Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1887, Page 7, Image 8
* THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. .TUNE 10. 188 ? SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advortlremonta under this hciid.10 cents po Ino for the llrst Insertion , 7 cents tor oncli sul > - Frqncnt Insertion , andfl.Mn line per inonlli. No mlvortl'cmont tnkcn for lees than 25 centi fortho first Insertion. Sovrti wonlj wll Jbo counted to tlio linn ! they must run COIISPCII- tlvoly nnd mun bo paid In ndvnnco. All ndvor- tlMtmonti rnui t lie hnndrd In before 1 : ' , n o'clock j > . m.i nnd undnr no clrctini tnncfs will they betaken taken or discontinued by tnlophonc. I'nrtta * advertising In those columns nnd hav ing the answers ndrtrcs td In cnro of Tim ilr.n will plnnso n k fern cheek to cnnblo them to cot their non will tie ilollvcred oxcrpt on presentation of check. All nnswon to ndvor- tlcinctit8 Mionld be enclosed In envelopes. All Advertisements In thceo columns nre pub lished In lOth tnornlntr nnd evening editions of Uho HER , tha circulation of which nggrcgiitoH more than 14,000 papers ilnily , nml glvn tbo hdvortlfor the lioni-llt , not only of tlio ell r circulation of The Jlrr but nlso of Council filling , Lincoln , nnd other cities nnd towns throughout tills pnrt of HlP WOPt. MONEY TO LOAN. [ "ONEY to loan , no commission. Cole. 310.8 , L 16th. TO3 TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In sums of ( l,000lo J.I,000 ntfllior | cent Interest. HholcsJt Crumb. 828 TO I.OAN-On city property In MONEY of 1500 nnd upwnrd < < at lowest rates. Monny hlwnys on hand. B. B. Campbell. 310 Boiitli Hutotmth street , fc22 1500,000to loan ntn per cent , H urns & Pamp- f eon , ISin Douglas t 607 M ONKY to loan In largo or small amounts by Win II. Loach , 15W For num. 652 J15 f ONEY TO LOAN-O. F. Dnvli Co , real L estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st Tit ONEY TO LOAN First mortgage notes .HI bought , J , A. Illoetand , room P , Arling ton block. 60'JJ 12J , To loan on Omaha city property ntfl $600,000 cent. a. W. Kay , s. o. cor. Ex. Did. MONKV TO LOAN-On city nnd farm prop erty , low rates. Stewart ft Co. , Hnom 3 Iron bank. WJ MONEY to loan , cnsh on delay. 3 , W. nnd K. L. BtiUlre , 1113 Farmitn St. , Tnxton hotel bulldlnif. BtO MONEY rirct inortgnito notes. The Douglas county bunk will buy papers secured by first mortgaifo on city realty. 611 MONKY TO LOAN on improred real estate ; no commission charged. Lonvltt liurn- liain , 1 lee 111 1 Crolghton lllock. 612 61'Eli C NT-Monoy to loan. Gregory & Iladlor , Rooms 1 and B , lledick Dlock , iBO B. Kth RU C13 MONEY loaned on rosldonco property. First und second mortgages bought. E. 8. 1 low- Icy , 311 South inth Btroot. gil8J26 TO LOAN Money Loans placed on im proved real estate In city or county for Now England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglog t'ounty bank. 18th and Chlnqgo st . 614 TITONEY to loan on Improved city property nt A.U. 6 per cent. Money on hand ; uo not have to watt Hnvo n complete set of abstract boohs ot Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Heal Eslnto nnd Loan Co. , > EOH. 15th gt. 616 Til ONEY TO LOAN-bytbo undersigned , who 4. ' ! has the only properly organized loan Dgcncy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 mndo on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , Ac. without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Lonns so nndotbntnny part can bo paid nt nny Imo.each payment reducing the cost pro rota. Advanced madn on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons Bhould carefully consider who they nro dealing yllh , aimnny now concerns are daily coming Into existence. Should you need money call fndsoomp.V. . U. Croft , Hoom 4 Vtbncll Jlulldlng 15th nnd Hnrnoy. cm riMIE OMAHA FinnncTnTEjichnngo. .A. N. W. rornor of Hnrnoy und IBth sts. . ever State National bank. " it prepared to mnko short tlrao loans on any pvnllnblo security. Loans mndo on chattels , collateral or real estate. Long tlmo loans mndo on Improved real estate nt current rales. Purchu'o money mortgages negotiated. Hi'curoil notes bought , polder exchanged. Bhort tlmo loans maclo onsecond mortgage , according to marginal Interest , at collateral tntos. Itcat citnto to exchange for good Interest tearing paper. ( l pnornl financial business of nil kinds trans uded promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Money always on bnnd for approved loans of liny kind , without dol.iy or unnecessary pub licity. Corbott. Manager. 6tT $ 750.000 TO LOAN at 8 per cent. > luhoney , 1609 Farnnm. BIB MONEY LOANED at C. F. Itood ft Co.'s Loan Olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses.wanona , personal property of all kinds , nnd all ether ar ticles of value , without removal. B19 8. 13tb. over Illnpliam's Commission store. All bual- PCfs strictly conCdentlal. 619 fe PEll CENT Money. U It. C. Pattcrton , 15th and Hnrney. (30 ( BUSINESS CHANCES. "irolt HALK Ueeuiurnnt making J100 cloir n J-1 month. Good reasons for selling. Ad dicss B2ii Uco olllco , _ fU3 11 J \\TANTK1) I'artlcs who deslroto buy sell T T or exchange Blocks of general morchnn- rll L'dry goods , groceries , boots nnd shoes , linrdwnro , drugs , jowolry. Improved or unlm- rrovod town or city property , improved or un improved farms In any pnrt of the United Btntos , to nddress Kruus & Foster , 816 PO. 15th Bt , Omnhn. Neb. 9d7 14 _ BUSINESS ohnngo , small notion store for nale on 10th street ; good stand. Address 8 p ; . Bee olllco. B4318J _ _ _ _ " 171011 8ALII Ilakcry and Ice cream parlor. 1 ? Address Mrs. U. Auor , OscooUt , Neb. W ANTKD-A physician with J3UO to MOO ; a splendid chance In a fine paying business , veil established. This Is n good ohnnco tor the fight man , business la now paying (300 to (500 Jior wcuk ; nddress P. 0 , llox 444 , llcatrlco , Neb. t'77 10 * t _ " 171011 BALi : 1'irst class Ice cream and conJ - Jfoetlonnry store. Oood paying Undo. Inquire - quire 317 So 13th st. 8M li _ * | 7TOIl 8ALI5 Btnplo grooorv Btoou nnd Ilx- Jturts In n growing Nebraska city , address E 24 , Bee olllco. 8 2 I4 _ BUSINESS CHANCK3-U you want to trndo property here for property In nny ether | inrt of the country , or ir you wnnt omuloy- input In any otnor city , coino nnd see us , or vrlto to us.Vo luivo oltlcos In all leading cities. Itecord Advertising Co. , 1513 Knrnamet. 875 _ I IOU BALK If terms nnd descriptions ot farms , mores , personal property , real os- tntn&o , tor sale , nro placed on our advertis ing rocotds , the puollo can there examine the ramo treoof cost nndftollor nnd buyer can thus easily bo bi ought togothor. Kates very mod erate , no commission. Olllccs In all lending citing. Kocord Advertising company , 1511 Fur- Hum st. 7,1 U and Machine chops to sell or to exchange lor hind or city property. Will loll machinery nnd tools separate. Can bo ro- movod. Call on or uddrosj Ilnmmond ft ( Ub- eon , 1514 Ikniglttg st , Omaha. Ml 11 _ 111 AVE for snlo or will oxchnngo for stock of mcrchandlso In n II vo town , nbout Twelve Thousand dollars woith of Improved Heal Us- tntu , includlnir one ten , ono twenty , and one forty ncro tract , also th best urivate feeding ranch In Nebrnna with Inrgo bnrns 30x 50 feet , Iwogrnlnorlos. porn crib , food racks , troughs , V tnd mill , stock benloj , good grove , about 100 Kcti'sofcflrnund p4 > tators ; nil titled up for f ovdlng itieop or rattles will dlvldo estnto If inoro ccniveiilcnt for purchaser. Write N , Jlnrns , Uonl Kstato llroker , Central City , Mor- tick county , Neb. U12 isj I COIDUNTAL Hotel property for mile. This * - . ' valuable property , corner of 10th nnd How ard streets. Is offered for sala ; M feet on loth andTO foot on Howard. If not nold will bo with- ( It awn from market on the 1Mb lint. Apply on the promises to Joan I. I'aynter. N ) | | 3 Vi 7 ANTED A lady or gentleman wishing an I honest builnoii. proats ( t ) to S14 oy ry Pay . only * 100 rouuired , will oxcbaugo for ( lock or tradei two best bank * of Omaba given as references. Cull or wrltoto Otnoo No. 1 , No , ll'.i North lUth atroot.OnitthH. Nob. 40S llj 1/10HBALK Sleat market doing good bust- 4nuss. . Good location. Hua jom f or solllntr , Aildrcei I1 47 , Heo. _ _ TOO 13J KOcraTi STOCK'-Ciean nnd fresh for sale. I'arrolt JL-WllilumgoD. Upstairs , 1101 Doug- _ _ _ HT10 H SALE A boarding house nnd furniture , J- doing good business , 40 boarders , good reaion for selling. Cull at Currlo & \ ollum 1 litti and Capitol aye , Kxpuilton llulldlng. KS < 1THH 8ALE-Vi > ry cheap , good bric butlac.M J- property In Grind Illnnd , Neb. The greatest mid best terms In this city. Good rca- font for celling. For particulars address J. H , Voolley , Attorney at aw , Grand Island. Neb. LOST. OSr-Part of fob oh ln ted chirm neur Utt - * ad Ugwtrd , return to John Iluumcr n J CLAIHVOYANT. M1U. DtllANT Clarlroyant from Iloston.n rellablo In nil affair ! of life , unites separated lovers. 322 N. 18th it room fl 691 J2SI LO8T--A rownrd of 21 will bo paid for the ro- turn of one Iron gray mnro , i or 5 yonr * old , branded D. 8. on len hip. Itoturn to ICO ? N 20th 8t V ) 15J _ T OST Oil STOLV.N-A liny horse , white hind J-J icct , rope marks on hind legs : HOO Ibs. H. Encobbarger , cor. Bnundcrt nnd Clark st. rO8T A pnlr of whlto penrl opern glasses , J lost on Tncfdny evening Juno 7 either In going from N. W. cor of postolllco to Bt Mnry's avenue car. or In the cnrsllliernl reward will bo CKld the Bndcron return of property to Walter . Wllklns , lit * ) Dunne st or P. O. box 5 > V CTUAYED Ono black nnd ono brown horse kJnnd onn black and ono sorrel maro. lloturn to 1151 N. 18th St. Liberal reward. 795 Uj RKWAUD-Lost , brlndle null Terrier dog. IteturntoD. 11. Wheeler , Jr Grant stnnd Virginia ave , and get reward. 919 10 LOST A light bay mare , Inmo In right hind foot. Iteturn to Frnnk I'ocliac , 3-M st , between - twoon Chlcngo nnd Cnss. boS U' 'I OST On Klghlconth , atiormnn ave or Oraco -IJ st. , "Biioriflcntlons. " Plonso return to llflli North IBth ft. , or P. J. Creodon , nrchltect , oporn houso. Jt. T. Jlurphy , contractor and builder. IH3 FOUND. IT-Sqrroll niaro , J. S. Illgloy , Mlll- - tnry road , let liouso wojt of Tictz saloon. J II16 JSI TTIOUND A checK for 13 signed by C. D. Sut- X1 phon , payable to Laurn Fonthor. Cnll ut tills olllco. VI10 > STOHAOE. STOUAOE For household goods and general merchnndlso nt low rntos , corner Thlr- ternth and Izard ctroctfi , up town ofllco 619 t-outh Thirteenth. Tflcnhone6tl2. 427J14 * STOltAOK First-class storage for nlco fttrnt- turo and boxed goods , rerguson Fiirul- ture Co. . 71V7I7-721 North 16th street. 178 TfUUST-CLASS ti tor ago at 110 N 13th t 621 First-class storage for nlco fur- STOUAOE nlturo or boxed goods , nt 1513 Dodgc-iit PERSONAL. _ _ I'SEIISONAL NonThnd tnsTy all-wool business suits t , rinti blue diagonal dross gults , f 10.75. Call nnd see them or write for sampled. L. O. Jones Ac Co. , American Clothiers , IJUU Fnrniini st , Omuha. U03 J 1)0 ) I > iilHONAL : If yon want n dosirnblu , con- tr lly located ofHco you can Ond It at 3W 3 15th st 878 W AN TKD Fifty young men to correspond with fifty lively young ladles. Houd 10 conK silver , for the list. Address , AMncricnn Corresponding Durcnu , lox ! 100 , Clatksburg , W. Va. 7U1 12 * pUHSONAL-Miss M. E. Mussor. of Phlladol- -L pbln , Pa. , Is prepared totako n limited num ber of pupils In vocal nnd Instrumontnl music. Miss Musser Is a graduate In music and hns had years of Buocnssf nl experience as u teacher , tosldonco 1315 Capitol nvo. 818 pEUSONAL Private homo for Indies during L confinement , strictly confidential , Infants adopted , nddress K 42 , Dee office. 8i9jyU * PEUSONAL Mrs. Dr Nnnmo V. Warren clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium Boom Ko. t , Kl North ICth st ,0maha , Nob. & ! 7 MI90ELLANEOTJB. WUAPPnitS nnd children's clothing mndo nnd plain sowingdono at 3J17 California st UtfS 10J riAHKniuo LlnoTanKCo. , hnvo moved their -L olllco from the Konnnrd Glass and Pnlnt Co , to 1510 Dodgo. Orders for GaBOlmo nnd Coal Oil promptly tilled. Telephone 705. Wood MolJoiigul. 022 19 TIO parties giving up hotisolccoping Wo will sell your furniture , &c. either at prlvnto snlo or nt auction , ns you may desire. Cnll nt our oflloo , B E cor ICth nnd Douglas. llrowu i Crelghton , 401 10 FOH EXCHANGE-Two lots In South Omnha for horses. Address.3.13 , Boo. 731 UJ EMPLOYMENT , llemnl nnd Collection Agency If you want work , or to employ btlp , or have houses to rent , or accounts to collect , cell on M. Maynard , 317 South nth st , Onmliii. 801J25 T > APEUIIANOINO-15 per cent discount from JL ptoro prices. Address Paporhnngor , 811 North 10th it CCO-J-18 * NOT10F. Wo have appointed Chns. L. Hart sole agent for all property owned by us. All other agents will cancel gumo Irom tholr list Ilohrbaugh Dros. 811 9 CESS POOLS , sinks and vaults cleaned , odor less procoflf. . E. Kwing , box 427 , city. 681) jlOJ ADVEUT1BE your rents , furnished rooms , f or boarders , ilttiHtlons , and for all your wants. In tbo Avertlslng Kecord kept In our otllce for the puhllo to Inspect It will cost only fiOc per month. Itoeord Advertising Co. , 1513 Farnam st. 875 9 REAL ESTATE agents tnko notice. Lot 3 , blk 15 , Slunn's 1st ndd Is withdrawn from the mnrkot T , G. Clolf. 859 9 FORUHNT Square Piano ta montblr. Bospe.lSlSDouglni. 621 TO parties having houses for rent. Itcntnl Agency , Doriawa & Co. . 15st. , opposite post- olllco. We have turned over to thorn our rental list. We recommend thorn. McCagua llros. 628 TT\OIlItENT \ Organs , 13 per month , ilotpe , JC 1613 Douglas. 621 OL C. House furnishing goodi. all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices at J , Conner , 1319 Douglas st 625 1OB RENT Bquaro flano , ft montnlr. Hoape. UU Douglas. 524 f you wnnt to buy or sell furniture , K to J. Ferguson's , 715 N Uth. 623 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOK BALK A pair good mulos. ApplyatN U cor IPth and St Mary's avo. ' . 'd'J ' FOH 8ALE-Top delivery wagon , Simpson's make , ono farm wagon , 2 sets double har ness , ono set single harness. 80 h p boiler , 8 h p onglno.2 ponies. Storage Warehouse , 13th und Izard. U95 15 } roll BALE 400 cords of dry woodcan bo de livered nt I'acltlo Junction , lowu. If sold , by Huno 20th : can bo bought nt a bargain. Ad- duess , 1' . O. Ilojc 423 , Olenwood. lowu. U80 12 FOIt BALK-A pair of handsome grey car riage horsca.klnd and gentle. Can bo driven tingle or double. Will bo exchanged for single uorso und phaeton , orsold for onrrlngo or hack use , on easy torms. Address S 23 , Uoo odico , 871 10 FOU SALE Howes , Carriages , FurnlUro , ic , &o. Our olllco 19 n place where the buyoraudsollor may nnd each othor. Itoeord fco&Oo. llocord Advcutlslug Co , , 1513 Farnam 8159 FOK SALF.-Clicap. a kltcbon range and base burner. Apply for 5 days between 1 and Up. m.,830.1 Farnnm gt , 8M11 "I71OH BALK Sawdust nt aw mill , 3d and Pop- JL ; ploton nvc. 7V012 * FORSALK-Spanflne matched bar driving horaca. C , F. Harrison , 4183Uthst. 579 FOU BALI' Ouo six-foot upright block wal nut show case , Milton liogers 4 on. 903 U SALF. A nlco drivlni ; horso. .Inquire at the Now York chop house1410 Douglas st , 875 11 FOU SALK-4,000,000 Hard Brlcx. T. Murray. 748 FORSALU-tmilcbcows. K A Marsh , 004 N Kth. 05.1 flOK 1 SALE-Urlck. T. Murray. D22 WAKXED MALE HELP. W 'ANTED Good cnrnctitors , 416 ti 19th et. 043 10J PANTED-llrst-clnss wood tumor. Jns. Itlchardfi te Co.cor 1Mb nnd Wafon sts. 045 T\7ANTED Immodlatoly architectural > dniusbUmcn. lM. . KlUs , Hoom 10 , cor. Htb and Farnam. 917 to V\T ANTED-A young man to toke hold of a T T coed paying bualnoss In city. Must own f.'J. H , Jacobs , roouiO , opera house , Council Ululfg. 858 9 WANTED 10 laborers , Swcdos , for Colorado , { 2 per day , fare paid. Coimdlitn Kniplor m nt offlco , 316 615to gt , up itairs. 9'.y Ltj \\rANTED-Partuor In palns businessman t capital required. Kmjulro tor jew dnyj I ) . W. Woodman , room t. 318 ti 15th. B3S 12J WANTKD-Men whocanfurnUh Rood ref erence * to call and learn of our method ! of advertising f or iltuatlons. A reliable m JI urn of coumuniratloa belweca raployer mi ! eciployed. Kecord Adverlltlng Co. , 1513 Far oarait. us t WANTED 2 good carpenters nnd ono peed carpenter contractor. M. F. Martin , 017 L13thst. 957 WANTED An OTpcrlcncod lenm terr.o boy need apply. M. F. Martin , 017 S. 13th st WO WANTEDTrnck men for Nobrnska , town , and Missouri. Team * nnd teamsters for Nebraska , D , C. O'Koofo , labor agent , No. 309 Bllthst 97111 j \\fANTED-Stnnrt young boy. Apply to F. > > R Evong. 410 South 10th St. U749' T17ANTED-A first-class brend baker to tnko ' charuo ns foreman. Good wages to a good man. Smith A Co. , No. 6J3 Main st 939 10 \VANTED-8 or 10 good brick layers , cor. S2d M nnd Douglas : city work : good wages. 831 9J YI7ANTI3D Hey nbout 15 to 19 yonrs old to carry foot route on Evening lleo. 8J2 ANTED-Good nllor nml Mnnk book iln- Ishcr. Dakota Doll Publishing Co. , Sioux Falls. Dak. 930 10 WANTED First-class wood turner nnd scroll sawyer at Slmtnouds , lloovcj it Co , , Planing Mill , S. 13th st 828 9 mo HOOK IIINDEHS-A first-class finisher Jnnd u good forwarder can bnve permanent employment In the Dally Journal bindery nt Sioux Olty , Iowa , Wages paid every Saturday night. 940 9 \V 7ANTED At European Hotel , 1 tirst-clnss wnltor mnn. 848 H "WANTED A gook milker nnd trnmsl lit T > Bnrntopa Dairy. 109 10J WANTED Men for railroad workAlbright's Lubor RRoncy , 112U 1'nrnamst VIS I ANTED 60 men for It. II. work. Apply Irigrnm & Uussoll,1007 rarnnin st. 81U u * WANTED Intelligent , rollnbte , onorgetlo men us spcclnl nuouts , W. 1" , Allun , Ocnornl Agent Mutual Life Insurance Corn- puny ot New VorU , No. 215 South 13th street. fisi WANTED-A young man sbout 10 or 17 jcnrs old , ut the llou tunll room. Apply between 9 and 12 n. in. 870 YlfANTED Man with J100 to tnko chnrgo of T our ofllco lu Lincoln , good enlnry payable monthly. We furnish ofllco nnd Tiny nil ex penses. Itccord Advertising Co. ,1613 I'limum t. bjQ U 5 100 paid per month to men to sell our goods. D. W. MoLauo & Co. , Durllngton , ( own. COD Jy 2 * RANTED a pants rankers. A. Knlish.310 S IBth. CM WANTED Carpontors. Inquire now church Mill nnd Loavonworth. M. T. Murphy. R13 WANTED A man of good education to net as traveling salesman with n Qrst-olnss house. Must bo nblo to give eccurltv. Doz 769 , Omnha. 1S3 J 10J WANTED FEMALE HELP. V\7ANTKI-A llrst-clnss laundress , cor 14th > > nnd Howard. Summer Um-don , good wngos paid. Wl 11J WANTED Lndy copyist , must understand bookkeeping ; address 8 89 , cnro lloo office. VM PJ WANTED 2 dining room girls for Central City , S for Nortolk.2 first class second girls , J4 , cook for restaurant $0 , lots of good places for general house work. Mrs. ( ! rega& Son , 310313th. 1)91 ) U * \\MNT1JD Good family cowing girl , references - ' ' oncos required , npply 1020 Catlmrlno street. t'SO 10 W ANTRD Oood cook nt N W cor 20th nnd Lcnvonworth. CO 10 Vl'ANTl'.D Sorvnnt girl or woman to eomo dally nnd do chnmbcr work. 800Howaid St. ' W PANTED Hood girl for general house- worK. Email family , 1U08 Farnam. 9C011J WANTEKD 6 dressmakers , nlso 2 appren tices at Miss Mlnnlck's , G22 S 18th.9C7 9C7 11 J Vf TANTED-Good girl for general housework. ' Inquire , 2511 bt. Mary's avc , or 60ii bo. 13th 8t 082 irANTED A girl to do plain cooking and T and general bouso work nt 42.3 N 15th st. 944 10J WANTKD UooJ strong girl for general housework , no washing , good wages , good homo , for the right girl , 410 S "Oth. Call botwocu 1 nnd 3. 651 111 ] W 'ANT13D QlrlatlSlSN aOth ; Swede pro- fored. OM OJ W ANTED-A girl in n private family,1 818 Howard st. 054 llj \ \ 7ANTirSmart : > girl about 10 yours old to T run button hole maehlno. Cnnflotd Mfg Co.V-'Od Douglas st 3d tloor. 013 llj WANTED-At once n good girl to do gen eral housework , call at 2210 I'arnam st. b 3 11 * 1 } ANTED--A lady ns olllco assistant nnd T correspondent. Address S 21 lien ofllco. S879 W ANTED Dishwasher nnd second girl nt Jacob Mll.or's , 1004 N. ICth. 702 W IANTHD Two good girls for cook nnd soo- end worn , Good wages at 2437 Uodgn st. U3S WANTKD-Good wages to n good girl , OUS ] 17th st. Mrs. W. M. llushmnn. 581 WANTED Fircl-dnss girl with references forgonornl bousowork ; must bo good cook. Mrs. 3.1' . Morse , 12 S 18th st , third house south of Lcnvonworth. 0170 WANTED To meet demand for competent. booK-koonors. I will Instruct three per' sons nnd wnlt for half pny until situations are furnished. J. R Smith , 1013 Chicago st. 720 llj W 'ANTED A girl to do gnnornl liousuwork , Apply to J. 0. West , 22d and Sownrd st. Wl Oj WANTED Host of wngos paid to a compe tent cook and laundress. Mrs. J. M. Thurston,2308 Farnam. 7l v7ANTEDOood second Ctrl at 608 Virginia nvo. Good wages paid. 013 ANTED A girl tor general housework. Apply 2511 St Mary's nvo. BCT 0 'ANTED ' At European hotel , ono nurse girl Immediately. KJ.VO WANTED Experienced second girl , WORDS * 4. Mrs. MoCormlck , 02 N Ifth. 839 Ul WANTED Colored woman for general housework Immediately , 1113 Davenport st , wngos 13.50 per week. 831 Oj WANTED A young woman to take care of ono child nnd assist In sowing. Apply 1921 St Mary's * vo. 40'J WANTED A goofl Gorman or Ilobommti girl for general housework. A perma nent plnco nnd good wages. Apply , Immedi ately , at 720 B22dBt , corner of Leavonworth. 188 WANTFD-Lady book-keeper nt U. P. Meat Market Uth st , near Webster. 769 "ITTANTED Ladies to work for us at ttielr TT own nomes ; $7 to 10 per week can be quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass ing. Tor full particulars plonso address at once Crescent Art Co. , 1 Central it. Boston , Muss , llox.5170. 003jol5 * SITUATION WANTED. \\7ANTEO-llyAmorican Indy , situation as ' housekeeper , companion or nny position of trust. Uefcroncos exchanged. Cell or ad dress , S. II. X. 2C22 , Capitol ave , Omaha. 810 U * WANTED Hy young Indy accurate In fig ures , n position ns double entry book keeper , wholesale bouso preferred , llox 848 , Bioux City , Iowa. 8S1 10 * " \\7ANTED Situation ns book'Keopcr.nccount i' ant or cashier. 10 years ovporlonco at olllco work. Address J. M. Ilubbard , 2U10 Cali fornia st U5J llj WANTED-Sltuntlon by young man 20 years of ago , nt nuy good business. Cnn invest some capital If required. Address E. B. Wy- gant , Merchants' hotel , until Friday noon. After that tlmo , Coin , Page Co. , low * . BJ60J WANTIID-SItuntlon ns honsekooper by a Bootch widow of 9 , Is o good cook nod very economical. No washing. Mrs. llrwro & Bon , HID 315th. 091 9 * SITUATIONS Business men can find trust worthy help , whoso references nro on ( Ho with us , f roe of charge , by calling nt our olDuc. Itccord Advertising Co. , 1513 furuam street Offices in all leading cities. 875 0 WANTED-SItuation as assistant clem or bookkeeper. Wll ! make himself goner- ernlly useful. Address B. 22 , Boo olllco. 670 10 * _ " \TTANTED l > adlos wanting positions of trust T V uro requested to call und see bow we will advertise for tbotu. Itoeord Advertising Co. , 1813 Faroam st. 8751 * WANTED Voung man 19 years ot HBO , graduate of Uastman's Nat'l Bus. Coll. , desires to learn the banking business. Would like orae position In ft bank after July 15th. A 1 references. Ad'licii ' B 13 , Bee office. tiO TTTANTHD Situation In & kirdwnro or Im- > V plcmcnt store by 9V > g man strictly tompornto. B 28 Hoe otncoV } | i IB , 14J \\rANTKD Situation ns 4 fravcllnr sftl smnn ' T m northern Nobraalil by n raati posted In tobacco and grocery mint. AddroM W , C. , lice oinco , Omaha. 7U2 10J "IVANTED-Uv n coni | > c ( iit person , sltun- \ tlon ns hou okcep < n rolercnco ex- changed. Address S Id , Bw .1 81712' MI90ELLANEOITB VWANTS. ANTIVD Side line goods on commission , by commercial agent , uo bulky samples , 323 lice olllco. 't BC8 9 * . Information1 * ns to the whore- WAN1T.D of Jnmos A. Ham , formerly of Barry , Mo. H. T. Ham , 12 West 6th st , Kansas City , Mu. 1'78 ' Hoom nnd board m private family WANTED ily within 5 minutes walk of ttio court hotiso. Address stating term * , S 10 , Bee. 833 B V\7ANTED-I or 2 tmfurnlshcd rooms , central - ' tral location , with board or near boardIng - Ing place , for gentleman and wlfo. Address -'llOllarnoyst. RU 101 T \7ANTED Two rooms with board or near Kood boarding place about July Bth , for gentleman nnd daughter , will furnish ono room , good neighborhood , within S blocks ot cnr line , prlvnto family preferred , charges moderate. References exchanged. Address S 11 , cnro Boo office. 799 AV ANTED -Tennis for rnllrond work. Al- V > brlght's Labor Agency , 1120 Fnrnnm. 743 ANTED-Day boarders at 1812 Chlcairo st. 718-10 * WANTED-To buy 8 houses which cnn bo ro moved. A. 1' , Mayne , ll'Jd Dodge st 7U3 \\rANTKD-2 or : ihor o power engine , ' 'n't t > hand. Apply ut Mlltard hotel olllco. 4S8 " \\7ANTnD-Two sonted carnage suitable for renlcstnto business. C. F. Harrison , 418 815th St. 577 - buy nlco tonm of carnage horses. Inquire ol M.I' . Martin , 017 S. 13th s t. r FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. llF.NT--Storo,112 S. Uth Et , between FOU Douglas st. and Dodge st. VH * HUNT 7 now 0-room bouses , cellar , FOU , hall , closets etc. , 14 miles northwest of postotlico. ii blocks to street cars , $23 to ? 0 pnr month. Gregory & Hndlcy , Itooms 1 nnd : i , U-MBluthst UV ) KENT Furnished cottage of 5 rooms nt FOH 155S N 18th st , on street cnr Ml ) llj 1011 KKNT Two stores on N 10th st No. 1018 nnd 1018. C3 10 FOU HENT Barn. 1411 California. : 070 11 "I7\OH \ HUNT- room boarding house on 10th J3 St. Ucnt if 28. Fixtures for snlc , $350 Co operative Land & Lot Co. . 205.N. ICth St. Ml8 FOU UCNT Nlco olllco space on Dodge st opposlto P O , ttO per mouth. Mitchell St Leyonmaick. 86(1 ( 9 FOtt KENT 3 room house with barn , well , cellar , etc. , on Lcnvenworth , nciir .15th. Spltko , 1613 Hownrd. 1120 10 UENT 3-rootn house , 703 Pacific. 612 KENT-Brlok yards , T. Murray. .1 448 F IOBUENT-Threeroomhouso , 1108H 8 7th 11. 345 FFOU FOU KENT-Oood barn , 'Miltnble ' for four horses. Inquire nt017 _ fcSliith st OiH OH KKNT Store nnd scbnd lloor on cor I ' IGtb and Marcy fit. Jiuiuiro of Mrs. F. Lntlgo. 603 S 13th. 8S9 IT1OH 11F.NT Ono new 7 room house situated K on the no cor King nndrCotfnian streets , Pntriclc Bros , room 3 Arllngthn blk , 505 10 FOU UKNT Basement well lighted und dry 1C13 Howardst , Inquire of Bhaw k Co. , 610Sltth. ! f\ \ 288 FOU HKNT-Threo room houso. 709V4 PaclHc. For Kent Six room house , HOil S 7th , For Uent Three room houaA , 1015 N 20th CSS RKNT-Window , goWloonllty for low FOR cler or real estate. Apply to 3J3 n iat h. FOB BENT BOOMS. H KENT Well-furnlshod front room , 817 N. 17th st. P33 ! ) FOU RENT-Mce room , furnished , near street car. All conveniences. Cheap. Apply 2320 Douglas St. OU7 11 FOK 11RNT An elegantly furnished suite of front rooms for two gcutlomtn or man and wlto , 1718 Dodge St. 100 11 C1OU KENT Furnished room. 1812 Dodge. 768 FOU RENT Ilnndsomo. furnished front room , bath , etc. , (12. 2211 Seward st. 776-11J FOU KENT Very pleasant room forl gentle man near business , gas , bath nnd nil con veniences , private family , 1B15 Cupitol nve. TTIOU HENT 2 nicely furnished front rooms , Jwith bonrd. Terms moderate , 2011 Uurt street. 752-11 * POK KENT South front loom , good neigh borhood , first-class table for two , gentle man preferred , Uoforoncos required , H83 12 FOR UENT Ware room cor. 13th nnd Cnll- ifornlu on Bolt Lino. For particulars en quire nt Union Nat bank. 181 FOH HENT Lnrgo front room with ulcovo , Nicely furnished , sultablo for two pontlc- men. 2121 Dodge st. 703 llj OH HENT-Furnlshed rooms nt 1816 Dodge st OS8J 19 * KKNT-Lnrgo trout room , bath , modern FOU ern conveniences. 401 N. 15th street. 78 ! 9J FOH UENT-furnlshod room , 50.60. 800 S. 23d. ; OH OJ FOK KENT Two fnrni he'd rooms , prlvnto family , * 5 each , 2701 Hownrd st. 010 llj TCTOH HENT Two nicely furnished front -t rooms for eontloman and wlfo or gentle- men. 1503 Cuss st , 88 1JJ THOU KENT Ono or two furnished rooms , J3 2117 Hartley street. ' 001121 FOH HENT Front rooms ( connected ) sultnblo for friends. 1-luo location , 2423 Farnam st 070 11 J FOK HENT A pleasant newly furnished out- sldo room In north upper Mat Harbaugl block 16th and Howard. Kofcronccs required. 72 10 J POK HENT Nlooly furnished front room Bultablo for two gentlemen , 2511 St Mary's avo. US3 FOH RENT Furnished room nnd bonrd , 320 N 15th Bt. 803 12 * " 171011HENT Pleasant furnished rooms with -L. use of bath rooms , tormi reasonable 821 SlOth. TI' 8J7 11 ] FOIl HENT hlegont roe s , turnlture and boiiao now , ovprv mdarfrn convenience , .709 Dodge street. Iteforoncos required. bW ) 13 F I OK HENT Suite of tw Rmnshed rooms 1721 Cass , cor.l . l bt h st , _ Wt t45 u * FOH IlKNT Furnished rfcVms , on suite or slnglo , with modern conveniences. Hefor cnccs exchanged. 31U , N. l tfc et. 650 10J FOU HENT Doslrublo uftrtirnlshod rooms sultnblo for ofllco or sapping rooms. 310 S 16th st. 076 FOKlir.NT-Nlcoly furniahRl rooms cheap 50fl South 18th street , Hpstalrs. 931 "I710H KENT Large handsomely furmshoi -L1 southeast room with board in private resl denco tor man nnd wlfo or gcntlomcn. Al modern conveniences. Aditfcss S 20 Beu olllco yg ii 4 10J OK HENT-Nowly fumlsttd front sitting and bedroom sultablo for two gnntlcmon With nil modern conveniences ; price $25 Mrs Mitchell. 1K.-JH St Marr's ave , top tint , rlgli hand side. 876 10J FOK lIKNT-Furnlshed frontroom , KOS , bath nrstolaw board. 531 Pleasant st 83014 FOR HENT Two suites -furnished room suitable for four gentlemen,111 South toth b37 10J FOK RENT Furnished room nt 181 ! Chicago st Also clay boarders. 8TJ VJ FOliaENT-Degkroom. Enquire Young A Blaokman. 214 815th ft. ' MO FOR RENT Throe room House west of Nortl llth st , between Chicago and Co&s. 631 FOR RENT-Offloes tu Hellman tmlldinsoor lurnam andlJth sts.ln suites or singly * or prices , diagrams and Information apply to B.A. Blomsn , 1513 Farnam st , Room 3. 698 O RENT-Desk room A. P. Tijkey 132 i'a man et. t-7i. . FOK KF.NT Xlno-room Hat centrally located , DIB 3 15th. 677 FOK RENT An elegant front room with or without bonrd , Addros. , S. 17 , lloo.8J59 8J5-9 II10II KENT Largobnso'mcnt on Parnnm St. L1 Hcnnwa * Co. M4 10 [ j OK HENT Ltrge basomcttton FnrtmmSt. e Bon awn it Coj. PJ410 FOH KENT-NIco furnished room. M23 t'nr- nam. tt OK lir.NT-Neatly furnished rooms. 1710 Cnss St. C9J 1'J ' CPOH HKNT Nicely furnished room. 1WI D Dodge st. 110 I7 OK HKNT 4 furnlshod rooms for hou o- H keeping on ground lloor , closets nnd cellar , wnter convenient , J25 ( per month , 710 N. Kth troet. * FOU HENT Largo room , newly furnished , with board , r.'lU Fnrnnm. 1'37 ' 12 * FOU BUNT Elegantly furnished front par lor. 1113. 19th near Dodge , P31 13J FOH HENT Furnished and unfurnished rooms lu Uruonlir block , corner tilth nnd Dodgo. Davis * . Hcthcrlngon , Millard hotel blllliira room. P14 F I OH lir.NT-l'urt of olllco loom. Inmilro lit 121:3 : Douglas st. 913 FOR HUNT Furnished room for ona or two gentlemen. Tnruis low. - dellnrncy ! el. EOJ 10J FOH HENT Two llnoly furnished rooms , now bouse , ' 2211 Farnnm stioet. Wi ! I3j TjlOU HUNT Ono nicely furnished Inrgo Jfront room , No. 1703 California , sultnblo for two gentlemen. 714 1UJ F IOH UENT Elewnt sullo of room ? , roforon- ens required , Ifi07 Douglas et. 'Ml Ill'.NT Largo bnsomant on Fnrnnm St. llciiawa .t Co. -4 10 F I OH HUNT A furnished front room nnd board for two gentlemen at 1722 Uodoo st. IT OH HUNT Eleven nlco utiturnlshod sloop- J die rooms. Separata or nil together , In building ; UG S 15th ut. 975 FOH HENT 2 store rooms in best city of 4,000 population In Nebraska ; U now rnll- roads now building to It. Ilnrrl on , Ambler & Woolley , < 18 9. lath Bt. . Omaha , Nob. 495J13 FOR HUNT Desk room , Ilrst oQlce to left over Merchants Nutlonnl bank. S FOK S ALE---HOUSES--LO'X8. READ Ulnckburn * KcniiPdy's list of choice Investments below nnd then go to their olllco nnd lot them glvo you terms nnd show you property. One double corner lu Highland 1'lnce , south nnd east front ( ono-lmf ! ncro ) . Povnntj-llvo by 0110 hundred nnd forty ft north of Lciuonworth In J. J. Hudlck's sub , only S4.000. 41otslu Hnrnoy Piaco only $400 , high nnd sightly. Two lota In Clifton Hill , block IS , $700 each , sinulI cn h pnymcnts. n lots In Crolghton Heights neiir boulevnnl. One lot on I.nko st , only trtAO. Two.double corner(4 ( lotsjln Hitchcock's ndd.must be f olil goon.less than BUI- rounding lots nro gelling for. Slots In old Am bler I'lnco , north nnd east fronts , these nre put on the inarkotas owner must hnvo money nnd must bo sold at less than tnolr woith. Tea now houses nearly completed , on Kmall cnsh pay ments nnd monthly payments , in the tno t sightly addition to the city. One flno corner on Davenport , Joss than 0110 ratio from postolllce , fortl , . < 00 IcBS.tuan it is worth. If you want a. plnco to live lees nt this. Illackburn & Kou- nedyil8S15tliSt. 085 10 /"lOHNEHon CurauiBS St. , iaCnrthngo , f 1,000. U Oruhfim. 872 11 FOUTY-TWO feet on Stuto street 7M Full lot in Saundcrs A : Himobiiagli's ndd < 75 Two Koud lots In Moyors , H. & T. aud , ciioli. 7&0 S. E. cor. lu lioyd'd 650 Trackage In I'nddock I'luco , chenp , HoomSO , I'aiton building. 171 FINE lot on Lake st lust enst of Snumlors st $ ' 1,000. Graham , Crolgbton blk. 8T2 U Al' . TUKEY , 1321 Fnrnnm St. , makes in- vestments for non-residents a specialty with cunt anteod Interest or shnro ot profits , nnd takes full charge of property ; roferonoo given. 3'Jfl ' miE ! I'ntrlcu Farm nnd Conkllng I'luco. J-Query : What 1ms the Patrick Fnrin got to do with ConkllUK 1'iaou ? Answer : It Joins Conkling I'laco. on the west nnd north , nnd practically surrounds it , uuil the owners of the 1'Atrlck Farm will grade und pnvo the streets , build 4 first-elm * brick residences on every bnlf block , nnd will put water , gas nnd sower- nguln thciiddltlon , and will eommonco work on their cable line within 34 hours after their franchise Is voted next Monday , There will bo n "city" adjoining Conkllnir I'laco onthlsfnrm with u cable line to It running along three xliles ot Conkllng Place. Whnt Is the moral ? U Is tnls : Conkllng Pluco Is the handsomest , best located and most accessible property In the western portion of the city , nnd is very chenp now , only $ VW to $750 for corners , and $ fXW to $ WU for Inside lots , nnd affords , both buyer lor Improvement and speculation , the best advantages for n homo and surest profits of nny property or Investment before the pnnllc to-dny. The Improrement of the Patrick Farm and rapid transportation thereto , will niako Conkllng Place lota very doslrablo , nnd they will go up with R rush. Wo have In n quiet sort of a wny , sold WJ of thcso lots to representative citizens of Omaha and lum&as City , und huro loft 110 very choice lots tn offer nt present prices until July 1st. Ono-Qtth cnsn , bnlnnco In 0 eiiunlscnil-nnnunlpnymontsat 8 per cent. For further particulars call upon or nddro's J.A. Qrlllith. solo asont , rooms SO und SI , Hollmnn DullUIng , 13th mid Fnrnam. fV ( ) G' JOOD ' lot on Cbarlos st 1,763 , $ BOO cixsh. Ornhain.CrclijUton blk. b72 11 FOH SALKr-Wy Shaw t Co. , 610 s mil st. Houses and lots in all parts of the city. You can't afford to rent when you know the price and terms of this class of property. On Georgia nvcnuo no hnven large plooo of ground for sale at less than its vultu * . It la worth looking at If you want a nice residence property. Lots for sale In different parts of tlio cityand you are sure to mnko money by dealing with us. Wo are ueadnuuitors lor safe Investments. 6M TJIOn SALH-Or trndo , 23 lots tn the western -L' part of Omalirn r the llonson car line , price ItOO each , f'JOOduoon contracts payable in 6 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In contracts for Nebraska land. MoCulloch \ Co. , 1509 farnain st 10X1 FOH SALE-llent or trndo , live-room cottngo In I'nnlaea'B addition , Ton-room house and three lots la Ludwlck place , nud ether property. L. V. Crum , 120 N. IBth Bt. 403 ONlMot'adJolnlngContrnll'nrK , special bar gain , Mnitll cash payment. 5-roomed house In Paulson's add , now , hns ul the outbuildings , &c. , 2WO ; tMJJcnsh.SBl ovury eo days ; at 8 per cent. Lots ; ) nnd 4 , lllock ; ) Mt. I'lonsant , J WO ; tlOfr- cnsb , bal f 10 per month. Lot 7 In llloukA. lot I Hi block 0 , $550caohj { 123 cash , each. CIO per month. Lot2ti blk3 Mnyno's Vlnco , 12,000 , $000 cash , f 400 la 4 months , bnl 1 and 2 years. LotTttlock"1- Ambler Pliice5Jono-hnlf cnsn. bal to unit. ThH la a special bargain. .Vroomod bouso In Ixiwo's addition with barn &c. , (2,150 , f l/'OO cash , bal 1,2 and 3 years , tul lot. lot.Croomod house with full lot.rwthnnil Chica go. l-t-W , SD75 cnsh , bnl { 23 per month. U-roomed house with nil modern Improve ments , in Idlowild , 15,000 , 81,000 cnsh , bal 1 , L und3 yours. . 10-roomed house In 1'ostor's addition , a cor lot , nlli modern Improvements , J ( . " > , "JU , $1,500 cash , bnl 1 , 2 and ; ) yours. NoWJ-roomed house , modern Iraprovrmenu out houses , fence , &o , Deniso's add , W.500 terms to suit. I'nrk Towlor , 1522 Farnnm , 721 11 O NT hundred nnd twonty-3lx f oet on Saundni 8 St.tlU ) per toot. Unthum.Crolghton blook. 872 11 SELECTS , nro ttio carefully llsto.l bargain * huntoddoirn by Cnko & Billings. Our .aui plnca o : 21ot9 with 2 houses , J. T. Hodlck's sub , only block from street cur line , 10 x121 It on 2 streets , big money hero for you. Beauty of Bartlett , fruit trees , flno view only $1.600 cash noodod. Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market. Como.over 1U1 , corner Dodge and 15th , nnd wo'll mnko It pleasant nnd prontablo for you. Ml rpHE Apple of My Eyo."nomo only M blook elf JL St. Mary's ave car line , convenient to busi- r.cis , built "not for u dty but for all time. " Uargnms In business property. Lljt with us for we put them whore they keep hot. Cake & Billings over 101 South 15th Et. & 90 EAST front In Klrkwood , tl,250. Ornhatn CrelKhton blk. 87211 TTNTlLJuly 1st I oUcr my f5 foot onet frontoi LJ Fnlrvlow street by 130 foct deep to a 15-/oot alloy in Clarko's addition , li blook north of St Mary's avenue , being lot S. and south 21 foot o Iot4tit IK' ) per front foot5,00) ) cashbalance li 1 and 2 roars at 8 par cent. It not sold by tlm date ulll be permanently withdrawn from the market and Improved. This Is the handsomos lot In the city fora strictly Unit-class residence. Parties m search of something extra mm upot which to build nn elngant residence are ro rpectfully requested to look ut this property J. A. Griffith , Uellrann Buiiaing , 13th and Far nero. Vf ) rpHBEEIots Just across Belt line , 52x140 fooL -L on military road , il.WO each. Uraliatn Crclghton block , 672 U IF you have property In or near Ititnjcom I'laco to sell at n bargain leave It wlta tunglnnd & Larson. niO B. Kth st , Hoom 1. 033 10 _ moil SALE l t In Hammond Place , South L Omaha , cheap , StrniiglnudJc Larson. 310 S. 15th St. .room 1. f S3 10 J Hm'.EN lots In riovordnto for trndc or - isale on cosy terms. Urntiuui Crelgluon blk. 872 11 Foil SAlK-At n bargain , now store bulldinir and gooil business lot on llcllovuo street , nt the Intersoctlon of South Omnhn with Un ity. Prlco , St.ii-V ) ! only $ CJ3 cn b , balance 1 , 2 nnd 3 yenrs. This Is n splendid place for almost uny kind of rotnll business. Uoo. N. Hicks , 215 street V07 13 LOTS-You o n mnko money on ottr < Chonp Lots on the \ntlcy north ol town. > 150 to (275. Como and sco thorn. Bo < gs .V IIIIL il'ECtAL llnrgnln until Juno 15th. nowjlx- J room hou o , pantry , closets , cellnr. barn , "CM bill chtoin , In Omaha Vlow , very sightly. 'rlco. tJ0 1. Cash , jraj. bnl. tX per month. Inmimmd & Olbson , 1511 Douglas Bt. P54 11 ELKOANTIoton Oeorgln nvc , nenr Wool- worth , K.COO. ( Irnlnim , Crclghtonjilk. 872 11 SKEotirchoap list 0 Cfl\132n corner on 13th st . $7.001 ( Oxin-j , a corner on 1,11 list . 13.UX ) > axM2acornoron Jones ft . HH.OoO S-'xiaS. 11 corner on 8 llth pt . 8 , W OtlxISS , ncornor on Cumlugst . 2n,0)0 0,14x130 on Sannrtrrs st . . . MOO S h front lots in Havuliorno add. . . . . . iU ] < X ) 1 lot * In llakor I'laco , for both . HX ) " 5x102 nnd nfl room cottngoon l thst. . . 8,000 McU as ock& O'Connor , 311) ) Soutli 13th st. LOT In Nelson's add , 6J ft east front Just noith of Cumlngsl , 43,200 , U cash. ( Ira- mm , Crolgliton blk. _ bJ 11 A HLlNdlON-FIno south front lot. S1.200 : f12 lots in Bedford Place , 20 Ion In llojd's ndd , 10 lots In Meyers , lllclianla & Tllden's ndd , several lots In llrunnun t'lare.Burr Onk , Brlirgs' I'lnco , Brown park , linker I'laco. Creston , Curt- uiuo. Conkllng 1'laoo , Clltton Hill , Crolchton llolghts.Clovordiilo , Cntnlpu Place , CU'Vi'laiul I'Inuo , Douglas add , Drake's ndd , Domiian I'laco , rnlrmont , Ilanscom Place , Ilillsldo No. " , Hllljldo No 3. llnitmnn's ndd , Hlghlnndpnrk , Hitchcock's , 00 feet front on North Uith street , north of Nli-holas Bt , south front corner on 28th nnd Capitol ave , Mxl33 for f2.bOO. Lots In.lcromo paik , KIlby Place , Kltknood , ICount/o 1'liice , ICouutro \ Ituth's ndd. , Kounlzo's 2nd , Kount/.o's 3rd , Kount/o's 4lh sup. , Lnko's add. , nice corner 01x115 In Lowe's ndd. , $1,000 south front. Flno south front In Foster's ndd. , $3,3CO. OneSOft. sotitli front lot on Docntur st. In Heed's Ilrd for 1 1,1110. Lots In allot thobi'St luljltlons In nnd to Omaha. Wo have or.oof the best nnd Inrgcst lists of good property to bo found in the city. A good B room house No. 2517 Poppleton nvo. that must bo Rold , nnd would like to get n good reasonable ) olfor from someone ; this plnco can bo bought rlgnt. Wo have n very complete list of residence property too largo to enumer ate G l vo us a call If sou nro looklntr lor nn Investment * F. F. Williams St Co. , Itith nnd Chicago * U s , near Douglas county bank. Kill front lot in Patrick's ndd ono blk SOUTH cst of Haundeis , $2,200 , $450 cnsh. rirnhmu Crelghton blk. ' 872 11 G OOD south front lot on Burl t-t , $2,200 GT Graham , Crclghton blk. 67211 T \ \ HA iTroND-Bpeoial bargain- ? . w . South Onmlui , : i beautiful lots , ono n corner , in Ezolmngo Plnro , right in tbo vicinity of nil the largo ostnbll.-thments , houses nil nbout them. SU.700 for the the three , oir $1K)0 ) each for Inside , $ l'50 ' for corner. I.ot8 ,10ll nud IS. block 0 , S. E. lloscrs' ndd. , corner Iflth nnd Dorcas streets , MOO per ft out foot if sold together , If sold separnlely $100 per front foot for tnsldo , nnd f 110 per front foot for corner , on which there Is n 4- room honsoW : days. SI per cent on investment , business property In South Omnha , prlco $7,300 cash , rents for $1NX ) . Trade Will trndo n full maehlno shop for Improved or unimproved property ni n. bar gain. Two u-rooin houocs for sale , to bo removed before October , bet 1Mb and Utb sts , on Fur- num. Improved nnd tinimprovod property In nil parts of the city. In addition to mv own oxteiislNO list I hnvo us n member of the Ne braska Heal I'stnto Bichnniro access to the lists of 111 ! ether rcul estate firms In tlio city , nil of whoso properties 1 hnvo indexed and available , consequently In whatever locnl'ty you may desire to purchase It will bo next to Impossible to miss finding just what you want. J. F. Hammond , 117 South Kith st. UP ! REDICK PAHtC hns city watcr.)50 ! ) mnplo nnd elm trees , \'t residences under contract to build , none of which shall cost less than $1,200. Its ftroets are gruded nnd turnplked. It Is within thu old city limits opposite Kount/.e I'lato nnd nccoasnblo from either Snnndor * or State streets. We hnvo a few lots loft in this addition wlncl , wo will olTcr to nome Bookers upon very fnvorablo terms. Wo nlso olfer 100 ft fronting Ilanscom Park , JO.COO. H to / cash. Cor. IGOxlM , Georgia nvo , $5,000 , $2,000cnsh. Full lot and 7-rooin house in cxoellont condi tion , Parker's ndd , $3,500. Cor. . 0xl33 , Improved , 811th near vmrtiiot. $10,000. Every ono of these pieces nro worthy of ex amination. For purticulnis call on or address Mead & Jumleson , Solo Agents , fyiS S15th fit. U51 LOT 10 , block E , Lowe's add. , $1,203 , ' , , ' cash. Ornhnm , Cro.'ubton block. 87 11 FOR SALE-11 choice lots In Clifton Hill ; very cheap for n short time. 8 of the best lots In Cart liar o ndd. 13 Donutlful lotsluOrclmnl Hill. Some choice lots in Sauudors * Hlmobnngh's add. Would like you to call and see me nbout im proved Insldo property that will pay nny ono wanting n good Investment to Invcstlirnte.como nnd list your property with mo , I don't belong to nny ronlestate , exchange and try to handle nothing but bargains .lames Stookdale. 113N. ICth st. Ofllce with linll & Co. ! > 9 SPFCIAL-flflxl3J ft lot Inside ot the ono mlle limit. $ J,800. Worth $4.VX ) of any mnn'e money. Good U room house on Popploton nvo , n splendid homo for somebody. Call and get price nnd terms. SO lots In Iledford Place , 40 lots in Moyors , Hlchnrds A lildon'n add , 15 lets In Hoyd'andd. 30 lots In Orchard Hill add , ! ) lots in llrowu Park nt a bargain. S lots luValput Hill , Imo tracknjro nt $1.000 e.xch. 1 fine south front lot In Foster's ndd $2WO. : A good f > room house with basement , collar , clstorn. wellbarn , etc. , r > blocks from the red oar line , for $ J,600. ono-thlid cash and the balance. In 1Sand3 years. This place It very cheap , and ought to bo taken at once nt this prlco. Wo hare nbout ono hundred bouees nnd lots for snlo on very onsy terms , nnd ono of the largest lists of prop erty in Omnhn. Olvo us n call. F. F. Williams Ac Co. , Ifit aud Chicago st. , near Douglas Co. bank. CSS IMMEDIATE snlo will take S Ion or less only 6 or 6 blocks from Exchnngo bid nnd Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Blitcen houses under contract in sumo blook. I want what they nro worth. I don't wnnt fancy prices I want to sell quickly. U. II. Ilnuicli. Ki BIG HAUOAIN-Qno hundred foot front on South Eleventh Bt , corner lot , only $3,000. Parton tlmo. V. L. Vodlcka , 62J South 13th st. W.1I. OHKF.N , SIS S. 13th St. , o Hers tlio fol- lowing bargains : T bonutlful lotsSlx90 to 10 foot alley on Lenvenworth St. , corner of 20th st. This Is the boat and cheapest business property on the street. Lot 30x120 , cnst front on 8. IC.tb st. Ono of the lineal on the at , , fllMO ; onsy torms. Ono ot the finest residence lota In Clark add. , C4xl28 , $0.400. Cor. of Leavenworth nnd 21th nvo. , 144V4 on Learimworth nnd 1-3i ! on 25th. ( Ireut bar- gnlu , $32,0)0. ) llrowu Park nnd South Omnha lots from $10 ( to f 1,000. W. H. arcen,215tf , lUth st. 711 l/'OHSALK-A ' line larm of HO acres , en- -Iv closed with n wire toncn , 33 acres under cultivation , 11 acres of nsh trocs in thiilty growing condition , prlco S10 per aero , terms uusy. This offer good for thirty ilnys only. Address Chns. H , Wilson , Oxford , Fiirnas rouu ty , Nob. e7JJy8 FOn SALE A lot ofcholco frciflh cows Irom IOWH will trudo for fat cows. Ketabrook yards , 10th and Capitol avenue. W. M. lloyles. H76 n \\r K Can sell for n few days only > 1 Lot 108 ( Use's addition for $ il,403. Lot 71 KIso'A ndditlon , $ nn ; , ) . Dlock 1 Iloyd'a addition , $ d,500. One-third cash , bnlanco 1,2 nnd 3 years. Hnmlngton & > lcCormlck , 220 Bouth Kith et. 400 OORNEH lot In Pnrkor's add , Oood for building cottages , jiM : ) . Grnhnni.Crelgh ton block. ft7211 FOH SALE A 3 room house , well , clsten nnd stable , lot 50150 , at n bnrgnln nnd on easy terms. Htanglnnd t < Ltirscn , 'Jld H. 15th st Hootn 1. 'JU9 ONE Hundred houses for snlo ; t rms nnd lo catlnu to suit everybody , lots In nil purtv n city , acres. John UiilUslior , U1I South lUth st. 816 1 FOK HALE A flno house nnd lot In Fulr mount I'lnco nt a bargain. Stanrland & . Laraen. 310 a IMh st , room 1 H acres for sale on W. Dudro st TWENTY $ ltoa W. U Eolby , 1621 Farnam.Von Von 13 FOH SALR 4 sections of and worth t po acre , Will sell for $ ( If taken ut once Harrison , Ambler & Woollcy , 418 K 1Mb st , Omaha , Nob. . 4M U- roclntnntlon nnil Klectlon Notice , Kxtc : TivK III'AHTMIXT : , CITY 01 OMAHA , NV.HUASKA , MAYOH'S Orricit , line \i \ , lbS7. HyB vlrltio of th nullinrlty In no vested , l , William .1. Urnntcli , Mayor ol no City of Omnhn , tin lu-n-by proclaim to the qunlllU-il voters of snlil city , nnil tlio ro- pcclhennls tlicroof , nnd votlni ; district. ' buruln , Hint on Miuulny , the liUli dny of tttio , A. 1) . IS > 7 , n speolnl olucttoit In onlil City of Umnlm will bo lu'ld nt tlio following ilaccs In sixld cltv , to-wlt : KlliHT WAltt > . VothtR District No. 1-At S.V. . Cor. iiintli ntutJonrs. Votlnn District No. 2-At N. E. Cor. blxtli and 1'lerco. Votlni : Dljttlct No. S-At Klcvcnth St. N'o , KtiKlno Houso. HKCOXIl M'Altl ) . VotliiB District No. 1-At S. W. Cor. Sixteenth ami I.c.ivrmvorth Sts. Voting District No. U-At N. K Cor. Sixteenth nml Vltitou Sts. Tlllllll WAItn. VotlnR District Xo. 1-At lUTCapltnl Av. Voting District No. 3At 1503 tj. Twelfth Street. Votlnc District No. 1 At Planters' House , ) odgu St , bet. Sixteenth nnd Scventconth Votlnc District No. 2-At 1S03 St. Mary's Avo. rii'Tii wAtm. Votlnp District No. 1-At 500 N. Sixteenth Street. Votlnc District No. 2-At N. K. Cor. Six- ecntlt tuul Izanl Sts. SIXTH WAltH. . . Voting District No. 1 At InS Saunders Street. Votlnc District No. 2-At S. W. Cor. Saunders St. nnd Ames Avc. BKVK.NTIt WAltll. Votlnjt District No. 1-At N. W. Cor. L'wenty-nlntli Avo. nml Woolworth St. VotltiK District > o. 2 At Quonloy's School louse. KIOIITH WAItH. Voting District No. l-At 2017 CumlttR St. VotltiR District No. a At 2107 Cutnlng St. NINTH WAtll ) . Voting District No. 1 At store of Charles J , Johnson , Twenty-ninth and Farnmn. VottiiK District No. U At Uuit/iiianUlocb , Cor. Werner Aw. anil Eureka St. The polls of said election will bo ouen nt 8 o'clock In tlio morning nnd will contlnua open until G o'clock In the afternoon , nnd at said election the lollowlni ; question nnd proposition concerning the granting of a rauchlso to the Metropolitan Cable Railway Company ol Omaha will bo submitted to said electoiBof said city , to-wlt : "Shall consunt , right ot way nnd aulhoilty 10 given totiio Meuoi'olltnn Cable Railway Company of Omaha to construct , maintain nml operate a lUreot railway with cars pro- iclled by electricity , compressed air , horse lower or cable , orby such other motor us may loroattcr bo shown practicable , except steam locomotives , for the operation of slieet rail ways , with suitable turnouts , connection ! ! and turn-tabled , In the City of Omaha , on tnd through the following streets In said city , viz : Mason , Marcv , heaven worth , JOIIPS Jackson , Howard , Hartley. Fartmin , Douclns , Dodge , west of Twentieth ; Canltal Avenue , Davenport , Chicago , C.iss , Call- lorn 1 11 , Webster , iiurt , Cumlng , Hamilton and Izard , nil between Klovontn street and the city limits on ttiocst : Eluvcuth street , Twelfth , Fourteenth , Kilteenth nnd Six teenth between Mason and Cuuilng , and Eleventh , Twelfth , Fourteenth , Fifteenth nnd Sixteenth from Mason to Vlnton streets ; Vlnton from Eleventh to ( Irri'n , Soven- teentli , Nineteenth between Howard oud Izntd ; Twenty-lirst , Twenty-second and Twenty-third between Dodco and Izanl , and cue of Us termini shall bo nt the Intersection ottwo of the previous nbovo named streets , and the other near the west llni of the south east quarter of Section W , Township IS , Uango 1 east In Douglas County , Ne braska. All votes "Yes" on said question nnd proposition shall bo regarded and considered as In favor of urautlng ald franchise and all votes "No" shall be regarded and considered us against granting said franchise. , . In Witness Whereof , I linvo hcre- J t , . T ( . unto set my hand nnd caused the I SCAtl f peal of sala City to bo atllxod the I ' day nnd year lirU above wtlttou. W n.ii AM J. IlnoATCii. Mayor. Attest : J. li. SOUTIIAUD , City Clerk. t a d lot The Best and Safest Vapor Stove Made. C. W. Sleeper , head of SI. Marys' Av enue. Holmes ASiuith , South Oiiiuha. DRS.S.&D.DAYH . . . 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo. Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy , St. Louts , Mo. , University College Hospi * j tal , London , Giesen , Germany nnd New * York. Having devoted their attention : SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT DISEASES , More especially thte arising from impru dence , invite all so fuffering to coi respond without delay. Uitcabus of infection and contagion cured safely nnd speedily with out detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Pa tients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced Incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their bymptoms- All letters receive immediate attention JUST PUBLISHED. And will lie mailed FREE to ar.y address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. ' 'Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an ' Ehtay on Marriage , ' with important chap ters on DUeascs of the Reproductive Or gan * , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise vrhich bhould be read by all young men. Address , DUS. S. & D. DAV1ESON , 1707 Olive St.St. Louis. Mo. M Lll 11 t U. S. DKI'OSITOHY , Om.ajs.ev , Paid up Capital , . . . . $250,000 Surplus 42,600 H.V. . Yntrs , President. A. K. Tou/.alin. Viee-Prcsidont. \V. 11 , S. llughas , Cashier , W. V. Morse , JohnS Collins , H.V. . 1'utoK , Lewis S. Hcctl. A. E. Ton/aim. IJANKINO OFFICE : ' 2 THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts. A General Uatikiu ? liusinces TrunEnct f LIl'ikvPI ' L ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " i'u.'A.'O.'OI.'IN'CO' . , . AVvuJy-ifititZ 111. * I.OO DtrPMkiicc. auf r & .