10 THE OMASA DAILY B1 E : SUNDAY JUNE 12. 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. r INHERENT LOVE OF MOTHER , How it Was Illustrated by a Hard-bearled Railroad Conductor. KING LUDWIG'S MANY BRIDES. A Woman's No Qaccn or IlottinnnlA Women In tt'nll Street Women In Journalism A IMucUy Housewife. A Woman's No. Arthur ( Inham. She hart n parcol. small and round , One lovely nlternoon lost summer , . 1 ottered as In duty bound. To take It from tier. Sha thankwl mo wltli n gracious smile. As sucet as rosy llus could make It ; It was so fiinnll , t'w.ts not worth while , To let me take It. Again I ottered ns before , Of that slight burden to relieve her , bhe'd rather not : "Pray , say no morel" 'Twotild really grieve her. 1 ceased to plead ! she seemed content ; The tliln was small nnu neatly eoidcd , And so nlonir our way wo went To whore shu boarded. Hut when upon the stoop she stood , And ere our last' adieus were uttered , She eyed mo In a roguish mood , And softly muttered. As swung tno door to let her through , And left me there nil unresisting : " 1 don't think very much ot you Tor not Insisting. " Qnoen of Iloumanln. Ne\v York Mnil and Express : Among tUo presents which Emperor William received ceivod on liis birthday ono of the most remarkable ones was a poem by the queen of Houmanlii. In a hundred short verses Carman Sylva had described the chief incidents of the soldier's lifetime , She had , moreover , copied it out herself in lior own hand on white parchment , beautifully ornamented by corn-flowers. When there was no kingdom of Uomania in existence she had laughingly said : "I do not want to marry unless I can bo queen of Houmanla"andasso of ton happens - pens , the caroless.thoughts of youth found their accomplishment. Kunninp down the palace stairs at Berlin ono day her foot slipped , and she would probablv have boon killed but for 1'rinco Charles , of Hohenzollorn. who saw hot danger and caught her in his outstretched arms. When lloumania chose him for ruler ho clamed the princess for his bride. Dur ing the Uttsso-Turkish war she wore the uniform of the Hed Cross , and as a nurse helped to soften and asBiweo the milter ings which war inevitably urines in its train. At the close of the struggle Plevna had given a royal throne to the prince and princess , and their crowns were made out of cannon captured from the cneniy. _ j Girls of Honduras. Atlanta Constitution : On the outside of the windows are heavy iron bars , which have a decidedly prison-liko ap pcarancc. These servo a dual purpose licsidcs being a protection in times of revolution , they are also a protection to tbo Bcnontas. "All the lovemaking is done through -these bars , as the young ladies are very closely guarded in Honduras. They are never seen alone , always being in charge of some elderly chaperone. " "Aro the girls pretty ? " "Some of them are , but I don't think they compare to our American girls. They are of Spanish descent and have regular features. Most of them are bru nottcs. " "How about the natives , the Indians ? " "Tho natives are brown-skinned people with coarse , dark hair and with bettor features than Ethiopians. The men are bis , strong follows , rather industrious as a class , turning their attention to mining and mechanical work. By industrious , ! lucanthat they work hard enough to earn a living , but as they can live on 1 ? cents a day that does not mean very stu- vendous labor. The climate is delight ful , enabling them to sleep out of doors If necessary , and they livd on rice , dried beans and corn bread. " Woman In Wall Street. Eleanor Kirk In Lawrcnco ( Mass. ) American : Thcro was a nice little tilt in Wall street a few days ago between a man and his wito , both speculators , who wore unfortunate enough to have the name initials. Mrs. E. G. 11. bought some stock unbeknown to her lord uniimastor , but the fact was divulged by a brother broker. Thinking to help his wife out of n bad scrape , the gentleman ordered the account to bo closed by moans of a tolo- grniu signed E. G. B. The lady , who.cx- cecdingly perspicacious in the matter of speculation , and who had received some Valuable" "points" to sustain her rosolu tlon to hold on , was naturally much dis < turbcd to receive a notification of closing from her broker , and immediately ad vanced upon the bulls1 stronghold. f The husband and wife met , Greek and Greek sure enough. The upshot of the nfl'air was that my lady lost $100 by her husband's interference , But she im ft- mediately reinvested and sailed away I ran * " ' with pennants Hying , having warned her broker to nay no attention to docu ments not bearing the prolix Mrs. to the signature. The mania for speculation scorns to be increasing among women. A member of the stock exchange told the writer that his lady customers were far * less nervous than men , and while they A were more cautious about largo invest ments , they wore seldom troublesome , and as n rule their judgment seemed su perior to that of men. Lmilwig'a 7.OOO Brides. Paris Letter in Chioago Times : The young kingLud\vlgof ( Bavaria ) was that at the height of his romantic famo. His ideally handsome likeness was to bo scon everywhere , and everywhere you hoard talK of his pootio melancholy , his romau tic spirit and his confirmed colibiicy Naturally ho became an object of intonsa interest to sentimental young ladies. 1'rosontly , among the other absurd tnlos that were told of him , there went abroad the story that ho spent most of his time in wandering about his kingdom in dls guino. Ho haunted shady lanes and ro maptic spots , seeking for some fair maiden who should bo his chosen bride Well , this silly tale was believed and so thousands of hearts to fluttering. Each maiden wondered if shn would bo his choice if ho chancml to meet her under the lime trues. And she hesitated to plight her troth to her villagu lover unli she should have a chance to meet the king. v So it came to pass that in the village o Dortoldshofon , in the romuntio mountah region of Soutnorn liavaria , the maiden formed themselves Into a sort of sister hood. They pled god t hcmselvc.s toe.tel ether not to marry u ntil they were sure the king hod passed them by. Each waste I.V" to wear his likeness constantly next her bosom , and each was to choose for her lelf a secret bower where tit ovontldo sh 'ftktould ' await hii coming. A more fool ifth fcchcmo , probably , noror was devised Btrlhc silly brains of love-sick school girls. But more than score of Her toldshofcn maiden * entered Into it with too zeal and devotion of nuns. The lame of this tlstnrhood spread to other villages , to towns and cities nay , to Munich Itself. Huitlo wenches and the petted beauties of princely palaces alike caught the inad disease. Within a year Cot less than 10.000 young women , all through Bavaria , bad taken upon thorn- telves the "vows of I.udwlg. am ! were waiting for the king. la time roany of these girl * imagined Uie * had tx en ecn and passed by the - slog , afld.Uius freed froan their vows , as- ccptcd humbler husbands. Others grow tired of waiting and. broks their vows. Still others waited and waited In vain , until all other suitors had passed them by , and they are waiting still and will bo waiting all their lives. Bnt as the ranks of the original sisterhood were thinned now recruit ? were added , and the "brides of Ludwig" were still counted by thousands. It is estimated that there were no less than 7,000 of thorn at the time or liis suicide , When the news of that tragedy became known they forth with put on mourning and called them selves "tho widows of Ludwic. " Many of them took solemn vows of life-long celibacy as a token of faithfulness to his memory. Among tlicso latter two of the most de voted wcro the young baronesses of Munich. They constantly were thn deepest mourning , secluded themselves from all social pleasures , and drove thomselvcs Into confirmed melancholy. Every week they went to Starnburg and throw carlands of llowcrs into the water at the spot where the king was drowned. Finally they determined to share Ills fate. They arrayed themselves ns brides , even to donning veils and orange blos soms , rowed out into the lake to the spot where ho was drowned and throw them selves into the water. Their bodies were found next day , clasped in each other's arms , and with portraits of the mad king next their hearts. Women who Get Out a Newspaper. Park Region Pioneer : Let it co out to the world just as far as our resources can send it , that every stroke of work ( with n slight exception to bo named ) done in the i'ioncor ollicc last week was done by f ur women folk ? , namply , Mrs. Hathbun , her sister. Mrs. llowo , and the Misses Mabel and Hirdio Hathbun. The per formances including Job work on both presses , the working ofr and rolling for the paper , the lifting and cleaning of the forms , otc. The slight exception referred to was the working of ono copy of the paper ( for himself ) by Will Day. Wo be- licvo that no ono will venture to charge that any of the work was in oll'ect inferior to the average of country printing ollice.s , and , indeed , we think It even nicer in porno particulars. I'nttlcontocl Irrepressibles. Buffalo Courier : The book canvasser has a heart as well as a tongue. One of those potticoatcd irrepressibles managed to got the Aroundcr by the ear the other < Iay. Of course , there was no need of his buying any books , so ho ofl-handodly asked her how 3. ho , was getting along any way. She replied that she was getting along pretty well for an unprotected female - male of twenty-seven summers. By the way , any young woman who confesses to twonty-sovcn birthdays is uapablo of tolling the truth in otlior directions. Being - ing further pressed , or rather questioned , she said that she had no difliculty in can- vassinc with men of middle and elderly age. They generally wore content to talk straight ousincss. "But how do you succeed with young fellows who talk love and nonsense to you. " "Ah ! 1 have a heart ; and when I approach ono of those susceptible youngsters I put it on ico. " It was not necessary to ask whether eho over put her tongue on ico. Honorific n Woman With Children. Chicago Journal : When Mmo. do Stael asked the Emperor Napoleon what kind of woman ho considered most valuable to the empire , the little corporal wounded the sensitive feelings of that distin guishcd personage by sententiously replying - plying : "The woman who has the most children. " Thn spirit which prompted such a reply has evidently found temporary ary lodgment in th breast of an Illinois Central railroad surburban conductor. The other day , while I was coming into the city on that thoroughfare , an honest- looking woman boarded the train at Forty-third street with seven small chil dren of various ages. When the conduc tor , clad in n new suit of blue , mailo resplendent - splendent with brass buttons , sternly de manded her ticket , u blush of coufusiqn swept over lior honest countenance ns she fumbled vainly m her pocket for her nurse , which she had left at homo "I haven't any ticket , sir , " she meekly re marked , the look of confusion growing deeper as she observed the glances of the passengers ; "I loft it homo. " The con ductor glanced along the row of chubby- faced boys by her side ana said : "Are .you the mother of tlioso seven children ? ' "Yes. sir , " she replied. "Well , " contin ued the conductor , "any woman who has done ns much for her country as that can ride on my train for nothing. " And the conductor loft the car , followed by the applause of the passengers. The Apple of Our Eye. Now York Graphic : And why let me ask , should a woman take it so seriously to heart if her brain do weigh live ounces loss than a man's ? So do her fectl So do her hands ! Bnt if she makes it up in her heart nobody thinks the worst of her for it. Really , I think it is selfish of a woman to want the best and moat of everything. She has the majority of the good looks in the world , and of the good times , too , I will warrant ; and it is quite her own fault if she does not get the ma jority of all the love. She has the pretti est clothes and she gets thn most candy , and she has rot'Aa and violets hcapea upon her from year's end to year's cud if she is good and lucky. Ijlko Three Rnsos on a Stem. Torrington ( Conn. ) Register : There was born in Foshon , on March 20 , 1789 , a triplet of girls who made ono of the most remarkable records known. They wcro SibylS\rah : and Susan Hurlburt.childrcn of Gideon and Ann ( Bench ) llurlburt. For the great period of eighty-seven years this triplet remained unbroken. Sibyl dying first at that ace , in Juno , 1875. Her wedded name was Luddington. In October of the next year Susan ( Mrs. Grinucll ) died at the ago of eighty-eight. Sarah lived to the ago of ninety-live , dying on January 11,1833. Hnr wedded name was Bushnell. These sisters looked so much alike , particularly Mrs. Grmnoll and Mrs. Bushnoll , that up to seventy- five or eighty years of age it was dilUcult for the most intimate friends to toll them apart ; oven then they would mistake ono another among themselves. A Good Word For Needle-Work. London Queen : Sewing machines have revolutionised the working world , but when I see , as I only too fromicntly do. intelligent and otherwise woll-oducatcd girls of 10,13 , aye , and older too , so Ig norant of plain ncodlo-work that I would not care to uuo a pocket-hand kcrchiof of their hemming , I do not feel quite sure that nil innovations are improvements. A lovely young doutrcFS of divinity , or ot law , or of medicine , may be a very bu- witchinc or fascinating personage , a potent evidence of the march of intellect , but it may bo permitted to grandmammas to doubt if n beloved and loving wife , a sweet , devoted mother , skilled and deft in all woman's work , bo not , even though innocent of any tongue save her own , the bettor of the twain. But the world is wise enough for both , I have heard my own mother say that when she was seven she were an Indian muslin of her own embroidery at n ball given by her par ents on her birthday. A Plucky Houiewll'eon the It oof. Chicago News : A Hoscorumon , Mich. , woman who was trying to put nut a lire on thu roof of her house was blown from the building by a high wind and her arm was broken. In spite of her sufferings she climbed to the roof twice afterward and put out the lire. When it was all orur she fainted. I Six Widow * on Bis Farm * . Pjttsbnrg Post : Six widow * lire on six ad joining farms in the town of Yenanao , Pa. , and , what ii more remarkable.they are all Hendersons , being the widows of the Into HendeMoa brother * Thomas , Samuel , Andrew , Stewart , William and Aloxaudcr , _ I10NEV FOR THE LADIES. Hurt bathing Is no longer fashionable , Bonnet strings are very short , v\hcn any ore worn. Uoadcd passementeries are worn on dressy frocks. The tight cent sleeve will soon bo a thing The Frances Cleveland turban Is the favor ite small hat of the season. The sleeve with a puft from the elbow to the shoulder grows In favor. U Is not considered good tnsto to wear much jewelry In very warm weather. Now is the time to cover sofas , cushions and chairs with lace scarfs and tidies. All line luxurious pleasure carriages are shod with India rubber tires lu England. The prlnco and princess of Wales always ride In vehicles with India rubber tires. The bicycle for gentlemen and the tricycle for ladles Iscry tashlonablo In New Jersey. Flower necklaces with ends falling to the waist ot the bodice are coming In vogue for summer festivals. The white molro sashes worn with white frocks nio fastened In front with white enamel buckles. India rubber break blocks arc the proper things with which to grip a wheel so as to prevent noises , Jars or btrnln when stopping a vehicle. The latest craze In fancy work Is modeling llowcrs In gutta-percha paste. It In not a very recent Invention , but It has only recent ly been popularized ns fancy work. The latest 1'araslan addition to white toil ets Is a paiasol made of silk and covered with many line plaltlugs of silk mull. The handle is gilded. Very charming white gau o fans complete these costumes , the sticks being of ivory and flights of gold buttorilics being worked across the white gauze In the bullion thread. There are many now ana some very eccen tric sleeves sent on thy the makers of fashion this season , all of which shows the tendency to abandon the old favorite , tight coat sleeve. For park riding the correct wear Is the high bell-crowned silk hat , but for the country , lady riders prefer the round-crowned derby or the jockey cap made o the material ot the habit. White stockings are worn with white suits and low pntenMcallier ties. The stockings are of silk and cmbioldcrcd over the Instep with yellow silk. The rage Is for costumes of whl to anil gold. For rough riding over the country now habit coats of heavy stutl are shown by our best tailors. To these , in addition to the seams strapped like a covert cdat , are seen bright scarlet ( English pink ) waistcoats. I'alo blue Is \vondoriully decorative color on a green lawn , whether useil for flower vases of blue delft , or for painted seats , lattices , or any of the ornamental work put on lawns or in the garden , or blue flowers. Wltu these white and gold costumes nro worn long cream-whltp guilts do Suede embroidered In gold upon tbo back , and wide white Lezhorns trimmed with huge bows of white silk mull'and loops of gold-colored ribbon. The coaching capo of the season covers the shoulders and reaches to the waist. It Is made of checked , barred , or small plaid tobacco-brown hoincsoun , with a high collar nnd small tabs at the throat of seal-brown or daik blue velvet. Thn long journey this summer is or should be made In ono ot those long ulsters of Eng lish homespun , with a cap to match , which mo furnished by tailors , or by the tailor cutting - ting and fitting depaituiouts in our best re. tall dry goods nouses. Tno taste for shades of heliotrope Is on the Increase. The value ot this color in drc.ss has never betoro been properly appreciated. It is discovered to be singularly becoming to almost every kind of beauty , blonde or brunette , pale or rosy. A new fashion in gloves Is a gant do Suede which Is of a deep , soft rodicalied sang dc bccuf , with the stripes between the fingers of wluto kid. Others In heliotrope are made In the same way , and the latest addition In the color of gloves is the tint called honeysuckle. Ualnyeuses In trained gowns are no longer fashionable , though they are still added to short dresses for nousp and car rlago wear. Distinct trained petticoats with many lace- edged flounces sewn Into the back breadth are now almost completely taking their place. The trams of summer bridal dresses are frequently made detachable and of rich satin or brochc , while the entire under dress is ot light eropo or gau/.o or lace over satin , the bodice being of the stuff of the train. The dress can thus bo converted Into a danc ing trock. Caps made lust Ilko a cricketer's are much worn by English women when driving in the country In a clog cart , for tennis , yacht ing and rowlng.and the young women living In those pretty Queen Anne cottages in the Oranges , Now Jersey , affect this English stylo. it Is quite the fancy to make the sleeve below the elbow of velvet , and tight lilting as a clove , while above that point ft Is of veiling , silk , or whatever Is the material ot the dress , and made to form a graceful sag ging putt' with pleats stitched clown about an inch or two inches from the artr.holo. After all the sailor hat of rough straw , with a rather wide brim turned up behind or a narrow ono straight all around , and trimmed with nothing but a plain blue , red , green , black or white band , with rackets or bats on the streamers , Is the preferred wear for tennis , croquet , and other out-of-door gomes. Dotted stuffs are so fashionable that even chemises and other pieces of uuderwear are made of line muslins and linens , dotted all over with red , blue , or lilac spots , and some times all three of these colors. Then the > okc , bands , and monogram are worked In the same colors , while line Valenciennes lace trims the whole garment. The newest color Is honeysuckle , which Is palo yellow In one llirht and pale pink In another , and Is first cousin to tbo beautiful tint that appeared a year ago under tbe French title of point do jour , and which Is called In English "dawn. " These yellow pinks nnd giecn are the popular colors after heliotrope , which still reigns supreme. Blue Is out ot favor for tno moment , except some shades of old bluo. The "white toilets" Imported from abroad are no longer dead white , but are really gray. A dress ordered from Paris a few- weeks ago was composed of a soft pale-gray silk. Uvnr this was a clinitl ot gray Mi tulle , then another layer ot lighter shade , and finally one of white , held In place by three ends of the three shades of tulle. Transparent French muslins ate exhibited with strawberries , laurel blooms , sweet brier roses and foliage , arbutus blossoms , and halt- opened buds scattered on vnri-colored grounds ; usually the backgrounds nro of pale tints a very delicate tea rose or primrose - rose yellow bulng a favorite shade , but the bright colored trults nnd llowcrs look very well against a background of olive , palo gold-brown or moss-green. There is n charming white crcpo do Chine with .small flowers over the surface. One of these was m.uUi with the under part of white surah with one deep puff of while lace coverIng - Ing It to the foot. The flowered crepe foil over this putt In a long , pointed apron fin ished with a tlouneo ot laco. and a second tlounco was cnirled across higher up. The crepe do China bodice was gathered In sur plice folds In front and a deep edging of lace came from under the folds nnd formed a sort ot plastron. This was finished oil' by a belt of led velvet ribbon coming from the side Bc.ims. The lace sleeves had two pulls divided by red velvet bands , The basque had n led velvet collar. FISH AND FISHING. A pickerel weighing three pounds was caught napping near tbo head of Sunset lake by little Ira Clayton , who landed Him with a stick. A devilfish weighing nearly one hundred pounds was caught by Daniel Oswald , of the Atlantic Highlands , while be was draining his lish pond. William A. Munro paught the first salmon with a fly this season In the I'enobscot. It furnished him sport for an hour and weighed uluftteon pound * . William Sykos went fishing near Leota Landing , Miss. , and while lie was trying to Impalnn minnow on bis hook It wrlgglad from hUt lingers and slipped Into nls mouth and down his throat. Mlclmol Ulcoson. while trolling for salmon lu ttse lakes of Klllarney , was suddenly roused by a plunge In the water followed by running out of his line until his wheel was all but stripped. He thought , of course , he was play lot monster salmon , bat could see nothing. Diner Usbermea hovered about film to be In at the death of the largest al- Dion erer taken in those laktf , but lue game picyta to be A larg * otter. MERRY THINGS BY JOVIAL MEN Two Opinions of Oolonel Julius Plngoff'e ' Greatness. JOHN SHERMAN'S MISTAKE Helps for Busy .Men Buffalo Bill's Ulffnoss Kansas City's Art Boom The I'lous Deacon A Wordi to Cnnadn-Wittl Clsms. By n Chccso Pros" Ucprcsentfttlvc. You must never mix your music with your beer. ' Tls ho modern sage that speakcth , All the older wisdom lenkcth. . Mix your whiskies and your wines , Your theolodc9 , your lines , Your sociologies , biologies , Kclologlcs sycholo les , Your Isms and your theories , Your higher drink ? , your beelrles , teul never muse your mixture with your beer You must never mixture lager with the baud. Hide the music In the attic ; It's Immoral , It's matlc. Mix your words and freely drink , Fuse Ideas as you think. I'ass the bowl trom eve till late That can ne'er Intoxicate ; But muse no fuslc with the deleterious baud. You must never beer your music with the mix , . It Is tolerable and good That a legislator should haw against the harmony 'Twixt the drinks and melody. Ho must take Ills separate Then they ne'er intoxicate. You must never muse your beerlng with the mix. Helps For Busy Men. Dakota Bell : Wo have prepared a sot of notices for Dakota business mento bo hung up in their olHccs to save talk and lubricate matters generally. They tire neatly printed with typo standing ten inches high and well proportioned , on heavy cardboard of a bright brushed-ycl- low-dog tint. The pot includes the fol lowing : " 1 Am Not Out Hero for My Health. " "This Is My Busy Day. " " 1 Am Something of a Liar Myself. " "I Came to the Territory the Fall Be fore You Did. " "Funeral of the Last Agent at 2 p. m. " "I Am Haibing a Fund for a 1'ublic Improvement Myself. " ' 'Yes , it isaVerv " Hot ( orlCold ) ( or Rainy ) ( or Dry ) Day. " > 'lAlso Have Real Estate IWish to Sell. " "Yes , I Don't Care if I Do Step Out and Have Something , Colonel. " A Biffcar Man than 1'hclps , Ctitcagi TrtJmne. 'And now the Ministerial Fhclps , That diplomatic toady. Is loath to Introduce at court The beautiful bliss Cody. But this young maiden's father swears That go to court she \vill ; And he's a blggar man than 1'helps Just now-ls Hull'lo 13111. An Extra Pious Deacon. There's a deacon , who lives nigh us , Whom wo reckon extra pious , And the beauties of the truth ho oft will speak on ; H Yet ho kinder , sorter wishes When ho'.s caught some little fishes That ho wasn't , for a short time , such a dea con. The Fine-Art Boom of Kansas City. Chicago News : Mr. Fred Richardson , a talented young artist , who used to live here in Chicago , tolls us that the line arts arc enjoying a great boom in the Mis souri valley. "I have been in Kansas City two years , " says he. "and the arts have made tremendous strides in that time. When I went there the people hardly know the difl'orcnco between a water color and a grease spot , butj now they can tell a Mysonyay from g Raphael or u modern school from an aold master with their shut. " " eyes r , "How many artists , are there in Kansas Cityv"t t , „ "About fifteen , and all are doing n rattling busiuosjs. . . . Ono of the queer things about thcjtowji is that the people will not patroui/.c > a studio. An artist must have an atalyay if ho wants to do business. A stiidiq , may bo all right enough for St. Jpp and Lcavonworth nnd Liberty , but nothing short of an atalyay will catch on in Kansas City. "There have bcon.n good many impor tant art transfersin/Kansas City of late , " continued Mr. Richardson , "and" "Art transfers " ' V , , "Yes that 1 'sales ' " ho , by mean , ox- claimed. "You must know that all Kinds of sales are called transfers out our way nowadays. Hero is a list ot masterpieces that were sold at our last grand sallony in May ; it ought to interest these of your readers that are watching the culture boom in the west : 1. ThcE ast Bottom at Sunrise. Land scape S 75 3. Salmon , Fishing on the Blue. A Ma rine 00 3. Jesse James , A Portrait isu 4. Armour's Packing House. Historical. 90 5. Bluffs on the West Bide. Alter Bier- stadt 38 0. Congressional Convention. Battle 1'ieco 50 7. The Missouri river In August. Land scape 45 8. Horse Cars Under Full Speed. Still Life 25 1) ) . West Bottom Grist Mill. Flour Piece 35 10. Corner Lot on Quality Hill. Marino 10 11. View of Col. Crisp's Farm. The Im pressionist School 40 13. Missourl'Qualis ( pies' feet on toast ) . Birds 33 : t. Main Street in April , Marine CO "Now , these were very liandsomo pieces , as you would admit if you could sou the pictures , " said Mr. Richardson. "Our best art patrons pay so much a front foot for pictures. A good picture- one with plenty of red in it and desirably located will bring ? 20 per front foot ; the average price is $12 per front foot. Our pictures nro divided into two classes improved ana unimproved : the one framed and the other unframed. When n gentleman fancies a picture wo let him cut oil'a sample of it ( just as they do dross goods ) to take homo with him to sco if his wife likes the pattern. " Her Preparation for Starring. Theatrical Manager You say you want an engagement to star in my theater. Your name is not familiar to me. Have you ever starred ? Would-be Actress Never. "Whoro have you played ? " "I never played on the stage. " "Havo you received any dramatic in- Btructiou ? " "None whatcvca. " "But you have at least studied the art ? You are familiar with the works of the great dramatists , are you hot ? " "Never road a play in my life. " "Good heavens ! madam.what prepara tion have you , then , forgoing on stage as n start" "I have had photographs taken in 140 different poses. " The manager fainted. OnoMttlo Word to Canada. We don't want to light , But , by jlii oJ yvhat are you , That you shoula have our fisheries , And our detayltcptoo ? John ttberman'q Mild Mtatake , Chicago Nowi : Senator John Sherman is a pretty cunnlne politician , but ho Blips up once in itwhilo. Ho took a walk around SpringUcM ono day last week. A buxom young lady , holding a baby in her arms , was leaning over the gate in front of a largo , flno looklng residence. "What a lovelychild , " exclaimed Bon- ntor Sherman , "pray , may I kiss It ? " "Certainly , " wild-the buxom young lady , and toe eminent Ohloan gave tut baby n smack that made it put out Its under lip and wrinkle iti red face all up for n howl. "That's as line a child Rs I over saw , madam ! I'll warrant you that it's the picture of its futhcrl" said the senator. "In fact , thu child interests mo so much that I'd like to have its father call on tno at the hotel. " With this ho handed out a card. "Sakos nllvo , sirl" cried llio buxom young lady , "it hain't got no father ; this is a orphan asylum I" A Widespread Boom. Dakota Boll : "I thought you wcro having a boom hero , " said a stranger to a man in a Dakota town. "Wo arc having a boom. " "It doesn't look much that way. " "Wo'ro having ono , just the same. Lo cal parties luivo been taking eastern speculators out to look at lots in thu su burbs over iinco the 1st of April. Just wait till they begin to get back and vou'll sco a boom.1 "Till they begin to get back ? Why aren't they back by ihls time ? " "Why , the truth is , stranger , the lots tire so thundering far out that they haven't had time yet. " Two Opinions. Dakota Boll : Mr. Julius I'lugoff , a democrat of Gosh City , this territory.was recently appointed to the ollico of clerk of the district court. Of the appoint ment , the Gosh City People's Palladium , a democratic paper , says : "Tho appointment of Colonel Julius PlugolV. of this city , to the honorable ofllco of clerk of the district court gives universal satisfaction. Though Colonel Plugofl'is comparatively a young man , and recently came to Dakoto , it is a re cognition of the young democracy in the territory , and declares that the hereto fore accepted belief that a man to obtain ollico in Dakoto must have moved here before the war and slept uudor a gun-wood and eaten jerked buf falo meat the first ton years , is dead and burled beyond the hope of resurrection. Give the young and vigorous a chance ; down with the old moss-grown aud driv eling one-horso politicians whose only recommendation is that they wcro com pelled to leave their homes in the cast twenty-live years ugol" In Its issue of the same date the Gosh City Walloper , nlso democratic , prints the following : "Julo Plugoir , the dude politician of this city , has been appointed clerk of the district court. What is the party coming to in this tcrritohy ? That man PlugolV is n tenderfoot arm a carpetbagger. Hu has not been in Dakota long enough to know a wheat field from n jackpot. Ho would still have been back in Wiggle- ville , Del. , blacking boots if ho had not first got an appointment in the territory. Ho is no moro cnitlcd to the ollico than the man in the moon. Matters have como to a pretty pass if the old wheel- horses of the party , those who came hero in the curly day , endured the hardships of the pioneer's life.settlcd in the wilder ness and made it blossom as the rose and wore democrats when it meant scorn and derision and no hope of ollico ; if tlicso , wo say. nro to bo ignored for such im portations from the olleto cast as Julo Plugoir. " o MTJSICAIi AND DRAMATIC. Fanny Davenport Intends to write a life of her lather , E. L. Davenport. 11. C. llilllard will bo Mrs. James Brown Potter's leading man during her American tour. tour.Mr. Mr. Chas. II. Iloyt , the dramatic author , Is to bo married In July to Miss Flora Walsh.at Charleston , N. 11. John "Sleeper" Clarke , the famous old comedian , the Immortal i > o Boots , lias ar rived In Now York from Kngl.xnd. Lotta opens her season In August at Mc- Vicicer's theatre , Chicago , In Pawn Ticket 210 , by David Bclasco and Clay M. Grcone. Anton Huhonstein has laid the foundation of a national opera hoiNO In St. Petersburg. Slgnor Laio will give Italian opera In Rus sia's capital next winter. In Russia no theatrical manager may give a performance without first depositing n sum ot 2000 ruples ( about 81,000) ) as a guarantee for the payment of the artist. William Cullington , who has been tor many years a member of thn company ot John T. Raymond , has puichasod Irorn the estate of the latter the play , For Congress. It Is rumored that the Icy heart of Mary Anderson has at last been penetrated by a thrill ot human feeling. She has tallon In love with a British earl. Or perhaps the ad vertising dodcer thinks she has. Modjeska , it appears , Is to engage In the primitive occupation ot man. She says all she thinks of new Is making money enough to allow her to retire to lior California ranch. What a lovely haymaker sho'H make , to bo sure. sure.An unedited but important composition of Beethoven's has just been discovered by a musical professor at Uratz , it Is tor so prano , with orchestration for two violins , two flutes , two hautboys , two ? bassoons , two horns and a counter bass. Charles Ilooy , the song and dance man , Is disabled for the song and dance trade for life. In making a leap over a pllo ot chairs on the sta' o In Milwaukee , ho miscalculated his distance and fell , breaking his right knee cap Into three pieces. Mmc. Jauanschck will push her suit for S25.COO damages against the proprietor of the hotel where her arm was broken , The acci dent cuts oil six weeks of playinc , as a route up through Maine and Canada , finishing at Halifax ou July VI , had been arranged. Says Eddy's Squib : That very shrewd manager , Mr. Charles K. Locke , finding that the ministry ballet "ad" was played out in St. Louis , got the audience to vote by ballot pro or con on the short clothes question. The The gauze and spangle ticket was elected by a majority ot 1KU In a total of 2114 votes. Verdi has for years made his winter homo in the famous Dorla Palace , Oenoa , for the reason that ho can enjoy greater seclusion there than lu any other city residence ho knows ot.Every summer tor nearly forty years lie has spent on his splendid Sant' Agata estate , close by the hamlet of Roncolo , where ho was born. The cable announces thodeath 01 Uactano Fraschlni. tlu > Italian tenor singer , llo was born In 1817 , was Intended tor the medical profession , but gave it up to study singing under Slgnor Moretti. Ho made his first ap pearance In 18'JT , and alter that ho won suc cesses In Vienna and at La Scala in Milan. Madrid , Paris and London , tie has been re tired many years. The London correspondent ot the New York Times says : Mrs. James Brown Pot ter lias closed the mostdlsastiousseason over known at the llavmarket theatre. Starting with a wretched performance of "Anno Syl vester , " the lady lias steadily grown worse , nnd her last performance was by tar the worst she had given 01 the part. All her faults have been Intensified by repetition. U. F. Poll I , the well known musical hls- tornlan , has died In Vienna aged RS. Ills most important work was his great biography of Haydn , of which only two volumes have yet been published , the first In 1ST5 and the second lii IbaIt Is to bo hoped that the tlilidaud concluding volume will be found to Se so far advanced ns to render Its com pletion and publication possible. Spain Is the only part of Euiopo In which Italian opera singers still command thu high est salaries , and in which Imprcnsarlos are not In a chronic condition ot bankruptcy. There Is no summer season in Spain. For the fall and winter a splendid troupe has been organl/ed by the manager of tinTuatro Real , In Madrid. Among the artists already engaged are Slgnorl * Stagno , 'laumgno , Maurel and Mme. Kupfor-Berger. 11 u Halo Hill , besides attending to his gro tesque outlit finds time to write for thu Lon don ( ilobfi , a series ot wild west reminlsceu- ses. This picturesque scout U rnpidly be coming a social favorite in London. By the way , It Is said , Bill's blooming cowboys have turned the heads of the modern Ihbylun's Etuvnnt girls. Few of them are sutllciontly strong willed to rwlst the picturoSqo attrac tions of long locks , spurs and big hats. But then , If tno queen was uracloiuly pleased to bn Interested why shouldn't a "slavey" bo allowed tbe privilege. William llamea , of Clarksvlllo , Ua.h siln his possession a violin made In 1730 , which Is stamped Inside , just under the bridge In the bottom , and reads thus : "Cremonla A ir.C. ! " Mr. Hames bought it In Denver. Colo. , In UHJG ; ft has a splendid tone and under his touch has made some line music , but age has caiucd him to hang up tbe fiddle A , T. KENYON , H. M , JONES , B , M , A. T. mmOft , > - - 4 < ; Wholesale aiicl Kelail a 1522 Douglas St. , OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. Telephone 501. Correspoudencu Solicited. People's ' Installment House , 613 N. 16th St. , Between California and Webster. WITH A COMPLETE L.I.VE OF FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Ou Cay Weekly or monthly Payments. Wo aim to raako this the most liberal credit house in Omaha. < f3 North sixteenth Slrcct. IIIL El I REAL ESTATE , 310 South 15th Street In the followl"K additions : 23. , .Somo choice proportron 1'iinmm , Doim'lnj , Dodne , California , Cuinlnnf , 10th , 15th , 10th miiU'UUistieots. 193 foot jfooil trnckutfuon Nicholas street. A Inrgo , olmfHiit tiouso vrltU all modern Improvements , on ( IcorKlu nvc. Flue " room liouac , Iznrd , near Ibtb St. , cU C-room house , "OtU uoar llurdottost. , very cheap. DETMSmV ls produced "from twelve pow. i tlCmGLJY crdil vegetable ingredients , sq manipulated ns to produce the most wonderful results known to the medical world. Its action Is both sure and speedy , giving Instant relie ! from every pain and soreness tovhtch flesh U heir. A positive cure for Group , Catnrrli , Diurrliuuv , Clio * Icrn Morbns , Colds , Sere Throat nnd JLnngs ; RmaUftEAVISBI AND In their worst forms ; Ilcndaclio , Tootlincho , ISnrachc , I.nmo Hack or Side , Sprains , CutH , Bruises , Burns , Scalds , Corns. Chilblains nnd Frost liitCM. We make no claim for this Remedy but what hundreds of testimo nials of the highest character have established. We publUh the following : State , "I Iiivc kept a supply of Hiilroiil IlcmeJy on han < | iron. E.1J. . rtooGKN , Secretary ol says1 . " for use in ray family , I found it all jou represented , and cheerfully recommend it tn nil. . K. I' . HOGGKN , Lincoln , Neb. I hive used HnllroiJ Remedy ( or rheumatism , piin in the luck nnd Uidneys , and have found inmie. Hiatc relief. I consider it the moat reliable NATE family SQUIltUS medicine , Exp. loerucul. Mess.V. . , F. & CO. , Nebraska City. . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , rcnei. an vice * mcu iwb.Li.ix * * ' - - - - - / The nervous y p.iins and twitching ! , were instantly relieved l > y Its soothing effects. It cures Hie worst licad.ichc in half an hour. In colic , sore throat , wound * and burns It has nocnuil. Am never-without . . J. H FOXWOKTUY , Lincoln , Ncli. it I in my . family. confirmed invalid , from Uhcnmlismj could not walk ; til mcdiiinc failed lo reliec my tuffcr. ings. was I .1 tried HAII.KOAI ) KKMIiDY , and was entirely aired in thicc weeks. I gnlncJ jo pound bed. wonderful arc the elicits of this Great Remedy , since I left my Truly . . Sincerely yours , BAN'IEL SHINE , OS.IKC Mission , Kansas. Over 2,000 test cases cured. Foranle by nllfliat class druprgists. Trade sunnlicd by Kloh. nrdson Drus Company , Omnha. HILL & YOUNG 1213 Farnam Street. FURNITURE , STO TIESS fl V House Furnishing Goods. and bow , and ho h now ofrorlnt ; It for sale , and thobe who treasuio old relics would have a novelty In this old violin , made by baud 150 years at.'o. A celebrated pianist recently played some of his moat surprising plocci noforonlsTtirk- Ish majesty. At thu conclusion of the por- lormanco the snltnn , who had bern observing him with Kreat apparent admiration , .said to him : "I have Heard Mr. So-uuU-So ( a low tow from tliu artist and a deprecatory snillo ) , I have also hoard ilcrr So-and-So ( a htlll lower bow of dovotctl attention ) , but not ono of all these distinguished aitlsts who have played betoro mo perspired so much ns you do. " RELIGIOUS. The number ot Baptists In the United States Is 0,732,570. The Taberuaclo Congregational church of Washington , has paid oil IU debt. A missionary jsociety , newly nrsanl/od In liavaiia , 1ms begun work In l an Africa. The eleventh annual church congress will bo hold at Louisville , Ky , , opening October ISth and continuing four days. There are WX ) placns or icllgenus wor- uhlp in .Now York with 40 < > ,0oo cliurch sit- tines , representing twenty-eight denomi nations. The KInns have had the Now Testament for some time , and now , at the request of the Norwegian Ulblo society , Lars llatli has translated tno Old Testament Into their language. Through the neency of the Additional Curates' noddy In Kngland , which U about to uolcbrato It.s jubilen yenr , more tlmn 510OOJOOy lias boon expended for Uu < suppcut of the eleriry In poor parishes. Ur. KobiTt Hiovrn. who has visited Grean- land tor botanical and ecological studios , writes that there Is not now ono piofcssed rmznti in all Danish Greenland. Ulshop Potter has boon elected president , and the Key. Dr. IMrllncton. of Christ church , Uroolclyn , vleo-prosldent of tbo church missionary society for seamen In .Vow York. llov. Thoman Orcfn , n Olilciijo 1'rosbyter- ian divine. IK an ardent admirer of bass ball , nnd ottends the professional games rctrulnrly as do several ntbor well-known minister * , I'rofMBor David Swing being amou the number. Tbo now Catholln bishop of Provldenco was a great favprlto wllli thu priests or thu nrchdlocoso of boston , who presented him with a purse of 3X000 upon his promotion. A Mho sum w s given Mm by hl.s foinicr parishioners ol ht , James's church , Uoston. In Greece the covcrnmont permits the frcn distribution ot tne scriptures , and protect * th coliiortetirii. The gospels lo tne ormlnal ( old ) Urttlc arc uied M ft readlBK book I * higher classes of tlio primary schools. Gos pel jireachtnii Is yet cm a limited scale , ow ing to tno lack ot qualltled preachers. The board of manager * of the board of missions of the Prote.stant Kplscopal church rmvo assumed chnrire of the Interest of that denomination In Mexico , under direction of the last general convention , and In the nb- v sonce ol any Kplscopal authority. _ > V It Is stated that the money Riven by the * * women ot thu I'resbyterlan chinch In tbo United States during thnpiiit sixteen lycaia foots up to 52,150OOU representing the entire - tire support of more than two hundred wo men missionaries , two hundred natlvo blblo readers , and morutlian ono hundred aud lifly tchool" . The Year Hook of the church of Knclnnd lor lbS7 leidsters Hie nnme.-i of nearly 14,000 clergymen. In SO per cent of tlio parishes tliorJnro I.IKJ.OOO roimfiunlrant * . Thuronio R,0oo.0i5 ( freii mid 1,000,407 pnld sittings. Tlio voluntary offerings of th year for various religious purposes amounted to S-C.OC'O.iliW ' , T nnd moro than $ : > ,000,000 wcro ghuii to the educational depaitment. Strong movements toward unity are being made by ( lie .Inp nnse chrlstlnns. The mU- filon cluirclies ot all tlie Presbyterian bodies having missions In Japan have united Into ono Union Church , nnd thn Jnpnncso con- Krepatloiis am moving toward a union with tills body. Tbo three Kplscopal missions In Japiui li vo r.lso adopted propositions looking townul uniting all their converts Into one church The bishop ot Huron has Issued a pastoral letter and formally Inhibited all cburrlies and congregations wllhln tbo diocese usliif the following method * of raising manor lor ecclesiastical or pniorhlal purposes : 1'lrt.t , Milling , throning tiler , crimes of chance , or gauibllni ; of any kind ; secondly , all theat rical , dramatic orlmpprsonntlng exhibitions , whether public or pilvatp. Cleavcland Plain Dealer : The Prcsbyte rlans , north and south , Imvo again lulled lu an attempt to bring about organic union. Questions growing out of nlim-ry and the civil war rent these rhurohoa asunder , and harsh tlilnjts were said that neither side has evur been able to forget or forgive. In this tbn churches do not sot the Christian exam ple ( tint they oiuht lo sou H teems mange that the dissensions of the war should still linger in the grct Christian rtmifli , forbid ding fellowship fitter tliiiy lint e been tioaled over and forgotten liVKrywliote eljc. Thc"e Minded costumes nro lovciy in yc ! > low , of tar > Ing depth * of tone , In creen and In ink. A charming yellow tlre has a foundation of rrenmblto India silk , over which Is draped a pale-yellow moire lace. This hco , which Is very mm , lint ( tripes In which Irregular watered vrovlnjc gives ca molrn affect , nnd waa dnslgnod by a French artist who presents his fnmtle friends vritu " " a'jout fabric . his delightful "Inspirations" *