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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA. SATUKDAY MOENING. JUNE 11J 1887 , NUMBER 358 REPUBLICAN GOOD CHEER. Third Annual Banquet of the Young Men's Bepnblican Olub at Plattsmouth. A GRAND SUCCESS EVERY WAY Urilhant SpcochcM Uy Representative Men of the State on Timely .Topics The Sunday School Convention. The Ilcpuhllcan Ilnncpiot. ri.ATHMouTii , Neb. , June 10. { Special Telegram to the DKK. ) Tlio third annual banijuct of the Young Men's Republican club In this city to-night surpassed any of IU former gatherings and was n grand success In every particular. Waterman oj > era house was magnificently decorated for the occasion and the tables wcro elegant In every respect. The club was present In full force and among the guests were Governor Thayer , Hon. Patrick Kgan , Secretary of State Laws , Hon. John M. Thurslon , Attorney General Leese , Sui > erlntendent Lane , Auditor Dab- cock , Chairman liurton of the state commit r tee , George S. Smith of Omaha , K. M. Uartlett , Judeo M. L. llayward and others. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed and the speeches in response to toasts were enthusiastically received. The mention of the names of prominent republicans were received with cheers , and tlat of Illalno created the greatest enthusiasm. The address of welcome was made by J. 15. Strode , who read letters of regret from Senators John J. Ingalls , Charles F. Mandcrson , A. S. Pad dock , Lieutenant Governor H. II. Shedd. To the toast "Republican Nebraska , " Governor Thayer responded , reviewing the history of the party since territorial days in his most Impressive manner , and was followed by Judge . M. Uartlett , of Omaha , on "Tho HUns of the Times. " Hon. Patrick Kgan , of Lincoln , In answering "The Success of Ireland's Struggle for Jus tice and Liberty , " drew round after round of applause from his admiring and sympathetic audience. H. M. Uushnell , of Lincoln , regretted ho had been unable to memorl/o his address and bcgced Indulgence for reading his response to "The Republican Press. " Mr. litishnell made one of the most enjoyable addresses of the evening and was greeted with great applause. The response to the toast , "Tho Grand Army , " made by Judge llayward , was a gem , and was received with the greatest favor. It was pointed , eloquent and filled with pa triotism. The judge spoke without notes nnd with an earncntncss that brought con viction to all. Attorney General Lccso re sponded to "Democracy and Reform" in a speech that did the general proud. Ho ex hibited the sham reforms of a sham admin istration to an audience that was delimited with the exhibition and cheered the telling points vigorously. The speech ot John M. Thurston In response to "Ibbb" was ono of his efforts , and he followed the party through Its history and the record It had achieved. Mr. Thurston handled the pretenses of reform without gloves and pictured the coming of the next republican administration In rounds of ap plause and planted himself on the lilalne platform , llrad D. Slaughter , responded to the toast , "Young Republicans , " In a way that told upon bin audience and cheered the boys in their progress. To the tfmst , "A Free Uallot and a Fair Couut , " George S. Smith , of Omaha , responded with it speech that was full of good things , and brought forth hearty applause from friends and associates at his old home. Hon. M. A. Uartlgan closed the speaking In response to the toast , "Offensive Partisans , " and he did the mugwump and the partisan full ( ustlro , making many ot the happy hits of the evening. The glee club furnished music that was greatly appreciated , and at 1:30 : a. in. the banquet board was surrounded with enthusi astic citizens. The banquet was the club's greatest success. The Sunday Hnhool Convention. GitAND ISLAND. Neb. , Juno 10. [ Spoola Telegram to the UKE. ] The State Sunday school convention met in this city Wednes day evcnlnir , and was called to order by the chairman of the executive committee , C. White , In the absence of President 1) . Hart well. The address of welcome vv&s deliverer by I ) . F. Merrill and the response by Ilev Mr. Frcy. On Thursday a large number o delegates arrived , and the session was at tended by many citizens , and the meetings were most Interesting throughout. C. C , White made a report of last year's work. Tli work throughout the state Is most encourag Ing , and the per cent ot attendance- been very large. A very Interesting programm was carried out at IJartcnbach's opera house , and the addiess given by I. G. 'fate , of Shelton ton , was well received. The largest and 11103 Interesting sessions were to-day , and tin following was the programme : MORNING. Hong service of fifteen minutes. Scripture and prayer Rev. J. H. Storms. The Teacher Trained Rev , Dr. Gilbert. The Teacher Tcaching-A. U. Hall. ThoTeacher Pastorate Rev. W. J. Harsho. Open Dlscusilon Five minute speeche by the lady Sunday school woikera present. AfcTllUNOON. Song service , reports of committees , elec tion or officers. The convention adjourned to-night tc meet next year at York. The ofllcers for th ensuing year are as follows : President , C C. While , of Valparaiso ; statistical secretary , J. P. Gage , of Fremont ; recording secretary , H. li. Gilbert , Fremont ; treasuier , Maudy Rogers , Fremont ; chairman of executive committee. J. U. Hartwell , Hastings. The convention la considered ono of the larges' and most enthusiastic ever held in the slnt and a laiBO amount of useful woik was re ported and mapped out tor tlio ensuing year. The following Is a list of delegates in at tendance by counties : Adams-Lars Wright , 11. D. Gilbert , M. M. Wilkinson , . A. V. Cole Nettle Mlntncr , Mrs. E. S. Wright , William Gaidner , Samuel Wright , H. F. Smith , G. L. lluwser , 11. L. Train , U. SI. Waldrun , Mrs. W. W. Wallers. MM. Ira Ford. O. P. Hewitt , Clurles Kelly , W. E.Andruw s , 0. R. Pow ers , Mrs. Domic , Mrs. F. Wheeler , KvaFord , William Hill , MyrtleR.TidouL. 1) ) . Palmer , Julia A. Chamberlln , W. A. Chamber lain , Mrs. It. Felt , R. W. Main. Antelope C. U. Krady , Charlotte Smith , T. It. Surface. * Custei Wilson Howett , W. II. Cllne , William Cadwell , William Espllu. D wes-Charlcs E. Rice. Daw son U McCall , T. L. Webster. Doduo H.Maxwell , L P. Gage , Mandy Kogers. James HarrlsJJ. C. Lewis , W. Hart- wood , G. M , lirow n and wife. Uulfalo J. A. Drydcn , W. G. Vessels , Lottie Hrltton , Joseph Tate , J. T. Taylor , U. W. McConnell , a C. Chandler , A. H. Thompson , J. II. Sllvcruuiil , C. A. bhatur and wife , U. Carson. llrown George W. Martin. Hovvard-F. M. Ross , C. C. Covey , G. J. Frans , Fred Johnston , W. li. Wilson. Greeley IJ. Lj wan , J. 11. Caton , S. W. Wllcox. Hamilton George S. Miners , Mrs. C. lludtl , W. M. Funlajdon. J. R. Trett , C. E. HO\UI E. S. Phehu and wife , Mrs. N. Fan- held. J. D. .Stewart , E. Cressman , U. M. 1'helps Mrs. D. R , Davidson , J. H. Roj nard , Mrs. L. A. Reynard , J. 11. Tans , Mary T. Folson. Jefferson H. C. Harmon , H. X. Macomlxr , Kate li. Jones. Johnson A. It. Hall. Madison Thomas Ward. Hall-H. A. Crane and wife , E. W. Jus tice , E. M. Pay no. KlUiibcth Jordan , R. K. itlrlmnlson and wile , W. Drennon , U. K. Merrlt. J. H. Embree.Mrs. E. P. Smith , E. K. Hall and wife , E.T. Alford , Georce Price , Charles llreuer , Charles black. Lvrtia Iloothne. W. H. Klshburn , Ida Flesher. Mrs. Waller Racon , J. M. Cook , W. A. Uelrat > er- per , A. U. bchrodor , T. A. Hathaway , D. O , /Ink. lA. . Costcl. Francis IJaruion , J. H. Uald : , Mary Person , K. A. Day , A. Diinkaui , A. U. Mead , Kdlth Mead , Mrs. R. M.Jones , J. J. K'eier , Klla R ugli , Mrs. Keross. Bnci-XcUle YoUum , J , W. MUlin , Miss Kdirlneton , Miss McChcney , Fred Fuller , W. H. S. Dean , W. H. Uarric. Pawnee-W.C. Henry , Mrs. H. A. Hunt- lev. lev.Barpy LouU A. Deans. Saunders C. C. White. hherman John Gray , Mrs. .1. C. Edmon- Fort , Mrs. 0. A. Wheeler , A. C. Sloan , J. P. Tavlor , J. A. Angclln , J. W. Pltimmer. Valey-G. ! J. Crandall. F. M. llublec , A. Russell , E. S. Dodder , Hattle Squires , E. A. Jones. York-J. M. McKenzk' , G. W. Isliam , A. P. Crepser. Mrs. L. M. Gower , C. R. Grler , T. . Reed , Maude Clillcomb , Mrs. L. P. En sign , U P. Ensign , Ilesslu Wing , D. Mont gomery , D.W. Montgomery. Mrs. W. Schoet- ler , Mrs. E. F. Savage , O. P. Frank , William Eastman. Luicastcr-A. H. Weir , 0. A. Williams. Harlan (5. .M. Chcsslngton. Clay Joseph Herbert. Polk-A.J. Wlard. K. Oliver Found Alive. WVMOIIK , Neb. , Juno 10. E. Oliver , ot ieanlaley. III , , who jumped from a train at owa Point , May 7 , and w was supposed , oiled Into the Missouri river and was rowncd , was found alive , but very weak , csterday three miles trom where ho jumped. Oliver was laboring under an attack of tern- iorary Insanity and thought a uaug of con- jdence- men weio after him to take his life. He jumped from the train near the river and Utempted to drag his ten-year-old son with Sim , but Conductor Coplan grabbed the boy ml riaved his life. Oliver leaped from the train whllo It was tinning at a high rate of speed. It was dark it the time , and although a search was made at the time , no trace of him could bo found , 'le Is being cared for by residents at the 'olut and will bo sent to his brother in Kan- as. _ A Requisition For Young. NEIIHARKA CITY , Neb. , June 10. [ Special Telegram to the BKK. | Mr. Antrim , one ot lie victims of the swindler Young , whose ar- eet In Kansas City was announced In the 11 KK this morning , went to Lincoln to-day to ccure requisition papers , and the prisoner will be brought lo this city to-morrow for : rlal. Young says he can produce his accom plice and asserts his own Innocence of any Intentional fraud , having bought the Rakes 'arm from Rex In good faith. Depravity At Fullerton. FUI.LF.UTON , Neb. , Juno 10. ISpecial o the BKK. ] Miss Hattie liaker , ot His place , died yesterday In giving birth to an Illegitimate child. Her own stepfathers s supposed to be the guilty party. This Is laid to bo his second offense01 the kind , and here Is talk of mobbing him. Damaged By Rain. COLUMHUS , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele gram to the lir.K.J About ten miles north iast ot Columbus a very heavy rain fell last light washing out largo fields' of grain and larrylng away the bridges on Lost creek. There has- been a very heavy rainfall all day all through the county. Indicted Fur Illegal F'enclnc. CHEYKNNK , Wyo. , June 10. [ Special Tele- Tain to the BKI.J The grand jury , at its esslon just closed , found indictments igalnst J. J. Chadwick and C. II. Fisher , of he North Crow Crook Cattle company , for ( legally fencing public land. The land In question Is within the railroad limit , and consists of about two .sections. A motion to [ juash the Indictments made by Chadwick ml Fisher's attorneys was sustained In the district court to-day , Chief Justice Magln- 11 Is deciding that the indictment failed to specially statn'that the defendants had no ' 'color or shadow of title" to the land at the line they had fenced , as the law requires. As to the claim made by the defendants that fencing the public lands was no crime , the court decided that It was. The United States attorney stated that the reason that the indictment did not specifically refer to a shadow held by the defendanis In the lands enclosed by fence was because they didn't actually have a "shadow" of a title to the land in ques tion. It appears the two sections hr.d been taken up under the desert act , but part of the land lay HO high that It could not bo re claimed by ( negating ditches. The heavy land owners arc mutually pleased at the re sult , for they say that while they have no objections to civil suits , and would bo glad to see a decision of the question readied In the courts , they have-decided objections to being criminally Indicted. What the colored cavalry may now be ordered to do is re garded as a mooted question. A Costly Drop. DES MOINKS , la. , Juno 10. ( Special role- gram to the BEI : . J T. N. Newell , of Prairie Uity , who with his wlfo came to attend prominent vvcddlnc last ovcnlnc , met with a misfortune In the loss of a containing over S450. but where or how ho lost it he is unable to tell. The last he remembers was pulling It out at Perkins & Gatch's to give ills wife some money at 1 o'clock. At 0 o'clock he had occasion to use some change and louud to his surprise that the purse was gone. A close search failed to reveal It and a walk over the route taken did not discover it. It Is thought that in pulling out sonie- tlilnic else the purse escaped and was picked up by some one who consldeiod it a wind fall. Prof. Ilainmond'fl Position. IOWA Cixr , la. , Juno 10. ( Special Tel ograin to the But : . ] Prof. Hammond , at one time chancellor of the law dcpartmen of the Iowa State university , and later ot the St. Louis law school , was this spring re elected to vhe chancellorship of the Iowa school. After much consideration ho has de cided to decline the position and will accept the chancellorship of the California law school at a salary of 50,000. Iowa Supreme Court Decisions. DES MOINKS , June 10. [ Special Tele gram to the UKE. 1 Tlio supreme court rcu- pered the following decisions hero to-day : E. M. Plummcr et al , appellants , vs. the People's National bank of Independence , Uiiehanan district. Dismissed. V. H. Stough , appellant , vs. Chlcaeo & Noithwestern tallway company , and G. U. Woodworlh vs. same , Kossulu circuit , Alllrmed. First National bank nf Corning vs. J. M. Van lirocklm , appellant : and Clara A. Van Itroeklm , appellant , vs. First National bank of Corning , and J. L. Mchlwaln et al , inter- vonor.s. Adams district. Afllrmed. Catherine McConkev , appellant , vs. Newton - ton Lamb and J. C. i'ltynter , sheriff , Polk circuit. Affirmed. It. H. Case vs. Georce lllood et al , appel lants , Sioux circuit. Reversed. Frightful Earthquake. ST. I'KiKitsiiuito , June 10. Severe shocks of earthquake were felt at Veruomo in Turkestan this morning. The town is almost totally destroyed. One hundred and twenty persons wcro killed and one hundred and twenty-live Injured. Among the latter Is General Arivde , governor of the province of Somlietchlnsk. The shocks still continue to bo felt at Intervals. The Inhabitants of the town are panic stricken and have tied lor safety to thu open country. Amalgamated Iron Workers. Prrrsiiima , Juno 10. The Amalgamated association convention resumed considera tion of its vvago committee's report this morning. In the afternoon a communica tion was read from the secretary of the Iron association that the manufacturers would not bo rt'ady to confer with the wage com mittee until next Tuesday week , Adjourned until Monday. The Coffee Market Hronks. NKW YOIIIC , June 10. The coffee market sutlercd a decidedly bad break to-day , and at times the feeling was semi-panicky. 1 ho ex treme lejises are nearly IK cents per pound. This decline Is the largest ever recorded In oncda > 's trading. The weakening Influ ences are general selling , mainly by foreign houses , and a break In Havre of Wdi- . ' fraucs. The speculative dealings hero w reach upward of 1200,000 bags. cuonou ox o'imiE.v. The Irish Editor Vigorously De nounced for Ills Course. NKVV YOIIK , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.I Henry George's paper , the Standard , says of the Union Square "inci dent" of Saturday night last : No trap whatever was set for Mr. O'Urlcn and no at tempt whatever was made to get him to take sides In American politics. He came to America to denounce an Irish landlord for his conduct as a landlord. Ho was received with open arms by the American landlords and defenders of American landlords who dined him and wined htm and gave htm public ovations with the transparent pur pose of making themselves solid with "the rlsli vote. " Ho has been ilattcicd and lonl/cd by the press , which has nothing but misrepresentation and abn o for 'uoso who Imtieach In America tlio rery same system which these papers > o glibly condemn In Ireland , and lias received the public approval of the aich nlshop , who is exerting all his power to per- lecttlo unto ecclesiastical death an American jirlest who Incurred the unrelenting enmity of the Italian propoganda by the bravo words lie said In favor of "Irish revolution" in Ire land's darkest hour. The real truth of the matter Is evidently that O'lJrlen did not want to identify himself or the parliamentary party with the principle of the land for the people. He was willing to accent an ovation from the worklngmen of New lork provided It would appear to be merely a tribute to himself , to what ho calls his "mission , " and the picayune land policy of the parliamentary party. But ho was not willing tn accept any demonstration that would displease the saviors of socletv who have clustered around him in the United States , or A-onlcl give any color to the assumption that the Irish cause does In volve a universal principle. DEPENDENT PENSIONS. A New Dill Being Prepared By the O. A. IU MIMVAUKKK , June 10. A special to the Evening Wisconsin from Madison , Wis. , savs : The adjutant general of the Grand Army of the Republic Is being encaged in ssulng to all posts of the country an Import ant document in the nature of a dependent pension billwhoso passage will be urged upon the next congress. It was drafted by the na tional pension committee of the Grand Army of the Republic , Section 1 of the bill provides that In con sidering pension claims of dependent parents , the fact and cause of death , and the fact that a soldier left no widow or minor child or children having been shown as required by law , It shall be nocessarv only to show by competent and sufficient evidence that such parent or parents are or have been without other means of support than their own man ual labor or contributions ot others not legally bound tor their support. Section 2 provides that all persons who served three months tn the military 01 naval service of the United States and who have been honorably discharged and are suffering from mental or physical dlsabilillty , shall bo entitled to receive Si'- ! per month. Section 3 provides that It any Invalid pensioner has died or shall hereafter die , leaving a widow , minor child , or children under eighteen 3 ears of ago they shall bo placed upon thu pension roll at the rates established by law ior widows , child ren and parents , without regard to the cause of death of such pensioner. The Indian Council. EUFAUI.A , I. T. , Juno 10. Yesterday the nternatlonal Indian council concluded Its sessions after selecting Fort Gibson as the place or meeling , May a , l&iS. A resolution was unanimously adopted in the matter of railroad Improvements in the territory , call- In ? attention of congress to the treaty of liOO whereby but two railroads were to bo allowed to be constructed through the territory and said no moro fran chises should bo granted oy conciess without the consent of the nations atlected thereby. They protested against such legislation as appropriates Indian lands for the use of pri vate corporations. The council entinated the government to respect its own euaran- tees to protect the Indian people. They re quest congress to pass an cnablinc act , whereby all questions affecting the rights of Indians under treaty stipulations may bo re ferred to the courts of the United States , It. li. Smith Again Sued. CHICAGO , June 10. [ Special Telegram to the UEK. ] Geiger A ; Grtesemcr , woolen mer chants of Philadelphia , sued a capias out of the circuit court yesterday against L. I Smith and Halman I.owy for fraud and con spiracy. In June , 16S5 , the petitioners sold Smith , then a dry goods merchant In Omaha , goods on time. Jiefore delivering the goods the petitioners demanded of Smith a state ment of his financial condition. Ho wrote a statement showing himself to be worth $79- 000 above all debis. JuneUD , IbS-i , ho failed and claimed to have sold out to Lowy. It Is claimed that Smith was hopelessly Insolvent when he bought the coeds of tlio petitioners and that lie knew It , and that Lowy and Smith had entered Into a conspiracy by which Smith was to purchase goods and tun ; them over to Lowy upon a pretended con slderation. which was never paid. The ca pias Is In aid of an action for the value cf the goods with interest A Telegraph Olllce Burned. PiTTsnuiio , Juno 10 The three uppei stories of the First National bank building , occupied by the Western Union teiegrapl : company as operating rooms and battery , burned this morning. The lire started In the operating rooms , supposed have been caused by the crossing ot wires In the rear of th switch board. All their hue machinery was totally destroj r > d and every wire piostrated. Temporaly headquarlers have been oslab- llslied at the Mutal Union office. Communl cation by lelephouo has also been suspended and all kinds of business In consequence Is badly relarded. The direct loss closely ap- promlmales 870,000 , and thu Indirect loss wil1 equal and may greatly exceed that sum. Sophia Owes Sngo. NEW YOIIIC , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram so the RT.K.J Sophia Mattern , who has been sueing Russel Sago for an account Ink- claiming that lie owed her money entrusted to him for stock speculations , seems to bo bent upon making a great deal af trouble. The referee decided against tier several days ago , and yesterday added to her discomfit ure by deciding that instead of Russel Sago owing her slin was Indebted to him In tlio sum of S3 , ! > 07.7 ! > . She has shown so much anger and violence that her airest may be necessary. Leo's Gift to Victoria. ROME , June 10. The pope's gift to Queen Victoria on the occasion of her jubilee con sists of a massive reproduction of Raphael's fresoe representing an allegorical hgure of poetry. The work was executed in ttio vatl- can. Monsignor Scilla will convey the gift to London. King William Laid Up. BKIILIN. June 10. It Is officially announced that Emperor William , In consequence of abdominal cramp , has been confined to his bed for the last few days. Ho Is also suffer ing trout catarrhal Irritation of the ejo lids. In Favor of Popular Election. PAHIS. Juno 10. At a meeting ot the rad ical left to-day , Labouchere'a proposal that the senate bo elected by universal suffrage was approved by a vote of IT to 0. Ilallroad Accident. NEwYonK , Juno 10. An accident ac- currcd to the train on the New York Ccntial road near Spuytcn Duyvll this morning. It is said several sleepers left the track. The pasaencers were seiiously shaken up but none Injured. Jay Gould at Sen. FormiKSS MONBOE , Va. , June I0.--Tho yacht Atlanta , with Jay Gould oa board , sailed tor Now York at daylight , ANOTHER ROSSER ASSAULT. Ho Makes a Second Invasion Against Sheridan With His M outh , GIFTED WITH PLENTY OF GAB. A Induction of Two Per Cent Shown By the Juno Report of tlio De partment of Agriculture National News. A Warfare of Wind. AVAsitiNciTON.Junolo. I Special Telegram to the IKK. ! | General Itosser has broken loose again. Not sntisllcil with tlio drubbing received from all quarters on account of his Indiscreet and dlslojal letter about Sheridan , he Is still of the same opinion. In an Inter view In Now York last night ho said : "I have had to take It pretty heavy from many sources , and yet 1 do not regret tbat letter which was written from a sense of duty , not to reopen war Issues , which 1 am the last man to desire reopened , but to prevent what 1 and hundreds of others believe would bo Indecency. The origin of tlio letter Is tills : I was very busy with mv own affairs , when 1 reccl\ed a letter from a lady living In the valley notifying mo that Sheridan was coming down thcro to camp out , parade himself , and survey his old battle ground. She was very Indignant at the Idea of a second invasion bv a man who had desolated the valley. Sim declared It was an Insult to the women of the valley when this most brutal general of the war came thereto renew his triumphs , and she asked : 'Is there not man hood enough loft In the valley for a single protest tobe raised against It ? ' Agreeing with the lady 1 wrote the letter , not against u union soldier , but against the man wno pil laged and destroyed the homes of defense less women and children. Why , suppose Jubal Early , who tired Chamhersbunr , were to visit that city to-day , do you think ho would be welcome ? No. The citizens would rise up en masse against him and } ou and 1 would .say It was Indecent of him. Still more so Is It for Sheridan to visit the Shenandoah. I toll you , sir , that this Is not a question of old issues. The war Is over , and 1 am glad to-day it ended as It did. Thu south is richer to-day than It was before the war. 1 believe In union. 1 would not put the niggers back Into slavery If 1 could. I am thoroughly reconstructed. 1 ha\e many dear friends among union sol diers. Hut Shcrld-an waged a barbarous warfare - faro In the valley ol the Shenandoah , and I object , as do hundiedb of others , to his coinIng - Ing among us. Sheridan has tried to place the responsibility of his deeds on General Grant. It can't br done. General Grant simply or dered him to destroy crops in the valley. Ho did not tell him to burn barns and houses. Why , often when a barn did not contain a dozen bushels of grain , and when it was so close to the house that Its de struction meant that of the house , too , Sher idan ordered It iircct , and the helpless in mates , whose husbands and sons wcro at tlio front lighting , were rendered homeless. This was not Honorable warfare. It was the war fare of the ancient Spaniards , ot savage In dians. " _ A Crooked Telephone Concern. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] For some days past the executive departments have been Hooded with circulars setting forth a chance to make money afforded by the stock of the , American Telephone company , a newly , organized corporation under the Jaws of Virginia. The company claimed that It had secured a grant from the republic of Venezuela by which the exclusive right to operate telephones In that country was conceded to It. In glowing terms the possibilities of a telephone In South Amer ica wcro set forth and promises of fortunes to those who bought the stock were assured. Department clerks , who usually have all they can do to live within their Incomes without squandering any portion of their earnings In wildcat stock speculations , Invested In it. The stock Is ottered at the low rate of 10 cents on the dollar , and it Is said that sales amount- Inc to 91,000,000 have been made. Tlio con cern Is capltali/ed at a\000,000 and shares are sold o\er the counter at the price adver tised In the circulars. It all of the concern was sound there would bo nothing wrong In all this , but unfortunately It turns out the concussion fiom the republic of Vene/uela , from vvhlchtso much Is expected , has not jet been fully secured. The papers are promised on the next steamer and the formal content of the authorities will probably be published In the next odiclal Gazette , Uut the worst feature ot the concern , and the one which has brought It Into dlsciedlt , Is the tact that among the names of the incorporators Is one that Is familiar to the olllcors of more than one penitentiary. This is the name of Theo dore \V. Trer. . Tnls man Is the head and front of tlio whole concern , and although Congressman Uutterworth , of Ohio , Is down as president , Tyrcr is the oruanizer , vice president and the man above others to whom is due the measure of success In floating the stock which has thus far been secured. Somehow or other suspicion was aroused yestciday that there was something not altogether right about Tyrer and an investi gation into his reputation and antecedents was undertaken. A rumor was started that ho had been convicted ot forgery In two different states and telegrams were sent to the warden ot Um penitentiary at Stlllwatcr , Minn. , and to tlio county clerk of Erie county , New York. The former replied as follows : SsTiLi.vvATr.H , Minn. Theodore Tyrer was sent hero for four j ears for forgery and was discharged May 1S. ! IbW. ( Signed ) 11. J. Stordock , warden penitentiary. " The county olorkot Erie county , New 1'ork , tele graphed : "Colonel Theodore Tyrer pleaded guilty to forgciy April 10 , 1S > 73 , andApiill'J was sentenced to Auburn for live years. Five other indictments were nollo pressed the same day. ( Signed ) U , A. Orr , county clerk. " A further investigation led to the complete Identification of the Theodore W. Tjrur , of the American Telephone company , as the Theodore without tho-W. Tjrer of Auburn and Btllluatcr. It was learned further that he was one ot the organl/.ers of scveial other telephone companies which have had an existence on papei during the past two j ears. Ha was connected with one of these companies some time ago as plain Theodore Tj rer , when an Item appeared in the dally papers here to the ctlect ' 'That a great deal of excitement had been created In Minnesota by the publication of a story to the effect tnat the president Is said to have ap pointed one Theodore Tyrer to an Important place under the government. Tyrcr served a term In the Stlllwatcr penitentiary tor for gery. " Immediately after ttie publication of this Item the Initial " \V. " appeared in the name of the Tyrer doing business hero , and soon after his associates , becoming convinced that all was not right , froze him out of the presidency of the company. Next he turned up as president of the North Washington real estate company. Again his associates learned of his prison record and he was once more deserted. The fact that the name of Congressman Uutterworth appears in con nection with this now venture of the en terprising cx-liullalonlan has been suin dent to elve it great weight In Washington , as well as In Ohio , and It Is said that the stock has found many buyers where the name of Major liutter- wortli Is best knowii. That gentleman is absent from the city at present , but no one believes ho Is aware of the character of the man with whom ho has allowed his name to be associated. It Is certain , however , that thcro U something very queer In the com pany , as one ot the largest stockholders said to-day that a dividend would be declared within the next eight mouths , when 4 per cent w mild bo paid to those holding certifi cates of stock. Ho was asked how It would be possible to do this , w hen he coolly re plied that it was the Intention of tlio In corporators to sell § 1.000,000 worth of the stock. This would realize S 100,000 and out of this 810,000 would be used In the payment of the lirst dividend. This , ho thought , would send the slock to 850 or SCO , at which tlgure those who entered the ground floor would piobably unload and the lambs would have to sulfur the consequences. This stater ment was made by the stockholder as though hothoucht It was perfectly legitimate , but his frankness will probably have the effect of opening the eji""f the clerks In the de partments and It will doubtless serve to re strain many ot them from throwing tnolr money Into the hole dug by Theodore Tyrar , formerly of Buffalo. Official Crop Reports. WASIIINOION , Juno 10 , The Juno returns of the department of agricultural Indicate a reduction of nearly 2 per cent. In the area of winter wheat. The spring wheat area has been enlarged0 per cent fiom the Increasoof Immigration and farm-making west of the Mississippi river In districts traversed by the Northern Pacific road. Most of the Increase Is In Dakota , the total area of wheat being 37.000,000 acres. The condition of winter wheat shows no marked change , the average being i > l.9. lie- ports of short straw are very numerous. In some districts there are Indications that the yield of grain will bn larger proportionately than straw. The harvest Is already In progress up to the thirty-eighth degree of latitude. The condition ot spring wheat Is good In Dakota and the territories westward , but below the average iccords In Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa and Nebraska. The gen- cial averat'o for spring whcal Is b7.3 , which is lower than recent jears. Dry weather In April has been Injurious to winter wheat Insects have committed greater depredations than usual. The central belt westward from Pennsylvania and Virginia has suffered local damage from the Hessian fly and the chinch bug has wrought Injury in Illi nois , Missouri and Kansas. The area of win ter wheat has been diminished over G per cent , mainly by a large reduction In Kansas. The Increase In barley acreage is 3 per cent and Is noticed In Dakota and the Pacific slodo states. The condition averages 87. There Is a continuance of the extension of oats culture. This crop has taken part of the ihe area formerly in wheat in Kansas. The advance Is 'M per cent over the acreage of last year. Increase Is largo in the northwest and there Is a tendency to enlargement in all sec tions of the country. TOTKKA , Juno 10. The state board of ag riculture report for Juno shows the area of wheat sown to bo 20 per cent less than last year and the smallest since 1875. The condi tion Is 40 per cent The acreage of corn Is at least 25 per cent In excess of any former period and the condition was never better. The condition of oats as compared with live years average Is CO per cent , barley 70 per cent. An Inter-State Complaint. WASUINCITO.V , Juno 10. The board of railroad and warehouse commissioners of Minnesota has transmitted to the inter-state commerce commission a petition of the boards of trade of the cities of Farmlngton , Northtield , Farlbault and Owatonna , accom pany Ing the complaint against the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad company. It is alleged by the petition and complaint that the charges made by the railroad company on traffic are unjust and unreasonable ; that It charges and receives from persons living at Farmlngtou and other towns mentioned a greater compensation for the transpoitatlon of mill stuffs to points on the road In Wis consin , Iowa mill Illinois than it receives from persons living at St. Paul , Minneapo lis , Stlllwaier , Mcnomonee , Eau Claire and Chlppewa Falls for like service , which re- sulled In undue and unreasonable prejudice and disadvantage to the first named towns. The result of these unjust , unequal and un reasonable charges , It is stated , is that the mills at Faribanlt , Farmlngton and other towns are unable to compete successfully with St. Paul -Minneapolis millers , and that many have been closed and large num bers of men thrown out of employment. Among the Military. WASHINGTON , June 10. ( .Special Telegram to the 15iE.l : Members of the board of army regulations stain that there will bo no effort made to change the regulations for the ob servance of Sunday by the army. The present method is considered the best that could be advised. Army furloughs : Sergeant George Allen , company G , Fourteenth Infantry , one month ; Private Charles 12. Cook , company C , Twenty-third Infantry , six months to go abroad. Army orders : Colonel J. II. Uaxter , med ical surveyor , has been ordeied to New York for the put posu of surveying the new medical surveying depot thero. Majoi 11. K. Frjer , surgeon , and Captain Thomas J. Gregg , Second cavalry , nave been found Incapacitated tor actlve service bv an army retiring board , and have been granted a leave of absence until tutthcr orders on account of disability. First Lieutenant C. Cowles'Twenty-thiid Infantry , Is relieved from recruiting duty July 1 , and ordered to join his company. Second Lieutenant George II. Sands , Sixth cavalry , is giauted six months' leave from August 1. First Lieutenant John A. Johnston , Eighth cavalry , has been granted an extension of leave until August 20. Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. WASHiNaioN.June 10. [ Special Telegram to the UEE. | Pensions were issued for Nebraskans - braskans to-day , as follows : Koland It. Fletcher , Ulalr ; John W. Townsend , Dor chester ; David Latturo , Kaymond ; John Humsey , Plum Creek ; Oscar O. 13annon , Howard ; Den J. S. Cross , CreUhton ; Malcom M. Sherwood , Conedon : John Wheeling , Burnett ; Arthur W. Wilson , Belvldere. Pensions for lovvaus : Mary E. , mother of JosHpu N. Johnson , Lester Center : Thomas Ephland , Croton ; linssell li. Whitney , Sioux City ; Rollln Hurnlmm , Storm Lake ; William C. Kay , Des Molnes ; Samuel W. Toby , Thayer ; Frank Hamlong , Albion ; Dwight H , Herreman , Creameny : James Prayne , Kilbourn ; Seneca O. Thrall , Ottumwa ; Henry Shane. Warsaw ; Charles G. Slater , Falrmount ; Hugh Jordan , falbloy ; George 13. Dana , Slgourney ; Jasper Means , lla/leton ; Henry G. Willie , Lacona ; John McKlrnan , Columbia ; Homer Cahnw , Council Bluffs ; MHo Dance , Arbor Hill ; Edward Guild , Fort Dodge : John Stewart , Shell Rock ; John 11 , Ford , Llvcrmore. A Mistaken Estimate. WASHINGTON , June 10. [ Special Telegram to the UEE. ] The officials of the Interior department are Inclined to think that the army officers have made a mistake In their estimate of the number of Indians who have cone upon the warpath in Arizona. The dispatches fioiri the seat of war state that onlyseventoou have left the reservation , but the experience oftlio past has been that when so largo a number leave a whole band I s likely to go with them and all the women and children are taken alone. The probability Is , therefore , that the fleeing hostiles - tiles number at least sixty. There Is some fear at the Interior department that the In dians will commit such depredations as will arouse against them a hue and cry for their lemoval from Ari/ona , In which event there Is always considerable trouble In making the transfer , not only from the Indians so shifted , but from their friends In other bands of the same tribe. This trouble was encoun tered In a manner when Geroulmo and his followers were removed. Postal ChanRCH. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. [ Special Tele gram to the UKE. ] 1 he following Iowa post masters were appointed to-day : Gee , H. Pallady , Hedge , Wayne county , vice Lancing Ilajes , resigned : John II. Cash , Prope , War ren county vice 0. Perkins , removed. A postortice was established at Dunning , Illalno county , and Itussel Dunning ap pointed postmaster. Postmasters have been appointed to new ofllces In Nebraska as follows : George P. Shockley. Mitchell , Cheyenne county ; Mont gomery Frailer , Spring Creek , Johnson county. Nebraska postmasters commissioned : Oli ver K. Walters , Garner ; William D. Hluton , Slephcnson. The special mall service from Republic , Chlckasavv county , Iowa , to Nashua , has been discontinued. Rev. Sum Small at the Capital. WASHINGTON , June 10. [ Special Tele gram to the UEE , I Rev. Sam Smallthe evan gelist , is here with his wife , on his way to bt. Paul , where he joins Hov. Sam Jones In a revival , lie has been to his alma uiater , Emery , and Henry college , near Arlington Va. , where ho delivered a sermon at the ; radiiatlon exercises. Mr. Small says that 10 and Mr. Jones touted the corrupt politi cal ring which surrounded Major Caitcr Harrison at Chicago. _ The Mllltla Appropriation. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. For the purpose of carrying out the act of congress making an annual appropriation to provide arms and equipment for militia , the following regula- Ions have been Issued by the department : 1'ho adjutant general of the army shall annu ally , on or before July 1 each year , report to ho war department tlio number ot regularly nllstod active militia In each statu and terrl- ory , and this will be the basis of action for ho ensuing jear. The requisitions will bo nado by the governors on the war de-part- uent. The 8400,000 appropriated w ill be dls- rllmted as follows : Illinois receives $20,270 , Iowa S1.WI , Minnesota Sft.Ml. Nebraska S40 ; * . Wisconsin S 10,133 , Dakota territory SJ.70I. _ J _ The n. & M. Land Grant. WASHINGTON , June 10. L-xnd Commis sioner Spaiks has advised attorneys for the mrchasers of lands in Nebraska from the Hur- Ington & Missouri river railroad company hat no patents can be Issued tosaldcompuiy for lands north of the line of road In that state , for the reason that the company has already received patent under former adinin- stratlons of the land ofllco for 200,000 acres more than it Is entitled to. 1 ho commissioner recommended a suit some time since to re cover this excess. A Newspaper Hhnt Out. WASHINGTON , June 10. The postmaster general has issued an order to the postmaster it Chicago to deliver no moro registered let ters to the Chicago Farm Journal , and cash no more money orders for It. for the reason hot the naper has no genuine subscription list , and Is not legitimately a newspaper. Yellow FCTor Under Control. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. Acting Surgeon General Stoner to-day expressed the opinion that the yellow fever , at Key West Is well under control , and that there is not much danger of its spreading beyond Its present limits. _ _ _ _ _ Disbarred From Practice. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. ISpecial Tele ram to the UEK.J Jefferson Foxworthy , of Lincoln , Neb. , has been disbarred from prac tice as an attorney before the department of the Intel lor. THE PRINTERS. Important Action to the Craft Taken By the International. BUFFALO , N. Y. , May 10. In the Typo graphical union convention tlio first busi ness this morning was the report of the com mittee on female cheap labor , recommend ing the organisation of women and equal pay foroqual work , which was adopted , The commilteo on constitution and blaws re ported unfavorably on abolishing the ofllco of chief organizer ; favorably that the tlmu of holding the next meeting be fixed as the second Monday In June , and also that the salary of secretary and tioasurci bo changed Iroin $1,200 to 81,000. The report was agreed to. The same commlttee'roported favorably to reduce the salary of chief organizer from 81,500 to 81,200 ana his expense account from 81,000 to 800 ; also that the salary of president bo reduced from nf'.XX ) to S'GOO. and ills expenses from 9400 to 8300. All the recommendations were adopted. The com mittee on the nine-hour law reported a resolution that nine hours constitute a day's work after October next in all ollices except those of dally newspapers. Referred. The committee on plates recommended that subordinate unions have power ito act : that the International Typographical union exec utive officers endeavor to arrange With man ufacturers ot plates not to furnish such mat ter to non-union newspapers ; that an executive board . ot live be ap pointed to have charge of the matter ; that subordinate unions take Immediate action to snppiess plates now prepared In unfair offices ; that union punters who , sanctioned by the executive committee- , strike against plates , bo supported from the strike fund. Alter a Icngthv discussion the motion to discountenance the use of plates was votea down. The report was adopted except the third clause. At the aftomoon session the now officers were sworn in and Immediately afterwards the convention went Into secret session , which lasted half an hour. The committee on non-union offices made n secret report. ' 1 ho committee on general laws reported on the nine-hour law as follows : Nine hours shall constitute a day's woric except on daily papers , and In these subordinate unions are icqulrcd to change their scale of prices so that at least six hours ot continuous com position ( piece work ) , shall constitute a day's work. This applies only to unions havlnz moro than sixty members. Unions with fewer members "may hare the same advantages if so desired. The unions must give sixty days' notice to employers af- fcoted. This law Is to take effect November 1. Adopted. The charter of pressmons' union No. 9 of Now York was rovoked. The Secret of Russia Iron Making. PtTTSiiuno , June 10. [ Special Telegiam to the BKE.J Initial steps were taken yes terday for constructing a Russia iron mill at Freeport , about thirty miles north of this city. Farley Alden , member of the linn of W. II. Rogers & Co. , who will build the Iron works said : "This will bo the first Uussla Iron mill ever built outside of Siberia. An Imitation of Russia Iron has been made in this country for some time , but not Impervi ous to rust. ImpervlousiiMs to lust is the test of genuine Russia Iron. Few persons imagine what risk was run In learning the secret of the treatment by which Uussla Iron Is made. There arc only three i > coplo outside of Rusala to-day who know this secret. They are William Rogers , W. H. Rogers , his son , and Mr , Nlcholas.nephowof William Rogers. About eighteen years ago William Rogers was sent out as Pennsylvania state geologist to Russia. Ho had credentials addressed to ex-Governor Curtln , minister at St. Petersburg at that tune. As long as ho confined his explorations to the mines lie at tracted little 01 no suspicion , but as soon as he Pel his foot Inside the Iron mills of Princess Demidoff ho was subjected to tlio most violent espionage. It must ho re- mcmbeied that the men in the mills who know the secret of making Russia Iron are never allow eil to quit the mills. With the special study ho had made of lion making be fore going to Russia , he was not Ion. : in dis cerning the much coveted secret , though tin had much trouble to evade suspicion. Had hu Uten detected he would have been forced to remain In Siberia the rest of his life. " Dnvo mid Grover. Ai.nvxv , N. Y. , Juno 10. President Cleveland and party arrived hero In a private car at 0:30 : this morning by way of East Al bany. President and Mrs. Cleveland drove to the now executive mansion In a carriage with Adjutant General Porter , and at 8 o'clock the paity breakfasted with Governor Tlio short time remaining after breakfast was spent In examining the now executive mansion which was formally opened by their visit. The president left with ills compan ions. except Mrs. Cleveland , by special on the West Shore road about 11 o'clock. MM. Cleveland will go to Oswcgo this afternoon. NEW YOJIK. Juno 10. At 3:110 : n. in. to-day President Cleveland reached Jersey City from Albany. The president did not leave the car , which was attached to the Washing ton limited express and left at I o'clock. WASHINGTON. June 10. Tno president ar rived In tne city at 0 o'clock to-nuht. A car riage was In waiting at the end of the rail road yard and he entered It unil was driven to the white house. Two or thrcn friends of the president were the only persons present when he alUhtod from the train. Mrs. Cleveland at OMVI-RO. OSWKGO , N. Y. , Juno 10. Mrs. Cleveland arrived here this evening , accompanied by friends. Mrs. Cleveland will remain as the guest of Miss Klngford for two weeks , after which both ladles will attend the commence meiit exercises at Wells' college , Aurora , * AnnnpolU ( irnduatRB. ANNAI-OUS , Md. , June 10. The * mttntes of the naval academy wore given thflr di plomas to-day by SecreUry Whitney. Ho made DO remarks. SHUTTING OUT THE MINORITY The Government ( Successfully Prepares W Smother Debate on the Crimes Bill , NO HEED PAID TO PROTESTS. Gladstone and Parnoll Make Visor * oils Speeches DonnitnuliiK the Unfairness of thu Move ment Foreign News , I the Crime * Hilt. LONDON , Juno 10. In the commons this evening Smith moved the resolution pre viously announced requesting that at 10 p. mJ on the 17th the chairman forthwith put the/ question on any motion , amendment or pro-1 Kisal touching the clause of the crimes bill' ' hen under discussion , then on the clause tsclf , and finally on each remaining clause. lo urged that the stop was forced upon thc overnment by continued obstruction. It' vas absolutely necessary tor the dignity and1 ofllclency of the house that the attempts to ircvent the vrogross of business ba defeated. .t was now the fourth month of the session , and practically nothing had been dono. The vbolo course of legislation had been stopped. The government desired due consideration. given the rights of the minority , but It was indoubUxlly the duty ot the government In he circumstances , without parallel In the ilstory of parliament , to call upon the homo .otako measures to prevent the minority rom setting at defiance the controlling power of the majority. Gladstone said longer notice nhould have > een given of this Important mqtlon. The ircsent state of affairs had been brought ibout by the government thenmelves. They tad been pursuing a false , futile policy ot coercion without the justification pleaded on 'ornicr occasions. They disregarded all the usages and traditions ot parliament in the conduct of the measure which they had , under the name of the crimes bill , Intro duced. He would suggest to the government : hat a rational mode to expedite the bill would be to make It temporary instead of permanent , and to strike out all provisions touching combinations apart from crime. It Lhe government rejected that remedy , and had no other to pi opose. the otteimho char acter of the bill would be retained In full force. He did not wish to create a dllllculty ny offering opposition which ho knew would , t > o Ineffectual. Ho would therefore content himself by protesting against the excuse now proposed. Parnell said ho could not understand tlio fatuity of the government rustu Inif blindfold along the road which they had already seen would le.xd to the greatest disorder In Ireland. The government speakers haiped on the theme of "Obstruction. " As a matter of fact , tha Irish members had not lifted ono volco against any measure except the coercion bill , which they were bound to resist to the utx most. Ho concluded by moving an amend ment that the house decline to sanction the resolution limiting the freedom of debate and assailing the rights of the minority. Harcourt warned the government that thelc proposal might bo used by a future govern ment as a precedent for carrying the homo rule bill In A fortnight , and that oilier meas ures might be ioreed through In the sauio way. Goschen , chancellor of the exchequer , said that parliament and the country had had enough of this unlimited discussion. It waff necessary now to put an end to It. Several Parnrllltcs continued the discussion. Smith movnd cloture , which was carried 284 to 107. Parnell's amendment was rejected 301 to 181. 181.After After further discussion Smith's completn motion was carried under cloture 345 to Ml amid cheers and counter cheers. Smith then proposed to postpone further discus sion ot the bill In committee till Monday. Healy asked that the discussion be pro ceeded with Saturday , hut Smith declined. Conybear , supporting Healy , was comment ing on the humorous talent of Smith when the latter appealed to the chair. The chair siid : "I must say tlio whole tone ot this do bate has been a disgrace to the house. " Conybear was about to continue , when Smith moved cloture , which was cairled 208 to 78. | Cries of "Shame , " "Disgraceful , " etc. ] A motion to postpone the dhcusslon In commlttou until Monday was carried 203 to 72. Smith moved to adjourn. Mr. Healy objected. Cheers and a voice , "He will havq hl holiday , " greeted the dual application op cloture , carrying the motion to adjoiuu 203 to 71. _ The Coercion Appendix LONDON , Juno 10. The covornment bill , which will bo an appendix to the coercion bill , providing for the trial of persons ) charged with grave offcinses by a commisi slon of juilties , will bo Immediately intrfrj duced in parliament and pushed through at the Bumo time as the coercion bill. What Gladstone Will Do. LONDON , June 10 , U Is rumored that Gladstone Intends , uftur the crimes bill passes the third reading , to ralso the whole question of the government's Iiiau policy. More Exciting Scenes Attendant Upon Kvlmlons. PmiMN , Juno 10. 'I id eviction at Uodyko was resumed to-day , at. there was n repe tition of the exciting scenes which have at tended numerous attempts to evict tenants. 'Ihe sheriff and his body guaid was stub bornly resisted at the bouse of a tenant named O'Halloran , The hillside near the house was coveted with an excited mob , who cheered the defenders of the premises and urged them to hold out. O'Halloran and his parly had dug a trench around the house , and barricaded the lower rooms , whllo the upper portion of the house was occupied bv ten men and some women. The bailiffs made an attack on the wall of the house with nowbars , but were dilven back with boiling water. The Inswctorof police , with drawn nword , then mounted a ladder placed against the filde ot the house , but was beaten down. The constable , with a rlllo and fixed bayonet , next mounted the ladder , hut his head was battered by the defenders Sov ural gishes were Inflicted upon film and ho retired. Another consUblo also attempted to ellmb the ladder but tailed. A second ladder was then procured and several con stables mounted It , but wore beaten down. Cox essayed to climb up the ladder to Hpcak ; to the inmates of the liouso , but the police/ prevented him from so doing. Finally a constable entered with a rifle and fixed bayo net , which was wrested I mm him and his safely was imperiled , when Father Hannon entered nnd caused a filiation of hoslllltlcfi. The Inmates weru thmi arrested and the work of eviction carried out. Thu I'rlnco Will Hccover , UKIU.IN , Juno 10. Dr. McKeiulo and Ger man specialists In attendance upon the crown prlnco held a consultation to-day. Vlrchovr reported the result of his microscopical ex amination of the growth last removed from the prince's throat. The report Is exceed ingly reassuring and loft no doubt of the ul timate recovery of the crown prince. The latter will start for London Mnmlnv and during his stay will reside near the Crystal palace. _ Kngland'f * IVyntlnn Convention. LONDON , Juno 10. in the IcrdH to-day SaliBbuiy pre.sontcd the Egyptian conven tion. Knglaud U to evacuate Kgypt In three yrars. England retains thorlglu to send troops to Kgypt In the event ot external or Internal dlsoidor. The convention will not bo valid unless ratified by the powers. A JliinHlnn Finn I no Imminent , LOXDOV , May 10. A famine Is Imminent Inthoulty of Meshed and throughout the whole province a ( Khoratsan. The Russians , in < trying to pie.vaut the people from mil- tiiig lo the traus-C i.plnn tcrritoiu-s.