ItUhlr atop of their banged and frix-
1 hair , much of which was of a forced
jdathado ; their cheeks wcro marked
-fcf kHltby color that accuied ut a ois-
tancc to bo capable of standing awash }
their dresses were attractive , albeit some
what pronounced , nnd their touniurcs
were extensive and voluminous. They
took a lively interest in iho ceremonies
and scorned to bn as much swayed by
curiosity as the humble women with ba
bies in their tired arms who stood
against jUic ropes and stared
about them in undisguised wonder.
To the chorus girls as to the
general crowd.Mr. lidwln Booth > vas the
center of attention , and when that dignl-
llcd tragedian throw up his hands con
vulsively anil went down with the col
lapsing platform , there wcro not wanting
fair singers to .shriek in momentary terror
lest the great ornament to the American
stage had come to harm. But it was to
be noticed that although they uttered
little cries of fright their rosy cheeks
blanched not.
When it came to singing the "Hallelu
jah" chorus from Handol's "Messiah , "
they attended .strictly to businessand the
grand old composition was rendered
with an cflcctiyonc'is ' well worthy of its
high rank. Few oratorio societies with
twice as many voices could render the
iecc with the power and precision , both
f rythmical accent nnd enunciation of
vords , that these professional comic
pora chorus singers did. Not a false
iota or intonation marred the perform-
ncc , and the girls had reason to feel
iroud. So did the three score , plain
ooking , plainly dressed , undistinguished
gentlemen who sang with them ,
'hcso wcro chorus singers also , but
vith their last summer's straw hats nnd
ast winter's tiles , they could not bo said
0 bear the mark of their profession so
loticeably as their companions of the
ex. I happened to ride back to the city
n the same car with live of these young
women. They sat quietly by themselves ,
mule no cll'ort to attract attention , and
ct were the targets for all eyes. Not a
, lassongcr got in who did not take in at
1 glance that they were stage folk , and
hat point recognized , he or she did not
ako eves oll'tho girls during the cntiro
rip. The choristers did not seem to cure ,
hey certainly did not pay attention to
t , and at the end of the route wont qui-
tly towards their respective lodging
louses , and people passing along the
trects turned their heads to look at thorn.
There was interest , too , iu the way the
icoplo on the main stand , who wcro sup-
loscd to bo eminent , behaved. They
n their eagerness tq.sao everybody and
ill that was going pu'.ji Their garments
were invariably imnpsmft examples of the
ilghest stylo. Tho"mucKa' of most of
hem wcro redder than tbo , red , red rose
doubly distilled in curn'iiuo. Their eyes
wcro lustrous as diamonds sparkling' in
citings of jot. This dcscaiption may be
uggnstivo of "rnakoup , " and the facts
vould amply justify it. Those who wcro
eally actresses made a curious study as
hey descended Iho stops from the stand
it the conclusion of the exercises. It is
jnly fair to say that there wcro some
vho passed down and disappeared into
ho dense crowd as modestly and unob-
rusively as parsons' wives might have
done ; but the great majority wcro only
oo anxious to pause and pose. Half way
town the stops naturally brought ono
nto the most advantageous position for
loing seen ; she would then bo separated
rom the crowd behind and in full yiow
of the crowd bulow. So nearly every
voman stopped thcro on her way down ,
ookcd about over the heads of people in
in Imperious way , turned her head
laughtily back to sec if her companions
vero following , and then continued her
descent impressively , never deigning to
ecognizo the presence of the staring
jSociety was startled a few years ago ,
vhen the well Known belle , Marion
. .angdon , gave to young Mr. Belmont
lis freedom , and declined to renew their
matrimonial engagement , after months
of good behavior and contrition. Now
mother lady , not so well known , but n
: harming woman , ha"s severed the bonds
hat have bound her an entire season
) ends that would have boon rivctted by
ho church next fall. Wo all know why
Mr. Belmont got his congo , but the cause
of Mr. Million's trouble is not yet
widely known. It happened in this way :
The lady has her dresses made in Paris ,
but her most intimate female friend pat-
onl/.es u man dress builder hero iu Now
fork. A Saratoga outfit was in process
of construction at this establishment unit
the fiance of Mr. Million , ( as we will
lame him ) went witli her chum for a try-
ng on ordeal , During the seance a girl
'rom the work rooms entered with a largo
box containing a costume to get some
directions as to its destination.
"Don't you leave that dress without the
bill is paid , " said the proprietor , in u
subdued voice. "Miss Jewell's order was
o send the bill to Pine street in the morn-
ng , but bo sure and have the dross homo
: o-night. You arc taking my orders.
Youv'o got time to go to Pine street now ,
and catch him. He don't go to his sta
bles till 3. "
"Very well , " was the reply , "will I
take a check. "
"I'd rather have the money , " was the
reply ; "be sure , now. and don't make
your business known bpforohis father
n big-nosod , tall , thin' man. ' Miss Jewell
was very anxious Anrttiafc.drcss-
don't play to-night , ana has''an engage
ment to go to a theatneyAVith/hlm. too , I
believe. " ' j . .
Here the convcrtati6a u. 'became indis
tinct , but ,
Herlovcr's ollice was In Pine street. He
wont daily to his stables at ! t p. m. His
father had a beak like a shovel-nosed shark
and was tall mid thin as a lamp post. She
betrayed no interest in the scrappy con
versation , but as soon her friend could
bo taken away and deposited at home ,
our clover young society lady ( lew to a
married friend and invited her and her
husband lo take them to the mentioned
theatre lhat evening. Sure enough ,
from the recesses of the box , which her
party occupied , a close , survov of the
house was uiijuccssful ; but prcse'ntly the
front of the box opposite blossomed like
that rose as Miss Jewell , the well known
actress of nil Opera Comiqtie fame on
tcrod Her companion stopped in the
back ground , but an animated pantoniine
showed that there was au escort and no
a sleepy ono in the rear. Our younj ,
lady was vigilance itself as the curtain
fell knowing Mr. Millions" partiality
tor a cigarette in the foyer. Her
patience was rewarded. A uowapa | > er
man wont up to have a few words will
Jewell , and know how she escaped the
hill for a night , and Million wont out
She saw him leisurely stroll up the aisle
and pull the cuds of his blonde moustache
and , if there was anj comfort in anticl
paling troublo.sho realized it in thinking
how little ho dreamed of the impending
storm. When ho returned to the box an
usher handed him this note : "If Mr
Million is disengaged at 2 o'clock tomorrow
row , will he please call at 33,033 FifU
avenue , in order to get a ring left there
January and. " Then , as ho road it in the
dim religious light of the back ot the
logo , ho looked across , aud thcro , in the
front of the box , sat his escaped prize , i
little paler than usual , but with a tri
iimuhant gleam in her dork oycs tha
told htm plainer than words that the gem
had been lost for an inferior Jo woll.
IlAno Tuning by Telephone.
A firm of Birmingham music dealers
was lately required to tune an organ to
accord with a piano in Mosoloy. ( t was
impracticable to bring : the instruments
together , but a happy plan was at length
stumbled upon. A note of the piano
was struck in front of a telephone , and
the sound was so accurately transmitted
to the distant tuner that he was soon able
to accomplish his task.and the organ was
sent in season for its intended , use with
the piano in a concert. . .
Discovery of a New Force , Which is Prac
tically Tested ,
Now Uses for Electricity Train Light
ing Piano Tuning by Telephone
Electric Locomotion Xclo-
graphic Ilablta.
Practical Tests With n New Electrical
New York Tribune. The latest impor
tant advance in electrical science has
been uiado by C. Langdon-lavcsof ! Lou-
don , who succeeded In utilizing for tele
graphic purposes a form of electric force
which can be separated altogothor'froui
the ordinary electric current and winch
can pass freely through insulators im
passable by currents. Among other
thingstelegraphic , messages can bo tians-
inltted and received through an ordinary
line wire , while at the same time otho
telegraphic messages are being trans
mitted and received through iho same
wire by the ordinary telegraphic appara
tus. The instrument which secures these
results is called the phonoporo nnd when
used in connection with the existing tele
graph systems will materially increase
their working capacity. It was _ while in
vestigating the induction noises caused
in telephone wires that Mr. Landon-
Davics made his important discovery.
Ho made the conclusion that the cll'ects
ascribed to induction afforded evidence
of the existence of a form of electrical
force which might bo separated from cur
rents and winch would pass frcoly
through insulators impassible by cur
rents. His conclusions were justified by
experiments , but it was not until a short
time ago that phonoporic telegraphy
could be successfully employed , and that
the principle could bo utilized upon an
existing telegraph line which was at the
same time being worked by the ordinary
"It will certainly come as a surprise to
many , " says the London Times , "to learn
that the phouqporic instruments have no
conducting circuit through them , but
this is nevertheless a fact. The phone
pore gives uninterrupted passage lo
electrical cll'ects capable of being associ
ated with sound , although it docs not
permit the passage of electric currents.
In exterior form the transmitter appears
to ba an ordinary Morse key mounted1 on
a base about four inches high. This base
contains au instrument which somewhat
resembles an induction coil. The im
pulses are generated in a primary circuit
of improved construction over which'is '
wound in place of a secondary circuit a
phonophoro of two wires insulated from
each other throughout their cutiro length
and at both ends , each of these wires
being , however , connected at ono end
only to the lino. Their number of phon-
ophoric impulses generated in the trans
mitter per second is regulated by the vi
brations of an organ reed placed in the
primary circuit. Another rood tuned to
the same rate of vibration is placed as a
receiver at the distant station in front of
an oluctro-magnot , and the phono-phone
impulses from the transmitter cause it to
vibrato. A now form of contact-breaker ,
operated by the receiver-reed , completes
a local relay circuit when the reed is
still , but breaks it whenever the reed
vibrates , thereby setting in action any
required instrument m connection with
any battery. "
A practical test with the phonoporo
was made on a telegraph line running
from London Bridge to Folkestone , the
line bcins worked with the phonop'oro
simultaneously with the ordinal v needle
system working on the lino. The wire
lias four single-needle instruments at
lxiidon bridge , Nutlicld , ShorncHffc and
Folkestone harbor. Two simplex phono-
pore telegraphs , one at London bridge
and the other at Folkestone harbor , wcro
attached to the line , each by u single
piece of wire. Five experiments wore
arranged by Mr. Langdon-Davies and
successfully carried out : (1) ( ) A phono-
pore mes age was transmitted along from
Folkestone to Londonand thcro received ,
working a postollieo universal relay nnd
ordinary Morse sounder ; ( ! ) ) a similar
phonopore message was transmitted and
received while an ordinary telegraphic
message was traveling in tlin same direc
tion hot ween , the .same stations ; ( ! J ) a
phonoporo message was transmitted and
received while an ordinary telegraph
message was being transmitted in the op
posite direction between the same sta
tions ; ( -1) ) a phonophpro message was
transmitted and received between the
terminal stations while an ordinary tele
graph message was being transmitted
between two intermediate stations ; ( S )
phonoporo messages wcro freely ex
changed between the terminal points
after the line had been discontinued nt
London and Folkcstono and the circuit
absolutely broken.
These and similar experiments : have
been carried out to the entire satisfaction
of Latimer Clark , F. U. S. , and S. Mc-
( Jowan , dircctor-in-chief of telegraphs
and deputy postmaster general of Aus
tralia , and Mr. Clark has pointed out
many advantages which the duplexing of
a telegraph service by adding a simplex
phonoporc possesses over the ordinary
duplex system now in use. The cost of
construction and of working is much lcs
and messages can bo carried either in the
same or opposite directions. Moreover ,
if the line is already working either the
duplex or diplox on the ordinary system ,
the phonopore can still bo added to it as
if the wire were being used for nothing
else. The phono-pores are Jcasily worked-
and in the trials mentioned the instru
ments was worked at ono station by a boy
of sixteen who had no experience with it.
Electric fjielitlne *
Detroit Frco Press : The reduction by
the Brush Illuminating company of its
price for electric light in New York ,
from 70 cents to 25 cents per lamp per
night , seems to indicate ono of two
things. Either there has been n consid
erable cheapening of cost in , ho produc
tion of the lighter the company has. been
charging heretofore enormous profit.
The cheapening theory there is little to
support. There has been no marked re
duction in the cost of coal or labor for
the past live years ; and as thcso are the
principal elements in the cost of olectrio
light them can not have been anv aucli
reduction in that as the immense "drop of
the company would indicate.
The theory that the company has been
charging an enormous protit in the past
Is far moro in harmony with what is
known as to the history of electric light
ing in this country. Yet thcro is n third
possibility which may , perhaps , modiiiy
public opinion as to the extent of the
profit the companies have boon reaping.
It transpired long since that thcro was n
largo margin for the companies between
the "candle power" at which their lamps
were rated or guaranteed and that ac
tually supplied. In a recent report to
city of Bridgeport which we find quoted
in the New York Times President
H nrv Mortonuof the Jjtcyyjs jgstilu
of technology , said on this point :
" 1 had occasion some time since to
measure the light of a number of the
lamps used in the streets of Now York
city and found that the best of them only
reached 800 caudles. It has been cus
tomary over since the first introduction
of electric lighting for the clcctrio com
panies to call tholr ordinary street lam
r'3,000-candlo-powor lights , " though they
have not possessed any such actual ef
ficiency. If , therefore , you were to hold
your electric light company to the word
ing of their contract they might reason-
claim that the term " 9,000 candle-power"
tad become a tcchnlchat expression ,
noaning only a light of the usual cfllc-
cncy , from 000 to 1,000 candle-flower by
direct measurement. "
It is qulto possible , tliercfore.that it ro-
luclng its price more than CO percent the
company proposes lo compcusalo itself
> y reducing the candle power. The ex-
stenco of this possibility makes It worth
vhllo for Detroit and other Michigan
cities using the Brush light to inquire a
iltlo moro carefully than they have over
f there is as little reason for calling them
so as Iherc appears to have been in New
York , the city ought to know it. The
{ iiowlcdgo might bo of service in con-
ractiug for street lighting.
Electric Locomotion.
So long ago ai May , 1881 , an electric
.ramwav opened near llcrlin , and traffic
ias been regularly carried on during the
six years without a mishap of any impor-
auco , although the average speed is
twelve miles au hour and 10U.OOO passen
gers are carried annually. Iho line has
ilways been regarded moro as im experi
ment than as a typo to bo permanently
adopted , and for that reason cars with
liftcrcnt kinds of gearing have been
.ried , not for a few months , but in rog-
ilar work for several years in order to
cst the durability of the mechanism
ipopted. To obtain a higher degree of
economy au electric motor must run with
great velocity , which must bo greatly ro-
luced by the time its motion is transmit-
cd to the driving axles of a tramway
? ar ; methods of doing that form the sub-
'ects of several patents , and it may bo
hat the best arrangement has not yet
) ccn dovised.
It seems au easy thing to the uninitiated
; o reduce 800 revolutions of one shaft to
iighty of another ; but when it has to bo
lone in connection with a tram cart a
vehicle on which space i.s limited ,
objcctionablc.and dirt and dust inabuud-
inco , ono obstacle after another crops up
o disapdoint the inventor who imagines
ic has solved the problem , On the Berlin-
, ichtcrfold line one of the cars has run
" 0,000 miles since the opening , and has
nilleys on the motor shaft and car axles ,
with V grooves in which to run coids of
spiral wires. This device , it scorns ,
works without noise or vibration , though
iomo little difficulty is experienced inad-
usling the "cords" upon the pulleys : for
f too ticht they will break at the joinis ,
ind if too loose slip at starting not adis-
idvantagc , as that is the most trying mo
ment in ail gearing driven by electro
motors. Other devices are employed ,
such as the pitch-chain , but the spiral
cords scorn to bo the best.
Gnv ana Electricity.
Boston Herald : While there seems to
> o no reason why the gas companies in
ho state of Massachusetts should not be
illowcd to make , distribute and sell elec
tricity for lighting purposes , it should bo
said that the restrictions governing the
right to manufacture and dispose of cas
do not properly apply to the manufac-
.tiro alul sale of electricity for illuminat-
ng purposes. T ho gas commissioners
ire , with good reason , granted the power
to prevent the establishment of rival gas
companies in places where the needs of
Iho people seem to be sufficiently met by
existing facilities , for to establish a new
gas company involves tearing up the
itroets and putting the people to many
nconvenicnccs not at all desirableunless
some obvious gain is to result as a cense
quence. But in establishing an electric
iirht plant annoyances of this kind are
lot to bo anticipated. The electric
ipht wires are run cither over the house-
ops or upon poles , and are located and
maintained with no practical incon
venience to any ono. There would seem
.o bo no moro call for the state authori
ties to prohibit the establishment of now
ind comyetinp : electric light companies
-han to'prohibit the establishment of
tow retail crocer.v stores , v But the same
freedom which ought to bo accorded to
all new electric light companies should
jo given to the gas companies to enter ,
if they see lit , into this new form of sup
plying the people with > light. It would
certainly bo absurd to tell.-tho gas com-
[ > aniqs that became tlvcyi wcro making
ind.ijupplying the publie with jras , thorn-
Foro..thcy wcro prohibited from using
another light medium ? , which a great
many , people behevo to bojaupcriortothat
now employed.
New Uses For EMcetrlclty.
Electrical Koview " "Tho .
: l.ght-out-
spceding telegraph , " siid Emerson , in
one of his poems in 1316 , ' ( bears nothing
on its'beam" but it did , cY n then ; it
bore from city to city at least the market
price of whisky. And if to such base
uses the thunderbolts of Jove can bo ap
plied thus misusing a force which en
wraps the key to the mystery that lies
around the very gates of life if t'ao au
gust lightnings of heaven may bo so
abused , why need any ono bo astonished
to learn that among the latest devices for
the amusement and depravity af men
( and women ) is "bull lighting by electric
ity ! " It seems a little late in the century
for such barbaric sport which would
better befit the brutal scenes once enacted
in ttio ampithcatcr of Vespasian at Rome
and it sounds slrango to hear such
things almost on our own border. But the
mysterious element that in ono form is
utili/.ed to bring the news of Iho'perform-
anco , was used in another shape ono
night in the City of Mexico to light up
the arena tor , i bull light. Owing to the
novelty of this part of the performance ,
"an immense crowd" was attracted to
the secne President Diaz and the mem
bers of his cabinet being among the
spectators. "Tho arena was brilliantly
lighted by ten electric lights , " and the
dazzhntr blaze seemed to infuriate the
bulls. The lirst ono quickly killed four
horses and tore open and disabled as
many more , Hung ono swordsmannearly
dead , over the bars , disabled the mata
dor and several picadors , and ramped
around the arena the lord and master of
the situation. Thcso thincs arc hiclily
relished still in Spain and our neighbor
republic on the southwest is much.more
Spanish than American. How much
better are such scones than those of the
colosscum the "thumbs do\yn" spec
tacles iu which human beings instead of
bulls wcro the sacrifice. And what must
bo the influence of such exhibitions on
the people who uphold thorn ?
"Will Use a Pail Hereafter.
Troy ( N. Y. ) Times : A leak in the Itoor
of the Western Union telegraph office ,
corner of Broadway and Hiver street ,
allowed water to drip last evening upon
wires leading to the electric light in \ \ 11-
liam Ahern's saloon underneath. The
contract of the water permitted the clec-
tricity to escape , and the coiling in
Ahorn's place was ignited. Ahern seized
a seltzer bottle and prepared to give the
flames an extinguisher. Ho was u sur
prised man , when , after having opened a
stream from the seltzer bottle upon the
tire , he was violently thrown from the
bench upon which ho was standing. The
glass of the bottle saved him from moro
severe handling. The stream of water
bad completed tbo circuit , nnd the shock
was the result. Mr. Aliern has ceased to
act as a bottle-holder in a tight with elee-
tricity , and will hereafter use the pail.
Trains Lighted by Electricity.
A few weeks ago a tram was started
on the Connecticut river road lighted by
electricity from the dynamo in the bag-
car , run by the cur wheels , S. H.
arrctt electrician Ind
AJUIAVhb. U t\iH lUiUU , IV4 experimented
for weeks on his InvcnDoniAiid since put
ting into practical work has watched it
constantly and added improvements , so
that it may now be coniulercd a practi
cal arrrangomcnt , which Is pretty likely
to displace the methods of lightning by
storage batteries alone. 'Iho experi
ment .lias been tried o * a train of two
passenger cars and a combination
gage and smoking car. The dynnino
occupies a closet built on ono side of the
baggngo Ecctioii of the car next to the
( Mitrunco to the smoking apartment.
There are sixteen incandescent lamps tea
a car , arranged on each side , while ex
periments have also been made with a
huge G-1-caiidlo power incandescent lump
in the baggage car , which Is not con
sidered a practical or economical light.
The small incandescent lamps of sixteen-
camilo power , and difltsr from these on
the Boston & Albany train in the con
struction of the film , which is of carbon-
l/.cd silk Instead of bamboo liber. Few
people have noticed the huge cubic concealed -
coaled under the car which gives power
to the dynamo , ami the machinery runs
utmost noiselessly.
Klcctrle Alnrnia In Hotels' .
If hotel men cannot afford to build
fire-proof hotels , they should at least pro
vide every moans of escape and all the
latest electrical alarms to notify guests
of impending danger. Had not tin elec
trical flro-alarm communicating with
every room in the house of the Richmond
mend hotel , burnnit at Bull'alo last week ,
awakened the guests , the loss of lifo
would have been ut least live times as
large as it was. So rapidly did the house
burn that nven the instantaneous alarm
of the "Hess .system. " of the lire call
could not save them all , but , as the les-
tlinony shows , what the result would
have been without such an invention is
appalling to contemplate. That such a
serious loss of life resulted in face of the
Fact that an alarm bell was ringing iu
every room from the instant the clerk bo-
cntno aware of the lire , proves that the
Richmond hotel must nave been oven
worse constructed than the average lire-
trap hotel. In the absence of lire-proof
hotels , what is demanded of hotel men
is careful management and the provid
ing of every possible precaution and
improvement that shall make human life
safe in case of emergency.
The length of a Hash of lightning is
generally underestimated. The longest
known was measured by M. P. 1'or.itt. of
Toulouse. This flash was ten and a half
inches long. The longest in
terval ever remarked between the
Hash and the report was
seventy-two seconds , which would cor
respond with a distance of fourteen
miles. Direct researches have shown
that a storm is seldom heard at a grcutcr
distance than seven to ten miles , while
the average are barely heard over four
or five , miles oil * . This fact is more curi
ous , as a cannon may be distinctly heard
double or treble that distance , and in
equal cases much better.
Electric LlKht ut the Winter Pnlncc.
The czar of Russia , at his winter palace
on the banks of the Nova , possesses what
i.s probably the largest permanentinstal-
lation of olectrio light ever placed in a
single building. The palace itself is illu
minated by 12,000 incandescent lamps ,
while lifty-six powerful arcs lighl up the
front and the various court-yards. The
machine room contains eight engines ,
capable of developing 2,500 horse power ;
the dynamos , including reserve machines ,
are twenty-six in number. The work
was planned and earned out by the
engineers of the palace , in con junction
with the St. Petersburg house of Siemens
& Halsko , and the installation has been
at work since the commencement of last
Spiel CM and Elec trio Lights.
Some time ago electric lights were
placed in front of thn treasury and other
public buildings in Washington , and a
curious result has been an extraordinary
congregation of spiders' webs. Thcso
cunning animals have discovered that
game , in the form of Hies , moths , and so
on , is very abundant near the electric
light , owing to the attraction it has for
some insects , and hence their webs are
in some parts so thick that portions of
the architectural ornamentation arc no
longer visible. _
Concerning Canctlo Power.
Electric lights were measured recently
by _ Prof. Henry Morton , of Stevens in-
.stitnic of technology , iu the city of New
York , and ho found that the best of what
were called 3,000-candlo power lamps
gaVe only a power of 800 caudles. Ho
assumes that the term " 3,000-candlo
power" has bccomo a technical expres
sion with the electric light companies to
denote a lamp of from 500 to 1,000 actual
candle power. _
Death to nook Agents.
Dr. Cornelius Hera Frenchman , has
invented a telephone which costs 03 }
cents. Wherever the ordinary electric
button can bo used the telephone button
can be introduced. It will be possible to
give or receive instructions by it , to
show who is knocking at the door , to
communicate , in short , by speaking as
well as by ringing.
Telegraphic Habits.
The other night at a Now York bureau
of a western newspaper , the telegraph
operator was busily engaged in trans
mitting the latest news. It was noticed
that while ho manipulated the key with
his right hand lingers ho kept drumming
on the table with load pencil held in
his .loft hand. When his right hand had
stopped so did the left. After watching
the knight of the key several mo
ments , a reporter ventured to re
mark , that ho seemed very nervous. The
operator smiled , and said such was not
the case , but that 00 per cent of the male
telegraphers accompany the transmit
ting movcmcnts'of their right hands in
various ways. Some operators drum on
the table , while others tap the lloor with
ono of their feet , like a musician keeping
time to music. An operator employed
by the Baltimore & Ohio company in
this city cannot transmit wjthoiit hold
ing his left hand across his face and
gently patting it. Another operator
duplicates the dots and dashes which
his right hand forms by wiggling the
lobs of his ears with the idle hand. These
peculiarities are not noticeable among
women telegraphers.
Telephones Around Now York.
Few people have any idea of the num
ber of telephones in use immediately
around Now York. The number is
15,000. On April 1 the Now York and
Long Island division of the Now Jersey
company had : t.4a8 , atid the Now Jersey
division and Newark had 3,201. New
York city had 0,800 , Stalen Island 250 ,
and Westchcster county about 800 , mak
ing 14.5M within Now York city reach.
Such a network of wires and service for
intercommunication can bo found no
where else in the world.
A Wlso YounK Wife.
Boston Courier : "Thcro , " said the
voting wife , turning from the mirror to
her husband nnd giving him a sweet
smile , "what do you think of thcso bangs ,
Charles ? Do they bccomo mot"
Charles , who was at that moment en
grossed in the task of reckoning UP the
total cost of bonnets , bangd. dresses and
so forth , answered with a clouded brow :
' 1 should think you would bo ashamed
to ask mo such a question , Mary. Your
vanity is bccomingactuully insuttbrablo. "
"Cfiarlcc , " she said , in a tremulous
voice , ' 'if ' I am vain it is for you. You
would not love mo if I was a slattern
and a dowdy. It is for your sake that I
try to make myself as attractive as
possible. "
Having said this she burst into tears.
Then Charles arose and gathered her
into his arms and kissed her fondly and
said :
"Your bangs are lovely , dear , and you
are lovely , and if all wives wcro as neat
and desirous ot attracting the admiration
of their husbands as you are thcro would
bo a great deal more conjugal happiness
in the world than there Is at present.
There , my love. Now forgive mo for my
rudeness. "
Where the Husband and the Wife Daily Add
Strength to Their Bond of Love.
Fidgety Husbands A Wlso Yonnjj
"Wire Homo Mnrrlngo Customs
Mnrrylng to Avoid llnnlsli-
incnt Connublnlltlcs.
Host of Frlomli.
C/inilfo / L. Dtan.
Oh , best of friends who taught mo how to
Who taught mo what no other friend could
It God would Klvo mo whntso'cr 1 wished ,
I'd nsk for you.
Kings might near crowns , with richest jewels
set ,
And statesmen gnln thoprnlso to greatness
due ;
Their \\ealth ami glory 1 would cuvy not
llnd 1 but you.
Poets might slug of Ktlen'a hnnpy bowers ,
Artists portray Its beauty to our view ,
btlll would I urue us talror spot , by far ,
My house with you.
And when our souls had bade farewell to
enrtli ,
And In immortal lands did live an ow ,
I'd crave no other paradise than this
Your love and you.
Cincinnati Knquiror : James Payne
writes : 1 would solemnly warn all
women about to marry to ascertain be
forehand that the contemplated husband
is not what is called a lidgot. A loaning
to intemperance may be greatly mitigated
in a husband by ono keeping the collar
key and not allowing him any pocket
money ; but a fanaticism for being always
before the time it is dilHcult to repress
mid impossible to extirpate. Better that
a bridegroom should not be at the church
door until after the rubrical hour , and
your marriage bo postponed for a day.
than that ho should prove himself a
lidgct by presenting himself at the altar
before the clergyman or voursolf is
ready for him. Your sclf-loyo may
suggest that such haste is only
thu result of his eager devotion ;
but do not deccivo yourselves ,
young women ho would Wave been nt
the church equally early if it had boon to
bury you. Tompkins iilmsjdlr ism , many
respects an excellent hifebniiiK ami I do
believe he is very fond'bf ' ma , but it is
timeliness first aud feelings' afterward
with him , I know. When business calls
him on a journey only one eye drops a
tear at parting with his wife aud off
spring. The other is lixcd on the clock
to sec that the cab is sent for in time to
catch the train. That "catching the
train" is the thought that makes him
thin and that keeps him so. Much of his
time is necessarily consumed in traveling
but not nearly so much as spent iu pre
paring for lite journey. The day previous
to an expedition Is mainly occupied in
packing his carpetbag and writing out
his direction labels Ho leaves over night
as in a will , the most elaborate directions
for the proceedings of the next morning.
with a codicil appointing that he shall
be called half au hour earlier than he at
lirst considered soon enough. This last
command is wholly supcrlluous , since ho
always wakes of himself long before the
appointed hour-anil proceeds to ring the
house up. Previous to this ho has Kept
mo from my rest since earliest dawn by
perpetually getting out of bed to sec
whether it is going to be fine. Upon this
depends the momentous question : "Shall
he take his waterproof coat or not ? " If
lie does it should bo strapped up at once
with the other things already lying on the
hall table ready for departure ; not a mo
ment is to bo lost. His toilet , is hasty
enough , but not speedy , for in his eager
desire on retiring to rest to have every
thing ready for the morning ho has gen
erally packed up his brushes and comber
or some other iudispcnsiblo thing which
has to bo disentombed from the portman
teau. He generally shaves overnight ;
but , if not , I tremble for his throat , since
1 know witli what inprudcnt rapidity he
is performing- operation in his drcss-
iugroom. _
An Odd Wedding Incident.
Chicago Tribune : An odd incident
happened recently at the West Arch
street Presbyterian church , Philadelphia.
Thcro was to bo : i wedding there at half
past 7 o'clock of a young lady of an ex-
tcnsivo social connection in that and
other churches. Thcro wore great prep
arations , and it so filled the minister's
mind that ho entirely overlooked the fact
that ho had an appointment to marry an
other pair at exactly the same hour.
When a quarter-past 7 arrived , the largo
church was as full of people as it could
possibly be , and the pavement on each
side of the projecting awning was
crowded with the non-invited waiting for
that boon which the highest to the lowest
enjoys a pcop at the bride. There wore
at least lifty or sixty carriages in frontof
the church. Among thd , guests iu the
city's best sociaF aud1'material pros
perky. The organ was pealing and
Iho minister was m place. Just at this
juncture bride and bridi-groom-olect No.
2 , who had been at the minister's house
and been told to go to the church , drove
up in n carriage to the side door and
entered. Around the side door every
thing was as quiet as if nothing was going
on. Through the door leading from the
chapel they saw the illuminated and
crowded church , and just ( hen the other
brldo in white , with jewels , and attended
by a bevy of radiant bridesmaids , all in
golden-colored gowns and preceded by a
retinue of elegant-looking youths , came
up the aislo. It was a curious surprise
for the puzzled pair in the chapel. In
about ten minutes was empty.
While the last of the'"gucsts were going
and the sexton was putting out the lights
the minister married the seeond pair
brielly in the chapel. The bride was in a
plain traveling dress and the groom in
ordinary attire. When they came out to
outer the solitary carriage that stood on
the side street she was leaning proudly
on his arm , and they looked at loubt as
happy as the other pair.
Trannylvanta Marriage Customs.
Popular Science Monthly : When the
young couple go to church the day after
the wedding they arc mot at the church
door by u group of masked ligures , who
surround thorn singing and hooting , and
playfully endeavor to separate the young
matron trorn her husband. If tlioy suc
ceed in so doing then ho must win her
back in a hand-to-hand light with her ad
versaries , or else ho must give apicco of
money as her ransom. In general it is
considered a bad omen for the married
life of the young couple if the wife bo
separated from her husband on this occa
sion ; therefore , it Is customary for the
young husband to take his stand clobc by
the church door while his wife is praying
within , and then bo ready to eaten
hold of her us soon HS she stops
outside. For greater precaution the man
often holds her round the wai&t with
both hands during the dance , which im
mediately takes place bcforo the churdh ,
and at which they assist merely as spec
tators , taking no active part , as it is not
considered seemly to dance in the church
As commonly several couples are mar
ried at the same time , it is usual for each
separate wedding party to bring its own
band of music , and dance thus indepen
dently of the others. On the occasion
of a triple wedding 1 lately witnessed , if
was very amusing to watch the three
wedding parties coming down tha street ,
each accelerating its pace till it came to
be a eort of a race up to the church door
to secure the best dancing place. Tin
ground being rough and sl.'tntlni ; , there
was only ono spot where anything hko n
Hat dancing lloor could bo obtained , and
the winning party nt ouco , * o-
curcd this enviable position , whlla
the others had to put up with an inclined
piano or a few hilfOoks accident-
ing the ballroom lloor. The ton to six
teen couples belonging to caoh wedding
party arc inclosed in a ring of bystand
ers , each rival bund of music 'playing
away with heroic disregard for the
scorched cars of the listeners. "Polkal"
calls out the llrst group ; "Walzerl" roars
the second , for it Is a point of honor that
each partv should display a noblu inde
pendence in taking its own line of actions
and if , out of mere conincidenco , two of
the bands happen to strike up the self
same tune , ono of them is sure to change
to something totally different as soon as
aware of the unfortunate mistake the
caterwauling o fleet produced by thla
system Itntlllng all description. "Thai is
nothing at all" said the worthy pastor ,
from whoso garden 1 was overlooking
the scene , laughing at the evident dis
may with which 1 endeavored to stop my
cars. "Sometimes wo have eight or ton
wedd'ngs ' at a time , each with their own
fiddlers. That is something worth hear
ing , indeed ! "
Marrying to Avoid HnnMimenf.
London Standard : The case of the no
torious Mllo. Do Sombivuil came on for
hearing April : tO before the French court
of appeal. After having been expelled
from Franco she returned , and , being ,
arrested on French soil , had boon con
demned by the correctional tribunal to
two months imprisonment. The appeal
court reduced the term of prison to ono
month , on account of her promteu that
she would for the future respect the
French law. The court cyidently be
lieved that she intended to quit Franco
forever ; but It is said she intends
to remain , and , to prevent for
the future any decree of expulsion being
issued against her , she is about to make
herself r return by marrying a French
man. It would bo impossible for Mllo.
DoSombrcull to act otherwise than in an
eccentric manner , so she decided to pay
a man an annuity of 43 for the service
ho would render her by going through
the formalities of marriage. She is said
to have receive an immense number of
applications from men anxious to confer
on her their name and with it the much-
coveted French nationality. In any
case It will now bo useless for other
Frenchmen to apply , us the woman has
made her choice. Her future husband ,
whom she has never seen , and whom she
intends to see only once that is to sayat
the marriage ceremony before the mayor
is a peasant of soventy-threo years.
What nrideiualdu Wear.
Harper's Ha/.aar : lirldcmalds at June
weddings will wear lace dresses made of
the now silk law ) in designs like those < of
the black marquise laces , and thcro itro
also dresses of plain Brussels net , of
point d'csprit with its tiny dotsof striped
luce , of the square meshed Russian nets ,
and of the polka-dotted not with lurgq
ball-like spots. V-ncckcd , half-low
waists gathered on the shoulder at the
top , or else plain to the elbow , with a
pun" there , are the corsages of. such
dresses. The skirts have two or three
lloiiuccs gathered all around or length
wise , or else festooned , and Marie Antoi
nette pauicrs short aud full in the hips ,
with one or two long points in the back.
White silk French lacu in largo rose pat
terns , made over a white moire skirt is a
fashionable combination. The deep scal
loped lace is draped as au apron , cover
ing the front and sides , while the back
has a lace breadth in pleats down the
middle , with a moire breadth each side
of these pleats , turned over at the top in
handkerchief points. A bridle of moire
ribbon is down the left side of the lace
front , and a great chou or loose rosette
is on the right side. The moire basque
is draped with lace , and has a high col
lar of uioirit ribbon , with a bow on the
left sido. The full lace sleeves havl ) a
deep moire cuff. Yellow if a favorite
color for bridesmaids' dresses , aud ap
pears in watered silk skirts aud waists
and sashes , with white lace or Russian
net dresses , or clso it is scon in India silk
for a full waist , and drapery over a cream
nainsook embroidered skirt , with n
border formed of live or six rows of picot-
edged yellow ribbon an inch wide run
through the open ligures of the embroid
ery. _
There is a project of iimrritigo belwepn the
Princess Louise of Wnles and tlio1 ( Srand
Duke Michael Miclmllovlteh. cousin , x > f'tho
czar. Mike Is a pretty good fallow , they say.
Miss Lillian Uayiird Taylor , daughter , of
the dead poet , Is announced as cngageiMo
Otto G. li. lllilanl. a nuullcal student ot' ho
university of Halle , Uenimny , Mrs.j.imd
Miss Taylor will ultimately return.10 Amer
ica for a permanent residence.
Miss llelcno do Ilothschlld , the only daugh
ter of the late Uaron Solomon , of Paris , In
tends to marry Captain Van SmeHser : , a
young olliccr of the Belgian nnny , Tlio op
position of the lady's mother and other rel
atives will prevent the ceremony from taking
place before August Mile , llcleno already
possesses an Immense lortune. and her dot
will ultimately amount to $30,000,000.
To enrioh and quicken the circulation
of the blood and to reform irregularities
of the system tiso Dr. J. II. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Jilood Purl-
With sliding- Detachable
Springs , cy Better tnau
Whalebone or BoruJSt
and guaranteed never to
break * Price * f
For ule by leading wholesale sd retail etub-
uibiuc&u. . _ . -
412 Broadway , N. Y. , Manufacturer ! .
Will finrtjvutwlmuticynced A FULL LINK
ftc INSTALMENT TRADE , by uddrcsiing
iMfTALMKNT DjiAIJIU' tJCI'l'LY CO. . lirlg. lit
nil all nkln di ea . -
poundioc T ar. A euro guaranteed , or wonor
rofutjcled. Hold brdrureUti , iiMl tUier.fflcec > |
TAR'OID CO. . II IHWUHlt , CHICiOO. i'rlcflfl ,
' from
Welshao's Germ
imida. Makei bono unU motclo. inflvoriitei tbo
bruin , itrenntheni the ncrTei. enrlchu tbe bl-opd.
buff r"T frim ( InpcpiU , Indlionlon. coi < ilil > tlQn ,
dlubetri. nrlalit-i.dlMiiio. etc. . w.ll , nnJlt.ln alna.
bio. GOOD YOU WKI.L I'KOPI.K. Order It o/j iir
dealer. B raple packucc lion to pluilclitm who will
tiny cxpren ehnrgut , Clrul r glilnn lull purlieu-
Ijrson | iplloatlon ,
Wclsliaus , 1'ratt & Haines , Omaha.Ncb
ilanufucturcr * of Cereal Btiocl ltlc .