Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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AdvcrtHcmonts under this head , 10 cents po
Ino ( or the Orel Insertion , T cents for onch sub-
§ ( > 'lticnt Insertion , nndSl.Wn line per tnontli.
No advertisement tnkon for loss tnnn 25 cents
Jotttio Orel Iniortlon. Seven words wll Ibo
counted to the line ; they must run consecu
tively nnd must bo nnld In advance. All ndvcr.
tlsoinonts must Ije handed In before 1 : : * ) o'clock
n. in. , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by tolcphono.
I'urtloa advertising In these columns nnd nnv-
Inc the nnswori nddrow'd In earn of THE Urn
will pnn ! n ask for n check to enable them to get
their letters , as none will bo delivered except
on iirosontatlon of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes ,
All advertisements in theto column : are put *
ll lied In both morning nud ovonlntf editions of
'Jho iir.i , the circulation of vrhlch
aggregates more th n 14,000 papers
dally , and give * the advertiser the
lionoflt , not only of the city circulation of The
IIKK but nl o of Council Bluffs. Lincoln , nnd
other cities nnd towns throughout this part of
the west.
ONEY to loun , no commission. Cole , ntO S ,
16th. Wl '
TO LOAN cm Improved city prop
erty In sums of $ l,000to $5,000 nt super
cent Interest. BholcaA Crumb. 328
TO LOAN-On city property In
sums of $ * > 00 nnd upwards nt lowest rates.
fA Honey always on hand. S. S. Campbell.310
JV Pouth Sixteenth stroot. 823
, to loan at 0 per cent , Ilnrris JcSamp-
$500,000 15H1 DotiglM it 6 )7 )
MONEY to lonn In largo or small nmounts by
Wm H. Lench , 150U Farnam. B53 ] 15
MONEY TO l.OAN-0. F. Davis Co. , real
Histatu and lonn iigents , 1605 Farnnm st
TO LOAN First mortgage notes
.ought. J. A. Hlcstnnd , room 9 , Arllng-
tMltlock. BO J 12 ]
{ 800,000 To loan on Omnlin city propeity ntfl
W percent 0. W. Day , a. o. cor. Ex. Bid.
TO LOAN-On city nnd fnrtn prop
erty , low tntos. Stewart & Co. , Room 3
Iron bank. 609
MONEY to loan , cnsh on delay.
J. W. nnd E. L. Squire , 1413 Furnum it ,
rnxlon hotel building. 810
MONEY First mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bank will buy papers secured by
flrst mortgage on elty realty. 611
MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
no commission charged. Lcuvitt Burn-
hnrn. Room 1 Crolghlon Block. 612
61'lill CUM'-Monny to loan.
Gregory It Had ley ,
Roomi land 3 , Rodick clock , 320 S. 16th St
MONEY loaned on residence property. First
and second mortgages bought. E. 8. Row-
ley , 314 South IMIi street. 2BOJ25
LOAN Money Loaiia placed on improved
proved real estate In city or county for
Hew England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 16th and Chloago stt. 614
TI/TONEY / to loan on Improved city property nt
ATI. e per cent. Money unhand ; do not have
to wait Have a complete sot of abstract bookt
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Keal Estate and LoanCo.Q20S.K > tnst.
, 615
T\f ONKY TO LOAN-bytho undersigned , wnc
i'i has the ouly properly organized loan
agency In Omahn , Loans of $10 to $100 mndc
on furnlturo , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays ,
AH builnoss strictly confidential. Loans BO
mndo that any part can bo paid at nny imo.each
payment reducing the cost pro rntn. Advance !
xnado on flno watches nnd alnmonds. Person !
hould carefully consider who they are donllno
with , s mnny now concerns nro dnlly comlno
Into existence. Should you need money eal
and sec mo. W. it Croft , Uoom 4 WUhnol
jlulldlng 15th nnd Hnrnoy. 61B
F1M1E OMAHA Financial Exchange ]
" Na.v ' corner of Harnoy and 15th sts.
over State Nntlonnl bnnk.
If prcpnred to muko short tlmo loans on ans
fcvallnblo security.
Lonns mndo on chattels , collateral or re a
Long time lonnsmndoou Improved real estate
lit current rates.
I'urohnso money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , Bold or exchanged.
ehort tlmo lonni made on second mortgage ,
according to mnrglnnl interest , at collntora
jrntea ,
r Real citato to exchange for good Interesl
\ Oonornl financial business of all kinds trans-
Beted promptly , quietly nnd fnlrly.
Money always onJmnd for approved loans ol
pny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub-
) lclty. Corbott. Mnnngor. 617
$760,000 TO LOAN nt 0 per cent Llnnhan A
Mahoney , 150U Fnrnam. BID
MONEY LOANED at c. F. iteod & co.'s Lear
AM. Office , on furnlturo , plnnos , horses , wagons
personal property of oil kinds , and all ofter ar
tlcles ot value , without removiil. U19 B. 13th
fiver Dlogham s Commission store. All business -
ness strictly confidential. 610
6PR11 CENT Money.
U. 0. Patterson. 15th and Barney. 6
FOlt BALK Ileitaurnnt making VW clear i
month. Good reasons for selling. Ad
gross a 2y Pee olllco , _ tHJOllj
\\7ANTED-A partner with a small capital It
T T a first-class money making busmost
pulek ealos. Large profit nnd no credit. Snr
thing. Address 8 3J , Hoe Olllco. ISC 10 *
ANTED-Pnrtlcs who desire to buy sel
or exchange stocks of general merohan
fllso , dry good * , groceries , boots and shoof
hardware , drugs , Jewelry. Improved or unlit
proved town or city property , Improved or ur
Improved farms In any part of the Unite
Btutqs , to addroes Krnus & Foster , 816 Ho. 15t
t , Omaha , Neb. 037 14
1RUBINES8 ohnngo , small notion store fo
J- > ale on 10th street ; good stand. Address
$7. Bee oHlco. _ _ _ pta 12j
T OH SALK Dakery and Ire cream parloi
* - ' Address Mrs , U. Auor , Osncoln , Neb.
801 21
W'AN J'Kli A physician with (300 to 1500 ; i
splendid chance In a line paying buslnost
troll ostabllshod. This Is n good ohanco for th
right man , bnslness Is now paying | ! tOO to $50
per week ; address P. O. Box 44S , Beatrice , Net
877 10 *
T7I011 SALE First clasi lee cream nnd con
Jfcctlonary store. Good paying trade , li
quire 317 80 st 885 14
* I7HH 8ALU Staple grocery stoow nud fix
Jturts in a growing Nebraska city , addrci
.B 24 , lleo office. _ bMS 14'
fTKHJNnnv nnd Machine shops to sell or t
* exchange tor land or oity property. Wll
loll mncblnnry and tools separate. Can bo n
niovud. Cull nn or address Hammond A Git
on , ISUDouglai st. Oman it. _ M4 1 1
T HAVE for snlo or will exchange for stock"
JLinorchnndtso In n llvo town , nbout Twolv
tThousnnd dohari ) worth of Improved Itonl Ki
tnto , including one ton , one twenty , nnd on
( orty iicro tract , nlno the bolt private feedln
lunch In Nebraska with largo barns 30\2io fee
. Iwo gralnorles , corn crib , feed racUs , trough
Vrlnd mill , stock 8coles , good frrovu , nbout U
Koresof corn and potntoei ; nu fitted up fc
feeding ( hoep or cattle ; will divide estate
snore convenient for purchaser. Write (
Sinrns , Iteal Katato Broker , Ceutral City. Me
> lcX county. Neb. _ 313 I2j
OCOIDKNTAL Hotel properly for ale" . Th
valuable property , corner of luthnnd uni
> rd Btieotn , is offered for ealei M feet on lot
* ndo fuet ou Howard. U not ( -old will be wltl
drawn from market on tbt 15th lint. Apply o
the premises to .loon I. Pnyntor. Ml 13
ladr or gentleman wliblnir a
honest ouslntu. profits IS to (14 oy r
flay , only $100 remnrcd , win nicbango fc
lock or trade ; two bout dunks of Omnki give
refereuees. Call or write to Office No. I , Ni
ft North 10th street , Omaha. Nab. 40S it ]
1/1011 SALE Mont market doing good bui
J-1 ness , need location. Itt-asoui for sellin ,
Addtega P 47 , Dee. 790 16J
fresh for sail
PArrott A Williamson. Upstolrt.UOl Don ,
Usst 487
K A lioardlng house and f urnltur
Jdolna good business , 40 bonrdon , cor
reason for soiling. Call at Currlo A VolUir
15th and Capitol nve , Kxpoilton Building. 8
I Oll SALK Very aneap , good briei"buila
X property In Ortnd Islanri , Net. Tbegrcate
Bargain and belt terms In thu city. Good r i
ons for celling , for parilculnri nddreii J. l
V'oolley , Attorney atuiw , Ur nJ ItUnd. No
TVflW. DUHANT-Clnrlvoyantfrom Boiton.
if-TAreliable In allatfalriof llfn.UQlteifeparati
lov n. ttCN. letkst. room I 631 JKM
* t- --Ll- * - . _ _ , V . , . " - „ _ , t- * _ J * " " -i ? "
T OST tfiv : opei contalnlo abitrooti ai
JJ builooM pnperl. Finder will leave at Hi
Iffice aud recoiv * reward. J. 1'blppi Rue.
r .OST-Part of fob cbaln and cktrm nitar ll
* nd Howard , returm to John L'aumor ai
let reward SMllj
LOST A reward of 120 will bo paid for the re
turn of ono Iron grey mare , 4 or 5 rears
old , branded U. B. on Icit hip. Koturn to 1603 N
959 15 ]
CITRAYKO-Dnrk buy horse IB hands hlirh. ho
* J hhi part of his inane rubbed off , little whlto
on hind foot. A liberal reward for hi * return
to Wlthrow barn , Ilarnoy street. T. J. rioav
Ing. 139 IS *
_ _ _
LOST Oil STOLBN-A bay horse , white hind
leet , rope marks on nlnd legs ; 1400 Ibs.
II , Snoobbarpcr. cor , Saunderi and Clark ft.
_ 753-11 *
KBWAHD-Lost , tirlndlo Hull Terrier dog.
Koturn to D. II. Wheeler , jr Grant stand
Virginia ave , and cot rctvurtl. 019 10
T .OBT T > n Elghtee"nttr , sTcrmnn nveTnr draco
J-l ft. , "Specifications. " Please return to
llrtH North ieth St. , or 1' . 3. Creodon , nrohltect.
opera houso. M. T , Murphy , contractor and
builder. 343
rpAKBN Ul'-Sorroll tunro , J. 8. Illifloy. Mltl-
-L tory road , let house ire-it of TicU saloon ,
J n 19 Bl
STORAGE For household goods and general
morchundlso at low rates , corner Thir
teenth and I7ard streets , up town olllco 511)
gouth Thirteenth. TelephonePCi. 427j14 *
mTOItAGK-Klrst-Pln's'storage for nice furni-
KJ turo and boxed goods. Kerguson 1'urnl-
turo _ ( jo.t71VM7-731 North 16th street. 175
at 110 N 13th ft.
JTORAGE Flrt-clnis ftorngo for tuco tur-
fj nlture or boxud goods , utl51J Dodce-et.
.DERSONAL-NoHt and tasty all-wool business
-L iiiltfl * ; . Tine blue diagonal dross suits ,
' 10.75. Call and see thorn or write for samples.
i ( ) . Jones fc Co. , American Clothiers , 1309
'amain M , nmi. _ P03 ] 30
bTi'.ltaoNAL-lf you want a desirably , con-
trully located olllco you can Und It Ht 1118
15th St. 978
7ANnD : Fifty young men to correspond
wlthlltty lixofy yimng ladles. Send 10
. cllvor , for the list. Addre s , American
"orrospondlng llurcnu , Box 100 , Clarksburg , W.
, 'a. 7')1 ' ) 12 *
1)K1SONAL ( Prlvato home for Indies during
connnomont , utrlutly confidential , Infanta
ft/looted , address B42 , lleo olllco. 849y3 ] *
ERSONAL-Mr- Nannie V. Warren
. clairvoyant , Medical and buslnoea Medium
Boom No. B , 131 North ICth et ,0maha. Nob.
o'i 7
EXCHANOK-Wo will trade n good doulik
scutod carrlnco.noiirly now for a ilrlvlnu
orso. Putternou IJros. Itooui l , Fron/or bite ,
131 11
WUAI'l'BRS nnd children's clothing mndi
nnd plain fewing done nt 3317 CallfornlH
t. U93 10J
rnHE Itluo LlnoTunK Co. , have moved thnli
X ottlco from the Kennard Ulasa and Taint Co
to516Iodgo. OrdctH for Gasoline nnd Con
Oil promptly tilled. Telephone 7U5. Wood &
MclJougnl. IKU 1'J
TIO pnrtlos giving up housoKeepinp Wo wll ]
sell jour furnlturo , * c. either at private
minor at auction , BH you may desire. Call nl
our ofllce , S Ij cor 10th and Douglas. Drown A
"relghton. 41U 10
EMPLOYMENT , Itontal and Collectlor
Agency If you want work , or to omploj
htlp , or have houses to rent , or accounts tc
collect , call on M. Muynard , 317 South llth st.
Omaha. SOIL'S
PAIT.HHANOINU-15 per cent discount fron
store prices. Addrcsi I'aporhiingor
814 North ICth st. CiW-J-16 *
0 ESS POOLS , elnkn and vaults cleaned , odor-
ICBI process. E. Ewlng , box 427 , city.
f.60 J1BJ
F OK RH NT Square Piano J montblr. A
Ho8pe,16l3 ougai. : 634
O parties having houses tor rent , Itonta
Agency. Donawa & Co. . 15st. , opposite post
office , We have turned ever to thorn our ronta
1st. We recommend thorn. McCague Bros.
"tnoit KENT Organs , > per month , tloupe
X < ISKJDoualas. 0 : . '
OL C. Houio furnishing goodi , all kinds
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J
Banner , 1316 Douglas st 625
F Ion KENT Hquaro riauo , i montnlr.
Home. 1513 Uouiflas. 624
J'JT want to buy or sell furniture , go tc
Ferguson's , 715 N 15th. 523
FOU BALK A pair good mules. Apply nit
K cor 18th and St Mary's ave. V89
FOR SALE Good family horse and phaeton
hind and gentle , address P O box 625 , city
1OK SALE Good top buggy cheap. L. J
Nedd nt Nodd's lloal Estate Exchange
1400 Karnam it. 101 11
FOIl SALE Top delivery wagon , Simpson'
make , ono farm wagon , 2 sots double liar
ness , ono set single harnesi. 20 h p bollor. 8 h l
engine,2 ponies. Storage Warehouse , 13th am
Izurd. MS 15
EOll BALE 400 cords of dry wood , can bo dc
1 llvorod at Pnolflo Junction , Iowa , If sold
by Juno 20th : can bo bought at a bargain. Ad
dnees , P. O. Box 423 , Glonwood. lowu. OSC 12
FOH HALE-A pmr of hamlsomo grey car
ringo horsog.klnd nndgontlo. Can bo drive
elnglo or double. Will ho exchanged for slngl
horse and phaeton , or Bold for carriage or hac
use , on easy terms. Address S 23 , lleo ofllco.
871 10'
FOIl SALK Cheap , a kitchen range and has
burner. Apply for6 dnys between 1 nn
" p. ra.,1303 Farnutn st. 852 11
F 10H SALG-SawdUBt at saw mill , 2d and Per
pleton nvo. 71W12 *
FOK SALE Span fine matched bay drlvln ,
horses. C. F. Harrison , 418316th st.
"I710H BALE One six-foot upright black wa
L nut ibow case , Milton llogera & Son. 009
FOIl SALE A nlco driving horse. Inqulr
at the New York chop house , 141ft Dougla
st , 07511 *
FOIl SALE-4,000,000 Hard BrlcK. T. Murraj
FO SALE-S milch cows. E A Marsh. 90
N Wlb. 6W
T. Murray.
\A7ANTED-A man cook for railroad cami
it Apply at 1810 St. Mary's nvo. , between 1
11 a.m. Goodwills. 13811 *
ITANTED-Good carpenters , 410 U 10th at.
T ( U3 10 ]
WANTED-A bright boy nbout 18 years c
age to assist teamster. Apply to U17
13th et. 128
\\TANlED-5travullng salesmen ; salary nn
TT expenses ; no oxperlenco necessary. Ai
dress , with Rtamp , . Palmer & Co. , LaCrosx
WIs. ] OI llj
\\TANTED-Newi agent C. , B. & Q. Cull i
, T T H. Jt M. dppot 1U o'clock Saturday mori
( ng. G. A. Harvey. ' 105 10J
\1TANTCD Stenographer who uudorbtnm
TV book-keeping , Valentino's Short-nan
Inststuto , 1515 Dodge it. 107 10J
J First-class wood turner. Jo :
lllcharda & Oo.corltth and Mason st :
0(5 (
\VANTED Immediately 2 nrchltectur
T T draii tit8incn. F , M. r.llls , Itooui 10 , oo
Hth and Farnam. 17 10
\V ANTED 10 laborers , 8wedns , fur Cole rail
T | i per day , faru puld. Caundlun Emplo
ment ollico , 318 S 15tn at , up Rtaira. O'.V ) 1
\\TANTii : > Partner In paylnir bU8lne < sMnii
T T enpllil required , Kii'inlre for low da ;
It. W. Woodman , room 2,813 S 15th. VJ2 12j
\VANTED-Track men for Nebraska , lowi
TT and Missouri. Tennis and teamsters f (
Nobrnika. 1) . U. O'Koaf * , labor ageut , No. 3i
B llth gt , 47111J
\\7ANTED-A first-class broad baker to tnl
T cbnree as foreman. Good wacei to a KOC
man. Hiullh & Co. , No. 623 Main st 03 10
/ANTUD-Hoy about 15 to 18 yo.ira old i
carry foot route on Evening Bee , PJ3
WANTRD-Good ruler and blank book Q
liher. Dakota Boll Publishing Co. , bleu
I'nlli , Dak. WJ 10
TVTANTED A gook mllLer and teamster
T T Saratoga Dairy. 809 10J
" \\7"ANTED-Mcn for railroad work.Albrlzhl
TT Labor agency , 1120 I-nniamat Bis
WANTED A roiin * mun about IB or
years old , the B u mail room. App
Botwecug qodli a. m. 670
\VANTKD--3 ptnti aakerh A , Kallih.3
> SIStU. in
\\rANTKD-Carpentiri. Incalrt nttr chuit
IT tbaad L veow rtX U.T.Uurpb7. t
- ' - ln. reliable , cnemeilc
men ns special agents , W. F. Allen ,
General Agent Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany of Now York , No. S15 South Uth street.
UjlOU paid nor month to men to sell our goods.
P D. W. McLane it Co. , Burlington , Iowa.
6'JflJyg *
\\fANTKD-A man of good education to act
T T as traveling salesman with n flrst-olno
house. Must be able to give iccurltr. Box 709 ,
Omaha. 138 J 18 ]
WANTED-A good woman cook nt 012 Doug
las st. 127
i y ANTED-Good girl at 1707 Cass et.
WANTED-A good cook and Inundrobi at
T > Mrs. A. M. Vntos , 114 3. 21th 8t 13'j 11 *
IXfANTlJI ) Cook and second K'rl ' for same
T > family In city , $ i ) and ( IS. Nlco cook for
wo , WO , laundress , $ : IO. Hood strong Klrls in
oardlnv house 12.1. Dining room plrls and
ny amount of ulcu places In private families.
iIrs.llrcKa.aiO 8 15th. 12410 *
WANTn dmlnir room slrls for Norfolk. 1
dlnlnir room Kirl for Auburn. Neb , peed
raitcs , (1 ( dining room Klrls for city , 4 dlshwash-
rs. 1 toro keeper for hotel , 2 lady clerks-
Iris for ice vroain parlors , IUO Klrls tor Kenonil
iou ework. Omaha Employment llureau.ll'j
nnthst. Crounsoblk. 11V 11
GIH1.S , vliy do you tramp nround the city to
dud places to work when you can wain up
o our olllce and tnku your oholou out of 50
oed places in llrst cln families. Don't for-
. et the place , Oninlm Employment Ilureau , 119
N.lf.tnst. 11811
WANTCD A peed plrl for peneral house
work In small family. Mrs. L. J , Ncdd ,
IIS. 18th st. 10211
\\7ANTKD-A first-class laundress , cor 14th
M and Howard. Summer Unrdon , peed
'apes ' paid. Wl 11J
\\MNTED-GooJ family sowing girl , rcfor-
' * encos required , apply 1020 Cntlmrlnc
trect. li o 10
WANTIID-Oood cook ntNW cor 20th and
Luiivunworth. IWO 10
\\rANTIJD Servant girl or woman to conic
' dally and do chamber work. WJ Howard
t. li 311
> Good glil for pnneral houio-
work , smnll family , 1W8 Farnnm. '
WANTRKD 8 dressmakers , nlso 2 nppreiv
ticcs at MI.-I3 Mlnnlck'a , li.'J S 15th.W
W ! 11 J
V\7ANTii-Oood ; plrl for penernl housework ,
T Imjulro , 2511 at , Mary's ave , or 600 So ,
13th 8U ML !
PANTICD A plrl to do plain cnnklmr nnd
nnd general house work at 42. ) N 15th st ,
044 10J
TV"ANTEI ) Good stronur plrl for general
T housework , no washing , pond wnpo- ) .
peed home , for the right girl , 41 S 20th. Call
botH ecn 1 and 3. 951 lllj.
AV 1ANTED-A girl In n private family , ; 81S
Howard at. U54 11J
WANTKO-Smnrt girl about IB yean old to
run button hole mnchlno. Cantloli !
Mfg Co.VJ03 Douglas st 3d floor. 018 llj
WANTED At once n good gtrl to do gen
eral housework , call at 2J1U Fnrnam st.
bH. ) 11 *
AV ANTKD Dishwasher and second prlrl nl
Jacob Mll.or's , 1004 N. llith. 702
AA JANTKD Two peed girls for cook nnd second
end wont , Good wngcs at 2427 Dodpo st.
\\7"ANTF.D Good wnpcs to n good gin. 014 S
TT 17th st. Mis. W. M. DuBhman. 681
WANTED To meet demand for competent
boOK-keoper. * . 1 will Instruct three per
sons and wait for half pay until situations an
furnished. J. B. Smith , 11)13 ) Chicago st. 720 11
WANTKL ) Host of wapoa paid to a compo
tnnt cook and laundress. Mrs. J. M
Thurston , 2308 Farnnm. 7P6
\ \ 7ACTii-Good : second ptrl at COS Virglnii
avo. Good wages paid. C4J
WANTED A good German or Bohomiat
girl for general housework. Aporma
nent place and good wages. Apply , Iramedl
nteJy , nt720 8 S3d St. , corner of Leavonworth
TVTANTKO-Lndy book-keeper at II. P
TT Meat Market Uth st , near Webster.
TSTANTKD Ladies to work for us nt tneli
TT own names ; 87 to 10 per week can b (
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass
Ing. For full particulars please address at
once Crescent Art Co. , 1U Central it. . Boston
Muss , Uox.5170. 902Jo 15 *
T\7ANTED lly American lady , situation a
' housekeeper , companion or nnyposltloi
of trust. Itof cronccs exchanged. Call or ad
dress , & n. N. 202J , Capitol ave , Omaha.
910 H
WANTED- young lady accurate in flR
uros , a position as double entry book
keeper , wholesale house preferred. Box 848
Sioux City , Iowa. 831 10 >
" \\7ANTED Situation ns bookkcopor.accoun
TT ant or cashier. 10 years experience n
offlco work. Address J. M. Ilubbard , 2010 Call
fornla st 05 ? 11 ]
'ANTED Situation ns assistant clcra o
W bookkeeper. Will make himself genei
orally useful. Address S. 22 , Boo olllco.
WW b70 10 *
W I ANTED Position In clothing house. Ir
quire 520 8 13th St. 109 12 *
WANTED Situation in n hardware or lir
plemont store by young man strictl
temperate. 8 20 Bee olnco , 027 14 ]
WANTED-Sltuatlon ns ntrnvellngsalesma
In northern Nebraska by n man paste
In tobacco nnd grocery trade. Address W. C
Bee office , Omaha. 7 2 10J
\\rANTED-Bv a competent person , sltui
TT tlon as housekeeper ; retoronco oj
changed. Address B18 , Bee. 81712 *
WANTED For cnsh.O or 7 room cottage nn
lot in good condition nnd pleasant lact
tlon. Address 8 30 , Boo oflloo. 140 11 *
\\7'ANTl'.D-2 unfurnished rooms or one fui
T v nlshod , where no quostlous nro nskod. Ai
dross S 31 , lleo olllco. 137 13 *
WANTED A bouse and lot or good bulk
Ing lot near High school. Address 8 3
Beiolltcu. 130 1
WANTEU-Furnlshod room for twopentli
men. Cost of references. Address
S3 Boo olllco. 131 13
WANTED A good drivinghoree , whlch-wi
bo taken as cnsh payment on a lot Pn
terson Bros , , lioom 21 hren/.or Block. 120 U
W ANTED-1 or 2 unfurnUhod rooms , cor
trnl location , with board or near boari
ing place , for gentleman nnd wife. Addrea
2110 Haruey at. VJ3 10 |
"ISTANTED Two rooms with board or noa
TT good boarding place about July 8th , fo
gentleman nnd daughter , will furnish on
room , good neighborhood , within 2 blocks o
oar line , private family preferred , charge
moderate. Itefcrenoos exchanged. Addrcs
S14 , care Bee office. 7u3
RANTED Tenma for rnilrond work. A
brlght'a Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm. 7 <
WAN - boarders at 1812 Chlcatro 718-10 * si
l7"ANTEl-To buy 8 houses which can bo r
T moved. A. F , Maync , 14'Jd Dodge- m
ANTF.D 2 or U horse power engine , 2n
W band. Apply at Mlllard hotel oinoe. 4 <
WANTED Two seated carrmgo suitable fo
real tativto buslncaj. U. F. Harrlsor
418 8 1Mb st 677
FOK RK.NT A good paying blackimltl
wnjoQ und paint shop at llliing City. Ncl
Apply P. B. Gainer , UUIng City , Neb. 10013J
FOK HIINT Part of toro or offlco room. li
qulro at 1211 Douglas It. ' 013
TGVmKENT 7 room Hat 110 per month , 15 !
X ? worth of furniture for (3rd , Includln
runt to Julylsttroomanreniw rented.tirlui'ln
$92 per month. 15 etoady boarders. Co-open
tire Land and LotCo..2U5 N Ittth st. 116 i ;
FOR UK N'T 7 new 0-room bouses , cells
well , hall , closeti oto. , 1U miles nortuwe
of postoffiuo , 3 blocki to street cars , 12 * to f ;
per month. Gregory & Uadley , llootni l and
8M 815th It 850
OR KENT 3 room brlcx home with has
meut In Omaha View , | U per mouth. ,
F.Hammond. 117818th It 110
FOH KENT Furnished cottage of 5 rooms i
11A1 N 18th it , on street car. 949 llj
TTWll ItBNT-Two Mores on N 18tb ( t No. 10
J ? and 1018. tesiO
KENT Ono new 7 room bouie ntuau
on the o * oor King and CoStuaa itrott
PAtriok Brgi roomITlrllngton ilk , i t li )
FOnnCNT-ThroeroomlfcAa , 11MJ5 S 7th
it 315
FOK KENT Good barn , suitable for four
horses. Inquire at 017 IJtu st. ( U )
T710K KENT Ilnscmcnt well lighted and dry
L1 1013 Howard st , Inquire of Slm\v A Co. ,
10810th. ] } 1-89
IthM'-Bnrn. Mil California.
KENT-3 room house Srlth barn , well ,
cellar , etc. , on Loavonworth , neur 39th.
pltko. 1813 Howard. VM 10
moil llENT-3-roora houac , 703 PaclQo.
neil KENT-Brlok yardMurray. .
IIKNT Store nnd eecond floor on cor
FOH and Marcy it. Inquire of Mrs. F.
, nngo , COS S 13th. 839
[ 7UW KENT Three room house , 7091J PaciQo.
" For Rent Six room house , 1108 8 7th ,
'or Rent-Three room house , 1015 N20th 633
KENT Window , good locality for tow
FOK or real ostato. Apply to 3g3 n l h.
ItENT-Mco room , furnished , near
street car All conveniences. Cheap.
Apply 2520 Douglas st. OT7 II
F OK KENT An elegantly furnished , suite of
front rooms for two gcntlcmtn or man
nnd wife , 1718 Dodge st. 100 11
I71 OR ItENT Furnished room. .1912 Dodge.
KENT Handsome , furnished front
FOIl , bath , btc. , tl. , 2211 Sonnrd st.
770-11 ]
FOR KENT Very plcnsnnt room forl gentle
man near bustiics" , VHS , bath and all con
veniences , prlvntc family , 1H15 Capitol ave ,
BVi 10J
TTIOK HEN' ! ' 2 niroly furnl hed front rooms ,
JL1 with board. Terms moderate. 2011 Hurt
street. 752-11 *
KENT Ware room cor. Win nnd Cnll-
Ifornln on Bolt Line , lor particulars 011-
julro at Union Nat bunk. 184
FOK KENT Largo front room with alcove ,
Nlcelv furnished , suitable for two gentle
men , 2421 Dodge M. 7U3 llj
HUNT-Furnished rooms at 181B Dodge at
88J 111 *
Fdll HUNT Two furni'hed rooms , prlvatr
family , 5 each , 2101 Howard et. H40 llj
HUNT Two nicely turnlehcd front
rooms for gentleman and wife or gentle
men. 1503 Cnss at , BW 11J _
FOR KENT Ono or two furnished rooms ,
2117 Harnoy street. 1X14 12 |
FOK KENT Front roomsconnoctod ( ) suitable
for friends. Fine location , 2123 I'tunnm st ,
P70 11 J
FOH REST A pleasant newly furnished out-
side room In north upper lint Karhntig !
block 15th and Howard. Uetoronccs loqulrcd ,
ItENT Nicely furnished front room
suitable for two gentlemen , 2511 St. Mary' ;
nvo. Ut > )
KENT Furnished room nnd honrd , 32 (
FOH 15th St. 803 12'
FOK KENT Pleasant furnished rooms wltl
use of bath rooms , terms reusnnablo 821
Sinth. . 817 llj
FOR RENT Wegant rooms , furniture nm
house now , ovorv modern convenience
17W Dodge street. Kefcreriees required.
3,1 t5fl 13
FOK KENT South front room , good nolgh
borhood , first-class tnbl for two , gentle
mnn preferred , References required. Addrosi
8.31. ' OSS 13
IIKNT Two pleasantly'furnlshod roomi
wltn board at 1U14 1'arnam. 123 12J
nnd room with nil faodorn convent
BOARD , 708 S 18th st. i , 115 15 *
1J1OII KENT-Oillco2ndlloor,31fl 8 15th. st
J3 price $10. r 113
TfTlOK KENT-0 rooms 70'J Pacific street.
HUNT n rooms in n Oat oor 20th nm
Nlcholcs st. „ . 112
71011 KENT Furnished rooms , on auito 01
single , with modern conveniences. liefer
oncos exchanged. 310 , N. 15th st 850 10 ]
Dralrnblotinfurnlshod roomi
FOiritENT f or offlou or sleeping rooms , iili
815th st P7
FOK KENT-Slcoly furnished rooms cheap
G0fl South 18th street , Upstairs. 935
T710U KENT Large hnndsotnoly furnishoc
JJ southeast room with bonrd In private rest
donee tor man and wifeor gentlemen. AI
modern convenience ! . Address 8 0 Bou olllco
894 10J
T710R KENT-Nowly furnished front sittlnt
X ? . nnd bedroom Bultnblo for two gentlemen
With nil modern conveniences ; price $25. Mrs
Mitchell. tb22M St Mary's ave , top Hat , rlgh
hand sldo. 878 10J
FOK RENT Furnished front room , uns , bntl
first class board. 621 Pleasant st. 8'JO ' 14
KKNT Two suites furnished room
suitable for tour Bontlomon,111 South 2Utl
b 7 10 ]
FOK RENT Furnished room nt 1812 Clilengi
st. Also day boarders. 873 OJ
T710K SENT-Dosk room. Enquire Young t
-L1 Blackman , 214 815th St. 640
FOK WENT Three room house west of Nortl
llth st , between Chicago and Cass. 6'.B
FOR llENT-Otliues In Hollman building cur
Farnam and Itlth sts. . In suites or singly
For prices , diagrams and Information apply tc
B.A , Slotnun , 1513 Farnam at , Hoom 2.
FO RRNT-Dosk room A. P. Tukoy 135
Fa mnnjt. 673.
OK RENT Nino-room flat centrally located
310 S Uth , 877
TTIOK RENT An elegant front room with o
JJ without board. Address , B. 17 , Bee.
FOR HKNT-Lurgo basement on Fnrnum St
Bcnawa&Co. 93410
> OR RENT Lnrgobajemonton FnrnamSI
Bonawa & Co : . J24 10
TTtOK HENT-NIco furnished room. 2025 FaiT
-T num. 065
FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms. 171
Cass st. 005 yj
KKNT Nicely furnished room. 18J
Dodge at. 110
Tj > OR KENT 4 furnished rooms for house
X1 keeping on ground floor , closets and cellni
water convenient , { 25 per mouth , 710 N. 171
street. 0299 *
FOR RENT Largo room , newly furnished
with board , 2210 Farnam. t37 * 12 *
FOH HUNT Elegantly furnished front par
lor. Ill B. 18th near Dodgn , 031 13 ]
fi'OK RENT Furnished anil unfnrnlabc
J-rooms in ( iruonlR block'j-orner 13th an
Dodtro. Dnvls & ; Hcthoringau , Millurd hot (
billiard room. , f H14
COR RENT-Pnrt of ofucs room. Inquire t
E 1212 Douglns st is U13
FOK KENT Furnished room for ono or tw
gentlemen. Terms lowVK ) " llnrnoy s
009 10 ]
FOR RENT Two finely furalilind rooms , nu <
house , % 214 Farnara sit oct. Wa 13 ]
FOR HENT Ono nicely T'furnlsliod ' larg
front room , No. 1703 California , lultabl
for two gentlemen. t v 71410 ]
OR RENT Eleuant aulto of rooms , reforei
CPS required , 1607 Dougln/t. } 301
I OK KENT Largo baiorndiH on Farnam S
llcnawn ft Co. iix 9.4 10
T710R RENT A furnished frAai room an
X ; board for two eontlotnqri ftt 1 > - * ' Uodgo a
] I OR RENT Eleven nlco uoturnlshed slooi
Ing rooms. Separate or all together , I
bullaing 318 3 15th st. i)75 )
FOR RENT 2 store rooms in best olty c
4,000 population In Nebraska ; ! ) new ral
roads now building to it Harrison , Ambler
Woolloy , 418 S. 15th at.Omaha , Nob.
435 ] 13
T710U ItENT Desk room , first off ! oe to lei
-L over Merchants National bank. 824
FOR SALH-Or trade , 25 lota tn tbo wester
part of Omaha near tbo Ilonson car Inn
price 400 ouch , (250 duo on contracts paynbl
In 8 quarterly pnymenta , will trade Interest I
contracts for Nouraikn land. MoCulloch & Co
1609 Farnam tt. 1000
EAST front In Klrkwood , 11,250. Orahai
Cralgbton blk. 871 U
Xji0R SALE Lota In Hammond Place , Bout
JOmtka. . on ap , Straailaad * Urien , U
S. 15th It. , room L M3 U
Tt'ALLACn , Investment RRdnt. lloom 8 < {
T Crclghton block , offers the following
lornorof State st and Boulevard avo. . . . $ 3,000
Lot 4 block A Bedford cast front on Ettte
nnd a benutlttil lot
32 feet on Stnto by 1(00 ( feet on Bristol , B
fine lot on which to build a dozen
houses , 8,000
Thirty lots on the Military road In Clifton
hill and linker place each 1500 to COO
63 teet frontngo on Military road jtut beyond -
yond Holt line bride , torn a rttnno. . . l.WO
Two to feet Ironts on Hamilton
ng lots 6 nnd C , blk 3 , Orchard hill , for
both , 3.250
south front lots on Bristol onch , UW )
, ot 2 block 4 Klrkwood 8 > WO
Uxl31 nortwest cnr Grant nnd 2 th et ,
excellent place for 4 toe houses 1.000
< ot 13 blk 2 , Hawthorne , very fine J. > 0
ots 21 nnd 22 block 8 , llnwthorne , cnch 1.400
ot2tilock4 , Hawthorne 1-3W
jot 6 block 6. Hawthorne J.1
x > tBblock2 Creston J.-W
Lot20 Slock20 , Hanscom I'lnce , n 8nnp 1,300
\ tlno house In Roddick's subdivision , lot
75x140 oust front nnd corner good ut. , 12.070
LotslnThornburgnt , . X )
Five ncreaIn city llmlls , nnd lying well , fS.SOi ) .
5 cnsh , bnlnnco In four nnaunl payments.
: -ots In the vicinity nro selling for J20tto ) $250.
; altasonnd t o clegnnt east front lots
In Walnut Hill. . . . 3.000
50 feet south fronton Farnam In Brljriw
Place , \oryprotly lot - , S.rOJ
Wallace , Inveitmont Agent , Crclghton Block.
125 11
CTEVEN8 BROS. . 1513 Farnam st , oiler the
follow Ing special bargains :
Hiisnioas Property.
nundors st , lxHO 7
launders el , 110x110 , improved
> edge st , 44 ft .
'nrnam st , 44 ft , Improved Ni.uoo
J'nrnnm st , 6fl ft , corner 22.WO
j'nrnam st , 83 ft , Improved WWW
Donglns st,2J tt , Improved 22KK ( )
DoUKlasat , 44 ft , Improved 2t'iCOJ
: Iarney st , 4choice lots
'niiltol nvocorner 15.000
nthst.onp. M. P. Depot.BOft 13.010
Ifilh st. fiOxV ) fi.rOJ
13th st corner 100x150 RUM
'OthstCflxUO Improved 0,000
Residence Lots.
nundorsst. " > lots
I'lulnvluw 15 lota
Patrick nvo 60x127 2WO
Virginia nvo l , : w
Spring st 2,500
[ , ewe nvo 1,050
10 lots facing Ilnncom Pnrk
JO lots In llnnscom Plnco
WJlols In all parts ot the city
Yes , wo have them In nil parts of the
city at all kinds of prices and terms
lromiioO to 45,000
110 acres Inside the city llmlti. Cnll for prices
Acres In West Omaha nnd dllleront pnrts of
the city. Stevens Hrog. 129 12
TTIOll SALU-Lot 11 block llr Rood's 1st ndd.
Jwith ono 8-room house nnd ono 12-room
house , now , Just completed ; good well , cistern
nnd outhouHPS anent on grndo , lot (10x127. (
Price $7WW ; this Is n cheap piece of property
nnd money In It. Call for tcrnii. K. T. Gadd &
Son . 1625 Fnrnnm at. 133
/"CORNER on Cummgs bt , in Carthage , $1 , < JOO.
\J Graham. 872 11
TflORTY-TWO feet on State street $750
-E Full lot In Pnunders & Ilnnobiuigh's ndd 475
Two oed lots In Meyers , 1C. & T. ndd , onch. 750
H.E. cor. In lloyd'B 850
Trnckngo In Pnddock Plnco , cheap
Room 28 , Puxton building.
FINE lot on Lake et just cast of Suilnders st.
$ 'Ji00. ! Grnhnm , Crelgbton blk. ST2 U
A P. TUKEY , 1321 Fnrnnm at , makes Investments -
vestments for non-residents a specialty
wltheuntantcod Interest or shara ot profits ,
nnd takes full chnrgo of property ; reference
given. 3i'a '
rPHE PntrlcK Farm and Conkllng Place.
J-Query : what hns the Pntrluk Farm got to
do with Conkllng Place ? Answer ; It Joins
Conkling Place on the west and north , and
practically aurrounds It , and the owners of the
Patrick Farm will grndo ttnd pave the streets ,
build 4 Orst-clais brick residences on every
half block , nnd will put water , ens nnd sewer-
ugo In the addition , nnd will commence work
on their cnblo line within 21 houra nftor their
f rnnchiso Is voted next Mondny. There will bo
n "city" ndjolnlng Conkllng Plnco on this farm
with n cable line to It running along three sides
ot Conkllng Plnco. What is the moral ? It Is
tnls : Conkllng Place Is the handsomest , best
located and most accessible property in the
western portion of the city , and is vary cheap
now , only $ " > V ) to $750 for corners , and $500 to
( i > 50 for Inside lots , und affords , both buyer
for Improvement and speculation , the best
advantages for a homo and surest prolltB ol
any property or investment before the publlo
to-day. The Improvement of the Patrick Farm
nnd rapid transportation thereto , will make
Conkllmr Place lots very desirable , and they
will go up with a rush. Wo have In a quiet son
of a way , sold M of these lots to representative
cltUons of Omaha nnd Knnsns City , nnd Imvc
loft 110 Tory choice lota to offer at present
prices until July 1st. One-tilth cnsn , bnlnnco In
6 equal eoml-nnnual pnymentsnt H per cent Foi
further particulars cull upon or address J. A.
Grltnth. aolo agent , rooms"0 and 21 , Hollmat
Building , 13th and Fnrnam. 883
G OOD lot on Charles at $1,769 , (810 cash.
Graham.Crolghton blk. 872 11
IF yon have property in or near Hanscorr
Place to sell at a bargain leave It wltc
Stangland & Larson. 316 B. 15th st , Hoom 1.
033 10
FOR BALE Lot 3 and 4 , block 11 , Hnnscorr
Place , east front on Park avo. . 100x150
there Is no better property on Park avo. .and
this can bo had at a low figure If taken at once ,
Come nnd see about It. K. T. QadU & Son. , 152 :
Farnnm st 13J
mHIHTEEN lots In Clovordalo for trndo 01
-L sale on easy torms. Graham Crolghton bin
FOIl HA LE-Atn bargain , new store bulldlnt
and good business lot on Bellevue Btreet
nt the Intersection or South Omaha with th (
city. Prlcol. 50t only ? 00 cash , balance 1 , :
nnd 3 years. This 1s a splendid place fornlmosi
any kind of retail business. Goo. N. Hicks , 21 !
South liitn street 907 13
CHEAP LOTS You can make money on out
Cheap Lots on the valley north of town ,
1150 to 1375. Cotno and see them. Boggs It Hill ,
SPECIAL Bargain until Juno 15th. now six
room house , pantry , closets , cellar , barn
300 bbl cistern. In Omaha View , very sightly
Price. 13,000. Cash , $ 'tOJ , bal. (25 per month
Hammond St Gibson , 1514 Douglas6t. 85411
ELKOANTloton Georgia ave , near Wool
worthJGOO. Graham , Crolghton blk.
872 11
SEEotir cheap list
fldxlM , n corner on 13th st I 7,001
100x133 , u corner on lilthst 13,001
116x132. a corner on Jones st 23,001
132xl3s , n corner on 8 llth st , ' >
CGxl32n corner on Cumlnirst 20,001
G.T/xKM on Sounders st 5,501
2 h front lots in Hawthorne ndd il,00 <
2 lots In Buknr Place , for both 801
T5x102 and a Urnom cottage on ISttist. . . 3,001
MuGavockdt O'Connor , 310South 13th st
LOT In Nelson's add , A3 ft east front Jus
north of Cumin ? at , 13,200 , ! i cash. Gra
ham , Crclghton blk. 872 11
AKLTNGTON JTIne1 south front lot. $1,200
12 lots In Bedford Plnce. 20 lots in lloyd'i
add , 10 lots In Merer * , Itlohurds A ; Tlldon'a add
eoornl lots In Ilronnan PlaceBurr Onk , llrlgga
Plnco , Brown park , linker Place , Creston , Cnrt
hniro. Conkllng Place , Clifton Hill , Crclghtoi
Height * , Clovcrdule , Cotulpa Place , Clevolunc
Place , Douglas ndd , Drake's ndd , Donmni
Plnco , FairmontHanscora Place , Hillside No. 2
Hlllsldo No. a , Hartman'g add. Highland park
Hitchcock's , 60 feet fronton North inth street
north of Nicholas , st , south fron
corner on 28th and Cnpuol nvo , 60x135 for 12. too
Lots In Jororao pnrk. Kllby Place , KlrKwood
Kount o Tluce , - Kotmt/e St Uuth's add.
KounUo's 2nd , Kounue's 3rd , Kountzo'a 4tl
sup. , Lake's add. , nlco corner WxllS in Lowo' :
add. , { 1,000 south front Fine south front Ir
roster's add. , ( x-,300. OnoBOtt. south front lo
on Doeatur at. in Itecd's Crd for (1,100. Lot
In nil of the best additions In and to Omaha
Wo have or.o of the best nnd largest lists o :
good property to bo found in the city.
A good 8 room house No. 2517 Poppleton ave
that must bo sold , und would Ilketo get njrooi
reasonable otfer from someone ; Una place cat
bo bought right , We have n very completi
list of residence property too largo to enuinei
ale. Qivo UH a ball if you uro looklnir ior ai
Investment F. F. . Williams It Co. , IGth am
Chicago sts , near Douglas county bank. 8G
front lot In Patrick's add ono bl
west of Saundora , 12,200 , { 150 cash. ( Irahai
Crolgliton bit 72 11
TWENTY acre * for sale on W. Dodge st ,
(1,500. W. L. Sclby , 1521 Farnom.
036 13
FOIt SALE 4 sections of ncl worth to p
acre. Will sell for $4 If taken at once
Harrison , Ambler & Woolley , 418 H. 1Mb at
Omaha , Nob. 4MJ13
rpEN dollars cnsh payment will secure a lot < i
JL Pnttcrson Bros. , Itoorail Frcnzcr Itlocl
' 12--J1
\\7K Can toll for a tow dayi only
Lot 11W Glso's addition for ,400.
Lot 71 Glto'A addition , IH..TW.
Block 1 Boyd'i addition , S5.WO.
One-thl rd caih. balance 1,2 and 3 years.
Itomlngton & McCoruilck , 230 SoutB 15th st
/ ORNEK lot In Parker'9 add. Good fc
W building cottage * , $3,500. Graham , Crclgl
ton block. 872 11
/ VNE Hundred houses for lalo ; terms and It
\J cation to fuit everybody , lota In all parts c
city , cro . John Oalugbcr , 317 South I3th i
GOOD inuth iront lot on Hurt t , ? 300
Graliam , . U
" . South Omaha , 8 beautiful loll , ono n
corner , in Kxonnngp Place , right in the vicinity
of nil the largo ontnbllshmcnts , house * nil
nbout them. $ S,7X1 ( for the the throe , or $ WO
each for Inildo , $ P50 for corner.
Lota V , 10 , U nnd li. block , H. E , Rogers'
Add. , corner 10th nnd Doreai strootn , $1W per
front foot If lold together , If fold otmrntoly
$100 per front foot for inside , and $110 per
front foot for corner , on which there Is n 4-
room housn
21 percent on Investment , business property
In Houth Omaha , price * 7'WO cnjli , rents for
Traile Will trndo n full mnchlno fhop for
Improved or unimproved property nl a bar
Two 0-rootn houses for enle , to bo removed
before October , bet 1Mb nnd 13th ts , ou Far-
Improved nnd unimproved property In nil
parts of the city. In nddltlou to my own
I'Xtenslvo list 1 have as n member of the Ne
braska Real Kstato Exehanpo access to the lists
of 118 other real estnto firms In the
olty , nil of whose properties I hnvo
indexed and available , consequently
In whatever local'ty you may drslro to
purchase It will bo next to impossible to mis ;
finding .lust what you want. J. T. Hammond ,
117 South lilth St. Wl
KEAD Blackburn & Kennedy's list of choice
Investments below and then go to their
olllco and let them glvo you terms nnd show
you property. Ono double corner In Highland
i'lacc , south and east front ( one-half ncre ) .
b'oventy-llve by ono hundied nnd forty ft north
of Lcn\en orth In J. 1. Ilcdlok'a sub , only
$1,000. 4 lots In llnrnoy Piaco only $4nu , hlirh
nnd sightly. Two lots In Clifton Hill , blocii 12 ,
fTOil cnch , email caMi payments. U lots In
L'rolchton Heights near boulevard. One lot on
liiiko st , only $ iV > 0. Two double corner , ( l lotslln
Hitchcock's ndd.ntust bo sold than stir-
round In if lots nro Belling for. 2 lots In old Am
bler Plnco , north nnd enst fronts , these are put
on thn mnrket in owner must have money and
muit bo sold at less than their worth. Ton new
mines nonily completed , on s mill I cnsh tiny-
mcntannd monthly payments , In the mo t
sightly nddltlnn to the olty. Ono fine corner on
Davenport , lo"-- * than one mile from postolTlce ,
forl,500 less than it Is worth. If you want n
plnco to live look nt this. Dlnckburn A Ken-
icily. 3K1 S 15th st. flS5 10
1OEDICK PARK hns elty wutor.380 maple nnd
-1A elm trees , 45 residences under contract to
: nilld , none of which shall cost less thnn $1.200.
Its stroeta are graded and turnplktnt. It Is
within thu old city limits opposite KounUe
I'lttoo and ncces able from either Snnnders or
State streets. We have u few lots left In this
addition wlncl , wo will offer to nome Beckers
upon very favornblo terms.
Wo nlso offor-
100 ft fronting Hnnscom Park , $0,000. H to ! i
Cor. 100x150. Georgia .nvo , $5,000 , $2,000 cash.
Full lot and 7-room house in excellent condi
tion , Parker's add , $3,500.
Cor. . Mxl32 , Improved , 8 llth near v'nduct ' ,
Kvory ono of those pieces nro worthy of ox-
nmlnntlon. For part loulurs cull on or address
Mend It JnmluEOUSolo Agents ,
318 815th St.
1)81 )
OT 10 , block E , Lowe's add. , tl-00 , ( { cash ,
1 tirahnm , Crolghton block , 8 ? " 11
ft lot Inside ot the ono mile
S limit. f3,8oo. Worth f4MW of any ntnn'i
money. Good 0 room houeo on Poiipleton ave ,
n splendid homo for somebody. Call and get
price nnd terms. 20 lots In lledford Place , 40
lots In Meyers , KIchards A Illdon's add. 15 Ir.ta
In lloyd's add , HO lots In Orchard Hill add , n lots
In Drown Park at n bargain. 2 lota In Walnut
Hill , tlno trackage nt 11,000 each. 1 fine south
front lot In Foster's add (2i)00. ) A good n room
house with basement , collar , cistern , wcll.barn
etc. , K blocks from the red car line , for f2,60U ,
one-third cash and the balance In 1,2 nnd J
years. This place la very cheap , and ought tc
bo taken nt once nt this price. We have about
ono hundred houses nnd lots tor snlo on vorj
easy terms .and ono of the largest lists ot proi > -
orty in Omahix. ( llvo us n enlu F. F. Williams
& Co. , lot and Chloago st. , near Douglas Co ,
bank , C83
IMMEDIATE sale will take Blots or los * only
6 or B blocks from Exchange bid and
Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen
houses under contract In snino block. Iwant
what they nro worth. I don't wnnt fancy prloes
I want to sell quickly. U. 11. Branch. 122
llAHOAIN-Ono hundred foot front on
BIG Eleventh st , corner lot , only S&,000.
Forton tlmo. V. L. Vodlcka , 520 South 13th st.
WH. QUEEN , 215 S , 13th St. , offers the fol
lowing bargains :
7 beautiful lots aixVO to 10 foot nlloy ot
Lenvenworth it. , corner ot 20th at. This Is tin
best aud cheapest business property on th <
Lot 99x120 , east front on B. 10th at. Ono of
the finest on the St. , $11,500 ; easy termi.
One of the finest residence lots In Olark add.
04x128 , 6.400.
Cor. of Leavonworth nnd 2.1th ave. , 144W or
Lcnvcnworth and 128i ! on 25th. Great bar
gain , 132,000.
Drown Park and South Omaha loll from S4X (
to 11,000. W. IL Green , 215 S. 13th it 711
/"INE hundred and twenty-six feet on Saundcn
\J St.,1100 per foot. dralmrn.Crolguton block
872 11
SELECTS , are tne carefully listed bargains
hunted down by Cake & Billings. Our earn
pie case :
Blots with 2 housoi.J. T. Bodlck'l tub , onlj
block from street cor line , 103x14) tt on S
streets , big money hero for you.
lleauty of Dartlett , fruit trees , fine view
onlyfl.600 cash needed.
Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market
Comn , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15tb , and
we'll make It pleasant and profitable for you.
TIHE Apple of My Eyo"bomo only M block oC
St. Mary's nvo oar line , convenient to bust
ness , built "not for n day but for all time. "
Uarpams In business property.
List with us for wo put thorn where they koor
hot. Cake & Billings ever 101 South 15th at.
TTNTlLJuly 1st I offer my 65 foot east f rontoi
U Fnlrvlew street by 130 feet deep to n 16-foot
alley In Clarke's addition , % block north of St
Mary's avenue , bamg lot 5. and south 21 foot o
lot 4at | 15'J per front foot$5,00 ] cash.balanco li
1 and 2 years at 8 per cent. It not sold by tha
date ulll bo permanently withdrawn from the
market and improved. This la the handsomos
lot In the city fora strictly first-class residence
1'artlea in sottrou of something extra fine upoi
which to build nn elegant residence nro re
Rpectfully requested to look nt this property
J. A. Griffith , Hellmnn Dulldlnff , 13th and Fai
num. 01)9 )
FTIHREi : lots Just across Kelt line , 62x140 fen
X on military road , 1WX ) each , Graham
Crolghton block. 872 U
FOIl SALC-lly Show Ac Co. ,
610 S 10th St.
Houses and lots In all parts of tha city. Yoi
can't afford to runt when you know the pnc <
and terms of this class of property.
On Georgia nvenuo MO hove a largo plooo o
ground for sale at less than Its value. It li
worth looking at If you nrnnt a nlco rosldenci
Lots for palo In different pnrts of thcclty.nm
you are sure to mnko money by dealing wltl
us. We are headquarters for safe Investments
FOH SALE Kent or trndc , five-room cottng <
In Pnulsen's addition , Ton-room hous' '
nnd three lots In Ludwlck plnco , and othe
property. L. V. Crum , 120 K. 15th Et. 40tl
ONE lot adjoining Central Purs , epoclal bar
gain , small cash payment.
5-roomcd hones In 1'aulscn'n add , now , basnl
the outbuildings , Ac. , $2,003 ; tKUcusli.iril ever ,
CO days : at B per cent.
Lots a nnd 4 , llior.ktt Mt Pleasant. f.VW ; flO
cash , bal (10 nor month. Lot 7 In Ulock 5 , lot
1U block 6 , (550 each ; f 125 Lash , each. (10 pe
Lot2ablk3Maynn'9Placo , 13,000 , f.uO cash
(400 In 4 months , bal 1 and 2 years.
UH 7 block 3 Ambler Place.IAW.ono-lmlf case
bnl to stilt. This Is u special bargain.
K-roomod house In Lowo's addition with barr
&c. , (2,150 , (1,200 cash , bnl 1 , 2 anil U years , fu
lot.C .
roomed house with full lot , W 111 aud Chlcn
go. $ ' yi , ( i5 ; cash , bil ( ! 5 per month .
U-roumed hnute with all modern Improve
raents , In Idluwlld , $5,000 , 11,600 cash , bal 1 ,
and 3 years.
roomed house In Fojtor's addition , a co
lot , all modern Improvements , (5,250 , ? ! ,
CHsh , bal 1 , 2 and a years.
Nowlt-roomeU house , modern improvrmcnti
out houses , fence , A.C. . Donlso's add ,
terms to suit. Park , Fowler 4 Kcnntird , 15"
Knrnara. 721 11
FOIl SALE A fine farm of ICO' acres. c < t
closed with 3 wire fence , il ! ) net's undo
cultivation , 11 acres of ash trees in thrift
growing condition , price 110 per acre , term
ciiy. O'hle offer good for thirty days unlj
Address Clias. II. Wilson , Oxford , 1'urnns com
ty , Nob. B7.IJy8
SALE A lot of choice fresh cows f roi
lown will trade for fat cows. Kitabroo
yards , 10th ana Capitol avenue. W. M. lloylt ;
978 II'
WE K ME N ! fcffiil. '
til nq | ft m r WKSl' m >
MhU lp citc pulpci , Ceil Or I. ( Ir-
l t * . . . . _ > , mild. toothlBf nrrati of
Ur dlrtcUUxroufk U > i > k c
.la b4llh * B < i Vioram
Hot ( Mill ! ) tut.
Worn by nil the leading Kngllsu and Ameri
can Tennis 1'lnycrs. Trice , to M each i Caps
to match , (1 ; Coat and Cnp , ? < V Slllt TctmU
Celts , (1 each. Flannel Tcuuls Uniforms
Made to Order. Tennis Shoes , TctmU Nets ,
Tennis Poles , Spnldlng's Kcgulnllon nnd
Wright & Dltson's Adopted Tennis Halls.
Cedar Handle Tennis 1UU from tffi > 0 to $0.00
| 3T"Tho special attention of Tennis play
ers Is called to
the finest tennis bat made.
1U12 Douglas Street.
1'roclnmntion and Election Notice.
Juno 3 , lbS7. Hyi virtue of the authority In
mo vested , I , William J. liroatch , Mayor of
the City of Umnha , do hereby proclaim to the
( lunllllud voters of said city , nnd the re
spective wards thereof , nnd vutlntr districts
therein , Hint on Monday , the liith day of
June , A. 1) . ISS7 , n special election In snld
City of Omaha will bo held nt the following
places In snld citv , to-wlt :
Voting District No. l-At S. W. Cor.
Tenth and Jones.
Votlns District No. 2 At N. E. Cor.
blxth and Pleico.
VotliiK District No. 3-At Eleventh St. No ,
4 Engine House.
Voting District No. l-At 8. W. Cor.
Sixteenth nnd Leavenworth Sts.
Voting District No. 2-At N. E. Cor.
Sixteenth nud Vlnton Sts.
Voting District No. 1 At 017 Capital Av.
Voting District No. 2-At 805 S. Twelfth
Voting District No. 1 At Planters' House ,
Dodge St. , bet. Sixteenth and Seventeenth
Voting District No. 2-At 1803 St. Mary's
Voting District No. l-At 500 N. Sixteenth
Voting District No. 2-At N. E. Cor. Six
teenth nnd Izard Sts.
Voting District No. 1 At 1013 Saundora
Voting District No. 2-At S. W. Cor.
Saunders St. and Ames Ave.
Voting District No. l-At N. W. Cor.
Twenty-ninth Ave. nnd Woolworth St.
Voting District Mo. 2 AtQuenloy's School
llouso ,
Voting District No. l-At 2017 Cnmlng St.
Voting District No. 2 At SM07 Cumlng St.
NINTH WJk.111) .
Voting District No. 1 At store of Charles
J. Johnson , Twenty-ninth nnd Farnam.
Voting District No. 2-At Uertztuan llloclr ,
Cor. Werner Ave. and Eureka St.
The polls of said election will bo open at
8 o'clock in the morning aud will continue
open until 0 o'clock In the afternoon , and at
said election the following question and
proposition concerning the granting of a
franchise to the Metropolitan Cable Hallway
Company of Omaha will bo submitted to said
electors of said city , to-wlt :
"Shall consent , right ot way and authority
bo given to the Metropolitan Cable Hallway
Company of Omntm to construct , maintain
nnd operate a ntreot railway with cars pro
pelled by electricity , compressed air , hone
power or cabin , or by such other motor as may
hereafter bo shown practicable , except steam
locomotives , for the operation ot street rail
ways , with suitable turnouts , connections
ami turn-tables , in the City ot Omnha , on
and through the following streets In said
city , viz : Mason , Mnrcv , Leavenworth ,
Jones , JacltKon , Howard , Ilarnoy , Farnara ,
Douglas , Dodge , west of Twentieth ; Capital
Avenue. Davenport , Chicago , Cass , Cali
fornia , Webster , Hurt , Cumin ? , Hamilton
nnd Izard , all bctwcnn Eleventh street and
the city limits on tno west : Eleventh street.
Twelfth , Fourteenth , Fifteenth and Six *
tnenth between Mason aud Cumlng , and
Eleventh , Twelfth , Fourteenth , Fifteenth
and Sixteenth from Mason to Vlnton streeti
Vlnton from .eleventh to Urren , Seven
teenth , Nineteenth between Howard and
Iznrd ; Twenty-first , Twenty-second and
Twenty-third between Dodge and Izard , and
one of its termini shall be nt the Intersection
of two of the previous above named Btreet * ,
and the other near the wont line of the south *
east quarter of Section 13 , Township 15 ,
Itango 1 east In Douglas County , Ne .11
All votes "Yes" on snld question and
proposition plmll bo regarded nnd considered
as In favor of granting said franchise and all
votes "No" shall be regarded and considered
as against granting said franchise.
In Witness Whereof , I have here
unto set my hand nnd caused the
senl of sala City to bo nlllxcd tha
day and year first above written.
Attest : J. li. SOUTHARD , City Clerk.
13d Wt
Ordinance Wo. 1370.
A N Ordlnnnco declaring the present condl *
-CXtlon of cortnln lots nnd rcnl cstuio In tha
city of Omaha to ho a nuisance , and directing
the hoard of puMlu works to tuko the neces
sary stops to Imvctbo anmu abated ,
llo ItUrduincd by tup olty council of the city of
Section 1. Thnl the present condition of the
following lots nnd rcul estate described In thli
section bo and the same IB hereby declared to
bo nnulsnnco :
1/ots W and 5T. Horlmcli's 1st nddltlon.
I.ota 6 , 0 , 7 , S nnd U , block 2 , Ilorbnch'e 2nd
Lots3 , 4 and 7 , block 4 , Horlmch'e Snd nddl-
llot fl , block 17. K. V. Smlth'i addition.
Section i. Thnt the Hoard of I'ubllo Works K
hnroby directed to tulio the noccasary Steps to
cause fcaid niilaunuo to bo nbntod.
tirctton : ) . Thnt thlsnrdlnance shnlltako effect
nnd hu In fnrro from nnd after its passive.
1'insrd Muy ! Mtb , 1M7.
WM.F. riKCiiKi. , 1'rcsldont City Council.
J. II. SOUTHARD , Olty Clerk.
Approved liny Win. IbW.
W.J , UnoATCn , Mayor.
Decker Brothers
U bUltrLoMH.mboa4.l0.fevUiffmMll& yuu
vvry known rn dy , ( L&.I dUeovtrut * ftliupla
-eur * . whtali ! > w Ul H1 * tfjUK to hli fHTf tWff rr * %
7.IIMOM. < M Oft * CM nn , K w I wk OIM.