Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1887, Page 11, Image 11

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    * " " * * * -
An Intermingling of Spanish Simplicity ,
Indian Yindictivoncss and Aztec Ornolty ,
Ilio Capital City n Mlnlatnro Paris
8ct In the Cordilleras , "
Thousand Foot Above Clvlllzn
tlon" Social Customs ,
t ITYl/len / tor Hie ncc by Orate Deane J/unl.l
Society In the capital is formed of a
mixture of blood and of nationalities. In
the veins of the so-called Mexican , the
blood may bo said to How ono quarter
Spanish and Indian , pep
pered with a few drops of Aztuc cruelty.
The intermingling of these opposite
Btrcams may account for the strange
contradictory nature of these people , at
once so naturally simple In their rever
ence of the beautiful in nature and in
nrt ; spoil-bound at the first note of mar
tial music , or possessed by the fandango
at the twang of a bamlolln ; divine in their
love nnd gentleness towards children ,
guiding with tcndorcst cnro the Ilttlo feet ,
mill , vindictive , but not to the oxtcntthat
has been credited to them ; unspeakably
cruel toward the animal kingdom ; ex
tremely ] calous of their flowering , fruit-
givlnir.tuid cofloo-bcaring countryjjcalous
of their wives and their honor.but withal ,
a nation which could bo easily governed
by kindness , lirmness , and justness.
This typical incident is related of a dis
tinguished governor of one of the states ,
who for one year carried in his pocket a
newspaper , in which an article ,
rollccting , as ho considered upon
his honor , had been published.
Sincerely prayed this man of injured
honor , that ho might meet the writer of
the lines , in order , as ho considered , to
redouble his honor by the killing of him ,
nnd the paper carrictl so long near his
heart kept the lire of revenge burning
fiercely. Hut the encounter did not take
place , FO he hired , for a paltry sum , a
peon , to kill him.
Many of the upper class of Mexicans
are educated in France , and good man
ners are inherent in all.
Mexico is , decidedly , an European city ,
n miniature Paris sot in the Cordilleras ,
but as a friend once Mild of it ,
"eight thousand feet above civiliza
tion. " Ho who has road lUihvcr's
"Last Days of Pompeii. " and who has
tasted lifo lu Mexico , will notice a simi
larity between the described streets ,
houses , baths and morals of the people of
those buried days and those of this city ,
to-day. To complete the likeness , an
crurition of I'opocatcpolt , first noticed
from the bullring , is alone necessary.
' "Spaniards , French , Indians , Germans ,
English and Italians.cach form n colony
' In this city of UOO.OOO souls , each colony
adding its share to her growth nnd ad
The Americans , quite the lowest class
Jn the scale of respectability ,
deserve to bo mentioned last.
They have , to bo sure , laid
the iron rails of connection between
the two countries , but in other ways lit
tlothat Is desirable , have they brought to
Mexico. Unfortunately , when those illit
erate , illmannorcd representatives of our
country create disgraceful and almost
daily disturbances on the streets , or in
sult the Mexican by unclean word of
mouth , our people , as a whole , are
judged accordingly.
At the houses of the foreign legations ,
society in u brilliant form of highly re
spectable dissipation , glides from ball to
reception. The aristocracy of Mexico ,
hero represented , is reflected
over again in the splendid
Jewels worn. The glare of gas light
is unknown in these mansions , but in
its pbccsociety is delightfully illumined
by the silvery rays of myriads of wax
candles , supported in many instances , by
nnciont silver candnlbra. Assorted deli
cacies of all countries embellish the
tables , and wines of the choicest vintages
flow freely from glass to lip , while
bright eyes grow brighter.
Among the middle classes especially ,
many of the old Spanish customs are re
tained. Such as , tor instance , seating at
an evening party or at any social path
cring , the uion on ono side of the room ,
the women on the other. The old method
of courtship loses none of its
Bweot foothold , though wo all know
how slow is its progress ,
Mexican homo life is a charming
picture of love and rospcct , displayed by
the children to their parents , from which
our American girl might well tnko n les
son , fjaid n Mexican lady to me , "I am
told that In the United States young girls
walk alone with young men on the streets ,
but it cannot bo true. " How shocked
would she be , could she see more , and
know more about the habits of some of
ouryountr girls. The Mexican girl is
brought up quite ns strictly ns the I-ronch ,
" - but the same liberty is not accorded them
' -i ntter marriage. They never enjoy free
dom of action. What retards the Mex
ii ican woman in intellectual progress nnd
v In social advancement , what suppresses
-i her to servile dependence and to unen-
lightcnment of soul and body ,
is the priesthood. A body of
mon who are making , through the
women , a tremendous struggle to retain
their power which Is slowly diminishing
through the Influence ot the heretic. A
body of men as unspiritual in outline , as
their faces are ungodly in expression.
Not until those tyrants of more or less
superstition are overthrown , and the
mon relax their jealous watch over them ,
will the Mexican women advance wiih
those of other nations.
( iambling is carried on to great extent
by all grades of society , and Is presented ,
particularly on Sundays and during a
licsta , in nn alluring , fascinating garb.
It being a feast day , let us take a Tacu-
baya car and visit a noted gambling re-
Hort. liohold the tall trees of an exten
sive garden , which Is inclosed by n high
wall , this embraced by creeping , flower
ing vines , the long tendrils of it sweep
ing the sidewalk and oll'oring to the
passer by a pink blossom. An innocent
picture from without bathed In warm
sunshine. Pass Into and through the
garden , stooping under this low And
hanging vine , under the blossoming lime
'tree ' , until wo reach a house , also bathed
in warm sunshine. The rooms are large ,
the tables bewildering and dazzling with
their heaps upon heaps of gold and silver ,
while the click of the coming aud going
coveted metal and the popping of clmiu-
jnigno corks from the neighboring room ,
is softened and relincd by music
from the garden , and the air
is perfumed by rare flowers.
Not nil the faces are masculine ones
seated and standing throe and four deep
around the tables , and all nations are
represented. All possess the same ex
pression of anxiety and greed. The
winning card is proclaimed by n low ,
monotonous voice , n murmur follows ,
some faces crow dnll and white , a chair
is pushed hastily back and some one
hurries away as so many have hurried
before. Out through this cool , delicious
garden , with souls as dark as night , they
go , unmindful ot the sweet , healing per
fumes gathering around them ; unmind
ful of the peace breathing flowers , while ,
like go many demons of mockery , float
after them the gay strums of a Spanish
A party of well-known Americans
made there , in ono happy afternoon , the
amount of f 10,000. So much silver was
* precious ns well as a heavy burden for
their hands to carry , therefore a coach
was ordered from town to convoy them
homo. Hut , so temptingly displayed wai
the unwon silver that they played again ,
EXi , - .
and when the coach arrived these gen-
Icmen had lost their * 10,000 , and in the
tlllncss of the tropical night , walked
lomc doubtless thinking of what might
have been.
Though gambling is prohibited by law ,
eight or ten of the principle
louses are open in the city ,
there games consist of roulette
md Spanish montc. For the privl-
ego of opening thcso houses , so it is
said , the proprietors of each one paid tex
x former governor ot the federal district ,
? 100 a night. When his successor cnmo
nto power ho closed them all , thereby
eliciting much pruiso from the press and
public. Uut , It seems , the glory bestowed
upon him was not deserved , for they
wore only closed until consenting to pay
um $200 a night.
The Dollticnl atmosphere of Mexico has
always been tainted with corruption ,
even among th highest ofllcluH Kv-
[ 'resident Gon/.alcs most assuredly laid
tlirHftlf open to spvere censure. From
month to month his character had been
rudely tossed and blacitenrd by words of
contumely. Ho was , It is said ,
l > eforo becoming president of the repub
lic , a highway robber , encased In an ar
mour ol great courage which ho wore
into the presidential state. With tins
coinage he ruled the Mexican people and
on one occasion it saved his life , during
the late nickel riot. The rioters sur
rounded and detained hid coach as ho
was crossing the plaza , threatened his
lifo , and with stones demolished his
coach. Ho. rising proudly from out the
ruins , faced the angry throng , quietly
turned on his heel and slowly walked
away. Not un arm was raised against
this man whoso life had just been clam
ored for. The question was often asked ,
what became of the govern
ment revenues during that term.
A largo portion was undoubtedly
appropriated by President Gouzaies
and hi * oillcials , thus bringing to the
verge of ruin the country ana its indus
tries , from out of the government fund
fionzales built for himself magnificent
residences. Ono spacious , stone palace
lias the inner walls exquisitely painted
by an eminent artist , but the paintings
arc said to bo of questionable taste.
A charming house exists , a little out of
town , each room of which opens onto a
fajry land of a garden ; costly lace cur
tains shield the inmate from thu guu : of
cuinous passers-by , the rooms are lined
with mirrors which rctlcot , so it is whis
pered from ear to ear , the ligurc
of n Circassian beauty pur-
ch.vcd ! 6mowhcro across the water at a
fabulous1 " 'price. ' His own particular
house constructed after the "Pompclan
style is a one-story stone structure ,
painted in delicate blue with Pompoian
decorations , the iron bars protecting the
windows are heavily glided. The house
encloses on thrco sides a marble paved
courtyard , in the center of which sparkles
nn intricate fountain of water , Hanked
by rare plants. From the open , sunny
side extends a tropical garden. The cor-
rldnrs on the court arc artistically deco
rated also , m I'ompoiau lijjures , and
with groups of beautiful statuary. The
interior is highly decorated , ami orna
ments of gold embellish it ; the furniture
s Parisian. A valuable library
adds to the charm , and won
derful baths complete the whole.
Aside from his town houses , he owns val
uable haciendas , which are carefully cul
tivated. On the 5th of May of each' year
is drawn a grand national lottery prize
of $100,000. President Gonzalo's term
was drawing to an end , and he desired
still rnoro trold , so when his eye fell on
the advertisement of the lottery , he
straightway coveted that § 100,000 , as
ho had many before it , so sent to the lot
tery olTico politely begging the number
of the winning ticket. Later on Presi
dent Gonzales was congratulated upon
drawing the first grand national lottery
prize of ? 100,000. Thus lives this man
who neither respects his country , nor
country women , who to-day swcars.npon
the Jil't ' of his sword , that no will bo the
coming president , ns does also , Itomoro
lilt bio , father-in-lawot _ President Diaz.
The other day Mrs. llusklngs ol Maple
( irove , Midi. , gnvo birth to triolets , two o
her owes to live lambs , ami the family cat to
seven kittens.
The children of the blackest Africans are
born whitish , In a month they become pale
yellow , in a year brown , nt four dlity black ,
and at nix or seven glossy black.
AMITY , Mo. , May yi. To the Editor o
the BEK : H. K. Itusscll. living near Amity ,
has a wnro that cave birth to a thrco-lc eu
colt on the 17th ot April. It. F. 11.
LlilitnIns struck n tree near Kevin , Imt. ,
the other tiny. Near the tree was n largo
pond. Soon after the tree wns struck the
water In the pond began sinking , and in a
few days the pond wns perfectly dry.
A Connecticut eagle picked up a small bull-
doj { from the highway and went sailing oil'
with him , but as soon as the dox tot ; over his
tint astonishment ho seized the bird by the
ICK and mixilu him come back to earth and do
some very humble bogging.
Thr e years ngo a moth flow Into the oar ot
J. ( ) . Stall ) , of Wilmington , Del. It remained
just Inside of the drum of the ear until the
other day , when the application of mllK poul
tices ana salt water resulted In its removal.
It was alive and flow several feet.
A six-year-old boy In Allcslmny City. Pa.
who wus sick in bed , was almost smothered
the other day by a cat sucking his broath.
When the boy's mother tried to drive thu nnl-
inal away it snowed light and bit her. It wns
HnnllydrlvcniOtl By 'stabbing It with a ualr
of shears.
The Americas , On. . Ilecorrter tolls of a pet-
rlhud strawberry which wns grown on the
place of the Messrs. Hey.s , near that cltyand
which wns watched carefully by them during
thu proKfi'ss of petrilicatlon. Atter It hnii
become hard It wns taken to a jowelei's and
made Into a breastpin. It Is beautltully
colored , and weighs about two ounces.
A former near Oxford. N. Y. , many ol
whoso atuilo trees , especially those nearest
an adjacent wood lot , have not thriven as
they ought , has discovered the reason. The
evening , just before dark , ho saw several par
tridges Hy Into the trees nnd boicin eating the
buds. One partridges would strip the buds
trom an entire branch at a single visit , and
the growth of a great number ot his tiees has
been almost entirely stopped.
A physiologist has launched a theory
that a woman's fondness for scents Is diui to
hnr defective sense of smell. It Is a matter
of evolution. In the early stages of his
Rhysical nud Intellectual development man
ad to employ his nose In the pursuit of
game , while In women engaged in domestic
\vorlc the of smell was not exercised.
It Is said that women , owing to their defect
ive sense of smell , can endure a perfume
which is quite overpowering to men.
A few days since , while John Vnn Dyke , a
well Known nurseryman of this city , to
gether with a friend , was riding along In a
DUfgy near Newman , they heard , as they
passed Martin Kpley's barn , what they took
to be the pitiful cry of a child proceeding
from that building. "Oh , pal" ' 'Oh , pa ? "
the child sec in hi say , and Mr. Van Dyke ,
thinking it In distress , g.avo the lines to his
frleud , leaped out of the buzgy and went to
Its assistance. On opening thu barn door no
child was to bo seen , but Instead a pet crow ,
which the family had conllncd during their
absence. He was still satlstied there was a
child arnnnd , until the crow , with a peculiar
twist of the head and neck , would bring oul
the cry , plain and dUtinct , "Oh , pal" several
times. It is said to h ve learned the words
from hearing the childjen repeating them.
It Is also asserted that by splitting a crow's
tongue It can bo taught to talk plainer than a
MAZON , Illinois , June 4. To the Editor of
the UBK : Seeing in your last isauo a state
ment that a man by the name of Colonel
Charles It. lieach has a colt with three eyes ,
will you please irlvo his address ? FNoTK
We don't kuow It Editor UKE. | t have two
colts , each one having six feet. Our county
paper contains the following : "frank Fore
manof the owner of a monstrosity ,
or two of thorn In fact. The one seen tn
Morris Tuesday , was a colt ten days old ,
which was liberally supplied with feet , hav
ing two more than the common every day
colt. It has four fora feet , the additional ap
pendages projecting from either fetlock joint ,
at which Dolnt the joint ot the hoof was per
fect ; the bone , thouch very small , extended
to the knee though underneath the skin. Mr.
Foreman has another colt , two years old ,
similarly supplied with reel" If you desire
to use tuts among your sluularltfes you are
at liberty to do so. It. I * I'
Boston Fays $18,000 , for the Weeks Hos
pitality to Queen Kaplolani.
Blunknczj's Famous Painting An
Aged Artillery Company Old
Landmarks Disappearing The
Uoylston Market House.
I30STOX , June 8. [ Correspondence of
the HER ] Some months ago when the llrst
Eiin was fired in the Hawaiian campaign ,
there was great rejoicing all along the
lino. The papers gave glaring announce
ments of how the mayor had sent an in
vitation clear around the continent to
her royal highnessQueen Knpiolani , ask
ing her to visit Boston and oflering her
the freedom of the city ; how her majesty
accepted and was royally entertained by
the wealth and culture of the Now Kng ,
land capital. All this was well enough
while It lasted , but now since the expense
account has been examined the matter
assumes a different aspect , ami wo read
sere dissatisfaction in the faces of the
thrifty taxpayers of the city. The more
fact that the queen's entertainment in this
city for six days cost the neat little sum
of $18,000 would bo an oyo-opcncr to the
average American 0111701) . Three thou
sand dollars a day thrown away in
wasteful extravagance on u
from somuwhere ! Where are the Hawaii
islands , anyway ? The part of this bill
which has caused the hardest kicking is
the Ilttlo item from Florist Galvin of
? 1,500 for lilies nnd posies , that her
Hawaiian majesty might live in a bower
of roses and beneath nothing but the fra
grant exuberance of , pritir. ! The follow
ing is u good example of the many ridi
culous items which appear in the llowor
bill : Decorating queen's parlor and
chamber with fresh roses each day for
six days , liftccn boskets roses nnd other
llowers. four dozen roses in each basket ,
$3.50 a do/en , daily S'JOO.
Such hills as these are not only start
ling in their amount , but also in thu un-
business-like manner in which they have
been presented and approved. Very few
of thorn tire made out with any regard
to detail , the probable reason bumg that
the people who incurred them would
rather not have an itemi/.ed statement
brought out to their discredit. Mayor
O'Hrien for a while refused to sign thorn ,
but when ho did so it was merely to
avoid the scandal which the withholding
of Ills name would cause. It is true that
if the mayor had refused to approve of
all these bills until they were itemi/od it
would have placed him in a somewhat
embarrassing position for a time ,
but it "would have Miown up
the city hall hosts , notably Mr.
H. B. V. Whall and his junket-loving
friends , in their true colors. Mr. O'Brien
would also have made a neat little stroke
for himself and the people would have
thanked him for it. The whole affair
has resulted unfortunately for the city
and is a disgrace to everybody who was
at all responsible for it.
"Christ before Pilate , " was lirbt shown
in this city in Horticultural hall last Sat
urday evening to artists , members of the
press and a few other privileged persons.
The picture is now on public exhibition.
A minute description of it would be
rather monotonous and I shall not at
tempt to give ono. Moreover , 1 dare say
that Fomo of your readers cither saw the
original during its exhibition m New Yorker
or have scon so'mo of the many excellent
photographs ot it. Besides the catalogue
which the agent has issued contains so
much description and interpretation of
the work that further remarks would
Eceiu like mere repetition. But Boston art
lovers , who congratulate themselves
upon the fact , that they do their own in-
toiprcting , have not taken very kindly to
this little book. Like any other catch-
pcunr criticism it praises its own artist
to the skies , and would probably leave
no doubt in thu mind of a commonplace
individual that M. Aiunkac/y's painting
ranks with the works of the masters as a
really great composition. I saw the pic
ture in company with ono of the best
known artists of the citv , who
delighted in pointing out nnd
explaining the qualities , both good
and bad of this much talked of
painting. The first impression of the
work is apt to bo a pleasing ono. The
eye is charmed by the vigor and individ
ually of the work but the charm goes no
farther than this. There is a lack of
fooling a'lacK of inspiration which places
the painting on a level with many other
contemporaneous works.
The painting is owned by Mr. John
\Vnnamakcr ofrhiladclphia , who bought
it from the artist at the enormous price
of * 100,000.
Thnro are not many military organiza
tions in this now country who can
but wo have ono here in Boston which
claims that right. On the
lirst Monday next year ,
the ancient and honorable
artillery company will celebrate the
25Uth anniversary of its organization.
The celebration yesterday , ueing the
219th , wns of considerable importance
from the fact that the oflicers were
elected who will have charge of affairs
nt the big celebration next year. This
company has in its ranks many of the
most prominent business and professional
men of Boston and its annual parade and
dinner are events worthy of note. The
dinner is always given m old Faneuil
hall. "Tho Cradle of Liberty. "
They are going ono by ono , these old
landmarks , which have oeon the pride
of the Hub for so many years , and which
so many visitors have looked and won
dered nt as the scenes of the stormy
times of the revolution. 1
refer to the old public buildings of
the city. The Boylston market is
not by any means the oldest of these
buildings , but it was built in 1809 nnd has
apparently outlived its usefulness. The
building now stands on the corner of
Boylston \VnKhington streets in the
very heart of the city , but when built it
was in the outskirts. I was going up
Washington street this morning nnd I
noticed workmen engaged in tearing the
old structure down. Many old Bostonians -
ians think it is a shame * to tear down
such a time-honored building. I heard
ono old lady on the street remark that
sha thought It was a real sin and that
Boston wouldn't bo worth living in any
more with the old market gono.
The old clock in the tower has been a
marvel in its way , having kept absolutely -
lutoly correct time over since it was put
up. The market was dedicated by a
speech from
and presented with the clock by Mr.
Boylslou , who wns also a great benefac
tor to Harvard college. Thu Handel and
Haydn society occupied thn hall above
the market in 1810 , and it was at onetime
used as a church , and , also , as n theatre.
In 1S& the famous comedian , Mathews ,
came over horn England. The straitlaced -
laced Bostonians of that day objected to
going to a theatre , but they wanted to
soolMathews.and the ditnulty was olcarcd
by requesting him to give his show in
Boylston hall. If Alathcws were to come
again he would probably not
bo bothered in such a way.
There is much fear among yachting
circles that the Thistle may prove a dan-
serous rival to the Yankee prize winners
this summer. The Scotchman has been
doing some neat work against the Iro.x
and GcnesU and other crack English
boats , and English opinion is strong lu
stating that the America's cup wllleo
back to England this summer. The
Mayllower is no longer n green boat. Ho
Her hull is thoroughly soaked and her
marts are thoroughly dry this season ,
nnd if the Thistle beats her she will have
to get up early in the morning.
of Lfjulcnnnf ( W ,
far Hit ( Frmcltca Chronicle , fcyK. C. 'ir < i(7- (
Behold the circumstances under which
Frnsqulto Torres fell in lovo. 11 was a
Monday in May , and ho was going to his
work driving his two asses , decked nnd
harnessed with ribbons and the
donkeys of the ulfu gatherers always arc.
Walking quietly , with his gun uponhls _
shoulder , ho was thinking of his trip to
Bol-Abbcs , where ho had spent his last
douro of the past months pay. Sud
denly ho raised his head ; snatches of
song , uncertain and broken , came to him
on the brcc/.e , aud sounding louder nnd
louder with every stop ho took.
Frasquito listened intently , delighted
to hear again ono of the familiar airs of
Almcria. Ah , those never-to-be-forgotten
songs of one's native land. How they
take possession of the soul , charming you
with a thousand tender chords , and leav
ing you , oven after years of absence , u
prey to dreamy melancholy.
The voice , pure and of great compass ,
chanting the Spanish " .Tavern , " was that
of a young girl , but Frasquito did not sec
her until he had climbed a rod or so into
the winding pathway worn by the feet of
the Arabs. There , in a turn of the forest ,
he beheld the singer in company with an
old woman , their two Ilttlo donkeys teth
ered close beside them. He softly approached
preached in order to examine her at his
She was dressed in n short , red potti-
lloat , llounccd aud looped , a bodice of
dark cloth , and above it a jacket of
cowered foulard ; in short , n costume
never worn by a woman of thu moun
"Good-day , nml ( JnJ protect you , "
cried Frasmilto , as ho approached them
more closely.
"And God bo with you , " answered the
Frasquito stopped , but the assc.s pur
sued their way , tranquilly nipping here
nnd there the succulent herbs of the
"To what shop do you belong ? " ho
asked nt last , rushing at once into busi
ness and never taking his eyes from the
girl's beautiful face. Tall , slender and
graceful , she regarded him with the im
pertinent indifference of a child. It was
tiio old woman who replied :
"From the shop of Pariontes. "
"I ; im from the shop ot I'aricntas my
self , " said Torres , "how happens it that
I have never been you - "
" \Vn arrived only yesterday , " inter
rupted thu girl.
"I'rom ' Almeria ? " questioned Fras
"Yes , live days ago ; and thanks to God
and the Holy Mother , reached here
salcly. "
"Almoria is mv country also. " con
tinued the young man , "I recognized the
'Javera' instantly. I am from La
Cana. "
"Ah , " sighed the old woman , blinking
her decrepit old head , seamed with count
less 3 rinkles/'what a pity it is to have to
leave my country at my age ; and the
voyage was so dear , too. 'Twas poverty ,
man , poverty alone that drove us. "
"Perhaps wo knew each other as chil
dren , " insinuated Torres , anxious to
learn the names of the two women. "I
am Frasquito Torres , but better known
ns n boy bv the nnino of I'aco. "
"Paco. Paco. " said the young girl ; "no ,
I recall it not. But my nnino is Uafuoln
Albanil , nnd this is my mother , Teresa. "
Frasquito listened to her words en
chanted , absbrlied in watching the dim
ples coming1 aud going in her smiling
face , and tracing in detail the graceful
outlines of lii'r " nguro whowing beneath
oven the enveloping folds of the foulard
jacket. Tlie'yduug ' girl hud nt last per-
colvrd the preoccupation of Frapnuito's
thoughts , the" burning llamo kindling in
his eyes , atid'n6t a little frightened by it
turned again' ' tolicralfii-guthcriiiir.tlio old
Teresa doing likewise , ns if anxious to
end the talking. With a "Host with
God" to thd tw6 Spaniards , Torres con
tinued his why } but ho dreamed all day
of the bcautiful'ltafnela.
The meetings' of those alfa-gathercrs
from the shop of Pariuutcs became more
and more frequ'ent. Little by little the
two Spanish women foil into the habit of
waiting for Frasquito Torres and ac
companying him to his work on the
mountain. He amused them in the land
of strangers by tolling them stories of all
that hua happened to him sinen h'i had
quit the province of Oran , also of what
wus going on about them.
Fanciful aud coquettish , Uamola
listened with complacency to this strap
ping fellow , whoso eyes talked so elo
quently of love , even while paying his
tluty to her mother. It pleased her to
feel that she was under the protection of
a strong-nrintsd man , nnd not lefito the
mercy of those savage Moors , passing
with looks of furious scorn the poverty-
driven strangers who lowered themselves
to work.
When they cauio to the ground whore
the alfa grow in tufts , grizzled and
rounded like the nests of birds , Torres
would lilt the women from their donkovs
nud then ] > luco himself further along the
mountain side. But they did not lose
sight of him , and always hoard his pow
erful voice ringing through the heated
air. The young girl would answer him
nnd then they would apply thcmsolvus
to their task' again , unrolling at every
stop the closely growing sprigs of alfa ,
tearing them from the stalk with along
stick carried for thn purpose , and tying
them into bundles , working along
towards each other.
This would end in a meeting nnd a
friendly talk , to the despair of Teresa.
The avaricious old woman did not like
time lost in idling.
At 12 o'clock when the nun broiled
upon the plains and the heat rose up
from the ground in u thick , steamy vapor
per , the three Spaniards would seek a
shady spot , nnd by the aid of u tiny
saucepan cook their breakfast of puchoro ,
grilled sardine ? seasoned with a pinch of
aniseed , and a draught of water. After
ward they would take their siesta upon
the dry grass , but the young people did
not olwnys sleep.
Ono morning when Teresa awoke in
her hut she received u painful surprise.
Her daughter was gone ; Frasquito was
nibbing also. He , too , had disappeared
during the night , and find undoubtedly
carried Itufaola with him. The mother's
despair was terrible , not that she at
tached so much importance to the fault
which her daughter had committed it
was the loss of the money which she
earned in gathering alfa that vexed her
most. Five francs u day to women accustomed -
customod in tlioir own country to earn
scarcely ono was simply enormous.
Moreover Teresa was angry ut her own
blindness and nt the deceit which Fras
quito nud llafo'ela hail practiced upon
her. t '
Well , itrai nearly a month before
Teresa discovered that it was in the
workshop 01 Pepo Silvns the lovers had
taken refuge , i She followed them ,
scolded them , but ended by forgiving
them , and it was agreed that they should
nil return to' the shop of Poricntes and
busy theruporvo * in the preparations for
the marriage. >
They returned to the "Chantior,1' as
they had arranged to do , and took up the
life of olden tiroes , Frasquito sadly re
turning to hla solitary hut and Kafaela to
her mother's. But every day they wont
to tUelr work together , their. - donkeys
la doling Co ,
'TTsTill Toe lEPresezrtedlwitlb. . a-
Locomotive and Stationary Uoilera , Tanks , SieaH * Heaters , Hoi fl'atct' Hollers , Steam Generators , Steam
J'nmp.1 , Doilyc Wood' ' Split ritllcu # , Acme Shattlny.
Wagons , Road Scrapers and Bale Ties
the Improved Corliss Engine
Prompt attention given to all orders. Get our prices before buying.
. ,
. 1213-1215 Leaven worth st. , Omaha , Neb.
O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. KURD THOMPSON , Sec. g& Treas
Wholesale Retail.
"Fish Brand Co.its , liulbs , Douches , Hair Crimpers , Nursery Shcotlnif , fipocnlnrns , '
Air 1'lllows , Itruslio ? , DrlU * Duck , . Hair Tins , Xnvyliiim , Hportdmcc'a Good * ,
Alrlicdx , Itrovvor'ii lldsc , Door Mats , Huts. OllUlothliiK , fitamps ,
Air Cushion" , Caps , Dross ShloMs , ilorso CovorH , racking , Matioucr's Ciuin ,
Auti Haulers , Capes , DrlnkiiiK Uuua , Hose , f . It. & T. ro.l'nlls , Kj-phous ,
Aprons , Currlntto Clolli , Ulaetln llnnrls , IIoso Couplings , Bo Syiins * . Spittoons ,
Atomizers , CartrluGO Hags , Elnstlo Stocklnga , lloao ripe , Pencils , Snlmmlng Jaoketa
Bands , Catlioturs , Kruscrs , IIosu UuuU , 1'on holders. Sytlngei 'P ictign ( Bab
Bandage Gum , Clothing , Fnco Hags , Hot Wiilor Hottlea.ressarleB , I'lilmblcs ,
baptismal runts , Copy iook : Sheets , I'inxor Cots , Haversacks , Piano Covers , Tliront nogs.
Balls , Oarputing , flower Sprinklers , Icn lings , Pipes , Tubing ,
Itath Mats , Cement , Floor Mrrapors , Ice Cups , riyo Stems , Tumblers ,
llath Tubs , Clothes \Vrlnecrs , Foldms I'alU , Plant HprlnlclOM , Toys.
lied Tans , Cunts "Flslt IJruQil1 ' Foot Italia , Invalid Cushions I'uro Rubber ,
lied ShcuU , Combs , Force Cup * . LegKiiiRS , Pnnts , Tobacco 1'ouchca ,
H.U. & I'.Co. HellingOotnb Cleaners , Fruit Jar Kings , Lined llofO , rintol . Pockets , Trotting Kolli ,
nclt Hooks , Corks , Funnels , I.ACO Cultora , H.itllus. Urinals ,
Cork Screws , Gas Tubing , Lite I'rcocrTorH , Uublier Dam , Umbrellas ,
lllbs , Curry Combu , ( J10V09 , .Mackintosh Uoods , Killers , Ventilating Soles ,
Hlnnkets , Cuepadora , Gossamer Cops , , Match lioxcs , llepiilrlnpCloth , Wairon Aprons ,
lioots & bhocs , Cigar Casuj , Cloth , Mnrtlngalo Kings , Shntt Kubbnrt , Wagon Covers ,
Hoys Caps , ChairTlpsABuHert , Coats , Mats. Shoos .tltoou , prluzj ,
Io ! > n Coats , Diapers. " Waterproofs , Matting , Sink Scrapcr.i , Weather Strips . ,
Itougtcs , Diaper Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , K coops , Webbing.
liraculcts , noils , Gun Covers , Mltteui , KbooiinR CoaU , WadtngPAnts ,
Breast Pumps , Doll ISodlcs , Outta I'orcha , Nipples , Sling-shots , Wnter llotlln ,
nroastShlcia * , Doll Heads , Uymnailumi. Nursing nibs. SaUaK , WlnJow Cleaneri ,
Datfers , Uoor Uaudv. HaiiCurlera , Nurslug Hollies , Sponge Hags , \Vrlagcr ItolU ,
Boston licltlng ' Co's. Rubber anil Cotton Belting , Tacking anil Haw. Sole agents m Omaha.
Leatherlk > lllnff ; Pure Onk Tanned. Manufacturers of " 1'liUFKCTION BOX SVWNOES , ! '
Manufacturer * of "FISH Bit AND RUBBER GOODS. "
llnU Ordoii Solicited , nud will Uocclre Ptomot Attention.
were tcthovod side by side and the crou
of alfa they gathered remained undi
The state of nfl'airs at this time was not
a pleasant ono. t'nisquito resigned him
self to it , however , and even submitted
to the reproaches which Teresa heaped
uijou him. Nevertheless ho made up his
wind that after the marriage it should
end. *
Yes , and after the marriage it would
have ended had not a quarrel one o
those foolish groundless tiiarrels | which
so often arise between lovers momen
tarily embittered him against his liancco.
Kafaela , of a weak and vaeillatins
charaotor , listened to her mother , who
could not forget the fault of Frasquito or
from avariciousness resign horsclt to the
loss of her daughter's services.
Grossly exaggerating the conduct of
Frasrjuito. it was not long before she had
so embroiled the aflair that the rupture
was complete. Frasquito vainly hold to
the promised innmago and in spite of
his pride humiliated himself to sue for
pardon. Uafaela , embittered by her
mother , was hard and obstinate and
reckless of consequences. At heart
a coquette , she was not sorry
to see this man who had
been her master , sniVer. To tell the
truth , not a little calculation entered into
her determination. She know perfectly
well that ia the careless morals of the
times the fault she had committed would
not prevent her marrying perhaps u bet
ter match than Torres. Hudiant beauty
such as llafaela's encounters but few
harsh judges in the strange world of the
Chanticrs. hawseither human or divine ,
are but lightly regarded by them , '
Uut Frasquito Torres was overwhelmed
with despair on hearing llafaela'a do-
cisjon. lie became moody , melancholy ,
irritable and subjected to attacks of un
governable fury. He quarreled con
stantly with the other alfa gatherers be
cause of the justs with which they twitted
him. Ho began to drink to console him
self , but tiery liquors only increased his
black moods.
Many times of late ho had met Ratacla
walking with her mother' , and they had
stopped to insult him with unworthy
words and taunts , to which he had re
plied with threats and curses. One
morning as they mocked him in this way ,
Frasquito , seized with insane fury , shot
both mother and daughter. Teresa was
killed Instantly , Uafaela mortally
wounded , and Torres lied to the forest.
For two days lie lived like a wild beast.
lie dared not return to his huts , though
perishing of hunger and thirst. His small
store of powder and shot enabled him
now aud then to kill a bird , but unless he
wished to betray himself by the smoke of
a tire he was forced to swallow it raw.
To quench his burning thirst ho chewed
the loaves of the trees , though it seemed
to increase rather than diminish the crav-
ina for water.
. Until auured of llafaela's condition
Frasquito would not leave the neighbor
hood ; at all hazards ho would remain I
until ho could learn the truth. If she
was dead , nnd ho hoped she was , he
would try ami reach Nemours , whence a
fisherman' * } bark would take him to
Spain. i ;
! )
The third day Torres cou Id stand it no
longer ; he approached the shop. One by
one the alfa gatherers wore departing for
their work upon the mountain , lie waited
until the last one of thorn hud nearly
passed him , then civmu out of his hiding
"Alon/.o , Alonzo Gomez , " ho called in
a broken voice , "for the love of heaven ,
give me n drink ! "
Gomez turned pale as he saw who had
called him , and put his hand on his gun ;
but in a moment ho turned , placed a lutge
drinking cup in the middle of the road ,
then walked away without looking back.
Frasquito stood immovable , stung to the
heart by this mute scorn. After a second's
hesitation hoc.illml again :
"Tell mo , Gomez , of Hafacla ; is she
dead * "
"V a , assassin , " responded Alfonso ,
taking to his heels ; ho feared the result
of his answer. Frasquito replied noth
ing. Greedily cmpytlng the cup he
wheeled , and , to save himself , ran in his
turn. Ho did not stop until fur away
from the hateful spot. Weak nnd be
wildered be fell at the foot of a tree.
Uttlu by little the ferocious Joy ho had
felt at the news of Kafaula'H death , and
the certainty that she could no longer
bo another's vanished. A mourful sad
ness , a profound diipair , took its place.
Alas , ho anil ho alone , hud destroyed all
that grace and beauty. Ho recalled the
dimples In the cheeks ho had filled with
kisses , tin * tender looks , the passionate
embraces. He shivered from head to
foot as these sweet but cruel memories
lussallud him. He had forgotten the bitter
pain tiiat Haiaola had given him ; he re
membered nothing but the happy lifo
they had left'biiforo the disagreement.
"Sho is dead ; I .shall never see her
again , and it was 1 that killed her ! She is
dead dead 1"
The strange sound of his own voice
made Torres tremble , llu began to look
upon hlnmolf with horror and as un
worthy to live. If ho was always to
sulfcr like this why struggle to prolong
existence I Ho dreamed no more of
Spain ; it would bu Impossible to live
with agony in lib soul.
"If I do not kill myself after I have
killed two women they will say tUat 1 am
u coward , " nnd , staggering to Ills feet ,
Frasquito sought for a place to end hN
life. Ho stopped In u grove of tufted
myrtle and removed his shops and stock
ings there should bo no slipping of the
It was thus an Arab found him , half
devoured by wild beasts. They hurled
him by the side of Uufaela the assassin
by the side of hia victim , ilauy ( bought
it wrong , unseemly ; bnt which of these
two. in the sight of heaven , bad boon the
victim of the other.
Pluck Will Toll.
St. Joe ( Mo. , ) Herald : The mnyor M
of a northern Kansas town , who WfU
elected under the new woman suffrage
law lately , came down town toj her ,
olllco last week with a Mother Hubbtrd
on , and a ? she sat cross legged in the
mayor's chair the city clerk noticed tbfct
she had a hole in the heel of her stocking
nnd that her bustle had got around to
ono sldo. When the clerk went homo ho
told his wife his discovery ; nis wife told
the hired girl , the girl told her follow , he
told the city marshal , and ho told the
mayoress ; the city clerk got lircd bodily ,
anil now the town is scandalized. The
mayoress hits red hair , nnd said she
would wear her bustle in front , behind
sideways , nnd go barefooted , nnd it was
nobody's business. She proposes to fight
it on that line if it takes all summer.
Cor. 1 3th ST. and CAPITOL AYE. , OMAHA , HH.
8osl facilities , apparatus and remedies for oaccMt
lullytri'ttlneall kinds of mcdlri.andiiirictuleMe *
\ \ niTr.rouCiticuLAiuon D f ormltlea tnrt Bt et %
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mm. Piles , Tamer * , Concern , Catarrh , DroaehMhL
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Skin ind Blood , anil all HuirrJcal Operation * .
On Private , Uncclal and Nervous Dlscawu , B n
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Gonorrhwa , Ulcer , Varlcocilc , Gcnlm.fjriaMj
iM-ubir. Only Reliable MEDICAL lltf
STiTUTE uaklnz a sp vilty of too abor *
N < nr IloitoratlrcTrearment tot 1MB ofVitel Power.
All CQXTAOIOUI aud BUIOD l ) xtni fron what-
mr cam nrodnced , tiecMifully treated wllhanf
mercury. Medlclneo or InitrumenU eat by tuit
tu'exnrm , tvcnrcly packed from olMrrailon.
Call and consult m , or eend history of cue , wlA
cttrnp. All connulrattoni UIrtly conCdeathtt.
HA UAAUQ For Uieof patlvnU. Hoard and att < &
UW nUUDIO anco rea on b ! . AddrcMalMcltMTi
Oor.iatbSt. & O < * ciiol Avo. . OmabaJTrtw
Cor,13th U D d e Sli. Omaha , Neb.
CURES 43 IVtt inMiMlky
( Self Abtui ) , E OM * ( tn.
> rv > n , ( Blaol H
Htatl * . _ ITtXll. ) .
Vwi I KOI * > ? tf full iBforutlloa
uuaU ; M l > f uull l > iu4 Cunalxillli.
O V lladrt , t II > p. , t It i i 4 * U ft m.