Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Tb Attorney Qoneral Holds Its Condemna
tion of State Lots Illegal ,
A Number Handed Down Yesterday
and the Tribunal Adjourn * Sine
flc Dolnga In District
Court City News.
Just prior to the public sale of state lots ,
the Chicago , Burlington & Quiuey rail
road entered condemnation proceedings
Jigalnst some fifty of the state lots , which
ihoy wanted for their own private use.
( yUndcr their condemnation , they pro
posed to get them al their appraised
rvalue , and when the sale took place a
fljreat deal of adverse comment was made
, felmt they were not sold to the highest
Milder , and this question was at once
iralsed as to the legality of the company's
nets. The board of public lands and
luiildfngs withheld the lots temporarily
< from the sale , and asked an opinion
jjfrom the attorney general regarding the
[ legality of the railroad company's pro-
needing ? . Yesterday the attorney gen
eral filed the opinion , which is that the
tondomnatiou Is Illegal nnd that the
Tight of eminent domain is not vested m
, the Chicago , Hurlington Ac Quincy rail-
Toad , which is a corporation of another
, Btato , and section 8 of nrticlo 11 of the
constitution recites that no foreign cor
poration has the right of eminent do-
anilin in Nebraska. The records show
[ that all the Burlington lines in Nebraska
Hiavo been merged into the Chicago , Bur-
aington & Quincy line , and hrnuc the
right of local lines is lost. The attorney
general advlsea the board to refuse to
[ convey the lots In question to the com
pany until ordered so to do by a man-
xluto from the supreme court.
Jloyer < fc Unapko vs Stone. Appeal from Sa
line county. Alllrmed. Ouinlon by Max-
wtill. Ch. J.
1. Evidence oxamlncdand held to brine the
case within the rule stated lu bmlth vs
Bands. 17 Neb. , 4'JS.
2.Vhero a witness In answer to an Inquiry
psto a former statement , answers that he
does not remember having made such state
ments. It Is not equivalent to a denial that tie
made the same ; neither Is an answer to such
tin Inquiry , "Not In that language , " or like
words , equivalent to a denial ,
Parker vs Stnrr. Appeal from Nemaha
county. Afllrim'd except ns to costs. Oi i
ion by Maxwell , Ch.J.
1. The return to a summons served on a
widow and her minor children In the follow
ing form , Is suincient :
"This summons same to hand September
0. 1871 , nt 2 o'clock p. m. , nnd on this 5th day
of September. 1871 , I served this summons
un Sarah Sanders in person , and Sarah K.
cnndcrs and Charles by delivering to each of
them a true nnd certinod copy or this suin-
inons. with nil the endorsements thereon.
AH of this done In Nemnha county , state of
Nebraska. DAVIDSON PLA.8Th.ns. Sheriff.
2. In nn action to foreclose a mortgage on
teal estate failure of the court to apooint a
guardian ad 11 torn for minor defendants
docs not render the decree of f orclosuro void ;
&t most It Is erroneous.
. * ) . A female on reaching the age of oigh
teen years ceases to be a minor.
4. Ono who has been In the open , notorl <
bus , exclusive , ndverse possession of real es
tate for years becomes vested with a valid
title to the same.
6. Whore a mistake was made in the
Description ot certain premises mort
gaged , which mistake . wns car
ried through all the proceedings
to foreclose the mortgage , sale of tlio
Premises , continuation of sale , nnd deed to
the purchaser , but It appeared that the
premises Intended to bo mortgaged had
Actually been appraised nnd sold under such
mortgage , and the purchaser has taken pos-
4 posslon of the same. Hold , no injury to
the heirs of the mortgage being shown , that
Iho grantee of the purchaser was entitled tea
a decree correcting tbe mistake and quieting
Ms title In said promises , but at his own cost
and expense.
WcNamnr & Duncan va Caban. Error from
Pierce county , Kovttrsod. Opinion by
Maxwell , Ch. J.
1. A judgment In the following form Is
not void : "After hearing the proof U Is the
opinion ot the court that the defendant ,
Anton Caban , Is Indebted to the plaintiff In
Ihe sum of 8100. It is therefore considered
and judged by mo that Anton Caban pay to
the plaintiff , McNamar & Duncan , the sum
of 3100 , with Interest from December SO ,
3883 , and costs of this suit taxed at 83.15.
L'ourtnay vs Parker. Krror from Lancaster
county. Kcvsrsed. Opinion by Maxwell ,
Ch. J.
1. Where Judgment Is recovered In ft dis
trict court agnlnvt a vendor who has sold
certain real estate In the same county , but
lias not made a deed therefore , nor received
the whole of the purchase monev , such Jurtg-
inent Is a Hen on the vendor's Interest in the
2. A party purchasing : real estate subject tea
a JudKuiout Hen has notice of the extent to
which such property may be subjected In
satisfying the Judgment , and where a vendor
Jind retained the legal title In his own name
and afterwards became surety for tbe our
chaser for money to enable inch purchaser to
build a house on such land , nnd received r
lien on such house which he failed to record
Held , that n purchaser under nald judgmen
acquired nil the Interest of the vendor , In
eluding the lien on said house , the aigrrgnte
not to exceed the amount of the Judgmen
lion that I * , ho acquires the Interest of tbe
Judgment debtor In the real estate.
Datavs Caban. Krror from Pierceconnty
Opinion by Max wall. Ch. J.
The question ! Involved in this ease are
substantially the fame as those which ares
In McNamar A Duncan vs. Anton Caban
and the same Judgment will be entered as lu
that case. Tito judgment of the district
court u reversed , and the oauso remanded
for further proceedings.
Wilier vs. Caban. Krror from Pierce coutny.
Opinion by Maxwell. Ch. J.
The same questions arise In this ease as
were determined In McNamar & Duncan vs.
Anton Cabau , and the same ludgment will
foe rendered as la tbat case. The Judgment
of the district court Is reversed , and the
cause remanded for further proceedings.
Wiley va. bbais. Krror from Buffalo conn ty.
Itevorscd. Opinion by Maxwell. Ch. J.
1. Where a Jury Is waived and questions
of fact tried by the court , either party may
request the court to state In writing the con
clusions of fact found separately from the
conclusions of law. When such request Is
made It la error for the court to refuse to
runke such findings and the error Is not
cured by a slgnlng lindlnxs or overruling a
notion for a new trial.
a Where the description In n chattel mort
gage was "twenty-three head ot horses and
mules * * all situated on tbeir range on
thd South Loup river. * * Above de
scribed chattels are now in their ( the inort-
cnior ) possession , are owned by them , " the
testimony Hho\\ oil the range In question to
bo situated In HutTalo county where the
mortgage was tllod for record and that the
lor. ) < esand inulea weroall those possessed
by the mortgagor. lleld < a suflicleut de
Untts vs. Capitol National Hank. Error
from Lancaster county. Keversed. Opin
fi' ion by Maxwell. Cn. . ) . : |
Where an action was brought upon a
promissory note for tlio sum of $250 , and It
appeared that originally the loan had been
made for | M , that R number ot renewals
liad been Bade and It was claimed by the
paror that the note sned on was for the bal
ance of Ihe original loan. lteld , , tbat a letter
written bv the payee to the wnker as follows :
"Lincoln. Neb. , June 1 , IbSS.-Mrs. M. W.
liutts : Your letter received , and we credit
SSUO on notn. " Imposed on the payee the bur
den of showing that the note referred to In
Btioh letter was not that held by the payee
against tbe defendant.
Thursday's work In the supreme court was
as follows : Utate ex rel Dullock vs Dabeock ,
peremptory writ awarded ; Arndt vs Cornish ,
' Stettnlsche vs Lamb , J. O.
referee ; Curran vs Per-
mltted : State Carter ex rel vaS.U tt * . < * - . '
line county ; In re board of education , city of
Omaha. Ofg.
Court adjourned sine die. The next reg
ular term commences July 5,1087. The bearIng -
Ing of causes will probably bo postponed
mill September. Abstracts will be hereafter
ralved lu causes filed bttore July term ,
The dbtrlct court if now engaged In
thb licarlrif ! of the cr se of the cndltors '
of C.G. Hcrold nRnlnst Dr. U. H. Dopgo
wliont it is chimed received through on
illegal trnimction the property of Hcrold
when ho failed. The case is ono of un
usual interest and since it was instituted
there have boon many changes. Ilerokl ,
who was convicted and sent to prison
for his part of the transaction , has been
pardoned and ho now appears as n wit
ness to fasten the facU ns to who re
ceived the swaj ; upon Ur. Jogpc. Tlio
ovitlenco Is voluminous and the case
promises to latt n number of days.
KATKS IttSTOItnt ) .
The H. & M. system at the lirao the
intor-stnto commerce law went into ef
fect raised the rates on corn at all Ne
braska points from 4 to 0 cents a hun
dred. It was generally announced by
the road that the new law compelled It ,
but it soon bccamo generally known
that it was ono of the schemes of the road
to make the law unpopular. The road
evidently sowed the wind for lately they
have returned to the old rates nnd the
temporary robbery indulged in by them
has ucon abated and prices are corre
spondingly stronger , although the grain
men will profit for a season on the
An Enterprising lown LilCo Insurance
The Lifo Indemnity and Investment
company of Waterloo , Iowa , has com
plied with the Nebraska insurance laws ,
and a certificate of authority has been
issued to the above company to transact
business in the state of Nebraska. Mr.
Charles II. linker , general agent , Is lo
cated at No. 209 , South Fifteenth street ;
residence , 1720 Capital iivcnuo , and is
desirous of securing some reliable insur
ance men to produce business for this
company on very liberal terms.
The Lifo Indemnity and Investment
company is a Regular Surety Mutual Nat
ural Premium Luc Insurance company ,
nnd gives Guaranteed Insurance at its
actual cost.
and has $100,121.32 deposited with the
fitato auditor of Iowa. In accordance
with the Iowa law , requiring a company
to keep on deposit at that ollico for the
benefit of its policy holders , a sum suin
cient lo cover its liabilities , on account
of policies in force. Tins law , which
thereby guarantees every policy , also
spcciiies that the securities so deposited
shall consist of stocks and bonds of the
United States or of the state of Iowa , or
ot bonds and mortgages on unincum-
bored real estate in Iowa , worth at least
double the amount loaned thereon. Its
notes are based on the actuaries' table of
4 per cent , and in iixuig these rates it has
liad the advice and endorsement of
Mr. Mervln Tabor , of Chicago , actuary
of the Illinois insurance department and
manager of the bureau of life insurance
The Lifo Indemnity & Investment com
pany has written over 528,000,000 of busi-
neao ; has paid over $250,000 In death
IOHSSCS , and has accumulated over f 100,000
in cash.
Lcavitt & Johnson , Hankers , Waterloo ,
Iowa , Juno 4 , 1887. To whom it may
concern : The Life Indemnity & In
vestment company , of Waterloo , Iowa ,
has 1100,000 in fnrm mortgages on de
posit with the auditor of the state of
Iowa. Is doing business on a sound
and conservative basis. Has paid all
losses promptly and oflbrs reliable insur
ance at a lower rate than eastern com
John H. Lcavitt , treasurer Lifo Indcrn
nity and Investment company , Waterloo ,
la. ; Matt Parrott , president ; Edgar
Piekctt , vice president ; 0. E. Mabio , sec
retary and actuary ; D. W. Crouso , med
ical examiner ; C. H. Barker , general
agent. The company is now doing busi
ness in Iowa , Illinois , Wisconsin , Dakota
and Nebraska , and it has applied for ad
mission to Kansas nnd Missouri and es
tablishing their business ns fast as tlmo
will permit. Its sound and honest man
agement and methods bespeak for the
Lifo Indemnity and Investment company
an enviable future in the history of life
insurance. Mr. Barker is desirous of securing -
curing A number ono insurance man to
handle this company in Nebraska , giving
him a very liberal contract and the general -
oral management of the state of Nc
TIIRKE EFFECTS. Tbo thousands of ro
mnrkable euros which have been accom
pliahcd by Hood's Sarsapanlla are due
simply to three effects which this grcaf
medicine has upon those who take it :
First. It purities tbo blood.
Second. It strengthens the system.
Third. It gives healthy action to the di
gcstlvo organs.
With these three effects no disease can
long retain its hold. It is forced to leave
the system , giving place to health and
strength , through the potent iutlucnce o *
Hood' s Bnrmiparilla. ( Sold by all drug
Kists. Try It.
A young woman of Denver was mar
nod not long ago to a soldier stationed
at Fort Union , N. M. After the marriage
ho returned to his post and she resumed
her duties M a domestic in a Denver fam
ily. A few nights ago she , while sitting
in the kitchen , was startled by several
raps upon the window. Looking up she
saw the face of her husband peering at
her. Running to the door , opening it
and calling , she found no ono outside ;
and then she fainted. The sequel is
that she has received a telegram stating
that her husband had died at Union just
about thn hour when she saw bis face at
the window.
"Fly Klller"-Outobor'a Lightning.
The most successful exterminator. Ev
ery shoot will kill a quart. Quick work.
Persistent use will keep ahead of repro
duction. Dutcher's Dead Shot for bed
A Chihoso Interpreter was engaged by
a syndicate of Chinese shopkeepers in
Mott street , Now York , to buy a valuable
piece of real estate on last Saturday , but
quietly assumed the title to the property
himself. His employers , who accom
panied him to the lawyers1 office , not
understanding the English , were made
to sign their names merely as witnesses
to the transaction. When the fraud was
discovered yesterday the interpreter
made the excuse that tbe Chinese. uuuiK
the subjects of the emperor of China ,
could not hold real cstato in that city
Unless naturalized. The outraged Celes
tials almost mobbed their interpreter.
Ueed by th United BUtes Government
JEndoraad tr th b aiUol tha Great UnlreraltlM
and 1'nbllc Food AnalitU uTbo Stronge tPurett ,
and mcwt HealthJoL 1)1. Prlc1 the onl/Baking
"owder that doei not contain Ammonia , Llmo o *
, Jfciw. . lr , frlp-ttitra < ta , Vaiinj , ie.soa1.elt .
Trnnsfors riled Juno O , 1887 , '
Ktineundo Jankowskl to itntncs ll
Van Ulostcr , lot 12 blk 0 , Jcronio
piirk.vtl 9,300
Win M Foster nml wife to Kd U Wll-
llnins , ct al , lot 3 blk 4. rosters add ,
w d 1/300
Uctty Collier et al to the Miblic. pint
of Collier plncc , In scM of nwtf , 4 15
1J ! , dedication
John 1 , Weitz to ttuo S Wertz , lots ! i3
nnd , blk 1. HlniebixuBli's add\vd. . 600
Tims Mitchell nnd wlfo to SjUt'sterJ
Fcirls , lots 37and ! W , blk I , lllmu-
baueh .b . rattcMon subdlv 3,100
\erett J : Fox to Henry 1J St John , lot
20 , Tuttles subdlv. w d 3,700
Lduara J Holt to Charles JI Sanford ,
lot 24 blk 4 , ( irnmmcrcy park , q c. . . 1
Chnrlus M Snnfom nnd wife to U 11
> : ototkcr , lot 14 blk S , Granimcrcy
park , wd COO
Krastiis A Benson nnd wile to Jolin C
Uryson , lots 8 nud 0 blk 5 , UrlgRS
place , wd 3,000
Sru.ili L ( Uistln and husband to Fran
cis K White , et al , wM of lot 0 blk 7 ,
Khlnn's ndtl , wd. . . . . . C.OOO
Samuel N Uustln and wlfo to Francis
K Whlto ct al , lots 13 , ID and 20 , blk
4Everetfl'lncowd. . . 1,500
Samuel K telton and \\lfu to Hubert
11 Cronk. s 110 feet of lot U blk 2
Orchard Illll , wd 2,500
Walter L Uenllcy to Klvira E Uas-
maun , lotM Uurr Oal > , wd
Mary A Ucro nnd ImsLiaiul to Klvira
KCnsnmnn , lot & 7 Uurr Oak , wd. . . . 1,035 S Itogers nnd wlfo to A h
Itced. lots U nnd 10 and s 31 feet of
lot 1 blk 20 Highland Place , wd 3
A Jj Heed to Ella J Kocor * . lota 0 and
10 nnd s 31 feet of 1 blk 3J Highland
1'lticod 2
Daniel H Farrell nndlte to Julia 13
Desmond.lot I ) blk lliedford I'lucc.w
John W Crlflith. trustee , to Cliailes E
Iteltcr , lots 1 , 2 und 3 blk 4 Baker
I'lnce. wd 850
William C Green nnd wlfo to Victor II
Colliiiann , n lb feet of cast 150 font
s hal f of lots 10 and 20 In JI Itcdlck's
iuldwd | 3.272.SO
Ihnnias J ItOKors nnd wlfo to Alwllda
E Witlmell , lots 12,13 nnd 13 nnd 1U
teet of lot 11 blk 20 Highland I'laco.w
d 10,200
Silas IIH Walk , trustee , to Helen E
Freeman , lot 1 blk5 , West Sldo. . . . 335
Jnmetj K Megcath and wife to It A Id-
IIIRS , trustee , lots 0 , 7 , H and ttblk
lW > i , Omnlia City Company's add
south , w d . 5
Edwin S Kood and wife to W 8 Hea-
voy , lot 20 blk fi , Albright's annex to
South Omaha , w d Ill
C E Mayno and wlfo to Coiall Slonmn
lots 8,0.11 and 12 , blk 5 , Orchard
Hill , wd 2,000
Isnas 8 llascall to Timothy O'Connor ,
w K blk 4 , n X blk 3,2d add to Mt
Douglas , wd 5
Milton Hondrlcks et nl to Omnha &
Florence Land < & Trust company ,
lots Hand 0 , blk 0 , ' , lots 11 nnd 13 blk
100 , lots 19 and 20 blk 10 , Florence ,
qc 1
J tunes M 1'arr nnd wlfo to Andruw
Carlisle. lots U and 12 , blk 5 , Lin
coln 1'laco. w d 1,800
Victor B Caldwcll to L. 1 1'ruyn , Jots
23Jfand Si , Mlllard & Caldwoll's
add , wd 8,400
Franklin H Whitney nnd wlfo to
Joseph L Smith , w 25 foot lot 7 , blk
73 , South Omaha , wd COO
Euceno S Bertrand nnd wlfo to Esther
Marion , lot 7 , blk 15 , and 24 blk 17 ,
Bedford I'lnco , w d. 1,700
UPUIlCo. to Andrew Murphy , 80
acres in 10 , 10 , 10. w d 040
Henry Ambler ot al to Otis U Ballon
et nl , uiullv H of lot 13 , blk 0 , Ambler
w d 200
Chas M Pratt nnd wlfo to Chas 5 Par-
rotto , w 40 feet lot 2 , blk 13 , Omaha
View , w d 2,000
Mary O Pratt and husband to William
11 P bciiestedt , lots as and 20 , W A
Itcdlck's addition , wd 3,500
Edward Fcaron and wife to E Wake-
ley , lots 23 , 23 and 24 , blk 2 , Mcln-
tosh's sub-dlv , w d 3,500
Hannah J Cubley to Chicago , St.
Paul , Minneapolis < * e Omaha rail
road company , lot 2 , blk 53 , Florence
w d 200
Arthor S Potter et nl to Clark W
Hatch eta ! . , lota 1 , 3. 15 , If. nnd 17 ,
blk 3 , Potter & Cobb's addition to
South Omaha , w d 1,025
Sickness comes uninvited , and strong
men aud women are forced to employ
moans to restore their health aud
strength ; the most successful of all known
remedies for weakness , the orieln of nil
disease , is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening -
ening Cordial and Dlood Purifier.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
MB 9
Lonlsanla State Lottery Company. .
Incorporated br the leilnlature In ISfiA , for oditov
tlonnl and clmrltnble purposes , and Its franchise
niado purl of th pre nt t ta oonstltutloii , la ItffV ,
bran overnhelmlDK popular vote.
Its Grand Single Numlior Drawing * takoplnco
monthly , nndtlie Grand Seml-Annunl Drawings
regularly every six months ( Juno and Uoooru
bor ) .
"We do hwreby certify that wo tuporvlsa the
Arrangements for all the Monthly and Scmt-An-
nual Drawings ot The Louisiana State Lottery
Company , and In person manage and control
the drawings themselves , nnd that the same are
oouduoted wltn honesty , fulrness and In good
faith toward all parties , and we authorize the
Company to us * this certificate wltb f ac-slm-
lles of our signature * attached , in Ita advertise
ments. "
We the undersigned BanM and Ranker * will
nay all Prizes drawn In Tbe Louisiana State
Lotteries which may be presented at our courv
ters ,
J. n. OGLESnV , Pres. Louisiana National Dk
FIEBUB lJk.HA.VX , fret. State National Blc
A. BAI.DWIK , Pros. New Orleans Na fin a nit
CAUL KOIIN , Pros. Union National Bank.
In the Academy of Musio , New Orleani ,
Tuesday , June 14 , > 887.
100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars Each
Halves SIO ; Quarters SSj Tenths $2Twen |
tieths $1.
1 PltUE OF 1 100,000 Is . IJTO 00
1 Pltl/.RUf 100.0001s . 100 0(1 (
11'HIZHOtf E OOOIS . 25 OC
21'UIXKSOK lO.OOOaro . 2000
TiPKIZESOP 5,000 are . 86 00
5 Vltr/ESOK 1,000 are . 25.00
IGOI'ltlZKSOP 00aro . GOOD
SOOPKIXKHOF 300nre . 6)00
COO P1UZU8 OF L-OOnro . 10) OJ
100 PrUos of f 500 approximating to
I300.0UO Prize iaro . B0,0
100 Prlzos of f JOO approxlmatlnK to
10JOJO Prize are . 39.00C
100 Prl/os of t JO approximating to
150,000 PrUo are . i . 80.00C
TEllMlNAt. I'RlZtS.
1.000 Prizes of llOOdocidud by. . . 1300,000
PrUe are . 100,000
1,000 Prizes of tlOO decided by. . .1100,000 _
Prize are . . 100,000
3,13 ! Prizes amounting to . . . 11,065,009
For club rstoa or any farther lufqrmatlon aprlr fo
the undcratgned. Your handwrlttu * must b * dis
tinct and denature plain. Mora rapid return mall
dellTcrr will bo allured br jour eaoloilnf an en-
veloi * bearing Tour fall addrots.
aDd IxtHTAL NOTKS.exprsu moosr orders , or
New rork Rxcrianie In ordinary Utter. Currency br
.pre ( at o.r e.peaseud
Or if. A , DAUPHIN )
Address Registered tetters to
4v Til M V. M 1V. xj 1 it ? QenAralt Tnt * V1 ? Iitaar67&rd Pr * ' " > o and of
'io are In chart * of U * drawln/rmi aiuar-
Sl' ol le falrfHH and InMurltr. that tna
- -
ffl s
OI > AII .XTK I > Br roun NATIOVAI , DATOsSr nC ?
Oflrani.and the Tlek liar > < fn4 l > r U > a pmldini
or an InttltuUon , waoio chartered rl hu Bra r coit-
plied In tb * hltheit.count ! therefore , beware of Mr
battalion * or aaonrmout cliem * <
Few persons realizc how thoroughly they
arc controlled by prejudice even to their
wn disadvantage. _ For many years the
eatmcnt for rheumatism , neuralgia , scia-
! ca and headachhas been by some outward
ipllcation , and tbercfore , without stop-
ng to think that the origin of thcte Iron-
Ics mutt , from necessity , be internal , the
icary sufferer continues to rub , nib end
nd no relief. Athloplioros is taken inter-
ally , and as a proof that this is the correct
rinciplc , it cures surely nnd quickly. Tha
tatetncnt of those who have been cured
ught to convince the Incredulous.
Palmyra , Neb , August 3d , 18SO.
I believe I have been greatly bcncfltted
ty Athlophoros. I keep it in the house all
me , nnd If I feel a twinge of ihcutnatism
take a dose. I have not had to lake any
br months , and hope I am permanently
: urcd. I ha\c not hesitated on recom
mending it largely and have helped others
-Ithlt. RuvE J BIRD.
Mrs Gco Hoffman , Cedar Falls , lown ,
lays : "My husband \\ascurcd ofrhcumn-
"sin by the use of Athlophoros. Three bot-
es of that medicine cured him entirely so
lat he has not had an ache from rhcuma-
sm since , and that is now over a year ago.
'or ' twenty years prcxious there was never
time that he wns free from pain. Doctors
or medicine could drive the disease away.
iVith the sciatic rheumatism in his right
> idc the doctors said he woi'ld always htuc
t and they did not think there was any
: urc. He was suffering very much from a
evcre attack when Athlophoros took hold
f the disease at once , and by the time he
nd taken three bottles he was entirely
fell nnd went to work at once
Every druggist should keep Athlopho-
os ami Athlophoros Pills , but where they
innnot bo bought of thn druggist the
Athlophoros Co. , 113 Wall St. . Now York ,
will send cither ( carriage paid ) on receipt
f regular price , which Is $1.00 per bottle
or Athlophoros nnd 60o. for Pills.
I'or Ilvornml kldnor diseases , ilispopsln. In-
iKt'Stlon , flCiikiio < . " , iH'r\ous iloblllty , diseases
1 womoii , constlnntlon , liemlnctin , impute
ilood , etc. . Athloplioros I'llsiiro ! uunqunlled.
Embody the Inchest cxcllcncics in Shape
linessComfort and Durability and
arc the
Reigning Favorites
n fashionable circles Our name is on eve-
y sale. J. & T. COUSINS , New York.
Or Black Leprosy , Is a disease which Is considered
Incurable , bat It has yielded to the curative proper
ties of SWIFT'S Sricino now known all orcr tlio
\\orld as 8. B. B. Mrs. Bailey , of Wcet SomerTlllc ,
Mus. , near lioetcm. % TM attacked several years ape
\\lth this hideous black eruption , and was treated by
the beat medical talent , who cottld only Bay that the
disease was a species of
and consequently Incurnblo. Tt Is imposclble to de
scribe her f uCcrlnRs. Her body from the crown of
her bead to tbe soles of her feet was a mats of decay ,
rouses of flenh rotting off and leaving great cavities.
Her fingers festered and three or four nails dropped
OH at one time. Her limbs contracted by the fearful
nlcoratlon , and for several years she did not leave
her bed. Her weight wts reduced from 15 to CO IDS.
Perhaps come faint Idea of her condition can be
Bleaned from the fact that three ponnds of Cosmo *
ne or ointment w re used psr week In dressing her
sores. Finally tb * phyelcian * acknowledged their
defeat by this Black wolf , and commended the sot-
ferer to her all-wlfo Creator.
1 Her hacband hearing wonderful report * of the us *
of SWIFT'S SriciriofS. 8. B. ) , prevailed on her to
try it as n last resort. She began It * nse under pro
test , but soon fonnd that her system was being re
lieved of the poison , as the pores assumed a redanti
healthy color , as though the blood was becoming
pure and active. Mrs. Bailey contlnned the B. B. 8.
untU last February ; every sore was healed ) the dis
carded chair and crutches , and was for tbe first time
in twelve years a well woman. Her husband , Mr ,
C. A. Bailey , Is In bntlnets at 17X BlackstonoStreet ,
Boston , and will take pleasure In giving the detail *
of this wonderful care , fond to us for Treatise oa
Blood and BklnDlstas * * , mailed free.
'Jus Bwirr Srzcirio Co. , Drawer 8. Atlanta. GeV
and all akin disease * . A new method of compounding -
pounding Tar. A Cure puarantocd , ot money
refunded. Bold Dy ilrnaglits. end at the oQlce of
TAR-OID CO.,71 UIMtrlllt. MK n. Print > ,
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy ,
St.Louit , Mo. , Unlverilty College Hospi
tal , London , Glesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Chronic anil
More especially thse arilng | from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured iafely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases hrivo been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write i .poncerning . their
symptoms- All letters rccetyf immediate
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Phytical Exhauitlon , " to which is added an
Essay on Marriage , ' with important chap
ter * on Dleae * of the Reproductive Or
gan * ! the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address.
1707 Olive St.St. Louis , Mo.
Mentlo * OmthaHeo.
When we want them to tell a convincing story about our clothing !
The types will tell you that the prices are the lowest in the citybut
an examination of the garments alone will convince you how good
they are , and that they are really sold far below their value. Our
stock is unquestionably the largest and most comprehensive in the
city and is not exceeded in extent or variety by those of even the
most important houses in the east. Knowing that we have a large
trade and perfect facilities , manufacturers and importers give first
choice on lots-on which they are overstocked , and which they have
to sacrifice. If the goods are strictly desirable we command the
lowest prices by paying prompt cash , no matter how large the lot.
The system of selling every article at a very small profit and mark
ing down at even less than cost , those goods which do not move
quickly , is arviling principle of our business.
Today we are opening several lots of flannel and mohair coats
and vests , bought at. about one half the r > rice that was asked for
them early in the season , and we have marked them accordingly ,
All goods marked in plain figures and at one price.
Nebraska Clothing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. KURD THOMPSON , Sec. $ & Treas
Wholesale @ Retail.
n h Brand" Costs. iJalb , Douclici , It lrCrlmper , Kunory Shooting , Spoenlnmi.
l" ? , , , . Snortsraon's ' Goods ,
All " lows Ilruahos Drill & Duck Hair Pins Nnvyllniri.
5rll" < * ? I rower's Has * , UoorBIitts , 1UU , Oil 0 othlug , | [ ' " 11" ' . _ .
A r Cushions. Cap * , Droas Shields , Her < eCoy r , E pklnf , Stationer's Gum ,
Antt Aattlors , Capes , Drinking Cuns , Hose , B.IJ.&P. Co.Pa Is , gJPh ° n .
Strong. Oarrlnite Cloth , Klastlo llanrfs , Hose Couplings , P < f.clon | Box Sytng,8prttoons ! ,
Atomizer * , Curtrldgo Bags Elastic Stocking * , Hose Pipes , Jcnc,118/ , . , . . , . .
, Reel , Pen holder ! 'P.if
Bands CathcUrs. Krasors Hose * * Syrng cti < m
, Clothing' Kace , Hot Water BotUe.Peg8arlos.
Bandage Gum Bags ? | 1llln.b,1ri8
Bapllsrnal Pant * , Copy Book Sheet * , Finger cts , JUrergac , P noCoTor , Throat Bags.
Mafia. , , Ice , '
Carpeting Flower Sprinkler * Bags 'P8Si
Bath Mats , Oeiuont , Floor Scrapers , Ice Caps , ro Stems , Tumblers ,
BathTuh * . Clothes Wringers. Folding Palls , Inkatands , Plant Sprlnklors , Toys.
Bed , Pans , . Coats "Fish Brand" Foot Ball * . invalid Cushions , Pure Rubber , Toeth'
! - „ ahnAf. nr > mii > Knrcn Ouna. LcRKlnKs. Pants , Tobncco Poaches ,
B0B.AP0.CO. Belting , oSSb Cleaners , r5t ? ? JarPRlng. , Enfe'd llos. . Plstol'pocket * . Trottt g Kolls ,
Belt Hooks. Corks , Funnels , I < aeo Cutters , Rattles , Urinals ,
Bellows Cloth , Corkscrews , Gas Tubing , LlfePreserror * . Rubber Dam , Umbrellas ,
. Cnrry Combs Glores , Mackintosh Goods , Killers , Ventilating Sola * ,
Blankets , Cnspadors. Gossamer Cap * , Match Boxes , KopalrlnpClotb , WagonAprons
Boots * Shoes , Cigar Cases. " Cloth , Martlnga Rings , Shaft Rulibera , Wagon Qorers ,
Boys Caps. Chair TlpslbuffOT * . " Coats Mats. Shoe * * Boots , Wagon Springs ,
Boys Coats , Diapers Waterproof s.Maltlnf , gink Scrapers , feather Strlus ,
Bougies. Diaper 6l th , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing.
Bracelets , Dolls , Gun Covers , Mittens , Bhootlnff Coats , Wadlngl'ant * ,
Breast Pumps , Doll Bodies , GnttaPercha , Nipples , Bllng shots. Water Bottles ,
Breast Shields , poll Heads. Oymnaam ! * , Murs ng Bibs. Baling , Window Oleaneri ,
Baffor * . Door Bands , Hair Curlers , Kurslng BotlU * Eponit * Bags , Wringer Rolls ,
Boston Belting „ _ . Co' . Rubber and Cotton Belting , Packing and Hose. Solo agents in Omaha.
Leather TJcflln ; ; tfar Oak Tanned. Mfttmfactnrow of "PERFECTION BOX SYIUNaES. "
Manufacturers of "FISH BRAND RUBBER GOODS , "
Hall ( ltd * ! * Soliniud aoirt wiU Heoolve Ptomot Attention.
ro rondo with patrat double acting rods and
foldlnt kn * reit. Light ,
\tnbitantlal Mil htndioma.
lUied Inthabeit Hands and
I Orobeitrat. Dnequated for
I tone , curpata all others la
I flnlah aod appearance. If
Inearcit JIaslo dealer doea
loot keep them , writs to ua
forllluitrated Catalogue.
HKALf. Chicago , Ilk
Veterinary Surgeon
Ofllco , 417 § . 141li STKEET , ;
roil YOUNOLAU1K8.1X25 NOrth IlroadSt. ,
Philadelphia- year begins Sept. 2Ut , 1847.
Address Miss K. B. JUOKINB , Principal ,
who rofera by ipoclnl permission Co
Mr. and Mr , .Iohn N. Jowott. I
Mr. and Mr * . Philip D. Armour , > Chicago.
Sir. and Mrs. Horace V. Waite , )
Three oourio of studr. Thoroughnesuln aynry de
partment , llulldlnn elegantly furnlrbod. lleatod
with etenra. Mabtod wlthgnn. Water from St. Clalr
Illver. Superior advantages In muslo ami art , Ad-
drenj for circular. BOMHltVIU.K HCIIOOU
Bl.Olalr , Mich.
For young women , Princeton , N. J.
Prospectus , fullparticulars , sent on ap-
plicatonto | , H , M Elvaine.
' la from
Welshan's Germ I irniUn'r wheat.
undo. Make i bono and mmclc l , InTisorntcs the
_ hraln. _ . . itroimth . . n > the norres . . . , cnrtclicn tlie blnod.
Buirorenfrom dr | > op l.i , Indlgeitlon , onnatlpat ,
illnbotrt , Urlulit's dlinnre , etc , will Unit It Inrn
lie""uoor FOH WHi'l / 1'KOPI.H. Order It or your :
dealer. Hnmiile pnoknge free f ) | > hreli'lnn who will
pay ezpreai olmrgei , Clroular nlvlnu full particu
lars on application.
Wolshans , 1'ratt & llaines , OinahaNub
Manufacturers of Cereal Specialties.
fiteelallr DUtlll.d ftr
Medicinal Vic.
TM * BUI TflMlfil
g ton IB CbUf , MkUoiud OUM <
of N.J.wrltM !
"Mr tUnlio VM called U
rcmr * Jiton M lt Wbbktjr bt
Mr. l lor , Prugglil , if Trtitoa
and I fc T UNd fnr bolHei
with * t tl r tfftl HMB MT )
h T bad. I wn rKomm.Ddinj
jo r MtlcU In Bf prxUM , to ]
od U Tirx irtlitMtory. "
' OXn < OnilM kM U. Ilntlw * *
iMa a uixDiLfui
ol IrtU * . i UUL
( M > 4 | u br th < u. I )
818. 318 and 820 Riot 8C Philadelphia. Pa.
oodmin Drug Co. enI.Acent .Omaha
wabra ka
New Model Lawn Mower
Five Sizes. Will cut higher grass than
any other. J fas no equal for simplicity ,
durability and ease of operation ,
This IB the latest Improved Ma
chine in the Market.
Low Prices. Send for circulars.
State Agents for Porter's Having , Tool
und Jobbers of Binding Twine.
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
These Paints are in every respect strictly first-clasa , being composed ol
the best and purest materials obtainable. They have a larger sale than
any other paints made in this country or abroad , nnd , although they cost
trifle moro per gallon , they vriU do more and better \vork fo the uama
amount of money , owing to their wonderful covering popertica nrhilo
their luporior durability renders them the most economical paints in. tht
world. Bampla Sheets and Descriptive Price List free by moiL
nW.J hni * lre and Water-Proof Asbeitoi Kooflnir , Sheathing , Hollaing r ll ,
Aibeito * Bfeftn fMklnv * , BolUr OoTrUl , Roof P l t , Vlre-rraol J-alnt. . ctei
VULOABESTORi Moulded Pliton-Sod Packing , HIngf , Gash.ti , Bheot Taeklnr , etc *
Eitabllih.d 1658. 175 RANDOLPH ST. , CHICAGO. " * TO"V StIWIIU- '
For Sale by Chicago Lumber Co. , Omaha. Neb. , and Council BlufFn , Iowa.
Wntchei , Diamond * , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largeit * tock. Price * the loweit. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglai and 15lh ttreeU , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaer for the Union
TaclflcRallroad Company.