Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1887, Page 6, Image 7
, * - * frrr . y v mii * ! -r-MTr-vwvi THE OMAHA DAILY liftE : FRIDAY. JUNE 10. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , HO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered ty mirier In any pnrtof the city at twenty eenU per week H.W. TILTO.V , Manager. Tit.EI : > I10NE3i BCFIKT.CS Ornct. No. 43. NIOIIT Et > noit KO. ' J. I' ' MINOH MKNT10N. N. Y.t'luniblnR Co. I ? New spring goods ntUeitcr's , tailor. B W. 11. Milliard hns opened u grocery at No. H31 liroadway. A largo jewelry safe was yesterday put into Hurhorn'a jewelry store. City Auditor Klnnclian .yesterday can celled ttbout $ 17,000 city warrants. 'L'liu second car load of steel rails for Urn Mnnuwii motor railway arrived yes terday. Jiititlco Harrett yesterday united in marriage William Suhniidt and Katie Ueist , both of Omaha. Mrs. K. I ) . F. Fisher yesterday after noon entertained a party of lady friends nt an afternoon tea. The Davanan band gave their concert in park , notwithstanding thu evening was a very disagreeable one after the heavy rain of the afternoon. Tlio task of subpujmeing witnesses in the Cross CIIMJ , to be tried at Hud Oak , was completed yesterday. There are a largo number on the part of the state. The funeral of the late Mrs. J. II. Kogers will take place from the Baptist church at 1050 : ! this morning. Friends of the family are invited to attend without further notice. The ollicers of the club yesterday after noon met at the rooms for consultation concerning the Improvements which are under way. The work of tilting up la to proceed as rapidly as possible. There was little done in the district court yesterday. A few motions were heard , and the business of the day was completed bcforo 11 o'clock in the fore noon , adjournment being then taken until this morning. A telegram was received last night from Secretary Kndicottstatlng that no decision would bo reached in regard to the Broad way wagon bridge before the 20th inst. , and therefore the public mind will bo given a rest for a couple of weeks to come. W. Vandenburg has completed one of the largest pleasure and passenger boats on Lake Manawa. It will seat comforta bly twenty people besides the oarsmen , and is called the Charles Troynor. It is twenty-four feet long and finely up holstered. Kcv. Father McMcnomy officiated nt iv happy wedding at PaciDc Junction Wed nesday , the contracting parties being Edward Dwiro , n railroad man , and Miss Hannah Mclirido , the daughter of the proprietor of the Chicago House. The young folks proceed at once to occupy their now homo in that place. The BEK by calling attention to the filthy condition of the cells for female prisoners at the city jail has accomplished a little , A bucket of water and a scrub brush were seen going up the stairway in that direction yesterday. A good bon fire imidu of the mattresses , vermin , and tllthy coverlets would bo in order. The county board of supervisors yes terday awarded the contract to furnish the now county court house with furni ture to the Omaha Art Furnishing com pany , the -price being $5,200. There were only four bidders , the above com- Eany being the lowest by f 300 , while the ighcst bid was $8,000. None of the I Council Dlufl's houses put in bids. Other agents may talk as hard as they please about the Hardman piano. It gets away with them for all that. Those pi anos arc hard to boat. Muellet Music Co. sell always only the best. The Ogden Attached. The recent purchaser of thn Ogden bouse , M. S. Stout , yesterday had an at tachment issued against the furniture of the Ogden belonging to Mr. Nnnau , the one who has run the hotel for the past year , and Immediately thereafter some ten or a other writs were issued , but are not yet served. It appears that J. T. Baldwin , the ex-owner of the hotel , has a first mortgage on the furniture , while B. Silloway , the ox-lessee , has a second mortgage which is in litigation. I Colonel Sapp , as attorney for Niman , I , notilied them that the house could no I longer be run in the name of Nimau. ho I having loft the city several days ago. Mr. I Stout wished the hotel to bo managed by I George T. Pliolps , the manager under I Niman , until ho could rent the hotel and I cot a purchaser for the furniture. Mr. I 1'helps loft thn management Wednesday I and yesterday an attachment was Issued I _ for the balance of rent duo until the expiration - \ , ration of the lease August 1,1888. Mr. I Stout thereby hoping to keep the hotel I open. I The first mortgage of J. T. Baldwin , I which was given as purchase money , was I extended a year when lliman bought out I' ' Silloway , and eight notes are still duo. I ! In all probability this mortgage will bo It , foreclosed to-day , in which event the I hotel will probably bo closed. \f \ The attachment of Mr. Stout is for I ; about | 8,000 and if the mortgage of Bald- I win is foreclosed garnishee proceedings I ; will then be begun by the creditors of I : Niman for the amount of their bills. I The Informers' Cases. L The hearing in the oases of A. P. Me- I Leran and II. UarvllJe , the two saloon I Informers of Council Blufls who tried to I soli out to the saloon men and who were I arrested in Omaha and put in jail for ae- I oopting bribes , come up yesterday in I Omaha. I Attorneys Sims and Zink were present I for the defense , or prohibitionists , while I George S. Smith , of Omaha , and 0. Hal- It dane appeared on the part of the state , l > or saloon men. If Some testimony was taken , and the | > judge bound the defendants over to the IF September term. If It is now supposed that an attempt will I' bo made to obtain their release on a writ I- of habeas corpus. I Other warrants have boon issued for t those men In both Council Dtufl's and { . Omaha and should they once reach the * fresh air , it will only bo momentarily , F the prohibitionists , as well as the other I. flido , having sworn out warrants. 1 1 - ' Personal Paragraphs. 5 Mrs. F. P. Ycuawino is quite seriously It ill. Inv U.S. Hart , of Avoca , was in the city k yesterday. I * Dr. I..T. Van Ness , of Neola , was in < ; the city yesterday. If C. . Fricdmann and wife have gone | - on an eastern visit. Ifc G. II. Vandorcook , of Sioux City , was 4 in the city yesterday. i , F. K. Bean , ot Fort Uodgo , was at the T Ogden house yesterday. fr E. J. Ecklo , of the St. JOG architects , & , Eolkc & Mann , is In the city. $ J. P. Spenbcr , of Randolph , was & Pa li , cilio house guest yesterday. Mrs. Gaylord was taken qulto suddenly KU and seriously ill Wednesday , but was mf resting moro easy yesterday. I J. C. Edwards , of St. Louis , an undo of R Walter Amy. was hero yesterday on a If brief visit to his relatives. Mr. Edwards | ' has been In the milling business In St. b IxniU for thirty years. Ho has lust been k on a northern pleasure trip and this was If . his first visit to Council Blafls , IL J. W. & L. L. Squire make beautiful mi tbatracU of title and deserve the succcsi r ihoy are e Joying. IflWANS VISITING THE BLUFFS The Coiar Rapids Delegation Take a View of the Oity. DELAY IN THE MOTOR LINE. John Ijtnttt I'rogcctittng n Saloon A Move Fur n Chautaucitin A Fire 1'atrol Needed Personal Alcu- tlon llrlcllcts. The Cellar Itnpliln Visitors. About thirty gentlemen from Cedar Hapids visited this city yesterday morn ing. They were en route to their homes , having come from Sioux City where they went with the Cedar Hapids fire depart ment. On arriving at Missouri Valley they concluded to visit Council Blufl's and Omaha , and their special train of three cars was therefore run into this city very unexpectedly. The first to note their ar rival was a UKE representative. They were introduced to Mayor Groneweg in the city jail building and members of the city council were telephoned to , but none of them could bo found except Alderman Lucius Wells , who left his business immediately. Several business men joined the party , and the visitors worn taken in coaches about the city. They concluded their ride about 11:45 : o'clock in order that they might take their dinner and bpend the balance of the day in Omaha. The party comprised what is known as the lire police of the lire department , and is composed of business men and for the purpose of protecting property at any lire in the business portion of the city. Among those present wens Mayor C. W. Eaton , of Cedar Kapids : J. C. Stod- dard , city treasurer , ami Alderman Will iam King , besides the following gentle men of the lire police : Captain. J. J. SnoulVer ; First Lieutenant , J. II. Smith ; Second Lieutenant , C. E. Putnam ; J. L. Bover , J. U. Matcor , J. S. Anderson , G. W. Smith. L. Benedict , P. C. Kriok , F. C. Olmstcd , M. A. Higloy , A. C. Taylor. C. 11. Clark. A. T. Avcrill , W. K.Tay lor , A. S Lauranco , E. K. Larimer , John S. Ely , C. W. Townloy , W. P. Henderson , J. W. Augsburg , C. B. Weeks. Among the honorary members present were J. W. Henderson and P. Mullaly. The gentlemen were easily distin guished from the citizens of Council Blufls by the neat gold star borne on the breast of each , upon which were the let ters "F. P. " B. Silloway , formerly proprietor of the Ogden house in this city and an old hotel man of Cedar Rapids , was with the partv. Mr. Silloway has just taken a European hotel in Chicago. It is to bo regretted that the club was not prepared to receive and fare for these distinguished visitors. As soon as the club rooms are finished and the or ganization is in working order such oc casions will show the advantages ot hav ing such an organization to welcome and entertain visitors. They took their special train for homo last night. It was composed of the sleepers Dixon and Illinois besides a bag gage car. Fur Sale. Two drug stores in central Nebraska. Good thriving towns. Will invoice from $1,500 to $2,500. Anply to HAHI.K , HAAS & Co. , Council Blutl's , Iowa. A Pipe Patrol. The presence of the Cedar Rapids vis itors suggests anew an organization talked over hero some time ago , but which never materialized. That is an organization of business men to assist in cases of iires occurring in the business portion of the city. In many cities the business men , as in Cedar Rapids , have an organization to assist the fire depart ment , and to especially look after stocks of goods and other property while the lire department is fighting the Humes. In the removal of stocks of goods , In pro tecting them from water and guarding them against sneak thieves the judgment and responsibility of business men is a valuable help to the fire depart ment. In cities not large enough to afford a paid patrol corps these volun teer organizations are very valuable. They provo of great help in times of tire , as they look after the property , protect ing it , and servo as a special police force , while the tire lads devote themselves to the work of subduing the flames. The Cedar Rapids organization is composed of the leading business men of the city. They are naturally greatly interested in thu fire department and its efficiency. By their rules the company is divided into three squads , and in case of a tire those of the first squad report to their com manding officer at the right of a burning building ; those of the second squad at the left , and those of the third at the front. Thus every man knows just where and to whom to report in time of need. Drs. Hanchett & Smith , office No. 12J Pearl St. , residence 120 Fourth st. Tele phone No. 10. They Want a Chautanqua. Some time ago a move was started for the organization ot a Chautauqua , or Sunday-school assomblp , to be hold hero annually. The move was allowed to stop , but an attempt is being made to revive interest in it and push it to a successful completion. Such an assembly hold hero , with all these railway advantages , would cause thousands from all directions to come hero to attend the exercises , and to enjoy the lectures and entertainments. Tl.ero are a number of desirable sites and natural amphitheaters which could bo arranged with comparatively little ex pcnso. A meeting is to bo hold this evening at the Y. M. C. A. rooms for the purpose of talking up this enterprise. All are invited , and especially the busi ness men. There seems to be no rotson why the enterprise could not bo as suc cessfully conducted hero as in other places not having nearlv as great advan tages. If the business men take hold ot it , it can bo made a great success , and would result in having thousands of vis itors here for seveial weeks each sum mer. Latest improved gasoline stoves at N. 501 Main street. W. A. Wood. A New Prohibitionist. John Lindl appears in a now role. Ho has not boon known as a very earnest ad vocate of prohibition , but ho now stops into the courts both as prosecuting at torney and complaining witness. Ho has made complaint that Mr. and Mrs * . William Bohning not only keep a place foi the sale of intoxicating liquors , out thai they actually soil them. A warrant was issued by Justice Barnett , and tuo case was called yesterday morning. Mr Bohning had secured attorneys to dcfoni the case , but the attorneys were busj with other matters , and wanted the cast continued until the 15th. Attorney Llndl insisted on a speedy hearing , and as a compromise the justice continued the case until this morning , in order for the defendants to have time to secure attorneys tornoys who could attend to the ease a' ' ouco. Another Short Stop. Yesterday a letter was received fron J. K. Graves , the Manawa motor mat stating that .the rolling mills In Wes which were turning out. tiu teal rails for the motor line had broken own , and a delay of from three to six lays would bo occasioned by the break , lad It not been for this delny'ho expected all the rails would haru boon hero bcforo ho end of the week. It U hoped that everything will be In oatllni'ss to have the line open by the th of July. HEARTLESS CRUELTY. Few persons realize how thoroughly they are controlbd by prejudice even to their > wn disadvantage. For many years the reatment for rheumatism , neuralgia , ' scia- ica and licadach has been by some outward application , and therefore , without stop- ng to think that the origin of these tiou- > lcs must , from necessity , be internal , the veary sufferer continues to rub , rub and find no relief. Athlophoros Is taken inter- lally , and as a proof that this is the correct > rincple ! , It cures surely and quickly. Tha tatetnent of those who have been cured ought to convince the incredulous. Palmyra , Neb , August Oil , 18SO. I believe 1 have been greatly benetilted i ) ' Atiilophoros. I keep it in the house all line , and if I feel a twinge of ihciunatism tuke a dose. I have not had to lake any or months , and hope I am permanently cured. I have not hesitated on recom- nending it largely and have helped others vith it. REV E J BIRD. Mrs Gco HofTitinn , Cedar Falls , Iowa , ays : "My husband was cured of rheutua- isinby the use of Athlophoros. Three bot- les of that medicine cured him entirely so hat he has not had an ache from rhcuina- ism since , and that is now over a year ago. "or twenty years previous there was never i time that be was free from pain. Doctors tor medicine could drive the disease away. With tl'e sciatic rheumatism in his right ; ide the doctors said he world always have t and they did not think there was any cure. He was suffering very much from a evere attack when Athlophoros took hold of the disease at once , and by the time be ad taken three bottles he was entirely veil and went to work at once Every druggist should keep Athlopho- ros and Athlophoros Pills , but where they cannot bo bought of the druggist the Athlophoros Co. , 113 Wall St. , New York , will send either ( carriage paid ) on receipt of regular price , which is $1.00 per bottle or Athlophoros and 60c. for Pills. 1'or liver nnil kidney dlsonsrs , dyspepsia , In- lircstlmi , wenknc s , nervous debility , discuses > f women , cnnRtlpiitlon. tieaduchn. impute- ilooil , etc. .Atliloplioroa 1'ills lire unequalled. BUCK WOU ! Or Clack Leprosy , Is a dl ° caic which Is considered Incurable , but it has yielded to the curative proper- tie * of SWIFT'S Si'Ecino now known all o\er the world as S. S. 8. Mrs. liallcy. of West SomcrviUe , Mass. , near Doston , was attacked several years mo with th la hideous black eruption , and nas treated by thn best medical talent , who could only eay that the disease was a species of -LEPROSY- and consequently Incurable. It I. Impossible to do crlbc her sufferings. Her body from the crown of her head to the solesof her feet was a mars of decay , masses of flesh rotting ofl and leaving great cavities. Her fingers festered and three or four nails dropped off at one time. Her limbs contracted by the fearful olccratlon , and for several jcars she did not leave her bed. Her weight was reduced from 123 to 60 Iba. Perhaps tome faint Idea of her condition can be cleaned from the fact that three pounds of Cosmo- line or ointment were used per week In dresilnc her sores. Finally the physicians acknowledged their defeat by this Black wolf , and commended the suf ferer to her all-wire Creator. 1 Her hnsband hearinc wonderful reports of the nsa of SWIFT'S Srccirio ( S. 8. B. ) . prevailed on her to try It as a last resort. She began its tire under pro test , but soon fonnd that her system waa being re- llord of the poison , us the sores assumed B red aJd healthy color , aa though the blood was becoming pure and active. Mrs. Bailey continued the 8. 8. a , until last February ; every lore was healed ; she dis carded chair and crutches , and waa for the first time in twelve years well woman. Her hnsband , Mr , C. A. Bailey , Is In bnrincss at 17X Blackstone Street , Bortnn , and will take pleasure In giving the details of this wonderful cure. Bend tons for Treatise on BJood and SUln Direases , mailed free. 'XHB Swirr SPECIFIC Co. . Drawer S. Atlanta , Gs BOSTONMASS. CAPITAL , . $40OOOO SURPLUS , . . . . 60O.OOO Accounts of Banks , Bankers and Corpo rations solicited. Our facilities tor COLLECTIONS are excellent and we re-discount for banks when balances warrant it Boston is a Reserve City , and balances with us frombankcnot ( located in other Reserve - serve Cities ; count as reserve. We draw our own Exchange on London and the Continent , and make Cable trans fers and place money by telegraph through out the United States and Canada. Government Bonds bought and sold , and Exchanges in Washington made for Banks without extra charge. We have a market for prime first-class Investment Securities , and inyite proposals from States , Counties and Cities when is suing bonds. We do a general Banking business , and invite correspondence. ASA P. POTTER , President JOS , W. WOP.K , Cashier. PHILADELPHIA 8EMINAHY I'UIt VOUNG LADIK3,133i North Broad St. , Philadelphia. 17th year boirlns Sept.Hst , 1HS7. Address Miss U. B. JUUKJN8 , Principal , who refers by special permission to Mr. and Urn , John N. Jowott , ) Mr. aud Mrs. Philip D. Armour , VChicago. Mr. ana Mrs. Horace F. Waite , ) SOMERVILLE SCHOOL I-OK VOUNG LADIES. ST. CLAIB. MICH. Throe course * of itudjr. Tnaroutthnei * In ererjr de- pnrtmont. liullillnnj rlouantlr furnlrbod. Ilented vUhtteim. I.Uhtrd with KU > . Wilier from St. Cl air Hirer. 8ui > urloradranU2e < In music and urt , AU- drcn for circular. BOMEIIV1I.I.K HC1IOOL , Bt , Clalr , Mich. EVELYN COLLEGE. For young women , Princeton , N. J. Prospectus , full particulars , sent on ap- plicatonto I. H , M Elvaise. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. 1 THI NEW ' .rtnt from all ethtr * . U cup ahace. with Belt , djuiunc BalllnrenUr.adapU luetf to all DMltloM ot Ot Sk bodrwhllothaball lnlhec p f RreVsaif bock the Intas- | T .Hr.JK.VSJwa.KR p and nUthUaM . radical.e . r rio udlMrellonier IC.UM. v r4 wltliMMt fll itt ii M4lla Btv UM OHKAT MAHITON THBATMBMT. 14 > ! r . fihooU t rod MADE STRONG 9R vlth Tilbniuiaii rnJM to * ll MM. MARtTONRIMSDVCO 19 Park Pises. NSW York. Mention Oman * Bee. WE WANT 3o other house in this state can show such a large and complete stock or give the prices n'c quote In his list , A wholesale stock a tiiotint- ng to $17ftOOO to be sold at less han wholesale prices. Prints , Percales and Sateens , Good inialltii Prints , 2c , 3c and dc icryard , Jlcst quality Shirting and Dress Prints , such as Meniinac , Choce- ocs , Aliens , Aincrlcanslilchiuonds , etc. , at Gc. Hold elsewhere at 8c and We. American Sateens , yard wide , We. Imported Sateens , ISc , HOc and Whirling and Dress Percales , fie , 7c , Sc and We. Jtcgular price 15c GINGHAMS. Thousands of pieces to select from n both imported and domestic goods. Ayron Ginghams , 4c , Sc and ( ic. Dress Ginghams , 4c , Sc and ( ic. Itenfrcws , Lancas-ers , Gorman- lies , Amoskags , and other brands at fie and We. Imported Ginghams , 12\c \ up- vards , of which we have a great varictu. Crinkled Seersuckers in plaids , stripes , combinations and chain- brags , Sc , 7c , fie , We , 12c and lOc. Cheviots and Shirtings from Gc ip wards. A full and complete line always on hand. Brown sheetings and Muslins , 4c. 1'rtrtl wide Lawrence , "L. L. " and other brands , Sc. Rest yard wide Indian Head Sheellnui Gc , 7c and Sc. Brown and Bleached Plllotv Case , 8-4,9-4 , 10-4 , 12-4 , at less than ever before. , Bleached Muslin , yard wide , Sc. Lonsdale and similar brands , /ard wide , 6\c \ to 7c. Wamasutt , Pride of West and other bromla , lOe to 12c. A discount given to piece lots. Lawns and White Goods from 3c Upwards. Latest Styles Domestic and Im ported. RFMMTSHTF IVLurllmlJl vjiLLJU On Monday , June 6th , Of all kinds of Dress and Wash Goods , at almost any price. Eyv7er eWraps. / . Suits , made up Dresses , etc. , we are selling clieaper than ever. People's Store , k 314,316,318 , , and 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IA LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , TortoiseSh.cH etc.Hair Or unments , as well as the newest nov elties in hair goods. Hair goods niadeto order MrM.C. L.Gillette 20 llnlu St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attended to. BEST LIGHT LIVERY The iinest of tidying horses always on hand and for sale by MASE WISE. k l TalUI taa U u luU .1 C.n.i. YlELOt TO EVERT MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. OwlnctothoDUeoiil lUSTUITTof the cloth ( which n t Tirvoro. Bolo by HI , GREAT Sacrifice Sale ! AT Eiseman's People's ' Store During This Week. Ladies' Hosiery. ISO dozen Ladle * ' Lisle Ihread Hose , 23c ; regular price SOc. 100 dozen full regular Ingrain , Including black , 25c ; regular price , 5Uc. 200 dozen bent Lisle Thread , 85c. We and BOc. US dozen Silk Hose , SJ to 0at \ 75c to $2Xo. Misses' ' and Children's ' HOSIERY. fiOO dozen all sizes , A lo A' } attic , Sc and JOc. ( ISO dozen at 15c , HOc and tific- Full vcnnlar. SOO dozen Lisle TJircad Ingrain , and French Itltibcd , at % fie ; all sizes. These arc grcttt bargains , & } This sale lasts all this week , and be sure yon attend it. & GO'S. PEOPLE'S STORE , BLUFFS , - - - I A. OFFICER cC FUSEY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established 1657. SPECIAL NOTICES. STOT1OE. Special advertisements , sjich as Lost , Found 'joLonn , For Bale , To Rent , Tvnnts , Roar-dlmr , etc , ttlll lioInserted la this column lit the loir rateof LINE fortlioflm laser- Ion /IvoContsPorLlnoforcach subsocjiiont insertion. Leave advertisements at our oflka No. U Pearl street , uoar llroailwny , Couucll Bluff g. WANT * . "IT1OH IU5NT Nice furnished room near the -L' park,0 S Flrat avo. FOR KENT House of flvo rooms. Apply nt 315 Franklin Btreot. WANTKD Atonco , n car r I ago trimmer at Hnltenkauor't , Council Bluffs. V17 ANTED Woman cook at once at Homo ' restaurant. No. 837 Brondwuy ; also ( rood dining room girl. Good wages , Mrs. W. B. White1 FOIt BALB-Or Trade Six sections of good land in Lincoln county , Nob. , on U. P. railway. Cell on or address Odell Bros. St Co. , 103 Pearl 8t. , Council Bluffn. rpAKKN UP Juno6lbS7. on th * premises of -L the subscriber , soo. 11 and 12 , Q urn or township , Pottamnttamleconnty , Iowa , known ns tno old Voohis place , one dark brown horse about 7 years old. The owner Is requested to prove property , pay ouarges and tnko it nwny. June 7,1887. B. H. W1UGIIT. WANTDD A good K'lri for general house work In small family , liberal WIIKCS will bo paid. Inquire at Ktsomnn's People's store or at No. 131 Park avenue. WANTED A situation with some vrnolcsnel firm aa traveling salesman or assistant bookkeeper. Address W. y , No. 1001) ) Chicago street , Oaauha. WANTED A good girl for general house work. Apply at TOD Sixth avonuo. Has a complete line of Milliner Milliiii'i'v ' , LargebaUiu whlto , black and all colors. .Pat tern bonnets , bats and toques , a specialty. No J5U Douglas st , Omaha. CROCKERY , LAMPS GLASSWARE , , AND FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , ArO. 23 MAIX ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , t t I A E. S. BARNETT , Justic'e of the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city , Collections a specialty. Star Sale Stab/es and Mule Yards Uroadway , Council Ululls , Opp. Dummy Depot e Horses anil mules kept constnntlyon band , for saio at retail or in car loa d Urders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. . SHLUTEH & BOLET , Proprietors. Telephone No. 11 Formerly of Kuil Sale. Stables , corner lit. are. and 4th st ODN Y. BTOKX. JACOB IIMI STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law. dice in the State and Federal Courti . Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block. COUNCIL BARGAINS IN NEW GOODS Harkness Brothers. Broadway , Council Bluffs , la A large stock of fine white summer good and wash fabrics. A New and Fine Assortment of Parasols , Sun , shades and Umbrellas , ALSO A FULL STOCK OF YOUNG5 LADIES' CORSETS , Summer Corsets and the Noted Little Jersey Corset. CARPET Departme nt is yet "well stocked and invites the attention of everyone about to furnish a home. Also oil cloths , matting , rugs , mats , etc. Do not forget the number , No. 4O1 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. i Telephone 163. o. cr. Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Bluff * Office , Munoiilo Temple. Omiilm Office , No 111 . North 10th street. Particular attention given to In vesting . funds for lion - resi dents. Special bargain * In lot * St acre property . In Oinulia A Coun cil Illutl'i. . Correspondence nolle * itcd. GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa Matt Orders tihl ppeil Promptly. REAL ESTATE , Vacant Lots , Lands , City Healdonces nnd Farms. Aero property In western part of city. All soiling- cheap to roako room for spring stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Room 6 , over Officer & Pueey's n ank , Cou Uluffs. N. KCHU11X , Justice of the Peace , Otllco over American Express. II. IlICE , M. D. Cancers and other Tumors Removed without the knilc or Drawing o Blood. Over 80 vears Practical experience. No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Ulufft. O. B. ALLEN , EngineefSufvefOMapPubli5her , [ , I Over fio. lid North Main St. City and county maps , of cities and countlsj western Iowa , Nebraska antlKsm.ii.