Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1887, Page 2, Image 3

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lumiivixo COEUOION.
A Strange Turn or Affairs In the
LONDON , Juno 0. This afternoon In the
commons W. 11. Smith , government lender ,
gave notice tlmt to-morrow ho would move
that the committee natuo a period at which
they would report the Irish crimes net
Amendment bill to the ; . Morley pro
tested against no short n notice. Smith said
the novermnent was unable until to-dnv to
Jlnally decide on what course to pursue. The
terms of Ills notice would bo on paper to
night. He refused to nnmo the period ho
would ask the committee to tix for reporting
the bill. Smith's motion proposes tlmt thu
Crimea bill bo reported by the 17th lust. The
I'nrncllltes will oppose the motion by c\ery
means In their nower. alleging tlmt It Is tin-
'lircccdcntcd. The unionists approve the mo
After the rejection of several amendments
to clause four mid the application of the
cloture rule , Dalfotir moved tlmt the section
providing for the removal of venue to Lon
don bo remitted rrom the bill. [ I'arnelllto
cheers. I lie ndnilttud that there wore strong
objections to this section and Bald as long as
the ends of the goveinmont would be attained
they would not show themselves obstinate to
the moans by which the ends should bo
reached. Sir Will him Vernon llnrcourt de
clared that the government would bo unable
to face the condemnation which the adoption
of the section would bring upon thorn. The
present proposal < ) a decent sham , .Smith
arose to speak amid 1'arnoll cries of
"cloturo , " "cloture. " Uoforo he linlshed
his ilr t ( sentence , Hcaly moved tlmt the
question bo put. llnaly's motion was agreed
to amid louu cheers ) and laughter , lialfour's
motion was then carried without division.
Smith then cave notice that at 10 p. in.
Friday , the 17th Inst. . ho would
move the chairman forthwith to put
tlio question on any motion , amendment or
proposal relating to the clause under discus-
Dion , and on each ot the leuialnlng clauses of
the bill. Replying to a question by Sir Will
iam Vernon Harcourt , Smith said it
was not proposed that these mo
tions Hhould be carried by a particular
majority like the rule.-i of urgency.
Half our announced the provision for the com
mission that judxcK bo Included In the second
bill , which would bo introduced Immediately ,
cmbodyine the now proposals of the govern
ment [ loud lauzhter and Ironical cheers ] ,
ftrobablo to-morrow or ou Monday. The
I'arnellltes will raise a debate on evictions
tn Ireland.
Mnncheater's Mayor Dead.
iropvrtaMlMflni Jiimct ( lonlon llcnnctt. ]
MA.NCHESTKU , Juuo9. fNow York lleratd
Cable Special to tht BKH. ] Mnthow Curtis ,
mayor ot Manchester , who received the prince
nud princess of Wales during the recent visit
to the open exhibition , died to-night in his
elehtleth year , lie was a very wealthy man ,
the head of the great cotton spinning ma
chinists llrm of Curtis Sons , whose machines
nro working all over the world. He owed his
start In life and bubsequunt prosperity to nn
American Kcntloman , J. C. Dyer.who brought
over froui America when Curti.s was a young
man a beautiful mechauleal contrivance for
malting the wire cards attached to cotton
carding machines , nud established a large
manufactory for making these and other cot
ton machinery. Ho took Curtis into his em
ployment , promoted him , and when Uyor
iiad mndo n fortune aided Curtis ta succeed to
his business , which later crew to nn enor
mous extent.
Ho Accepti ) the Call.
[ Coj > j/r/0it / / 1VI7 by Jamr * Gonlun
LONDON , Juno 9. fNow York llernld Cable
Special to the BKU | I saw Vicar Wassen ,
or the Holy Trinity , Lambeth , to-day. He
said : "I have received the details of my ap
pointment from Now York. I replied Imme
diately by cable accepting the call , subject to
reasonable permanency. I expect every
thing Is now settled. I begin arrangements
nt once tn leave Knglnnd by the middle of
September. I received a a letter yesterday
from the bishop of Rochcstnr , well known In
Now York , In which ho was kind enough to
congratulate New York on having secured
my pastorate , although ho was very loth to
part with mo from his diocese.
A Brilliant Young Physician.
* , Mi [ Copi/rfi/ftt 1897 tiy Jamci Gordon Dennett. ]
PAHIS , June 9. [ Now York llorald Cable
Special to the UKK. ] At a meeting of
the French academic of medicine yesterday
Dr. A. Robin was elected a member of the
academle by a largo vote. Dr. A. Robin Is
now the youngest member of the French
academic of medicine. He Is only thirty-
olicht years old , and already one ot the most
brilliant of the savants of Franco. lr.
Robin has made n specialty of typhoid fever ,
and out of 1,800 patients has never lost one.
Steamers Wrecked.
IIONUON , Juno 9. During the heavy fog
which Is prevailing the British steamer
Castloford , which left Montreal May 20went
ashore off Slcllly Islands. It is believed she
will prove ft total wreck. Salvers are at woilt
nu her cargo.
Thn German bark plsa. from Wilmington ,
N. C. , for 'London , was picked up In the
channel and towed to Dunireiiess , where she
Rank. It Is supposed she was damaged by
collision , Nothing Is known of her crow.
The Floods In Hungary.
VIENNA , Juno 9. The situation In the
flooded district in Hungary Is but llttlu
changed. In soiuu cases the rescuing parties
have been obliged to forced the people Into
the boats , as they refused to leave their
houses and property , without which , as they
h expressed It , their lives would be worthless.
I Marauders are wading through tbe waters at
1 night to plunder houses found deserted.
Several ha\o been arrested.
A Fierce Attack on Grovy.
PAms , Juno 9. La Justice contains a
fierce attaek upon President Grevy. The
article purports to bo a conversation between
Presldeat Orovy and Maron McKau during
the recent crisisIn the course of which Presi
dent Urovy threatened to resign If thu rou-
vler ministry was upset and said on the next
day there probably \\ould becmeutoin 1'arls ,
followed by a dictatorship aud foreign war.
i Discussing Dnvltt's Speeches.
LONDON , June 0. A cabinet meeting was
hold to-day. Thn subjects discussed were
the speeches ot Michael Davltt In Ireland
during the past fortnight In which ho coun
selled thu tenants to resist eviction by all
means In their power , and the report on the
progress of the Afghan boundary eommis-
( ton's work.
" "
"Thin Examination Not Complete.
UKIU.IN , June 9. Prof. Vlrschow has not
yet completed the examination ot the tissue
removed from the crown prince's throat yes
terday , The consultation of physicians has
been postponed. The emperor to-day suf
fered from a slight attack of lumbago , The
hyuodormlc Injections of morphia have been
discontlnuiHl , as it caused too much sleep.
A Second Disagreement.
Dciu.iN , June 9. The second trial of
Hastings , editor of the Irish Citizen , for
libelling Byrne , of the Freeman's Journal ,
and his wife , by connecting them with the
I'liwulxpurk murder , wat held to-uny. The
jury again disagreed.
Ah Thorol
. LONDON , June9. The "Vorstadt Xellune ,
L of Bt Petersburg , says the crarlna nml princess -
* cess of Wales will go to Vienna strictly In
cognito , to attend the accouchtneut of the
duchess of Cumberland.
] Captured By Ilio HpnnUli.
LONDON , Junot' ' . Adlpatch from Manila
kf. announces that the Spanish Sooloo oxpcdl-
I' , ( Ion consisting of 800 men captured a
fortified rebel village ou thu Island of Tapula
, , After severe lighting with heavy losses on
; \ both side * . The rebels submitted and the
rcDel chief was killed.
> ' Ho Thanked the Doctor ,
BEK.LIN , Juno 9. Kmperor William to-day
summoned Dr. McKouzle and thanked him
\ for the care whlcli ho had given the crown
prince. The emperor also consulted the doc
tor In regard to hH own ailments.
The Academy Commencement
' ANNAPOLIS , June I ) . The star -members ot
this year's grid tint Ing class at ' the naval
are : 1'irst , Rebut' Stacker , pi
Mlnncapolb ; Socontl , Prank W. lllbbs , of
Minnesota : Third , Elliott 8no\v , of Utah
territory. Last night there wasa display of
( Ire-works and a bop , and to-morrow there
will bo a review In honor of distinguished
Ktiests. The order of merit In which the
cadotH from the northwestern states will
graduate at the naval academy on Friday Is
as follows : 1 , Robert Stacker , Minnesota ;
2. Frank W. Hlbbs. Minnesota ; 4. IJ. C.
Decker , Illinois ; 0. u. W. Wplls , Illinois ; 8.
Walter a. Hurkc , Illinois ; 10. II.V. . Stearns ,
Iowa ; in. Ford U. Drown , Iowa ; ! V , lleniy
Allen , Wisconsin ; 37. Frcfli-rlck E. Swan-
stroui , Minnesota ; 4Q.JL'olln S. CralK. Iowa.
The Ilcpuaiatlon JUy Southern States
of Intercut on UomU.
Nr.w YOHK. JunoO. Kx-Jud o Andrews ,
of this city , received by telegraph one or the
most Importantdcclslons that has boon given
Tor many years In tlio matter of the repudia
tion by the southern states ot the Interest of
itato bonds. The decision Involves
Interests of n vast amount. Judge
lioiul , of the United States circuit
court of .Raleigh , N. C. , decided the case
of the special tax bondholders In their favor.
North Carolina issued bonds In ISC'J and lias
tiot paid Interest for many years. The pay
ment of bonds to the amount of glO.OOO.OUO
Issued by the provision In the act of Issu
ance , which ordered the levy of n
special tax on all real and personal
property of the state to onc-oluhth of
ono pur cent. The object of the snlt was to
compel the state to levy this tax to pay over
due coupons , which amount to nearly 100 per
cent , of the total Issue of the special tax
bonds. The dllllcultv In all previous suits
has been that the stcUo Itself has
been a necessary party , ami the courts
held that thu state could not bo sued by citi
zens of other states. The plnlntllf In this
case , however , was a citizen of North Care
lina. Now , tor the tiret time , tlio federal
courts held the state amendable to bo sued by
Us own citizens where the lederal question Is
presented by the clashing laws Impairing tbe
obligation of contracts. The decision
holds the acts passed by North Carolina to
stop the collection of taxes to pay this Inter
est null and void and agents of the state
must proceed to collect the taxes and pay the
Interest. A special session ot the legislature
will probably be called on the situation.
lo\vh Supreme Court Decisions.
lis : MOINKS , Jo. , Juno 9. | Special 1'elo-
cram to the DKE.J Supreme court decisions
were handed down to-dny as follows : Daniel
Wovland , trustee , vs Atchlson , Topeka &
Santa J < o railway comuany , .appellant ,
superior court of Cedar Rapids. Reversed.
Anna M. 13 u Her , appellant , vs Caroline.
VYiIIigrod , Marshall district. Alllrmod.
In the matter ot the estate nf David R. Fos
ter , Clayton clicult eourt. Reversed.
State vsJ. H. Rowland , appellant , Clarke
district. Afliriued.
State vs Ucorgo C. Montgomery , appellant ,
Washington district. Alllimed.
Jacob Wattemeycr vs Wisconsin , Iowa &
Nebraska railroad , appellant , Ilardlu. county.
Kll/nbotli and Martin Goodyear vs I. U.
and . C. Ooodvcar and others , appellants ,
Green district. Itovcisod.
Ilclen M. Percell , appellant , vsVllllam L.
McRoynoldset al , executors of Solomon
MoRcyiioUh , Wapello circuit court. Re
versed. Opinion by Severs , Deck dissenting ,
Iowa's Labor Party Nominates.
MAiisitAi.r.Tovi'N , la. , June 9. [ Special
Telegram to the UKE. ] The Union Labor
party mot here to-day and nominated a lull
state ticket , headed by M. J. Calne , of
1'owbehclk county , for governor. There was
a lively licht between tha old greenback
ciowd.lcdby ex-Congressman ( iillotto , nnd
the now greenback crowd , led by ex-Con
gressman Wellor. The former tried to nomInate -
Inato lien Fredericks , a leading democrat ,
oxpectlne that the democrats would then bo
compelled to take him up , but \Voller \ beat
them and nominated an antl-f uslonlst.
Three Days Drowned.
FELLA. la. , Juno 0. [ Special Telotjram
to the DEI : . ] Three boys Dick and Morice
McAdow and Dud Thomas aged fourteen ,
seventeen and fourteen years respectively ,
were drowned thin afternoon while bathing
In the river a few miles from town. They
got into deep water and could not swim.
A Defaulting Sheriff.
DES MOINKS , la. , June 0. | Special Tele
gram to the DKE.J A dispatch from Waukon
states that the sheriff of Allamakee county
has left for parts unknown , leavluc debts to
the amount of 5.1,000 to 510,000 owing to the
county and to other parties. Ills name is C.
A. LatUold.
Killed For Ilia Parents' Crime.
QUINOV , 111. , June 9. This evening Mar
tin Curry , jr. , aged fifteen , was shot and
mortally wounded by Julius Albright. Six
teen years ago Albright , than a citizen of this
place , became jealous of the attentions paid
his wife by a man named Martin Curry. He
procured a divorce and removed to ht. Louis.
Mrs. Albright married Curry soon after and
they Imvo lived hero since. A low days ago
Albright returned to this city and was seen
liangine around thu Curry residence. This
evening he walked up to the door of the
house and shot Martin Curry , jr. , son of his
divorced wife byherprosenthinband. Young
Curry was sitting down at the time and re
ceived the bullet In his neck. Iln cannot re
cover. Albrlclit , when taken to prison , said
the shot was Intended tor the older Uiirrv ,
whom ho had never forgiven lor alienating
his wife's affection , and after sixteen years
had determined to take revenge.
A Iicathcr Constitution.
BKOCKXON , Mass. , Juno 9. The Shoe
makers' convention spent a larger part of the
forenoon In drafting a constitution which
was not completed when the convention ad-
jouiued at noon. At the afternoon session
the committee on law reported a constitution
whlcli was accepted governing the various
details ot the craft The committee will con
sider the apprentice system , hours of labor
and equalization of prices and report at a
future unto to the general executive board.
A resolution was adopted placing a boycott
on nil shoes inado by llanan .t Son , of New
York. The label heretofore used by the
national executive council nas been accepted
and will bo Issued under , curtain restrictions
to bo upod only on the class of goods for
which It was granted.
McMncklu Denounces OTJrlon.
NKW YOUK , June 0. John McMackln ,
leader of tlio Henry Oeorgo party In this
city , whoso position as chairman of the mass
mooting In honor of William O'Brien on
Satuulay evening caused the latter to with
draw , lniswritten an open letter touching
thatoplsodo and the denunciations which
O'Drlen muled at him ( McMackln ) in his
spwch at tne Hotlman house banquet Mon
day night. McMacKln is very bitter In his
denunciations of O'Drlon and those with
whom he associated In > o\v York.
The K In ml Ciinnrdcr.
DOSTON , Juno 0. The Cunard steamer
Cophalonlca , whoso management was lined
1,000 lor landing an Insane woman at this
port , was permitted to clear and sail to-day
upon depositing with the surveyor of
the pott , The Cunard company will appeal
to the secretary of the treasury for a remit
tance of the lino.
Ail Over-Supply of Whisky.
LOUISVILLE , Juno 0. At a meeting of the
Kentucky DMlllors' association to-day n
resolution recommending the rcssatlon of
the production ot whisky from July 1 until
October 1 , 18SH , was adopted. Ninety-live
per cent of the producing capacity of tbo
state was repioaented.
Uolllng lUllls Out of Coke.
CHICAGO , June 9. Tbe blast furnaces and
steel mills of the &outn Chicago rolling mills
closed down to-night on account of tbo ex
haustion of the coke supply nnd 1,800 men
are thrown out ot employment. This U tbo
result ot tbe I'emisylviuila strike.
A Unto Wnr.
ST. Louis , Juno 9. The Indianapolis &
tjt. Louis railroad company made an open cut
of about seven cents on live stock between
hero and Indianapolis , and It la expected
other roads will meet It and a rate war will
Yard innters In Session.
DCTHOIT , June 9. The thirteenth annual
convention of tbe Yardmasters' Mutual Bene
fit association la in session here , Officers
imoelecto.1 to-day ,
They UITO a Few Pointers to the InterState -
State Board.
ST. I'AUL , JuuoO. Theconventlon of rail
road commissioners ot the northwestern
states this morning passed the following resolution
elution * :
Resolved , That tn the opinion of tbe mem
bers of this convention , thn phrase "under
substantially similar circumstances and con
ditions , " In the fourth section of the Inter
state law , oudit to bo construed liberally
and that a lower rate to the manufacturer or
producer Is not In conflict with the spirit of
this fcectlon of that law. provided all persons
nnd localities under substantially slmilarclr-
cumstanccs and conditions arc treated alike :
and they would respectfully ask from the
Inter-state commerce commission an ofllclal
Interpretation of the section.
The secretary , to whom was referred tlio
matter of having uniform blanks for returns
to bo mndo by railroad companies , recom
mended that no change bo made this year ,
but that the Inter-state commission call a
general convention of railroad commission
ers to consider the matter and adopt unlrorm
blanks. The report was adopted. Thu com
mittee on freight classllieatlon reported , callIng -
Ing the attention of the Inter-state commis
sion to the utility aud Importance of
maintaining a uniform classification
covering the railroad freight tralllc
of the entire country. A resolution stronuly
approving section 5 of the Inter-state law.
and asking Its enforcement by national and
htiUo commissions was passed. After the
discussion of tbo safety appliances tor
freight cars , resolutions were passed declar
ing It the Imperative duty of railroad com
panies to equip their f i eight cars , as fast as
practically possible , with safety or automatic
coupling drawbars nnd with newer brakes ;
nlbo , that unless the railway companies
commence this work within a certain
time , that It bo the duty of
the railroad commissioners to recommend the
enaction of proper laws looklne to the ac
complishment ot this much desired end. In
reterence to the Sunday work question the
commissioners strongly recommended that
no more trains bo run on Sunday than is Im
peratively necessary to tbo public welfare.
The executive committee was ulven power to
call the next meeting any time before con-
cress convened.
Emigrants Ilcfuscd a
Niw : YOUK , Juno 9. At the meeting of
the emigrant commissioners to-day tbe ques
tion of permitting tbo landing of about
ninety emigrants from lieland'who came
hero on the steamer City of Chester came up.
The emigrants had been sent hero by the
British government , which paid their pas-
saves. The commissioners finally decided to
permit the landing of three women and ono
man and their families , numbering in all
twenty-one. All the others , who are now de
tained , were ordered to be taken back by tbe
Inmaii Steamship Company.
Chandler to Succeed Plko.
CONCOUD , N. U. , Juno 9. In the repub
lican senatorial caucus to-night William E.
Chandler was nominated as tbo candidate to
till the vacancy opened by the death of. Sen
ator Pike. Chandler received twenty-nine
moro than the necessary number of votes
and the nomination was made unanimous.
A motion to also nominate a candidate for
the term beginning March 4 , 1338 , was re
Tbo democrats to-night nominated Hon.
Harry Ulnghain for tlio senatorial vacancy.
Chicago's Labor Troubles.
CHICAGO. Juno 9. At a meeting of the
bricklayers' union to-night a committee was
appointed with full power to settle all ques
tions by arbitration with tha master masons.
This It Is thought portends an early settle
ment of the treat lockout. The contracting
carpenters appear determined to enforce the
nine-hour rule next week and the men claim
to be equally determined to resist It. A strike
appears to be Inevitable.
The Sharp Jury Fixers.
NnwYonic , June 9. The grand jury has
dismissed the cbargo of embracery against
fJeorce H. Warner , who talked with Juror
Sutton. The jury Indicted George W.
Lynch , an officer of ono > of Sharp's rail
roads , for embracery.
Thn Now Silver Certificate * .
NEW YOHK , Juno 9. Vice President Jor
dan , of the Western National bank , , R ys It
will probably bo some time before the new
silver certificates will be ready , but tempo
rary certificates will be provided for trading
A Musical Instrument Failure.
NKW YoriK. Juno 9. Joslas Saenger , mus
ical Instrument maker , assigned to-day with
preferences amounting to $39,000. The assets
are believed to be about 850,000 , with liabili
ties somewhat larger.
Plorce Elected Proaident.
MiKNEAi'OMS , June 9. A special to the
Journal from Grand Forks , Dak. , says the
regents of the North Dakota university at a
meettnc this morning unanimously elected
ox-Goveinor Gilbert A. Pierce president.
Arrested For Murder.
WAiutKNSuuiia , Mo. , June 9. Daniel Cox ,
n farm hand , was arrested hero to-day by
Sheriff Powell , of Green county , Illinois ,
and will bo taken back to Waltervlllo In that
state for trial for the murder of W. N. Mice.
Liansdownc to Bo Honored. , .
WiNNii'KO , Juno 9. A London -special
says that Lansdowne will bo madd a duke in
connection with the distribution of 'jubilee
Pennsylvania Republican Convention.
PHILADELPHIA. Juno 9. Chairman
Cooper , of the republican state committee ,
to-day issued the call for the state conven
tion to be held at liarrlsburg August 17.
Iron and Steel Workers.
PITTSHUKO , June 9. The consideration of
the wage question was continued by tbo
Amalgamated association of Iron and stool
workeisiu thulr convention to-day. /
Steamship ArrlvaK ,
Niw : YOUK , Juno 9. [ Special Telegram to
the UEE.J Arrived The steamer Penuland ,
trom Antwerp.
Duslncss Failure.
CINCINNATI , June 9. George A ! ' Mlddlo-
ton , hurvlvlng parter of O'Connell & Middle-
ton , boot and tthoe dealers , assigned to-day
Liabilities estimated at 818,009 ; ] assets ,
Yesterday morning Congressman Lntrd ,
E. L. Webster , C. A. Dietrich , A.L.Chardo
nud James M. Iloartwell came up from
Hustings nnd conferred for sonic time
with Mr. Holdrogo , of the IJ. & M.m ono
of the rooms of the Paxton. The object of
the conference , Sir. Luird refused to di-
vulgo. _
M'en on tlio Watch.
John Dln mnn nnd Charles Emory ,
both woll-kuown detectives , who have
boon connected with the Western Detective -
tivo tiguiic.3' , severed their connection
with that association ton days ago and
are now in business for themselves.
They will soon open nn olllco in n centtal
An American Article
of most careful and original manufacture.
Colgate's Cttshmero Uouquot Toilet
Soap. _
Another New Deputy.
Sheriff Coburn has appointed Gcorgo
B. Strykor ns deputy sheriff , vice Henry
Grcbo , resigned. Mr. Grebe has been
connected with , the sheriff' 'a ofllco , as
chief or deputy , for fourteen years and
resigns to go into business.
Pozzoni s Complexion Pot < dor pro
duees u soft and beautiful skin. It com
bines every clement ot beauty and purity.
Sola by druggists.
Funeral Notice.
The funeral of Wm. T. Preston will
take place to-morrow afternoon at 3
o'clock from tbe residence , corner of
Seventeenth and Clark streets. Friends
of the family invited ,
Kt * VSfc. V < -f w
The Council Bluffs Baleen Informers Held
To tbo Dlttrict Court.
A Union Pacific tnntojro Killed
Tlic W. O. X. D's. Permanent Ilntuo
-Tho Court Orlt | | 1'ulloo PickIng -
Ing Other Local.
The Spotters Hound Over.
A.P.MeLeron and 11. Unrvillo , charged
with accepting bribes to desist from
prosecuting forty-otic liquor cases in
Council Bltillscro arraigned before
Judge 13orka yesterday afternoon and
held in (300 bonds each for appearance
at the district court. In default they
wore taken to tbo county jail. One is
from Lo Mars and the other from Choro-
kou , Iowa , and thulr occupation for aonio
time has been that of spotting saloons
selling liquor. Attorney llahlinc , of
Council Bluffs , and Attorneys Smith and
Felkcr , of Omaha , appeared for the state.
For the defense Jacob Simms , of Coun
cil Bluffs , and T. M. Xink , of Lo Mars ,
appeared. An attempt will bo made
to-day to secure their release on n writ of
habeas corpus.
Tha Fete ut the IMorocr Mansion At
tended By n Thousand Guests.
The reception of Dr. S. D. Mercer and
Mrs. Mercer , at their handsome residence
lust evening , was the most brilliant event
of the season. The spacious grounds
were lighted by Chinese lanterns and the
mansion was most brilliantly illuminated.
Nearly one thousand of the elite of the
city were present , and over three hun
dred carnages had arrived at 10 o'clock.
A detailed description of the toilets is
not at this time possible , but it is proper
to say that no more elaborate or elegant
display was ever afforded in a city in the
west. Diamonds upon snowy throats
and arms rivalled the brilliance of the
illuminations , and beautiful coiffures
were lavishly adorned with the sparkling
A sumptuous collation was served at 11
p. m. , while the whole evening was
transformed into a season of harmony
by exquisite orchestral music.
An Aged Laborer Killed on the Union
Pacific Tracks.
An employe of the Union Pacific mot
with a fatal accident on the company's
tracks near Twenty-fourth street yester
day afternoon. Ho was coming toward
the city about 5 o'clock and stepped off
the track to avojd * an outgoing train.
Ho was struck by ; in , incoming dirt train
and run down. Hv was brought at once
to the city and died/soon ; after reaching
the hospital. Th0 > Union Pacific surgeon
who was called to1 attend the injured
man failed to loam his name , and no one
seemed to know it ; ' ( Up to u late hour he
had not been idp/ijjiiied , although ho is
known to liavo bojm an employe of the
road. The deceased was about sixty
years of ago. The [ coroner will take
charge of the romaljps this morning.
The W. C. X. U. % VUI Purchase a Bite
and Huild'a Home.
The monthly meeting of the Woman's
Christian Temperance union took place
yesterday afternoon at the Gorman
church on Dodge street , near Thirteenth.
The church will hereafter bo the meeting
place of the association until a perma
nent homo can bo secured. The question
of a location was discussed , but no action
taken. It is the intention to purchase a
site und erect a building. Until a desira
ble site can bo secured tbo Tuesday and
Thursday night meetings will be hold at
the German church and the Chinese class
will also hold their meetings in the church
at 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoons. The
association is devising means for the
purchase of n home where the work of
reformation may bo carried on to the
best advantage.
The Business Occupying Judicial At-
tinu Yesterday.
In the United Stales circuit court yes
terday morning , the case of Wm. Ayers &
Brother against the Sloraan brothers was
being heard by Judge Duudy.
Hawkins and Hubbard the two men
who assaulted the postmaster at Superior
were arraigned yesterday morning and
pleaded not guilty of attempt to rob the
The jury In the case of Becker vs. the
shorifl of Dixon county , last night re
turned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff ,
of five cents.
Yesterday morning Judge Dundy , with
jury , commenced to hear the case of
Becker vs Brown , sheriff of Dawson
county. Becker had a mortgage on
goods belonging to Zook & Co. , which
the sheriff , for Lyon & Co. , eastern credi
tors , attached.
Jeff W. Bedford sues Charles E. MHler
to secure the forfeiture of whatever right
the latter has in the north forty feet of
the south eighty feet of lot 4 , block 7 , in
Kirkwood's addition , on the ground of
failure to comply with the coalract of
Wm. F. McMillan seeks divorce from
his wife Margaret , to whom he was mar
ried in Athens , N. Y. The ground is
Judge Hopowcll ( shearing the trespass
case of the Post-Dispatch company
against the Wallace brothers.
The hearing of the two street railway
injunction cases , was to huvo taken place
before Judge Neville yesterday morning1 ,
but was put over until Saturday next , the
temporary restraining order being still
in force. " '
In the district court William F. Me-
Mcnamy has filed , nn application for
divorce against Mary McMcnaray. They
were wedded at Aptjiens , N. Y. , in 1871.
Two years ago tho" wife deserted him and
this is made the grounds for divorce.
To-morrow mornint Judge Wakelcy
will hand down decisions in the coses of
Patterson against , MuLeod and Cooley
against Mahouoy ot al.
'Tho jury in the ciso of the Times-Dis
patch publishing' ; company against
George G. Wallace of al returned a ver
dict yesterday aftcrhnon in favor of de
fendant. The jury was out about ten
minutes. The suit jvas for f 80,000 dam
Some time ago , it will bo remembered ,
Marshal iiold , of Omaha , ono of the
stockholders in the water works com
pany , brought suit to enjoin the same
from issuing new stock'or removing the
plant to Florence , on the ground that
these moves were calculated to defraud
him of his rights in the promises. Yes
terday the water works companv filed
their answer. They admit that it is their
intention to build a now plant at Flor
ence , and refer to the report rnado to the
directors last November , that the com
pany > vas ooliged to add to the capacity
for supplying water and to the settling
capacity. Much additional pipe was required
quired and the pressure would have to
bo increased to force the water to the
high plac38. To make the needed
improvements would require an
outlay of $785.000. A copy of this re
port , it is claimed , was sent to Mr. Field ,
and at a meeting of the htockholdersiiela
January .1,1637 , at which all the stock pf
th6 company was represented cxcoptlnft
twelve , the report was unanimously
adopted. On December 8 , last , a call was
hindo for u meeting of tlio stockholders
for December 17 , to determine the ques
tion of tin incronso In stock , mid the
answer claims that Mr. Field was notified
by registered loiter which ho must Imvo
received bccauso they hold his receipt
for a registered letter. The meeting did
no business but adjourned to the annual
meeting , nnd nt this meeting , tlio answer
goes on to state , Mr. Field was present
by proxy ntid voted for the increase of
stock anil also to make it preferred stock.
The answer pees on to ndd that
Mr. Field was notified of the ac
tion taken by letter , and that ho
approved of what had boon done.
A denial is raatlo of any intent to use any
of the money received for the preferred
stock to nay the debt of the new man
agers to Messrs. Johnson , Hogors , Morse
and Dnniont , of the old organization , or
for any other than its legitimate needs.
Tlio answer sots forth that slnco the ucw
management has taken hold thorn lias
been f 175,000 expended in improvements
to the system , nnd votiohnra and receipts
nro submitted for the money. Ono hun
dred thousand dollars of this amount was
raised on short time loans , nnd the
answer states that it willhavo to bo taken
up out of the proceeds of thn sale of the
preferred stock. The claim is ruado that
inasmuch ns Mr. Field votnd for nnd
agreed to both the improvements and the
issuu and salu of thu stock ho cannot now
bo allowed to como into court and ob
Led the Police a Chaio.
The pelico had a lively chase last night
nftcr n man named H. Smith , who is
charged with larceny. Smith , Robert
Gilmore and a man named Long became
engaged in a row in ( Jus Schultz's sa
loon on Twelfth street. In the melee
Long was touched for his watch. Ilu re
ported the matter to the police , ami Of
ficers Godolit aud Brady succeeded in
capturing Smith and Gilmoro. While
waiting for the patrol wagon Smith broke
away from the oflicers aud led them a
chase through"tho mud to tlio comer of
Sixteenth and Chicago street ? , where ho
was caught by Ofhcer Whalen. Long's
watch was tound in Giluioru's posses
sion. _
Suspicious Characters.
Ed Shcean was arrested last night and
slated as a suspicious character. Ho is
supposed to have been connected with
the recent robbery of the H. & M. cars.
Detective Horrigan.of the police force ,
arrested John Connors nnd Charles Allen
last night and charged thorn with bhing
suspicious porsonoges. They were try
ing to dispose of a lot of jewelry which
they are thought to have stolon.
A Dlvorco Suit.
Amanda II. Mitchell tiled a suit for di
vorce in the district court clerk's oflico
yesterday against Thomas II. Mitchell.
They wcro married in Albany , N. Y. , in
16G7 , and one child is the issue of the
marriage. The phuntifi" alleges that de
fendant has treated her cruelly and bru
tally , and that she has been compelled to
support herself and child by teaching
school , _
Fourth \Vnrd Republicans.
A meeting of the Fourth Ward Repub
lican club was culled nt Gurmanm hall
last night. President Webster arrived at
8 o'clock and remained' quarter of an
hour. No other mumbors appearing the
meeting was declared adjourned. The
object of the meeting was to hoar the re
port of a committee appointed to revise
the constitution and by-laws of the club.
Ice Crenin Festival.
Nearly two hundred ladies and gentle
men attended the ice cream and straw
berry festival given by the young people
of the Hillside Congregational church nt
Omaha View last evening. During the
evening a pleasing musical programme
was presented , consisting of qnartette and
trio singing and instrumental playing.
Incorporated. .
The Goodrich Lodge hall association
filed articles of incorporation yesterday
with the county clerk. The object is to
erect a building for the use of Odd Fel
lows' bocictics. The capital stock is
Sri.OOO. The oflicers are John U. West ,
William R. Mattins , Brooks E. Rogers ,
Taylor Truner and L. L. Armstrong.
OHicer Turnbull is daily decorated
with a boutiuniero.
The union Sunday schools will enjoy
an excursion to Weeping Water on Sut-
Police OBiccr Peter Matza has returned
from North Bend much improved in
health and will bo on duty in a few days.
A Peter's ponce box , stolen from some
Catholic church and rilled of its contents ,
was found on the streets yesterday morn
ing and taken to the central police wtu-
The deputy chiefof , police desires to
notify the owners of dogs that they must
bo tugged or they will bo bliot.
A general crusade against ownerless
curs will bo commenced to-day.
Personal Paragraphs.
F. J. Foss , Crete , is in town.
J.'E. Tate , of Chicago , is at the Mil-
C. H. Miller , of Kearney , Neb. , is ut
the Paxton. ,
Frank Ransom , of Nebraska City , is at
the Pnxtou.
"Rotten Joe" Hollman , of Emerson , is
in the'city.
Hon. J. C. Crawford , district judge , is
hero from West Point.
Miss Hays and Miss Freeman , of the
Modjosku company , are at the Millard.
General Passenger Agent Morse , of
the Union Pacific , has gone to Chicago.
Brad Slaughter , clerk of the late unlamented -
mented house of representatives , is In the
oily.R. .
R. O. Phillips , familiarly known as
"Oil Room" Phillips , is hero from Lin
Hon. John Y. Stone , of Glenwood , la. ,
is at tne Paxton , accompanied by Mrs.
Stone ,
QGeorge Boggs and wife , who have been
east for the last month , returned home
State Senator Hcartwcll and State Sen
ator Meiklojolin are in the city on their
return homeward from Lincoln.
fS. H. H. Clark , general manager of the
Missouri Pacific , nnd wife loft for St.
LoniH last night in Mr. Clark's private
car.lion. . R. C. Kimball , of Now York , ono
of the leading cigar anil tobacco dealers
in the country , is in the city visiting Max
She has thn complexion of a peach ,
Pozzoni's Medicated CoinnloxlonPowdur
did it. Sold bv all drucgista.
who de lrc a perfect
lUoulrt wenrone. wuiMif.ko.k uub < ii (
KCICUTU CWET CO. : il uO lirtit SU ,
The Naiad Qttoon Finds I'lnco In the
1'opulnr lluart.
The threatening skies mid muddy
streets of last evening did not prevent
the assembling of a full huuso at tlio
fourth presentation of the "Naiad Queen"
at the opera house last night. To manv ,
the performance was entirely now. To
others it was the second and third pre
sentation of the piece , while not a few
could bo found who had witnessed the
niece every night of its production hero.
In evidences of appreciation the gather
ing was as demonstrative as it was largo
and Intelligent. Almost everything was
rapturously applauded , and though en
cores wcro demanded , the management
refused to accede in every instance save
when the audience would not be deprived
of a repetition of the grand trio butweon
the Misses Merkcl and Mr. Troynor of
Council Blulls. That piece was repeated ,
to the exceeding pleasure of the
audience. It is undoubtedly ono of
the prettiest trios ever written , and
it must bo said that it is most admirably
rendered by those three sweetly blending
voices from over thn river. Miss Edith
Davis makes a pretty Xanota , the Gypsy
queen and sings her part of the duet with
LaKondo with ease and sweetness. Rose
Brady's Vivauna was pleasantly enacted
and her solo "Merry Zingara" nicely
rendered. Grace Hurk made a pleasing
looking widow , Madame Goodheart , ami
sung her simple solo with feeling. Daisy
Mans was very attractive of Neta Lea ,
child with a tender heart. Sam'l R.
Miller ns Lesparto , king of the Dryads ,
has an excellent presence. His armor is
gorgcousutiss rctili/ed. Ho is kingly and
knightly In his bearings , and Ills leader
ship of the Dryads is the perfection of
military bearing and diirnity. The re
markable evolutions of the Dryads is to
bo credited to him , and last night the
waves of applause which greotcu their
work must have been Indeed most grati
fying to him. Mr. Miller is a young man
but he has been thirteen years with this
entertainment. A very pretty little act
was that of the little orphan , Arthur Leo ,
which was performed by George Meees ,
seemingly about six years of ago. The
little girl who sang with the boatman
also acquitted herself most cntcrtaingly.
Miss Stoinhauscr was last night remem
bered by a beautiful llortil ollcring. To
night the opera will be repented. It
ought to have a full house. It will also
be rendered on Saturday afternoon and
evening. It would bo to the credit of
Omaha if the piece could draw a full
house , for a couple of nights next week.
NOTICE All sufforprs from HorFoverwho
will use the Smokollall and "Dobollator"pack-
ngoslx weeks prior to August 1st , Ib37 , nnd
bnvo the tlrst symptoms of the dlsonno npponr
nftcr that data , we will ItUFUNUTllK.MUNUV
In t summer this remedy was used by many
Btittcrora , and gave aatlsfuctloii la oycry case.
-carbolic Sraoko" plves Immediate relief In
Catnrih , Asthma , llronchlal und Throat Affec
tion * , Headache- , Croup , Colds , Lung DlBnatcs ,
etc. , and If tnktn In connection with our Dobel-
later treatment Is warranted to euro every caso.
A Free Test nt our olHco parlors. Bent by
mull on receipt of prlco , ? 3. Sraoko Uall , $2 ,
Uobellutor fl.
Koom 11 Creiffhton Block , Onialm , Nob.
TMi beautiful Island , no-r famom m onoot tlio
most attraotUu sinniuflrroiorti on tlio KnutArn oomt
llosln rucKHinnquoUilrbtir. ptf the of ilalim.
betwoonthntnnlnlundnnilclrnnrt Mnnnn.
Ithnsnrhoro froiitnue of thlrlT-llro mlles , dooplr
Indenteit 67 ninncroin kiir.i. chuiraa nn J inlotn , while
tbo Inurlor abound ! In lofty and densely woound
hills that offer rare charms to the lorcn ot the plo
Thecllff * thntovorhnnK tliosoa for many niilosura
tnilj urund. Tno view of tUoso inlghtr nail uwo-la-
nplrbiK rocks , toworlns Btralitht u out of the son.
will nlona rcp y the visitor fur the journey there.
The Hotels , to be Opened July I ,
nrethetlneit to bo found cast of Iloiton. They nro
hcnutlfull'rurnlnhed nml appointed thrnuvlinnt , nnl
In both eitortor and Interior liuve an ulr of homellka
comfort nnd rotlnoment Aoldom to ba rouad.
There ro noino torty mlloi of ro'icts nntho istnnil ,
nnd the drive * nro Tnrled nnd liitorestln ? . 'Ilia
ntnblpsare well equipped with wcll-tniluoJ laddlo
anddrlTlnKhortot ,
The bnallnR nnd n < htnz are ozoallont , and canoe *
with Indian noldca. ure Hlwiiysut hand.
iio\v TO UIT TO OAMPonKttp ,
TaUo thontonmorinf thulntarnntlnnnl Line , IMT-
Inglloslon Mondity , Wednotdar unit Friday nt 8,31
a. m. , arriving at Kastport the follunlng inurntiii : at
An unn * steamer connects with nil ttonmnriat
Eu tport for Canipobellu , tire mlle * dlitant.
The ttoamer of Ilio Intcrnntloniil Line nra new
and nro the tlnoncoastwise ktenmon from lloiton.
IJy rail irovln Uoitunund Mulnour Kutorn II. It. In
Cimuai tlienco by at auior down thn bo mtlfal SlCroU.
rlvur , or by ciirrlnco tolnsti > ort IM ) hillun. , .
lly cither routobuggiigo m y bo chocked through
toCainiiobulln. . . .
From Bar Harbor to Cnmpouolm.
Tuko atcamer at liar Harhnr fnr MnchliK. whora
ciirriiiBC" may alivnv < l > n found In ro.idlnosii. Drlvo tu
Lubcc. 2 < mllci. tliunco bjr Cuiniiobcllj (11 (
mlle ) . The drive Uonsy nnd dpllshtful.
Application for rooini niair boniKdoto T.A. DAIl-
KKU. hotel munutfor , at the omca of the iiiidi'rdirned.
llluitrutod book" rlih rnllrosd iirnl ttoamBr time-
tnbles , plans of the hotel and luniHoftho HlanU
mny bnbad.aj ell as full Inform itliin tl'.i"1 ; ! " *
tno property onarpllMtlnn to AI.EXH. POIUKII.
en. Manager CanipabeUo Iilund Co. , BtatoHI. ,
Boston , MUM.
-T , Kwlioauth Mglicit rxcellen-
rles hi ilmiirliursiicunifort anil
- " > %
* lt riiiral'llllumill art tlirreivHliia
JTJ\S favorllttliifaflilouableftrel : .
Viff Outn.raeU IJ.AT.COUSINS ,
-1 * on every vale.I HEWVORK.
& Diabetes are CyreJ by the Isah ! MM SfilajWatEf
Daathi from them araiacrltlcet. Dlichxrgoi , > trlc-
turoi , | irt ) tate liland. vurlcoiolo und ulutdcr and
chronic itlirniairauio them nnd rauit be cur d by
the Ainhel HurvauKuropeaaund American
ipcclullit iibyilclan't localund Internul perfoctrom *
cdlc or thu luHiroM nru loit. Old uli ) ilclan's ntivlio
aad book , nltli imrtlenliiri andcurai. freoni
291 Hronilway , Now York.
r lrcur < lln < jiUj ljy
> rB 't < i-U > ii.Uoitclu
. UiComtlnta. Ou rAnte iltho
. \t \ on * In Ui world vcnentliiK
euntlcuani XHctrtoi Mianitto
Ml , BcUr.tloc. t'owtrrul , IJartblo ,
. . , _ 7Ooref rubl > a K8 cllt.Told IrtuJi.
Pr r ,009 cor d. Jtnil for t anirtiltt.
' tfi ITOIl rflHKAHLV
ALsqXUf.CTM'0 iJf
- j. fju WAMIK * vt. Pmcwo-
8. S.VAS n. H. 't TO
Douglas and 14th Sts ,
Hole Aficnl * for the following
* rrn forlotO. blocV " 1C , " GO-XIM ) , Baundors
4jUuU lIlniolinUKh'snilil.
ff inn for'-'couth ftont lot * In Hullinnn Tor-
4 > I UU race , nu r\onworlli.
< tinnnior MUlii : , in tlnilom I.ntio , neitr
$ I UUU lloiirnnl I'lnco ; f.MU-iuu.
t I Qfin for2 n" ° "cro3,75 fruit trees , near
4 > I OUU lort Oiimlm.
< t j C nn for fidnlsy south front lots In Illgh-
4) ) I OUU haul I'lirkiono-hitlf uiuh ,
( ' I HCn for lo' ' . < Week 20 , eouth front , \Vnl-
tf I Cnn for lot n' llock | 6' Koi'd'8 J inlet ;
4) ) I OUU f ( BO ensh ; vhonp.
for S lots , corner , block r > , KeiulnU'8
nddifia'H ) cash.
tor lots 21 , yi. iilock 4 , corner , Or
chard Kill ; a Initial ! ! ,
for kt 4 , block 9 , I'opploton , on
Lowe uvunuo.
for lot 1 , block 1 , Armstrong's 2d |
$1,000 cash ,
ffO/Cn for WHIM , pouth front , 1'nrk Placo.
( tOCnnT01" lot 20- block 7,60x107 , Hanscom
vpZOUU I'laco ; cheap.
( TOIinn foreioUm C.xohnngo I'laco , South
$0UUU Oinnlin.
d/Onntor lot 1U , block 11 , MX 115 , south
4 > < tAUU front , ltco > Vg 1st.
ffcnnn lorH. W. corner 17th and Center Sts.s
4)JUUU ) n big liarKtthi.
lot I' ' , block 10 , well Improved ;
( fCCnn for R-xIM.rorner. flue hnprovementij ,
4 > UOUU Culltornln nml 4th ats.
11 fl Cflfl f < )1' ) ' ° ' " > Hurttnan's utlil , wnll Im-
J ) I UOUU ( pro\od ; tucltiK ITthnnd IMh Sts
/lucres ( adjoining Luwnneld , from $450 to
HU f'tfl per uuio.
i to loan on city
I rntoor Interval.
To Whom It May Concern.
KTOTICK Is horpbyflrlvcn tlnittlic hndcr lrnod (
J-i will rorolvn bids until 4 o'clock p. m on
.luno 15tb , lb 7 , at the otlleo of the city clerk lor
the follow luir parcels of ground :
l > iscrlptlon of strips or Innd niHnlnlng blocus 0 ,
7 mill 14 , Kountzu < V Huth'g add :
AdjolnhiKlottblocKili lIpKlnnmu- the N ,
K corner of lot 1 block n. Koiint/u X Ituth'u ndil ,
thoiifo south H ) foot , thcnco on t 1T.3 fi > ot ,
thtmt-o nortliorlruU teot , thcnco west 17.U loet
to tliopliu'tiol beKlnnlnir.
Ailjolnlnir lot : . ' block 0 : UoKlnnln ? ut the N.
h corner of lot 2 block n , Kountrc .V Itnth's add ,
tliuiK-o south M foot , tlienpo oust 17 foot , tlionco
northoilr&'j foot , thence \ foot to the
place of boKlnnlnir.
AdjoinltiK lot a block fl : HoBlnnlnir nt the N
n corner of lot 3 block 0 , ICountzo : Itutli's odd ,
thunco south 50 foot , tlionco oust lfl.7 loot
thence northerly GJ foct , thence west 17.0 foot
to thn place of bCKlnnln .
Adjoining lot 4 block il : Hot'lnnlnir i\t the N
Itcornorlot 4 block ( I , hounlxo & Utith's ndd ,
thence south TO feet , thence oust 10 I font ,
tlicnco northerly M foot.tliouco wostl.7 ( ) loot
la thu phico of .
. AilJolnliiplatuliloakU : lloKlnnlnir nt the N.
L corner ot lot "i block 0 ICount/.o & ( tilth's ndd ,
thence foutli no foot , thunco onal KLI foot ,
tbonco nnrlhcrlynu foet. thcnco west 10.4 foot
to the plucoof boflniilnt ; { .
Adjoining lot ( I block 0 : Ilimlnnlnt , ' nt the N
E coinorof lot ( I block 0 Ifonutru As Uuth'a ndd ,
thcnco south no toot , thonoo oust 1.1.8 foot
thence nortborlr 0 foot , thence est 16.1 foot
to thu phico of .
Adjoining lot 7 block li : lloKhinlng lit the N
E corner of lot 7 blook 6 ICotint/p i. Ituth'B ndd ,
thence south 50 foot , thmiro oust 15.5 foot ,
tlienco northerly 50 foot , thence west 13.H loci
to the place of lifKlnnlnif.
Adjomliifr lot b blnrlctt : IloMrlnnlnir ntthoN
B corner ol lot 8 block n Kounuo i lluth'8 add ,
tlienco south 50 foot , thence on t lft.2 loot ,
tlicnco nortlicilv M fed , tlienco v.-ost 15.6 fool
to the pliicu of lii' 'lnnlim' .
Adjolnlnu'lot li block : Iloitlnnlni ? nt the N
K corner of lot II block U , ICountzo & itutli'sndd ,
thcnco FOilth 50 loot , tliouco oust 14.W loet ,
thence northorlj-ri'l foot.lhcnco wcat 15.'J foot
to the place of lietfinnliur
Adjoining lot 111 blook ti ; HcKinnlnc at the N
E comer of lot 10 block C Kotmf/o ft llutU'o
ndd , thcnco Fonth TO foot.thom'o OUR ! 14 I ) f ot ,
thcnco northerly M foot , thonoo west 14 , U foot
to tlnpluro ol bcRlnnlnir.
Adjomlntr lot 11 blook ( I : lloirlnnln ? nt the N
Kcornoror lot 11 block fl Koiintollutli
ndd. thencn south 50 foot , I bunco oust U.IIfret ,
thcnco northerly 50 loet , thouceost II U foot
to tlio place f boKlnnlnv.
AdjolnliiK lot 12 block hi DcfflnnlnKnt the N
B corner of lot 12 blook n ICountzo & ttutli'H
ndd. thcnco south 50 foot , thence cast 14 U toot.
thence northerly 50 foct , thunco west 14.3 foot
to thn plnccof lietrlnnlnK.
Adjomln ? lot 19 block il ! IlcginiiliiR nt the N
E corner of lot 13 blook 0 Knuntzo & lluth'a
ndd , thencn south 60 foot , thence oust 13.7 font ,
thcnco noithorly 50 foot , thence woat 14 foul to
tliu ploco of boKlnnlnir.
AdJolnlDtflot H block 0 : Bcxlnnlnif nt the N
K corner of lot 14 blook 0 Konnuo nnd Hutu's
ndd , thence south 48 tcot , thence ctist fcot ,
thence northerly 43 foot , thence woit 13.7 feet
to the place of hptflnnlnir.
Adjoining lot I blook 7 : Mofflnnluir nt the N
K uornor of lot t block 7 ICounti'o X Itutb'a ndd ,
thence south M foot , tlionco oust U',6 foot ,
thence northerly M foot , thonoo west IL'.bj f cct
to the phico of befflnnlnif.
Adjolnlnir lot 2 block 7 : Mcglnnlng at tlioN
E corner ot lot 2 block 7 Koutu/o & Uuth's ndd ,
tlionco Bouth 50 foot , thonoo oust 12.2 foct ,
thence northerly 51) ) loot , thcnco west 12.5 foct
to Ilio plnceof l 'ulnnliiir.
Adfolnlnir lot 'I block 7 : ncplnnliiir nt ttin N
K corner of lot U blook 7 ICountzo fc Uuth's udd ,
thcnco couth 60 lout , Iliimco cast 11. II toot ,
thonio noilbcrlySO fcot , thence west 12.2 fcot
to the place ot Ix'fflnnln/ ,
Adjoinlnirlot 4 block 7 : lIOKlnnlnu nt the N
K coinnr ot lot 4 block 7 Koiint/o .V lluth'a mid ,
llionco south 50 foot , tlionco on t 11.6 foot ,
tbonco noithorly M feet , tlionco Most ll.U feet
to the pi. \
Adjoin inir lot 5 block 7 : Dcglnnlnir nt the N
Ecoinor of lot 5 block 7 Kount/e Sc Ituth'B ndd ,
thoncp south 60 foot , tlionco east 11.3 foot.
thence northerly 60 foot , Ihcnco west 11.6 foot
to thn place of lioirlnnlntr.
Adjolnlnpr lot ! ) blook 7 : UcKlnnlnif nt the N
U corner of lot a block 7 Kounttett Huth's ndd.
Ihenco couth 60 foot , thence onstll loot , llionco
nnrthcrly 60 loot , thtnoo wust 11,11 Joel to the
plnooof bculnnliDr.
Adjoining lot 7 block" : Dcglnnlntr nt the N
15 corner of lot 7 block 7 Kountzo A Knth'8 ndd ,
thcnco south 50 foot , tlionco east 10.7 foot ,
tlionoe northerly 50 foot , thence west 1LO foot
to the place of bcjrlnnlnw.
AdjolnlnKlotB block 7 : llorlnnlmr nt the N
Kconiorol lot 8 block 7 Kountzo .V Huth'HuiId ,
tboncu south 50 font , tlionco cast 10. 1 font ,
thence northerly 5'1 ' loet , thcnco west 10.7 fcot
to the place of beginning.
Adjoinlnw lollibloiK7 : Ilowlnnlnifiit tlio N
B oornor ol lot ' block 7 Kount/.o i ; Hnlli's ndd ,
thence nouth 50 foot , thtnco enst 10.1 loot ,
tlionco northerly M foi-t , thence west 10.1 fcot
to ihu place of bo mnhiK.
AdjoinliiK lot Idlilonk 7 : IlculnnliiK nt the NT
n oornor of lot 10 block 7 , Kountzo & Iluth'a
ndd , ttioncn souths ) foot , thence onutfl.H foot ,
thence northerly W foot , tlionco west 10.1 tcct
to Ilio place ot hoirlnnliiK
Adjoining lot 11 block 7 : llcflnnlnr at the N
Ecoinurof lot 11 block ? Kount/o .VKnth'sndil ,
thence oontli 61 foot , thcnco oust H 5 fool ,
thcnco northerly 50 foot , thcnco west 0.8 feet
to the place of bejjlnnlntr .
Adjninlilpr lot 1 i block 7 : IIOKlnnhiff nt the N
Koornur of lot U blook 7 Kount/n \ Ittith'e
ndd , thence south 50 fool , thence east 9,2 loet ,
tliunco northerly M foot , thence west V.5 foot
to Iho plucoof bi'Klnnliitf. ,
Adjoinlnir lot HI block 7 : Ilctflnnlnir nt the N
P. corner of lot M block 7 Kount/o * Until *
ndd , tlionroPomhOT font , thonoo cane. ' . ) fret
thonoo northerly 50 feet , thiinco est tf."too
to the plucn of beiflunliiK. , . , . ,
Adjoinlnir lot 14 Moon 7 : Hoclnnlnif nt the N
K corner ( il lot 14 blook T Kount/o .VHiilb'siKld ,
IIUMICU HOUtll IH ICOt , lll'lC' ( ) ) < BHt K.n lUOti
tlionooiioriliorly 4t foot , thencu est 8.V fcot tu
thu placu of bo lunliiir
AoJolnlnt'lotl block 14 : Hoifitinlnjr nt the N
Krormir of lot 1 block 14 Kountzu It Itutti' *
ndd , thunco Routh N < Unit , thonoo cust 7.7 loot ,
thence nortlioily 60 loet , thence west 8.0 foot to
tlio place nf buclnnlnif.
Adjoiulnirlot2 block 14 : Iloirlnnlnx ut the N
ncornurol lot 2 block 14 KounUov Itutb'endii ,
thonoo Miuth 6) ) tout , thuriuo on 7 I loot ,
thcnco northerly 50 leet , tlionco t > est 7.7 Toot to
tUo plncu ol bCKinnluir. ,
> t
Acljolnlnif lot : i block 14 : lloflnnlnif nt tlio N
I't'oruiToflotll b'ocKM Kountrii.VKillh'indd ,
tlionct , fotith 5' ) foot , thence n t 7.1 fciit.thnnco
northerly 50 feet , thence wort 7.1 feet to too
pliicn of bovlnnlnsr. . . ,
Adjoining lot 4 block 14 : Honlnnlni ? nt thu N
K corner of lot 4 block 14 Kountzo & UulhM
nild , tlionon south 5J foot , thfiico < > tu > t 0.8 Icct ,
tlionco northerly SO feet , tlioncn went 7.1 fcot to
thi ) ulncoof bu.'liuilnir. , . ,
Adjnlnlnirlot 5 bloc ) : lit noglnnlnir HI the N
11rornoroflol5blopkH Kou nun .V : Ilutli'Mndd.
tbnncu south W fcot , llionco mist 0.5 fiot.thoiico
northerly W ftot. thoniw west C.8 foil totlio
plncnof boflnnliiA
Ailjolnlnir lotfl blook 14 : A strip of Innd 0.6
foot wldo nt the north llnu of lot 0 , und u Jff , ; J
wldo ut the U.I' . rlKht-of-way adjolnlnv lt > t 6
block 14 Konntzo& lluth's add.
No bills foran amount luss than the appraised
vnlue will bocontldorod. . . . . .
The clly council reserves the right to rojoo
ull bids.
nny BOUXUUII rlr | CJcrlt.
Will l ilmi Jim httt they nced-A FU LL Ll N I
* tiur
-"Tf- " , * ' l